#g1 callbacks for transformers
realitysperception · 11 months
Question from Spector_Author
She's brainstorming for her Transformers Prime Back Up au, specifically the weaponry each bot has. Now each bots has a blaster and a secondary weapon/gadget even if its just another gun. Here's the question:
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ponett · 10 days
Thoughts on the Studio Trigger Trasnformers animation?
It's really really good even though (unsurprisingly) like half of it was references to Japan-exclusive Transformers anime from the '80s and '90s that I've never seen. But truly, the robots were cool. Lots of great callbacks crammed in there. Really liked the way they end on a cut from G1 Optimus and Megatron facing each other as enemies to their Earthspark counterparts shaking hands as allies
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byz-was-here · 2 months
Because no one asked,
Here's how I would do a transformers series:
1) emphasize the disguise
They're robots in disguise. Its in the tagline. Make the bots and cons fight each other while trying not to be noticed.
Why would world conquering deceptions stoop to hiding from puny organics?
Easy. Skew the matchup. If its 8 billion nuclear armed monkeys vs 5-10 alien robots, even ol megsy ain't gonna take those odds.
The Autobots have an even easier reasoning: follow the prime directive.
2) Shipwreck everyone
Why can't the bots/cons just call for reinforcements?
They crash landed. That's why. Everyone's in stasis or injured. Callback to G1 where they spent 4 million years in sleep mode under a volcano. Maybe not *that* long but it would explain why no one noticed two alien starships smacking into the planet. No one was around to see it. Macguffin event happens, a couple bots and cons wake up, and they realize that a wholeass civilization popped up during their nap.
3) Civilian autobots
Why did they come to earth?
As is usually the go to answer: Cybertron's f*cked. Solution: Autobots dig out a *really* old and obscure planetary survey, find a decent enough planet, Optimus takes a bunch of scientists and engineers on a colony ship and they go off to found New Cybertron. Survey said the place was uninhabited, so it's free real estate. (Humans were probably still debating whether or not coming down from the trees and walking on 2 legs was a good idea when the Cybertronian scouts did the survey)
Soundwave does his soundwave thing, finds out, Megatron loads up a warship, and they shoot each other down on prehistoric earth. Meanwhile, a caveman named grug figures out mr fire is your friend.
Point is, you've got one side that's a bunch of scientists, engineers, and other civilians (The Autobots)
And the other that's almost all elite combat troops (the Decepticons)
But, because of the first two issues, the cons can't take advantage of it. Otherwise they alert the Humans and someone with an itchy trigger finger drops a thermonuclear warhead on the stranded nemesis.
And if a human does discover the Autobots? Imo a civilian is more likely to break the rules and play nice than a trained soldier.
4) nobody wants to stay here
The Autobots originally planned to colonize earth, sure. That was before they got shot down, locked into stasis for who knows how long, and woke up to see an entire sapient civilization spring up from nowhere during their nap.
Optimus is Optimus, so it's plan B: freedom is the right of sentient beings, so we fix the ark and found new Cybertron somewhere else. Ideally, the human race won't realize they were ever here.
The Deceptions only care about crushing the Autobots and getting off this corrosive rock. Unless they can call home and summon an armada, it's just not *worth it* to pick a fight with humanity.
6) things I'd like to see
Jetfire being one of the scouts, getting frozen in a callback to G1, and being found and thawed by some human scientists. He's just living his best life in a hidden lab, and only mildly worried about why Cybertron isn't answering his calls. Oh hey Starscream! When did you get the tattoo? (It's a bad breakup)
Our dystopian capitalist nightmare is Swindle's daydream paradise. He absolutely loves earth. #1 fan. He probably makes connections to the mob. Good times.
Local mechanized AI (or ghost in the shell cyborg) has an emotional crisis, joins the deceptions. Beats up any Cons that disrespect her. No notes.
"Wheeljack, why do our new security drones look like...that?"
"So there's this earth movie called "Jurassic Park"..."
"Yes optimus?"
"What happened to the sparks that we had in stasis?"
***Tyrannosaurs roar*** Me Grimlock Smash! (Panicked Decepticon screaming)
"Never mind, I think I figured it out."
