#gargamel x reader
starleska ยท 1 month
it's a shame that i haven't had writing motivation recently because there are some absolute bangers in the drafts:
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lclino-manial ยท 3 months
๐–๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐‡๐ข๐ฌ ๐‡๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐จ๐ง ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐’๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ฏ๐ž (Pt. 1)
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(Hefty Smurf x GN! Smurf! Reader)
You were known as Sensitive Smurf, the smurf with the weakest heart and the largest tears. It took very little to make your heart clench so you usually spent most of your time within Smurf Village, within your little home. All the other smurfs went out of their way to take care of you, most of all Hefty. He always stopped what he was doing to dry your tears. Before you knew it, your heart longed for to be with him. But you knew you couldn't tell him, not when he was so deeply in love with Smurfette. So you left that ache in your heart till...
Smurfette found herself a lover, one of the Smurf girls from Smurfy Grove. With your competition out of the way, you decided to confess your feelings to Hefty on the night of the Blue Moon.
(AKA the fic where you can witness me go completely off my rocker for a tiny blue man. Also, this is based on the Lost Village Movie not the live action one shudders)
ใ€‹* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› หš ห› โ€ข ใ€‚* ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš ใ€‚ โ€ข ห› หš ห› โ€ข ใ€‚* ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚* ห› หš ห› โ€ข ใ€‚* ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚โ€ขใ€Š
It was always a sunny and dandy day in Smurf village. Whether it was due to the constant cheeriness of the place or Papa Smurf's magic, you weren't sure. Nonetheless, every smurf worked hard to maintain the peace. The place was always a-buzz.
It was busier than usual with the wedding coming up. Smurfette's wedding. A wedding that would coalesce perfectly with the Blue moon. How romantic, your eyes nearly overflowed simply thinking of how beautiful the occasion would be! Everyone vowed to make it the biggest wedding possible for the village's sweetheart. She had found love with a smurf from Smurfygrove, creating an even deeper bond between the two villages. There were already many smurfs from Smurfygrove that waved to you throughout your walk through the village.
You were wandering around with two objectives in mind: to help out in anyway that you could and to find-
"Sensy! What are you upto?"
You turned to face your close friend, Clumsy, who was carrying a long precarious stack of boxes. You sweatdropped, seeing how it teetered to and fro. You replied with your signature smile and droopy eyes.
"I was going to help out, have you seen Papa?"
"I think he went to Smurfy Grove with Smurfwillow! They're trying to recover everything ever since what happened with Gargamel!"
Those two had been hanging out quite a lot recently, under the pretense of "leadering." It was clear there was more to it, not that you minded. You've always had a knack when it came to figuring out these things. It's what led you to this heart ache after all.. speaking of.
"Shouldn't you leave the weightlifting to Hefty?" You remarked after seeing Clumsy nearly stumble under the weight of the boxes.
He sighed and then groaned in response. "I know that better than anyone! But no one's seen him since this morning!"
This peaked your interest, anything about Hefty usually did. But it was unlike him to vanish when there was work to be done. Although, you could guess why..
"Here, I'll go look for him. I would've done more than my fair share of work then!"
The offer was greatly appreciated by Clumsy as he nodded before going on his merry way. You also walked ahead, pausing a bit as Clumsy called out to you.
"Tell him to smurf here quick before I-"
A large crash could be heard behind you; large amounts of materials were no doubt destroyed due to Clumsy's namesake curse. You grimaced and picked up the pace. The quicker you find Hefty, the better.
You checked many of his usual spots: the gym, the theater, and the plaza. Nothing. The sun was slowly drifting towards the horizon and you were worried that he might actually be in danger. There was only one other place you could think of. The problem is.. it lied outside the village.
You had never been outside the village, both because everyone else told you not to and because you simply never needed to. But Hefty could be in danger, and your nerves were working overtime with this worry of yours. Your susceptible mind ran rampant with terrible possibilities, so much so that you had already found yourself near the exit.
He.. he couldn't have gone too far. Not without Papa Smurf knowing, especially not by himself! You would just peek out, and if you couldn't find him you'd head right back and ask for a search party. Oh.. but what if conflicted with the wedding? No, this wasn't the time to overthink!
