#gavril fanfiction
jellyfishoreo1206 · 4 months
You can ignore this if you want but!! I have an idea for a request: Gavril and mc trying to make homemade cheese together. Whether Mc already knows how to make cheese or not can be up to you!
Making Cheese with Gavril
Notes: I'M BACK, I SWEAR GUYS I AM NOT DEAD. Seriously I'm so sorry for leaving y'all w/o anything, my motivation to write anything had disappeared and finals bombarding me SUCKKKED. BUT I'M FINALLY FREE, RAHHHHHHH!!!! Anyway I was reminded of this one ask Part got last year with a cheese maker reader/food taster (I couldn't find it but it's somewhere on their dash, so credit to the person who asked the ask!) and I thought why not use that? Enjoy reading! (He may be OOC guys, it's been a while since I last wrote T~T)
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol in here (idk if Gavril drinks alcohol but considering the crap he goes through, that boy needs a DRINK)
Working as a cheese maker is a lot of work, as simple as it may seem to others outside of the profession. Physically demanding your attention each and every day. But that was part of the job either way. Doesn't mean it can't be fun, especially if you're a fanatic of cheese.
Tomorrow was your day off, your muscles finally being able to relax from the constant lifting, stirring, and pressing that they had to endure. You had a pretty good idea of what to do when you came back from work, and that was to relax until the early hours of the morning.
It was getting dark; the sun setting as it casted its long shadows onto the ground below. You felt yourself sinking into the couch cushion, the nerves of your limbs becoming fuzzy as your mind went numb watching the screen of the TV, some random show you couldn't bother to pay attention too for the last couple of hours.
A ping from your phone pulls your attention away from the show you were mindlessly watching, slowly pushing yourself up from the couch— wincing a bit as your limbs were finally moving again after so long—as you reached for it. You had a pretty good guess of who it was, as he was the only one who texted you on a daily basis.
Open your window please <3
"Didn't know my day could get any better." Smiling, you sent him a message back, standing up from the couch as you stretched your arms high above your head; a few of your joints popping in the process, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
Which one?
Bedroom window
It scared the crap out of you when he first appeared at your window with little to no warning, but with how things usually played out in your life, you got used to it eventually.
A smile graced your face when you saw him perched by your window with an eager look on his face, his goopy tail seemingly wagging at the sight of you once you approached closer to the window.
Thank god he actually came when it was dark this time, you don't need another situation happening with your neighbor freaking out to the police.
"Hey." You offered quietly in greeting, wrapping your arms around his neck as you nuzzled into his skin—enjoying the warmth he seemed to radiate. He copied your actions, wrapping his arms around your waist—his grip gentle yet tight as he pulled you to himself.
"Hello, darling." He mumbles into your hair, placing a kiss atop your head.
"Didn't know you were coming back so soon?"
"Wanted to surprise you."
"Well, color me surprised."
"So," Your back was turned to Gavril as you poured the two of you drinks, "-anything new happened on your crazy adventure?"
At this point it was routine for the both of you. Gavril comes back, you make sure he isn't injured, catch up with each other's lives. Most of the time Gavril's stories seem to be a tad bit more interesting than yours, and concerning at the same time.
Very concerning.
"Not much," He starts, "-but I did get chased by some agents a few weeks back.." A awkward smile appears on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. His coat was currently laid across his lap, his fingers fiddling with the frayed edges while he looks around the room. Walking over to him, you offered him the glass as you sat down in the chair next to him, he gladly took it—taking a small sip of it before placing it down onto the table. You took a sip of your own drink, the liquid giving your throat a slight burn that soon settled into a slight tingle.
It's been a while since you last had a drink, not crazy long ago though, watching as the liquid swirls in the glass before bringing it back up to your lips again—embracing the burning yet warming feeling of the liquid.
"Did that same redhead appear again?" Gavril mentioned him once or twice before to you, you're not sure what the name of the guy is, all you know is that he constantly reappears and how cowardly he can be.
"No, only his buddy showed up this time. Wasn't like anything changed though." The corners of his lips hint at a smile, bringing a hand up to the one prominent curl of his hair as he plays with it for a bit, twirling it around his finger. "I wonder how he even got that far in without quitting." You murmured out. From what you've heard, FBI training is no joke, and very intense. Both physically and mentally. Those who can't handle the challenge usually quit early on; and if they do pass, then there's the insane amount of cases that would affect nearly anyone. So for the redhead to get that far still puzzles you.
"I wonder the same too."
You continued to talk for what seemed like hours, pouring yourselves a few more drinks as the day slowly faded away into the early hours of the morning. Your muscles felt relaxed, more at ease; a comforting haze overtaking your brain as you let today's worries slip away. It doesn't seem Gavril is feeling the effects of the drink other than the nearly invisble tint of red on his cheeks and his relaxed posture instead of the regular stiffness.
Drinking the last bit of the liquid left in your cup, you stand up from your chair as you head towards the fridge, looking back towards Gavril to offer him something to eat, "You hungry?"
He hums out in confirmation, head now resting on top of his folded arms, eyes closed. Peering into the fridge, you clicked your tongue; no cheese. Searching every corner of the fridge, nope, nada. What a pickle you were in.
You could just go to the convince store that's not far from here, 10 minutes by foot. But is it opened? Checking the time on your phone, no, they closed just a few minutes ago. Are you sure your eyes didn't just missed the cheese?
Second time looking, again, nothing.
While searching the fridge for a third time, a thought pops up.
'Well...there's milk, and a few lemons...' Looking in the cabinet next to the fridge, yup, salt and some leftover animal rennet.
Ah, a quick and easy solution to your small problem.
Quickly getting to work, you grabbed two small bowls, pouring water into both of them. Rinsing and cutting the lemon, you squeezed some of the juice into one of the bowls, mixing it and setting it aside. For the second bowl, you added some animal rennet into the water, mixed it and set it aside with the other. Once placing the pot on top the stove, you felt the embrace of two arms wrapping around your midsection with the added weight of something on your shoulder. Peeking behind you to see Gavril, with a curious look in his eyes.
"Something wrong?"
"What..exactly are you doing?"
"Ran out of cheese, so I'm making some." You respond cheerily, a tired smile spreading on your face. Turning back to the task at hand, you missed the way that red tint on his face seemed to have become darker, hugging you closer to himself as he watches your hands at work.
Despite you guys dating for several months, he still gets shy about acts of affection. Kisses, praises, gifts, being pampered; It just gives him that fluttery feeling that cascades through him. It's not that he hates it, no far from that, it's just that he doesn't know what to do. Being isolated from everyone—for who knows how long—and his only company as rats made him rather awkward. You don't mind it though—it's adorable to you whenever he hides his face in the shadow of his hood when you give him a kiss on the cheek—you want him to be comfortable around you, so usually give him ways out or just let him control the pace.
"Can I help?"
"Of course! Just, wash your hands first."
"So I just, pour it in?" There was a hint of hesitation in his voice, looking back and forth at the bowl with the animal rennet mixture and the pot of milk that was just taken off the heat. You had your phone playing some music— since you felt that the atmosphere was a bit too quiet—with one of Gavril's favorite rock bands playing as you guided him through the steps of making cheese.
"Yup, then just stir it in gently."
You watched as Gavril does as he was told, although a bit hesitantly once he began stirring. Walking over to him, you laid your hands atop his hands on the spoon, showing him the proper way to stir the cheese-to-be mixture. The contact brought a blush to his cheeks, a small smile forming on his face.
"Now that's done," Putting a lid on the pot, "-we wait for 10 minutes."
"You're gonna want to cut it in a grid-like pattern, like this!" Using a long knife, you cut two lines into the semi-solid mixture before handing the knife over to Gav.
"Oh, seems easy enough." He muttered to himself, changing the way he held the knife before holding it properly in his grip.
"Make sure to reach the bottom when cutting, cause right after this step is done, we're straining the liquid from the solids."
"I'll handle this part. I'll need to dunk the cheese in some hot water in order to stretch it properly." After straining out the cheese from the whey, you now needed to stretch it until it reached the right firmness. Gavril nods, as he lingers, a excited smile appearing on his face, his fangs peaking out.
Dunking the cheese into the water, you begin stretching. This part you somewhat don't like, it's not that the water is boiling hot, it just makes your skin irritated if it's submerged for long periods of time. Though it is a good way to release stress, it's like slime in a way. Edible slime, huh.
After adding the salt, you finally finished, good old Mozzarella cheese. Rolling it into small balls and storing it in some of the whey, you sit down as Gavril pops a ball of cheese into his mouth, a big smile appearing on his face.
A smile comes across your face as well, glad he's enjoying it. It's nice spending time with him, in moments like these. You kinda forget the fact that several month ago that he broke into your house and scared the living shit out of you when you realized you almost got killed.
...Does that count as Stockholm Syndrome??
Before you could think any further, a light poke to your arm brings you out of it. Looking towards Gavril, you see that he's offering you some cheese, a bashful smile on his face as a tint of red makes itself known. Aw, that's sweet of him.
"You can have some.."
