i think it is downright criminal that there's so many fics with tentoo but so few for ganger!eleven. is he not good enough for you? you dont like my boy?
anyway i yoinked him and i put him in my fun little sandbox with my other doctor clones
I ficukinf forgot to answer this ask I'm so sorry
The fandom is sleeping on him!!! Do you all hate him because 11 loves himself-ish unline 10 :( I love watching 11 and 11 interact and just completely totally vibe with each other, that they are Immediately always on the same page. Also that through there being two of them, and them lying about which one is the ganger, aspects of the doctors personality could be expressed more freely without as much of the rose tinted glasses.
If you know any good fics with him I would love to see them
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
I’m Not Him 
Ganger!Doctor x Reader
Summary - You liked The Doctor, but he didn’t feel the same way about you. What will happen when you meet his Ganger again?
Based On This Request -
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Warnings - references to character death, sadness
Word Count - 1772
A/n - Gender Neutral Reader. I posted this request over on my old Tumblr account and I just wanted to repost it on here.
You walked, curiously and trepidatiously, around the halls and corners of The TARDIS. For the past couple of days, you heard The Doctor rummaging around the ship, and you finally decided to investigate. He would do stuff like this often, rummaging and making tons of noise, but not for this long of a time. He was definitely up to something.
The Doctor had avoided everyone since the events of Demon’s Run and it was beginning to scare you, more than the fact that he was secretly planning something behind your back. You had heard stories from Madame Vastra and River that The Doctor had a history of shutting down after extremely eye-opening or sorrowful events, but you had never seen him act like this yourself. You didn’t know how to react to him acting like this.
You had been left behind at Demon’s Run along with Amy, Rory, and River, and River eventually took all of you home with her vortex manipulator. Soon after you were getting used to being at home, though, The Doctor showed up at your doorstep. He said that it had been a while since he had seen you and he was excited for you to see what he had planned. You were excited, too, at the moment, but now you were just scared. 
The Doctor Had not picked up Amy and Rory yet, but River invited herself into the TARDIS constantly. She added to The Doctor’s rummaging and whispering around the ship. You wondered what they were doing, but then you figured that you might not want to know. 
However, one thought continued to plague your mind, and that was why The Doctor brought you back onto The TARDIS in the first place, especially without Amy and Rory. You had joined the couple after The Doctor ran into you on one of his private adventures that he would go on when he couldn’t sleep and stayed ever since. Your life on The TARDIS was much more exciting than your life on Earth and you didn’t want to stay on that planet any longer. But everything that led up to today was making you worried that your time exploring the Universe was ending.
The Doctor randomly jumped out from a corridor with his spacey wacey goggles hanging around his neck. You jumped and shrieked from the shock while The Doctor profusely apologised. He placed both of his hands on your shoulders and squeezed them reassuringly.
“Y/n, I have something very exciting to show you!” You barely mumbled a still shocked “okay” before The Doctor quickly grabbed your hand and lead you towards a room you had never seen before. It was dark, with only a couple of dim, orangy-yellowy lights glowing on the walls, making the whole situation stranger. You could see through the dim lighting that there was a mechanised tub similar to the machine you saw at Saint John's Base. You remembered that trip well, it was shocking and emotional, but you could not put the pieces The Doctor was feeding you together. 
“Doctor, I don’t understand. What is all of this?”
“What does it look like? I’m fulfilling my promise and proving my theory correct.” The Doctor moved to fiddle with a few wires and tubes, making sure that they were all set.
“Your Ganger?” You questioned The Doctor, still confused.
“John Smith, yes!” The alien before you briefly stopped what he was doing to exclaim what he thought was obvious. Before getting back to checking to see if everything was in order.
“You’re bringing him back? Why?” The Doctor finally stopped fiddling with the machine to look at you confused.
“For you, of course!” You questioned what he meant by that. 
