#gateway to Vietnam
hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Unveiling the Charms of Hanoi: A Journey through History, Culture, and Delights
Live Fully in Vietnam: Explore, Relax, Play   Exploring the Vibrant Capital of Vietnam Hanoi, the bustling capital city of Vietnam, beckons adventurers with its rich history, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine. From ancient temples and colonial architecture to bustling markets and serene lakes, Hanoi offers a captivating blend of tradition and modernity. In this travel guide, we invite you…
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mothmiso · 4 months
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Huế 2022 (2) (3) (4) by Eugenia
Via Flickr:
(1) Nhật Thành Lâu (4) Thiệu Phương Garden     
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saigon-song · 1 year
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Planche décor pour l'acte III de PAYSAGE DANS L'OUBLI qui se tient à la cour d'Annam
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paycly · 2 years
Best Payment Gateway Vietnam To Accept Online Payment Hassle-Free
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With almost 40 million online customers, Payment Gateway Vietnam has one of the fastest-expanding economies in Southeast Asia. The Vietnam E-commerce Association said that Vietnam's e-commerce is growing at a 30% annual rate and that Vietnamese consumers spend US$210 annually online. Rising consumer confidence in online purchasing, improved internet, bank account penetration and a surge in smartphone users in Vietnam have contributed to this growth trajectory.
The massive expansion of Vietnam's e-commerce industry demonstrates the country's vast potential. If the industry can maintain its current growth rate of 30%, it may reach US$33 billion in market value by 2025, placing Vietnam third in Southeast Asia behind Indonesia and Thailand. So, it is the best place to invest.
Today merchants can get many service providers in Vietnam. Choosing one among the thousand is quite challenging for any merchant. So, we recommend you go with PayCly.
PayCly is one of the world's best and most popular payment service providers. It completely understands the importance of online business and offers you the best possible solutions. With PayCly, the merchant must focus on their business growth rather than other things.
You can contact the expert team directly through mail - [email protected] or directly drop your query here - https://paycly.com/apply-now.php any time to know more about our services.
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maxs-guesswork · 4 months
Unfinished Timeline for an Untitled Setting
Critique and advice is more than welcome, though please be nice about it. Goes up to about 2081 rn, though I plan to get at least another 50 years further in before I get to the time I want the bulk of the setting to be set in.
2022: First controlled break-even fusion reaction, followed by first controlled net-gain fusion reaction.
2025-2026: Increasing unrest in USA leads to mass riots outside the white-house. Sweeping reforms after growing revolts threaten to become a major armed rebellion. NASA miraculously left untouched, general increase in standard of living. Economic crisis narrowly averted.
2027: First nuclear thermal rocket (NTR) tested in orbit by NASA and DARPA. GPT-style language modeling declared “dead end” for self-aware AI.
2030: First Lunar base established under NASA Artemis program. Suez Canal temporarily blocked by a poorly driven cargo ship again. Evergreen Shipping goes bankrupt.
2034: Lunar Gateway established under joint NASA, ESA, JAXA, DLR, ASI, and CNSA. Lunar helium-3 mining declared officially nonviable. Radial detonation engines become standard for lower ascent stages, SpaceX Starship, NASA SLS, and Roscosmos Soyuz phased out. Drop in launch prices.
2034-2036: Additional modules added to the Lunar Gateway from SpaceX, KARI, ISRO, and Roscosmos. Lunar Gateway Collaborative Group (LGCG) established consisting of all current contributors to the station.
2036: First commercial fusion energy plant reaches full operation in France under ITER. Mass production of Tritium begins. First fully private space station under SpaceX. Asteroid mining corporations begin formation. Establishment of Nigerian Organization for the Development of Space (NODS). Ecuador experiences communist revolution.
2036-2037: First manned martian mission under LGCG, first human footsteps on another planetary body.
2037: Elon Musk assassinated. New SpaceX leadership declares plans for space elevator. North Korea collapses, Korean peninsula unified under South Korean leadership, becoming simply Korea. Indian nuclear stockpile secretly surpasses 50000 Gt. First baby born on the moon.
2040: Artemis base becomes semi-self sufficient, producing it’s own food and air from hydroponics, and water from mined lunar ice. Lunar LH2 and hydrolox production begins. Lunar population passes 100.
