#gaia the vultures
I love the "came back wrong" trope but from the opposite side.
Imagine you are dead. And then you are RIPPED from the embrace of decay into the world of the living again. Your memories are hazy and you don't recognize any of these people, but they act like they're close to you? Like they love you? So you try to get your memories back, to act like you belong here, but everybody tries to forget you died. And you can't. It is omnipresent. And just trying to grapple with that fact pushes the people who "love" you away, and they're incapable of understanding, and they're so confused, what's wrong N̶̄̀O̶͛͗T̷̉́ ̷͋͝Y̴̎̌Ȍ̴̈U̸̓R NÄM̴̃͑E̵̾̇? And you just need them to understand, you aren't that person! You aren't! You don't know who that person is! You don't know why any of this is happening, but they're unwilling to bend, they keep insisting you are that person, your memories will come back, everything will be normal again, and you want to scream and cry and claw yourself open to show them you're different. Your existence as a being wholly separate from whoever you "used to be" is a sin unto itself. All you can do is scrabble for life and to them, you're killing whoever they loved to do it.
just. lots of fun in that concept, you know?
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catsticky · 5 months
date idea: we listen to this song on repeat and begin to ascend
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wordswithloveee · 11 months
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
Which hellenic deity is reaching out to you?
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Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences. Also thank you so much for all the support from yall. I really appreciate everyones feedback on my readings. It really solidifies the idea that i can do this professionally. I hope my readings assist yall more 💙
Astrology: Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn
Cards: 3 of pentacles, 10 of wands, 4 of swords, big picture thinking
Song: Beginnings by Madeon
Hey there, friend! You have a couple different deities from the hellenistic pantheon reaching out to you. Three to be exact. It seems like they have been reaching out to you for a while now. Either you haven't noticed or they have been keeping their identities secret from you. They have been watching you work your ass off trying to handle everything on your own. It seems like you have been rejecting their help because you have some pride in doing things independently. They want you to know that you are not weak by accepting help from anyone. The door is open to work with them if you ever you want to accept them. I see very clearly Lady Athena wants your attention. She has been looking after you since you were born. She is the main deity reaching out to you. There is also Lord Ares reaching out as well. I can deduce pretty easily that you have been through war your whole life. It could be internal war but it could also be literal. Both Lady Athena and Lord Ares want to take over the war for you so you don't need to fight anymore. They want you to rest. They want to take care of you so you can have a breath of fresh air that you don't breathe in battle. You have been fighting for so long. The last deity who wants to work with you is Mother Gaia herself. She wants to scoop you up in a cradle of comfort. I see you are a truly environmentally conscientious person and she really really likes that about you. I see you trying your best to be waste-free. She really likes when you go outside and appreciate her regularly. She sits with you whenever you are on your porch. The beautiful thing about all three of these entities reaching out to you is that it is an invitation. It is not a demand. They want to help you because they like you and everything you do intuitively. You really wouldn't have to change anything drastically about your routine to work with them. They love you for you and are only asking to help take some stuff off your plate.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Pisces
Cards: Knight of Swords, Page of Cups, 7 of Cups, Water Your Garden
Song: Family by Mother Mother
Hello, pile 2! You have two deities reaching out to you. Lord Ares has been asking to work with you for months. I see that you might be too scared to work with him. You have definitely noticed his call already. You have seen vultures, horses, dragons' and dogs in places you should not have seen them. That's Lord Ares calling out to you. In dreams, he might appear to you as a shadowy figure even if it isn't a dark setting. He's seen how lonely you have been. He wants to help you. You don't need to be scared believe me. Mythologically he is probably the safest male god you could work with. He is a protector of SA survivors. I dunno if you have heard about the myth when he slaughtered his daughter's assaulter. I think the way you view Lord Ares is understandable. He is portrayed as this scary war god but genuinely he represents a lot more than just war. He is also a minor god of dance 💃 He wants you to know he wants to keep you safe and protect you. Lord Apollo is also reaching out to you. I see you find a lot of comfort in music which is why he is reaching out. I see you turning a lot of the pain you have been through into art. Lord Apollo wants to see you get the love you deserve for all the pain you endured. He and Ares want to work together to help you take care of yourself. There is such a tenderness and restful vibe in the energy I'm getting from the cards. They want you to know the scary parts are over and you can relax finally. Leave the scary things to them.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo
Cards: 10 of Cups, The Wheel of Fortune, 7 of Pentacles, Breath of the Cosmos
Song: He^rt by Starcadian
Hi pile 3! Welcome to your reading. The deity reaching out to you is attempting to be mysterious while also trying to get your attention so you might not have picked up on their signals that they sent out. I see Lady Artemis is this mysterious energy. Her symbols are deer, archery, wolves, wild plants, the moon and the stars. There are plenty more symbols of hers that I could name but I feel that she wants you to do your own research if you choose to work with her. I'm unsure what she wants to assist you with but I do know it is something that will fulfill you more than anything you have worked on before. She really desires to be there for you when you start this journey. I also see Zues wanting to help you as well. He specifically wants to assist you with something financial. I see you are working on something that you have given so much energy to. He really likes what you are making and wants to sponsor you and help you complete the task at hand. The work you are completing has something to do with speaking or maybe even writing. It looks like you could draw so much wealth from this endeavor. Use his connection to the planet Jupiter to your advantage. Jupiter is the planet of higher learning and abundance. Perhaps you are working on a thesis paper and he enjoys how you have spoken about the subject of this paper. These two don't seem to want to work together on anything. It feels more akin to them helping you in different areas of life just to give you a leg up. They welcome you with open arms.
Astrology: Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus
Cards: The Emperor, 6 of Wands, 9 of Wands, The Blue Flame
Song: Esctatic Baby by Yeasayer
Welcome pile four! I see 2 deities VERY clearly for you. They both only recently took an interest in you. Something changed very drastically in your life. This big change is what invited these two. The first is Lord Posideon. He saw the strength of your flame from the coastline. I have a feeling you are land-locked. You are as far from the sea as you possibly can be and he saw your passion from that distance. He is so intrigued by you. He wants to help kindle your flame so you don't burn out your passion too early. You felt so called to do whatever it is you are doing and you are giving it everything you have. Your whole soul is aimed at what lit this flame in you. He loves seeing how fired up you are. It's probably been a while since you felt this way. He wants to you slow your roll juuuuust a little bit. Don't burn out your fuel too quickly and cultivate your fire into victory. The other deity reaching out is Lord Dionysus. He wants to help you with the same thing Lord Posideon wants to help you with. He wants to see you bloom and grow. He wants to see your venture fruitful. He doesn't want your work to go unrewarded. I think you might smoke bud or something and he connects really well through that with you. Again the same message of "Don't over-do it" is coming through. They both love the enthusiasm you are giving but just make sure you are still caring for your body. Make sure you are setting good boundaries with yourself and your work. They can't wait to see where you go with this. Good luck, friend!
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shegxox · 2 years
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flirts. | chamber , sova
that moment when you hear chamber flirt with viper the first time on the field.
cw: swearing
wc: 1,005
a.n: idk what this is but uh, enjoy? also, let me know if you guys like this type of stuff. ++ gaia visual here ^^
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"VIPER, you must let me take you out sometime. Dinner– dancing! I know the perfect place."
"Chamber, I would rather drink my own poison."
You stifled a giggle as you and KAY/O shared a look, the robot merely shook his head as the two of you overhear the comms of the agent on the field.
"Does this happen all the time?" You asked, muting off your voice in comms.
"More often than you think," KAY/O replies.
You have just arrived at the Vulture, catching up on a mission that you were supposed to be in. Viper, Chamber, and Sova were already on the field, leaving you and KAY/O at the aircraft.
"Come now, mademoiselle. No need to be so cold, I know just the thing to warm you up."
Your eyes widened and slapped a hand on your mouth, hunching over as you heard those words.
"Less flirting, more focus." You could already tell that Viper was gritting her teeth.
"How could I focus when I'm in a presence of such beauty."
"Pfft–" your laughter busted out as you watched them from the screens. "Oh my gods this is so painful to hear!"
KAY/O lets out a defeated sigh, "Affirmative."
You tapped on your comms and finally made them aware of your presence.
"Chamber, you're so lame." You managed to utter out through fits of giggles.
The comms suddenly went silent.
"Yeah, that's right, I can hear your cringey lines."
Sova's voice then joined in, "Gaia? Is that you?"
"Yup and hearing Chamber flirt just took away half my life span." You said dramatically, "Lameness is my weakness!"
You faintly hear Viper let out a chuckle
"What are you doing here?" Chamber's voice suddenly cut through in a demanding tone.
"Uhh, I'm part of the mission, duh."
"How was I not informed of this?"
"The last-minute briefing we had that you skipped." Viper answers in a deadpan tone. "It would only be natural for her to be here, she's the one who caught Legion lingering around the site."
"That's right." You nodded. "And FYI, my flora just sensed movement."
"I'm picking up a signal near A site," KAY/O added as he scanned through the screens. "Everyone in position, they're here. I'm sending Gaia in."
You made your way to your motorcycle that was parked near the exit, KAY/O lowers the altitude of the Vulture, preparing to open the aircraft's backdoors.
"Sova, ice cream and barbie movies after this?" You quickly asked as you mount your ride.
"It would be a pleasure," Sova replied.
"That's how you do it, Chamber." You teased as you put on your helmet.
"Ah, even I would say yes to that offer if you asked me, ma chérie." Chamber shot back in a flirty tone.
"Who wouldn't say no to you, mon chou?"
You feigned a gasp, your ride humming to life.
"My, my mon cher. Hitting on two ladies at once?" You laughed darkly. "What a player."
"I could say the same for you, little goddess."
"I hate myself so much." You groaned as you clutched your side, falling down on one knee.
"Not as much as I hate you." Your copy seethed before sending vines searing through your direction.
"I am you, dummy." Swiping your hand on the ground and up, the earth rises as it curved its direction, forming a barrier that blocked the vine's attack.
You pressed on your comms, "I need an arrow or a bullet at 12 o'clock, 8 meters, now!"
The familiar sound of Chamber's gun rang through the air almost immediately and you put your barrier down to see your copy's body fall.
With the detonator in hand, you ran towards the spike, the beeping sound going faster as you began defusing. The bomb started to glow red and your surroundings started to rise.
"C'mon, I have ice cream waiting for me after this." You clicked your tongue as the spike started to form cracks underneath it, nearing its end. And just before it did, you finally defused it.
"Oh sweet barbie mermaidia." You breathed out in relief before letting yourself down on the ground.
"That was fucking close. . . "
Hurried footsteps pounded the ground as they rushed towards you.
"Gaia!" Sova kneeled next to you as he started inspecting your state. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine." You rasped before trying to sit up. "Just got hit on the side, no biggie."
