#gabriella patterson
immabitqueer · 2 years
If anyone knows any good "Charecters watch the movie/show" fics for literally any Kenny Ortega musical please give me recommendations, I'm starving for content
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atletasudando · 1 year
Joselyn Brea fue la estrella de la penúltima jornada atlética en los Juegos
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La tercera medalla de oro para la venezolana Joselyn Brea constituyó el hecho relevante de la penúltima jornada del atletismo en los 24° Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe, en el estadio Jorge Mágico González, en San Salvador, este jueves 6 de julio. Brea, quien venía de obtener el medio maratón y los 5.000 metros, continuó con su inusual despliegue y ganó los 1.500 con 4:10.39, delante de las cubanas Samily Diago (4:11.07) y Daily Cooper (4:11.25). En los 1.500 de hombres, el triunfo fue para el mexicano Fernando Martínez con 3:43.47, seguido por el puertorriqueño Robert Napolitano (3:43.86) y Dage Minors de Bermudas, con 3:45.12 México sumó otro título a través de su destacada fondista Carmen Galván, quien ganó los 10 mil metros con 33:12.28. Galván venía de ser desbordada por Joselyn Brea en los tramos finales de los 5.000 metros. Oriunda de La Sauceda, un pequeño pueblo del estado de Guanacato, en algún tramo se vio superada por la guatemalteca Viviana Aroche. Pero luego prevaleció con amplitud, ya que Aroche terminó en 33:38.44 y la medalla de bronce fue para otra mexicana, Clitoli Cristian con 33:40.43. En esta prueba, la colombiana Muriel Coneo se ubicó 5ª. con 34:40.21 y su coaptriota Palmenia Agudelo, 7ª. con 35:39.49.   Entre las figuras sudamericanas de este jueves hay que resaltar también a la colombiana Martha Valeria Araujo, subcampeona del heptathlon. El desarrollo de las combinadas cambió dramáticamente en las últimas dos pruebas. La cubana Rodríguez, quien lideraba con cierta amplitud tras el salto en largo, quedó muy relegada por sus 20.99 m. en jabalina y directamente no participó en los 800. Araujo había pasado al frente tras su formidable producción en jabalina (51.27 metros) y allí tomó una ventaja de 52 puntos sobre la otra representante cubana, Patterson.  Sin embargo, no pudo mantenerla ya que la cubana corrió esa distancia en 216.52 y Araujo, en 2:21.68. Patterson se llevó la medalla de oro  con 5.978 puntos, Araujo fue subcampeona con 5.960 y la puertorriqueña Alyson Felix, tercera con 5.860. Otra medalla para Colombia llegó a través de José Tomás Nieto, el garrochista que entrena y estudia en EE.UU. Ahora pasó los 5.30 m. y quedó tercero, detrás de los mexicanos Jorge Luna (5.40) y Víctor Castillero (5.30). El venezolano Ricardo Montes de Oca (clase 2006) logró el 5° puesto con 5.20 m. Las pruebas de 400 metros llanos tuvieron clase mundial. El triniteño Jereeme Richards, hasta ahora especialista en 200, venció con 44.54, que constituyen la mejor expresión técnica del atletismo de estos Juegos. Michael Joseph, de Santa Lucía, fue subcampeón con 44.90 y el bronce quedó para Gilles Biron, de Martinica con 45.06. EL venezolano Kelvis Padrino terminó 7° con 45.97. Y en damas participó la consagrada dominicana Marileidy Paulino –subcampeona olímpica- quien demostró su jerarquía con 49.95. La medalla de plata fue para la cubana Roxana Gómez con 51.23 y el bronce para Gabriella Scott (Costa Rica) con 51.51, aventajando por seis centésimas a la colombiana Evelis Aguilar. También en lanzamiento de jabalina venció un valor de primer nivel mundial: Keshorn Walcott (Trinidad Tobago), ex campeón olímpico y mundial junior Ahora llegó a 83.60, seguido por el mexicano David Carreón con 78.03 y el jamaiquino Elvis Graham con 76.43. El recordman de Guyana, Leslain Alvin Baird, terminó cuarto con 75.86, un puesto por delante del colombiano Billy Julio (74.20). La programación concluyó con el relevo 4x100, en ambos sexos. Cuba ganó en damas con 43.17, seguido por Trinidad-Tobago con 43.43 y República Dominicana con 43.56. Aquí fue descalificada la cuarteta de Colombia. En hombres, Trinidad Tobago venció con 38.30, seguido por los favoritos de República Dominicana con 38.61. Y el bronce representó un nuevo lauro para Venezuela, que marcó 39.13 y formó con David Vivas, Rafael Vásquez, Alexis Nieves y Bryan Alamo. Colombia fue cuarto con 39.45 y Guyana –formando con el campeón individual Archibald, Noelex Holde,r Akeem Stewart y el juvenil Ezekiel Newton- marcó 39.66 para el quinto puesto. Estuvieron muy cerca del récord nacional que tiene casi medio siglo (39.59 en los Juegos Panamericanos de México 75). Read the full article
