annacase · 4 months
Ganglians - My House
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lennat2 · 2 years
Me watching graphic videos of cyst removal surgeries online
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twopercentboy · 8 months
As a dancer, I can't think of a night when I haven't spun alone
Except for when I can
Of course, it's always best to have someone catch you when you fall
Or patch up a scrapped knee
Or treat a torn tendon
Or mend a broken femur
But sometimes you just want to have a person to be in sync with
Sometimes you remember how fun it is to create and rehearse new routines with a person
Someone who knows what flavor of stupid, overpriced, sugary sports drink you love
Someone whose soreness you know how to stretch out
Someone who wills listen when you say "Take a rest day, you're off." And will listen because they know you care
Because you're the person who will time every dismount
Who will shout on every stomp
Who can be their shadow of accountability at every misstep because you want them to succeed and not so you can become the star
I was asked once to join a troupe (squad? company?)
Back when my cat's step was still too obtuse
And because my whole career revolved around my being a solo-act or part of a duo
I convinced myself that they were only after the leading role
My leading role
I'd love to go out with you
After years of learning and unlearning and relearning I finally know how to sway out of a spotlight and still put on a show
And despite my inexperience in some forms
I doubt there's much I will hesitate to learn
If only you'll have me
From a crisp solotary waltz
To the fastest and wildest party swing lines
I'll perform with you until our feet paint the floor
But the question remains the same...
May I Have This Dance?
honestly really glad I waited to respond bc when I say before today I was having no thoughts I truly meant it bc I missed like every single metaphor in this one for the first couple days 😭 like honestly kinda embarrassing how long it took me to notice what this one was truly Saying yk (or what I assume it's trying to say, im never sure what the actual intention is bc as u know I love doubting myself and overthinking 💪) (which is why I'm hesitant to ever Say what I think it means bc what if I'm wrong and i just embarrass myself on Tumblr dot com)
now to my tangent thoughts spawned from one off lines, I had bio today and we were going over the musculatory system so you said tendons and I was like ☝️ we talked about that today and specifically I talked in front of the class (as in they were focused on me when I was talking) about ganglian cysts forming on tendons bc the Prof asked if any of us had ever had one and i was the only person who had apparently, but i got it removed a few months ago bc it was starting to get annoying and mildly painful bc of my wrist braces and yeah anyway that's what I got reminded of giggle I have a cool ass scar on my hand from the surgery tho so 💪
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mxdwn · 3 years
RIP: Kyle Hoover Guitarist for Ganglians and More Has Died
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musicmakesyousmart · 4 years
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Al Riggs - Ganglian
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
E, F and X please 💖
Amanda! Thank you for asking!
E - Easiest person to talk to?
One of my oldest friends. We've been friends for close to 15 years, know each other very well, and have been through shit together. They're extremely easy to talk to by now.
F - Favorite song?
Here's a few more of my most recent favorites:
Country Roads - John Denver
Song to the Siren - Eurielle
Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling feat. Lizzy Hale
X - X rays I had?
I mean, I get my mouth x-rayed every couple years because there's a family history of bad teeth. I think there was an x ray done before I had a ganglian cyst removed back in 2009. Other than that, none.
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gallusrostromegalus · 6 years
“Hey Goediun, did you finish- ah hell, not MORE earth wildlife.”
“This planet’s completely fucked up Clyod.”
“What the fuck are THOSE?” Guenoid demanded, peering over his co-worker’s mass to squint at the pojection.
“Third-most dominant carnivore on the planet.”
“Yeah but what’s the little thing next to it?”
“Same species.”
“You’re emusifying me.”
“Absoultely not.  This thing’s got the genetics from hell.  Apparently they just have hundreds if not thousands of copies of any gene they might need and can suffer drastic radiation, inbreeding or rapid enviornmental selection and come out mostly functional organisms.  Both of these are actually pretty far from the species average- here, this is a more common specimen.”