"Are you sure?" Your mentor asked worriedly
"Yeah, look, I'm healing right now." You assured as you twisted your torso a bit to the side to show your glowing palm covering your side.
Sova heaved a sigh in relief.
"Well, that was a job well done." A new voice entered as Chamber stepped into view. "A close call, but well done."
You gave him a weak smile, "Thanks for the headshot."
"No problem, mademoiselle." Chamber held out a hand. "Merely aiding a damsel in distress."
You scoffed, taking his hand.
"I could've handled her if we had more time." You sighed as you stood up with Sova following suit.
"But, yes. I was in distress."
"Would the damsel still be in distress if I say that she owes me one?" Chamber asked with a sly smirk.
"Oh god, what do you want." You shot him a playful look of disdain.
"Dinner, dancing– I know the perfect place." There was a glint of craftiness in his eyes and you couldn't help but be impressed.
You huffed a laugh, "Cute but recycled. You'd have to wait in line."
Chamber shot you a charming smile, "I'm a patient man."
You then felt a large warm hand on your lower back.
"We need to head back," Sova utters, looking at you gently. "Captain is waiting."
"Ah, right. Let's go." Taking your hand from Chamber's hold, "I'm taking my bike, by the way, I have somewhere to be first."
Sova's eyebrows furrowed, "Is it another mission?"
"Ah no," You chuckled. "I'll just buy some ice cream."
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
The Cupid scene but make it unrequited? Valgrace
Meant to finish this yesterday but couldn't get it done in time so heres it now. I'm not completly happy with it but im just glad its done.
"You cannot lie to Cupid, Leo Valdez. If you let your shame and sadness rule you...well, your fate will be even sadder than mine," Favonius said, and Leo could have sworn there was pity in his eyes before the god disappeared in the wind.
Leo felt like he was back in Khione's ice palace. There was no way this wind god he just met knew his deepest, darkest, never-to-be-said-out-loud feelings. Right?.
No, he must be talking about something else, and Leo is just being stupid and paranoid. He has to be.
Fortunately, or, more unfortunately, Leo didn't have the time to dwell on the ominous words of wind gods.
Because the ground was shaking. Why was the ground shaking?
So. A voice said.
Something zipped past his face and nicked his ear, throwing him off his feet and into Jason. Pain blossomed in his right ear, and he was pretty sure he was bleeding.
"You okay?" Jason asked, catching him in his strong arms.
Leo winced, holding a hand to his injured ear as he scrambled to his feet, trying not to think about the fact he just fell in Jason's arms. "Yeah, I'm good," he muttered.
You come to claim the sceptre. The voice said behind them, more like stating rather than asking.
Leo turned to where the voice was coming from, but no one was there.
"Cupid!" Jason called, standing at Leo's back with his sword drawn, "Where are you?".
The voice—Cupid laughed. It definitely did not sound like it belonged to a sweet baby angel's. It sounded rich and velvety but also threatening— like an ember in a fire before burning a house to the ground.
Where you least expect me. Cupid answered, As love usually is.
Leo's heart skipped a beat as something invisible slammed into Jason and hurled him across the street. He toppled down a set of concrete steps and sprawled on the floor of an excavated Roman basement.
I thought you'd know better, Jason. Cupid's voice circled overhead like a vulture. You've found true love after all. Or do you still doubt yourself?
"Jason!" Leo screamed, scrambling down the steps.
Jason took his hand and got to his feet. "I'm okay! Just sucker punched by an angel."
Oh, Did you expect me to play fair? Cupid laughed. Make no mistake; I am no angel, Jason Grace. I am Love. I am never fair. 
Oh boy, do I know that. Leo thought dryly before Jason swept him off his feet.
Literally not...not metaphorically.
Leo was swept into Jason's chest as Jason intercepted an arrow that would have gone straight into Leo's chest with his sword. The arrow exploded against the nearest wall, giving them a nice limestone shower.
Of course, Jason wasn't done giving Leo butterflies in his stomach and grabbed his hand, pulling him up the steps and behind another wall as another arrow rained down on them, shattering a column nearby into a thousand pieces.
"Is this guy Love or Death?" Jason growled, still holding Leo's hand.
Thanatos and I are often not so different. Cupid said from somewhere above, except Death is usually kinder.
Leo understood that more than he should: Death is just...well, death. The End. Just boom, you're dead! No more pain. No more problems. And if you're lucky, you get to chill in Elysium for eternity. 
While Love is...terrifying: It hurts, sometimes it doesn't last long, and some just don't get it (cough cough).
"We just want the sceptre!" Jason shouted, poking his head above the stone wall. "We're trying to stop Gaia! Are you on the gods' side or not?"
A second arrow shot at the air dangerously close to Jason's head, landing on the ground near Leo's feet and glowing white-hot. 
The arrow's temperature shot past 2,397 F (Hephaestus power.) before combusting into a geyser of flame. 
Love is on every side. Cupid said. "And no one's side. Don't ask what Love can do for you.
"Great," Jason said. "Now he's spouting greeting cards as well as trying to kill us."
"It's official. Queen was right; Too much Love kills you," Leo joked. If Love is gonna kill him in the end, then at least he wants to make Jason laugh before they both die.
Leo caught a ghost of a smile on Jason's lips before another arrow landed between them, ruining the moment.
You can't hide from Love. It will always find you no matter what. Cupid's voice said nearby.
Leo's hair sparked; the idea of burning the feathers off that smug, overgrown chicken's wings was getting more and more enticing. He knew Cupid was toying with them, enjoying their discomfort as he shot his stupid arrows.
Another arrow narrowly missed him, and something inside of him snapped.
He snatched the arrow up and threw it back where it came from. "Enough games, show yourself!"
Lucky for him, he had good aim. The arrow hit something and hung in the air for a moment before dissolving, leaving no trace: not even a spot of ichor that could help pinpoint his location.
"...Very good, Leo," Cupid said, though it was strained. There wasn't a wound, but it must have hurt. "At least you can sense my presence. Even getting a glance at true love is more than most Heroes manage. Maybe there's hope for you after all".
"So we get the sceptre?" Jason asked.
Cupid laughed. Leo was seriously getting sick of that laugh.
Oh no, there is still much you can do for me.
Jason started to speak, "But—"
An arrow shot through the air, zipping past Jason and hitting Leo square in the shoulder.
There was a burst of pain in Leo's right shoulder, and suddenly, he was back at the Wilderness School again.
He had just met this cool guy, Jason. He was also a foster kid like him. Jason seemed too good for a school like this. He wouldn't tell him and Piper what he was here for, just that his case worker, Juna— Juno or something — sent him here.
Piper told him later on that she thought Jason was kinda hot.
Leo thought so too but he didn't tell her that. 
Another arrow hit him in the back this time. 
He wasn't sure when Piper and Jason started dating; it had only felt like a day had passed since they met.
He pretended it didn't hurt.
He didn't dare ruin their happiness.
So he just smiled and bared it every time they flirted with each other and told jokes every time they kissed.
"Stop it!" Leo shrieked, "None of it was real! Hera faked everything!"
Not everything, Cupid said softly, and a third arrow dug into his skin.
This time he was on their first quest in Boreas's ice palace.
Khione told them he couldn't come with them to see Boreas because of his fire.
He played it off that he wasn't hurt about it, even though it did. It wasn't the first or last time someone was scared of him.
Jason tried to defend him at first with his hand on Leo's shoulder, which only made him love him more.
And it sting more when Jason walked away holding hands with Piper, leaving him alone with Cal.
It was fine. None of it was real, not even his feelings were, and even if they were, it's not like he could act on them. He was just the funny guy, the mechanic, the seventh wheel. He wasn't supposed to fall for his male best friend, who was already dating his other best friend. He wasn't supposed to want something more than friendship with Jason.
He bit back the tears that were already threatening to fall. The grass at his feet was starting to smoke. "Show yourself!" He screamed.
It is a costly thing, Cupid said, looking on the true face of Love.
Another column shattered. Jason barely scrambled out of its way in time.
My wife Psyche learned that lesson, Cupid said, She was brought here aeons ago when this was the site of my palace. We only met in the dark. She was warned to never look upon me, and yet she could not stand the mystery. She feared I was a monster. One night, she lit a candle and beheld my face as I slept.
Jason said something, but Leo couldn't hear him over the sound of his own heart pounding in his chest. He could still somehow hear Cupid though. Of course, Love was the only thing he could hear other than his heart.
Cupid laughed from somewhere at the edge of the Amphitheater. I was too handsome, actually. A mortal can't look upon a god's true appearance without suffering grave consequences; just look at poor Semele. My mother, Aphrodite, cursed Psyche for her distrust. My poor lover was tormented, forced into exile and given impossible tasks to prove herself. She was even sent to the underworld on a quest to show her dedication. She earned her way back to me, but she suffered greatly.
Leo had no clue what he was talking about, but it sounded like he was a terrible husband.
Jason thrust his sword into the sky like he was a demigod He-man and was about to yell, 'By the power of Jupiter!' and beat up Cupid.
Unfortunately, he did not do that. 
Instead, the ground shook, and lightning blasted a crater where Cupid's voice was coming from.
There was silence, and for a moment Leo thought it was over and that they could get the sceptre and leave. And hopefully, never speak of this day again.
Leo should have known they were never that lucky.
An invisible force—Cupid, knocked Jason to the ground, sending his sword skittering across the road.
A good try, Cupid said, his voice already distant. But love isn't so easily pinned down.
A wall collapsed, Jason barely managed to roll out of the way.
That was enough for Leo.
"Hey!" Leo yelled, waving his arms around. "It's me you want! Not him!. Leave him alone!"
Poor Leo Valdez. The god's voice was patronizing and tinged with disappointment. Do you really know what You want, much less what I want? My beloved Psyche risked everything in the name of Love to win my trust back. And you — what have You risked in my name?
"I'm literally saving the world!" He yelled, clenching his fists, "I've faced way worse! You don't scare me!"
I scare you very, very much. Face me. Be honest.
Jason struggled to get up off the ground, and a piece of Leo's heart broke. This was all his fault. He knew exactly what Cupid wanted. But he didn't want to admit it just yet.
All around Leo, the ground started to heat up. Grass smoked, and stones steamed.
"Give us Diocletian's sceptre." He said, trying to put his best brave face on. "We don't have time for games."
Games? Leo's breath was knocked away as a hand slapped him sideways into a granite pedestal. Love is no game! It is no flowery softness! It is hard work — a quest that never ends. It demands everything you have — especially honesty. Only then does it rewards.
Pain blosomed from Leo's...everywhere. His head spun from the pain, and the ground started to heat up more. Stones were starting to crack, and the grass was starting to spark. All it would take was one more push, and everything would burn.
Jason was up now and had retrieved his sword, "Leo!" he called, "What does this guy want from you?".