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ladyvivienneloyola · 6 years
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Presenting Illea Illustrated’s Influential Individuals for The Elite Issue: The Elite Six featuring Prince Benjamin Schreave
@benjaminschreave, @danielle-leblanc, @gabriellapatterson, @darcyduncan, @opheliagardinier, @zara-flores, @ladyvivienneloyola 
Illea Illustrated, The Elite Issue
Heyo everyone, it looks like I’ve become my own personal magazine publishing company. ANYWAY, as a former illustrator for Illea Illustrated, I’ve always wanted to make a fancy magazine cover with all the Selected girls and well I considered this to be my last time and only opportunity to do this while I’m still around so ya know what? HERE IT ISSSSSSSSS. (just the cover tho HAHAHAHA) So yeah, I hope you guys like this(?) and it actually looks legit??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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opheliagardinier · 6 years
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Thank you so much to Anya (@ladyvivienneloyola) and Issy (@gabriellapatterson) for the plane RPs! I had a great time!
Word count: 1569
(Warning: swearing)
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
I ran my fingertips along the dark circles beneath my eyes as I stared at myself in the mirror. It had been nearly two weeks since I’d properly slept. Between the stress of the Selection and everything with Christian I hadn’t found the time or will.  Things had gotten so bad I had started biting my nails again, something which I hadn’t done in years.
Breath. Breathe. Breathe.
That morning was a blur between officials making sure we stayed on schedule and my family fussing over me. At some point I wandered out of my room, only to immediately be descended upon by the masses.
“Make sure you’re careful around that boy, okay?” My grandmother asked me as she put up my hair- because apparently, I was incapable of doing so on my own. “I don’t like all this business with that girl in the magazines.”
“Grandma,” I sighed. “You know that there’s always more to a story than a photo. The truth rarely sells.”
She clicked her tongue, seeming to choose to ignore my comment. Hadn’t my face been splashed across the papers with false headlines enough for her to learn? Hell, the photo wasn’t even clear enough to definitively determine it was actually the prince. But there was no reasoning with her.
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“Have you heard from Christian?” She wondered in an innocent tone, as she placed the final bobby pins in my hair.
“No.” I shook my head. “He’s very busy.”
That was only half true. We hadn’t spoken since that day we’d gone swimming and the silence between us was eating me alive. Even if we hadn’t always gotten to talk to one another every day there had never been radio silence between us.
After a very short final breakfast as a family- which I couldn’t bring myself to eat- I set off towards the city square with my mother. There were words from the mayor and enough photographs taken to last me a lifetime. Despite everything, I put on a brave face, determined to look happy and presentable.  But then the goodbyes came.
My mom had been mostly silent that morning, as I had expected her to be. But as the morning had gone on I began to see the cracks form in her appearance and I realised this is why my grandma had insisted she and my grandfather stay back. They had wanted us to spend those final moments together- just the two of us- before I was whisked away.
I turned to my mother to give her one last hug goodbye. To my surprise tears had started pooling in her eyes, catching me off guard.
“Oh, mama.” I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. “Don’t cry.”
“Please be careful, Ophelia.” She begged me, as she began to sob.
At first, I did my best to not cry, but I couldn’t fight off the tears for long.
I stood there, with my arms wrapped around her, never wanting to let go. The feeling of not knowing when I would see her again had hit me full force. I had never been away from her for more than two weeks in my entire life.
