tacitusauxilium · 1 year
Enchanted to Meet You -- Chapter 14
(previously known as Unforeseen Circumstances)
Unrequited love is the most painful thing to feel, and yet, Fuuka is persuaded to try her hands at getting Junpei’s attention, no matter what. However, after multiple failed attempts, what will she do when she catches the eye of the boy with the maroon peacoat? The heartache that comes with falling in love might even be more than she bargained for. But, would her sacrifice be in vain?
November 5th
“Did you hear about Kirijo-Senpai?”
“No! Tell me the juicy details!”
“Her father died last night. I heard it was sudden.”
“Oh. That explains why she isn’t here. Can’t imagine losing a parent.”
Junpei, Yukari, and Minako were silently listening to the students chatting about Mitsuru. Minako even tried her hardest to death glare at them, to get them stop gossiping. Of course, some of the students stopped immediately and lowered their heads in shame. 
“They wouldn’t talk so much if it was their own parent.” Junpei snarled, his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe to his class. “How does word get around so fast here at school?”
Yukari shrugged and put her hands on her hips. “It’s school. Any news travels so fast—hence the gossiping. I bet someone’s parent was a doctor and saw Mitsuru’s father.”
“Could be. But, I’d wish they would talk about something else.”
“I wished they were talking more about Fuuka being back at school today.” Minato pointed out, leaning next to Junpei, none of them realizing he was right next to them. 
“Yeah, that would—“ Junpei spoke but then jumped as he didn’t even feel Minato’s presence. Yukari turned to Minato, her eyes wide from hearing about Fuuka returning. “—whoa! You have got to stop doing that shit, Minato!”
Minako stopped snearing at students and turned back to the group and looked at Minato with soft eyes. “She is? I thought she was going to wait another week!”
“She was, but then after last night, she decided then that she would come back. For once, if people had to talk about her she was going to handle it herself.” Minato explained, turning to point to Fuuka in her class room. “I helped her carry her books and made sure she got here safe. That is…until we got to her class and noticed him.”
Everyone turned their attention to a boy, dressed differently and most definitely not in the Gekkoukan uniform, as he was talking to Fuuka. His yellow scarf pushed around his neck and had his hands on his hips, full of confidence. None of them could hear what they were talking about, but Fuuka put her hand on her chest and smiled at the occasional comment the other boy said. 
Junpei chuckled and crossed his arms. “So, who is going to tell Shinjiro-san that he is going to have competition?”
Yukari flicked the side of his head, causing the Magician to reel back in pain. “After that kiss a couple days ago, I think she’s attached to him. She will tell Shinjiro-senpai probably before you do.”
Minako and Minato eyed the boy carefully—something about him looked familiar but they couldn’t figure it out. Their eyes squinted, trying to think if they knew him from their past. However, nothing clicked. Which lead to Minako going into her class, pulling Yukari with her and noticing Aigis was sitting at her  desk, glaring intensively at Fuuka and the boy across the hall. 
Minato and Junpei heard the warning bell and began to walk into their classroom, noticing the yellow scarf boy walking out of Fuuka’s class and down the hall. Junpei slithered to his seat, watching as Minato sat next to Aigis and both saw Aigis’ eyes still following the boy. 
“He is dangerous.” Aigis spoke, watching as Minato tried to turn her head back to the front of the class room with his own hands. It failed horribly but did make Aigis look at Minato. “Why was he talking to Fuuka-san?”
Junpei snickered and grinned sheepishly. “See? At least Ai-chan sides with me!”
After a rough first day of returning to school, for once, Fuuka was relieved it was over. A few students had come up to her, to check up on her, and had to explain that she got shot and was in a coma. The gist of it without getting into much detail. The attention she received was warm and affectionate, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of Minako and everyone else watching her back or because of Ryoji—the boy with the yellow scarf—talking to her and hearing her story. Maybe that was why people were more friendly to her. And only hoped that would take some pressure off of Mitsuru. Sort of one of the reasons why she came back to school earlier than she should have. 
Noticing that her friends (mainly Junpei, Minato, and Aigis) were busy talking to Ryoji, and realizing Minako and Yukari were probably at their sports club today, she didn’t want to bother any of them. She was sure she could handle her bag full of school work. Quietly and quickly, she skirted away and down the stairs towards the back of the school and moved carefully down them.
