#gayass bi boy i love him
afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
💚💚💚💖💖💖 for aphid!!
Was gonna awnser tmmrw, but I can't sleep, so here we are
Send 💚 for a reason NOT to date my muse send 💖 for a reason to date my muse
💚He straight won't tell you when he has a problem until it's absolutely unavoidable. It's the most frustrating thing on Earth because it's very clear something is wrong, but he won't say anything unless you force it out of him. Like "for fucks sake just tell me what's wrong" and even then you might not get an awnser.
💚The way he sleeps seems like it would be nice at first- when he isn't have a nightmare or whatever he is very still and stays in the same spot all night- then you try to get some extra blanket in the night and woops sorry! He's somehow in a state of rigor mortis while still alive, and you physically cannot move him. If you get too hot at night and are the little spoon? No escape- wake him up or die of heat stroke because he's warm as fuck too. (And its not easy to wake him up) On more than one occasion whoever he's with wakes up and thinks he's dead for a solid minute because his breathing is so soft and again- you can't fuckin move him. It's terrifying every time, and he doesn't seem to understand why.
💚self isolates, like a lot. This is similar to the first issue, but this one makes it worse bc one day he has a metal breakdown and good fucking luck finding him that day. He drops off the face of the Earth- he does leave a note or a text that amounts to a "back soon" but will dip, worry you sick, and then show up again like "hi sorry I just had to cry and scream and throw up for 10 hrs straight I'm normal again" he doesn't tell you why
OK positives
💖he will listen to you for hours and hours and hours- he doesn't get bored of it, he loves hearing what you have to say and pays attention like you're going to quiz him on it later (that doesn't happen but he'll bring up the topic later if/when he thinks of questions to ask about it)
💖Excellent cook - if he doesn't know how to cook or bake your favorite thing, he will learn by the end of the week. He makes things spicy usually but if you ask for it more mild then he'll tone I down for you
💖if you find something that flusters him and leaves him like putty once, it will never not in the future. Small actions or calling him an extra mushy name make him a gooy mess every time. It never gets old for him.
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bend-n-twst · 8 months
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blah i got headcanons about the gay twisted wonderland boys please debate me (politely)
Crewel, Sam, and Chen'ya have only ever kissed boys and never considered anyone else.
Jade is gay and autistic af
Jack is freshly out of the closet because he never realized that being uncomfortable with a girl being "the one and only" was uncommon.
Idia is... well. a flaming homosexual
Trein is a wifeguy through and through, but this man had a youth at some point.
Vargas - dating Crewel. source: just trust me bro
Lilia... hunny look at the material.
Trey has dated a LOT of people during his time in school. He is kissing Vil rn btw
Ace is newly bi
Floyd dgaf about gender. he has MASSIVE crushes on Riddle and Jamil
Rook is bi in that he likes all men and maybe one woman. Homoflexible if you will
so i made this tier level because i didn't have space in the screenshot to have different ones for each so I put the aroace spec dudes on the same level
Silver is demi through and through. He doesn't pursue anything with anyone as his priorities are to his family, but it's never out of the realm of possibility for him. due to his closeness to Malleus, he also wants to ensure that whoever it is he's dating is not a danger to the prince.
ruggie is aro/ace big time because all that's a waste of time for him. he's always on that grind
Kalim, my son, is panromantic ace. Loves deeply, passionately, clumsily, and desires nothing more than intellectual closeness.
Sebek has some self searching before he realizes he's gay
Epel has some internalized homophobia to fight before he's okay with calling himself any flavor of queer
Riddle's mom is homophobic, boy can't even consider the possibility of liking anyone other than girls.
Jamil knows who he is, but why bother coming out if it isn't going to change anything? Plus, Floyd would never let him live it down.
Some flavor of queer:
Crowley... just look at him.
Malleus's whole being transcends the binary of gender AND sexuality. listen to him talk about gargoyles.
Azul is a drag king.
Deuce is trans masc AND trans fem vibes. i will not elaborate either way.
Vil's whole shtick with Epel is gender doesn't matter. She's the trans ever.
Leona is a cis man but dgaf. i mean yes he does but he doesn't want to be pigeonholed.
