#genderneautral reader
infernalodie · 2 years
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞 || 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐄𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡
“𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘵 𝘞𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘚𝘰 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘳“
Inspo: Harry Styles - Fine Line
Pairing: Billie Eilish x gn!reader
Summary: People hated you because of your past. But an interview with Zane Lowe was hopefully enough to get your intentions with Billie out there.
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Warnings: Angst, fluff, talks of depression, and separation issues
Words: 2850
Tonight was like any other interview, except it wasn’t.
Zane Lowe had requested an interview with you after you fell off the face of the Earth. The reason was; Billie’s fans hated you. Since the moment you two announced and came out to the world to be a couple who were engaged, they came for your throat. It wasn’t the greatest of reactions you had expected and it was for sure the worst you had ever witnessed and been tied to.
It demoralized you to the point where you stopped making music and cut yourself off from social media. The celebrity space wasn’t where you had achieved to be. Living a life of luxury was it and putting out music for the masses to hear. But the toxicity that rid the Earth pushed you away day after day. Leaving you a disgruntled, anxious, and hesitant mess of a human being that didn’t know what to do with themselves. And with the slump you quickly found yourself in, more toxicity rose and soon evaporated you from the public.
What made it worse was that Billie wasn’t there to support you. To help you through the difficult time you only seemed to be experiencing whilst the world fell to its knees for her. And in some way, you resented how easy this was for her. When she was there, she was reassuring you that everything was going to be okay and she would be home soon. Or that she was going to fall asleep on the phone with you so you could talk to her for as long as you’d like.
But today was the day you were going to bring yourself back into the limelight and speak. After very long months of doing nothing except recovering from the backlash. And Zane Lowe had been very reassuring that if you weren’t comfortable with some questions you didn’t have to answer them. Which only urged you to be excited about something that might help you recover from such a horrible reaction from around the world.
“Y/n, long time no see,” Zane said, silently announcing the interview to have started whilst you were in a trance. One that was trying to get yourself ready for this very long hour of talking. Not that you regretted it because Zane was a wonderful person to be around and to talk to.
“You too, man. It’s great to see you.” You smiled. “I just want to say that if I get emotional or start swearing, I’m sorry. I’m just kinda expecting us to get into some really deep stuff that has happened over the past few months.”
“It’s alright, man. Swear as much as you want.” Clasping his hands together, Zane glanced around. “But firstly, I want to thank you and Billie for inviting me and the rest of the crew to your guys’ beautiful home,” he said. “I have wanted to talk to the both of you in the same interview, but I know how much your soon-to-be wife wants you to have this spotlight.”
The mention of Billie had you looking past the cameramen and to Billie, who sat on a long chair with a smile. Loving eyes directed to you and nothing else. Allowing you to know that she was finally here and giving you every bit of her attention. Having even said before the interview that she wasn’t going to pick up any calls despite what they may be about.
You can’t remember a time where Billie didn’t put you first. Sure, tour had to come before you because it was business and her profession. But outside of that, she was there waiting for you to call her to you. Willing to hold you in the night or just rave on and on about her day as you sat and listened. She was the salvation you had humbly been given years ago and way before you two ever started dating.
“You should be thanking Billie. I was starting to believe we might have to take this interview somewhere else, but she’s an angel,” you said. “Thank you, honey.”
“No problem!” She called out with a grin.
“Wonderful. Well, let’s get right down to the recent information you have told me,” Zane said. “A new record and a companion documentary you plan to drop with the album. Amazing stuff.”
You laughed, scratching your chin. “Yeah, man. I- It wasn’t what I expected to do, but with everything that was going on, it seemed like the best for me, you know?” You asked. “Like, some sort of healing experience for people to see into who I am as a person and for people to see my process to making music.”
Zane smiled. “Listen, I will come out the gate and tell you that this is your best record,” he praised, earning a tiny nod of thanks in return from you. “In your past two albums, we’ve heard abstract sounds from your music. I don’t want to compare you to anyone, but your first album almost sounds like Dominic Fike and the second is like Post Malone. But this new one is completely new and fresh- if anything, it feels grounded and more you- if that makes sense.”
“And that was what I was hoping to achieve- And you’ve heard all my records. You know practically my sound perfectly. Including this new one, and all my unreleased stuff. You know how far I will experiment with music. If it is rap, folk, fucking jazz even,” you said with a laugh. “I just wanted to make this sound as authentic an-and real as possible. Like it was something that came straight from my story and no one else.”
“Yeah. It also seems that the time you took off allowed you to truly master this experience to a level, not most can get their record to,” he stated. “You were able to combine you as a person with your singing side and made them communicate so well. The production of it is amazing. The lyrics are more vulnerable than anything in the past, and you seem more at peace near the end of it. Like a full story arc has occurred through the album.”
Which is a factual thing because you started the making of the album around the time shit hit the fan with you and Billie going public. People were at your throats and you were making songs that were depressing and borderline suicidal. Because, truthfully, you were in that state at that time. But they also revolved around Billie as a whole. Always have some sort of mention to her and try to display your love to her.
Sipping from your whiskey, you hummed with a nod. “I mean, that was the end goal, right? At the time I started this album, shit was not looking good for me, you know? Billie’s fans hated me- and still do for being with her,” you explained with an exasperated sigh. “But with me being home alone, separated from Billie, it all kinda-”
Before you could finish, Zane adjusted in his seat as he asked, “Did that affect you with Billie being gone? I saw all the tweets and posts and it pissed me off to say the least. But I just want to know how it felt going through that and how it felt that you had to deal with this almost entirely on your own?”
You paused for a moment exhaling heavily as your leg began to bounce. Something Billie noticed as a sign of your anxiety and sometimes where you felt some sort of emotion that wasn’t anger. It was a tick. A very noticeable one that most didn’t know about you except her.
But you managed to rub your eyes from the tears that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “Uh… It was tough, to be honest,” you laughed sadly. “I couldn’t go out because I was afraid of people seeking out to ruin my day or just ruin me as a person. And with her not around and on tour, it just got worse.”
“Is it because you couldn’t exactly communicate with her about what was going on or that she was busy?” Zane inquired.
“Both, actually. I didn’t know how to communicate my feelings because I’ve never had to, you know?” You said. “And my horrible separation anxiety only worsened the hopeless feeling I felt with her not being around. I nearly made her miss her flight because I can’t communicate anything to anyone. And I know it’s not healthy and I know it isn’t right to put something onto someone when they don’t know how to help.”
“Do either of you even know why fans came at you in the first place?” Zane asked, glancing at you and Billie.
She didn’t answer, only glancing at you as you stared at her, biting your bottom lip with a sniffle. “Okay, Zane. This is where shit is going to start getting tough, so I’m sorry if I stray a bit.”
“Don’t worry about that, man. Just get what you need to off your chest.”
Inhaling deeply, you began. “In my past, I dated someone that I am sure everyone can say instantly, but I don’t want to put her in the limelight,” you said. “But texts surfaced that showed me cheating on her. I’m not going to try and defend myself because they’re true. It only came out when Billie and I announced we were together, so you can already see the malicious intention of whoever leaked them. But thank God they did because I don’t think I would be here if they didn’t.”
“Why’s that?”
You sat there for a moment. A long pause took place as you ran a hand over your face. Your eyes began to sting as you sniffled. “Because I sat at our kitchen table with my phone opened on a fucking news article bashing me with a loaded gun beside me.” Your answer left a deathly silence over the backyard that was overtaken by a production crew that all lifted their gaze upon hearing your confession. It wasn’t one you had told anyone except Billie because she needed to know. It was what she deserved to know.
“Jesus, man.” Zane let out a low sigh, eyes flickering to Billie who simply stared at you. Her own heart broke upon having to be reminded of the darkest moment she couldn’t have been there to help you through. She hated herself for not being there for most of your recovery.
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat as you attempted to clear your throat. “And I sat there, wondering who would call because, in those situations, I always had my parents or my friends call me up to console me, you know? I always had someone to come in and tell me, ‘Hey, you look like a fucking fool, but things are going to be fine.’ But I didn’t fucking have that,” you said in exasperation. “But Billie called and told me that everything was alright and she knew me well enough that I wasn’t that person anymore.” As you finished your sentence, your voice began to waver and crack. Trying to clear your throat as you rubbed your eyes harshly. Which only seemed to urge the tears to continue to stream down your face.
“She was your guardian angel,” Zane muttered, a hint of a smile on his lips as you rubbed your eyes harshly.
That day was as clear as ever now talking about it. How soft Billie’s voice was in your ear. How she was crying as well, but because she knew how dark your mind could get with these types of things. You two grew up together and that gave her more knowledge than anyone else in the world. Knowing well enough that you would think one thing and run with it until you would keel over. And she knew your anxiety would make you believe that she was going to hate you and leave you. It was one of your flaws that only made you a far more complex person that she would never stop loving until the end of time.
With a shaky exhale, you rubbed your eyes. “And I didn’t deserve that kinda shit, you know? Like, I- I was stuck there, dealing with this shit and contemplating death, and she was there telling me she loved me after I kept that from her?” You exclaimed, hand waving and theatrics.”Like, I- I didn’t have shit to offer her besides the skeletons in my closet. But it hadn’t been my choice, you know? That shit was just kicked open and everything just came to light, and I think that’s what fucked me up the most.”