2040-2042: First commercial fusion power plants established in the US, UK, Australia, Korea, and Japan.
2042: A joint US Government and SpaceX black operation destabilizes Ecuador, leading to a corporate takeover of the territory.
2044: Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand form West Pacific Trade Organization (WPTO). Construction of the base of SpaceX’s planned space elevator begins off the coast of Ecuador.
2047: LCC completed at CERN. Mission for permanent martian base declared. Major economic crisis in China, intervention from several megacorps results in a decrease in Chinese government power and increase in corporate control in the region. SpaceX space elevator counterweight construction begins in geostationary orbit.
2048: Major revolution in quantum mechanics brought on by new data from the LCC. Lunar population passes 250.
2050: China splits into 4 corporate states, Amazon Corporate Territory (ACT) with its capitol in Chongqing, Samsung Independent State (SIS) with its capitol in Shanghai, Territory for Electronic Developments (TED) made up of Apple and Microsoft with its capitol in Yinchuan, and the Chinese Corporate Union (CCU) made up of several formerly state-owned corporations with their capitol in Wuhan and possession of the Three Gorges Dam. Beijing becomes an independent city-state controlled by the former Chinese government, retaining control over the CNSA. Massive revolution in battery energy density. Permanent martian base established by LGCG.
2051: Breakthrough in photon manipulation, beamed energy and solar collection becomes increasingly viable. Many asteroid mining corps branch into solar power, notably Binghamton Vacuum Mining Solutions (BVMS). Lunar population passes 500.
2052: Martian population surpasses 100.
2053: Martian base reaches semi-self sustainability.
2055: All 4 Chinese corporate states and the Beijing city state form the Chinese Federation for Space Exploration (CFSE), supplanting the old CNSA. Lunar Gateway module renamed and LGCG roster amended accordingly. SpaceX space elevator cable completed, first test cart sent to GEO. WPTO begins construction of a space elevator in the Banda Sea.
2056: SpaceX space elevator declared complete, commercial operation begins.
2057: BVMS surpasses $1T in net worth, becomes primary supplier of energy for the Artemis Lunar Base. Lunar Population surpasses 1k, massive migratory population surge begins following influx of energy from BVMS. Martian population surpasses 250. First fusion reactor in Ecuador.
2058: WPTO space elevator counterweight begins construction in GEO.
2060: First fusion reactors in Nigeria and India. First large-scale solar collector on Earth constructed in New York operated by BVMS. Large population surge in Binghamton NY. Lunar population surpasses 5k. Martian space station established. Regulations for GEO development established.
2061: First lunar-built spacecraft flown. Secondary lunar settlement founded by CFSE. Massive influx of funds for the WPTO space elevator from the CFSE, GEO counterweight construction begun. Lunar Gateway population surpasses 100. First fusion reactor in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Congo space agency (DRCSA) founded.
2064: WPTO space elevator cable completed, declared complete and opened to commercial operation.
2065: BVME establishes unmanned Mercurian base. CFSE settlement population surpasses 100. Martian population surpasses 500. Lunar Gateway population surpasses 200.
2066: Mass expansion of Artemis Base life support systems using BVMS produced automated construction equipment. Aerostat scientific outpost established by LGCG.
2067: Microbial life discovered on Venus. Venus outpost (and LGCG) acquires substantial funding boost. Artemis base population surpasses 2.5k and begins to plateau.
2069: Unmanned mission to Europa announced by LGCG, plans to use BVMS automated platforms to drill into subsurface ocean established. Martian base purchases automated construction equipment from BVMS, massive population boon ensues. CFSE settlement population surpasses 750. Lunar gateway population surpasses 500. Martian base population surpasses 500. BVME becomes the largest corporate entity in the system.
2070: BVMS performs feasibility study on gas giant aerostat mining platforms.
2071: Study of Venusian lifeforms disproves Earth-Venus panspermia.
2073: BVMS tests laser-sail propulsion on small unmanned craft.
2075: LGCG Europa mission discovers multicellular aquatic life in Europa’s subsurface ocean. Plans for a dedicated research base drafted.
2076: Multi-corporate base established on Ceres to facilitate further asteroid belt mining. BVMS intentionally excluded from this project.