-one sane adult human
Obvs theres a couple teens who pal around with the Autobots. There should be at least ONE adult in their early 20s as part of the group who's forced, however unwilling, to be the sole voice of reason. Aka: "I'M NOT TELLING YOUR PARENTS YOU GOT SQUISHED SNEAKING INTO AN EVIL ROBOT SPACESHIP"
"Then who's gonna pull off the rescue?"
"I AM!" (They instantly regret this decision, but They're at least old enough to make it)
-Shockwave as a late series villain
Shockwave has had command of the Decepticons ever since Megatron's Ill fated disappearance chasing after the Autobot Ark.
Having him return and upset Shockwave's centuries of effort holding onto the planets in the Deception Empire would be... Unfortunate. Perhaps it would be better if he stayed dead.... It's only logical.
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majachee · 1 year
Were you ever into the other pony generations as a kid? If there was one pony you could bring as a gen 4 pony with intensive lore, which would it be? I would bring back the Princess Pony line from G1, specifically Princess Tiffany because she was my absolute favorite as a kid lol. Which is weird, because I liked unicorns more than pegasi.
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I played with toys from all generations as a kiddo! The main ones were G3 and G4, with some G2 and G1s thrown in! I also had, like, actual realistic horse figures that I threw in with them. As a kid, Transformers, My Little Pony, and LPS were all on, like, an equal scale so I had a lot of toys from several generations for all of them!
As for a pony I'd toss into G4 as a very lore heavy character? Minty 💗💗💗
I LOVED Minty's movie as a kid (A Very Minty Christmas), and my favorite figures included the small plastic Minty ones!
Like, come on, the Earth pony tribe in the whole Hearth's Warming Eve's story/Equestria origin story has SWEETS/FOOD RELATED NAMES. I think it'd be a really cool callback to Minty's christmas movie if she was directly related to the original Earth pony tribe leaders/Equestria founders, and was something akin to a tradition keeper for Hearth's Warming Eve traditions and family history. With her clumsy and silly personality still! Her silly christmas movie story could easily be turned into an equally silly Hearth's Warming Eve's story! But alas, all G4 did with her was make her an Applejack recolor cameo. The true victim of Hasbro, fr.
Oooh I love Minty... I love Minty sm....
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geenawrites · 1 year
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[published on letterboxd 7/27/23]
Beast Wars, produced by the defunct Mainframe Entertainment, is seminal children's television. It's the reason Transformers still has a pulse in a post-80s media landscape. It's the Star Trek of the franchise, grappling with the ethics of armed conflict and environmentalism. It's a fantastic series, esp if modern audiences can get past the dated CGI.
But in the twenty-odd years since its end on Fox Kids, Beast Wars has become the Blade of Hasbro's franchise. It proved the franchise's viability to the company, but since then the cast and story of BW have been regulated to the margins in favor of G1 nostalgia. My boys can't even get another show on their own, they have to be supporting characters to Optimus and Co. I hate it.
Rise of the Beasts is pretty much more of the same for the BW story, but worse. The Predacons have been annexed from the story altogether in favor of the Terracons, minions of Unicron. The Maximals are down to Rhinox, Cheetor, Primal, and Airrazor, who play supporting roles, yet again, to Optimus and Bumblebee. I hate it, y'all. Rise of the Beasts is everything I want to see stop for the Beast Wars story. I need Hasbro to put some respect on my team's name.
But, I didn't hate this movie.
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I had fun watching this to some degree. What works for ROTB is the story surrounding Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback. Unlike previous TF films, minus Bumblebee, there's some sense of investment in their characters from the script and their integration with the Transformers conflict. The absence of Michael Bay as a director might be the best thing to ever happen for the human elements of this franchise.
The story in general? If you've seen the first two Transformers films, it's basically that. A MacGuffin hunt for a Transformers artifact.
Performances from the voice cast are fairly strong throughout. Michelle Yeoh and Ron Perlman do a lot to make their characters feel like more than what the film allows them. Peter Cullen still putting work as Optimus Prime. Everything he says sounds like something from a Toonami ad and it pleases me greatly. That annoying guy from SNL was even pretty good as Mirage. I him like better as a franchise mascot than Bumblebee, whose talking-through-audio-clips shtick is dull as dishwater now.
