#gay panic ver 2
( @dr-ignis-ashton )
Rich finds a plush bear and some flowers at his desk, along with a note.
“Thanks for the date… meet at my place for dinner at 8 on Friday? As repayment :)
(Rich is completely stunned, no clue what to say. Give him a bit, he's almost certainly going to say yes but just be patient with him)
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I was reading through the tv tropes page for tpodg and one of them was that Basil was not aware that he was gay until he met Dorian, which is laughable, but then I thought about what Basil says in his gay little speech in chapter one.
He definitely describes his gay panic, but notably, he repeatedly insists on not knowing why Dorian has such an effect on him—in the novella ver he even says that he has never let someone else influence his life in the way he was willing to let Dorian do. Which I think points to one specific thing:
Basil was never into twinks until Dorian. His gay panic isn’t just because Dorian is beautiful, but because men like him aren’t his usual type. More likely, he was into men like Henry, despite never letting them influence him (so he claims).
Which brings in the fact that unlike Henry, Dorian is easy for Basil to worship through objectification; he can easily, guiltlessly worship Dorian as art which he cannot do with Henry. To worship Henry (even through art) is 1)fucked, 2)admitting to things he isn’t ready to admit to, 3)fucked. Dorian is pure where Henry is sordid. Dorian is naive where Henry is corruptive. Dorian is safe, Henry is not.
So Basil, in his societally imposed cowardice, chooses a man he thinks is not like Henry, only to be pointedly made aware that his taste in men is shit, regardless of their twink status.
smh he should’ve just gotten a cat/hj
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ao3feed-birdflash · 7 months
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suhwife · 2 years
coisas nos membros do NCT que alteram a química do meu cérebro pt. 2
parte 1
Nakamoto Yuta;
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japonês safado, gosta de anime e joga bola
ele é mt sério, tipo visivelmente, mas qnd ele tá confortável ele é como um garotinho de 5 anos q tem q ser protegido do mundo
a risada, mds como eu amo a risada dele, parece tão feliz e sincera
Qian Kun;
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deixa qlqr moleque no chinelo, pq esse sim é um homem de vdd. pacote completo q anyone consegue superar
o quão esforçado ele é, e mt gentil e fofo, facilmente seria o meu first and last
atraente i sexy
Kim Dongyoung;
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eu amo todos da hyung line do nct, mas até de olhos fechados eu ainda escolheria ele como o melhor hyung, é incrível ver o quão suportivo ele é com TODOS do nct
os gay panics dele, a cara de desespero, pedindo arrego
os olhos, os lábios, o sorriso, o nariz, a mão, a voz, a sobrancelha e o resto
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morganfkoskinen · 3 years
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and when you speak, angels sing above.                      everyday words seem to turn into love songs             give your heart and soul to me                                        and life will always be la vie en rose
ᴍᴏʀɢᴀɴ ғʟᴇᴜʀ ᴋᴏsᴋɪɴᴇɴ, from tammins
quick infos
nome: morgan fleur koskinen
apelido: mora, mory, morg, fleur (família)
idade: 25 anos
casta: 2
província: tammins
ocupação: modelo, e agora, selecionada
astrologia: sol em peixes, ascendente em libra, lua em virgem, vênus em leão
altura: 1,6m
fc: maddison jaizani
traços positivos: simpática, esforçada, gentil, sorridente, 
traços negativos: ingênua, manipulável, perfeccionista, se leva ao extremo
Titan Koskinen nasceu em Likely. Filho de um pescador, ele achou que aquele era seu único destino possível. Nunca fora alguém que pensava grande, achava que tinha que cumprir com o que lhe era mandado e fim. Quando sua irmã mais nova, porém, decidiu mudar de vida e passou a trabalhar no castelo como dama de companhia da rainha, ele viu uma brecha. Acabou se alistando e conseguindo um emprego como guarda no castelo, ao menos, depois de alguns conhecidos o indicarem como um dos homens mais fortes e leais que já haviam conhecido. Ser pescador, afinal, tinha suas vantagens: ele era forte, habilidoso e paciente. Antes casta 7, conseguiu sua ascensão até a casta 2 ao se alistar. Conheceu sua mulher, Maxine, dentro do castelo de Illéa - ela também era uma dama de companhia da rainha. Do momento que a viu, soube que ela era a mulher de sua vida. Enquanto ele se contentava com o pouco que fora prometido durante a vida, a mulher pensava grande, muito grande. Ela era brilhante e com uma energia contagiante, muito diferente do que sua família havia lhe ensinado. Estavam juntos para valer, era isso que tinha percebido. Tornou-se um problema, porém, quando em um combate ele acabou gravemente ferido e o exército decidiu aposenta-lo. A mulher concluiu que era hora de parar de cuidar da realeza e cuidar da própria família.
Titan resolveu se mudar para a pronvícia de Maxine, já que parecia o mais inteligente, já que ele não tinha muito mais que o prendesse em Likely. Agora em Tammins, estavam juntos, criando seu próprio lar. E pouco depois, Maxine engravidou. E assim que souberam da gravidez, os sonhos começaram. Não sabiam se seria um menino ou uma menina, por isso faziam planos para ambos. Se fosse um rapazinho, um jovem e forte militar, que ganharia espaço e poder em todo o lugar que ia. Se fosse uma garotinha, seria a perfeita dama que um dia seria a selecionada pelo príncipe Alexander. Maxine havia até mesmo cuidado dele quando pequeno, participado de sua educação! E aquela era a vida que ela queria para sua pequena filha - que ela nem sabia que nasceria. 
O nome Morgan, escolhido por encaixar tanto para um rapaz quanto para uma garota, significa protetor do mar, o que faria com que o descendente se lembrasse das origens de Titan, próximo ao mar. Quando a garotinha nasceu, porém, Maxine veio a óbito durante o parto o que foi um enorme baque para Titan, que esperava ainda ter muitos anos ao lado de sua mulher. Disposto a honrar a lembrança de Maxine, ele colocou o segundo nome, Fleur, uma vez que ali em sua casa, a falecida mulher era quem cuidava dos grandes jardins da propriedade.
Não havia um só dia na vida de Morgan Fleur que seu pai não dissesse como sua mãe estaria orgulhosa da mulher que ela estava se tornando. Afinal, ela estava crescendo aos moldes das lembranças e sonhos da mãe. Nunca teve escolha, nunca teve opção. Desde muito nova ela precisava ser exatamente o que era esperado dela. Desde criança ela ouvia que não devia sentar de pernas abertas, que não devia usar roupas curtas. Que deveria ser gentil, que deveria ser educada e nunca falar alto demais. Ouvia sobre as promessas de uma seleção, onde ela seria a selecionada pelo príncipe e se tornaria uma princesa, um dia até uma rainha. Seu primeiro trabalho como modelo foi aos dez, quando ela posou para uma marca de roupas infantis. Nessa época, já fazia ballet há três anos, já sabia o básico do bordado, já estava aprendendo francês e alemão. Queria sair para brincar, mas não podia. A única vez, inclusive, que saiu de casa sem que seu pai visse para brincar com outras crianças acabou deixando uma pequena cicatriz em seu queixo - que ela sempre escondia com maquiagem. Na adolescência? Não podia namorar, é claro! Tinha que se guardar pro príncipe. Era religiosa e muito contida, tinha poucos amigos homens. Teve aulas em casa de conhecimentos gerais, línguas. Estava se tornando inteligente, mas ela não se interessava muito. De todas as coisas que seu pai lhe incentivava, o único lugar onde ela se sentia bem era nas aulas de ballet. Foi na dança que ela aprendeu a se expressar, mesmo que fosse na dança mais calculada e perfeccionista possível. Mas a pose de bailarina sempre chamava a atenção dos olheiros de marketing, que a contratavam para modelar e desfilar em diversas ocasiões.
tw: transtornos alimentares
Além do comportamento delicado, o corpo perfeito não passava despercebido. Não que fosse fácil mantê-lo, é claro. Durante a adolescência, se cobrava demais. Todo pequeno defeito, fosse numa foto, em uma aula de dança ou em uma apresentação, se criticava por dias. E seu corpo sofria com isso. Levava-o até o limite sempre. Isso também dizia respeito a magreza, uma vez que por alguns anos acabou desenvolvendo bulimia - doença que segue se fazendo presente quando o estresse aumenta demais. 
fim do tw
Não, ela não queria usar os vestidos cheios que seu pai comprava. Não, ela não queria seguir como modelo. Não, ela não queria se relacionar apenas com pessoas de sua casta e pessoas que seu pai achava que fosse digno. Ela não queria fazer aulas de etiqueta, não queria treinar para a seleção! Não aguentava mais. Mas não tinha escolha. Carregava o peso da morte de sua mãe e sabia que seu pai não seria capaz de aguentar mais uma grande decepção. Ela podia até mesmo não querer, mas jamais teria coragem de dizer isso em voz alta. E além disso, se não fosse tudo aquilo, quem era ela, afinal? Morgan nem mesmo sabia dizer quais eram suas próprias vontades, quais eram suas próprias ambições e quais eram seus sonhos. Ela vivia os de sua mãe e de seu pai, beirando as expectativas do homem e morrendo de medo de decepcioná-lo. Era sua maior motivação: orgulha-lo e ser perfeita, sempre. Mas a perfeição lhe restringia de muito. Ah, como queria ser livre! Livre dos vestidos apertados, dos cumprimentos falsos, aos cortejos irritantes. Sonhava em conhecer alguém, sonhava em se apaixonar, mas daquilo nada adiantava quando ela sabia que estava presa na seleção. 
