#gas pipe bike
The Motorcyle Mishap (or, Our First and Second Six-Way Fight)
~ set in a modern Vesuvia and not-so-subtly based off my accident last week, have a fic with my self-insert "Drue" and his motley friend group! xD written for @vesuviaweekly ~
My hands are shaking in the damp, misty air as I type out my next message to the group chat, my right fingers already swelling as a car drives by and shatters one of my lost taillights behind me.
Drue: hey, can somebody come pick me up? i'm okay i promise
I sigh and look down at my discarded helmet on the sidewalk, right next to my crumpled gloves and the absolute beauty that was my motorcycle currently laid out on the pavement. A well-meaning stranger pauses and calls out from the other side of the street.
"Hey, you okay? Can I get you anything?"
I smile and wave, hoping they can't see the shake in my arm or the grimace I'm fighting back. "I'm good, thanks though!"
"You sure?"
They look ready to cross the street. I don't have it in me to talk to strangers right now - "Yep! I've already got friends on the way!"
At least, I think I do. Judging by the incessant buzzing of texts flooding my phone, I'm almost certain I do.
Asra: omw, where r u
Portia: what happened??
Julian: Are you okay? What do you need? Are you hurt? Where are you?
Lucio: he said he's okay guys wtf
Nadia: Drue saying "I'm okay I promise" is precisely why I know he's probably not. Does anyone have his location yet? I expect to finish this early morning meeting in another ten minutes.
Drue: i'm at the corner of -
My keyboard is cut off by a new call screen, which quickly splits into two and then three incoming calls. I pick up on the one that I haven't heard from yet.
"Heyyy, Muriel, what's up?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the intersection of Gladiator Ave and Market St, just past the canal. You know, where the cobblestones have the old tram tracks in them?"
"Good. That's close. What happened?"
"Uhm - okay - so, I'm okay ..."
"You bold liar ~"
I pause at the second, considerably airier voice on the line. "Muriel is - is Asra with you?"
"Yep!" I can hear the engine of his hippie van hitch as he shifts gears. There's a moment of eerie silence broken by nothing but the clinking of their mirror hangings and their quiet hum of turning right here until Muriel pipes up again.
"I asked him to drive me. Keep talking."
"Oh - yeah - right, so I - I think I crashed my bike."
I hear a sharp inhale and the engine protesting as Asra slams on the gas. Muriel grunts out a quiet "don't speed" before turning back to the speakerphone.
I try to replay the events of ten minutes ago, taking a deep, calming breath and ordering my thoughts. "I was taking a sharp turn uphill from a standstill, and the roads are pretty slippery right now, and I think I rushed myself trying not to hold up any cars. My back wheel slid out from under me -"
The gears churn on the other end of the line again and I swear I can feel Asra's tense attempt at not coming across too concerned. "Did you hit anything?"
I rub my throbbing shoulder. "Just a lamppost. Thankfully I was able to stay upright long enough to get out of the intersection."
Two slow exhales on the other end of the line. And then there's Asra's classic relieved chuckle, mixed with the near-silent scrape of Muriel rubbing his hand over his stubble in anxious thought.
"Well, it sounds like you handled that really well! Faust would be proud."
"Where are you hurt?"
"I'm not seriously -"
"Hmph. Better hope you're right."
Sure enough, I glance up in time to see the yellow beams of Asra's headlights in the early morning fog. The next thing I know they're pulling up next to me and hopping out of the van. I'm ambushed in a flurry of white curls and a warm, relieved hug before Muriel gets close enough to lay a cautious hand on my shoulder.
"You're wearing armored leather. Good."
"You don't look hurt either, but - oh Drue, your hands are shaking."
I nod, suddenly tempted to choke up now that I'm not the only one facing the problem. "My fingers got mashed between the handlebar and the lamppost, but otherwise I think I'm okay. I'm more worried about Bonnie."
"Muriel will help with it," Asra interjects, earning a grudging don't volunteer me like that but also you're right look from him before turning back to me, "and Ilya should be here any minute now."
"Thanks." I sit down on the nearest curb and give my friends a once-over. Muriel's already hefting the 500-pound machine back onto its wheels, not minding the smudges of grease that wind up on his hiking boots and trousers. Asra, on the other hand, is proudly standing in the middle of the sidewalk in rainbow crocs, fluffy leopard print socks, paisley-printed boxers, a shredded second-hand sex pistols band tee with old paint splatters on it, and a starry purple bathrobe. They turn back to me quizzically as if they can feel my stare.
"Did you just wake up?"
Muriel grunts as he finishes maneuvering my battered motorcycle into a proper parking spot. "Do you ever see him awake this early?"
"Only when it's because he hasn't fallen asleep yet ..."
"Oh, speaking of sleep deprivation -" I point with my right hand out of habit and immediately wince and grimace at the pain that shoots up my arm. "It looks like Julian's -"
"I'm here! Where is he?"
Two car doors slam shut a little ways up the street and the Devorak siblings come running down the sidewalk with their characteristic enthusiasm. Julian looks about as disheveled as usual, with his younger sister already dressed and done up for the day and carrying several large bags on her shoulders. He drops to a crouch in front of me and reaches straight for my eyebrows.
"No immediate signs of a concussion, that's a promising start - where does it hurt?"
I squirm at the focused attention as he checks my pupils for a good response, suddenly aware of all the parts of me that really want to lie down, and seized with the need to seem like I've got it all together.
"It doesn't hurt anywhe -"
One stern look from Portia over his shoulder and my mouth clicks shut. "Drue I swear to all that is good and holy if you dare to keep us from helping you I will make you regret it."
I nod and turn back to the doctor gently tugging my leather jacket off my shoulders for a better look. "I hit the lamppost on my right side, but the only thing that really hurts right now is my hand."
"Let's have a look then, shall we?"
I can see a familiar brow furrow and chin wobble appear on Portia's face when Julian gently lifts my hand in his and everyone present sees the way my knuckles are slowly disappearing into the swelling, reddish-purple bruise. He slowly bends my wrist this way and that.
"Does this hurt?"
"Nope. Just my fingers."
He nods and sets my hand back down. "An X-ray might be a good idea, but in my professional opinion, you're going to be right as rain. Given that you - ah, take proper care of it."
"As if." Portia rolls her eyes and holds out an instant cold compress, fishing in her bag again for what turns out to be a hand wrap. "You don't have a great track record with doing things the 'proper' way."
"Hey -"
"Seriously though!" She crouches down next to me and shoves a pastry against my chest. "You just got your bike, and you took your first trip out in weather like this?!"
She gestures to the hanging fog and slick roads and I feel my face flush with embarrassment. Asra steps in, still on high alert from seeing me injured and trying to lighten the mood.
"What, do you expect him to control the weather now?"
"Pasha's right," Julian cuts in with an afflicted sigh, "riding a motorcycle is already taking a risk. Perhaps I should've warned you better when you were planning to buy one. If only I'd -"
Asra bristles. "Perhaps you should let Drue make his own decisions, Ilya -"
"Don't you talk to my brother like that!" Portia squares up to the bathrobe-clad DJ, shaking off her older brother's feeble attempts to tug her back. "At least he has something helpful to offer here!"
Asra snickers. "And you're doing ... what, exactly? Shaming him when he needs help?"
"Enough." Nadia climbs out of the sleek towncar none of us noticed pulling up. "Is an ambulance needed?"
"No -"
"Can you secure your bike?"
"Yes -"
"Then get in."
I sit back on the plush sofa in Nadia's penthouse, watching sheepishly as she clicks back and forth in her heels. Portia hands her phone back to her with a playful smile.
"Your schedule's cleared, milady."
"Thank you, Portia." The city mayor graciously extends her manicured hand to accept it, and then turns back to face me with her polished nails tapping thoughtfully on the dark glass. "Now then, about the bike. Portia tells me it's currently enroute to the mechanic's, but whether or not you should ride that beast again is my greatest concern."
I look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Julian clears his throat from where he's seated next to me on the couch, readjusting the cold compress he's currently holding against my hand. "We're not sure a motorcycle is - ah - wise."
"Ha! Do you think he cares about 'wise'?" Lucio appears from where he's somehow successfully invaded Nadia's liquor closet, an obscenely large amount of liquid sloshing in the glass he extends to me. I eye it cautiously.
"What kind of alcohol is that?"
"Does it matter? It looked like whiskey to me ..."
"Drue," Portia interjects worriedly, "what if it had been worse?"
I accept the glass with my good hand and take a hearty sip to avoid thinking about it. This tastes like a single malt. I'll have to remember to ask Nadia which bottle this is -
"C'mon, you're all overreacting!" Lucio flops onto the couch on my other side, flinging an arm casually around my shoulder. Asra and Muriel both stiffen slightly where they're occupying the nearby armchairs. "Everybody's gonna crash at some point! He just got it out of the way early, right? Besides, you gotta admit having one of those things is cool as fu-"
"'Cool', perhaps, but not safe." Nadia's eyebrows draw closer together the longer she ruminates on what's happened. "If he hadn't been able to keep the bike upright those extra seconds - if he hadn't been able to react in time - I fear to speak such things aloud, but he could have been trapped underneath it with a broken leg in the middle of an intersection. I don't take that scenario lightly."
Asra looks slightly queasy. Muriel, in typical fashion, goes right for the point.
"You could be dead."
"But he's not!" Lucio spreads his hands wide, grinning at his own truthful point. "He's fine! All he needs is some ice and he'll be zooming around town again in no time!"
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Lucio." Asra drags his hand through his hair, the curls practically standing on end. "Life is full of risks. I'm not going to stop him from living ... especially when, all things considered, he handled it really well." They finish their thought with a reassuring smile in my direction. I start to smile back, and then wince when Julian crushes the compress against my hand in protest.
"I see motorcyclists come into the hospital every day -"
"Exactly!" Portia interrupts, "It's one thing if you want to live on the edge, but something that dangerous is just stupid."
