#gem threw me into a portal and told me to save the world
shardkn1ght · 7 months
When your parental unit leaves the discord call and says "when your done saving the world, grab a slice"
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 16: Enemy of my Enemy (originally published on May 3, 2021)
AN: At long last, Black Rutile strikes! I have been anticipating writing this inevitable confrontation between her and the Crystal Gems for ages, and now finally everything I've building up to these past two parts will come together in a neat little package! We got a big battle, a villain song, fusions, who could ask for more?! But I'm getting ahead of myself, let us finally begin.
Synopsis: Jasper is unofficially sworn into the Crystal Gems when some old foes come together.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Grace Rolek as Connie
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Zuli, Mean Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Matthew Moy as Lars, Dante
Kathleen Fisher as Fluorite
Enuka Okuma as Rhodonite
Ashly Burch as Rutile Twins
Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha Sapphire
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Biggs Jasper
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Ian Jones-Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion, George, Elaine, Cosma
AJ Michalka as Stevonnie
Nancy Linari as Martha
Featuring Catherine Tate as Lepidolite
Alan Oppenheimer as Professor Poindexter
And Burt Ward as Mangolin
It has been a hectic past few hours for Steven. He was having another nice day when suddenly, Hessonite, Squaridot, and the Off-Colors all came flying out of Lion's mane, telling him that Lars needs to see him just as the Destiny Destroyer crash-landed on the beach.
Not too long after, Lars was rushed to the hospital and Steven decided to follow him in the ambulance. Steven had never been to a hospital before, so it was a little frightening for him to be somewhere on Earth that he had never been before, especially since many humans go there regularly.
"Hello, did you admit any patients into this place recently?" Steven hurriedly asked the receptionist.
"Name please." the college-aged receptionist answered, barely glancing up from her phone to meet Steven's panicking eyes.
"Steven Universe!" Steven gave his name.
"You're going to have to be more specific Mr. Universe." the receptionist stated.
"He's got pink skin, a scar over one eye and his hair is a portal to a pocket dimension where there's like a couple of trees inside." Steven explained. The woman just stared at Steven in confusion for a bit before going back to her phone. "Anything the matter, miss?"
"I'm happy you said all of that with a straight face." the receptionist said, putting down her phone to go on the computer. "One sec Universe." She looked up the most recent patients on the monitor and turned it to show Steven his desired patient. "Are you looking for Mr. Laramie Barriga?"
"Yes, that's him!" Steven exclaimed. "I was there when he got taken away in that ambulance! Where is he now?"
"Room 723." the receptionist answered. "Take the elevator, make a left and then a right. Got that?"
Before the woman could turn back, Steven had already vanished to find Lars. "Kids." she grumbled.
As Steven raced through the hospital in search of his undead friend, numerous unfamiliar sights greeted him. A doctor's office contained a child receiving a flu shot, a man in a wheelchair let Steven pass him by, a woman was on her way to an operating room, and a doctor solemnly fixed an empty hospital bed while a family was mourning.
Finally, Steven reached Room 723 just as a nurse was passing by the room. "Hello, I'm a friend of the patient occupying this room, and the Off-Colors told me what happened. Can I please come in and visit him?"
"You may." The nurse replied and opened the door for Steven. "Doctor Laurie, our patient has one more visitor." She said to the doctor standing by a bedridden Lars along with his parents, Sadie and Shep. "He said a bunch of "Off-Colors" told him everything."
"I'm here Lars!" Steven exclaimed as he rushed into the hospital room to be by Lars's side. "Hessonite and the Off-Colors told me what happened after they came flying out of Lion's mane!"
"Steven, finally!" Lars cried happily as he grabbed Steven's shoulders. "Listen, I need to warn you! You and the entire planet are doomed!"
A little while later, Lars was given a clean bill of health and was allowed to go home by ambulance. He sat on one side of the ambulance with his parents while Steven sat on the other end, and Lars continued to reveal what happened on Homeworld.
"What I'm trying to say Steven is that there's this Gem who's been inspiring others to rebel against you and Era 3!" Lars explained. "She's gathered up tons of your old enemies so they can get revenge too, and they're coming for Earth!"
"Lars, I understand your concern," Steven calmly stated. "but you're getting a little wound up over nothing. Almost everyone loves what I've done to the Gem race. There's nothing bigger going on, outside of Aquamarine being annoying."
"Seriously, you don't believe me?" Lars flatly asked in disbelief. "Well, do you at least believe what Hessonite said?"
"I believe that you teamed up for a fun space adventure!" Steven answered before his phone started ringing. "Whoops, got a call from Garnet." he said before answering the call. "Hello?"
"Steven, you need to come to Little Homeworld quick!" Garnet urged Steven from the other end. "Rogue Gems are on the attack, and they want us dead! Me, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth have already helped evacuate everyone, but we still need you to save the day again!"
"I'll be right there!" Steven bravely declared before hanging up and turning to the driver. "Sir, I need you to take us to Little Homeworld!"
"It's an emergency!" Lars added while showing him a picture of the Gem village.
"I don't see why not." the driver replied as he made a detour to Little Homeworld.
"You sure about this Lars?" Dante asked his son. "I mean, you just survived falling from space, I don't think we can handle you risking your life again so soon!"
"I promise you guys, I'll be back home when this is all over and I'm back in space." Lars assured his parents and hugged them.
"Be safe Laramie." Nancy said. "But then again, you got Steven to help out."
"Yeah, he's got me alright." Steven assured Mr. and Mrs. Barriga.
"Okay kid, we're here." the ambulance driver declared as the vehicle came close to Little Homeworld. "This is probably the first time I've escorted someone to stop an alien invasion."
"Here's good, thanks, sir." Steven said before the two boys bust the ambulance doors open and raced off to Little Homeworld.
What the pair discovered when they finally reached Little Homeworld was utter chaos. Almost everything was in ruins, smoke billowed everywhere, Light Warriors, Cluster Gems & Cactus Stevens were pillaging & demolishing, and at the center of it all was Aquamarine and Eyeball.
"Steven Universe, what a most pleasant surprise." Aquamarine purred as she turned to face Steven and Lars, batting her wand in her hand. "And look you've even brought Lars as well."
"Aquamarine, Eyeball." Steven laughed nervously while looking at the chaos behind the pair. "Did you, uh, maybe come to reconsider?"
"Reconsider, my facet!" Eyeball yelled before her fusion partner stopped her.
"But we did come with a few new friends." Aquamarine answered smugly.
"Well, that's certainly a start." Steven grinned before a massive hand made of water grabbed him and its creator brought him up to face her. "Hey, you're one of those Lapises! What brings you to Earth?"
"Sorry kid, I'm one of those new friends." Lapis 1J9G announced before dropping Steven to the ground and folding her arms as she landed right next to Aquamarine. "And we're afraid not even half-listening to you will work this time."
"See Steven, this is what I was trying to talk to you about!" Lars exclaimed, gesturing wildly to the three Gems. "A bunch of Gems want to get back at you! Though I thought there'd be more."
"I believe he's referring to me." Emerald bragged as she stepped forward with a panicking George in her hand.
"George!" Steven shouted. "And you, I know you! You're uh," He began getting off track as he only ever saw Emerald through a video screen. "Sorry, I've only met you that one time and now I've kinda forgotten-"
"IT'S EMERALD!" Emerald shrieked furiously. "How could you forget about me after Era 3 made the Diamonds let Lars off with a slap on the wrist for stealing my Sun Incinerator?!"
"Oh, calm yourself Emerald." Pyrope calmed the elite Gem down as she held aloft one of George's sisters, who was in full panic mode and pulling on her pigtails.
"Indeed," Demantoid added, also holding one of George's sisters in her enhanced arm. "You wouldn't want to make yourself less presentable for our victims."
Just then, the six Gems moved aside and kneeled to their leader, whose very appearance completely rocked Steven's world. Black Rutile walked towards Steven with a bowie knife to a rose while White Topaz followed her. When she cut the rose's head, Black Rutile finally faced Steven with an evil smile.
"I know you, you're that reporter!" Steven exclaimed. "Why are you hanging with these guys?!"
"I'm hanging with them?" Black Rutile scoffed at Steven. "I believe you're mistaken; THEY'RE hanging with ME!" She then threw away the rose's stem and steepled her fingers together. "Anyways, do you have any last words?"
"This is not good at all certainly fits." Steven declared nervously before the eight Gems slowly began marching towards the boy, eager to finally get their revenge.
However, their plans were quickly cut off before they could be put into action as Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl swooped into saved Steven and Lars from the rogue Gems.
"We trusted you, you psycho!" Pearl roared while her spear clashed with Black Rutile's knife.
"And everyone was dumb enough to trust you." Black Rutile replied snarkily. "So as you humans say, hello pot, meet kettle."
"Seriously, what makes you think we're worse than you are?" Amethyst asked.
"Something about how your ways will make the Gem race a bunch of puny hippies or whatever." White Topaz answered. "No hard feelings when we destroy you and everything you worked so hard for?"
"What did I tell you about getting friendly with the enemy?" Black Rutile hissed at her Topaz bodyguard before turning back to the Crystal Gems. "Now, let me repeat myself. Any last words?"
"My future vision tells me you will fail." Garnet declared defiantly. "And we will find a way to make that future happen."
"Such noble sentiments from a couple of Gems who are gonna die!" Black Rutile replied as her knife turned into a sword that she prepared to slash the Gems with until a loud rumbling sound was heard. "What was that?"
"Need a hand?" Peridot asked as she, Lapis, and Bismuth appeared on a makeshift flying machine made out of scrap metal that she controlled with her ferrokinesis.
"So that's where you ran off to!" Pearl exclaimed while Bismuth picked her up by the hand to toss onto the metal pad.
"No time to talk, we have to move!" Lapis exclaimed, picking everyone else up with her water powers. When everyone was on board, the pad zoomed off.
"Uh, why aren't we stopping them?!" Lapis 1J9G exclaimed before preparing to fly off when Black Rutile stopped her.
"Let them run." Black Rutile smiled deviously. "I want to see how they can lie their ways out of this situation. But in the meantime, I have another idea."
Before the Crystal Gems knew it, they finally returned to the beach house where Hessonite, Squaridot, and the Off-Colors awaited their return.
"I still can't believe it!" Steven gasped in denial of their current situation. "I get that not everyone would like what I've done with Homeworld, but I don't think I'd make them angry enough to want to kill me!"
"I tried to warn you, Steven." Lars declared sassily. "But you just didn't listen! Probably because you're so in denial of wanting to accept that not everything will go your way."
"Lars, this is no time for backtalk, Earth could be in danger!" Pearl scolded the pink-skinned human as the group walked into the house to think of a plan. "That Rutile seems to have thought of everything! I mean, she's a Rutile for crying out loud, they barely held any power in Homeworld!" However, Pearl then turned to the Rutile twins standing right next to her. "Uh, no offense you two."
"None taken." The twins replied.
"Still, she's got quite an army at her side." Lapis said. "She's got one of those Lapises I fought on Aozul 2, she's got Aquamarine, Eyeball, Pyrope & Demantoid, an Emerald, and that's not even accounting for the minions they got!"
"But what does Black Rutile want with us?" Peridot and Squaridot asked in unknowing unison.
"According to her Topaz, it must be something to do with that Steven did to the Gem race." Bismuth analyzed. "But who knows what she'll do next?"
"I know." Garnet declared. "I've looked through dozens of possible timelines trying to uncover Black Rutile's true plans. This is what I feel could be the worst possible one."
"What does it look like?" Steven asked before Garnet kissed him on the head, temporarily bestowing Steven with her future vision and a glimpse at what could be to come.
It took centuries of careful planning but at long last, Black Rutile had finally won. Once the Crystal Gems were finally destroyed and she indoctrinated the Gems they had enslaved to her noble cause, she then reawakened the Cluster that was slumbering within the Earth's crust, ultimately finishing what the Diamonds were too cowardly to do and destroying that annoying little planet once and for all.
Within mere weeks, the Diamonds met their demise, and Black Rutile installed herself as the new ruler of all Gemkind. And with the beginnings of her dictatorship came the Gems reverting to their old ways during Era 4. The caste system was reinstated but also reinvented at the same time. Now, it was Black Rutile above everyone else.
As countless Gems were tormented into building a grand statue to their magnanimous leader, a lone Pearl solemnly marched through the throngs of enslaved Gems under the orders of Emerald, until she was brought before Black Rutile, who was sitting on a throne as black as her body & her heart while the shattered remains of all who opposed her hanged above her in one big bubble.
"My Rutile, I come with the most glorious of tidings." Emerald decreed as she shoved Volleyball forward. "We have succeeded in terminating the resistance, but I feel you'd find particular interest in shattering their leader yourself."
"Ah yes, Pink Diamond's little Pearl." Black Rutile snickered as she descended from her throne to meet Volleyball. "Who would've guessed a submissive little slave would try to start a revolution? Well, anything to say?"
Volleyball, however, was too terrified to speak, having just witnessed her fellow rebels being shattered before her eye and now faced with the thought of being destroyed herself.
"What's that? No grand speech about how hope will live on or that there will be others like you that will rise against me?" Black Rutile asked rhetorically. "Oh please, I've destroyed every last threat to my power on both this planet and the Asteroid Field Formerly Known as Earth." She declared, gesturing towards the shard-filled bubble floating over her throne. "What's another pile of shards to add to the collection?"
With that, Black Rutile extracted her bowie knife from her gem and used it to jab Volleyball in hers, ending her life within mere seconds.
"So ends the legacy of Pink Diamond." Black Rutile purred as she collected the Pearl's shards in a bubble. "A real shame. She had so much potential and wasted it on being a total brat and threatening her own kind."
She then returned to her throne, where she lifted the bubble towards the bigger bubble, and the two merged. Now Volleyball's remains joined the tons of Gems that Black Rutile had heartlessly shattered. Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Hessonite, Citrine, Spinel, the Diamonds, all nothing more than shards. But her proudest achievement was the small gathering of pink dust that was once Steven Universe.
Returning to the present day, Steven was left utterly aghast at this possible future, but it made his resolve to stop Black Rutile even stronger. "We have to keep this future from happening!" he declared. "All we need to do is gather up an army of our own!"
"I'll call Connie and see if she's free to save the world again today." Pearl stated as she picked up her phone and started dialing.
"Which Gems do you want me to recruit out of everyone we evacuated?" Garnet asked.
"I don't know, just pick anyone!" Steven exclaimed.
"That's the Steven we know and love!" Amethyst replied, cheerfully giving Steven a noogie when she came to a realization. "Hey wait, if Black Rutile is gathering up Gems that have a beef with us, then what would you think if she tried recruiting Jasper?"
"Y'know, Jasper did say she was eager to fight again." Steven agreed with the little Quartz. "Maybe we should try and get to her first."
"I'm not sure Steven." Pearl said as she got off the phone with Connie. "Besides, I don't think Jasper would ever want to side with us."
"Black Rutile has gathered as much information as possible on all of us, and Jasper has likely been given the same treatment." Squaridot stated. "So it's just as likely that she'll try and ensnare Jasper to her side."
"We have to get to Jasper before Black Rutile does!" Steven hurriedly declared before turning to the Warp Pad behind him. "Gotta go, I'll be back soon!"
As Steven left for the forest via Warp Pad, the other Gems just gazed at the pad where he once stood.
"Good luck Steven." Pearl muttered before turning to Lion. "Go fetch Connie, okay?"
Lion nodded obediently and let out a roar, creating a portal that he leaped through to get to Connie.
Meanwhile, deep within the woods of Beach City, Jasper had been watching all that was going on in Little Homeworld from on top of her cave. As she watched smoke billow from afar, she couldn't help but feel that Steven brought this upon himself for enforcing peace for all Gems.
"He could've just ended colonization and leave it at that, but no!" Jasper muttered to herself while leaping down to the entrance of her cave. "He had to make them all into peace-loving weaklings!"
"Couldn't agree more." Jasper heard a familiar voice concur with her opinion. When the orange Gem turned around, she discovered Black Rutile leaning on a nearby tree with Aquamarine standing on a branch above her. "Jasper, correct? I don't think we got properly introduced to each other."
"If you're here for another interview, then forget it!" Jasper bellowed at Black Rutile before bringing her attention to Aquamarine. "And I see you got that little brat with you too."
"You are indeed correct Jasper." Aquamarine declared. "In fact, I'm not the only one who she recruited because of how dissatisfied I am with Era 3. Many Gems have been rallied by my master here to rebel against Steven's oppression and create a utopia."
