#gem and the scotts are so wholesome
Before Gem could register it, Scar’s sword ran her through, taking out the last of her hearts.
The death screen flashed in front of her. She instinctively pressed the respawn button, and all of the weight in her body disappeared, leaving her lighter than a feather.
She looked down at her hands. They were transparent. No weight, no colour. A ghost.
She was dead. And she’d respawned in her bed.
Oh, God…
She’d always known from day one that in the end there would be a final battle, that there would’ve been kills she didn’t want to make. But it had always been hazy in her mind.
She’d gone along cheerfully, picking off anyone who wasn’t on her side, never thinking that when it came down to it she would have to kill someone she called an ally.
More than that. A friend.
She remembered Scott’s blue eyes. Not staring at her in his final moments, but focusing on his inventory, and her diamond blade swinging down, and the lightning blinding her for half a second…
Gem gasped and clutched her head. Those few seconds kept replaying in her mind.
“You have to kill me, Gem.”
She knew even now that Scar and, and, Pearl were probably fighting it out, deciding the winner, or whatever. Winning didn’t seem to matter now.
The lightning flashed again, in front of her eyes.
She hadn’t wanted to be the leader! Why had Scott kept looking to her as if she was, telling her to kill him? Why did he have to die like that? She didn’t want to do this anymore.
Gem tried to lean against the wall to stabilise herself, but she fell right through and ended up outside, floating anxiously.
The cherry leaves were still falling, like nothing had happened. As if the base could stay in its pink, cherry, happy state forever.
(The crater by the entrance disagreed.)
Scott’s voice, her sword, the lightning, her gasp after she’d done it were all confused in her mind. Overwhelmed, she squeezed her eyes shut, but it wouldn’t stop ringing.
“Gem! Gem, you okay?”
Gem, nearly hyperventilating, barely heard Impulse but looked up.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been there,” Impulse said soothingly as she practically collapsed into his grasp, relieved for something real.
“She’s up here?… Oh, Gem,” Scott ran into earshot. Gem broke away and looked at Scott uncertainly, still breathing fast, her heart pumping. What felt like her heart. She didn’t know how ghosts worked.
“You did so good,” he said, smiling but not moving closer, as if unsure of how she would react.
“Scott, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that, uh, I’d have to kill you, and I just got caught up in the moment, and, you know,” Gem rambled hysterically.
“I don’t regret it. You carried the band so, so well. You’re safe now, alright? All good.”
Gem slowly nodded as she tried to recollect herself. “Right.”
“It’s always like this on the first series. I remember in Third Life everyone was so shocked after they died.” Impulse said, grinning as he pat Gem on the shoulder.
“Nah, in Double Life when Pearl died was even worse. Ready to kill everyone, more like.”
Gem’s head snapped up. “Pearl! She— she and Scar…”
She hadn’t expected it, she hadn’t expected Pearl to swoop in for a blow as she was fending Scar off. And then she’d just stood back and let Scar kill Gem. Entirely indifferent. Betrayal without a word.
She hadn’t understood, Cleo had been right. She hadn’t understood a single thing about the death game, and it wasn’t a game, it was just death—
Gem started to panic again, gasping for air. Scott quickly put his arm around her.
“Shh, don’t worry about that. It happens every time. You get used to it. For now, just relax, okay?” Scott said reassuringly.
“Okay, okay,” Gem said, half in tears.
There was no sound for a while, except for the wind extending its wispy fingers through the cherry leaves.
“Come on, let’s sit on the plank,” Impulse said.
So they did. Since they weren’t solid it couldn’t be done, but they decided to float above it instead and look out on the rest of the server, empty but, finally, peaceful.
“The band’s back together,” Scott joked.
Gem sighed, and smiled. For now, for that brief moment in time, everything was okay.
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raticalshoez · 2 months
Funny observations (to me) that I noticed regarding the Life Series
Skizz is a naturally kind, trusting person who has faith in people, but doesn't ever let anyone treat him as a doormat or a pushover. Tango on the other hand is not a very trusting person who can easily pick out suspicious people, and is constantly on edge about who to trust, yet somehow is more likely to be a doormat or pushover than Skizz is???
Lizzie is the least whimsical woman (or rather, feminine presenting person) on this server. You may think that goes to Cleo for their sorta realist mindset and fear mongering status, or like Pearl because of her incredibly depressing lore, or Gem because she can be insane sometimes, but no it's Lizzie. All of them love cute things, but I think the other three fawn over cute things in endearing things while Lizzie expresses her love very blunt and dry. In the best way possible, she is like the server's cranky old woman to me. Does anyone see my vision or do I sound insane.
People do not talk about or write enough about Jimmy's habit of talking real big and threatening things and sizing himself up to only immediately shoot himself down and run off terrified when challenged by something a bit too threatening or a bit too much for him to handle. It is one of my favorite character defining mannerisms of Jimmy because it's so funny to me. I love wholesome, golden retriever man, but he is also this and I don't see it nearly enough
In Secret Life, when Gem was giving Etho flack for not attacking Cleo during the boogeypocalypse, Bdubs immediately jumps in to defend him by saying "Well, I can't help but notice Scott's not dead yet either, Gem!" Like. Just a moment ago you were scolding him too. He cannot let Etho be in a negative situation for even one second....please get a grip girl he ain't devoted to you rn......you don't have to all that for him...
Etho gets called washed up the most in Limited Life and yet that is the season where he placed the highest and I think that is hilarious
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welshautisticfurry · 4 months
youre so right scarian is toxic im here to offer that it was toxic in 3rd life too cause it was and I'm tired of pretending its not (borderline abusive at times too)
so like obviously they killed each other and Scar had no problem with killing Grian but also there was an unhealthy power dynamic in play since episode one and by the time that Grian was free from having to serve Scar he was in too deep and had no choice but to stay with him
last time i spoke about toxic scarian i was told that it was "inevitable" and idk what that means but the unbalanced power dynamic could have totally been avoided so that person was yapping actually
Thank you! I forgot about 3rd life lol, yes, it was borderline abusive. I hate when people paint them as 'perfect'. As someone else pointed out to me, Scar was also bad. I agree, they're both bad for each other.
On the same subject, how about Flower Husbands? I love it and eat it all up, but Scott can be bad to Jimmy. Quite a bit, actually. Sure, he cares for him when he doesn't need to, but always puts him down.
On the other hand, ShinyDuo is my OTP. They're good with each other, they care, they barely ever argue. Murder Camel scenes were some of my favourites, and they were so wholesome. Just Pearl and Gem having fun together!
Oh well, I'm just ranting now, but thank you for your ask!
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tasty-arsenic · 1 year
Double life,, 2!!!!!!!
I was bored and decided to re-roll double life soulmates and see if i could think of anything fun with these new pairs
so i took the double life cast plus Skizz, Lizzie, Mumbo and Gem because i wanted to include everyone
(i know that Gem was only in one session but we had an odd number and shes a lifer to me)
the pairs generated was
Joel and Lizzie (im not kidding)
Skizz and Mumbo
Pearl and Tango (it rolled Pearl and Scott first but i didnt want any doubles so i rerolled it)
Ren and Grian
Cleo and Etho (omg theyre back together...)
Scar and Bdubs
Jimmy and Scott (flower husbands,,,,)
Impulse and Martyn
Gem and BigB
now theres some absolute gems in this
first things first, the true soulmates: Joel and Lizzie
they were the first thing i rolled and it was so perfect omg,,,,,, obviously they are the power couple, the girlboss malewife. very chaotic duo and possibly a bit dangerous
next up: Skizz and Mumbo
now because those two dont interaact like at all from my knowledge i cant say much for sure, but i feel like the two of them would make a very fun team. with Skizz's impulsiveness and Mumbos redstone abilities i feel they could do some very fun stuff. I dont think theyd get very far but theyre here for a fun time, not a long time
Pearl and Tango
this one is kinda interesting. we have established that Pearl is crazy, we know that, but Tango is too just in a completely different way. Pearl doesnt beat around the bush much, she there and you know it. while Tango often works in the back seat in the middle of some crazy plot like Dare to Flare, Bet your life, or bringing a warden to the surface. combine these two and youd get some fun results.
