#gb interview
raytorosaurus · 2 years
honestly sooo healing to see dyke couples out there in fullfilling happy long-term relationships. congrats to these two :')
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finnoahsource · 4 months
finn at his concert looking like a mike sim lmao. i love his awkward postures. i also think i may have hallucinated his arm muscles which now seem non existent no shade
a mike sim!!! yes! that's so cute
and you absolutely did not hallucinate anything friend I won't let you think that way! 🫶
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camera angles are a thing! people look bigger and smaller all the time! people flex or stretch, or are relaxed and it changes bodies
no one's saying he's become huge duh, but too many people have noticed growth for it not to be true! they're not defined but they're wider, they'll just look normal relative to his body. he's also acknowledged he's begun eating way better than when he was a teenager so that + puberty + working out it checks out
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arimiadev · 8 months
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✨new article✨
In January I was able to talk to the lead developer of @gb-patch, the creators of Our Life, about their philosophy for designing such a highly customizable game & their wildly successful visual novel Kickstarter!
read it on my blog:
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a finn GB interview i hadn't seen before! circumcision jokes with paul rudd?? a hint of what jealous mike could look like??? the absolute chaos of the first part???
FINN is unhinged here good lord boy. "By the way, you can see everything." Oh, so eager to say that, Finn? Yeah? "It's taking a fantastic turn." And why is that, Finn? Hmm? 🤣 God, he's such a flirt. He wants Paul's attention so bad. Love how he had to physically bite his own hand to hold back how hard he wanted to laugh at the end. Boyyy. Look at him:
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changing-my-username · 11 months
The channel will be Ofcom the air at this rate.
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applebunch · 2 years
okay. saw some reactions on twitter again...
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 6 months
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Kein rechtstaatliches Verfahren
Gericht weiter auf Verzögerungstaktik
Obwohl auf den Bundespressekonferenzen wiederholt gesagt wurde, dass man keine Zweifel an der Rechtsstaatlichkeit beim Verfahren zur Auslieferung von Julian Assange an die USA hätte, ist inzwischen selbst Olaf Scholz der Meinung, das er besser nicht ausgeliefert werden sollte.
Über Zweifel an dem Verfahren berichtete der Bundestagsabgeordnete Andrej Hunko uns am 21.2. bei der Mahnwache am Brandenburger Tor. Auch Lisa Kretschmer von Reporter ohne Grenzen, verfolgte das Auslieferungsverfahren in London. In einem Interview bei Netzpolitik.org bestätigte sie die Aussagen von Andrej Hunko.
Dabei bemängelte sie auch die schlechte technische Ausrüstung am britischen High Court, wo praktisch außer den Richtern niemand verständlich war oder teilweise der Ton auch ganz ausfiel. Auch mit den schikanösen Sicherheitsbestimmungen hatte sie zu kämpfen.
Zentral an ihrer Kritik ist jedoch die seit Jahren bekannte Tatsache, dass eine Auslieferung an einen Staat wie die USA, deren Repräsentanten versucht haben ihn aus der equadorianischen Botschaft zu entführen und zu ermorden, gegen jede Rechtsstaatlichkeit verstoßen würde.
Deshalb ist bereits das 4 Jahre andauernde Verfahren eine Ungeheuerlichkeit. Die Verzögerung einer Entscheidung nach der 2-tägigen Verhandlung setzt diese Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechte fort.
Deshalb protestieren wir auch weiterhin an jedem 1.+3. Donnerstag von 18-20h mit einer Mahnwache vor der US Botschaft am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.
Mehr dazu bei https://netzpolitik.org/2024/assanges-auslieferung-er-fiele-genau-den-leuten-in-die-haende-die-ein-attentat-auf-ihn-geplant-haben/ und die Rede von Andrej Hunko am 21.2. https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8702-20240221-andrej-hunko-auf-der-mahnwache-fuer-julian-assange.html und https://freeassange.eu und alle unsere Artikel zu Julian Assange https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchartl.pl?suche=Assange&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3zH Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8725-20240326-kein-rechtstaatliches-verfahren.html
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skatewine · 1 year
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tofupixel · 2 months
I recently started learning to use rpg maker (vx ace!) and as a result have become increasingly interested in pixel art. I hadn't really done pixel work since my teens - I do more digital painting and vector art - so while I'm a little familiar and can do passable editing, there's a lot I don't know.