“Oh that’s not so bad-”
“Remember how the Humans are Pursuit predators?”
“Oh no.  Don’t tell me it can do that endless “Fun Run” Human-Steve did last year for the Beeblebrox Children’s Hospital?”
“It can!”  Goeduin writhed gleefully at his partner’s discomfort. “They can do continuous runs for hundreds of miles through the polar regions of the planet, and at tremendous speed!  Some of them have a sustainable gallop of over 50 miles per hour!”
“What’s that in civilized Units?”
“uuuuhhh... 210?”
“FUCK.” shouted Clyod, collapsing back into the sleeping tank, though he suspected that there would be no rest for him this cycle as images of the wretched earth creature pursuing him flashed through his ganglian network.
“They’ve got a bite strength that can snap through our building materials and even human bone!” Goeduin continued, vibrating with the kind of wild humor that belied genuine terror.  “Thier senses are even more accute than Human-Steve’s!  It’s got his entire hearing range and then up into our ‘hypersonic’ vocal range!”
“Great, it can tear me apart after hearing me talk smack. Terrific.”  Clyod sighed, dedicating himself to another round of nightmares.
“And it’s Chemosensitivity! They can track prey by the oils left from the prey’s footsteps for MILES!  they can even track scents through the air and underwater or buried in in six feet of ‘concrete’!”
“Good grief.  With compettion like that, it’s no wonder the humans are so barbaric.  Please tell me it’s stupid.”
“They’re comparable to juvenile humans in terms of reasonaing capacity and may be more socially intelligent than adult humans, living in communal groups that can have DOZENS of members.  Also they hunt in packs.”
“WHY??” Clyod begged “Why do you even subject yourself, and furthermore, why subject ME to this kind of knowledge?  I won’t be able to rechage and be all gross and floppy in the morning.”
“Human-Steve is getting one.”
“Humans keep them as domestic companions.  Apparently they’re socially intelligent enough to get humans to raise and feed thier young for life.”
“and.  Human-Steve.  Is taking on one of these?  He’s not worried about it eating him?”
“He said it might nibble on his appendages while it’s teething but that the one his parents kept when he was an infant-”
“He showed me many images of them playing and cuddling together.  They are quite fond of human children, and not just as snacks.”
“Please tell me he’s getting the little kind.”
“He’s getting a variety called a “Siberian Husky”.  He said it was very fluffy.”
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apiarymusic · 4 years
How to punch properly: A basic self-defence psa.
Also helpful for artists and writers.  I did ALOT of fighting (I spent years training in Chungdokwan Taekwondo and moved to a 40 hour dance week as step down when my joints started to mess up) and there’s some things that some people don’t realise.
This is a BAD FIST:
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‘scuse the bad photo, my tablet camera is busted.  This is a bad way to make a fist for several reasons:
*thumb is tucked under the fingers which can lead to the fingers dislocating the thumb when you punch someone.
*with the thumb tucked in you also run the risk of splitting your tendon sheath.  It’s a risk anyway but goes up considerably when your thumb is tucked.
*you increase the risk of getting cartilage damage and ganglians (lumps of tissue) in you wrist and palm because of impact shock.
*looks aesthetically shit.
Here is a GOOD FIST:
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Thumb is OUT, with tip of thumb pointing toward the centre fingers knuckle.
*chance of dislocating the thumb lowers
*chance of popping tendons and cartilage drops as fingers now have space to move backward from impact shock
*looks more badass
ADDITIONAL PSA - where to punch
Fleshy parts.  It’s tempting to try and sock someone in the jaw but their jawbone is likely a damn sight stronger than your fingerbones.  You run the risk of damaging everything running up your arm if you hit a hard surface.  Punch the throat, punch the cheek (not the cheek bone), the eyes, the ears.  The junk if you can.  Don’t try a round punch, they’re harder to connect, easier to dodge and waste a lot of energy.  Punch straight if you can.
