#fuuuuuuck I’m so gay
dreamyskylight · 2 years
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God is a woman
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sturnioloslut1 · 6 months
I say moaning as Chris is making me so good his hand travels up to my throat and squeezing it a little. I’ve never felt so good in my life other than getting railed by my boyfriend. “You’re gonna hold it until I say you can let it out on my dick” Chris says groaning. “I ca-can’t I’m gonna cum daddy” I say in pain from holding it. “Fucking hold it you slut” Chris says in my ear. “Ah,fuck I’m so close” he says “you can let it o-,Oh fuuuuck” Chris says as he cums inside me eyes rolling in the back of his head. “Can I cum now daddy?” I say shyly, as I said this Chris starts pounding into me at this point he doesn’t care if he’s sensitive or not. He just wants to make me cum all over his dick, “ugh,fuck shit oh my god” I’m moaning as I cum all over his dick as he sends me down from my high. “Ride my face you slut” Chris says as he goes to lay on his back, I put my left leg over and straddle his face and lower myself on him. “I want you to suffocate me and let me eat you out until you shake” Chris says beneath me “okay daddy” I say. I bury him with my pussy and he eats me out as he closes his eyes gripping onto my thighs. “Ah fuck” I say looking at him do the work. “Chris it’s t-to sensitive” I whine in pain but in a good way, “I don’t care put up with it slut” Chris says licking his lips. “I’m close I’m - ughhhh” I moan loudly covering my mouth as my legs are shaking, my eyes rolling back. “Ride me now and be warned you gonna be pounded in so fucking hard” Chris warns me. “No I can’t it’s too sensitive” I say looking at him, “no do it you dirty little slut” Chris says pulling me into him.
“Be aware because I’m gonna go really rough” Chris says as he pushes me into him. Without warning he’s going so fast I couldn’t even keep my eyes open my mouth was just hung open as he’s biting his lip and his mouth agape, eyes rolling back as he moans really loud that Nick and Matt could hear. “UGH FUUUUUUCK” Chris says loudly moaning. I’m so tired I just collapse on him to catch my breath. Chris pulls out of me and gets up to get a wet towel from the bathroom to clean us up. “You did so good but was I too rough?” he asked worried. “No not at all, I like it when your rough Chris” I say smiling. “Good” Chris looks at me smiling. When we’re clean, we get into our clothes and go upstairs to see Nick and Matt there watching a movie. “Hey guys” I say while waving at them and Chris follows. “Ugh omg Chris fuck” “go faster” Nick and Matt mock me. “You guys are disgusting” Nick says and Matt nods in agreement. “Bet you wish you had a girlfriend now guys cuz that was the best time of my life” Chris says looking at both of them. “Well no cuz I’m gay” Nick says chucking. “I don’t want a girlfriend, I’m happy single” Matt says smiling. I look at Chris embarrassed as I feel my cheeks go red. HIS BROTHERS HEARD US.🙊
This literally took me all day istg if this flops im gonna cry😭💀
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sparklygraves · 2 years
imagine Boris & Theo run away to California & get jobs as waiters & live in a shitty little apartment with a chill stoner guy they found on craigslist…
at the restaurant they work at, people are always asking Boris if he’s an actor. “You just have that je ne sais quoi!” a woman gushes over him one day as he plops down her waffles & refills her coffee. “A diamond in the rough!”
Theo, serving people a table over, rolls his eyes. “Hey! Watch it!” a pimply teen screeches & Theo turns to realize that he’s missed their glass & has been pouring water into the kid’s oatmeal.
Boris clocks this & cackles. Theo groans. “Sorry, sir. I’ll take care of this…”
Home that night:
“Fuuuuuuck!” Theo flops onto their bed (they’re too poor for 2 beds. definitely absolutely nothing at all gay about it!). “I can’t do this anymore, Boris! I’m a fucking shit waiter!”
“You are,” Boris agrees (Theo shoots him a death glare). “But I have solution!”
“You’re gonna teach me how to be a—“ squeaky imitation voice— “diamond in the rough?”
“Fuck no!” Boris cackles. “My sparkliness cannot be taught!” He winks. Theo rolls his eyes & blushes slightly. “Drumroll please…” Theo does not comply; Popchyk, however, hops into Boris’ lap & Boris lifts the little fluffball up like Baby Simba as he announces— “I will be actor!”
Theo raises an eyebrow. “You or Popper?”
aaaaand so Boris breaks into the acting scene through adoring customers who happen to be in the industry &… oh shit. this was meant to be whimsical but I just realized that Boris would probably be a similar type of actor to Theo’s dad! ahh! playing all sorts of side character villains… dang!
oh also side note— Theo & Boris’ aforementioned stoner roomie totally just (understandably) assumes they’re a couple. but he feels bad cuz he thinks Boris (when he goes out with women) is cheating on Theo, who always seems really upset/grumpy when that happens. Stoner Roomie is very generous with his weed on such nights & he & Theo become surprisingly good pals.
so he gets kind of protective of Theo & one night when Boris comes home from a date with a lady, Stoner Roomie has had enough! “Bro,” he greets a clearly drunk Boris with strained civility.