Ren and Grian
first thing that came to mind: the dramatics. Grian is the known war starter and Ren is known roleplayer, do i need to make it obvious??? they would be SO fun to watch. Just by thinking about im upset that this isnt already a thing, god. I feel their shenanigans would be on par with the Bad Boys.
Cleo and Etho
if limited life taught us anything its that these two = divorce and im so here for that. this feels as if it be Cloe + Martyn Version 2. and considering and Etho on his own is a bit more pathetic then Martyn it would be very pitiful to watch. Cleo would be out girlbossing(as they do) and Etho would be struggling to do much, that or Etho would be also fine on his own but i think itd be better if he were a little pathetic yk
Scar and Bdubs
these two are impulsive idiots and would do nothing but enable each other and im so here for it. they would go on a million different mini mission in a single session. youd get whiplash from watching them. but i feel like this would make them either very dangerous or not threatening at all. who knows
Jimmy and Scott
flower husbands. what more do i have to say? Scott would be the pro player that he is while jimmy does nothing but get himself killed. theyd make an okay team is third life is anything to go by. i feel Scotts skills at the game and Jimmy's lack of would just balence themselves out a bit. who knows, maybe Jimmy would be the second one to die with a soulmate like Scott
Impulse and Martyn
a southlanders duo! these two were hilarious back in last life and they would be again. theyd make a pretty decent team i think. I mean these two were top two in limited life. theyd be a good mix of shenanigans and actual decent plays, a very good balance i think
and last but not least Gem and BigB
now this ones a thinker because Gem was only ever in one session of the game and did not once interact with BigB(if im remembering correctly) but going on assumptions i think these two would make a great team. first of all i think theyd be semi-wholesome. with Gems cottagecore vibes and BigBs general BigB-ness i think theyd be very cute. but also quite dangerous. Gem is a known PvPer (GeminiSlay!) and BigB makes his own good plays fairly often as well. Otherall very cute, but threatening team
this was a fun thinking exercise
and i want to hear your thoughts in the notes!!!!!
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ruden404 · 10 months
Some of my thoughts of the last episode of secret life :)
You really can't know for sure if being lonely is good or bad in life series. Lizzie died first. Scar won. The two loneliest people; who tried to team up, but alas of Secret Keepers HATING Scar's ass; ended up in the complete opposite of places. That is wild.
Also. Did you notice at the very end both of the duos had one winner. Scott and Gem, Pearl and Scar.
So crazy that what could've been a wholesome and heart wrenching moment, with Pearl giving herself away to Scar to win, Scar just called that "lame". He just did that. He didn't think he deserved her life and he wanted to fight alongside her. Well, Scar didn't really care with who he was fighting alongside of. Respect and understand that.
He almost died at the end, by that zombie. Kinda thought he would just... let it kill him. And then he got away with half a heart.
I was stimming so hard when I finished his video. Holy fuck. My boy, my blorbo, finally won :D
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MCC 34 Blue Bats Dodgebolt Highlights:
It's Oli vs. Ollie and that makes group communication really difficult!
Scott is forever the calmest person on a Dodgebolt team.
"Aah, this is stressful, my bones are rusty!" - Gem
"Line up, line up! Come on, baby boy." - Oli
Why is Scott always so assured and calm in these dkjskdjd
"Play for yourself: you're The Guy." - Oli
Catastrophic lag moment on Scott's end results in a DC :(
"Just imagine they're hermits! They look like hermits... They smell like hermits, stinky." - Oli
"You're slippery like an ox in butter-" what is he saying.
A Greek chorus of people saying "GEM!!"
"You're like Fruitberries in his prime!" Oli, What.
"I was gonna be in 38th today, I did not expect to BE here today!" - Gem
"I hate dyyying."
"Gem, you're slippery, you're an otter in butter." - Scott
2 TO 2, MASSIVE FINALE TIME. Come on Blue.
Oli trying to bait them like "You want me, you waaant me."
Sapnap's weird lag floating not based
Wholesome time incoming :)
"So glad that's over." XD
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yandereunsolved · 7 months
I am kind of obsessed with the idea of Evan Peter's characters with a magic system like Steven Universe. If you aren't familiar, the most bare-bones way to explain this is that certain characters are able to fuse with each other because of their bond. Their mind, body, and soul become one and create an entirely new being. If their fuse is unstable, then they will defuse. If they take a lot of damage, they will defuse. They can also stably defuse and return to their separate forms. If you want to know more about what I am talking about, go to the Steven Universe Wiki under Fusion Gems.
Now imagine Evan's characters fusing to create new characters. Tehe. Especially in a yandere setting.
Your toxic boyfriend Kai Anderson takes you to the Cortez to spend the night because every other place is booked. You both meet James Patrick March. Kai and James click together like puzzle pieces. One is an aspiring cult leader and the other is a mass murderer. They both have grown to be madly obsessed with you. Kai is only willing to share because James is even better of a manipulator than he is. They fuse and create a new being— their obsession and individual abilities multiply tenfold.
Giggling and kicking my feet in the air rn.
Quicksilver and Tate? Peter moves into the Murder House and you're their neighbor. Peter acts like Tate is his brother. Tate is totally a normal human boy. Nothing to see here. They both are all lovey dovey with you... so they fuse by accident once because Peter runs through Tate. Then, they decide to show you their fusion.
The yandere Evans forcing you into an unstable fusion??? Uh, oh. :( Darling, you don't understand. You are precious to them. This is the only way you can be with them in mind, body, and soul. They need this. They need to be one with you.
The wholesome babies being Kit and FrankenKyle. Kit doesn't really understand the entire undead thing but he helps Kyle become more human. You are the witch/warlock/[insert other magical thing] that is currently taking care of Kyle. Kit just adores how sweet and loving you are with him. They both fuse over their mutual attraction to you. The fusion is a bit unstable because Kyle is undead— so his scars show up on the fusion. Imagine those eyes??? Kits look and Kyle's innocent baby expression??? You have an oddly charming, himbo boyfriend now. Sometimes he struggles to speak and maintain eye contact.
Austin Sommers and Mr. Gallant. More giggling. It would be such an odd pair but it'd work. It'd work. You totally know that it would.
Luke Cooper & Colin Zabel. Shh... Lordy, lordy. Give Luke some credit. He never intended to fuse with anyone. He thought the idea was fucking stupid and useless to begin with. Ugh, a detective— so how did they fuse? You work for Michael Scott and therefore with Luke. Someone broke into the office after hours (Michael bribed you into helping teach Luke office skills. It was coming along horribly and Luke just kept flirting with you.) and that person tried to kill both of you. A masked gunperson. Colin comes in to help solve the case. Both Luke and Colin... end up fusing when Luke shows he gives a shit about something. Which is you and your safety.
This is already so long. Anygays, do you want me to expand on this idea:? Genuinely curious. Cause I would love to see what people come up with... and what if there was just an au of Evans fused characters??? (Even non-ahs related— I write a lot of ahs. that is why I am saying this.)
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seralyra · 11 months
I've watched Scott interrupt the canon event from all involved POVs now. And I'm screaming inside because the three of them would have been so funny! Just power gay Scott having to keep Jimmy and Scar from dying early. All while Scar and Jimmy are starting a shack rivalry. And Scott is still being bitter about the whole flower husbands thing.
And maybe a tad bit jealous of Scar. Who's stillmaking eyes at his favourite missing bird and mustachioed friend.
The drama. The beautiful, hilarious drama we could have gotten. It would have been like a worse version of the B(re)ad Boys. Because Scar is more self destructive than Joel and Scott actually doesn't lose his brain cell when he's together with friends. Unlike a certain waffle.
Also Scott. Dove. Scar already teamed up with Joel in Last Life. You can't tell me that's a safer team up than Scar and Jimmy.
(Not that I'm not liking Scotts current team up. Gem and the Scotts are so wholesome.)