One thing that's kind of perplexing for me is understanding the differences in style between two creators of pixel art. I studied art history and I'm used to the differences being things like brush stroke length or degree of realism... I feel like I'm lacking in lexicon in this new frontier lol
What nuances of an artist do you think are most important to style in pixel art?
This kind of stuff is not really officially studied (yet) so it's all a bit of opinion from me.
Usually in pixel art the biggest differences in styles are which limitations the artists choose to impose on themselves; colour count, resolution, palette... Or more stylistic choices like hue shifting, anti-aliasing style or no, dithering or no, etc.
I personally think there are a huge variety of styles in pixel art, as it's literally just a medium, and I hope you'll agree by the end 8)
Also (imo) there is some seperation between the styles of art for art's sake, and art for videogames, where things have to be clear and readable to be actually playable.
🎮 Old school games:
Sometimes referred to as something like '8-bit' or '16-bit' (relating to the NES era / SNES era consoles), these artstyles usually follow the rules and limitations of the hardware at the time.
This all falls under retro art, most popular styles include: NES, SNES, GB, GBC, C64
Notable artists: Nickwoz, Sandy Gordon, Franken, Cisco
📚 Old school art:
There were also events called Demoscene (still are), where developers would go to a big convention and share their demos. A lot of pixel art competitions were held here, where artists would draw live.
Generally they used to favour a high realism/semirealism style, with lots of texture/dithering, fairly high resolution (if the hardware allowed for it), and adjacent pixels mostly being different from one another.
There are even older styles than this but they are fairly niche and I'm not that well educated. If interested look into some of the old PCs/consoles.
⭐ Modern pixel art:
Usually using more colours and higher resolution, larger clusters of pixels instead of individual ones. Strong use of art fundamentals.
Artists to look at: Adam Ferguson (yes it is pixel art), Snake, Slym, 6VCR, Yes I do Pixels, Gijotto, SovanJedi, JoeCreates, Franek, @8pxl
the rest below are "modern" pixel artists too but I think they have other things in their style that are a bit different!
🎨 Painterly:
Some artists choose to emulate the natural brushstrokes digitally, and keep their clusters large and loose. Usually don't focus on the minute details as much.
@makrustic, @hexh-pixel, Umbohr, Gawrone
🟦 Dithering
These artists all use dithering / texture in ways that make their styles totally unique.
Deceiver, Night, Reo,
💥 Experimental
These artists are always trying new things and honing in on their unique style.
AJ, hby, @ilta222, Alphons
I could really go on for ever, there are so many different styles, cute pixel art, horror pixel art, 1bit (2 colours only), and then adding animation takes it even further, but I think you get the idea
If you want to learn more, the Masters of Pixel Art books have works /interviews from pixel artists of different eras, including demoscene and contemporary.
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theselfshippingwitch · 6 months
so i saw frozen empire last night and other than reaffirming my undying and eternal devotion to ray here's my thoughts (including spoilers):
I was not expecting Phoebe and Ray to basically be the deuteragonists of this movie but i have never been so not disappointed about something in my entire life. I loved both their character arcs and i loved the relationship between them. I love that Ray seems to be the adult Phoebe goes to for advice on things that she doesn't want to talk to her family about, and I love that she calls him "Dr. Ray", that's so cute!
The end to the conflict of "Ray still wants to be involved in the Ghostbusting business, but Winston thinks he's too old" is literally just Ray proving Winston wrong and showing he's still a very valuable asset to the team, and... I have no notes 10/10
The scenes with Phoebe and the ghost girl were some of my favorite scenes tbh, really cute first crush vibes coming from Phoebe, they really nailed the John Hughes teen romance feel they said they were going for in interviews
But also, weird amount of parallels between this movie and the Twilight series??? The Robert Frost poem at the beginning, paranormal romance between teenage girl and supernatural creature, the girl becomes the same type of supernatural creature to be with her love interest, obviously not exactly the same but i couldn't help but notice
Wish they would find more for Janine and Winston to do in these movies, Janine in the GB uniform gave me more the vibes of the Q5 episodes of RGB where's she's in the uniform and with the guys and then she just... literally doesn't do anything. Movie!Janine isn't as bad, but I wish they had more for her to do than show up and say something sassy.
