gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
Hiatus and Good-byes:
Hey all our lovely little gay-popers,
So I would be lying if I said this wasn't bittersweet, but it's been in the making for a long, long time. When Admin A and I first started this blog two years ago, it was on a whim and we certainly never expected it to get this big or popular.  We had a lot of fun and we'll miss all our fantastic followers. That being said, real life has just become way too much for both of us to handle and also keep up this blog. As a result, and after contemplating all the extenuating circumstances that have been stressing us out the past couple of months, we have decided to close GaySubtextinKpop.
All our old posts will stay up indefinitely but we will no longer be posting constantly, in a queue or otherwise.
We haven't been answering asks for the past couple of months, so we're sorry if you never got a reply from us, but we are in the process of closing down and our ask box was one of the first things to go. That being said, we read and appreciated all of your sweet notes and will, as we said, miss our followers lots. 
Anyway, thanks for making this an awesome, subtextual two years! -Admin P <3
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gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
We have asked for anyone who is interested in being an admin to apply here. Unless you are committed to taking the time to run a blog like this, please don't apply.  Admin A and I are sincerely sorry about this, however we both sat down and decided mutually that the blog isn't something that either of us have the time to maintain anymore. IRL, both of us are incredibly busy and although we love all our followers, we just can't be consistently updating this blog anymore.  We will have a Valentine's Day post and then that will be the foreseeable end of GSIKP unless we get people who are willing to take over. Love,
Admin P 
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gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
Hey guys! I'd like to get a queue up before I go back to school, so if you have a pairing or a band you'd like to see featured on the blog, let me know! -Admin P :3 P.S. After the VIXX spam we have a Krisho and Wonkyu spam interspersed with random pairings. 
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gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
We are now taking requests!!! Anything you want to see spammed, from your favorite pairing to your favorite band, just let us know and we'll do our best.
~Admin P :3
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gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
Admin K, or seriousflightrisk, is our new admin! <3
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gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
Hello, everyone!!
We posted a while back that we are looking for two more Admins. If you're interested, please fill out the following questions and post them in our submit box(anonymous applications will be deleted). 
Please keep in mind what we said in this post. Questions: 
What fandom are you in? (List as many as you'd like...though really, less than 10 would be appreciated.) 
What bands can you recognize? (That is, you may not be in the fandom but you can more or less easily identify the members and pairings by name.)
Why do you want to be an admin?
How much time can you commit to GSIKP? (Information below.)
Who is your OTP and why? (Not a judgmental question; we're just curious and "insert OTP here because ALSKDJFHG" is an acceptable answer)
Thank youu!! -Admin P :3 ~Admin A
Admin duties:
reblogging fantastic gaysubtextuality and tagging the posts
answering stuff and idk also being generally educated about LGBTQ issues
also if you wouldn't mind being a generally decent person/fan, that'd be great too
Okay, so admin-ing goes kind of like this and can vary, depending on how much time you'd like to put towards GS. We generally don't go hunting for posts (at least I (Admin A) don't). I usually reblog whatever I see on my dash that happens to be gaysubtextual. Not sure what Admin P does (though she does a LOT more than I do OTL), but I'm sure she'll explain down below. When we first started the blog, we were really good about having spams (sorry, I'm picky about that orz). That is, we'll put all the SJ posts together, and then the SHINee posts, etc. so all the bands were together and stuff. Now...not so much. But if we were to have more admins, I think we may go back to that so if anybody asks, we can say, "We just had an EXO spam, please check the posts on this date."  .....
Hiii! Admin P here! So I actually do go looking for posts. I've not been very good about this recently because I've been busy, but I try to pick a fandom I don't know, pick a pairing within it, and then troll through tags, find blogs dedicated to them, etc. Then I queue the posts, tag them, etc. We usually break up spams by short (or long.... VERY LONG) periods of random stuff from our dashboards. We get requests maybe once a week, and I try and fill them, although I'm variably successful, based on either how much stuff I have irl or how well I know the fandom... hence why we need more admins! Ummm This sounded kinda confusing haha, but if you have any questions just ask! we don't bite :3
much (Admin A)
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gaysubtextinkpop · 11 years
Hey guys! Just a heads up that in a week or so we will be posting applications for new Admins. Neither of us expected this blog to get as popular as it has (LOVE YOU ALL<3<3) and we need some help running it. We're only taking two new people right now, and we'd appreciate a wide range of multifandoms. 