There was all this talk about one of the original voice actors from BW (the actor who played Depthcharge) being cast as Rhinox, but his lines were clearly cut because I ain't hear a peep from him.
ROTB is not a great film. It doesn't do the Beast Wars story any favors, the G.I. Joe tease made me roll my eyes more than Mirage becoming an exo-suit did. ROTB honestly seems to prove that the movie franchise doesn't have much going for it in terms of storytelling.
Much like Captain Marvel, it's heavy-handed on the nostalgia callbacks of the 90s and calls attention to itself in ways that it shouldn't. But I had fun watching this, and for a second time, the human element was probably the best part of the film.
Give it a watch if you aren't completely done with this franchise, but do me a favor and check out Beast Wars and Beast Machines. It's good shit.
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rametarin · 9 months
I'm sitting here pondering franchises and stuff I liked as a very young Ram, and remembering how annoyed and patronized I felt at saturday morning cartoons being unable to show gun violence in what was clearly the context of war and struggle of peacekeepers vs. violent lawbreakers; be that on the street level of crime, or like with G.I. Joe, para-military vs. terrorist organizations.
I enjoyed those episodes that asked some hard questions to go with some saccharine display. And I don't even need to get two sentences into THIS paragraph without every 90s kid that follows me correctly interpreting it to mean, "Batman: The Animated Series." 'Cause 90s kids will remember.
The artful gymnastics around the censorship rules and laws and nanny organizations. The balance of political themes that wanted so desperately to give even the gentle echoes of philosophical questions. What is good? Is an organization good, or are we blindly following it in the hopes that it is the good direction? Are the bad guys truly doing what's wrong? The world-building gymnastics to avoid having to use bullets for finality and death as the logical option in a dangerous situation.
While I do agree that some things deserve light touches narratively, such as not showing the piles of glassy eyed bodies and disembodied heads in all their real gory detail after a callback to something like Waco, I absolutely believe that young people who enjoy pulp be it horror, sci-fantasy or straight up fantasy are YEARNING to be allowed dosages of harsh reality to go with the saccharine make believe. If only to better understand the world.
I used to love, as a kid, when cartoon shows would demonstrate things like vehicles, gadgets, even embellish how they work. Like, how submarines work. How radar works. Even if it's not really reliably hard science but just convenient for the plot!
So I sit here and ponder all the themes that I enjoy that would've made wee-me the happiest lad in the world to read about them in either comic book or cheesy limited-animation Saturday Morning Cartoon format, and how one would conceivably make a franchise and story with these subjects.
Something that gently introduced young people to war as a source of entertainment, but also didn't bury the terrible parts under a veneer of patriotic jingoism- while also allowing echoes of it, after prefacing it with, "too much unthinking loyalty to a cause is bad."
Episodes that were borderline classrooms that explained things like how planes work. How boats work. How trains work. Relevant to their adventures! Sometimes show, sometimes tell.
Topical and contemporary jokes, like Carbombya from G1 Transformers.
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When this episode debuted I remembered the older kids that let me watch Transformers with them laughing their fucking asses off. I didn't get it when it aired, but after it was explained to me, I just giggled at the audacity. This was a thing, and hoo boy did it make Casey Kasem mad.
So I think about the potential of all these stories to put into the context of a young-person friendly cartoon show or franchise, and the number of environments, gadgets and gizmos for plots kind of write themselves. A million little primers on things that exist in the world, that serve as almost icebreaking introductions to the concepts of things a young person may not've even known existed. Stuff that makes them aware such things exist, gives them something to ask their older peers about. Like the history of nuclear weapons.
Hell. As a creator, I could even choose, if I felt like it, to have a story entirely about a young person learning about some made up political issue, asking their peers about it, getting WILDLY different stories and interpretations of history and then growing irritated at the partisan people around them filtering the issue through their own bias. As a lesson in dealing and navigating through a bunch of judgemental shallow jerks and biased peers. The lesson ultimately being, "you can't make snap decisions without all the information, and trustworthy unbiased sources are hard to find.. Doubly so when you're young."
