#garrus critical
mass-effect-anonymous · 2 months
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Because of the obnoxiousness from some of the fandom, it took me a long time before I even liked Garrus. I just resented having Garrus pushed at me over and over and telling me all the other character romances were not valid. It got to the point I did a Garrus free playthrough in ME3. I recently finished the trilogy and kept him alive. I agree he makes a loyal friend but I will never romance him. Yes I know he is popular but there are a few of us who are not into him and how we play our game should should be respected. In other words, please leave me the hell alone, let me play the game my way and you play the game you want to and stop trying to convert people. Thank You.
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camalyng · 1 year
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"I'd be more comfortable if they didn't have access to engineering and the CIC."
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Mass Effect fans will be like "I hate Ashley she's a space racist" and then will hang out with Garrus "I think cops should be able to do whatever they want" "quarians are rootless wanderers" Vakarian like
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breadedsinner · 24 days
People will also say "Oh well they ruined her in ME3" as if anyone was going to give her a chance at that point anyway, they'd already made up their mind two hours into the first game.
Also as if to say Garrus's major growth didn't happen off screen between games.
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maintitle · 2 months
the world would be better if garrus vakarian got the kind of treatment female cops tend to get in sci-fi and fantasy settings.
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stormcallart · 9 months
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Beach day and date night 💙❤️
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bargu · 1 year
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Discreet mission failure. And they say she can't dance x'D The mission was to mingle subtly in some kind of fancy party, but good old Shepard couldn't help herself. Wanted to draw ME-version of one of my favourite vines. Art & Selene © me Mass Effect by Bioware, do not copy
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milkywayes · 9 months
my vakarian family dynamic hc just got a new and very important addition: garrus was an unplanned child.
and the thought of ANYTHING being UNPLANNED is anathema to papa vakarian. he’s already back on the citadel working (after taking two years to be with his mate and raise baby solana) when he hears the news. it throws a wrench into his carefully-laid plans.
see, papa vakarian is a hierarchy man through and through. he likes schedules, he likes standard operating procedures, he likes making up his mind and sticking to it. he does not like surprises.
garrus is a surprise.
and then he just never grows out of being one.
but it’s not just him. not just the fact that he’s weird and passionate and still wants to be a spectre past the age of 6 and squanders all his incredible potential by insisting on quitting the military before his requisite 15 years are over and then quitting c-sec on a whim and everything that follows.
it’s that the relay 314 incident happens a couple of months before his scheduled birth or at least no more than a year into his infancy. the relay 314 incident, as much as it is only an incident and not a war, which is a big fucking deal and harkens the end of life as they know it—or maybe it’s garrus’ birth that did, depending on how you look at it: a new species on the citadel and the emergence of the first real galactic threats since the krogan rebellions over a thousand years prior and then finally the reaper war. the war to end all wars.
and who’s smack-dab in the middle of all of that? his son. his unplanned, unanticipated, bringer-of-chaos-and-rejecter-of-social-mores renegade of a son.
behold the orb of entropy.
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“father, i’m going to be your worst nightmare”
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erlie · 6 months
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I gathered some fandoms on Twitter and BluSky to draw canon art and fanart of them.
Lvl 20/Campaign 3 Caduceus and Caleb from Critical Role Crowley from Good Omens Deadpool Garrus from Mass Effect Laios from Dungeon Meshi Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle Nicholad D. Wolfwood from Trigun Stampede
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rinwellisathing · 2 months
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Sometimes when the imposter syndrome hits real hard, I remind myself just how many things I've taught myself to make and how happy I am when I cosplay <3
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This is my confession. I once got so sick of Garrus being forced on me by the extremely obnoxious subculture of his fandom that out of resentment, I had him killed off during the Suicide mention in ME2 and did a Garrusless playthrough in ME3. IT WAS CATHARTIC! I did not have to hear him repeat the word "calibrations" or the many variations of this line---> "Just like old times." 
And I never told anyone about this playthrough because I knew there would be some who would be morally offended.  I eventually did a Shepard X Garrus playthrough when the legendary edition came out. While I don't consider it a favorite playthrough I did it enjoy it because it was MY choice to FINALLY try it. I did NOT feel pressured. 