Fuuka felt a bit of relief, knowing that her friends were more focused on someone other than her. Fuuka knew she was going to be watched carefully, but the freedom she barely got was few and far between. Especially when she saw a maroon coat covered body leaning against the back of a tree near the entrance of the school. A heavy and frustrated sigh escaped her lips—she calmly marched towards Shinjiro and watched him meeting her halfway. 
“Please tell me that the others didn’t rope you into coming to school to check on me.” 
Shinjiro smirked. “No, but I wanted to come see you. That is—“ He felt his cheeks heating up as he heard Minako’s nagging voice in the back of his mind. “—I heard through Minako that the new kid—“
“Ryoji Mochizuki."
“—Yeah, him, was trying to talk to you and was particularly close to you to the point where Aigis had to push him away from you.”
Fuuka blinked. She faintly remembered that happening, but she didn’t think that Ryoji was flirting with her. …was he? Of course, Fuuka wanted to toy with Shinjiro for a little bit longer.
“Oh, so you got jealous.”
Shinjiro opened his mouth and closed it tightly and glared at Fuuka. “Don’t you put words in my mouth!”
“Ahhh. You didn’t say no, though. So you are jealous!” She grinned, nudging his side playfully. “That’s very precious of you, Shinjiro.”
He could feel his cheeks heating up and wished that Fuuka would not tell Minako any of this. It also doesn’t help that those two are close because of the people they were dating. Shinjiro cautiously grabbed for Fuuka’s hand bag and held it down by his side. Though, he did enjoy seeing Fuuka smile and it felt like thousands of pounds lifted off his shoulders. He hasn’t fucked this up and doesn’t want to. But then, the idea of the suppressants eating away at his life also distracted him. 
“How about we head on back to the dorm? I’ve got some food thawing out and I’d love to have an extra hand.” Shinjiro suggested, knowing full well Fuuka would never say no to him. 
“With alllll of this homework I have to do, I think I can squeeze in some time to help you.” Fuuka grinned, winking at him, as she interlocked her arm around with his. 
From the top of the second floor, Ryoji eyed the couple with his arms crossed. He knew who he, himself, was and yet, everyone was none the wiser. And he wasn’t surprised that Aigis was the only one suspicious of him. The twins noticed that Ryoji was distracted, leading to Minako looking out of the window and noticed Shinjiro and Fuuka walking together and engaged in idle chit-chat. 
“Minako-chan, who is that boy with Fuuka-san?”
“That’s Shinjiro.” Minako turned to face Ryoji. “Do you remember when I told you that Fuuka was in the hospital? He was as well—for the same reason and by the same person.” She explained slowly. As much as she wanted to pour her heart out and gladly explain how they got closer and closer within a month, Minako kept it short and sweet for now. “I think they were official the day after she woke up from her coma. But, I think we all assumed they would be within the first week or two of them meeting.”
Ryoji nodded slowly. He could faintly sense how close to Death they both were. And wondering for hours why he felt a connection to Fuuka was now clicking in his mind. He looked a bit sad—his lips curled downward and his eyebrows sank. Deep down, and something he just realized at this moment, he could sense himself being pulled more towards Shinjiro than Fuuka. Someone whom he just saw for the first time…and knowing that Death would come sooner to him than to Fuuka. 
And to know that Fuuka would be heartbroken, torn up, devastated at the fact of the one whom she could see a future with slowly dying clenched at Ryoji’s heart. Death knows all without knowing. 
“…she’s nice and a good listener.” Ryoji raised his eyebrows slowly, a small smile appearing on his lips, as he kept this information to himself. A part of him wants to know more—wanting to know the secrets that Shinjiro kept that could ruin Fuuka’s future with him. “Too bad she is taken—I would have enjoyed having her as my girlfriend.”
Minato glared at him and pokes his cheek. “Don’t let Aragaki-senpai hear that. He’s protective of her as she is with him. Then again, who wouldn’t be with someone they love?”
Minako nodded and turned away once she saw Shinjiro kissing Fuuka’s lips and could barely see how red their cheeks were. She giggled and wrapped her arm around her brother’s neck. “I can say the same with you and Yukari—you’ve become more of a gentleman with her, you know?”