Morgan Fleur é a pessoa mais educada, simpática e sorridente que você vai conhecer - essa é, pelo menos, a forma a qual foi criada à risca. Nunca sai da linha, nunca tem um fio de cabelo fora do lugar. Não que não falte vontade, inferno, como queria sair sem ter que se encaixar dentro do padrão o tempo inteiro. Mas ela sempre estava preocupada demais com o próprio corpo - algo que sempre lhe causou muita insegurança e dificuldades, principalmente por conta do trabalho -, preocupada com o que os outros pensam sobre ela, preocupada com sua imagem. Por dentro, vive uma batalha consigo mesma para conhecer sua verdadeira essência, mas nunca se sentiu livre o suficiente para isso. Por fora, é a candidata perfeita à seleção, que orgulha todos ao seu redor. É graciosa, delicada. Pensa demais, mas fala de menos. É contida, mas quando pedem sua opinião sincera? Não hesita em falar tudo que pensa. É uma pessoa muito esforçada e quando coloca algo em mente, vai até o fim - não respeitando nem mesmo os limites e barreiras do próprio corpo. 
por conta do ballet, tem o pé bem feio e machucado. é raro vê-la descalça em público, mesmo que ela ame pisar com os pés no chão, principalmente na grama. 
se cobra muito, em todos os sentidos possíveis. treina o máximo que pode, é muito ativa. cobre todas as imperfeções com maquiagem, vive bem arrumada e com vestidos de última linha e saltos altos. nunca é vista de cara feia, pois faz questão de estar sempre sorrindo. poucos são os que conhecem a morgan na versão relaxada.
não teve muitos amigos ao longo da vida, principalmente porque seu pai limitava quem ela podia ou não ver. por isso, não é a pessoa com maiores habilidades sociais do mundo. as vezes é meio ingênua, tem muita dificuldade de entender piadas e ironia, e é um tanto quanto manipulável, pois não vê muita maldade nos outros. 
não usa roupas curtas e nem decotadas. também não tem nenhuma experiência sexual. o tema, na verdade, lhe causa um pouco de ansiedade. também não se decobriu bissexual ainda, apesar de alguns gay panics em alguns momentos da vida. 
é apaixonada por flores e aprendeu, desde cedo, a cuidar delas. é boa em jardinagem, mas depois dos quinze seu pai não deixou mais que ela mexesse com isso - para cuidar das mãos e deixar o trabalho para braçais.  
perde toda a compostura ao ver qualquer animalzinho. é apaixonada pelos bichinhos e se torna uma criança ao ver qualquer um. 
sua leitura preferida é poesia.
não é boa em coisas que precisa se deixar levar pelo feeling, como instrumentos, artes plásticas ou qualquer dança que demande muita entrega. ela prefere as coisas mais exatas que ela seja capaz de controlar. 
é viciada em listas, planilhas e planners. é muito, muito esquecida. se não anotar algo, provavelmente vai acabar esquecendo. deixa post-its na frente da sua escrivaninha com todas as suas tarefas e coisas que não pode esquecer.
se da muito bem com crianças, apesar delas normalmente lhe deixarem nervosa/ansiosa por serem imprevisíveis.
wanted connections
muse a é alguém que conhece a versão mais tranquila e relaxada de morgan. talvez por uma amizade antiga, ou por já ter pego a garota é muitas situações constrangedoras, koskinen já se sente completamente confortável de não ser perfeita an frente de muse a.
muse b é alguém com quem morgan sempre se compara. não porque ela quer, mas é incapaz de não se comparar. pode ser uma selecionada com mais atributos, ou alguém da realeza que tem a vida perfeita, ou ainda uma pessoa que é completamente livre pra ser e fazer o que quiser, mas sempre acaba sendo alguém que ela inveja de certa forma.
muse c foi o mais perto que morgan chegou de ter um namorado. da mesma província que ela, tammins, eles se encontravam escondidos sem que o pai dela soubesse. provavelmente alguém meio “má influência” mas que incentivava ela a ser menos preocupada e mais de boa com a vida. mas pode ter acabado bem mal rsss. inspo: strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan
muse d é alguém que trabalha no castelo e virou, por algum motivo, a pessoa número 1 a quem morgan corre para pedir ajuda/socorro em qualquer situação de necessidade (qualquer uma, desde estou muito doente, até meu salto preferido quebrou.)
muse e percebe rapidinho que morgan é meio lentinha e tira proveito dela. pode ficar pedindo pra ela fazer coisas pra elx, ou então fica fazendo ela passar vergonha de propósito, sem ela nem perceber. 
muse f alguma realeza ou celebridade que ela é, simplesmente, obcecada. tipo, na presença de muse f, morgan começa a ser a maior fangirl desse castelo. fica tentando agir com naturalidade mas é impossível
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pinkgrapefruitpills · 3 years
Has anyone else noticed some weird things going on within conversation about discrimination and related issues in education?
They seem to only want to talk about black people. And since I know people on the internet love to misconstrue things, no I’m not saying that discussing racism is a bad thing. I think it’s a wonderful thing and I’m glad that it’s finally getting the attention it deserves in educational settings. But why is that the only discrimination issue we’re talking about? It just makes it seem like people don’t actually care about these issues, they’re just doing what’s popular in order to make themselves feel like they’re a good person. It’s all about their ego.
I took a class on civil rights in the US. 90% of the semester was devoted to racism against black people. It was great to learn about all these things, but this wasn’t an African American history class, it was supposed to be about all civil rights. So it was 90% about anti-black racism, then we spent about 2 classes discussing other forms of racism and religious persecution, about 2 classes on women’s rights, and a whole 5 minutes on LGBT rights. My prof didn’t even know the difference between being homosexual or bisexual and being transgender.
I also took a class on the ethics and morals of social issues. Again, 90% of it was devoted to anti-black racism. I learned a lot and it was great, but that’s not the only issue in the world and the class was supposed to cover all sorts of issues. We spent 2 months on racism, a week on misogyny, 1 day on transphobia, and a whopping 2 minutes on homophobia. 
In another one of my classes, we were discussing the government’s response to the AIDS crisis. My prof went on and on about how it affected racial minorities and poor communities - while true and important to know, she literally did not utter the word “gay” or “homosexual” or anything of the sort. Why? Because it’s not trendy.
One of my profs, in a class that has literally nothing to do with politics or social issues, makes side comments calling out racism or Trump or whatever every class. Cool, I don’t care. And then 5 minutes later will make fun of prostitutes or gay people. 
And it just really fucks with me. For one, it’s so blatantly obvious that they’re only talking about issues that are popular and will boost their ego. In higher education, it’s cool for profs to be anti-racist, but god forbid they be a feminist or advocate for gay rights. 
A lot of people who read this are probably fairly well versed in the history of women’s and gay rights, so while it may feel like those things are well known, they’re really not. Ask your parents if they know what happened at Stonewall. Mine didn’t even know, so I highly doubt many 15-25 year olds know these things. Hell, I’m gay and I didn’t even know that it was illegal for 2 men to have sex until 2003, and 14 states still have their own sodomy laws in effect. I didn’t know suffragettes were beaten and tortured in the streets. I didn’t know how many women had their life’s work stolen from them and then had men take all the credit for it. I didn’t know that the gay panic law exists. I didn’t know how bad the AIDS crisis was. And I could go on and on but you get my point - I never learned any of these things in school, I had to seek all of this information out myself, and even then it’s not particularly easy to find. 
And I absolutely do believe that learning about these things would change some people’s minds. The people who need to hear these things (mainly those who think discrimination isn’t a big deal) are not going to seek the information out themselves. It needs to be taught in schools. And it’s not forcing anything on them, it’s just telling the honest truth. 
I’ll say it again because some if you bitches have zero reading comprehension skills and are just looking for something to be mad at and cry about: I am extremely glad that black issues are finally being openly discussed in schools. I remember being taught a very white-centric version of history in elementary, middle, and high school so it’s great to see the reality of racism being taught. But it really seems like these profs and other faculty members don’t actually give a shit about social issues since they blatantly only talk about the popular issues and conveniently ignore anything that won’t get them any woke points. You can literally see them look toward the black students for validation whenever they make comments vilifying racism. Vilifying racism? Good for you. Pretending to vilify racism to get people to think you’re special and cool? Fuck you. 
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larentsbr · 4 years
parte 2
é a continuação dessa ask.
hotspots que o louis fez para promo de two of us:
- Newcastle: um lugar chamado FYEO (For Your Eyes Only) - trecho de if I could fly
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- Boston: parque onde ele e o harry jogaram futebol
- Copenhagen: loja ao lado de um lugar chamado "Larry vs Harry"
e muito outros lugares, alguns perto de ruas/bares gays, outro perto de uma clínica de paternidade etc. O louis pegou o mundo inteiro e separou os lugares.
harry tirou foto com um fã perto do hotel onde a lottie (irmã do louis) estava hospedada.
os dois na Itália ao mesmo tempo e publicamente.
