#gender nonconforming sirius
nikolai-alexi · 1 year
Sirius: okay ms transfiguration genius, if matter cant be created or destroyed then where the fuck are all my hair ties???
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buglover77 · 4 months
Hey Alexa, how do I give vibes to the world at large that I have long hair in the fruity gendersussy glam rock Eddie Munson/Sirius Black/Keith Kogane fanart way and not in a I’m a girl way
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princeloww · 2 years
Just so everyone knows, he/him gender nonconforming Sirius Black who rocks makeup and feminine things while still being comfortable in his gender is my favourite thing OK goodnight love u
(I'm totally open to he/they sirius tho that's hot too)
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soulless-bex · 2 years
sirius black but make them nonbinary
i imagine they would have hates themself for it throughout their childhood and hidden, especially after their parents told them something along the lines of ‘boys don’t wear skirts’, but then met the rest of the marauders, who made them confident enough to dress however the fuck they wants
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moutainrusing · 2 months
secret identity
992 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Wizarding society sucked. Sirius couldn’t wrap their head around the fact that magical people judged each other for whether or not they were spawned from people who were magical who were spawned from people who were magical—
At sixteen, they decided to run away from not only their blood-supremacist family, but the entire wizarding world.
They assumed the identity of a Muggle named Stubby Boardman.
At first, Sirius didn’t fit in, sticking out like a sore thumb trying to glue itself onto a hand which already had five digits. But Sirius glued themselves on anyway, and like the fact that a hand with six digits seemed a bit different, Sirius let themselves maintain their originality. After all, a hand was a hand. A person was a person.
The digits on your hand would always be different to another’s. The attributes of your person would always be different to another’s.
Muggles had this way of being expressive in different ways to magical kind. While wizardkind would dress in robes, brightly-coloured and flowing, dark-coloured and billowing, Muggles had a bit more than that.
Long, flowing clothes were called dresses, typical for women. Sirius had been surprised when this only made them want to wear dresses more. Have lace swirling around their feet as they swung their hips, their visible hips. To be visible, seen as a beautiful human wearing dresses because they were feminine.
If people wanted to gender clothing, Sirius would take it and mix it up all over again. They wore leather trousers and jackets lined with fur, they wore jeans and hoodies, they grew their hair to their collarbones, where it curled into the dips as if it belonged there. They tied their hair in a ‘man’ bun, in a ‘womanly’ bun, they combined the buns and found their bun, hair sticking out, strands tickling their face, and they had never felt more like themselves.
Sirius let themselves be loose in the right places when they wore dresses, tight in the right places when they wore jeans, conforming and nonconforming, embracing their body in every shape it could come in, emphasising their curves, owning the breadth of their shoulders.
Everywhere they went, they were themselves; everywhere they went, they made friends. Store owners, artists, pub owners, waiters, everyone who was someone. Who was themselves.
The one problem Sirius had was that they weren’t completely themselves. They still introduced themselves as Stubby. Sometimes they thought about dropping the act, risking their parents finding them… then they let go of that dream immediately, because their parents finding them would be a nightmare.
So, taking a breath, Sirius plastered on a grin, ready to introduce themselves as ‘Stubby’ to the shopkeeper of this new charity shop which had caught Sirius’s eye. Talking to people, good people, always made Sirius’s grin real. Which was why they made it their mission to greet everyone they saw, in case it was someone worth grinning for. Because if it was, they deserved the grin so much.
Sirius leaned against the counter. “Hey, I’m Stubby. Nice shop you got here.”
The shopkeeper looked up, shaking his head to the side to move his hair from his eyes. It was very ordinary hair; mousy brown, slightly wavy. Neither shiny nor smooth. But the person who owned it seemed anything but ordinary. Someone to know. Sirius felt their grin widen.
The shopkeeper cleared his throat, “Uh, hi. Thanks, Stubby.” His eyes flicked to the corner, searching for something to say. “I’m John.”
Ordinary name, ordinary hair, but Sirius could dig deeper.
Or John could, because his eyes flicked back to Sirius, lingering on their face. “Sorry, but, uh, what’s your gender? It’s just, I can’t tell, and I don’t want to be rude, but am I rude for asking? Sorry.”
Sirius’s grin became so toothy they felt like a child succeeding in walking. “No, you’re not rude for asking. Don’t be sorry. Actually, thank you for asking. Made my day.”
“...You’re welcome?” John tilted his head to the side, smile shy and crooked.
Sirius tilted their head to meet John’s eyes and matched the smile. “I’m non-binary. Pronouns are they and them. You?”
Blinking, John reeled back. “You can’t tell?” He frowned, “I’m a man.”
Barking a laugh, Sirius cooed, “Aw, have I hurt your fragile masculinity? For what it’s worth, I did use he and him pronouns for you in my head. I just think it’s nice to ask, just in case. Gender isn’t outward appearance. It’s how you feel on the inside.”