(System effectively split into quarters: Past Venus under BVMS, Between Venus and Mars under LGCG, belt under Multi-corporate mining control, outer system unclaimed.)
2077: GEO-Lunar cycler niche mostly filled by Intraplanetary Transport Services corp (ITS).
2080: Permanent scientific base established at the Europa Breach Point (EBP) with mostly automated systems and a small (5 human) management and maintenance crew.
2081: Panspermia further disproved by study of Europan life. Massive object detected in Jupiter’s lower atmosphere. BVMS begins mission to establish a mining aerostat on Saturn, utilizing laser sail propulsion to transport equipment.
(Saturn Aerostat site intended for use in the further colonization of the outer solar system and the Uranus planetary system itself. Atomic Rockets page)
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rherlotshadow · 5 months
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Gateway: Purple Forbidden City.
Hue, Vietnam.
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monarch-afterdark · 5 months
Superspecies History: Skullcrawlers
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, we begin to move away from the Titans (for now, at least) and cover the wider range of superspecies that also inhabit our world. We begin by peeling back the expansive curtains of Skull Island's many dangers with the devils that lurk beneath the surface; the Skullcrawlers.
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(Pictured above: Small clip of footage recovered from the 1973 Skull Island expedition, showing the awakened Skull Devil)
Monarch Database File: Skullcrawlers
Monarch Designation: Cranium reptant (scientific name), Halakrah (Iwi name)
Height: 12-95 feet
Length: 35-194 feet
Weight: 40-100 tons
Species Designation: Necroserpere amphibian, Salamandra (sub-division)
Behaioural Classification: Hypervore, Destroyer
A distant member of the Salamandra family of amphibians, the Skullcrawlers are ravenous and eternally hungry predators that dominate the Valley of the Fallen Gods, a boneyard holding the remains of Kong's parents. Widely considered as demonic by the native Iwi tribe, the Skullcrawlers were responsible for nearly driving the Apus giganticus species to extinction, leaving Kong the only survivor (until recently).
The Skullcrawlers have a distinct and eerie skull-like face, prehensile tongues that can drag prey to a gruesome mouth full of teeth, and a disturbing ability to mimic human voices. Their hyper-adrenalised metabolism renders them constantly needing to eat, never satisfied, to such an extent that mating pairs will attempt to devour one another after mating, and will never back down from a potential meal, even at the risk of ignoring threats to themselves such as Kong or Mechagodzilla.
The level of fear that the Skullcrawlers brought to the hearts of the Iwi was so much that they refused to speak its name. Hank Marlow, a WW2 pilot stranded on Skull Island, coined the name "Skullcrawlers" for the species. While he tried to withdraw this, personally believing that the name sounded stupid when he said it aloud, the name stuck and later became their official designation.
It should be noted that there is a misconception regarding whether or not Skullcrawlers are classified as Titans, due to an erroneous data report labelling them as 'Titanus Cranium Reptant' emerging in 2021. Just for the record, so the air is cleared, say it with us now...Skullcrawlers are NOT Titans.
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(Pictured above: Close-up shot of a Skullcrawler's mouth. Unfortunately, the brave soul who took this footage did not survive the encounter)
Evolved from a line of basal non-amniote reptilomorphs from the Hollow Earth, the volatile history of the Skullcrawlers began thousands of years ago, when they seemed to wage war with the Apus giganticus species that had migrated to the island following their war with the Titanus Gojira species. As the centuries went on, the Skullcrawlers gradually wiped out the great apes until only a single pair were left; Kong's parents.
In the 17th Century, Kong's parents fought their final battle against a swarm of adult Skullcrawlers. While Kong's father held the hypervores back until one drove its tail through his head, Kong's mother gave birth to him and hid him away in a nearby cave. The newborn Kong was helpless to watch as the Skullcrawlers murdered his parents, fuelling his anger toward them and desire to defend the Iwi for centuries to come.
In 1973, at the end of the Vietnam War, a joint Monarch-Landsat expedition to Skull Island had been derailed by an enraged Kong destroying their fleet of helicopters, in response to the choppers dropping seismic charges to map the island's surface. Unbeknownst to the expedition team at the time, their charges had awakened a group of juvenile Skullcrawlers resting within thermal vents beneath the island.