You headed out, stepping into the log that served as a gateway to the village. It was dark and no matter how tightly you clutched your hand, the fear wouldn't disappear. You never did well in dark places; you even needed a night bug in your room to fall asleep every night. A fact that, while you were sure no one would judge you for it, you still kept to yourself.
Finally, you were at the end, faced with the rest of the forest. Everything was already so.. big and bumpy. You've never felt smaller.. tears welled in your eyes, full of worry and fear. Maybe this was a bad idea, Hefty could've just been in bed the whole day or was simply always on the move!
You were about to head back till a heart caught your eye. A heart tattoo specifically. There was only one smurf who had that. Hefty!
Hefty was far out, sitting on a large boulder with a wistful gaze on his face. You immediately jogged towards him, forgetting your fears with the immense relief that poured over you.
He didn't hear you the first few times you called out to him, but looked around confused as you neared.
You beamed as you ran towards him. He, in return, stood up from the boulder and slid down, meeting you halfway.
"Hefty! You scared me!" Tears of relief dotted the bottom of your eyes; you really had no control over them. You nearly pounced on him; if not for him grabbing your elbows and holding you steady with his plentiful strength. You probably weighed less than a Smurfberry to him!
"What are you doing all the way out here?" He asked, concern of his own coating his words as he glanced around the two of you. "Did you come here alone?" His fingers naturally went to wipe the budding tears on your face, an action that summoned a torrent of butterflies in your stomach. Compassionate, no matter what..
"Says you, no one's heard of you since morning! Where have you been?"
He went silent, his eyes now downcast and his lips drawn in a thin line. He looked defeated, drained. So unlike the rowdy Hefty you knew and love.
"I just needed.. a breather."
You looked on at him as he turned away. You knew that wasn't all. You knew better than anyone what he was going through. He loved Smurfette longer than anything; seeing someone you so desperately love, go on to love someone else... well, it would never be easy. You quickly swallowed the spit in your mouth.
"Is this.. about Smurfette?"
He looked back at you in shock before a wry chuckle left his lips. "I could never get one past you, could I?"
He motioned towards the boulder and helped you as you both climbed back on top of it. As you took a seat next to him, the sky turned a dark orange.
"It's not just about her, I can't be sad when she looks so happy.." He begins, peering at you one final time as if to ask if you were willing to be there for him.
You wished, more than anything, that he could see the answer in your eyes. To see that you would face anything to be there for him. The Dark, Gargamel, even the village. However, you could tell all he needed right now was someone who would listen. And you fancied yourself one of the best there was. So you smiled, letting him know to keep going, even if it hurt to hear him talk about someone else so ardently.
"I'm really just mad at myself. I realized something after we got the news. The way I reacted.. how I got all mad and I.. god. It was terrible. I felt as if I was entitled to her feelings, to her love. I thought, why couldn't she love about me, what did Storm have that I-"
He sighed again, with his left hand coming to rub at the tattoo on his arm.
"Again.. I'm doing it again. I think that I start spewing all this negativity about my ego because really, I don't think I'm enough. Smurfette not choosing me, just released all these deprecating thoughts, an inferiority complex according to Therapist Smurf. But that's all the answers I could get from him."
He chuckled despite himself but then turned towards you wide-eyed.
"Don't get me wrong! She and Storm are really great for each other. I'm happy for them, really! In fact, I can see why. Storm believed in her, she saw Smurfette as what she truly was, capable, and independent. But all I saw.. was someone I had to protect. Pft, I thought I was some big deal"
He placed his head in his hands, "I'm such a jerk."
No, he couldn't say that about himself! You gingerly placed a hand on his back, rubbing circles against the ridges and bumps he worked so hard on. Then you said, in a voice never clearer,
"You're not! You're not a jerk Hefty. You're kind.. you're confident and you're strong. And I don't just mean physically, you have the strongest heart there is. Which means you use it the most. You can be a little... brash sometimes but that's because you're honest! I mean, you literally wear your heart on your sleeve! Trust me, I've never met someone as sincere as you. I can't speak for Smurfette, but I can say for myself that you take great care of me. And I really appreciate it. In fact, I don't know what I'd do without you.. So don't think you're inferior. 'Cause that's the furthest thing from the truth."