John flushed, stuttering, “Yeah, sorry. I know, gender is internal. Um…” He looked up at Sirius, biting his lip, debating something. “When I was younger, uh.” In one rapid breath, “I used to get bullied for not being manly enough.” He flushed even more, and Sirius wanted to cup those cheeks in their palms.
Instead, they crouched down to be on the same eye level as him. “Well, John. You’re the most handsome man I’ve met.”
John seemed hesitant, lips parting, closing in an involuntary smile. Quietly, under his breath, “You’re the prettiest person I’ve met.”
“Oh, person, eh?” Sirius pressed a hand to their chest. “That means I’ve beaten everyone on the planet for you, haven’t I? Sorry, John, but you’ve only beaten all the men for me.”
John laughed, as if that made sense. Which it didn’t.
“I’m kidding,” Sirius admitted. “You’re also the prettiest person I’ve met.” They added, “Men are pretty.”
John timidly whispered, “All.” He cleared his throat, “All are pretty.”
Sirius nodded wisely, “First time you’ve said that aloud, huh?”
“Um. Yeah. I’m telling you a lot of things, even though you’re a stranger I just met. I… sorry.”
Sirius shook their head. “I get it. I like talking to you too.” I want to tell you everything. My name’s Sirius.
Split second decision. “Secret. My real name’s Sirius.”
John grinned. “Secret. My real name’s Remus.”
“I knew you weren’t ordinary!”
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my-castles-crumbling · 11 months
Headcanon that genderfluid/nonbinary/gender nonconforming Sirius Black is terrified to tell their friends about how they're feeling. Their whole life, all they've heard about was being the "oldest boy" the "male heir" how they would someday be the "patriarch." And all the messages about being masculine, about being tough and not crying, about being rugged and emotionless and strong, constantly flow through their brain.
But then one day they just break when they see that Marlene has left a little bottle of black nail polish in the Common Room, and they sneak off to their dorm to try it out.
But their hands are shaking because they've never done this before and they're nervous about being caught and then, of course, Remus Lupin walks in to see them swearing and getting polish all over their hands.
And Remus just quietly grabs the little brush and calmly helps them paint their left hand, not judging or questioning.
And it turns into a ritual once a week- Remus painting, Sirius eventually becoming comfortable enough to open up, to say that maybe they want to wear a skirt or some eyeliner. That maybe...maybe they aren't a boy. Not in the way other people are.
They feel safe enough to tell Remus, and Remus just admires them all the more.
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returnsandreturns · 10 months
i got a burst of remus/sirius feelings
also i felt real weird about doing anything related to jkr so i donated $100 to mermaids, a charity focused on supporting trans and gender nonconforming kids
never needed anything more
“You weren’t trying to steal my girlfriend, were you?” James asks. “Do you really think I was?” Remus asks, looking up at him and sighing. James squints at him, bottle of beer dangling ominously in his hand. “Mate, if Remus wanted to steal your girlfriend, he would have done it by now,” Sirius says, rolling his eyes. “Girls love him.” “They do,” James says. “Why is that?” “I treat them like people,” Remus says, “and don’t immediately attempt to sleep with them.” “Plus, this handsome face,” Sirius says, gesturing at Remus’ head. “And that,” Remus says, straight-faced.
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just-antithings · 5 months
Not really an anti thing per se, but something I feel the need to vent about:
One of the reasons I feel so conflicted on the Harry Potter thing is not only my concerns about continuing to give Rowling a platform, but also just, unpopular opinion, I… kinda think the fandom can be almost as performative as the haters?
First off: they’re always going on about how "oh, we’re making ALL the hp characters trans to piss off the TERF!" and then you look at the fics and art and stuff and it’s like, at least 80-90% is just the same cookie cutter "Draco and Harry are gay trans men who make out 24/7 and there's some trans gay WolfStar in the background too, I guess, and also maybe black trans Hermione can have a cameo at some point as a treat, but who cares because it’s Drarryin' Time! *proceeds to Drarry all over AO3*" fics.
Like… why is it that after Rowling announced her status as a card-carrying fascist, "all the hp characters" suddenly became just Harry, Draco, Remus, Sirius and maybe Hermione if you're lucky? ESPECIALLY considering the fact that I know from experience that the fandom used to have way more diversity headcanons than this?
What about Ron "angsty because his mom wanted a daughter" Weasley? Or Neville and Hannah, who never had children (clearly, one of them is trans! Or maybe both are trans AND ace! Two groups Rowling hates for the price of one!)? Where are the Trans Dean/Seamus and Trans Lavender/Parvati fics? Trans Luna??? One of Bill and Fleur's kids being the first known male Veela hybrid in the series (literally a fuckin' goldmine of gender possibilities)???? What about fuckin' Nymphadora "gender nonconforming shapeshifter who hates her traditionally feminine name" Tonks (if ANY character would’ve been made trans or enby to spite Rowling, I’d have thought Tonks and her son Teddy would be the FIRST choices)???? EBONY DEMENTIA DARKNESS RAVEN WAY (objectively the BEST Harry Potter character)??!!!????
