#gen no clue tho nonnie
princemick-archive · 2 years
What type of grape is like, used the least for wine? If that makes sense?
ooooooh, uh good question, no clue, I dont really think there is one you have very commen grapes and less commen ones but most wines come from the same kinda grape, I would say a sauvignon and the chardonnay are the most commen grapes and so have the most different tastes
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nerajaana · 3 years
The most irritating thing about these people who call Daenerys racist (and apparently all of us, lol) is that they think they are morally superior for supporting the martinis.
but the martinis aren't even poc, right?
Hit the bullseye nonnie!
Nothing can be more hilarious that some noobs screaming into the void about how the rl wocs stanning dany are a bunch of white feminists......ever used the brain cell your ancesters underwent evolution to obtain over millions of years? like, have some respect for them at least???? The ones who're still suffering the aftermath of the imperialistic colonial regimes are here stanning the fuck outta Daenerys Targaryen while many many of her haters, who accuse her of being a imperialist tyrant, are the same fucking people stanning the british royal family irl.....how much more hypocritical can they get?????????!!!!!!!! Who's gonna tell them this series is not for a bunch of bourgeoisie enthusiasts to live vicariously through the characters??? Absolutely pathetic.
(😣😭pls im a martell stan lets not call the canon ones martinis pls feel free to deride the fanon versions tho the book ones are bae💖💖💖#EllariaDeservedBetter #ArianneMyLove #FUGeorgeBringBackQuent2021 #FuckD&D)
The Dornish's race is something i don't think even the creator of the said characters has any fucking clue about. One time he goes they're a combination of Wales, Moorish Spain and Palestine (........tf george), another time he mentions how the sandy dornishmen are supposedly inspired from the mediterranean/greeks. Is it a case of colorism or xenophobia or a combination of both? It's definitely not just simple racism and bRoWn CuLtUrE....istg i will virtually throttle the next fool to talk about dornish culture being equivalent to the real world brown cultures- mr privileged ignorant old white guy has exposed his blatant orientalist attitude already why the fuck are you outing yourself as the same how the fuck will you justify that line of thinking you're all millenials and Gen-Zers you grew up with internet what's stopping you from educating yourselves what's your fucking excuse-
it's insulting as fuck, really. even the aryan remarks. do they even know what Aryan is truly about, before hitler and the french tart went ahead and desecrated it?? (and, gosh the aryan terminology also opens up the can of worms that is the caste system of my country and boyyyyy that's a whole another set of problems this bunch of wokesters will never even bother to look into, let alone attempt to understand)
Reeks of performative activism, they think they're championing for the oppressed or some crap while infantilising us in the same breath about how we don't know any better since we like dany and the targs ....what exactly are you lot attempting at you fools? The entire fucking human population can't be categorised into black, brown and white and call it a day. It's so much more complicated, the issues are way too fucking messed up and complex to be boxed into categories. The spectrum between white & black is so bleeding vast and beyond their understanding that wouldn't even fuckin know where to start, let alone draw conclusions and parallels to throw em about. Some rando comes up with bullshit about how Rhaenys being in dany's place wouldve been empowering.....how? how does reading about a half mediterranean greek/moorish spainiard and half elfin white girl being in the place of a character you call a white coded saviour trope woman make your woc self feel better? how's that supposed to work??? Oh and how seeing people like her being enslaved would make the issue of slavery more personal........newsflash hon, Lysenis, the ones who closely resemble Valyrians are right there in the slavers bay, shackled. The whole cursed thing isn't even about the race, the writer himself literally said how it's got to do with the Romans not what the fcking whites attempted at a couple centuries ago. Does he need to write a mfing essay about it?And really, isn't a bit of human empathy more than sufficient to want to abolish something as cruel and inhumane and disgusting as slavery? what the ever loving fuck-
*deep breath*
wow would you look at that length. Hope my answer's adequate nonnie, apologies if this isn't what you'd expected😓
have a lovely day ahead!
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icharchivist · 7 years
I recently ran into a couple of people in one of my fandoms crossing over with Pokemon, so I can't help but wonder what Pokemon you think the main four for HxH would be.
Oh my oh my, I… honestly don’t know about most Pokemon nonny. I mean like, I played 3 gens (Red, Alpha/Saphire and X, I started playing Platinium but i’m not advanced enough to talk) but I parely remember any pokemons, and I think I played only one of them in english (X, and I hadn’t even finished it yet) meaning if there’s pokemons I know, it’s in French. 
So it’s. Hard to say for me, and someone else might be more appropriated.
So, just so we’re clear, you mean the pokemon they would be, not the pokemon they would have right? So who they /would/ be.
Physically, Gon fits an Oddish, definitly. In term of abilities, i’d see a Grass/Fighting Pokemon and Bulbapedia tells me it would probably then be a Breloom. 
Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémon’s fighting technique puts boxers to shame.
It would fit?
Killua reminds me of a Meowth. Which is probably a cliché but can you blame me? I think Killua would fit a Dark Type pokemon, and turns out the Aloha Version of Meowth is a Dark Type Pokemon, so it fits. 
And… and…. and from there I truly don’t know. I have no real clue for Kurapika (and if you let me i’d day Mightyena bc I probably think a Dark type would fit him and Mightyena is my bae so i’m biased). I lowkey think Leorio would be a Clefairy, but that’s honestly only bc I have vague memories of the anime showing them as nurses. (EDIT: so apparently it’s actually a Chansey, that’s how vague my memories are rip. But well still stand!)
.. Hisoka would likely be a Mr Mime tho.
That’s… all I can come up with ^^’ Sorry I can’t do better.
Take care!!
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