“Brother!” Boris greets him. “Blood of my—“
“Stop. Just stop, my dood. We need to talk.”
“Are breaking up with me?” Boris chortles.
“No. But Theo will if you don’t treat him better.”
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7,9,12,13,20,21,22 for the Pride asks!! i know this is late and i'm also still figuring out mine, but i wanted to ask these!! happy pride month!!
first of all, thank you for the ask! i love asks and ask games bc it’s a chance for connection — something we’re all striving for 🥰
7. Are you the “token” queer person in your family? A: i would say for the most part yes. i have a step cousin who is gay and it is very nice to hang out with him, and i have a baby cousin who is trans but he is not out to family yet, so i am the token queer of the rest of the family.
9. When did you realize you weren’t cishet? A: i started questioning things during the pandemic. i had a good queer friends around me and i felt comfortable trying things out finally, and i finally felt like i wasn’t performing gender. i could just wear clothes i liked and that was it. so freeing
12. Name some queer artists or bands you like the most. A: i put together a pride playlist for this month and i immediately put “All The Things She Said” by t.A.T.u on there, Betty Who, Queen, Tracy Chapman, Janelle Monáe, and “Revolution Lover” by Left at London (ofc the classic pride stuff is there too and i tried to include as many queer artists as i could)
13. Do you choose to reclaim slurs? Why or why not? A: i do reclaim slurs bc in queer history, there is record of our ppl taking slurs and using them proudly like saying “yeah so what? what are you gonna do about it?” and i think that’s a rlly great mindset to have. i’m not gonna force other ppl to do so, but if anyone tries to police what i call myself, we will definitely have words.
20. Do you feel like you “fit in” with the queer/Pride community overall? A: when i was younger, definitely not. now? more so. it is kinda hard with some of the older generation who don’t seem to “get” nonbinary and asexuality and all that, but that could also just be where i live being more conservative - sometimes it’s hard to tell. i’m still trying to break into the younger (like closer to my age) crowd. i have a couple young queer friends, but it would be nice to have that community. transportation is my main barrier there
21. What message would you give to your younger self? A: fuuuuuuck thats a great question. i mean i know i wouldn’t listen to this, but my message would be: don’t try to conform to what you think ppl want from you. wear what you want, be what you want, do whatever wild crazy shit you want bc literally no one cares! it’s okay! and stop judging out loud other ppl for things you don’t understand. you can write that shit down but don’t say it out loud cuz that shit will get you in trouble
22. How do you usually celebrate Pride month? A: i used to live in NorCal, so i would go to a couple small Pride events throughout June. however, now i’m in the southwest and it’s so fucking hot that we don’t celebrate Pride until October! i’ve been trying to incorporate some sort of pride into my wardrobe every time i leave the house, though.
hey evan, thanks again for the ask! i appreciate you, and i can’t wait to see your answers!!! Happy Pride! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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kimboslice-22 · 1 year
So it’s been awhile. It’s been a roller coaster. Straight to hell in a hand basket or whatever.
The short and the quick. Kicked out of my dads for still being gay. Shocker. Lived in a camper in my moms back yard for like 5 months. Then moved 2 hours away to live with my now fiancé (🙃).
Now I’m three years in to living away from friends and family and I’m miserable as fuuuuuuck. Im in a relationship that’s one sided and I can’t seem to get the nerve to leave. And I don’t know why. I’m being controlled, manipulated, love bombed, etc. even now as I set at my moms dog sitting I’ve been told 5 times in one day that she misses me and loves. I’ve only been here one full day.
I can’t fucking breath dude.
Someone knock me out.
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thatshadowgastwhore · 3 years
c3 e17 spoilers!!!!!!
just sorta my thoughts as i watched the episode (and then fell asleep almost four hours in)
aeor????? i’m not smart enough to know what that meeeeeeans!!!!!! does that mean that they died when aeor fell? (obviously not, fearne isn’t that old) (right?) did they accidentally time travel themselves? were they just in aeor’s ruins? but then how did they send a postcard???? what does that meeeeeeean?????? the laudna/imogen vibes going on when she woke up from the dream, like, “i wish i could be there with you.....” my gay little heart is gonna burst orym growing flowers on zhudanna’s door was all the serotonin i needed for the week
what the fuuuuuuck those stone busts are so fucking cool
“your leader here” oh my god, i love it
laudna and fearne should never be sent anywhere alone lol (that’s a lie, they should always be sent everywhere alone) good bye! love you! love you too fearne, lol that arm upgrade is HUGE given he is an eldritch being, i fully expect to taliesin to start creating horses with claws fearne blending into her horse is just......so very fearne loonch, escargot, sir floppers, heart, rabbit, and one way. excited to see how many episodes they last “i wake up with a death grip on laudna’s hand” ohmygodohmygodohmygod like a doorway or something.....jesus christ artagan, if this is your fault- whaaaaaat? not always made of rock????? the intrigue! the entire “the worst thing that happened to me has already happened” conversatoin!!!! .....and then i fell asleep apparently. welp, i’m sure i’ll have more shit to rant about when the vod comes out because i’m predictable like that
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
If Life is Strange in its entirety has taught me anything, which it has taught me SO much, it’s that I am wholly, entirely, and COMPLETELY gay. And that Steph is 100% my type. But mostly that I’m gay as FUUUUUUCK!!!
