#g1 for the win ✨
sparklingpax · 1 month
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whipped up a lil g1 oppy on rather short notice for a friend...sharing cause he turned out cute :)) enjoy ❤️🌟💕
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vodid · 2 years
In the midst of all the chaos happening right now in the polls, I’d just like to say that I really like the way you draw Prowl. Your style fits the vibes of both TFA and G1 Prowl so well. ✨
BAHAHA PLS just as it occurred to me that you're seeing the absolute war going on in ur reblogs, you jump in with a reblog of ur own hdsfdsfs but tysm!!! i spent years honing my style just to blorbify prowl (and jazz) as much as possible 🤌
i WILL win people over, even if that means i have to spend 6 more years doing so!
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sparklingpax · 3 months
i know we know this already but like. they really COOKED with that s2 intro to g1 tbh...
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sparklingpax · 5 months
so.....video I made.....
enjoy if you wish <3
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sparklingpax · 2 years
this fight sequence lives rent-free in my brain, it's so chaotic and perfect for an example to aid describing how fights in G1 tend to go
all hail Megatron's legendary 180° hip-twist
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sparklingpax · 2 years
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Happy Transformers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I'm late!!!!!!! But I bring a tiny doodle of Optimus and Megan going at it again 😹✨✨ // 🌼 Music is "Victory Finale" from the Transformers G1 Season 1 OST OST 💫
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sparklingpax · 2 years
g1 feels like a sitcom sometimes
every day the decepticons are out to do some bullshit so optimus brings the whole gang and the two teams stand there for a while, monologuing and taking pot shots at each other. (sometimes it's one-on-one roasting matches if they really feel like getting into the fight right away!) the way both teams will stand there awkwardly while Megan and op have a go at each other tho 💀✨
you can just see skywarp spacing out as he stands there while megatron swears today will be the day he destroys the autobots--47th time's the charm and all that. Starscream will sometimes take the opportunity to insult Megatron, his commanding officer if you actually think about it, and megatron will often insult him back
it's important to note the way the "fearsome decepticons" bicker and poke at each other like a couple of squabbling middle schoolers all the time
then the two factions will fight--aka slap each other around a bit--and after Megatron loses due to having the reaction time of my mom's 11-year-old MacBook pro & having a team with the same number of braincells as himself (none), he flies off, swearing revenge yet again.
one of the autobots might make another snide remark or two, and they all laugh as the episode ends. very few times is there any actual panic about the battle, they know where each other live too so it's also like "hey guys. wanna go attack the autobots again?" And then they do
why are they even still fighting if you can call that fighting 😭
so anyway, all that's missing are the laugh tracks--
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sparklingpax · 2 years
YELLING ok y'all I know I've ranted about this before but the G1 soundtracks for seasons 1&2 are really good 😭🙏✨
Personally I like Season 2's more than 1, but I love both???
So anyway, links for anyone who wants to give these a listen 😩🙏💙💕✨✨
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sparklingpax · 2 years
just had a terrible thought.
so. imagine the entirety of g1 but when they hit each other or whatever, rather that metal pipe noise, the bonk sound effect plays at varying pitches--
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sparklingpax · 2 years
You forgot to mention every time that Megatron 'falls', even when he actually fell on a rock, Starscream attempts to take control over The Decepticons. That pretty much never worked, now did it? (-TFP FAN)
For example Megatron, like, loses his ability to formulate proper words for a couple minutes one episode & Starscream's like "damn 😔 weLL I GUESS THAT MAKES ME THE NEW LEADER 🤪🤪" [paraphrased ofc]
Gosh I love G1 tbhh
-Kuni 💫
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sparklingpax · 3 years
the way megatron & the decepticons just Knew where the Autobots were and how the autobots also knew this but no one was ever really....that concerned about it
And forget the autobots needing to do extensive searching for the Decepticon bases since in all his wisdom and Good Judgement, Megatron would build a huge alien-looking building in the middle of some big open area, and for a finishing touch slapped a decepticon symbol on it
There was never any "shit we gotta hide" or "ok priority one is find the Autobots" no no
It was like. Everyone chilling, and then megan, bored, decides he wants to do some Evil Shit™️ and boom. They fight. And the days go by~
Even better, how he and the cons sometimes flew on over to the Autobots' base to like, tell them about it threaten them and stuff lmao
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Howdy! I was wondering if you could write a short story about a reader coming out as ace to Kup (G1), it would mean a lot to me.
Hello hello anon! :D
I'm admittedly a tad busy at the moment, and I'm just now realizing I've forgotten to actually say my inbox is closed at the moment for requests, so that's my bad ^^''
However this is such a sweet request! And so I feel compelled to write! Here goes~ <D
(sorry for typos or if I wrote Kup's character wrong, or if this is generally weirdly written....I'm a bit sleepy & I'm not the most familiar with his character so it was a little hard for me to get him right, either way I tried >//<)
All that said though, I really do hope you like it!