“And you’ve taken pointers from Sanada-san about how to choke out enemies—ease up on me!” Minato gasped, not realizing how hard Minako’s elbow was on his neck. She gasped and pulled her arm away, apologizing profusely, as they began to walk away from Ryoji. 
Ryoji shook his head and began to walk behind the twins. He wondered if Fuuka knew anything more about Shinjiro. He might have been inside of the twins for the longest time, seeing what they saw, and he knew so much about Fuuka but never knew what she sounded like or what she was like. But, seeing moments of vulnerability with Minato and Minako, Ryoji wasn’t sure if he should help protect or hurt Fuuka. 
It doesn’t help he is the Harbinger of Death. As if he ready to take what Death herself couldn’t do the first time around.
After getting everything prepped and ready for dinner tonight, thanks to Fuuka's help, Shinjiro was just about to sit down on the couch and catch a quick nap. Until the door opened up and Akihiko entered the living room. He looked as if he was out of breath, running for fun or not, Shinjiro was not sure and didn't want to know. He eyed the boy until Akihiko began to walk towards him.
"I'm not going to exercise, Aki."
"No--wasn't going to ask." Akihiko quickly replied, putting his hand to his chest, taking a few seconds to calm himself down and catch his breath. Akihiko let out one more heavy deep breath and sighed heavily. "I wanted to ask you to come to the roof with me."
Shinjiro's eyebrow rose with his eyelids still closed over his eyes. "Why?"
"Because this is the first time I finally get to talk to you since you've been awake and...it's important."
Shinjiro opened his eyes, not realizing how much emphasis he put on the word important. He gulped and pushed himself off the couch. Shinjiro could count on his right hand how many times he has seen Akihiko serious since they met. And this was number three.
Shinjiro nodded, following behind the athlete the best he could--doesn't help he is doing two stairs at a time instead of a normal human being who would do one stair at a time. Shinjiro quietly mumbled under his breath but stopped once Akihiko stopped at the door leading outside to the roof. "Is the door locked?"
Akihiko shook his head, shoving the door a little harder than normal, and the fresh, cold breeze of the sunset rushed passed them both. Shinjiro shivered for a moment as he still continued to follow Akihiko and whatever he had planned tonight.
Once they were both outside, Shinjiro closed the door and turned to see Akihiko staring at the sunset. Shinjiro noticed he seemed a bit composed from behind, his shoulders were stiff like cardboard, but he assumed it was because how he was built. This was the first time he was looking more at Akihiko and noticing all the small details on him.
"Wait." Akihiko answered, taking a deep breath in and out, and waved Shinjiro over. Quietly, the other senior followed and stood next to Akihiko. "You don't have to speak. Just listen." Shinjiro nodded slowly, wondering if he should be looking at Akihiko or the sunset. For now, he focused on the sunset and tried to let his mind go numb or empty.
"...when you and Yamagishi almost died a month ago, no one talked about it for weeks. No one spoke to each other and everyone felt defeated. I thought of the many what ifs for weeks." Akihiko closed his eyes, taking another deep breath in and out. "What if Yamagishi didn't find you and Amada in time? What if she did find you both and she was killed? What if you were--" He stopped himself short, his hands turning into fists and clenching them tighter than normal. "--and that's when I realized something: would I be okay if you died?"
Shinjiro closed his eyes, lowering his head in shame--he didn't know why he felt so sad and shameful. He knew he should have told someone where he and Ken was going, but he didn't. Maybe a part of him, the smallest part of him, hoped someone would find them. ...and hoped it wouldn't be Fuuka. That would be impossible with her being the navigator of their group.
"I thought about that for weeks. Until Mitsuru's father died. She was able to compose herself, pick herself up and became focus on what she had to do. I know her family's name is huge and important, but... ...I think I would be able to move on." He turned to face Shinjiro, his eyes soften up but still had a flame behind them. Shinjiro looked down at him with a hint of surprise in his eyes. "You have been with me since I was young--attached at the hip, you know? I have friends that would grieve with me and help me get back up on my feet. At least, Miki wouldn't want me to sob for days and nights."
Shinjiro huffed in agreement. "Yeah, I agree there. You are an ugly crier."