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thetfchangingroom · 4 years
Oh, What a Beau-tiful Morning
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Wake up, sleepy head.
Long night, huh? I bet you had a lot of really weird dreams. Let me guess: you dreamt that your soul was leaving your body. You dreamt that you were staring down at yourself from above, a bird’s eye view of your own bed. You, still silently asleep under the covers below.
Tell me: in this dream, were you flying? Miles above the earth, hurtling towards a small, one bedroom apartment somewhere on the west coast? It was probably a vivid dream. So vivid, in fact, that it almost seemed real...
Well c’mon then, wake up! You’re not dreaming anymore, I can promise you that. Open up those glassy eyes and take in the bright, morning sun. You’ve got a big day ahead of you.
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Notice anything weird? Maybe your bed sheets are a little softer, or the sun is a little brighter. It won’t be long before you notice something is really off. Those aren’t your curtains, aren’t they? That’s not your window, and that’s certainly not the view you wake up to every morning. 
Look around: does this look like your bedroom to you? I didn’t think so. There’s no way you could afford an apartment this nice (or keep it this clean). You must be asking yourself right now... what the fuck is going on? 
But your bedroom isn’t the only thing that’s different. I take it you’ve noticed that cool breeze on your chest. You don’t sleep naked very often, do you? 
Welp, I’d say you’re pretty naked right now. Go on, take a look! Nothing to be ashamed of.
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Ah, now you’re starting to figure it out: this isn’t your body either. 
I mean, it might be... assuming you put on 35 pounds of solid muscle mass over the last 12 hours. It’s not impossible; there are some pretty powerful supplements you can take now-a-days. But I don’t believe any of them are powerful enough to add an extra inch or two to your dick, and I think we can both agree that the morning wood you’re rocking down under that 6-pack is much, much bigger than it was when you went to bed last night.
BUZZZZZ. Sounds like someone’s trying to call you. What, is that not what your ringtone sounds like? You mean to say that’s not even your phone? 
Well, it’s on YOUR bedside table, in YOUR bedroom. It must be YOUR phone. C’mon, pick up! It’s not like anyone else is gonna get it. 
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER” screams your voice on the other line, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BODY?”
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It might take you a few seconds to fully process what’s going on. Don’t worry, take your time. I think your old body is gonna do most of the talking anyway.
“I swear to christ, once I find out where the fuck I even am, I’m going to find you and you’re going to GIVE ME MY FUCKING BODY BACK.” 
“I... who is thi—?“
But your old voice interrupts: “don’t do ANYTHING in my body, you freak. If I find so much as a scratch, I will FUCKING END YOU!” And with that, the line goes dead. 
Whew! That was a bit of an adventure now, wasn’t it? Who was that, you ask? Why that was Beau Mirchoff, of course. You just woke up in his body, and he just woke up in yours! 
Yeah yeah, I know you didn’t “ask” for this (he certainly didn’t), but I was feeling a little generous, and more than a little spontaneous. Beau was blessed with such a hunky figure, so I figured I’d let some lucky guy take it for a spin.
Besides, the spell only lasts 24 hours; when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’ll be back in your bed half-way across the globe, and Beau will be back in his body as if nothing ever happened. 
So... what are you waiting for? That erection ain’t gonna take care of itself. Why not explore Beau while you have the chance? 
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Yeah, that’s right. Feel that nice, furry chest. Beau is pretty bad about shaving, so he’s got a lot of unkempt body hair. It can be pretty hit-or-miss with the chicks, but it makes worshiping your muscles such a deep, sensual experience.
I can see you shivering a bit as you run those hands down his abs and through his pubes. Every hair is so sensitive, every inch of skin cool to the warm touch of your hand.
Go on, grab his cock. I know you want to feel what it’s like in your hand. Play around with it a bit, get used to the weight of it between your fingers. 
Heavy, am I right? Beau’s got a hell of a dick, and he loves to give it a stroke every morning when he gets up. That’s why you’re so hard right now: it’s almost as if his body knows what’s “cumming,” per sea. 
As if his body wants you to jerk off.
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Hmm... yeah man, stroke that fat fucking dick. You’re so horny right now, you’ve got Beau’s body sweating straight through those expensive sheets.
Close your eyes. Smell that hefty, morning musk. Flex that bicep and give it a lick. See what a real man tastes like. 
Enjoying yourself? I’m not surprised, really. Just wait until you get close, and start to feel those muscles tense and that body flood with endorphins... 
... But not just yet. You wanna “milk” this experience for all its worth. So why not slow down a little, maybe imagine what it’s gonna be like to fuck someone in this body. 