These are the things that I would've loved more of as a young person. Tech porn and war stories. Maybe when I make a definitive list of these things, I'll do something about them in writing.
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glapplebloom · 10 months
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Like if Hasbro decided I get to be in control.
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Okay, brief history for those who missed my reviews: IDW held the rights to both Transformers and My Little Pony. For 8 issues in total they crossed over the two properties twice while teasing a third time that sadly never came to be. So what would be my plan for this? Well, it is going to be much bigger than the previous crossover. MUCH bigger.
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Comic #1
It will be a year later. The Autobots and Decepticons are currently on the verge of breaking out into war again. But they are holding it off as the promised reunion of Ponies and Transformers is coming. It will be a combination of ideals: a Cultural Exchange to highlight the best of both worlds, a Swap Meet for any one side to get items the others have. And a Friendly Competition open to all racers.
But behind the scenes, the Quintesson were setting up their own things. They captured a Transformer who was in both crossovers (not doing a specific one) and found out as much as they could. But during their studies, they find out about another world. One that looks like the Transformers’ Earth but full of Humanoid Equestrians. This led them to discover that there are more worlds.
So when it was time to Open the Space Bridge to begin this exchange, that’s when the Quintesson made their move. The Ponies, seeing their new friends in trouble, go to help but the Judge Quintesson eventually takes control of the Space Bridge. And in a bright flash everything goes white. When vision returned, it was a twisted world that seemed to combine Cybertron with Equestria and some other landmarks recognizable to fans but not them.
In this world, the Quintesson are in charge and they want to use the Ponies' Magic to take control of Cybertron and the Rest of the Universe. But they wonder, which universe should they take over. And that’s when we see that it's not just a crossover with G4 Ponies and G1 Transformers: It's a crossover with every Generation of Ponies and Transformers.
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The Tie In Comics
And here is where my big thing is, there will be three sets of comics 4 issues each. Each one features two stories each. The first one is like the original: Ponies and Transformers interacting with each other in various ways. Ponies and Transformers fighting together against another pair or against each other. Stuff like that. And as you figured, the other two series will focus solely on Transformers and Pony Crossovers with each other.
You can have stuff like Movie Prime facing Animated Optimus. All the Starscreams try to unite to take over their various Megatrons only to fight among themselves. Knockout horrified of the Transformers who share his name, Basically this set of series are for those solely interested in seeing the Transformers in this crossover.
And on the pony side, you can have the Equestria Girls version actually meet their Pony counterparts. You can see the G1 Ponies interact with G5. Izzy and Pinkie Pie uniting to cause their own kind of mayhem. Callbacks to the G1/G4 Crossover. Maybe even the Elseworld Stories from the Show and Comics interacting like Chrysalis' Army taking on Nightmare Moon.
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The Final Issue...
And like DC’s Armageddon 2001, the thing trying it up are two issues of its own. Just as the Quintesson decided to take them all, all the sides decided to unite to attack them. Basically an all out brawl between all the Transformers and Ponies Vs the Quintessons forces, which includes the minions from those elseworlds as they have taken over their leaders. 
Eventually the heroes trump and the Quintessons are sent to a place beyond time. Seeing how well the two sides work together, Megatron and Optimus Prime finally settled their beef and agreed to full peace. Everyone says goodbye to each other and to hopefully prevent something from this from happening again, they decide to ensure the Space Bridge can never be used for inter-dimensional travel.
But regardless of that, they feel that one day they will meet each other again in friendlier terms. They all leave learning that Friendship Truly is the Right of All Sentient Beings.
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And that’s basically how I would do a third crossover. Of course, this will likely be a nightmare to do but that’s what these Twist of Fates are for, a nice what if.
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supersunky64 · 1 year
So Legacy Shadow Striker just got revealed and... I'm quite mixed on this figure.
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Striker's robot mode looks decent and head sculpt and the painting are magnificent.
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But, on the other hand, her vehicle mode is so uninspired and weirdly proportionate. Like, they tried to go for sports car, but it looks like a hot rod (Which a oddly fitting alt for Shadow Striker, but I don't know why they didn't fully gone with that.)