He stared at you, awestruck, and you looked back unfalteringly at his steel blue eyes. You needed him to know that now of all times were you true. He had never let one negative comment about you slip past your lips so now you had to return the favor.
"Sensy.. hah.. I never knew you had a way with words. Gosh.. I think I'm turning blue with all that praise! But seriously.." A smile finally reached his lips, one you've been waiting for. "Thank you. I mean it. Really. I thought just isolating myself would just make it gradually go away but I only got way more sad. I think I need someone like you around a lot more. Before I go all Mopey! I might've stolen his name at this rate." That boisterous laugh, you missed even though it hadn't been that long since you heard it.
Your heart nearly got stuck in your throat as what you said decided to hit you right then and there.
"I-in any case, they need you back at the village! Handy can't take care of everything without your help! I meant to say, earlier, that we ALL need you, not just me!"
"Right, right. What would ya'll do without me huh?" He grinned, oblivious. You were both relieved and hurt about it.
"Exactly, yeah! I know for a fact Clumsy needs you, well, if he hasn't already smurfed everything."
"Best get there quick then ey?"
"Yep.." You watched as he stood up and jumped off the boulder landing safely on the mossy floor of the forest. He turns to you, with his hands outstretched.
It was good, what you had now. So why was there this urge.. to change everything, or better yet, ruin it all? This gamble was not worth it, yet as you descended into his arms, the pulll in your heart tightened. What were you, Gambler Smurf?
You were never one to hide your feelings, the fact you did so for so long was a miracle on its own. It helped that Hefty never noticed despite everyone else teasing you for it.
Before you both headed back, you stopped. He turned to you, puzzled.
"Sensy, what's wrong?"
"Hefty.. I.. I have something I want to tell you but I can't right now. Could, could you meet me during the blue moon?"
He looked shocked then nervous, his thin eyebrows furrowing together in thought. It was odd, surely, to ask to meet up during the wedding of his beloved. You were so dumb! This was always a bad idea, just why would you-
"Woah! Don't cry! I'll be there! I was just a little off guard there! I mean, it's the least I could do after all you've done for me."
You didn't even realize you were crying and before you could hurriedly wipe away your tears, he did it for you again. You were such a crybaby!
"Whatever it is you want to tell me, I'll promise I'll be there to hear it out.. I smurf on my heart!" He taps the tattoo on his shoulder, grinning broadly. His energy was infectious; you couldn't help but crack a smile too.
"Thank you Hefty.."
The sound of a crow rang out through the forest, interrupting the moment you two shared. Night was rapidly approaching and you were worried that the noise could've been Gargamel's bird, Monty.
Hefty had a focused expression on his face as he looked through the branches. With a whisper, he grabbed your hand and lead you back to the village.
"Let's head back now..."
Your own hand clutched his tightly, the cool touch fighting the fires of fear that scorched through you. You felt safe, you always did when he was near. You wanted to always be near him, no matter what.
Now it was up to you to just tell him that.
ใ€‹* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› หš ห› โ€ข ใ€‚* ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš ใ€‚ โ€ข ห› หš ห› โ€ข ใ€‚* ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚* ห› หš ห› โ€ข ใ€‚* ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚โ€ขใ€Š
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patheticallyinfatuatedwithu ยท 8 months
โ€” ๏ฝฅ *๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง SATAN'S SPAWN , yu jimin (HIATUS)
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SYPNOSIS โ€” yu jimin had everything in the palm of her hands. highest grades in the year, promoted as the captain of the dance team, top of the social hierarchy, and close to having the school's hearrthrobโ€” song kang as her boyfriend. everything was sunshine and rainbows, until song kang's supposed sister, kim y/n turned song y/nโ€” a certified hottie pain in the ass steps into frame, no longer the pathetic, crybaby loser jimin knew her as. and the line between hate and love slowly began to blur.
GENRE โ€” smau, crack, fluff, enemies to lovers, 'straight' popular girl finds out she likes women๐Ÿ˜ฑ
PAIRING โ€” yu jimin x fem! reader
CONTAINS โ€” swearing, fluff, smau, angst, gay panics, dumb gays, romance, wlw, crackheads, author's poor sense of humour, university!au, mentions of mental health, DENIAL, sexual jokes, comphet
FEATURING โ€” aespa, and mentions of other idols.
