#gangstas ecw
Angle ~ Your favorite storyline(s)? Why?
Card ~ If you could pick the matches for a wrestling event who would be in it and for what event?
*Catchphrase ~ List your favorite catchphrases? -OR- Post a gif of your favorite catchphrases?
*Gear ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling attires?
*Generation ~ The best time period/era of wrestling? Why?
Luchador ~ Your favorite Luchador -OR- Favorite masked wrestler?
Run-In ~ Your favorite match interference(s)?
Save ~ Your favorite occasion(s) in which one wrestler saved another wrestler? Why?
*Shows ~ Have you ever attended any wrestling event(s)? If yes, share your experience(s). If not, what event(s) would you like to attend?
Thank you so much for asking! I'm sorry this took so long, I wanted to be able to add as many visuals as I could ^^;
Angle: Sandman's entire development, especially the plot of winning Tyler back from Raven. It went on exactly as long as I wanted it to, and it really pushed me over the edge from liking him a lot to unabashedly loving him. Seeing him come out with Tyler on his shoulders is easily in the top three most gratifying moments in the entirety of ECW for me thus far. Sandman in general added something to the whole Raven-Dreamer feud that kept it fresh as I was just starting to get sick of seeing those two. I've been going back and rewatching early '94 to get clips and whatnot and man, he's come such a long way from yelling at Tommy Cairo to PAY HIS BILLS! And I haven't even seen his surfer gimmick yet (I'll be watching the years I inadvertently skipped once I get to the end).
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Card: This was definitely the hardest one to answer. I have no clue how many matches are "supposed" to be at an event/on a card, so bear with me lol.
Al Snow v. Rob van Dam. I also want Jerry Lynn in the mix somehow but idk who I'd replace.
Giant v. Tiny - Mr. Hughes or Bam Bam Bigelow for the giant and Mikey Whipwreck or Spike Dudley for the tiny
Rey Mysterio Jr. v. Psicosis or Juventud Guerrera, I'd be happy with either
Cactus Jack v. Sabu
Finale: Three-Way Dance between the Gangstas, the Eliminators, and the Chair-Swinging Freaks
Maybe not the most creative matchups, but I consistently love these guys. For the structure, I like majority bloody/destructive matches with one or two skill matches to satisfy both parts of my brain.
Catchphrase: BANG BANG!
Also, not technically catch"phrases" in the literal sense, but Kronus's laugh, Sabu's point, and Cactus's/Mankind's pigsqueals delight me to no end.
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L̷͉̲͌͛E̵͙̎T̴̤̰̈́͗ ̷̖̿M̴̘͎̈Ẽ̸͚̺ ̶͔͂́Ǐ̸̯̈́N̵̮̂
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Wait, what was that?
L̴̛̼͈̗̮̹̺͔̈́́͐̃̒̕͜͠Ȩ̸̲̹͉͉̲͈̼̥̠̪̖̐̈́͆͒̾͌̉͜ͅͅṪ̸̥̜̰͕̈̆̀̌̇̽͛̂̊̉́̇͘͠ ̴̬̪̥͔̣̳̲̞̯̯̟̮̠͚͕̟͖͙̻͕̇̒̈͌̃̍Ṃ̵̊͆̀͂̎̀̀̋̒́̀͆͘͝Ė̴̢̧̼̮͉̩̠̭̝̻͔̯͓͍̟̪̿̓̀̏̀̍̌̌͆̽̀͘͠͝ ̸̨̣̟͍͇̤̼͚̩̜̤́́̀̐̔̈́͝͝I̶̫̺̲͚͉͑̈̅͒͐̒̏͒̍͌̆͑͑̔̾̌̒͊̑̕̕͘Ṅ̷̯̤̩͎̭̞͕͈̘̓͆́̑̈̋̓͝
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Must be nothing.
Gear: The Pitbulls are my favorite, hands down
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Also Rhea Ripley. This outfit especially is honestly just something I'd wear.
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Least favorite would have to be the Dudleys. It works very well for their characters, I just can't stand tie dye for unknown reasons.