Cater and Neige are straight because its Funny.
Gayass Cat:
Grim's a gayass cat. you see that bow? gayass. bet it jingles.
Remains to be seen:
Ortho - it didn't feel right throwing him into any other categories because (spoilers) but i also didn't want to relegate the robot to the aroace category so i will say. i have no thoughts about him
Cheka is a child. he has other things to worry about. you know how stressful it is to pick your favorite color at his age? your favorite ANIMAL? bro's too busy.
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supertransural · 4 years
supernatural made me realize a bunch of shit about myself, specifically identity and it’s part of the reasons why i think it’s an inherently queer story.
allow me to clarify. once upon a time, 6 years ago, i found supernatural. back then i was mostly in the closet, even to myself. i’d gotten to that point of “hah wouldn’t it be nice to be like guys on tv and kiss the pretty girls” but not much further than that, because in most of the movies i had watched with my parents, the personality of the guy wasn’t really explored in the way supernatural (mostly unintentionally ngl) does with its characters.
so picture a teen, finding my first tv show to watch alone, being able to think my very own comments about it and not fear any repercussions from those thoughts because hey, i’m alone in my room i can think what i like about what i’m seeing. and feeling.
and here enters dean. complicated, comes from a rough childhood, parental expectations weighing so heavy on him it’s bleeding through his smiles, has a brother he feels is his duty to protect, is stuck in a loop of denial repression depression sublimation denial repression depression sublimation den-
you get the gist. i related to that guy. and then here he goes getting bi-coded (didn’t know what that was at the time but looking back, i could sure as hell feel it) and then kissing girls on screen, despite his wavering self-confidence. little ol’ gay me was like “yoooo i relate to this character on most of his character points, do i also relate to like..... wanting to do what he does??? do i wanna kiss other girls????”. fast forward one season and i’ve already figured out i was maybe bi. literally thanks to season 1 dean.
so, having figured out this “minor” aspect of myself, i went on youtube to find some other people like me and try to see if i was right to be homophobic towards myself or not. figured out, hey uh, definitely not. so you can also add “it ended up making me try to put a stop to my internalized homophobia” on the list of things that shitpost of a show helped me with.
i went back to the show for another season, relating even more to dean, and “blah blah blah queer coded character blah blah blah gay me could feel it before i knew what it was blah blah blah happy gay stuff”. several seasons passed by before anything new came up on my “hm this show rly out here bringing out all the queer aspects of myself huh” journey, but anyways i was still slowly but surely thinking holy shit i wanna be this goddamn man i want to be dean.
then comes season 4, walzing into my questioning little heart. oof ok, this season hit ALL the right spots for me. because i could feel what was going on between cas and dean and even though everything was still blurry as fuck, the parallel between sam/ruby and dean/cas was clear as day. and i was like “oh so you’re saying there’s a love here and it’s like that tarnished love between sam and ruby and it’s forbidden so that’s why we’re not seeing it and it’s like... gay”. so it made me realize “holy shit, i wanna see more gay content, and it’s ok to want that.”
then cas became another extremely relatable character, because i just kept thinking “he doesn’t really have a gender the same way other humans do” and i shit you not, he started me questioning my own gender. because again, a relatable character that you somewhat identify with that makes you ask questions about their identity INEVITABLY makes you ask questions about yourself. queue me going on youtube yet again to understand this shit a little better. i went through a few months of thinking “maybe i’m nb”, joined a few more gay communities on the internet, started learning about lgbtq+ things, watched a few more gay shows, and basically just grew a little more into my queerness.
fasforward several seasons, a couple gap years where i stopped watching it, and you’ll get to me a year ago. i thought i was a gay woman, fairly happy in that mental space and identity. but then. the whole “i wanna be dean” thing came up a lot again. because he just kept on being more and more visibly queer coded as i kept on learning more about this shit.
lo and behold, i jumped straight into the idea i was trans. and wouldya look at dat, i was right. quarantine happened, so i had to get even more of my interactions through online platforms, and quite obviously hovered around the gayer ones, or at least the lgbtq+ sides of them. and as i kept watching the show on and off, binging the first seasons for the 4th time, i kept learning more and more about myself. and those acts of gay frenzy were always started by seeing something relatable or strange in that show and looking it up. like, legitimately every time.
