#gameXplain video
finalfroevo · 2 years
Before the Eshop closes y'all look-
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dillon collects treasure zelda style
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bryan360 · 2 years
Get ready for tomorrow’s Direct, everyone. Just dropping this news update while I’m still continue our G-pal’s art trade request. At least I can get this done before checking out what’s new for Nintendo will brings us for this year. I know about if Tears of The Kingdom, Pikmin 4, and Advance Wars is coming; especially for those can get shadow dropped sooner or later. Can’t say they’ll be planning for the coming E3 event this year, though. (And Sony and Xbox, too.)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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tamapalace · 1 year
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Was trying to convince myself that gamexplain isn't trash now but they don't even wait 24 hours to post self-contradicting clickbait:
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So I guess it finally is time to unsubscribe huh
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masscontroversy · 23 days
TTYD fans would HATE the original Super Mario Bros
“Smh all the NPCs are generic Toads that only appear at the end of castles, plus they tell me information that I already know, which is that the princess is in another castle, plus the plot is the basic ‘Bowser kidnaps Peach’ bit”
“Where’s the lore?? I can’t enjoy my videogame without 50 blocks of dialogue telling me barely-gameplay-relevant lore about what the bad guy did and how they got so powerful?? No the manual is not enough I need a weird NPC to spoonfeed me the information??”
“The only redeeming quality is that choosing this weird option on the title screen called 2 Player Game causes Luigi to show up after Mario dies, and just like in TTYD he does absolutely nothing except stand around! But I’ve heard that if you get a friend to plug in a second controller they can actually move Luigi around, which sounds fake because I, a TTYD fan, have zero real life friends,”
“Where BP and badges, I can’t play without constantly increasing BP and making my playthrough hell in the long run”
“Getting real Super Paper Mario vibes from this game……”
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Ver "48 Easter Eggs, Secrets and References YOU MISSED in the Super Mario Bros. Movie!" en YouTube
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skullsemi · 7 months
our asks have been answeared
now i just gotta find my pirate hat-
https://youtu.be/bIr2LK_65s0 ANYWAY WOOOHOOO!
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Full comparison video by GameXplain on YouTube
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kooldewd123 · 7 months
ok fuck i'm not done talking about this yet. i grew up with diamond and pearl and i've been a pokemon fan my entire life, but xy was where i really properly entered the fandom. like god. i rewatched that gamexplain xy trailer analysis video so many times. i snuck into the computer shack at boy scout camp because i heard a new pokemon (honedge) was revealed and i needed to check serebii right now. i was in the trenches fighting about what type sylveon was. remember when someone saw trevenant for the first time at some preview event, but couldn't share any images so all we had to go off of was their drawing of it? kalos brings me back to such a happy time in my life as a pokemon fan, and i've really been feeling the pangs lately to get my 3ds fixed so i can revisit it. getting an entirely brand new kalos sequel on the switch??? we're not gonna be getting any more trailers any time soon, but i'm gonna be able to ride this high for a while.
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ferhog · 2 months
Getting into Metroid This Past Month:
I first learned about Metroid (as well as most Nintendo franchises that weren't Pokemon and Mario) through my friend's copy of Smash Bros Brawl at around the age of 9. Samus being a hot lady underneath the cool set of power armor left enough of an impression for me to try and draw her from memory, but I otherwise had no interest in actually playing her games for most of the following decade and a half. In that time I learned a bit of her lore from Smash Trophys, Game Theory videos, and watching the first few minutes of Other M cutscenes to hear the lady from Smash Bros talk, but it wasn't until shortly after the release of Metroid Dread when I watched some late game cutscenes from the game and GameXplain's Metroid movie pitch video that I became interested enough in the story of the games and Samus as a character that I decided to downlo- I mean obtain copies of Zero Mission and Fusion for my Visua- I mean Gameboy Advance, which I held off on starting until I worked through my gaming backlog more, and it was earlier this summer that I decided the time had come.
The Metroid Manga: Before starting Zero Mission as my first game I read the manga so I'd get a good sense of Samus' backstory before starting. Now I knew what to roughly expect thanks to the Gamexplain movie pitch adapting much of the story, but overall I enjoyed it more than I was expecting. I probably don't need to tell you that Ridley was the absolute highlight. His pure evil is matched only by Louie from Pikmin in terms of Nintendo villains and it got me very invested in his rivalry with Samus throughout the games. Aside from that, my favourite part of the manga was Samus' characterization and her relationship with her bird dads. I have a real soft spot for all adoption related tropes so I really like the idea that Samus was taken in by what was once the most important race in the galaxy and inherited their legacy of keeping the peace, which she basically turned into a job via bounty hunting. However a lot of what the manga does is better in concept than in execution, as the art is hard to follow a lot of the time and much of the story is sped through quite quickly, no thanks to how much time is spent with the extensive cast of side characters. When Samus started her zero mission I held off on finishing the story until I played the game, and while I'm glad that they went with adapting the game at the end because we got to see a climactic fight against Ridley it is super bizarre that they didn't commit to the idea and just stopped when Samus reached Mother Brain. The manga is absolutely worth reading but best thought of as a companion to Zero Mission, probably best read afterwards.