"Are you sure about that?" Jasper asked with an eyebrow raised. "Sounds to me like you're starting some kind of cult?"
"A cult?! Stuff and nonsense!" Black Rutile assured the quartz. "We are simply fighting for our rights! Would you like to join us?"
"Jasper, don't!" Steven exclaimed as he rushed to the cave, where he saw Jasper standing with Black Rutile. "Please, you have to listen, Black Rutile is not to be trusted!"
"Don't you dare listen to him!" Black Rutile insisted. "He's the son of Pink Diamond, and it's both their faults you went from mighty Gem warrior to a lonely shell of your former self! Don't you see, you could finally get your revenge on Pink!"
"Revenge on my Diamond?" Jasper growled. "Fat chance! Why would I ally with some low-ranking Rutile just because she hates Pink like almost every Gem on this planet?! I'd rather be a peace-loving weakling than one of your lackeys!"
"Low-ranking?!" Black Rutile argued. "I'll have you know Jasper, I was one of a kind among Gems of my type because I worked my hardest to receive White Diamond's highest honors and join the upper-class of her court! You're just a mere Jasper who probably didn't even know Pink in person for the selfish, bratty sociopath she w-"
Before the Rutile could finish, Jasper summoned her crash helmet and sent her flying out of the forest with a single headbutt. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, YOU ROTTEN QUARTZ!" Black Rutile cursed Jasper. "YOU JANKING CLOD!"
As Aquamarine chased after the flying Rutile, Jasper turned to Steven with a grumpy look in her eyes. In contrast, the starry-eyed Steven squealed excitedly while staring at Jasper. "Quit looking at me like that." Jasper snarled. "Let me guess, you want to recruit me too?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Steven declared eagerly.
"Yes indeed, my Ministry of Maliciousness shall soon destroy the United Defenders of the World and conquer the world at last!" a weirdly animated mad scientist with three circles arranged in a triangle decorating his bald head declared as he gestured to his fellow supervillains. Amethyst was watching this happen on television with some of the other Gems in Steven's room.
"Apex Predator!" A muscular man decorated in animal skins fired his highly advanced hunting rifle at nothing in particular.
"Electric Ellen!" A young woman in a black suit with lightning bolt patterns demonstrated her powers for the other villains.
"Automato!" A bronze robot with green optics simply stood by his seat at the table of criminals, his soulless eyes unblinking.
"Scare Master!" A large man in a monster costume that continuously leaked hallucinogenic gas and wearing a yellow ring let out a ghoulish laugh.
"The Unidentified Felonious Extraterrestial!" A cybernetic insectoid alien made a shrieking noise, exposing the smaller head in its mouth.
"And of course, your illustrious leader!" the scientist introduced himself. "The world's greatest criminal mind, Professor Poindexter, Ph.D.!"
"Uh, why are we watching this show?" Zuli asked Amethyst while she sat next to Lapis.
"This is what our current sitch reminds me of!" Amethyst explained. "Mangolin's archenemy Professor Poindexter gathers up each of the United Defenders of the Globe's enemies to form, like, a team of supervillains!"
"Why is the animation so lazy?" Peridot wondered as she leaned on Biggs Jasper.
"It was the 70s, limited budget." Amethyst said. "Ooh wait, here comes Mangolin!"
The cartoon then changed scenes from the Ministry of Maliciousness to the United Defenders of the World, which included Mangolin, Uber-Chap, Battle Goddess, Pyro-Nado, Shamrock Cavalier, Gizmo-Chick, and Vincent the Visitor.
"Termite terrors, Defenders!" the pangolin-themed hero Mangolin exclaimed. "Our foe Professor Poindexter has assembled our enemies to destroy us once and for all! We must do something!"
"They just explained that to us!" Nephrite said. "What, do they think the viewers are stupid or something?"
Just then, the group of Gems heard the Warp Pad go off, signaling that Steven has finally returned.
"Hey, Steven's back!" Teal Zircon exclaimed before racing down the stairs to see her half-human friend again, and this time she was in for a surprise. "Hey Jasper, remember me? Your new best friend?"
"I regret this decision already." Jasper cringed at having to ally with Teal as the other Gems came back downstairs. "Oh look, a whole menagerie of useless clods! Why even bring them all together when I can just take Black Rutile's forces on myself?"
"Jasper, no need to brag about your strength." Lapis said to the more muscular Gem. "This is serious, the whole planet is at stake here!"
"And I should care because?" Jasper snarled in disagreement.
"Um, this is your Diamond's planet?" an exasperated Pearl replied. "Surely you wouldn't want anyone to touch what Pink owned, right?"
"I suggest you don't talk that way to a Gem like her." Rhodonite said to Pearl. "She looks like she could go wild on us at any moment."
"Just calm down everyone." Fluorite advised calmly. "I know we're all stressed because of our current situation, but let's not start arguing."
"And who are all of these?" Jasper asked as she gestured to the Off-Colors, Hessonite & Squaridot, Zuli, Snowflake Obsidian, Little Larimar, Nephrite, Topaz, and Biggs Jasper. "I suppose they're all from that stupid school of yours?"
"Well, most of them are." Steven pointed out. "And maybe when this is all over, you could finally give Little Homeschool a chan-"
"Pass." Jasper coldly declared. "Shouldn't we be getting ready to fight right now?"
"Jasper's right." Bismuth agreed. "We're all in this together, for Earth."
And right on cue, Lion finally returned with Connie on his back, her sword at the ready. "How convenient that I finished most of my work in time for another chance at saving the world!" Connie stated as she dismounted from Lion and hugged Steven. "So, who are we fighting?"
"Come with us to Little Homeworld, I'll show you." Steven answered before he began to walk towards the Warp Pad. "Gems, let's get a move on."
And so, the Crystal Gems and all their assorted allies marched towards the Warp Pad, ready to take back Little Homeworld from Black Rutile's rebels and defend the planet once more. When Steven spread out his arms, off they all went in a beam of light.
"Ugh, I'm so bored!" Eyeball complained, pacing around while the rest of the alliance mindlessly caused more damage to Little Homeworld out of complete boredom. "I suppose they finally realized they were stupid to stop us and skipped Earth without telling?"
"Patience Ruby." Aquamarine advised her fusion partner. "They should be coming soon."
"What makes you so sure?" White Topaz asked Aquamarine as she revealed her weapon, a pair of brass knuckles.
"Steven came running for Jasper thinking she can join his side." The little blue Gem answered. "What an idiot, am I right?!"
Suddenly, Aquamarine was in for a scare as Little Homeworld's Warp Pad activated from right behind her, and on it were the Crystal Gems.
"Okay Black Rutile, we're here." Steven declared with Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Lion, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Jasper, Hessonite, Squaridot, Lars, the Off-Colors, TZ, Zuli, Topaz, Snowflake, Larimar, Biggs, and Nephrite behind him. "All of us!"
"Oh, you finally showed up! Good timing." Black Rutile sarcastically applauded her foes. "And I see you got a little rag-tag bunch of over-eager losers by your side too."
"Hey 2F8D, so this is what you've been up to." 1J9G cattily greeted her ex-partner. "Being a pacifist baby and letting yourself be Steven's slave."
"I'm not a slave, neither to him or you!" Zuli yelled at 1J9G. "I came to Little Homeworld not just to learn how to appreciate Earth, but to learn how to make actual friends! Not be submissive to overly-controlling jerks!"
"I thought I could trust you Aquamarine!" Topaz went next. "I thought you changed by meeting that Ruby and fusing with her, but now I see you'll always be the same little monster you always are!"
"Oh stop Topaz, you're too kind!" Aquamarine said to her former Topaz.
"Crystal Gems, assemble!" Garnet bravely pointed forward to prepare for one last attack, but Steven stopped her.
"Wait!" Steven exclaimed. "Before we all get into one big fight, I want to know. Why do you hate me in particular? Outside of Era 3, I mean."
"You really want to know?" Black Rutile replied. "Well, allow me to put this in the only way you'll probably understand." She turned to White Topaz while fetching some kind of device from her gem. "Music please."
White Topaz turned the device on and music began to play, cuing Black Rutile to start a song. "When one era ends, another begins. It's such a big change for all us Gems." She sang. "But some aren't new fans of the old ways, and prefer to look back on the old days. But I on the other hand got a chance, to make this the Crystal Gems' last dance. And now I pray through endless days, to finally get rid of you."
"Is she singing?" Lars gasped at the musical number that just began as drum music kicked in. "Did she have a machine made for that purpose?"
"When I first emerged for my Diamond, White the master tactician!" Black Rutile began telling her origins through holograms on her visor, showing a just-emerged Rutile in a Kindergarten standing before White Diamond. "She revealed to me in secret signs, the markings of a great Gem! And she was indeed no clod, could reduce entire armies to sod! And all the fools that dared cross her, she'd just shrug and then shatter!"
"I studied well, got my tools of the trade, always got nothing but an A-grade!" After Black Rutile did away with the hologram showing her emergence, she started revealing the hard work she did to gain her high status among White Diamond's subjects. "But then he walked in and called himself Pinky, soon everyone got down to one knee." A stylized version of Steven's first arrival on Homeworld came next, and the stylized Black Rutile wasn't very pleased. "What never died was my ambition, and my keen intuition. Both of them gave me a complex, and made me want to rule the universe."
As the song went on, Steven began learning more about the consequences of his actions and how much Black Rutile truly despised him. "Every glimmer from your smile makes me want to puke!" his new foe complained. "Who to slay, who's the one, who's to doom? You know the only one would be my new archenemy, Steven U!"
With that, the chorus soon began with Black Rutile's minions joining in, sans White Topaz. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos!" the seven Gems sang in harmony. "Wither the rose! Only highs, no lows! In a world of chaos!"
"Is this the time for a song?" Connie asked. "Why don't we just attack them while they're singing?"
"Black Rutile is going to put on an admittedly wonderful song!" Padparadscha exclaimed.
"Ha!" Black Rutile laughed as the musical break reaches its end before turning to her Cluster Gems, cyborg Cactus Stevens and Light Warriors. "Come on minions, hurry along, this little school will soon be gone!" she commanded them before hugging herself in excitement. "I could squeeze myself with glee! Next the Diamonds and then this galaxy! I would really stop at nothing, shattering, treachery and lies! Whatever it takes to reign supreme, you really can't blame me for trying."
The tune soon began to reach its climax. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos! Wither the rose! Don't you doze!"
"We shall restore Homeworld's true order!" Aquamarine soon joined in.
"Vengeance will soon finally be ours!" Eyeball added sadistically.
"Saying sorry just won't cut it!" Emerald chorused.
"Dismantling the new superpowers!" Lapis 1J9G stated.
"Armies rampaging across the stars!" Demantoid declared.
"Covered in so many scars!" Pyrope boomed.
"Nothing but eternal war," Black Rutile concluded. "Join us as we make our own colony!"
"Genocide, slaughtering, jingoism, in enemy blood we shall wade!” The seven Gems announced. "Homeworld Gems come celebrate, as we make this bratty starlight fade!"
The song finally ended and the alliance of hatred took a bow before Black Rutile changed her knife into a broadsword with a massive blade and a tiny handle. "Now that we explained everything," she stated before pointing her sword forward. "CHARGE!"
The two sides finally clashed at Little Homeworld for the fate of Earth. Lapis & Zuli took to the skies against 1J9G, Pyrope & Demantoid led an unwilling Light Army, Emerald sped forth to personally confront Lars, and Black Rutile, White Topaz, Aquamarine & Eyeball personally confronted Steven, Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl.
"Fire!" Demantoid commanded some Light Warriors bearing laser cannons to shoot at Teal Zircon & Nephrite, but Jasper and Topaz were there to shield her from the blasts. "You!"
"You saved me!" TZ exclaimed. "Guess you really do think of me as your best friend, dontcha Jasp?"
"No, I still find you one of the most annoying beings I've ever met." Jasper replied. "But still, better to side with someone as irritating as you."
"I thought we were all friends!" 1J9G exclaimed as she clashed her water with Lapis and Zuli's. "I only joined these guys just so I could get you back!"
"Why would we ever take you back?!" Lapis stated.
"When we ran into 3E8C after years, she showed me that she and Steven were the best of friends!" Zuli added. "Not an overly controlling jerk who refuses to let me have fun!"
"See what she means?!" 1J9G said. "He's brainwashed all of you!" The only response she got was a punch to the face from Zuli.
Down below, Lars and Connie sparred against Emerald. "Don't think Steven will be there to save you today!" Emerald taunted, snapping her fingers and revealing electric powers to fight with. "He'll just throw you away, just like how Pink always threw everything away!"
"Sheesh, sins of the mother much?" Lars dryly commented.
"Steven is nothing like that!" Connie argued. "If you knew him, you'd know he's the sweetest, most caring guy you could ever meet!"
"Oh blah blah blah, I get it, he's too pure for this universe and he must be protected at all costs!" Emerald said. "Black Rutile has shown me what he truly is like."
Finally, the Crystal Gems battled with Black Rutile and her three most loyal followers. Garnet went up against White Topaz, Amethyst vs Eyeball, Pearl vs Aquamarine, and finally Steven vs Black Rutile.
"Why are you doing this?!" Steven asked Black Rutile while in utter denial. "I brought peace to the galaxy, I ended the Diamonds' oppression!"
"And stripped all Gems of their livelihoods in the process." Black Rutile coldly replied as her sword clashed with Steven's shield. "Look around you kid, these Gems came to my side because they have no status, no allies, no power over others! And now, they come to Earth for retribution against you!"
"But this still isn't right!" Steven claimed. "I understand that some may not be comfortable with what I've done, but that doesn't excuse you for all this."
"Kinda like how you excused the Diamonds for all they did just because they were sad, or something stupid like that." Black Rutile insulted.
"That's because they were!" Steven exclaimed. "They were in mourning!"
"Mourning the so-called death of an annoying brat I had the displeasure of sharing a planet with!" Black Rutile yelled as she began fighting in a way that resembled capoeira and gymnastics. "This all could've been avoided if you just put your enemies out of their misery, or at least punished them, rather than just excusing them with a stupid song and acting like everything was just water under the bridge!"
"You're thinking of retributive justice, where the offender did something wrong and the punishment is just as severe in exchange." Steven replied. "We Crystal Gems practice restorative justice, where we actually talk to the offenders and try to see how we can help them without using lethal force."
"Well, whatever you're talking about, you can call me a proud supporter of retributive justice." Black Rutile declared herself. "As in, me and my pals are seeking retribution against you and your posse for what you did to our society, and will do so by any means necessary. Because you think everything can just bend to your will if you just make everyone around you cry?! You really are no better than Pink!"
"Well, I'm trying to be better than my mom, both Pink Diamond, and Rose Quartz." Steven responded, blocking another attack from Black Rutile. "But I'm pretty sure they'd both find a sociopath like you beyond saving."
"Me, a sociopath?! You barely even know me!" Black Rutile yelled before bunting Steven's shield away when he tried to throw it. "Well, you're certainly right on me being a bit selfish, but look at you. I mean, you've made excuses for murderers, bigots, and toxic friends, yet anyone who's just doing what they're made to do is instantly made a pariah just because they don't like you and your dumb little sidekicks!"
Behind Black Rutile's back, however, her alliance was slowly beginning to fall apart, yet she didn't seem to care. Hessonite, Peridot, Biggs, and Squaridot hid behind a wall to avoid the Light Warriors' attacks.
"Got a plan, you guys?" Biggs asked the other three Gems.
"I have." Hessonite replied. "The Peridots shall distract them by taking control of Demantoid's limb enhancers while I swoop in and steal back the Light Prisms! Then perhaps we can turn the Light Army on them."
"I'll see what I can do." Peridot stated, but then Squaridot put a green hand on her shoulder.
"No, allow me." Squaridot stated before using her ferrokinetic powers to meddle with Demantoid's limb enhancers.
"No no, not again!" Demantoid yelled as she was dumped out of her mech, and the Light Prism she was holding hostage fell out with her only to be caught by Hessonite at rapid speed. "My Prism!"
"Demantoid you child, you could've just fought back instead of letting yourself get defeated!" Pyrope said, unaware that her Prism was stolen as well. "Wait, what?"
As Hessonite returned to Peridot and Squaridot with the Light Prisms in hand, the Light Warriors dropped their current activities and began to surround the three Gems peacefully. "Now that you know who's really in charge here," Hessonite bragged before she pointed at her fellow Garnets. "FIRE!"
"No, it can't be!" Pyrope squealed in utter defeat as the Light Warriors pointed their weapons at her and Demantoid.