"Thanks Gav." Popping the piece of cheese into your mouth, you savor the moment. Cheese tastes so much better when you're making it with those you care about.
What a great way to spend your day-off.
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rosaharazu · 3 months
G-Guys, I know you like Gavril, but for some reason I also simp for that Kelcy dude....I need fanfictions please....
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partuulla · 1 year
heyhey! im part of the crowd who learned about gavril (and subsequently the bubo series) from Manly’s playthrough. your stuff is epic and your animations are really good!!
i hope this isn’t too weird or anything, but if i were to perhaps write a little fanfic about interacting with gavril post-game, would that be okay to post? and would you want to be tagged/sent it/etc?
either way, thank you for this rat lad!! i love him sm ✨
Aw, thank you sm!
And no, that's not weird at all, I welcome any kinda fan creation. You can absolutely write and post fanfiction :) And I don't mind being tagged, though as long as it's also tagged gavril I'll be able to find it if my notifs push it down!
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claudiuhcf · 6 years
Tumblr media
Gavril and Irina of the Strigoi Shrouds Watercolor. from ch. 5 of The Futile Façade by Murkybluematter
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not-poignant · 5 years
Top 5 characters you’ve written :)
I’m not going to include fanfiction characters in this, and just go with original characters I’ve created!
1. Augus Each Uisge - While I enjoy Gwyn as a character (and he’ll be in this list), there’s always something really appealing about writing Augus in any scene at all. A lot of the time he’s very self-possessed, and has a lot of self-control, but he also has a zen attitude that a lot of the other characters I write (except maybe the Raven Prince) lack. So while it’s difficult to write from his POV, writing his presence is generally really enjoyable, unless he’s going through hell, and then I suffer oh my god.
2. Gwyn ap Nudd - I mean, I mean I’ve devoted like over a million words to him, so. The og whump bicycle in Fae Tales. And general sex bicycle. Just the bicycle.
3. Mosk Manytrees - When I first started writing him, I was way more invested in Eran (and I still love Eran, a great deal, but he’s not a character type that comes easily to me to write), but Mosk is evolving into one of my favourite characters in general.
I think that combination of near constant(ly suppressed) outrage and anger, coupled with ‘way too powerful for his own good’ and ‘is he a villain? An antihero? What is he?’ along with what is a scathing sense of self-deprecation, but a fairly scathing sense of judgement towards others as well (sometimes he really is judging others to his own standards, lmao). If I ever come back to write more Fae Tales after The Ice Plague, Mosk has convinced me that the next two big series will still be Mosk/Eran series, and not Gwyn/Augus series. But I don’t have to worry about that for years and years now.
4. The Raven Prince - Though I never write from his POV, I love even just referring to him, and it’s been a personal pleasure to have him in so much of book 2 of The Ice Plague. I worried he would lose a lot of his mystery and magic, and he’s lost some of his mystery, but to me he’s gained even more of his magic. And I worried ‘I won’t like him as much if he’s actually there in scenes’ but it turns out I like him even more. Mosk definitely helped things along.
5. The Nain Rouge - I wavered on this one, but she’s just so much fun. Like Eran could easily take this spot, because I love him, but I get genuinely excited to write the Nain Rouge and her deliberate anachronisms in the Fae Tales environment (they’re not anachronisms to her after all, she’s there to fuck up anyone expecting seriously outdated language in a fantasy where humans can travel to the human realm at will).
But I also feel very grounded when I’m writing her, there’s something so ancient and powerful and wise in her, and I have a strange kind of trust for her, trust that she’ll gain power where she can, but she also has an internal code that she obeys. We haven’t seen the last of her. I loved her even all the way back in SAL when she really just gave Jack a long-ass death sentence and gloated about it. She feels like a very atypical villain to me.
It’s important to me not to put her in anything for too much, or too long. She’ll always be a cameo character. But man she packs a punch in all of her cameos, whether it’s straight up blowing a hole in Gwyn because she wants him to concentrate, or making mysterious deals, or coming to deliver exposition, or demanding status upgrades, or making shaky alliances, she’s so dynamic for moving the plot along, and I enjoy her intense, playful, dangerous energy.
An honourable mention / shoutout to: Gavril, Anton, Eva and Sharpwood, my favourite OCs from The Golden Age that Never Was. Aidhe, Betsan and Hensley, my favourite OCs from Stuck on the Puzzle. Gabriel from Eversion, as well as Oengus Og, Eran Iliakambar, Ash, Fenwrel and Julvia from Fae Tales. And definitely all the rest. I wouldn’t create them if I didn’t enjoy writing them.
Also ask me at another time and Ash and Eran would definitely be in this list? It’s for sure situational.
From the Top 5 Meme!
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prettymuffinvulpes · 2 years
{A Harry Potter Fanfiction; Title in the works}
Main OC: Marcenia Laiche
CCs in this: Remus Lupin.
[Pt.1 of 1/3]
{Chapter 1}
December 8th, 1980.
Home of Matthias and Daphne Laiche
Current time - 5:15 P.M.
It was a dreary December evening at the Laiche Cottage, most of the Altherr family was over for dinner. While they could. Matthias Laiche, Daphne’s husband, was in the kitchen helping the other women, as he didn’t want Daphne to be standing on her feet for too long. With her being eight months pregnant, he worried about her more, as her due date was near. January they were expecting another little one, though the pair didn’t know the gender, as they wanted that to be a surprise this time. The Altherr family guessed the new baby would be another boy, considering the long line of boys.
As everyone was gathered around chatting among each other. Daphne, well, she was on the couch, knitting—trying to at least, but she gave up some time ago.
“I see that Heidelberg Harriers gave Matthias some time off, hm?” Her mother-in-law, Ileana Laiche had said as she sat down beside her on the couch.
Daphne set down her needle and the yarn she was using, onto her lap. “Yes, since October. I’m glad they understand how important it is for Mat to be here.” She states.
“Of course, I’m glad that they did that for the both of you. I’m sure they know how important it is for him to be on parental leave, especially with a new baby on the way.” Ileana gave her a warm smile, rubbing Daphne’s shoulder, before leaning in to whisper to her.
“How have the boys been? I hope they’ve been good, or do I need to talk with them?” She said with raised brows.
Daphne lets out a laugh at this, shaking her head “They’ve been the usual. Troublesome.. But not giving myself-or Mat too much trouble, especially ever since he got back… I’d say the boys calmed down, Mat’s been getting them outside a lot more. Gav’s been helpful too.. He’s such a good big brother to them.” Daphne states, as she rested her hand on her stomach.
“Well I’m glad to hear they haven’t been giving you much trouble, I’d be more than happy to take them off your hands though if you ever need me to.” Ileana took her hand off the young woman’s shoulder, “I truly appreciate that Ileana. And I’m sure Mat does just as much.” Daphne placed her hand atop of her mother-in-law’s, “Of course, anything for you two. You’re family to us…well, most of us.” Ileana would say sadly, and Daphne knew what she meant…her father-in-law, Edward… wasn’t fond of her.. Nor of her family.
She remembers their last interaction, it was the last Christmas they spent at the Laiche Manor.. After that they only invited just Ileana, Zakhar, (that is.. if he wanted to stop by–or if he had the chance at all) Matthias’ third eldest brother.. The only older brother that was friendly towards her and her family, there was also Ramiro, and Sabrina (who was already a close friend from Hogwarts of Daphne’s.) Laiche–as well their sons, who were hers and Matthias’ nephews.
One of their boys got along with their oldest sons, despite them having a one year age difference. Gavril, Matthias and Daphne’s oldest son, was only 5 years old, whilst Ramiro and Sabrina’s oldest son was only 4 years old. Yet, the two boys got along just fine, the two would play in the backyard with the other boys (her other nephews, on the Altherr side) throwing a ball back and forth, her and her sisters (as well sister-in-laws) would have to sternly tell the older boys to play fair with the younger boys.
Of course, most of the boys were understanding and tried their best to involve the younger ones.
It was well known in the quite big, and growing Altherr family, that the only grandchildren as of now, were all boys, except one, there was Natalie, Daphne’s niece.
Who was Daphne’s older brother, Giovanni, and his wife, Eloise’s daughter. And of course she was spoiled endlessly by her father, as well by some of her uncles and aunts. Though.. It was clear that Natalie felt left out when playing with the boys, though Daphne and her sisters never let the girl feel left out when she was around. They’d play tea parties, and whichever things Natalie wanted to do, though Natalie had her cousins, she’d seem to wish she had another female cousin to have around to play with, rather than the boys.
“Everyone! Come gather and get your food whilst it’s hot–and while you can!” Daphne’s mother, Yvonne, had announced.
“Mat, could you grab the boys from outside?” Yvonne would ask him with a smile.
“Of course I can.” Matthias nodded, taking off the apron he was wearing and hanging it up on one of the hooks in the kitchen, before making his way out of the kitchen and going through the back door leading to the backyard.
As the kitchen window cracked just a smidge, they could hear Matthias saying “Boys! Time for dinner, come inside–” before he could say anything else, the oldest boys ran past their uncle.