One group of the expedition team found themselves taken in by the Iwi people, where they met stranded veteran Hank Marlow. Marlow revealed the existence of the Skullcrawlers to the group whilst explaining Kong's role on the island. He revealed that the seismic charges had disturbed the Skullcrawlers, and that one of the beasts had killed his enemy-turned-friend Gunpei Ikari some years prior. Marlow stressed the importance of Kong's continued survival and growth, warning that if Kong were to go down, the "Big One" would rise up and the Iwi would be wiped out.
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(Pictured above: A juvenile Skullcrawler within the boneyard, circa. 1973)
When the split expedition team reunited, they moved through the boneyard on an ill-advised rescue mission for a soldier, Jack Chapman. As they moved through the boneyard, they hide from a juvenile Skullcrawler that regurgitated Chapman's skeletal remains, having killed him some time prior. The Skullcrawler attacked again, killing senior Monarch operative William Randa and shredding through Colonel Preston Packard's forces before being killed by a gas explosion triggered by anti-war photographer Mason Weaver throwing a lighter into a gas vent.
Packard pressed on with his original plan to kill Kong, despite protests from Marlow. When the ape passed out from Packard's napalm trap, the "Big One" (a Skull Devil, the last fully-grown Skullcrawler) emerged from the nearby waters and approached the party. A weakened Kong attempted to fight back but was defeated, as the Skull Devil pursued the remaining survivors.
The Skull Devil swatted away soldier Earl Cole, not falling for his attempt to coerce it into eating him whilst holding a pair of grenades. As the Skull Devil closed in on the survivors, Kong rejoined the fight and engaged it in a vicious encounter. With some assistance from the humans, Kong killed the Skull Devil by ripping its internal organs out through its mouth. Satsified that he had avenged his parents, Kong left the humans alone to be rescued from the island.
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(Pictured above: Artistic interpretation of the battle between Kong's ancestors and the Skullcrawlers)
In 1995-1996, during Aaron Brooks' unauthorised expedition to Skull Island, mythographer Walter Riccio experienced visions of the island's past, including the war between the Skullcrawler's and Kong's ancestors. An English-speaking member of the Iwi, Ato, explained to Aaron that the Skullcrawler population had receded following the Skull Devil's demise, their numbers controlled by Kong and none reaching the size of the Skull Devil. The team still had to evade two juveniles in the boneyard, however.
In 2019, a horde of Skullcrawlers attempted to respond to Monster Zero's call and leave Skull Island, but were prevented from doing so by Kong.
By 2024, Apex Cybernetics had managed to obtain a number of Skullcrawler eggs, and may have been breeding the animals for experimentation. A small team composed of conspiracy theorist Bernie Hayes, Monarch director Mark Russell's daughter Madison, and her friend Josh Valentine, infiltrated an Apex facility in Pensacola following Godzilla's attack, and stumbled upon a transport bound for Hong Kong carrying a clutch of Skullcrawler eggs.
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(Pictured above: A giant Skullcrawler being executed by Apex Cybernetics' superweapon, Mechagodzilla, circa. 2024)
The trio found their way into a "sacrifice pit" containing various assorted viscera from previous creatures, including Skullcrawlers. They had arrived just in time to witness a demonstration of Apex's trump card, a Titan-sized mech built in Godzilla's image, christened as Mechagodzilla. CEO Walter Simmons, witnessing the demonstration, ordered the release of "Number 10" into the pit.
Number 10, a Skullcrawler exceeding the Skull Devil in size, charged at the humans and attempted to eat Madison before being grabbed by Mechagodzilla. The mecha dislocated the Skullcrawler's limbs, leaving it helpless to defend itself as it fired it's A-74 Proton Scream Cannon into the beast's mouth, slicing the Skullcrawler in half before deactivating due to power limitations.
And there you go! Despite the many discoveries Monarch have made since 1973, few seem to compare to the Skullcrawlers in terms of how terrifying they are. While none are known to remain on Skull Island, populations surely still exist within Hollow Earth, endlessly searching for food to reach an impossible satisfaction...