You’re gay, right? Perfect: guys in this town are clamoring to get a closer look at Beau’s beautiful muscles. But today, they actually can. Imagine taking your pick of all the sexy, SoCal muscle gays. Inviting them over, one-by-one to service your hairy, super-star bod. 
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That turning you on? Fuck yeah... now imagine bending them over this bed, spreading their legs and giving them a taste of that Beau-tiful beer-can cock. You can hear them moaning already. Desperate, quivering voices begging to be fucked. Over and over. 
All fucking day.
Everything is so hot, so wet, so ripe. The sweat practically evaporates off of your skin as you near climax. A prickling fire starts at your toes and creeps up through your entire body, igniting every molecule and forcing you to tense up. This is it. The moment you’ve been waiting for. 
You pick up speed, tugging on Beau’s dick with all your might. Blood rushes to your head. You see stars through the cracks of your eyelids. Everything goes numb, and suddenly...
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Torrents of cum drench Beau’s furry pecs. You wriggle and writhe on the bed as if possessed by the very spirit of pleasure itself. Have you ever experienced an orgasm like that? I didn’t think so. 
And the best part: it won’t be the last one. The sun is just rising, dude! Those fantasies you were having are about to become a reality. Of course, you might wanna clean up a little first. You don’t wanna walk around with dried cum on your chest all day, do you? 
Now, Beau usually starts off his day by going for a run in the canyon. I know you don’t exercise a whole lot in your real body, but I guarantee working out in this one will be ten times easier. Besides, running is a great way to show off those muscles, and there are plenty of guys along your route who’d be more than happy to stop and do some extra “cardio” with you... if you catch my drift. 
But I won’t keep you any longer. Like I said, you’ve got a big day ahead of you, and I’m sure you wanna enjoy every second of it. 
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Have fun!
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sheisthestorm · 3 years
Do women really like when a man moans during sex or is it a turnoff? Tell the truth 😂
I love when a man is vocal during sex. If I’m pleasing you and you feel the need to moan then do that. I’ve heard so many guys say that’s gay and it pisses me the fuck off but will then feel a way if the woman isn’t moaning. Guys moans are sexy as fuuuuuuck! In fact, it makes me wetter.
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oleredacted · 3 years
Hey tumblr, gonna shout into the void.
I feel a bit shit. The past couple years I’ve felt stagnant in all areas of myself, mental health included. I want to feel happy, fit, attractive, coherent, intelligent, talented, etc. I can’t seem to make any progress at all. If I do, I feel like I fuck up and end up at square one.
My time in Málaga and Gran Canaria has made me realised I want to move to Spain asap. I already knew that anyway, but I feel like it would be so much better for me. At the same time… I know that wherever you go, there you are 😉. Obviously meaning, if I move to Spain, I’m still taking a lot of the issues I had here in the UK. However, I feel like there’s more there for me. Even if I go right back into a bar job, there are so many gay bars and it’s so accepting of lgbt+ community and culture.
I’m currently unemployed, by choice LOOOOOOL, cause I’m doing a residency at my uni. That’s been extended till May, but it’s just an opportunity for me to work on my “portfolio”. I don’t feel as passionate about concept or comic art anymore. And some of that is because I felt I wasn’t making progress in that, too. I’ve started to work on my drag which is hopefully the best direction for my art lol. But even that scares me. I’m worried what people will think, but I’m trying to constantly remind myself to not give a fuuuuuuck. Like I’m funny and talented and my skills would be put to use well in drag. But it’s like a LOT of effort, on all parts. As you can probs tell, I’m lacking in energy and effort in general, soooooo.
Also, living situation. Bless my flatmate, but he’s really doing my fucking nut in. Has been doing for a while. As a person he’s not terrible, but he’s really self-centred and arrogant. Also, I hate English teachers lol. Financially, he’s doing better off than I am here: I have a smaller room and he has more than double the storage space in the kitchen. I can never use my exercise stuff on a weekend cause guess who’s here all the time? His mate, who’s been sleeping on our couch since NYE. They’re both so fucking loud and irritating, but that’s a personal gripe. However, he genuinely plays stuff on the highest volume I can hear it anywhere in the flat… through noise cancellation airpods!! Grrr. I could go on but I really cba. Point is, I wanna move out asap.
Oh, but I can’t live anywhere else atm. As in, I can’t stay with either of my parents. I wouldn’t want to, trust me. But they physically don’t have the space for me. Frustrating. Last last resort, they would let me stay, but it wouldn’t be at all comfortable. Ah well, such is life.
I’m not sure where I was going with this- was getting a bit depressing, wasn’t it? I went for a walk with my friend mid typing this and uhh, I kinda feel better for it, but not like amazing. Don’t feel I’ve solved anything, but I do think I have to get started with putting plans to action asap. Trying a month in Gran Canaria, will be scary and a big risk, but how else will I get the pay off? I mean ideally, I’d love to live in Spain. But would I love to live… live, laugh, love. :)
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Dav (Bethany from Girl Defined's husband) just posted a Youtube video on their Dav & Bethy channel saying that the rumor about him being gay/going through conversion therapy isn't true. He also calls conversion therapy "damaging" and "heart wrenching" and uses "gay" instead of "homosexual" which is super surprising to me (he's probably still homophobic though)
Ugh. Okay, so preface for this. I *loathe* Girl Defined. I'm going to try to be objective in this response but my hatred for Girl Defined is so blinding that I feel like it deserves a disclaimer.