Akihiko's mouth dropped and shook his head, quickly to disagree. "I am not! And you cannot prove that, Shinji."
"Oh, I am sure that Minako would love to see you cry."
Akihiko closed his mouth quickly, making sure that Shinjiro couldn't use his words against him. He did, however, slightly punched him on the arm and crossed his arms. "Honestly, though, I'm sure I'd be okay if you had died. I...always thought death couldn't touch us. And when it almost did, I had to come to the realization that I am not that invincible. And I know those suppressants of yours are slowly making you sicker and--"
"Fuuka got me to stop taking them."
"--they helped keep your Persona--...wait. What?" Akihiko's eyes widen in surprise. "How long--?"
"...Hmm." Shinjiro crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side. "Well, she indirectly stopped me from taking them. She didn't know about them until just a few days ago. We've been trying something with Lucia and Castor and trying to calm a wild horse down, literally." Shinjiro explained, not realizing he didn't answer Akihiko's question until the silence set in for a few seconds. "Er, at least since mid September? I only bought from Strega to keep them from unknowing. And well, if what we are doing doesn't work, then at least I'm set for a while."
Akihiko kept his arms crossed, not realizing how much Fuuka had tried to helped Shinjiro. And maybe also Akihiko himself. He knew he would have to pay the favor back to Shinjiro's girlfriend. "At least someone got through to you. Because I want you at my side, Shinji."
"Aki, not to be rude, but you do know the women in our lives already have us at their beck and call, right?"
"I meant, dumbass, until the shadows and this shit is over and done with, I want to keep fighting with you--to make this world a better place to live. With Minako, Fuuka, Mitsuru--everyone. And neither of us can't see Miki until we are old and gray." Akihiko stated, walking around in front of Shinjiro. His face towards the sunset as the sun seemed to shine and illuminate his body before it started to disappear around the horizon. It looked as if he was on fire, in a way. Akihiko took his hand, balled it up into a fist, and held it out in front of Shinjiro.
Shinjiro looked down at it, knowing what he should do--make the promise and make Akihiko happy. But, deep down, even if Fuuka's Persona was trying to tame the beast inside of him, how badly did he ruin the far off future with her and Akihiko? Taking suppressants because he was desperate and couldn't handle Castor killing another person. He gulped, feared that Akihiko would find out the truth. But, for now, he wanted to stop disappointing people.
Especially himself.
He took his right hand, balled it up into a fist, and lightly tapped Akihiko's slightly smaller fist.
"Deal. But only because I want to see Minako bother you until the end."
Akihiko huffed and then let out a small chuckle. "Fine, fine. But you better protect Yamagishi--she's made you into a better person, you know?"
"Thou art I... And I am thou...The bond thou hast nurtured hath finally matured.Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath.In breaking free of doubt, the chain that impedes thee, is thy strength of heart made manifest.With the rebirth of the Emperor ArcanaThou hast obtained the winds of blessing that shall guide thee to the furthest depths."
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draculaurennn · 4 years
PRERELATIONSHIP -Liona General – Cullida Love – McJunk Domestic Life - Fuujiro
S— SHIP QUESTIONS @silverblighted
How did they first meet? Siona was locked in a crumbling temple under the deserts sands and best girl Nova found her! And then Link and Gan cornered them like 10 minutes after they escaped.
What was their first impression of each other? For like 5 min Link thought she was actually tricking them that she wasn’t an evil mage, and then she passed out, and he was like “ok maybe not.” Siona’s first impression was like 2 hours later when she woke back up and she thought he was really nice!
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Link’s fam really did not! But Siona’s only family is Nova and she did. 
Who felt romantic feelings first? Uhhhh... I think technically Siona did, but only because she thought meeting a prince like that is really romantic and was probably just projecting that ideal on him a little bit. But either way they’re both idiots smitten within 24 hours so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Siona does, a few times. She does because she has to go home, she does because she thinks she has to return to the Twilight Realm alone, and she does because she doesn’t think the way her story is playing out that she’ll be allowed to stay with Link. I think Link probably did for like one week and then decided it’s not worth it to try resisting people you care deeply about. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? asdfghjhgfd this one’s so hard UHHHHHH i think Link would think that’s pretty fuckin swell and makes sense if it goes hand in hand with finding a lost princess in the desert, and i think Siona would say that’s not a thing but she’d be super jazzed bc she’s an idiot romantic too. 