"Portia says it with more fervor than I would, but I must agree with her." Nadia sits at Julian's other side with a thoughtful hum. "You're inviting a level of risk you could be avoiding with a different vehicle. If it's a matter of purchasing power, I do have a vehicle or two that need a new owner."
I avoid saying anything out loud with another hearty sip of what's quickly becoming my new favorite liquor. Knowing Nadia, if I took her up on her offer, I'd be getting a brand-new car delivered to my basement apartment with a singular obligatory scratch somewhere on the back and a charge of five dollars for the transportation fee. Julian, getting antsy from the pause in conversation, turns to the one person who's barely spoken since he showed up.
"What, ah, what do you think, Muriel? You're - er - quiet."
Muriel's hum sounds suspiciously like a grumble as he shifts in his seat. "I'm not making his choices for him."
Portia, dissatisfied, fixes him with her blue-eyed stare. "And?"
"And ..." he shifts again, uneasy, "And if this is the riskiest choice he's making in his life right now ... I'm okay with that."
That leads to a longer, heavier pause. I can feel several pairs of eyes on the different set of faded, old scars further up the arm Julian's treating, and I hear a few quiet hums. Lucio squirms from the abrupt seriousness.
"I can drink to that, Scourge!"
"Don't. Call me that."
"Okay!" I jump to my feet, reeling from two six-way arguments in a row and what could easily be considered a triple shot of whiskey. Julian catches my wrist in protest and reapplies the compress. I swivel slowly to look my gathered friends in the face. "I appreciate all your thoughts and opinions and I will think about them seriously - as soon as thinking is easy again."
Julian stands to check my pupils again, smells the alcohol on my breath, and sits back down with an amused snort. I collect my thoughts and continue.
"Thank you - all of you - for rushing to help me. You've each helped me today in ways I wouldn't have been able to help myself."
There's a round of murmured "your welcome"s and one disbelieving "is he sober or isn't he?". I ignore the last remark.
"That said, I am ready to go home and lie down. I'll decide what to do with the bike while it's at the mechanic, so ... can someone drive me home?"
Asra's already rolling out of their seat, a collection of keychains jangling in their hand. Lucio holds up my empty glass.
"Want another?"
"No," I turn to Nadia, "but I would love to know which bottle that came out of."
She tuts graciously and stands up to walk me out. "I'll send you one of your own. You may need it as you recover."
Portia walks over with a kitchen towel to tie the compress to my hand. "Ooh, save me a sip!"
"And make sure not to mix it with any painkillers!" Julian calls from the couch.
"Let me know if you get the good prescription stuff, I'll buy some off you!" Lucio smirks at his unsubtle dealing request, earning a scolding look from Muriel as he escorts me out.
"Pretty sure that's illegal..."
Asra playfully holds out his keys with a teasing grin, waggling their eyebrows when I sway slightly on my feet. "So. Wanna drive?"
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Always Bring A Flashlight
“This delivery,” I said, trying to hold my feet stable on the uneven ground, “Would have been a great use for the hovercycle.”
“Yes it would,” Blip agreed. She pushed the hoversled along with me, having just as much trouble with the criss-crossing tree roots that made up what passed for a road here. Her clothes for today were the type that fit closely and displayed muscle, leaving her natural frills as the only things waving in the breeze. Or maybe they were waving with frustration.
Normally she and Blop would have done a delivery together, but he’d sprained his shoulder trying one of Wio’s impossible puzzleboxes. He knew full well those were meant for people with tentacles instead of arms. Now he was recuperating on the ship, while we pushed a sled full of packages over some very treacherous footing. No, I wasn’t bitter about that.
“Have we tried hooking the bike up to a sled before?” I asked, stepping over a python-sized root and walking down one the size of a playground slide. “I know it would take some quick work on the brakes to keep it from crashing into anything, and you’d need somebody to ride along and steer, but it seems doable.”
Paint piped up from where she was riding on the front of the sled. “Oh, like when we did that one rush delivery with you running and pulling it!”
I chuckled, slipping just a little. “Yep, like when I was a sled dog. But with less of a risk of spraining an ankle.”
Blip said, “Pretty sure Captain Sunlight declared it too risky for regular deliveries. The hovercycle’s for small packages, not whole piles.”
Paint clambered over the stack to look down at us. Her orange scales were bright in this foresty dimness. “But it’s all tied down so well.”
I craned my neck up. “Are those rated for sitting on?”
“Hm. Probably not.” She climbed back to the front where the brakes were. She was a little small to be of any help in pushing, but she made a good lookout.
Like now. “Hey, what’s that?”
I peered around the side of the package stack, but didn’t see anything other than giant trees and a ground covered in roots. Plus the occasional white marker attached to the trunks so offworld courier crews didn’t get desperately lost. It was all very shadowy and green. “Where?”
“There’s misty-looking stuff in the distance,” Paint reported. “Steam? Fog? Poison gas?”
Blip groaned. “I hope not.”
I thought back to the briefing for this location. “There wasn’t anything hazardous in the report. No predators of note either.”
“Good,” Blip said as the mist grew thick enough to spot in the shadows. “That means probably nothing will jump out at us when the visibility’s egg-dark.”
“Probably,” I agreed. “Are we still going to be able to see the pathway?” The white marker sticks were kind of far apart. I didn’t like our odds if we missed one.
“So far,” Paint said from the front of the sled.
We pushed on. The fog thickened faster than I expected, and I found myself struggling to make out the root shapes before I needed to step on or over them. “Paint? Are we going the right way?”
“I think so?” she said, a faint distressed blur in the darkness. “I don’t suppose either of you brought a light?”
“No.” I sighed. “Just my communicator, which isn’t going to do us much good.”
“I’ve got one!” Blip said, tugging at a pocket that I hadn’t realized was there. “It’s the kind that doesn’t make your eyes adjust, too.” With a quiet click, suddenly everything was vivid red.
“Ow,” I said on reflex.
“Perfect!” Paint exclaimed, setting the brakes and climbing over the boxes again. Her scales were as red as the boxes, though Blip looked black like the roots underfoot. While they handed the light off, I checked my own hand out of curiosity: red too, though not as bright as Paint.
“Twist it to adjust the focus!” Blip called. We were in shadow again, now that the light was on the other side of the stack.
“Got it,” Paint said. She fiddled with it for a moment, then sent a beam of red lancing into the mist with much less scattering in all directions. “That way! A little more to the left!”
Blip and I resumed pushing. We had to rely on Paint completely, but it worked.
She sounded delighted. “We’ll be there in no time! Onward!”
It was then that I realized what all this reminded me of, and I nearly fell over laughing. They of course demanded to know what was so funny.
“Another legend from my planet,” I said, wiping away tears. “Paint, I got to be Balto last time. You get to be the hero today!”
And then I sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for my alien coworkers, and they were honored to be part of it.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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skkfujoshi · 1 month
Please,please,don’t prove I’m right
“Are you sure this is wise?”Akutagawa asked tossing Chuuya his motorcycle helmet “If you wanted to go with Dazai,you should’ve piped up before I left.” “I don’t ask for Dazai’s benefit,I ask for yours.”
Chuuya chuckled,leaning on the bike.
“Do you doubt my abilities?” “You’ve only used it in combat by yourself twice before.And both times you were bedridden for almost a week.” “…That is true.” “And Dazai’s our enemy now.If he feels it more beneficial to let you die…Despite Fukuzawa’s orders,he’ll surely do so.”
Chuuya sighed.He couldn’t say he didn’t consider that.A lot has changed between them after all.Dazai no longer had any affection or obligation towards him,he’d hardly feel the need.
And Ahrahabaki,try as they both might,still drained a lot out of him with corruption.Chuuya was in control of it now,much more precise then before but that only meant he felt the pain the whole time.Granted,being exhausted but conscious enough to get into a cab by yourself was a big improvement over passing out immediately,but still.
“Dazai values his new life far too much to risk it over something so petty.”he said,decisively “Still…Perhaps I should come with you.” “No.I made a deal and you don’t change those last minute.You wait here and hold the fort.”
Akutagawa frowned but nodded.Chuuya gestured for him to come over and wrapped one arm around him,Akutagawa’s arm coming to do much the same though a tad more stiffly.
“If I don’t come back you know where to find my will.” “…Right.Good luck,boss.” “Hopefully I won’t need it.”
“And on the bike too?Do you do that for all the guys or am I just special?” “Especially annoying,more like.”Chuuya said, tossing Dazai the helmet as he parked in front of the Agency building  “Still the only one you have?” “What are you gonna do detective?Bitch at me about traffic laws?”
They held eye contact and for a moment Chuuya thought Dazai might actually scold him.
But he didn’t,simply shrugging and putting the helmet on
“I don’t care about laws which don’t apply to me.Step on it,boss.”he said,throwing his leg over the bike’s side and wrapping his arms around Chuuya’s waist.
Chuuya obliged,stepping on the gas,using one of his hands to grab Dazai’s shoulder.
“Try jumping off and I’ll bring you back just to kill you again.”
Dazai simply tightened his hold on Chuuya in response.
“A verbal response would’ve been just as good.” “Yeah,but I’m a liar so would you have really believed me?” “Touché.” “Don’t you mean-“ “I know what I meant and don’t you dare try to correct me,because if you try I will cut your tongue out for insulting the French language as a whole.”
“Jeez…If you liked France so much,maybe you should’ve stayed there.”
It was rare that Chuuya agreed with Dazai.But he’d give him that one.
“Then Yumeno would still be in a cell.” “Exactly,win win for everyone.”
Chuuya might’ve made a bit too sudden of a swerve at that,causing Dazai to cling to him for dear life.
“What the hell were you thinking!You could’ve gotten us both killed!” “Sorry,Dazai-san,slip of the hand.”
Dazai grumbled but seemingly knew better than to continue an argument when Chuuya was the one making sure they didn’t crash.