“I saw how the two of you became very close that day. I thought that I might bring him back for you.” The Doctor looked slightly sad, and you didn’t know why. 
“I thought he was you back then.” You weren’t lying, but you did like The Doctor’s Ganger, he seemed to care about you more than The Doctor, who seemed to only have eyes for Amy and River.
“After you found out, the two of you still became very close. I just don’t like you being alone, Y/n.” You were shocked by The Doctor’s reveal and didn’t know what to say to all of this information. You were going to tell The Doctor to wait, give you time to think if this is actually what you wanted, but he already started the machine. 
The tub filled itself with a formula, and then the liquid moulded and formed into The Doctor’s Ganger. Both of you and The Doctor watched curiously as all of this was happening. Suddenly, The Ganger!Doctor’s eyes popped open, and he screamed loudly in pain. He curled into a fetal position while clutching his head. The Doctor went to check if everything was okay on the scans and computers in the corner monitoring everything. 
You joined The Doctor to watch the computers as well, but then out of the corner of your eye, you saw The Ganger!Doctor jumping up out of the tub. He seemed perfectly fine despite the pain he was in a moment ago.
“Ah! I’m back!” He stated cheerfully, adjusting his red bowtie.
Your mouth fell open in shock after looking at The Ganger!Doctor in the eye. You didn’t know what to do or say. Your breath began to quicken, and your head started to hurt. So, you quickly turned to walk back to your room. 
You were so confused. A jumble of emotions ran through your head, and you couldn’t really focus on any of them for a long time. You liked The Doctor, you had for a long time, but you never let yourself love him. You were well aware of The Doctor’s relationship with River, and you were happy for them both, but it did sting your heart a bit because you had no one. The Doctor and River had each other and Amy and Rory had each other, and you wanted someone, too. Now The Doctor was giving you his Ganger. The possibility of not being alone was right before you, but you couldn’t help but run away.
It was true, you did like the Ganger!Doctor when you first met him. But it felt as if you were being pawned off by The Doctor. You were now angry. You couldn’t help but feel like this “gift” was bittersweet because even though The Doctor was being kind, he would never understand why it hurt. And you felt so sad for The Ganger!Doctor. He never did anything wrong and kept getting hurt in the process. You didn’t really know what feeling to prioritise and you just needed to be alone.
After spending a couple of hours doing everything but thinking about what just happened, you finally accepted that The Ganger!Doctor was back, and he was here for you. You were grateful that The Doctor thought of you, despite the questionable act. And you really did want to get to know The Ganger!Doctor on a personal level and outside of an adventure. You considered going out and trying to talk to the Ganger!Doctor, but a sudden knock on your door drew you out of your thoughts. You spoke a quiet “come in” and readjusted the work you were doing off of your lap.
“Hello …” It was the Ganger!Doctor, lingering in the doorway. Normally you probably wouldn’t be able to tell, but he was wearing the same thing he was wearing before, and you didn’t think that The Doctor would clean all of The TARDIS grease off of his clothes and face that quickly.
“Hello,” You responded bittersweetly.
“Hello …” The Ganger!Doctor repeated himself, and you could tell that he cursed himself in his head because of the disgruntled face he made.
“May I come in?” You nodded and motioned for him to join you on the floor where you were sitting. You would always sit on the floor when you needed to think hard about something. The two of you sat there for a long time in silence. There was a weird tension that you couldn’t really describe. But the pair of you continued to catch each other's eyes and then quickly look away. The Ganger!Doctor began patting his knees with his hands anxiously.
“I’m not really him, you know.” The Ganger!Doctor suddenly spoke up quietly, with his voice tinted with sadness.
“What do you mean?” You finally looked into The Ganger!Doctor’s eyes for longer than a couple of seconds.
“I have all of The Doctor’s memories and I obviously look like him, but I’m my own person with my own thoughts and opinions. I don’t see you the same way he does.” You could see how sad he was and how much he just wanted to be seen as himself.
