#g1 dion
Going on about War Dawn and the invention of Orion Pax, David Wise revealed that making the civilian Megatron brutalized in the past, a young Optimus Prime, was something he decided later rather than initially in the plot of the episode.
Basically the earlier premise was Aerialbots admire Megatron, but go back & see Megatron commit an atrocity on defenseless people, but than Wise was all like "what if that person Megatron maimed in cold blood was a young Optimus Prime" and invented Orion Pax.
Speaking of which, the episode originally had Ariel killed by Megatron and unable to be rebuilt to add some loss to the episode, but when Wise was talking with another writer like on a coffee break, someone was like "a pink robot that is the girlfriend of Optimus, that sounds like Elita One" and Wise was all like "I never saw that episode, but you're right!"
As a result, he hurriedly wrote in a mention of Ariel surviving and being rebuilt as Elita One.
There wasn't any connections like this for Dion and his original death remained, further confirming, despite fan speculation, he never became anyone else.
Speaking of which, Megatron's way of disposing of Orion, Dion & Ariel was originally more gruesome.
Like in the script, Megatron ripped off Dion's arm and than used the severed limb to whack off his head! Animators thought this was too violent even for robots and changed it to them simply being shot.
Oh damn!
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arceespinkgun · 13 days
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Um... re: prev post, this is happier times I suppose lol (The joke is that since Orion and Dion are remolds of Kup, they come with his goodie dispenser thing that looks like a juice box lol)
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falliay · 1 year
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Another TF dump :)
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I've always thought of Dion as the Polites to Optimus's Oddesyus.
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dionmagnus · 1 year
Tfp Ariel and Dion bc Orion Pax deserves his friends back
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transmetal-tk · 2 years
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Happy Obscure Characters Month! I was feeling inspired
What if instead of Dion from Hot Shot, we got Dion from Hot Rod?
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steelthroat · 2 months
Okay hear me out for this one...
40 years of franchise
Optimus Prime has had Elita(g1, tfa, and tfe), no? But also that weird tension with Shockwave(g1 idw), Dion (g1), and of course his obsession with Megatron(everything), right?
Okay, so you know... pretty bi to me :D
But then you have Megatron. So with Megatron, you see Kiloton, Ultra Magnus (idw and Netflix trilogy) Rodimus (idw) Starscream(choose your media) and of course his obsession with Optimus Prime, right?
No women, I see no tension with any female-presenting robot in the franchise, right? I remember him being close with elita in the Netflix trilogy before the war broke out, but I don't remember it being a love triangle kind of thing.
And he once said Nightbird was "hot enough to replaced you (Starscream)" when said mech said "she's not so hot" (g1 cartoon)
Other than that nothing.
We have both make and female characters lusting over him, tho. However, he hasn't reciprocated their avances (unicron trilogy)
SO... what I'm trying to say is that nothing in 40 years of franchise negates the possibility of Megatron being gay since Megatron has never hinted any interest towards women or female-presenting robots.
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
Hi! Longtime lurker here, I adore your writing and all the oneshots you publish. Do you have any cute headcanons about Optimus and Elita’s relationship (for instance, how they met, deciding to become Conjuxed, and other miscellaneous stuff)?
That I do! I love them very much your honor, so let me specify based on continuity. For now, lets stick to G1. I've had longer to think about them.
Orion and Ariel met in a barfight. Orion decked someone for making nasty comments about Ariel and she in turn decked Orion thinking he was the one being gross.
They made up afterwards with a drink and proceeded to dance the night away, promptly exchanging communication lines.
Once Orion figured out where Ariel worked and after they had been talking for a while, he marched across Iacon in order to sign on at her depot.
Dion thought he was nuts but came along because he enjoyed the drama.
Orion made it a point to be a gentlemech even while working at the docks. He would carry anything heavier than a cat for Ariel's and would go out of his way to get her energon for her so she didn't have to stand in line for rations.
They began courting after Orion got into yet another fist fight in Ariel's defense. He got his face busted in, and while Ariel helped him get patched up, Orion blurted out that he couldn't just let other mechs touch her.