GENERAL — Cullida .
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? It’d ultimately be left up to Cullen, I think. I think Cressida wouldn’t have been afraid to tell him she was waiting on him to tell her when he was ready, but I don’t think she would have ever pushed it after that. So it was probably Cullen, and it was probably right after her dumb ass almost died after Haven. Went great, though, even if she was groggy and turned around. Cressida would have probably told him it was about time LOL
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? As official as you can get when you’re in the Inquisition, I guess. I don’t even know if they count things as dates? Just nice outings with each other away from their jobs and duties. More than likely it was a nice trip to a lake to sit and chat and have a picnic and not worry about busy places and other people. 
What was their first kiss like? Their technical first kiss is in the alternate reality nightmare with Dorian, and Cressida tried kissing a red lyrium-corrupted Cullen to get through to him. For her, that was a first, but it was awful, and not even in their reality, so it doesnt really count. Their actual first kiss was in Haven right before she ran off to help Vesta, bc I think they were both pretty sure they were just doing to die there LOL. 
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Cressida is Cullen’s first-pretty-much-everything. I guess technically Cullen is Cressida’s first (and only) husband, which she’s pretty glad about. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference? Cullen’s about a foot taller than Cressida, and nine years her senior. 
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Cressida’s family is... almost totally horrible. Her dad is dead, so no relation for Cullen there, and her mother is a monster of a woman who abused the hell out of her sister. Vesta is awkward with Cullen but I think she’s grown to like him over time. (Not enough to tell him, but enough to be supportive I think LOL). They’re cordial enough and can be in a room alone, even if they don’t talk a lot.  Cullen’s family is so many sisters and a brother, and they all love Cressida. Cressida was panicked to meet them; she doesn’t panic meeting anyone, but she was really worried they wouldn’t like her bc she doesn’t think she, as a genuine person, is a likable person. She was also worried they’d think she was too pompous and shallow because she just doesn’t do field work. But they really like her bc she’s earnest and forthright and tries, even if she’s awful at menial field tasks. And they joke she’s too pretty for Cullen, so that’s always a plus. 
Who takes the lead in social situations? Cressida. Hands down. It’s what she’s good at, it’s what she lives for, and it probably annoys some people that she has to open her mouth, but she commands a situation very well and in her mind, that’s how it should be. Cullen’s p fine w that though bc he doesn’t love social situations and he’d rather do his own job and be left alone.
Who gets jealous easier? Uhhh, probably Cullen. Cress doesn’t make that easy for him bc she’s flirty and commanding and winds people around her fingers to get her way. I think there’s been a few times early on where he wasn’t even sure she genuinely liked him or not bc she can pay fake attention and admiration so convincingly even to people she doesn’t like. Cressida’s also... like, so obnoxiously confident in her own outward personality but also so incredibly convinced by how much Cullen loves her (once she knows) that I don’t think she ever worries about him vying after someone else. (Although, she did get pretty upset and tilted with the Warden Surana hanging around since she knows about that LMAO.) 
LOVE — McJunk .
Who said “I love you” first? Jesse. He said it a few times. Jun-ki’s kinda mean, though; I’m pretty sure she told him no he doesn’t a few times? Idk, he’s too nice for this bitch.
What are their primary love languages? Jesse’s is pet names and touch both. He’s not really shy so he can express it in a lot of ways. Jun’s is small gestures, like sitting with someone while they’re struggling. I guess her other one is also literally fighting people for him even tho he definitely probably did not ask LOL. 
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? All the time. All the fucking time. Their coworkers hate them. Think April and Andy, and then multiply. (And Jun literally would spit her gum in this man’s mouth just to annoy other people.) 
What are their favorite things to do together? They do... so much together uhhhh sdfghj idk, I know Jun likes doing most things with Jesse around now. Movie nights, pizza dates, annoying PDA, drinking games, weird places to fuck... they’re a little inseparable. I think the only thing Jun doesn’t like to do with Jesse around is upgrade sessions with Angela because she doesn’t want to be seen all broken up, and training segments because she doesn’t want to be responsible for him getting hurt. 