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Generation: Well, aside from one-off things from current WWE/AEW, I've only seen 94-97 ECW thus far (and segments from 96-97 WWF), so that's the only answer I can really give ^^;
Luchador: Rey Mysterio Jr.! I don't really have a solid explanation as to why, or at least no explanation that couldn't apply to other luchadors. I love his speed and agility, and his matches with Psicosis were some of the ones that would make me go silent because I was so enraptured by the skills on display. I also just love the attitude he gives off, both when he is and isn't speaking.
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Run-In: Does the Gangstas debut count?
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If not, 911's entire existence. Especially him chokeslamming Bill Alfonso!
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Save: Rey Mysterio saving 911 from the Eliminators. Despite how much I love Kronus, watching 911 get his ass kicked really fucked me up, so this gave me relief like no other save did. Plus, the four of them setting up for Chicken just for Rey to jump off 911 and take Saturn down off of Kronus's shoulders was nuts!
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Shows: I've been to one! There was an indy wrestling event (AXW) at the Legends Fanfest I went to on September 16th this year. I genuinely loved it! I was worried that I'm too used to ECW and I'd be lowkey bored, but they put on an excellent show! I consistently picked the loser lol, but so be it. The show culminated in a Royal Rumble that was a total blast!
Someone I met there said he's taking me to Wrestlemania next year, so I'm obviously looking forward to that. I also really want to start looking into local indies, especially since I live less than an hour from the ECW Arena, which seems to have semi-regular wrestling events (one of which is actually coming up next weekend, so I might be going to that 👀)
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jasvvy · 1 year
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thethcministry · 2 months
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orangebapecamoprint · 2 months
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ringthedamnbell · 1 year
Top Five Tag Teams That Didn't Quite Get Along
Top Five Tag Teams That Didn't Quite Get Along
Brian Damage There have been some truly great tag teams in pro wrestling whether it be the Road Warriors, Midnight Express, Rock N Roll Express, The Dudley Boyz etc. Most treated their partnership like a brotherhood and certainly reaped the rewards. There have been others, however, that simply could not or would not get along. They might not necessarily have hated each other, just had different…
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blowflyfag · 11 months
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WRESTLING ALL STARS: Heroes and Villains : JUNE 1996
By George Napolitano
[Sabu clobbers Cactus Jack in some EXTREME action.]
Like an off Broadway play that perfects its craft on the road before making it to the big city. ECW has been playing to full houses for nearly three years approximately every three weeks in Philadelphia, PA at the ECW Arena. Finally, after all this time “on the road,” ECW decided to try its luck in the Big Apple. And, from the response that they received in their New York debut, it’s obvious that ECW is ready to take an extreme bite out of the Big Apple!
[Sandman before he lost his Woman and his gold]
The Lost Battalion Hall in Queens, NY, was the sight of the first ECW card in the New York area. Prior To the card ECW action had been playing on MSG cable every Sunday night at 1:00 a.m. for nearly a year. ECW has its own unique brand of mayhem and violence, unlike anything that can be seen on WWF or WCW broadcasts. In NYC, it has acquired a huge late-night cult following. Although Tod Gordon and the rest of the ECW hierarchy knew that they had a following in the New York area, never in their wildest dreams did they think that their first card would produce a complete sell out with hundreds of die-hard fans turned away at the door. 
[Sabu sends Cactus through a table.]
At 7:00 p.m., with still an hour to go before the show, there were 1,242 fans inside the arena with an estimated 1,000 more on Queens Boulevard unable to get inside. TO try and pacify those who were unable to secure admission to the event, the ECW announced the date of their next card and then began to sell tickets to this one. Many fans who were unable to get into the arena for the first ECW card quickly purchased seats for the upcoming show to avoid being shut out again! And, because of this huge advance ticket sale and the response of those who were fortunate to gain admission to the first ECW card, the second ECW card in Queens is sure to be another sellout. 
[ECW crowds are the rowdiest wrestling crowds in the world.
Raven is dazed and confused after smashing a table with his head.]
I have been to numerous local events in my many years covering the wrestling scene, but not since the heydays of the eighties have I seen such a rabid group of fans in a local arena. 