"Hold me close Pyrope!" Demantoid added while hugging Pyrope in fear before the Light Warriors charged, attacking the pair and poofing them once and for all.
As for Emerald, she was now getting ganged up on by Lars, Connie, and the Off-Colors, who all took turns using Connie's sword against her. "You're all just humans and Off-Color Gems!" Emerald screamed as she desperately tried to fight back. "What makes you think you all can stop me?!"
"'Cause we're all more walk than talk!" Lars declared, once again using his musti-yuddha skills to knock Emerald to the ground. "Connie, care to do the honors?"
"With pleasure!" Connie replied, hopping up on Fluorite's head and jumping high into the air before zooming down with her sword pointed directly at Emerald.
"I hate you all." Emerald snarled bitterly before Connie poofed her, ending the threat she possessed to Lars and the Off-Colors.
High up in the air, the battle of the Lapides raged on with 1J9G using vapor from the clouds as makeshift weapons against her former friends.
"We could've stayed together if 3E8C hadn't been dropped on Earth like an idiot!" 1J9G yelled. "I just wanted us to stay friends!"
"Well, if you want to keep your friends," 3E8C stated, forming a massive water hand from a nearby cloud. "then you should act like a friend." The hand grabbed 1J9G and tossed her to the ground, creating a massive crater that caused a building to start falling over, and one piece of sharp rubble was aimed straight at 1J9G's gem.
"So this is it, huh?" 1J9G monologued to herself as death was mere moments away. "I feel like this is karma for being a horrible friend like they keep calling me. In that case, I'm sorry. Maybe somewhere else, we could've stayed together."
As 1J9G accepted her demise, the rubble was punched out of the way by a massive silhouette in the dust, and it settled to reveal Jasper as her savior.
"Get up you!" Jasper roared at the Lapis.
"But, we're on different sides!" 1J9G exclaimed. "Why did you save me?"
"It's what a certain someone would've done, but he's too busy at the moment." Jasper replied. "Plus, I know what it's like to be alone too."
"Oh look, that Jasper is becoming just like you!" Black Rutile yelled as she watched her alliance break up. "But then again, they set themselves up for this the moment I recruited them all, so what are you gonna do?"
"But still, we're fighting a losing battle!" White Topaz advised her Rutile. "What do we do now?"
"I think I know." Black Rutile smirked before snapping her fingers at one of her surviving allies. "Aquamarine, grab the boy and take him to the nearest mountain!"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Aquamarine purred before she grabbed Steven with her wand and began flying off, with Eyeball also in tow, and Black Rutile & White Topaz on a mini-hovercraft. "Oh, where will you be without your precious little abomination?!"
"Steven!" the Crystal Gems all yelled.
"Topaz, subdue the Lapises!" Black Rutile then commanded White Topaz, who gave a shaky nod before leaping up and grabbing Lapis & Zuli, followed by pinning them to the ground.
"Don't worry guys, I got this!" Connie said before mounting on Lion and riding off after Aquamarine.
"The only one who should defeat him is me." Jasper said as Connie fled, right before following the human. "Wait up girl!"
At the mountain, Steven was dropped by Aquamarine at the highest cliff, where Black Rutile stood by with a boulder next to her and White Topaz.
"What do you want now Black Rutile?" Steven asked as he got up to face the evil Rutile.
"Simple, toss you over the edge and throw a boulder to crush you to death, since you can fly apparently." Black Rutile declared. "I've been waiting for ages to destroy Pink Diamond, and you, my little friend, are just the thing to satisfy my vendetta."
"But why do you hate Pink so much?" Steven exclaimed. "Let me guess, she treated you like trash just like almost every other Gem I've faced?"
"No, she didn't treat me like trash!" Black Rutile answered. "She treated everyone around her like trash, yet the Diamonds almost always let her get away with everything! And here you are forcing Gems against their will to change their very way of living! Hey, at least you didn't fake your death to recklessly endanger the lives of others, because I'm going to endanger yours!"
Black Rutile then picked up Steven by his shirt collar and walked to the edge of the cliff, where she dangled him over such dangerously high heights. "You know what's ironic?" she smiled cheerfully before it turned to a hateful scowl. "You're able to get humans and Gems to get along, yet you're neither of them yourself."
With that, Black Rutile released her grip on Steven's shirt and he began falling from the cliff, followed shortly by White Topaz tossing a boulder that fell right above him. "NO HARD FEELINGS!" she yelled.
"So this is how I'll die, falling to my death off a cliff while a boulder is going to crush me." Steven realized as he fell to his doom. "Maybe Black Rutile's right. Maybe this is punishment for only thinking of myself all the time, and never taking others' feelings into account. Punishment for letting all these enemies run free instead of punishing them. Punishment for being an awful person in general."
However, just as Steven shut his eyes, accepted his demise, and did not even use any of his powers to escape, a voice cried out to him. "STEVEN!"
"Connie?" Steven exclaimed as she warped in via Lion's portal and reach out to him. "Don't worry, I'm with you till the end of the line! Just grab my hand!"
Steven gave a big smile, realizing that even with all his faults there were still people looking out for him, and took Connie's hand, causing the two to merge into a mass of light.
"Well, that should take care of him." Black Rutile declared, dusting off her hands and beginning to walk away. "Come along you three, let's go reawaken the Cluster and wipe this planet off the face of this universe for good."
"Uh, my Rutile?" White Topaz said while she, Aquamarine, and Eyeball gazed over the edge of the cliff to discover a pink light rapidly approaching them. "I think Steven is….not dead."
"Wait, seriously?!" Black Rutile yelled before Stevonnie leaped up the mountain and onto the cliff where the four enemy Gems stood. "You fused with a human?!"
"Bet you didn't see that coming!" Stevonnie declared as they swung their sword to try and poof Aquamarine, but she swiftly dodged and fused with Eyeball to form Bluebird Azurite.
"Of course I knew you can fuse with humans kid, it was in my data!" Black Rutile exclaimed before turning to White Topaz staring in amazement at the fusion. "Topaz, fuse with me!"
"Wait, we get to fuse too?!" White Topaz giddily exclaimed. "Eee, I can't wait, we've been practicing for so long!"
"Just shut up already." Black Rutile snarled before extending her hand. "Now, may I have this dance?"
"Gladly." White Topaz responded, taking her superior's hand before they began dancing the tango, their gems glowing as they danced until they formed into a giant light that resulted in a new, much larger fusion with four eyes & arms, spiky hair that went down to her back, a black-and-grey uniform and Black Rutile's white cape.
"One fusion against two fusions." Stevonnie muttered. "Have to admit, those aren't very good odds."
"You bet." Jasper declared, zooming up the mountain to stand by Stevonnie's side and pounding her fists together. "For them!"
"You followed us?" Stevonnie asked Jasper.
"I don't like the Crystal Gems, but I hate them just as much." Jasper explained roughly. "Now come on, let's finish this!"
"Oh, a fair game, I see!" Lepidolite asked as she summoned two pairs of claws on each pair of her hands that extended from her knuckles while Bluebird summoned her ice cutlass. "Well, game on!"
Lepidolite clashed her claws with Stevonnie's sword while Jasper grabbed Bluebird in her massive hand and smashed her face into the rock face. However, despite Lepidolite being surprisingly evenly matched with Stevonnie, there was one thing they had that she lacked. Control over the fusion itself.
"So you can fuse with humans?!" White Topaz exclaimed cheerfully while Lepidolite slashed at Stevonnie before she switched to Black Rutile. "Did you even listen to Aquamarine's report, why are you acting like this is so new to you?!" Black Rutile yelled. "Why do you always have to be so dense?!"
"This is almost like Malachite." Stevonnie compared the abusive control Black Rutile had over White Topaz to the strained but peaceful relationship between Lapis and Jasper. "Listen, why can't you just work together?!"
"Because she's a completely moronic clod!" Black Rutile yelled through Lepidolite.
"Even if she treats me like trash, she's still my boss!" White Topaz added. "After all, isn't that what master/servant relationships are kinda like?"
"Master, don't!" Bluebird yelled as Jasper kept beating her up. "You're going to make them do some speech about the stupid power of friendship or something!"
"Well, you want us to work together?!" Lepidolite said, now no longer personified through Black Rutile and White Topaz's arguing. "Then work together we shall!"
Lepidolite then grabbed Stevonnie by their arms and once again threw them over the edge of the cliff before walking off to assist Bluebird. But just like when Steven was tossed over the cliff, things went horribly wrong for them.
Stevonnie reappeared in a massive gust of wind, now bathed in a pink glow and with a furious snarl replacing their confident grin. "Why won't you listen?!" they yelled, lunging at Lepidolite and striking their sword straight into her chest. "I'm not the real monster, YOU ARE!"
"No no no no no no!" Lepidolite screamed as Stevonnie's sword cut into her body and striking her straight in Black Rutile's gem, causing the two to ultimately defuse. As the pair of Gems were dropped to the ground, White Topaz laid on her back, utterly stupefied. Black Rutile on the other hand was terrified beyond all recognition, a far cry from the confident mastermind she normally is.
"W-w-who are you!?" Black Rutile shivered in fear of the pink Stevonnie, who now had a psychotic smile on their face. "WHAT ARE YOU?!"
"I'm-" Stevonnie began when they suddenly stopped and gazed at their hands. "I don't know." With that, Stevonnie finally un-fused back into Steven and Connie, just in time for the other Gems to arrive.
"Steven, Connie!" Garnet cried as she, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Bismuth, Hessonite, Lars, Squaridot, and the Light Prisms were carried up the mountain by a massive water elevator created by the trio of Lapides. When they reached the cliff, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all rushed to give the two kids a big hug. "What happened?"
"I don't know." Connie replied shakily. "First we fused into Stevonnie to fight Black Rutile, who fused with White Topaz to create this big fusion called Lepidolite, then after we were tossed over a cliff, Stevonnie turned pink and-"
"Wait, pink?" Pearl wondered. "It's just like all those other times Steven lost control! What could it be?"
"That's exactly what I'd like to know too!" the utterly defeated Black Rutile yelled. "What is that, a human thing?"
"Uh, no everyone! Everything's fine!" Steven began lying. "It's just a human thing, but I'm the only one who can do it!"
"Alright, keep your secrets brat." Black Rutile declared before she snapped her fingers again. Getting up from Jasper's beatdown, Bluebird picked up Black Rutile & White Topaz and carried them away. "Your little power fantasy will soon come to an end!" she declared. "And Gems, I'd keep an eye out on that monster if I were you! He could become a bigger threat to Earth than I am!"
As the three Gems got farther away, everybody turned to Steven with nervous looks on their faces.
"Steven, is there anything you need to tell us?" Connie asked her best friend.
"Uh, anyone wanna go out for pizzas?" Steven tried to change the subject, and everyone went silent in response.
"What is this pizza you speak of?" Hessonite piped up.
Later that day, reconstruction of Little Homeworld had quickly begun. With Peridot and Squaridot's help, the Cactus Stevens were now fully organic once more and helped in the repairs, alongside the Light creatures created by George and his sisters.
"Wow George, you, Elaine, and Cosma are one great team!" Steven said to George as they looked upon the Light Army's hard work. George turned to Steven with a confused look on his face. "Oh, I came up with those names for your sisters based on this TV show with a character also named George."
"Hey Steven, the pizzas are here!" Lapis called for Steven.
"Ooh, gotta go you guys!" Steven said before leaving George and his newly named sisters to work. "See you again soon!"
Steven returned to the Little Homeworld Warp Pad, where the Crystal Gems and the Off-Colors were setting up a little picnic with pizza boxes all around. "You see, this is what we need more of." Steven said. "Just us hanging out, no Gem monsters or evil Gems threatening and scarring our lives."
"Are you sure you're okay kid?" 1J9G asked Steven.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Steven replied. "Wait, what are you doing here? Weren't you on Black Rutile's side?"
"That Jasper saved my life because she knew what it was like to be alone, so I'm coming here as gratitude." 1J9G stated. "I came with Black Rutile as 1J9G, and I'll learn to become a better friend as Laz. You like the new name I got?"
"I love it!" Zuli exclaimed happily. "It's so wet!"
"Well, if you say so." Steven said awkwardly before he found Lars and Hessonite collecting the inactive gemstones of Emerald, Pyrope, Demantoid and all the Cluster Gems. "And what are you going to do with those?"
"We'll take the Cluster Gems back to Homeworld." Lars answered before pointing to Emerald and the Garnets. "As for these three, I'm not sure yet."
"They'll be safe with us." Garnet said, taking the three Gems out of the bubble. "And who knows? Maybe they'll become students of Little Homeschool."
"Speaking of which, Squaridot." Hessonite said to her Peridot sidekick. "You said that you were given the chance to come to Little Homeschool before you joined me? You think the offer still stands?"
"You know what?" Squaridot said. "I think I'm gonna stay here. Thank you Hessonite for everything." She then hugged the orange Garnet. "And tell Citrine I said hi if you find her."
As the group all sat down to their victory picnic, many eyes were still on Steven, who paid more attention to his slice of pie.
"Seriously, that boy just ain't right!" Jasper said as she prepared to leave.
"Yo Jasper, have a little more tact!" Amethyst scolded her fellow quartz while turning to Steven. "But what if Black Rutile is right? What if Steven becomes a threat to Earth?"
Steven still didn't pay any attention and kept on eating, but the Gems guessed that he might've been deliberately distracting himself. But why?
Elsewhere, Black Rutile had now touched down deeper in the forest, letting Bluebird Azurite drop her off in front of a cave. "Ah, this should make a good hideout."
"Why can't we just flee on your dropship?" White Topaz asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's been seized by now." Black Rutile said as she sat down on a rock formation, slouching and pressing her fingers together. "Tell me, my friends, what do you think is Steven's greatest weakness?"
"He can't fend for himself!" Aquamarine stated as she and Eyeball un-fused.
"He always has to get his nose in everyone's business." Eyeball remarked, rolling her eye with arms crossed.
"Uh, he's got boatloads of trauma that no one bothers to bring up?" White Topaz asked meekly.
"Correct Topaz, very good for once." Black Rutile congratulated her Topaz. "Now, as you see, he can't deal with his whole worldview changing, since learning there were so many Gems against him shattered everything he almost knew about his actions." She declared. "But what if we did the same, but we turn the humans against him?"
And that was Enemy of my Enemy and Part 2 in general! This was a really long one, filled with ideas that I've had in my head for ages! The whole group of past enemy Gems was inspired primarily by the Evil League of Mutants from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I imagined the bad future to be similar to Deliver Us from Prince of Egypt, and the justice debate was basically the Ship of Theseus scene from WandaVision. And that's not even getting into what I have planned for Part 3, but that's another time for another day. And if the subtitle is any indication, you all know what's coming.
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Robstar Week Day 5: Righteous Fury (Prompt: Rescue)
This prompt gave me an excuse to do an action scene, and I love writing action, so it was definitely one of the most fun prompts for the week. The direction I chose to take it also gave me a chance to play around a bit with the interplay between Starfire’s emotions and her powers, and those of you who have read my fic Joy and Fury may recognize some of what’s going on in that regard.
Righteous Fury
The world was tinted viridian as Starfire scanned it from high above.
It was not really a world, per say. More of what Raven had called a ‘pocket dimension’ – the extradimensional space owned by that creature who had the gall to call himself the Master of Games.
The thief who had been travelling the galaxy and using a powerful artifact to steal away those who lost his games, so he could use their skills and weapons as his own. And like any thief, she was going to take him down and make him return what he stole.
“Starfire.” The sound of her name snapped her out of her idle thoughts, and she released some of her focus on joyful thought keeping her aloft. She’d been using him as the source, again – perhaps not the best choice of subject considering the circumstances, except that it made her all the more determined to find him.
Robin was her k’nonaki, after all – her great bond, the source from which she most easily drew her power-linked emotions. And if the “Master” thought he could take him away from her, she would only be too eager to prove him wrong.
“There are four main paths branching out of the coliseum,” she reported as she touched down by the others. “Besides the one that we know connects the competitor’s quarters, the others lead to a series of several large buildings.”
Cyborg nodded, a thoughtful frown on his face. “Must be the tournament arenas. At least that means he doesn’t have more of these mini-dimensions to go hiding in.” He turned toward Raven, who was sitting in her meditative position.
“Got anything?”
Raven took a few seconds to respond, standing up when she did. “He’s here. Robin’s aura is faint through the gem, but I can still sense him. But I can’t get a bead on the Master of Games without sending out my soul and alerting him that we’re here – he must be out in one of the other buildings. They’re in that direction,” she finished, pointing down one of the hallways.