It pissed you off to this day that you kept that piece of your past from her. For so long, since the two of you were kids, there had never been secrets. But when you two got together a decade later, there was always the fear that if you told her, things between the both of you wouldn’t have worked. Maybe she would’ve dipped out sooner than later. And you didn’t want her to think you were with someone else because of the texts.
She was your everything and you couldn’t imagine a life without her. “It doesn’t make any fucking sense to me. I didn’t deserve her when everything around me was falling apart and I was losing friends, my fans- all that shit. I was back to square one when she and I started out in those tiny venues or in her garage.” You sniffled, holding the back of your hand over your eyes as you shook your head. “But she was there. Showing her endless amounts of love that I didn’t deserve. And I knew then that she was better off without me. But if I was to lose her, I would cherish her for as long as I could before she didn’t want me around anymore. And I understood that.”
Billie couldn’t help herself from getting up from her chair and walking onto the set. Practically launching herself at you as she hugged you tightly. Allowing you to cry into her neck as Zane Lowe continued to let the camera’s role. Smiling softly at the two people he knew well and cared for.
Her hands rubbed your back and one of her hands threaded through your hair. Gently scratching at your scalp just the way she knew you liked. Whispering hushed words and slowly pulling you back to the ground as your cries were quivering breaths. Arms tightening around your future wife and never planning on letting go.
It took you a minute, but once you got ahold of your bearings, you took another sip of your whiskey. Hand interlocked with Billie’s as she sat on the beach chair beside you. Her other hand traced shapes into your back the way she knew would help calm you down.
Zane waited a moment before saying, “Thinking back to the record and the second half of the work, there is a clear message of love that you are speaking about. Such as on ‘Fine Line’, it feels like you are talking from an alternative perspective like you were the one comforting another,” he explained. “Was there reasoning to that? Or was that just how it came together in the writing process?”
You sniffled with a faint smile on your lips. “A lot of those lyrics were actually from postcards Billie sent me whilst she was on tour,” you said. “I- uh- I don’t know the word but I love those sorta romantic acts. She knows this and sent me letters with all these short messages on them around the time things were going horrible for me. But a lot of that final part of the song was what she said to me over the phone when I was going to end it all. All she continued to say was, ‘We’ll be alright. We’ll be a fine line.’”
A sigh fell from your lips as your leg started to bounce again. “So, in a way, I think I wrote it from how I believed she saw the situation and some parts were how I saw her. The love of my life, my sunshine, my temptress- all that stuff,” you said. “And it was around the time I finished that song that I truly understood and witnessed what real love was because I had nothing to give. Because it wasn’t amazing to be with me as her fans hated me and she was still showing up for me even after the bullshit I put her through by never telling her about me cheating on my ex. So that song is not only a love letter to her but her own personal love letter for me.”
Wiping your nose, you shook your head with a faint smile on your lips. “And I think just knowing that, I can’t think of a life without her being there.”
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jongyjongy · 1 year
okay hear me out Jiung x genderneautral!reader + Jiung seeing them in his shirt ~
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ᴊɪᴜɴɢ
Jiung’s scan card was heard among the kitchen and living room, where you sat comfortably on the couch. You watched as the door opened, your boyfriend walking in with a drowsy look. He had been busy all day and hadn’t called nor texted you, this made you feel quite lonely for a few days.
You dreaded him going on tour, he never had any time to talk or text you so you’d go weeks without any contact with Jiung. You were quite an attention needer, you needed anything to be okay without him. So, while he was gone for a while, you decided to wear one of his shirts.
His shirt was large in length, the gray cloth hanging down your body like a dress. The sleeves often fell down, your hands constantly pulling them back in place.
Jiung walked in, placing his bags beside the table before noticing you sat on your phone. Your knees pressed against your chest as you scrolled through tiktok. He walked over behind you, reaching his arms around you, your bodies behind separated from the couch.
You leaned into your touch, his face zooming into your phone, curious of what you were doing. You two talked for a bit of what you did while he was away, him explaining a few funny moments with his band mates. He talked for a while, listening to you respond as well. Soon, his hands were held tightly onto your shirt, for comfort.
He felt the cloth, soon looking down to the shirt you were wearing. Giving a slight whiff of the cloth he looked at you a bit confused.
“You don’t wear Gucci perfume.” He stated, staring back at the shirt before the realization hit.
You giggled softly to yourself while he sat to himself a little pleased. He had no mind for you wearing it, he thought it looked better on you anyway.
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pandalorian36 · 1 year
Loki x Reader (genderneautral)
This is a backstory to my Loki x reader prompt. Which you can read here. I decided to add a bit more too it and write how you and Loki meet.
Your mother takes you to Asgard where you meet Loki and slowly a friendship is formed.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2056
My name is Y/N God/Goddess of nature. My parents the God of Music and Goddess of Stars. We live on the planet Keboria a beautiful planet full of forests, mountains and rivers. Full of music and books, I love my home. My parents rule kindly and fairly trying to help all of our people happy. Sure there is still conflict and problems but no where is perfect. I am one of five children, my eldest brother will take the throne then there is my brother, then me then the twins. I am close with my siblings though I do prefer the company of animals.
"Y/N will you please put your book down." I look over at my mother giving what I assume is an unconvincing smile clutching the book close to my chest "You will not even tell me where we are going and I had to leave Lyan." She chuckles lightheartedly "I am sure Lyan will survive without you." Lyan is a gorgeous wolf with midnight blue fur whom I found abandonded in the woods. I have raised him from a pup and he is almost fully grown three times the size of a Midguardian wolf.
"You will enjoy this trip I promise." I sigh looking around our ship currently traveling at light speed "May I know where we are going now?" Standing my mother guides me over to the window as the ship slows the stunning landscape appearing beneath us of gold and white. "Asgard?" she smiles warmly a hand resting on my shoulder "I thought it was time. You are always asking."
I nod pressing up against the window as the ship descendes "Am I dressed alright?" mother chuckles "Yes. Now come, Frigga has been asking about you for some time now. Perhaps you will prepare some of the damage from when she met your older brothers" Grinning I put my book away and smooth down the fabric of my outfit comfortable but still regal. It is one of my favourites, all made from soft fabric of my favourite colour.
The ship opens my mother leading the way out the Lady Frigga is stood waiting a boy with blond hair by her side. "Dahlia, how wonderful too see you again. And this must be Y/N it is so lovely to meet you." she takes both my hands in hers smiling warmly "Welcome to Asgard. Your mother tells me you have a great interest in our gardens."
"Yes I hope to explore them if it is alright." She smiles "Of course you are free to go where you please. Thor come meet our guest." the boy steps forward grinning broadly "Your highness a pleasure to meet you." He bows his head slightly though I can tell he has been dragged here and would rather be elsewhere "It is lovely to meet you as well Prince Thor."
"Thor why don't you show our guest around. Dahlia and I have much to discuss." Squeezing my shoulder gently my mother disappears with Frigga leaving me alone with Thor whose shoulders slump slightly "I don't know anything about the gardens or the libarary. The gardens are that way." I chuckle slightly "Thank you." he nods scuffing his foot awkwardly "You don't have to stay if you don't wish. I'm sure I can find my way around." he nods smiling ever so slightly "There are guards around if you require assistance."
With that he turns and disappears. Smiling slightly I grab my satchel from the ship containing my sketch book before heading into the gardens soon losing myself in the greenery. My magic calls out to each plant coiling around it and filling me with light. I find a stone bench in the sunlight and sit down tucking my legs beneath me before taking out my sketchbook filled with detailed drawings of every plant, flower and tree I have come across. My magic allows me to control every one making plants bloom from nothing and bringing life to the ground.
Mother has magic father does not. Only my eldest brother and I where blessed with magic. My youngest brother does have a few small gifts but nothing like the magic the swirls underneath my skin. It is a gift that I cherish and that from a young age my mother has helped shape reminding us magic should not be taken for granted nor should it be supressed. But celebrated and allowed to thrive.
"Who are you?" A cold voice cuts through the silence and I look up meeting a pair of beautiful emerald green eyes "I'm Y/N, my mother is Queen Dahlia she is friends with the Lady Frigga." the boy nods slightly he is tall and gangly with raven hair that curls at the nape of his neck. "Who are you?" his lips turn down at the ends an eyebrow quirking up "You don't know who I am?" I shake my head and he looks confused for a moment "I'm Loki. What are you doing?"
I move along the bench so there is room for him to sit if he wants too "I'm drawing. I love botany. Do you like plants?" he shrugs eyebrows furrowing slightly "I don't have any particular opinion of them." I smile and notice the book he is holding "Is that Osoric? I love his books. Which one are you reading?"
He looks pleasently suprised perching on the end of the bench still looking uncomfortable "His first. It is my third time through the series." I nod closing my sketchbook "I'm on the third book. Fourth time through." his face remains neutral though he looks less uncomfortable relaxing his shoulders slightly "My brother and his friends do not enjoy books. I rarely have anyone to talk too."