“I’m sorry for assuming that you were, especially after the events of Saint John’s Base. I guess it was just the shock of everything.” The Ganger!Doctor nodded at your statement, but you could see how solemn he still was.
“I’ll try to be better.” You tried to smile, but it was still bittersweet. So, you reached out to hold The Ganger!Doctor’s hand. He squeezed your hand tightly as if he was shocked that you were actually touching him and worried that you would let go too soon.
“I don’t want you to be better, I just want you to be yourself.” You nodded in understanding and both of you fell back into silence, but you continued to hold each other's hands.
“What do you want to be called?” You asked suddenly. The Ganger!Doctor quirked his head to the side in thought and fiddled with his bowtie with his free hand.
“John Smith is a decent name, at least until I come up with a more unique name. Does John Smith sound like a good name to be paired with a Stetson?”
“Yeah, I think it does!” You laughed at his cute question and genuinely smiled at the now John Smith.
“I’ll stick with John Smith then!” He smiled back at you widely causing you to giggle. You really did like seeing him smile so happily. 
Far into the night, the pair of you continued to talk and giggle and laugh. You told wide stories about your adventures and you both told interesting facts about yourselves. Unbeknownst to you, The Doctor grinned bittersweetly from your open door frame, happy that you were finally happy and not alone.
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
im just saying that if i had been in charge of s6 of doctor who, i would have fully leaned into the horror of amy's pregnancy, the loss of her own agency in it, the way she was used as a vessel to create a child she would never hold again, amy pond who never indicated once that she even wanted a child and was made to have one anyway against her will, and once they were done using her, they even took away any choice she might make about it in the future.
and i would have had this be a factor in amy and river's relationship going forward. how do you interact with a child you never knew, never got to decide if you wanted to have, and she's also already your friend, you love her as this miraculous, insane woman who has saved your life more than once. she's always known more about you than you could about her, but now you know exactly how much she was keeping from you. it's not like she could have told you, could have stopped it, but all this time, she was your friend and she was your daughter, and how do you learn to live with her?
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transmasc-rose · 5 months
I can accept Amy being an ass to Ganger Doctor (Amy is kind of an ass. I say this with affection) BUT I think someone needs to remind her about when her husband was plastic.
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heyitsspaceace · 10 months
is it really a doctor who episode if it doesn't have unsettling cgi body horror and confusing doppelgangers?
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doctorfriend79 · 2 months
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The Rebel Flesh
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normiedoctorwho · 11 months
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People were like one step away from being more than just a plot twist and I’m forever bitter.
The bad guys are clones who have all the memories of the people they’re copies of and want to be those people and seen as people.
Who on 11’s tardis team went through something a little tangential to that?
and I know his centurion days are kinda hand waved away but come on. He’s got the memories of his robot copy. OF COURSE he’d be the most sympathetic to the gangers.
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doctorwhogirlie · 4 months
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Doctor Who - Gangers
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stardustandmeteors · 10 months
❝i hate goodbye's...❞ | 11th doctor x gn! reader & ganger! 11th doctor x gn! reader
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pairing: the doctor & the reader | ganger! doctor x gn! reader
summary: the doctor has to leave his best friend on Earth for reasons unknown to them, and it sets a whole slew of emotions tumbling out their mouth, but he knew that it wasn't him that they loved.
warning: angst with a happy ending (for y/n, sorry doc).
y/n stood in front of the man they had grown to love, the frown on his face telling them everything they needed to know. What had they done to make him look at them with a look like that?
"doctor...?" The young adult asked, feeling their eyes become moist with their unshed tears. "... Have I done something wrong...?" They asked, afraid of what his answer might be. Had they really done something so bad the doctor was putting them back where he found them.
He ignored their question, his gaze looking anywhere but them. Then, after a beat, he caught their gaze, his own eyes caught the e/c color he'd always loved. There were unshed tears gathered at the corner of them. They could hear the crackling and loud bangs of the thunder and lightning, both being drowned out by their holding stare. The TARDIS was behind the bow tie wearing man, tall and ominous as it always was.
