original: https://x.com/GameDesignDan/status/1808118393381236765#m
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gameforestdach · 11 months
Zusammenfassung: Im mit Spannung erwarteten Marvel's Spider-Man 2 von Insomniac Games liegt der Fokus nicht nur auf Superhelden, sondern auch auf den kleinsten Bewohnern von New York City - den Ratten. Diese Nager sind mit außergewöhnlichen Details gestaltet, die weit über die Qualität hinausgehen, die man normalerweise in Hintergrundelementen von Spielen findet. Was sagt das über das Engagement der Entwickler für ein immersives Erlebnis aus? Die überraschende Detailtreue der Rattenmodelle in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Spielerinteraktionen mit diesen Ratten in bestimmten Abschnitten des Spiels Was dieser akribische Ansatz über die Hingabe von Insomniac Games an Grafik und Realismus aussagt Einführung Wenn du durch das virtuelle New York City in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 schwingst, ist dir vielleicht etwas etwas Ungewöhnliches aufgefallen. Nein, wir reden nicht über Spider-Mans neuen Anzug oder die atemberaubende Skyline, sondern über die Ratten, die durch die schmutzigen Gassen der Stadt huschen. Twitter-Nutzer @GameDesignDan wies darauf hin, dass diese kleinen Biester detaillierter sind, als man vernünftigerweise erwarten würde. https://twitter.com/GameDesignDan/status/1716134700031308137 Bemerkungen von Schlüsselfiguren GameDesignDans Beobachtung Twitter-Nutzer @GameDesignDan lenkte die Aufmerksamkeit des Internets auf die hochdetaillierten Rattenmodelle in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Die Ratten verfügen über fotorealistisches Fell, komplexe Schnurrhaare und scharfe Krallen, was sie, besonders in Anbetracht dessen, dass sie nicht zentral für das Gameplay sind, zu einem echten Hingucker macht. Hier ist der Tweet für diejenigen, die diese detaillierten Nagetiere genauer betrachten möchten. GamesRadars Beitrag Auch GamesRadar hat sich zu dem Thema geäußert und einen Artikel gewidmet, den sie als "beeindruckendstes Feature" des Spiels bezeichnen. Obwohl die Ratten normalerweise übersehen werden, anerkennt GamesRadar, dass diesen Nebenfiguren eine außergewöhnliche Detailtreue gewidmet wurde. Spekulationen und Veröffentlichungsdetails Warum so detailliert? Man könnte sich fragen, warum Insomniac Games so viel Mühe in ein Element stecken würde, das die Spieler kaum bemerken. Nun, eine Antwort auf den Tweet von @GameDesignDan wies darauf hin, dass die Spieler in dem Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bots-Abschnitt erstaunlich nah an diese Ratten herankommen. Diese Spielerinteraktion könnte die Notwendigkeit für solch detaillierte Modelle erklären. Grafikfähigkeiten Das Spiel läuft auf der PS5, die umfangreiche grafische Fähigkeiten bietet, einschließlich der Unterstützung für Raytracing. Dies könnte eine Demonstration der grafischen Fähigkeiten des Spiels sein, ein Aspekt, den Insomniac Games auch in verschiedenen Berichten detailliert hat. Ende einer Ära: Keine niedrig-poly Bootsmenschen mehr Es scheint, als nehme Insomniac Games den grafischen Aspekt ernst, da sie die einst lustigen niedrig-poly Bootsmenschen durch voll detaillierte Menschenmodelle ersetzt haben. Auch wenn einige Fans den humorvollen Touch vermissen könnten, ist es ein Upgrade in Bezug auf die Spielqualität. Fazit Die außergewöhnlich detaillierten Rattenmodelle in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 zeigen das Engagement von Insomniac Games, ein immersives und visuell fesselndes Erlebnis zu schaffen. Ob du Verbrechen bekämpfst oder einfach nur die Welt erkundest, es sind Details wie diese, die die Spielwelt lebendig und atmend erscheinen lassen. Bereit, in New York City abzuschwingen? Teile gerne deine Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen mit den kleinsten Details des Spiels. Dein Nachbarschafts-Spider-Man würde gerne von dir hören!
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morganbelarus · 7 years
‘No Man’s Sky’ adds the most basic form of multiplayer, fans go wild
Image: hello games
The latest update to No Man's Sky contains the first hint at multiplayer the game has seen, and fans are losing their goddamn minds over it.