Beast Boy rubbed one arm. “Guess we’re lucky he got Robin and not someone you don’t have a freaky mind bond thing with, right?”
Starfire shot a warning glare at him, eyes narrowed. “I do not see how this situation can be considered ‘lucky,’” she hissed.
Beast Boy shrank back from her, but Raven laid a hand on her arm.
“We’ll get him back, Starfire. Along with everyone else the Master captured,” she said calmly. “Getting riled up over it isn’t going to help.”
Starfire gave her a sideways look. “You forget, Raven. My emotions only strengthen me.”
With that, she turned and began to stalk toward the far path that Raven had pointed out. Herald, who had been called on to bring the team here when the Master had first vanished with their leader, leaned over toward Beast Boy.
“Do her eyes always glow like that on missions?” he asked in a low voice.
“Only when she’s about to eyebeam someone in the face or like, really pissed,” Beast Boy stage-whispered back. “I dunno if I’ve ever seen it last this long, it’s kinda freaking me out.”
Starfire ignored them and continued forward, but she swore she could feel their eyes on her back. The conversation died down after that, and everyone walked quietly for several minutes.
“…I should have warned everyone about that gem,” Cyborg finally said, his voice hollow. “When I got captured back in the Tournament of Heroes, I was trying to blast that thing. I knew it could be activated by prolonged contact, but it didn’t even cross my mind that nobody else saw it.”
Without a word, Starfire lifted off and poured on speed until the others disappeared behind her. She told herself it was so she could scout ahead, but… she knew Cyborg was just trying to be sensitive when he said “everyone.”
After all, Robin wasn’t the one who had tried a hard blast against that accursed gem. He’d merely jumped in the way to save her.
She would not let him suffer for her mistake. She could not.
The doors to the first arena were coming up fast. They were closed tight, locked probably, but Starfire barely even slowed down and simply smashed her way through.
There was very little to the floor and walls of the arena, which was instead dominated by a dozen massive cages hanging high above her. She drifted further in, scanning the area for any sign of her foe or the next exit that would bring her closer to him.
There. Up in the far wall, level with the rough midpoint of the hanging cages, a rounded balcony led out to another doorway. Probably so the Master could watch his “contestants” directly if he so chose.
As Starfire darted up to the balcony, the low blare of a horn heralded the opening of a portal on its level surface. The Herald and her remaining teammates stepped out, forcing her to halt before the doorway.
Cyborg held up a hand. “Star, you’re going too fast,” he said, gentle but firm. “If we spook this guy or give him too much warning, he’ll just teleport away and we’ll have to hunt him down all over again.
Starfire’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she dropped her gaze to the side. “There is nothing stopping him from leaving to find more victims if we wait,” she retorted, “and he cannot resist a challenge, can he? I intend to give him one he will not soon forget.”
“I think it’s safe to say we all do,” Cyborg replied, a little smile quirking the corner of his lip. “And we will. Together, because that’s how we beat someone like him.”
Starfire let out a low breath and nodded, though the blazing emerald never quite left her vision. He was right, of course – she could stay angry all she wanted, but letting her righteous fury blind her would only cause more problems. She had to remember that.
Cyborg nodded wordlessly to Raven, who raised her arms and enveloped them all in a darkness that pulled them through the next barrier without a sound.
By the time they were about halfway down the next corridor, Raven suddenly halted.
“They’re near,” she reported in a low voice. “The Master should be hiding in the next arena.”
The Titans all shared a look and a brief nod, but before they continued, Starfire thought of something. She flew over to her team’s current companion.
“The Herald? I believe it would be wise of you not to engage in this battle directly,” she said with a thoughtful frown. “If the Master of Games manages to take your horn, he will have an even easier time escaping us, and we may no longer be able to follow.”
Herald considered this for a moment. “Yeah, I can hang back for this one. Send me any victims you rescue from that necklace, and I’ll send ‘em home before your friend can capture them again.”
That matter resolved, the Titans soon found themselves at the next entrance. Through the thick doors, they could hear the clanging of metal-on-metal and occasional blasts from some energy attack the Master had stolen. Starfire caught Cyborg’s eye and raised her fists, and he nodded – for all that they couldn’t give their presence away too early, their opponent would be more likely to stick around if a bombastic entry promised an exciting “game.”
With a determined little smirk on her lips and the thought of her beloved’s rescue guiding her strength, Starfire smashed through the doorway like so much tissue paper and barreled into the arena. With a start, she realized that she recognized this one: it was the fighting ground she had been sent to during the brief run of the Tournament of Heroines. Thick steel beams criss-crossed an otherwise open space, spread far enough apart that flighted opponents could weave among them without too much trouble, but passing each other close enough that ground-bound competitors had places to jump from one to the next.
In the middle of it all, the Master of Games was flying on massive feathery wings and aiming another blast of red-hot energy at one of the beams. He paused mid-attack as she entered, turning toward her, and her hands lit up with starbolts almost of their own accord.
“We are not finished with you,” she spat.
“Yeah, Gameboy,” Cyborg chimed in behind her. “Last I recall, we were just getting started.”
The Master’s face twisted into a wicked smirk. “Another round? I don’t mind earning a few more trophies, even if I’ve already won the grand prize.” He punctuated that statement with a flick of his wrist, and Robin’s bo staff seemed to grow out of the palm and into his grip.
“Very well then! The Teen Titans versus The– Urgh!”
A powerful eyebeam – aimed at the stomach, she could not risk hitting his gem with that kind of attack – threw the villain back hard against the steel beam directly behind him. He peeled off after a moment and began to fall, his stolen wings twitching in a daze, but Starfire would not give him the chance to recover. Swooping in, she grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and forced him back against the beam.
But the Master had already recovered enough to bring the staff to bear. He bashed the butt of it into her torso, forcing her back with a grunt.
A rush of wings passed by her in that moment, and before the Master could follow up his attack, a large green woodpecker swooped in and gripped ahold of his necklace’s chain. With a force and precision designed to drill into trees, Beast Boy’s beak struck the gem.
A blazing light forced back shapeshifter and Tamaranean alike, and three figures came tumbling out. One was a Thanagarian – the source of the wings no doubt, considering they were suddenly gone from the Master’s back – but she did not recognize the other two, nor had she time to see if she could place their species.
“Get to the exit!” Starfire barked in Thanagarian, pointing the way in case the others didn’t recognize the language. “We will deal with him, but our friend can get you home.”
As they ran, the Master of Games recovered his senses with a growl. He was in the air again, doubtless with the aid of another victim’s power, but a hit from Cyborg’s cannon forced him back before he could attack. Beast Boy followed this up by swooping back in and grabbing the necklace again, but the Master swatted him away before he could peck at the gem.
As woodpecker shifted into panther and caught ahold of one of the beams, Starfire flew in again and began to harry her opponent with starbolts. He retaliated by spitting globs of slime at her, making her aim difficult, but it mattered little – her goal now was to keep his attention on her, for she could already see the dull glow of Raven’s magic enveloping the necklace to yank it off.
But even then the gem sparked to life, and Starfire swore she could see it pulling at her friend’s energy. Fear added to her blazing fury and warrior’s confidence and focused determined joy then. She could not let this happen again. She would not.
This ended now.
With a guttural yell, Starfire tackled the loathsome being who threatened her loved ones. The force of it drove them both down past the steel beams and onto the arena’s floor, knocking the wind out of her opponent. His gem, its hold on Raven’s power broken, swung wildly with the impact and clattered against the ground.
And with both hands lit and clasped together, she slammed her fists into it – a force that would have shattered a lesser artifact into a million shards.
Light filled the building again, and when it cleared, nearly a dozen newcomers were sprawled across the floor. One in particular grabbed Starfire’s attention, and the light in her eyes dimmed in an instant.
“Robin!” she cried, rushing over and dropping to her knees beside him.
Robin smiled and clasped the hand she offered him, pulling himself upright. “I’m okay,” he reassured her. “I could see what was going on, you know. You were… very impressive.”
Starfire let out a tired sigh and pressed her forehead against his, eyes closed. “I had an unusually personal stake in the matter.”
She could hear her other teammates’ hurried footsteps coming in behind her, but before they could catch up, another sound grabbed her attention. She turned to see the one who called himself the Master of Games standing up with a groan and looking at her and Robin with pure hatred in his eyes.
Beast Boy winced and spoke up while Raven silently directed the other rescued victims toward Herald. “Please tell me he doesn’t have even more people stuffed in that thing.”
Robin shot Starfire a confident smirk, which she responded to with a single sharp nod.
“If he does, we’ll just have to take care of that too,” he said aloud. “All of us, together.”
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thevirtualcanvas · 5 years
Steven’s Lament
Just a little fic inspired by @taikova ‘s illustration of Steven lying in bed. So please enjoy C:
Maybe a cup of green tea would help?
Alright. Two cups.
Three cups, stargazing, phone scrolling and staring up at the ceiling and – nothing. He knew he was exhausted, he knew he should sleep. But what was the point? It's not like he had any responsibilities any more, or any friends thanks to his latest gem-related screw-up.
The back-light of his phone seeped through his covers, bouncing off his gem and reflected a soft pink light into his room. Pink. It was his entire problem. The tarpaulin that covered the front of his broken house rustled in the sea breeze; mixing with the sounds of Lion's snoring, it was driving Steven crazy. Though a lot of things did these days. He tapped his fingers against his chest and groaned, he should just get up. Lying in bed was pointless. Maybe he could go sleep with Lion for old times sake, or he could throw his head in Lion's mane and just be done with it?
Yikes. That was a dark thought.
Steven threw back the covers with a heavy arm, swung his legs around, and sat upright facing his sliding door. The gems hadn't spoken to him in days, well, more specifically, he'd avoided them. He'd let them orchestrate the rebuilding work with Bismuth and her team and kept out of the way. He couldn't stand to look them in the eyes, all those awful things he'd said and Cactus Steven had told them everything – each dark and personal thought and worst of all at the time, he'd meant it.
He rubbed at his tired eyes and played with the phone in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over the screen. Steven yearned to talk to someone and no one. Pearl had sent his Dad over the day before as he'd sat in the greenhouse atop the warp pad, sulking. But he couldn't tell him how he felt, how could his Dad possibly understand? In the end, he brushed his Dad off with a half-assed smile. I'm fine, it's just Gem stuff.
Greg Universe sighed, looked at his son, more worried for him than he'd even been (even when he had been kidnapped by home-world gems and oh boy did some hair fall out then) and said,
“Stuball. Gem stuff or not, just know we all love you, and when you're ready to talk, we're ready to listen.”
Why did his Dad sound like him? When did everyone else start to take his job? He helped, Steven Universe, helper of the galaxy. Capable of solving anyone's problems. Except for his own.
“Fuckkkkk.” It slipped from his lips, reactionary. Lined with utter frustration and barely an utterance but he surprised even himself. He remembered that time Pearl went mental at Amethyst for using it in the temple around him. Amethyst simply shrugged, winked at Steven and told him to save for it a special occasion. Was the end of himself as he knew it a justifiable special occasion?
A tempestuous snore from Lion pulled him from his thoughts, yup, he needed to leave his room. Taking his phone with him, Steven dragged himself to the greenhouse. Bismuth hadn't started work in there yet, and a massive hole graced the peak of the dome. He'd cleared up the shattered glass, and floated up to cover the top in plastic, just in case it rained, apart from that the room remained the same. He'd even left the cardboard box he'd kept Cactus Steven prisoner in exactly where he'd thrown it, a monument to his own failure. Pale moonlight danced across the petals and leaves of each flower in the room. The warp pad hummed in the center giving off its own soft glow, waiting on standby for Steven to use it.
“Hey everyone,” he laughed with insincerity to his home-grown friends. Of course, they didn't respond, they were just plants. The real versions of his friends were out doing amazing things; Steven had done his amazing, now he was stuck, stagnant in Beach City. “Hey, Connie, how are you doing, smarty?” Steven walked over to the delicate blue flower, it's violet petals almost seemed to shine brighter in this light. His fingers caressed the underside of the velvet-soft flower and it made him miss the real Connie even more.
“I've messed-up, Con,” he told her as he sat crossed-legged on the floor underneath the flower pot. “I've done and said some terrible things recently and every time I do all I can think about is her...”
The plant sat silently, almost as if it were listening.
“I'm so angry – all of the time. I'm doing things and finding out things about my gem self that I never knew I could do and I don't know if I want to... because the more I do, the more I become like – ” Steven paused. Throat closing, eyes threatening to tear. He was scared. Not that he'd turn into his Mom; Rose Quartz had spent thousands of years repenting and paying for her actions, but Pink? She'd done so much damage, ruined so many lives including that of a son she'd never know she'd have. “I don't want to be Pink Diamond, Connie. She was selfish, destructive and so out of control! I don't want anyone to look at me and see her anymore!”
Pink Diamond took his childhood. Pink Diamond took his identity. Pink took everything.
Purple petals turned pink and with a gasp, Steven realised he was losing it. He could see his reflection on the glossy floor and it terrified him. Pink. Eyes. Hair. Skin. Everything was glowing pink. The colour made him sick.
“See?” He sobbed. “There I go again. Turning into her. The one thing they all hate above everything else.”
Large tears stung as they fell down his face, his body shook as he pulled it as close as he could. “And you know what, Connie,” he laughed to himself almost manically. “I hate her too.”
Steven howled, months of pent-up anger and rage, flowing freely as big pink tears.  He shook and shook, holding himself tight, wishing someone else was. The plants, the tables and the gardening equipment rattled around him. The power that sat within him, poured out, raw and emotional. It wasn't sharp, like The Reef, or purposeful, like his fight with Jasper. His power lamented, wrapped sorrow around every living thing, and forced his emotions through it. Flower Connie wilted, but he didn't even notice; too busy drowning in guilt and a host of other negative emotions he was allowing himself to feel.
Steven didn't notice anything. Not the ambivalent roar of Lion. Nor the sound of a portal opening up. The urgent steps. Or the greenhouse door opening with a hiss.
Steven turned to the sound of his name – shocked by the owner and relieved all at once. “Connie?! What are you doing here?” He hiccuped between the tears.
Connie was there. The real Connie, not the plant version he'd been speaking to for months. Stood in the doorway in her pajamas, looking at him. Hair ruffled, cheeks rosy from running so hard and a dressing gown haphazardly slung over her shoulders. Lion was behind her, whining and nudging the base of her back, urging her forward. Connie rushed across the greenhouse, throwing herself at him, joining him in his pity party on the floor. She launched herself; landing in a mess of limbs, tangling her arms around his neck, burying her head in the crux of his shoulder, pressing the rest of her as close as to him as possible. They'd never concerned themselves with personal space in the entire time they'd known each other, she wasn't going to start now. Not when he needed her.
“Why didn't you call?”
Connie. His Connie. She was really here, warm and bright, He buried his nose into her dark hair, pink hands coiling into the thick strands, the cool scent of lavender and juniper filled his nostrils.
“I didn't want to bother you,” he whispered feeling the sweet heat of her lips against his neck as she spoke.
“Steven,” she spoke sternly, but with an undeniable love, just like her mother. “You could never bother me.” Connie pulled herself back to look at him, on her knees between his thighs, and hands cupping his still round cheeks. Rich eyes drew him in, oh how he'd missed seeing her face. “You can talk to me about anything. Or cry. Sit in silence. You even have a temper tantrum if you need to. Just don't keep me out. I've missed you, Jam bud.”
Above him, plant Connie's petals rustled, springing back to life. Steven could feel the pink fading as real Connie took his hands in hers; they were so warm, and small – but he loved them. He loved her.
“I'm sorry Lion woke you up,” he apologised as he pried his back of the floor and sat up.
She squeezed his chunky hands, and rubbed the back of them with the pads of her thumbs. “I'm not. I couldn't sleep anyway. Something felt off – now I know what it was.”
He cringed, embarrassed by the outburst, and the way his Gem powers amplified every emotion he had. “I wish you hadn't seen that...”
Connie scowled at him. “I'm glad I did – you don't need to hide anything from me. I'm not here to judge you, I'm here because my best friend in the whole galaxy needs help.”  
Steven bit his lip. “But what about your parents, aren't they going to be upset you're gone?”
“I think Lion gave the game away. I have my phone, my Mom knows where I am.”
“But what about school?”
“It's fine.”
“I don't want to take you away from your work Connie, you've been working so hard!”