Walking through the crowd, you could feel the electricity. The excitement was such that it made you feel that you were about came to ringside. After aggravating the crowd with his obnoxious behavior, Richards walked to the ringside and said, “Hey Jojo, there’s Missy Hyatt!” Richards played up to Missy, and before leaving the ringside area Missy gave him a long, deep kiss. When their lips parted, Missy told Stevie to take that to Raven.  After Richards finally returned to the dressing room, Joey Styles introduced Paul E. Dangerously. Dangerously received a long and loud ovation from the faithful and then welcomed every one in his own inimitable style. Dangerously had quite a few things to say to the people and peppered his comments with profanties directed mainly towards WCW and the WWF. In closing Dangerously said, “There’s going to be so much electricity in here that they will feel its effects all the way in Titan Towers in Stanford, Connecticut!” 
[Francine tends to an injured Pit Bull.
Paul E. Dangerously gets the Queens NY crowd worked up.
Raven is never too injured to give the Sandman a kick to the kisser!]
Finally, the time had come for the big card and in the first match Taz took on Koji Nakagawa. The “Master of the Suplex '' wasted no time in easily subduing his opponent, and when it was over, Taz, along with his manager Bill Alphonso, challenged everyone in the arena.
[Rock tables NuJack and the Gangstas are history!
Nujack pounds Rocco Rock bloody.]
Next came “The Shah” Hack Myers and his opponent was J.T. Smith Listening to the wat that the fans were cheering on the Shah, it was obvious that they had been following ECW action for a long time. After eight minutes of action, Meyers pinned Smith to win the match. 
[Francine attacks Paul E. Dangerously at ringside.
Pit Bull #1 brains Eliminator #1 with a board! The Sandman is on the receiving end of several Raven rights. There were 1,242 fans inside the arena with an estimated 1,000 more on Queens Boulevard unable to get inside.] 
This was followed by a match in which Too Cold Scorpio put both the tag team title and the TV title on the line. His opponent was Long Island native, Mikey Whipwreck. 
[Bubba Dudley doesn’t stutter when he’s kicking butt! ECW, ECW, ECW!]
This match was sensational. Scorpio and Whipwreck put on a display of wrestling prowess that has been seen in a local arena in years. The moves exhibited by both men were just incredible. Scorpio's numerous cartwheels off the top rope were simply breathtaking with each executed with precision. However , if Scorpio had merely tried to pin Whipwreck instead of continually showing off and lifting him off the mat at the count of two so that he could do yet another cartwheel, he would have easily won the match. But Scorpio’s showboating proved to be his undoing. Cactus Jack ran in and pulled Whipwreck out of the way as Scorpio was about to land on him once again. With Scorpio rolling on the mat writhing in pain from the missed cartwheel, Cactus jack placed Whipwreck on top of the Scorpio. The referee then counted and, as he pounded the canvas a third time, Mikey Whipwreck was declared the winner and new TV and Tag Team champion!
[Buh-Buh Dudley dies his dance,]
A tag team match followed, involving the Eliminators (with their manager Jason) versus the Pit Bulls (with their valet Francine). This was another fast and furious encounter. Both teams battled continually both inside and outside of the ring with even Jason and Francine getting into it numerous times. The end came when Saturn pinned Pit Bull 2 with help from his partner in crime. After scoring the pin fall, the Eliminators, along with Jason, suplexed Francine as her large, mostly male, rooting section gasped in horror!
[Taz and Bill Alphonzo: A match made in Hell!]
The fifth match was an elimination match with the winner getting the opportunity to wrestle for the ECW title against the Sandman. The participants were Raven and Tommy Dreamer. While Raven had Stevie Richards, the Blue Meanie and Beullah in his corner, Tommy Dreamer had to wage the war alone and this led to his downfall. This battle was one of the wildest matches ever waged in New York! The combatants fought all around the arena, but when it was over Raven emerged victorious. 
In the sixth match Buster Mastino easily defeated El Puertoricano despite several sensational moves by the young Puerto Richan.
[Taz and Bill Alphonzo: Can these two get any more irritating?]