“So,detective,what’s the plan?” “Operation Pufferfish and Bull.” “Are we using the explosion as a distraction or in a more offensive manner?” “Distraction.Those two survived getting hit by a truck.I’d rather not take my chances with anything long range.Besides,it’ll be easier to get Q out that way.And the easier that goes,the faster I get out of your presence.” “For once we’re in agreement,Dazai-san.However…Do you really think that close range would be much better?”
He didn’t need to turn to know the smug smirk that now surely played on Dazai’s lips.
“No matter how powerful the ability,mine can nullify it.Didn’t we learn that a long time ago, slug?”
Chuuya bit his own lower lip in response,tamping down a smug smile of his own.
“Something funny?” “Oh,you’ll see.I’d hate to ruin it.”
He was gonna see Dazai get smacked by a giant octopus and for free at that.
“You still like calamari,right?” “Yeah.”
There was a pause and he could feel Dazai’s eyes narrow at him in suspicion.Surprise,surprise,the bastard who messes with people   can tell when you mess with him.
“Why?” “No reason.”
The premise of the Pufferfish and Bull strategy was rather simple.
Him and Dazai would split up,with Chuuya taking one of the enemies down from high up in whichever manner he saw fit.Once he’s done with that,Dazai will set off a bomb he planted earlier which will set the person pursuing him in the wrong direction.
Silmutaneously,it will serve as a signal to Chuuya to go in the direction opposite the sound of the bomb where Dazai will be able to pick him up,driving them in the direction they needed to go on Chuuya’s motorcycle.
Use to be one of Chuuya’s favourite strategies.
Keyword being use to be because only someone with a crush on Dazai would ever find the man’s utter inability to balance a motorcycle cute or endearing in any way.
Chuuya adjusted his former partner’s posture a bit lower,finally allowing Dazai to keep the bike straight.
“If you dent this bike you will get-“ “A new dent on my skull for every dent I make,mark your words.I know.”Dazai finished
Chuuya glared at him,but he wasn’t really sure why.He should probably be grateful that he didn’t have to waste his breath on explaining such a simple concept,yet…
There was something in this that made the shiver refuse to go down his spine.Instead it just…lingered,unresolved.
Maybe it was how quick Dazai was to parrot Chuuya’s words.As if they were last heard a few hours ago instead of four years. 
It also didn’t help matters that under the tree dimmed moonlight Dazai’s beige coat could almost be mistaken for black.
It was an oddly surreal situation,like walking in on a memory .He was half expecting to feel a literal rug being pulled out from under him,as if it were all some sick joke.
He turned on his heel,ignoring the twisting in his chest .
“Chuuya,one more thing.” “Hmm?” “Don’t fuck it up or I’ll haunt you from beyond the grave.” “…Not if I do it first.”he said,before activating his ability 
“When were you planning to tell me that the tentacles weren’t an ability !?”Dazai asked/screamed over the sound of the motorcycle  driving at top speed “Slow down!You’re driving over the roots,dipshit!” “Relax,the kid’s probably unconscious.Even if you let go of me,you’ll be fine.Now back to the important-“
Chuuya turned Dazai’s head back towards the road.
“Eventually!Eyes on the road!”
Surprisingly,Dazai managed to avoid the tree not just entirely but smoothly,performing a perfect donut inches away from the small cabin like house’s entrance as Chuuya screamed on the top of his lungs.
“Oh my God…”Dazai muttered,almost in awe “Yeah,oh my God,you nearly killed us!” “No,I mean…You still scream like a little girl.” “Why you-“
Before the insult could leave Chuuya’s mouth,they were interrupted by the sound of trees falling.Lovecraft realized the trick and he was advancing on them quick.
“Wanna finish that thought?” “…Some other day.Take out the keys.”
Dazai obliged and the two stood silent as they dismounted and Chuuya kicked the door open.
Except,of course,a silent Dazai never remained too long.
“So,what do you plan to do about the octopus back there?” “What do you think I’ll do?”
He expected Dazai to throw out a crazy idea,just for shits and giggles but no such luck.
“Corruption?”he asked,low,uncomfortable and uncertain 
Chuuya nodded.
“I’ll try to stay close by then.We don’t know for how much time you can handle it.Best we don’t risk it.”
A part of him wanted to appreciate that he didn’t have to ask.That Dazai said he’d have his back with essentially with no prompting.The other part of him wasn’t quite so pleased by it.
Because he loathed the assumption,the ego that it took to jump to conclusions.To think that Chuuya was unable to solve his own ability in four years time and that he still needed Dazai.
However,he decided to be civil.
“That won’t be necessary.Well,per say.”he amended awkwardly 
Politely,hopefully,was how it sounded to any ears that weren’t his own.
“Huh?” “Let me put it for you this way,Dazai.You’re insurance.”
A silent beat and a laugh.
Chuuya scowled,staring at Dazai’s back.He took up that particular position,just in case Dazai got any smart ideas and decided to be a bit more direct with putting Yumeno out of his misery.
How he didn’t always loathe Dazai’s laugh was beyond him now.It was hollow and unpleasantly flat.Love truly did make people dumb and deaf,it seemed.
“Don’t be ridiculous,Chuuya.Maybe you used it a little,but that doesn’t mean-“ “I used it in combat twice.And I still stand before you,don’t I?”Chuuya bit
Dazai turned to him and Chuuya flinched.The corpse glare.
Flat,black and lifeless…Just like Chuuya remembered it.Dazai grimaced,though Chuuya suspected it was supposed to be a smile.
“Then tell me,boss,why exactly am I here?” “I told you,Dazai-san,insurance.Just in case.”
Dazai rolled his eyes,picking the lock without even looking at it much.He swung the door open and turned heel,with a shrug.
“Whatever you say,Nakahara-san.”
Chuuya tsked,following closely behind.
They walked into the room and there Yumeno was,unconscious and hung up by vines.Chuuya held back the urge to yelp.However much pain they put him trough,it must’ve made the razor blades look like nothing in comparison.
He went over to touch the side of the boy’s neck.It was faint,but…his heart still seemed to be beating.
Chuuya breathed a sigh of relief.
“You know Chuuya,from a certain angle…This is kinda your fault.”Dazai remarked casually,throwing- “Is that my knife!?” “Possibly.”
He didn’t pay Chuuya’s glare any mind as he walked past him and held the knife up right over Yumeno’s face.
Chuuya pulled out his father’s scalpel,the blade of it ending up at Dazai’s throat.Not close enough to press,but close enough that it would only take a moment to slash the brunette’s throat.
Dazai simply swung the knife into the branches as if nothing happened.
Chuuya blinked,stunned.He sheathed the scalpel back in and watched Dazai work at the wood in silence.
“Thought I was gonna stab him?” “Only an idiot would put much past the Demon prodigy.” “Former.” “…Right.”
The sound of the stabs was blunt as Dazai freed Yumeno’s hand.
“As I said,this is kinda on you.If you didn’t let him out to spite me,none of this would’ve happened.” “Yeah,well me from two years ago didn’t even know the Guild existed.”
Dazai’s hand stilled briefly,before he continued,now freeing Q’s left leg.
“What?” “I let him out two years ago.” “…For all you changed,seems at least your sentimentality remains perfectly intact.” “Sentimentality!?This is basic decency!He was seven when you tossed him in there,Osamu!Seven!What did you think was gonna happen!?”
Dazai fixed him with a look that was arguably much worse than either his smug one or the corpse glare.Annoyance.
As if that concern and fact was below Dazai.As if it wasted his time to even hear it.
“Chuuya,I did what I had to.Even if he were an infant he’d still be a monster.” “Because of his ability.”
Dazai scoffed.
“So you do get it.”he said cutting Yumeno out completely.
He caught the brat before he could hit the floor,tossing him into Chuuya’s semi waiting arms like a human hot potato.
Chuuya adjusted the boy in his arms,carefully cradling the back of his head and holding him close.Like Q deserved it in any way.Like the kid wasn’t the world’s youngest ever sadist.
“Of course .I know what he can do.”Chuuya said,carding his hand trough the kid’s hair
What Chuuya asked him to do on that train.What Chuuya might’ve asked him to do however many times over those elusive two years.
“The only question now is…What do you make of me in that case?”
By the look in Chuuya’s eyes Dazai could tell this was more of a challenge than a genuine question.
There was a flicker there,but it was focused and precise.
Chuuya was prodding Dazai to say,what the brunette now realized,they both knew he was thinking.
After all, it was one thing to internally call someone every horrible thing you could think of,it was another to speak it.To give that thought a form,a sound,an impact.
And a part of Dazai wanted to.Especially after that insurance comment.
Was that all he was to Chuuya now?Just an asset?
Like father,like son.
He scoffed and opened his mouth to speak.But,nothing came out.Something about Chuuya standing there,hair properly red again,eyes darting to Q at the boy’s slightest shiver despite himself made the words dry up on his tongue.
“Simple,it just makes you a human.A really,really stupid human.”
Chuuya glared at him but was interrupted before he could speak.
“Oh great…The brat woke up..”Dazai grumbled
Yumeno’s brows furrowed in confusion,his eyes still just barely open.
“Is-“ “Yeah.Dazai.Insurance.Long story.Are you in pain?”
He weakly shook his head,before pulling on Chuuya’s coat nuzzling into it.
He was cold.No wonder,his circulation was probably screwed with how long he hung there.Unfortunately there was no time to fix that problem.
He looked to Dazai who was staring up at the ceiling,waiting.
Dazai lightly shook his head.Lovecraft was way too close and they couldn’t let themselves get caught in an enclosed space.Chuuya placed Yumeno down carefully and wrapped him in his coat,giving him the sign to wait.
“We’ll be back soon,I promise.”
“Friend of your mind roommate’s?” “More like acquaintances.”
They were staring up at what must’ve been Lovecraft’s truest form and Dazai could only blink.