Harry foi visto em Londres no dia 05/02 com fãs. No 06/02, o Louis fez a famosa entrevista onde fecha o rosto quando o nome da Eleanor é mencionado. Mas tirando esses segundos, ele fica todo sorridente olhando para alguém atrás da câmera.
Eu super indico ver essas entrevista inteira e ler os comentários.
- o "H" enorme
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- a camiseta vintage da Umbro:
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gay panic do louis: quando um fã chegou para o louis pediu pra ele escolher uma tatuagem para o fã fazer. só que o fã já tinha feito a tatuagem de âncora igual a do harry e mostrou para o louis. O primeiro instinto do louis foi apontar discretamente para a corda, mas depois ele mostrou outra tatuagem.
por enquanto só tivemos um momento, mas quem sabe no fim do ano eu não vejo a timeline inteira e complemente esse post.
Canvas no spotify para o aniversário de 1 ano de Walls:
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• foi isso :)) como eu disse na parte 1, eu gostaria muito de colocar todos os momentos que eu mais amo, mas são tantos que eu ficaria muito tempo para responder a pergunta!
agora vou me sentir muito youtuber: agora me digam vocês nos comentários (ou mensagem ou ask) quais são as coincidências favoritas de vocês. Curtam e compartilhem com amiguinhes 😂
xx mari
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savnsas · 3 years
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   jajjjj a quién quise hacerle creer que iba a tener un solo personaje???? en fin acá belu de nuevo trayendo a mi personaje favorito en el mundo entero así que por favor trátenla bien 🥺 abajo les voy a dejar los datos más relevantes de sansa y por acá si quieren ver el board de pinterest que tiene como 2 años y pico así que ya es bastante random pero también es mi favorito. ya saben, si leyeron y quieren algo con ella o les sirve para algo, le dan like y yo paso a joder o me charlan por telegram 💖 @dmconexiones​
es hija única y llega después de una fortuna gastada en tratamientos de fertilidad así que la tienen en una cuna de oro cumpliéndole todos los caprichos, pero tiene una infancia bastante solitaria. no solo porque no hay nadie más para jugar en casa, sino que sus compañeritos no le dan mucha bola. le cuesta horrores hacer amigos hasta el día de hoy
su papá empieza a pasar cada vez menos tiempo en casa y con el tiempo descubren que en realidad es porque tiene una segunda familia de la cual ellas no tenían ni idea, incluso tiene un hermano mayor.
cuando su mamá se entera lo echa de casa pero cae en una depresión bastante fea así que ella se tiene que hacer cargo de todo. estaba por empezar la universidad pero queda en el olvido porque su mamá ( su mejor amiga tbh ) es más importante. las cosas solo mejoran un poquito cuando sus papás se divorcian y encuentran una casa linda en venta en suiza, así que no lo piensan dos veces y se mudan. por fin pudo entrar a la carrera de letras y es feliz entre los libros y la tonelada de cosas que le hacen leer de un día para el otro hablo desde la experiencia u_u
es literalmente un rayito de sol pero si la miran fuerte se larga a llorar — and i mean it. llora si está triste, contenta o enojada, la gente seguro se le burla bastante por eso. tbh siento que está desesperada por tener amigos pero es bastante tímida, aunque una vez que entra en confianza se transforma en otra persona. no sé qué tiene que ver esto pero es tan ansiosa que tengo el headcanon de que se toma un café y se enloquece. también se emborracha con poco y nada
es mia thermopolis yendo por el pasto y arruinando todo a su alrededor
es tan tímida que siento que no entró en confianza con nadie lo suficiente como para pasar de algunos besitos :/ y también es hetero, aunque de vez en cuando debe haber sufrido algún gay panic pero todo platónico. su sueño es que le rompan el corazón para poder dedicar la discografía de taylor swift, lo que me lleva a...
LO MÁS IMPORTANTEEEEEEEE !!! es swiftie de la cuna hasta el cajón. debe saberse hasta la carta astral de taylor así que más de alguna vez habrán tenido que bancarla con 48785 posts en redes sociales sobre los lanzamientos sorpresas y casi siempre está vestida con algo de merch.
su relación con los mellizos es que julian se le acerca y le responde todas las historias de instagram, ella cree que es porque le gusta pero en realidad se burla de ella con sus amigos men ain’t shit amirite?
es una bebé ámenla xfis 🥺🥺
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flooffybits · 4 years
In Progress
So I decided to make a list just so everyone is aware of what may be posted in the near future, what are being worked on, and also what are requested but not yet started. I think this also helps when people aren’t sure if their requests have been received or not.
Open // Closed
UPDATED: 26/04/2024
* = Undecided titles
Total : 110
Current works:
Girls Generation reaction to going public with idol!girlfriend who is insecure about age gap
Home (Red Velvet)
Soft Spot (Loona)
The Time She Professed Her Love:
10th Twice member over stressed
Twice  + 10th member ISAC
10th Twice member on Time to Twice new year episode
Twice Knowing Bros. (Yes or Yes era)
Have You Twice ver
13th Loona member outcasted
13th Loona member meeting Twice and gay panics
13th Loona member afraid of coming out
Choerry with a tsundere girlfriend
Loona + 13th member ISAC
Loona Idol House
Jinsoul introducing her girlfriend
13th Loona member uncomfortable being flirted with a male idol during MAMA
Choerry fluff
Better pt2
Jinsoul crushing on reader + Loona sleepover
13th Loona member bullied by manager
Reader and Hyejoo admitting to being each other’s type
Friends to lovers with Gowon
13th Loona member nervous with attention gets comforted by Vivi
Chuu Heart Attack
Selfless pt.2
Choerry gets sick and taken cared of by gf
Gowon feeling cold + cuddles
I Wish Yves
Beer Pong + drunk confession w/Kim Lip
A Simple I Love You pt2
Not Just Games pt2
Hyunjin soft for 13th!member
Angst prompt Hyunjin/Olivia Hye
Back from tour Vivi + gf
Cold and introverted 13th!member cares
Loona stealing 13th!member’s clothes
6th Red Velvet member injured and heavily dependent on painkillers
Red Velvet + 6th member ISAC
Red Velvet bu:quest
6th Red Velvet member dating all of them (unsure whether this is a scenario or a reaction but I’ll wing it)
6th Red Velvet member / 8th Dreamcatcher member coming out as nonbinary
Protective Red Velvet when an Itzy member admits that 6th Red Velvet member is their ideal type
Yeri being a whiny and cilngy baby during Bad Boy fanmeet
Irene with an nb s/o
Irene being courted by a younger s/o
Jessica and former 10th member going public years after leaving
10th Girls’ Generation member wanting to quit after Jessica's departure
10th Girls’ Generation member Return of Superman
Dreamcatcher reacting to s/o as a twin/triplet
Dreamcatcher + 8th member ISAC
Dreamcatcher + maknae!8th member being all grown up
8th Dreamcatcher member teased at ISAC for losing her cool because of her bias
Handong introducing her girlfriend
Poly!Sua&Seungyeon teasing their girlfriend (undecided)
Dreamcatcher Idol House
maknae!8th Dreamcatcher member afraid of members’ teasing
Secretly dating Gahyeon + 8th Dreamcatcher member, ruined date
Cop!Dami + Criminal!Reader
Dreamcatcher on Weekly Idol
8th Dreamcatcher member lazy but shows off during ISAC
8th Dreamcatcher / 13th Loona member bringing a dog in the dorm, first time caught being cute
6th Red Velvet member / 8th Dreamcatcher member coming out as nonbinary
8th Dreamcatcher member dating Handong and making her favorite Chinese dish
Siyeon taking care of junior!reader
Aquarium date with Gahyeon
Hunter!Sua + Vampire!reader
The Baddie is a Softie pt2
Honey, No pt2
Vampire Siyeon Paradise
Avatar AU Sua
Prompt list Sua
8th!member finding a stray kitten
High School AU! clumsy!Yoohyeon + introvert!reader
Handong + 8th!member in Dreamcatcher Mind ep.3
Dami + bubbly gf breaking down
High School AU! with Gahyeon
Soulmate AU! Angst with Jiu and Sua
Poly! GahBo + sick!cold! S/o
Poly! SuYoo ganging up on S/o
Poly! GahSingYoo accidentally buying the same thing for their anniversary
Satan!Gahyeon + Mortal!Reader
Selfless Dreamcatcher ver.
8th!member’s little sister meeting Siyeon
Ryujin + reader having homophobic parents but end up approving
Sick 6th Itzy member refusing to be taken cared of but ends up wanting cuddles
Itzy cooing and doting over 6th maknae!Itzy member
Itzy fangirling over popular!reader
Picnic date with Lia
Ryujin + Rookie!MC!Reader
Partnering with Yeji leads to confessing + teasing members
CSI 2 staying behind with Yeji
Jealous Lisa
Lisa coming home from tour
Jennie + busy college girlfriend
Hippie/indie Rosé headcannons (unsure but will try)
5th Blackpink member mistreated while promoting alone
Blackpink first date
Blank Space Jennie
Blackpink protective during Running Man
Have You Blackpink ver.