“Steven –”
“We need to get you home! There's still a couple of hours until sunrise and I – ”
“Steven!” Connie shouted and then took a breath, bringing their hands to her lips. “I'm fine. It's the weekend, we're going to look after you. You've spent so long looking after everyone else, you don't know how to take care of yourself. C'mon, let's get out of the greenhouse and go to bed.”
As she brought him to his feet, Steven realised how right Connie was. Without other people's problems, Steven only had his own, and he couldn't cope with that. His legacy, his history, his Mom, it was defining him in a way that sat wrong and made him feel awful. Every moment you love yourself, that's me, loving you. Well he didn't, right now hated himself, what he felt like he was becoming, what he felt like he was lacking. He had two worlds and he didn't fit in either of them; everyone changed despite him. What was he going to do?
Connie led him by the hand slowly, taking their time as they took the wooden boardwalk back round the house. Seagulls had already begun to rise, cawing out into the cove as the inky night began to give way to a new dawn. As they entered Steven's room, Lion was lying at the base of the bed pretending to be asleep. He gave Steven and Connie a delighted chirp as he bed down, pink tail waggling in demure happiness. Steven noted mentally that he'd drive out to the supermarket to get Lion some ice-cream later as a thank you. Connie sorted out the covers and led him by the hand into his side of the bed while she settled next to him on the other.
“Connie...” Steven trailed off, looking at her as she pulled the covers over them. She hummed in response, once again taking one of his hands in hers. “Thanks, for coming over. I've missed you too. “
She gave him a smile, and if he was feeling himself it would have left him weak at the knees. Now, broken and confused, it made him feel safe and loved. “I'll be here whenever I can Steven, although next time, maybe give me a call first?” He nodded, yeah, that was fair. Lion huffed over the edge of the bed, he thought he'd been helpful. Wasn't his fault Lion's couldn't use phones. “Sorry, Lion you were great,” she said with a coo. “And let's not tell my Mom I stayed in your bed, again.”
“I should maybe get you your own bed,” he thought out loud. “Don't want Dr.Maheswaren to get annoyed.”
Connie wriggled over, planted a kiss on his brow with the lightest of touches and laughed. “Steven, that's sweet but I'm perfectly happy here, with you. Besides, what my Mom doesn't know won't hurt her. Now get some rest, we'll talk more tomorrow.”
His head felt warm and fuzzy, it did every time she kissed him, he couldn't help but crack a smile. He suddenly felt overcome with fatigue, between Connie next to him and Lion at his feet, Steven had felt more comfortable than he had in weeks. This might not fix his problems, but with Connie's support, he could get the ball rolling, apologise to the gems – and his Dad for starters. He had a lot to apologise for.
“Connie,” Steven said with a yawn. “Thanks for being the jam to my biscuit.”
“Thanks for being the biscuit to my jam, Steven,” she said with a sleepy smile as he squeezed her hand.
Lion yawned, his mouth opening wide, tongue curling inside his maw.
“Goodnight Lion!” They both said in unison and drifted off into an easy sleep.
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timetrickster · 4 years
Aloha Oe X Edith Nox Crossover Minisode “I Have To Go”
This clears up a plot hole that I didn’t fix up and I thought maybe it would be nice to make a little story line out of it. ALSO AGAIN NOT CANON! THIS IS FOR FUNZIES!
TAG: @cometworks (SURPRISE!)
A couple days  after The Battle of Demons and the Wedding of Edith Nox. JUSTIN had forgotten to return a time displaced CLEMENTINE. To the proper time and place she was taken.
CLEMENTINE has a bag packed and outfitted with a black jacket, grey coat, jeans, and brown boots.
Where are you gonna go?
I don’t know... maybe travel on my own for a bit, I’ll travel to the different kingdoms. Maybe treasure hunt, save some people along the way.
When are you coming back?
I don’t know... I’m fated to die, might as well live a lot more before I have to go back. If Justin ever comes over for a visit again he can pop me back where he took me from.
She made her way out the door, 
She stops her sister before she leaves. VIOLET hugs her immediately which CLEMENTINE hugs her back.
Be safe, and come back home.
I promise sis.
They share one last hug before CLEMENTINE departs. 
9 Months Later...
It was midday, as the Sun was ready for it’s slumber, a time displaced CLEMENTINE was lying down on the roof. Looking at the slowly sinking sun, she plays with a flame in her hand. She looks into the flame, and it began to flicker. A little frustrated she tries to summon it again, in doing she has a quick flashback to her death.
The Black Beast stabs then flashing back to reality, she checks her stomach for her wound. But it wasn’t there... not yet anyways.
I have to go... but after everything... I don’t want too.
She says to herself.
Suddenly out from the skies, a familiar time ship arrives. Leaving the portal opened which quickly closed behind it. The Eternity lands in front of the house which makes CLEMENTINE hide behind the other side of the roof. JUSTIN exits The Eternity from the cargo bay entrance and fixes his coat.
He shouted at the house, walking his way toward the front door. He knocked on it very timidly. The door was answered and VIOLET had answered.
She immediately hugs the Time Walker, JUSTIN smiles and accepts her hug.
Hey V! How are you? It’s been 9 months? VIOLET
Exactly that, and I’ve been good. What about you?
So far so good. Took a trip to Mars, Made friends with a Vampire Queen and a Gem Dame. Ooh! And traveled to a universe and met a magic human aliens.
Sounds like your life is pretty much the same. Lots of traveling the universe.
Where’s Edith?
She’s at work at Maple Brew
The ground suddenly shook
That’s been happening recently, we don’t know why. Probably some Earth caster messing around Abricot.
I’ll stop by when I can to see Edith but that’s why I’m here. 
Here for what?
JUSTIN gets serious.
Time in your universe is reshaping and Clementine’s displacement is the cause. The longer she remains in the present time your universe will become different. Certain events that have transpired will cease to exists. You will be written out of existence, your marriage to Edith will be erased. Is Clementine here?
While they conversed CLEMENTINE had heard the conversation. She goes back to the roof immediately.
Yeah, she got back a couple days ago. She’s been traveling the world, we have to hurry!
She turns around and shouts toward the ceiling.
She repeated to call her once more.
VIOLET (cont’d)
There was still no answer. VIOLET rushed upstairs to find her way to the roof. JUSTIN steps outside to find her as well finding her on the roof trying to hide. JUSTIN which caught her attention.
Hey Clem! Sorry for leaving you here for so long. It’s time I return you to your time.
CLEMENTINE doesn’t respond immediately, summoning a flame in her palm. She immediately threw it at the Time Walker. VIOLET pops up from the roof’s entrance and sees what had passed. She felt horrified, that action was unlike her sister. JUSTIN had caught fire and was hit with a concussive blast from the ball of flame. 
Clem, what did you do?
CLEMENTINE looked at VIOLET as she realized what she had done. She transforms into full fire and blasts away into the sky like a rocket. Vanishing from sight, VIOLET jumps onto the roof and creates an ice slide down to JUSTIN. Showering him in frost to cool off the fire. JUSTIN was unconscious from the concussive force but VIOLET looked toward the sky.
VIOLET (cont’d)
Why did you do that Clem?!
She looked into the sky trying to find a single image of her sister in the clouds.
A couple of hours passed and JUSTIN was still unconscious. EDITH warms his head with a hot towel, while VIOLET converses with NOEMI.
I’m sorry V, but we’ve checked everywhere. On foot and in the sky, nothing. It’s as if Clem just vanished.
She’s out there somewhere! My sister wouldn’t have reacted like that! I don’t know what set her off or why she attacked Justin! But we need to find her first! (She turns toward EDITH) Babe how is he?
EDITH had waved her over him, she squirmed a little.
He’s still in pain, some of his wounds are healing but it’s at a slow rate. A Savior’s magic are 10 times more powerful normal casters. So this may take awhile probably even a couple of days. 
We can use the Holy Water from the temple. Or use your empath magic to speed up the healing.
He is an alien from another universe. Our magic may not be effective on him as it is on us. He may heal by the holy water but it is possible that it can mess up his vibrational frequency.
Vibrational frequency?
It’s a science thing Justin and Enoch taught me. It’s kinda like our aura but tied to a certain universe.
You use your empath magic on him all the time. You can sense his emotions!
That’s true, Honey... but if, I use my magic to heal him it might mess with his biology. I may screw him up worse than before. The deal he made with The Fates it took a toll on him but he was strong enough to withstand it.
If he’s strong enough to survive that, then he’ll survive your healing!
Do not take that tone with me Violet Choi.
VIOLET realizes her temper and apologizes.
I’m sorry Sweetie.
I know. (She placed her hand on her shoulder)
CLEMENTINE walks through the door and VIOLET immediately hugs her. Breaking away, she looks at her sister. 
What did you do?!
Al surrounded by the couch, JUSTIN still unconscious. CLEMENTINE being looked and surrounded by EDITH, NOEMI and VIOLET. An intervention, awaiting to hear why CLEMENTINE did what she did.
Out with it, Clem.
I panicked... I didn’t mean to attack him. I just reacted because I’m not ready to go...
Why? What happened?
During my travels... I...
You... what?
I met someone and we fell in love... and I didn’t come home because... I
You had two kids...
JUSTIN had woken up from knock out from CLEMENTINE. The room now filled with shock, JUSTIN joins the intervention.
You mean, I have..
A niece and a nephew, twins.
CLEMENTINE looked at JUSTIN briefly
How did you know?
JUSTIN smiled,
I’m a Time Traveler... I keep tabs on all my good friends.
CLEMENTINE smiles at the thought of her children. She nodded her head.
EDITH was starry eyed, at the news of already having a niece and nephew.
Who was he? and what are the names of your kids?
His name is Redmond and he was so handsome. He always showed off with his Air Magic. My kid are named Khione and Vulcan.
JUSTIN smiles,
After the Greek Goddess of Snow and the Roman God of Fire.
VIOLET stands up,
They... they have our magic?!
CLEMENTINE nodded then looked toward JUSTIN.
I attacked you because I wasn’t ready to let them go... they know who I am and what’s happened to me, but I know I have to return... I’m sorry.
It’s okay but I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that I have to do this to you. I don’t want to take you away from your kids but it’s the only way to fix time.
Could you bring them here? For one last goodbye?
As you wish.
Thank you, Justin.
She kissed him on the cheek.
Where are they?
The Amethyst Plains, two kingdoms over.
Got it. Edith? Wanna tag along?
Before turning his head, EDITH was suddenly in her Time Traveler outfit but she also had worn shades.
They two heroes of their stories, rush out the door and to the Eternity. It takes off and flown through the skies. While VIOLET, NOEMI and CLEMENTINE watch as they venture off. Meanwhile in her own thoughts... she looked off into the darkness of night.
I can’t let Justin take me back! I have to live my life here... my children need me.
The Eternity lands in from of the house. JUSTIN & EDITH exit the ship with REDMOND, with baby KHIONE in his hands and baby VULCAN in EDITH’S hands. CLEMENTINE rushes out immediately to hug REDMOND and her kids. With VIOLET and NOEMI behind her to join everyone else.
EDITH with baby VULCAN in hand.
Hi baby Vulcan... I’m your Auntie Edith! And this is your Auntie Violet!
VIOLET is in shock and awe meeting her nephew.
Hi Vulcan.
She whispered loudly.
CLEMENTINE takes KHIONE from REDMOND and showed VIOLET her niece.
Hi Khione... I can’t wait to take care of you and your dad and your brother.
CLEMENTINE makes her hold her niece, awkwardly holding her due to not knowing what to do.
VIOLET (cont’d) Uhhh how do I hold a baby.
NOEMI and EDITH help her out. CLEMENTINE turns to REDMOND,
Honey, it’s time.
We always knew this day would come.
JUSTIN waited near the platform, CLEMENTINE hugged and kissed REDMOND.
I will always love you.
I will always love you too.
She then looked at her babies, KHIONE and VULCAN.
Mommy loves you both so so much. I really hope Auntie Violet (briefly looking a VIOLET with a smile) takes care of you and your papa really well.
One last wave of goodbyes, from her sister, predecessor, dark angel, and the love of her life. Turning to JUSTIN, she nods.
I’m ready.
Let’s go.
Take the first step, she suddenly flashes back to the moment of her death. Causing her to freak out again.
No, no, no! I don’t want to go!
Clem, calm down.
She screamed. The ground shook even more and EDITH, VIOLET, & NOEMI scream in agony. They dropped to the ground and writhe in pain. CLEMENTINE transforms into her fiery self and blasts off into the sky and vanishes away.
Do you know where she’s going?!
Yeah, somewhere painful. Look after them, I’ll be right back.
REDMOND nods and JUSTIN activates his jet boots and follows quickly.
JUSTIN landed onto the sidewalk as he knew exactly where she was. He looked somber as heard cries, he slowly walked toward the alley then turns the corner. Finding a crying CLEMENTINE, sitting against the wall and holding her face. Removing his coat, he throws it on the side and sits next to her.
I sorta know what you’re feeling... dying.
CLEMENTINE quickly looks away from her wet palms and at JUSTIN. 
JUSTIN (cont’d)
I had dueled with a Time Demon... and before he vanished into the Chronal Zone. I was exhausted and wounded and I felt my life slipping away from me. My eyes closed and I was so frightened that I wouldn’t wake up.
I’m not ready to die... after what I did. All the traveling, all the adventures, all the people I saved... my kids... Redmond... what’ll happen if I go back?!
That won’t ever change. What you did, will become stories. Stories that’ll be heard and told by the very people you saved. You’ll be remembered and Violet... she’ll never let your memory die. And your kids... their Aunt Violet will make sure that you’ll never die. I promise you that, the only way you can fix this, is that you have to be returned to the proper time and place.
CLEMENTINE hugs him immediately,
Thank you.
You’re welcome. I know how ya feel. I’m a parent too.
You have a kid?!
Yeah, she’s adopted and she’s been the best daughter ever. Now, let’s get you back to your time.
JUSTIN and CLEMENTINE reappear at the “Very Moment” the two friends silently sit on a nearby bench. She had worn her original clothes that she changed out of.
Here we go again. I’m ready for the memory erase. 
You don’t need it, everything else is gonna be fine.
CLEMENTINE nodded and kissed JUSTIN’S cheek.
Thank you Justin.
JUSTIN smiled
You’re welcome, be brave.
Give Violet that recording... for her, Redmond and the kids.
JUSTIN had returned to The Eternity and gave one last goodbye to CLEMENTINE.
Everything had gone back to normal as time fixed itself. JUSTIN makes one last check on the team to see if they’re okay.
Did she?!
JUSTIN nodded.
Everything’s fixed... time is fixed. But also, (He pulls the devices from his coat pocket. Handing it to VIOLET & REDMOND) She left you messages and for the kids when they’re old enough.
JUSTIN had said his last goodbyes and wished them luck in the future. He’ll always be watching out from them on his end. Later that night, with the device ready it plays a hologram of CLEMENTINE.
Hey V, I know I didn’t say goodbye to you, I’m sorry for that but anyways... these are my last words to you before I go. You’re the best sister I could’ve ever asked for and I wish everyday that I could be with you. But Fate is a funny thing... I know when you see this, I’ll be long gone. But just know I love you and promise me that you’ll take care of Redmond and the kids. Promise me that.
I promise.
I love you... miss you.
VIOLET cries deeply as it will be the last time she’ll see CLEMENTINE. EDITH comes into the room and comforts her wife.
It’s okay. (repeatedly)
She’s in a better place, I know but she’s still alive in them. Those beautiful children.
What is babysitting? Do I sit on the baby?
(She asked nervously as she didn’t know how to take care of babies)
EDITH laughs,
You have a lot to learn Honey.
The End
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 78
Link quite literally slept through the next two days, only getting up when his stomach demanded that he eat. When his phone alerted him to a call or text, he lifted his head enough to check to see who it was from. Unless it was Mipha, he mostly ignored these alerts. He would have slept through the rest of the summer if he had the chance, but there was still one last thing he needed to; return the Master Sword. The Triforce on hand was a reminder of that. It was dim, but it had been pulsing softly ever since he and Zelda sealed Ganondorf away. He knew he couldn’t waste any more time, but a part of him was sad to part with the sword. It wouldn’t be there waiting for him, leaning against the wall in the corner of his room. As anxious as he was to get back to his normal life, normal life seemed rather dull.
Still, Link finally pulled himself out of his bed, and without a word to his father or his friends, he left the house with the sword and made his way back to the forest where he had found it. If it were still there. The last time they tried to close the portal, the forest seemed to have mysteriously disappeared with no explanation at all. This time, however, the forest was there, just as he had remembered it, seemingly waiting for the return of the Master Sword.