The sensational Bubba Ray Dudeley was next and Buh, Buh, Buh, Bubba’s opponent was the Blue Meanie.
[Stevie Richards, Beulah McGillicuddy and The Blue Meanie seem to be having a marvelous time.]
Accompanying Bubba were the rest of the Dudley clan, while the Meanie had Stevie Richards at ringside in case he needed a helping hand. After the Meanie slapped Bubba to start the match. It went downhill for the Meanie. Bubba Ray tore the Meanie apart. Then after disposing of the Meanie, the Dudleys set their sights on Richards, and he was lucky to leave the arena alive as the Dudleys tore into him. 
[Woman gives Sandman a quaff of lager!]
The ECW title match was next with the Sandman taking on Raven. As soon as the Sandman made his way to the ring accompanied by the lovely Woman, everyone in the arena rose to their feet. After seeing the Sandman successfully defend his title on TV time after time against a variety of opponents, the sellout crowd couldn’t wait to see their hero in person and they showed him and his lady their appreciation by giving them a long and loud standing ovation. You could tell by the smiles on their faces and the cockiness in their strut that the Sandman and Woman loved the ovation. When Raven appeared in view, his reception was met with a long and loud chorus of boos. The battle between these two was intense. At times it looked like Raven would win the title, but some how, some way, the Sandman always managed to survive. At the 15-minute mark Tommy Dreamer ran to the ring and joined the battle. Dreamer was slugging Raven who got the worst of it. When Dreamer finally left the ringside area, Sandman pinned Raven to win the bout. 
[Cactus grabs a handful of Sabu’s hair. (Notice that lately Cactus has been wrestling with his teeth in.)
Too Cold Scorpio goes for an altitude record.]
This was followed by a tag team match involving Public Enemy and the Gangstas. The battle that ensued was intense. Chairs, tables, the bell and anything else they could grab was used during the match. To accurately describe the intensity exhibited by each time would be impossible as the match was brutal. In the end, Mustafa of the Gangstas pulled off the upset of the evening when he pinned Rocco Rock to win the match.
[Public Enemy says, “You should see the LOSERS!”
Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck are championship tag team partners, much to Mikey’s dismay.]
The final match of the night pitted the feared Sabu against the wild and crazy Cactus Jack, and the referee for this battle was 911. Like all of the matches that preceded it, this was yet another classic. Sabu did all of his trademarked moves, while Cactus Jack was as wild as could be. Although the match ended in a double count out, no one was disappointed as both men used every move in their repertoire. 
The first NECW New York card started at 8:00 p.m. and it continued non-stop without an intermission until 11:45. In this time, everyone was treated to a night of action, excitement and mayhem unlike any they had ever seen on the local scene. With the enthusiastic response of the first ECW card in the New York area, it is only a matter of time before ECW becomes a major force on the NY scene. Although right now the ECW stars may lack the fame of the WWF or WCW, with their moves, style, and never-say-die attitude, it's only a matter of time before the ECW competitors become as well known as their counterparts. When they do, ECW will become a major force on the wrestling scene. From their humble beginnings in Philadelphia, PA, in front of a small, hardcore enthusiastic audience the ECW has grown to the point where it is now ready to compete with the big boys. From the reception in the Big Apple, it’s obvious that ECW is ready to step into the limelight. 
[Missy Hyatt and Stevie Richards hit it off at ringside. Is she using  Stevie to get to Raven?
Raven locks Sandman with the caning stick.
Tommy Dreamer is a bloody mess as he reacts to a low blow.]
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90s00wcwwwf · 2 years
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13th April 1997: “ECW Barely Legal 1997”: Philadelphia, PA (ECW Arena) – 1,170
($66,000 live gate)
Dark matches: Louie Spicolli beat Balls Mahoney; JT Smith and Chris Chetti defeated Little Guido and Tommy Rich.
PPV Broadcast: The Eliminators downed ECW World Tag Champions The Dudley Boys to win the titles; Rob Van Dam toppled Lance Storm; The Great Sasuke, Gran Hamada and Masato Yakushiji overturned Taka Michinoku, Terry Boy and Dick Togo; ECW TV Champion Shane Douglas bested Pitbull #2; Taz overturned Sabu; Terry Funk bested The Sandman and Stevie Richards in a three-way elimination match; Terry Funk rolled over ECW World Champion Raven to win the title.