Grinning I hold out my hand "Well Loki of Asgard I herby declare we shall be friends. I can talk about books all day." Tentavily he takes my hand shaking it twice before letting go "Would you like to see the library?" Nodding I bounce to my feet tucking my sketchbook back into the safety of my bag "I would love to see the library. My mother said it is stunning perhaps even bigger than the one back home."
"You are from Keboria?" I nod walking by his side "Yes, I love it." the remainder of our walk is silent while I allow my gaze to wander over the golden palace. It is stunning certainly a fitting home for the Allfather. There are guards stationed everywhere all dorned in intricute armour similar to those back home. We come to a tall pair of gold doors carved with an intricute tree in full bloom which Loki pushes open revealing a vast room with shelves from floor to ceiling towering high above our heads crammed with books of every colour, size and language.
I am left speechless spinning slowly gazing up into the ceiling. Windows line the far wall filling the room with golden light. "Do you like it?" I look at Loki gaping "It is woah." he chuckles softly "It is my favourite place in all of Asgard."
"I can see why." he nods though there is still no trace of a smile on his face. I smile to myself before I leave I would like to see him smile. I am determined to make him smile "Is there something on my face?" I shake my head "Sorry, no just got lost in thought. What are your favourite books?"
He leads me over to one of the window seats a neat stack of books on a table nearby. Perching on the either side of the window seat I do most of the talking telling him of our own library back on Keboria. It is not as grand as this one but no less beautiful the shelves formed from branches of ancient trees small shoots, moss and mushrooms decorate most of the floor and lower shelves though nothing touches the books so they cannot be damaged.
Although he doesn't smile he still looks interested and engaged imputing a little more as the day goes on. I don't think either of us realise how late it is until a guard walks in bowing low "Prince Loki your mother is requesting your presence. Prince/Princess Y/N I am to escort you to your chambers." I jump to my feet following the guard waving goodbye to Loki.
Over the next few days I try everything to get Loki to smile. Jokes, stories of my siblings and I pulling pranks, giving him compliments but the best I have gotten is a slight upward quirk of his lips. As our stay comes to an end I am running out of ideas. Huffing I plonk myself down on the window seat in the library forgetting about Loki for the time being while I focus on the plant in front of, I found it in the gardens looking on the verge of death and after checking with Frigga moved it into a pot so I could examine and heal it.
Cupping the base of the plant gently I allow my magic to flow through me into the heart of the plant finding it weak and failing. My magic acts like a blanket coating the plant and fighting the sickness the heart flaring and growing brighter. Opening my eyes I beam new shoots appearing on the stems moss covering the sickly brown, tiny white blossoms beginning to bloom.
"Woah!" I startle and look up finding Loki stood in the doorway an open book at his feet "You have magic." I nod slowly removing my hands from the plant "Yes." A smile slowly blooms on his face "You have magic." his smile spreads his eyes brightening as he holds out a fist opening it slowly brightly coloured sparkles erupting from his palm "That's beautiful."
He walks over sitting elegently by my side smile still in tact "I was not aware you had magic." I shrug slightly "It is not something I tend to mention, I suppose I've never really had anyone to tell. My family are all aware of it as are the guards and most of the people back on Keboria." he chuckles "I wish I had people to talk with." I grin nudging his shoulder with my own "Well now you do. What does your magic allow you to do?" he shrugs "I have no idea I've never really experimented. I am good at astral projection and shafe-shifting. I can also levitate objects and use telekinesis and teleportation. But I've never really explored the limitations."
His smile drops slightly "I wish you had mentioned it sooner. You are leaving tomorrow no?" I nod sighing "Yes, but I hope to visit again and you must come and visit Keboria." he nods tracing one of the flowers that has just started to bloom the petals opening out to form a beautiful silver star "I would like that."
"You have a beautiful smile by the way." he freezes cheeks dusted with pink "Oh err, thank you." I grin "I've been trying to make you smile since I got here." He chuckles shrugging slighlty "I must admit it was hard at times. I've never been good at making friends, being cold and distant was just a way of protecting myself." I smile nudging his side "Well you can act how ever you wish around me."
His smile softens "Thank you. I apologise for being so..." I grin "Grumpy?" he nods chuckling "Yes." I laugh "Its alright." The door opens my mother stepping inside "I thought I would find you in here. Dinner is ready and you still have to pack." I sigh picking up my bag waving to Loki "See you soon."
"Are you taking your plant?" I shake my head pausing at the doorway "No, you can keep it. Make sure it gets plenty of sunlight and water."
"I think that's the first I've seen Loki smile." I grin skipping along at my mothers side "It's been my goal our entire trip." she laughs "Of course it was. Well you will be happy to know we are invited back in two months for the Summer Solstice and I have invited Frigga to our home for our Evetide ball in August." I grin already feeling excited for showing Loki my home.
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
That about all I was feeling right now. I had just found out that I was pregnant, and not that it was very unexpected, as Damiano and I aren't the greatest at keeping it safe, but now it was a reality, and that made things scary.
I had bought a few pregnancy tests the week before, because I had my suspicions about missing my period and the fact that I was throwing up a lot more then usual, but I ended up scaring myself out of if, because I was scared of the inevitable.
Damiano and I had always talked about kids, but of course we didn't want any until we had been in a relationship for a while, and now 6 years later, here I am, pregnant with my fiancés baby. We hadn't really spoken about kids since we got engaged, but I can only hope that he will be a little excited.
I have my first appointment in two days, so I plan on telling him after that, as I'll have the sonogram pictures to show him after that.
So, after going to the doctors, it is now a fact that I am pregnant, even though that's not a complete shock, I just thought that maybe it wasn't true, as the fear was slowly setting in.
"Damiano, I'm home." I called out as I entered the door. Taking off my shoes and undoing the jacket I was wearing.
"In here sweetums." I hear a high pitch voice, that definitely wasn't Damiano.
"Shut up, dude. I'm in the living room." The real Damiano calls out.
I walk into the living room, and am met with the 3 other band members who seem to always be over.
"Oh my, what a surprise, the guys are here. Again." I say deadpanned, pretending like their existence annoys me, when I'm reality, I love having the band over, as there was never a boring moment when they're around.
"I'm sorry, you know that no matter how hard I try, they will never leave." Damiano comes up to me and gives me a hug hello.
"Oh, don't act like you don't love us." Vic says, sending a kiss our way.
"Yes, because I love caring for 4 adult children, so fun." I walk toward the kitchen, feeling the sudden need for some tea.
"Hey, you're not actually mad that they're here right?" Damiano walks over to me, and wraps his arms around me, from the back.
"Of course not, I like having them around, just don't tell them that." I laugh.
"So, how did the appointment go." My whole body freezes at his words. I never told him about it, I simply said I would be gone for a few hours. "You left your calendar open on your desk." He whispers into my ear.
"I'm so sorry, I was going to tell you today, I just wanted the pictures to make sure." I turn around in his arms, and shove my face into his sweater.
"Are you?" He asks, I look up at him and for a second I see hope flash in his eyes, making me a lot more confident with my words.
"Yes." I smile slightly.
He doesn't say a word as he stares ahead of him, his arms still wrapped firmly around me.
"How far along are you?"
"The doctor said it's around 8 weeks." I whisper to him.
"I'm gonna be a dad." It's at that exact moment, that a tear runs down my cheek, as all the nervousness rushes out of my body.
He wraps him arms firmly around my waist and spins me around, while putting his face in the crook of my neck.
"What's got you so excited." We hear a voice at the archway to the kitchen. Ethan stands there with Thomas and Vic draped on his shoulder, with confused looks on their faces.
Damiano looks at me, silently asking for permission to tell the boys about the baby.
"Go for it." I smile at him as he screams "IM GONNA BE A DAD!"
All the guys seem confused for a minute before finally the sentence clicks in their heads. They all run to Damiano and push him around in celebration, before they each come up to me and congratulate me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Now, if you all would go away, I would love to spend time with my kid and my fiancé." Damiano says bluntly.
"Usually we would ignore you, but because of the reasoning, we'll see you tomorrow." Vic salutes before walking out the kitchen, and out the front door, making Thomas and Ethan follow him, after they wave goodbye.
We were both laying in bed later that night, I was reading a book, while Damiano was staring at my stomach.
"If you wanna touch it, just do it." I say, keeping my focus on my book.
"I don't wanna touch it, I wanna talk to it." I look up from my book, giving him a confused look.
"Then talk?" I say, posing as more of a question.
"But it's embarrassing, you'll be here to listen to what I say." He says honestly.
"My dear, you have done a lot of things that are way more embarrassing then talking to your baby, besides, I'm reading, not listening. I promise."
"Okay." He agrees and I quickly turn my Attention back to the book, hoping to create some kind of privacy for him and the baby. "Hi baby." I feel his fingers slowly lift up his shirt that I was currently wearing. "I'm your dad. I know you probably can't hear me, because I don't think you have ears right now, but you should know that I'm really excited about you, I've wanted kids for a while, and now I have you. No matter who you are, I think that you'll be amazing, and I know that I'll always love you, no matter how much you annoy me or even if you and I have nothing in common, I promise to always be the best dad that I can be. And I also promise that I'll be the best parent ever, your mom won't stand a chance."