No Man's Sky, a game about space exploration, released just over a year ago. Many people were disappointed about the game's lack of multiplayer features, which had been promised by developer Hello Games early in development. Today's update brought a handful of improvements and new features, including a limited multiplayer experience, delighting fans and making some excited for future updates.
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Here's an overview of update 1.3, called Atlas Rises.
The multiplayer addition to No Man's Sky is very basic: players who run into each other in the vast, procedurally generated galaxy will be able to see each other, but will only appear as little floating orbs. Players near each other can talk over voice chat, but they can't interact in any other way and can only see up to 16 other players at a time.
It's not exactly what most people imagine when they picture multiplayer, but players are pretty excited nonetheless.
No Man's Sky update sounds phenomenal. Game's only a tenner on PSN at the moment, too!
Dan.Pearce (@GameDesignDan) August 11, 2017
So excited!!! http://pic.twitter.com/ta1sQFoijA
noob (@evilnoob) August 11, 2017
Justin Schmidt (@DummlichTV) August 11, 2017
Of course, others haven't forgotten that No Man's Sky didn't deliver on its promises and aren't as quick to forgive Hello Games.
OH SORRY YOU MEAN THE THINGS THEY PROMISED UPON RELEASE? Ah, good job No Man's Sky .... http://pic.twitter.com/nQJlnWiJN8
Sara #11Days (@SaraDerps_) August 11, 2017
Now for the biggest challenge, finding someone else who owns no man's sky
@ 1 day! (@Coersion_) August 11, 2017
Others found the very minimal multiplayer not up to their satisfaction.
Still not real multiplayer. You can see orbs of where people are. You cant interact or see what theyre doing in real time.
Henrik Hiort (@TallSkinnySwede) August 11, 2017
Hello Games founder Sean Murray said in a tweet that this update is "another step in a long journey," alluding to future additions to the game and potential improvements for the new multiplayer feature.
Perhaps at some point in the future, No Man's Sky players will be able to see each other flying around in ships, see actual character models, or team up to explore, fight aliens, and collect resources. A gamer can dream.
WATCH: Snack and game worry-free with this handy desktop mop
More From this publisher : HERE
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‘No Man’s Sky’ adds the most basic form of multiplayer, fans go wild was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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leonhouse · 6 years
10 SECOND NINJA X by Curve Digital | Xbox One X / PS4 / PC / PS Vita Gameplay HD Youtube YT Video LHThis is an Action Platformer Puzzle game 10 Second Ninja X by Developers: Four Circle Interactive (PC & PS Vita) GameDesignDan (PS4 & Xbox One) on Xbox One / X / XBone, Playstation 4 / PS4, PS Vita & Microsoft Windows / Steam PC. Below you can find some information about the game from the games microsoft store description: 10 SECOND NINJA X is a hard core sidescroller. You're a ninja, there are robots, you've got ten seconds to destroy them all. Get three star ratings, climb leaderboards, discover secrets and stop Captain Greatbeard.
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foxview · 6 years
A Fun Challenging PS4 Game-10 Second Ninja X 10 Second Ninja X is a 2016 platformer video game developed by GameDesignDan and Four Circle Interactive, and published by Curve Digital. The game was free for PlayStation Plus subscribers in March 2016 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ »» Patreon : https://ift.tt/2tjOwy8 «« »» Visit Us : https://ift.tt/2s147i2 «« »» Like Us : https://ift.tt/2tjOxCc «« »» Follow Us : https://twitter.com/FoxViewchannel «« »» Instagram : https://ift.tt/2s0Isqu «« ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't forget guys,if you like this video please "like","Favorite" and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see tweet us about it! Enjoy :) If you want to suggest an idea for a Foxview video, check out our interactive Suggestion Section at https://ift.tt/1NHVMnK
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symbianosgames · 7 years
Valve slapped a price tag on self-publishing games through Steam Direct, its Greenlight replacement, today and Twitter has been abuzz ever since.
While the company was originally toying with the idea of charging developers as much as $5,000 with Steam Direct, Valve today announced that the fee would instead be $100 per game, recoupable after a game reaches $1000 in sales.
That fee also isn't much different from the fee developers already paid to submit a game to Greenlight. 
In that wake of that announcement, many developers took to Twitter to discuss the fee, if Steam Direct will be better for indie developers than its predecessor, and if any of this will actually help fix Steam’s discoverability problem at all.
Still not a fan of the Steam Direct Fee, but I appreciate the costs are now similar to publishing on iOS for "1 game a year"-devs.