Some basic things if you think you'd like to join: 1. This takes a lot of time, aka why we're asking more people to help out. 
2. Some of the asks we get (see the LGBTQ tag) can get pretty controversial and/or sensitive.  3. We all just want to have fun, and Admin A and I really aren't scary, so don't be shy about applying. We'll make sure to respond personally to everyone who does. 
I mean, what could be better than running a blog about your favorite idols having gaysubtext with their bandmates (or.... you know... OTHER bands' band members)??
The application will go up in about a week, like I said. Stay tuned!
-Admin P :3
P.S. WE ALSO CAN'T TAKE ALL OF YOU :( if we could, we would, but please keep that in mind. There will also be more opportunities to work on this blog later on! :*
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gaysubtextinkpop · 12 years
Tag! You’re it! :3 The rules are to state 5 random facts about yourself. Then go to ten favorite blogs and tell them they are it! o(。・ω・。)o
Okay!So for Admin P (I'm so bad at these! Sorry in advance!):
1. SCHOOL 2013 IS THE BEST DRAMA EVER... and because I am pathetic it made me cry during the 15 second preview for episode 10. 
2. I'm vegetarian, because animals are awesome, I don't like the taste of meat, and seriously, if you want to be turned off it forever, read Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. One word: EW.
3. Haruki Murakami is my favorite author.
4. We spent 50 minutes in my history class today talking about how penguins prostitute themselves for pebbles. It was very productive (No, seriously, BBC verified it).
5. I'm pretty much as greasy as Woohyun (Which is a good thing, since Sunggyu loves him so much... Right? RIGHT?!?!)
Admin A:1) I am terribly afraid of ants; THEY WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD OKAY AND THEY WILL RULE AS OUR OVERLORDS *gets tackled by rational people* 
2) I'm a college freshman who, after 18 years, still has no social life ;___________;
3) I have my own harem o//3//o
4) I'm a Shawol, BABY (no! we're WARRIORS I TELL YOU WARRIORS!! hear us roar~~ rawr =o //w//o= ), occasional V.I.P. and E.L.F.
5) I just dyed my hair red!!
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gaysubtextinkpop · 12 years
God bless this blog for your mature atitude towards shipping, for showing us various precious moments of these lovely boys, supporting all the ship and all the shipper, being funny and lovely and adorably ironic. You are my little ship-whore on gay ships heaven. I do not think that there is any other blog so open minded bu also comprehensive and complete in kpop fandom :) Merry christmass
Wow! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much we appreciate it Seriously, you just listed everything we aspire to be as a shipping blog, and I'm so happy we live up to your expectations!
 That being said, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL OUR AMAZING FOLLOWERS! We love all of you~
Have a safe and wonderful holiday season!
-Admin P and Admin A
P.S. You win our Favorite Person of the Year Award
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gaysubtextinkpop · 12 years
More GTOP please!! ;P
GTOP, you say?
I mean, GTOP?!?!?!?
Of course!!!! :D Thanks for stopping by, and look for the GTOP spam soon!
-Admin P
source1 source2 source3 source4
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gaysubtextinkpop · 12 years
Hi guys! What would you like to see next?
Admin A and I (Yes, this is Admin P, for once!) are looking for requests and/or submissions.  Don't be shy! We love you to hear from all of you. (ALL of you)
So what pairing would you like to see next? What band would you like to see participate in subtextual flirtations? Just reply to this post, and/or either submit or request any of your favorite OTPs, bands, or biases. 
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gaysubtextinkpop · 12 years
Hello, everyone! We here at GSIKP have a sad announcement to make. Both admins will be away for the middle to end of June and the beginning to middle of July! OH NOES! Who will run this blog? This is why we need SUBMISSIONS! TONS AND TONS OF SUBMISSIONS! Feel free to send us -links- of any kind---as long as they're Korean pop, gay, and subtextual! The queue runs at about 5 times a day, multiply that by 28 days that we'll likely be gone, that's 140 posts! Please submit :> 
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gaysubtextinkpop · 12 years
What pairing would you like to see next?
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gaysubtextinkpop · 13 years
Oops, forgot to mention. We are accepting requests and submissions! Requests and submissions get priority over whatever spam we have planned, so request/submit away!! We will oblige :D 
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