#garner mu
boonsmoon · 9 months
Could you do Mu Qing x fem!reader? Where ready is a sister of Feng Xin. Mu Qing and reader never get a long until the two where sent on a mission together. The reader gets injured and Mu Qing and the reader get stuck in some room since the enemy kinda kidnaped them. You can add something yourself if you want but yeahhh
Horrendously late timing, I know I lost motivation to write and school started up again
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🪭
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Foundation of Love (1)
Coming from a life without much luck, you were at least blessed enough to ascend to heaven like your elder brother, though your ascension was much later than his. You did consider yourself lucky when you two were able to work together under Xie Lian.
However, the cycle must always come full circle, that includes luck. Feng Xin and yourself had the displeasure of working alongside Mu Qing. This man was too harsh with his words, he must have a massive ego to talk such a way while working under another!
It was this simple perception that garnered dislike towards your fellow subordinate and my did it last a long time. While very open about how you felt, the two of you at least had the sense to leave your rivalry outside the presence of heaven officials.
None of this stopped Xie Lian from catching on; however, as he was more attentive than the other gods you interacted with. Due to being around y'all often and seeing you avoid Mu Qing like the plague, Xie Lian thought the best way to help the two of you get along was sticking you together on an easy mission.
You were hesitant at first, Feng Xin and Mu Qing are more combat abled than you, they would be a better pick for the mission.
"It's because you aren't as skilled you need to join Mu Qing!" Xie Lian said, "this mission requires both balance of brain and brawn. I'm assigning you as the thinker this time." He sounded a bit too enthusiastic for this mission.
Not wanting to inconvenience the god further, you accepted the dreaded mission. Leaving, the both of you couldn't have looked more dutiful, but the moment you were far enough away it was a barrage of insults.
"Accepting a mission with you is the same as going alone," Mu Qing said, looking at you condescendingly. "You should give up and go back."
As much as you wanted to give up, you can't let him win. You're basically doing what he wants if you don't follow through! And this determination against him showed clearly, "obviously Xie Lian doesn't trust you enough if he had to ask me to babysit you."
And this continued... Until you got to the hot spot of recent ghost attacks. It was dusk already, so your mission would be starting soon, obviously not in your favor.
"It would make more sense to follow the ghost's patterns for tonight and attack tomorrow," you tried to argue, "then we know what we're up against!"
Mu Qing; however, wouldn't listen one bit, "are you telling me my skills aren't good enough? I actually want this mission to end sometime soon."
There was no point in arguing, as that would just make getting the mission done harder. So instead you both decided to split up, for each others sanity.
This turned out to be the worse plan ever! Almost 5 minutes in and already a ghost was chasing around the area. Just your luck, to get stuck on a mission with Mu Qing and wander without his protection!
With enough time passing you assumed your screams of terror would alert Mu Qing, because you just couldn't keep up this marathon anymore. It was most unfortunate when you tripped over a rock and basically had the ghost tackle you.
Lightly scratched from the ground you tried to move, but not before the ghost could get a few cuts in. The utter inconvenience of these wounds ended up hindering your pace.
You ran inside what looked like shelter to hide from the ghost, which seemingly worked because it had disappeared for a few minutes. Going further inside you realized this place may be bigger than it appeared.
Good things can't last forever though, as the ghost came sprinting back to your location, and you had to bolt it. But a few doors down, there he was, your knight in not such shining armor walking out of a room.
Upon noticing your predicament he initiated battle with the ghost, though futile as Mu Qing kept getting pushed back. Realizing this Sisyphus battle, the most sensible thing he thought to do was carry you and run.
Yes, he picked you up like a football and started running around the building, looking for somewhere to hide. Maybe an exist if you were lucky. What neither of you realized is no matter how many turns you took, how far you walked, you only ended up deeper in the building.
Noticing the ghost had disappeared, Mu Qing set you down in a random room. And thus your adrenaline died down, bringing argument to ensue.
"What was that for!? I'm not an item to be lugged around!" You furiously said. Only to be answered by an equally angered Mu Qing, "well there's not much I can do when I'm stuck fighting a ghost and trying protect you at the same time!"
You decided to take this moment to recon, think of a strategy to eliminate the ghost and escape this place. It was only after hours when the sun shone through that you noticed both of you have been stuck in here all night.
"I know we don't see eye to eye very much," you started, "but this clearly is more than we can handle, and required us to work together." Your statement was followed by a scoff.
After teamwork and piecing together clues, you both successfully found your way outside. Only to be met with Xie Lian and Feng Xin.
Both of you were confused, you only left for a day. "I can take care of things from here," Xie Lian spoke. But you and Mu Qing took that as him doubting your skills.
"We've been gone for one measly day, you can't possibly think I am in need of that much help?" Mu Qing said with you jumping in, "I second that! We just need one more day."
Xie Lian went after the ghost, which left Feng Xin to tell you what happened in the past day... Or days that is.
"Basically, the ghost was actually difficult, and we've been gone for 4 days?" You questioned, looking pale.
"Yeah... We came here to get things fixed," Feng Xin said, giving you a thumbs up.
Absolutely horrible luck you have indeed, but at least you learned to tolerate Mu Qing, and even understand him on a certain level. Xie Lian can proudly say this is the start of something new between the two of you.
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i intended on this being romantic but instead it appears i went on a side quest
2 parts? enemies to friends to lovers? who knows
anyways as i said at the beginning, school started back up, so slow reqs
Part 2
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tomorrowsdrama · 1 year
I would like to take a moment to scream about Cang Xuan in episode 31! THIS is why he’s the ML (not as in FL’s romantic pairing but the other main lead of the drama).
That scene in the torture dungeon with Mu Fei gave me chills. This man truly knows how to get people to feel fear without even raising his voice. Do I want him to kill Mu Fei’s son? No. But can I appreciate how cutthroat and effective he is in protecting his loved ones? Yes. Is this a more effective way of threatening someone’s offspring to enact revenge (you know you’ve been watching xianxia/period dramas for too long when you find yourself writing a sentence like this)? Also yes! Because unlike the assassination attempt on Xiaoyao, threatening to kill your enemy’s child (in this case, Mu Fei’s illegitimate son) will actually get you what you want (i.e., Cang Xuan getting the reason for Xiaoyao’s assassination vs Mu Fei wanting his family to RIP)!
And then the scene where he’s explaining to Fenglong and his sister why he won’t go easy on the people who helped with the assassination attempt to curry favor with the noble families in the central plains gave me chills for another reason. This man is cutthroat but he has principles and he won’t betray them just to garner support (something that he desperately needs to gain power and he is fully aware of that). I’m so glad that he didn’t betray Xiaoyao for power. Like he said, the whole reason why he wants power is to protect his family. It would be pointless if he gave up his family in order to gain power. And the piece de resistance? When he tells Fenglong and his sister that if he gives up/betrays Xiaoyao to get ahead, won’t they fear that he will also give them up in the future? Cang Xuan is smart. On top of not wanting to betray his family/supporters, he also knows he’ll lose all respect and trust from his followers if he goes through with this. Now THIS is a man who will be a great ruler.
And the acting! Ugh *chef’s kiss*. If you told me at the beginning of the drama that I would be cheering for cousin, aka Mr. I’ll break your leg and throw your hands into boxes of maggots, I would say that you were out of your mind.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
After speaking at length with former US President Donald Trump, Elon Musk has now invited Vice President Kamala Harris to be interviewed.
Musk has proposed to interview Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris on his X Spaces platform.
The invitation follows his interview with Donald Trump on Monday. Musk has since been called a lackey for Team MAGA by the Harris campaign.
RT reports: The interview with Trump, which was hailed by his campaign as the “interview of the century,” lasted around two hours and, according to Musk, has since garnered 1 billion views. The conversation included discussions on a number of issues, including the upcoming election in November, the recent assassination attempt on Trump, the Ukraine conflict, and US relations with Russia and China.
After the interview, Musk wrote in a post on X that he would be “happy to host Kamala on an X Spaces too.”
Harris has yet to officially respond to the invitation; however, during the Trump interview, her campaign sent out a fundraising email asking supporters to “chip in $25” in order to help “respond to their lies.” In the letter, the vice president accused Musk of using his “purchased platform” to “spread Trump’s unhinged and hateful agenda to millions of users,” and said “the richest person in the world is a lackey for Team MAGA.”
