I know for Tailgate/Cyclonus/Galvatron I like my Galvatron being the mostest power bottom to ever power bottom. Cyclonus is a service top. Service bottom. Service switch. He is service. Tailgate is the gentlest dom you can imagine. Very awkward. Fun pairing!
You're right, oh so very entirely right.
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conlangcrab · 3 months
A conlang with English spelling rules.
Yeah, just like that. Well, perhaps some changes to the phonology, like <r> being a different rhotic, but in general, following the spelling accurately.
Achieved Aciand Acing Ack Acke Acken Ackenal Ackend Ackendebut Ackent Acketomed Acksons Acphail Acphaing Acticis Actios Actisland Agains Agal Agaleal Agall Agalory Age Al Aling All Alowernst An Ander Andercom Andritimed Andrittleas Articeivel Articing Artight Artime Artions Bas Base Basess Baseto Basetonal Basiticin Becal Becas Becase Becaust Bece Beceiveleas Beck Becke Beckenziess Bectudion Bricture Brin Bring Britios Britten Brittenzies Brittick Brucce Brucceive Bruced Bruces Brune Brunender Brunent Camed Casequell Casil Caus Cause Com Come Comed Comedirs Comen Coment Coming Compto Comptomed Comptomedy Comptonale Coms Con Cone Conins Cothe Cother Cothernst Cotten Cottionce Cottioning Cottle Cus Cused Cuses Cust Custord Custureced Custuremal Der Dercompton Dercoms Derfull Dies Dievercomed Dievercon Dion Dire Eal Eas Eased Easeton Exan Exand Exander Exang Excin Excing Excinguse Excis Explord Exploring Facke Fackenal Fackent Facphave Factione Factios Fice Ficed Ficeive Fices Ficial Ficing Ficishie Fick Ficksonce Ficle Ficlexcins Fictionce Fil Fireck Firele Firs Firstored Folike Folitisky Foll Forele Foremalvage Frocamed Frock Frocksoning Frod Froducerful Frout Ful Fullord Gail Gailm Gain Gainsto Gal Galorial Galvage Gord Gore Gorecalock Goreendebut Gorel Goringus Gory Gre Grecamed Greck Grectictime Gred Grele Gremack Grock Grocke Groming Grominguse Gromptonces Grout Hail Hailm Hain Haing Haver Haverfull Ing Ingus Ingust Ins Inspicton Inst Insto Ise Ised Ish Ishie Iship Islan Islandrial Islang Itight Itimename Ition Ittenal Ittleal Jachip Jacke Jacken Jacphave Jactomen Joand Joander Joanderfull Jun Junen Liken Likent Ling Lit Litisky Litislang Littenale Littenamed Littent Littleas Lock Lord Lored Lowed Machie Machiess Mack Mackson Macto Mactoname Mactudie Makent Maketon Makets Malikend Malin Malvage Me Med Mord Mordonenal Morecke Mored Morick Mory Nove Noved Novellore Novercoms Noverfull Offilm Offirs Offirst Onamedy Onces Oppolike Oppolition Oppoll Oppon Oppone Oppos Opposil Oppowed Oppower Othe Othercome Others Ottle Oup Ove Ovel Over Piced Piclealit Pictimed Piction Pirece Pirecke Pired Pirel Poling Polit Poll Pon Ponamed Ponceivedy Pons Pos Posilm Positight Powed Powel Powell Prod Prome Prompton Proup Prout Radfolike Radfolit Radfolition Radfoll Radfordon Radfordonce Ratimenwood Ration Rations Ratish Re Recal Recame Recase Recaust Reck Recken Recto Recton Red Reen Reenwood Rel Rell Rend Res Rocased Roduced Rome Romin Roup Rout Rucced Rucces Ruce Ruced Rucess Rune Runender Sal Sale Salingus Sall Salordon Salvagailm Scomedirs Scon Se Sed Sequell Sess Sh Shish Smachip Smachipwres Smack Smackson Smakenal Smakenwood Smakenzies St Starringus Startioning Startionins Sto Stomen Ston Store Storeent Storel Storemachis Storend Sture Stureck Succe Succed Succedies Suce Sucedie Sucedy Suceived Suceivel Suceivele Sucer Suces Ther Tioncerful Tios Tiship Tomin Ton Tonenwood Torel Tory Use Ustarricial Usto Warring Wartictore Wartight Wartion Wartions Wase Wases Wasess Waseton Wasets Wed Wedies Wedy Welease Wer Werfull Whie Whip Whipwrecame Whipwreced Whis Wre Wrecamenzie Wrecased Wrecaus Wreces Wreckson Wred Wrel Wres Wress Wriceivel Wricial Wring Writ Writtions
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nakklepiggy · 7 years
i just remembered how much i like swinlock hjhhhfmfmngngnnffff <3
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agatharights · 8 years
I’m already tempted to make an AU based off ur Galvagate thing and LL2 where it turns out Tailgate’s just slowly being possessed by Galvatron’s spark, what with him being “dead” now and all.
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nakklepiggy · 7 years
I just need to get onto writing Galvagate stuff
side note, I started thinking about comparing Swindle/Lockdown to Tailgate-Galvagate/Cyclonus and I don’t know where I’m going with this but the idea of paralleling them is both hilarious and heartbreaking to me
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nakklepiggy · 7 years
I had a revelation about that TFA Galvagate idea I had:
Galvagate is a triple changer but I’ve had trouble trying to design his third face (one face is Tailgate and the other is Galvatron), but I know what it should be now: he should have a face that’s made out of plasma
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nakklepiggy · 7 years
(thinks about all the comics ill be able to work on after im done with my thesis)
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nakklepiggy · 8 years
honestly I just gotta put some time aside and watch the 1986 movie finally
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nakklepiggy · 7 years
also: i realized today that since i’m finally free i can finally put some time into possible galvagate au comics (eyes emoji)
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nakklepiggy · 8 years
tfa springer has an adorable kitty face and I kind of want him to be in my Galvagate AU stuff, ALSO: consider tfa triple changer springer w/ rung as his therapist
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nakklepiggy · 8 years
I thought of a way to incorporate swindle and lockdown into the galvagate story idea thing and i’m like (VRRRRROOM)
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nakklepiggy · 8 years
i can’t stop thinking about galvagate au things and thinking about the sequence of events that leads up to tfa cyclonus and tailgate even managing to meet each other and i just
(lies on the floor)
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