2 Close pt.2
Angst prompt Jisoo/Rosé
Angst prompt Jennie
Purple Kiss reacting to reader being overly excited because of their debut teaser
Purple Kiss seeing reader excited for intro
Purple Kiss with Edward Avila
The One For Me (Handong)
Number One Fan (Dreamcatcher)
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omg-gojo · 5 years
Metal Lee and Rock Lee appreciation post  (things that i notice and things that i want to see)
because i'm so done that all in the anime and i'm saying All (including the writers) put them aside. And i'm gonna put some things that i think straight up. 
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first i wanna start with Metal’s skills. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS!! Metal has more strength in one hand that Boruto has making the Boruto stream! that's what we can notice in the episode where he goes mad. and i’m just not gonna put him as the strongest child in the generation just for ONE and only ONE child that is Sarada, that come to thing on it, i hope that her strength is for training by herself and not for “she's the daughter of sakura” i swear i almost scream when in the anime they say so, Sarada deserves becoming stronger by her own hand equal as she opened the sharingan by her own.
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another point of Metal is this! those were not just one kunai, he stopped eight ninja star on bare hand. that shows that he have the reflex, the speed and the coordination of a shinobi. Jus look at his face of “please bitch”. For this only scene that i saw i thought that Lee had a rivalry with sarada on the academy. Come to think of it...
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i think that a lot of people forget but i don’t! LEE IS LEVELS ABOVE THE OTHER STUDENTS (that´s obvious) but i mean even from the other protagonist characters like Inojin, Chouchou, Sumire, Denki, Wasabi, for sometime of Shikadai (that this comes in) and i'm gonna include the sassy blondie here and the rest of the class, for some exceptions, as Mitsuki and competing with Sarada (again amazing me that this two aren’t rivals). But it appears that the writers forget always this: METAL HAS BEEN TRAINING FOR HIS WHOLE LIFE and yet he lost in 1 minute in the chunin exams at the teams fight and shikadai trains just WEEKS before the exams and gets to the finales and also put in another level his dad’s jutsu?!? WHAT?! 
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I mean what was the fricking rush?! recycling the whole movie? They just lost a great opportunity, i mean it was a fight of Metal Lee, son of ROCK FRICKING LEE, and Shinki, son of SABAKU NO FUCKING GAARA, who i don´t know if you all know, but in their Chunnin Exams they had the most epic fight . ( I remember when i was in primary school and  i enter the Naruto anime when the Chunnnin individual fights were on the middle, and Gaara and Rock Lee fight on CN was starting, and when Lee take out his weights that was a moment that it is still print on my memory) AND NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THAT neither the public and the shinobis that were there! Didn’t Gaara mentioned to Shinki the boy he broke the arm and leg and almost ruins his ninja future? the one who forgive him and became one of his first friends?
the point that i like from this moments was when in boruto´s movie, shinki shocked face when Metal kick the hell out of his puppet and then again in the anime, in the 1 minute of the fight that we saw, Metal was the last standing and even with his knuckles bleeding he said that he's just starting, that was pretty great, but all ends when shinki took the flag without ending the fight (i just hope that he didn't think Metal is a waste of time). I think that lee could have done a great job in the finales but he´s team, that’s my net point.
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What the hell with Metal´s team?! the writers just put extra weight on Metal´s shoulders, and i meant it, yes, Iwabe is a “good fighter” but he's a hot head: he has disobeyed orders 
(bonus that in that Metal´s ended up being hurt. EXTRA points to Metal that he ACTUALLY reacts in danger)
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and in just one messed up in a mission he wants to give up in something that he has being searching for a long time (becoming a ninja) (EXTRA points to Lee that convince him of becoming literally a traitor). You can’t just put characters THAT DIDN'T EXIST IN THE MANGA with a principal a character that just make of that character just another extra, and even making them the worst team (at least in the team of Sumire the three actually do something).  And yes METAL HAS ANXIETY but in the serious moments he's always in place of act like a real shinobi and we´re seen him controlling it (on his own way). 
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i would like to put a parenthesis here to talk about something that it's bothering me a lot. The way of all the other kids and the writers themselves use Metal´s anxiety as a joke or for making fail. That for me is not even nearly funny, i had anxiety, and thinking of someone reminding me every time they can something that i´m fighting against don´t make me laugh. I remember the episode we’re girls and boys were competing and in not once but TWO times someone use his anxiety to make an advantage. That was the worst. 
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A theory that i have is that Metal´s has eyebacks for insomnia, not as deep as Gaara’s but he had they.
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TURNING BACK TO THE POINT i was hoping to see Metal´s team from the movie were the other kids are using the iconic green spandex of YOUTH, because that made me thing that Metal was the leader and also that Rock Lee have become a Famous sensei. that let me to two other points.
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1) When kakashi goes and interview all the class, in MY OPINION, Lee was the only boy who was ensure on the ninja’s path and really shows it. Yeah Boruto said that he wanted to become a shinobi better than his father, but then happens all of the cheating soo...  Lee for the contrary says that he wants to become strong as his dad, Metal knows what his that it's capable and know the effort that he needs to make it true and he’s already doin it. Kakashi had to put everyone on the same level for the exam’s objective. But from all i tell you, Metal is the one who truly is making a great ninja path: he shows strength, ability, skills, goals of being better and helping his team to being better (even if his team sucks), he shows determination and a passion of what Gai, his father and the generation before his had made. he’s the legacy that the Gai, Tenten, Neji and Tenten’s team left, he is just starting clearly, but it shows a bright path of youth.
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2) Lee has a Doje that it's not specialise in just shinobis, it's for everyone, taijutsu is for everyone and lee has accomplished his goal of leading people for the path, making merch ang hopefully buying Tenten´s merch.
but something that i don't forgive is the situation with Metal´s mother, i mean WTFH?! what’s that stupid thing of “we haven't designed her yet”? You mean you design characters that didn't need to exist, but you don’t make the wife of one of the 12 of Konoha?! (ME QUIERES VER LA CARA DE ESTUPIDA?) you just needed to said like  “Oh yeah, she died” or “She´s an important character that would appear later” or what if “Oh Metal is adopted and his other father is Gaara” it such an insult for a character that has now the same if not more of the power that made Madara proclaims that “Gai was the strongest man” in the world AND YOU DIDN´T DESIGNED HIM A WIFE?! i’m so done.
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the things that i want to see (that i'm not saying that IT HAS TO BE DONE, but that i would enjoy seeing)
Lee and Sakura being Taijutsu friends (my leesaku side would never die)
Sarada and Metal being friends for the reason before
Metal lee being called sama for the students of his father
Metal having a big house but he doesn't  care about that
Metal talking with Tenten (VERY IMPORTANT)
That konoha make a cone memorial for the people lost in the last war and uzumakis and Hyuga family meeting in neji´s memorial with Gai, Rock lee, tenten and Metal.
shinki and his team becoming friends (or other thing cof cof) with metal
Metal in the beach being the handsome tough boy that he is.
Metal meeting Gaara (isweartogodthatiwillcry)
Mistress Lee appears (but if it ended up being Gaara that would be better)
More Gai and kakashi moment (with Metal involved sounds good to)
epic moment where Rock lee and Sakura fight back to back (I'M CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL)
iwabe and Denki trying to follow Metal’s daily routine
Araya being helped for Metal lee with his panic problems (i don’t believe in coincidence)
  In conclusion Metal is not the one who has to be on scene every time, but he deserves equal respect and presence as the other children and being more involved with the whole group, at the end, he’s all that team Gai have left for the next generation in meaning of representation.
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javisuzumiya02 · 4 years
Cuales son tus predicciones de Gay Pankcs de Amity en la temporada 2?
No creo que sea buena idea tener a Amity teniendo gay panics por tantos capítulos. Si son muy divertidos de ver pero tiene que haber algo que la haga avanzar en su relacion con Luz. 
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marga-manso · 4 years
los OCs de @goldenliartrash​​  💙
La patrulla millenial
Son un poco cuadro pero como son los novatos, en el Ministerio les tienen mucho cariño :))
Diego tiene oficialmente adoptadas™ a las chicas y a Javier
Nicolás Levi
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Nació allá por el 89, menos novatillo que sus amigos porque lleva en el Ministerio aprox. desde el 2011 
Es Millenial Honorífico™ aka quiere ser millenial pero no le dejan :(
Trabaja en el archivo del Ministerio y con los ingenieros de las puertas
Desciende del rabino Levi aka el señor que escribió el Libro de las Puertas para quien no se acuerde
Tiene una trama bien chula con distintas líneas temporales incluidas de la que tampoco me voy a poner a hablar en profundidad porque 1) en esta casa no hacemos spoilers de los fics de nuestras amigas y 2) sinceramente es que me pierdo con tanta fecha lo siento
A causa de esta trama le dan 3 jaris cada vez que cruza una puerta, el pobrecito mío
Vamos a dejarlo en que el Ministerio le tiene muy vigilado
Amiguito de Marga porque ambos son un desastre semidepresivo con 0 respeto por los roles de género y que esconden sus sentimientos yéndose de fiesta
Si le hacéis elegir entre Diego y Pacino se pone a llorar
en esta casa le shipeamos con pacino
Protesta cada vez que le dejan de canguro de Diego pero en el fondo le gusta
No sabe ligar sin insultar a su crush
Tiene una hermanita pequeña que se llama Levanna, es monísima y la puta ama, todos la queremos mucho
“yo no fui a la universidad pa esto”
“eso es lo que hago, bebo y sé cosas”
Eva Menéndez
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También millenial. Me parece que era del 92 pero ya me lío con tanta fecha
Tienen que reclutarla para que no se le vaya la lengua después de que se líe mucho allá por el 2017
Por Velázquez ma-ta
Le enseña a decir spill the tea y a Salvador casi le da una embolia al oírselo decir a Diego en medio de una reunión
Le gustan MUCHO los gatos
Su sueño en la vida es estamparle una silla en la cabeza a Spínola cuando empieza a soltar chorradas por la boca
En el Ministerio se dan cuenta de que sabe cazar y tiene buena puntería así que la entrenan con armas de tiro y se convierte en el “soldado” de la patrulla.