“Musk is using his vast fortune and broad reach to try to control our democracy,” the email read.
After the interview ended, the Harris-Walz team released a statement describing the discussion as “unhinged” and claiming that Trump’s entire campaign is about “self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a livestream in the year 2024.” The live broadcast of the interview was delayed by about half an hour due to what Musk described as a “massive” cyberattack ahead of the event.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
There's a few things that are influencing my decision to vote Kazui Innocent. His ability to possibly protect other prisoners is not one of those things though and I'm going to explain my reasons along with why that doesn't even factor into it one bit here.
This isn't really a theory but an explanation of my logic.
A lot of my reasoning is based on being an all or nothing type of person. One could call it my bias or aversion but the one thing I hate the most is hypocrites and I try not to be hypocritical myself. So, seeing people "go think of his poor wife" after just coming from everything I saw people saying about Mahiru's boyfriend-
Yeah, no, people can shove that. I'm not interested in being lectured by people who only have sympathy towards victims when it is convenient to them. Then rationalize that behavior by saying there was a difference in the seriousness of the relationship. Mahiru was only dating but Kazui got married. Oh, how scandalous.
I personally see no difference here since both things are still committed relationships. At the end of the day both were bad to their partners and that led to their deaths. This is just my personal bias but how serious the relationship was would not detract from the pain I would feel if someone I was in a relationship with cheated on or hurt me in any way.
Because regardless I put my trust in this person enough to call them my significant other or partner and how they behaved was a breach of that trust that led to me being hurt. Having someone come in and be like, well, it's not like you were married so it's not that bad would simply not make me feel better personally.
Simply tell me the real difference between these two images.
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That garnered such wildly different responses.
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I am on my knees begging but I've seen how this fandom reacts to things like that already, so I doubt I'll get an answer.
Overall, the lack of sympathy I've witnessed regarding the victims of other prisoners up until this point makes me rather suspicious of this sudden amount of concern for the victim's feelings. When I came on here saying I was about to be heartless everyone should have taken that as a sign. I meant that shit. I saw how Mahiru was doing and said this far before Cat even released.
So, this is in no means a brand-new perspective from me. Because of how I have personally seen other prisoner's victims discussed I simply do not want to go-
"Oh, yeah you're right the victim's feelings matter in this case actually. Those other six before this well those were different."
I didn't see anyone going oh how do you think Haruka's sister felt it's not her fault that their parents are like that, Shidou's patients, or the hat girl one more time to rub it in Futa's face. I can't go back to discussing Mu's victim because of all the shit I saw with that.
Yuno is exempt because people simply assumed her murder was abortion. It depends on the person, but I don't really see a victim there if that's all she did. However, no one was like come on think of her clients or even went back to reexamine that case after the third anniversary art reveal which seems to be the prisoners directly after their crimes.
So, I'm very much in the camp of that's not going to persuade me into voting him Guilty and I don't understand why it's been brought up as a point of concern here and nowhere else. Mahiru is currently sitting at a firm Innocent verdict and these two things are basically the same to me.
So, it's only fair from my point of view that he's Innocent too.
Outside of that I think reducing people voting Kazui Innocent as them simply wanting him to protect the prisoners is a lacking assessment.
Because personally I don't give a fuck if he protects these guys or not. I know that may sound super shocking, but I really don't. Everyone in Milgram is a murderer, they better figure it the fuck out themselves. I mean they figured out how to kill someone before so they can figure out how to defend themselves.
Plus, I'm in a pretty comfortable position because no one I'm really attached to is Guilty right now. People that really care about Mu and Haruka definitely should want Kazui Innocent because those two can't fucking fight. Haruka literally admits to only being able to kill things smaller than him and Mu had to get the jump on her victim and seems oblivious to hostility.
Both are sitting in the Guilty seat right now. So, if Kotoko is voted Innocent again and keeps playing by Milgram's rules she will jump them and not the other Innocent prisoners. Milgram's second trial commencement notice even alludes to this bias being an issue stating,
"Do remember, Milgram allows for sensibility, morality, ethics, legality, preference, taste, or sexual inclination as the basis for judgement. You have done just that in the first trial, and you have my gratitude. Now as we come to the second trial, I'm guessing a new basis for judgement has introduced itself in your mind. You are also human. You can't help but develop attachments to individual prisoners. If you find one Innocent another might be in danger. If you decide to judge one as Guilty it may prompt the other to go in a wholly unexpected direction. In this environment of swirling interests,
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and Losses
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Will you all be able to follow the metrics of your own values, and decide correctly Innocent or Guilty?"
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This is the reason Kotoko is last because if enough people already have their favorite prisoner's safety secure and the ones that they dislike are guilty it's far more tempting to vote Kotoko Innocent instead of Guilty.
Gunsli, how can you feel so comfortable, be so calm despite Mikoto not going on trial yet? Couldn't you be interested in having Kazui Innocent to possibly protect him? If he's voted guilty again Kotoko said she'll kill him how can you be so calm?
Well, you see-
"When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game but you don't get a win unless you play in the game. Oh, you get love for it, you get hate for it but you get nothing if you wait for it."
I'm sitting so comfortable because I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be able to say,
"I wanted what I got."
If after everything I've written about Mikoto he's still Guilty well that seems like a him issue. I don't cast my votes on a maybe, but other people can. Hell, I'm even willing to bargain for it I'll vote Kotoko Innocent every day of the fucking three-month trial if Amane and Mikoto are innocent first and I think a lot of people feel similarly. To the very end of Milgram selfishly with no limits I want to do what I want to do regardless of how that makes me look.
It's really funny that a lot of the fandom is fretting over the idea of a video game, not recognizing the game has been on for a few years now.
If that outcome happens I'll be upset surely but at that point regular Mikoto is just gonna need to learn how to block, he might need to learn evade too, or to shove something against these lockless prison cell doors so no one can come in whenever they want. Either way he better figure it the fuck out. Because Kotoko may still jump people regardless of what her verdict is.
It's even weirder to pretend Kazui is our only hope when it comes to defending the prisoners. Truthfully, they should all be evaluating ways to defend themselves after the incident anyhow. Especially since it's not like Kazui can be everywhere at once.
Furthermore, Kazui even expresses the possibility that he may be incapable of doing that on his own in his second voice drama.
Imposter Boulevard Kazui's Second Voice Drama
"That much is only natural. However… she really is strong, isn’t she? I mean, I’ve experienced some fights myself, but [going up against] a woman like her was a first."
Hm… Is she strong enough that even you can’t stop her from doing harm?
"Well, in cases like this, it’s generally the heavier person who ends up winning. After all, if she really does have proper killing intent, I can’t afford to let her injure anyone. It’s difficult, isn’t it."
Is that so…
"I was afraid that it’d come to this from the very beginning. There’s a lot of young kids here, too. It’d be hard for anyone to keep a decent mentality in a situation like this."
…You’re pretty rational.
"I wonder. Maybe it’s because I’m used to violence. Even so… I couldn’t make it for Shiina-chan. I feel responsible for [what happened to] her."
"Well, rest assured, though. As long as I can move, I’ll be protecting [the others]. After all, it’s pretty much just me who can fight her on equal terms."
Mikoto, too.
"Ah… yeah. Like back when he went out of control, right? I can’t quite read him, though… If both of them were to attack us, it’s possible that we’d suffer a total defeat."
A total defeat…?
"If that happens, this prison game would probably come to an end as well. All of that depends on your judgment, right, Warden-kun? Who will be forgiven by you and who won’t be…"
Then he stresses the importance of Es' verdicts when it comes to the safety of the prisoners literally asking,
"If at all possible, I would like you to choose a method that will not get any more people hurt. That’s what I’m saying."
So, you’re telling me to forgive you?
"(laughs) Oi, oi…! Don’t look at me like that."
I’m the Warden. If I forgive you, I forgive you. If I don’t, I don’t. There’s no other factors to it.
"(sighs) Wouldn’t it be okay? I mean, this situation with prisoners being hurt wasn’t what you wanted either, was it?"