After 136 murders,312 counts of extortion and 625 cases of fraud,Dazai found not much could shake him.
“Well,I hate to admit it,Chuu,but seems you were right,there’s only one card left to play.”
He tossed Chuuya a look,expecting a brief flash of dread before it transitioned not quite so smoothly into a look of begrudging acceptance.
But no such thing happened.
Instead,Chuuya,seemingly no second thought at all,began taking off his gloves.
“Chuuya?” “What?”
He didn’t seem to find anything strange about it.
“You sure you have no other ideas?” “Nope.As you said,only one card to play.Besides,if I were you I’d worry about Steinbeck.”Chuuya said tilting his head towards the woods.
Dazai raised a brow,but turned his head,one of Steinbeck’s branches nearly going trough his face as he did so .With a sigh,he touched it before it could retract,making it dissapear .
“Seems we both have our parts to play then.”
“What the hell is that?” “That  is the true form of Chuuya’s gift.In his corrupted state he can even create black holes that swallow everything in their path.”Dazai said as he held the knife to Steinbeck’s throat,eyes fixed on Chuuya
It was a bad habit,he supposed.Most people would find something deeply unsettling about corruption,but Dazai was,as time had showed,not most people.
He found it was a lot like watching a storm at sea.It was deadly and he wouldn’t recommend anyone who wasn’t at least half as suicidal as him to get anywhere near it,but..The sheer power and scale of it simply took your breath away.
“Unfortunately,he isn’t in control of himself in that state,so if not stopped,he’ll just lose energy and die.”he continued lightly 
Though…For someone who wasn’t in control or registering much of the bodily pain Dazai knew Chuuya’s body was experiencing,his former partner did seem to be quite a bit more precise and careful than Dazai remembered.
“Let me put it for you this way,Dazai.You’re insurance.”
Was that true?
Surely not.More likely than not,Chuuya only tried to maintain corruption,minus actually doing anything.That sounded a lot more believable.
Just maintaining that state must’ve been a tremendous effort,without the extra exertion of a proper fight.
Chuuya still needed him.He was just being a hardass as usual.
“He seems to heal no matter what Chuuya does to him…Know why that is?”
He tossed Steinbeck a glance,the blonde only looking at him with a smug grin.
“All I can tell you is that there’s no way to destroy Lovecraft from the outside when he’s in that state.” “Outside you say?So you can take him out from the inside?”he said with a smug smile of his own 
Lucky that he had two bombs.And extra lucky that he gave the second one to Chuuya.
Dazai watched the ball of red light form in Chuuya’s hand and grinned as he pressed the detonator.
Oh,how he loved when a plan came together.
As the explosion sounded,Dazai stabbed into Steinbeck’s side.The blonde groaned and Dazai kicked him to the ground,stepping on him on his way to Chuuya just to be safe.
He tried not to run,lest Lovecraft’s human…Shell?Form?Meat suit?Whatever that version of him was,Dazai didn’t want him to know just how on the ropes he had Chuuya moments prior.
Speaking of Chuuya…He seemed oddly composed.Usually once the enemy was defeated he’d go on a rampage,throwing those small black holes with seemingly no reason except for the sake of destruction itself.
Now he was standing in the middle of the battlefield panting like crazy,as his entire body shook.
Dazai’s blood froze in his veins and his stomach dropped.
That shouldn’t be possible…
That’s not how this worked…
Chuuya shouldn’t be concious enough to feel anything.
“Chuuya?”Dazai asked,praying that he wouldn’t get a response
This was the one thing he could count on.The one thing he was sure of.It was just how things were.
Chuuya used corruption,Dazai was the only thing that could get him out.If that wasn’t the only way,Mori wouldn’t have gone with it.
But Mori didn’t have direct contact with a destruction god,did he?
Chuuya turned to him and Dazai stumbled back slightly.His ex partner looked exhausted and in pain.
His teeth were gritted together,sweat pouring down his face and tears held back in the corners of his eyes.But that look of immense effort wasn’t why Dazai stepped away.
It was Chuuya’s eyes,more precisely the fact that his pupils were still there.During corruption his eyes would go milky white,until Dazai touched him.And yet it was two all too clear blue eyes that stared back at him.
Dazai’s knees felt weak,his feet were lead and breathing never felt harder.
“Insurance.” he thought “What a terrible thing to be.”
Chuuya saw the look that was now on Dazai’s face before.Of course he had.You don’t get to be half of the most feared duo in Yokohama without seeing people look absolutely horrified of you.
The same wide eyes,the chalky pallor,the tensed shoulders.All of the signs were there.
Chuuya had stopped taking it personally years ago,even started taking pride it in.After all if it was only gonna keep happening,might as well change tact to a better strategy.
He honestly should have been glad here too.Dazai’s the enemy,if he fears Chuuya,all the better.
Somehow he couldn’t convince himself of that.
His shoulder hurt like hell.His head was drumming terribly…He really didn’t need Dazai’s guilty look after he nullified corruption on top of all that.
“Chuuya?” “What?!”he whisper shouted
He would’ve shouted properly if he wasn’t carrying a sleeping Yumeno.
“How…How did you start talking to it?” “It just sorta happened…”he lied
He knew why.It happened the night he killed Dazai’s ‘murderers’.Same how he blew up the lab in Surubachi,his suffering and internal pain just brought the god out.
“Liar.” “Takes one to know one.”Chuuya spat back,placing Yumeno into the mafia car
Hirotsu,as always,had perfect timing and called it at the exact right time.
Chuuya got in as well,with Dazai closing the door.
“Goodbye ,Dazai.” “Goodbye,Chuuya.”
It was only later that he realized his gloves were missing.
Previous fic part <— Next fic part—>
First overall AU info post
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
Punk Princess
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7 (Next Part)| Part 8| Part 9 | Part 10
(this one got a little angsty but it’s not super bad I promise)
“This was such a bad idea.” Eddie groans, his eyes flicking over to Gareth sprawled across his bed. Gareth snorts, scrambling to grab a pillow and chucking it at Eddie's head.
“Dude you’ve been half in love with this guy for years, and basically cream your pants every time you see him now. You should be excited.” 
“That's the problem Gareth, what if I say something embarrassing in front of him again?” Because apparently Eddie's brain has no idea how to be a normal person and say normal things when it comes to Steve. Case in point, he told the guy they weren’t even friends and Steve had looked like he’d slapped him. Which, Jesus they weren’t really friends, they were people that spoke sometimes in the halls or when they needed to bum a smoke, but apparently when Steve latched on, he latched on. 
Not that Eddie was complaining, the opposite really. 
But if jock Steve had Eddie flustered, punk Steve just completely turned off his brain. And the pastels Steve had been adding to his wardrobe were basically melting Eddie into a puddle cause the fucker looked so soft, he just wanted to smother him in a hug and kiss all over his face and Eddie focus. 
“He seems to like that you say embarrassing stuff, he’s been flirting with you for weeks now.” Jeff pipes up from where he’s hanging upside down off the bed next to Gareth. “And you said that princess line and said he seemed to react really  well to it.”
“What if this is like some elaborate prank, pretend to be punk to make fun of the only openly queer kid in the school.” Eddie grumbles, and he knows that’s not the case. Steve was a mean girl sure, he always had been, but he’d only ever really dished it out to people who deserved it and let Tommy do whatever he wanted to everyone else. Which isn't great, but Steve was quickly showing that he was trying to be a better person here and Eddie should give him more credit than that.
“I don’t think Steve got his face quite literally smashed in by Billy Hargrove for a prank to embarrass you Eddie.” Macks voice trails into the room as he makes his way back from the bathroom.
“I’m sorry what?” All three boys sit straight up, eyes locking on Mack. He looks surprised.
“You guys haven’t heard? Fuck man I saw him at the gas station earlier today with Hopper and some kids, and the dudes sporting an entire face of bruising. It looked pretty bad to be completely honest, and I heard Billy’s kid sister talking to that Dustin Henderson kid about how they needed to make sure Steve went to the hospital because they were pretty sure Billy broke a cheek bone or something like that.” 
“Jesus Christ.” The words come out a whisper just as the phone starts ringing causing all of them to jump. Eddie scurries over to the landline, plucking it off the receiver.
“Harry's Barbeque and Crematorium, you kill em’ we grill em’ what can I do for you?” Eddie snickers.
“Eddie?” The voice that comes through the phone is soft.
“That’s whos talkin’.”
“Uh, hey, it's Will, Will Byers, I got your number from Steve. I hope that's okay.” Eddie racks his brain a bit, trying to put a face to the name, when he is suddenly struck with who in fact is on his phone. Of course Steve was protective of his kids, if the boy who went missing last year was one of them. Jesus.
“What’s up baby Byers, how can I assist thee?”
“Steve… uh Steve isn’t allowed to drive right now, and I can’t bike to his house for the campaign tonight and was wondering if… well if you could maybe drive me?” This kid is adorable, Eddie decides.
“I got you kiddo.” Will mumbles off the address and Eddie hangs up before scampering back to his bedroom, “I’ve gotta kick you guys out early, Lil Byers needs a ride.” Three groans echo through the room, but the guys get up without much complaint and scamper off to do whatever it is they do without Eddie around. 
Will doesn’t talk much on the drive over, which is fine by Eddie really, so they listen to his music with Will occasionally offering him directions to get to Steves. What he isn’t expecting is when they pull up to an old cabin in the middle of bum fuck no where and Will tells him this is it. 
“I thought Steve lived in Loch Nora?” The surprise must be palpable in his voice because Will kinda freezes up.
“He used to yea. But he’s lived here since the summer.” And that is a slap in the face if Eddies ever had one, because that means, that means that a 17 year old Steve Harrington is living in a cabin in the middle of the fucking woods alone, because everybody knows the Harrington's wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this. Eddie tries to keep the realization off his face as he hurries out of the car to follow Will into the house, whisper yells echoing around the walls as they walk in.