Ariel took that personally and proceeded to become just as devoted as Orion. This earned the duo many gags and amusing reactions from their fellows who referred to them as the "lovebirds".
Ariel and Orion never actually managed to be Conjunxed as dock workers. That came later when they met under the light of Luna 1 before the Exodus late into the war. Optimus brought Elita-One the last crystal rose he could find and asked her to be his Conjunx right there.
She agreed and they spent a mere three cycles together before having to go their separate ways. But Elita wore a simple pendant with contained a petal of that single rose. Optimus for his part carried the piece of Elita's antennae that had been torn off in combat.
During the war, when they were able, Optimus and Elita would call each other by their old names and dance under the stars, singing wild songs from the docks while playing music that didn't match the mood in the slightest.
When the war ended, Elita wept for Optimus during his many moments of death. But after each miraculous return, they would always reaffirm their oaths to each other. Usually with a few soft touches.
Post war, Elita and Optimus are the most sappy couple to have ever become a thing. They are constantly calling each other nicknames like "honey", "Sweetspark", "pooch" (that one is elita's and only for when she's feeling mischievous), "My forever", and Optimus's favorite, "My rose." (For obvious reasons).
They openly wear very obvious marks of their conjunxing now that they aren't being attacked left, right, and center. Elita keeps her pendant but also loves to have a little engraving of Optimus's pet name for her on her neck guard. Slightly scandalous, but she enjoys it, especially because Optimus has "pooch" written on his inner thigh where only she and the very observant can see.
They are also very good at being quiet about their activities as a couple. But when they feel like shooing mecha away, they love to get sappy and gross everyone out of the room.
They are also notoriously dramatic when the situation isn't serious. Put them in a war room and neither will so much as smile. But give them a minor issue, and they can and will make fun of those who are enduring some slight embarrassment.
Whenever Optimus takes on a new apprentice (adopts a child-), Elita has been known to mother them relentlessly in her own way. Some get beat around in training, others get homemade goodies. Others still may end up getting actually adopted.
Rodimus still has no idea that technically he's Optimus and Elita's on paper. Only Kup and Ultra Magnus know. Both think its hilarious and have no intention of telling poor Rodimus anytime soon.
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thepariahcontinuum · 5 months
Thoughts on the transformers 1 trailer?
I don't hate it.
I mean, it feels like it could be "Generic summer kids film" with Transformers slapped over it, but at the same time it could honestly be a good example of that on it's own merits.
There's also enough nods, references and deep cuts in there to show that someone involved genuinely loves Transformers (The fact Bumblebee's battle mask is G1 Goldbug's face is inspired and Megatron's black helmet is an homage to the G1 comics)
I like that certain things are different but in a way that is so deliberately opposite to things we've seen before that it still feels like paying homage.
I wish that the Cybertronian wildlife looked a little more alien, and now we've seen what Alpha Trion's alt mode is I'm interested to see if they do anything interesting with Beast-Formers as a prehistoric form of Cybertronian like prime did, especially since we see a shot of what looks like Airrachnid.
I hope that we contrive a way for Megatron to get the name the way he does in the IDW comics, or something that acknowledges it.
My biggest gripe is Bumblebee....I get why they put the kid favourite mascot there I really do, but he doesn't belong there. He's playing the role of Dion, if they wanted a goofy kid friendly character for this story they could have used plenty of other bots.....Hell, Tailgate worked in Waste Disposal?
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blueikeproductions · 7 months
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More of the Energon AU. This helps lay down some of the general ideas. Already some of the Alpha Q System citizens are teaming up with the Autobots like Kranix. The platform they’re standing on was supposed to be the Miranda II, but it’s now Omega Supreme because in the middle of drawing it I remembered he had a battleship mode. The Seacons were originally going to be part of the Energon toy line as Terrorcons but they were scrapped. Fittingly the Japanese Seacons typically are drones with a single sentient commander, like the Energon Terrorcons so I repurposed them.
In this version of events, Sharkticon and Slugslinger were upgraded from generics, similar to Wing Dagger. Their original identities were, imaginatively enough, Sharkron and Slug. Unicron Scales are lifted from an early concept from the G1 movie, where all Decepticons were upgraded using said scales.