The oldest three being 12, 13, and 14 years old. And the youngest two being 4 years old and 5 years old (whilst the others being somewhere around that; 10 years old, 8 years old, 7 years old and younger than that). “--and wash up before you touch any of the food.” Matthias finished his sentence as he walked back into the house, and immediately used his frame to block the food from the boys’ grabby hands, “Kitchen sink. All of you. Now, please.” he pointed to the kitchen sink.
The two oldest boys groaned, “You’re starting to sound just like Gram!” one of the boys, a dark curly haired boy, Armel, aged 12, remarked, Yvonne raised her brow at her grandson’s comment, a hand on her hip.
“Is that so? I haven’t noticed, but I guess someone has to step in for her every once in a while.” Matthias said with a grin, Camenzind, a lanky and tall, brunet boy, who was Armel’s older brother (aged 14), gave him a look.
“Yeah. Have some respect, Armel. Gram does a lot for everyone.” He nudged him. It was Armel’s turn, furrowing his brows, looking at his brother. “Since when are you talking about that?” He said in response, Camenzind only put his finger up to his lips telling him to keep quiet about it. Armel rolled his eyes at this.
Eventually all the boys had washed their hands, and as there was an order, youngest to oldest. The children had gone first, much to their delight. Of course, their mothers had helped them with getting their food on their plate; that being the youngest ones, as they couldn’t reach the island counter in front of them. The older boys had it handled by themselves, and if needed, they did help out their other youngest siblings.
Date: December 8th, 1980.
Time: 8:15 P.M.
Hours after the dinner party at the Laiche home, and long after most of the family had gone home, Daphne Laiche had gone into labor. Earlier than expected. Thankfully, Ileana Laiche and Yvonne Altherr had stayed behind even before knowing this situation was going to happen. They had helped out Matthias clean the kitchen, and both putting away leftovers.. as well taking some to bring back home.
Daphne had been complaining about the baby being rowdy, and Matthias was advised both by his mother, and mother-in-law to sit down and stay by Daphne’s side. He was grateful that they did, as he had been rubbing Daphne’s shoulders trying to distract her as she tried to drink some herbal tea.
It wasn’t long until Daphne had managed to get herself up from the sofa, despite Matthias’ multiple attempts to get her to sit back down. Though Daphne was stubborn, up until the very point she felt something was very wrong. And plopped herself back down onto the sofa, wide-eyed. Tallulah, Daphne’s youngest sister, had taken notice of the change of her older sister’s expression. “Daph, is everything alright?” She had asked her, immediately handing her barely a month old son, to her husband, Remus. Who was alarmed, but prepared to take him from her, as he set down his cup of tea.
Matthias was also concerned, and leaned over to look at his wife’s face. Her expression was shock, as if she saw a ghost almost (though that being the norm in the wizarding world). Matthias gently grabbed hold of Daphne’s hand, “Daphne. Love? Everything alright?” he shook her hand a bit, trying to snap her out of whatever trance she was put into. Daphne had let out a gasp, as if she was holding her breath for a while. Before uttering the words,
“Baby. Right now.”
Matthias furrowed his brows, his face reading confused.. yet also worried. “What do you—“ before he could ask her what she was trying to say, Daphne blurted out “I think the baby’s early!”
Her mother, and mother-in-law’s eyes both were almost bugging out of their heads at this. Both women went different directions in the kitchen. Though knowing exactly what to do. Ileana went to the cupboards and grabbed a bowl to fill with water from the kitchen sink, whilst Yvonne went into the powder room (half-bath) to grab a washcloth from where she saw on the shelf.
Matthias’ mouth hung open. Now it was his turn to leap up, not wasting any moment to bring Daphne up to her feet, having her lean on him as he carefully but quickly brought her to the master bedroom.
The good news was they didn’t have to worry about owling a doctor—just yet, as Matthias’ mother had experience from working at St. Mungo’s Hospital for so many years, and had stepped in as a midwife throughout her time being there. As well her and Yvonne having their own experiences as.. well, they were once in Daphne’s and the other women in their families, shoes.
[Timeskip, 6 hours later]
Date: December 9th, 1980.
Time: 1:11 A.M.
Matthias was there holding Daphne’s hand the whole time. He didn’t leave her side, not even once. He let Daphne squeeze onto his hand so much.. that yes, his hand did hurt from how much she was squeezing onto it, but he didn’t care. He knew how much pain she was in. This was their fifth child after all. The two thought they were done with four children, but it seemed like there was only one more.
After a rather long while, they heard the relieving sound of their bundle of joy, crying, as they were brought into their world… quite early. “December 9th. 1:11 A.M., a new addition to both the Altherr and Laiche family.” Ileana had spoken with a bright smile on her face, as she handed off the newborn baby to Yvonne, who carefully took the baby and wrapped the baby snugly into a towel for now, and placed them into Daphne’s arms. “Hello little one..” Daphne had spoken softly, the baby then calming down as the baby heard their mother’s voice. Matthias was smiling ear-to-ear, sitting in a chair beside the bed next to Daphne and the baby. Matthias’ attention was cut short as there were voices from the other side of the wall. “Ah.. that must be the lot of them.” Matthias said, trying to recognize the voices. It had to be family friends of theirs, he had owled them only before they found out about Daphne going into labor, however, as he invited them beforehand for their dinner party, which they had attended, however Matthias had owled them again in regards to the situation.
“Let me go greet them real quick, alright? It would be rude not to. I promise I’ll be back soon, don’t you worry.” Before Matthias got up, he carefully leaned forward and kissed his wife on her forehead. Daphne nodded understanding that their friends were here, and Matthias would most definitely want to welcome them, as well announce to them the great news.
“Don’t be too long, darling.” Daphne told him, smiling as he left a kiss on her forehead.
“I won’t, I promise it won’t take long!” Matthias reassured her as he opened the door, revealing Tallulah sitting on the bench in the hallway there.
“Oh! Tala. I didn’t know you were waiting out here.” Matthias was surprised to see her there, “She can come in now. It’s alright Mat.” Daphne said as she heard him talking to her, he nodded in her direction, before stepping out of the way and letting Tallulah pass by him, before slowly shutting the door behind him.
Tallulah had taken Matthias’ original spot, sitting in the chair that was set up beside the bed. “How are you feeling Daph?” She gently brushed some of the brunette’s hair, on the woman’s forehead to the side, “Never been better, Tals.” Daphne had joked with a soft laugh, though wincing for a moment from the pain in her ribs, “Urf—shouldn’t have done that.” the other woman beside her shook her head at her sister’s words, “Best be careful. I’m still recovering after little Dakota, so I know.” Tallulah lightly teased, “Ha-ha. That is true. You should be resting too, dear sister.” Daphne said with a weak smirk, Tallulah got a glimpse of the newborn baby, before saying the baby had been handed back off to their mother so the baby could get cleaned up.
Yvonne cautiously took hold of the baby, before making a beeline to the master bathroom, where Ileana was waiting as she had one of the sinks’ faucets running at perfect temperature for the baby, not too cold, nor too hot.
“Let us see you better, little one.. get you all cleaned up and ready to be back into your mother’s arms.” Yvonne spoke to her new grandchild in her arms. Ileana helped the other woman.
As Tallulah and Daphne were talking to each other, a few moments went by, the faucet from the bathroom stopped, assuming that they were done cleaning up the baby. But then shortly after, there was a gasp from both older women in the bathroom. “Mum? Ileana?”
Tallulah got up from the chair she was sitting in, wondering what was going on in the other room.
“Everything alright there? Is there something wrong?” Daphne was about to sit up, concern washed over her, was there something wrong—was the baby not well? Tallulah put her hand out to stop her sister from getting up.
Yvonne was the first to walk out of the bathroom, speechless, as the other older woman behind her followed suit with the baby in her arms. They were able to get a better look at the baby, whom had fair skin like their mother, and it seemed that the baby had very light blonde hair like their father, a trait most of their boys had gotten from him—though as of now, Matthias’ hair was turning more into a silvery-blond.
After a while of silence, both older women exchanged a look, and started smiling ear-to-ear, Daphne and Tallulah noticed there was tears in their eyes, however—that could be due to the reason of having a new grandchild in the family. “The baby is completely fine, a completely healthy little baby,” Ileana was the first to speak after seconds of silence, both Daphne and Tallulah sighed out of relief. Though their own mother’s next choice of words made them more anxious.
“But.. there is something neither of us. Nor anyone in this very room, or the other room is expecting whatsoever.” Yvonne simply states, leaving it at that for Ileana to continue off. Gradually Ileana made her way over to the bed, handing the newborn back into Daphne’s arms.
“But.. what?! What is it?” Daphne had worry etched all over her face once again, “Say hello… to your new..” Ileana paused before continuing, a great big smile on her face.
“Baby girl!”
The older woman proclaimed.
Both young women in the room were stunned at her words, eyes going completely wide like saucers, jaws dropped open.
Daphne was the first to start crying, “You’re joking with me right? Tell me you’re kidding!”