“Dustin, would you stop talking so damn loud man.” Steve's voice rings out as they make their way into the living room where the kids and Steve have apparently set up their very own Dungeon, with a throne at the head of a table completely decked out in DnD minis. Eddie stops in his tracks when he gets a glimpse of Steve because  Jesus fuck, Mack wasn’t kidding. Steve's entire face was splattered with purples and yellows, his left eye red around the iris. And by the looks of it his eyebrow piercing was ripped out.
“Hey!” Dustin exclaims running over to Eddie at full speed before barrelling into him. “I’m Dustin man, it’s so cool to meet you! Steve told us you’re practically a god at DMing.” Eddie can see a soft pink pushing through the bruising on Steve's face and he shoots him a smile.
“Steve, when is your boyfriend getting here?” Robin Buckley's voice dances around the tall ceilings in the cabin as she stumbles into the living room with everyone else. Eddie tries to stifle his laugh at Steve's groan as Robin gently cards her arms around his waist and squeaks, hiding her face in his neck once she notices Eddie standing right there. Steves dressed softer than Eddies seen him at school and it’s pulling a little too much at his heart strings as he takes in the pair of them. Robin and him sporting matching black and pink plaid pajama pants and Steve in a massive oversized band sweater that Eddie can’t make out the faded name on. From where it rides up as Robin hugs him, Eddie can make out a shoe print bruise just below his belly button and a few dark  bruises as well as… 
Wait holy shit is that a tattoo peeking out of the top of his pants? 
Nope, no focus Eddie, now is not the time to pop a boner. 
He’s acutely aware that he knew Billy probably didn’t fight fair, but seeing the evidence all over Steve, and knowing there's probably more hidden under his clothing, makes Eddie's throat close up. What the fuck happened? It’s all that's playing on loop in his mind as Steve pats Robin's head.
“Alright shit birds, there's food and drinks on the counter so help yourselves, but me and Robin are going to be in the basement watching some weird French film with the volume low for my headache. Please behave and don’t be rude to Eddie. Also please don’t yell if you need anything, just come down the stairs and ask for it at a normal volume. I am begging you.” The kids are all nodding their heads along to Steve's words, and that's when Eddie realizes that Billy Hargrove's kid sister is sitting on the couch in the corner with another girl he’s never seen before. Curiosity eats away at his brain as he watches her smile softly at Steve and tell him that her and the other girl, El, will be fine and if the boys get to be too much they’ll come down stairs. 
Steve Harrington is an enigma wrapped in an enigma because what in the fuck man?
Steve shoots Eddie a soft smile as he makes his way down stairs with his arm thrown over Robin's shoulder to help support him.
“Um…” Eddie starts looking at the 6 faces staring at him now. “Hi, I’m Eddie?” He does a bit of a half wave as he makes his way over to the throne sitting in front of the table and the boys scramble to take their seats as well.
“Yea we know.” Dustin speaks up.
“I’m Lucas and this is Max, El and Mike.”  Eddie nods as he points out each person sitting in the living room with him.
“Please do not mind Steve not introducing you to us. He is not feeling well.” El’s soft voice travels over to where he’s sitting.
“Yea I can… uh I can see that. Is he okay?” Eddie's question is met with the children around the room sharing a few looks, communicating without words and it's more than a little freaky to experience.
“He’s alive.” Is what Will settles on saying, and if that doesn’t just break Eddie's heart. Because had there been a point where he might not have been that made them feel the need to land on that answer? Mike shoots Will a small glare and Will just shrugs in response.
“Was he… like… not?” Eddie can’t help the question from slipping out, his curiosity too strong, and his heart aching too much.
He’s met with an eerie silence before Max is suddenly jumping up and exclaiming that she’s decided she wants to join the game and they need to teach her. But Eddie’s not an idiot and he knows a deflection when he sees one, so he bites his tongue, sliding into his DM roll smoothly, and the campaign begins. 
Here's the thing.
Steve’s head is killing him and he should have rescheduled the little DnD night he’d planned for the kids, but after the Upside Down had come back again, and the kids had had to deal with thinking Steve was dead for a solid 20 minutes until he’d woken up in the back of Billy's Camaro with Max driving, he figured they deserved this. Aches be damned.
He’d been hoping he could fall asleep wrapped up in Robin as they watched her weird film, but once it had ended she was out cold drooling on his shoulder and he was still wide awake and in need of more pain medication. So he sighed and stumbled his way back up the stairs only to realize that the kids and Eddie seemed to be taking a snack break.
“Steve.” Eddie spots him instantly, making his way over to where Steve had stopped at the top of the stairs to admire the way Eddie's skinny jeans and Hellfire shirt hugged him.
“What’s up stud?” Steve smiled crookedly at Eddie, his lip ring pulling at the split in his lip. Eddie's hand comes up to gently cup Steve's cheek, barely touching it as he takes in the bruising and discoloration. 
“Are you okay? What happened?” Steve just smiles at him, his head and mouth aching too much to really offer any words as Eddie gently places his pain medication into his hand, Dustin coming up next to him with a water bottle.
“We figured you were due for some more, so we took a break in case you came up so we weren’t being all loud.” Dustin smiles, watching as El comes up to Steve and gently cards her arms around his middle, squishing in between him and Eddie and burying her face in his stomach.
“Thanks Dustin,” Steve knows his voice sounds a little wrecked, the tug on his heart these kids give him has him holding back tears as he wraps his free hand around El to hold her close.He’s trying to think of something to say, but his brains still foggy from the concussion and the thoughts keep sliding away as soon as he has them, when suddenly Eddies hand still cradling his face pulls his attention softly back to him.
“We should maybe get you to bed, Princess. Rest is good for healing.” and that definitely doesn't help any coherent thought stick with Steve so he just nods, as El grabs his hand and leads him slowly towards his room , standing on her tiptoes so he doesn’t have to bend down too far for her to put a barely felt kiss on his cheek.
“Hopper says you can always kiss it better.” She mutters shyly as Steve ruffles her hair and disappears behind his bedroom door, his heart full and warm. He’s vaguely aware of Eddie’s strangled noise that comes at the display of affection he and El just had.
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7 (Next Part)| Part 8|  Part 9 | Part 10
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just-someone-online · 4 months
I've been really getting into bikeformers lately, and I think Prime Arcee might be one of my least favorites design wise? Like, it's not a bad design, but she doesn't really hit any of my bikeformer prefrences?
Take Earthspark Thrash for example. He's a small, lanky bot with comparatively large wheels, and you can see the major bits of his alt mode. His gas tank split in half to form his arms, his seat and exhaust pipes are crammed up on his back, and the front of the motorcycle becomes his chest.
And Arcee kinda hits those?A little? She's easily the smallest bot in the series, but still pretty big for someone who turns into a motorcycle. Her wheels are small to the point where I hardly notice the wheels in her legs most of the time. You can kinda see other bike bits? At least in how the front forms the chest and how her winglets end up on the sides of the bike. idk, she just doesn't really scream motorcycle to me.
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When It Rains It Pours
It was the middle of June 2023. Me and prospect Cam were gearing up for an 800+km day of riding in our beautiful province of Nova Scotia. The weather was cloudy, warm, and humid but we knew by the time we got home (which would be late into the night) that it would be raining. So, we packed all the appropriate riding gear. I was riding my 2012 Victory Highball, Cam on his 2022 El Diablo.
I met up with Cam, and a handful of the brothers from the Dartmouth charter at the Mt. Uniacke Pub just outside of the city. Freedom RC was putting on their Ride for Fred, a memorial run for one of its member’s fathers, who had passed away a few years back. It was a smaller group ride with about 35 bikes. Freedom RC led the way, and we all headed down towards Hubbard’s; snaking along the road that follows the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. From there we headed back up Highway 14 towards Windsor. We made a few stops along the way for gas, snacks, smokes, and to just hangout. On the last stretch of the ride, confidence levels were high, everyone was feeling great on their bikes carving some nice twisty’s along Highway 1. Just in front of me, Eric of Freedom RC, was on his cholo style bike. These style bikes have very little lean angle, they do not corner well. He was using the whole road to make the tight corners at these speeds. Suddenly, on one tight corner, he high sided on his fishtail pipes, sliding across the road until the bike met the shoulder. When the bike hit the shoulder, it dug into the gravel and started to violently roll. Eric was thrown off the bike down into the ditch. A few others and I went into the other lane to avoid the flipping motorcycle and parts flying everywhere. Luckily there were no vehicles coming. By the time I got my bike parked, Cam and the others were already down in the ditch with Eric. He was alert and responding. A group of us picked his bike up and moved it off the road. The ambulance and first responders showed up quickly so most decided to continue the ride to a Freedom RC members house. There, family and friends who didn’t ride had the BBQ fired up and lots of food ready for us when we arrived. Eric also had his snack truck set up as well. We all grabbed a bite to eat. While we were eating, we received the bad news that Eric had to be air lifted from the crash site to the QE2 hospital in Halifax.
After eating, Cam and I decided to push on and hit the road. We were traveling to the Highlanders Antigonish annual bike draw in Havre Boucher. We grabbed a few snacks from Erics truck and off we went. After a quick stop for fuel in New Glasgow we got off the highway in Sutherlands River and headed up a beautiful section of the sunrise trail (Route 245) towards Cape George, pushing the limits, riding hard, and having a blast. We decided to stop at the Cape George lighthouse for a little snack, and to take in the scenery. While sitting at the picnic table we opened our phones and read the tragic news about Eric. He had not made it. He passed away on the way to the hospital. With a lot of riding left to do ourselves before we made it home that night, it was a difficult thing to process right then and there. It takes time for this kind of news to sink in. We hopped back on our bikes with heavy hearts and lighter hands for the last stretch of the run to Highlanders. When we arrived, we found that the news had beat us there. News travels fast. We stayed for a while, chatting with some friends as they drew numbers for the bike draw. We enjoyed some more BBQ and cold beverages. Bikers love BBQ (Good Thing).