Javier no le perdona que cazase,,, animales,,, se pone triste :(
A veces entrena con Lesba, a veces entrena con Alonso, y siempre se pone las mallas deportivas que le marcan el culo. Por si acaso
Felipe IV es muy fan suyo
mierda casi se me olvida hablar de Felipe IV
“El perreo hasta el suelo y la autoestima hasta el cielo”
Si la hacéis elegir entre Alonso y Elena os pega una paliza
Empezó haciéndole ojitos a Alonso, después conoció a Elena *insertar mini gay panic aquí* y en algún momento terminan los tres juntos.
No sé lo que ocurre ahí pero 0 quejas porque son monísimos y muy cuadro y muy goals, para más información ahí tenéis a @goldenliartrash​
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Otra millenial pero no me preguntéis cuándo nació F
La llaman por el apellido igual que al doctor House, pero ojo con las bromas :/
Estudia medicina pero tiene un chanchullo con el Ministerio para que le dejen hacer las prácticas con ellos, aparece un par de veces en mi fic en la t2 aka 2016
Es la sobrina del doctor Vargas aka aquel médico del Ministerio que en plena epidemia de Gripe Española intentó hacer negocio y terminó en el castillo de Huesca :)
Asusta un poco a sus amigos porque nadie entiende cómo hace para sacar la carrera y trabajar en el Ministerio al mismo tiempo
Asusta un poco a sus amigos porque se emociona cuando algún agente vuelve al Ministerio con heridas grotescas
La patrulla millenial tiene unas siete neuronas y cuatro son suyas
Los demás morirían sin ella
Es básicamente la “Julián” de su patrulla pero con menos depresión y menos tendencias autodestructivas
Javier le hace las chorradas de la facultad aka los míticos powerpoints que son inútiles pero que te llevan media tarde
A cambio ella le deja acoplarse para robar el wifi del campus y ligar con sus compañeros de clase
Probablemente la que más se emociona cuando Eva empezó a salir con sus crushes porque ya no tiene que aguantar sus desvaríos a las cuatro de la mañana
Cuando llega al Ministerio después de las clases lo primero que hace es sentarse con Diego en la cafetería para cotillear sobre la gente de su clase, radiopatio who?
“Soy médico de personas”
Javier Jiménez Torquemada ?????
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Otro que no sé cuándo nació, preguntadle a Ernesto
En la serie no aparece tanto como nos gustaría pero en el fic le “reclutan” allá por la t3 aka 2017
No sé cómo pero el personaje ha evolucionado de youtuber a youtuber y hacker... El chaval entiende de ordenadores, vale?
Se mete donde no debe así que el Ministerio decide contratarle como parte del departamento de Ingeniería para tenerle vigilado
(*queda con Ernesto en un bar, se planta delante de él con un botellín de cerveza en una mano y las 984651 fotocopias de información confidencial que ha conseguido después de hackear el servidor del Ministerio en la otra* “fACTS!!”)
No tengo demasiado claro qué hace aparte de hackear lo que no debe, controlar las redes para que nadie descubra la existencia del Ministerio y grabar a todo Dios por los pasillos
Termina juntándose con las chicas y formando su propia patrulla porque es un peligro público
Eva y él llaman a Alonso “Íñigo Montoya” en vez de Alatriste
Le gusta mucho Eurovisión y chilla cada vez que le dan 0 points a España
Probablemente en algún momento le ha hecho una fancam a Irene porque la quiere mucho
También hace memes de Torquemada, no todos son irónicos
(medio departamento de Ingeniería: *haciéndole ojitos al chaval porque es guapete*
ernesto al fondo: *kill bill mode activated*)
Eva, Javier y Ruiz, en ese mismo orden, representación gráfica:
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aka Lopito y Felipe
Son monísimos les amo
Dos (2) años después sigo sin saber de dónde han salido pero sON MIS HIJOS
Vienen del 1623 y se escapan al Ministerio del presente para stanear a Lorca, incordiar un poco a Diego, robar sudaderas y ser soft juntitos
Tienen una dinámica parecida a Federico y Julián en el sentido de que tienen sueños el uno sobre el otro, aunque son de la misma época
Shipean MUCHÍSIMO a Federico y a Julián
Creo que sólo han aparecido una vez en mi fic pero por favor id a leer los de @goldenliartrash​ que son geniales :((
Lopito aka Lope de Vega Carpio (jr)
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Uno de los 899864351356464351354684 hijos de Lope, su madre es actriz
Es un cacho pan :(( Merece todo lo bueno de este mundo
Se lleva mal con su padre, quien le encierra por “díscolo” pero en verdad es para que no se escape a la corte a ver a Felipe
La primera vez que visitó el Ministerio, el pobre vio a Nicolás con su pelo de 8454 tonos azules y pensó que estaba en el Infierno :(
Al principio empieza siendo bastante tímido pero se le va pasando con el tiempo
Tiene curiosidad por Amelia
MUY fan de Federico
Tan pronto te escribe versos sobre Felipe como se te pone a cantar Safaera a grito pelao aunque no sepa lo que significan la mitad de las palabras
Felipe IV
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Pues... Eso, Felipe IV
No nos preguntéis cómo vamos a hacer para cuadrar el personaje con la t4 porque de verdad que no lo sabemos
Pasea por el Ministerio como Pedro por su casa porque, después de todo, es el Rey™
Habla de sí mismo en tercera persona
Un poco ególatra y un poco niñato pero en cuanto Lopito le echa una mirada de reojo se le bajan los humos
BFF de Diego, aunque el Diego que conoce en su época (1623) no es el mismo que el del Ministerio (1636/37)
Se lleva muy bien con Eva!! 
Adora a Blanquita!! Softísimo con los bebés :)
Tiene... traumas™
Quiere pegarle un sillazo a Lope de Vega
Cuando conoce a Pacino se lía y piensa que es homófobo
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saundraswriting · 4 years
Hercules Chapter Seven
SUMMARY:Derek and Spencer talk. Or rather Derek talks and Spencer listens. Also Spencer is pushed harder, and gets sicker,
WARNINGS: Emotional. Spencer and Derek are kinda tense in this chapter. It is a little intense, that could also be me. *shrug emoji*
Previous // Next
When Spencer woke up the next morning he did so with a pained groan. He got out of bed and remembered the previous day's breakthrough.
"Hercules." Spencer mumbled. He headed to the shower and got dressed. When he came back into the room, Derek was up.
"Pretty Boy? You feeling better?" Derek asked. Spencer nodded absently, adjusting his cuffs and grabbing his notes. "Reid, come on, man. Take your meds and we can head in. Okay?" Derek used one hand to turn Spencer's head and the other to push his notes away. "Did you hear a word I just said?" Derek felt his fondness grow. Spencer looked up, eyes fever-glazed and distant, nose irritated from tissues.
"I heard you. But I wasn't really listening." Spencer admitted weakly. Derek huffed in mock frustration.
"Spence, what I am going to do with you? I said if you take your medicine we can go in for the day. I know you are chomping at the bit." Derek said again. Spencer's eyes finally focused on Derek, an expression of disbelief crossing his features.
"You really mean that? We can head in even with me being sick?" Spencer beamed at Derek. Derek who was not ready for the effect Spencer's unbridled happiness would have on his heart.
"Of course. There is a condition. You have to take your medicine on time. I am not letting you get worse." Derek couldn't fight his smile in response to Spencer's grin. Spencer's arm twitched with an aborted movement and his face fell.
"What is the matter?" Derek instantly lost all playfulness.
"Nothing. It is fine." Spencer said avoiding  Derek's gaze.
"Don't try to lie to me. I know you too well." Derek said firmly. Spencer's resolve-practically nonexistent already-collapsed.
"I wanted to give you a hug. I'm sick but you're still letting me work, I really appreciate it." Spencer tried to explain how he felt but wasn't sure he was clear.
"Spencer, please. we may have discovered our soulmate status but I was your friend first. I know you and I love you. I would never force you away from something that you love. Pretty Boy, I will not control you. We are soulmates, partners, friends. Together." Derek had lost all teasing or laughter or smiles. His mouth was set in a firm line, his eyes tight. He was deeply serious.
The intensity was not lost on Spencer. He could see the determination, affection, and love in Derek's gaze. He could see it in the set of his shoulders, the tension in his jaw. Spencer was in awe, he didn't know anyone could feel that for him. He then realized what Derek said. His gaze flashed up to lock with Derek's.
"What? I'm a guy. So are you. How can you love me? You aren't gay. Derek Morgan, you are the straightest of the straight." Spencer exclaimed, he could feel panic building cause 2 minutes ago they were talking about work not their relationship.