"Just pretend that you’re looking at our sins, and make your judgment with the protection of the prisoners in mind. After all, nobody can read your mind – so that much craftiness would be fine, don’t you think?"
He's not just referring to himself but the other prisoners as well. Es assumes Kazui is asking to be voted Innocent but as it stands now we don't know how restraint will work for the second trial. If Prisoners that weren't voted guilty in trial one would be put under the first level of restraint or if it would jump to the second. Considering how Mu and Haruka are moving around I would assume it's the first level of restraint.
Meaning Kazui would more than likely still be able to move even if he were voted guilty. However, he does specifically say look at our sins, so he is referring to prisoners outside of himself as well while recommending this.
Something that people have literally already done with Shidou.
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I know that I only voted Shidou Innocent so he could take care of the injured prisoners we have now and others in case another violent incident occurred. However, a similar thing happened there where people wanted to allude that Shidou being Innocent was bad for Kotoko.
The person I must state again who has jumped people, is in possession of numerous weapons, and can quite frankly protect her damn self.
That's not even going into the fact that Kazui to his continued admission was too slow to protect Mahiru. So, who's to say he wouldn't be too slow when it came to protecting someone else. I don't believe people are ignorant when it comes to this information.
He even brings up how if Mikoto and Kotoko attacked him at the same time he would lose. Something that has been implied as a possibility from the beginning.
Mikoto: Hey, hey, Koto-chan. I’ve been thinking this ever since I first heard your name, but don’t you think the names “Mikoto” and “Kotoko” kinda sound like siblings?
Kotoko: No.
Mikoto: Don’t say that! Let’s get along well from here on as the Koto-Koto combo!
Kotoko: I’m not doing that.
2022/12/15 (Kotoko’s Birthday)
Mikoto: Ah, Koto-chan. It's been a while. We were isolated for some time but, how are you doing? Lots of things happened, but for now let's get along. Here, it's your birthday right? I figured that no one would come celebrate it for you, so I came to wish you a happy birthday.
Kotoko: …What a carefree person you are. Someone as atrocious as you won't be forgiven next time too, surely. When that time comes, it'll be your last. Next time, I'll kill you.
Mikoto: Haah? Why don't you try it then, you lunatic. I'll crush anyone who tries to harm me…. I'll make sure to thoroughly beat you at your own game…!!
Kotoko: Hmph. The boundaries have gotten more blurred, it seems. Your existence itself is a crime. I will give you your punishment. This is MILGRAM's, Es', and also my own decision.
I can't speak for everyone all I can say is there are multiple other reasons that someone would want to personally vote Kazui Innocent. For me though I simply want to live with no regrets. So, I try to do what it is that I want in the areas of my life where that is possible. So, I'm gonna keep doing what I feel like.
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howlingday · 3 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #9
2023, Dec 3-6
2024 Mar 25, apr 18, jun 22
P3H vs Neku Sakuraba
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Steve vs Emmet Brickowski (Minecraft vs The LEGO Movie)
Who's imagination will let them survive this crafty battle?
FIGHTER 1: Steve, Minecraft's cubic builder, explorer, and slayer of monsters and dragons
FIGHTER 2: Emmet Brickowsky, LEGO's Special Master Builder from Bricksburg.
Wiz: Imagination is extremely powerful; it allows us to bring our dreams into reality, letting us create or destroy whatever we can dream of.
*insert clips of Bob the Builder, Oppenheimer, LEGO Ninjago’s Tornado of Creation, and RWBY's Relics of Creation and Destruction*
Boomstick: These two literal blockheads can create just about anything they can think of. Or destroy it. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE (What to know): 
1. This MU could become an actual episode as it garnered attention when it was part of 2022's Champion Poll, so I wanted to get this one out before that happens. The consensus, as far as I can tell, is that Steve vs. The Terrarian and Emmet vs Jesse are better MUs, but I really like this MU. It's ok if you don't, but don't be a jerk about it. (If I wanted to be pedantic about it, then I'd say that Omni Man vs. Homelander and Mario vs. Sonic were done because they are legacy MUs rather than for the connections that the combatants have, but I can very well be wrong).
2. To make this fight more fitting and fair, I will place Steve in the LEGO Movie world. It shouldn't be jarring as there is such a thing as LEGO Minecraft, and the block aesthetic of Minecraft melds well with the sharp, blocky look of the LEGO Movie. This will essentially put them in the same world. Crossovers such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and LEGO Dimensions will not be taken into consideration, but I will look to them for inspiration if desired. 
3. Emmet and Steve could build anything that we haven't seen in the movies, novels, etc. as long as it is within character.
4. No infinite strength Steve. When the player drops items in Minecraft, the items have fundamentally different properties to their block forms as compared to dropped items in Skyrim where they retain their physical properties, at least to some degree. They did the cheese calculation as a joke in Chosen Undead vs. Last Dragonborn and they didn't calculate how much weight Link would be carrying due to his iron boots and other heavy equipment in the 2021 rematch, so no inventory strength. (I would still expect a similar gag like the aforementioned cheese calculation).
5. No Creative Mode infinite materials. Steve will have to mine, forge, and enchant his stuff on his own, but he will start off with good materials like diamond and potions as well as some unbrewable potions and arrows.
Connections (What do they have in common):
1. Both are capable of creating almost anything by taking resources from the world around and then craft anything from them. They effectively have no limit to their crafting capabilities.
2. Both are icons of IPs that represent creativity and imagination.
3. Maybe the enemy isn’t the Ender Dragon, President Business, or Rex Dangervest. Maybe the enemy is growing up.
Not many that I can think of, so if you can think of one, let me know. :)
Personal reasons (Why I want this battle/like this MU):
I like how Emmet was able to not just change, but grow in his movies. Steve may be silent, but he still expresses emotion through his body language. I want to see a wholesome battle where they both build because that's what they enjoy doing and then try to one up each other, giving way to animation that has the potential to be some of DB!'s all team greats.
Art and animation: The fight is best in 3D. Hand-drawn would make this fight very difficult to work with and I don't think 2D pixels can express the weird and wonderful wackiness of what these two can build, the speed at which they can build, or the worlds they inhabit. The best way to go is to have Emmet move like he does in the LEGO Movies and Steve to move like he does in Minecraft and Smash Bros., but the animation would be like that of the LEGO Movies; it does not allow for all degrees of movement like human limbs, but it's still fluid and smooth. The world itself is just blocks, needless to say. I think a good guide to what the animation and art style should be like is this video which took its LEGO models from Mecabricks.
If you want to get really interesting, it would be stop motion, but that's just expecting a king’s feast on top of something already demanding in my opinion.
Possible setup: On the outskirts of Bricksburg, near a construction site, Emmet is checking the blueprints for a skyscraper he is about to build. 
"I'm going to need these many pieces of these measurements and color..." Hearing the iconic Minecraft sounds of mining ground and building, he turns to see a house that was just suddenly there.
"Whoa, where did that come from?" Steve exits his house, and Emmet confronts him. 
"Sir, did you build that house?" and Steve nods.
Emmet, the loveable goof that he is, does the Chris Pratt gasp and gushes over Steve's abilities. "Are you a Master Builder?" It would explain how the house was just there after some noise, but Steve scratches his head, and lifts his arms in an “I don’t know” pose. "Could you build it again?" Steve nods and builds another house, more impressive than the last, using wood, stone, and concrete from the construction site (imagine him building it at the speed of one of his Smash Bros. victory poses)
“Wow! I can do that, too!” Emmet then decides to build something of his own, using more materials from the construction site, building a house comparable to Steve’s who then looks at Emmet's creation and decides to build a mansion.
“Not bad, huh?” Steve nods, and takes out his sword. “Whoa! You’re a warrior AND a builder? Then let’s take this up a notch! Let’s fight and build something amazing!” Steve nods and Emmet jumps up and slams down, destroying the buildings and sending pieces around him flying.