“She’s not Daphne.. I saw— with my very own eyes. It’s a girl. What a miracle it is too! Not that I don’t mind having many grandsons, and I’d never want them to feel left out, but.. it’s so wonderful to finally have another granddaughter! Perfect timing as well!” Yvonne excitedly rambled. Daphne’s bottom lip quivered, as she stared at the baby in her arms, before peppering the baby—girl’s face with kisses. “Oh, yes, what a miracle indeed..our own baby girl..” Daphne started to cry happy tears.
“Oh, my dear, how wonderful it is! Congratulations once again, to both you and Matthias.” Ileana knelt down beside her, giving her daughter-in-law a gentle side-hug. The brunette woman reached forward and returned the hug.
“We should leave you two be now, I’m sure Matthias is anxiously waiting to come back in the room to be with you both.” Yvonne spoke up, going around the other side of the bed where Tallulah had been sitting and giving Daphne a hug as well, before wrapping an arm around Tallulah’s shoulders and leading the other young woman out, as Ileana shortly followed behind them, giving Daphne a quick smile as she left the room and closed the door behind her.
Matthias Laiche was in the kitchen waiting, as he greeted his friends.
“Everett! Great to see you.” Matthias had gone up to him and gave him a brotherly hug, patting him on the back.
The other tall dark brunette man, smiled at his best friend.
“Matt. Wonderful to see you as always. So, how’s Daph?” He stepped back, arms folded across his chest.
“She’s surely well now. Neither of us were expecting the little one to arrive so soon.” Matthias said in response, chuckling.
“You were hoping for them to arrive in January, weren’t you?” Everett said with a knowing look towards his friend. Suddenly there was another voice that spoke, “It would’ve been a nice surprise if the baby was born on your birthday, eh?” Everett’s cousin, and one of Matthias’ other best friends, Jarrett appeared behind the other man.
Matthias was surprised to see him, but nodded at his words “That would be true. I would have liked that. But, I didn’t mind that the baby was born early.” He told them, before continuing “Though..I’m most definitely sure that Daphne is relieved that it was now.” Just as Matthias was catching up with his closest friends, Yvonne and Tallulah had entered the kitchen, after coming out from the hallway to the Master bedroom.
Following behind them was Ileana, “How is she?” Matthias was the first to ask Yvonne and Ileana, “She seems to be doing very well. Though I’m sure she wants to rest right now.” Ileana points out, “I’m sure she’s also hungry. Having a baby does that to you.” As she grabbed the leftovers from the fridge, mostly the snack plates and started making a small plate for Daphne.
“Oh, Mum—“ right as Matthias was going to interject, Ileana interrupted, “Sorry dear, but yes, I know, Daphne’s favorites are the strawberries, cheese and crackers. I got that.” She reassured him with a soft smile, “You seem to know her well now Ileana.” Yvonne pointed out with a smile, grateful that her friend was already ahead of her, and she was happy about getting close to her daughter, Daphne.
Matthias then spoke up “Indeed. I didn’t think you would have remembered those being Daphne’s favorite snacks.” He chuckled, watching his mother neatly set up a plate for his wife.
“You don’t have to do that…you know Daphne wouldn’t mind however it looked.” He pointed out to his mother, who in response gave him a look.
“Yes, that is true… but she deserves something nice. After all of that.” Ileana told him, before picking up the tray, “I’ll go give this to her—“ Just as Ileana was about to go, Matthias had stopped his mother.
“No, no.. don’t worry about it. I can take that to her, don’t worry.” He offered to her with a smile, his mother gave him a look that read ‘Oh, really?’.
Before she spoke up, “That is very sweet Mat, but I think I can handle this.” She told him.
“Mum, please.. you and everyone else did enough today. May I do this for you?” Matthias reassured her, eventually the woman gave the tray over.
“Alright. Thank you, Mat.” She gave a sigh, smiling at her son. “I’ll at least bring her a cup of tea. How does that sound?”
“I’m sure she’ll surely love that, and appreciate it, Mum.” He’d agree with her, and didn’t argue with his mother.
As his mother was getting the tea, Matthias had made his way back down the hallway, entering the room. Matthias set down the tray on the nightstand beside Daphne’s side, before sitting down in the chair beside the bed.
The brunette woman looked up at him, “Mat, you don’t have to sit there. Don’t worry, you can be beside me.” Daphne patted the side beside her, Matthias was hesitant, looking down at the baby in her arms.. the baby so small, so fragile..
Daphne noticed the hesitation. “Darling, it’s alright..” she placed a hand on top of his.
The man gently grabbed her hand in response, though looked worried.
“Here. How about you hold her.. maybe you’ll feel better.” Daphne softly spoke to him, a small smile playing along the side of her lip.
The man nodded, not noticing the word, until he repeated it himself “Oh.. right…I suppose I could hold her—“ his eyebrows furrowed together, before coming to the conclusion of what he had just said. Eyes widening at this, jaw going open, “Her? Daph—did.. you just say her?!” He was in disbelief, Daphne started laughing as he finally realized and said it out loud.
“Merlin’s beard—Daphne! Daphne, please tell me you’re joking with me!” He gazed into the woman’s eyes, there wasn’t a slight faint of that familiar mischievous look in her eyes. He saw it was genuine.
It was real. They truly had a girl.
Their own baby girl.
Matthias ran his fingers through his hair, eyes still wide, as tears started to prick at his eyes. “I can’t believe it! I have to tell everyone, real quick! Oh my goodness, we have a girl!” Right before he left, he gave his wife a kiss on the lips, as well as giving their newborn baby girl a few delicate kisses on her rosy cheeks.
“I’ll be right back!”
He shouted before he ran out the door, Daphne continued to laugh at this.
His shoes slid across the kitchen floor, he immediately stopped himself. The people in the room gave him a look, the man was grinning ear-to-ear. “Matthias? Everything alright?” One of his other best friends, Sebastian Ramseier, was the first to speak up.
Matthias had to find the right words, before blurting out “The baby! It—she’s a girl!” He exclaimed, the others, unaware of the baby’s gender besides, Yvonne, Ileana and Tallulah. Most of their eyes had widened at the news.
“Wow! A girl! That’s absolutely brilliant! It was about time that your family had a girl. Congratulations to you two!” Jarrett was the first to congratulate them, along with Jarrett’s wife, Adaeline.
Along came Sebastian’s congratulations to him, then Paisley, Sebastian’s wife.
Everett, who was standing there in complete shock, came up and hugged Matthias. “Looks like your wish came true, about having a girl, mate.” He whispered to the man, who in response laughed at this. As the pair stepped back from their hug, “Yes, it seems it has. However, it seems like instead of a godson, you got a goddaughter.” Matthias started with a smile, hinting towards them wanting him to be the baby’s godfather, now it was Everett’s turn to start tearing up.
“Matthias. Are you asking me to be the baby’s godfather? You… you’re asking me? Me—of all people?” Everett spoke with shakiness in his voice, having trouble to get the words out.
“Of course we’re asking you. We discussed it for months. Everyone else agreed as well.” A voice was behind them, the two men turned around, there was Daphne standing in the doorway of the kitchen, and said bundle of joy held carefully in her arms.
Her mother was shocked to see her up and out of bed already, and spoke up immediately.
“Daphne—shouldn’t you be resting-“
“Mother, I’m alright.” The brunette woman explained to her mother.
“If she’s fine, she’ll be fine, Yvonne. Besides, it’ll be good for her to be walking around..” Ileana reassured the woman beside her.
Matthias however, went to his wife’s side, his arm behind her, just in case. Though Daphne didn’t say anything about it.
“As I was saying.. we’d love for you to be her godfather—“ just as Daphne was going to continue, Matthias sheepishly interrupted her.
“So sorry for interrupting, darling. We can’t just continue to call her baby. She needs a name.” He told her.
“Oh—you’re right! I’m so sorry..” Daphne put her hand against her forehead, how could she have forgotten? Before looking down at the baby. “Well.. what should we name her?” And then glanced up at her husband.
The rest of their family and friends stood around, waiting patiently for the name.
The man pursed his lips, “What was that name you suggested before?” He whispered into her ear.
“Mat, it’s been so long since we discussed names.. I hardly remember.” She laughed, before trying to think of something.
Then, the name struck her. “Was.. this the name you were talking about?” She whispered back to him, as well as whispering said name, the man beside her nodded with a smile.
“That was the one.” He said out loud, “What was the one? What is it?” Matthias’ younger brother, Ramiro, was curious now.
The couple looked at eachother, “The name we chose.. was Marcenia.” Matthias started, before Daphne continued “Marcenia Ilene Laiche.” She stated, glancing over at Ileana. Who was surprised by the middle name.
“Marcenia, what a beautiful name.” Yvonne exclaimed with a sigh of happiness, “And I see you took my advice of naming her after Ileana.”
Ileana then looked at Yvonne, the same surprise written all over her face. “You..you told them to do that?”
“Well yes, of course I did.” The woman smiled, “You didn’t want them naming her after you?”