Metroid Zero Mission: My experience with Metroidvanias was basically just Hollow Knight, the first Dark Souls, and Bloodborne, and while I was excited to experience the same sense of adventure I also feared getting lost as per this franchise's reputation. However I surprisingly managed to make my way though the whole game with only one thing I had to look up, which embarrassingly was the same mistake David Jaffe infamously made in Dread, as I failed to realize I could shoot a ceiling open even with enemies there to hint that I could. I think the game has the perfect balance between freedom and guidance as someone's first Metroid game through the chozo statues that mark your next destination without telling you how exactly to get there. Combine that with it being a remake of the first game and I think it was just the perfect game for me and anyone else to start with. My biggest issue gameplay-wise was just the fights against Mother Brain and the two black Space Pirates were very frustrating, the latter because the combat just didn't feel designed for a fight that reflex based, at least not for a newcomer. After finishing the game I felt compelled to earn the Zero Suit Samus ending, which I accomplished by constantly scouting out the optimal routes and resetting so I could get through them as fast as possible.
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AM2R: I wanted to play these games in story order so I knew I had to play some version of Metroid 2 next. After trying out the original Metroid that you unlock after beating Zero Mission I figured the pre-NES games weren't going to be fun for me so I wanted to play either AM2R or Samus Returns, and I went with the former as it would be easier to find and would be closer to the game I just finished. The game is a very impressive feat for a fan-made project, though I think it was the one I had the least fun with overall. A few hours into the game I listened to the Some Call Me Johnny review which mentioned it being very hard, and that made sense considering it was a fan project by big Metroid fans for big Metroid fans, but it did result in a few of the bosses being quite frustrating with how much skill they demanded, particularly with the space jump which I struggled to understand the timing of. I didn't feel like instantly replaying it as I did with Zero Mission but I really loved how they adapted the ending.
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Super Metroid: "This SNES game probably won't hold up that well right?" Thought the guy whose first console was the PS2.
Super Metroid is one of the greatest games of all time.
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Metroid Fusion: I was real intrigued going into this game given what I'd heard about its linearity and extra story focus compared to the prior games but it was still a shock going straight from 2 playthroughs of Super Metroid to this. It didn't even really feel like Metroid, especially with how you were essentially playing through levels via Adam sending you through specific locations with specific tasks. Eventually I got used to it and fully accepted it as a Metroid game as I was increasingly required to be more explorative, though I think of all Metroid games I've played it has the most needlessly abstract methods for mandatory progression. The example which I eventually gave up on and looked up was the yellow Space Pirate X which which could only be damaged with a shot to the back apparently? There was seemingly no visual hints for that and the doors didn't even open if you absorbed the X before they formed the Space Pirates. While I figured out the other examples on my own I just felt I had to blow up way more seemingly random walls than normal. The bosses were generally very fun except for everything about Yakuza. A super long lead up to a boss that kept killing me super easily before I figured out how to avoid its grab attack, followed by a struggle to regain health for the ensuing SA-X encounter with how little health you get from enemies that could fly in out of nowhere and do more damage to you than you were regaining. Speaking of the SA-X, it wasn't in the game as much as I was expecting, but each encounter was quite memorable, especially when I was hiding behind power bomb blocks and it dropped a power bomb. Overall I didn't like most of this game's choices, but I like it when franchises try new things so I wouldn't say anything should have been changed except for how much health you get from enemies. This was the 2nd game I didn't feel like instantly replaying.
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Metroid Prime: As of writing this I am currently a few hours into the first Metroid Prime, specifically having just gotten the boost ball. The Metroid formula was very well translated into 3D and the visuals have aged amazingly. I may be playing a remaster but most remasters still don't look this modern. But curiously this has been the Metroid game I've spent the most time away from during a playthrough, going several days without picking it up again. It's not that I dislike playing it, I just don't feel as much of a strong desire to keep coming back to it. Maybe I just feel the need to catch up on other stuff after playing so much Metroid. I do think I'll get around to playing the rest soon enough.
One of my biggest impressions overall is that Metroid is actually quite underrated despite how iconic it is. Samus seems mostly remembered as a Smash Bros character and her iconic twist as one of gaming's first female protagonists, but it doesn't seem like that many people actually play the games. It's also funny that while Samus is famous as a sex symbol in the Smash Bros and general gaming fandoms, it seems that the actual Metroid fandom prefers their Samus cooler than sexy. Anyway I'm looking forward to eventually picking up Dread, the game which first hooked my interest into this franchise, and the other 2 Prime games. Maybe I'll even pick up Other M if I see it around.