News & Notes: ECW finally made it to PPV. They had some help along the way. The WWF invited ECW stars to appear on RAW is WAR. They invaded the program multiple times. This included a debate between Jerry Lawler and Paul E. Dangerously. Lawler had no love for the company. But he was willing to do business. This rivalry continues into future ECW PPVs. However, ECW was lucky to make it this far. The event almost didn’t happen because of an incident in late 1996.
Axl Rotten missed a house show in November. Heyman needed someone to fill his spot for a tag team match against the Gangstas. A young man named Erich Kulas approached him backstage. He claimed Killer Kowalski trained him. Erich also said he was in his 20s. Both statements were lies. Kulas had a bus driver gimmick. He called himself Mass Transit because of his size. The ECW wrestlers didn’t like his attitude. Erich dictated what would happen in his match, despite being a rookie substitute in the bout. Since it was a Gangstas match, it would involve blood. Kulas never bladed. He asked New Jack to do it for him. That was a mistake. Jack used a scalpel and Mass Transit bled like a stuck pig. His father was in the crowd. He screamed for someone to stop the match. His son was only 17. Kulas and his father sued ECW. But they acquitted ECW and New Jack because Erich asked New Jack to blade him. His lies also didn’t help his case.
Wrestling reporter Wade Keller brought the incident to the PPV carriers’ attention. They hesitated to carry the show. Some companies acquiesced after fans emailed their complaints. But they had caveats. ECW must tone down the violence, start at a later time, and there would be no New Jack! (The Gangstas were in the tag team title match. ECW removed them to appease PPV providers.)
Before I begin, I’ll introduce a new group in ECW. Stevie Richards and The Blue Meanie broke away from Raven. They created their own stable. It’s a parody of the nWo named The Blue World Order. Stevie became Big Stevie Cool (Nash). The Meanie called himself Da Blue Guy (Hall). And Super Nova joined as Hollywood Nova (Hogan). Then they added an entourage. This included a man named Thomas Harris playing Thomas the Inch Worm Rodman. It also featured a character named 7-11 (Syxx). RF Video founder Rob Feinstein played him. The bWo even recruited a Japanese contingent. You’ll see them on this show.
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nwonitro · 3 years
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NEW JACK comes in for a landing! ECW 1999.
Jerome Young 1963-2021
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dylanissicc · 3 years
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“Let me tell you something! 30 years ago we would have been strung up in somebody's tree getting hung for beating two white boys the way we just did. But now you might wanna come out here and put some belts on us, but the only belts we gon' be wearing around here is the Tag Team belts!
Let me tell you something I don't like being up here I was getting out my car, I slipped and fell in some tobacco spit and you know what I'm sayin'
Nothing but rednecks up here!
Nothing but geeks up here!
Nothing but coalminers up here!
Chicken farmers!
I don't like nobody but my partner you understand?
I don't care who you line up in front of me!
I'ma show you how bad New Jack and Mustafa is
You wanna talk about violence?
Violence to you might be putting somebody in a figure four!
Violence to me is taking a can of gas and pouring it on ya and setting you on fire
Like me or not I didn't come up here to be liked. I came up here to get paid and whoever you put in front of me I'm gon' chop ya down!
I would like to send a special shoutout to my homeboy OJ Simpson - keep up the good work baby, two less we got to worry about, you understand? Keep up the good work!
Louis Farrakhan would be the next president!
Snoop Dogg we know your innocent you called me last night, you understand?
Get ready Smoky Mountain because we gon' set this place on fire!”
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Happy Birthday to the hardcore legend New Jack (January 3, 1963 - May 14, 2021)
New Jack pushed the boundaries of both his promos and violence in the ring during his time at Smokey Mountain Wrestling (SMW), Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) with his tag partner Mustafa Saed in the tag team of The Gangstas and in other indy promotions.