Yvonne shook her head, “There’ll always be another time. It’s not everyday that another baby girl is born in either of our families.”
0 notes
cyberstabbing · 7 years
The Pureblood Pretense
Okay this needs its own post. Seriously. For me, The Pureblood Pretense is on the same level as THROAM, and that’s saying something. Anyways, let’s get to it. 
TPP is a series made up of four books as I’m writing this, each book making up one year, same as the HP books. 
“Hold up,” a voice interrupts. “I don’t read unfinished fic.”
Yeah, yeah, I know. Even I was wary of the WIP factor when I first stumbled across it. But worry not, my child, for this fic will keep you entertained for an eternity and a half. How so, you ask? Because it’s over one million words long. 1,144,996 words. 1145k. To this day, the longest time I have been awake (hellish times at airports with ten minute naps here and there not included) was when reading TPP for the first time. It wasn’t until I was having Harry Potter themed hallucinations that I finally put the fic down and crashed for 14 hours. 
Anyways, I’ll add that when Violet (aka Murkybluematter) does update with a chapter, she releases chapters that are about 40k words. And if you’re anything like most readers you’ll get a rush like no other when you receive that sweet, sweet email notifying you of the new chapter. Be sure to follow the tags on tumblr, hang around r/hpfanfiction and especially the Rigel Black forum on FF.net when the next chapter drops (hopefully this summer) to join in on the celebration. ;)
EDIT #1: The chapter dropped! Hallelujah! 
EDIT #2: Another chapter dropped this summer!?! 
What about the plot, you ask? Well I suck at putting that in words, so lemme pull up the description from the author herself:
The Pureblood Pretense
Harriett Potter dreams of going to Hogwarts, but in an AU where the school only accepts purebloods, the only way to reach her goal is to switch places with her pureblood cousin—the only problem? Her cousin is a boy. Alanna the Lioness take on HP. 229k
Right, so that’s the first book in the series you’re looking at. And I know what you’re thinking, “Harriett Potter?! Oh god.” But don’t worry, she goes by Harry. Or, well, Rigel for the most part. Sometimes Archie. You’ll understand when you read it. 
If that wasn’t enough, here’s a fun description from the author of a fic that’s a fic of the fic TPP (The Rigel Black Chronicles by Elelith) Confusing, I know.
Summary: For those of you who haven't read Murkybluematter's Rigel Black series – What are you doing? Go read it now. If for some incomprehensible reason you haven't but still want to read this- this is what you have to know:
Harry Potter is actually Harriet Potter and she secretly exchanges place with her male cousin (Sirius Black's son) to go to Hogwarts because he wants to learn healing in America and she wants to learn potions under Potion Master Snape but Hogwarts only allows purebloods and she doesn't qualify. She makes friends with Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson all the while masquerading as her male cousin and is apprenticed to Severus Snape.
Actually, all you need to know for this chapter is that Rigel Black (aka Harriet Potter) has an unhealthy obsession with Potions and is both very smart and a clueless idiot when it comes to social cues.
Stephan Sokolow wrote a lovely review of TPP on his blog. I recommend reading the entire thing even if you’ve already read TPP in its entirety. Below are some excerpts.
First, this is a damn good “Draco and other Slytherins as interesting characters” story. The interactions between Rigel’s friends remind me of Harry and co. in canon or the Scoobies (main cast) in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I really enjoy reading about them.
[…] Murkybluematter really has a talent for good pacing. The ebb and flow of threats and resolutions kept me on my toes beautifully and, if the foreshadowed build-up in the series-level conflict arc is delivered upon, this is going to be one amazingly satisfying read when I get into the later volumes.
All in all, this is one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Of the multiple gigabytes of fanfiction I’ve chewed through in the last 15 years, I’m not sure I can find half a dozen which came this close to the satisfaction I get from a good professionally published novel.
Still not convinced? Well check out this post from years ago, it’s still relevant!
Check out this two-page comic of the first chapter! It’s hella well made. 
And if you’ve already read it? Well go read som TPP fics! There’s a thread on the Rigel Black forum that houses most drabbles and several comments pointing one in the right direction to find more fic. Additionally, the Google doc Recomended Fics has a list on 18 TPP fics, plus more HP fics.
Some excellent TPP drabbles:
Reactions to the ruse reveal (and a bit of humor) by The Four Eyes - I was thinking about how each character might react to finding out that Harry=Rigel and Archie=AIM!Harry, and thought I'd post it here. This is mostly a way to channel my current obsession with the story since I just finished rereading.
Some excellent TPP fics:
Breaking the Lines by kitsunerei88 - Caelum's life is full of lines, between pureblood and Muggle, powerful and weak, pure and impure, fake and real, right and wrong. Harriett Potter shatters them all. A story about Caelum Lestrange, first and foremost: about his childhood, his life, and his relationship with a certain Harriett Potter. 36k
Moments of Realization by kitsunerei88 - A collection of the moments in which various characters discover or realize the ruse, and their reactions. 13k
Liar Liar by kitsunerei88 - Some people are not all that they seem to be. Rigel Black is not, and neither is Aldon Rosier. [AU post-Ambiguous Artifice] 176k
The Rigel Black Chronicles by Elelith - Approved one-shots based on Murkybluematter's Pureblood Pretense & Serpentine Subterfuge fics. Different POVs, cracky, funny, and just plain weird snapshots of Rigel Black's double life. Synopsis: Harriett Potter dreams of going to Hogwarts, but in an AU where the school only accepts purebloods, the only way to reach her goal is to switch places with her pureblood male cousin... 55k
The House of Black – Fanfic of The Pureblood Pretense Series by SakinaoftheAlleys - This takes place before anything that happens in The Pureblood Pretense, and focuses on Sirius after the death of Diana. 7k
And lastly, check out all the wonderful fanart on this site by following the tags pureblood pretense, rigel black etc etc. I’ve reblogged most of it on a sideblog under the tag the pureblood pretense: link. Here’s another comic from The Ambiguous Artifice (book three) :3
Rigel Black Ebooks on Google Drive (via rebell-k)
Google doc: Things Leo knows (color-coded!)
I like having a few images of what the characters look like to keep it fresh in my mind, so here are some links to my favorites.
Well first of all, there’s this thread: What do these characters look like in your head? aka Casting Call! ... it’s pretty much the mecca of suitable images. 
Harry Potter/Rigel Black/and Archie I guess
Blop OoOo art (year 1-2)
Rigel Black~ (year 1-3)
Harry’s Magic Core (year 1-2)
Harry and Rosier, counting drunk people during the gala.  (year 3)
Edwardian style dress robes (year 3)
Harry and Addy at the gala (year 3)
Harry in duel outfit. (year 4)
Arcturus Black
Harry and Addy at the gala
So, that’s it, that’s Addy for me.
Draco Malfoy
The King of Slytherin (Well, that would be him from third or fourth year).
Pansy Parkinson
Copic on Bristol.
Aldon Rosier
Harry and Rosier, counting drunk people during the gala. 
The Promise
Alesana Selwyn
Selwyn and Rigel. Ink on bristol.
Caelum Lestrange
Listen this drawing is so perfect I’ve saved it to my phone so I can go stare at it occasionally when reading TPP it’s so fucking accurate and amazing: That’s C-A-E-L-U-M.
Severus Snape
Young genius Severus Snape
Just try me (Severus and Lily)
Tom Riddle
Age 12
Blop OoOo art
The Ambiguous Artifice
Other characters
Gavril and Irina of the Strigoi Shrouds
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 10 months
I really liked your Gavril fics and your drawings! Can I request mayhaps something like a date night with Gav? And cuddles please ;;;
Date night with Gavril
Date nights are a pretty...much unspoken topic with Gavril
Considering he's being chased by the FBI
Not that you know ofc
Because of that he could be a bit anxious whenever it means going out into a public setting
Though if he did agree to a date it would be under two conditions
To be in a private setting
And cheese
Lots of it
"Gav?" The call of his name causes him to turn his head towards your direction, a casual smile on his face once he saw you standing at the doorway of the living room, giving you a slightly playful wave. His coat was currently in the washer right now, as he accidentally fell into some "mud" on his way here. Though it didn't look like mud.. Do you believe him? No. Are you gonna pretend you do? Yes. Blissful ignorance your cousin has told you a multiple amount of times when you were younger, "Yes?" He calls out, watching as you approached him and sit next to him on the couch, leaning into him as you visibly melt into him.
He mostly kept to himself at the start at the relationship, not really seeing the point in physical touch or not used to actually talking with someone, though once the relationship progressed he quite literally melted into you whenever the chance pops up, both physically and emotionally. Which is what he did, melting into you as he sucks up the warmth from your skin as he wraps his arms around your waist.
"How are you always so cold??" Questioning it as you let out a small shiver, goosebumps already appearing, wrapping your arms around him as best as you could without pulling a muscle due to the uncomfortable position you were in. God, you should've knew he would have been such a cuddly guy, otherwise you'd choose a more comfortable position.
Damn your aging body for cursing you.