Leo's lip trembled. Everything was going so wrong. He didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to tell Jason. "I don't know!" He yelled back, and an arrow embedded itself in the pedestal, inches away from Leo's face.
Tell him, Leo Valdez, Cupid ordered. His voice was starting to get less patient now. Tell him you're a coward, that you're afraid of yourself and your feelings. Tell him why you hide among your machines like your father. Tell him the real reason you run and why you're always alone.
Leo gritted his teeth, his entire body trembling with pain and frustration. Cupid's words cut through him like a knife, exposing the raw truth that he had been desperately trying to bury.
The grass started to burn and the stone's cracks got bigger.
"I... I can't," Leo stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't tell him."
Cupid's laughter echoed around them, mocking and cruel. "You see, Jason Grace? Your friend is afraid. Afraid of his own feelings, afraid of the truth. He hides behind his jokes and his bravado, but deep down, he knows."
Leo let loose a guttural scream, and like a volcano erupting; everything exploded at once.
Magma burst from the rocks, splitting them wide open. The grass combusted into green flames — Greek fire —he really is going to burn everything down.
Leo laughed through the tears. It was really all he could do and all he really ever did. It was funny really; he'd worked so hard to shove everything down, yet it was all destroyed in a fiery explosion in less than an hour.
A nearby tree collapsed dangerously close to Jason as the fire consumed it. "Leo! What is he talking about?" He almost couldn't hear his voice over the fire.
Will you hide forever, Leo Valdez? Cupid taunted, who unfortunately can still be heard because not even fire can shut him up. Will you let fear rule your heart, or will you finally have the courage to face the truth?
He didn't want to face the truth. He was too scared of what would happen. What might Jason say. How he'd react.
He just wanted to keep things the same.
Even if it kills him.?
Leo sobbed, and the flames burned brighter. If this was love then he didn't want it. Or maybe if love was this painful then he deserved it. Another arrow pierced his back—or maybe that was the feeling of his heart breaking more—and more images flashed through his mind.
He was back on that mountain in Colorado. Jason had his arms around Piper, his face scrunched up in concern. Leo pretended it didn't bother him. It was cold, and Piper ended up getting hyperthermia. He had tried to ignore the aching in his chest. He didn't want to think about how much he wanted to be in her place.
After their quest, they left him alone while he worked on the Argo II. He named it after the ship the first Jason sailed on.
It was all for Jason.
He was back on the Argo right after he had fired on New Rome—Jason's home. Everyone was angry with him, and Jason was in the infirmary; some asshole threw a brick at his head. 
He didn't go down to him. He couldn't face Jason.
It was all his fault.
Jason got hurt because of him.
And he didn't even have the guts to face him.
There were more scenes like this flooding his senses. At some point, his brain switched off, and he was just drowning in agony. He couldn't move or speak.
He was weak.
Meanwhile, the flames grew to an inferno of green and reds, drowning out everything. Leo's hair was a white flame. An outline of wings caught fire for a moment before being put out again.
"Interesting!" Cupid's voice said from somewhere above. Do you have strength after all?
"I...I can't," Leo said, though it sounded more like a whimper. He was on his knees now. 
Heh, too weak to admit your feelings and too weak to stand, his mind mocked in Cupid's voice.
Still hiding, Cupid said above, a flame burned an outline of a wing tip before going out again. You do not have the strength.
Leo sobbed. He really was weak. He was going to burn everything down just because he didn't want to admit his feelings.
"Leo" Jason yelled from somewhere. "It's okay! I get it!"
Leo stared at the burning grass below him. It was too hot for tears to fall. Only steam came from his eyes. 
"No, you don't," He said defeatedly. Jason didn't understand. He couldn't understand. If he understood, then he wouldn't be so nice to Leo. "There's no way you understand. If you did you'd hate me".
And so you run away again, Cupid chided, From yourself, from your feelings, and from your friends.
The fire had engulfed Cupid's wings now. But the god laughed cruelly and blew it away.
"Leave him alone Cupid," Jason croaked somewhere. "This isn't your..."
Oh gods, he was hurting Jason again. The smoke is choking him.
Cupid's laugh echoed from above the flames. But oh, it is exactly my business, Jason Grace. Love is me. I am love.
"Leo!" Jason choked out through the smoke.
Oh, you're killing him, you're killing him. Leo's brain screamed. You're a monster, you're such a fucking monster, and you're weak.
"Look, I don't care if you're in love with Piper!" 
He doesn't understand. He doesn't. He doesn't. Leo's brain screamed over and over again.
Cupid laughed again, and Leo's will broke.
"I—I'm not in love with Piper," Leo said, and everything seemed to go silent.
The fire subsided and all of Leo's fight and denial went out at once.
Cupid circled Leo like a shark. His form was visible now—long blond hair, muscular in a simple white frock and jeans, snowy white wings that were singed at the tips. The bow and quiver slung over his shoulder were weapons of war—not toys. His eyes were as red as blood, as if every heart in the world was broken and squeezed dry into one poisonous mixture.
Leo vaguely recalled that some think that Eros was a son of Ares and Aphrodite. And he could see why:
Love and War were the most painful things in the world.
He gestured for Leo to continue.
"I have a crush on you, Jason." Leo said.
The fire died down so Leo could see Jason's face.
And he swore he saw pity in his eyes.
The End
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fanaticfangirl001 · 6 months
Headcanon 1 of Bucky Applebees and the adventuring party. (Freaks and Geeks)
It's named Freaks and Geeks. None of them are popular or will ever be.
Consists of a Paladin (Bucky), Cleric (Oviva), Barbarian (Gaia), Wizard (Eileen), and Rogue (Brigitta)
Oviva is a half-orc. Gaia is Centaur, Eileen is wood elf, Brigitta is an Aarakocra, that's is styled after a Vulture.
The majority of the adventuring party was constructed in Oakshield Middle school. (Bucky went to Mumble so he was a late addition to the group on the first day)
Oviva and Gaia decided a paladin was necessary to the group. So they picked Bucky as he was one of the few left. They didn't pick him because of Kristen or her reputation.
Oviva hates Buddy Dawn (she doesn't know anything about the plot just doesn't like him and the influence he's trying to have on Bucky)
They eat lunch together outside under a massive oak tree when the weather is nice and hang out there during free period. It's understood after the first few weeks to be their tree.
Oviva finds it really weird that Bucky just eats a ham and cheese sandwich during lunch and has on several occasions gifted him a whole rotisserie chicken. (Oviva brings three chickens for lunch now)
Their first adventure was very simple. They had to clear out an abandoned manor of the undead.
The group met up at Basrar's after and got sundaes.
Bucky-Butterscotch, Oviva- hot fudge, Gaia- Brownie, Eileen- Strawberry, and Brigitta-Caramel
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I got hit with this idea so I’m just going to write it ✍️ ✨
Baki men as Harpies (birds):
Baki Hanma: Red-tailed Hawk
Hanayama Kaoru: Snow Owl
Jack Hanma: Cinereous Vulture
Katsumi Orochi: Mute Swan
Kaioh Retsu: Red Crowned Crane
Shinogi Kureha: Scarlet Macaw
Shinogi Kosho: Hyacinth Macaw
Biscuit Oliva: Golden Eagle
Jun Guevara: Albatross
Gaia: Peregrine Falcon
Sikorsky: Osprey
Hector Doyle: Red Kite
Matsumoto Kozue: Love Bird
Kiyosumi Katou: Crow
Atsushi Suedo: Emperor Penguin
Doppo Orochi: Bald Eagle
Gouki Shibukawa: Adélie penguin
Izou Motobe: Barn Owl
Pickle: Cassowary
Nomi no Sukune: California Condor
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cloudyswritings · 9 months
The Silly Ones
just a dump for some silly headcanons from different fandoms.
Hollow Knight:
Smoker Hornet: see my other post
Hollow likes scarfs, like they just like being cozy.
Kinda morbid, but Grimm has a collection of small like, lumaflies, maskflies, and other relatives pinned up in his tent. This includes non-sapient butterflies. He does it to get out his aggression for his sister.
PK absolutely eats via his head, like bro has a mouth between his crown. It’s like a garbage disposal.
if he had a weapon, it’d be a trident with some dramatic name. But he’d secretly call it the Pale Fork
The dreamers once sealed started playing card games together. They really want to play euchre but don’t want to invite the radiance as their fourth.
Dryya: might just be canon but she’s gay for the white lady. The biggest silliest gay.
Zote used to be a higher being…
Hollow can’t sleep and Ghost is the biggest napper. Hollow carries them around like a little tote bag.
Saint isn’t actually fluffy, but like a kinda gross slimy fluff, like they’re still a scug and scugs are slimy bois
Rivulet spends like 500 cycles trying to get that damn rarefaction cell to moon without chucking it into the void from pebbles can.
The ancients in pebbles city used to drink Pebsi, named after his august self.
NSH is responsible for miros vultures, suffice to say the local scugs went out their way to damage his structure in small ways when they found out.
Artis bomb jumps are just superpowered farts
Pebbles could’ve been saved if he just took up a hobby like every other damn iterator.
Pjo(these are more serious):
Gaia insited on Percy’s blood because he inherited on of his fathers names related to the earth, specifically Gaienokhos which has a possible interpretation as Holder of the Earth
Percy actually is mostly the son of Yam the twisting serpent, it’d explain his poison control, the weird shit he does with the rivers of the underworld, as well as the general strength buff he has compared to poisedons strength names. This is mostly something I learned from reading An Undertow of Sand by Shujin on space battles, so please go check it out, you won’t regret it.
Thalia could see and hear as her tree form, she regrets this immensely.
Percy is actually really good at sciences? Like especially chemistry.
I feel like he could easily start incorporating biology from various marine creatures as a power if he really tried. Like he could make his blood poisonous, or possibly slow his metabolism to survive the cold like a Greenland shark. He may even do this subconsciously to survive the pressure by taking chemicals from deep seas snail fish.
on that note I feel like he has the ability of tuna to conserve the heat generated by like normal metabolism and use it to warm his core temperature and speed up his metabolism for short bursts of incredible strength and speed.