Why did Winston get upset with Phoebe for destroying the stone lion that was attacking her? Why didn't she explain that the possessor ghost made the lion come to life and almost kill her? Did he not know the possessor ghost escaped the lab? That whole scene threw me off tbh
Best part overall was the repossessed podcast scene, i want a special feature on the blu-ray that's just this Ray Stantz Giving Vincent Price Vibes Hosting Haunted Antiques Roadshow scene
tl;dr me too peter im proud of ray for giving up smoking in the 90s
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
"frank's gonna- ahh, this is gonna be good."
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world-of-wales · 6 months
Really shows what the motive was behind all the ruckus the media created over a family photo, when you realise none of them are covering the privacy breach. A woman recovering from surgery having to deal with a violation like this on top of everything people have slug on her in the past weeks.....
But i don't see the press talking about this. Where's all the doomsday articles about people losing their sense of basic decency dailymail??? Why aren't you having special segments about it itv????? Where's the 'exclusive' interviews with the so-called experts gb news?????
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catboymoments · 6 months
*sigh* Asking again since the original seemed to get lost, but for Owl House IF, I had an idea for Vee and the Greater Basilisk.
In Vee's case it's pretty simple, she sneaks into Hexside to hide as a student, but gets discovered. At first, everyone freaks out, but Amity realises she's not hurting anyone and convinces everyone else to help hide her.
Meanwhile, the Greater Basilisk is stuck in the Human Realm as Amity. They gain a poor opinion to humanity thanks to Odalia and classmate Jacob Hopkins (who's been swapped with Masha). Then, GB is 'captured' by Masha, who unlike Jacob doesn't plan on dismembering GB but on interviewing them and is excited to make 'first contact'.
This can go one of two ways. One, the 'evil' route, where GB remained hostile and Amity has to warn her family from the In-Between, and Masha is in danger of getting her face chewed off. Or two, the redemption route, where GB is touched by Masha's good nature and genuinely befriends them.
OHHH this is very cute I like it… originally I had an idea about swapping Vee and Masha but I like this better tbh
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
I wasn't expecting this revealing gem from Harry's ITV interview. Journalist: "Both your father and your sister-in-law have been unwell. It's a reminder, I guess, to all of us that life is precious. Does it ever just make you think, this is not worth it. Life is just too short for these legal battles?" GB article: "Prince Harry lost for words as duke asked about Princess Kate and King Charles's cancer battles." Loved seeing the ginger asshat be speechless for once in response to that question!
Hi Nonny,
Oh dear. Harry was put on the spot. He could agree and be asked why he wasn't dropping the legal battles, or disagree and be asked why his battles were more important than his family members fighting for their lives. I don't think he has the ability to spin his 'I'm going to continue the law suits' answer in a favourable light when put on the spot like that. Whoever wrote his answers for him to memorise must have been very frustrated by that question. :)
His lack of a response was satisfying, as you said.
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spicybylerpolls · 5 months
by filling out i think finn is just eating better and taking care of himself. he mentioned his eating habits on that off menu podcast and how he basically just used to eat like candy and mcdonalds and stuff till he was like 16. and his GB cineworld interview choice for the food to eat in the cinema was so adorable, he was listing the food groups each snack would come under to get a balanced diet (as much as you can at the movie theatre lol).
if you start to eat better nutrition you end up healthier and more rounded in your body i think, so he's still got that bone structure but all round is just glowing more. i like to chalk this up to many things but nutrition definitely helps with this for sure. perhaps he's been working out too, but even just getting a balanced diet would help him 'fill out'. i dont believe he was starving himself or had anorexia as people publicly accused him of (people are shits), but rather just getting that nutrition instead of living on fast food or no veg etc will make you more all-round healthy. and he's looking that atm!
love to see it. mental health and happiness also contributes to good physical health so maybe he's settling into himself, finding a balance in many ways in life 😊
We stan a healthy, radiant, and happier king!
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Photos of EarthBound 64 enemy designer, Toshinao Aoki, sitting with Shigesato Itoi during an interview with Dengeki Nintendo 64 magazine. Aoki shows off a lot of his concept art of enemies.
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Scans by @ hard4games on Twitter
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