"Mm, I don't know, my dear." He replied to your response with a playful tone, his signature grin plastered onto his face. You don't know what it was about his grin, but it just..suits him. Like, way too well. Though it gives you some sort of butterflies whenever he grins at you, hell even when he smiles at you does your stomach do backflips. Huffing out a chuckle, the two of you just sit on the couch for a bit.
"Did you need something?"
"I wanted to ask you about something.."
You could tell you caught his interest, as he seemingly pulled your body a bit closer to him, waiting for you to continue. It was to say a bit nerve wracking to ask him a question like this, but you wanted the two of you to go on a date together. But you're not really sure how he would react as he was mostly isolated from the rest of society and going out would probably not be enjoyable for him and cause for him to be vary alert.
"Would it be alright if we went out? Like not anything special or anything just, somewhere private.."
When you didn't get a response, you were afraid for the worst, preparing to take it back before you felt a soft pressure being placed on the top of your head. "Sure, I don't see why not."
"Yes, really."
It will probably depend on how long you guys have been together for
But if you've been together for a while then he'll say yes
But conditions will still apply
Like privacy away from the noise and the people
An ideal first date would probably be either stargazing or just taking a walk around the park together
Or if you like the risk, exploring abandoned places or jumping roofs/buildings with him
Regrettably, you forgot how cold it gets in the winter.
Especially in the nighttime.
Though that didn't really matter right now as you finally get to go out with Gavril! Nothing special of course, but it was going good so far.
A while back you've discovered an abandoned park while doing your daily errands and you've been wanting to explore it for some time now. It's insanely overgrown and seemed to be untouched and going in alone didn't seem like a bad idea to you but after some thought it would've been better if you went with someone else.
Which is what you and Gavril are doing now. Since there was a gate restricting anyone from coming in, both of you decided to climb over it, which you struggled quite a bit. Gavril obviously didn't since he was quite used to doing these types of things, but he did get a good laugh out of it as he watched you struggle to get off the top of the fence without ripping your pants.
He helped you though. With that signature smirk of his plastered onto his face.
It would probably only be a walk and maybe even a small picnic
But usually it'll be stargazing or just cuddle sessions
Just a little guy with his cheese
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
Part 1 is here
It's gonna be short compared to the rest
"Put the cheese down." You didn't even have to turn around to know that Gavril was attempting to put a whole container of cheese in his coat, his attempt of stealing quickly causing him to shove the container back where he got it. A huff from him was all you needed to confirm your suspicions, a small smile tugging at the ends of your lips as you looked over the different types of breads.
It was somewhat early in the morning, only been an hour since the store opened when the two of you arrived anyway, which was actually nice. Barely anyone around and being able to get your things more quickly since there'll be nobody at the checkout lines.
Though, from the corner of your eye, you could see an employee at the other end of the aisle, seemingly to busy themselves with something on the shelves. They've been there for quite a while now, and whenever the pair of you would move to a different aisle, they always seemed to have something to do in that one as well.
Seems like they were suspicious, more so, it was Gavril they were suspicious of.
You can't really blame them to be honest. He did literally just try to shoplift several containers of cheese with your back turned and right in front of them.
"What do you want to eat later?" To be honest you're not sure how long he'll stay as he did stay the night over at your place, hopefully for another few hours to at least get some proper food in his stomach. A lot of the food in the fridge was a few days past the expiration date...
Take out seems like a good option, you didn't really feel like cooking or cleaning today. "Mmm whatever you want, as long as it has cheese in it." He appears right behind you now, draping his arms around you as he settles his chin atop your head a small smile on his face. Not that you can see it.
Well, that certainly narrows it down. What could you order that will have an abundance of cheese on it? Well the answer is simple.
Pizza. It may be too early for it but it's the only thing you can think off the top of your head.
"How about pizza? We'll pick up a box or two on the way home." Looking up, you can't really gouge his thinking process to the idea since he literally placed his chin on top your head, but it seemed that he liked the idea as he hummed in a positive way.
"Sure, I don't mind."
"Alright, also we should really hurry up I think the employees are getting suspicious.." As you glanced back at the employee at the end, it seemed that while you were talking another employee joined the former. And it seemed like they were about to confront you so quickly you passed them with Gavril in tow, rushing to the register.
On the way home, you kept your promise and made sure to have extra EXTRA cheese put on the pizzas.
He was a happy little guy in the end.
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 5 months
Tumblr media
Sneak peak at a draft of mine :)
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
Comfort (Gavril)
This will be a series w/ all the Bubo characters (Gavril, Angelo, Nostre, Daniel, Aku, maybe Tooth too) Love it when my brain comes up with ideas when I have several other WIP's to do
I was crying earlier and my brain in the middle of it went, "but what if the Bubo Characters were here."
Gender-Neutral Reader
You felt like crying, screaming.
Everything was shit, every single hour that went by, every single minute, every single second felt long and torturous. Your body felt heavy, head heavy as it pounded with a throbbing headache against your skull, vision blurry.
Why did today of all days in the year have to be so shitty? You woke up late for work, got coffee all over your work clothes and didn't have a spare, got chewed out by your boss because how you forgot to do something yesterday and how you were "representing" the workplace, didn't eat lunch because you forgot to bring your wallet, and so many other things that made you want to wallow into the ground and forget about everything.
Anger, misery, sadness, irritation, annoyance, depression.
You want to cry so bad, you want to break something. Throw something. Anything.
But the moment you walked through your door, the dams broke. Sliding down to the floor, you cried your heart out, you cried out to no one as the bitter tears spilled down your face, dropping onto the floor. It felt pathetic, on your arms and knees just because nothing went right today, nothing went how was suppose to, crying out everything you had to the shadows around you. Wailing out to only the silence that surrounded you.
But it couldn't be helped, keeping every single thing bottled up over the last few months, constantly filling up the cup. This was eventually bound to happen. It was only a matter of time before the water spilled over the edge.
It felt like hours hunched over on the floor, a puddle of tears forming as your wails soon turned to soft hiccups and quiet sniffling. Your throat hurt from all the wailing, nose filled to the brim with runny snot, vision blurred and puffy from the tears with more coming, your limbs going numb from how long they were on the ground. Yet you didn't want to get up, you didn't have the energy to do so.
You stayed there for a few minutes longer taking several deep breaths, building up your energy, before slowly standing up from that position. Your joints popped as you started moving, relieved to be moving again.
You felt disconnected from the world, everything around you seemed to have been numbed down. You felt bland, empty. Every limb in your body felt heavier than before, mind becoming foggy the longer you stood there staring off into space. Your brain went on autopilot, searching for a place to rest, which was the couch.
The fog felt like a long-awaited hug, a hug that feels like it's enveloping your entire body, a hug without warmth. It's just, there...
Curling up on yourself, you laid there wide awake as not even an ounce of sleep crept into your mind as the hours ticked by, you didn't even bother checking the time. Didn't bother getting up.
It was just so easy to just stay there, not worry about anything else, in the moment. Letting the clouds fog your mind as you let your body relax into the cushions.
After what was probably two hours, you hear the familiar sound of footsteps upstairs, creaking against the old floorboards. You didn't even bother panicking about who it was, you didn't feel ready to come out of the comforting fog yet. The footsteps went down the stairs, right next to the couch, yet you didn't feel an ounce of fear go through you. Heartbeat as calm as it could be, beating against your ribcage in a calming manner. Whoever it was can do what they want, you don't even have a care to give.
"Y/N?" You perked up a bit, eyes glancing up at the person looking over from the stairs. It was Gavril, hood still on as his eerily bright eyes shined through the dark. It still scares you how bright his eyes are in the dark, staring at your form unblinking, intensely. Like a kind of cat of sorts. Maybe a perk from the goo. He quickly descends the rest of the stairs, pulling off his hood to reveal his dark curly hair.
You didn't move, just letting a sigh pass your lips as you stared off again. You should've been more excited that Gavril was here, it's been 3 months since you last saw him in person. But you literally cried everything out hours ago, your brain to exhausted to make a reaction. Gavril approaches closer, to where he's hovering over the couch. He seemed.., concerned about you. His brows were furrowed as he had a slight frown on his face. It doesn't seem like he knows how to act whenever someone is like this. He slowly reached out a hand, brushing some of the hairs out of the way that have fallen over your face in a gentle manner.
For a couple of minutes, that's all he does, over and over. Eventually he sits right next to you on the couch, your head in his lap as he gently combs his fingers through your hair.
It feels nice, to be right against him as his touch left a certain type of warmth in your nerves, filling your mind with a good emotion you can't quite put a name to. Eyes fluttering close, you enjoy the gesture, further relaxing your body into his as he continues the gesture. The events of today slowly melting from your mind as the seconds pass.
When his hand was about to pull away, your own grabbed at his wrist, refusing for the affection to be over so soon. "Not yet.." Your voice is hoarse, from your lack of words in the past hours and from the crying. Gavril hasn't said anything, he doesn't point out how you sound, all he does is cup your face in a comforting manner. Exhaustion hits your body like a train, as your mind slowly fades in and out from consciousness, not processing anything around you as you let yourself go.