The sun went down, slowly sinking behind the tree line. The rain still had not started. I checked the radar and seen that it was indeed coming, but we could get to our first fuel stop outside New Glasgow before we had to suit up in rain gear.
The ride back was all highway. The newly twinned section had just been completed a few weeks before between Antigonish and New Glasgow. The fresh pavement was smooth, obscuring the sense of speed as we rode. We arrived at a 24-hour Irving outside New Glasgow just before midnight. The guy inside working was resting his eyes, so we had to wake him up to turn on the fuel pump. Before we left, we suited up in our rain gear. As we rode down the highway towards Truro, we crested Mt. Thom. As the whole sky came into view again, we got an amazing sight and surprise. Lightning was lighting up the sky ahead. As we rode closer to Truro the lightning was getting closer and brighter. What an amazing experience. I looked to the left across the town of Truro towards highway 102 and all I could see was a wall of water. We rode straight into it. The rain was torrential, coming down so hard you could not see. The road turns into a lake, your helmet fogs up, and the rain starts to find its way into your suit. All you can do is try to stay loose and have a laugh. Most people hate riding in the rain, especially that kind of rain. I love it, it’s a hell of a thrill. We pushed on, passing a cop car that was going about 50km/hr with the 4 ways on. They couldn’t have caught up to us if they wanted to, bikes are much better in the rain then vehicles.
The torrential rain pounded down for 30 minutes before it lightened to a steady rain just as I pulled off my exit, and into my driveway. Happy to be home, I parked the bike and stripped off my rain gear. I headed inside, physically, and mentally exhausted after a full day on the road.
In Memory of Eric Alexander – Freedom RC – Gone But Not Forgotten
-Travis Darksiders Dartmouth
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wetsteve3 · 2 years
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Things were pretty mellow regarding Japanese mid-size bike development in the mid-1960’s. There were two-stroke 250’s, 350’s and a 500 from three makers and Honda started offering the CB450 about 1965. Then in late 1968 we opened our copies of Cycle and Cycle World to photos from European industry motorcycle shows and saw the Honda CB750! Four megaphone mufflers, the brilliant engine sticking out from under the candy apple tank and that glorious machined brake rotor up front. If you were riding around 1969, even if you loved British bikes or Harleys, you couldn’t help but stare.
In that era the 750cc bike, a “45,” was king and what was road raced and dirt tracked in most places. In fact the Dick Mann ridden Honda CB750 won the Daytona 200 in 1970. But Honda realized riders might want something a bit smaller, more manageable. In 1972 they offered the CB350F and CB500 Four, both in-line fours mimicking the big CB750 though with vertical cylinders. Later each was punched out to 400 and 550ccs respectively. The 350’s and 400’s were sweet, but typical of in-line fours of the era, you had an 8500 to 10,000 RPM redline and you’d better use it to get some acceleration. The CB400F’s remain very collectible with their 4 into 1 pipe and decked seat, production Cafe Racers of sorts. The more docile four pipe 350F is collectible too, but the exhaust systems are very prone to rust through and maybe one in five good bikes have stock exhausts any longer.
The 350F rolling chassis is pretty typical for the era, a mix of tubes and stampings. Like its big brothers, it has a disk brake in front, and drum in the rear, free standing tach and speedo, flip gas cap, dual seat. As 350cc bikes, this 350F, the CB/CL 350K3 and SL350 Motosports were sold in dealerships side by side in this era. The F was sold 1972 to 1974. Of all the Honda fours, the 350 is likely the smoothest running, essentially vibration free.
This 1974 Honda CB350F with an aftermarket four-into-one exhaust was donated to the National Motorcycle Museum by Suzi Bellville and Hall of Fame inductee Eddie Fisher and we’re happy to have it on display.
Specifications: Engine: In-Line Four-Cylinder SOHC Type: Air-Cooled, Wet Sump Bore & Stroke: 47mm x 50mm Displacement: 347 cc Ignition: Battery & Coil Carburetor: Four 22mm Keihins Horsepower: 34HP / 8000RPM Redline Starting: Kick & Electric Clutch: Wet, Multi-plate Transmission: 5-Speed Final Drive: Chain Driven Frame: Tubular Steel Cradle Suspension: Hydraulic Fork / Swingarm, Dual Shocks Brakes: 260mm Disk Front / 179mm Drum Rear Wheelbase: 57.5 Inches Wheels/Tires: 3.00 x 19 / 3.50 x 18 Weight: 352 Pounds, Dry
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still-single · 1 year
HEATHEN DISCO no. 351 up for listening
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photo: Mary Nisi
it goes like this:
Drax – Middle Earth
Cavern of Anti-Matter – Solarised Sound
Coffin Prick – The Big Hunger/Rusty Lemonade
Long Fin Killie – Valentino
Mike Cooper – Beneath These Waves
Yussef Dayes – Tioga Pass
Units & Measurements – Fifth Star From Home
Construction Crew – Break the Beat (That House Mix)
Sandals – A Profound Gas (Ardens Bud Mix Phase 1)
New Order – The Perfect Kiss
Alabaster DePlume – Broken Again
Sharp Pins – Still a Straw Man
The Equals – I Get So Excited
Jericho Jones – Time Is Now
Sexual Harassment – If I Gave You a Party
Risque Rythum Team – The Jacking Zone
Alex Coulton – Pointe Noire
Photek – The Seven Samurai
Gayle Adams – Your Love Is a Lifesaver
Arnold Dreyblatt – Shuffle Effect
Civic – Satellites
Stress Positions – Interloper
Tolouse Low Trax – Local Vers
Identified Patient – M.G.D. (cr)
The Politicians – Free Your Mind
Magic Carpet – Aum U Wah
Edsel Axle – Come Down from the Tree Now
Caroline Crawford – Coming on Strong
Denise LaSalle – Your Man and Your Best Friend
Clydie King – B Minor
Irma Thomas – It’s Starting to Get to Me Now
Tirzah – No Limit
Trisomie 21 – Ravishing Delight
Al B. Sure – Nite and Day (Dawn Mix)
A Trois Sur La Plage – Le Soleil
Optic Sink – Summertime Rain
Rezzett – Spicy Pipes
Minisnap – Crooked Mile
Billie Davis – Suffer
Silicone Prairie – Elysian Fields
Spiral Dub – Beginning to Begin
OSEES – The Fish Needs a Bike
Sex Gang Children – Dieche
Cabaret Voltaire – C.O.M.A.
Slug – Godstopper
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photog-crafty · 1 year
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If this Hakuchou could tell stories, they would fill a library. This motorcycle was my flesh and blood for years. I had other bikes for stunting, yes, but this one was my daily driver as nothing could match its speed. My friends even raced me with helicopters, following the same courses Forza Horizon style, and it was neck-and-neck every time. What really made the Hakuchou so engaging was that it lived and died by its wheelie. Unlike a car that merely had a gas pedal, the Hakuchou made use of an intricacy of the game engine to go much faster by popping a wheelie, making it almost like a turbo boost. Learning how to read traffic and keep that boost active as much as possible was a game unto itself, which made seeing those 170+ MPH numbers on the speed challenge leaderboards all the more satisfying.
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The armless era was a formulative time in my GTA character's career, and I earned a bit of infamy among our crew for rocking the gimmick so hard. It was only proper that I had a car to represent it. This Coquette Classic used a glitch that made the entire rear half of the car completely invisible, aside from the exhaust pipes and taillights, making it the perfect candidate to match the invisible arms meme. it always got smiles, chuckles, and headscratches whenever it showed up at the downtown car meets.
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This Fugitive here was my very first car when I began playing GTA on the PC. I still love it to this day. It may not be flashy or conventionally appealing, but loud and gruff V8 sedans are my weakness. Eight years later, she's still shining and purring just like she did when I picked her up off the streets.
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The first car I ever bought in GTA, all the way back on Xbox 360 in October of 2013, was a Voltic. The car itself was lost to bugs in the transfer process, but its spirit lives on through this second model. I didn't drive it often after migrating to PC, but the hours upon hours spent racing to earn the money to buy the original will always stick with me.
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In a similar vein, this Ruiner symbolizes the first car I ever owned in GTA. The Ruiner was my main car in GTA IV, so when I saw it in GTA V and Online, I flew right back to my old baby. This one was added to the collection shortly after I started playing on PC and it has all the mods I missed out on on 360, like the crazy Shakotan exhausts and exposed intercooler. It's fun for me to compare it to the other Ruiners in my collection and see how much my tastes have changed.
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Poetically, my GTA career was bookended by Ruiners. One of the vehicles that released as things were winding down was the Ruiner ZZ-8, and I was delighted to see it because I've got an equally soft spot for fourth-gen F-bodies. The ZZ-8 leaned a little closer to the Firebird with its snout and beehive taillights, but it wasn't too hard to doll it up to resemble a Camaro with the '97-'98 factory Bright Purple Metallic paint. As long as I don't have to change the spark plugs myself, I'm happy.
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Normally I don't really dig the small and cute cars, but the modern Fiat 500s are charming to me, especially with their take on dog dish wheels. I tried to customize this Brioso R/A to look like one, but those unremovable carbon skirts put the kibosh on that idea. You win some, you lose some.
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The Schafter V12 was already an amazing car, but they released an armored version at the same time with almost identical performance. I couldn't help buying both and giving the armored one a more subdued look to contrast the regular version's bold white. It wasn't quite as stable as the Baller, but the extra protection nonetheless came in handy more than once.
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Since the game never had a '72 Riviera, I had to cope with a '65 in the form of the Buccaneer. This one has an unpurchaseable worn paint finish with a crew color glitched into one of the fields in order to keep the classic look while resembling some Rivieras I've seen photos of.