Part of me suspects that this is at least partly because these characters aren’t "popular" and therefore won't get the same attention as the Drarry "rivals to lovers" vibe and the All The Young Dudes spin-offs, but I can’t be fully sure of that.
And like… a lot of times it looks like their activism just, begins and ends with fandom activity? A lot of the same questions levied at HP haters ("are you supporting and/or donating to pro-trans causes?" "Are you making an effort to understand WHY TERF ideology is bad?" etc., all 100% valid questions) can also be levied against fans who make their headcanons and shipping the main source of their activism.
I’m not saying that NO hp fans are doing actual activism, I’ve seen a few examples, but it feels to me at least like the majority are not. It just seems they think shipping Harry and Draco whilst transing them to pretend it makes the TERF seethe (when really she probably doesn’t even know your fanfic exists) is a substitute for activism, just as HP haters think hating the series and patting themselves on the back for not reading it when they were twelve is a substitute for activism.
I guess the bright side is that at least the Drarry shippers aren’t harassing people? There are testimonies from trans people about hp fans harassing them, but the majority of those fans obviously wouldn’t also be writing trans Drarry fics so ehh?
Idk, like I said I’m conflicted and I need to vent. I’ve been holding this vent in for a while now.
I guess my thesis statement here is: HP fandom, if y'all really want to "diversify Harry Potter to spite the TERF", then please for the love of Glaux ADD MORE CHARACTERS AND IDENTITIES TO YOUR HEADCANON ROSTER.
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regvas · 2 years
I’m doing a trans pride hp series (moodboards/aesthetics), does anyone has any requests?
So far I have:
Ron (trans man)
Ginny (trans woman)
Luna (nb)
Neville (trans man)
Reg (trans man)
Sirius (gender nonconforming)
Remus (trans man)
It’s just a fuck JK and fun project so yup ^^ if anyone want me to do another character pls lmk; I am, in fact, taking requests :))
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burntambrosias · 10 months
"stop feminizing sirius," "stop giving sirius she/her pronouns." stop being lame. just a take. when are we going to start deconstructing the idea that she/her pronouns are always feminine and he/him pronouns are always masculine? you don't like it when a character is hced as gender nonconforming? great! move on. it's as simple as that. posting about how much you dislike it on tiktok just makes you look fucking weird.
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I know it’s better to like “let my art speak for itself,” but I do want to say a few things about this next chapter of TTTB.
So, story time: I’ve been writing this fic while living in a red state that is in the process of passing a slew of horrendous anti-trans legislation. A little while ago when I was writing this chapter, I went to a state legislature committee hearing to speak against a bill that would ban gender affirming medical care for minors. Of course, the the Texas Leg are are a bunch of fucking cowards so they stacked the “invited testimony” block of the hearing with right wing nut jobs, and public testimony didn’t even begin until 9pm. For context- hundreds of people had driven in from all over the state to testify against this bill. Some had been there since 6 in the morning. Then the committee decided they were going to cut off the public testimony at midnight- which is highly unusual and was clearly a reaction to the obvious public opposition to the bill, which they were planning to pass no matter what anyone said. I never got to speak, and the vast majority of the people there never got to speak.
So like, fuck democracy, I guess.
Anyway, at around 9pm the public testimony starts. Since this was a bill that would affect kids, there were a lot of kids and families there. Again, these folks had been there since 6 in the morning, had missed school and work the whole day, and were finally getting to speak. And these kids were amazing. Ten, eleven, twelve year olds, hundreds of miles from home, exhausted, speaking to senators about their right to exist. Justifying their right to continue getting the care that their doctors and therapists and parents agreed was medically necessary. Literally begging these fucking ghouls to vote down this bill, or else they would likely have to move out of the state.
And a lot of the kids talked about when they first realized they were trans. And those stories usually had one thing in common- they had met another trans person, recognized their own experience, and were finally able to verbalize what they’d never had the language to say before.
And it struck me that this is exactly what all the bigots are trying to make impossible with these laws. They want to legislate trans kids out of existence, make it illegal to be trans in public, censor any mention of queer or trans folks in schools, ban gender nonconforming folks from any place kids might be, so that kids don’t have anyone to look to when they’re figuring out they’re queer and trying to see if it’s possible to be who they are safely and happily. Cause it’s so much harder to be open about who you are without seeing someone else do it first- without anyone to guide you.
And thats what this chapter is about.
Anyway, I’m not trans but I love people who are, and this fic is in a lot of ways a love letter to them, and to the queer community where I live. We’re not going anywhere.
Ah, that ended up being a lot longer than I thought. Without any further ado- here’s the chapter. I’ll make another post without this whole preamble, but yeah. Today and Always, Fuck the Texas Leg.
Chapter 9: Test Case
Sirius was nine years old the first time she ran away from home. She only managed to stay away one night before Kreacher came and dragged her back from Andromeda’s flat, but it didn’t matter. That one night changed her life.