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
ASFJFSFJ when irl the average age of being a US-vietnam soldier was 19/22 then you have Griffin “born in 1957, in Vietnam in 1973 at earliest” Callenreese being SIXTEEN at that point of time, a literal baby shipped to the other side of the world either alongside other babies (Max) or with other adults all just for the sake of getting money to raise Ash n giving him a good life which was never even possible bc of horrible things outside your circumstances so all of your mental trauma at best was for nothing and at worst open the gateways for even more terror… rip Griffin Callrenreese you could never be truly acknowledged
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bighermie · 1 year
Exhausted 80-Year-Old Joe Biden Cut Off by Karine Jean Pierre as Press Sec Moves to End Train Wreck Presser in Vietnam (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“According to the South Vietnamese government, Saigon officially had no refugees. In reality, the city was overflowing with them. By 1971, three-quarters of all urban residents in South Vietnam had, tellingly, been born elsewhere. And whereas city dwellers had once accounted for only 10 to 15 percent of South Vietnam’s population, that proportion swelled to 36 percent by 1968, and 43 percent by 1974.
Some Americans were untroubled by the situation in Saigon. In a 1968 Foreign Affairs article, the Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington suggested that the United States “may well have stumbled upon the answer to ‘wars of national liberation’” through what he called “forced draft urbanization and modernization.”
It was a concept he had worked out the year before in a secret study he wrote for the State Department. Huntington proposed that the “urban slum, which seems so horrible to middle-class Americans, often becomes for the poor peasant a gateway to a new and better way of life.” In the cities, he claimed, unemployment was low, and some peasants earned five times as much as they had in their villages. In other words, as Huntington saw it, bombing the Vietnamese out of the countryside and into the slums represented a marked step up for them.”]
nick turse, from kill anything that moves: the real American war in vietnam, 2013
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hey! I’m new to bl, in that honey moon phase of lots of binge watching. It’s like finding ao3 for the first time and going omg. All this! For me?? :D
You mentioned there not being enough of rivals/love rivals to lovers bl. Is there any at all? It’s one of my favorite tropes and if there’s even one I have definitely not seen it.
Also love your tumblr. Have been digging through the archives for recs etc. watched 7 days based on your recommendation and enjoyed very much (although the hair o_O)
My gateway was KinnPorche but I’ve watched around 5 series in the last 10 days. Honeymoon periods of new hyperfixations really are something 😅
Yessssss. WELCOME!!!
love rivals to lovers - my favorite trope!
There is only one recent BL built around this trope, that I know of, and it's a lot of fun.
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Hay Rival, I LOVE YOU!
It's a short (30 min) from Vietnam's MCVMedia in 2021. I have a real soft spot for it. It's on YouTube. Low production values etc... but adorbs.
Two boys (jock & nerd) learn that they are both dating the same girl. At first they hate each other, but then they decide to get together and take revenge. In the process they fall in love with each other instead.
There is also:
Falling in Love with a Rival AKA Counterattack from China in 2015. It pops up on YT sometimes. It is extremely odd.
Premise is: bro-dude's gf ditches him for rich man who everyone knows is actually gay. Said Dude-dro goes to his gay bestie for help/advice/in how to "turn gay" to seduce the rich guy and get revenge on the ex-gf. Falls (?) for/in lust with/under spell of $$$ of the rich guy.
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And then recently there was a side couple played by NetJames in a non BL Catch Me Baby, which I haven't watch yet. But I understand they both like the same girl, hate each other, then revenge fuck and things devolved from there.
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Finally there is KohJack AKA JackKoh in Gen Y 1 & 2. Who are both courting the same boy but end up with each other. They are very much a side couple tho it's a lot of nonsense to watch just for them.
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jaypham123 · 6 months
Ha Noi is an Ideal Tourist City
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In the heart of Vietnam, embraced by the gentle flow of the Red River, lies Hanoi, a city where history whispers from ancient walls and modern vibrancy pulses through its streets. It is a place where the past and present coalesce, creating a tapestry rich with culture, cuisine, and captivating tales. This is the story of Hanoi, an ideal tourist city, through the eyes of Maya, a curious traveler with a thirst for discovery.
Maya arrived in Hanoi on a warm, sun-drenched morning, the city awakening with the gentle hum of motorbikes and the aromatic scents of street food filling the air. From the moment she stepped onto its bustling streets, Hanoi embraced her with an allure that spoke of centuries-old traditions and the infectious energy of progress.