Anyway. I'm never comfortable with speculation about a person's sexual or gender identity, even if they are terrible people. I'm particularly uncomfortable when that speculation is based upon what we perceive as stereotypically "gay" traits in men (and women!) because it plays into gendered expectations and toxic masculinity that just... makes the world a worse, less happy place to be.
So while I've heard about the speculation about Dav, it's always made me uncomfortable.
I don't really know what to say about this, except good for him for condemning conversion therapy? Stopped clock is right twice a day and all.
But also, you know what? Fuuuuuuck Girl Defined.
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kaweeella · 3 years
Project Homeward Bound
Chapter 4- Hello Old Friends
Hitoshi sits up and rubs his head. He sees Shota leave his room. Looking around he sees his headphones on the ground and puts them back on. When had he taken them off?
He hears Nejire and his group saying something, but he doesn’t quite understand.
“So I play server for Awase next?” Sen asks.
“That is the order we set.” Jutora says.
“We’re still goin’ with this shit?”
“Hado seemed to imply that something bad would happen if we don’t get into the medium.”
“What is the medium?” Pony asks.
“The Land of Criminals and Gusts.” Yosetsu says.
“What the fuck is that?”
“That’s where Shinso is. The Land of Criminals and Gusts. That’s what the game said.”
“Are you still looking in his house?” Pony asks.
“Yeah. Oh, he’s up.”
“Hello Shinso!”
“He’s probably got like… seven concussions.”
“Are you alright, Shinso?” Jutora asks.
He just stares.
“Alright, go to bed.”
“You can move things there, right Awase?” Juzo asks. “Can you put him to bed?”
“N-, I can’t pick him up. I t-d.” He drapes a blanket over him.
Mirio kicks Hitoshi out of the chat to not agitate his concussion. “Make sure he doesn’t look at a screen. It’ll make things worse.”
“A-t, d--- kn--”
“Alright Awase, let’s connect quickly, you’re cutting out.”
The two of them try to get their games connected. It takes a while, but they get them connected.
“Choose your fetch modus” The popup says. He still doesn’t quite understand, but whatever. What he understands less is the options. There’s jenga, tree, herd, clothesline, what is this? After a while of looking, he chooses grab bag. Next is strife specibus. He has no idea what a strife specibus is. Hitoshi put something into this one, right?
He looks around his house. The lights keep flickering. That can’t be good.
“Yosetsu, what are you up to?” His mother asks.
“Nothing much, why?”
“The sink in the bathroom isn’t working. I’m working on it, so there are a bunch of tools in there. If you need to you can use our bathroom.”
“Alright. Thank you.” He continues walking, finding the bathroom. There are pipes and tools lying around. He picks up one of the pipes. Yeah, this’ll do. He puts the pipe in the spesi-whatever, it now saying pipe-kind, and puts it back.
“Kaibara, are you ready?”
The two connect and Sen puts down his machines.
After the last one is placed, the power cuts.
“Shit.” Yosetsu mutters.
“What happened?” Nirengeki asks.
“His powers out. I put all the stuff down.”
Yosetsu repeats what he saw Hitoshi do. He grabs the card and it disappears. He runs to the cruxtruder and presses down as hard as he can. It takes a minute before it clicks and comes off.
“Put something in it…” He looks around. “Just… anything?”
While Yosetsu looks for something to put into the orb, Hitoshi’s has taken a more humanoid form and wanders around the house. It’s spine tapers down to a sort of tail. It finds its way into the parents’ room, there are photos on the walls. They depict the parents and their friends in high school. It reaches out to one of them.
“What the fuck…” Shota mutters.
“Daddy? What’s wrong?” Eri walks over to him.
“Just stay inside.”
“Dude what happened?” Keigo asks. “Where are you?”
Shota stares outside. Big white letters in the sky read “Land of Criminals and Gusts”.
“What the fuuuck…”
They hear a crash in the other room. Quickly Shota runs to where it came from. His room. He slams open the door and pauses.
“What the fuuuuuuck…”
A figure floats in his room. It’s boney and ghostly. It turns around when he opens the door.
“Shota!” It shouts.
Hizashi’s footsteps are loud as he runs to the noise. “What’s wrooaaaaaA-”
“Hey guys! What’s wrong?”
Shota calms down some. “Oboro?”
“Shota… Shota are we dead?”
“What? What are you guys freaking out about?”
Shota cautiously steps forwards and reaches out.  Oboro, confused as he may be, follows suit and grabs his hand.
“Have you… looked in the mirror recently?”
Realization seems to hit him like a truck when he sees his arm.
“Oh… oh that’s… fuuuck… is that why you two look so old?”
Oboro suddenly goes over to Hitoshi’s room. He’s in bed.