Also if it's ok, I took the liberty to make Kup the guardian of the reader in this story, just because why not, kind grandpa vibes, ya know?
Enjoy! Hopefully..... ^w^
[setting this with Rodimus being Hot Rod. Because....reasons....lmao]
"And then there was the time back on the fifth moon near Jupiter--or was it Saturn...or--no, it was..."
Definitive speech trailed off into mumblings as Kup narrowed his eyes in thought. The dinobots shifted around impatiently, wanting to hear the rest. You and they had heard this story many times before.
"Tell us story!!" Grimlock called, tapping his tail to the ground as he spoke. The other dinobots made noises of agreement.
Kup seemed equally as impatient as they were, looking to be caught between pretending he recalled the moon or really trying to remember it.
Or at least, that much you knew. Because you'd known the old bot for a while. Kup was your guardian after all.
As he'd told this story to you even more times than any other, he'd found you in some wreckage from one of the Autobots' many earth battles, and immediately felt struck with responsibility to take you in. You then became another member of the team, traveling to places in the universe you'd never dreamed would have even existed--at least, going by your schoolbooks.
He kept your company always, almost like a grandpa and an older brother at the same time. Everyone had been kind to you in your years spent cruising space--bots and humans.
Here was honestly....a good place.
You shifted yourself to a cross-legged position and smiled up at the old bot, because you didn't mind to wait for his decision. He caught your eye and a twinkle sparked through his own optics.
"Ah, yes, the fifth moon of Jupiter! I had it right the first time," he said finally, a triumphant fist smack to punctuate his statement.
You bit your tongue as your smile turned to a smirk.
We're going with pretending to recall. Nice one, Kup.
And the minutes passed. You heard the tale of this old bot evading a hoard of little monsters with wings and teeth for what seemed like the hundredth time, and so did the dinobots. And everyone was happy.
Kup always told his stories, often slightly differently each time. But it was no matter. Everyone loved to hear him talk!
"Oh, Primes Almighty, Kup, not this one again," a mumble purposefully loud enough for everyone to hear cut through the closing remarks about bravery and "acting first" Kup was making.
Ok, maybe not everyone.
Eyes turned to see Hot Rod standing in the doorway to the lounge, arms folded. Kup broke off and folded his own arms. The younger mech seemed to be feeling confident, and decided to push a little.
"Don't you have other stories to tell? Ones that you remember, anyway?"
You made a face.
That was rude, Hot Rod.
But Kup had one better for the young bot.
"Don't you have a maintenance appointment to be getting to? The one you're..." he looked at the clock on the wall, "...25 minutes late to about now?"
You made a face as Hot Rod's optics opened wide.
The only one in that room who knew if that was even true or not was Kup, and you decided this was the best time to speak up and play along.
"Yea, remember what happened last time you skipped out?" You called up at him, standing up and placing your hands on your hips.
And that must have been enough for the young bot to make a frustrated noise, turn on his heel, and then go sprinting down the hall in the direction of the medical room.
You and Kup exchanged glances.
"Young bots these days, by Primus," Kup sighed. "They're just so rude! But gullible as hell."
And messing with them is fun.
"Well, that's all for me," the old veteran said, standing up and deciding to leave the room himself. You followed him, leaving the dinobots to themselves. No doubt they'd be fighting in another few minutes, anyway.
Small humans in a room full of flying tails and mechs wasn't the greatest idea.
Besides, there was...something you'd been wanting to talk about for a bit with your guardian.
You were nervous, even though previous serious talks with Kup had told you the same thing over and over--he would support your no matter what happened. It was 'his soldierly duty' he said firmly, but you would just smile, knowing it wasn't as formal a duty, and closer to something like...family, if that was the right word...
You jolted at the sound of his voice suddenly in the silence of the hall.
"Hey," you said back, just as casually.
Your pace quickened to walk beside him rather than behind. Casting a look upwards, you saw a knowing look in his eyes. And then he spoke again.
"You seem to have something on your mind."
You were quiet, looking away. Your heart started to pound. This would be the first time you ever tried to tell anyone--on this ship or in general.
"You wanna talk about it or...?"
You both stopped. Kup turned and bent down carefully. Light gear creaks sounded as he pulled himself into a cross-legged position.
He knew you liked to sit like that, so he'd often do it when you had conversations with him. You dropped to the floor and did the same. Silence pulled the moments by until you broke it with a small sigh.
"Yes. I do. But...it's...well, how do I exactly tell you this? I've...never really...um, talked about it."
Kup laughed lightly. "I think the only way to say it is to--well, say it! So just come out with it, kid! You know I'll go nuts from the suspense! And..." his tone leveled a little with calm, firm kindness. "You know I'm always here to listen. You've got no judgement with whatever you say to me."
Again, you couldn't help but smile.
Kup was a cranky old bot who was always talking, relying on what he knew from the past to help him in his present moments. You knew the things the others would say about him. But you could see beyond that.
To you, he was a friend. And...friends listen. They care.