"I'll be here in the morning.."
How did you end up in your bed?
Groggily, you looked around. Yeah you're definitely in your room. Couldn't tell the time though, it was cloudy outside and made the whole room darker, can't tell if it was early morning or the afternoon. You don't remember making the walk upstairs last night, all you remember was curling up on your couch and..
"Fuck, Gavril!" Quickly getting out of bed, and nearly face-planting into the wall, you scrambled out of the room and downstairs to see if he was still here. To see if he actually stayed.
After finally taking the last step, you hear a soft humming from the living room. Glancing over to your right, and there he was, patiently sitting there with something in hand. A old rubix cube you were meant to solve. His coat was discarded, some rips and tears in it, folded neatly on the couch arm as he kept twisting and turning the cube. Didn't seem like he wanted to figure it out, just needed something to busy his mind and hands. Fucking shit, you missed him so badly..
Coming up right behind the couch, you wrap your arms around him, smushing your face into his hair. Which probably wasn't a good idea since he didn't take a shower but you brushed off his smell, only seeking his touch. You felt him jump a bit beneath you from the surprise embrace, but quickly relax as he realized it was only you, returning the gesture as best as he could.
"Hey dear," He coos, drawing patterns into your arm after placing the cube down, "Good to see you better."
"It's good to see you again."
"Yeah? Did you miss me that much?"
"Obviously I would.."
Your hand came up to his hair, playing with the curly ends of them. He seemed to enjoy it, letting out a small hum. A comfortable silence falls over you two, only the quiet breathing of you and Gavril's filling the air.
"Do you...want to talk about last night?" He sounded hesitant when whispering out the question, he seemed unsure in what he was doing. You found it sweet of him that he wanted to make sure you were okay though.
You mulled over the question in your head, thinking it again and again. Do you want to talk about it? I mean, you cried your heart and soul out last night so it should be fine, right? But there's the chance that might make Gavril uncomfortable. He was asking, but there's the benefit of doubt.
"..Just a bad day was all."
"Mm..." He stays quiet for a few moments, thinking something over, "Who do I have to kill?" He attempts what you think is a joke, but you can't tell whether he is actually serious or just trying to cheer you up in some weird way. Eh, he's your weirdo anyway.
"Don't. I love you Gav, but I swear to God do not kill someone just because they made me sad," Pulling your face out of his hair, you lean down to plant a small kiss on his cheek, "unless I ask you too." A cheeky smile makes its way onto your face, jumping over the couch just to sit right beside him. Looking at his face, it seemed to be flushed, a slight look of embarrassment on his face as a wobbly smile takes place. His adorableness just seems to intensity whenever he's flustered, you don't know why but it just makes you fall harder for him.
"Did you eat anything?"
"I, uhm..no not really?"
"You ate everything in the fridge again, didn't you?" His gaze averted to the side as he lets out a nervous chuckle. Letting out a sigh of slight disappointment, you slump onto him, closing your eyes. "'s fine, I needed an excuse to go shopping anyway.." You can't blame him, to be honest. He must've been starving and food must've been scarce. You're surprised he isn't dead yet, or in jail.
"Is it alright if I come?" Thinking it over in your mind, you think of the pros and cons of him coming along.
"..Sure." He's probably going to tag along either way, no matter which answer you chose. But that's fine, you love your skrunckly little rat man either way.
You just hoped he wouldn't try and steal a wheel of cheese, again.
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
Snippets of life with the BUBO characters (Nostre, Aku punk, Daniel, Gavril)
Gender-Neutral Reader
It was a boring summer night, nothing to do and falling into the same routine, or so you thought. It was very quiet, other than the constant chirping of the crickets, and the quiet rustling coming from the wind. But Gavril decided to surprise you by visiting! Though he scared the shit out of you when he literally snuck in through your bedroom window without a sound and surprised you, almost got a bat to the head if he didn't duck fast enough. He's fine, you gave him a whole block of cheese as an apology, he's very happy.
Limbs tangled together on the bed as you both hold each other, your head against his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat as your hands played with his hair. His hands were around your waist gently rubbing circles into your lower back, or just leaving them there as he enjoys the warmth you radiate. His hair was very soft and felt nice to the touch. Surprisingly, there was no knots or matted hair, so it was easy for you to comb your fingers through it without struggle. And the curliness of that one strand of his, is so fun. Just to gently pull it, and seeing it bounce back into it's original shape was just so strangely funny to you, causing a quiet giggle to escape your mouth whenever you do so. You continue to repeat the action for several minutes more, cheeks starting to hurt from smiling to much.
"What's got you so giggly tonight, Darling~?" Your constant giggling seemed to have peaked Gavril's interest, as he lifted your chin so he could see your smiling face, a soft grin on his own. "It's—it's just your hair," Twirling the strand around a finger, you let it go, watching as it quickly goes back to it's original state, another giggle being torn from your lips. "My hair? What about it?" Amusement was swirling in his eyes, his hands traveling up your back until they were softly placed on your face, gently stroking your cheek in a slow circular motion. "Honestly, it's just funny seeing your hair spring back..." He huffs out a small laugh, placing a soft kiss on your forehead as he pulls you closer to his person. Putting his face in the crook of your neck, Gavril places soft kisses along the skin, hands traveling back down to where they were originally at the start. The kisses made you squirm from the ticklish feeling as small giggles fill the room, not being able to get away as he had you caged in his arms.
That's how the night continued on, with you and your Gavril, talking back and forth between topics that don't even relate to one another, small silly banters, or just cuddling with each other. You're not sure if Gavril will be there in the morning, but that doesn't really matter, ear against his chest as the soft drumming of his heart lulls you to sleep. "Goodnight Darling~"
You wished you didn't have to get up. You wished you didn't even have to leave the arms of the literal cuddle bear that's holding you captive, and currently keeping you warm from the cold of LA, despite it being 46⁰. But that damn alarm kept screaming, and it was starting to tick you off. You forgot to turn it off the other day, as it was the beginning of winter break, and now you're facing the consequences of your own forgetfulness. How Daniel sleeps through the blaring of the alarm, you are not sure, how the hell does he even get up on time to get ready to teach?
As a last attempt, and a lot of squirming, you were finally able to get out of muscular arms that held you captive, finally turning off the alarm and powering it off so you wouldn't have anymore interruptions to your sleep. Groggy and absolutely tired, you pushed your way back into Daniel's arms, snuggling into his chest as your hands wrapped around his waist.
Though that seemed to have woke him up, "..Y/N? Wha..are you doing up..?" Yawning, he snuggles closer to your person, tangling his legs with yours as he does so. "Shit, sorry Danny I forgot to turn my alarm off the other day." He didn't respond for a good minute, you can't tell if he fell asleep or not because his eyes were still closed. You assumed he was asleep, his body hasn't moved an inch, other than the slow rise and fall of his breathing. Leaning closer towards his face, you kissed the tip of his nose before settling back into his chest, going back to sleep.
A couple more hours doesn't sound to bad..
Though Daniel wasn't really asleep, he was trying to wake himself up that he forgot to respond to you. But that kiss certainly woke him up, a red blush making itself known on his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
God, he was truly lucky to have you.
Aku Punk
What a wonderful start to your morning, groaning as you peaked at your personal alarm clock from underneath your arm, glaring at him as you turned over on your side. But that only seemed to make him more annoyingly persistent, as he jabbed your back repeatedly.
"what, whaT WHAT!? IT'S FUCKING SIX IN THE MORNING??" Though the redhead didn't respond to your shout, instead yanking the blanket from your person and grabbing onto your leg. "AKU.. DON'T YOU DARE DO WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DO." All you get in return is a mischievous smile, as he yanks your person off the bed with surprising strength, a yelp leaving your mouth. He throws you a pair of shoes and some sweats that were lying around in your room, turning to leave. "C'mon! Today's the day we get that game!" It took you a bit for your brain to remember what he was talking about, before it clicked. "Oh shit! How much time do we have?"
"30 minutes if you don't hurry the fuck up!"
Now with a time limit, you fumbled with your pajama pants as you rushed to put on the sweats, looking for a pair of socks while you do so too. The both of you were planning to buy the new Legend of Zelda game for a few weeks now, and today was finally that day! The reason why you guys didn't get it earlier was because you were both busy. And the fact that Aku always slept in much later than you before he had to go to his job.
Stumbling out the room as you tied your laces, you grabbed your keys and wallet from your dresser, heading towards the kitchen where Aku is most likely at. Probably drinking an energy drink or that green crap that he brought home once. He let you try it once, you were out sick for a whole entire week, stuck in bed with the worst headache you have ever experienced and nearly throwing up anything you ate.
You still question to this day how he's able to stomach the disgusting drink, mulling it over in your mind. When you asked, he said he was simply built different with a shrug as he adds it to his Monster.
"C'mon let's go!" Grabbing an apple sauce pack from the fridge for the road, it's better not to be hangry while on the road, "After we get that game we can buy some snacks on the way back."
"Ah hell yeah! I call dibs on driving!"