I get loving a character. I have a few characters and pairings I love but I'm not about to going to be obnoxious about them.  And I know not every Garrus/Shakarian is this way. There are many who are not obnoxious but there are still a few who literally invade tags and post about Garrus when the subject is NOT even about him. Its rude, Its obnoxious, And I am relieved there is a block function.  Like I said there is nothing wrong with loving a character. But there is a such thing as taking it too far.  And the world is not going to end if some people are not interested in your faves. 
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eff-plays · 2 years
I think there are a lot of valid criticisms to make of Garrus as a character (and what I like about his writing the most is that you can actually do this in-game), but when people dislike him because "he's a cop!!", it's so funny to me.
Like yeah ACAB and all, don't fall for copaganda, but like ... You can't seriously dislike Garrus because he's a cop when you're literally playing Military Propaganda: The Game. Garrus expicitly joins you because you have even less oversight than he does. You play not only as a high-ranking Alliance soldier, but you become a Spectre, beyond touch by even the Alliance itself. Garrus joins you because he thinks he can get what you have. Because he thinks you will let him get away with shit he didn't get away with before. And yeah, that's off-putting for sure, but think about it for a moment. What does this say about Shepard's position in this, that he can reasonably believe this, and that you can actually agree with him (if Renegade) without consequence? That you can decide that yes, I will indulge this, and the game just lets you do that and makes it a perfeclty valid approach to being a Spectre.
"Oh but my Shepard is moral and would use her powers for good! She's a Paragon! Garrus is bad because he doesn't believe in regulations!"
Hmm, so you're saying that the problem with this power structure is that there are good cops and bad cops? And not that the whole system is fucked from the start? Hmm ... Seems like you've fallen for some sort of ... proper gander ...
My point is, dislike any character you want. It's perfeclty valid to dislike Garrus, because he's bloodthirsty, at times amoral, a vigilante, thinks he's above the law etc, and yes, those are often the traits of a wannabe bad cop, but to dislike him only because "he's a cop!" while other characters, including your own precious Shepard, get a pass?
Bro, you're playing as military in a game that glorifies violence and ignoring politicians and protocol. A running gag is hanging up on your employers because they're silly little politicians who talk too much and want to hold you accountable. You're basically Cop 2.0. Ultracop. The galaxy's cop mommy.
Put things into perspective and get an actual reason to hate the guy. Because if he's a cop, then what are you?
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girafficparka · 5 months
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How’s the fanfic going?
Fine…fine. Just my brain shorting out on me.
How many is too many times to describe a sexy turian in hot outfits?
This fic is essentially becoming ‘Garrus as a Barbie Doll’ but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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greypetrel · 9 months
Live Max Reaction
Going on with Mass Effect 2, I would have a couple of things to say about the romances, but I'll let Max "Disagio" Shepard do the talking.
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(Hi new followers, welcome! In case you were wondering, my superpower is entering romances in Bioware games without knowing it. It happened with Alistair and Anders in Dragon Age. Oops, I did it again: It happened now with Jack. Which I'm told shouldn't be romanceable by a female Shepard, but I don't know what to say, I succeeded. Max decided to be genderfluid. And a bro. Liara waits for news about her as one waits for the next episode of a tv show full of cliffhangers.)
(I love Garrus, btw, it was just so much of a TMI that I laughed hard, and had to draw a live Max reaction.)(thane is a great character, but that romance option was a little out of place? I laughed too)
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azrealini · 7 months
'ACAB applies to Garrus' is so funny to me because he's literally so anti-cop both in portrayal and practice. He spends his entire introduction to the series criticizing the police for refusing to act, letting serial killers get away to avoid bad publicity, and taking bribes to look in the other direction. The character with the strongest sense of justice, and he openly talks about how much he hates law enforcement on the citadel. The game goes out of its way to tell you C-Sec is awful with moments like:
Garrus quits C-sec because they're shitty (also daddy issues) and goes to Omega to kill pirates and slavers because no one else is doing anything else about them. Is his logic massively flawed in thinking vigilante justice would have a lasting effect? Yeah. Were they ever going to be brought to justice, though? Probably not.
If we want to talk about applying ACAB to any character in the Mass Effect franchise, the character with qualified immunity on steroids is probably the one to point at.
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frozen-pyjak · 2 years
U know I love Garrus but sometimes I hate him sm
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