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The Rocoto is one of those unassuming street cars I had to pounce on once I knew what it was based on. Volkswagens are mostly alien to me, but their cars from the 2000s with luxuriously oversized engines like the Phaeton W12 and the Passat W8 make me absolutely giddy, and the Rocoto is related to the first-gen Touareg which had the option for a V10 turbodiesel. It wasn't quite as fast or as torque-loaded as its VW analog, but it was close enough to tick the boxes for my obsession.
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annwynisland · 2 years
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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Day 9, Sun June 4: Mammoth Lakes to Lone Pine to Darwin, California to Death Valley to Pahrump, Nevada to Las Vegas, 560 km
Day starts in Mammoth Lakes, 8,861 ft and 48°F at the foot of Mammoth Ski Hill (11,053 ft). As I head steadily eastward to Darwin and Death Valley, the elevation falls, and the temperature climbs.
A reminder in Lone Pine of why we can't overly rely on technology and need to retain our reasoning skills (kids, learn those multiplication tables). The road from Lone Pine to Darwin is washed out. No problem, garmin has the answer, the Lone Pine narrow gauge road. As it turns out, calling it a road is a stretch, and calling it an alternative route is a fail as it too is flooded out. It quickly goes from broken pavement to sand, washboard, and pot holes. I am lucky that I have ridden road, mountain, and gravel bikes for so long. Anything less, and I would have gone down one, two or three times. And, of course, I get lost. I kept thinking of the cave divers that carried out the Thailand cave rescue. Don't panic. I figure it out and find my way back to the road and an alternative route. But I am hot, tired, filthy with dust, and two hours behind schedule.
I do make it to Death Valley and begin the descent. 8000 to 6000 to 2000 to -190 ft and 48°F to 110°F. Welcome to hell. Even with paved roads carved out through the harsh landsape, it was an ordeal. How the hell did the homesteaders in covered wagons with no such roads make it through? Unimaginable.
I make it through to through Stove Pipe Wells to Furnace Creek to Death Valley Junction, the latter which is essentially a ghost town. No stores, no gas, no services, no people. Just an Opera House that is closed for temporary (permanent?) renovations.
I hit Nevada at Pahrump (pop. 38,390, elev. 2,697 ft). The road from there to Las Vegas is typical Salt Lake City, Phoenix, desert valley city routine. Harsh, hot, and dry desert valley highway with distant hills in the background. I arrive in Las Vegas to discover I have inadvertently booked a motel on the strip, with a pool. I wash the dust and dirt off my bike, my clothes, jump into the pool and have a cold beer or three (plus some Tequila compliments of my neighbours) at the Taps Bar in the MGM Grand on the nearby strip.
It's been a long, hot, dusty, adventurous day. I am definitely ready for the sack
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Super Duplex Steel S32750 & S32760 Forged Fittings | Bhagya laxmi Industrial
Super Duplex Steel is famend for its excellent strength, corrosion resistance, and durability, making it a favored preference for stressful commercial applications. Among its various grades, Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 stand out for their superior properties and overall performance. This blog delves into the characteristics, applications, and advantages of Super Duplex Steel S32750 and S32760 solid fittings, at the same time as also highlighting key players in the enterprise, inclusive of an outstanding call in the discipline—Bhagyalaxmi Industrial.
Understanding Super Duplex Steel
Super Duplex Steel is a high-performance alloy that mixes the attributes of each ferritic and austenitic stainless steels. This unique combination results in more suitable mechanical houses, which includes high tensile power and awesome resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. Super Duplex Steel is frequently used in environments that demand resistance to extreme conditions consisting of excessive pressure, temperature, and aggressive chemicals.
The Significance of Super Duplex S32750 and S32760
Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 are two prominent grades of Super Duplex Steel. These alloys are known for his or her advanced overall performance in tough conditions, making them perfect for packages in the oil and gas enterprise, chemical processing, and marine environments.
S32750: Also referred to as 2507, this grade is famend for its excessive strength and outstanding resistance to chloride-prompted strain corrosion cracking. It offers high mechanical strength, which makes it suitable to be used in high-pressure environments.
S32760: Known as SAF 3207 X2, this grade affords even better corrosion resistance and strength compared to S32750. It is in particular powerful in environments with high stages of chlorides and different aggressive substances.
Applications of Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 Forged Fittings
Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 forged fittings are necessary components in various industries because of their robustness and reliability. These fittings are used to attach pipes, tubes, and other components, making sure a stable and leak-proof assembly.
1. Oil and Gas Industry
In the oil and gas region, cast fittings crafted from Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 are used in upstream, midstream, and downstream operations. They are best for managing high-pressure fluids and corrosive substances. The exquisite energy and corrosion resistance of those fittings ensure durability and safety in harsh environments.
2. Chemical Processing
The chemical processing enterprise frequently deals with corrosive chemical compounds and high temperatures. Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 cast fittings are used in reactors, piping systems, and other devices where resistance to chemical assault is essential. Their potential to resist competitive conditions makes them a favored preference for chemical manufacturers.
3. Marine and Offshore Applications
Marine and offshore industries require materials that can undergo saltwater and different harsh environmental situations. The excessive resistance of Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 to chloride-triggered corrosion makes them appropriate to be used in seawater applications, which includes shipbuilding, offshore platforms, and marine infrastructure.
4. Power Generation
In energy generation centers, Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 forged fittings are used in high-pressure steam structures, boilers, and heat exchangers. Their energy and resistance to thermal biking and corrosion make contributions to the reliability and efficiency of power generation systems.
Advantages of Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 Forged Fittings
The use of Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 cast fittings gives several advantages, making them a favored preference throughout diverse industries:
1. Enhanced Strength
Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 solid fittings show off superior tensile strength in comparison to traditional stainless-steel grades. This excessive electricity allows for the construction of strong and sturdy structures able to withstand extreme pressures and hundreds.
2. Excellent Corrosion Resistance
The resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking is a vast gain of Super Duplex S32750 and S32760. This property guarantees sturdiness and reliability in corrosive environments, decreasing the need for common replacements and protection.
3. Cost-Effective Solution
While Super Duplex Steel may have a better preliminary price as compared to different substances, its durability and resistance residences translate into lower long-time period costs. The decreased need for upkeep and replacements makes it a cost-powerful solution in the end.
4. High Thermal Stability
Super Duplex S32750 and S32760 maintain their properties even at excessive temperatures. This thermal balance is critical in packages related to excessive-temperature methods and environments.
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings: Manufacturers, Suppliers, Stockists, and Exporters
Several key gamers within the enterprise specialize in Super Duplex S32750 solid fittings, including producers, suppliers, stockists, and exporters. These entities make certain the provision and fine of Super Duplex S32750 cast fittings for diverse applications.
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Manufacturer
A reliable Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Manufacturer guarantees that the goods are made to stringent satisfactory requirements. They utilize advanced manufacturing techniques and super uncooked materials to provide fittings that meet enterprise specs. The manufacturer's knowledge and experience make contributions to the production of dependable and durable cast fittings.
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Supplier
Suppliers play an important role in making Super Duplex S32750 cast fittings to be had to customers across distinct areas. They source those fittings from producers and distribute them to various industries. A dependable provider offers an extensive range of merchandise and guarantees well timed delivery to satisfy the needs in their customers.
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Stockist
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Stockist keep a comprehensive inventory of Super Duplex S32750 solid fittings, taking into consideration brief and smooth get right of entry to the specified additives. They cater to the immediate desires of customers by means of having ready inventory of various sizes and specifications. A stockist's role is critical in presenting comfort and ensuring that customers have got entry to the fittings they require without delays.
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Exporter
Super Duplex S32750 Forged Fittings Exporter facilitate the worldwide distribution of Super Duplex S32750 solid fittings, making them available to global markets. They adhere to worldwide standards and guidelines to make certain that the fittings meet worldwide pleasant necessities. Exporters make a contribution to expanding the attain of these excessive-overall performance fittings and support worldwide tasks and programs.
A Trusted Name in Forged Fittings
For the ones searching for dependable and terrific Super Duplex S32750 solid fittings, Bhagyalaxmi Industrial sticks out as a remarkable manufacturer, supplier, stockist, and exporter. With a sturdy popularity in the enterprise, they offer a comprehensive variety of fittings in various ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which include Super Duplex Steel. Their dedication to pleasant and customer pleasure is obvious in their merchandise, which might be manufactured from advanced exceptional raw substances and adhere to international requirements.
Whether you're seeking out Super Duplex S32750 cast fittings for commercial programs or require a dependant on suppliers in your project, they are a key participant in the market. Their big stock and know-how ensure that you get hold of first-rate fittings that meet your unique needs.
Super Duplex Steel S32750 and S32760 forged fittings are vital additives in diverse industries due to their superb electricity, corrosion resistance, and durability. Understanding their applications and benefits helps in making knowledgeable choices for tasks and maintenance. Key enterprise players, inclusive of Bhagyalaxmi Industrial, play a crucial function in imparting these excessive-performance fittings to meet the demands of various sectors.
For reliable Super Duplex S32750 cast fittings, you could contact Bhagyalaxmi Industrial, a depended on name inside the area, imparting a huge variety of products and fantastic provider to make sure your business needs are met with the highest standards of first-rate and performance.
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Types of Steel Pipes | Platinex Piping Solutions LLP Platinex Piping Solutions LLP
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Platinex steel pipes, due to their unique properties, are widely used in industrial and domestic applications. These pipes are manufactured either through a seamless or welded method. Raw steel is cast into a workable form The metal pieces are elongated and then joined together by welding. Steel pipe production methods have undergone significant advancements since their introduction in the early 1800s, and today, millions of tons of steel pipes are handmade Steel pipes are highly versatile and are the most commonly used product in the Platinexsteel pipe industry.
There are two types of steel pipes: seamless and seamed.
Seamless tubes are lightweight with thinner walls, making them ideal for transporting liquids and for use in bicycles. Seamed tubes are heavier and more rigid, making them ideal for gas transportation,electrical conduit, and plumbing.Steel pipes are critical components used in various industries and applications, and their production techniques have significantly evolved. Different types of steel pipes offer unique characteristics and applications, making them suitable for diverse uses.