There was no voice to call to him, but he didn’t need it to guide him like he had the first time he wandered through. It was as if he had navigated his way through the bizarre forest time and time again; he knew the path like the back of his hand, picking his way over the brush, weaving in and out between the trees. He was unfazed when a fog crept in around him, but just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared, and soon the forest opened up into the meadow. In the center, in the light of the sun, was the pedestal that homed the Master Sword.
Link looked down at the ancient pedestal, covered in dirt and moss. There was a deep slit in the center where he had pulled the sword six months ago. And now, it was time to return it, though it felt as if he were saying goodbye forever to a very close friend. He turned his gaze to the sword in his hand and let his fingers run over the blade. He turned back to the pedestal and before he changed his mind, he placed the sword back into its hold, pushing it in until it would not go any further. He kept his hand on the hilt for a moment, then pulled upwards, but the sword did not budge. He let a light sigh escape his lips, then worked off the string of the charm his father had given him and slid it into his pocket.
“ Goodbye, Master... Thank you...”
Link looked down at the sword and smiled. He saluted it casually before turning his back on it and making his way out of the forest. Once he was passed the treeline, he looked over his shoulder, expecting the forest to disappear. Though it remained, he was sure it would be gone soon enough, protecting the precious weapon that now slept within.
When Link returned, Daruk, Revali, and Teba were waiting for him.
“Where the hell have you been?” Daruk asked.
“Yeah, way to ignore our texts,” Revali said. “Now that you got a girlfriend you’re too good to respond to us?”
“Yeah,” Link said. “Because those group messages were so important.”
“I don’t know how I got dragged into that,” Teba said. He sneered at Revali. “Why the hell did you add me to that?”
“But if you weren’t in it,” Link started, “you would have missed all those gems like.” He paused and fished his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through the messages. He grinned and pointed at the screen, reading the text out loud. “When someone says ‘hold your horses’ they are telling you to be stable.”
“It’s true!” Revali said. “I just realized that!”
“Were you high?” Daruk asked.
“Yeah, probably,” Revali said with a grin.
“What do you want?”
“We are here to discuss the official disbanding of Hyrule’s Champions,” Revali announced.
“Excellent,” Link said. “Just in time. I just dumped the sword.”
“Aw,” Revali said. “Now you’re not cool like the rest of us.”
Link rolled his eyes.
“Do you think you can handle the city this year while we’re off being awesome?”
“Don’t be like that,” Teba said. “You know he’s gonna miss us terribly.”
“We are the only friends he’s got,” Revali said with a frown. “Poor Link.”
Link shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll survive.”
“He’s got a girlfriend now,” Daruk said. “He’s already doing better than you.”
“But does he get laid?” Revali said. “At least I got laid.”
Teba snorted. “When was the last time that happened?”
“Hey,” Revali snapped. “I’ve been a little busy saving the world.” He turned back to link. “Speaking of the Yiga Clan.”
“No one was talking about the Yiga Clan,” Teba said.
“Look,” Link started. “I talked to him, alright?”
“And?” Daruk asked.
“And,” he said slowly. “He told me not to worry about it.”
“That’s exactly what they say when we should be worried about it.”
“He has it under control,” Link said. “We don’t need to be involved.”
“Maybe he’s the one with the Yiga Clan,” Revali said.
“Shut it,” Link growled. “I’m staying out of it. I trust him.”
Revali nodded. “Alright. Fine. If Mr. Hero says it’s fine, then it’s fine.” He wiped his hands together. “Won’t be our problem, anyway. Just remember, you’ll be missing half your crew. Don’t get into trouble. Or killed.”
Link smiled. “You take the fun out of everything.”
“I’m going to miss this,” Revali said, then shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll find someone in college to pick on.”
Link frowned. “You’re replacing me? I thought we had something special.”
Revali winked and threw him two finger guns. “Come on, men” he said, turning away. “I still got some partying to do before I gotta ditch this city.” He turned to Link over his shoulder. “Not you.”
“It’s fine,” Link said. “I’m gonna go get laid.”
Revali threw his hand up in the air, half of a high-five. “Nice!”
Teba shook his head and lowered Revali’s hand for him. “Come on, Idiot,” he said. “Or I’m ditching you to get laid, too.”
Daruk followed them out of the driveway. “I can’t believe everyone’s getting laid except me.”
The rest of the summer went just as Hyrule’s Champions hoped it would go. They stayed out late and slept through the mornings, more often than not in each other’s company in one way or another, and usually with three extra tagalongs; Aryll, Riju, and Teba. They spent their days roaming the city or keeping the local restaurants open with their bottomless pits. And from time to time, they dropped by their favorite arcade, only to be chased out by the owner an hour later after an unruly game of laser tag.
And everywhere they went, they were recognized. Children ran up to the for autographs. Teens asked for selfies. Even the older crowd seemed to regard them with a respectful nod, despite the varying degrees of gossip and arguments that had ensued following the first media outbreak. And when it got to be too much for them, they escaped the city to the countryside, returning to their favorite lake with a case of beer.
But the summer quickly came to a close, and before they knew it, Urbosa, Daruk, Revali, and Teba parted ways with their friends to begin their first year in college. Urbosa moved south to the Gerudo region to study law at a prestigious college. Daruk went to Akkala to a school known for their boxing and wrestling teams, which he decided to get into, proudly stating to his friends that he would have to hold back, otherwise there would be no challenge for him.
And despite his father’s refusal to help get into college, Revali managed to follow Teba to a school in Hebra, stating that he would have a babe on each arm and a suit made of ‘hundos’ when he graduated. As far as the group knew, he simply went in with the intent to get a degree in business, but whether he would actually graduate was an entirely different story, considering the college was known to be one of the biggest party schools in the kingdom. “Well, there’s nothing else to do up there,” was Revali’s defense.
The city - and their lives - were much quieter once their friends left for college. But senior year was quickly approaching for Link, Mipha, and Zelda, with promise of heavy work loads and one final push for college applications. It would be enough to occupy their minds and give them a normal life once more, but still, they couldn’t help but to miss the way things were a year ago when the group was whole.
But the night before their first day of senior year, they were all dragged into another group text message, courtesy of Urbosa.
My little babies are seniors tomorrow. Pack a healthy lunch and study hard! I’m looking at you, Link!
Revali didn’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity to tease Link. Let’s be real here. He’s not going to college. He’s gonna milk the hero thing for the rest of his life.
Teba’s response was next. Why am I a part of this…
Because youre our cheerleader, bitch, texted Revali.
Revali we’re sitting next to each other. There was a lull in the chat for a moment until Teba texted again. Revali punched me.
Urbosa responded with an emoji shaking its head.
You bitches are coming to my first fight, Daruk texted.
Link doesn’t condone violence, Revali said. Make love not war guys.
Dude, Link replied. Youre like a 3 days drive away.
Its a 4 hour drive, loser. Dont you miss me?
Link replied with a heart emoji. So much.
Why dont you stick it in his butt, came Revali’s mature reply.
Don’t be jealous of our relationship, Link said.
Does Mipha know?   Teba asked.
We have an open relationship, Mipha finally chimed in.
Does that mean youre open for business? Revali said.
Eat shit, Link quickly replied.
Link and Mipha sitting in a tree, Revali texted.
Oh shit, Link said.
Revali finished the song with a series of kissing emojis and various other symbols that suggested more than kissing.
Omg dont tell her that Link said.
Link, we’re dating.
He responded with two blushing emoji faces.
Where the fuck is Zelda, Urbosa texted.
After a moment, Zelda’s text came through. Hylia, why have you put me into this insufferable group of people.
You love us, Revali said.
Destiny,  Daruk said. Isn’t that kinda her thing?
We belong together, Revali texted.
Revali is singing, now, Teba said. I cannot believe I’m stuck with him for the next four years.
Welcome to my hell, Link said.
I’m muting you all, Zelda said. Some of us have school in the morning.
Suckas, Revali said.
Revali, you do, too, Teba said.
I didn’t come here to go to school.
Good night idiots, Zelda said.
Good night my precious lil babies, Urbosa texted. I love you all and i hope you have a good first day of school! Send mama pictures! And BEHAVE!!
What happens if we don’t behave? Revali asked, following that with a series of winking faces. Are you going to spank me?
Zelda left the chat.
Mipha left the chat.
Link left the chat.
Urbosa left the chat.
Daruk left the chat.
Teba left the chat.
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professional-anti · 6 years
Chapter Eight: Weapon of Choice
Heyyyyy!! Sorry, life has been cray, and it’s never gonna change, unfortunately. But guys, dw, I am dedicated. Also, weirdly, doing this has made me appreciate books even more? It’s so much fun to talk abt books, and I learn so much, even if it’s a book I hate. Okay, getting started (pray for me):
We last left off with Clary jumping thru the surprise door, like one does. Jace lands on top of her, yay, OTP moment, gag me. There’s a nice little detail where “Clary coughed hair (not her own) out of her mouth” which kind of captures the chaos and would be cute if it were an actual good ship. I hate when that happens. Jace criticizes Clary, FINALLY for a valid reason.
It turns out they’re at Luke’s house. Oh, classic, he lives in Williamsburg, the gentrified hipster paradise. Where else would a man who wears flannel live? Even more classic, he lives behind a bookstore. Clare is obviously one of those heavy-handed authors who has exactly two professions for her Intellectual Men™: bookseller and evil Giles.
I’m going to shake Clary. She doesn’t know why they’re here, despite having thought “I want to go where my mom would have gone” right before jumping. Like, bitch??? Do you have a brain? I’m cryingfff
Clary decides she wants to leave, even though there’s cleary something super sketch abt Luke. He’s so obviously protecting her, so he must know something, right? Well, Clary rubs her two brain cells together and decides, nope, nothing to see here! Time to go home!
Jace, being reasonable for once, is like, yo, maybe we should stay. They run into Simon, so you know there’s gonna be Dramaz. Jace and Simon apparently devolve into primordial wild dogs driven by the intense urge to fight for the girl dog so they can screw and produce puppies that are as annoying as they are. Here is what everyone is doing:
Clary is fixing Simon’s hair bc she’s a Woman Simon is pushing Clary’s hand away bc he’s Annoyed Jace is using his stele to file his nail bc he’s Not Paying Attention
There’s some horrible forced tension between Simon and Clary, where he’s all, “Clary, you ran away from me, I thought I and my dick upset you,” and Clary’s all, “Never, Simon, I love you,” and Simon cums. Not actually, instead he slut shames Clary:
“Yeah, well, you clearly also couldn’t be bothered to call me and tell me you were shacking up with some dyed-blond wanna-be goth you probably met at Pandemomonium”
On the one hand, draaaaag him, Simon!! Jace IS a peroxide blond who listens Evanescence (I almost wrote MCR before googling it and learning that if I wrote that, about a million punks would stream into my inbox in tears).
Simon’s eyes are “dark with suspicion”. which is just annoying. Yes, I would be so fucking annoyed if my friend ran out on me and then disappeared and then reappeared with a blond guy. But I’d also do some more questioning of the situation. Is she okay? Why is she with such a rude guy? Is he hurting her? Was she kidnapped? Is she being held against her will? Is this a drug thing? Does she need my help? Why did Luke cover for her? Is something deeper going on? Instead Simon is all possessive Nice Guy.
Apparently Simon spied on Luke packing a duffel bag of weapons. So he couldn’t give Clary any benefit of the doubt? It sounds like her family is caught in a bad situation! Maybe she had to hide for her life! Simon, use your brain!!
kajlkfaklsdjfalksdflk Clary tells Simon everything, and Simon asks if they kill all these different magical creatures, and Jace says ONLY WHEN THEY’VE BEEN NAUGHTY a;dlfjals;kdjfl;asdjfl;aksdjf hahahahahahahah This image that Clare is going for is just sooooo overdrawn. This dialogue, omfg.
Simon loses his mind and excitedly compares everything that’s been going on to D&D. Let’s totally forget abt the fact that Clary’s mom is missing, or that Luke just filled a duffel bags with murder sticks, shall we?
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Jace and Simon have a bizarre conversation, and then they walk. In. The. Back. Door. Bc Luke doesn’t lock his back door. Bc that’s totally not something that someone who fills a duffel bag with weapons would do. At least the door to the bookstore is locked, though Jace opens it pretty easily with his stele. Why didn’t Luke have Jocelyn fix up some wards or something?
Simon asks Clary how she stands Jace, and she’s like “he saved me life” and he’s like “huh?” even though she told him everything that happened. Why is Simon so dumb. I guess all his blood is in his dick? Wouldn’t surprise me.
They find manacles in the wall, so either Luke and Jocelyn have (even more) hidden depths, or Luke practices
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Luke’s apartment is filled with books. Of course. Look, I love books. I have about 500 in my room at this moment. I buy them constantly, I get from the libarary, I read and read and read. I think most of us on booklr do. But when every single Good Character in your book has books, it’s boring. And no one has unique book taste. What if all of Luke’s books were nature books? Jack London? Travel guides? That would paint a picture. Instead he has a bunch of fantasy and other fiction. That’s boring. I learn nothing, bc every goddamn person in this goddamn book reads fantasy. It’s so fucking generic. I totally approve of “good” characters admiring and liking reading bc that’s how you get ideas, and that’s how Lemony Snicket rolls, but there are more books than fantasy and mystery (the other main type that Lucas has) in the world. Justice Strauss has an inexhaustive library. Uncle Monty has all those books about snakes. Lucky Smells just has that one history of Lucky Smells. Already, you know so much abt each person (and place) by what books they have. We learn nothing about Luke.
Clary finds the overnight bag she leaves at Luke’s and changes clothes. I mention this only bc she puts on “a blue tank top with a design of Chinese characters across the front” bc of COURSE she is That Bitch. I hope it translates to something like “Radishes” or “Bridge”.
Luke’s bedroom has a shelf of “Indian statues and Russian icons” which, idk, makes me a little uncomfortable. These sound like things that are holy to someone. But I think the worst part is that Clary says, “Luke collects stuff. Art objects. You know … Pretty things.” I just googled it, and Hindu statues, like the one Luke has of Kali, are seen as actual avatars of gods. Clary is diminishing someone’s god to a “pretty thing”. It’s not a nick-nack or a trinket. (If you know more abt this, like if I’m wildly off-base, feel free to send me an ask!)
Jace finds the Metaphor known as a smashed picture of Luke, Jocie, and Clary, which Clary threw at the Ravener in her apartment, so realize that Luke went back through the apartment. Jace says that Luke must have gone through the Portal-potty last, so it brought them here. I’m still team Clary Asked to Go Where Her Mother Would Have Gone and Therefore the Portal did What it Was Supposed to Do and Brought Her Where She Wanted.
Luke and some warlocks show up, so Clary and co. hide behind the super convenient silk screen. Jace uses his sonic stele to make the screen transparent and we get this gem:
Jace shook his head at them both, mouthing words: They can’t see us through it, but we can see them.
Bc mouthing works that well. You don’t mouth compound sentences!! You mouth something simple like they can’t see us. Simon and Clary already know they can see Luke and the warlocks bc they’re looking at them right now! And this spell or whatever that Jace did takes the tension in the scene waaaaaay down. If they can’t see Luke, then everything becomes more tense. Are the voices getting closer to the screen? Is somebody about to reveal them? Instead, all the tension is drained in a dumb quick-fix.
Bc Clare thinks we’re stupid, she adds “It was frightening even though [Clary] knew [Luke] couldn’t see her, that the window Jace had made was like the glass in a police station interrogation room: strictly one-way.”
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Jace realizes that the warlocks are actually Shadowhunters dressed as warlocks. Idk how he can tell, but whatever. He conveys this by whispering, so I don’t know what the mouthing nonsense was earlier.
The Shadowhunters are named Blackwell (redhead) and Pangborn (gray mustache). What sorts of names. It’s like Clare used a fantasy-name-generator. Who are we kidding, that’s totally what she did. Pangborn picks up the Kali statue and this conversation happens:
“Ah,” said Pangborn, taking the statue from his companion. “She who was created to battle a demon who could not be killed by any god or man. ‘Oh, Kali, my mother full of bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva, in they delirious joy thou dancest, clapping thy hands together. Thou art the Mover of all that moves, and we are but thy helpless toys.’” “Very nice,” said Luke. “I didn’t know you were a student of the Indian myths.” “All the stories are true,” said Pangborn, and Clary felt a small shiver go up her spine. “Or have you forgotten even that?” “I forget nothing,” said Luke.