NOTES โ€” this was made just for fun and photos that are used to portray yn is not supposed to claim what she looks like, only for the purpose of showing how that certain picture is supposed to look like. i do not own anything here except for the plot and yn. as this was made for fun, i am not assuming their personalities, their sexualities and how they act through phone and in real life. relationships between people here are purely fictional and only for entertainment purposes only. bye i finally managed to make my smau tolerable looking๐Ÿ˜ญ im figuring out the plot as i go alongjfkfjfkfj TAGLIST IS CLOSED!
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man eating phag(ocyte)s U NOT EVEN THE FART๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ misc.
01. easy on the eyes
02. naked mole rat that looks like a mix of ewok and gargamel
03. not all that
06. SISTER IN LAW๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
08. enemies to lovers?
09. this post has been deleted
10. follower count
12. BEFORE GTA 6๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
15. serenade me to sleep
18. hip-hop dance competition
19. the smell of chlorine and vanilla
20. oh
21. walk w me
bonus. incorrect tweets as ynjimin
more in progress!
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starleska ยท 1 year
yknow for a split second i was considering just sending myself an anonymous ask requesting a Gargamel x Reader to be spared the embarrassment of writing one of my own volition... ...and then i remembered exactly what website this is, and the kinds of deranged asks yโ€™all send me every day, and the shame evaporated in a cloud of self-indulgent, autistic glitter ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’–
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starleska ยท 1 year
Oh, but that sounds wonderful! I'd love to be cursed like that, even if it does make it a little more difficult to get work done ๐Ÿ˜‰ Usually, unless I'm trying particularly hard, I can only hear their voice reciting things they've already said. Which isn't too terrible when they say such things like Gargamel tends to๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
This guy's got me smiling at thin air trying to recall all my recent daydreams LOL- Alright, alright, as you could've probably guessed, I certainly enjoy imagining size difference stuff!! The most common scenarios are getting shrunken down to relative Smurf size and seeking shelter in his place, getting captured by him, and though I'm visibly not a Smurf, he finds he wouldn't mind keeping me anyway...๐Ÿ˜ณ AHHH, and the other is I'm actually a Smurf, and he's captured me and is trying to get the location of the others out of me.
Imagining being his assistant is a whole other world of possibilities! In particular, him getting so caught up in his rants about the Smurfs, he backs me up against a boiling cauldron and leans over me, and it's hot but so is he-
Then there's my 2011 Smurfs movie based one, where I temporarily take Patrick and Grace's place and harbor the Smurfs in my home, Gargamel finds out and when they continue to get away from him, he kidnaps me and I'm subjected to be his accomplice for basically the rest of the movie LOL. And generally the idea of introducing him to everyday modern things is always fun, especially when I'm out and can imagine him next to me and commenting on things.
Goodness, apologies for how long that got ๐Ÿคฃ I totally get that, but I agree, what a nice thought! Speaking like characters that make you smileโ€”I've noticed you've got yourself a new wonderful little guy to obsess over!! Him and his media look super interesting based on what you've posted, I'll have to check it out when I get the time. I hope you're having a wonderful time with it <3
sweetheart, hello!!!! ahhh i am so sorry - this ask got absolutely buried in my inbox underneath the hundreds of Welcome Home-related requests!! that's absolutely on me ๐Ÿ’” how are you doing? i hope you're having a lovely day ๐Ÿฅฐ
hahaha, you have an excellent pointโ€ฆGargamel really does know how to say things which push certain buttons, huh? ๐Ÿ˜ณ ohhhh the size difference stuff is so cute, yes yes yes!! hehe, imagine a magical mishap wherein he's trying to perfect a size-shrinking spell for himself so he can infiltrate the Smurf Village without their knowledge, but you end up being the unintentional victim!! but when he realises how much you know about the Smurfs, and how docile and subservient you areโ€ฆwell, he's certainly not in a rush to figure out how to get you back to your regular size, is he? ๐Ÿ˜‰
as for actually being a Smurf, perhaps he covets you in a way he could never feel towards the others, because you want to be around him. it's incredibly soothing to his ego, and it doesn't hurt that with you, he has a small yet constant stream of magic to help fuel his desire for more power. of course, he still wants all of the Smurfsโ€ฆbut for you, who gives your essence so willingly? he's certainly going to find ways to, ahemโ€ฆshow his gratitude ๐Ÿ˜ณ
ohhh goodness, that assistant scenario!!!!! i love that so much, you are a genius ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ’– gosh, wouldn't it be terrible to be squirming against the strength of his grip and trying to pull away from the heat, but Gargamel notices: he sees the flush in your cheeks, hears the stutter of your breath. "Oh, my dear," he whispers. "Is there something about this situation which you findโ€ฆalluring?"