"Hey!" I say to him, making him smirk.
"I knew she wouldn't give us the privacy we need, she'll always spy on us, making sure we don't do anything dumb." He winks at me as I giggle, remembering all the times I've had to get him out of trouble. "But seriously, I can't wait to meet you, I hope you know that I love you beyond belief, and I promise I'll talk to you with every chance I get." He gives my stomach a kiss, before kissing me, and going to turn off the bedroom lights, knowing that after his sweet words, I wasn't going to read anything else for the rest of the night.
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believe-writing · 7 years
Dating Mulan would include . . .
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Your family being friends with the Fa family, resulting to Mulan liking you immediately once your families introduced you to each other.
When you were children Mulan would always protect you from bullies in school, thus you both becoming very close and always at each others side.
Mulan being very nervous and somewhat upset upon the day of meeting the Match Maker because she did not like the thought of you being married off, yet she still did not understand why she felt this way.
Resulting in always trying to suppress those unusual feeling she felt when she was around you, in fear you did not feel the same way and that is would be viewed “unnatural” and dishonor her family.
Those bitter feelings melting away once she saw how beautiful you looked once your family revealed you after finished dressing you in traditional clothing for the ceremony. 
Leading to Mulan stuttering over her words when you asked her opinion on how you looked, and also stumbling when she did not look where she was walking because her eyes never left you.
Comforting Mulan after the disaster of meeting the Match Maker and defending her when anyone gave the Fa family dirty looks in the village.
But unknown to you, Mulan acted out purposely because she did not want to be married off because she always wanted to be with you.
When it was known that the Huns invaded China and they were drafting her father to the war, Mulan almost did not want to leave you defenseless but she also knew her father could not serve again.
Leading to when she escaped during the night with her fathers armor, she instead left her hair comb to you as a silent promise to return to you.  
As Mulan had left, you made sure to check in on her family and helped pick up slack with chores that Mulan usually did. 
Offering comfort to her family when they became depressed about Mulan leaving, resulting in you and the Fa family becoming closer. Them also happy to see how much you care about their daughter.
During training in the army, Mulan would write to you every chance she could and explain her reasoning for disappearing but also stating how much she missed you. 
You keeping those letters in a box hidden, where you would read each one when you became depressed. But also the letters giving you comfort in knowing how Mulan is and that she is alive. 
As time went on and war dragged along, you also began to develop feelings for Mulan. At first you were unsure, but after seeking guidance for an older family member they revealed that is was love and it was natural to feel love for someone, even if the same gender. 
Also becoming jealous of Shang, the man Mulan would continuously write about in her letters but never revealing those bitter feelings in fear of losing Mulan and preventing her happiness.
Once the war ended, Mulan declined Shang’s feelings and immediately went home to see you because she missed you more than words could explain.
Surprising you as you were working in the fields, but running into her arms and embracing each other in the knowing fact you had strong feelings for each other.
Mulan teaching you self-defense moves she learned in the army because she always felt you needed to protect yourself when she was not around.
You attending  to Mulans wounds she had relieved in the war and being very gentle with her. Resulting in Mulan loving and appreciated your gentle and loving touches she received from you.
You secretly thinking Mulan looked very handsome as a man while wearing her fathers uniform, and Mulan knowing this so she would wear it often because she loved how you blushed and stuttered when she did.
Mushu rooting for your relationship and immediately liking you from the way Mulan would talk so greatly about you during the war.
The Fa family knowing of your feelings for each other, and at first not respecting them but eventually approving of it because they saw how harmonious you were together and how much you made Mulan happy.
They also placing bets on when Mulan would propose to you, resulting in her father winning the bet when Mulan proposed under the same blossom tree you both confessed your feelings for one another.
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I saw you write requests for ddlc? can i have headcanons with all the girls with a shy and flustered reader? genderneautral too, if that's ok
Absolutely. I hope you like these, I tried my best!
Shy and flustered s/o with DDLC Girls:
It’s the classic extrovert x introvert case, isn’t it?
Sayori’s always pulling you into new things, filled to the brim with that wonderful, bright, amazing energy she has
She pushes you to reach for things you never would have tried without her support
She might smother you a bit with affection, to make sure you know you are appreciated and loved and adored!
She obviously asks beforehand though, she doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. If you deny her, she nods and respects your wishes. 
She thinks you are SO cute when you get flustered- Her favorite thing to do is give you kisses all over your face, and watch the magic happen!
There are moments she joins your calm quiet though. When Sayori notices you just doing something calmly in the corner, she’d just sit next to you and watch. Occasionally asking questions, but that’s it. She genuinely enjoys it because it feels like bonding to her, it feels intimate, warm.
You make her soft and she won’t admit it
She teases you and gets a little defensive, sure, but she significantly lessens it with you
Natsuki will never say it out loud, but she loves you and doesn’t want to make you upset! Hurting you with her mean words is the last thing she wants.
Especially since you chose her and love her, even if she doesn’t know why.
Besides that though, she loves teaching you new things. Get that little confidence boost when you look at her with those excited eyes when she does something you deem cool.
It makes her feel important to you. (And feeds her lovely ego)
For intimate moments, you two read manga together or watch anime together in comfortable silence… She enjoys it as long as she’s with you!
As for in public, Natsuki gladly tones down the tsundere for you. Though some of the club members tease her a little for going soft, it’s worth it for you
You two match energies so you two immediately mix together perfectly
No words need to be exchanged sometimes, just small motions and acts of affection to communicate is enough for you two
You two are comfortable, to put it simply.
Yuri is so so happy to have someone like you who loves her, so she shows it in acts of service and quality time
Reading with you is her favorite thing to do, almost more than anything.
You calm her down, ground her, and you certainly help her with her…… issue.
Despite being the shyer one, you compliment Yuri more than she does. Which in turn has her flustered all over the place, but also followed by you yourself getting flustered at the sudden act of bravery. Two flustered messes!
Oh she thinks you are the most wonderful and adorable human being to exist.
And she never fails to remind you ♡
Monika makes sure to adapt to your needs and have everything comfortable for you
Her soft compliments, her cheers, her gifts, all catered to you and you alone
She swears to make you happy and keep you comfortable no matter what!
….Her perfectionism might be a little worrying though
She just wants to do this right! But you do have to remind her occasionally that she doesn’t have to do everything for you!
She can’t help but be a little overbearing though! She just loves you too much!
In your times of silence, Monika goes to hum you a song or play piano, which you greatly appreciate.
She also greatly appreciates you writing this request for her and her girls ♡
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songsformonkeys · 4 years
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The Third Wheel - Javier/f!reader. Fake marriage slowburn with some bickering. Flashbacks - Javier/f!reader. Javier saves reader from a kidnapping. She’s a little unsure if he’s even real or just a figment of her imagination. Desperate Means - Javier/f!reader. You and Javier are roommates. Sometimes you bring home one night stands. Turns out Javier has some issues with that. Smut. In Her Eyes - Javier/f!reader-ish. There’s war in her eyes. Javier wonders if it haunts her as it does him.
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A Tiny Piece of the World Called Home - Ezra/f!reader. Ezra and reader work together on a small moonbase. First they bicker then they fuck. All The Things He Missed - Ezra/f!reader. Five times you meet Ezra. Five things he’s missed while he was gone. Inquiries for Ezra - Not a fic but an ask Ezra blog where I post some Ezra stuff.
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Digging Up Bones - Whiskey/f!reader. Reader is the head of the medical department with the Statemen. Whiskey keeps making up excuses to come and see her. She is clueless and decides to read several books on hypochondria. (WIP)
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Leaving Traces - Din/f!reader.  You and the kid have been successful in avoiding anyone who comes looking for him, but then a Mandalorian bounty hunter picks up your trail and suddenly staying one step ahead of capture gets much easier said than done… (WIP)
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Conference Call - Maxwell/f!reader. Maxwell fucks you during a conference call. No plot, just smut. (written pre movie) Aftermath - Maxwell copes with almost ending the world and is adopted by a stray cat. Angst. The Way Back - Maxwell/OFC. Post ww84 fic. Angsty redemption fic where Maxwell moves back to the small town where he grew up, to work for an ex-girlfriend who hates him. (WIP)
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Bodyguard verse (listed in chronological order):
First Meetings - Javi Gutierrez/genderneutral!reader. The first time you meet Javi Can’t wait to see you -  Javi Gutierrez/genderneutral!reader. Your first day at your new job. A tour of Javi’s villa. Never Let Go - Javi Gutierrez/genderneutral!reader. You and Javi watch a movie. Driving Home - Javi Gutierrez/genderneutral!reader. It’s not quite the road trip Javi had hoped it would be but you still enjoy these moments in the car with him. End Credits - Javi Gutierrez/genderneutral!reader. Angst. This is just angst and a Nic cage quote. Alternative/less angsty ending here Colds & Birthday Celebrations - Javi Gutierrez/genderneautral!reader. It’s Javi’s birthday party and you’re sick. I’ll Do Better -  Javi Gutierrez/genderneautral!reader. Javi is in a mood and you’re sent to talk to him. Saying I love you through a movie - Javi Gutierrez/genderneutral!reader. They go camping... sort of.