1. Emmet then zips around, building himself a weapon like he did here. Steve slashes and is able to guard himself for a little while. Emmet keeps up his offense and knocks Steve away. Steve drinks a Potion of Strength, and is able to fend off Emmet’s strikes. Yet, Emmet is too fast and is able to hit Steve before Steve can hit back. Steve simply drinks a Potion of Swiftness, and it works! Emmet swoops in for a strike, but Steve swiftly dodges, getting behind Emmet, and strikes him using his Forward Smash:
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This sends Emmet flying to the other side of the giant construction site. Steve then breaks out an enchanting table, a crafting table, and a brewing stand, and starts to furiously gather materials from around him and gets to work. Meanwhile, Emmet groans in pain, and then takes a giant leap towards Steve. Steve notices Emmet and aims a giant wall of dispensers at him and activates them, causing the dispensers to fire flaming arrows (a GIANT version of what is seen in this video). Emmet shouts a big “Whoa!” as he dodges the arrows. Emmet then uses his Master Breaker abilities to break Steve’s dispenser wall, similar to what he did here. 
2. Emmet is then hit by something, and is taken aback. Nothing is there. Then, he’s continuously hit by said nothing, it seems! Emmet tries to hit back, but he hits nothing, as expected. Steve suddenly appears at a distance as his Potion of Invisibility wears off. Steve is wearing his Diamond Armor, and he starts to throw Splash Potions. Emmet easily dodges them and grabs one of the following pieces:
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Emmet then proceeds to juggle the Splash Potions and knocks some towards Steve, who gets hit with some Potions of Poison, Harming, and Decay. It appears that using the Potions in the dispenser wall was the better idea. As Steve is suffering, Emmet then starts to build a mech similar to his Construct-o-Mech and Steve uses a Potion of Regeneration and Healing. Steve had placed a myriad of TNT blocks all connected via Redstone, so when Emmet approaches Steve in his mech, he is immobilized and struggles. Steve steps on the button to activate the redstone. The TNT detonates and Emmet, being nearby, falls in his mech, and he lets out his iconic scream. However, right before Steve can move and prepare more weapons and potions, he hears something right behind him that has haunted all Minecraft players. We see that there were several Creepers right behind him, and they detonate.
3. Due to the TNT explosion and the Creepers, there is a giant hole in the ground and they both were falling. Emmet rebuilds his mech into a plane and flies away. Steve uses his fishing rod to tether himself to the plane, swings like the Green stick figure in Alan Becker‘s Minecraft videos to launch himself upwards, and unfurls his Elytra, and attaches a Firework Rocket on it, propelling him upward (Think his Up - B from SSBU.), but there is simply too much debris, so they both get crushed and fall.
4. Now in free fall, Steve uses his bow and fires arrows, both of the tipped and not tipped variety, sniping Emmet well in his arms. In retaliation, Emmet grunts and throws a boulder at Steve, who uses a shield to ward off the attack. Looking down, there’s a rail, so Steve simply takes a minecart out of his inventory and Emmet builds himself a vehicle out of his mech’s remains (whether it’s a hoverboard or a land-roving vehicle is up to you). Both land safely and the vehicles roll. Steve takes out a diamond sword and his shield, and Emmet fashions himself another weapon, so they start to clash again, like in Alan Becker’s Ultimate Minecart Race. Because Emmet is still affected by the Arrow of Slowness, Steve is able to get some solid hits in and block Emmet’s strikes in time. Emmet then uses his Master Breaker powers again to break the shield, and Steve is knocked forward a bit. Steve then fires more tipped arrows, but Emmet is able to dodge them and they clash weapons again, like this part from Alan Becker’s The Chef. Every sword strike is parried or blocked, and they keep at it until the ground suddenly drops beneath them and they fall again through a Nether Portal to… The Real World…?
5. The minifigures fall on the floor of the basement, and the kids that were playing with the plastic toys start arguing with each other about who is cheating and who is the winner. The adults then have to come down the basement and mediate the conflict. “Kids, I know it’s hard to play fair, but yelling and calling each other a cheater is not going to help. I thought you two were doing this because it’s fun. You’re using toys to create these great inventions and then you play with them. Putting others down will not do you any good. Right now, just have fun with each other. You’ll never know when you get to play with your friends and toys like you are now.” As we see the adults trying to resolve the conflict, Emmet picks himself up, and seeing Steve struggling, picks him up as well. The kids then apologize and compliment each other’s skills and imagination, and pick up the toys that were dropped. “Ready for one more showdown?”, asks Emmet. Steve nods and holds up his arm, and Emmet responds by giving a fist bump.
6. The kids put the toys back together and our fighters are back on the LEGO world. Emmet builds another mech, this one similar to his Triple Decker Couch mech, and Steve decks himself out with his best armor, weapon, and potions. “For now, let’s have fun.” They clash again, with Emmet’s mech and Steve’s armor and weapons being worn down, and the potion effects are diminishing. Now, it’s all or nothing.
7. Steve wins by immobilizing Emmet. He dodges and slashes at Emmet’s mech, and protects himself with his shield. He removes the limbs of the mech and destroys it, leaving cobwebs all around. When the mech is destroyed, Emmet is left helpless, and as he tries to exit, he’s immobilized by the cobwebs. “Can't… Move…!” With one final slash, Emmet dies like in the LEGO video games.
8. Emmet wins by using his Master Breaker abilities. Emmet knocks away Steve’s equipment, pins Steve down and then starts to severely damage the armor. Steve tries to detonate some TNT again, but Emmet jumps out of his mech, and comes down with one final, gigantic Master Breaker slam, destroying his mech and leaving Steve in pieces. This results in the iconic death screen.
9. In the real world, the kids simply take the pieces and start to build something new with the pieces until they are called up. “Kids, the food’s ready!” The kids run out of the basement. The last thing we see is the minifigures ready for one more fight, in armor and mech.
10. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Has the more destructive tool in TNT.
+ Greater defense with his armors and longevity with his Potions of Healing and Regeneration.
+ Enchantments and Potions of Strength improve all of his weapons, armor, tools, and stats.
+ Has ranged options in his bow, crossbow, firework rockets and arguably his fishing rod.
+ Can be considered stronger due to his fight against the Ender Dragon and his capacity to break down diamond blocks.
+ If given access to a Riptide Trident, then Steve has greater mobility and offense underwater, and a Potion of Water Breathing, allowing him to survive underwater for longer.
+ Can immobilize Emmet with cobwebs
= Under the rules set in the preface, both are similarly fast.
= Similar Risk of drowning.
- Blocks, potions and materials in inventory can be exhausted, armor and weapons can break.
- Takes time to craft, forge, and enchant whatever he’s making.
- Highly dependent on the environment to obtain good materials and ores.
Emmet Brickowsky:
+ More mobile and acrobatic.
+ Being a Master Breaker means not needing any other tools or materials to simply break stuff, so he can likely break Steve’s creations with little issue.
+ Does not need to use a forge or crafting table, and can build bigger creations with greater speed.
= Under the rules set in the preface, both are similarly fast.
= Similar risk of drowning
- Arguably less durable.
- Is vulnerable underwater without a vehicle
- Like Steve, he’s dependent on the materials provided to him by the environment, and can’t craft the pieces he needs
- Arguably his biggest weakness physically is immobilization, as seen when he was hit with the Kragle. It’s likely that the Cobwebs can be used to immobilize him. Other Master Builders have been immobilized by chewed up gum and even stickers.
Ending puns:
"In the end, Steve could only dig his own grave."
"Sorry, Emmet, but the only thing you can do is LEGO."
Name: Build The Best
The name makes reference to how both the characters and series are known for letting people build whatever they want and let their creations come to life as well as Emmet’s title of “Master Builder”.
Art: At the front of the picture, we see Steve’s crafting table with some LEGO gears leaning against it and potions and the iconic red LEGO blocks around them. To the right of the crafting table is the enchanting table with Steve’s sword and Emmet’s wrench crossing each other. To the right of the crafting table is Steve’s armor holding the Piece of Resistance.
Sound: The song starts mellow, like Subwoofer Lullaby or Living Mice to give off a feeling of nostalgia and intimacy, and then slowly picks up in volume as the two blockheads show off their abilities before the fight. Then, there’s a record scratch and the music becomes upbeat and happy, like Everything is Awesome. The music changes to Pigstep but played with LEGO movie instruments during the minecart chase. When in the Real World and listening to the talk between the adult and kids, the music is more somber, again similar to Minecraft’s more mellow music or the music from the “You are The Special” scene from the first LEGO Movie. During the buildup to and during final confrontation, it switches to I Am A Master Builder. Our heroes are near the end, so now it’s the time to push further still. As the battle ends and we linger on the result, the instrumentation starts to play Subwoofer Lullaby or Living Mice again, and then the instrumentation from the beginning returns and the music fades out.