You shouldn’t have to defend yourself physically, but scumbags abound and society is well into it’s victim shaming so, unfortunately, little bits like this can help.
Stay safe, fuck ‘em up.
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silima · 4 years
Its prob a ganglian. V common. Just dont try the home remedy of hitting it with a book. They most often go away on their own. Stretches, ice, and massages help with discomfort but if its painful u should see a doc
A brace or a wrap could also help
yeah, i think its a ganglion too—thank you for the advice!! i appreciate it :)
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romini · 5 years
Ganglians - Radically Inept Candy Girl
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New Audio: The Scuzzy Psych Pop of Peacers
New Audio: The Scuzzy Psych Pop of Peacers
Perhaps best known as the frontman of Bay Area-based indie act Sic Alps, Mike Donovan’s latest project Peacersinitially began as a solo recording project but has…
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444names · 2 years
chinese forenames + the text of sugaan essena
Angdu Angying Angzhan Anyimou Anyuan Aramdong Aramogo Araozhou Baichang Baizhou Baogong Baojinin Baotong Baoxi Barxang Bayongshi Bayou Bayuling Beifengmei Beihana Beingluo Beity Beizhooska Beizhou Benhotou Bhuang Bhugatong Bhula Bijing Boohong Bozheng Chaiche Chaiding Chaixinghe Chaiyady Chang Chanzhou Chaojiang Cheger Chekou Chena Cheng Chenjiang Chenling Cheyulin Chihen Chinghai Chishikis Chiyuang Chooh Chtiaming Chtingyu Chuan Chuana Chuihen Daltam Danaa Danchang Dangtong Danshi Daquzhon Dayan Dazhuanang Delinyin Denanchang Dengyiweng Dezhougang Dezuo Dinaa Dinxi Donagaoan Dongga Donghang Donghun Dongnin Dongxi Dujing Duyuading Emeifen Ereng Exuan Fangzhole Fanna Fenagan Fengdehang Fenping Foshigong Fujiagang Fukokdan Fukou Fuqian Fushu Fuzhan Gaang Gading Gajian Ganglian Gangyis Gangzhang Gaowuchan Geganqiu Gergeng Gerguan Geyao Giggua Gingly Gingni Gongqixiu Guadia Guaildin Guaiyang Guanana Guang Guanyua Guichuang Guiyangqin Gujian Guyanying Gyishui Gyuan Hagankaihe Haixiang Haiyonguan Haizhou Hanan Handoskang Hangdaxin Hangyuzhou Hangzhong Hanyan Hanyuanyic Hanzhou Haochi Haoyueyan Hegeyanzhu Helin Hengdu Hengling Henhao Henzhotai Hezeli Hihun Honaan Hongxing Hougao Houlinhou Huaiman Huancheng Huang Hugang Hugye Hugyidin Huildin Hulaicang Hunchan Hunmis Huxiang Huzhang Ishijiang Jianang Jiang Jiangka Jiangyang Jiangzhen Jianheng Jianweng Jianzhou Jiaody Jiaoyan Jiaqido Jieshi Jimooh Jinanshan Jinhula Jinxing Jinyang Jurpang Kaichan Kartuxuk Kashou Khongpin Khoulong Klushi Klushugang Klusishan Kunche Kunchefang Kunjili Kuyan Kuyantie Laishan Langdeze Langshan Lashan Lenqiuqiu Leshe Lesseest Liama Liang Liangtai Liazhi Licheng Lijian Lildeng Lilding Lingaogong Lingfang Lingjiao Lingjiliu Lingzhang Lingzhou Linhunhui Lishan Lishi Liuquzhou Liyangkou Liyanshuny Logongjing Loguang Luaimay Lufei Luodiang Luohuanxi Luozhou Lushihan Luxinaa Lüdang Macan Macangchou Maoganzhou Meiceng Meiji Meijian Mengli Miang Minguan Minzhi Mishanyan Mogadian Mogning Mogole Mooiken Motong Mudin Muding