“I will, mommy, I promise.”
I tried to memorise everything about that moment. The smell of her perfume. The way the curls of her hair felt beneath my fingertips. The way her arms felt around me as she held me close- a feeling I’d taken for granted my entire life.
And then I had to let go.
I looked back and waved to her as I approached the terminal entrance. She waved back as she watched me disappear.
When I arrived at our meeting point in Angeles one of the other girls was already there, waiting in the terminal.
“Sorry, not the best with names,” she told me as I approached. “I’m Gabriella from Angeles?”
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Just be yourself- or maybe not. No, be yourself for sure. Just much less tired.
“I’m Fee- Ophelia, your neighbour from Sonage.” I smiled and held out my hand to her.
Gabriella looked at my hand for a moment before reaching out to take my hand.
She repeated her name again as I went to sit down. I smirked to myself as thought about the strangeness of the situation.
“And now we wait.” I looked around. Gabriella followed my lead and went to sit as well.
“So Ophelia, what do you do?” Gabriella asked.
I scrunched up my nose as I heard her say my name. The only person who ever called me Ophelia was my mother and that was when she was angry. But all the same, I told her my family owned a vineyard then asked what she did.
“Uh..im a freeloader. Currently at least.” She responded. “I live with my parents”
I chuckled and told her that I still was living at home too before she asked if I liked my work. There were so many things I could have said, but of course, I had to be my normal smart-ass self.
“I get to drink wine every day- so what do you think?” I asked in a sarcastic tone, giving her a smile.
”Yup that sounds pretty great.” Gabriella laughed along. “The only time I get wine is when there's some of the box wine left over but my dad already got my mom a new box.”
“Oh, sweetheart, that's no way to have wine.” I shook my head in disbelief. “ We're going to have to change that.”
We continued making small talk for another minute or two before our hold up arrived. And let me tell you, it was some entrance. The last girl sauntered in wearing an outfit that matched both mine and Gabriella’s only she’d chosen to accessorise it in a way that told us she wasn’t here to mess around. As she approached us I looked her up and down, before glancing over at Gabriella, who was leaning back in her seat with a look of indifference.
“Got a good look at me, girls?”
Gabriella said yes, then asked how long it had taken her to get ready. I just smirked and rolled my eyes.
“Enough time to be presentable in front of everyone.” She said with a shrug.
“Congratulations,” I told her.
Gabriella offered her hand and introduced herself. The blonde introduced herself as Odette. Ah, that was right.
“I'm Fee,” I announced, raising my hand.
“Oh! That's what you said earlier. A nickname I assume?” Gabriella asked.
“Short for...?” Odette nodded at me, raising an eyebrow.
“Ophelia.” My head bobbed in response.
“Wait... Ophelia... like "to be or not to be"...?” Odette snorted as she gave me an amused look. Every fucking time.
Why could people never seem to get over it? There were plenty of Juliets in the sea but no one ever said a damn thing. And let’s be real- she died a much more dramatic death than Ophelia- even if they both ended their lives over men.
So she’d already irked me which meant I, of course, had to come up with a response. Fuck taking the high road. I was too tired and stressed. And anyway, her name was Odette, so who was she to be acting like I had some ridiculous and far-fetched name?
“Odette... Like I turn into a swan at night and dance...?” I asked her.
Gabriella made another remark or two, while Odette got in her two cents. I sort of zoned out for a minute, as the haze from my lack of sleep worsened.
“So Swan-girl, what do you do for work?” Gabriella inquired
I rolled my eyes as I tried to keep from laughing. Gabriella was beginning to grow on me.
“Me? I'm from Vegas, try to guess.” Odette tilted her head in amusement.
“Stripper?” I suggested. Fuck. Why are you like this? I glanced over at Gabriella again, who smirked back at me.
“That would be why she dances at night.” She agreed, making me laugh.
It turned out Odette worked in a casino, which was slightly disappointing. I’d been hoping I’d guessed correctly.
We chatted a bit more before departing for the palace. I found out I was by far the oldest of the three of us, along with the fact that Odette was more than sure of herself.
Thankfully the drive was short, but any hopes I had resting were swiftly dashed because we were all rushed to the stylists.