“Shit, An, is that a kid?”
Sirius looked up from the stoop on which she sat. She’d dozed off slightly while waiting for Andromeda to get home. For some reason she had imagined that Andromeda would be there to greet her with open arms when she’d clutched the small key ring her cousin had given her last year, a portkey to her new flat. Just in case.
It hadn’t even been that bad at home when she’d left. Just a row with her mother, a few lashes on the top of her hands that Sirius thought she’d truly earned by the end the way she’d run her mouth. Maybe Andromeda would think she’d wasted it. Sirius had always been impulsive.
Now her cousin stood under a fluorescent streetlight flanked by Ted, whom Sirius knew, and several other friends, whom Sirius did not. All of them looked like they were getting home after a night out, dressed in leather and fishnets and eyeliner, even the blokes, and Sirius thought they were the coolest people she’d ever seen in her life.
“Sirius?” Andromeda asked, coming close enough to see her clearly. She was barefoot in silk pajamas, eyes blotchy, hair a mess, shivering from the cold. There was dark crusted blood on her hands and the hem of her shirtsleeve. She held the spent portkey with a shaking grip.
“Hey Andy.”
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nikolai-alexi · 1 year
A little while back you did piercing hcs for the marauders and co could you do that with tattoos? 😁
Oh babes, absolutely! I love this idea and boyyyy do I have Thoughts about this
So sorry this took so long! I had to work on it in between back to back shifts at work. Let me know what you think of these!
Tattoos & Styles I HC The Marauders & Co With (and this time someone asked for my brain rot!)
Okay, so James is definitely a pincushion. He absolutely let Sirius use him as a practice mannequin when they were first learning how to tattoo so he’s covered in varying different tattoos of different styles and skill level. I think James has kinda always been covered in Sirius’ art, bc he absolutely let Sirius draw on him during class. So when ink pens turned to tattoo guns, James and his zero fear of permanence didn’t bat an eye at being used as a practice dummy.
On his right forearm, he has a matching tattoo with the Marauders. It’s a stag’s head, with a rat sitting on it, the Sirius constellation between the antlers, and a halfmoon behind it.
On his right bicep, he has a half sleeve. I HC James as Desi and Hindu, and that tattoo is a Mehndi design James created with an elephant in the foreground. He had Sirius do it, ofc, and it took like 4-6 sessions to get it done because Sirius was absolutely fixated on making sure it was perfect
Regulus gives him a stick and poke (like a legit one, not an ink pen insert and a needle one) and it’s of a stag with a cat playing in its antlers. It’s on the inside of James’ right ankle. He’s constantly pestering Regulus about doing more
When Effie and Monty pass (of very very old age and only that of course), James has Sirius create a memorial piece for them. They incorporate a lot of meaningful things in it for James; one of Effie’s own Mehndi designs, a crow (the messenger between the lands of living and dead as well as Effie’s favourite animal), Monty’s favourite book quote written in Punjabi, and a bunch of little symbols that represent them both. James and Sirius both sobbed through that entire tattoo. It rests right on top of James’ heart and spans most the left side of his chest
James is kind of a mess of different styles and skill levels, and is basically just covered in a bunch of small tattoos. He collects one on every holiday, pretty much any time Sirius is bored, or whenever something significant in his life happens. He’s just a living sticker book of art, basically
Marlene, Pete, and James each have their childhood house numbers tattooed on the inside of their left wrists. James’ is 421
Sirius still has their runic tattoos and the chest tattoo, because I cannot physically make those not a thing. I love them so much
Down the back of their left arm, they have the cycles of the moon
Paw prints of a wolf and a dog, everywhere. Side by side down their spine, around their runic tattoos, down the side of their legs, etc.
Banding. There’s so much banding. Esp on their forearms! From super thin to super thick banding, it’s all over Sirius’ body. They have one set of banding that goes around their waist and it drives Remus crazy
Magic tattoo or not, Sirius absolutely has the Marauder’s Map footsteps all over them
Obviously they have the Marauders Tattoo too. It’s on the right side of their ribcage.
I think a lot of Sirius’ tattoos that they didn’t do themselves are runic. Protection runes, mostly, but all kinds of different runes in multiple runic languages (I HC Sirius as being a total Ancient Runes nerd)
All the tattoos Sirius did do on themselves are more like doodles than actual tattoos. Something popped in their head, they had time to spare, so they did it real quick. There’s not a lot of thought behind those ones
There are a bunch that are representative of the people in their life, though. Like they’ve got Regulus’ constellation, Alphard’s constellation, Andy’s constellation. They’ve got rat paw prints and deer hoof prints, James’ quidditch/footie/lacrosse jersey number, chess pieces with whiskers or a tail, chocolates stacked on top of books, etc.