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marsmarbles · 8 months
hi !! I was wondering, what do cl!pearl and cl!gem think of their respective groups? (as in the players chained together)
For Pearl, she’s pretty happy with her team. Around Scott, she definitely has bad flashbacks to Last Life and Double Life, but she knows things are better now between them. She’s also definitely mentioned that she thought it was funny that Scott had to take care of her to not loose his lives. She feels most comfortable around Lizzie since Joel seems aggravated most of the time and Scott is off being suspicious.
For Gem, she’s happy to have a good team with people she likes to hang around and can rely on. Most of the time their group is wholesome fun but Grian often brings the mood down with how dissociative he can seem sometimes. They can tell something’s bothering him they’re just afraid to ask. Gem is the main person who is aware of Skizz’s thing with Impulse, so she likes to tease him about it a lot. Despite that, she actually gives pretty good dating advice.
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littlefoxwithbighat · 10 months
Dynamics/ Team-ups I want to see in the life series!
Etho & Gem
You've seen their dynamic on Hermitcraft together. Do I need to elaborate. It'd be so funny. Gem is entirely unimpressed by his shanigans (shes an Ethogirl at heart). They would do really well.
Mumbo & Lizzie
I honestly feel like they would mesh so well together. Mumbo and Lizzie both have quite similar, awkward "I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing and-I'm-afraid-but-I-enjoy-the-chaos" energies. I think they would be so much fun. Would they be an effective team? Probably not. But would they have the most shenanigans? Yes.
Gem, Cleo, Pearl & Lizzie
TEAM GIRL TEAM GIRL i honestly think this would be the most amazing friendship it'd be so fun. Guys please.
BigB & Grian
They're friends irl and it shows in their dyanmic chemistry on screen. BigB likes to hang back and Grian likes to be the centre of things, and I think in this regard they'll help balance each other out. Also Grian has wanted to team qith BigB since 3rd life, they'd both enjoy it!
BigB & Martyn
Also friends irl. Martyn likes being witty and starting bits and BigB is genuinely really talented in yes and-ing and continuing bits. They both match each other in terms of being very forthright and very myterious all at once.
Scott & Tango
I just feel like Tango and Scott would match each other's energies and playstyles quite well. They're both interested in the technical aspects of the game and playing to win, but neither are afraid to take a break for bits. Scott's building and Tango's redstone would be a terrifying force together.
Skizz & Grian
I refer you to GIGS phasmophobia streams.
Martyn, Etho & Joel
This team would be a huge disaster. I can see the in-fighting from here. They would come up with the stupidest schemes known to man. They would all be besties. They would have at least 3 divorces. I have got to see this happen it would be brilliant.
Martyn & Gem
Both really like being witty and come-backs. They would be so smart together. Both of them are super competitive but also love the shenanigans and improv. I think they would also yes-and each other till the end.
Martyn & BDubs
BDubs doesnt get enough credit for his wit and improv, hes so talented! Martyn is the witty improv guy. They would be an absolute force together. They wouldn't get anything done, and would probably spend too much time spying together. But the shenanigans and rp would be fantastic.
Pearl & Grian
They would be the absolute worst. Theyd probably die horribly and fight all the time. Itd be really funny though.
Mumbo, Tango & Skizz
They just seem like they all get along really well. A good mixture of chilling and silliness. :DD
Mumbo & BigB
I want to see them hang out more they seem like they would be best friends itd be really wholesome. I don't think they'd win. I think it would be an excellent vibe.
Scar & Lizzie
They both have very similar senses of humour. They both love running with particular characters (see Fairy Queen Lizzie and Wizard Scar). They are both goofy and silly and loveable and threatening to blow your house up. Peak dynamic. It'd be amazing.
Scar & Bdubs
I refer you to HC s7. Trust me itd be good.
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thatonefatgumsimp · 11 months
Which Secret Life POVs I've Watched So Far (will be updated and edited as I finish)
OK so I may or may not have gotten distracted again- oops- but basically I'm putting here which POVs I've already watched in full and what my first thought about each one was.
-WARNING: wall of texts and ramblings from an mcyt obsessed audhd under the cut...and also spoilers. Don't click unless you're ready for simultaneously spoilers and an ungodly amount of text lol-
Grian: "God this series is so hype I can't wait to see what all happens and- OMG GEM IS HERE! :D GEM IS GREAT! I can't wait to see her kick Etho's ass at PvP again /lh ...waiminute...is that logo on the statue...is that the Watcher logo??? Huh??? Wait...and why does it have the same mossiness of the Entity and Grian's s9 base? Suspicious...OMG the chaotic Best Friend energy with Mumbo and Grian- tbh would be me and my best friend on any given day. Amazing. Their laughter is so infectious too lmao- Oough merch! Pretty :3 Wait it's over already? Aweeeeh ): can't wait for the next episode tho!"
Mumbo: "Wait he switched sides of the circle when Martyn punched Jimmy lmaoooo just like 'these people are crazy, save me, Grian-' 💀 The best friend energy omg still amazing I love their dynamic so much! Ooh a sideways house that *IS* an interesting idea! WHY DOES JIMMY KEEP BREAKING THE CRAFTING TABLES LMAO Hmmmmm Impulse ik cherry blossom is great, but that salesman voice is indeed very sus. I'm with Mumbo on this one."
Skizz: "Idk I watched it when I was very tired last night and all I remember is 'Awwweh a frog! Take care of him...WH- TANGO!!!' and also him apologizing to Gem which was very nice. Oh yeah and love island <3"
Jimmy: "Alright, Timmy, you've got this. Just don't die and- OMG MARTYN NOOOO LMAOO- Aweeeh it's like when you have a really young sibling or you're, like, a parent or something and you kiss the child's scraped knee to make it feel better- 🥺 wholesome. THANK YOU! I thought I was alone in recognizing that symbol, thank you for acknowledging it. JIMMY LOOK OUT OMG YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK! OK but the task. This man is an absolute menace lol. Aweh that's very nice of Scar to compliment Jimmy's outfit! SCOTT LMFAOOOO YOU'RE SO RIGHT, BUT AT THE SAME TIME 💀 Jimmy building in the Mesa? Tumble Town 2 electric boogaloo?? 'Hmmmm if Scar's building a shack, we're gonna have to have a shack-off, mine's better.' NO JIMMY DON'T STEAL THE CAMEL! D: pftttt Scar would- remember the Relation-ship? And the Ranch? Arson boy lol. THE VALLEY GIRL ACCENT I CAN'T- 😭"