Over the years I’d alternated between various browns to shades of blonde so I wasn’t too upset when my stylist announced the wanted to go with a dirty blonde colour. I nodded and told him that I trusted him.
“What do you think if we cut it to here?” One stylist said, holding up a few strands. They’d already washed the dye out by that point and I was too exhausted to care.
“She’ll  look like she’s twelve.” Said another, scowling. “No, we’ll cut it to here.”
It went on for what felt like an eternity, as did the rest of the day. Eventually, I asked an aide for some sleeping pills, which I was given without hesitation.
As my eyelids began to feel heavy thoughts of Christian ran through my mind, which I quickly waved away. Now wasn’t the time, especially when I was meeting Benjamin in the morning,
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
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dicebarnart · 3 years
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I had the opportunity to be apart of a Julie and the Phantoms zine @jatpzine recently and I’m finally getting to share my piece with you guys! Doing this project was super fun! It was my first time doing a zine and it was a really cool experience!
My piece was a JATP High School Musical AU topic so I drew Julie and Luke as Gabriela and Troy singing Breaking Free (because it’s similar to Finally Free). Super proud of this piece! Hope you guys like it too!
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queenofseelie · 4 years
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Perfect Harmony vs. Can I Have This Dance
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meangirlsx · 4 years
I think Kenny Ortega has a squad type.
The Main Boy:
Troy and Luke
Like another post said – nice, brown-haired boy with a beautiful singing voice, soft for the Main Girl
Would die for his best friend(s) and the Main Girl
Accidentally lets down the Main Girl early on in the story but redeems himself
Loves his parents but they don’t initially support his desire to sing
The leader of the group of his chosen activity
The Main Girl: 
Gabriella and Julie
Starts out more shy/outcast
Voice of an angel
Strong personality
Connection to Main Boy from the start
Total sweetheart and human sunshine
Makes teachers love her
Crushes the Sad Girl Hours song
Gets a romantic duet and dance with the Main Boy
(And one missing parent? I can’t remember if Gabriella’s dad is ever shown or mentioned)
The It Girl: 
Sharpay and Carrie
Loves pink and big musical numbers with complicated choreography
Not very nice but somehow popular
Feels threatened by the Main Girl
Secretly actually sort of likes the Main Girl
Family has money
The It Boy: 
Ryan and Nick
Connected to the It Girl
Loves hats
Very sweet but lets the It Girl get away with being mean around him
Fond of the Main Girl
Causes panic for the Main Boy when he thinks he’s into the Main Girl
Main Girl’s Best Friend: 
Taylor and Flynn
Tells it like it is
Surprisingly organized about things
Very protective of the Main Girl
Has a tendency to make fun of popular girls
Skilled in the art of distraction
Main Boy’s Best Friend: 
Chad, Reggie, and Alex
Gay or queer-coded/suspected by the fanbase
Certified himbo
Like brothers with the Main Boy
Really talented at the activity shared with the Main Boy
Gets some of the funniest and most quoted lines
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molinashimbos · 4 years
if one more person compares julie & luke to troy and gabriella I'm gonna thROW HANDS
Like no hate to them, very cute couple 10/10 but they could never be juke
pls stop comparing them its embarassing luv
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High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) // Julie and the Phantoms (2020-) 1.07
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jegulusofwesper · 4 years
Is Troy saying how far away he is from Gabriella inspired by Jess finding out how far away from Rory he was? Like that fistbump thing between Ryan, Chad and Troy is to Luke, Reggie and Alex?
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ginnyrules27 · 3 years
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Slightly late to the party here but I thought I’d join in the fun of the multi character bingo sheets that’ve been going on :D No I didn’t mean to post the characters the way I did, it was just by accident! 
If you’re interested in making one yourself, the blank template is here: blank template and have fun! 