The idea of designated reformatting idento computer terminals comes from an observation that the Energon characters never displayed an ability to Scan on their own, while they could in Armada and Cybertron. Making it a treaty deal so the Decepticons couldn’t sneak around and scan something to fight back was my rationale.
The Dinobot Combiner, Volcanicus Maximus, has sentient components which can all assume Robot Modes, to reflect the idea intended by Hasbro/Takara but not in the cartoon with the other Maximus combiners. Scorn is named after his movie counterpart, while the others are Skar (ankylosaur), Slash (parasaurolophus), Strafe (pachy) and Slog (styracosaurus).
The girl bot talking about Nautica is Optimus’ kid sister Ariel (a deliberate name usage because Ariel was Arcee’s Japanese name, but I don’t see Ariel becoming Elita until Cybertron.) She was a plucky teenager helping with things on Cybertron with her best friend Dion during Armada, while more of an older skewing teen by Energon, being more active in the field alongside her brother.
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mrowsters · 9 months
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I was reading Pleiades of Lost Children by Cao_the_dreamer on A03 and fell in love with it. So....FANART. This scene happens in chapter one.
it's actually part of a series! I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to read.
(i tried to base Dion off of the author's sketch in the first part of the series but ended up kinda designing him as i see him in my head. Also, i hope the G1 bapy Skywarp is okay. It's how i see them in my head and i wasn't sure if the animated versions seen with Prowl and Optimus extended to the other characters? On that note, this is my first time drawing tfa Optimus. i hope he looks okay. your story is amazing and i hope to draw more!)
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
nO because that's interesting
You'll see Dion x Ariel x Orion shipped quite an amount, but for some odd reason you don't really see UM shipped with Oplita
It makes sense, but it acts as if something changed between them during their respective rebuildings so that Mags got kicked out of the polycule. Which is both fair but also because it'd be interesting to see more OplitaMags
There's gotta be a reason for this, probably because you don't see g1 Ultra Magnus with Optimus that much while you definitely see Elita One with Optimus prime a lot. hmm. Interesting.
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arceespinkgun · 2 years
New theory: Orion Pax's friend Dion got rebuilt not into somebody people have theorized a lot about before, like Ultra Magnus, Kup, or Ironhide, but instead his parts just got reused for Elita-1 along with Ariel's. I mean, Elita-1 is bigger than Ariel, so Alpha Trion would've had to get the rest of the parts from somewhere, right? XD
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elfdragon12 · 1 month
"Don't watch any new Transformers One trailers! Paramount is spoiling the movie!"
I, an adult who's watched all the mainstream shows and read a good chunk of the comics, am supposed to be surprised by anything that happens in this movie?
Look, it was pretty obvious from the first trailer that this is a G1 origin story retelling flavored with IDW1 and Aligned lore. Episodes "Forever Is a Long Time Coming" and "Five Faces of Darkness part 4" in particular. The main characters are all the usual suspects. I guess there are some surprising cameos, but, considering the fact that Bumblebee is a main character when it should be Dion or Ironhide or Ratchet... My hopes aren't high that most of these background cameos will have more than a few lines just to let the long-time fans gush about finally getting to see a character they like on the big screen (me, staring wistfully at Blaster whose only onscreen appearance since the 80s was the Chip and Dale movie in a group shot) while the big obviously marketable characters get 90% of the spotlight. Literally, the only "surprise" casting is that Elita-1 gets to be the main female character in a movie instead of Arcee... And that's not a surprise because her character is supposed to be there.
I hear the movie is good. Great! But, if the trailers really are "spoiling" the movie, it's not like it's some big groundbreaking story if you've been around for a while... And that's okay! It's obvious what direction they're taking the story and... That's what we're here for--a retelling of a story we already know and like. It would be weirder if they pulled out some out of nowhere shock twist like... Soundwave was a mole for the Senate the whole time! Or something.
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So I've been listening to your light from Epic the Musical, and it is just such a Dion/Orion Pax Song, so I had to draw something based on it
I love these two a little too much
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dionmagnus · 2 years
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