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In Hot Water - Joel/f!reader. Showersmut. There’s no plot here.
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Triple the Price - Veracruz/f!reader. You need someone to transport you to meet up with your sister in Villavicencio, and hire Veracruz to do the job. (Loosely inspired by Romancing the Stone) 
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Wrong Numbers and Cake Emergencies - Marcus/f!reader.  Reader gets a text from an unknown number, requesting assistance in a cake-related emergency. Is it possible to develop a crush on a stranger in your phone?
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Whiskers & Fangs -  Max Phillips gets turned into a cat and has to rely on the kindness of his secretary while he tries to figure out how the hell to get his body back.
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Nemesis -   When you end up drugged and unable to look out for yourself, you show up on the doorstep of your nemesis, goody two shoes Marcus Moreno, hoping that he’ll take you in.
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El Ladrón - The Thief/reader. They warned you about him when you started working at the castle. El Ladrón they called him. The Thief. Stealing from the Devil - The Thief/devil!reader. Only foolish thieves attempt to steal from the Devil…
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Burning Alive - Dave/f!reader. Smut inspired by the lyrics to the song Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia. There is no plot here. Quicksand - Dave/f!reader. Smut inspired by the lyrics to the song Free The Animal by Sia. All The Best News - Dave/f!reader.  For once, you wake up before Dave. You sneak downstairs to do some writing before he joins you on the couch. Seven Years - Dave/f!reader. Dave trails a former colleague. Is he there to kill her? She sets a trap for him. Bullet wounds and Bandages - Dave/f!reader. Dave shows up at your home in need of medical attention.
A Sturdy Home verse (listed in chronological order):
Pancakes - Dave/f!reader. Soft fluff where Dave makes pancakes for the family in the morning A Sturdy Home - Dave/f!reader. A bit of domestic bliss and smut with Dave York as you wake up together in the morning. Last Goodbyes - Dave/f!reader. Their last conversation before Dave leaves to go after McCall Ghost of You - Dave/f!reader. Angst! Dave survives the fight with McCall but loses all his memories. Christmas With(out) You - Dave/f!reader. Angst. The first Christmas since Dave came back. Valentine’s Day - Dave/f!reader. A little bit of angst. It’s Valentine’s Day. No one really celebrates.
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Snapshots - Steve/Eddie.  Eddie is wounded in the upside down. And as his friends try and get him help before it’s too late, Eddie drifts in and out of consciousness, remembering bits and pieces of his life so far.
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Writing Prompts For various Pedro characters (and a little bit of Boyd).
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Masterlist kink prompts for various Pedro characters (and a little bit of Boyd)
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12 days of Christmas Pedros - Masterlist. 12 fluffy and soft Christmas ficlets.
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A year of saying I love you - Masterlist. 12 stories for various characters and pairings.
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solarsunsimagines · 3 years
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Pairing:  Zach Herron x Genderneautral!Reader
Warnings: None Request: Nope
"No! That's not how you play the game!" Jonah yells as he snatches the dice from Corbyn.
"Well we're playing the one from the 90s. Respect your elders, jojo." Corbyn takes the dice back and rolls them again.
“I’m older then you.” Johna whispers under his breath.
I smile at their interaction and wait for Zach to finally have a turn - we decided to be on a team together, while everyone else played on their own.
"I need a 12 and then I'm safe." Zach whispers to me.
"Unfortunately you will get an 11 and then you will pay me $1000. But unfortunately you don't have that kind of money so you will be bankrupt." Daniel brags.
"The only reason you're winning is because Jack is a great lawyer. He's gotten you out of jail 4 times already." Jonah rolls her eyes, before finally playing her turn.
"Don't be jealous that I have a lawyer and you don't."
"Zach’s my lawyer!" Jonah shouts.
"You're screwed then." I say, earning myself a soft slap from Zach.
"It's your turn." I sit up, at Jack's words. I'm not very involved in the game, but this roll would make or break our team.
Zach grabs the dice and rolls them. After a few moments of dead silence the two die, come to a stand still.
"HA! IN YOUR FACE LUKE, I GOT A 12." Zach screams at Daniel. We all laugh, but Dani just pouts and ignores Zach's success speech.
"I would like to thank my hand, for rolling a 12. I would also like to thank Jack for building Daniel's confidence and ego so high, just so I can knock it completely down in one turn." Zach’s hand is on his chest as he makes his very 'emotional' speech. I can tell that Daniel is just getting more angry by the second, so I pull Zach onto the floor again and pass the dice to Daniel. He gives me a thankful look, before I turn my attention to Zach.
"You're an idiot sometimes." I say to him, while I rest my head on his shoulder.
"I know, but you still love me."
"Sometimes." I yawn.
"You can nap on my shoulder if you want to."
"I'll take you up on that deal." I grab his hand and make myself comfortable, enough to fall asleep. After what felt like seconds, I was asleep.
I open my eyes slightly, and feel someone carrying me up what I can only assume to be stairs. I look up and see Zach.
Knowing that I'm safe, I put my head on his shoulder once again, and fall asleep.
The next time I wake up, it's from someone shaking me awake.
"Hi, I was gonna do your skincare stuff for you, but I don't know what to use, and I didn't wanna get it wrong, so if you tell me what I need to use, I'll let you sleep while I do it." I smile at him and think for a second before I reply.
"Just the night cream is okay." I mumble, my eyes are badly open, and I can feel myself falling asleep again
When I finally feel the bed dip next to me, and Zach’s cold hands smoothing out the cream on my face, I finally fall into a deep sleep, completely missing the kiss Zach leaves on my forehead - before he leaves me to my dreams.
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hellimagines · 4 years
Burning Heart -- Dabi
Summary: You tend to Dabi’s wounds after a vicious battle against Overhaul, and words are exchanged.
Warnings: descriptions of injuries, inaccurate medical descriptions I bet
Pairing: Dabi x genderneautral!reader (pronouns are never mentioned)
Word Count: 3,000+
A/N: This is my first imagine for Dabi, which is weird since I’ve had heart-eyes for this motherfucker for over two years, so please don’t be shy and let me know what you think! also Dabi has nipple piercings and you can’t change my mind
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“Sh, stop moving, Dabi. I can’t do this right if you won’t let me touch you,” you hushed softly, pausing a moment for Dabi to settle down. He was sitting on the closed toilet seat, back facing you as he hunched over the tank as his body jerked each time your fingers brushed against his cold skin. “You need to sit up, too, or else the staples won’t connect properly.”
“I’m always hunched over, what’s it matter,” he growled, but sat up regardless. He winced at the stretch in his muscles, rolling his shoulders to alleviate the pain. A hiss escaped through his clenched teeth once you began to peel off his staples, his body involuntarily trying to jerk away from you. You held a hand on the front of his chest, keeping him from moving too much and offering a silent comfort that Dabi would never admit he needed. 
The League had just returned from a nasty mission involving Overhaul and everyone in The League had been hurt in some form or another, but Dabi had arguably been hit the hardest. The majority of his staples had been torn or ripped out, his scarred flesh was smoking from the seams, patches of his arms were inflamed and an ugly red, signally he had been burnt from the inside out once again, and his hands were completely black from the ash, smoke, and fire of his own quirk. He couldn’t feel the tips of his fingers, let alone hardly move his hands, so it had become your job to patch him up while the other members took care of each other. Even though you had helped Dabi multiple times, he was still flinchy and tense when being touched; but overtime he eased to your touch, allowing you to heal him better than the others could. You didn’t take offense to his standoffish nature, taking solace in the fact he no longer pushed you away without warning and actually verbalized where his pain was or if you were pushing, prodding, or healing him too harshly. 
“Thank you for coming to me this time, instead of trying to fix yourself in isolation,” you praised quietly once you had removed the staples from the back of his shoulders. They had been placed in a small container resting on the bathroom sink, waiting to be disposed of by Shigaraki once you had finished. It had become protocol that anything with The League’s DNA on it was to be disintegrated to ensure dumpster-divers and sneaky heroes didn’t get their hands on anything that could put The League in danger. 
Dabi didn’t respond at first, waiting until after you had lightly dabbed an antiseptic across the seam before he grunted, “Means there’s less chance of an infection, that’s all. I got tired of tryna itch my damn shoulders and tearin’ open seams.” His voice was gruff and his face turned down in a scowl, but you smiled softly at the hint of warmth in his tone.
“Regardless of your reasoning, I appreciate it.”
You continued tending to his wounds in silence after that, reapply a new batch of staples to the back of his shoulders and making sure the application was neat. There was always a chance his body would randomly reject a few staples, deciding that it was over the constant foreign objects, so you made sure that if that happened it wouldn’t become too much of a problem to fix later on. You had Dabi adjust himself on the toilet seat so he was now facing you, and you bent over so you could start on the burnt flesh covering the front of shoulders, chest, throat, and jawline. This area was always the hardest, for both you and Dabi. Dabi’s nerves were more sensitive in this area, especially around his throat and his face, and your back always screamed in agony come the morning, from being hunched over for so long. 