Her journey began in the Old Quarter, a labyrinth of narrow streets alive with the essence of Hanoi’s past. Each turn revealed a new wonder: markets brimming with vibrant fruits and silks, ancient temples standing solemnly amid the buzz, and the lilting melodies of traditional music floating on the breeze. It was here, amidst the architectural tapestry of French colonial buildings and traditional Vietnamese houses, that Maya felt the soul of Hanoi.
But Hanoi was not just a gateway to the past. As Maya ventured beyond the Old Quarter, she discovered the city’s modern heartbeat. The serene Hoan Kiem Lake, with its iconic red bridge leading to the tranquil Ngoc Son Temple, offered a peaceful respite from the city’s energetic pace. Around the lake, young artists displayed their works, cafes buzzed with the chatter of friends, and families strolled in the cool evening air, reflecting the city’s vibrant contemporary culture.
Food was an adventure in itself. Maya indulged in pho, the aromatic noodle soup that is a staple of Vietnamese cuisine, and delighted in the explosion of flavors found in bún chả, a dish of grilled pork and noodles that is synonymous with Hanoi. Each meal was a journey through the flavors that define Vietnam, from the tangy zest of green papaya salad to the sweet bliss of egg coffee, a Hanoi innovation.
Hanoi’s idealism as a tourist city, however, lay not just in its sights and flavors but in the warmth of its people. Maya found kindness at every turn, from the street vendors who shared their stories over a bowl of noodles to the locals who guided her through the maze of the city’s streets. It was this connection, this shared humanity, that made Hanoi more than just a destination; it became a home away from home.
Her exploration took her to the Temple of Literature, Vietnam’s first national university and a sanctuary of Confucian learning. Walking through its serene courtyards, Maya felt the weight of history and the reverence for knowledge that is a cornerstone of Vietnamese culture.
As her journey came to an end, Maya stood once more by the shores of Hoan Kiem Lake, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of gold and pink. Hanoi, with its blend of history and modernity, its culinary delights, and its gracious people, had etched a place in her heart. It was a city that offered not just sights to see but experiences to be lived, a place where every alley held a story and every face told of a rich cultural tapestry.
Hanoi, indeed, was an ideal tourist city, not because it was perfect but because it was alive — alive with the stories of the past, the vibrancy of the present, and the promise of the future. And for Maya, as for countless others, it was a journey that would linger in the soul long after the last echoes of the city had faded into the distance. (You can get the Vietnam electronic visa easily by urgent Vietnam visa or emergency Vietnam visa service from some agencies)
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mothmiso · 4 months
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Huế 2022 - Truong Sanh Residence (2) (3) by Eugenia
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Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked White House staffers why Joe Biden won’t be attending the 9/11 ceremony.
White House staffers callously brushed off the question and said it has been 22 years since the Twin Towers were attacked and 3,000 Americans lost their lives so there is no point in Biden visiting the site of any of the attacks.
“When I asked a White House official why it is that President Biden was here and missing the 9/11 commemorations at the attack sites, the analogy that I was given is that 22 years after Pearl Harbor, U.S. presidents were not still going to visit Hawaii,” Peter Doocy said.
Biden’s shameful excuse is also a lie.
JFK visited the USS Arizona Memorial in 1963 and laid a wreath for those who perished in the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
Joe Biden opened up his 9/11 remarks in Alaska by talking about himself.
“The governor and I have something in common: we’re both from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I wish I had him playing on my high school ball club when I was playing. I could’ve been an All-American,” Biden said.
Nearly 3,000 Americans died on September 11, 2001, and Joe Biden marked the 22-year anniversary by talking about himself from a place thousands of miles away from the attack sites.
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That is what they sent to Ground Zero.
So somber, so respectful.
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breserker · 8 months
Top 10 horror movies?
caveat that these are not in any particular order because not only does different horror feed the different brains but sometimes the mood begets the kind of horror needed at the time. also ofc, these are just my personal favorites, there are plenty more that i consider to be fantastic, good, amazing horror films, but y'know, personal bias
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Classic Slasher but also just a really good horror movie, the movie itself is nightmarish and creative, charismatic, and the protagonist is amazing in that she is smart, competent, and capable--while still remaining to be a teenage girl who is immensely scared. good gateway horror i think
Jacob's Ladder (1990) - Inspo for Silent Hill sure but another chaotic, nightmarish experience that is essentially a character study of a Vietnam War vet.