They’ve got their own kind of memorial tattoo for Effie and Monty (they didn’t feel like they could use Effie’s Mehndi design because they’re not Hindu and there was a lot of guilt and stuff they needed to deal with before they could even bring themselves to do the memorial tattoo and James was ready to lose his mind because when his mum said that Sirius was her child no matter what, she didn’t mean that they were only her child if they became Hindu themselves. There were lots of conversations about that)
There really isn’t much open space on Sirius’ body lmao they just constantly tattoo over things and all sorts of chaos
Where Sirius is very chaotic with their tattoos, Remus is very methodical. It’s not that his tattoos can be read like a book or anything, he just puts a lot of thought into his tattoos. He dedicates limbs and areas of his body to certain things. He doesn’t just get an idea and slap it somewhere. It might be a control thing, it might not be, who knows. It’s just the way he does things
Has the Marauder tattoo on his left thigh
You know the chest tattoos with the hands? Remus has one, except the left hand is holding a can of petrol and the right one is holding a zippo
Remus’ right sleeve is almost patchwork, but it’s like a blended patchwork? I’m not sure how to describe what I think of when I think of his right sleeve, but basically, it’s a significance piece. His right sleeve is basically the places in his life that have left an impact on him. The house in Wales where he grew up, the fork his Mam swore up and down was lucky, the couches in the Gryffindor common room, and the brickwork fireplace. Candles from the Great Hall float all around his arm, the spot James showed him behind the Quidditch bleachers where he carved his name into the wood when he was high, the broken piano in the Shack that Sirius always tried to play, the door number to Sirius’ and his first flat, the uneven second hand kitchen table with tea cups on it they put in their kitchen. The castle itself. The forest. Everywhere that makes an impact on Remus’ life gets immortalised on his arm.
I am a firm believer that Remus would refuse to get anything wolf/dog related inked, but you bet he has stars all over. Sirius’ constellation is tattooed over his heart
I’m also a huge believer that Remus is a classics nerd, so his left side is dedicated to classic mythos and literature references. He’s got gods and goddesses and stories inked into his skin like it’s his arm that tells their stories, not the books themselves. He’s got Hades and Persephone reaching for each other between the worlds, Orpheus and Eurydice, and Achilles, Patroclus and the Trojan Horse. He and Regulus have a whole geek out when they realise they each have a mythos tattoo
Similarly to his mythos sleeve, I think Remus, especially growing up in Wales and with Hope as his Mam, give off big mythological creature nerd vibes (excluding werewolves, obvi). Like you cannot tell me that little bitty Remus Lupin was not a dinosaur kid. So his right leg is all mythological creatures. Kind of on theme with his sleeve, a lot of them are Greek, like Chimera, Pegasus, and a Sphinx. But he also has an Afanc, Tylwyth Teg (Welsh interpretation of Fae/Faeries), and an Adar Llwch Gwin (a griffin-type of bird, with the head and wings of an eagle and of a cat)
His left leg is sort of open, it’s where he puts things that don’t really have a “place” or when he runs out of space on his sleeves
Marlene, Pete, and James each have their childhood house numbers tattooed on the inside of their left wrists. Pete’s is 439.
Has the matching Marauder’s tattoo with James, Sirius, and Remus on his left bicep
He’s not necessarily opposed to getting more tattoos, but he pretty much just gets them with his friends. He feels like he’s too indecisive to just get one
Marlene’s tattoos are chaos. There’s no rhyme, reason, or order to them. They could be super meaningful or they could be a rabbit wearing a fancy suit with a top hat balancing on a unicycle and frogs stuffed in the pockets (that one’s on her left thigh. she has no recollection of when or where she got it)
She has identical outline of cats around both of her nipples because she thought it’d be hilarious to have a “titty tat of a kitty cat!”…I’ll give you three guesses as to who did that for her and the first two don’t count.
Marlene, Pete, and James each have their childhood house numbers tattooed on the inside of their left wrists. Marlene’s is 465.
Marlene is the kind of person to walk into a shop and go “I have £100, what will that get me”. Her body is hers to decorate and she’s doing it with a fuck ton of permanent stickers
She has a matching tramp stamp with Evan, Barty, Dorcas and Tillie. It’s the absolute worst thing she has tattooed on her and she adores it.
She’s really just covered in flash work. There’s some traditional tattoos, with old school card suits and flowers on her shoulder. There’s neotraditional pieces, with the overlapping sun and moon on her hip. There’s lots of fineline, a dragon wrapping around a bouquet of poisonous flowers on her sternum. There’s a wacky sort of tribal/geometric half sleeve on her right calf. She’s got fun little watercolour pieces decorating her arms. She’s got a blackwork geometric piece that goes around her stomach that’s all negative space and shading details and no one can agree one what everything is or isn’t (she won’t tell anyone the answers either).
She has a very tiny snake and lion behind each of her ears
She has a mandala tattoo that goes across the back of her head, but you can only see it when she has an undercut in her hair
Mary is a fun one. She’s definitely a tattoo fiend, but while she’s not methodical like Remus and Regulus are, she’s not chaotic like Barty and Marlene are with them.