Scar: "OK, Scar, you can do the task, I believe in you. I've seen 4 other POVs which prove that you failed, but I still believe in you. OMG THAT'S WHY HE COMPLIMENTED JIMMY'S OUTFIT LMAOOO I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION- So true, Scott. So true. But you can't stop them, they're still gonna end up neighbors. I know, I already watched Jimmy's POV. SCAR NOOOO YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM- The way he jumped in the water- 💀 hc that c!Scar shook out his long-ish messy brown hair like a dog after that. Cuz he would. 'I'll make an exception for you. The first and ONLY exception.' if someone doesn't use this as, like, a fanfic title or something I swear- literally perfect material for a c!Scarian fic title. AWEEEEEEH HE CALLED GRIAN THE LIGHT OF HIS LIFE- I CAN'T BHATGLFYSJBJSRSKBLBK 🥺 Scar just like 'y'all crazy. Bye.' AWEEEEH GRIAN AND SCAR'S CAMEL RIDE! DESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUO! The way they stare at the hole Big B dug like *insert surprised Pikachu here* awwwwweh the way he let Grian have the cactus monopoly 🥺 you will never not convince me that bullying is their love language. c!desertduo bullies each other affectionately...I'm so normal about c!desertduo I promise- HE TALKED ABOUT ASOKA FOR 30 MINUTES OFC HE DID- 💀😭 I was wondering why he didn't include it lmao- NOT SCAR TREATING THE CAMEL LIKE A DISNEY RIDE LOL learning about the task goodies with Tango, Jimmy, and Scar 101 'IS IT A ROCKET' LMAOOOOO- HE'S SUFFOCATING AGAIN- SCAR BE CAREFULLLLL!!! Ik it's not in the comments, but, I GOT TO THIS POINT AND I'M ENJOYING IT, SCAR! Love this series sm and I'm only 5 POVs in lol. 'It's looking kinda like a shack' 'fancy house and exotic materials' indeed, Etho. Also yes, Scar, part of what gave it away is that ur favorite color is orange lol /lh the fact that Jimmy is the only one I've seen to call him 'Obi' when he says 'Hello There'- amazing. 'Nonono it's not a shack, look at that entrance!' But, Scar, you just said- ...OK- 'this is my shack' OK, Scar I'm confused. Is it or isn't it a shack? Ofc he cut out the arson threats and allegations smh /lh 'until next time, we'll see you later, and don't forget to subscribe because you may just become. SCARRRRED FOR LIFE!' ...yes I've memorized his outro-"
Martyn: "Wait OK before we start- are we sure that punching Jimmy didn't just, like, transfer the canary's curse? /lh like it could also be that he won last series and now he's the 'wet cat' of the first episode like I saw in another post, but like, what if?? I guess we'll see, huh? The awkward 'goodbye' and then walking the same way lmaooo 💀 Lizzie and Gem: 'WE HAVE TO GET TO THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS!' Martyn: 'uhhhhh anyways so-' what am I gonna get? Well uhhh probably one of the life hoodies, but I'll probably have to convince my mom to get it as a Christmas gift cuz I already spent a lot in the last month cuz I have no self control- but yeah probably the balloon hearts hoodie or the drippy hearts one. Love those. 'Ofc no wearing helmets' Scar, who has a helmet: 'Hi, Martyn!' 'oh mY GOd you scared me-' Payback for the jumpscare to Grian last series /lh /hj 'friends?' 'friends?' 'friends?' 'Helloooooo!' 'Martyn!' Idk why but that interaction made me exhale like- just imagine shouting through the walls in a cave to your friends irl. Omg now I'm imagining it with the reverb- 'you couldn't spare a heart, could you?' gives off the vibes of 'please sir, could I have some more?' Oliver Twist who? /lhj Bdubs and his chainmail lol 'THERE'S A SPAWNER?!' yeah...he's definitely having a rough first session- o7 'what is happening out there-?' I'd like to know too, Martyn, unfortunately I haven't watched their POVs yet. Also Etho saying 'BDUBS RUN! HIDE!' I- I'm normal about c!Ethubs I promise- 'YOU GOT HORSE ARMOR?!' ofc the local horsegirl /lhhj would ask about that lol- NOT ETHO TURNING INTO CANADIAN DAVID ATTENBOROUGH AND NARRATING HIS, MARTYN'S, AND BDUBS' ADVENTURES THROUGH THE CAVE- I- 💀 'this could go viral' true, Bdubs lol. BDUBS' MIC CUTTING OUT I'M CRYING- Gem's reaction of 'a what?!' and Scott's response of 'we just don't have a healer' is just perfect lol. Love that. WE'RE PLAYING THE MARTYN GETS NERFED MOD! TODAY WE CODED IT SO ALL THE MOBS ATTACK MARTYN AND ONLY MARTYN! that's the vibes Scott's comment gave me lol- 12 HEARTS?!? MARTYN!! OMG BE MORE CAREFUL!!! This Martyn nerf hitting hard- 'this could be really bad if I get poisoned-' YES IT COULD, MARTYN, YOU'RE ALREADY AT 12 HEARTS- IT'S LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO BE THE FIRST TO YELLOW- /lh bro Martyn being risky is making my anxiety go 📈📈📈📈📈 BE MORE CAREFUL, MARTYN, PLS- I BEG OF U- MARTYN GOING TO THE NETHER- 📈📈📈 MARTYN THERE ARE GHASTS- PLEASE- I- AAAAAAAAAAAAA! MARTYNNNN! OMG! IS HE ALWAYS THIS RISKY, USUAL MARTYN VIEWERS?! CUZ IF SO IDT I'M GONNA SURVIVE BINGING ALL THE LIFE SERIES- 'ughhh I swear, dude, I swear, I'm gonna cry!!!' I AM TOO, PLEASE STOP GETTING INTO DANGER, MARTYN- Martyn saying damnit is me the whole time he's out risking his hearts. My heart can't take this kind of pressure, Martyn please stop being so riskyyyy- 😭 nINE HEARTS- MARTYN!!!! Istg I'm not surviving this episode- my heart is just- 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 his pICKAXE BROKE?! OH YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! 'OH MY GOD, THE SUN!' I'M HAPPY TOO, HOPEFULLY HE DOESN'T LOSE TOO MANY MORE HEARTS. 'I've been to the nether and everything!' Yeah, imma be honest, I don't get that one. Like, didn't you write a song lITERALLY CALLED 'Screw The Nether' with friends????! /lh Lizzie's 'oh wow' 💀 fIVE AND A HALF HEARTS!! MARTYNNNN!!! OMG! 📈📈📈 NOT THE DROWNED- 😭 LEAVE HIM ALONE, BRUH, HE JUST TRYNA SURVIVE- Martyn panicking- same, bestie- Lizzie just like 'oh you stole my bed? Didn't notice' 💀 #1 way to tempt a horsegirl: offer something to protect his horse /lhj Cleo's laugh lol- infectious. MARTYN ZOOMING IN AND JIMMY JUST BRINGING BACK SCAR'S CAMEL IN THE BACKGROUND I CAN'T-"
OK I'm posting this and I'll rb for the other POVs, but Cleo's next.
So let's see, next rb is probably gonna be Cleo, Gem, Tango, Scott, Bdubs, and Pearl.
Third rb is probably gonna be Etho, Joel, Lizzie, Impulse, and BigB.
3 maybe 4 rb max.
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sheasshovel · 8 months
gotta ask, tbh can't believe someone hasn't done this, BUT-
lifers as genshin characters, who's who
omg WAITTTT this is so hard cuz so few genshin characters have actual writing and like each life series has wildly different vibes for each character BUT ILL DO MY BEST (fanon save me) ((and im doing majority sl since I remember it the most)) ((((ill do it based on vibes i think))))
Etho -> weirdly… im thinking Cyno. “Did you jump?” And him trying to mimic the aha jokes and being “pathetic and quirky” in sl matches cynos nerdy energy OH WAIR I SHOULDVE SAID KAZUHA CUZ OF CANADA UM
Cleo-> beidou.. “I WILL FRONT STAB MY FRIENDS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” Pirate slay lady and has a big cool ship in s6 hc
Grian -> erm like. traveller💀 IM SORRY HES AETHER TO ME AND GRIAN ISNT EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTER but yeah he FR just goes with everything happening around him
Lizzie -> pink haired lady with underwater empire u say…….. kokomi (I haven’t watched empires) but like kokomi if she was written well and emphasizing the war general girl failure parts of her
Scar -> itto cuz I love him next question. also ITTO is an immortal and scar never died in sl imagine the angst potential “the last one standing”
Martyn -> he’s so self aware so this is super hard but like. Maybe uh um HEIZOU cuz he’s always like thinking ahead but sometimes silly but he’s also like smart and a detective too! or maybe HEIZOU is Grian u choose
Jimmy -> BENNETS luck and Mika’s everything else I JUST THINK ITS SO FUNNY
Skizz -> whos a funny father figure in genshin. Ill get back to u on tha oh my god he’s dionas npc father HELP IDK I CANT ANIME GAME HIM HES TOO STRONG
Tango -> THOMA IS HE THOMA? blond nice team player kind of dense AND THOMAS PET DOG IS LIKE TORCHY TO ME or is he childe cuz of the rage. I dont know!