"Spencer, you of all people should know that is pretty heteronormative. Just cause you see me with only women doesn't mean I don't find men attractive. Anyway, we are getting off point. Spencer, I'm not going to push you but you need to know that I have been waiting my whole life to find my soulmate. I won't let you go easily. I still don't know why you are pushing me away but I am telling you here and now;  I am not going anywhere." Derek explained.
Derek Morgan, you are amazing and wonderful  and supportive and caring. You deserve someone you will love for them not because of a mark. You can't lie to me either. You prefer women. Why should you be stuck with me? A man. A man who also reminds you of all the horrible things the world is capable of. You need someone smart, kind, brave, loyal, beautiful and awesome as you are. You deserve someone you can lose yourself in; someone you become so entangled with you can't find your end and her beginning. Just because the universe or fate or whatever deemed us compatible doesn't mean someone better doesn't exists." Spencer finished, chest heaving and eyes too bright.
Derek just stared for a moment before trying to speak. He opened and closed his mouth several times before blinking once very slowly. "I honestly don't know where to start with that. Is that how you really feel?" Derek demanded. He handed over Spencer's cold medicine having forgot them in their exchange. Spencer popped them quickly with a nod of thanks.
"Spencer, I'm not 'stuck' with you. How could I be 'stuck' with you? When we complete the bond I will be in for the most wonderous years of my life, everyday will be a new adventure. And I am not half as amazing as you are. Spencer, I love you. I love you. I love your brain, heart and soul. I think I have for a while but finding out you are my soulmate gave me the motivation to pursue this. Pursue you. I wouldn't jeopardize our friendship for anything less than soulmates. You believe that I need someone who I would be so entangled with. Spencer we spend almost all our spare time together. I'll be by myself and I'll catch myself thinking only of you. I'm content just having just having you around. I need you around. Do you understand now? I'm in this forever. I love you and I will tell you everyday until you believe you." Derek countered. Spencer could only stare in silence as Derek came busting through every wall he erected in self defense.
"All these walls and insecurities are just you trying to keep me out. You believe that I will leave at the first fight, the first difficulty. Spencer. I. Will. Never. Leave. You, I will never hurt you" Derek said soft but intense. He then pressed a chaste kiss to Spencer's temple, cheek, and forehead.
"I love you." Derek mumbled into Spencer hair. Spencer returned the embrace. The duo stood in the middle of the room hugging tightly for a few moments before breaking apart.
"Come on, Pretty Boy. Let's head in to catch this SOB." The two grabbed their things and headed to the car to drive to the station.
They both were quiet. Spencer trying to process the conversation and Derek was letting him.
"Spencer opened his mouth wanting to say something but didn't know what. He was in love with Derek for years. Spencer was in love with everything Derek Morgan. Spencer loved his spirit and heart and spencer loved him. He didn't know how to say this aloud.
"Pretty Boy, let's take it one day at a time. Think it over, take your time. I will not pressure you. You have your reasons for hiding this. I don't believe for a second you will be over your doubt after our talk this morning. The only thing that will change is that we are aware of each other. I won't force anything from you or on you. I am your friend first and foremost." Derek clapped Spencer of the shoulder and Spencer forced a smile. They arrived at the busy station, the two of them a little late.
"Morgan, Reid, get in here you are late." Hotch said from the bull pen.
"Sorry, Spencer slept late due to his cold." Morgan started. Spencer instantly began to make coffee. Spencer was trying not to freak out but a lot was said and not said. Spencer remembered reading somewhere that some soul bonds could tune in to emotions and even vague thoughts. ‘It is possible that Derek and I's bond is fledging and unsure-while  they weren't looking and is growing in power. We could have a 1 in a million bond. Or he just knows me that well.' Spencer sunk into his thoughts, almost pouring too much sugar into his coffee.
"Did you know a touch of salt will cut the bitterness of coffee out? That much sugar probably isn't good for you." Matthew said from behind him. Spencer jumped violently, splashing hot coffee over his fingers.
"Shit." Spencer muttered under his breath. He ran his singed fingers under some lukewarm water to prevent stinging.
"I'm so sorry." Matthew said urgently. He pulled Spencer's fingers from under the water, blowing on them softly.
Spencer ripped his hands out of Matthew's grip. stumbling slightly backwards into a firm chest. "Don't you fucking touch me." Spencer snarled. Matthew shrunk back in distress.
"Spence. talk to me. What happened?" Derek murmured into his hair and grabbed Spencer's wrists from behind to examine his fingers leaning down and surrounding Spencer with his arms and shoulder.
Spencer leaned back, taking the comfort from his friend, shaking his head in dismissal. "Nothing. He just got to close is all." Derek hummed and released Spencer's hands letting his touch linger.
"Okay. You sure you don't need anything?" Derek asked. Spencer's personal space bubble was large on a normal day let alone during a high intensity care while fighting a cold.
Matthew sighed at the affection and closeness between the two men, the foundation of years of friendship was nothing to scoff at. He knew now, he never had a chance.
"Morgan, I am fine." Spencer's tone was fond but had a hint of resignation, like this is a conversation they have had before and he knew that they would have again and again and again. Derek nodded before stepping between Spencer and Matthew and made a cup of coffee prefect for the genius.
" Come on. Gideon and Hotch want you. This is your time to shine. I think you will be pretty sick of pigs and Latin by the end of the day. Also, I am thinking we need too plan an undercover op. But later." Derek then used his hand on the small of Spencer's back to unoppressively maneuver him to his map room.
Spencer huffed a laugh. "I could never tire of Latin and if I were to tire of pig anything, I think I would have already considering all the time I spend with you."
"Did-did you just make a joke? At my expense? and the expense of my badge? How dare you Dr. Reid. Be ashamed of yourself." Derek smiled down at his companion.
"Me? ashamed? Ne-Ver. Also I am very funny thank you!" Spencer stuck his nose in the air and glanced away. A quick smile and a wink later Spencer was in his room leaving a gaping Derek Morgan in the doorway.
"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." J.J, said, tapping his jaw. "He can flirt can't he? If he left you speechless then this is going even better than I though it would." J.J. chuckled. She swished away leaving Morgan alone as quick as she joined him. Derek quickly shook himself and fell into step behind Spencer.
Gideon and Hotch were patiently waiting at the front of the room. They saw Spencer in front of Derek, who had a possessive look in his eye and his hand on the small of his back. "Everything alright boys?" Hotch was aware that several of the LEO's had been harassing Spencer but not sure if this was a result of that or something else.
"Yeah. All's good. I handled it." Spencer said. He was short and almost to blasé about it for the comfort of the other BAU members.
"What happened Spencer? Something obviously made you upset and Derek too." J.J said. She believe the flirting moment earlier to be irrelevant to the current discussion.
"Nothing, Really. Matthew spooked me on accident and then got to close and I snapped at him. He was touching me and in my space and it made me uncomfortable. To say the least." Derek nodded in agreement.
" Okay. Gideon and J.J and I updated the profile from the breakthrough yesterday. Our only problem is the translating. Garcia has built a program for the relevant places but we need spencer to translate the writing and such. Until that is finished we just have to hope we start getting ahead of this guy. The rest of us will be re-interviewing the families and go through the effects and revisit any locations." Hotch explained.
"I'll handle the press. Derek, can you go through the victims effects again? you obsessive behavior and compulsion knowledge will only help in this situation." J.J said. Hotch nodded in agreement and the team split. J.J went to answer press questions and Derek decided it would be best to go through the effects in chronological order.
He pulled out victim #1 and the file. Leonard Davis's effects were spread out on the table by loitering staff. The file wasn't much help, which Derek assumed before he began reading it. The important things would come from the notes Leonard had written both about himself and about the meetings. Leonard's notes were written on scraps of paper or in margins of pages. just a quick date written out fully and a string of GPS numbers. Derek gathered all the writings attached to the cult and with a guilty mind went to see Spencer.
Spencer was in the map room, this time with an added table and rolling whiteboard. The room was getting full. Markers of all types and shades were waiting to be used. Spencer was busy fliting from his other boards correcting and honing the details. Derek didn't want to spook the genius, trying to avoid ruining anything in the room by having it get nudged the wrong way. "Knock, knock?" Derek said. His attempt to not startled Spencer did the  exact opposite. Spencer jumped and squawked, a rouge elbow catching a stack of papers making it wobble precariously. When Spencer saw it was Derek, he smiled.
"Hey, Derek. Of course, five minutes in and you have something for me. And we all thought I would be the one to break this case wide open. All I have done since getting here is catch a cold and ride on your coattails." Spencer flashed a self-depreciating smile, but quickly shook it off. "Give me one minute." Spencer was nimble in straightening the askew pile of papers and reading an open spot on one of the tables beckoning the other man over.
"Oh? So now were are admitting that you have a cold? Someone call the press. First time for everything. And You have not been riding on my coattails. We are a team. Sometimes we help each other. Anyway, I was going through all of Leonard's stuff. He was the first victim. I was just wondering, why Leonard? Like we know that it was because his name means Lion in Greek. But like why does he chose these people? Is there something he sees in them or doesn't see in them?" Derek asked. He was talking to the void but also talking to Spencer. "Anyway, all his notes seem to be just the basics. Where and when. I brought in the few scribbles about the meeting itself. Seems as time goes by, Leonard begins to document for some reason." Derek looked over to Spencer who was already looking at the paper scraps. "Spencer, I can't translate but I can read a map."