Row one: Ben (Descendants), Harry Hook (Descendants), Uma (Descendants), Lonnie (Descendants), and Jay (Descendants) 
Row two: Mal (Descendants), Carlos De Vil (Descendants), Jane (Descendants), Evie (Descendants), and Freddie Facilier (Descendants: Wicked World) 
Row Three: Dmitri (Anastasia), Moana (Moana), Free Space, Artemis (Teen Titans), and Judy Hopps (Zootopia) 
Row Four: Ray Molina (Julie and the Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and the Phantoms), Alex Mercer (Julie and the Phantoms), Peggy Carter (Agent Carter), and Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter) 
Row Five: Julie Molina (Julie and the Phantoms), Luke Patterson (Julie and the Phantoms), Kim Possible (Kim Possible), Bucky Barnes (Captain America), and Gabriella Montez (High School Musical) 
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couples energy: dylan/EJ?
so none of these are the exact same energy but some similar vibes!
1. Gina Porter x EJ Caswell ("the right guy's just gotta show up (...) and, you know, stay around")
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2. Quinn Fabray x Sam Evans (soft sweetheart falls for broken girl)
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3. Gabriella Montez x Troy Bolton (all of Just Wanna Be With You)
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4. Julie Molina x Luke Patterson (Perfect Harmony)
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give me a ship and I’ll give you a examples of other cannon/non cannon couples that have the same energy
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angela-feelstoomuch · 3 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Emily Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Mitch Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Ray Molina, Aunt Victoria (Julie and The Phantoms), Carlos Molina, Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn (Julie and The Phantoms), Carrie Wilson, Bobby | Trevor Wilson, Ms. Darbus (High School Musical) Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe - High School Musical Fusion, Trauma, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Love at First Sight, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Crush, Luke as Troy, Julie as Gabriella, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Idiots in Love, Alex as Ryan, Carrie as Sharpay, Flynn Appreciation (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie as Chad, Bobby as Zake, Flynn as Tylor, drama club, Musicals, Love at First Song, I Don't Even Know, What Have I Done, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, all the gays Summary:
People are going crazy around them, and Luke understands them all, because he wants to scream and hype her up as much as them, but he can’t look away from her even for a second.
The Julie x Luke High School Musical AU nobody asked for but I needed.
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catalinaroleplay · 4 years
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GEORGINA LIVINGSTON (Sophia Bush) is looking for her COUSINS connection. Please message STEPH for more information regarding this connection. The status of this connection is currently: OPEN.
Carmichael Cousins
Cousin #1: First name up to player, Surname should be Carmichael (Unless married) Cousin #2: First name up to player, Surname could be Carmichael (Unless married or taken mother’s name)
Cousin #1: 30s.
Cousin #2: Mid 30s
Cousin #1: Kate Mara, Dakota Johnson, Garrett Hedlund, Luke Mitchell, Chace Crawford, Emmy Rossum, Max Irons, Brant Daugherty, Francois Arnaud, Nico Tortorella, Emilia Clarke, Grant Gustin, Annie Murphy, Melissa Roxburgh, Merritt Patterson, Leighton Meester, Hilary Duff, Alexandra Park.
Cousin #2: Antonia Thomas, Jesse Rath, Meaghan Rath, Katrina Law, Kristin Kreuk, Lewis Tan, Troian Bellisario, Kat Graham, Diego Boneta, Tyler Blackburn, Amber Stevens-West, Elliot Knight, Jessica Szohr, Kylie Bunbury.
Firstly we would advise you to read Georgina’s, Gabriel’s, and Gabriella’s biographies to have a general idea about the Livingstons and the importance of family for them. We assume that the Carmichaels would have the same values within the family. The connections, as described, are the two children of Sylvie’s middle brother (70). Sylvie (the mother of Livingstons mentioned above) and her brother have a close relationship and work together in the family business.
We want to keep this connection as open as possible, but if you ever want to brainstorm about headcanons for the family, we are always available for discussion.
Cousin #1: 
This cousin is the second child of the Carmichael patriarch and the only child of the patriarch’s current wife. This young one probably had some troubles with their half-sibling while growing up, an ongoing competition going between them. It’s up to you if this competition is still going on or if the siblings grew closer.
As for profession, it’s completely up to you, a tip from us; perhaps a job with a lot more freedom, entirely away from the family business - Carmichael Roses.
Cousin #2:
This cousin is the first child of the Carmichael patriarch, from a relationship/fling he had before he settled down with his now-wife. This muse can have a lot of potential. The father of your muse might’ve planned on proposing to your muse's mother after your muse was born, but why did the relationship fall apart? That’s all up to you. Even though your muse is from a broken relationship, your muse has always been a part of the family. The child who made him a father for the first time, the joy of his life despite the relationship falling apart. The reason to carry on.