BigB -> AYATO he’s secretive but also :3 and ayato would probably gaslight people for fun. and ayato is related to ayaka the most :3 girl ever. they are insane and wildly charismatic and also silly. Like imagine of ayato presented himself as more wholesome on the outside. Or if bigb became royalty do u see the vision
Scott -> Self sacrificial… trustworthy…. “I still might kill myself but now its less likely”…. team player… blue hair? idk I think it has to be like IDK IM DRAWING A BLANK IM GETTING KAEYA FROM HIM IF KAEYA WAS MORE LOYAL? IDK
Impulse -> Erm uh uh uh uh let’s say uh let’s say uh uh uh uh uh bro who’s a smart dad in the genshin lineup someone help me NUEVILETTE??? WTF IS HE NUEVI WHAT NO NUEVI ISNT SILLY idk what to do here
Gem -> Navia SHES A BUBBLY GIRLBOSS with so many emotions and omg when gem killed Scott and was like shocked. I thought of how navia would react to silver and Meluse dissolving in front of her eyes and having to ignore it. In both of their cases, having to ignore it to focus on the task (haha) at hand. Also both should join the mafia anyways
Pearl -> ERM Hu Tao. insane. SUPER STRONG and heavily misunderstood “sorry i think I gotta little bit crazy” from dl is so perfect but honestly I CANT see hu tao as the self sacrificial type, or forgiving type like in sl so idk
Bdubs -> tiny. Easy to enrage. segond in command….let’s make him UGH HOW DO I MAKE BDUBS A ONE NOTE GENSHIN CHARACTER WITHOUT TAKING ANOTHER MONTH okay errmmmmmmm let’s put him as xiao but if xiao was less traumatized and sillier
Joel tiny heinz-> Childe… blood lust and trauma but he also kind of gives ALHAITHAM cuz of his sarcasm
Mumbolio -> thoma he’s so sweettttt but also kind of cray cray like is thoma not insane for protecting the TRAVELLER in front of RAIDEN hello?¿ 0 self preservation skills
RENDIGGITY DAWG -> theatre kid furry. he’s Lyney next question
if I missed any lifers pls lmk I am stupid and this is driving me crazy
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sourinksoda · 9 months
Thinks my brain says about the life smp members (extremely silly)
Grian: a entity kinda guy, absolute creature of "oh shiny button! 👁️👁️"
Scar: Would complement you while sending a swarm of angy bees at you, snickering like muttley from wacky races
Mumbo: who put polite mr bean in a death game
Jimmy: hes a disco girl, comin thru that girl is you, ooh oooh ooh, ooh oooh oh!
Joel: WATCH THIS >: D *fails tec deck flip trick spilling his orange juice everywhere*
Gem: Like Joel but she actually does the tec deck kick flip off her glass of juice flawlessly, but spills the juice trying to take a sip after
Scott: upon finding you very obviously sneaking like a cartoon villan into his home "hellloooooo?!? Can you not?!??"
Cleo: at cleo > you burned their house to the ground!!?
: ]
Pearl: Mm, yes, sleepy slasher time
BigB: offers you a cookie while clearly eating the last cookie in front of you, when you question him he casually starts saying "oh yea fr if i had one i would tho : )"
Skizz: WOAH TAKIN OVER MIDNIGHT! OH WOAH TAKIN OVER TONIGHT! *While holding impluse and tango under each arm as he sings karaoke*
Impulse: He is vibing, he has snacks, the ac is on and hes listening to his favourite music
Tango: various noises, of which can only be discribed as the creature flourishing in his natural habit
Martyn: making his mischievous little plots, his little silly schemes, using a light up red glitter pen, before forgetting his list at home
Ren: Also writing silly little wholesome schemes with a pink lightup fluffy tipped gel pen adding ^0^)/ to the end
Lizzie: is walking through a Christmas village getting jumpscared by mall santas and candy canes, cat energy
Etho: that one etho drawing where hes so wide eyed tired and overstimulated, brain is soup looking (please someone help me find that image i think joel is yelling in the bg,,,)
Bdubs: omg hes becoming moss again! Its okay hes allowed a little moss entity embodiment as a treat, photosynthesise
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lunarsands · 11 months
ESMP S1 Fanfic: A Garden's Path - Prologue
Characters: Mythical Sausage, Scott Smajor, Bubbles the Dog, Sir Carlos, appearances by the cast of Empires SMP S1 including Xornoth, featuring blaze-hybrid emperor TangoTek, and introducing: The Children of Mythland (specific characters to be tagged when they appear in each chapter)
Relationships: MythicalSausage/Scott Smajor, LDShadowlady/Smallishbeans, Shubble/Katherine Elizabeth, Jimmy Solidarity & TangoTek
Tags: Empires SMP S1 AU, scosage, adoption, fluff, wholesome, so much wholesome fluff you would not believe, a bit of angst here and there, Sausage has a few nightmares for Plot reasons, acknowledgement of amputation (not sure how else to tag that but just in case)
WARNINGS: fantasy racism (human vs elf), loss of parent (with adoption inevitably comes orphans), minor character death in a later chapter
Summary: Having weathered a new set of trials and finding love together, Sausage and Scott look toward a whole new future and adventure together: raising some adopted children. Surely after everything else they can handle two sons, a daughter, two or three others, a foundling infant…and a handful more along the way.
Set in an AU where Scott’s sacrifice at the end of Season 1 led to the creation of an alternate timeline. Scott retains his memories of the previous version of the world – as does Sausage, due to his ability to traverse parallel dimensions.
(Also available on Ao3!)
Prologue: The Aftermath
[ A/N: This is a sequel to an illustrated story by Cynthrey! :D Since I will be avoiding some of the spoilers for that story, we’ve decided to run them concurrently. You can read The Champion of Exor AU for information on things like: Why is this scosage? What is Tango doing here? Why does Sausage have a prosthetic arm? Now also available on Ao3!]
It had seemed like just another of Sausage’s exaggerated theatrics when, during a Wither Rose Alliance meeting, he bemoaned being unable to properly hug anyone with only one arm. Gem and fWhip had expected a different turn to the conversation when the wizard had asked how he had been adjusting after returning to some of his kingly duties. He certainly seemed like his old self, gesticulating as he talked, although now it involved waving his left arm around and merely lifting what remained of the upper half of his right, the sleeve of his shirt neatly rolled and pinned above where his elbow would have been.
The loss of one arm hadn’t slowed Sausage down for long, aside from the initial few months of recovery. Gem’s healing spells along with some holistic elven care had him back on his feet and in full architect form soon enough. With Scott’s help, they had rebuilt the parts of Mythland that had suffered from Sausage’s own actions. This included renovations around the castle, where walls were either removed or relocated to allow for open spaces, in particular a grand garden that featured some of the new orchid varieties Sausage had promised to bring to Mythland, and artful layouts by Scott’s hand of many other flowers and decorative hedges. The combination brought some natural healing, as well, to bodies and minds.
fWhip sat back in his chair as he watched Sausage while he went on about construction difficulties. The inventor clasped his ginger-bearded chin with one hand while beginning to tap on the papers in front of him with the other. He could remember just how Sausage’s right arm would look similarly flailing around with animated speech. fWhip abruptly flipped over a piece of paper and began sketching out a rough blueprint. The movement of the quill caught Gem’s eye and she glanced over at the drawing talking shape. Her eyebrows went up, then she smiled but refrained from offering more than a quiet and intrigued, “Ooh…” to not distract fWhip. He was in The Zone though, tuning out Sausage, and even grabbed Gem’s papers to have extras to scribble more details.
Gem now made sure to throw comments at Sausage to keep him distracted after she saw fWhip write a note of ‘deadline: wedding surprise’ with a big question mark. “You can do it,” she said, which could have been taken as directed at either of them. Sausage, of course, assumed she was talking to him and he proceeded to rattle off several reasons for why he probably could not and should not be doing any extensive cave explorations just for some emerald ore, because how would he manage both a pickaxe and a shield, unless he tried strapping a shield to his upper arm, but anyway how would he switch over to a sword fast enough if there were any monsters and also he was still retraining how to sword fight with his left hand instead of his right – and so on.
When the meeting ended, Gem had thought to offer any help fWhip might need with the project, but he was off and not-literally-running, pouring over the papers as he walked with only a hastily spoken, “Mm-hm, mm-hm, see you next time.” He stopped to lean on a barrel to make another notation, then tucked the papers inside his jacket to protect them as he stepped into the bubble elevator.
They’d had to replace ladders in various places since those were a little difficult for Sausage to use at the moment, but if fWhip’s plan worked, that would only be temporary.