Possum (2018) - i LOVE this movie. I love this movie. it's slow and chock full of turn of the century german expressionism (it's a UK film) that really, really, really plays you as much as the main character is played. You know how people with real traumas get labeled as strange and weird and "They totally did it" just because of how they behave in society? This movie pulled me in to think that and then punched me in the face for thinking it.
From Beyond (1986) - I love all of Stuart Gordon's movies, you may know him best from Honey I Shrunk The Kids (yeah disney approached him idfk why). They're outrageous and chock full of practical effects with a dash of sex horror, but it feels like everyone is having a good time on set, they know each other, etc, and Barbara Crampton is spectacular in this and I call it my favorite.
Pulse (回路) (2001) - I won't say much about this but the magnifying glass it takes into the sicknesses of society that isolate us from each other is so heartfelt and sad. Kurosawa Kiyoshi is a powerhouse in Japanese Horror and is worth checking out. If you've seen and liked Se7en, for example, I recommend Cure (1997) for a similar detective crime horror experience.
Noroi: The Curse (ノロイ) (2005) - Found footage horror that made me scared to open my door in the middle of the fucking night. Jesus Christ! I think it has a cameo from Kurosawa Kiyoshi playing as himself, but it might've been another Shiraishi Kouji film that I'm thinking about.
Possession (1981) - This one really hits me in a way I can't describe in sophistication or words, it's viscerally emotional in that sense and really, really, really a soothing salve after experiencing fucked up sudden heartbreak, which is poignant because Żuławski made this film after his divorce.
Evil Dead (2013) - Ok I'm apparently a weirdo in that my favorite evil dead is the first one, the less-comedy/noncomedy one, but I'm putting 2013 on here because this -- for as violent as it is -- is a comfort film. I really love how they took the original Evil Dead formula and had its own story with it, I love Mia, I love the set-up that she's trying to kick heroin, and the gore is so nasty and mean but like. hey. it's Evil Dead.
Us (2019) - Yeah I have a feeling this will always be my favorite Peele movie, from the fantastical nature, the amazing soundtrack, the visuals, and from my first viewing experience - midnight viewing while working at my movie theater before it was officially out that i then had to drive myself and my coworker/roommate from and we saw a person walking down the street dressed in red at 2am. Incredible stuff. (also doppelganger horror gets me in a bad way)
The Blob (1988) - If the 50's Blob was nothing but a Red Scare movie, the '88 Blob is a reaction to that paranoia that skewers the notion that America is always on the good and right and small town teens are all treated equally and all that. Veneer of neighborhood smeared away in favor of wellmeaning teens bringing a homeless man to the hospital only to be met with the question "Does he have Blue Cross/Blue Shield?" Incredible effects, super fun, and i love that scathing turn of "This wasn't always right, actually"
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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‘Usually, the SR-71 Blackbird pilots weren’t a chatty bunch, but I could hear the anxiety in the voice of this one,’ Jody Liliedah, Airman.
In 1972, the Vietnam War was still going on. Kadena Air Base, Japan, was considered the gateway to the southeast.
On Jul. 20, 1972 SR-71 Blackbird #978 (known as the “Rapid Rabbit” because of the Playboy logo she sported on both rudders throughout most of her career) crashed at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan.
Airman Jody Liliedah wrote about his eyewitness experience in Air and Space magazine in October 2015.
The Story of the SR-71 Blackbird that crashed while attempting to land at Kadena AB during extreme crosswinds caused by an oncoming typhoon
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Dennis K. Bush on left, James W. Fagg on right
‘On the afternoon of July 20, 1972, I was in my maintenance truck, eavesdropping on the tower frequency. Word had gotten around that an SR-71 would be landing soon. Usually, the Blackbird pilots weren’t a chatty bunch, but I could hear the anxiety in the voice of this one.
‘I heard the tower warn him of a 90-degrees-to-the-runway crosswind of 35 knots gusting to 50 knots—a typhoon was on its way. I could’ve sworn I listened to the tower advise him to consider an alternate airport. Landing anywhere else was out of the question. The SR-71 wouldn’t have had the fuel, and everyone understood without discussion that the brass wanted that airplane on the ground and out of sight as quickly as possible.