As for profession it’s completely up to you. Another tip from us; maybe they can be working at Carmichael Roses - the family business. Gabriella works here as a wedding planner.
If you’d like to get into contact with Myr and Rosa, the account is as follows: @gabbylivingston + @gabelivingston 
PINTEREST BOARD: Carmichael Rose Co / Carmichael Family / Livingston Family
Uncle fc: Kevin Costner ─ Richard Carmichael 
Aunt fc (current wife): Kathy Baker ─ Linda Carmichael 
Former relationship: UTP ─ TBA
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doubleattitude · 4 years
Radix Dance Convention, Concord, NC: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Belle Arauz-’Believe’
2nd: Kayleigh Smith-’Fathers and Daughters’
Mini Solo
1st: Kaylee Schwamb-’Birdsong’
2nd: Noelle Gockerell-’Finding My Way’
2nd: Journey Lockhart-’Stuff Like That There’
3rd: Corinne Larson-’White Foxes’
4th: Alex Tucker-’Bridge Over Troubled Waters’
5th: Liberty Kerr-’Jeepers Creepers’
6th: Lauren White-’Damaged’
7th: Katherine Harmston-’No Way’
8th: Annabelle Hernandez-’The Most Beautiful Things’
9th: Genevieve Stitely-’Hold Back the River’
9th: Sydney Stox-’Velma’
10th: Naomi Walker-’Ray of Light’
Junior Solo
1st: Lorelai Watchous-’After the Storm’
1st: Gabriella Dunham-’Empty Space’
1st: Maely Weaver-’Staggered In A Configuration’
2nd: Grace Woodbury-’Pas De Trois’
3rd: Havanah Chmiel-’Amen’
3rd: Emma Claire Carroll-’Home’
3rd: Annabelle Pritchard-’Take It Easy’
4th: Abigail Hodges-’Earth’
4th: Madelyn Belsky-’Hollows’
5th: Addison Bradley-’Dynamite’
5th: Savannah Robey-’For Me, It’s You’
5th: Callum McKenna-’Walk The Moon’
6th: Khloe Green-’Pray’
7th: Michele Kotay-’Piece by Piece’
7th: Claire Anderson-’September’
7th: Madeleine Larson-’Stupid With Love’
8th: Hayden Porter-’Experience’
9th: Brynleigh Bullington-’Grow’
9th: Kaylah Harrison-’I Gotcha’
10th: Anhelina Lezhachova-’Rain’
Teen Solo
1st: Samantha Melillo-’Airmail Special’
1st: Valadie Cammack-’Dethroning The Queen’
2nd: Ella Jones-’Familiar’
2nd: Savannah Manning-’Line Thickness’
3rd: Kaitlyn Winnell-’Last Light’
3rd: Tierney Denny-Lybbert-’Lean Back’
4th: Sarah Beth Coburn-’For You’
4th: Brooke Phillips-’Spiral’
5th: Kaitlyn Knight-’Colour Me In’
5th: Noah Ayden Grady-’I Just Want To Be There Again’
6th: Ariana Flanagan-’She Used To Be Mine’
6th: Niyah Smith-’Unchained Melody’
7th: Samantha Bell-’Dynamo’
7th: Peyton Bly-’Jealous’
7th: Sophia Hunsicker-’Take Flight’
8th: Nyka Wilson-’Last Dance’
8th: Heather Lauchengco-’The Violent Sky’
9th: Paris Moore-’Allegiance’
9th: Miranda Saliva-’Inside’
9th: Ella Howell-’Nothing’
10th: Kate Spangler-’Beloved’
10th: Emmy Fuller-’Maybe’
10th: Seth Hendley-’On The Street Where You Live’
10th: Kennedy Hodges-’The Call’
Senior Solo
1st: Ashton Eatchel-’Compression and Release’
2nd: Rosie Ryan Kennel-’Impossible’
2nd: Madeline Underwood-’Power of Love’
3rd: Emi Johnson-’Deviate’
3rd: Savannah Folding-’Heart Shaped Birthmark’
3rd: Riley DeChellis-’Reconnect’
3rd: Destiny Patterson-’What Good Am I?’