He sighed, his voice wavering as the salty tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the heavy rain the two had stood in. "Why... Why..." He whimpered, grabbing at his hair, a pained sob rippled through his lips.
"doctor." They took a cautious step towards him, but he shied away.
"why does it always have to end this way?" He asked no one in particular, remembering his times with Donna before he had to erase her memories of him. Why did this always have to happen to him? Every person he comes into contact with either dies or he has to leave them. Why couldn't he have one thing? Why wouldn't the universe grant him this one thing?
"doctor, you're scaring me." They spoke, looking at him with concern, "what's happening?" He caught her gaze again, his eyes tired with exhaustion.
"I'm sorry y/n..." He said, remembering the exact words y/n had said to him years ago, when he first regenerated into this face, and way before he lost Amy and Rory. They were smiling at him, their hand clasped tightly in his as they both watched the married couple snowball fight. It had been Christmas that year and the four of them decided to battle it out with the snow. Rory and the doctor vs y/n and Amy, but it had turned into a war between the husband and wife. Laughter was all the two heard.
"how long are you going to stay with me?" He had asked them. It gave him a sense of deja vu. They looked up and smiled.
"Forever." The sincerity of their words made his heart swell, for they were the exact words Rose told him. He looked at them, to see they were watching Rory and Amy having fun, a smile on their face. The love they felt for y/n was Rose all over again, he would lose them too, and he'd be heartbroken.
"Sorry?" They asked, "I don't... I don't understand." They said, tears falling down their own cheeks.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, this time it was clearer. He wiped his tear stained face away, "I wasn't fast enough to save him." He told them. y/n looked at him with sorrow, but masked it with confusion.
"doctor, you're not making sense. There has never been anybody else but you." They said, the next words tumbling out with how much raw emotion they held, "I love you, please. I love you." The words tumbled from their lips. He knew that they hadn't meant it towards him.
"Stop." He said, turning to the TARDIS and walking towards it with slow steps, with his head down. y/n went to go after him, just as he opened the doors. Was he gonna leave them, here, on the streets in the rain? "You can come out now," he said solemnly, holding the door open, y/n stopped their chase, eyes widening when they landed on a familiar face. He wore the same outfit that he'd had when they first met after he was accidentally cloned by the Flesh.
"hello." Was his first response, the doctor leaned against the wall of the TARDIS, his arms crossed and his eyes watched both of them, his hearts aching. y/n's tears fell harder as they broke into a run, the Ganger doing the exact thing, catching them with his arms and lifting them up off the ground and spun them around, a happy laugh leaving his lips.
"how? How are you alive?" he put them down as they put their hands on his cheeks, feeling his skin, "I saw you melt from the sonic. You died," they whimpered, their tears still running down their face.
"the doctor," he looked from them and to the hurting man, who gave them both a small smile, "he saved me. Made me again, so we could be together again, my love." The Ganger said, looking back lovingly at them. y/n turned their head to the doctor, a sad smile on their face. He kicked off the wall, stopping far from the two.
"I can't grow old with you y/n, but he can. He'll give you a life you deserve. One that I can't," the doctor admitted to her, as she got out of the Gangers arms to step forward a bit, with concern. "Don't give me that look, okay." He chuckled darkly "I'm sorry I couldn't save him sooner," he said.
"doctor... I do care about you, you know that, don't you?" They asked, the Ganger watching with a frown. Why was it so hard to watch?
"but not love. I know, and I care about you just as deeply, and i want you to be happy. With someone who can give you a chance," he said, his hand now resting against the cool TARDIS door. The rain has finally stopped, leaving them in their cold and wet clothes, but they didn't care. The Ganger doctor walked up beside them, and took their hand in his and brought it up to his lips to kiss it softly. He sighed, bowing his head, "I hate goodbyes," he said.