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I get why they give Shadow Striker the Sideburn mold, cuz she first appeared as retool in the Universe 2003 toyline, along with her sister, Roulette, which is a good callback. But, as Cyberverse Shadow Striker, her figure isn't accurate to source material at all, and it's kinda disappointing since Hasbro recently doing a good job at making stylized Transformers characters into this G1-hybrid style and they dropped the ball here.
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dabbingonronpa · 2 years
Earthspark Episode 1 thoughts
Transformers Earthspark Spoilers under cut
It’s an OK start, I guess? The human children characters don't seem that interesting so far, the mom has an interesting background that seems worth exploring, and the dad character is also interesting in a way that can let us explore what commercialization and idolization would be like in a world where Transformers are *real* and *toyetic*. 
The Earth-born Transformers don't have much going for them yet. I don't have much of an opinion on the actual Cybertronians themselves yet, other than I don't get much of a feel of their *weight* when they move, especially in the opening part where they move around oddly and seem really light?
The mini callback to 1984's G1 was really funny and cute with the children interjecting with wanting to do the voices in the background, there are just some uncanny valley effects with the 2D animation suddenly showing things that are very not-1984 (like a soldier in camo fatigues and Bumblebee transforming his hand into a laser). Other than that, I don't have any outstanding complaints.
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whatyourusherthinks · 12 hours
Transformers One Review
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Yes finally! I get to talk about Transformers! The franchise I am absolutely obsessed with! A franchise that is so cool and good, while also being super cheesy and terrible! A franchise that is about an epic clash of ideologies over centuries, the corruption of power turning a noble hero of the people into a tyrant, and seeing how many gimmick toys they can sell to children by making them one note characters. A franchise that has Satan as a planet eater, God as a planet, and Jesus as a psychiatrist, ALL BEING TRANSFORMING ROBOTS AS WELL. THIS IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS THE MY LITTLE PONIES, GHOSTBUSTERS, AND STAR TREK! Okaaaay, deep breathes Roan. Stay on focus just talk about this movie.
I was excited as soon as I saw this trailer. Don't get me wrong, there was like a 65% chance it would be completely awful, but the designs looked like they took inspiration from the original cartoons! So many of the cartons after Gen 1 try to make the Transformers sleek or make them look like every other mech or robot that already exists. And don't even get me started on the metal shard monstrosities that the Michael Bay movies used. Also, the trailer music was dope. I actually watched this movie before The Substance, but I decided that I just wanted to sit and enjoy the movie without worrying about a review for my first viewing. (Also I watched it super late and kinda forgot to take notes until halfway through the movie.)
What's The Movie About?
This movies is a retelling of the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron, where they both start out as miners who can't transform, but team up with Elita-1 and Bumblebee to travel to the surface and regain their transformation cogs, discover the truth about their world, and step into the roles they are more recognizable for.
What I Like.
First off, the animation is amazing. The textures and shine on everyone is pitch perfect. The details on character models and movement is spectacular. I love that the cog-less bots are all grimy and dirty while the one who can transform are shiny and polished. The designs of the Transformers are excellent. They definitely take inspiration from the G1 designs, WHICH ARE THE BEST DESIGNS DON'T COME FOR ME I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL, and the reflections on various characters and objects is sublime. The story is great. I love the message of rising against corrupt authority without become too consumed with vengeance that you become a bigger threat. And the action is awesome, with really creative set pieces! The Cybertron presented in this movie is the coolest Cybertron ever, I like that it actually has wildlife and that the planet's landscape is ever-shifting and transforming ehhhhh. That joke was bad and you should feel inadequate. I always do Buggnutz. The attention to detail and franchise callbacks is a lot of fun. The first time watching the movie, every time there was a group shot of background characters, I'd just be scanning the crowds seeing what transformers I could recognize. And they aren't in people's face about it. There will be parts where characters are transforming and I swear there's some parts-forming in the mix, but nobody comments on it.