"No way, you got a ticket last time!"
"Not my fault that wearing headphones while driving was apparently illegal."
"Whatever let's just go already."
Sleep couldn't come to you tonight, no matter how much you positioned yourself or how still you stayed, so here you are in the kitchen. Though 7 minutes into prepping a meal for yourself, Nostre sluggishly came out of the bedroom, wondering where his large teddy went. Most nights, he is only able to sleep with you besides him, it brings him a warming comfort whenever he feels your body next to him, cuddling him close as he feels your calm heartbeat against his skin.
It was very well past midnight, with you cooking a small meal for the both of you. Nostre's arms were around your midsection securely with his head on your shoulder, watching you with tired eyes. His eyes would flutter close every now and then, leaning more into you as he dozes off. Though he usually jolt awake in the end due to some jumping oil on his skin, grumbling as he softly glares at nothing in particular.
He reminded you of a cat of sorts with his behavior. There have been a time where you called him Kitty as a joke, though it didn't seem to upset him in any way, more like fluster him to the point he looked like a cherry and couldn't hold any sorts of eye contact. A fond memory that you like bringing up whenever you two are alone. It embarrass him every time.
Smiling, you kiss his forehead as you turn your focus back to the stove, moving the food around so they would cook evenly, "Sorry for waking you, Hun. I promise we'll go to bed after we're done eating." All you get in return was a hum of acknowledgment, with a small kiss being placed on your cheek. "..it's fine... I don't mind."
This happened on many occasions. Whenever one or both of you couldn't sleep, you both end up doing something with the other until the familiar drowsiness comes so you can both call it a night.
Though you both would be paying for the consequences of staying up late as you both head to your jobs in the morning, but that doesn't stop you two from doing so.
You also find that whenever he's tired enough, he'll usually blurt out a thought he was thinking about earlier in day or come up with something on the spot, which are usually out-of-context.
Most of which are usually just him going on about some cat he had been feeding on campus, naming them after you as he goes on about what the cat brang him when he went to go feed them again, or how the cat brought another friend around.
I am desperate for requests
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not-poignant · 5 years
top 5 favorite movies?
Extreeeemely belated meme responses! Okay, I know I’ve answered this one before, and I know my answers have changed since then, so take this one with a grain of salt!
1. Howl’s Moving Castle - It’s nothing like the book, but I actually love it so much more for being a little less complex and a little more straightforward. To me, it’s just a straight up romance, and I am very into romance, as you can tell by the fact that I write it. Also, the animation, the soundtrack, the ending! Look I’m not going to lie, but I actually based the appearance of Gavril in The Golden Age that Never Was, just a little, on the prince who gets turned into the turniphead scarecrow (we only see him for five seconds at the very end in human form lol).
2. Spirited Away - This generally is my all time favourite whenever people ask me. And before Howl’s Moving Castle came out it was guaranteed. This was the movie that had me exploring Shinto archetypes in Miyazaki’s works for a university thesis. And despite watching this movie what feels like five billion times, I still love it. Also, Sixth Station by Jo Hisaishi is hands down one of the most evocative songs of all time, paired with the scene that it’s paired with. Fight me.
3. The Grand Budapest Hotel - I am enchanted by this movie. Firstly, I do like Wes Anderson (again, fight me). I really enjoy his vision and I like the way he plays around with film formats (look, I’m a media studies BA/MA living with someone who did film and scriptwriting if I look behind me I actually have Mendl’s pastry boxes sitting on the mantle because we asked the indie cinema if we could take them home). I also have always enjoyed Ralph Fiennes, and I just really love the soundtrack and storytelling (and all the glorious, glorious pink in this film).
4. Song of the Sea - An Irish animated fantasy feature that came out in 2014, about selkies (actually about a lot more than selkies) directed and co-produced by Tomm Moore (who is also on Tumblr! As @tommtumb! Follow for his artwork). I can’t really talk about how so many great things came together so exquisitely in this film, from the unique and beautiful artwork, to the brilliant soundtrack, to the sensitive, caring and spot on voice acting, to the general ambience of a film that respects the spiritual alongside the mundane and the everyday (or, indeed, sees no difference, because the sacredness is immanent and not only transcendant). Also. Selkies.
5. Mysterious Skin - Hey I wrote a fanfiction about this film. The book is amazing too, and they both have their own differences, and yet work alongside and separately from one another. The casting in this was brilliant, I mean Joseph Gordon Levitt was always going to be good, but Brady Corbet (who now directs films) was incredible in his role. The subject matter is dark, exploring the long-term impact of child sexual abuse, including one character who believes he consented to what happened (and yet is tremendously fucked up as to belie his beliefs), and one character who just straight up hated all of it. The film is delightfully queered, which is largely due to the author of the original story and the director both being openly gay men. Despite the subject matter, Gregg Araki’s take on the subject matter isn’t remotely exploitative, and the cinematography is really incredible. I have personal reasons for loving this movie, but I think it’s one that everyone should see. It’s one of those ‘the one movie everyone should see but never will’ movies.
From the very belated top 5 meme!
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not-poignant · 6 years
11, 32, 40 :D. I don't think you've answered these yet, but sorry if you did and I missed it!
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Aside from typos, no.
I have some times gone back and amended things based on random shit. Like, sometimes I reread and notice Augus’ dialogue isn’t where I want it to be. And there’s some things I’m keeping in mind for the Game Theory edit (i.e. more exposition so people have a better idea of why Augus is jailed in the first place etc.).
But otherwise, no. If anything, criticisms tend to make me double down and do the opposite, since a lot of the time they’re things like: ‘this story would be better if the characters were pregnant’ (yes, really) or ‘I want to like this story but Jack’s too whiny when does he get less whiny’ (me: NEVER) or ‘I want to like these characters but Augus eats people can you make these characters more likeable’ and so on. Basically it’s things like ‘wow if I was writing this story I’d do it different, write it the way I would’ to which I just smile and say: ‘write it yourself, have a nice day motherfucker.’ (Which is very different to people speculating and saying like ‘wow I wish Gwyn would get revenge here’ etc. like there’s a really clear difference between ‘I was enjoying this until you made Jack whiny, I don’t know if I can keep reading through his whinyness’ and ‘I wonder how Jack is going to continue to change/grow as the story progresses!’)
Tbh, I think it’s also that I have a beta (and more than one for some things), I have a professional editor for published works, and beyond that I’ve been taught not to kind of absorb every (or even most) criticisms because most people doing the criticising are not professionals and don’t often know how to distinguish between ‘this is just something that’s not for me and I haven’t realised the world isn’t for me yet’ and ‘this is a genuine issue holding the story back.’ The fact is, not liking something doesn’t mean you can give a valid criticism or even that you have a valid criticism to give. A lot of people don’t know the difference between ‘something is wrong with this story’ and ‘this story is literally not for me, and it would have to become a completely different genre / type of story / have different characters for me to ever like it.’
Like I can’t stand Sense8 but I don’t want them to change it for me. It’s a fantastic show for what it is. Let it be. My not liking it means nothing valuable. My having a line to the scriptwriters would be meaningless. And sometimes comments to authors re: fanfiction, are a lot like this. Some haters just don’t realise they can walk away, or alternatively, don’t want to. When that happens, I just deflect and place the power back in their hands, but boy do they not want to hear ‘you can stop reading whenever you like! Or write your own version have a nice day’ which I think is like, the cardinal sign that you’re dealing with an entitled asshole.
About the only thing that would make me go back and amend a story is if/when I’ve done something offensive. Like, if it’s a social conscience issue, that’s different, I mean if people came and were like ‘Makara is the most racist version of a character ever’ I’d look into how to either write him better, revise the story, or place a big-ass warning at the beginning of the story. That kind of thing I pay attention to. Though I try and pre-empt that by doing a lot of research, that’s not foolproof, and I can be a fool, lol.
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Some characters have elements of people I’ve known. Gavril Lunanoff used emotional abuse techniques I’ve encountered myself. That kind of thing. But no, I don’t like writing real people and I hate basing characters on real people. I’ve had friends ask like ‘you should write a character based on me’ and I just, nope, just have no interest in that. I think it would just muddy the waters too much.
But also it’s just not how I write. The characters become themselves, I don’t want them to be based on anyone else! This is also why I don’t often voicecast or facecast characters either.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
Yep! I’m pretty open about it. My family knows, I’ll talk about it on Facebook sometimes, and on Twitter, and so on. A lot of people I know don’t read it, and aren’t interested in reading it, but most know I do it. I sort of refuse to feel ashamed of it, and I kind of hate that we’re still in a day and age where published m/m authors often hide a fanfiction background, or keep the two so separate, and while it’s a personal choice for sure, there’s definitely enough shame and stigma in the industry that it helps perpetuate this idea that fanfiction isn’t legitimate or valid or good writing, and it makes me mad.
So I’m rebelliously standing there like ‘I WRITE FANFICTION COME AT ME BRO’ lmao I’m pretty sure I’m the writer that some other writers eyeroll at.
From this writerly meme!
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