She’s got a lot of different things, a bunch of muggle references, a lot of Wizarding references
Couple of fun floral pieces
Something about Mary just screams “forest” piece to me. I think she’s got a sleeve that’s all themed after the Forbidden Forest and it’s all done in realism. Very spooky but also very beautiful
Not to make this heartbreaking, but if canon compliant Mary got one tattoo before she obliviated herself, I think she would have gotten a tattoo of Hogwarts with a compass, because even though Hogwarts was the source of her trauma and pain, a part of her would always feel at home there. So when she knew she was going to obliviate herself, she got herself something to find home with, should she ever need it
Solar System. Mary strikes me as a closeted Astronomy and astrology nerd. I think she’s got a solar system tattoo, straight down her spine, and a galaxy tattoo on her ribs, and then maybe the astrology signs somewhere?
Matching butterfly tattoo with Lily, Mary’s is a Monarch
Lily, loml, she’s a watercolour babe 10000%
She doesn’t have a ton of pieces, but she gets a few every now and again
Fineline watercolour girlie for sureeee and we love her for it
She says she doesn’t like floral pieces, but she has one on her sternum, however it absolutely does NOT have lilies in it
Miss Girl absolutely has one of those fineline tattoos with the stack of books with a tea cup on top of them and the steam looks like magic, you know the ones I’m talking about? And it’s like in her inner forearm right by her elbow
Has a matching butterfly tattoo with Mary, Lily’s is a Swallowtail
Has a bottom lip tattoo that says “CUNT”. It was his first tattoo and his second ever act of rebellion against his parents (his first being his nipple piercings). Barty came up with the idea to have them all write down a word and then pick it out of a hat and that’s what they’d get tattooed. Barty and Evan could not stop laughing when Regulus pulled out his.
Regulus is very similar to Remus in a way. His tattoos are all very organised and thought out, minus a few impulse ones with his friends or Sirius and the Marauders
Regulus really favours abstract, geo, and blackwork styles, with a bit of fineline influence in some pieces. He doesn’t have a single colour tattoo, strictly black and grey.
His left arm is all bold lines, sharp angles, heavy black work, and lots of negative space. He got it right after he got unofficially disowned, used the bank account his parents cut him off from as a last “fuck you” to them and it kind of represents his inner turmoil during that time of his life. He did the sleeve in one session, it took 13.5 hours and his artist took more breaks than he did. If that gives you an idea of how his mental state was at the time
His right arm is lighter, less harsh lines and negative space, more open linework. Lots of geometric patterns that feed into each other shoulder to wrist. There’s still some inverted shading and negative work, but for the most part, it’s fairly open. There’s a lot more diversity in his right sleeve than his left, stacks of shapes and a bunch of 3D shading, the linework seems to twist and turn with his arm, rather than go against the grain of his body like his left does.
His chest piece is his absolute favourite of all his tattoos. He and Barty started on it almost immediately after he got the all clear from Drs/Healers after his top surgery. The tattoo is of a Boomslang snake, and it weaves in and out of his surgery scars like it’s entering and exiting his body from under his skin. It slithers all the way around his chest, ribs, and back, before it curls over his shoulder and it’s head comes right to his heart. It’s jaws are open, and it looks like it’s striking at his heart. Throughout the scales, the use of heavy blackwork and negative space carves out the words “Le monstre n'a pas peur de ce qu'il deviendra” or “the monster does not fear what it will become”. It was one of the most painful tattoos Regulus has, because his top surgery scars were still healing, but the tattoo and the fact that it was Barty who did it made it so incredibly worth it
His left leg has a full sleeve on it, and it’s super dope. The whole sleeve is based off of animals with magical or supernatural tales about them. The sleeve is almost done like a totem pole, but the faces are done half in geometrics and half in inverted shading. He has a fox, a coyote, a cat, a vulture, and a bat
His right leg is where all of his impulse tattoos go. Or where he lets Barty and Sirius practice. There’s a lot of small pieces and some larger ones. Sirius did a piece on his thigh that’s a realistic portrait of a lion, except the Regulus constellation covers it’s chest. Barty did another piece with a dog and the Sirius constellation on his calf.
He has a tattoo of Icarus with his wings melting and falling from the sky on the right side of his rib cage
He wants to do a back piece and fill in his torso at some point. Give him 3-5 years to make up his mind and not over think it lmfao
Blackwork. So. Much. Blackwork.
If he’s got tattoos in a magical fic, his entire left forearm is a blackout. Then the rest of that sleeve is an inverted sleeve with negative space
Has a snake that starts on his sternum, wraps around his neck, under his right arm, over his shoulder and ends on his chest. Done in blackwork style also
His right sleeve is a bit of a mashup. He’s got some blackwork and negative space, but also a bit of fineline work.