i found this community on tumblr a few weeks ago because i was tired of having my own little hypotheticals in my head and not knowing if anyone agreed, and the more i’ve been here the more i’ve learned about myself. the more i’ve let go of a lot of internalized hatred. the more i’ve been really ok with myself, as a trans guy. BUT ITS NOT FINISHED YET.
because, as we all know, it is common understanding here that dean is bi. WELL, i’ve been re-binging the show with that mindset finally clear in my head, and the “haha dean relatable lol” thing came up again, except it was really a “haha dean (who is bi) super relatable lol” thing now. so i paused, yet again, to think about that a little more. AND FIGURED OUT I WASNT STRAIGHT, IM BI AS FUCK.
that happened 1 month ago. i thought i’d grown fully into my queer self, that i’d gone through enough realizations and coming outs (to friends only, god forbid i come out to my parents (unfortunately quite literally god forbid lmao) before i’m out of here) for a lifetime. but apparently not. AND IT WAS STILL BECAUSE OF SUPERNATURAL. destiel and trans!dean fics helped with my internalized transphobia and homophobia, they helped with acceptance of those parts of myself. something that helped was also seeing the fact that shipping two guys in a tv show wasn’t just “being greedy with my grubby little gay hands” and wanting to think of a character as trans wasn’t just “being delusional and ridiculous”. and reading fics wasn’t cringy, it was nice and comforting.
so to try and sum up this unhinged gay rant, what i meant by my initial statement is this.
looking back on this entire self-discovery journey that i went on, it really felt like i was in the impala with the boys, except i was on a different kind of route (just picture this giant road painted in rainbow colors with baby driving at 80mph on it, that’s what it felt like). i grew with those characters, but most importantly i grew THANKS to those characters. their story was queer enough to make me, a fairly homophobic, traditional, conservative kid into a lib trans bi dude. and not in a “i got converted by the fandoms” way. i found the fandom waaaaayyyyyyyy later. i stumbled upon the fandoms looking for answers about this gayass goddamn show that i could FEEL was like me but couldn’t verbalize yet.
their story felt like a queer self discovery story and i could already see that before i went on it myself. no other shows have ever done that for me, and i’ve watched shows that had lgbtq+ characters in them, scripted gay scenes, not just subtext but text. and they still didn’t do that for me.
so this is why this show is so meaningful to be, and incidentally so very gay. like genuinely.
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mashpotatoe · 4 years
when do u hc that cartman realizes he's homosexy and how
realizes ??! o...... i suppose he starts noticing it at 10 but hes way too deep in denial about it and keeps reassuring himself hes a Straight Woman Loving Heterosexual by for example making up a straight crush on patty nelson or forcefully being "interested" in a certain girl the other guys think is cute,.,.,. until tweek x craig happens and his gayass sees how society treats the Homosexuals and it makes him feel a bit safer... just in case :) yet that doesnt stop him from still associating his odd feelings with what hes been taught to believe and the sexual abuse hes gone through.. which he associates with anything relating to le sex :/ which is why he (tw one sided kym@n) convinces himself he hates whatever proves his attraction to boys.................. anyways. to pinpoint when and how he actually realizes hes A Gay is hard but he stops running from it at 14. he doesnt embrace or even accept it but um he acknowledges he thinks boys are cute ??! then blah blah blah fights it then convinces himself hes bi then becomes a middle school bully then witnesses his close friends coming out then considers actually being a fully gay homosexual then gets help then comes out at 17 :) bye
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hiddenblog609 · 7 years
opinions on all the bmc characters?
jeremy: tallass bean son!!!! aka the light of my GAYASS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
michael: FUCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAY SON!!! DESERVES SO MUCH???
rich: him!!!!!!!!! it he!!!!!!! my boy!!!! saucy bi boy!!!!!! fuckin!! love this guy
jake: literally i could not love a person more???? fuck dude
jenna: b l e s s in g to th e fuck in g wor ld 
the squip: 
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