Although the prosthetic had a solid copper casing in the shape of an arm proportional to Sausage’s left one, the prototype was still simple and more of a rush job than fWhip would have liked, but the deadline seemed to come up faster than expected, and the salmon forge wasn’t predictable enough for such precise work. As it stood, he nearly made Sausage late for his own wedding, but he had to insist they take the time to get it working so he could not only properly hug Scott, but properly hold his hand while exchanging rings.
That thought convinced Sausage to hold still despite glances toward the clock while fWhip cinched up the metal rig that went over his shoulder to hold the prosthetic in place against the stump of his right arm, then connected a series of redstone wires between the two parts. Sausage flinched at the small jolt as the redstone fired up, but then wonder dawned on his face when he was able to slowly straighten the arm and bend the fingers partway.
fWhip did warn him to think of it as a simple tool and not a full replacement; the range of movement was severely limited and wouldn’t hold much weight, and there wasn’t enough grip strength in the fingers to pick things up, but it would serve the purpose needed for that day. Sausage thanked him for even that much ability, and after fWhip helped him get his single-sleeved dress shirt and similarly modified ceremonial doublet on, he covered the prosthetic with his cloak and they hurried out to the garden for the ceremony.
Scott, waiting with everyone else, wore exquisite traditional elven wedding robes, a circlet made of gleaming ice crystals with a short veil attached atop his head, and clearly looked like he had been worried that Sausage had gotten cold feet. Instead, he saw the grin on his groom’s face that gave away that he was up to something and Scott couldn’t help a smile of his own, wondering if that giddy expression was for more than just the fact that their wedding was even happening. The elf’s own look of surprise, then of joy, when Sausage lifted the arm from under his cloak to cup his substitute hand underneath Scott’s hand, then slip the wedding ring on, was worth the minor discomfort of the not-quite-perfected redstone signals.
And then, once pronounced man and husband, Sausage carefully put both arms around Scott to hug him the way he had longed to since the moment he had woken up after the battle and found that his love was shared.
The redstone wiring failed partway through the reception, causing need for an impromptu sling to hold the prosthetic up until fWhip could remove the rig later, but Sausage didn’t mind. It had worked for just the right amount of time that it needed to, and anything else he could do fine with just his left hand – or with Scott’s help.
There were a few more designs that fWhip tried out after that, with variations on how the redstone wiring read signals and how the assortment of gears moved. Ever the adventurous type – and maybe just eager to have two working hands again, because what was a builder with only one arm – as well as possibly an unhealthy amount of pain tolerance, Sausage made for a good test subject. He put up with the occasional shorts in the wiring that left the prosthetic hanging useless, weathered the zaps if the power distribution was off, and let fWhip tinker without being picky about how the arm looked.
During the final test of getting conscious signals from Sausage to transfer to the prosthetic, fWhip resorted to a different sort of experiment with Gem’s help that involved embedding a transmitter inside a magic crystal that was attuned to the Mythlandian’s personal magical frequency, creating a small device that fit over Sausage’s ear and could be hidden behind it. This linked up with a matching crystal inside the prosthetic, and greatly increased Sausage’s control over the parts of the arm.
From there fWhip refined the inner workings. Smaller gears, a new type of copper wiring, some of the same old redstone technology, and then a series of overlapping struts on the outside to form the shape of flexor, radialis, bicep, triceps, and other assorted muscles but retaining superior functionality. He added a few aesthetic details as well, like invoking the vambrace he used to wear on his forearm that contained a second attuned gemstone for a backup.
The rig also no longer needed to go over his shoulder, with a basket-like inner structure that fit snug against what remained of his arm and the outer struts still forming a muscle-shaped support over it. An extra, simple strap was attached to the basket that could be tightened just in case, making it easier to remove for sleep or if it was irritating him for any reason. Sausage would wear a fabric cuff to cover the end of his stump for a little padding and protection for the scarred skin, the cuff itself buttoned on one side to also offer easy removal. He could choose to either drape a partial shirt sleeve over the top half of his upper arm or do away with sleeves on that side of his shirts altogether; the only drawback to the new design being that fabric could easily get caught in the struts if left sitting against them while he was using it. fWhip offered to test out full cover casings for temporary use in future versions, but Sausage still preferred functionality over appearance.
The real test came when attempting to pick up and carry boxes of supplies and materials, and how well the prosthetic held up while actually building. Of course, fWhip also cautioned against letting too much dust or small debris get into the arm, so Sausage was still limited on that front anyway, but getting to do at least a little of his favorite hobby was an improvement, and now he had Scott to help him – and to remind him when to take a break, or keep track of how much dust was getting kicked up. Still, even just drawing up architectural designs and taking measurements was easier with two hands.
fWhip was, however, resigned to knowing that part of the regular maintenance on the prosthetic would be cleaning the internal mechanisms. Although, to look at it another way, it served just as much of a learning experience for him to see what other types of improvements he could make to protect and perfect the internal parts even more.
With such a wedding as auspicious as a king marrying an elven prince, it was inevitable that there would be other parties of a more public nature, with the nobles of Mythland wishing to congratulate their ruler, and envoys from Rivendell visiting to honor their prince now become a king regnant. Things generally went smoothly, so on one occasion Scott and Sausage separated to mingle with crowds of their respective fellows to thank them.
Scott ended up accepting a gift from the Rivendell merchant’s guild of bottles of spiced cider, the best of each’s stock, and shared one with them over some idle chatter about recent Rivendell affairs until one of them made the casual comment, “Say, good move securing yourself a kingdom.”
Scott was about to question what they were implying but another of the merchants cut in with a laugh, “Ah, yes – why else a human then, hmm? What a quaint dalliance.”
A third asked, “He only has, what, fifty years left in him? Any lucky elf in mind for when that day comes?”
Scott forced his expression to be neutral then twirled his finger in the air. He froze their drinks, then caused frost to form over their hands so they were stuck to their goblets. He tossed what was left of his drink into the face of the first offender, then he spun around with his chin held high and walked away.
Meanwhile, Sausage had been chatting with some nobles from the far side of Mythland, and after showing off the latest version of his prosthetic, was fielding reports on the land holdings plus a little trouble with zombie hordes, which he promised to look into.
One of the men kept eyeing any of the elven guests who meandered nearby, then finally spoke his mind. “So, an elf became your choice? I can’t blame you. They have such… unusual color hair. Such pretty things…”
His tone made Sausage feel cautious that this was some type of judgment. “Well, there’s plenty of other things, just like you and me. Fighting skills, magic talent—”
“I suppose,” the man droned on as if dismissing those details, “They’re not all as delicate as they look. Say, are the ears like handles for when he’s—”
Upon the word ears, Sausage could guess where it was going and began to draw back his right arm. He then cold clocked the man right in the face before he could finish the sentence, buckling a few struts and popping a redstone wire somewhere in his prosthetic. The hand went limp and he had to lower the arm by pushing on it with his left hand, but he only glared as the offender’s fellow noble tried to help him, walking him away from the enraged Mythland king.
Sausage turned away as well and stormed off through the staring crowd, whispered gossip following in his wake about what the noble could possibly have said to make their king react like that.  He found a quiet spot with fewer people and started to inspect his arm. Aside from the struts making up the back of the hand and one by the wrist, he figured whatever wire had broken was key to letting him control the hand. He could only move the elbow partway so he forced it into a folded position, then removed his ceremonial cape and hung it over the arm to make it look like he was merely holding the cape as one normally would when feeling warm.
He figured that would suffice to ward off comments until he could contact fWhip to fix it. He should probably ask the inventor about reinforcing it so he could use it for such occasions without breaking it. He did feel a little foolish, however, that he had used it instead of his left fist, but the anger had struck pretty quickly, and his right side had been in a better position to hit first…
Well, what was done was done. He wasn’t about to allow such crude comments, and now people knew it. He turned back toward the crowd – in time to see Scott stalking by looking upset. He reached for the elf’s arm to stop him. “Hey – are you all right?”
Startled, Scott looked over at him, having not noticed he was there, then promptly hugged him and explained what the merchants had said. “It’s just so… callous of them to think I only married you because I wouldn’t become ruler of Rivendell, and that I would just… wait out your time…”
“Well, you… shouldn’t have to be alone after I go,” Sausage said softly. “It’s just a fact I’ll pass first. And I wouldn’t do anything like mess with magic to extend my lifespan, that would be crazy, eh-heh…”
Scott gave an earnest but gentle smile. “You’ve already thought about that, haven’t you?”