Amphitrite is the true ruler of Atlantis, Poseidon is just her trophy husband. This is like pseudo canon? Cause she’s legit a titan(second gen I think?, her dad is Oceanus) so…
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noxspost · 11 months
ergo, dum me amas, sic ad astra feres haec verba manet
This is the end of the war the Gaia Giant War which was painful it caused some almost the majority of Greek and Roman pantheon deities diffuse into 11 of the victims had been areas in Mars that was an unwanted change Ares had worked hard to get where his body had been before he was forced to basically as he saw it make a mockery of Mars's body and character.Now both Thanatos and Ares were staying at each other Ares drained tired and exhausted he looked like it was even to collapse from exhaustion right then and there he just looked done his hair once this reddish brown color slowly reverting into this gray peach and white color hair his scars on his face were now covered in bandages and he pleaded "how do you love me must have been an accident that you fell in love with me maybe when it eros arrows hit you, didn't it?"he sounded so tired slowed so deprived of rest he stumbled slightly as he reached out his hands which Thanatos caught in his own as he floated over to areas to hold him properly upright it hurt Thanatos to hear those words in his lover he had not been hit with one of those arrows not even close he went to embrace his lover's face in his right hand when he reassured lovingly "loving you was no accident no arrow being hit in my heart I love you for you Ares."with those simple words... Ares just cried he sobbed he lurched forward as his shoulders went higher than his own head as he just cried now embraced by the god of death both of them were covered in blood and quite dirty governing dirt sweat and tears and blood yet they embrace each other and Ares felt a kiss on his forehead "my warrior has returned home and that is the best." whispered Thanatos into his ear as he just embraced Ares.Ares felt his legs give out and when Thanatos looked panicked as he was beginning to hold Ares bridal style in his arms and then he heard the shouts of people signaling that there were two other people within the rubble of the war he saw and heard the familiar voices of Percy Annabeth Jason and Frank and he heard the sounds of bearded vultures screaming same with Turkey vultures mars was near help was here as he felt liquid staining his hands where he was holding Ares.medical help was on the way. he then whisperers are promised Ares who was unconscious "ergo, dum me amas, sic ad astra feres haec verba manet."
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128 Participants
Here are the 128 characters who will be battling it out to earn the title of Best Post-SGW Archie Sonic Character. While not every character who was shown in the reboot, I hope we can call agree that 128 of them is enough:
Abraham Tower Abyss the Squid Akhut the Orca Amanda Tower Amy Rose Antoine D'Coolette Aquarius the Chao Axel the Water Buffalo Bark the Polar Bear Battle Lord Kukku XV Bean the Dynamite Bearenger the Grizzly Ben Muttski Big the Cat Black Death Blade the Shark Blaze the Cat Breezie the Hedgehog Buckle Bunker the Tortoise Bunnie D'Coolette Captain Metal Captain Shellbreaker Captain Striker Captain Whisker Carrotia the Rabbit Casino Egg Pawn Cassia the Pronghorn Chaos Charmy the Bee Cheese the Chao Chip Cinder the Pheasant Clove the Pronghorn Coconuts Conquering Storm Coral the Betta Cream the Rabbit Crusher the Chao Cubot Daniel Murer Death's Eye Dive the Lemming Dr. Eggman Dr. Ellidy Dulcy the Dragon E-106 Eta E-108 Iota E-109 Kappa E-110 Lambda E-113 Xi E-118 Tau E-123 Omega Echo the Dolphin Eclipse the Darkling Espio the Chameleon Falke Wulf Fixit Gaia Phoenix Gemerl Gold the Tenrec Grounder Honey the Cat Jian the Tiger Johnny Julian Snively King Puff Knuckles the Echidna Kraken Lord Mordred Hood Lupe the Wolf Madonna Garnet Marine the Raccoon Maw the Thylacine Metal Sonic Mighty the Armadillo Miles "Tails" Prower Mini & Mum Moss the Sloth Motobug Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab Nack the Weasel Nephthys the Vulture Nicole the Holo-Lynx Nigel Acorn Omochao Opal the Jellyfish Orbot Pearly the Manta Ray Phage President Princess Undina Professor von Schlemmer Professor Pickle Queen Angelica Ray the Flying Squirrel Razor the Shark Relic the Pika Rosie Woodchuck Rotor the Walrus Rouge the Bat Sally Acorn Scratch Second Devourer Shadow the Hedgehog Silver Sonic Silver the Hedgehog Sonar the Fennec Sonic Man Sonic the Hedgehog Speedy Spike the Porcupine Swash Tails Doll The Bits The Dark Arms Thunderbolt the Chinchilla Tikal the Echidna T-Pup Trevor Burrow the Mole Tundra the Walrus Uncle Chuck Vanilla the Rabbit Vector the Crocodile Walter Naugus War Walrus Wendy Naugus Wes Weasely
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Aloy/Drakka: Come
In which Drakka starts getting used to having a Focus. Only the first part of the chapter is here; the whole thing is on AO3.
{{GAIA Base 001 Archives >> cache >> autotranscription >> conversations >> Focus 001 (ALOY) and Focus 006 (DRAKKA)}}
09/03/3021 09:23
ALOY: Hi, Drakka.
DRAKKA: Aloy! What are you up to?
ALOY: Eating.
DRAKKA: Whatcha(?) eating? 
ALOY: Are you bored? Is that what this is about?
DRAKKA: No. I just thought I’d check in since I have this nifty relic now that lets me call you whenever I feel like it. 
ALOY: That’s not why I gave it to you. You’re supposed to call me for important things.
DRAKKA: Who’s to judge what’s important here? I mean, I think you eating a snack is pretty important. Keeps the energy up. Gives you strength to hunt like the badass that you are. So what are you eating?
ALOY: If I tell you, can I get back to my meal in peace?
DRAKKA: Depends on what you’re eating.
ALOY: I’m eating bean weed bites.
DRAKKA: The fuck is a bean weed bite?
ALOY: It’s an Utaru(?) dish. It’s really good, actually. Maybe I’ll bring you some the next time I swing by scalding spear. 
DRAKKA: Aw. You’re thinking of bringing me food?
ALOY: I was. But not if you’re going to make a big deal out of it. 
DRAKKA: Real sweet of you to want to keep my strength up with a nice meal. I don’t suppose you’re planning some kind of activity that I’m going to need a lot of strength for? 
ALOY: [scoff] Bye, Drakka.
DRAKKA: Later, desert flame. 
09/04/3021 14:03
ALOY: Hey, Drakka.
DRAKKA: Aloy! How’s it going?
ALOY: Can’t complain. 
DRAKKA: Are you eating again?
ALOY: Oh. Can you hear that? Sorry.
DRAKKA: Don’t be. I love the sound of munching. It’s real seductive right in my ear.
ALOY: What do you want, Drakka? 
DRAKKA: Depends. What are you eating this time?
ALOY: Why does that matter?
DRAKKA: ‘Cause if you’re eating something good, what I’ll want will be some of your food.
ALOY: [(?)scoff/laugh] Uh-huh. Well, I’m eating eggs.
DRAKKA: Eggs? Why in the name of the ten— oh. [laugh] You’re at salt bite, aren’t you? Pentala(?) talked you into eating that shit?
ALOY: First of all, it’s not shit. It’s really good.
DRAKKA: You're saying that because she’s sitting right beside you, aren’t you?
ALOY: Second of all, I’m surprised at you. I thought the desert clan were all about using every resource you can find, but you can’t find the stones to eat an egg?
DRAKKA: Hey hey, I’m going to stop you right there. I’ll have you know I have eaten eggs before.
ALOY: Oh yeah? When?
DRAKKA: When I was on my training mission. Foraging with no pre-packed rations was part of the mission, and we got desperate. Ended up eating some vulture eggs. 
ALOY: Vulture eggs?
DRAKKA: Vulture eggs, desert flame. And let me tell you, those things are fucking nasty. It’s like eating snot with a big nasty yellow blob in the middle. I don’t care if Pentala(?) thinks I’m a cowardly scab, I would not eat that again. 
ALOY: Wait. You ate the eggs raw?
DRAKKA: Yeah. What else were we supposed to do?
ALOY: Um, cook them? 
DRAKKA: Why would we do that?
ALOY: Because you eat meat cooked. Or salted and dried. Why wouldn’t you think to try cooking the eggs?
DRAKKA: [pause 2.37 seconds] Cook them like how? 
ALOY: Pentala(?) cracked them into a bowl and mixed them up so the, uh, mucus part and the yellow part are mixed together. Then she cooked it in a pan so it’s like a yellow round sheet of egg, and she folded it like a pouch and put meat and roasted vegetables in it.
DRAKKA: [pause 2.40 seconds] Okay, that sounds pretty good. 
ALOY: It’s more than pretty good. I was enjoying it until you called me.
DRAKKA: No one said you had to stop enjoying it just because I called you.
ALOY: You complained that I was munching in your ear.
DRAKKA: I didn’t complain. I said it was seductive. 
ALOY: Uh-huh. Okay, I’m going to go before this gets cold. I’ll talk to you later.
DRAKKA: Will you?
ALOY: What?
DRAKKA: Will you call me later?
ALOY: [pause 2.02 seconds] Why would I do that? 
DRAKKA: Because fair’s fair. I’m always the one who calls you.
ALOY: Always? You mean in the past 3 days that you’ve had a Focus? None of these calls has been important, by the way. 
DRAKKA: Ouch. I’m going to assume you said that because you’re so hungry it’s making you mean.
ALOY: [(?) scoff/sigh] I might call you later. Maybe. Depends on what I’m doing. 
DRAKKA: I knew you had a soft spot for me.
ALOY: [tongue click] Bye, Drakka.
DRAKKA: Later, desert flame. Enjoy your nice eggy treat.
ALOY: Oh, I will.
09/04/3021 22:38
ALOY: [loud noise, speech unintelligible] Can’t talk right now. 
DRAKKA: Woah. Are you in the middle of a
ALOY: I gotta go, Drakka, I can’t talk right [loud noise, speech unintelligible]
<b>09/05/3021 06:41</b>
ALOY: Why are you calling me so early?
DRAKKA: Oh come on, it’s not that early. It’s way past dawn.
ALOY: [groan] What do you want, Drakka?
DRAKKA: Just checking in. Sounds like you got into quite the fight last night.
ALOY: Oh. Shit, I forgot to call you back. 
DRAKKA: I take it you won the fight, since we’re talking?
ALOY: It’s a little insulting that you’d ask me that.
DRAKKA: Oh-ho, cocky, are we? I like that. Makes you sound like one of us!
ALOY: To answer your question, yeah, I was in a fight. I went into a cauldron to get some overrides.
DRAKKA: What’s a cauldron?
ALOY: Oh, sorry. You know those, uh. [pause 3.42 seconds] Have you ever been inside the gate of the vanquished? I mean, actually been down inside the structure itself?
DRAKKA: Yeah, actually. It’s fucking big. Nice and cool down there, too. Crazy echo effect. 
ALOY: Yeah, that’s. Wait, why have you been down there?
DRAKKA: All desert soldiers go in there as part of our training. History lesson with Jataka(?). Being able to look around inside that place makes it less boring to listen to him. 
ALOY: Right. So places like that are. [pause 2.01 seconds] Hang on. If you all know that it’s cool inside of the gate of the vanquished, why don’t your people take shelter in there from the heat?
DRAKKA: [scoff] What kind of survivors would that make us if we went and hid in some big metal belly in the ground whenever it got a little hot? No way, desert flame. We’re stronger than that.