The Story of the SR-71 Blackbird that crashed while attempting to land at Kadena AB during extreme crosswinds caused by an oncoming typhoon
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The wreckage of “Rapid Rabbit,” the SR‑71 that pilot Dennis Bush crash-landed in 1972 at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa.
‘I sought out a good vantage point to observe the landing: a small concrete building, which housed fuel pumps, about 50 yards from the runway the SR-71 was headed for. I climbed to the roof and settled in. I could see the landing lights before I could make out the airplane, perfectly lined up with the runway, three or four miles out. I couldn’t have been more focused if I were landing the da** thing myself. The main landing gear touched down, and despite the horrible crosswinds, the fuselage was aligned perfectly with the runway’s centerline. It looked like the pilot was going to pull off a picture-perfect landing. But as soon as he deployed his drag chute, a wind gust blew it to port. I watched the nose shift to starboard.
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‘Then one of the left main landing gear tires exploded.
‘The pilot jettisoned the chute, poured the coals to the burner, and rotated away from the runway, climbing back into the sky to circle around.
The Story of the SR-71 Blackbird that crashed while attempting to land at Kadena AB during extreme crosswinds caused by an oncoming typhoon
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The wreckage of “Rapid Rabbit,” the SR‑71 that pilot Dennis Bush crash-landed in 1972 at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa.
‘I remember thinking, “What the h*ll is he gonna do now? No drag chute. Blown tire. And a monster crosswind, increasing by the minute.” Fortunately, an incoming or outgoing SR-71 had the entire base to itself. The pilot made a second approach, dumping fuel the entire length of the runway, then came back around for his final approach.
‘As he touched down, a fireball engulfed the left landing gear. The airplane kept rolling, nose still high in the air, and then the right gear tires blew. The Blackbird skidded past me like that, nose up and tires on fire, for four or five seconds. When the left gear collapsed and the wing struck the runway, the left engine exploded and debris flew high into the air. The entire airframe began to spin, still traveling down the runway at probably 150 mph, and finally the right gear buckled.
‘The flaming wreck continued sliding down the runway, still on the centerline, until it finally drifted off to the left, into the grass. It came to rest about two-thirds of the way down the runway, about 4,000 feet from where I stood watching, jaw agape.
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
‘I watched the pilot and reconnaissance system operator in their bright orange flight suits leap from the remnants of their aircraft and run from it as fast as they could. I jumped down from the building and several of us started running toward them, but a fire truck and a base security car cut us off. The officer in the car ordered us to stay back.
‘Five hours later, the typhoon was upon us.’
The pilot, Captain Dennis K. Bush, and the reconnaissance systems officer, Captain James W. Fagg, escaped without injury.
Lew Williams who was part of the recovery team pointed out on my Facebook Page Habubrats that although this was a normal flight Bush and Fagg had on the yellow/orange colored suits.
The Story of the SR-71 Blackbird that crashed while attempting to land at Kadena AB during extreme crosswinds caused by an oncoming typhoon
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A picture of an SR-71 Blackbird taken from Habu Hill (Matt Moran)
Williams recalls: “A crew from Palmdale led by Mel Rushing was deployed to our detachment and did the cutting up and the disposing of the structural remains and the location was on Habu Hill [According to the book SR-71 Revealed the Inside Story by Richard H. Graham, Habu Hill was a notorious viewing spot on Kadena where crowds of curious and avid aircraft watchers assembled to see the SR-71 takeoff and land].”
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller, Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Facebook Page Habubrats for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird model
This model is available in multiple sizes from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
Linda Sheffield Miller
Grew up at Beale Air Force Base, California. I am a Habubrat. Graduated from North Dakota State University. Former Public School Substitute Teacher, (all subjects all grades). Member of the DAR (Daughters of the Revolutionary War). I am interested in History, especially the history of SR-71. Married, Mother of three wonderful daughters and four extremely handsome grandsons. I live near Washington, DC.
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Linda Sheffield Miller
Kadena Air BaseLockheed SR-71 BlackbirdSR-71U.S. Air ForceVietnam War
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