“Ah— haha. Yup,” Sausage admitted. “I won’t though. I know it won’t end well. We have the time together that we have.” He clasped Scott’s hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss to his knuckles.
Scott then hugged him again, only to realize there was something odd when Sausage returned the hug with only his left arm. The elf stepped back and looked down questioningly at how the prosthetic, hidden by the cape, was positioned. Sausage cleared his throat and slid the cape back to show the damage to his hand. “I, um, needed to defend your honor. The condescension runs on both sides.”
Scott sighed and helped arrange the cape back over the hand. “And we thought demons were the worst of our problems…”
“I know. Turns out it’s really other people. Come on, we’ll stick together for the rest of the night.”
“I like that plan.” Scott smiled, then paused and removed his own cape, draping it over the prosthetic as well. “Look how nice my husband is, carrying that for me.” He kissed Sausage on the cheek, earning a grin, then they rejoined the crowd.
It was sometime later when they were approached by the nobleman whom Sausage had punched, a sizeable bruise marring his face. “I expect an apology!” the man hissed. He flicked his gaze toward Scott and began to sneer.
“No,” Sausage said calmly, then yelled, “Guards! Escort this—” He spoke a word in Elvish “—out of here!”
Scott feigned a horrified gasp. “Sausage! Don’t call him that!” He had to suppress a smile until the man was hauled away, then he burst out laughing.
“What?” Sausage asked. “Was my accent that bad?”
“You called him a tree branch.”
“Oh. Well. Close enough.”
The rest of the event passed without incident, and soon enough the celebrations tapered off. With life getting back to normal and quiet, peaceful days ahead of them, Sausage turned his thoughts toward the future and the other possibilities that might await there.
One night, as Scott was helping him remove his prosthetic to get ready for bed, he decided it might be time to share some of his thoughts. He felt a little nervous, however, but instead of fidgeting just tried to lay still when Scott lifted it away from the protective cuff that covered the remaining part of his upper arm, the flicker of combined magic and redstone signals tapering off from his awareness. With the utmost care Scott placed it in its fabric-lined case where it wouldn’t be accidentally knocked over if either of them got up during the night.
Sausage sat up and leaned to reach and catch the elf’s hand before he could move around to the other side of the bed. “Can I… Can I ask you something?” Yet then, hesitating, he let go of Scott’s hand.
Curious about his tone, Scott sat down on the side of the bed. “You can, although it seems like you’re not sure if you want to. Everything okay?”
“Yes, I was just, um -- Well, I’ve been wondering… What, uh, what do you think about having… children?”
“Aside from the obvious issue with that?” Scott uttered a light laugh, but seeing Sausage’s face flush a little, he rested his hand over his. “Honestly? I hadn’t thought about it much before. Between the old world and this one, I always had other things on my mind.” He went quiet as he gave it some thought now, gently caressing Sausage’s arm in apology for seeming to tease him. “I guess… I mean we could… start considering adoption. Did you have something specific in mind? One, or maybe two – son, daughter, other?”
“Doesn’t particularly matter, just, ah— whoever we find that will accept us as we are, too. I mean, I don’t know how a child might feel about a father with only one arm.” Sausage looked at him sheepishly. “I would ask fWhip to reinforce the other one so I can pick them up and carry them around and stuff. Well, if they happen to be small enough for that. I guess age doesn’t matter too much, either.”
“Probably not an infant, though. We’re not equipped for handling anyone that young, and it might be easier to adjust our lives around an older child – you know, one who would know to be careful about your arm. There is one other consideration,” he added softly, a single possible repercussion coming to mind. “…Human, or elf?”
Sausage glanced down for a moment, understanding the implication, then smiled when he lifted his head. “Doesn’t matter. Whichever we find.”
Scott smiled in return and patted Sausage’s leg, then stood to dim the lanterns before going to his side of the bed. He had just gotten settled when more thoughts started occurring to him. “What would they call us? We can’t both be ‘dad’.”
“Dad and… ice-dad,” Sausage joked.
“No.” Scott pretended to act offended.
“I’m kidding! I called my father ‘papa’ when I was little. I’d be okay being that.”
“I’ll be ‘dad’ then.” He went quiet for a minute, weighing his next thought before saying out loud, “Should we tell them who we are right away? ‘Hi, we’re the rulers of Mythland, do you want to become royalty?’”
“That could be intimidating, or influence a match that doesn’t work out, depending on the people who run the place.”
“Right… It could be a surprise, maybe?”
“Yeah, let’s do that.” Then Sausage frowned sadly even though Scott couldn’t see it in the dark. “We won’t tell them the truth about my arm. That stays in the past. We’ll…make something up if anyone asks. Or just say that we don’t talk about what happened to Papa’s arm.”
Scott sought between them for Sausage’s left hand and gave it a squeeze. “All right.” He let a silent moment of that comfort pass, then said, “I’ll go to Rivendell in a day or so and find out what options there might be.”
“Sounds good. Maybe I’ll change some rooms around while you’re there.”
They fell back into silence, if not sleep, with Sausage feeling grateful that Scott had been open to the suggestion, and Scott now realizing how much more of a future was available to them. His mind went to comments made by other elves about Sausage’s shorter lifespan. The idea of children meant their marriage, and the future of Mythland, could outlast them both…
Xornoth attempted to stare at his younger brother as if he wasn’t crazy, but darn if it wasn’t difficult not to. “You would like me to what?”
“Just to help me vet a few locations, if you will? I don’t know how appropriate it would be for a former prince of Rivendell to start touring every orphanage in the realm with his human husband…”
Xornoth chuckled. “Oh, but it’s appropriate for the current ruler to do it?”
“Well, I didn’t mean for you to go in person—”
“I understand your concerns but, Scott, why don’t you?”
“Just go! Take Sausage with you and go meet some kids! Don’t worry so much about criteria, I’m sure any place will be overjoyed to know there will be dedicated parents looking after some young ones! Remember, I’ve seen you two together and the hearts are flying between you all the time now.”
The tips of Scott’s ears burned and he stared back at him as if he had never in the world expected him to say something like that.
Xornoth went and pretty much read his brother’s mind. “What? Did you think I would discourage you? You with your former inability to control elemental powers and him being a former demon? You’ve both gotten second chances and the world is wide open. You deserve a family of your own, too, if that’s what you want.”
“Maybe let’s not mention that second part ever again. Can I trust you to not bring that up? Our one rule is going to be we don’t talk about what happened to Papa’s arm.”
“ ‘Papa’? Oh, that’s adorable.” Xornoth laughed. Scott folded his arms, indicating he was serious. “Of course, I promise – I would no sooner tell about that than I would how I was once a demon, too.” He winked, but at those words Scott knew the secret was safe. Xornoth then began chuckling again. “Wouldn’t want to make Papa sad by reminding him about his arm, no… Ha! All right,” he said as Scott elbowed him, “Let’s get out a map and find you a town or two where you might not be easily recognized.”
Coming Next: Chapter One – The First Princes
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tiredfoxtf · 9 months
What other alliances in the life series would you like to see? Like for Lizzie, Pearl, Scott, Grian, etc?
Hmmm, let's see.
Mumbo and Joel I think, yeah we did have the Mounders, but I actually would love to see deeper look into Joel's dynamic with him? Actually that goes for Joel and Bdubs too, the two are a hilarious pair of dry humour and a comic book character. Generally Mounders in the SL were mostly isolated, because for the most part they were off doing whatever crazy task they had.
Just generally more Mumbo alliances, him and Grian are gravitating naturally towards each other as well Scar, but I really would love him interacting more with all of non-Hermits in the Life Series.
Mumbo and Scott can be very utilitarian alliance, because Scott is very strategic and he can see how Mumbo's skills can be used and all that. He is probably the most strategic ally Mumbo could have to survive to 8 episodes at the very least. That is if Mumbo won't turn on him like he likes to do to just cause chaos.