Pipes are used in various applications such as building structures, transportation, and manufacturing. The choice of materials, design characteristics, and production methods for steel pipes vary depending on their specific application. Construction projects often use steel tubes to add strength and stability, especially in tall structures. Two types of steel pipes Piles are a type of foundation used to transfer the load of a building. 
There are two main types of piles: 
end-bearing piles 
friction piles.
 These pipes are driven deep into the earth before laying the foundation. Steel pipes are also utilized as scaffolding poles to provide access to areas that are out of reach. They are linked together to form a cage surrounding the building. Steel pipes have a wide range of applications in manufacturing. One of the most common uses is for guardrails that provide safety for stairs, balconies, and pedestrians on the street. They can also be used as security bollards to restrict vehicle traffic and protect people, buildings, orinfrastructure. Steel pipes are also an option for outdoor site furnishings. Commercial bike racks, for example, are often made by bending steel tubes.
Steel pipes are tough, strong, and secure against theft. They can be used for transportation, manufacturing, guardrails, security bollards, and outdoor site furnishings. Steel strength makes it a secure option against thieves. Steel pipes are used in transportation due to their exceptional properties. However, different applications demand different properties. For low-pressure applications, ultra-high strength is not essential. On the other hand, the oil and gas industry requires specific types of steel pipes with more stringent specifications due to the hazardous nature of the product and the possibility of increasing pressure. These requirements lead to higher costs.
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crafthomes · 2 months
Best residential plots in sonipat upto 4floors
Sonipat to grant permission for up to four-floor construction Introduction Craft Homes is a pioneering residential project in Sonipat that is set to transform the way people live. Our vision is to create a community that seamlessly blends modern convenience with the tranquility of suburban living.Unlike traditional residential plots, Craft Homes offers an unprecedented level of freedom. We are the first in Sonipat to grant permission for up to four-floor construction on each plot. This revolutionary approach empowers you to design and build your dream home, tailored precisely to your lifestyle and aspirations. Key Features:
Eco-Friendly Homes:
Design: Modern, energy-efficient homes with solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and sustainable materials.
Community Gardens: Shared spaces for residents to grow their own vegetables and herbs.
Omaxe City Mall:
Retail and Dining: A vibrant shopping mall featuring a range of retail stores, restaurants, and cafes.
Entertainment: A multiplex cinema, arcade, and event spaces for community gatherings.
Educational Facilities:
Green School: A school that integrates environmental education into its curriculum, with green building features and outdoor classrooms.
Libraries and Learning Centers: Spaces for both children and adults to engage in continuous learning.
Parks and Recreation:
Central Park: A large, landscaped park with walking trails, picnic areas, and playgrounds.
Adventure Zone: An area with outdoor fitness equipment, rock climbing walls, and zip lines.
Fitness and Wellness:
Gym and Yoga Studio: State-of-the-art fitness center with a variety of exercise classes and wellness programs.
Spa and Wellness Center: Offering holistic treatments and relaxation therapies.
Integrated Hospital: A modern hospital with specialized departments, emergency care, and wellness clinics.
Health Clinics: Additional facilities for routine check-ups and specialist consultations.
Sports Club:
Multi-Sport Complex: Includes tennis courts, a swimming pool, a basketball court, and a football field.
Sports Academy: Offers training programs for various sports and fitness activities.
Transport and Connectivity:
National Highway Access: Direct access to major roads for easy commuting.
Public Transit Hub: Well-connected by buses and bike-sharing systems.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Strategically placed throughout the community.
Sustainable Infrastructure:
Green Transportation: Dedicated lanes for bicycles and electric scooters.
Smart Street Lighting: Energy-efficient lighting with sensors and timers.
Community Engagement:
Cultural Center: Space for art exhibitions, music performances, and local events.
Farmers' Market: Weekly market featuring local produce and artisanal goods.
A World of Amenities at Your Doorstep
Craft Homes is more than just plots of land; it's a thoughtfully designed community that caters to your every need. Enjoy a range of modern amenities, including:
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Embrace a sustainable future with convenient charging points for your electric vehicle.
Piped Gas Supply: Experience the comfort and safety of uninterrupted gas supply directly to your home through Gail.
Advanced Security: Rest easy with state-of-the-art CCTV surveillance and 24/7 security.
Vibrant Green Spaces: Relax and rejuvenate amidst beautifully landscaped parks and open areas.
Modern Infrastructure: Benefit from well-paved roads, efficient drainage systems, and underground utilities.
High-Speed Connectivity: Stay connected with the world through high-speed internet. Craft Homes is rewriting Sonipat's real estate history.
Nestled in the heart of Sonipat's burgeoning Sector 27, Craft Homes is not just a residential project; it's a pioneering endeavor that's setting new benchmarks for urban living. This isn't just another housing development; it's a statement of intent, a declaration of a new era for Sonipat. Unprecedented Amenities
What truly sets Craft Homes apart is its unparalleled range of amenities. For the first time in Sonipat, residents can enjoy the convenience of electric vehicle charging stations right within their community. The integration of gas supply directly from Gail is another industry-first, ensuring uninterrupted and efficient energy services.
But the innovations don't stop there. Craft Homes has secured a groundbreaking permit allowing for the construction of up to four floors on each plot. This unprecedented freedom empowers homeowners to design and build their dream homes, maximizing space utilization and architectural expression.
A Secure and Sustainable Community
Safety and sustainability are at the core of Craft Homes. Residents can enjoy peace of mind with advanced CCTV surveillance and 24/7 security. The community is meticulously planned with well-paved roads, efficient drainage systems, and underground utilities, ensuring a comfortable and environmentally friendly living environment.
Nature's Embrace
Recognizing the importance of green spaces, Craft Homes has incorporated beautifully landscaped parks and ample open areas. Residents can unwind and connect with nature without venturing far from home.
A New Era of Living
Craft Homes is more than just a property; it's a lifestyle. It's about experiencing the freedom to design your perfect home, enjoying world-class amenities, and living in a secure, sustainable community. It's about being part of something extraordinary, a community that is shaping the future of Sonipat. Conclusion Craft Homes is not just a residential project; it's a visionary concept that redefines urban living in Sonipat. By offering unprecedented amenities like electric vehicle charging stations, piped gas supply, and the flexibility to construct up to four floors, Craft Homes has set a new standard for the region.
The strategic location, coupled with proximity to essential facilities such as Omaxe City Mall, schools, hospitals, and recreational spaces, ensures a holistic lifestyle for residents. Craft Homes is more than just a property; it's an investment in a brighter future.
With a commitment to quality, innovation, and community well-being, Craft Homes is poised to become an iconic landmark in Sonipat, offering its residents a truly exceptional living experience. For More information https://crafthomes.in/Contact us 85889 90009Looking for the perfect residential plot in Sonipat? Find your ideal space to build your dream home in this flourishing city. Start your journey now!
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endless-demon · 3 months
The breath, part 1
It starts, as usual, by kicking down the bracing beams of the hoverbike, and shutting off the engine. The deep black clouds of the exhaust pipes come to a sputtering stop, and silence joins the ridge. The trenchcoat clad demon steps off the bike on the sandy 'hill', dust flaking off its weatherproofed leather material. Brown, worn, aged - the coat, not the demon. A gas mask covers their face up to their grey streaked hairline, reddy brown beneath the age. And they scan their gaze over the train tracks below. There's a big cargo train incoming, reinforced for all that extra prize. Eucalyptus and scrub provide what little cover the demon has, mostly relying on breaking line of sight to prevent the coming moments from becoming obvious. If such a thing is to be believed.
The sun is high, not the best time for an ambush, but given the choice between where and when, this demon had chosen - is choosing to be safe and away rather than concealed and unseen.
They drop into a crouch, unclipping the rifle off the side of the bike, with two snaps of metal on metal. Loud in the quiet, but relievingly brief.
They pull open the strap holding their satchel open, digging out a tube filled with one, two, three (shells?). They rest the rifle on their knees and slowly pull back the lever, loading each into that....
-------- Ok pause, I need an american gun nut, I am failing all over the place with the lingo here.
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wetsteve3 · 2 years
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This 1946 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead bob-job is a gorgeous period piece and an excellent example of how many owners modified their motorcycles in the contemporary “bobbed” style. It was purchased 40 years ago by notable collector Howard Shapiro of Davis, California, and it has been a part of the Northern California Superbike Collection ever since. Shapiro commissioned the machine from Dale Walksler of Mount Vernon Harley-Davidson and the founder of the Wheels Through Time Museum.
Walksler certainly knew his motorcycle history and had original factory machines, rare un-restored bikes and rare customized machines from the early years of the American scene. The build of this bike includes full photographic documentation and has special parts like the custom-cast “Deluxe” gas tank badge, period Buco taillight, studded saddle and accessory driving lights. Since its build, it’s been ridden only 1,833 miles on a completely rebuilt engine and 4-speed transmission. It’s always been stored in a climate-controlled environment and is in superb condition.
The popularity of the bob-job exploded in the 1930s as the quintessential American custom style. The look is a direct copy of factory Class C racers like Harley-Davidson’s own WR model, but was legal for the road with lights—and not much else The first and easiest performance modification for any Hot Rod is to shed excess weight, losing the front fender and most of the rear, giving an instant boost to both acceleration and handling. Plus, with slightly high-rise Flanders handlebars, the overall look was cool and timeless, which is exactly why several manufacturers make “bobbers” — as they’re now called — in the form of production bikes today. This terrific machine beautifully captures a postwar bob-job look with abbreviated fenders front and rear and a set of unique hi-level exhaust pipes and fishtail mufflers. It was built by the best in the business, Dale Walksler, who knew more about early American customs than just about anyone else, owning authentic period examples from which to gain inspiration for this stunning machine.
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