“I wonder if he’s dreaming…”
“Wait we are not done with this conversation, Oboro.” They follow behind him. “How are you here?”
“I’m Shinso’s sprite.”
“You’re his what?”
“I’m his guide for the game.”
“What are these things here?” Hizashi gestures to the machines.
“They’re a part of the game.”
“What game?!”
“Daddy, you didn’t hang up the phone.” Eri holds it up.
“Right.” He grabs the phone from Eri. “We’ve got bigger problems to deal with.” He hangs up.
“Shota,” Hizashi says. “What’s that thing?” A boney creature covered in thorns stands in the hallway.
“That’s an imp.”
Meanwhile back with Yosetsu, he decides to use a little horse plush that Pony got him. Apple Jack, she called it? Yeah, he throws that in.
He turns the dial and grabs the cylinder. It disappears too. He goes over to his totem lathe and two bags appear. Grabbing them turns them into the card and cylinder and he throws them in. He takes the cut cylinder and puts it on the alchemiter and a bottle appears.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?”
“Watch your fucking language.” His mom scolds, entering the house. Right here we need to make a distinction between his mom and his mother, to avoid any sort of confusion. They are gay.
She goes past, not seeing the machine in the dark.
There’s a loud clap of thunder, causing Yosetsu to drop the bottle and it rolls off. He crouches down, trying to find it, the thunder getting louder. Finally, a flash of light allows him to see it. He dives over to grab it. He can feel his hair standing on end. He grabs it with enough force to break it.
If you were to look at his timer at this time, you’d see that he had one second left. If you were one of his neighbors, you’d see lighting crash down and seemingly obliterate the Awase house.
“Yosetsu, are you alright?” His parents run into the room.
“I think so.” The lights flicker back on.
“Awase, can you hear me?” Sen asks.
Sen notices he has some other things he can place, so he does. A punch designex and a grist torrent cd. “Here.”
He picks up the cd. Before he can do anything, his mother screams. She’s being attacked by this strange boney creature. He swears he hears someone say “Strife” before the pipe appears in his hands.
“Aw fuck.” He mutters.
“What is it?” Itsuka asks.
“Don’t worry.” He steps forwards and swings at the monster. It lets go and turns its attention to him. It kicks him square in the chest, knocking him back. “Aw fuck…”
“We’re worrying about it.”
He lunges forward and joins the beast with the wall behind it. Now that it can’t move, he swings wildly at it. It pops into some colorful shapes.
“I think I know what a strife specibus is.”
“A weapon.” He spins the pipe in his hand.
“Yosetsu do you know what’s happening?” His mom asks.
“No, not really.”
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theweroone · 4 years
1:When did you lose your virginity? 14
2: Rough sex or soft sex? Yes
3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes? DDLG
4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex? Parents bed (they were out of town)
5: Favourite sex position? Ride me cowgirl
6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive? dom
7: Have you ever had any one night stands? Nah
8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor? Sure
9: Have you ever had sex in a public place? Yep
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating? Yes
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like? Women in lace
12: How often do you have sex? Couple times a week. Gonna be more now with a wife and a girlfriend
13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with? My wife took care of that earlier
14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex? Giving
15: Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex? Sister opened the door
16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex? Anything from Type O Negative
17: A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex? Cry KC and Jojo
18: Are you into dressing up for sex? Yes
19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower? Yes
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be? New girlfriend. Its gonna be our first time so I'd like to get it out of the way
21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you? Yes
22: Do you/would you use sex toys? We have
23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture? All the time
24: Would you have sex with your best friend? Don't have those
25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink) let my balls air dry. And smoke
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny? Looking at tits
27: Early morning sex or late night sex? Yes
28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex? Small of the back and neckline
29: Favourite body part on the same sex? Shoulders
30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find: Porn DVDs who buys those anymore lol
31: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you: suck my toes
32: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?] Yes, a bit salty
33: Is it ever okay to not use a condom: of course. But there's gotta be trust
34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience: strawberries
35: Worst possible time to get horny: at work
36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans? Fuuuuuuck yes
37: How much fapping is too much fapping: stop it
38: Best sexual complement you ever got: wow
39: Favorite foreplay activities: kissing and oral
40: What do you wear to bed? Shorts
41: When was the first time you masturbated: dont remember
42: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself? Yes
43: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside? Wife and I on the hotel balcony in the middle of downtown for our anniversary
44: Have/would you ever have sex in public? Yes
45: Have/would you ever had a threesome? Yes
46: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate? Sock
47: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not? Lesbian. Wife is bi
48: Do you like oral sex? (why/why not) yes I'm a man lol
49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in? Love them
50: How would you feel about taking someones virginity? I'd be honored
51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter? Cheese? Idk
52: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute? Pornstar
53: Do you watch porn? All the time
54: Have you ever been called a freak? Why? Nope
55: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”? Yes
56: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair? Been there done that
57: If you could give yourself head, would you? Hmmm interesting, what my wife and girlfriend do then?