And finally, little bits that I only like because I'm a dumb Transformers fan: I really like how the Quintessons look in this movie, they are like cyborg Cthulhu monstrosities with exposed sinew. I'm glad they chose Elita-One to be the female lead in this movie, I feel like the usual default is Arcee and Elita, if she's even mentioned, is a background character. But considering her origins in the first cartoon, I think she makes so much more sense here. I like how they showcase Transformers' abilities to do little transformations, like Optimus needs to go faster, he transform some jets onto his truck form. All of the future Decepticons being the Cybertronian High Guard and dogmatically following who they perceive is the stronger bot is really fun, and makes sense that they eventually take over the planet as they are led by Megatron. I wasn't sure about the Energon returning to the Cybertron at the end of the movie but thinking about it, it work considering how G1 starts out. I also love when Megatron becomes evil, his eyes go red and they do a cool streaking light effect in some scenes, awe it looks frickin' awesome!
What I Don't Like.
Just the voice acting, really. It's not that it's bad, but it's absolute stunt casting of the highest degree. Nobody really melds into their characters except for Lawrence Fishburne, and the only one who really make the character their own is Steve Buscemi. Again, it's not bad, and Chris Hemsworth is trying to sound like Optimus. But it's definitely the lowest part of the movie.
Final Summation.
Transformers has been truly great 5 times. The original 80s animated movie, the Bumblebee movie I heard was pretty good, anytime Transformers Prime was allowed to cook and wasn't clearly trying to push toys, the 2019 IDW comic line, and the Deck Building Game. With the introduction of this movie, increase the number to 6! THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME! It was incredible entertaining for me, a Transformers Fan, I think kids will really like it, and parents probably won't fall asleep during it. If you have any slight interest in the movie or the property, check this movie out. It's SOOOOOO GOOD! (Seriously, play the Deck Building Game if you have a chance. It slaps.)
Anyway, now onto an exhaustive detailing on every Transformers Continuity, and which one this falls into. CODE ALPHA SIGMA, SHUT THE REVIEW DOWN! NOW!
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duhragonball · 3 months
If you ever want to give more Transformers media a shot, The series "Transformers Animated" is really good, as is "Transformers Beast Wars" if you're going with 90s Television CGI. For Comics the current run from Skybound is phenomenal.
I know a lot of fans love Beast Wars and say it was the best thing ever, but as far as I'm concerned Beast Wars ruined everything. It's not just the primitive CGI, or the way everyone's an animal now, although those were things that bothered me. The main problem I have with it is the dialogue. Everyone talks like they're doing Shakespeare in the park, and maybe that overwrought tone is something they picked up from the comics, because I started to notice it there, too.
TFA is probably the closest in tone to the original G1 series, and they even have callbacks to it, like Weird Al doing the voice of Wreck-Gar. I think that's the same show, anyway. But it's still different, and as far as I'm concerned, the whole point of doing a Transfomers cartoon is to try to duplicate the original as much as possible.
I'm not saying it needs to the same voice actors and character models, but if you're putting Optimus Prime in your show, he should talk and act like the Peter Culllen version. And Megatron should be a cackling mastermind, Starscream should be a scheming chickenshit, and so on.
And some shows will approach this ideal, but then stop short, like they're afraid to get too close, like they don't want it to be too silly. That's dumb. Starscream is an inherently silly character. Galvatron's a lunatic. Perceptor's a nerd. Cyclonus is like a goth Smithers. Powerglide thinks he's a movie hero.
Instead it's always like "This time we had 5 Constructicons, and Snarl is a triceratops this time. Enjoy Optimus Prime's new lips!" Who does that serve? What does it accomplish? If you want to redesign the characters and overhaul their personalities, just make new characters. That's what G1 did all the time! Make new team of dinosaur guys, or a new backstabber, or new leader with kissable lips. It doesn't have to be Optimus and Megatron every time!
I may check out the modern comics some day, but Dreamwave really let me down in the 2000s, so I've been reluctant to check out the new stuff.
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thesulliedone · 1 year
I've fallen into this trap multiple times when it comes to new Transformers series. Where upon first glance...I'm like - not really compelled and I'm just think...nah it doesn't really feel like it'll be for me.
Then they release and in many cases shoot up to being amongst my favourites - main cases being Animated and Prime. But at the same time, I guess RiD 2015 exists, which was such a tonal whiplash from Prime and deffo wasn't for me.