I want it to reflect how we start with LEGOs and Minecraft: with small bits and pieces, but then, the creations become bigger and more complex. More energy and thought is required into planning and building the structures desired. It’s like life: we start with childhood, simple and uncomplicated in the grand scheme of things, but as we get older, we take on more responsibilities, and we have to do more and more, leading us to reminisce on the “good old days” when we could build for ourselves, for fun. Maybe in the end, the real enemy, the true challenge, is growing up.
I am sorry for releasing this so late. This semester was a total pain, and I rarely had time to create this. I had an extremely rough six months, and I don’t want to use it as a crutch, but it’s school, and it’s demanding.
There were also so many ideas I wanted to implement into this battle, like how a kid just wants to create the biggest setpieces because they’re just the coolest things in the world.
1. A getaway chase on redstone minecart and planes
2. Weapons, armor, potions and enchantments to match Emmet’s mechs.
3. Master Destroyer vs Steve’s creations, armor, and potions.
4. Falling into nether portal and fighting monsters in the Nether
5. Dive into the ocean, risk of drowning.
6. Creepers and TNT
7. Confrontation in the real world, conflict with the kids that are controlling Steve and Emmet.
8. Heartfelt message as is tradition with all The LEGO Movies.
9. Have some Easter Eggs that reference Tetris. Both Tetris and Minecraft are among the most sold video games of all time, and LEGO is the most influential toy in the world. These three form a sort of blocky trinity, and it feels incomplete to leave Tetris out of this.
In a conference in an inner city, we see a gigantic sign for a superhero conference, and under it it says “Brought to you by Vought Corporation”.
In a raceway we see two heroes, getting ready for a race. There is a crowd around them and in the stands, cheering on for both of them.
“May the better speedster win!” The younger of the two outstretches his right arm, with his helmet in his left underarm.
“Oh, I plan to.” The older of the two simply walks by his fellow speedster and gets into running position. The younger speedster is taken aback by the rudeness of his fellow hero. However, there is a race that is about to go underway. He puts on his helmet, and he gets into a racing position as well.
“Gentlemen! Start your engines!”
There is a gunshot, and the two heroes are off at sonic speeds.
Tenya Iida vs. A-Train (My Hero Academia vs. The Boys)
Very good! I like how the battle ends on a wholesome route, like Goku V. Superman III. Granted, the NEXT fight won't be so friendly.
I'll be honest, I don't know much on Minecraft (the last update I remember being a part of was the mooshroom) or the Lego Movie franchise (I only saw the first movie and Lego Batman), so I didn't know who was more powerful from the start. That said, I do like the idea of two creators duking it out with their craft. Call this one...
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jonfucius · 1 year
Great Star Trek Rewatch - Discovery S1
Originally posted on Twitter 8 July 2020 - 21 July 2020
Star Trek: Discovery is up next in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. As with Star Trek: Enterprise, mini-reviews will document my progress.
The Vulcan Hello: Strong introductions to Burnham, Saru, Georgiou. Breathtaking spacewalk. The new aesthetic takes some getting used to, but it’s window dressing. T’Kuvma helps explain why TOS Klingons are different from TNG Klingons. Burnham’s mutiny is unprecedented. 6/10
Battle at the Binary Stars: Georgiou’s demise was a surprise, but T’Kuvma’s death was the big shock given the marketing campaign. A life sentence for mutiny is excessive, though not surprising given the scale of consequences from Burnham’s mutiny. 7/10
Context is for Kings: The true pilot of DSC, this episode gets Burnham onto Discovery and introduces the rest of the crew. The mycelial network is inventive. The horrors aboard the Glenn are Trek body horror at its most grisly. Lorca is immediately intriguing. 8/10
The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry: RIP(per) Landry. Shades of “The Devil in the Dark” as Burnham comes to understand the tardigrade. Klingon machinations begin as Voq and L’Rell are betrayed by Kol. Culber immediately joins the pantheon of great Trek doctors. 7/10
Choose Your Pain: Lorca is captured by L’Rell and meets Harry Mudd and Ash Tyler. This Mudd is as devious as his TOS incarnation, but still garners sympathy when Lorca leaves him with the Klingons. Stamets becomes one with his shrooms as Ripper leaps away. 7/10
Lethe: A question that has lingered for fifty years is finally answered: what drove Sarek and Spock apart? Incredible connections to TOS without feeling like a blatant retcon. Lorca is a “broken man” indeed. Burnham and Tyler’s mess hall scene is classic Star Trek. 10/10
Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad: A classic Star Trek trope gets a uniquely Discovery twist. Mudd may get off easy for all his villainy, but it's a very TOS ending. Loved seeing the crew let their hair down and party. 10/10
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum: Saru finally gets a moment of peace on Pahvo. Doug Jones’ finest work is in his confrontation with Burnham. A classic Star Trek tale with Discovery’s trappings. Shoutout to Jayne Brook and Mary Chieffo’s scenes - what a fantastic pairing! 9/10
Into the Forest I Go: RIP Kol and the gorgeous Sarcophagus ship. The jump sequence is a nail-biter, as is Burnham’s fight with Kol. Tyler has some severe PTSD from L’Rell’s torture, but is able to pull it together thanks to Cornwell. But where in Hell is Discovery? 8/10
Despite Yourself: Mary Wiseman steals the show, impersonating “Capt. Killy.” Tyler’s PTSD/brainwashing comes to a head as he shockingly murders Culber. What is L’Rell’s hold on him? Hard to see Stamets so debilitated as well. 7/10
The Wolf Inside: Tyler is becoming unraveled as Burnham tries to get a handle on the Terran universe. Having Georgiou be the Emperor is brilliant. 7/10
Vaulting Ambition: Kelpien sushi is disgusting. So is the sickness engulfing the mycelial network. And the torture L’Rell inflicted on Tyler. Lots of pieces move into place here as Lorca’s true nature is revealed. This reveal still doesn’t quite stick the landing for me. 7/10
What’s Past is Prologue: the extended MU jaunt ends with a stunning set piece: Discovery riding a mycelial shockwave as Stamets guides them home, with vital assistance from Culber. Sad to see Lorca go, but we get Georgiou again. 9/10
The War Without, The War Within: Discovery’s been gone 9 months and the war is in the Klingons’ favor. But is genocide the right answer? Great visual effects with the prototaxites regrowth, but this is a filler episode through and through. 6/10
Will You Take My Hand?: Most of Season 1's threads get wrapped up here: L'Rell becomes chancellor, Georgiou acclimates to "our" universe, and Burnham and Tyler part ways. Burnham's speech and Saru's stand (We Are Starfleet) are the highlights of this episode. As is the tag. 9/10
And with that, Season 1 of DSC comes to an end in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. Final score: 7.80/10. Highest score(s): "Lethe," "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad." Lowest score(s): "The Vulcan Hello," "The War Without, The War Within".
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world-cinema-research · 4 months
Week 7 Blog Essay: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and the Comparison to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
By Jensen Boles
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In the year of 1974, Tobe Hooper directed The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He was also known for directing films such as Eggshells (1969), Poltergeist (1982), as well as the sequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986).
Above is the original theatrical trailer for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Tobe Hooper's casting choice for this film mainly consists of unknown actors consisting of Gunnar Hansen, Marylin Burns, Edwin Neal, Paul A. Partain and Jim Seidow. While these actors were unknown at the time, they did eventually gain some recognition from horror fans, thanks to this film. Gunnar Hansen who played Leatherface in the film, even stated in an interview "Yes. And in fact, once Chainsaw came out, I started getting asked to be in films."
The story of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is set in the same year the film came out, being 1974. The story of this film follows five friends who head to rural Texas to visit the gravesite of one of their grandfathers which has been desecrated. While on their way they stumble upon a psychopathic hitchhiker and an abandoned house that's home to a chainsaw wielding, cannibalistic psycho, named Leatherface along with the rest of his family who are also psychopaths and cannibals who are also known for tormenting their victims.