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neetclown · 1 year
Not Sonic for once, but Rayman fans unite, we got an official teaser for the DLC from Ubisoft Forward!
Repost of this video by GameXplain
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brambleghastblast · 6 months
i think a depressing truth of the internet ill always hate is that negativity is what leads to success
negativity, in forms of content creation, leads to comments of people arguing or saying "but i like that thing". comments lead to the algorithms of social media boosting said piece of comic. algorithm favoring your stuff leads to more views. views get you money
often times, i think most youtubers and tiktokers and people on twitter and whatnot actually force themselves to be negative out of necessity. because its the quickest and easiest way to get a post out there. and its really become a norm in social media thats made the internet suffocatingly bad lately
like.. take pokemon for example, youtubers and tiktokers and twitter users such talking about pokemon will complain to no end about graphics, taking the worst possible screenshots they can get or setting up elaborate glitches so they can take a picture, put it next to another game with the prettiest picture they can get, and then go "WOW CAN U BELIEVE GAMEFREAK MAKES STUFF LIKE THIS" which then starts arguments and spreads like a wildfire because people are pointing out "wow you really took the worst picture you could huh" but then random people desperate to argue go "UHHH GAMEFREAKS NOT GONNA MARRY U DUDE LOL" blah blah blah
or take some specific youtubers for instance, like videogamedunkey is a critic who usually lies about video games he dislikes, makes up stuff or complains about really little stuff, or tries to get glitches to happen to pretend the whole games like that. a reallyyy scummy youtuber but thats literally what he has to do to make money and that sucks! or like... alpharad whos kind of just an obnoxious jerk all the time and thats how he gets his attention because being a jerk gets you comments and comments get you views etc etc
the youtube channel gamexplain got exposed for not paying employees and fell off HARD.. but they made a full recovery and comeback. they used to post informative nintendo and other games news, but lately theyve just been posting negative memes or complaining about really little things or posting negative news with a clickbait title. like.. nintendos doing some reconstruction at their headquarters. so gamexplain posts this
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its... just reconstruction. but the big letters, the sad mario, it looks Worrying and causes clicks and comments. its literally just reconstruction. but oh wow with a thumbnail like this they can fearmonger and milk it
it stinks too because generally positive youtubers are... Rare. most positive youtubers fall really hard and barely get any views compared to the big bad youtubers out there, cause theres not a ton to comment on without negativity. and thats so.. sad. (bumping a youtuber i love a lot here; nekolacey is a really great and positive pokemon youtuber and i love her videos!!! but her videos dont really get a lot of views compared to other channels which i find so sad. shes awesome!!)
i think the only generally positive gaming youtuber i know of who actually had a big following was chuggaaconroy, and he was making videos on youtube for MANY MANYYY years to even just get 1 million subscribers.
and then he got cancelled because of... uh... a chatlog from 2009. and... uh...... some out of context discord messages from some youtuber whos been known to falsely accuse autistic people to get allegations on them. and.... apparently some randos named antdude and missfushigaming made up allegations to get some clout but they got proved false... uhh... and also chuggaaconroy went to therapy, apologized a ton, asked everyone to please not harass the accusers, and has been deeply working for years to work on himself because he did have a geniune falling out with masaeanela over him not following set boundaries.
but.... yeahhhh its. uh. when you point out "wow did anything bad happen beyond a falling out with masaeanela" you're kind of just quickly hushed by a bunch of random people and to accept it and quit. they can't afford for that positivity to change the way things are, they need negativity to thrive.
its.. the internet trying its hardest to push down one positive creator who made it so they can hype up a dozen negative ones.
i think the internet has always awarded negativity but it was never really bad. like.. many youtubers back in the day would make top 10s, listing something like "zelda bosses" or "gen 4 pokemon". these were great because they got to gush about something they like, BUT they'd get comments and arguments because of things like "well i would've put ths boss over that boss" or "why isnt crobat on this list!". it worked great because they got clout from comments, but they weren't being actively negative
or, talking about an internet show i LOVE, death battle! this is a fun show where they take two fictional characters and make them fight! and they research to see who wins and have really great animation!
it thrived because not only is it super good, but it causes arguments. most viewers dont care about the real reasoning and numbers, they just want their prefered character to win. so if there preference loses, even if its right, they will get mad and argue, causing comments which cause views which causes success.
unfortunately, the positive ways to get comments just... hardly last. its sad but in the modern internet, being mad and angry is literally how you succeed. its near impossible to make it online if you arent angry or doing stuff to upset people.
it sucks. so much.
and it sucks even more because people trying to make a living on the internet Have to be negative. thats how they make a living. they literally have to complain to make money and survive and it sucks!! so much!!!!!!!!!
i think overall success on the internet always depended on causing arguments and negativity, but its really become suffocating in recent time. everyone tries so hard to be mad they've geniunely become mad. positivity is rare and out of style, negativity is what everyone wants. its.... so....... miserable honestly
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anxious-lorf · 3 months
This video makes me sad for a number of reasons.