Deep breath, it's just Kup.
"Alright," Kup echoed, staring at you in a way that indicated his full attention. "Let's hear it."
"Um. Well. I'm....Ace."
Kup nodded slowly, solemnly. Then he leaned back hummed.
You took this as a silent cue that he had no idea what that meant. You reminded yourself how old this bot was, and how little time he'd spent on earth.
"It's....well, it means I've got little to no sexual attraction to others...but it doesn't mean I can't have emotionally intimate relationships. In fact, I want those very much, but it's not....about the sex for me..." You trailed off, wondering if he understood what that meant.
"So...you're Ace." He said thoughtfully.
"Kid, that's two things I learned today!" Kup said earnestly at last, a sparkle in his optics. He gave you a light headpat. "I've learned a new word, and I've learned more about who you are."
"I...." You felt your heartrate begin to calm down. "So...so you're ok with it?"
Kup looked surprised.
"Why wouldn't I be? I'm your guardian, I care about your well-being and that means you. Of course I'm ok with it! From what I gather, being Ace is a part of your identity. In fact, I almost wish I'd known sooner! But of course, some things take time to say."
He smiled at you.
"You're a soft-spoken kid, you don't waste your words, and I respect that. I'm glad you took your time, and I'm glad you trusted me with this. You know I'm always here for you if you wanna talk. Doesn't matter what about. That's a promise--and you know Ol' Kup doesn't break his promises!" He gave a proud laugh as he spoke.
You were so happy--so relieved--you felt as if you could cry.
But then again, that wasn't much your MO. You were what you thought to be a tougher person, and instead you stood up and took a few steps closer to the older bot. He held out his hand again and you gently hugged one of his large, silver metal digits.
"Aw gee, kid," he said more quietly.
He wanted to say more, but his well-honed wisdom and prudence told him that this was a moment for reverent silence. Words didn't need to be spoken right now. And both of you were fine with that.
Then, after a few more minutes, you both decided to head to the medical room to see what Hot Rod had gotten up to--perhaps to mess with him some more if he really did still think he had an appointment.
"So...are all humans 'Ace'?"
You laughed a little. "No! Some of us are, but there are many different sexualities people can have, as well as genders..."
"My!" He uttered, sounding amazed. "I had no idea. But you know, I think that's neat. I think we've even got something like that on Cybertron, but I guess there isn't really a name for it."
"You do?"
"Yep! We just...are who we are and love who we love. And that's fine and dandy, as long as we can be true to ourselves."
You thought about that for a bit, turning the concept over in your thoughts. It was poetic--and you liked it.
"But now I'm curious about you humans. I want to learn more about all this...you know a place where I can do that?"
You stared up at him for a few beats before sighing with feigned exasperation.
"For starters, you can ask me....or....there's always that computer in the main control room. It's got no password or anything, and access to all the information in the universe...or most of it, at least..."
"Yes, I know, but in my day, we didn't have those newfangled search machines this ship is covered in!"
Oh, here we go.
"Really?" You echoed, knowing he wasn't really waiting for that question.
"Really!" He affirmed, folding his arms. Turning a corner, he began his tales once again, and you quietly and interestedly listened.
After all, friends listen--they care about what the other has to say to them. And you liked what Kup had to say.
"In fact, we used these--these old models that were taller than the ceiling in that room, and with buttons that were large and clunky, like...."
hhsdhjsdjn ok off to sleep I go, sorry again for typos or weird phrasing, I'm so tired rn & I have to wake up in four hours for a long day of classes 😔💫 but anyway, I hope again you liked it! And thanks for reading <3
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sparklingpax · 3 years
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Optimus likes cowboys, so he went and adopted a cow + then found a lil cowboy hat. It’s four in the morning, so naturally, he now seeks Spike’s approval, since he first heard about them from him :D 
Meanwhile, Spike is just trying to drink his morning coffee before he heads out for a date with Carly. He was not expecting Optimus to show up with a live cow and a hat, asking about cowboys at 4 in the morning,,
.....this entire piece turned out so bad aaa a *muffled sobbing* 
Like there is so much about this I genuinely don’t like....however, I’m going ahead and posting it anyway because I thought the idea was kinda cute/funny ^^’’ 
& lmao as you can see, the response from Spike was a last-minute addition I did in like. 20 minutes because my computer kept crashing ;w; 
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sparklingpax · 4 years
that one time when Starscream threatened to expose Thudercracker's "treachery" to Megatron while he,,, literally commits treason,,,on a daily basis,,,,as in he's actually made attempts on Megatron's life and outright said "I wanna rule the Decepticons you suck" to Lord Megan's face and meanwhile TC's "putrid traitorous act" was merely musing a thought while pointing a gun at an Autobot
this show makes me lose my mind
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Take, for example, Exibit A: 
// Starscream: How DARE you assign me to gaurd duty, Megatron!! >:C
Skywarp: Have fun playing crystal nurse, Screamer! Byyyeeeee~~~ //
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