The film was known for having a low production budget consisting of only $140,000 and having a cast of mainly unknown actors as mentioned above. However the film made $26,572,161 for the worldwide box office. The film was also known for being really controversial due to its excessive violence and disturbing content which got the film banned in the UK for 25 years. The film was also inspired by the real life serial killer known as Ed Gein.
Despite the film's low budget and controversy at the time, the film was still praised by fans as well as a few critics such as Roger Ebert who stated "It’s also without any apparent purpose, unless the creation of disgust and fright is a purpose. And yet in its own way, the movie is some kind of weird, off-the-wall achievement. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to make a movie like this, and yet it’s well-made, well-acted, and all too effective." Roger Ebert was stating that despite the unconventional elements along with the film's low budget and controversy, the film was still effective and enjoyable in the horror genre.
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Moving onto my second film of the week, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which was released in the year 2000 and has a totally different plot which is set in 19th century Qing Dynasty, China and involves a young Chinese warrior named Jen Yu (Zhang Ziyi) who steals a sword from a famous swordsman named Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun Fat). Li Mu Bai was originally going to give his sword to a young female warrior, Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh) before it was stolen by Jen. Yu Shu-Lien, then gives chase to Jen and along the way, she encounters bitter loose ends, fervent passions, and an unconquerable desire for freedom.
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Above is a still frame from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon that consists of Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh) about to battle Jen Yu (Zhang Ziyi) in the most iconic scene from the movie.
In comparison to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had a larger production budget consisting of $15,000,000 and made $213,966,221 worldwide. The film has also won an Academy Award for best cinematography as well as a Saturn Award for best Action/Adventure film.
The film has also garnered praise by fans and critics alike. Peter Bradshaw from The Guardian said "In the old-fashioned entertainment that it delivers, and in its inspired combination of seriousness and playfulness, Crouching Tiger is already assuming the lineaments of a classic." I think Peter Bradshaw makes a good point because the film is still considered a classic to this day and the cinematography still holds up today as well.
All in all, both of these films are totally different from one another because of the different budgets, the different setting, and the different style of films. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre had a lower budget and was set in Texas in the year of 1974, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon however, had a higher budget and was a period piece set in 19th century China. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was also a horror film which had gained some controversy over the years, while Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was based off of a Chinese novel and had won awards for best cinematography and for best action film. Even the actors for both films are considered different, while The Texas Chainsaw Massacre had unknown actors at the time, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had a few well known actors, yet some of the actors weren’t known well amongst certain audiences.
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“Someone like Mu Qing... Even though he's petty, narrow-minded, overly sensitive, paranoid, has a bad personnality, is prone to fixating on the little things, never says anything pleasant, likes to nag, is always offending others and has garnered a lot of dislike on that account, has no friends, and remembers small, unimportant offenses for far too long... I've know him since we were young. He's still got principles. ”
“He might spit in the cup of someone he doesn't like, but he would never poison the water.”
“No! He would never spit either!”
“Laxatives, then.”
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
I’m just rereading tgcf book 3 (volume 5 translation) and I forgot how many insane things happen in this book.
Qi Rong cooking in a ghost inn. Heavens eye and his people chasing after Xie lian. Xie Lian crossdresses. Mu Qing ran away. Xie Lian absolutely destroys him right to his face.
Seriously, Xie Lian murders him:
“It's one thing if there is a grudge between us, but whether he committed a crime is another matter entirely. Someone like Mu Qing... Even though he's petty, narrow-minded, overly sensitive, paranoid, has a bad personality, is prone to fixating on the little things, never says anything pleasant, likes to nag, is always offending others and has garnered a lot of dislike on that account, has no friends, and remembers small, unimportant offenses for far too long…I’ve known him since we were young. He’s still got principles. He might spit in the cup of someone he doesn’t like, but he would never poison the water.”
Like. This is Xie Lian, who’s been Mu Qing’s friend, and this is a pretty damning assessment. (It’s also pretty hilarious.) He’s basically like, “Mu Qing sucks but he wouldn’t commit horrible crimes in order to ascend.”
And you forgot the temple almost-sex scene! And babyfied Hua Cheng! Also best uncles Hualian with Guzi! Book 3 really does have some of the best moments, though I think the best arcs are reserved for books 4 and 5 (and beefleaf).
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hxdrostorms · 11 months
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// Don't reblog this post, I don't want it being spread around!
So, this is a thought that just crossed my mind about muvians. Needless to say, anything said here won't be applied to other muses in threads:
The whole theory explaining the origins for the uncanny valley feeling we have, which suggests that it probably came to be as some form of flight or fight instinct to something that could possibly share similarities with a human way back in time. I like to imagine that could be a thing for muvians, since they are established to be an entire different species from common humans. Meaning that the likes of Shion/Mu/Kiki could trigger those instincts, in certain people.
With that in mind--
Milo and Shaka had no such reaction towards Mu (he is the first and besides Kiki, the only muvian they have seen), until they were informed about he really was, both of them assumed he was just another human like the rest of them. In a somewhat similar vein, Aiolos also never felt on edge around Shion, same thing applied to Mu when he arrivedsome years later;
Deathmask was almost instantly put off by Mu's appearance, almost from the instant he saw him. Although, he isn't quite capable of pinpoiting what exactly about him, instigates such visceral reaction out of him. He never saw Shion's face, which means Mu really is the only Muvian he has ever seen;
Kanon has always been put off by Shion's appearance, despite the fact he and his brother practically grew up with him orbiting them. Needless to say how much teasing he was subjected to by his twin, because of it. That sensation never truly goes away;
Aldebaran is a mixed response. The first muvian he has ever seen was Mu, and he was genuinely garnered a visceral reaction from him, in their very first few interactions. But it didn't scare him off, and over the years he grew out of that sensation. Out of all the gold saints, Aldebaran is the one who had the most contact and got to see more muvians, than the others. As mentioned in the past, he got to see Shion's face, once. And by the time Kiki came into his and Mu's lives, Aldebaran had become quite knowledgeable about most quirks that came with interacting with muvians.
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comicdissectionpod · 1 year
“Well those are two completely different matters... It’s one thing if there is a grudge between us, but whether he committed a crime is another matter entirely. Someone like Mu Qing… even tho he’s petty, narrow-minded, overly sensitive, paranoid, has a bad personality, is prone to fixating on the little things, never says anything pleasant, likes to nag, is always offending others and has garnered a lot of dislike on that account, has no friends and remembers small, unimportant offenses for far too long…
I’ve known him since we were young. He’s got principles.
He might spit in the cup of someone he doesn’t like, but he would never poison the water,” Xie Lian continued.
“Really? That’s still gross though,” Hua Cheng commented indifferently.
Veins we’re popping on Fu Yao’s forehead. “No! He would never spit either!”
“Laxatives then,” Xie Lian said.
-Heaven Offical’s Blessing,MXTX.
This is one of the funniest interactions I’ve ever seen 🤣
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very-grownup · 2 years
Xie Lian tightened his hold. "Well, these are two completely different matters. Personal affairs and business shouldn't mix," he said gently. "It's one thing if there is a grudge between us, but whether he committed a crime is another matter entirely. Someone like Mu Qing ... Even though he's petty, narrow-minded, overly sensitive, paranoid, has a bad personality, is prone to fixating on the little things, never says anything pleasant, likes to nag, is always offending others and has garnered a lot of dislike on that account, has no friends, and remembers small, unimportant offenses for far too long ..."
Xie Lian went on and on with a straight face, all in a single breath. He concluded with "... I've known him since we were young. He's still got principles."
"He might spit in the cup of someone he doesn't like, but he would never poison the water," Xie Lian continued.
"Really? That's still gross, though," Hua Cheng commented indifferently.
- “Heaven Official’s Blessing”, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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90363462 · 2 years
The 10 Best Albums of 2022
A wealth of new albums in 2022 pushed the boundaries of genre, theme, and sound. From seasoned veterans like Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar, returning in triumph with fresh records and even fresher perspectives, to exciting young artists like Saya Gray, whose debut album, 19 Masters, should make any listener excited for the future of music, here are the albums that we’ve had on repeat all year.