ALOY: So you think it’s weak to take refuge from the heat by going into the gate of the vanquished, but going for a dip in the wound in the stone is fine?
DRAKKA: Yeah, ‘cause that’s totally different. We found the wound in the stone ourselves. We found our own way in there, and we use it to survive and to reward our soldiers on leave. 
ALOY: I… guess I can see the logic there. Well, the reason I mentioned this is that the gate of the vanquished is what’s called a cauldron. It’s a huge structure where machines are made. 
DRAKKA: Machines are made in there? In the gate of the vanquished?
ALOY: Not the gate of the vanquished, actually. That cauldron seems to be inactive. But there are other cauldrons here in the west, and in the east as well. That’s where machines are made.
DRAKKA: Woah. 
[pause 4.12 seconds]
ALOY: Drakka? You still there?
DRAKKA: Yeah, still here. Just… damn. 
ALOY: It’s pretty incredible, right?
DRAKKA: That’s one way to put it. So machines are just made in those cauldron things, and then… what, they just come wandering out into the world to attack us?
ALOY: They weren’t originally meant to attack us, but yeah, they’re made in cauldrons and released into the world.
DRAKKA: Then why don’t we just destroy them? 
ALOY: Destroy what?
DRAKKA: The cauldrons. We should just blow them up, right? No cauldrons, no machines, everyone would be safe. 
ALOY: [sigh] It’s more complicated than that. If you tried to do that, the cauldron would… attack you back. 
DRAKKA: Attack back?
ALOY: Yeah. They’re equipped with defenses. Machines protecting them from the inside. If you tried to destroy the cauldron, it would just keep making machines to take you down.
DRAKKA: Yeah, but if we took an army in
ALOY: Even if you managed to destroy the cauldron, the other ones would take over the task of making machines. Not only that, but the cauldrons can self-repair, so it would eventually undo the damage you did. 
ALOY: The cauldron would also start making more hostile machines if you attacked it directly. Also, they’re connected to each other, so
DRAKKA: Connected to each other?
ALOY: Connected to each other like how you and I are connected now.
DRAKKA: Oh, okay. 
ALOY: That means that if you destroyed one cauldron, more dangerous machines would start appearing from the other ones and making the world even more dangerous. 
DRAKKA: Okay, okay, I get it. Don’t destroy the cauldrons. 
ALOY: [sigh] Okay. Thank you.
[pause 3.72 seconds]
DRAKKA: How do you know all of this, Aloy?
ALOY: [sigh] It’s… all part of having a Focus. Growing up with it, I mean. Then travelling around and trying to just… figure things out.
DRAKKA: Sounds like you got things pretty damn figured out. 
ALOY: [(?)laugh/sigh] I don’t know.
[pause 2.51 seconds]
DRAKKA: What’s up, desert flame? What’re you thinking?
[pause 4.33 seconds]
ALOY: I don’t know. Nothing, really. 
[pause 3.07 seconds]
DRAKKA: So if the Focus is part of the reason you know so much stuff, does that mean I could know the stuff you know, since I have a Focus now?
ALOY: You could, yes. If you really wanted to. But it would be way easier for you to learn this stuff if you learn how to read. 
DRAKKA: Read? Like the Karja(?)?
ALOY: [(?)laugh/scoff] Don’t sound so disgusted. And it wouldn’t be Karja(?) glyphs you’d be learning. It would be the glyphs of the old world. 
DRAKKA: Glyphs of the old world? Wait, there’s more than one kind of glyphs?
ALOY: Oh, yeah. There’s glyphs of the old world, Karja(?) glyphs, Aweserom(?) glyphs… Those are all the ones I know, but it sounds like there were a lot more different glyph systems in the old world.
DRAKKA: What’s the point of having so many glyph systems if everyone could just use the same one?
ALOY: That’s… a really good question. And I’m too tired to answer it right now. But. [pause 3.40 seconds] Ask me another time and I’ll tell you. 
DRAKKA: Deal. So when do I get to start learning old world glyphs?
ALOY: You want to learn to read? Really?
DRAKKA: Yeah, why not? I wanna know what you know. I want in on the desert flame’s secrets.
ALOY: [scoff] Uh-huh. Well. [pause 2.15 seconds] Next time I’m in scalding spear, I’ll show you how you can get started learning to read. 
DRAKKA: You’re going to teach me?
ALOY: I’ll teach you a little. Just enough so you can learn the rest yourself. 
DRAKKA: Great. If I’m a good soldier and I pick up your lessons fast, will you give me a reward?
ALOY: What kind of reward?
DRAKKA: The kind that involves taking my pants off.
ALOY: [tongue click] And here I thought you were being serious. I’m going back to sleep.
DRAKKA: Wait wait, don’t go. You didn’t say what you were doing in the cauldron.
ALOY: What I? Oh yeah. I was… You know how I tamed a charger for you that time?
DRAKKA: Yeah, using the butt end of your spear.
ALOY: Exactly. Each of the cauldrons has instructions that I can… put onto my spear module so I can override… so I can tame different machines other than just chargers. Bristle backs, burrowers, scrappers. The cauldron I was in yesterday gave me the data I needed to override sky drifters, long legs, claw striders — 
DRAKKA: Hang on. You can tame a claw strider?
ALOY: Yeah. And since I can override them, I can make them attack other machines for me.
DRAKKA: What? You can? Hot damn! Hey, I heard that Regala(?) can ride a claw strider. Can you do that now too?
ALOY: Yep. 
DRAKKA: Blood of the fucking ten! I want to ride a claw strider! Can you tame one for me when you come to scalding spear?
ALOY: Why does it feel like my next visit to scalding spear is going to be me giving you a lot of presents? Bean weed bites, instructions for how to read, an overridden claw strider, what else? Should I bring you a fancy new bow?
DRAKKA: Hey, if you wanted to give me more presents, I wouldn’t say no. And I’d thank you really nicely for them. 
ALOY: Sure you would. 
DRAKKA: I would, I swear on the ten. You want to know how I’d thank you?
ALOY: I’m pretty sure I can guess. 
DRAKKA: Are you guessing that it would be something involving my head between your legs? ‘Cause that’s what I had in mind. 
ALOY: Drakka! 
DRAKKA: [laugh] Oh, you like that idea, huh?
ALOY: [tongue click] That’s. [scoff] You’re a real piece of work, you know that? 
DRAKKA: I don’t hear you saying no.
ALOY: [scoff] You’re so. [scoff] I’m ending this call now. 
DRAKKA: Looking forward to your next visit. Hey, call me before you come so I can take off my war paint.
ALOY: [scoff]
<b>09/06/3021 12:22</b>
DRAKKA: Aloy! You called!
ALOY: I got that drone.
DRAKKA: What drone? Oh, the one in the stand of the sentinels? 
ALOY: Yeah. I finally got it.
DRAKKA: Hey, good for you! After so many defeats, you finally took it down!
ALOY: [tongue click] I told you, it wasn’t defeating me. It was just out of reach.
DRAKKA: Sure it was.
ALOY: Whatever. The point is that I got it. I finally got the data.
DRAKKA: That’s great, desert flame. Happy for you. 
ALOY: You don’t have to be sarcastic about it.
DRAKKA: I’m not. I’m actually happy for you. I know how much you wanted that data. Is it good?
ALOY: I don’t know yet. I’ll have to wait until I get back to the base to see it.
DRAKKA: The data is something you can see?
ALOY: Yeah. It’s… images. Like holograms, in a way. 
DRAKKA: Holograms of what?
ALOY: Of the area that the drone was scanning. At the base, we can display it in this special room that makes it look like you’re actually in the place that the drone was scanning. So for example, I got data from a drone from the still sands. So we can project it on the ceiling at the base and make it look as though we’re in the still sands with the visions all around. 
DRAKKA: Wow. That sounds really cool. 
ALOY: It is. [pause 2.04] I should go.
DRAKKA: Wait, is that all you called me for?
ALOY: Yeah. I just… wanted to tell you.
DRAKKA: You called me specially so you could tell me you finally got that drone?
ALOY: Well, you kept teasing me about it, so I just wanted to… shut you up so you wouldn’t keep going on about it.
DRAKKA: Oh, this isn’t going to stop me from teasing you about it. Hey, you know what I’ll do? I’ll make you a medal.
ALOY: A medal?
DRAKKA: Yeah. I’ll shine up a nice round piece of machine armour plate, and I’ll paint it white like that drone so you can remember how you finally vanquished it.
ALOY: Whatever. Bye. 
DRAKKA: Hey wait wait. Aloy?
ALOY: What?
DRAKKA: I’m glad you called. Seriously. 
[pause 3.11 seconds]
ALOY: Okay. 
DRAKKA: Okay. Later, desert flame.
ALOY: Yeah. Um, okay. Bye.
<b>09/07/3021 12:07</b>
ALOY: Hey. I’m eating, so don’t even think about making fun of me for it.
DRAKKA: Me, make fun of you for munching in my ear? I wouldn’t even dream of it.
ALOY: What do you want?
DRAKKA: Was it any good? The drone data? 
ALOY: Oh. Yeah, it was good. Images of the stand of the sentinels during different times of day. It seems like the sunset is pretty stunning from up there.
DRAKKA: I’ll have to take your word for it. 
ALOY: Oh. You’ve never been there, have you?
DRAKKA: Nope. Another one of those things that I’d like to see, but… ah, who knows. We’ll see if I find the leave time to get out there.
ALOY: You really should. It would only take you about two days to ride there on a charger. 
DRAKKA: Woah. You’re right. I could ride my charger there!
ALOY: Yeah, easily. And it’s only about an hour to ride from there to tide’s reach. You’d be able to see the ocean in the same trip.
DRAKKA: Blood of the ten.
ALOY: What?
DRAKKA: [laugh] You’re really something, you know that?
ALOY: What? Why?
DRAKKA: I can go places because you gave me a charger. I could… [pause 2.06 seconds] [laugh] Blood of the fucking ten. Aloy.
ALOY: What? 
DRAKKA: I could see the ocean because of you. 
ALOY: You could’ve seen the ocean without me. 
DRAKKA: I don’t think I could. Do you know how long it takes to march all the way to tide’s reach from scalding spear? It could take weeks depending on the weather or the machines. I’d never be able to get that much leave time, especially as the commander. But now I could…
[pause 3.08 seconds]
ALOY: Drakka?
[pause 4.17 seconds]
ALOY: Hey, are you okay?
DRAKKA: Will you come see the ocean with me?
ALOY: What, right now?
DRAKKA: [laugh] No, you scab. Next time I can get some leave time. Next month, maybe. Will you come with me?
ALOY: Uh, I. It depends. I’m not sure… I can never really know what I’ll be doing even a couple of days from now.
DRAKKA: Whenever, then. Whenever you want. Whenever you have the time. 
DRAKKA: Please, Aloy. I know I ask a lot of you, but this is… It wouldn’t be the same without you.
