#gay jedi hours 😌
playing tomb raider and crying this is ten times more stressful than any horror game i’ve played. there are wolves everywhere i hate them 😭
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hello look at lara’s face when she realises what’s going to happen to sam if she doesn’t rescue her
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when she hears sam’s voice
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when sam cuts off
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gay devastation.jpeg
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starting jedi survivor gonna be so immaculately normal about it
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god the people who make these star wars games know me so well. first they invent trilla and merrin and now... they let me tame weird bipedal horse creatures to ride around on 🥺
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nobody understands how shook i was the first time that 'THE DARK ROT WILL GROW EACH TIME YOU FAIL' appeared in senua i was literally there texting my friend at 2am like 'hey so quick question how many times am i allowed to die' and he just sent me the vaguest most unhelpful answers loved watching me suffer and freak out every time i died
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just started playing the outer wilds and no i didn’t spend 20 minutes trying to win at marshmallows, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve. (i won at marshmallows)
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playing jedi survivor after a week of watch CR nonstop and i almost walked off a CLIFF when matt mercer started talking out of nowhere.
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help look at all the sam/lara fics but i have to finish this game, which is being mean to me, before i can read them
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