And here we are now with the upcoming new TF Comic by Skybound. The folks behind it seem to be big fans of the series, so I don't doubt it'll be done with love. But...it looks *too* G1. Maybe it's cause I'm a TF fan who grew up in the 00s anime era of shows, but I dunno, I feel like G1 callbacks has long reached a saturation point, and are we really doing this song and dance again?
Ehhh...I mean, at the end of the day, there's still a lot to come, it's early days, and I sincerely hope that this is like how Prime and Animated were for me...but I dunno, going all-out G1 just doesn't really compel me
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roadimusprime · 1 year
Rewatching Transformers Animated
Idk if i'm going to rewatch the whole entire show, but we are starting at the beginning with ep 1
Transform and Roll Out part 1:
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Something that you'll note about Animated, very quickly is that it is a bit of a love letter to G1.
There's many tiny little easter eggs or callbacks to the 80s cartoon through out the whole show.
Right off the bat, you get a good handle on this show's version of Optimus. A younger bot who dreams of seeing some action, being a hero and doing more.
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"Wow, when you want back up, you go straight to the top."
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Ultra Magnus: And Prime, don't try to be a hero. It's not in your programming.
OP: Hooooooow bout I do anyway???
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Him face
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The bae himself, Spongescream <3
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ah yes, the dysfunctional family
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Not one of the animators in this episode knew how to draw insignias
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Absolutely terrifying.
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Like G1, the Autobots in this show also crashland on to Earth and are rendered unconscious.
Unlike G1
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We are 50 years into the future.
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All around me are familiar faces........(watch out for these three. They cameo a lot. :3)
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
Reasons I Prefer Transformers Over Sonic The Hedgehog
Recently, I have been looking at Sonic and Transformers content on Tumblr and DeviantArt (both have extraterrestrials, something I have a boner for (as they say), as well as plenty of interesting characters), but what I have noticed is that I have been looking at Transformers content more than I have been looking at Sonic The Hedgehog content.
Why is this, anyone (me, especially) would ask?
Well, to put it simply, here are the reasons why I am more into Transformers than Sonic The Hedgehog:
- The Transformers franchise originated in the 1980′s (probably the best decade of pop cultural history; if not all time); Sonic The Hedgehog originated in the 1990′s, a decade I am not too intrigued by
- Most of their music is kickass and really catchy, including Stan Bush’s “The Touch,” for example; Crush 40′s “Live And Learn” is good, too, but not enough for me to listen to it several times in a row
- The Transformers have their own terminology; Sonic The Hedgehog has very little (“Chaos” is not even a canon swear word, from what I could tell)
- Unlike most Mecha shows like Voltron, the Transformers consist of giant sentient mecha robots that are pilotless and have character as well as quirks and flaws of their own; giant mecha (especially sentient mecha) are absent, if not extremely rare, in Sonic canon, and most of Eggman’s robots are not as attractive, in my opinion
- They are transforming mecha that can have many different vehicles as alt-modes (like sports cars and supercars, planes, helicopters, armored vehicles, and even aircraft carriers); Mobians have many different animal forms, which is nice, but not as intriguing
- There are no song features in any Sonic media (except maybe three Off Course songs in Sonic X, which are close to having 1980′s influences for a Sonic The Hedgehog work), although an upcoming live-action work may contain at least one; Bumblebee (2018), on the other hand, has many 1980′s songs like “Runaway,” “Take On Me,” “Higher Love,” and “Don’t You (Forget About Me),” and even the first live-action film featured “Drive” by The Cars
- While Sonic has two anime shows (Sonic X is more well-known), Transformers has at least ten anime shows (including the original Unicron Trilogy)
- The Transformers influenced other shows like Brave Police J-Decker and GaoGaiGar; what has Sonic The Hedgehog influenced?