Dabi remained quiet as you began to pluck off his staples, looking down at you as you worked. Your eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, but it made you look angry as if the staples had personally offended you in some way, and the corner of your lip would quirk up every few minutes in a way that Dabi had learned to know meant you were hiding an injury. You usually had that twitch whenever you had a migraine or some form of injury that you didn’t want The League seeing you as weak for having. Dabi only knew this habit of yours because, after a typical meeting with the others, he had cornered you and asked why you kept snarling at him throughout the meeting. At your confused look, Dabi imitated the face you had been making during the meeting, causing you to blush fiercely in embarrassment. 
“I wasn’t snarling!” you had squawked while shoving at his shoulder. “And I didn’t realize I was looking at you. My head’s been hurting all day and I must’ve spaced out, that’s all… but I didn’t look like that!”
Since that confrontation, Dabi had picked up more often on your unconscious habits, whether he liked it or not. He quickly noticed how you were never afraid of showing a battle injury - not to say you flaunted the wound, but if someone asked you wouldn’t deny you were in pain - however, when it came to internal things such as a migraine, cramps, nausea, or other things of the like, your lip would curl in pain as you kept silent. Like you were doing now, with your shoulders hunched over so you could carefully pluck off his staples without hurting him. 
“Why are you doing that?” he suddenly blurted out, nearly startling you into ripping a staple out.
You looked up at him with a clenched jaw, clearly unamused with his sudden outburst. “Careful, or I’ll rip a hole in you. And I’m doing this because these staples aren’t clean anymore, and too many of them have been charred-”
“That’s not what I mean. Why are you hurting yourself to help me? I don’t mind standing up or sitting on the sink, there has to be an easier way for you to do this.” You paused at Dabi’s words, standing straight to look down at him. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m fine. If I don’t finish this soon, however, you’re gonna start healing all weird and shit.”
“Shut up. I already look weird as hell, a couple more scars ain’t gonna do nothin’. And you’re not fine, you’re makin’ that snarlin’ face again. So answer the damn question,” Dabi shot back, flicking your knee in persistence. You swatted at his hand, giving your own scowl.
“If you stand up you’ll be too tall for me to get at your jaw and eyes. You could sit on the sink if you want, but I thought it might be uncomfortable for you without something to rest your back on,” you explained, taking a sheepish step backward to allow for Dabi to make his next move.
“I’m not fuckin’ crippled yet, dollface. I can sit on a damn sink,” he huffed while moving to his feet. He stretched out his arms, ignoring your swats and protests that he’d tear the staples on his back, before moving over to the sink. He jumped up without complaint, allowing his socked feet to bang against the cupboard below. He was still too tall for you to easily reach underneath his eyes, but it would do for now.
You muttered a sheepish ‘thanks’, before continuing on your task. You finished removing the last of his staples on his chest and shoulders, before applying the antiseptic and attaching the new staples. You had to admit that being eye-level with his chest was less strain on your muscles, and wasn’t such a terrible view, either. For a guy who you had never seen work out and seemed to have a limited diet of cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, and caffeine, his chest had a surprising amount of definition. His pectoral muscles were strong under your touch and instinctively flexed whenever you had to remove or attach a staple near them. His nipples were pierced, courtesy of Twice during a drunken black-out the two of them had, but the piercings had healed some time ago (after they had both practically begged for you to fix them since they had become infected and crooked) and complimented him nicely. Compared to the rest of his bony figure, primarily his prominent collarbones and shoulder blades, Dabi’s chest looked good. 
You shook yourself from your daze, schooling the blush on your cheeks. “Alright, I’m gonna work on your jaw now, I know this one hurts the most,” you warned him and spared a glance up at him. 
“I’ll be alright, it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to,” he shrugged before turning his head to the side to give you more access. 
You moved slowly and delicately as you detached his staples, even though most of the ones in this area had already fallen or been ripped out from Dabi’s constant shit-talk during battle. There was more blood in the seams than in other places, and unfortunately, most of it had already dried. You had to gently dab a wet cloth against his jaw to get rid of the dried blood, causing Dabi to hiss in pain as the rusty-red flakes tugged against his marred skin. Most of Dabi’s nerves had been burnt by whatever accident caused his scarring, primarily the ones in his arms and his hands, and with the constant use of his quirk, it was rare for him to actually feel whatever his hands were touching. However, for some reason, Dabi’s neck, jaw, and face still had feeling and were overly sensitive to any form of touch. You had tried asking Ujiko if he knew why, after discovering he had been the one helping Dabi in the past, but the creep never gave you an answer. So, you were left to work with the knowledge that a simple brush of your knuckle against his throat would give Dabi a full-body shudder, and the tiniest of tugs at the staples on his face would make him scowl and turn away to hide his pain. 
A quiet growl slipped from Dabi’s throat, vibrating against the pinky you had placed against his throat, when you had to remove a particularly roughed-up staple. “I know, I’m sorry,” you soothed, gently rubbing your knuckle against his jugular while you pried the staple away. “Just a few more.”
“You don’t need to console me like a child,” Dabi snapped but allowed your ministrations to continue.
“If I was treating you like a child, I’d shove a pacifier in your mouth to shut you up,” you snarked back, taking pride in the eye-roll and pinch to your waist Dabi gave you. “Now quit being snappy when I’m helping you.”
Dabi muttered something that sounded an awful lot like ‘sorry’ under his breath, but you didn’t comment on it. Instead, you finished up with his face, continually rubbing the knuckle of your pinky against his throat, before you moved down to his hands and his arms. After running Dabi’s hands under cool water to wash away the black soot and soothe the burns, you brought one of his hands up to your face to inspect that damage. His hands shook of their own volition regardless of your hold on them, and the seam on his wrist that connected his arm to his hand was gaping, with the flesh curling upwards around the edges. None of the staples remained and in their wake were tiny tears, some blistered some covered in dry blood and some still bleeding. 
You sighed softly at the damage and gently ran your thumb over his knuckles, even though you knew he couldn’t feel it at the moment. You wanted to yell and you wanted to cry and you wanted to scream at him to stop destroying himself just because he could, but you knew it wouldn’t result in anything other than him storming away. So you clenched down on your bottom lip and distracted yourself with getting to work on his hands.
However, Dabi seemed to have other plans. “What? No lecture about how I need to stop using my quirk so forcefully? That I need to stop hurting myself? That you won’t always be here?”
“If you already know what I want to say, and yet you still don’t listen, then there’s no point in wasting my breath, Dabi,” you said quietly, not looking up from his hand as you cleaned away the blood and applied burn ointment on the blisters.
“Giving up on me so soon?” he said, attempting at a joke, but you could detect the worry in his voice.
“I won’t give up on you, not now, and not ever. I’m not going to pretend to know why you do the things you do. Why you push yourself harder than the others even though you have no desire to prove anything. Why you act like this is fine when it isn’t. I don’t know the answers to any of those and I don’t think you do either. But I’m not helping you because I’m curious or because I want answers. I’m not giving up on you because I care about you. I care about everyone in this shithole, but I care about you more. I know I shouldn’t… I know that every time we walk out that door my heart aches because I don’t know if I’ll be bringing back your dead body this time. My heart aches because I don’t know if this time will be the time when you burn yourself too much and I lose you. Or when you disappear for days, even weeks, I don’t know if you’ll ever come back. So yeah, I know I shouldn’t care as much as I do but there’s too much hatred in this world I don’t feel like adding onto it just because you have a knack for burning my heart every time you burn yourself.” 
You finished your rant as you finished attaching the last staple to Dabi’s hand, noticing that your own had begun to shake. You hadn’t meant to let so much out, to admit your fears to the open world, but once you started you couldn’t stop. You really thought that tonight was going to be the night Dabi died. Overhaul hadn’t gotten so close, his fingers practically curling around Dabi’s waistcoat, before Spinner had knocked him out of the way. Watching as your worst fear almost came to be made you feel as though you were drowning in the Arctic. 
Dabi was silent as you looked over his wrist, dabbing away any blood that spilled from his new staples. His silence made you believe he didn’t care for your words or simply hadn’t bothered to understand what they truly meant. As you lifted his other hand to begin working on it and distract yourself from your pounding heart, Dabi shocked you by flipping his hand over so he could lace his fingers into your own. He gave it a gentle tug and pulled you closer, while his other hand came to cup your jaw and tilt your head up. He bent forward, keeping his legs lax at your side so you could move away if you wanted, before bringing his lips against yours. You couldn’t stifle your gasp as you felt the sharp cold of his fresh staples against your chin, and the coolness of his lips against yours. Despite your shock, you found yourself leaning into the kiss, chasing away the cold with your own warm lips. Dabi’s hand moved to your waist, pulling you flush against the sink as you held onto his shoulder for balance. The kiss was gentle and cautious as both of you explored the other, curious as to where this was going. 
After a few seconds, Dabi pulled back, swallowing harshly as his chest heaved from unconsciously holding his breath. “I’m sorry,” he spoke quietly, keeping his hands against your body while his blue eyes searched your own. “I didn’t realize how much I was hurting you. I thought you were just being kind whenever you would do this, and that you would do this for any of the others if they asked. I… I took advantage of that. I didn’t want you helping any of them and I wanted your kindness for myself. Nobody has ever been kind to me like you have, ever. But I didn’t realize that it wasn’t just kindness and I shouldn’t have been so selfish.”