[pause 2.33 seconds]
ALOY: Okay. 
ALOY: Yeah. I mean, I’m not sure when, but… yeah. I’ll go to the ocean with you.
DRAKKA: Awesome. That’s awesome. Okay. [laugh] Flame of the desert. Always blowing my mind.
ALOY: [(?) scoff/laugh] Come on, it’s not like that.
DRAKKA: You have no idea what it’s like. 
ALOY: [(?) scoff/laugh] Well. Anyway. Um.
DRAKKA: I know, you’ve gotta go, I’m holding up your munching. Just know you made my day, okay?
ALOY: Okay. Um. Yeah, okay. Bye.
DRAKKA: Bye, Aloy. Walk with the ten. 
ALOY: You too.
<b>09/08/3021 21:17</b>
ALOY: Hi, Drakka.
DRAKKA: Hey, something weird happened when I touched my Focus earlier. I didn’t break it, did I?
ALOY: If you’re talking to me now, it’s probably okay. Hang on. 
[pause 7.39 seconds] 
ALOY: I’m not seeing any alerts or anything. What happened when you touched it?
DRAKKA: I was putting it back on after I went for a dip in the wound in the stone, and it made a noise. Then this… grid of light, I guess? There was a grid of light that swept over everything, and then I could… Okay, this is going to sound like I’m a couple rocks short, but the soldiers up top lit up in purple. 
ALOY: Oh. Yeah, okay. Well, good thing they didn’t light up orange. 
DRAKKA: Huh? So that’s normal, then?
ALOY: Yeah, it’s a function of the Focus. Is everyone still lit up with purple?
DRAKKA: No. I took the thing off and put it back on, and everything was normal again. 
ALOY: Okay, that’s good. You accidentally used the Focus to scan the environment. 
DRAKKA: Scan the? Oh. Ohh, I get it now. That’s what <em>you</em> do!
ALOY: Yeah, exactly. That’s how I helped you and Yara(?) to figure out what was happening with the wound. The one in scalding spear, I mean. If you tap it in different ways, it highlights different kinds of information. It sounds like you tapped it once, which highlights people and machines. Moving machines, I should say. Stuff that’s highlighted in purple is considered friendly. Stuff that’s highlighted in orange should be considered hostile. It’s not always accurate, and it will always mark machines as friendly if they’re not attacking you, even if it’s a thunder jaw. Anyway, that’s what it sounds like you did.
DRAKKA: Woah. So… [pause 3.74 seconds] So if we’re going into battle, I can use this to figure out how many enemies are nearby? 
ALOY: Exactly. It’s really useful. That’s how I’ve been sneaking into rebel camps and wiping them out without any help.
DRAKKA: Blood of the fucking ten.
ALOY: Blew your mind again, huh?
DRAKKA: That’s an understatement. I can’t believe you’re giving away your top-secret battle tactics to me.
ALOY: It’s hardly a secret. Anyone with a Focus and enough combat training could do it.
DRAKKA: [scoff] And that’s a crazy overstatement. I’m just kidding about giving away your battle tactics, you know. I don’t think anyone could raze down the rebels the way you’ve been doing. You’ve got a real talent for racking up the kills.
ALOY: [scoff] You sound like a hunter I know from back east.
DRAKKA: Someone as handsome and charming as me?
ALOY: That’s not exactly how I’d describe him. But anyway, you should try the scanning function on purpose the next time you’re near a machine. Tap it once to scan, then tap it again to turn off the scan.
DRAKKA: Okay, let me try this on purpose then. Tap once… ha, got it.
ALOY: When you scan a machine, you’ll see a… box, kind of, pop up near the top right corner of your vision, and it’ll have some glyphs in it. Don’t worry about that for now. I’ll explain that to you when I see you next. 
DRAKKA: Sounds great. Damn, this is great. This is great! Woah.
ALOY: Are you using it to scan a machine right now? 
DRAKKA: Nah, just scanning scalding spear. So many people live here.
ALOY: [(?)scoff/laugh] You’re the commander. You know exactly how many people live there.
DRAKKA: Yeah, but it’s another thing to see them all lit up like this. Look at all those purple scabs! 
ALOY: [laugh] Okay. Well, you have fun with that. 
DRAKKA: I will. Oh, whoops. [laugh]
ALOY: What?
DRAKKA: Spotted a couple people having sex. 
ALOY: Wha— Drakka! Stop scanning!
DRAKKA: [laugh] Relax, I stopped. I’m not a watcher. 
ALOY: A watcher?
DRAKKA: Yeah. You know, a scab who spies on other soldiers while they’re fucking.
ALOY: Who would do that?
DRAKKA: You’d be surprised. Calling them a watcher in front of everyone usually gets them to cut it out, though.
[pause 3.26 seconds]
DRAKKA: Aloy? You still there?
ALOY: I’m here. I’m just…
DRAKKA: Thinking about watching people fucking?
ALOY: What? No!
DRAKKA: [laugh] 
ALOY: I was thinking that people are weird. Who would spy on other people having sex?
DRAKKA: I know, right? If you want to watch other people getting their rocks off, just ask. 
ALOY: What? No, that’s not. That is <em>not</em> what I meant! Why would anyone ask that? Why would anyone do that?
DRAKKA: Because it’s hot. 
ALOY: How? Wait. Have you watched people having sex? 
DRAKKA: Sure. I mean, I watched and then I joined in, but yeah, I’ve watched people having sex.
[pause 5.03 seconds]
ALOY: Uh-huh.
DRAKKA: What are you thinking about? 
ALOY: [tongue click] Stop laughing.
DRAKKA: I’m not laughing. 
ALOY: I can hear you smiling.
DRAKKA: Smiling isn’t the same as laughing.
ALOY: [tongue click] You’re being annoying.
DRAKKA: [laugh] I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I swear. And I won’t laugh if you ask.
ALOY: If I ask what?
DRAKKA: Whatever you’re thinking about.
ALOY: How do you know I’m thinking about anything?
DRAKKA: Come on, desert flame. You’re always thinking about something. You want to ask me something about watching people have sex?
ALOY: No, okay? Fire and spit. 
DRAKKA: You sure?
[pause 3.67 seconds]
ALOY: You don’t want people to watch us having sex, do you?
DRAKKA: Do <em>you</em> want people to watch us having sex?
ALOY: <em>No.</em> Definitely no.
DRAKKA: Then neither do I. 
[pause 2.05 seconds]
ALOY: But you would let people watch if it was up to you.
DRAKKA: Sure, depending on who it was and how they asked. But not if you don’t want to.
ALOY: Good. I mean, okay. That’s good. And… [tongue click, sigh]
DRAKKA: It’s okay, Aloy. You can ask me whatever.
[pause 5.48 seconds]
ALOY: Do you want to watch other people having sex? 
ALOY: Really.
DRAKKA: Really. I really don’t.
ALOY: Uh-huh.
DRAKKA: I’m serious, Aloy. I don’t. 
ALOY: Why not, if you used to do it before?
DRAKKA: Why would I want to watch other people if I could be watching you? 
[pause 4.17 seconds]
ALOY: Yeah.
[pause 3.82 seconds] 
DRAKKA: You want to ask me anything else?
[pause 4.06 seconds]
ALOY: I’m going to go. 
ALOY: What? 
[pause 2.38 seconds]
DRAKKA: When are you coming to scalding spear next?
ALOY: I don’t know. I’m… I don’t know.
DRAKKA: Okay. 
[pause 4.77 seconds]
ALOY: I should go.
DRAKKA: Yeah. 
[pause 3.81 seconds]
DRAKKA: [(?) laugh/sigh] You’re killing me here, desert flame.
ALOY: I’m not doing anything. 
DRAKKA: I know. I’m just… [sigh] You have to go, right? You should go.
ALOY: Yeah.
[pause 4.71 seconds]
ALOY: Night, Drakka.
DRAKKA: Night. 
ALOY: I’ll… I’ll call you.
DRAKKA: I’ll be waiting.
Read the rest of the chapter here on AO3!
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ally-holmes · 1 year
A deal with Hades | Anders Johnson x OC Fem!Hades (Ch.4)
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Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter -- Next Chapter
Fandom: The Almighty Johnsons
Pairing: Anders Johnson x OC Fem!Hades
Rating: Explicit (for blood and cussing)
Content warnings: free call on mythology and beliefs, swearing and blood. Self-esteem issues. Hurt. 
Summary of the chapter: When Axl confronts Anders about his slip with Gaia, he loses control a nearly kills Anders. Hades isn’t happy about it. Anders needs someone to take care of him and she makes him feel... loved.
Word count: 4266
Also available on AO3
More content in My Fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
This work was created to be part of the Deanobingo2023 event by @deanobingo​ It fills the General Prompt Card with Only One Bed.
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A deal with Hades | Chapter Four
It started as it always does, with Anders screwing it up. As the Johnsons brothers and grandfather gathered in Mike's former bar, they were talking through this major inconvenience that was the fact that Anders had fucked Gaia multiple times now. Axl seemed ready to understand that it was something they couldn't really prevent, that Anders was not really to blame or, in the case of doing so, he had to blame Gaia as well. Then Anders opened his bloody mouth.
"–balls deep in–" as soon as he said that, Axl grabbed him, throwing him to the other side of the room using Odin's strength.
Anders landed into a pile of debris. It took him a second, but he clearly noticed that none of his brothers were there to help him up, showing concern. He felt a stinging pain in his neck, so he covered the spot with his hand as he got up. Then Mike got closer, and Anders saw the drops of blood that were coming out of him. A sticky sound, a metallic smell, and the warmth that he was feeling between his fingers and neck meant that he was bleeding.
"Holly shit!" Ty exclaimed in horror.
"Fuck Axl," Anders complained just before collapsing.
Hades looked at Tityus as he grunted, bored of the same pain over and over again. She was eating pistachios next to him as if he wasn't having his liver eaten by vultures. She wasn't a bad god, she was nice, and that's why she visited her condemned souls willing to get them free of their punishment if they were fully reformed from their crimes.
Unfortunately, there was no true redemption as they had committed crimes knowingly. Tityus was not ashamed of what he had done, he ensured that it was in his nature as a male to take a woman whether they wanted or not. Hades wasn't pleased to hear that. She opened another pistachio throwing its shell at Tityus' head.
With the bident in one hand, she got up, fixed her impressive silver crown, and got ready to keep walking through her realm. She had given Anders the room he wanted, and she refused to act all possessive over him. When she had seen Heimdallr open Anders' building door to a very distressed Gaia she nearly intervened. Jealousy was bitten on her body then, but Heimdallr intercepted her making it very clear that it had to be done for Odin to resume his search for Frigg. Hades couldn't deny that Axl was pretty dense and that he had let Gaia get in the way of his quest. That did not mean that she didn't have a tremendous pull to just strip the skin off of the young goddess.