4th: Karsen Gresham-’I Bet You Don’t’
4th: Harley Jacobs-’In This Moment’
5th: Lamonte Sadler-’Amen’
5th: Kennedi Knoble-’I’m Going Down’
5th: Taylor Hunt-’Ready for Love’
6th: Reaghan Given-’Tis The Season’
7th: Cameron Bryant-Saxon-’Gravity’
7th: Alexis Reese-’Heroes’
8th: Tristin Edsel-’And So It Does’
8th: Julianna Holland-’Not Another Love Song’
8th: Brooke Melillo-’Tell Me Where To Look’
9th: Riley Campbell-’Alright’
9th: Makayla Davis-’Listen’
9th: Jalen Scriven-’Time’
10th: Sydney Law-’Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
10th: Mikayla Moore-’Who Will Remember Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Level Up’
2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Cha Cha Heels’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Someone You Loved’
2nd: Lux Dance Project-’Suffocate’
3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Independent  Woman’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’What Is That Sound’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Before You Go’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Bag Lady’
3rd: No Limits Dance Center-’Konstantine’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Always Together’
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’I’m Here’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’It’s Not All About You’
2nd Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Weak’
3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Song For You’
Rookie Group
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Finding Neverland’
2nd: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Girl In The Mirror’
2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Princesses’
3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Candy Shop’
Mini Group
1st: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’
2nd: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Worksong’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
Junior Group
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’A Bay Bay’
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Salvation’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Crazy In Love’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Dive In The Water’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Love Myself’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Run It’
3rd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Iced Out’
Teen Group
1st: No Limits Dance Center-’Coincidance’
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Give Me A Reason’
1st: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Together At The Center Of...’
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Umbrella’
2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Falling Into You’
3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Mans World’
Senior Group
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tides of Lamentation’
3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Amen’
3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’
Mini Line
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Drip Like Me’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bop Till You Drop’
3rd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Joy’
Junior Line
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Vogue’
2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’
2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Run’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Off The Rails’
Teen Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Here’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Midnight Street’
Senior Line
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’
2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’How Low’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Human Nature’
Teen Extended Line
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’
2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’A 90′s Throwback’
3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Work’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’
Teen Production
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’This Particular Dream’
2nd: In Motion Dance Center-’Rise Up’
3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’East to West’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Girl In The Mirror’ 2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Candy Shop’
Rookie Tap
CC and Co Dance Complex-’Mr Sandman’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Finding Neverland’ 2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Princesses’
Mini Jazz
1st: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Girlfriend’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Love Shack’
Mini Ballet
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Concerto in D’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Drip Like Me’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Lose Control’ 3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Get Like Me’
Mini Tap
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Up All Night’ 2nd: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’That Man’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bop Till You Drop’
Mini Contemporary
1st: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Worksong’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Brave’ 2nd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Daughters’
Mini Specialty
CC and Co Dance Complex-’Joy’
Junior Jazz
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Crazy In Love’ 1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Like An Egyptian’ 3rd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Meet Me’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’A Bay Bay’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Vogue’ 3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Run It’
Junior Tap
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Run’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’One Two Step’ 3rd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Bloom’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Off The Rails’ 2nd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Go Do’ 3rd: Lux Dance Project-’Be Alright’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Salvation’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Dive In The Water’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Swan’
Junior Specialty
1st: Evolution Dance Complex-’Love Myself’ 2nd: CC and Co Dance Complex-’Hallelujah’
Teen Jazz