So the Shadowhunter mythology is that all religions are true? Inch resting. I vaguely remember this. Idk how I feel about this. The Shadowhunters are still gonna be super Christian no matter what lip-service Clare pays to other religions. She has angels! And demons! She’s trying to be inclusive, but it’s never really gonna work, bc she’s doing it in name only. But at the same time, I wouldn’t want her to mess with any religion but Christianity or, sigh, Judaism. Christianity bc it’s the dominant religion and can’t be marginalized (different denominations can be, but not Christianity as a whole) and Judaism bc she’s Jewish. There’s not very much Jewish in these books, though. Yeah, there are angels in Judaism, but it’s not really the Jewish Vibe. A book influenced by Judaism would have a lot of magic based on specific wording, and arguments, and Hebrew and Hebrew-derived languages. This book uses Latin and is into angels. It’s Christian-influenced, which is fine, I guess, but the lip-service to other religions doesn’t ring true. But also, saying “Christianity is the one religion!” is super upsetting and she shouldn’t do that. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, I’m literally thinking on the page. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Please hit up my ask box or talk about this in the notes! This discussion really interests me, and I want to get diverse opinions.
Luke asks if Valentine sent them (he did) and if their clothes “are official Accord robes” “from the Uprising?” (they are). Wow. The Uprising. What a descriptive name! We don’t call things “the Uprising” in real life. It’s more like, “The French Revolution.” “The Cultural Revolution.” “The Revolutionary War.” “The Civil War.” Am I being unfair?” I guess someone right after one of the French Revolutions might just say “the Revolution.” But something about The Uprising is so boring. And aren’t there more than one Uprising? There should be. The Warlock Uprising. The Vampire Uprising. It doesn’t have to be all internal. Any organized group would rise against the Clave. The Clave is legit the worst.
It turns out Luke’s real name is Lucian AND. I. AM. DYING. Luke is Lucius Malfoy, confirmed!! Let’s do a list of what we know so far:
Clary: Ginny Jace: Draco Jocelyn: I’m getting Bellatrix vibes? Bc of the whole in-love-with Voldemort thing? Valentine: I don’t know?? I can’t think of who he could be??? We’ll have to leave this blank for now I guess :/ Hodge: Giles. Not a HP character, but this is a crossover event with Buffy. Isabelle: Pansy Parkinson Alec: I actually don’t know here. He’s the GBF. Simon: Does Harry make sense? They’re both boring nice guys (don’t @ me!)
This game is getting boring, let’s move on. Luke apparently used to fight with B and P, so we know he’s a Shadowhunter (or, if you’ve read this book before, you know he used to be one). Then he tells them he doesn’t know where the Mortal Cup is (they think Jocelyn hid it).
CLARY IS SO FUCKING DUMB OMFG. P and B talk about how Jocelyn hasn’t regained consciousness and Valentine wants to see her again (using her name) and Clary goes:
Jocelyn? Can they be talking about my mother?
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CC must think her readers are really dumb and can’t figure anything out on their own:
“I’ve never felt any way about [Jocelyn], particularly,” said Luke. “Two Shadowhunters, exiled from their own kind, you can see why we might have banded together. But I’m not going to try to interfere with Valentine’s plans for her, if that’s what he’s worried about.”
He might as well have said, “Jocelyn and I were both exiled. EXILED. We were exiled. We were exiled as fuck. Do you get it? Reading context clues is hard, so I’m saying WE WERE EXILED.” The quasi-warlocks should have responded like, “Yeah? We know you both were exiled? We were there?”
Blackwell refers to Jocelyn as “that bitch” bc institutionalized mysoginy is the absolute best! I love when vicious sexism is included for no reason! Bc also these guys aren’t any worse than Luke! Bc may I remind you that Luke was basically a supremacist! Just like them!
For some reason, these idiots believe Lucius when he tells them that he’s not close with Jocie. Then please explain why you both live in Brooklyn.
P and B threaten to make Luke stay in the city, and Luke threatens them, and somehow they let this happen? In other news, Clary is still dumb as rocks. She’s super hurt that Luke said that he doesn’t care about Jocie bc she has about 0 critical thinking skills. We’re talking none. She could have someone whispering the answers in her ear and still bomb the SAT.
Jace thinks that P and B think Luke “knows more than he’s telling” so why would they let him go???? Then Jace reveals that P and B murdered his dad, and this chapter is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone bring me a Bloody Mary. It’s how I feel inside.
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minijenn · 6 years
Nothing's Changed
In nights like this, Stanley Pines sat alone in the living room as he recounted the events of recent days that have left their mark on him and all associated with him. After 30 long years, he managed to acquire all 3 journals that his estranged twin brother wrote down himself that not only had the info of every paranormal anomaly in Gravity Falls but it also held information about the Crstal Gems and Gemkind. But none of that barely concerned him, he was more focused on the instructions that told him how to restart the portal, the secret device he’s been working on for so long, the very thing he’s lied about this whole time. In one single moment, he felt genuine happiness over the fact that he could bring Stanford back, even if there was a chance that his actions would result in the universe being torn apart, he thought that it would’ve been worth it to see him again…
…But he was wrong.
He wasn’t asking for much really. He didn’t expect the poindexter to just forget everything’s that’s happened between them, it just would’ve been nice for him to express some semblance of gratitude for bringing him back which would be the first step in repairing their broken brotherhood. But nope, instead of a happy reunion, he got socked in the face, Stan didn’t even know Ford could hit that hard since he was never the one known for his brawn, that was more of the former’s thing. Then came Ford completely getting on his case for opening the portal, it was like listening to Rose all over again which fueled his rage. But that rage turned into guilt and regret once he came clean about all the secrets he’s kept from Dipper, Mabel, Steven, and….Amethyst. He could care less about the wild accusations thrown at him by Pearl, it hurt him to see the look of disappointment from the only other person he would call friend, Dipper said that he understood but the old conman could tell his nephew’s trust in him was shaken, and he expected nothing less.
Not even watching The Duchess Approves could ease his soul, all that he’s done in the past; lying to his family, faking his death, taking such risks, all to bring his brother back, and this is all he had to show for it.
The kids were sleeping and Ford was no doubt down in the hidden bunker, doing some nerd thing, not caring about his own flesh and blood’s inner turmoil. Well he wasn’t having any of that, Stan got up and made his way to the gift shop where the vending machine was, where he typed in the code to the hidden passage. It was surreal, he would go down to turn on the portal, but this was a whole different intent. Once he took the elevator down, he made it to what was left of the portal room, there was some tarp hiding that machine, but his main focus was the scientist at work.
“Ford.” he spoke out, getting his twin’s attention.
The six-fingered scholar’s brow furrowed, showing his discomfort at seeing him. “Stanley, what are you doing here?”
His tone was cold and apathetic, but Stan continued. “Came to see what you were doing down here.”
“If you must know, I’m trying to see if there was any ill effects that resulted from you staring up the portal.” Ford replied, getting back to his work.
The conman crossed his arms, skeptically. “Ah, you’re paranoid, Sixer. As far as we know, you are the only thing that came out of that thing.”
“That we know of.” Ford countered. “I’ve seen a lot of things in the other side of the multiverse, dangerous things.” he clarified with a grave tone. “I can tell you right now that if even one of them ever made it to our world, the disastrous effects would be enormous.”
Stan rolled his eyes. “Still think it’s nothing to worry about.”
That little comment made Ford remark with a bitter tone. “Of course you would.”
Stan may be old, but his hearing aid served him well. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded.
“Oh nothing.” Ford shrugged with a faux-relaxed manner. “It’s just no surprise that you wouldn’t be so concerned with the repercussions of your actions, and heaven forbid you trying to fix them.”
“My actions?!” Stan repeated with a scowl. “How long are you gonna keep giving me nothing but crap over doing the one thing that brought you back home?!”
“Maybe when you realize exactly how much you had put our entire universe at risk!” Ford snapped back, standing up. “Why else did you think I included warnings to not activate it in my journals?! Everything around us could’ve been wiped out before we could even blink!”
“But it didn’t!” Stan pointed out, gesturing to himself and the other. “Look at us, we’re still kicking, still acting like when we were 5 abd fighting over the remote with Shermie!”
“But it easily could have, that’s what you refuse to comprehend!” Ford ran a hand through his grey hair. “Did you even think about how much of a danger it posed to Dipper and Mabel, along with Steven and the Gems? They were right there when the portal acted, had things gone differently, their fates would’ve been on your hands! Did you care more about reaching your vain ambition than their safety?!”
Okay, that was a low blow, but he was right. Stan clenched his fists as he thought about what could’ve happened to the kids and the gems, they could’ve gotten sucked in like Ford….or worse….. “Damn.” he whispered.
“Then again, this is you we’re talking about.” Ford threw his arms up. “Besides being a lying cheapskate who scams people out of their hard earned monetary objects, you’re also an impulsive knucklehead who jumps into things without thinking of the consequences, just like-”
“Like what, that damn stuffy college?!” Stan cut him off. “You still gonna whine about that?!”
“Only to prove my point.” Ford retorted. “To give you an example on how your brash attitude makes trouble for everyone else. If only Rose got to you.” he shook his head with a somber expression as remembering his departed friend brought him sadness.
“Oh here we go again with how great Rose was!” Stan bellowed. “You know you say that she was such a great friend to you, but what friend would be okay with not even putting in the effort in saving your life! Here’s a fun little tidbit, ol’ Pinkie tried stopping me from turning that machine of yours back on, even when she knew that it was the only way to save you!”
Stan blinked twice as he tried to process what his brother just said. “Wait, what?”
“It’s good that Rose tried to stop you!” Ford clarified. “It showed that she had more common sense than you ever did, I have no doubt that she wanted to save me but knew that using the portal to do so was out of the question, you should’ve listened, it would’ve saved everyone from the trouble.”
Stan was angry before, now he was furious. “You’re telling me you would’ve liked being trapped in whatever hell you were in than to come home?!”
“If it meant safeguarding the universe, then I was prepared to make that sacrifice.” Ford said with an affirmed look. “Rose made the same choice by deciding not to tell you where the 3rd journal was, even if it meant never seeing me again. You didn’t understand back then and I don’t expect you to do so now, but there are some things that are better left closed off from us.” his mind briefly flashed back to a single eye. “Instead of doing the logical thing, you just went with your instincts which always spelled disaster, like the screw up you’ve always been.”
Stan couldn’t believe it, even when he was informed that even Rose, his so-called close friend wasn’t willing to open the portal, Ford still chose her over his own brother. And that last remark, the thing many people have called him, his father included, that was the last straw. “You know what? Fine!” he turned around and went to the exit. “If I’m such a burden to you, then maybe I should just leave you alone!”
As he watched his brother leave, Ford couldn’t help but think he may have gone a little too far…maybe he should apologize…..no, there were more important things to do.
Stan went back up and stormed into his office where he threw his desk over with a hell, he thrashed things around, breaking many stuff into pieces and once he was finished, the old man sat down and looked at his reflection in the mirror. “Nothing’s changed…..” he whispered as tears threaten to drop. He was expecting things to be different, but no, it’s the same as it was before: he was still the screw up, he and Ford still had issues and people he knew thought little of him….
Nothing’s changed at all.
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riyuyami · 7 years
I wrote another thing for the Blessed by Ra au, even though I still don’t fully know what the mission is they have to do for Ra, or what all the elements are for this au, but this came to mind today at work and I just had to write it down.
The village elder was the one to see them after they had arrived, the trio sat down in his home, sitting across the table from the older man. “So, you are the three that have been 'blessed by Ra', yes?” The old man questioned, looking at Yugi, Atemu, then Katsuya.
“Yes, we are. I am Atemu, Prince of Khemet, and the one blessed by the sunrise.” Atemu introduced himself. “This is Katsuya, my best knight, and the one blessed by the highest sun. And this is Yugi, the beast tamer, blessed by the sunset.”
There were soft murmurs from those in the room that had attended this meeting, Yugi frowned when he kept hearing the term 'beast tamer' being spoken. Why were they focused on him? He didn't like this suspicious attention, he didn't like the eyes that stared down at him.
The elder held up his hand, silencing the room. “Yugi, are you truly a beast tamer?”
“Yes, I was born with the natural gift of being able to calm even the most aggressive of creatures.” Yugi ground out, gripping the edge of the table tightly as he spoke, trying to be polite. “I am even able to speak and communicate with those from the other realm.”
“The monster realm?”
“The Dominion of the Beasts, actually, but yes.”
The chatter began again, louder than before, until the elder silenced them again. “We would like your help with a problem.”
Atemu and Katsuya saw Yugi's eye twitch, but they said nothing. “And... what is this 'problem' that you speak of?” Yugi asked, trying so hard not to flip the table.
“There is a monster in our town. It is a horrible creature that brings destruction and we want it done away with, or whatever it is that you can do to keep it from bringing us harm.” The old man replied, missing Yugi's eye twitch again. “We have it locked up, in the old ruins of our first church, it seems to be weak by holy ground, the chains we have it bound with are keeping it there, but we want it gone. It still tries to bring people harm. It's an eyesore, we want it out of here, send it back to the monster realm, kill it, just get it away from us. It is keeping a sacred treasure hostage and attacks anyone who dares come clo-”
There was a clatter as the orchid eyed boy stood up, his form shaking a bit. “Tell me where the church is and I'll do your dirty work.” He hissed through his teeth.
“It... is on the edge of town, you can't miss it.” The old man blinked, watching Yugi storm out of the room, heading for the door. Atemu gave the elder a thank you, before chasing after Yugi, with Katsuya in tow.
“Yugi, wait!” Atemu called out, catching up to the fuming boy. “What's the matter?”
“Did you hear how they spoke of that poor beast?!” Yugi exclaimed. “Do they not understand the beast's reasons for being here?! The poor thing probably got lost and scared, like many of the creatures that end up in the human realm! And to chain them up?! How dare they!”
He was shaking, jolting when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, looking up at Katsuya. “Hey, hey, calm down, Yuge, we'll help ya out with this. I'm sure you're gonna so your best and help this poor guy out, yeah?”
“... Yeah...” He sighed softly, walking quietly with his companions.
It did not take them long to find the old church ruins. The build was falling apart in place, though it was amazing that such a large building was still standing, considering all the large holes in the walls. Quietly, Yugi stepped in through the broken doors, finding that the inside was large.
There was rubble and shattered stained glass all over the floor, pews were thrown about, either damaged or still intact. The holes in the walls, small in size, showed sunlight coming in through them, obviously the damage was made from the inside, not the outside.
And the reason for the holes stood at the end of the church.
Yugi's eyes widened as he looked at the magnificent creature that stood there, chained up in dark, iron chains. He could tell right away that they had a powerful spell put on them, meant to keep the poor thing bound. Dark, brownish-red stains coated the floor around it, blood... it attacked around that got near it.
The creature was a dragon, one Yugi had never seen before, it was nothing like the dragons in Kaiba's kingdom in the Dominion of the Beasts. It was large, black in color, with red orbs coating its body in patterns. It snarled, spotting Yugi, before letting out a tremendous roar, dust fell from the ceiling on the three mortals.
Shaking his head, Yugi began to make his way to the dragon. He clutched at the pendant around his neck, the gift from Kaiba. This would allow him to speak to the dragon, if it did not know human speak.
He touched it, the red gem on it glowed faintly. “Excuse me...” Yugi spoke up as he continued to walk, “what is your name?”
The dragon growled, glaring at Yugi with its ruby eyes. “Gandora, the Dragon of Destruction, as you pathetic humans have decided to title me with.”
Yugi blinked, he had once heard a story of such a beast from Mana before. Gandora was a grand dragon, that had come to the human realm to explore it, to see what other beasts got to see when they crossed over, only to never be seen again. No one knew what had become of him, and... it appears he had become a prisoner.
This broke Yugi's heart, seeing the dragon chained up like this, just because he had been curious. “I'm... I'm so sorry...”
“No you are not!” The dragon screamed. “Do not give me your fake pity, you came here to take the treasure I guard! I will allow no such thing!”
Yugi stood there, allowing Gandora to yell at him, letting him continue his rant. “You mortal fools keep coming here, trying to take this treasure from me, this piece of the mighty Ra that I swore to protect! You awful things... you never let me have a chance to hide it, to keep it safe from him, and what do I do when I come here, asking for your help in order to keep it safe? You attack me!”
“They attacked you?” Yugi asked, biting his lip.