Having her emotions all over the place meant that she wasn't able to adjust properly to the mortal realm, hence her presence in the netherworld.
As she was walking towards Prometheus with some hellhounds following her, the situation between the Johnson brothers showed itself in front of her. She had to go back. Now.
The moment Anders collapsed into the floor a huge beast of three heads stepped on Axl, throwing him into the floor and kipping him there with its big paws; all the heads were growling and snarling. Hades had materialized herself kneeling next to Anders, her hand caressing his cheek to guide his eyes.
To Anders, she looked even better than before. She was like the true apparition of an angel. Her bluish spark was intense and glittery undulating around her; her flaming hair gave impressive importance to the crown that sat on her head. Those white eyes were meant to emulate the most imposing of the abyss, a metaphor for the nothingness in death, but they held his heart, his soul, and his life. Relief burned through his skin. Hades was here.
She reduced the distance between them so he didn't have to talk too loudly.
"Anders, you're dying," her soft tone made him gasp. She smiled with tight lips acknowledging his horror. "I do not wish for you to abandon your mortal place just yet, but I won't heal you without your consent. What do you want to do?"
"Stay," he whispered feeling dizzy and fuzzy, lethargic. "Want to… stay."
As the last word left his lips, her hand moved from his face to his chest, and like the first time, the air was knocked out of his lungs just to come in stronger than before. He felt more alert, and touched his wounded neck, finding it completely healed but still stained with viscous blood.
Ty and Olaf sighed in relief. Hades' expression turned severe. She was pissed. Anders opened his mouth to speak but a small tap on his chest made him stop.
"Stay still, love. You've lost quite some blood, it will take time for you to feel good." He gave her a nod that she copied.
Then there was nobody close to him.
Just as fast as she had shown up, she disappeared from Anders' side and turned up behind the beast, which in turn left Axl alone. Now the beast guarded Hades' back as each of its heads looked at the healthy Johnsons ready to eat them whole if needed.
She hooked the extreme of her bident on Axl's throat at held him up, not to stand, but to wave a few inches over the floor; taking in his height, it was impressive, but again, she was a god. The youngest Johnson was shaking like a leaf on a fucking tornado.
"The only reason you're not dead right now is because the deal I have with Anders involves you being alive somewhat. You, despicable soul, tried to kill my Anders and I'm not happy about it. I really, really want to skin you with my fingernails," she growled with the most dangerous god voice of all.
"I didn't mean to," the poor young man whined.
"You still made an unforgettable mistake that would hang over your shoulders for the rest of your days, you, useless soul. Do you understand? You almost killed your brother. The same brother that trade his soul for yours to keep your pitiful ass alive." The flames on her hair grew, and instead of resting floating around her face and shoulders, they turned upwards like the light of a candle. A very dangerous one. Axl was choking with the bident, his eyes puffy and red; his face turning purple. "Anders and Gaia made what their gods wanted them to do. Yes, your brother talked trash about it, but you know him enough to understand what he was hiding then. And if you don't–" She laughed, hollow and dark. "If you don't know, disgusting soul, then you don't deserve Anders giving up his soul for you."
The bident disappeared. Axl's body dropped into the floor like a puppet whose strings had just been cut. Mike did a movement to approach his brother and the beast snapped its jaws as a warning.
Hades grabbed the boy by the hair until he was up. She made sure that his eyes never left hers, as powerful and horrific as they were. Showing off her razor-like teeth in a terrifying smile, Hades let fear consume Axl's senses.
"I want to kill you. I want to keep your soul. And I want to make you suffer for all eternity, Axl Johnson. However, I shan't do that. I'm giving you a chance of redemption, just in case you mess up again because trust me, I won't let it slide if it repeats." She waited until he nodded. "Mikkel will accompany you to Gaia, and you will make her leave." His eyes opened in shock, not liking that order at all. "Once Gaia is far away from New Zealand, you are going to find Frigg, then Heimdallr. You will perform the ritual to open Asgard's doors. You will complete your quest. Have I made myself clear?"
"You have thirty-two hours to get rid of Gaia or I will make someone kill her." He paled. "I will make someone kill her so Iðunn can find another vessel and there will be no more conflict between your pathetic soul and my mortal. Are we clear, Axl Johnson?"
She pushed him to Mike, who caught him in visible distress. The beast growled and they left.
Anders had found the strength to sit down this his legs crossed at some point, and had witnessed the whole exchange. Hades turned to him, covered in blood and dust, looking smaller and more hurt than ever, trying very hard to pretend he was not. Her hair became its usual calm self and the crown disappeared. The beast became a playful golden retriever as it followed Hades on her way toward Anders. She kneeled down again.
"You mustn't be alone right now, Anders. You clearly need to go home and rest as well. There's a choice to make. You may either, wait here until you feel strong enough to support your own weight, in which case Olaf and Tyron will take you home, or I could take you home in a second. The second option also implies that I'll be the one taking care of you until you feel better. I won't let you alone this time. It's me or them."
Anders observed her with attention. "What do you want?"
His question surprised her. She blinked away at the shock and hummed. "I won't push my will upon yours, Anders."
"That's not what I asked."
"I– I want you to choose me."
He sighed with contentment, his body released the tension leaning forward. Anders held his hand in the offering; Hades took it and caressed his knuckles with her thumb.
"I want to be with you."
After his whispered words, Anders found himself in the bathroom of his apartment, seated on the toilet with Blanc waiting on the door and Aïdi still kneeling in front of him, holding his hand with care. She was wearing a soft cotton baggy sweatshirt in a grayish-blue color, obviously, and jeans. Her hair was pulled in a messy ponytail and he couldn't help but feel a little pull in his heart with how casual and comfortable she looked in contrast to her lawyer outfits that were professional, fancy, and tight.
Fuck, he was dizzy.
"You're still recovering blood. You must need plenty of liquids and food rich in iron. But first, we must clean you up. Would you feel comfortable with my help or should I bring someone?"
"One of your minions? Like Dementia or something?" Anders tried to joke.
"Hum… I mean, he's retired, but if you want I could–"
"You know someone named Dementia?"
"Of course. I told you I ran out of names."
He couldn't help it, he laughed. It hurt him slightly and made him way dizzier, but it was so absurd and she was so cute in her confusion that he was unable to stop the giggles.
"No… No, it's fine. I don't want anyone else."
As her hands worked in undressing him, Anders felt warm and comfortable. His eyelids were heavy, making him blink very slowly, and his eyes always focused on her. Was she blushing? Cute. Once his clothes were out and on the floor, he saw the blood and it hit him. He nearly died. If it hadn't been for Hades, he would be dead.
She opened the faucet but didn't pull him under the spray until the water was nice and warm. He shouldn't find it fascinating that she wasn't getting drenched in water while being just next to him, she was a powerful god after all, but he was, in fact, fascinated.
"You're amazing," he mumbled half out of his mind.
Her eyes opened in shock, her cheeks burned, and she huffed a "shut up" incredibly cute.
The spray hit his skin with fervor, pulling out any remains of blood. She was scrubbing him methodically; his chest, his shoulders, his back… It felt nice. His knees were wobbly still hence her need for using some of her magic to keep him standing. Hades washed his hair at last and turned off the tap.
"Feeling better?"
Anders had not noticed that he had closed his eyes until her whisper registered in his brain. Yeah, he felt better. Clean, stronger, less dizzy… Aïdi was looking at him with a concerned frown, eyes big and shiny, biting on her bottom lip with worry. He reached for her face, caressing her cheek, using his thumb to pull the lip free from her teeth. She, who had stayed dry while showering him, had now a wet trace from him. Anders wanted to kiss her, but he didn't know if he should.
The shower was just the beginning. With comfortable clothes on and Blanc resting his head on his foot, Anders and Aïdi shared a meal that seemed excessive but that he ravished nonetheless. He didn't want to be surrounded by silence, but he was not ready to face the traumatic experience that he had just faced, so he asked her questions about the netherworld and she decided to carry the conversation telling him about the changes that were taking place on her palace to try to catch Internet in order to prevent Anders to feel boredom in the future; she also mentioned Tityus and how she was so tired of him that sometimes she just ate pistachios next to him to throw its shells to his face. Up until this point, Anders had no idea if Hades needed to actually eat or if, by being an eternal being, she had no such need.
It's not until he's able to get up and walk alone to his bedroom that it hits him with full force. His brother killed him. The only thing that kept him alive was his deal with Hades, without it, he would have been dead. Axl had killed him. Axl had–
Anders fell to his knees unable to breathe, hands clenching onto his chest with desperation. Blanc whined licking his face and pawing his arms to claim his attention.
His brothers. Mike and Ty. His grandpa… none of them had approached him after Axl had thrown him away. None of them had shown shock or displeasure. He could've got badly hurt!! Fuck, he DIED!!
Hades' arms wrapped around him offering pressure. His head hid under her chin. Blanc kept whining, now pressed against Anders' chest as he hid his face in the dog's fur.
It hadn't been new, to be honest; the apathy of his brothers that is. Anders was five years younger than Mike, and only fifteen months older than Ty. When they were little, their parents had already enjoyed Mike as their firstborn hence there was no novelty in the second child, much less if another one followed close behind. As they grew, Mike's obsession with being the big brother was overwhelming, especially since it translated to "I know better. Do as I say." Their parents were a fucking mess too, so they didn't have much time to spare for their children. Their father was more absent than not, and their mother was stressed about having to be the provider for the family. Ty was the youngest and more sensible one with a clear anger management problem, so he received attention. Anders did not. He just blurred into the background unless he made people pay attention to him.
At first, it hurt that the only time people looked at him was to yell or complain, but then he got used to it and it was better than just being ignored. As he grew, he thought that he had managed to build some sort of tight relationship with Ty; they treated them almost like twins in school and that was nice. Making fun of Ty, bickering with him, being bothered by him… That was their dynamic. Then Axl came into their lives when Anders was seven. Mike felt more responsibility setting in his shoulders and became nastier towards Anders because he did not approve of the way Anders treated Axl. He did not treat Axl badly; he was his baby brother. It's just that Anders didn't act like an older brother as Mike did or as Ty wanted to do, Anders just played with his brother, allowed him to accompany him in his mischief, and enjoyed having someone to teach him the better way to snatch cookies without being caught.
Then their parents left, both of them, leaving Mike in charge and Anders getting the official title of black sheep of the family. It didn't matter what he did or what he said, it was wrong either way. He was sixteen, he had lost his parents and he was being psychologically abused by his older brother. It hurt, and Anders had intrusive thoughts for quite some time, but then he just decided that if he had to be a nightmare to survive, then he was not going to stop it.