"then don't think of this as a goodbye, doctor. Think of it as a "hello"." The Ganger said, smiling at him. The doctor returned it sadly.
"will we ever see you again doctor?" They asked. He looked at them.
"the universe is a big place. But I'm certain our paths will cross again." And then he entered the TARDIS, the door closing as the machine started to disappear right before them. The Ganger doctor wrapped an arm around their shoulder, and gently guided them around, their own arm wrapping around his waist as they started their trek down the street.
The Ganger leaned slightly down to their ear, whispering the name not many would know, and y/n was one of the lucky souls in the universe who would know. They stopped, fresh tears running down their cheeks as they turned in his arms, before pulling his head to them, softly kissing his lips.
Hopefully, the Universe would give the doctor a chance. Just one chance, so he's not alone anymore. y/n wished nothing more than to see her best friend happy. And in return, he gave her someone to be happy with, even if it wasn't him.
So, how was the angst? I'm not the best at it, but I hope I did pretty well, especially referencing Rose T-T the doctor just can't seem to be happy, not even in little fanfics, my poor baby. Does anyone have a recommendation of the doctor angst?
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ianto's face in the end of cyberwoman breaks me. those eyes. that face. look at it how can you not lose it all just looking at that face. i wonder if looking at it too long is what it's like to look at a light for so long it almost stops hurting and it hurts to look away but also to look back at it
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spoofymcgee · 9 months
okay i just finished the rebel flesh/the almost people and
the premise is brilliant and touching and heartbreaking
there is someone exactly like you who is you who has all your memories who is exactly as human as you are but they're trying so kill you so they can't be like you
but the thing is is that they're scared and you're scared and they're you and if you weren't the sort of person who'd try and kill something with your face if you were scared of it then they wouldn't be either
it's beautiful and wretched and i love it
but the actual execution of the episodes?
there are so many bits where it's like 'oh we don't have time!! we have to go!!1! we gotta run there's no time she's coming it's going to explode!1!!1!' and then stand around having tearful conversations for three minutes
at the end, all of them could have made it to the TARDIS. there was plenty of time and ganger!cleves and the ganger!doctor weren't even holding the door half the time. the pacing was off and the acting–the dialogue was done well but they weren't holding the door! they could have run!
and then. the solar flare should have animated amy's ganger too, no? or at the very least it's implied that the flesh has consciousness even without the solar flare. so why does the doctor explode her?? how does that make sense.
also. very ginormously not a fan of the pregnancy body horror. no fucking thank you. we didn't fucking address it in the dream lord episode and now it's back and what is fucking wrong with this show why are they doing this to her.
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cloysterbell · 1 year
Yes okay Doctor Who S6 is very hit or miss, true, but there's no denying that Matt puts his whole ass into his performance as the Doctor
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darklinaforever · 1 year
When I see people saying that Tentoo is the same as Doctor Ganger...
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The Ganger is a fucking copy/clone of the Doctor made by humans from an artificial organic substance ! Tentoo comes directly from the Doctor's regenerative energy ! He is simply the Doctor !
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doctormastertardis · 10 months
The concept of "saving" a person's consciousness so that it lives on...
Is River going to come back??? Where is the official announcement? Omg I'm so excited. I've always said River isn't officially really dead. I meant, if Bill Potts' consciousness (and her gf's) can live on within a living oil sentient being, and if Clara is technically dead but still "alive on the brink" traveling in her own TARDIS, then it is completely possible that River Song can come back in full ACTUALIZED character--- perhaps maybe through the Living Flesh "gangers"? the plastic clone material??? River Song's FULL consciousness was saved at CAL's library!!!!!!! Legitimately, I remember the Library episode mentioned that as long as a person's consciousness is SAVED and lives on in CAL's hard drive, and as long as they find or make a body that can actualize the person's consciousness, then River's consciousness (limited to what was saved on the screwdriver) can definitely be a vessel for River to come back again and be ACTUALIZED (as a clone, or in an empty body/vessel, or something)!!! SILENCE IN THE LIBRARY mentions this in passing, but knowing Steven Moffat, he was probably saving River's revival for later!!! "Saved" in the library, get it? Omg, makes sense!!! Because even Danny's consciousness was saved by Missy in that one Cyberman episode when Missy declares that she had been saving dead people's consciousness and transferring them into cybermen bodies.... This can also mean Bill Potts can be ACTUALIZED again and come back as a "living" physical companion.