Who’s better at comforting the other? Jesse. Jun’s never been good at it. He says what he thinks she needs to hear without impressing on her a bunch of psychology she never said she had. He’s just good at offering her something to relate to and a shoulder to lean on. Jun’s not very good with words, though, so she’s not very good at or sure how to offer comfort when someone needs it, especially Jesse. But she just says she’ll hang around and if they fight about it she just says to shut up and deal with it. He’s usually better once he vents.
Who’s more protective? BIG DEBATABLE. I think it’s pretty... even. I think either of them will fight as hard as they can for the other, though I think Jun may be the only one more likely to throw herself into actual harm’s way, and that’s just because she’s definitely the more reckless of the two. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Jesse’s a more verbal person but I think physical affection and affirmation is where they’ve connected. No one has to say anything, he just does, but it’s just the cherry to the rest of it and physical communication and affection is more than enough for both of them. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? THERE”S A WHOLE BUNCH ON THE SPOTIFY LET ME TELL UUUUU BUT THE BEST ARE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD “Something About Us” by Daft Punk “Amphetamine” by MNQN and also I could add matchbox 20 but i’m not tryna get roasted
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? Yikes. Uhhhhh, Jesse’s partial to: darlin’, sweetie, sweet pea, sweet bean, juniper berry, junnie b jones, jun-bug, and the list goes onnn.  Jun’s partial to cowboy and (affectionately) dumbass. 
If they get married, who proposes? Probably Shinjiro, and it was probably something stupid and weird at the grocery store. 
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Small, probably at a park or something, but all of their friends. They don’t have a lot, but that’s what makes it nice. I think they’d be more interested in spending money on travelling afterwards than trying to make a big deal out of a celebration.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? I don’t think they have any kids. I don’t think Fuu has any interest in bringing a kid into the world bc of the shit she’s gone through on her end; there’s no innate part of her that thinks she needs to have a kid to raise them better just to make up for how alone and neglected she was as a child. If they wound up with any kids, it’d probably be some circumstantial adoption of a wayward orphan they kept coming, honestly? A mentorship or personal attachment just kind of developing, really. Like Denzel LMAO. That’s the only thing I could see happening really asdfgh.
Do they have any pets? THEY HAVE KOROMARU. Otherwise, I think they just put food and shelter boxes out for their neighbourhood cats. Shinjiro probably lets them in a lot. 
Who’s the stricter parent? Shinjiro, hands down. He was the stricter parent when he was a teenager. Fuu is/ would be the parent who is also being scolded.
Who kills the bugs in the house? Shinjiro kills them and Fuu takes them outside. Shinjiro just doesn’t think bugs belong in the house, and Fuu thinks killing them is bad luck. If he kills them before she gets to take them outside, they probably “fight” about it, but it’s not a divisive convo that’ll sour the day.  
How do they celebrate holidays? Shinjiro’s not really a holiday person and Fuu’s really busy, but I know she thinks they’re worth doing. So everything’s probably pretty quiet and half-decourated for. Holidays with events to go to that they don’t have to prepare for, like festivals, Fuu definitely nags to attend. Things like Christmas, I think they just plan on nice dinners and quiet evenings. 
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Ooh, uhhhhh asdfg that’s hard. Probably Shinjiro? I don’t think he tries often, but he is the one more likely to sleep late. I guess it’d be circumstantial, in a lot of ways. Like if he wasn’t sleeping a lot lately, Fuu would sleep late to try and keep him around. If Fuu’s overworking, Shinjiro would try to bait her back. But otherwise, it’s probably Shinjiro, since she’s usually up early because she wants to run early.
Who’s the better cook? Shinjiro, hands down. Fuu’s okay at it; if she has to make dinner, she’s happy to do it and it’d be fine food, it just wouldn’t be anything exciting or special. She understands basic seasoning laws and how to use a rice cooker. Shinjiro’s the one who’s anal-retentive about produce quality, technique, prepwork, etc. He’s the one who literally watches home cooking network and considers buying a separate pasta cooker, after all. It’s one of the few things he’s really passionate about, and he’s always emphasized how important a good meal and diet are to health with the idiots he hangs around. 
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