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Umbrella’ 1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’A Thousand Doves’ 1st: No Limits Dance Center-’Coincidance’ 1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tokyo Drift’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Can’t Hold Back’ 3rd: In Motion Dance Center-’Black and Gold’
Teen Ballet
Lux Dance Project-’In The Dark’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’A 90′s Throwback’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Work’ 3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Yonce’
Teen Tap
1st: Havilah Dance Company-’Mans World’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’I Love Tap’ 3rd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Sorry’
Teen Contemporary
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Here’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Spirit Bird’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Give Me A Reason’ 2nd: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Together At The Center Of...’ 3rd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Embrace The World’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Midnight Street’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Another In The Fire’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Carry the Weight’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: In Motion Dance Center-’History of Wrong Guys’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Welcome to the Moulin Rouge’ 3rd: Havilah Dance Company-’Take Off With Us’
Teen Specialty
1st: CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’ 2nd: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Falling Into You’
Senior Jazz
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Human Nature’ 2nd: NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Fever’ 3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Sparkling Diamonds’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’How Low’ 1st: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Make It Rain’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Amen’ 2nd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Class of 2021′
Senior Lyrical
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Tides of Lamentation’ 2nd: Havilah Dance Company-’Home’ 3rd: Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Deep End’
Senior Musical Theatre
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Might as Well Be’
Senior Specialty
1st: Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’The Reception’ 2nd: Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’They Don’t Care About Us’ 3rd: Evolution Dance Complex-’Everything You Are’ 3rd: CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Class of 2021′
Best of Radix:
CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Girl In The Mirror’
Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’Princesses’
Havilah Dance Company-’Finding Neverland’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Drip Like Me’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Lose Control’
Havilah Dance Company-’Up All Night’
NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Bones’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’Run’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Dance Apocalyptic’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Salvation’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’A Bay Bay’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Spirit Bird’
In Motion Dance Center-’History of Wrong Guys’
Havilah Dance Company-’Another In The Fire’
No Limits Dance Center-’Coincidance’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Umbrella’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’
Havilah Dance Company-’Amen’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’I’m Delighted’
CC & Co. Dance Complex-’Class of 2021′
Studio Standout:
Steppin’ Out Dance Studio-’East to West’
NXT LVL Dance Experience-’Just Got Paid’
Lux Dance Project-’#eeeooowww’
In Motion Dance Center-’History of Wrong Guys’
Havilah Dance Company-’Another In The Fire’
Evolution Dance Complex-’Shout’
Columbia City Jazz Conservatory-’Lay Them Before Me’
Charlotte Performing Arts Academy-’Selah’
CC and Co. Dance Complex-’For Now, Your Light Is Dim’
4 notes · View notes
between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Literally No One:
Me: But What If I Wrote THE fic?
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV), High School Musical (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina & Nick, Nick Danforth - Evans & Ryan Evans, Nick Danforth - Evans & Chad Danforth, Chad Danforth/Ryan Evans, The Danforth-Evans-Mackenzie Family, Everyone & Everyone, Alex & Julie Molina & Luke Patterson & Reggie, Nick/Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, OT3 - Relationship, Nick/Reggie/Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Alex/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Caleb Covington & Nick (Julie and The Phantoms) Characters: Nick (Julie and The Phantoms), Nick Danforth-Evans, Ryan Evans, Chad Danforth, Sharpay Evans, Troy Bolton, Gabriella Montez, Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie (Julie and The Phantoms), Caleb Covington, Bobby | Trevor Wilson, Kayla (Julie and the Phantoms), Carrie Wilson Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Whumptober 2020, posession, Nick - centric (Julie and the Phantoms), Caleb Covington Being His Bastard Self, Nick And Carrie Are Cousins, Nick Is Ryan And Chad's Iconic Gay Son, Based Off Of Those Crossover Tumblr Posts, Nicholas Danforth-Evans, Carrie Is Sharpay's daughter, she deserves better, Nick Deserves Better, Kailye, Everyone Is Gay, i don't make the rules, Nick Gets Whumped, Pre-Poly, Nick is confused, Protective Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Has Anxiety (Julie And The Phantoms), Nick needs a Hug, Post-Episode: s01e09 Stand Tall, The Wildcats Are Nick's Family, And Will Fight Caleb For Hurting Their Favorite Child, Sassy!Nick (Julie and The Phantoms), temporary title, first chapter is short, The Rest Will Be Longer Series: Part 14 of Whumptober 2020
Caleb looked behind Nick at the door when it sounded like someone walked past it from inside the house. “Now, as nice as getting acquainted with you has been mister Nick Danforth-Evans, I’m on a tight schedule. See, I’m not talking to you because your father said no to my deal…” Nick’s scream got caught in his throat as Caleb suddenly turned into a cloud of scary-looking purple smoke. When Nick opened his mouth to scream, Caleb’s presence settled into his mind and Nick couldn’t do anything to fight against him.
13 notes · View notes