— Rami Ismail (@tha_rami) June 2, 2017
If you can't manage a $100 crowdfunding campaign to get your game on Steam you're not going to be a success on Steam and that's okay.
— Mike T (aka 🌈🐱) (@viTekiM) June 2, 2017
(re: steam direct fee. Skeptical fees will weed out anything. Apple store has roughly equiv. fee. App store is.. full of shovelware)
— MOOMANiBE (@MOOMANiBE) June 2, 2017
If anything, this makes Steam look less lucrative to me. Sure, it's got lots of users, but when no one can find games, what's the point?
— Noah Ratcliff (@20c109) June 2, 2017
Hmm, that self publishing fee seems like a bit of a "the baby shall be split in two" compromise. Not sure how it'll help anyone.
— Dan Pearce Online (@GameDesignDan) June 2, 2017
off top of head: devkit (if not provided because they don't know you, or dev not open) localisation (for store, this ain't optional) [cont]
— Mike Bithell (@mikeBithell) June 2, 2017
if $100 sounds massive (and it is for a lot of folks) then my recommendation is to go earn that on itch.io, maybe android
— Mike Bithell (@mikeBithell) June 2, 2017
So yeah if you're a poor developer who releases lots of tiny games, you're not very welcome on Steam. @itchio is a great alternative though!
— JP LeBreton (@vectorpoem) June 2, 2017
The Big Risk of Steam Direct is of course a release list that is unmanageable with a recommendation engine that only helps already big devs
— Daniel Steger (@StegerGames) June 2, 2017
(4) Given the already tough vis situation on Steam, I don't see this fee having a meaningful impact on anyone's ability to make a living.
— Aaron SanFilippo (@AeornFlippout) June 2, 2017
I think the most important bit is fee ($100) stays the same, but is recoupable and indies don't have to do a weird song and dance to pass GL
— Megan Fox (@glassbottommeg) June 2, 2017
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pizza-rapture · 8 years
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@DanielCake: @nielsen_holly @GameDesignDan we have an agreement involving an incredible photo I took of Dan eating pizza which means neither will b seen ...the pizza rapture is nigh
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thrusticus · 6 years
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noaksey · 10 years
10 Second Ninja - Created by GameDesignDan
10 Second Ninja – Created by GameDesignDan
This mental, fun, fast Ninja led “Puzzle-Platforming” game is clearly inspired by the likes of Super Meat Boy and other such time attack driven skill games.
  The first thing you notice while playing this game is the very colourful atmosphere is, GameDesignDan (GDD) really focuses on the fun aspect of this game which slowly allows you to progress through to the darker more dangerous levels…
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mentalgamers · 11 years
10 Second Ninja - The Review
10 Second Ninja – The Review
Fast-paced games can be a problem. They can either be annoying or frustrating, thankfully, 10 Second Ninja is frustrating, but not annoying. It’s frustrating in a good way though, because you just want to keep on playing, no matter how much you fail.
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gamedesigndan-blog · 12 years
What the Fuck Is Goin' On?
It's a blog! Wait wait wait! Don't read this. Follow the blog first, then you can read. It's the price of admission. Cough up. 
What the fuck actually is going on? Well, anyone who's known me for a while will have seen that I've been workin' on a lil' somethin' somethin' called 10 Second Ninja. Anyone who's known me for a long while will also know that I've seemingly been working on it since the dawn of time (well, about a year).
There have been many reasons for why its development has taken longer than it seems to warrant, the main one probably being that I've never built a game by myself before from start to finish. I have restarted this thing about... three times? And within the current iteration, I've had to rebuild everything over and over as my skills have developed (if anyone ever looks at the code behind it, either they're going to die in a mysterious accident or I will). This learning experience would have been totally superb if not for the fact that I've been determined throughout to not quit the project, use it as an opportunity to promote myself, and not release it unpolished, which are all things that are ten times harder to achieve when you've got no clue what you're doing. 
However, I can say, with quite a lot of faith, after all this time, that the game will be done very soon. Two weeks'll do it, I reckon. All that's left is some art, the odd level, balancing, and some sound stuff (that @trurkowski is doing an amazing job on) so the project's definitely in the home stretch. This isn't to say that it will necessarily be released in two weeks (there are "many reasons" for this, too), but it is coming soon, and I really think people are going to find it fun.
So yeah, no proper announcements yet, but I figured it was as good a way as any to start the blog, and proper announcements will be coming, I promise (them being the "many reasons" I mentioned). The rabbit hole definitely goes deeper and cooler than what I've said so far.
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