1. The transphobes come out in full force in the comments section
2. The video itself is sloppy and doesn't do nearly enough to paint the full picture of Nintendo's history with queer and trans representation. There's a lot of characters left off the video.
Most notably, Birdo, who was Nintendo's first (and most problematic) trans woman, who wasn't even so much as properly gendered in her original appearance. A few other noteworthy mentions are Juniper (Xenoblade 3) and Roc (Xenoblade 2), who are both nonbinary, and Tony (Earthbound/Mother 2), who is gay and has a crush on Jeff, a major party member of the game. And don't even get me started of the Magypsies from Mother 3.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that Nintendo has had a long and storied history of queer representation both good and bad. There was a real opportunity to do a huge video essay on the topic had GameXplain decided it was worth the effort. Needless to say, I'm saddened that they didn't think it was worth the effort.
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cartayama · 1 year
i love the splatoon series with all my heart. ive been playing the series since day one, back when i was nine hears old. this series is almost half my age! i don't know how i first heard about splatoon, but when i did i'd look for every crumb of info and gameplay i could find on it. i'd watch gamexplain videos talking about the campaign, i'd find footage of splatoon booths set up at places like e3, i was absolutely ravenous, for anything splatoon. i even got the inkling boy and girl amiibo when they came out! this series is very likely my number one favorite franchise of all time, and i don't know if that'll ever change. when i heard about the global testfire i was ecstatic, and had a blast! same thing with splatoon 2, i partook in the global testfire/splatfest, my parents got me the game on day one, and i put maybe 100 hours or more into it, it would've been more if not for nintendo implementing paid online around that time, too!
i remember imprinting on agent three, seeing myself in them. i remember callie and marie, the squid sisters! i remember that crazy coot captain cuttlefish telling this young 'un about the octarians, and being so entrances by the vibe of octo valley from the first moment i stepped foot in there. i remember the art style being so *perfect* across the entire game. i remember when nintendo announced acto expansion in the same nintendo direct as smash ultimate i think, and my splatoon mania being instilled once again. i remember playing one of my favorite chunks of game in my life with octo expansion. i remember completing every level cause i loved it so much. i remember seeing *my old self*. seeing three. again. after what was 3 and a half years or so by then. i remember the insanity that was the final segment of octo expansion, fighting myself and the splattack (octo) theme. i remember fly octo fly, a song that makes me tear up without fail even today. i remember tartar. i remember inner agent three and their crushing moveset. i was a few weeks late to splatoon 3, which makes me kind of sad, but this game has forgiven me. it's made me realize how important splatoon is to me as a person, and ive given back to it by dumping more hours into it than i have the last three installments in the splatoon series combined, and im here to stay! i LOVE you splatoon, and i LOVE you splatoon 3!
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blaze-n-rekka · 5 months
Keanu Reeves cast as Shadow in "Sonic 3"
Keanu Reeves Officially Cast as Shadow in Sonic 3 | Via YouTube: GameXplain One of the most loved video game franchises from Japan, Sonic the Hedgehog, has had a tough time in Hollywood, but even after some misfortunate design choices and miraculous divine intervention, the movies have become something of a cult hit, even on the shores of Japan. This just in, Keanu Reeves has been cast as…
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keylovesstuff · 4 months
Key!!!!! Hope you're doing well~ 😊
Idk if you've seen this yet, but one of the in-game TTYD emails has this funny little bit re: Toadsworth and when i saw it i was like 'i gotta show this to key' so here it is, lmao
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The pet-name is what gets me the most, I think 🤭
Ahhhhh!!!! Mrs.Luigi thank you so much for thinking about me enough to share this!! I love this!! 🥰🥰🥰🫂🫂🫂 Toadsworth lovers look at this lolol!!
Toadsworth out here having the time of his life!!! I ain't even mad at him who wouldn't be charmed by this guy? His rizz is immaculate 👌🏾. I never played the original and haven't bought the remake either, so it must be hilarious to see it while playing it personally (buys the game for this reason only)
I remember seeing this bit on GameXplain's video on Toadsworth, actually 🤭 and a little fun fact in reference to this video, in my most recent chapter of "Little Events" the mahjong bit related to him being one of the most difficult CPUs in that spinoff game hehe.
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life-one · 4 months
7pm confession: I watch that meeting gooigi in luigi's mansion 3ds cutscene that gamexplain video like every month religiously just to see that fine old, man on my computer screen god bless
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