Spencer waved him off. "I will be fine. This is my job remember. My specialty. Geological profiles. You are better helping me with going through the effects. You will know what is important to tell me or not. You will be able to synthesize and think better with all the pieces. I think better with a few pieces." Spencer was emphatic with his refusal. The force of his voice caught his throat and kicked up a terrible coughing fit. A deep. full-chested hacking cough that caused his face to tighten in discomfort.
"Reid!" Derek lurched towards Spencer paying no attention to the paper stacks on any table. He rushed to his-Spencer and helped him sit on the floor. "I knew this would happen. I knew you would get stressed out and make yourself worse." Derek mumble under his breath.
"Oh, Would you rather I sit this one out while you call up the other expert geological profiler? Or I can leave and wait till you catch him next year. No. I am needed and so are you. We have to do our jobs Derek. Anyways, it was my fault. I stressed my throat too much. Go. I will be fine. I am going to catch my breath and do some translating, that requires no exertion." Spencer slowly inhaled a lungful of air a let it go in small puffs.
"Fine, I will leave. Yell if you need me." Derek gave Spencer an intense meaningful look. Spencer blushed and nodded. Derek stood up at the same time he trailed his fingertips over where he knew Spencer's soulmate mark was hidden. "Anything you need, Pretty Boy." Derek murmured low and warm. Spencer sighed light and soft at the touch, as if relieve of pain or a burden. Derek felt his soul thrum. With that one sound Derek knew Spencer felt the bond as new as it was just as much as he did. That one small sigh gave him all the hope he needed to get through this case and get home, to court his soulmate the right way.
They parted. Derek forcing himself to leave his sick soulmate on the floor to go back to his evidence searching. Derek sorted what he was finding into a Spencer and Team pile.
Spencer sat on the floor of his room for a few more moments trying to recover. Derek's touch and heat-filled promise hard thrown him off more than the coughing fit. 'Maybe he really does want me?!' He thought. 'Then why didn't he say anything before he found out we were soulmates?' Spencer shook his head, not wanting to think of anything but the case for a while. Matter of the heart were too confusing when healthy let alone as sick and distracted as he was. He got up to the table and started flipping through notes, writing on the board, making notes. "He wasn't persuaded." Spencer mumbled under his breath.
"What was that Dr. Reid?" Hotch';s voice came from the doorway.
"Pardon me, sir?" Reid looked up from the paper he was reading.
"I wanted to know what you just said. You mumbled something." Hotchner said.
"Oh? Oh. Leonard. He didn't have much affection for this stuff. He felt it was a slight waste. At least early on. Leonard wrote dates on scraps of paper, then small memo pads then eventually after several meetings, he began putting it into his phone with his other important info. As a young adult, he had to have used his phone for everything. He planned appointments, routes, meetings, extra-circulars. He didn't start adding the RR meetings until almost two months had gone by. That could be when the UnSub gained an interest in him?" Reid explained.
"He was hesitant but something changed?" Hotchner paraphrased. Spencer nodded. "Good work. What about places?" Hotchner said. "Garcia's working on that. I a translating what I can from pig latin. I find the location and she plots them via GPS or tells me where they lead and I mark it. We are looking for a common location or a central point. I needed some more resources, so the guy I sent should be back soon." Spencer replied.
"Fine, you and Garcia do all the work. Like always. Make the rest of us look bad. Sorry, we can't all be geniuses." Hotch said with light amusement. Spencer smiled at his superior, before waving him away.
The day continued through much of the same. Spencer was handed page after page after page of things needed translated. He actually adopted a secretary of sorts to photo-copy the pages so he could dictate the translation or write it down with the source for easy references. It was very tedious work but He tried to pull every letter of information out that he could. He needed to use everything he could to get his team a step ahead of this UnSub.
"Sugar plum? Did you hear me? Are you still there?" Garcia came over the speaker on the main table.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. What did you say? Spencer said absently. He was twirling a pen like a drumstick, attention on the map in front of him.
" Spencer! Pay attention." Garcia barked.
"Garcia, you found something?" Spencer turned away from his board and addressed the speaker on the table. This could be the break he was hoping for. Something they could finally act on.
"Yeah. Maybe. A warehouse keeps coming up. I recognize the string of coordinates."  Garcia said. "Every victim has it at least for times. Do you want me to map out the crime scenes? We may have just found the location for meetings. I will need some time to render all these and see how it goes."
"I will need the locations as you find them. The English to Greek translations or English to pig latin translations may shine some light on things too. So I guess we keep going." Spencer said.
"Awesome, stud muffin. We will get there soon. I can feel it. Take care of yourself and let Derek care for you too." Garcia said. She signed off with a quick "Bye!"
Spencer decided now would be a good time to take a break. He needed some food or a drink or a nap. He staggered out the door, almost tripping over Matthew. Spencer started with a yelp of surprise which triggered a coughing fit. Spencer was bent over coughing his lungs out for the first time in a bit. 'My cough has not gotten better apparently.' Spencer thought wryly.
Derek looked up to see Spencer bent over trying not to cough himself into vomiting episode. "Spencer! Did you miss a dose? I am sorry. I should have been paying attention." Derek rushed over, gently sitting his partner down on a chair. Derek crouched next to him, coaching him to breathe. Once Spencer caught his breath, Derek handed over a fresh coffee and a packet of cold meds. Derek knelt in front of Spencer, using his bulk to protect Spencer from the eyes in the precinct bullpen. Spencer took his medicine and pressed his forehead into Derek's shoulder.
"Spence?" Derek asked soft as a feather. Spencer hummed in response. "I know you are working hard. I know that you are tired, and ill. I am sorry. I need you to get up. I will see if I can get you food. But no one else can do this but you. We and these victims need you to do this. I don't want to ask you to keep pushing but I have to." Derek's voice broke several times while speaking. Spencer sighed heavily, pressed closer for just a moment, inhaling deeply and nodded.
"I know. I will get this done. Thank you for believing in me, I need to get another coffee and you need to get me food." Spencer headed over to make another coffee. He disappeared into the map room once he made it.
Two and half hours later Spencer looked up from a  stack of papers to see Garcia was calling. He answered and almost passed out from the first statement.
"Spencer! We did it. All the victims have that warehouse several times even the most recent one. The warehouse seems to be the beginning of the constellation of Hercules too. His foot starts here and the constellation builds up to the upper right to build the image. Each location is a point on the image somewhere. It isn't even close to being finished though. I think we can confidently say this is where we need to be looking." Garcia said. Her excitement was tangible over the phone.
"Okay. I will let everyone know. I will keep you posted. I think this case will get harder before it gets better." Spencer got a bad feeling in his gut.
"Okay. Let me know what happens next." Garcia said. Spencer pessimism bringing her down a bit. Spencer felt a bit bad about that but shook it off. He hurried out the door, an urgency to his movements making people move out of his way before he got to them.
"Morgan. Hotch. Gideon." Spencer panted in front of them on the opposite side of the precinct from his map room. "We did it. We found the RR meeting location. The most recent date I can find is in three days. We might have finally gotten ahead of everything." Spencer flopped down in a chair, side-eyeing the other men. Who were speechless.
"Pretty boy. You did it. You figured it out. You found it?" Derek asked. Spencer wiggled in his seat.
"Yes and no. We found the location for the meetings. We still don't know who the UnSub is. There is still a lot to do. Garcia and I mapped it and every location falls on the plane of the constellation. But we have a start technically. And a very small window to plan." Spencer replied.
"Go back to the hotel, Derek. And take him with you. You need a good night sleep. We will figure out what to do in the morning. We will get this guy. We are almost there. We have almost a week until the next victim and three days till the meeting. I am thinking we should let this meeting go without interference. Or someone who name is not in the myth, so we can observe. We will discuss in the morning." Gideon dismissed the two men for the night. He and Aaron already had their stuff gathered for the night.
"Tomorrow we will decide what to do." Hotch agreed. The two supervisory agents left. Derek turned to Spencer.
"Go find J.J. We will take her with us. We can go. Good as time as ever to take a break." Spencer nodded and went to do what Derek said. Derek gathered their things and they all met at the door. Spencer having filled J.J in as they got ready.
"Told you Spencer. This case depends on you and your abilities. We will find this guy. Thanks to you." J.J. said as they left the precinct.
Derek did not like the cold chill her words sent down his spine. He stepped closer to Spencer out of instinct.
Anything or anyone that wanted to get to Spencer would have to go through him first.
Previous // Next
Okay! So that is the last chapter I have ready! I am working on chapter 8 but that may be a bit. I have this and Need Some TLC to update and a third one I want to start, I am hoping to have it all done by Friday. cause that is when Hamilton is released. 
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1uwu8-blog · 6 years
Song Recommendations
Hey. So I'm going to leave you some of my favorite songs. I'll have Korean and a English sections so feel free to skip one if you don't like one. I'll be doing the sad/slow ones first then the up beat ones. If you guys like this then I'll do a part 2 bc I had so much fun making this!