58: Booty or Boobs? All of the above
59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?) Yes stupid drugs in my life
60: If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do? Good question
61: have you ever watched someone masturbate? Yes
62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate? Yes
63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed? Yes
64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie. toys, clitorial, prostate) wrist action
65. What is your bra/penis size? Almost 8in
66. What is the strangest thing you have ever put up your vagina/anus? Nothing really
67. When was the last time you masturbated? 10 minutes ago
68. When was the last time you had sex? Couple hours ago
69. When was the last time you watched porn? Same as above
70. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do? Dildo for wife
71. Guys:Circumsized? No
72. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched? My back
73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched? Shaft
74. Girls:Are you able to achieve orgasm just through breast stimulation?
75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr? Nope
76. When was the last time you have had a wet dream? Idk
77. Which wet dream was your favorite? Wife and her friend together with me
78. Is there a friend you would willingly have sex with? Not right now
79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with? Kate Beckinsale
80. Favorite sexual position? Ride me cowgirl
81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed? They don't call me that
82. Are you into any BDSM? Sure
83. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldnt for any reason? Why? No
84. Do you like dirty talk? Yes
85. Are you loud or quiet during sex? Yes Masturbation? No
86. Have you ever been inturrepted during sex or masturbation? Who/what? Yes sister walked in
87. What kind of porn do you like to watch? Homemade
88. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them? No
89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them? Yes
90. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them? No
91. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial? No
92. Ask whatever you want
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publiccmenace · 4 years
For the character meme,,,, H,,,Herrah??
do i like them: my discord name was #1 spidermom stan for a month
5 good qualities:
- gave us hornet!!! god i love hornet. hornet is a good quality.
- she’s clearly a very strong person!! like holy fuck!! (also i am gay)
- she sacrificed a lot for her kingdom, and wasn’t above working with people she hated to get shit done (hence why i believe in a dreamers alive au she would end up forming an alliance with the mantis tribe at some point)
- good mom herrah is the hill i will die on
- stared down pk and won. i highly doubt hornet was an option until herrah Made Her An Option. being able to stare down a god as a “common beast” is definitely a good quality.
3 bad qualities:
- maaaayyyybe she... should have taken a closer peek at thk. i headcanon her as very much Headstrong, and somewhat inflexible once she has a good plan,,, and that can work very well!!! but also sometimes it,,, doesn’t.
- herrah certainly left hornet with a sense of Debt,, like i know she didn’t think hallownest was going to fall, but she did have a kid as an heir and that is a lot of weight to put on a kid that doesn’t even exist yet. like. i love her lots and respect that she had to do what was best for her kingdom and i don’t know what else she could have done but... hornet is a little Fucked Up for reasons that are at least partially herrah’s fault. i love herrah but as somebody who’s been the kid in that situation i am like “i know this and i love u and i don’t know what else you could have done but also,,, i gotta admit that was a Little Fucked Up”
- okay complicated feelings about herrah over with, her third bad quality is that she’s hard to draw and i want to draw her so bad :(
favorite episode/etc: when i first saw her, i didn’t even have the dream nail yet (i avoided crystal peak So Hard), and it’s one of my clearest memories of hollow knight is looking at her and going “what the fuuuuuuck”
otp: (about to reveal the fack that i am a big fat multishipper) you have dragged me into the herrah/vespa pit, i have seen some good takes on herrah/monomon (also i am a sucker for Science Lady/I Am Going To Beat You To Death), but i am also very much on board with my buddy aren’s take on herrah/pk being a beneficial rivalry (he has. a homestuck word for it and he is so valid but i do not understand homestuck and at this point i’m too afraid to ask)
ot3: once saw a take on poly dreamers and have been cautiously rolling that around because tbh i am Curious as to how it would work out (shout out to me having Extremely fluid interpretations of characters always)
notp: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don’t really have one? i’ve never really been big on notps anyway, i’m down for pretty much anything
best quote: “...For her...” (putting aside my inherent need to make a “do it for her” meme, it just breaks my heart a little that her last thoughts are of making this sacrifice for her daughter)
Headcanon: you have suckered me into “Herrah likes bad puns”. Also I think she’s very musically gifted!!
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
Ratched: Episode 3 Reactions
Miss Osgood
Omg this house. All the Art Deco. I’m in love.
Oh fuck, she’s after Dr. Hanover? “Falsified his credentials”?? Is he a con man? A doctor who committed some kind of malpractice? What did you allow him to do, Miss Osgood?!
Love a bitch with a cigarette holder
Dr. Manuel Benaga
“Brilliant, charismatic, and insane but doesn’t know it” so he and Mildred really are two peas in a pod then, huh
Aslkdjdslfkdjfklk a severed head as a birthday gift? Original, I’ll give her that.
I see where this is going. Hanover is responsible for whatever happened to her son.
An Update on the Lesbians (+ some unfortunate heterosexual activity)
Aw, flowers! Nurse Bucket is really trying to get back on Hanover’s good side. I think she’s got a thing for him.
Lobotomies cause lesbianism now? Well, that’s a new one.