You were shocked by Dabi’s words and his actions, your eyes wide and your lips tingling from the absence of cold. Dabi had never talked about things like this- things that went on his thoughts or his heart. 
Thankfully, Dabi filled the silence when you didn’t move away from him, wanting him to continue. “I care about you too, (Y/N). Whenever we’re out there I’m worried something will happen and I can’t protect you. I know you’re capable of handling yourself, I’ve had your quirk turned on to me enough times to know, but I still worry. Each time you get hurt I get mad because I can’t fix you as you fix me. Knowing that I’ve hurt you, that I’ve… I’ve burned you, is terrible and I’m sorry. I can’t stop doing what I’m doing, just like I know you can’t, but I’ll try not to be so reckless. I won’t disappear anymore, and if I do leave I’ll always come back to you,” he said and rubbed his thumb against your cheekbone, hoping you would understand what he couldn’t put into words.
“Thank you for apologizing and for understanding. This life won’t be stopping anytime soon, so I understand, and knowing that I’m not the fool I thought I was for caring about you makes it easier. I’ll never stop caring for you, inside and out, so long as you stop hurting me,” you promised, tilting your head into his touch, understanding what he couldn’t say. 
“No more burned hearts,” Dabi smirked before leaning down for another kiss. 
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babyboiboyega · 5 years
Supernatural Masterlist
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multiple parts: #
fluff: ✿
angst: ☁
anything slightly nsfw: * (I don’t really write NSFW, but if I did, it won’t be incredibly detailed)
requested: ❅
01. imagine Sam reassuring you that you didn’t hurt him after an accident
02. imagine pranking Sam and watching as he blames Dean for it
03. imagine Sam immediately becoming panicked when hears the slightest tone of distress in your voice
04. imagine realizing that Sam pays attention to the small things you do
05. imagine getting into a fight with Sam over you doing something risky during a case
06. imagine being in an awkward situation with Sam
07. imagine Sam reassuring you after a particularly hard mission
08. imagine surprising Sam on a case after not seeing him in so long
01. imagine running into the Ghostfacers again and them hitting on you in front of Dean
02. imagine being the only reason Dean can tolerate research
03. imagine stumbling onto an adorable view of Dean with your daughter
04. imagine having to reassure Dean that you’re okay while in the hospital
05. imagine Dean being surprised when finding out about one of your likes
06. imagine leaving a lasting impression on Dean
07. Dean Winchester Whump Prompt
08. imagine finding out you’re Dean’s lock-screen
01. Reunions ✿ (Sam Winchester)
02. Regrets ☁ (Dean Winchester)
03. Its been a long, long time ✿ (Sam Winchester)
04. The Librarian ✿ (Dean Winchester)
05. Ways to say “I love you” ✿ (Dean Winchester)
06. Promises ☁ (Dean Winchester)
07. Skype Call ✿ (Sam & Dean Winchester x sister)
08. Begging ☁ (Sam Winchester x reader)
01. Connections ✿❅
01. Sam Winchester x genderneautral!reader
01. Working Solo (Sam Winchester x reader) ✿
02. Snow Angels (Dean Winchester x reader) ✿
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Claire Novak - Bait
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You have known Claire Novak for years before she started living with Jody and you know that you can go to her when you need help. You show up at Claire’s door asking for help getting away from a demon, it just so happens that this demon you are running from is the same one that Sam and Dean are hunting. The boys find out that you are running from the demon they want to use you as bait, but Claire is really protective of you and refuses to allow them to put you in harm’s way. They leave the real decision to you. Will you risk your life to protect the one you love?
Claire x Reader
Warning: Mentions of blood and death, swearing
Chapter 1
You ran as fast as your legs would carry you through your apartment, the wound on your arm was bleeding and blood was dripping onto the ground leaving a trail in its wake, "Crap," you whispered to yourself as you quickly hid behind a door to rip the sleeve from your flannel shirt and wrap it around your bleeding wound.
Once the wound was wrapped and you had wiped the rest of the blood from your arm onto your jeans, you took a quick peek around the door and when you couldn't see the demon you had been fighting and were currently running from, you pegged it to the front door into the night air and hopped into your car before revving the engine and taking off.
Apparently, there was now a demon after you and it wouldn't stop until you were dead. You needed help and you knew exactly where to go for it. You had a friend in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and she had told you that whenever you needed help to go to her.
Claire Novak had been your best friend for a few years now, you bonded over the fact that you had both lost your parents. She taught you a few things about the things that go bump in the night and how to protect yourself should you encounter one and she offered to help you whenever you needed it.
It was late morning when you finally arrived at Claire's home that she lived in with her adoptive mother Jody Mills and her adoptive sister Alex Jones. You were exhausted, you'd been driving all night, only stopping to fill up the tank in your car and quick bathroom breaks. You didn't want to risk stopping in a motel for the night in case the demon found you, it had probably lost your trail a couple of hours ago but you still didn't stop, just in case.
You got out of your car and walked to the front door, taking a deep breath before you knocked on the wooden door. It took less than a minute for the door to be unlocked and opened, Jody looked quite shocked to see you and you didn't blame her, you hadn't called in advance like you usually do and you knew that you looked awful with black bags under your eyes, your torn clothing, your makeshift bandage around the wound that had thankfully stopped bleeding.
"Y/N? Oh my God, are you okay? What are you doing here? Get in here and let me bandage that wound up properly," Jody said in a panicked and worried tone as she ushered you into the house, pulling you into a gentle and motherly hug once you were inside.
“Hi, Jody, kind of almost got killed by a demon,” you whispered into her ear as you hugged her back.
“Y/N?” Claire's voice came from behind you and Jody let you go so you could see Claire.
"Hi, Claire," you said with a smile, she also looked shocked when she took in your appearance. She ran up to you and took your face between her hands, her blue eyes filled with worry.
“What happened?” she asked.
"Demon. I tried to defend myself with the knife that you gave me, but it managed to get it during the struggle and it cut my arm. It's after me and it's not going to stop until I'm dead. I need your help," you explained putting your hands over hers that were still on your cheeks.
“Of course, I'll help you. First, we gotta get you patched up and you need to sleep,” she replied and you nodded at her. Her hands dropped from your face and she grabbed one of your hands with hers and led you through to the kitchen so she could patch up your arm properly.
As she started removing your makeshift bandage you cringed a little at the pain that you had only just noticed. Two unfamiliar men walked into the kitchen and looked between you and Claire, “Who's this?” the shorter of the two asked.
"This is my friend Y/N. Y/N, this is Sam and Dean Winchester," she said as she introduced you to the two men, pointing at each of them so you knew who was who.
“What happened to you?” Sam asked as he looked at your arm that was covered in dried blood where you had wrapped it up.
You explained and they nodded at you before sharing a look and walking out of the room leaving you and Claire alone again.
“Friends of Jody's?” you asked curiously.
“Yeah, they're hunting a demon. They just got here a couple of hours ago,” she told you as she cleaned the dry blood from your arm, luckily the wound wasn't too deep so didn't need stitches. She wrapped a bandage around the wound and fastened it with a band-aid. "There you go. Now, I'll go run you a bath so that way you can clean up without getting your bandage wet and then you can have a little rest in my bed, okay? I'll get your bag from your car and get you some clothes to change into," she offered as she took your hand and led you upstairs.
She ran you a bath and left you alone to clean up closing the door as she left you in the bathroom. She came back up a couple of minutes later just as you climbed into the bath and drew the shower curtain across, “Come in,” you told her and you heard her enter.
“I've put some clean clothes on top of the laundry basket for you. Want me to throw out your shirt and was your jeans?”
“Yes, please. Thank you, Claire,” you said kindly.
“No problem, just go to my room once you're ready and get some rest,” she told you before she left.
Twenty minutes later after you'd washed, you got out of the bathtub and dried yourself off, your bandage had managed to stay dry thankfully. You got changed into the clothes Claire had left for you and headed into her room where you curled up under her covers and allowed sleep to take over.
Chapter 2
You awoke four hours later feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You climbed out of bed and smoothed down your clothes and hair to make yourself look more presentable before heading downstairs.
“You want them to do what?!” Claire yelled from the living room as you walked down the stairs, she sounded angry and you wondered why.
“Claire, just listen to us. The demon that attacked Y/N is the same one we're after, if we use them as bait then we can get this thing,” you heard Dean say.
“Claire, we don't want to do it this way, but it's the only way we're gonna get this thing,” Sam added trying to reason with her.
"No. It's not happening, there is no way I am going to let you put my best friend in danger like that. Y/N isn't a hunter like us and I don't want to endanger them by putting them right in harm's way," Claire said.
Claire had always been protective of you, even more so since you weren't a hunter like she was. She was clearly very angry with the two Winchester boys for even suggesting that they use you as bait for the demon.
“What's going on?” you asked as you walked into the living room everyone's eyes instantly turning to you.
“Y/N, I didn't know you were awake,” Claire said as you walked over to her and sat between her and Alex who smiled at you. “They want to use you as bait to get this demon but I told them no,” she added, she obviously had no idea you had been listening in.