10. Motomami, Rosalía
Rosalía’s 2018 conceptual masterpiece El Mal Querer is so intentional and powerful that it’s hard to imagine her topping it. But this year, she stepped entirely outside the box, pushing her creative ability to its absolute limit to make Motomami.
On this album, she worked with some of the best musicians in the industry from rapper/producer Pharrell Williams, who lent a hand on “La Combi Versace” and on title track “HENTAI,” to Frank Ocean, to James Blake, whose voice can be heard at the end of “DIABLO.” Motomami is a triumphant amalgamation of diverse genres, blending jazz, reggaeton, bachata, flamenco, and pop. Rosalía’s unwavering tenacity has allowed her to create a piece of art that fully showcases her stunning vocal and producing abilities.—Moises Mendez II
9. You Can’t Kill Me, 070 Shake
Danielle Balbuena, the New Jersey-born rapper and R&B singer better known as 070 Shake, has made a name for herself in the industry for defying easy definition. With a powerhouse voice and tough yet tender songwriting, she’s transcended genre and challenged notions of identity, forging a path all her own that has garnered co-signs ranging from Kanye West, who signed her to his G.O.O.D. Music imprint in 2016, to indie rock darlings The 1975, with whom she toured during the early years of her career. 
On her second album, You Can’t Kill Me, Shake continues to hone a skill set entirely her own, serving up a project that’s surprisingly measured but no less intense. Over heavy beats and ambient synths, Shake returns to her usual contemplations: the hardships and wonders of life, the ups and downs of love. Teeming with smoldering desire and melancholic angst, the result is a moody, sensual offering from a deeply vulnerable artist who refuses simply coolly exist. “I wanted your body, but it came with your soul,” she laments on “Body,” channeling a tension that feeds into our universal ennui.—Cady Lang
8. Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers, Kendrick Lamar
In his decade in the spotlight, Kendrick Lamar has amassed a reputation that borders on messianic—he’s the Pulitzer-winning, civil-rights-anthem-penning, Tupac-inheriting genius destined to carry his city, if not his race, if not the world, on his narrow shoulders. No one man could possibly live up to those unbearable and escalating standards, and on Mr. Morale, Lamar actively renounces them: “Kendrick made you think about it, but he is not your savior,” he says pointedly on “Savior.” 
But if Mr. Morale isn’t an epoch-defining masterwork on the level of Good Kid, m.A.A.d City or To Pimp a Butterfly, it’s still a fantastically rich portrait of an artist in crisis. Lamar navigates familial tensions, pandemic anxiety, hypocrisy, and crushing public expectations with sharpness and poignancy, especially on “Mother | Sober” and the aforementioned “Savior.” And there are several deeply polarizing songs on the album—including the domestic dispute “We Cry Together” and the trans anthem “Auntie Diaries”—that nevertheless show Lamar probing the boundaries of his comfort zone and embracing the risk of backlash in order to create art he believes in.—Andrew R. Chow
7. Big Time, Angel Olsen 
“Big” is the operative word for the sixth album from the indie rock mainstay Angel Olsen: Recorded soon after both her parents died, it deals in big emotions, big musical arrangements, big vocals, big themes of love, loss and depression and perseverance. And just as Olsen has thrived across a range of setups—from acoustic solo to scruffy electric rock band—she likewise excels in belting out hugely stirring songs that sound destined to blast during climactic slow dances or while movie credits roll. 
The songs on “Big Time” build patiently, and with few indicators as to the year they were created: there are steel pedal guitars, burnished strings, zithers, and harmoniums. The lush arrangements augment Olsen’s arguably strongest vocal performance yet: she brings both power and subtlety to wrenchingly stark lyrics like “I know you can’t talk long/ But I’m barely hanging on/ I’m so tired of telling you/ It’s a hard time again.”—A.R.C. 
6. Electricity, Ibibio Sound Machine 
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more combustible minute of pop music in 2022 than the one that starts from the halfway point of “Protection From Evil,” the opening track of Ibibio Sound Machine’s fourth album Electricity. Frontwoman Eno Williams delivers a furious stream-of-consciousness soliloquy in the Ibibio language, her syllables spilling over and between the pounding four-on-the-floor dance beat; she lapses into a simmering chorus run through a vocoder, which then gives way to a shrieking horn section and a seizing synthesizer reminiscent of LCD Soundsystem’s best work. Electricity is filled with moments like this: of breathtaking sonic rises and falls, astonishing cultural exchanges, and flat-out infectious dance music.—A.R.C. 
5. It’s Almost Dry, Pusha T 
If the rapper and impresario Pusha T is the“Martin Scorsese of street rap,” as he hopes to be, then It’s Almost Dry might just be his Goodfellas: an immersive gangster epic that’s brutal yet stylish, materialistic, and psychologically probing. Pusha T doesn’t stray far from his favorite topic—hustling—but he doesn’t need to, because of the care with which he imbues his wordcraft and storytelling. His dense references will send you scrambling for Genius annotations: ”Summertime, Winterfell, I’m the Night King/ The Colgate kilo, the hood needs whitening/ We fishscale n—-s like we all Pisces/ Your bitch in my bubble like I’m still typing,” he raps on “Neck and Wrist.” But even if you don’t catch all the double and triple entendres, the music sounds fantastically luxurious. He recruited some of the most renowned producers in hip-hop, from Kanye West to Pharrell, and they delivered their A-game.—A.R.C.
4. Chloe and the Next 20th Century, Father John Misty
The musical polymath Josh Tillman, better known as his stage alter ego, Father John Misty, has made a name for himself as the most polarizing (and possibly most talented) man in the contemporary folk rock scene. With Chloe and the 20th Century, his fifth studio album as FJM, however, he takes a surprising and delightful departure from his usual form for a project that’s grandiose in its ambition, theatrical in its presentation, and thrilling in its execution. 
Drawing on elements like big band, bossa nova, and film scores from the golden age of Hollywood, the album is a lush and lofty epic that spins fictional vintage narratives into song. Through tragic vignettes that read like a screenplay of a fantasy L.A., the tracks detail torrid love affairs, untimely ends, and heartbreak, for the titular Chloe and her motley crew, showcasing not only FJM’s signature wry cynicism and penchant for melodrama, but an impressive flair for worldbuilding.—C.L.
3. Renaissance, Beyoncé
Ahead of the release of Renaissance, her seventh solo studio album, Beyoncé shared via social media that it was a creative project born out of a need for escape, freedom, and exploration during the pandemic. The spirit of release is omnipresent in the album, a true celebration of dance music and its Black queer history. From her first single off the album, “Break My Soul,” where Bey and Big Freedia urge us to “release your job/ release the time” to the dedication of the album to her late queer uncle, Johnny, the album is an homage to the Black queer pioneers of genres like disco, bounce, house, techno, funk, and ballroom. There are few artists who can drop an album late in the game and still commandeer “song of the summer” along with every dance floor, but as she tells us on “Alien Superstar,” Beyoncé is and forever will be that girl.—C.L.
2. 19 Masters, Saya Gray 
The debut album from the Toronto-based singer-songwriter Gray is not for the stadium rafters. It’s full of half-fleshed-out ideas, spindly guitar wanderings, washed-out vocal recordings and stray voice memos. But Gray’s strange restraint and restless curiosity are entirely the point: In its scattered and shaggy structure, there’s something compelling to be found around every melodic corner, whether on your second or tenth listen. In this way, the album feels like a worthy inheritor of Frank Ocean’s lo-fi masterpiece Blonde. Gray layers her scratchy voice upon itself to build breathtaking harmonies, and the tones she wrings out of her guitar and bass are impeccable.—A.R.C.
1. Un Verano Sin Ti, Bad Bunny
No other album had as much universal appeal (and, let’s be honest, adoration) this year than Un Verano Sin Ti, Bad Bunny’s glorious fourth solo studio album. It’s an album about heartbreak, yes, but also a veritable love letter to his homeland of Puerto Rico and a sonic tribute to the Caribbean diaspora. Driven by the musical styles of El Caribe, ranging from reggaeton and dembow to merengue and cumbia, and bolstered by elements of dance hall and techno, Benito firmly roots the album in the deeply personal, mining the universal experiences of love, loss, and the supreme pleasure of being alive, for an exceptional project that is genre-defying, intergenerational, and groundbreaking. 