“Homosexual is what Walt Whitman was.” Why is the phrasing of this sentence so odd to me?
Ahh hydrotherapy. Another fun throwback to Asylum. Although I guess technically this is the throwback--back to when the treatment was new.
Oof Mildred and Huck are not on board with this. Even Bucket seems a bit unsure for a moment, but she’s sticking with it!
Oh no, not the cold water now. They’re going to send her into shock!
Huck is a good boy. I don’t want this to end badly for him.
Oh! Gwen at home! 
Okay, her husband is clearly gay. I’ve been wondering how they were going to play her marriage.
Mmm the governor wants Edmund to fry, and Gwen’s not here for it.
This nurse (Dolly?) is kinda fun. She’s cute and sassy. Unfortunately, she’s totally going to think Edmund is hot.
Girl he is a mass murderer do not FLIRT with him
The guard is RIGHT THERE wtf
Oh I bet Mildred is going to have some words for her brother
Ope where’s Hanover going? Anywhere interesting?
Oh fuck! That was a close one! I was not expecting the PI to catch up to him like, this episode. They made it sound like wherever Miss Osgood lived was a ways away.
I really wish this note was from Gwen but I know it’s gonna be the other dude. And yes, I did JUST realize that the other dude is the PI and not a reporter. I’m not good with men’s faces because I don’t care about them.
Good for him that he’s willing to experiment with her I guess? But also would love him to go away.
Cuz she’s gay and can’t do this :/
Ooh, Mildred backstory! I’m not surprised that she gets turned on by the memory of saving this man. Making herself a savior is kind of her whole thing.
Oh nooo she’s fantasizing about Gwen. Oh honey. I hate this for her.
Oh this douche.
Fuck, she just realized that he’s looking for Hanover. How very serendipitous! This can definitely be used to her advantage.
Okay, so how come Gwen’s husband can have sex with another man, but when Gwen wants to pursue another woman it’s too risky?
Dr. Hanover
Things really have worked out quite well for Mildred regarding Dr. Hanover. This new piece of leverage has just fallen into her lap.
So, Henry Osgood was basically a baby Dandy Mott.
Oh fuck, LSD?! I’m guessing this is the origin of his drug addiction.
Oh man, Henry poured in a LOT. I’m surprised that didn’t kill him.
Fuuuuuuck this is intense
And then Henry’s body got infected and he lost his legs, too
This really sucks, because it really just was this one moment that he didn’t keep a sharp enough eye on this boy, and things unraveled SO quickly.
I wonder what Mildred has planned to help him. Probs gonna do something to the PI.
I also wonder like, what exactly Miss Osgood thinks happened to her son, cuz I’m guessing Hanover didn’t really stick around to explain. From what she said earlier, sounds like she thinks he’s delusional and thought that he could cure Henry by replacing his arms.
Thoughts and Theories
It was really interesting to see Mildred so upset by the hydrotherapy, and I have to say, I’m liking her characterization so far. I like that instead of being a straight sadist they’re portraying her as having more of just a very skewed sense of morality and empathy. They’re definitely building her as an Angel of Mercy, and specifically one with a savior complex. We can see this in how she gets turned on by remembering the gratitude of a man whose life she saved during the war, but now her way of “saving” people has evolved to include harming and even killing them, because she believes this will relieve their suffering. At this point, she’s still clearly capable of some differentiation and genuine empathy--killing seems to be a last resort for the truly hopeless, as we see her still actually desire to help Edmund and care for her lesbian patient who is, by every standard, suffering. Her whole “freedom from suffering” thing seems more like a way to justify harm that is otherwise necessary from her plans, but I think as time goes on, as more drastic measures are necessary and she wields more power over the asylum, we will see her slip further into this delusion.
I also really like how intelligent and manipulative she is. Like, with Hanover, killing Dario and helping him cover it up means he’s willing to listen to her both out of trust and fear, with the added bonus that it drives a wedge between him and Bucket. And after finding out about the PI, she could have gone with outright blackmail, but between trust and fear, trust is always the smarter choice to get someone to do what you want. She’s put herself on Hanover’s side and made herself indispensable to him, but also armed herself with enough knowledge that he can’t cross her if he ever wants to. And this brings me to Gwen. I think it’s definitely interesting that we see Hanover, Gwen, and Mildred all aligned with wanting to save Edmund from the electric chair. Although Hanover and Gwen simply have a moral stance against it, it clearly works in Mildred’s favor, and I do wonder if she’s going to get Gwen involved with her plans to save Edmund as well, given that she has access to the governor.
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
I was trying to not be too gay or horny on my personal instagram but I NEEDED to say ariana grande looks hot as FUCK in the pre(?)MTV shoot like. okay anyway. A. I'm pretty sure a lot of them don't know I'm pan (I don't think coming out to people is necessary? if they asked or something happened where I can/need to tell them I would) B. I said Ariana was hot and then I kept typing and it started sounding horny as fuck, which is not what I mean to be but I was trying to explain why my eyes were like 😍 and it just came out SO WRONG. I deleted most of it before I posted it.
Anyway, God I fucking love women.
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