“Of course! I did nothing, nothing! To give away myself as a monster, as I was accused of being! I had heard from the other beasts, that humans were kind and gentle, would never harm us, but lies! Terrible lies! I just wanted help to protect what Ra left behind, and what did I get for it?! A life of being chained to this building, with humans attacking me, harming me, treating me like some sort of awful monster for their sick display...!”
The beast tamer gasped, seeing tears come to the dragon's eyes. In all his years, he had never seen a dragon cry before... he didn't know it was really possible, he had only hear stories before... he knew when they were upset, they would let out a specific roar, but he did not know they could actually shed tears.
Stepping forward, Yugi stood in front of Gandora, on the dry blood, where he could easily be killed.
“I know... the pain. Of just trying to do something good, of trying to see what is good about something, only to be harmed and damaged for it.”
Gandora paused, looking down at the boy, watching with cautious curiosity.
“... All my life,” Yugi began, “I have seen your kind, have tried to help them, keep you all safe, but when I've asked my fellow humans for help... I was attacked, I was hurt, beaten, I still bare scars from attacks, just when I asked for help, just when I asked for them to stop hurting a poor, lost beasts...”
He sniffed, rubbing at his eye. “I was chained up, not too long ago, because I was considered a monster for summoning a beast for help, in front of people. My friends,” he gestured to the two who still stayed by the entrance, “they saved me, they did not see me as a monster, only as Yugi.”
“Yugi, that is your name?” Gandora asked.
“Yes, and you are Gandora, a wonderful dragon. Mana told me about you once, she said it was a terrible day when you went missing and never was heard from again. She wants you home, all your friends do. Please, let me help you, let me take away these chains...” He reached up, holding out his hand. He watched as Gandora lowered his head, pressing his snout against the boy's hand.
Yugi smiled softly as the dragon lowers his head more, pressing his forehead against the humans. “You are different from the others, there is something... about you...”
“I was born of the sunset, blessed by Ra's spirit, to help bring him back to this world and the next. Will you help me save him? I promise, I will set you free even if you say no.”
Gandora was silent, before giving a small nod. “I will help you, Yugi. Please, release me.”
Yugi knew these words that Gandora spoke were only of the truth, there was trust in his voice. Smiling, Yugi threw up his hand in the air. “Hear me speak!” He yelled, an echo to his voice that did not come from yelling in the church. “I need your assistance, Silent Swordsman!”
A portal opened above them, and a figure jumped through it. Silent Swordsman looked at Yugi, giving a nod, before turning to Gandora. He looked at the chains, frowning, before putting his fingers to his mouth, whistling.
Another figure came from the portal, and Silent Magician joined her comrade. She looked at the chains as well, before putting her wand to Swordsman's sword, enchanting it for a moment. With quick steps, Silent Swordsman worked to slice right through the enchanted chains, breaking them.
They fell to the ground and Gandora stood up straight, letting out a mighty roar that shook the building more. “You have freed me!” He cried out in joy. “For two hundred years, I have been imprisoned, and you have saved me!”
He bowed his head in front of the beast tamer. “I am forever in your debt, you may call upon me in battle if you so wish, young Yugi. I will do my best to protect you and yours for your services today.”
Yugi blinked, blushing, before laughing. “You're too kind!” He bent down, placing a kiss to Gandora's head. “Thank you, my friend. Go home, your loved ones miss you dearly.” He laughed again when he got an affectionate nuzzle, before watching the dragon fly up towards the portal, the magician and swordsman following him.
The portal closed and Yugi sighed, feeling pleased, before something caught his attention. Where the dragon had been sitting, was a golden, shining chest, with Ra's symbol etched in it.
The treasure...
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kurogabae · 7 years
As You Wish
@tsubasachroniclemonth --  Day 18 - Role Reversal
Spoilers for Tokyo. Ships - SyaoSaku; background KuroFai
Sakura was not a woman who felt powerless often. The last time she had felt as if the world and its events were spiraling out of her control and grasp she had been a child, clutching desperately to her mother’s corpse as her home and entire life burned to cinder and ash around her. After that day she had promised herself she would never be powerless again. Oh, how could she have known how wrong she would be?
Acid rain sprayed and hissed outside, slowly eating away at the newly exposed building, while inside Sakura’s world was falling apart much, much faster.
There was so much she didn’t understand, so many questions she needed answers to, but all of those things -- the man in the portal, Kurogane leaving them, this new Kurogane, why Syaoran had just let this happen to himself -- could all wait. Right now, she needed to find a way to help Syaoran, gasping and too pale and missing an eye. Tokyo’s medicine was limited and in short supply and Sakura had only one other person to turn to.
“Yuuko!” Mokona cried the moment her gem lit up. “Yuuko! Please help! Syaoran is- Syaoran’s going to-” she broke off into a sob and Sakura picked her up and cradled her close. Not even Mokona’s heart had been spared.
“Syaoran is going to die,” Yuuko said, and even her usually cool expression was tinged with poorly concealed grief for him.
“No!” Sakura demanded. She could feel the hot sting of tears in her eyes and furiously held them back. Now was not a time for tears, they could come later, when all was said and done and she knew exactly what she wept for. “There has to be a way to save him! Please!”
Yuuko’s eyes were soft and understanding in a way that made Sakura want to know who Yuuko had failed to save in her lifetime, even with all the power she had at her fingertips. “The price would be too high for you to make that wish,” Yuuko said and Sakura couldn’t accept that, even as she felt her heart begin to shatter. “But there is another way; Subaru, Kamui--”
“No,” came Syaoran’s weak voice. It was a pathetic sounding thing, hardly a whisper and raspy like dried reeds. “Don’t. I’m not worth the--”
“Be quiet!” Sakura snapped, her temper finally reaching its limit. She stood, hardly registering how she startled Mokona from her perch on her shoulder, and loomed over Syaoran’s prone form. “This is my choice to save you! It is my choice to pay whatever price is asked of me! If you wish to throw it all away then you will wait until I am done with you!”
Her words sounded cruel and harsh, even to herself, but she was hurt and scared and so, so tired. She had lost Kurogane, the boy who had become like a son to her, so brave and earnest. Sakura was not about to let Syaoran fall away from her as well, not like this, not if she could help it. She was selfish in doing this and if he was angry with her for it then so be it, but she loved him too much to continue living without him. Even if he hated her, at least he would be alive.
Something in Syaoran’s expression shifted and Sakura could practically taste it in the air. “As you wish.”
After that, it was all unnaturally simple.
Mixing of blood and the promise of water, payment, and answers. It was the tiniest bit convoluted, but Sakura followed the exchange just fine. Yuuko reassured her once more that this new Kurogane, identical in every way that she could see to the one who had been taken from them, could be trusted. Fai slept on through it all, the only saving grace in this nightmare. She knew he would wake soon enough, but the longer he could escape the pain of their situation the better.
Syaoran’s change was anything but easy.
It broke Sakura’s heart and churned her stomach to hear him scream like that, to hear his bones creak and watch his body twist and shake in pain. He clung to her, the force of his grip bruising her skin, his nails welling blood to the surface. She bore the pain without batting an eye. It was the least she could do. She held him as well, gentler, tried to make her touch comforting. She ran one hand through his blood and sweat soaked hair, tried to help him stay upright with her strength. If she could suffer this pain for him she would have.
It was over abruptly with a shuddering groan from Syaoran as he gazed up at her with a single, golden eye before collapsing onto the bed, asleep.
Subaru told her to let him rest, laid a hand on her shoulder and said that the worst had passed. She nodded silently and kept her comments to herself. She knew in her gut that the worst had yet to come, but Syaoran was alive, and if was a single victory amidst a string of painful failures. She would accept it gracefully.
There was still much to do and Sakura only strayed a handful of steps away from Syaoran at any given moment. She wished for water, she watched a treaty of sorts be reached with the people from the Tower, and she prepared to fight for the feather Fuuma held so easily in his hand when a voice called for it all to stop.
Fai was awake, and eyes that had reminded Sakura of summer skies were suddenly frozen lakes. Command straightened his back and drew attention to him without effort. He had awaken every bit the prince Sakura had been told he was born to be.
As she watched Fai ready to collect the price for the water there was a tiny voice in the back of her mind screaming at her to stop him, insist he stay where he was safe, that they had lost enough already, but she ignored it. She knew what helplessness felt like, what it felt like to need to do something, anything.
Above all else, she trusted Fai to come back alive.
“There’s no talking you out of this, I suppose,” she said, more for the small smile she got in response than anything else. “That’s okay. We’ll be here when you get back, so make sure you come back.”
Fai nodded and, before Sakura knew what was happening, threw himself at her in a tight hug. “I’m sorry. Please take care of yourself.” He released her and turned to Kurogane. The pair looked at each other without moving for a few seconds before Fai looked away. “Please get your wounds treated, I’m sorry I interfered with the battle and caused you more trouble.”
And then he was gone. Sakura watched until she could no longer see him. Kurogane watched for much longer.
She returned to Syaoran’s side and waited. Waited for Syaoran to wake up, waited for Fai to return, waited to wake up from this nightmare. Sakura hated waiting, but sometimes, it was the only thing that could be done.
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
4R’s: Encantadia Season 2 (April 20, 2017 episode review)
Episode 197
The Cursed Weapon
Haliyah found herself locked up inside a barrier which angered the goddess. Emre and Cassiopeia came, the former was surprised and was puzzled as to why Cassiopeia had to imprison her, Haliyah was a very evasive goddess thus she had to make drastic measures to capture her. Emre calmed her down and introduced himself, Haliyah angrily asked who locked her up, Cassiopeia admitted what she did and freed Haliyah. Cassiopeia would have been punished if it weren’t for Emre’s intervention, Emre narrated about how Ether, Arde and Keros teamed up and banished him from Devas, and explained that Cassiopeia did that because they needed her help. Haliyah confirmed that Emre was telling the truth after seeing Ether’s poison slowly sucking the lives out of Emre and Cassiopeia. Haliyah warned that once the poison spread on their entire bodies, it will weaken them, turn them into stones which will lead to their deaths. Unfortunately, Haliyah could not help them but told them about the plant she once stole from Devas and planted it on Encantadia, the tree of life which was guarded by Evades when he was still alive. But the tree died along with Evades, this means that the antidote to Ether’s poison is the mother tree in Devas. But the journey there would be very difficult. Haliyah told them to look for her weapon which she apparently threw many years ago, when she decided to leave and vowed to never use it again. She dropped the weapon from the moon and has no idea where it is now. This placed Cassiopeia and Emre in another predicament since they only have little time left. Emre still thanked Haliyah for responding to their call and asked what her weapon looks like, Haliyah showed them an image of a trident, Haliyah assured that the weapon will come to them and will answer by the name De-Jar which means “cursed” in En-Chan language. Emre and Cassiopeia went on their way, with Haliyah’s blessing that her weapon will go with them.
Deshna’s Dilemma
Hagorn returned to the camp with Asval, Andora and the remaining Etherians. Deshna was surprised to see Asval and Andora which later angered the young Hathor, Hagorn however told her that they are no longer enemies but allies, something which really disappointed Deshna. Hagorn had the chance to talk to Deshna alone and instilled to her mind how cruel the diwatas were and even reminded her of how they lied to her. Even though she was upset over them keeping the truth from her, Deshna still hasn’t forgotten that her sister Pirena is also one of them and has somehow made friends with the diwatas. Hagorn insisted that Pirena will still choose the diwatas’ side no matter what and even told Deshna how the diwatas tricked him, first, Mine-a breaking her vows to marry him, second, they were the ones who brought Hathoria down. Those painful memories triggered Hagorn’s wrath, Deshna calmed him down but was still unsure of her father’s choices.
Pirena’s dream
Alena found Pirena in Cassiopeia’s island. The former knew how much Pirena missed Mira and felt sorry for her for failing to save Mira once again. But Alena thanked her for choosing to save her and Danaya instead of going back through time to aid Mira. Pirena figured that Mira and Lira wouldn’t be happy if they returned and found out that their Ashtis has been killed. Now that her chances of getting her daughter back are gone, Pirena decided enough is enough and told Alena that they should go back to Lireo to plan their next step to defeat Hagorn and win the air and spirit gems back. After the meeting adjourned, Imaw asked Pirena to stay behind, as a gift for saving Alena and Danaya, her sisters and Imaw gave her something that would hopefully ease Pirena’s pain and longing even just for a little while. They let Pirena dream about Mira, in that dream Pirena saw her daughter in an emerald green garment, wearing her most beautiful smile, her voice called her, and Pirena was beyond happy to get a hold of her daughter once again.
💎Okay, so for tonight’s episode I gotta say that nothing much happened tonight, although how is Emre and Cassiopeia going to find Haliyah’s weapon I have no idea, I mean, she could have tossed that to the other world (I mean the mortal world), in the ocean, or it could be in another encantado’s possession, I was kinda expecting that either Haliyah will refuse to listen or this, because, plot filler duh. But I am actually looking forward to another finding a lost item subplot because it will also give way to Cassy and Emre’s character development. But I was wondering what happened to Kahlil now? I am still crossing my fingers that he will find the souls of the super twins and Gilas and Wahid, because seriously, I am so getting fed up with all these flashbacks that they are starting to get more and more annoying than touching, like why are you guys making us miss them more than ever and make us cling on to that slight possibility of them coming back? But I still hold on because it still wouldn’t make sense if they are going to make this entire season sang’gre-centric with little to no help from the so-called future saviors. And I haven’t forgotten that Cassiopeia hailed Lira as savior of Encantadia yet it was Amihan who literally did that.
🤔 I don’t know if it’s just me being sick or I am getting really more and more bored in this whole timeline, it’s like this week is full of either cliché or ridiculously stupid narrative that I struggle to find reasons to rave about this week’s set of episodes since Monday. Like I said this would have worked if they chose to keep Mikee and Kate’s characters even Jake’s and Andre’s and maybe come up with side quests for these youngsters to prove themselves worthy to be the new gem keepers, it would have been exciting to see Lira and Mira plus Kahlil going on a quest to free the ivtre captives, or Pao Pao, Muyak and Deshna going to Balaak to seal some sort of portal or something like that to lock Arde in there for good, or Ariana and Lira going on a quest together on how to defeat Ether, heck they could even join Emre and Cassy on that finding bathalumang Haliyah or finding Haliyah’s missing weapon while the elders do everything they can to keep the entire Encantadia safe, anything that could pump up everyone’s adrenaline. The introduction of the new characters can just be inserted somewhere or maybe make it like a surprise for everyone to feel excited and more curious as to who these characters are. At this point of time when their strategy of keeping the audience’s attention to the show is to introduce more new characters, this is getting more and more uninteresting. With Avria dead and Hagorn reclaiming the title of the most dangerous villain in all of Encantadia instead of a GRAND battle between Hagorn and Avria plus the diwatas is just…no. I’m not even interested with DanQuil, AzPiren, AleMfes, and Ybriana (most especially) anymore, and it’s not good, since it makes me feel like doing this whole 4R’s series thing has becoming more of an obligation than something I really love to do, and I apologize if I seem unenthusiastic lately, it’s just like there is nothing much to write about this episode, like I would rather talk endlessly about how bad Ariana’s been doing than saying nothing at all, and it’s like I’m starting not to care anymore and watch the episode just because and counting the days and wondering when is this going to end so I can already get over with it. Dude, I need thrill in this show! I want to have that same enthusiasm I had in season one—correction—I want my enthusiasm back.
😖 You guys know what’s really annoying? Emre and Cassiopeia are dying and yet Haliyah be like, “sorry can’t heal you, oh by the way can you look for my lost weapon? I dropped it somewhere and I can no longer find it.” Like seriously? They’re dying and she’s gonna make them look for something that she herself lost for eons? She’s NOT gonna help them? Lol come on all she does is hang-out in the moon, eat and sleep, and don’t bullshit me with all those painful memories and shit, like hello? Can’t you at least give some consideration? The two are fuckin’ dying and all you do is give them the “lakompake attitude?” this episode is a one big joke. If I were Cassy, I would be like “Bitch seriously?” and stuff her mouth with a shit ton of pulot and drown her in the batis, that would be priceless.
Best performer/s for this episode: Glaiza de Castro 🔥 John Arcilla ☠️
Rating: 5 out of 10💎s  
Credits to: GMA network via YouTube and Dailymotion @GMAEncantadia (Encantadia’s Official Twitter account) @GMANetwork (GMA’s Official Twitter account) @GMADrama (GMA Primetime series’ Official Twitter account) Encantadia 2016 (Official Facebook page) www.encantadia.com.ph (Encantadia’s Official Website)
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