Knowing New Jack, he's wrecking havoc in that big wrestling ring in the sky. R.I.P New Jack.
#NewJack #TheGangstas #SMW #SmokeyMountainWrestling #ECW #ExtremeChampionshipWrestling #IndependentWrestling #XPW #XtremeProWrestling #IndyWrestling #WrestlingBirthdays #ProWrestling #LuchaLibre #Poruresu #SiscosFavoriteComics
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blueonwrestling · 3 years
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big big fan of new jack in SMW being told “make people mad” by Jim Cornette to get heat.
eatin’ watermelon or fried chicken just to make old southern white folk who most likely did call new jack the n word, god all mighty the utter power on new jack.
rest in peace you absolute fuckin’ psycho.
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jasvvy · 1 year
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must be chilly.
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batmanbeyondrocks · 3 years
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thethcministry · 4 years
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
In 1994, we discovered that it isn’t unusual for brothers to wage war with each other. In 1995, Ian and Axl Rotten turned their brand of brotherly hate into a Feud of the Year. Man, did this get ugly…and gory!
It began in ECW a few days into 1995. After the Rottens lost to The Pit Bulls, Ian brutally attacked Axl, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood. Ian had been pinned, but he blamed his brother’s carelessness for the loss. Ian’s assault on Axl started one of the bloodiest and most vicious feuds ever. They contested anything -goes matches in which all weapons were legal, bouts in which both wielded baseball bats wrapped in barbed-wire, and matches in which thumbtacks were scattered on the floor outside the ring.
As brutal as those conditions were, most who know the Rottens well believe the settings were appropriate.
“The harsher the matches, the better those two lunatics liked it,” said The Sandman. “They enjoyed grinding each other to a pulp, and they didn’t mind getting themselves ground up while they did it.”
“Definitely the goriest stuff I’ve ever seen,” wrote Chris Fishman of Berwyn, Pennsylvania. “There’s a lot of nasty stuff in ECW, but what the Rottens did to each other was the worst I’ve ever seen. Just watching it was painful, but it was fun, too.”
 Their last match in ECW may have been the worst of all. It was a “taipei death” match. The stipulation: Both men had shards of broken glass taped to their fists.
“Talk about winning at all costs!” wrote Gia Kredke of Columbus, Ohio. “Were they trying to beat each other or kill each other?”
Even after both men left ECW, the intensity of their hatred for each other did not wane. Axl recently returned to ECW after a stint in the USWA, and Ian competes in several independent organizations, but they constantly threaten each other with a renewal of the violence.
“It’ll be a long time before this one is really over,” said 2 Cold Scorpio. “I’m surprised they haven’t started going at it again.”
If they do, the brothers who hate each other may soon discover they have a common goal: to win back-to-back Feuds of the Year. But how much bloodier can it get?
First runner-up: The amazing feud began late in 1994 and continued until Slamboree, when the Nastys won the WCW World tag belts, and beyond. In their Texas Tornado match at Uncensored, the two teams brawled into the concession stands. If the Heat’s manager, Sherri Martel, got too close to the action, the Nastys were happy to shove her face into their smelly armpits.
Second runner-up: Ramon might not have hated Jarrett so much if it weren’t for “Double-J’s “ sidekick, The Roadie, whose attack on Ramon’s leg caused Razor to lose the Intercontinental title to Jarrett at the Royal Rumble. Their ladder matches were always intense (as were the rest of their encounters), and they traded the I-C belt twice in a three-day span in May.
Third runner-up: Flair got the “Macho Man” on his case after he and Arn Anderson attacked Savage’s dad, 70-year-old Angelo Poffo, at Slamboree. The highlight of their months-long feud was a wild dressing room brawl at Atlanta’s Center Stage Theater. Savage shut the “Nature Boy’s” match (at least temporarily) with a clean win at Bash at the Beach in July.
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: Cactus Jack vs. The Sandman, Diesel vs. Sid Vicious, Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven, The Gangstas vs. Public Enemy, Eddy Gurrero vs. Dean Malenko, Hakushi vs. Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan vs. Big Van Vader, and Kama vs. The Undertaker.
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