Mulaoh Musuchao Naanghong Nanqab Neeger Nehan Nehegeyan Nyingde Nyuangjian Nyuxuadin Panang Pangshi Pingxian Pingzhou Pininin Pinmen Plonguyu Plongyan Pueyan Puqujin Puyuanning Puyung Qihuang Qingaa Qingxi Qinhong Quaicengly Quang Qufen Qufenxi Qujiu Rengua Renludang Reshizhou Rugangyan Rugye Ruihua Ruing Rusan Rushang Ruzhomi Ruzhot Sangbaiyou Sangcha Sanghou Sanqab Sanzhou Savaang Schuang Seeganzhou Seegerge Senping Shaishang Shalang Shang Shanghhou Shanou Shanyuang Shaoskan Shaoyangye Shaozhua Shejia Sheng Shengla Shengyiche Shichan Shiche Shikest Shizhang Shoohezhen Shuaibo Shuan Shuang Shuanzhun Shuay Shuic Shulong Shuxiling Sishis Suchanzhua Sucshic Sugan Sugaotong Sughong Suijing Suixian Suizhot Suqingjing Taganhu Taimanaang Taipin Taishiyang Taksuilua Taobing Tayuan Tenghe Thengzhuay Thiji Tiancheng Tiang Tianhou Tiaozui Tiayangyua Tielogun Tiemeng Tinfujiang Titang Tongzhou Touleping Tumaa Turizhot Tuxianping Ulongjing Wangtou Washanxin Weianou Weidong Weiduyang Weihang Weischou Weizhou Wghan Wuancahe Wuchen Wudenghe Wugaa Wuhanya Wujing Wushuipian Wuweichui Wuwenchen Wuyan Xiameng Xiang Xiangnan Xiangtao Xianna Xiannan Xiaohou Xiling Xinchu Xingmeng Xingnaa Xingshou Xininhui Xinjing Xinmingjiu Xinqiqin Xinyichen Xinzhi Xinzhouli Xionghan Xiongleng Xiongtan Xiongzhou Xuchandal Xuest Yanyuang Yiceng Yichan Yichen Yinaa Yingkai Yingshi Yingzhou Yinhun Yintai Yishezuo Yishya Yongkou Yuaizuo Yuang Yuanhuayou Yuanjin Yuaye Yuazhu Yuchen Yueyan Yueyuang Yuluseyang Yumxuan Yunfeng Yunjiang Yuxin Yuyang Zaoan Zaoshaodie Zhangaa Zhaobeiyu Zhekorlang Zhekouchi Zheng Zhong Zhongzhan Zhooh Zibou Ziking Zikou Ziyan
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wendellbartonn · 3 years
Kyle Hoover (Ganglians, Tiaras), RIP
Kyle Hoover, who played in a number of San Francisco/Sacramento indie rock bands including Ganglians, Tiaras, Part Human, Fine Steps and more, has died... Continue reading… Kyle Hoover (Ganglians, Tiaras), RIP published first on https://soundwiz.weebly.com/
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blairemclaren · 3 years
Kyle Hoover Death - Obituary : Kyle Hoover Has Died
Kyle Hoover Death - Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Sad to hear about the passing of Kyle Hoover, guitar player for Ganglians.......Read more
Kyle Hoover Death – Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Sad to hear about the passing of Kyle Hoover, guitar player for Ganglians, Tiaras and Fine Steps and other Sac/Bay Area indie bands. RIP Through a social media announcement, DeadDeath learned on August 13, 2021, about the death of Kyle Hoover who has died. In the mourning spirit of this death, families, friends, and associates of the…
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ornisapiens · 4 years
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This one gets its own post to cry. Guess what Ganglians song this references.
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umbreeonic · 7 years
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i have a ganglian cyst apparently
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