- The callbacks for Sonic The Hedgehog do not intrigue me as much as Transformers did (Micron Legend, Superlink, and Galaxy Force have the most G1 callbacks of all Transformers media besides the 1980′s show, itself)
- The Transformers have many excellent English-speaking voice actors, especially Peter Cullen (the original voice for Optimus Prime; who also did KARR in Knight Rider, another 1980′s show featuring robot (cars) characters); Sonic The Hedgehog does not have very much good voice actors, especially the current English voices; although, both franchises have excellent Japanese voice actors, as well
- GUN has been unreasonably demonized by many Sonic fans (because of a Commander who grew up thinking Shadow was evil, but then realized that the black hedgehog was not as bad as he thought), and the branch was branded as an evil organization that should have been the major antagonists in the franchise, despite that branch not being terminated, and that Shadow is working for them (the GUN soldier that killed Maria 50 years ago was even remorseful for what he did); Sector Seven, on the other hand, violated the law by cruel treatment of extraterrestrial life (and big government cover-ups), and got terminated in the 2007 film as a result (Agent Burns and the GUN Commander both hated extraterrestrials (including Bumblebee and Shadow, respectively) until they realized that not all of them are evil); both GUN and Sector Seven were meant to protect the public, and Sector Seven violated the law and nearly jeopardized human lives as well as Transformers, while GUN was misled by a conspiracy regarding the Ultimate Lifeform 50 years ago (why the fans blame certain people based on what happened in the past is beyond me...)
- Protecting Earth is more prominent in Transformers than it is in Sonic The Hedgehog, from my perspective
- The live-action films for Transformers debuted sooner, and a live-action Sonic film has yet to come (2020, I think it is...)
- I have been blocked by around 18 or 20 Sonic fans (including @khaosspear), and around 3 Trans-fans; therefore, Trans-fans tend to be more tolerant than Sonic fans
- The Transformers fandom is more flexible with shipping than Sonic is (for instance, Mobian reproductive systems are human-like; Transformers have a non-binary gender, and there are many possibilities of how they reproduce)
- Sonadow is more well-known regarding Sonic pairings, and there are no underrated pairings I could find (except for maybe Eggman x Katella); Megascream and MegOP are more well-known regarding Transformers pairings, and there are many underrated pairings that I wish to be recognized more (like Armada’s Hot Shot x Demolishor and Knightverse’s Shatter x Dropkick and Charlie x Memo)
- There are more villainesses in Transformers than there are in Sonic The Hedgehog (Nightbird, Strika, Blackarachnia, Arachnid, GF Chromia (Cybertron Thunderblast), Slipstream, SG Arcee and Elita-1, Alice, Crasher, Quintessa and Shatter vs. Katella The Huntress, Momma Robotnik, Fiona Fox, Zeena from the Deadly Six and Merlina The Wizard)
- The Transformers franchise is larger than the Sonic franchise, and has more fan media opportunities
- Nearly all Transformers works are the most underrated regarding seiyuu (the Sonic media is more well-known with seiyuu, but not Transformers; hopefully, THAT can be changed); in fact, the first work from many seiyuu I came across is Transformers (especially Micron Legend and Superlink) before I came across any Sonic games; there is even a list of seiyuu in TFWiki.net
Well, that sums it up.  I still like Sonic The Hedgehog, but I like Transformers even more for exactly those reasons.  Also, there are a lot more underrated pieces of content for Transformers than there is for Sonic.
Right now, I am still making a list of extra content for Tumblr and DeviantArt (among other sites, even though I am logged in to three), as well as browsing more that I may have missed; really old content counts, but since so many accounts were deactivated or dormant, my list is my top priority.  Also, @needs-to-stop-looking-at-valves just finished Transformers: Armada (and it didn’t look like they really like the overall show as much; I couldn’t blame them, though), and the voting for the next show to view is coming up soon.  My vote is for either one of the three Transformers shows: Micron Legend, G1, or Car Robots (Robots In Disguise).  But, whatever this user chooses, I am perfectly fine with it; I will not judge.
That is all I will be saying for now.  Stay tuned for more posts. 
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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walking-on-a-scream · 3 years
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“No you'd better stay close to me”
Had the pleasure of commissioning the amazing @frogwhomp of humanformer Arcee. Can't get over how perfect she looks. 
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Rescue bots broke the transformers curse by having four seasons, and okay maybe i shouldn't have been so out of it when I last watched it
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