sdfgfd i love you so MUCH i adore how many different ways you've thought of shipping yourself with Gargamel, and how delightfully canon-compliant it is!!! god, you're making me want to write a real fic now ๐Ÿ‘€ that's such a fun dynamic - you being a human endeared to the Smurfs who is torn between wanting to help them, but also how horribly, ragingly attracted you are to this bad, bad manโ€ฆ
hahaha please don't worry at all!!! it was a treat combing through all these asks and discovering this right at the bottom - i thought maybe you'd vanished in the wake of all the Welcome Home stuff :3c hehe yes, Wally Darling is such a little angel!! i can't recommend Welcome Home enough, it's excellent. but don't worry, i have by no means left Gargamel behind;;; please know you're always welcome to message off-anon if you work up the courage!! but i absolutely adore talking to you and hearing all about your Gargamel love, it makes my heart all fluttery :3c
sending so much love your way!! i hope you are having a great day :D
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starleska ยท 2 years
Ohh, I'm so glad!! There is a severe lack of Garagmel enjoyers I've noticed, it's always nice to have another! :)
Oh boy, I've never really thought of it that way, but noticing the pattern with my recent couple of fictional crushes- It certainly seems to be going that way๐Ÿ˜ญ Like, it just seems to make me fall for them even harder. And what a quirky fellow! I just read Augustus St. Cloud's wiki- I loved how they described him as a 'peculiar little scientist,' he certainly seems like a wonderful little villain to enjoy! AHH you've got it exactly!!!!๐Ÿ˜ณ There's just something about it... I can't even describe why it does the things it does to me LOL
HAHAHA oh my god, right?!? Ever since realizing I do indeed find this Smurf hating guy attractive, those scenes got me exactly how you described your watch of em (and I knew they were coming!!) So you're not in it alone ๐Ÿคฃ God, not to embarrass myself but the things that man could call me-
<33 So is yours honestly! Your F/O Tracker was a delight to look through, I'd never heard of most of those characters before now. Oh, absolutely, I'd love to genuinely know what's going on in here haha
You're welcome!!!! I'll be sure to keep you updated when any interesting new characters that make themselves known to me ;)
you and i must go on a journey to convert everyone into Gargamel enjoyers ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ’– i just watched him in The Lost Village too, and think he was so cute!! totally not biased as a Dwight Schrute fan ๐Ÿ˜‚ but i think Hank Azaria's take on the character is so menacing and funny, he's my favourite ๐Ÿฅฐ shakes your hand - we have an affliction ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ bahaha, i'm so glad you had fun with him!! that's so strange, though - Augustus isn't a scientist at all! he's an ultra-wealthy collector of pop culture artefacts...perhaps it was written by someone not too familiar with the character;;; ahhhh thank you for your support sweetheart, i'm so embarrassed ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ watching The Smurfs 2 and the amount of times he says things to the effect of, 'Daddy's little girl' had me blushing horribly!!! what a lovely, gravelly drawl he slips into underneath his high, clipped syllables...it's a tragedy, i haven't been able to find a single Gargamel x Reader fic!! perhaps i should write some headcanons? ๐Ÿ‘€ aww thank you darling, seriously!! it's an eclectic collection but they all make me so happy :3c hahaha, i actually shared my f/o tastes with a therapist back last year, and she clocked me instantly. embarrassing characters who often have no regard for social rules or boundaries - especially paired in with the taboo factor of being villainous, or who are intelligent and dismissive - feels comfortable to those of us who've been through some rough stuff. being at the mercy of someone so intense means we can't resist their advances...and them being so strange and unconventionally attractive makes them special to us ๐Ÿ˜‰ an interesting interpretation for sure!! YES please do!! i eagerly look forward to speaking with you more ๐Ÿฅฐ have a great rest of your day!!
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