He has a neck and face tattoo. It’s on the left side, and it starts near where his shoulder meets his neck then goes up his neck, and around his head and ear. It’s a rose bush. (If it’s a magical tattoo, the different coloured roses bloom and close at different times depending on Evan’s moods)
On his right hipbone, Evan tattooed “ROSY” on him
He has a galaxy and constellation tattoo on his left thigh, it’s the only other coloured tattoo he has besides his rose bush one. He got it for Regulus when he officially changed his name after coming out as trans
His legs are full of small tattoos he did himself. He started tattooing to piss his father off, so some of them are really dumb or badly done, but it’s so on brand for him that he touches them up from time to time just to make sure they stay. The tattoo he’s most proud of though, is Regulus’
I think his ribs and torso are pretty covered, probably a mix of random flash art he thinks is cool when he’s in the shop and more floral designs with snakes.
He absolutely has knuckle and hand tattoos, but for the life of me I cannot decide what exactly they’d be. Part of me really thinks he would do a nod towards Hogwarts and do a snake, an eagle, a badger, and a lion and just do symbols on his knuckles. The other part of me thinks he’d do something ridiculous like “PLAN” on his right hand and “AHEA” on the left just because he’s Barty and why wouldn’t he do shit like that
He has a matching tramp stamp with Dorcas, Marlene, Tillie, and Evan because they were all high as a mf and thought it would be hilarious (it is, in fact, hilarious and the most 70s tramp stamp ever)
Has a bottom lip tattoo that says “SLUT”
He wants to do a massive back piece (talking like shoulders to thigh), but hasn’t decided 100% what he wants to do, so hasn’t done it yet. But once that’s done he’s going to have very little open skin left to tattoo
On his right hipbone, Barty tattooed “BEE” on him
Has a bottom lip tattoo that says “WHORE”
I cannot stress enough how much of a new school vibe I get from Evan. Like this mf gets just the weirdest shit tattooed on him
Rose bush, but all the flowers are skulls. It takes up like all of his torso and rib cage. There’s also a bunch of vines and poisonous plants tangled in there. Somehow it simultaneously does and doesn’t at all fit his vibe
Dragon. Giant, wrapping, dragon. Takes up his entire right leg from the top of his foot up his hip. The dragon’s head wraps up around his thigh and arsecheek then over his hip bone and is blowing smoke right at his naval. He thinks he’s funny.
He and Pandora have a double helix DNA tattoo. Evan’s is on the outside of his left hand
Had a bottom lip tattoo that says “PSYCHO” (Barty was PISSED when she got this one until he pulled his out and then wasn’t quite as mad. He did try to get Evan to tattoo his upper lip with it so he could be “Psycho Slut” which he thought was very on brand)
Pandora is also very new school vibe for me. I feel like she would absolutely get all of her creatures tattooed in a new school style and then have a really abrupt fineline piece here and there. It kinda makes your head spin, but that’s the whole point of it
Pandora and Evan have a double helix DNA strand tattoo. Hers is on the outside of her right hand
Has a giant realistic thestral on her thigh
Moths, lots of really cool fineline tattoos of different moth species (idk she strikes me as a bug girlie)
Has a bottom lip tattoo that says “BITCH”
Has a massive sword tattoo down her spine
Right sleeve is an ivy sleeve, it’s just vines and wrapping around her arm and hand. Some of it goes between her fingers and under her arm
Has a lot of Japanese Traditional style tattoos, the Yin and Yang koi fish on her thigh, cherry blossoms up her left calf, phantom Samurai on her ribcage
On her right calf she has a tattoo of a witch being burned at the stake, very haunting, very cool
Has a balance tattooed on her inner left wrist and a gavel on her inner right wrist
Has a matching tattoo with Emme and Tillie of a stack of TNT on her hip
I think Amelia keeps her tattoos covered for the most part. They’re really important to her, but they’re definitely FOR her, ya know? Idk, that’s just the vibe I get from her
Has a matching tattoo with Amelia and Tillie of a stack of TNT on her hip
Something about Emme just screams floral tattoos to me. I think she definitely has a sleeve (or two) of mostly floral tattoos. It feels like a really nice dichotomy between how much of a badass she is (either as an Auror or firefighter or whatever kickass occupation she has) and how soft and kind she can be. I really see her having a sleeve on her right leg that she absolutely gets done in black and grey so her godbabies can colour her flowers in whenever she babysits them
Has a matching tattoo with Emme and Amelia of a stack of TNT on her hip
Has a matching tramp stamp with Evan, Barty, Dorcas, and Marlene, she has zero recollection of getting it but every time she has to see the unfortunate thing, she can’t help but laugh. She vows to never get high and get tattoos with them again, but she absolutely fails at that
Shark tattoos. Like so many. Whale sharks, hammerheads, great whites, black tips, nurse sharks, shovelnose, etc. There’s just random little tiny shark tattoos all over her and I’m obsessed with them
On the same theme, I think she also has an ocean theme leg sleeve. A full coral reef, mermaids, all kinds of fish, ofc there’s sharks, maybe a whale and definitely an octopus in there. The whole thing is done in full colour and goes from her ankle all the way up her hip and ends at the bottom of her ribcage
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findthebae · 2 years
Hi, I'm Sirius Black from Harry Potter; looking for Remus Lupin and also James Potter. I was with them both romantically, mainly Lupin. I have quite a few mems and I didn't fully die like I did in canon; I did have Harry live with me, but I found my Harry already. I was just gay I think, but most likely questioned gender or was nonconforming at the least. I'm an adult. No doubles please (you are valid tho). @messofkins or @joshthehost is where to find me. (And I don't support Rowling.)