CAL explained in Silence of the Library that Donna's physical body was "saved" by the computer as a "signature energy" but that the reason Donna was able to come back in that episode is because her flesh was ACTUALIZED again.
I am so freaking excited for Bill Potts and River Song to come back if we go by this logic!!!!! They are viable to come back because canonically speaking, both Bill Potts and River Song and EVEN Clara's boyfriend Danny's consciousness is SAVED somewhere in a computer drive!!! Hell, even Silence in the Library touched on the concept of consciousness as part of the overall "matrix" that we also see in Extremis!!!
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clanoffelidae · 2 months
One of the things I find so funny about the Gangers story (The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People) is how all the other Gangers were having existential crises and struggling to find a place for them in the world, traumatized and lashing out, and then the Flesh gets exposed to The Doctor and is like ‘babygirl I have just borne silent and ageless witness to traumas incomprehensible and almost then made beautiful by their alien geometry’
The Flesh:
J̷̢͍̲̬̥̰̈̀̍̇̌̒͘̚͢͠ͅU̪̼͈̙͈̗̇̉͐̓̂̃̎͊͜͠S̵̡̰̲̙̼͓̟̊͊̑͛̐̉Ṭ̨̻̞̖̾̈̽̅̆̐̽̓͝͡ Ļ̡̙͖̘̜̦̑́͂̏̑̀͑̾̓͂͜ͅẸ̸̡͉͚̩̏͊̒̀̃͐̓̀T̴̨̡̰̦͍̱̱̘͗̍̈́͐͒͗͢͡ U̶͔̼̪̼̗͗̈͌̽̒̏̆̒̆͟S̸̞̙̹̬̠̘͉̎͒̊̚͢͞ Ļ̵͔̜͉͉́͑̇͋͘I̷̡̛̺͉̰͔͆̌̈͂̀͢͝͞V̸̡̠̤͈͕̼̗̏̌́̊́̀͑͘͡E̵̙͈̦̫̗̦̭̽͛͑̅͌̏̂̚͠
Ganger Doctor: girl stfu
and he’s so real for that tbh
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#putting smth on the stove................simmering................#im not watching the gangers ep im just skipping through for scenes so i dont really remember what it was that made amy convinced of#flesh doctors realness here#whether it was the fact that he was gonna sacrifice himself just like the doctor would or whether it was the fact that they fooled her and#she couldnt tell who was who and was convinced it was the other way around than it was#i know my impression of the ep was always the second but i dont know now i havent rewatched it in forever#also thinking abt how tentoo was said to be the doctor well partially bc of having the same memories#which they also make as an argument for flesh doctor being the doctor#(i think in both cases it's the doctor who makes that argument)#but they also say abt tentoo that he 'is the doctor when we first met'#10 says that to rose#bc of the warcrime thing? born in blood and revenge and whatever#so like. while the doctor makes the argument that theyre the same bc of memories#in both cases there might also be the case of making the same choices#but i would have to rewatch for real to say for certain#but thats what i really like abt 13. that they made it that CHOICES make the doctor#and kinda this idea that the doctor seems to have had for AGES that it's their memories what makes them#they threw that out#in the matrix with the fugitive doctor#'now that does sound like me talking' the fugitive kinda convinced her right?#anyway i like that shift a lot i hope they keep it
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