Whistle(acoustic ver)-BlackPink
Blood, Sweat, and Tears-Bts
If You Do-Got7
Insomnia-Stray Kids
Love Shot-Exo
I Wait-Day6
I'm So Afraid-Holland (my gay bb💕)
Monster (English ver)-Henry
Let Me Out-Jonghyun
I am You-Stray Kids
Last Dance-BigBang
Untitled 2014-GD
The End of All Things-Panic! At the Disco
Goner-Twenty One Pilots
Always-Panic! At the Disco
Impossible Year-Panic! At the Disco
Northern Downpour-Panic! At the Disco
Dying in LA-Panic! At the Disco
Out Loud-Gabbie Hanna
Satellite-Gabbie Hanna
idontwannabeyouanymore-Billie Eilish
Ocean Eyes-Billie Eilish
Cancer-My Chemical Romance
Cancer-My Chemical Romance (Twenty One Pilots Cover)
I Don't Love you-My Chemical Romance
Can't Help Falling in Love-Elvis Presley (Twenty One Pilots Cover)
Bubble Pop-HyunA
Lip & Hip-HyunA
365 Fresh-Triple H
Naughty Boy-Pentagon
Idol- Bts ft Nicki Minaj
As if it's Your Last-BlackPink
See u Later-BlackPink
Dance the Night Away-Twice
My Pace-Stray Kids
Awkward Silence-Stray Kids
Hello Bitches-CL
Shoot Me-Day6
Dance Dance-Day6
I Love You-Exid
Ah Yeah-Exid
Up & Down-Exid
Ko Ko Bop-Exo
Stop, Stop it-Got7
Mysterious-Hello Venus
I Want You-Shinee
Very Nice-Seventeen
Touch-Nct 127
Be Natural-Red Velvet
Strawberries and Cigarettes-Troye Sivan
Casual Affair-Panic! At the Disco
Friends-Marshmello ft Anne Marie
Bad Romance-Lady GaGa
September-Earth, Wind, and Fire
You Should See Se in a Crown-Billie Eilish
One of the Drunks-Panic! At the Disco
King of the Clouds-Panic! At the Disco
I Don't Care-Fall Out Boy
Dance Dance-Fall Out Boy
New Rules-Dua Lipa
Kiss and Makeup-Dua Lipa ft BlackPink
Havana-Camila Cabello
Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen
Don't Let me Down-Chainsmokers ft Daya
Shape Of You-Ed Sheeran
Girls/Girls/Boys-Panic! At the Disco
But it's Better if You Do-Panic! At the Disco
House of Memories-Panic! At the Disco
The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty-Panic! At the Disco
Nine in the Afternoon-Panic! At the Disco
These Girls-Why Don't We
Youth-Troye Sivan
Teenager-My Chemical Romance
Mama-My Chemical Romance
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)-My Chemical Romance
Superluv-Shane Dawson
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0next · 7 years
thirty questions tag 💌
whoop i was tagged by @mincute thank you <3 ! also sorry that my lazy ass didn’t do this sooner ;-;
rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
1. nickname: josi
2. gender: female
3. star sign: aquarius
4. height: about 178 cm
5. time: 14:42
6. birthday: february 08, ‘01
7. favourite band(s):  bts, exo, the neighbourhood, panic!, red velvet, blackpink
8. favourite solo artist: lana del rey, heize, troye sivan, blackbear, hyuna, ffion, melanie martinez, purity ring
9. song stuck in my head: skit: rainy day by heize
10. last movie watched: bad teacher
11. last show watched: code geass if it counts, if not orphan black
12. when did i create my blog: april 2015
13. what do i post: a hilarious amount of kim taehyung, bts, gay stuff, memes, mental health things, cats, ?? idek
14. last thing i googled: "die highligen drei könige” (german movie title for: The Night Before)
15. do you have other blogs: yes
16. do you get asks: sometimes
17. why did you choose your url: i don’t know i love fanfiction
18. following: +1000
19. followers: about 250
20. favourite colours: black, grey, blue
21. average hours of sleep: like 6
22. lucky number: i don’t really have one o.o
23. instruments: guitar and piano
24. what am i wearing: comfy shorts and tshirt
25. how many blankets i sleep with: two
26. dream job: i really like science and research but i want to become a prof and teach at unis i think
27. dream trip: east asia and south america, and some islands 
28. favourite food: ramen, raw noodles, ice cream, semolina pudding, vegetable lasagna, anything really (it just has to be vegetarian hoho)
29. nationality: german
30. favourite song now: probably pretty girl by maggie lindemann (remix ver.) or cherry by lana but ask me in 2h and it’ll be lost by bts or sth else i listen to so much music and love every single song
20 blogs i’m tagging lmfao:
@nighttdust @nightshade-and-aconite @screaminginfestation @luckilykelsey @orishi @yoaveragepotaetoe @switchkitsch @saltfucks @sunkissedjkook @lord-voldetit @1aju @jpghope @faenam @paillettes @taebeam @chogiwarrior @nightrookie @boneybaozi @yoongiilove @hosokey 
message me if you don’t want to be tagged ! have a nice day~ <3
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fallendeviil · 7 years
Olhos fechados tudo passa pela minha cabeça, lembro daquele lanche que deixei cair no pátio da escola a uns 6 anos e como as formigas dominaram ele em questão de minutos.. Lembro de como estava o chão no momento que eu dei meu primeiro beijo e de como eu não conseguia fechar os olhos naquele momento pois eu não sabia como aquilo funcionava.. Lembro de como fugi de um valentão que tentava me perseguir por achar que eu era gay, não pera isso fazia parte de um sonho foi aqui que eu acordei.. Passo mais dez segundos me remexendo de um lado para o outro tentando entender oq tava fazendo eu ficar tão sem sono assim e lembrando da minha vida, começo aquela coisa de criar diálogos imaginários entre eu e ela (não sei porque ela entrou na minha mente neste momento, mas ja que havia entrado que pelo menos fizesse um bem pra mim) desbloqueio o celular e ouço um áudio antigo dela só pra lembrar daquele timbre doce, penso comigo mesmo que é hora de esquecer aquilo, coloco a música mais animada que acho e deixo tocando enquanto fico de olho fechado tentado tirar ela da mente.. Lembro de quando estava no parque no topo do elevador com um medo de como seria a queda, mas de lá de cima reconhecia aquela pele branca e cabelos escuros dela e neste momento o elevador caiu com toda força, foi aí que eu acordei.. olhei pra luz apagada e lembrei de como tava a noite da última vez que eu tinha visto ela, lembrei da confusão que ela fez comigo me negando um beijo de despedida.. cai uma lágrima do olho esquerdo, percebo que esta tocando "eu nunca disse adeus" troco o mais rápido que posso para um cd do Bob Dylan e fecho meus olhos novamente.. Lembro de como ela estava linda naquele picnic, eu ela e o doug felizes como se nada tivesse dado errado antes, era a primeira vez que nos saiamos com nosso cachorro, eu nunca tinha visto o olhar dela tão feliz lembro de segurar algumas vezes a lágrima de emoção pra ela nao ver o quão imaturo e sentimental eu sou.. Acordei novamente, percebo finalmente que a causa da insônia é ela. Resolvo então arrumar meu quarto, já eram 1 da manhã quando eu acho aquele pedaço de papel onde estava escrito aquela data e desejo mais do que nunca voltar para aquela época e ter ela novamente nos meus braços, desejo mais do que nunca ter aquela coisa delicada encostada no meu peito e cuidar dela como se não houvesse amanhã.. percebo o quão mal isso me faz, vou ao chat dela e penso em mandar um "i miss you" mas percebo que não seria eficaz vou até o álbum do panic e coloco ele em modo aleatório me jogo debaixo das cobertas novamente.. Lembro do parto do nosso primeiro filho, e do primeiro dia de aula dele quando ele disse que havia derrubado o sanduíche de presunto no chão em cima de um formigueiro e do quão rápido as formigas dominaram cada parte do lanche dele e o quanto ele havia ficado impressionado com aquilo .. Acordo novamente, sao 2:30 e eu não sei mais o que fazer.. resolvo deixar meu orgulho de lado e mandar um "eu te amo" mas na hora que vou fazer isso algo me impede como se fosse algo lutando para eu desistir dela.. Decido ir até o banheiro e tomar algumas pilulas que minha mãe utiliza para dormir, só uma ou duas não faria mal, pena que eu virei o pote inteiro em mim, penso que o máximo que vai acontecer é eu dormir por muito tempo então resolvo beber água na cozinha, abro a geladeira e não tem nenhuma jarra de água gelada, e aquelas 15 pirulas estavam travadas em minha garganta resolvo então tomar uma latinha de cerveja que tinha ali no canto, na hora não pensei nos efeitos apenas virei a latinha de uma vez só.. volto para cama e me jogo debaixo dela com uma coberta pra me proteger do chão gelado... Lembro das nossas mãos dadas antes da minha morte, lembro da lágrima dela escorrendo pelas suas rugas faciais e o quanto eu queria ter força pra limpar aquilo.. Acordei novamente, não havia passado muito tempo eu estava com muita vontade de vomitar e deixei meu corpo fazer oque queria, ele eliminou tudo que havia em meu estômago de uma vez só, eliminou tudo e ficou tudo preto, acordo depois de algumas horas me vendo naquele estado, sem saber como reagir...
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