@messofkins @joshthehost
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
crying about sirius and peter's friendship
they were both so chaotic kids and played the dumbest pranks, getting detention all the time, and saying whatever came to their minds
they would sit in each others beds, talking for hours in the middle of the night. peter would do sirius' makeup and sirius would bleach peter's hair
they'd drink too much, and climb trees, collect rocks, dance in the middle of the fields, hide in alcoves, make cakes, play covers of songs with peter's guitar and sirius using their wands as drumsticks
they were excitable. and loyal. and energetic. and giving. and chaotic. and kids.
they loved each other sm and the war broke them
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annabellelupin · 3 years
Marauder era Character Headcannons
has many tattoos
definitely not straight
drew the art on the map
left handed
obsessed with his hair
gender nonconforming
can speak french
the child of the group
coffee >> tea
loves salty things (like remus)
wore eyeliner and painted his nails often
loves rock music bc it makes him feel badass
pretty much refuses to wear robes
had sleepovers with the Marauders gals every so often
uses he/him pronouns
mommas boy (and acts just like her)
very motherly and is the mother hen of the group
like the sweetest most perfect boy you can be with
loves quidditch almost as much as he loves lily
has adhd and/or dyslexia
tries to bake goods for his friends but occasionally he accidentally burns them and just buys them candy instead
needs 9 hours of sleep to function properly
sleeps with stuffed animals
becomes friends with everyone he meets
doesn't like tea or coffee and prefers juice
is a vegetarian (bc hes a deer)
parents sirius just bc
the second most oblivious person in the wizarding world (the first being harry)
uses he/him pronouns
always has snacks on hand and loves to share them
asexual and a demiromantic
comforts his friends when they're sad
amazing at wizard chess
kind of the glue of the group
has a hard time standing up to people
insecure about his weight bc of some Slytherins making fun of him fifth year
uses he/it pronouns
loves both tea and coffee
teachers see him as the most innocent person ever even tho nothing is further from the truth
sarcastic and sassy
flirts terribly and doesn't notice when other flirt with him
tallest marauder
him and lily are seen as rivals when it comes to academics but obviously they really don't care if the other makes better marks than them
lily was his first friend at Hogwarts and will always be his best friend
uses he/they pronouns
gives off depressed emo vibes (and probably is)
jokes about his trauma
has like two friends and one is a house elf
visits the kitchen elfs almost every night and they've pretty much accepted him as their family
is very tall even though Sirius always calls him baby/child/little
doesn't know the meaning of good mental health
is like the most dramatic person ever (reminds of the villains that go thru their evil plans when when the hero arrives)
only joined the death eaters bc he wanted his parents to be proud of him and would do anything for their approval
has low self esteem and bc of it he seeks validation from others
is asexual and is attracted to men and had a hard time accepting himself
if they've ever dated someone it was probably barty jr
had a crush on James but didn't have the courage to tell him
he/they transmasc
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loserboyfriendrjl · 3 years
the marauders aesthetics
james potter -door knobs, breezes of wind, sliding on a staircase, kissing in the rain, sunny days and daisy fields, flower crowns, holding a baby for the first time, booming laughing, shoulder pats, locker rooms, walking in crowded hallways chatting loudly with your friends, loving everyone and everyone loving you back, being the life of the party, running a hand through your hair, circular glasses, having a heart of gold
remus lupin - yawns, curly hair, little freckles, like ink droplets on your cheekbones, holding hands under the table, wool, autumn days sitting on the porch and drinking tea, coffee stains on clothes, sharp teeth and sharp glares, that one person you haven't seen in ages but they had such an impact on you that you will never forget them, beautiful monsters and beautiful demons
sirius black - city lights, bloody noses, dawn and dusk, smoking cigarettes on the roof, running in the wild and putting yourself in danger just to feel something, bulky rings, earrings, carnivals, confidence in who you are but insecure that you're not enough, passionate kisses, black nail polish, smudged eyeliner, because you forgot you put it on and rubbed your eyes, fistfights, gender nonconformity, mullets, going out with friends, leaving and never looking back
peter pettigrew - cotton candy, sunshine, growing plants on your windowsill, overalls, freshly baked cookies, their smell still longing in the air, worn out wool, the scent of a forest, dandelions, toffees, a little house in the middle of nowhere, in a meadow, cursive, little handwriting, taking your shoes off as you enter your home, creaking floorboards, being afraid of the future and what will happen to the ones you love the most, self destructing yourself, lit up like a match until it consumes you wholly
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