Never one to shy away from getting political, Bad Bunny also uses the project to critique hot-button issues, from the privatization of power in Puerto Rico to how the current crisis of gentrification on the island is part of a long and troubled history of colonization. To listen to this album, to move to it and be moved by it, is an act of defiance, celebration, and radical love.—C.L.
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Write to Cady Lang at [email protected] and Moises Mendez II at [email protected].
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lboogie1906 · 13 hours
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William Levi Dawson (September 26, 1899 – May 2, 1990) was a composer, choir director, professor, and musicologist.
He was born in Anniston, Alabama. He ran away from home to study music as a student at the Tuskegee Institute. He paid his tuition by being a music librarian and manual laborer working in the Agricultural Division. He participated as a member of Tuskegee’s choir, band, and orchestra, composing and traveling with the Tuskegee Singers for five years; he had learned to play most of the instruments by the time he completed his studies. A graduate of the Horner Institute of Fine Arts with a BS in Music, he studied at the Chicago Musical College and then at the American Conservatory of Music where he received his MA. He served as a trombonist both with the Redpath Chautauqua and the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. His teaching career began in the Kansas City public school system, followed by a tenure with the Tuskegee Institute. He appointed a large number of faculty members who became known for their work. He developed the Tuskegee Institute Choir into an internationally renowned ensemble; they were invited to sing at New York City’s Radio City Music Hall.
He began composing at a young age, and early in his compositional career, his Trio for Violin, Cello, and Piano was performed by the Kansas City Symphony. He is known for his contributions to both orchestral and choral literature. His works are arrangements of and variations on spirituals. His Negro Folk Symphony garnered a great deal of attention at its world premiere by Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra. The symphony was revised with added African rhythms inspired by his trip to West Africa. His most popular spirituals include “Ezekiel Saw the Wheel”, “Jesus Walked the Lonesome Valley”, “Talk about a Child That Do Love Jesus”, and “King Jesus Is a-Listening”. He was elected to the Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
His arrangements of traditional African American spirituals are published and are regularly performed by the school, college, and community choral programs.
He married pianist Cornelia Lampton in 1927; she died in 1928. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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marklusich102 · 6 months
Nature's Gift to Fitness and Well-being
In the realm of health and fitness, enthusiasts often explore a myriad of supplements in their pursuit of optimal health and wellness. Among these, Turkesterone emerges as a standout due to its remarkable properties and natural origins. This naturally occurring substance, derived from select plants, is gaining increasing recognition for its ability to enhance muscular growth, support overall well-being, and elevate sports performance. Delving into the realm of Turkesterone unveils a fascinating journey encompassing its botanical origins, diverse benefits, and burgeoning reputation among athletes and individuals prioritizing their health. As research continues to shed light on its potential, Turkesterone's rise in popularity underscores its significance as a natural supplement poised to revolutionize the health and fitness landscape. Let's embark on a deeper exploration of Turkesterone, uncovering its origins, elucidating its multifaceted benefits, and understanding why it's garnering attention among sportsmen and health-conscious individuals alike.
What is Turkesterone?
Some plants, such as Ajuga turkestanica and Rhaponticum carthamoides, naturally contain the chemical turkesterone. It is a member of the group of substances called ecdysteroids, which function as plant counterparts of animal steroid hormones. Turkesterone is widely valued for its anabolic qualities because it encourages muscle development and tissue regeneration, comparable to anabolic steroids but without the negative side effects.
The Supplemental Potential of Turkesterone:
Turkesterone, a dietary supplement, has attracted a lot of attention because of its supposed advantages for muscle building and athletic performance. Studies indicate that Turkesterone could improve the synthesis of proteins, which is necessary for the development and repair of muscles. Additionally, it is thought to help retain nitrogen, which promotes the anabolic environment needed to build muscle. Because of these qualities, athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to maximize their training outcomes may find Turkesterone to be a potential ally.
Research and Evidence in Support:
Although research on Turkesterone is still in its early stages, encouraging findings have come from preliminary investigations. Turkesterone supplementation resulted in a considerable increase in muscle growth and strength in resistance-trained adults, according to research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food. Furthermore, research conducted on animal models has indicated that it can enhance endurance, lessen tiredness, and boost overall performance.
Additionally, Turkesterone has demonstrated adaptogenic qualities, suggesting that it might facilitate the body's more effective adaptation to stresses. For those who follow rigorous training programmes, this can be especially helpful since it helps speed up recovery and lessen the damaging effects of physical stress on the body.
Benefits for Holistic Wellbeing:
Turkesterone has potential advantages for holistic well-being in addition to its impact on physical performance. It may help maintain hormonal balance, encourage mental clarity, and boost general vigour because it is an adaptogen. Its antioxidant qualities may also aid in the fight against oxidative stress, shielding cells from harm and promoting long-term health.
Muscle growth and strength: Turkesterone has been reported to stimulate muscle growth and increase strength. It promotes the development of lean muscle mass, giving athletes and fitness enthusiasts a more sculpted physique. By incorporating Turkesterone into your supplementation routine, you may experience improved muscle size and enhanced strength gains.
During intense physical activities, Turkesterone enhances endurance and performance levels by increasing oxygen-carrying capacity and overall stamina to push harder and longer during workouts or sports competitions.
Rest and lessened muscle injury: Excessive exercise can cause both delayed recovery and muscle damage. Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, turkesterone may speed up recovery and lessen the stress that exercise causes to injured muscles. This may lead to a speedier return to optimal performance and less discomfort in the muscles.
It has been suggested that turkesterone possesses lipolytic characteristics, which might help with fat reduction and overall body composition. It may aid people in developing a more toned and shredded body by accelerating the growth of lean muscle and raising metabolic rate.
Enhanced attention and energy: Numerous Turkesterone users have mentioned feeling more focused and having more energy. You may use this to your advantage both inside and outside of the gym, focusing and working more productively on your regular duties.
The Natural Advantage:
Turkesterone's natural origins are among its most alluring features. Turkesterone is generated from plants, not manufactured chemicals, which makes it a safer and more sustainable supplement alternative. Turkesterone offers an appealing option for anybody looking to organically optimise their fitness and well-being.
Incorporating Turkesterone into Your Routine:
Incorporating Turkesterone into your health routine is simple. It can be found in supplement form, usually as part of blends that aim to boost muscle growth and performance. As with any supplement, it's important to choose products from trustworthy sources and stick to recommended dosages for safe and efficient use.
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meddoctorfree · 6 months
Unveiling Morphine Diacetate: Understanding its Chemistry and Varied Applications
Morphine diacetate, a derivative of morphine, has garnered significant attention due to its distinct chemical properties and versatile applications. This article explores its chemical composition, molecular structure, and pharmacological characteristics, along with its diverse uses in medicine and pharmaceuticals, emphasizing its pivotal role in pain management and opioid therapy.
Introduction: As a semi-synthetic opioid analgesic derived from morphine through acetylation, morphine diacetate plays a crucial role in alleviating pain. This article aims to elucidate its chemistry and varied applications, highlighting its significance across various fields.
Chemical Composition and Structure: By introducing acetyl groups into morphine, morphine diacetate retains the morphinan framework while exhibiting modified properties such as increased lipid solubility and enhanced metabolic stability.
Pharmacological Properties: Similar to morphine, morphine diacetate acts as an opioid agonist, providing potent pain relief by interacting with mu-opioid receptors. Its heightened lipid solubility facilitates rapid absorption and distribution within the body.
Medical Applications: Extensively utilized in clinical settings for pain management, particularly in postoperative and palliative care, morphine diacetate also serves as a vital component in supporting medication-assisted therapy for opioid dependence.
Pharmaceutical Utilization: Beyond its therapeutic applications, morphine diacetate serves as a precursor in the synthesis of various opioids. However, its regulated status necessitates stringent oversight to mitigate potential risks associated with misuse and dependency.
Conclusion: The intricate chemistry and pharmacology of morphine diacetate underscore its indispensable contribution to pain management and opioid therapy. While its benefits are substantial, careful prescribing practices and regulatory measures are essential to address potential risks effectively. Ongoing research endeavors hold promise for further elucidating its applications and ensuring safety considerations.
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