He didn't stop worrying about his brothers, though. When he saw the way Mike was trapping himself with Val due to the guilt he felt, he tried to help in his own way knowing that words wouldn't do anything. It that the opposite effect. Having Mike grunt at him "don't go near Axl" hurt pretty bad. Anders endured it. The moment he saw Axl bleeding on Mike's floor after the demigod stabbed him, his heart crumbled. It didn't matter that they had pushed him aside more than once, Anders couldn't just keep his mouth shut and let all his family die. He did a deal with Hades for them, all of them.
Did he do it so he could get recognition or love from his family? No. It would've been nice, though, that they didn't fucking forget about it after a bloody month!!
Anders felt miserable and lonely. A growing void burning inside of him.
"You're not alone anymore, Anders." Aïdi's soft voice betrayed her true emotions, as there was something terse there, some contained wrath that made Anders understand that he had been thinking out loud, opening himself to her. "For better or for worse, Anders, you will always have me."
That was… reassuring.
She managed to place him on the bed and turn off the lights. Blanc jumped in, pawing him until he left him on the right side of the bed, under the covers. The golden retriever made two circles on the spot and then curled into himself letting go a sigh. Hades smiled from the foot of the bed.
"Blanc's a cuddler. It will make you feel better to pet his fur until sleep comes to you."
Anders nodded; his eyes stung from the tears shed. He lay on his right side, Blanc's body emanating warmth against his torso. From the corner of his eye, he saw Aïdi ready to leave the room and his head shot up.
"Where are you going?" He demanded in a panic.
"To the couch."
"An– Anders. There's only one bed."
She blushed fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweatshirt. "One bed, two people, Anders."
"So what?"
"Well, according to my investigation on mortal matters from the last centuries, when two people share a bed it means that soon they'll be sharing their blooming romantic feelings for each other."
Anders let himself fall into the pillow and burst into a belly laugh. "Do your research on humanity by watching rom-coms?"
"Shit… My heart is not going to survive this," Anders mumbled. "Get in bed and sleep here. Unless you feel uncomfortable with–"
"I do not! I want to sleep with you!"
Now Anders blushed violently. "Then let's share the bed. Get in!"
"Fine! Don't yell, you're still weak."
Getting into his previous position, Anders started to run his fingers in Blanc's fur and it was clearly soothing. However, Hades was laying on her back, hands intertwined on top of her belly, eyes glued to the roof, and as far away from Anders as the bed allowed her to be.
He sighed with loving exasperation before looking at her from his shoulder, "Do you not sleep?"
"Of course I do!"
"Doesn't look like it."
"I don't want to be overbearing."
Anders grunted, "Come here and spoon me?"
"Why do you need a spoon?"
He gestured with his left arm for her to come closer, and as she did, he arranged them so Hades was hugging him from behind, one of her hands pressed against his chest. Now that Anders could feel the comforting warmth from Blanc and Hades surrounding his body, he could relax and surrender to sleep. Aïdi relaxed as well, her nose caressing his nape absently.
Anders wasn't someone used to sharing his bed to sleep with someone, much less cuddling like that, but it felt so right that the idea of an eternity just like this seemed pretty good to him.
Sleep came to him with easiness allowing him to fully rest, his tension disappearing. By the time he opened his eyes again, there was a warm light filling the room and he noticed that he had turned during the night and now Blanc was sleeping as long as he was, back to back with Anders while he had his head tucked under Hades' chin, still being the little spoon. She was so warm and the whole scene felt so good that he didn't want to get up.
On the few occasions in which Anders had gotten to share a bed to sleep it had been an accident due to the exhaustion from sex and he had most certainly bolted from the bed as soon as he had noticed another body next to him. Helen had been as focused on the sex as himself, therefore they hadn't shared a bed to sleep in, unless by accident. However, after the incident between Helen and Aïdi, the goddess of apples had become restless and pushed her right to sleep on his bed. Her argumentative tone gave him migraines, so he ended up accepting her presence, but going to the couch as soon as she was asleep. He hated those days. Anders knew that it wasn't very nice that he felt such an amount of relief that she was dead, but fuck he did.
He sighed with contentment. Hades' hands caressed his shoulder and arm when she noticed he was awake, but she showed no indication of wanting to get off the bed either. Unfortunately, they couldn't delay the inevitable. Anders got up with trouble as the blankets kept twisting between his legs and Blanc thought it was a fun game to jump into his back to push him to the bed over and over.
All done in the bathroom, Anders went back to the bedroom finding it empty and with clean bedding on. A heavy weight settled in his stomach as loneliness crept under his skin willing to consume him entirely. Then he heard it, the sound of Blanc's claws against the floor as the dog approached him from behind. The golden retriever looked at him waving his tail.
They were still here.
In his kitchenette, Aïdi was preparing breakfast with a new combo of comfy clothes. She looked at him over her shoulder, answering his awed look with a frown.
"All good, love?"
"I thought you left," he blurted out.
The recognition made her stop her movements and turn around, "Oh… I guess I should've let you know. I just went home to change, Blanc ran some laps meanwhile."
"I– I guess I'm not used to being with a true god that can…" he gestured with his hands.
"Is that what it's called?"
She shrugged, "I never gave it a name. Do you feel better?"
As she resumed breakfast, Anders drank the familiarity of everything.
Hades warned him that as long as he was alive, there was no possible way for him to visit the netherworld when he asked. However, she had a house in Auckland and gave him the address as well as a copy of the keys with the invitation of using the place whenever he needed.
"I've been thinking about something," he decided to approach the topic that was dancing on his mind once they ended their food. "It's about the contract."
"Does it have secondary effects or something like that?"
"Like what?" She frowned.
"Mm… Don't know. Like– Like dependency, you know, mess up feelings or something like that."
"No. There was this one time in which one of the giving souls turned out to be allergic to the Fire of Life, so I made them reincarnate. But no, usually the giving souls resent me for taking them on their word. That's what I thought you were feeling…" she ended with a mumble.
"No! No, it's not that. What's the Fire of Life?" Anders decided it was best to change the subject.
Aïdi pointed at herself. Anders frowned.
"My hair is blue. Fire blue. Get it?"
"That's the Fire of Life?"
"Yup. Most of the fire in the netherworld is blue because of it. There's also the Fire of Perdition, which is pure red and reserved for very bad souls. However, when it comes to the fire that provides light, like in my palace, the blue is so clear that it looks white."
"Your palace still works on candles?"
"I mean… They never run out."
"Fuck, you're going to be the death of me."
They shared a look in silence and then both broke into a loud laugh.
To be continued in Chapter Five
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
WIP Excerpt Of Flowers and Darkness (Kingdom of Ichor #1)
In this scene, some of the gods react to the news of a new goddess on Fatestagram.
Luxegoddess101: Everyone needs to stop coming @ me! I have no control over the harpies that decided to leap onto the story. I bring what the people want- entertainment! That’s my job!
mr.underworld: The only thing you bring @luxegoddess101 is trouble… and headaches. I know better than anybody.
homeiswherethehearthis: Poor thing! I saw the video of them following her as they were driving away. I wanted to give her a big warm hug. Have any of you talked to Demeter yet? I want to send her and her daughter some sympathy baskets.
Tridentking: Sure, @GloryCrownGoddess won’t go out with me, but she’ll settle for some basic delivery man. 🙄
mr.underworld: @tridentking, it’s been over a century. LET IT GO. Besides, what would Iphimedia say?
Tridentking: @mr.underworld: Shhh! Don’t talk about her here! You got bubbles in your brain?
Pegasusponystar: Can I invite Demi’s daughter to a playdate? It will make her feel better! She can even take Marshmallow for a ride, if she’s not scared of being in the sky.
Olympicprincess1: @pegasusponystar no one wants to ride that disgusting mare. I bet you’ll make her clean up Marshmallow’s “messes.”
OlympicQueen1: @pegasusponystar and @olympicprincess1, log off! You girls are up past your bedtime!
Olympicprincess1: How can we go to sleep at a time like this! There’s a new goddess in the pantheon! Don’t know why Demi had to lie about it.
Goldendiscord: If Demeter’s kid knows what’s good for her, she’ll stay far, far away from the pantheon. She can’t take on the job, she cried! 🤷🏽‍♀️
THEhuntress: @golden discord, a bit harsh? Give her a break. She didn’t grow up like we all did. She just found out for Gaia’s sake!
Goldendiscord: @THEhuntress, if Demeter’s kid wants a backbone, I know the perfect place where she can get one. 🙄🗡️
Toohot2touch: anyone got the new goddess’ digits? The other photos I saw of her in the magazine- She’s a total hottie! Her friends ain’t that bad either! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
THEhuntress: @toohot2touch down boy! Now’s not the time.
Heartshapedsunglasses: Right! @toohot2touch, she’s pretty cute! Takes after Demi obviously. Une fille a le visage de sa mère!
Luxegoddess101: And she has great skin! She’ll make a great model for my cosmetics line. Just thinking about making contact- maybe she’ll want to make a reality show too! Invite the people into her life. “The Unearthed Goddess”- a great name for a show! 😃
Homeiswherethehearthis: @luxegoddess101 not everything is a business opportunity. Right now they both need the support of the entire pantheon.
Wisdomofmind: Well, Demeter won’t be having my support. She knowingly went against the established rules by outright denying a member. What else is she hiding?
Goldendiscord: Can you stop being a kiss-ass for three seconds @wisdomofmind?
ForgeofFire: Maybe Demeter’s daughter might be interested in my brand new home security system for those vultures who masquerade as photographers. They have never gotten a clear photograph of me and never will.
Luxegoddess101: @forgeoffiredon’t underestimate my photographers… or me. 😏
Thethundergod: No matter what, Demi is still part of the pantheon, as well as her kid now. I decided not to press charges of obstruction.
Goldendiscord: 😲
THEhuntress: 😲
Toohot2touch: 😲
Homeiswherethehearthis: @thethundergod I think that’s a good idea. I’m sure she had her reasons for keeping her daughter away. The pantheon can’t afford anymore scandal. We’re supposed to inspire the people.
OlympicQueen1: nice to know @thethundergod that you can still act like a leader from time to time.
Tridentking: Oooh! Feel that burn yet little brother? I got some seaweed salve for it 😂😂
Thethundergod: @flyin’highroad I got an assignment for you. Your winged sneakers fast enough?
Flyin’highroad: @thethundergod I’m way ahead of you!
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lyrics365 · 3 months
Gaia (The Vultures)
What is it you said? Say it again you piece of shit I spilled your blood, and the earth soaked it up The blood in my veins fueled with the fire of past generations I spilled your blood, and the earth soaked it up You pulled the finger of the only one that left me in chains I spilled your blood, and the earth soaked it up Now I’ll never walk away Never walked away I can’t try to hear your words I…
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lavenderlundi · 6 years
Just saw a vulture perched atop the roof of a small abandoned house overrun by vines and Mother Earth🌸
If that ain’t a sign idk what is...
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