#game adaption
alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Something I will never understand...
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Kinda based on what I wrote yesterday about the entire diferentiation...
You know, something I am never going to understand is the people, who will get super angry over any sort of adaption of whatever media they like. Putting Trevor in here, because I currently see it the most with Castlevania, but I might as well have put in here a gif of Lord of the Rings, the Witcher and what not. Because it is always the same. People, who have gotten to know a fandom through one form of media and then will spend so much effort into... hating any sort of adaption.
Heck, Witcher might be the best example, given that there are book fans hating on either games and Netflix series - and game fans hating the series. And... Probably also series fans who hate the games. And... I don't know.
And quite frankly, I don't get it. Because even if whatever adaption does not do it for you... So what? It did not take away from whatever the original medium you liked was. That medium did not vanish. The Witcher books did not vanish because of either adaption. Heck, contrary, they finally got translations into languages they did not get translated into before. The Castlevania games did not vanish because of the TV series. Same goes basically for any adaption. Chances are in fact quite good that a lot more people got into the original medium through the adaption - and that because of that the original medium was made more accessible to more people.
But guess what: People are gonna think twice about whether they actually want to engage with whatever the original medium was, when they got into the fandom through an adaption and all the fans of whatever original medium do is bash the adaption that made people fall in love with the franchise.
Sure, I get that at times it is frustrating when the adaption has more fans than the original medium and all you want is some fanwork and what not for the original medium.
Heck, Witcher is one of those cases for me. I read those books as a teenager and they mean the world to me. And it is not even as if I dislike any of the adaptions (well, except maybe the first game with its stupid "sexy card collection game" and what not), but I also will very firmly remain in the camp of "neither adaption quite gets the book and what it went for". And I absolutely have experienced people trying to argue something about that world and those characters... who have not read the books or even engaged with what theming there is in the games and series. But I... just ignore it.
I will watch the series as its own thing. And will play at least the second and third game on their own merrit. But yes, the books are my favorite. But... I do not spend time with hating on that stuff.
Heck, I could go on and on for hours about how I disliked what the MCU did with certain storylines frome the comics. But I don't (at least not unless someone asks me about it). Because it is just an absolute waste of time. I can rage about it, sure, but it will not change the way Disney is gonna produce those movies. All it would do is sour the mood for everyone else. The comics are still there. I can still read them. I do not need to watch Iron Man 3 or Avengers 2.
And sure... there are times, when I really get annoyed with adaptions. For example if they white wash and what not. Or just are plain bad (*coughs*Artemis Fowl*coughs*)... But why waste my time thinking and raging about something I do not like - rather than engaging with a thing I actually do like?
Maybe I am just too old for this kinda stuff. I don't know.
Kinda reminds me though of some of my old fandoms. Like Digimon or Pokémon, where with each new itaration people are gonna be up in arms about how much they hate the new thing and how much better old thing was. Going so far to just constantly attack folks who like new thing. Especially new fans, who find their way into the fandom through this.
And it is like... Yeah, you guys do a great job discouraging people from engaging with your fandom. Top. Amazing. Couldn't do it better.
I mean, sure, to me the Witcher games or the Witcher Netflix show will never reach the greatness of the books. But... to others they do. And that is fine. It is fine.
Because I know that telling those people: "You will actually never understand the greatness of the Witcher, because you like those silly games" will not get anyone to actually read or like the books.
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quibbs · 6 months
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just had SO much fun with the fallout tv show... i love you missus okey dokey
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skull-pun · 22 days
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God is dead and we killed him
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Abby went into the pit and made a FNAF friend..
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prokopetz · 2 months
So, let me see if I've got this right: the Halo TV series took two full seasons to get around to introducing the actual Halo, i.e., the thing whose name is the title of the show, spent exactly one episode there, and then the show immediately got cancelled?
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jjadmanii · 10 months
film adaptations are all fun and games until ppl start watching the movie without reading the book,,then it just becomes the 10th circle of dante’s hell
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three--rings · 2 years
You guys I just found out about this guy who made 3D printable files for adapters for game controllers to allow them to be used one handed!   It’s so clever and easy and accessible, unlike other adaptive controllers.  It just snaps onto a regular controller.  The way the stick is controlled is damn genius.  So much easier than trying to use your feet like other systems. 
A friend is using one due to a stroke and as someone with problems from arthritis, this is so great to see, in case I get to the point I really can’t use my right hand.
Please share and give this guy some love, cause this is awesome. 
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disastergoose · 2 months
OH MY GOD also check out what @cherubeck made for me!!!!!!!! for my bday!!!!!
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empiireans · 6 months
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jewishregulus · 3 months
there’s another life out there in which james potter is a very famous author creating the long awaited adaption of his most famous series and regulus is a nepo baby actor who gets the part of the main character to appease fandom fancasting authority . there’s a lot of hype over this including reposting of old gifsets w tags like GUYS who can’t WAIT to see regulus say this famous line!!! except regulus has never fucking read this book before going to auditions and gets the part solely because james has a parasocial crush on him from being tagged in all the posts . regulus eventually reads it for the job and becomes insanely fond of it even outside of his work bc it’s just objectively good literature . this pisses him off severely. he tells james to his face he fucking hates it meanwhile whilst reading over the script he complains about what was cut from the book and james is like SEE i TOLD THEM to include it but they said it would still read well!!! regulus replies WELL IT DOESNT. mad as hell they agree about the book James Wrote . then they kiss a lot about it
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inwhichiramble · 1 year
Idk if this is just me, but does it seem like the Hunger Games movies left out most of the stuff about food in general?
Maybe I just noticed this because in my first read I was worried that all of them were cannibals, but like… in the movies it seems like they were never actually that hungry. Like, we know that Katniss and Gale have to hunt, and that Peeta gave Katniss the bread, but a lot of the details about just how hungry they were to get to those choices were just… gone. And when they’re in the Capitol on the Victory Tour, they mention the vomit-inducer but it was more of an offhand thing. What got me especially though is that in Mockingjay Pt. 2, their time with Tigris appears to be much shorter, but also… she doesn’t feed them! And from what I remember that was fairly significant in the books, especially considering the position they were in.
In the books, hunger was the driving force of the vast majority of decisions they made. Katniss literally spent a good chunk of her first games desperately searching for water—Haymitch rewarded their performances with food—Katniss described every single thing she eats and primarily characterizes new places based on their food (the Capitol and District 13 especially). TBOSAS supports this even further when you see how even people in the Capitol were starving in the aftermath of the war—that’s why sponsors were added to the game!
I just—the whole series is literally about starvation and what it means to be human, but the movies just focused on love and war.
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soratsuart · 11 months
I find it incredibly funny seeing some fans complain that the movie wasn't "lore accurate" as if FNAF has ever been consistent with its lore, like
Wow, the movie changes a lot of stuff and is not accurate to what we thought we knew? *looks at The Silver Eyes trilogy* I can't believe that, how horrible *looks at The Silver Eyes trilogy* Who would've thought they'd change stuff that makes us doubt what we know about the series *looks at the fourth fucking closet*
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horygory · 4 months
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Silent Hill (2006)
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I can’t believe FNAF crying child never got an official name,,
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prokopetz · 4 months
I love how the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom's reaction to realising that the folks who produce the spinoff media are perfectly willing to canonise Internet memes has been to immediately develop a set of community headcanons so bizarre and unseemly that you could never get away with so much as gently referencing them in an all-ages cartoon or comic, like they're looking the writers square in the eye and going "name-drop this, fucker".
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arcadialedger · 5 months
Ella Purnell the queen of successful video game adaptations you are.
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