Lizzie and Scott could be fun. To go full on queer cottagecore with a taste of murder. Which kinda similar to Gem and the Scotts, but it's actually not, I swear. It's a very different kind of flare.
Grian and Ren, actually, can be interesting. Red bois are kinda lone wolfs (pun intended) unwillingly, so them teaming up can be fun. Given especially Grian's very grounded and Ren's over the top theatrical nature they would be fun. And Grian will probably keep up with Ren's antics and have fun with him. They probably would go red kinda soon-ish and cause chaos on purpose. But they don't really need to go red for that.
Gem, Skizz and BigB is another "unlikely, but weirdly wholesome" alliance in my opinion. Gem and BigB generally would be a very interesting scenario since they are both sweet, but scary people. And Skizz just being Skizz would be their hype man. Put Impulse in the mix and you'll get BIGS. (This is mostly a joke, but it's actually more likely that way)
Martyn and Pearl would be horrifying together I ain't gonna lie. But so is Grian and Scott. Pairing up winners is honestly scary thought, because well, they have what it takes to win those series, man. Martyn and Scar maybe. But there are generally not a lot of people who want to pair up with Scar. Which is RUDE, imo.
Impulse and Martyn can be fun together, though. Didn't interact that much in the South Lands so maybe a come back. Or Martyn and Bdubs, Martyn would have soooo much fun teasing and joking around with Bdubs, they would be a comedic duo.
Cleo and Mumbo would be hilarious. Essentially it would be like Cleo took in another "son", just as chaotic as two other ones. Or Cleo and Jimmy. Cleo just has this "tired and done with everyone's shenanigans, but also chaotic in their own way" energy. Most of the pairings with them would be that way.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching Joel
I watched the first 20 minutes on Saturday without writing anything lol
TUNA ON PIZZA??!?!!!?!???! I like tuna as much as the next guy (probably more if we’re honest) but that is a solid no, tuna is meant to be eaten cold
“‘Who’s your favorite YouTuber?’ LDshadowlady of course, she’s great” They’re so cute I could perish
Joel saying he couldn’t choose between Jimmy and Grian because “they’re both my bad boys” The bad boys being the most wholesome group in the series is everything to me, actually
I’ve only just started to watch Joel more regularly but I’m glad he’s maximizing his bi wife energy :))
“I’m playing full screen now because I’m not a nerd- I’m not a noob anymore” and H is so proud
Joel is SMASHING that parkour!!!
Simultaneous quick changes but instead of outfits it’s accents
Slowly accumulating all the empires peeps :)))
The kazoo driving them all insane
“I don’t wanna play anymore” so true Scott
Bingo but Fast
How many pics have I watched that just never noticed the old lady hat???
Ok yeah this is their domain, I don’t know who else would’ve looked at that bingo card and instantly made a composter lol
The overly loud ace race music instantly flooding Joel’s (and my) veins with adrenaline
Guys I think it might be scuffed
They had such good comms and organization
Them all taking a solid fifteen seconds to figure out what order Joel and Scott’s usernames are in alphabetically
Battle Box
Y’all I think Scott watched the update video /j
The carrot mechanics get more scuffed the more people try to understand them lol
Okay so I’ve never actually watched fWhip and I thought his name was Jim for a second there but Scott was just saying “Gem” slightly more Scottish than usual
“Guys it’s okay, at the end of the day, we won bingo and that’s all that really matters” so true Scott
“Keep away from Bakyamon and Punz” “And Oli, ‘cause he smells” Joel 😂
Scott saying they aren’t even communicating well, they are, just not effortfully lol
“It’s the Empires synergy” so true
Joel best bingo player on the planet, real and true
Hole in the Wall
They’re so fixated on the veggies lol
“I love hole in the wall… sometimes… when I have good ping” conditional love smh
Joel just laughing midgame “This is so stupid” it is /pos
The way they were more intensely focused doing calls for Scott than when actually playing lol
“How did they make hole in the wall more stressful???” “ The eating” I love you Gem (I know she continued talking but that’s what I heard and it’s funnier this way)
Survival Games
Joel and Scott losing their minds over the map lol
The more perspectives I watch the more convinced I am that there is not a good spawn in this map
They’re all just vibing, they’re so calm lol
A skybase above a skybase? What is this, Limited Life??? (I’m so funny)
This sg feeling like a mashup of skybattle and tgttos is so quirky of it
Joel and fWhip running for their lives while Gem and Scott are doing a let’s play 😭
“Oh you’re a top? Wow” SCOTT!!!
Joel almost saying that was the weirdest skybattle lmao
He’s so proud of Oli ;-;
“Blummin’ stupid Elon Musk” based
Joel talking about how nice it is that there’s not as much pressure for this MCC, about to get first individual
The joined the halftime show at the perfect time to get exactly zero context and no instrumental lol
Joel’s such a hater lol
“I always follow the girlies, the girlies got me” so true Gem
The way Joel said “my wife!! 😩”
First time I’ve actually seen someone complete breakdown lol
Noxcrew proving Gem wrong instantly
“We expected more from MCC organizer but like, it’s fine Scott, it’s okay” fWhip 😂
They’re all so proud of Oli :((
“My favorite chicken <3” “I’m the best chicken!!” Scott and Gem my beloveds
Sands of Time
“Get that wooden arrow” “Wooden arrow?” “Wooden key arrow” “… Rusty” “Rusty, yeah” fWhip is going through it
“What is scuffed about this?” “Joel don’t complain, just take the blessing and run” so true Scott
Noooo you were right the first time Joel
That felt so much louder and longer than usual, I knew it was coming but the dread just made it worse lol
The way Joel evades mobs is somehow both satisfying and vaguely uncomfortable to watch
They did so good :D
Joel checking to see how Lizzie’s team did <333
FWhip pointing out the Pac-Man looking mouths on pink’s skins, I thought the same thing!!
Big Sales at Build Mart
Everyone freaking out at the Oreo logo is my favorite thing
“I’m really loving the rainbow flag representation” so true Scott
Don’t beat yourself up Gem, it happens to everyone at some point
Joel is such a good runner 😭😭😭
I knew this was their game but watching them demolish it is something else entirely
Scott is so surprised that Oli’s still in 2nd, it’s understandable but it’s so funny
“I’m in 3rd overall??? Okay, okay, that’s crazy. Catching up with my boy, catching up with Oli” Joel :)))
“No matter what, somebody from Empires is gonna bring it home” fWhip :((( /pos
“I will also say, no matter what, everyone guessed us at like 5th and we have been popping off this event” “They should’ve known were more scuffed than that” so true Gem
They’re so upset lol
Gem asking “What’s skyblockle?” And Scott instantly crowning her igl is so iconic (especially knowing how it ends lol)
The close quarters resulting in accidental hot potato with diamonds 😭
This is how skyblockle was meant to be played, I’ve never watched a skyblockle where everyone was comfortable and felt like they knew what they were doing before lol
They cleared cyan so cleanly but I know that’s gonna be painful from their pov lol
FWhip saying it’s safe and instantly almost falling off the edge 😂
I have no idea what’s happening but it seems to be working out for them lol
They’re all so proud of each other!!!
“Empires repping!!” SO TRUE SCOTT
Sam and Scott’s banter :))
Joel jokingly saying Punz is easy and Sam being actually toxic “they also have Phil so they have a few good people” sir 😭
Sam hyping everyone up :)))
Rip Gem jinxed it /j
He might not’ve not 1v4’d but he went 3/3 when he was the last man standing which is still crazy epic of him
Joel turning to ask if anyone hasn’t got to shoot yet :(( /pos
Joel jinxing Gem right back lol
The temptation to make angst out of the urgency Sam told Scott to shoot him despite them having never(?) been on a lore server together
Oli and Joel’s trade <333
Why do I feel like Skeppy hasn’t spoken at all?? Is his mic broken or am I just not paying attention???
“Gem said it’s not women’s history month I can kill another woman” stop reading her mind Scott, those were inside thoughts
FWhip getting the winning shot :))
Sam profusely apologizing to the frog 😭
Oli and Joel enthusiastically congratulating each other :D
Joel did so good!!!! They all did!!!!!
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