#gc23 characters
aritany · 3 years
6 for Kieran, 7 for Zach, 8 for Rena, and 14 for Lucas if possible pls UwU
(you didn't include her in the tags and I can't say for sure I'm remembering everything right and I understand if you don't do this but BONUS POINTS for 11 or 12 or both for Mara)
6. what are their biggest fears?
losing control. he knows what it's like and he doesn't want to go there again. everything he does is a dedicated and deliberate choice to remain in control of himself and his surroundings as much as possible, even at the risk of being phony.
(after all, what's the point of being genuine if the people who matter would leave?)
7. how do they cope with stress?
he, uh, doesn't. stress is zach's kryptonite. he's a serial procrastinator so by the end of every semester he is a pressure cooker of Anxiety and there is NO safe way to break that seal.
(staying up late. eating irregularly and bizarrely. watching tv shows he doesn't even like to put off Doing The Thing.)
8. what keeps them up at night?
rena makes to-do lists in her head while she falls asleep and plans out the next day. because she has the least chill of maybe anybody ever, it's important to stay on top of the possible things that could go wrong.
14. what’s something you wish you could tell them?
oh, buddy. lucas. chin up. sometimes endings are beginnings in disguise.
for mara (the loml!!!! so glad you asked)
11. if they had three wishes, what would they be?
safia fayed notice me challenge 2k19
girlfriend (see above)
my dad stop being the worst (thank u, good night)
12. what kind of music do they like?
mara's really into spacey electro pop - these are her favourite songs!
spiral by kaela
breathing by kinnship
dionne by the japanese house
thanks for the ask, via! :)
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aritany · 3 years
18 for Kieran 👀
curious cat, aren't we? 👀👀
18. what’s something they don’t tell anyone ?
see, the entire book does revolve around something kieran doesn't talk about, but since that doesn't quite fit the prompt and i can't say what the actual thing is, i'll tell you this. kieran doesn't regret the thing he doesn't talk about.
i'm sorry that's not more specific! but it is true! thanks for asking :)
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aritany · 3 years
9 for zach, 11 for rena, 16 for kieran and 19 for lucas? :>
9. what do they dream about?
zach lives in a near constant dream world. what doesn't he dream about? his daydreams are often about the thing beyond. a lot of zach's thought life is devoted to hypotheticals, and while his downward spiral ponderings are about the bad stuff (what if the plane crashes? What If The Plane Crashes?????), when he's truly idle he likes to think about future shenanigans with his best friend mara.
(after they've met, there are a lot of kieran-centric daydreams, but don't tell anyone.)
at night, he dreams about space, mostly because he's fascinated by lucid dreaming and has always had semi-control over his dreams. and if you could dream about floating through nebulas, why wouldn't you?
11. if they had three wishes, what would they be?
three wishes is fairytale nonsense, according to rena, so don't bother asking.
theoretically, if she could do something to create idyllic scenarios, she would organize a scenario to sit down and talk with kieran, her best friend oscar would start picking up the phone, and she wouldn't have to make a decision about where she is going to live for the next academic year.
16. what do they beat themselves up over?
ohhhhhhhh boy. oh boy.
see, obviously, not all of the problems people in his life keep running into are kieran's fault. obviously. ha.
but like, what if they are? there's nothing that this boy hasn't beaten himself up over, though certainly [redacted] takes up the most mental real estate.
19. what’s something symbolic to them ?
lucas has a black rubber bracelet that he's been wearing for most of his life. he doesn't explain it to many people, but it's for his younger sister, who they lost to cancer when she was three. he'll never take it off, because it symbolizes the part of him that carries her around. he was seven when she died and he remembers it vividly, but he worries about forgetting. so that bracelet is never coming off.
thanks, anon! :)
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aritany · 3 years
i'm trying something a little bit different and more art based for character introductions for GC23 because why not & i'm hoping to have at least one of them out this weekend!
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