“Boys, you know I love you, but this is a stupid idea,” Jody chimed in before you could say anything.
“Listen, this is the only way we can catch this thing. Y/N, this demon is after you and only you. If you agree to do this, we promise that we will be there every step of the way and then when the demon comes we will get you out of there,” Dean told you calmly.
“I-” you started.
"Absolutely not," Claire interrupted.
“Guys, is this really the only way you can catch this thing? You're hunters, surely you can think of another way to get this thing,” Alex said to them.
“I wish there was, but this demon is the kind that will only come out when it sees its prey and this case, its prey is Y/N,” Sam replied giving you an apologetic look.
“I said no. You'll have to find another way of catching it,” Claire told them with a shake of her head and anger flickering in her blue eyes.
“What happens if I say yes?” you asked quietly making all eyes look at you.
“Y/N, no, you could get killed,” Claire said to you, her voice turning from angry to concerned and panicked in the blink of an eye.
“Then we hide, keep an eye on you and trap the demon. We won't let anything happen to you,” Dean replied to your question.
“You won't leave? You'll get this thing?” you asked.
“Yes,” Sam and Dean replied simultaneously.
“Then I'll do it.”
“Y/N, you can't be serious. Don't do this,” Claire begged you.
You shuffled on the couch a little so you could face her and take her face in your hands, “Claire, like they said, this is the only way. I'll be fine, they'll be there, you'll be there,” you reassured her.
“Fine,” she sighed out before looking over at Sam and Dean, her expression hardening into one that showed them she was serious. “If you let anything happen to Y/N, you will regret it,” she told them.
“We're not going to let anything happen to them, Claire, don't worry,” Sam said in a soft tone.
“Y/N will be safe. Now, let's come up with a plan,” Dean added.
Chapter 3 – The Next Day
You were sitting in the back of the impala with Claire, she was tightly gripping your hand in hers as if she was afraid to let you go. Sam and Dean were in the front looking at you and going over the plan with you.
"Okay, so remember all you need to do is stand near the devil's trap, do what we rehearsed and lure the demon under it, once that's done we'll step in and Claire will get you out of there," Dean said to you.
“We're going to give you holy water and you already have your knife just in case you do need to defend yourself,” Sam added.
“Alright, let's just get this over with,” you told them and they nodded. You gave Claire a quick hug and then the four of you got out of the car and headed into the abandoned warehouse where you had agreed to carry this task out.
Sam, Dean, and Claire behind some large crates while you walked a little further into the room coming to a stop just before the devil's trap that had been painted on the ceiling. "Hey, asshole I'm here, come and get me!" you yelled into the room.
The lights flickered and the smell of sulfur filled the air around you. A man appeared in front of you, it had possessed someone else, probably to throw you off, he grinned at you, one of those sick, evil, and twisted grins that you only ever saw on the bad guys on TV and it sent a shiver up your spine. "Y/N, I see you finally gave up and decided to come to me after all," he said as he took a step forward edging closer to the devil's trap.
“Well, I figured why the hell not, I know that you want to kill me, but I have a better offer to make you. So, how about you come closer and we'll talk?” you offered.
He tilted his head to the side and grinned at you again before stepping closer to you, a couple more steps and he would be under the devil's trap. "Well, things certainly have just gotten interesting, haven't they? Alright, I'm listening, what's this offer you have to make?" he asked stepping closer to you while you stayed where you were in hopes of coaxing him closer to you.
“You keep me alive and I do whatever you want. Hell, you can possess me if you really want to,” you told him, your voice was surprisingly calm despite your heart beating erratically.
“Sounds intriguing. Do me a favor, take a step forward,” he said beckoning you closer with his finger.
You did as you were told and took a step forward keeping up the act that you had rehearsed last night with Sam, Dean, and Claire. “Now you,” you told him.
He smirked and shook his head before taking a step forward if you could get him to step forward one more time you would have him trapped. You had your hands behind your back now, one hand gripping onto the hand of your knife that was tucked into your jeans, the other hand holding onto the flask of holy water you had been given.
He beckoned you closer again and you took a step towards him and then he took a step closer to you. He was under the devil's trap now, but he needed to be under it more. The little game continued  until you were both right in the middle of the devils trap and this time it was you who smirked at him, your smirk made him tilt his head and furrow his brows in confusion and then before you had chance to step out of the trap, he looked up, a low growl escaping his throat and then he grabbed you by the arm spinning you around so your back was pressed against his chest, his free hand wrapped around your waist and he held you there.
“You just made a very bad decision young one,” he snarled into your ear. You felt him take your knife from your hand and as Sam, Dean, and Claire quickly stepped out from behind the crate, he held it to your throat. “The Winchesters, I should've known. What is a young, innocent person like you doing with the Winchesters?” he asked you. “Ah ah ah, take another step and Y/N here gets it,” he told them pressing the knife into your throat a little more as they tried to move closer to you with their guns drawn.
Claire locked eyes with you and discreetly nodded, you knew what to do. Luckily for you, Claire had taught you a version of the exorcism chant, all you had to do was say enough to get him to let you go and then the boys and Claire could finish the job.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica,” you whispered and he growled in pain and his grip on you loosened some but not enough that you get away from him safely.
Claire looked at you and then at the man behind you before she and the boys took over with the chant, “Ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!”
The demon screamed and let go of you as the black smoke flew out of him and into the ground, back to hell. You fell to your knees just as the demon's vessel did, your knife falling to the floor with a clang. Claire ran over to you and engulfed you in a massive hug that almost knocked you back.
“Y/N, let's not ever do that again. You have no idea how many times they had to hold me back from coming out here and killing that son of a bitch,” she confessed as you wrapped your arms around her. “ Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?” she asked as she pulled back from you inspecting you for any cuts or other marks he may have left on you. She breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed you were unharmed.
"You did a good job, we're sorry for making you that," Sam said softly as Claire helped you to your feet.
“You okay? We didn't think he'd do that,” Dean added.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Tired, but fine. At least he's gone now,” you told them.
The four of you headed back to Jody's and relaxed for the rest of the night, you could go back to having a somewhat ordinary life.
Exorcism chant is obviously not mine and it can be found here. 
Tags: @zoesmama2024 @justaclumsybrunette @bane-is-my-masked-bitch @grimesftwinchester @23aprliee @feelmyroarrrr @shamvictoria11 @imperialnova @theoneandonlysaucymo @hymnofthevalkyries @supernotnaturalcas
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pandalorian36 · 1 year
Loki x Reader (genderneautral)
This is a backstory to my Loki x reader prompt. Masterlist here.
After years apart the only contact through letters and gifts. You and Loki finally meet face to face where true feelings finally come to light.
Warnings: None Word count: 2496
Your P/O/V:
I skim through my wardrobe scowling. How can I own so many clothes and not have anything to wear. "Y/N?" I sigh "In the wardrobe." Sorin, my best friend walks in grinning "What happened in here?" I wave my arms around "I don't know what to wear." he chuckles looking around my wardrobe "Nothing?" I sigh flopping onto the floor dramatically "Okay so I'm overthing." he chuckles rolling his eyes "Honestly the prince has really got you all in twist hasn't he?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." he grins leaning over me hands on his hips "Of course you don't. Now get up we are going to make you look fabulous. I knew you would be stressing and you are going to look amazing." he steps to the back of the wardrobe taking out a beautiful green outfit with flowers and leaves embroided all over. He also selects a pair of shoes to match and a gold leaf crown that rests around my forhead. "Thats perfect." Sorin grins "I know, what would you do without me. I'm amazing. Now change."
(Images found on pinterest) masc:
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Exiting the wardrobe Sorin grins clapping his hands together "Oh I'm good. Now sit." I sit at my desk while he styles my hair just the way I like setting the crown on top "Thank you Sorin. You are a life saver." He grins wrapping his arms around my shoulders and squeezing gently "Well Loki won't be able to keep his eyes of you." I smack his arm "Will you stop. We haven't seen each other in years."
Sorin rolls his eyes "You've written letters pretty much every day. He has sent you some beautiful gifts and you to him. You talk about him all the time and I don't have to be a mind reader to know all the times you are spacing out you are thinking about him." Lyan sculks into the room stretching out and shaking all the snow from his fur I told you it was obvious. I glare at the wolf who flops down onto my bed getting water droplets everywhere You are in love. I stand rolling my eyes "The both of you need to stop. Lyan you are soaked get of the bed!"
I'm cold. "You have fur you are a wolf. How can you be cold?" Sorin chuckles "It is freezing outside. Though the snow is beautiful." Lyan nods stretching back out on the bed while I roll my eyes "Its warm in the palace."
Lyan rolls onto his back while Sorin laughs smoothing down the front of his suit "Right lets go, can't have you arriving late for your first ball back on Keboria." He holds out his arm which I loop my mine through laughing "What would I do without you?" he sighs dramatically "How you managed before you met me we will never know."
Nerves start fluttering in my stomach the closer we get to the ballroom. What if Loki doesn't recognise me? What if he doesn't turn up? What if he's with someone? Sorins magic floats over me like a calming blanket "Calm down its going to be fine." I smile "Thanks." he grins "Pathokinesis is a very handy thing."
The doors to the ballroom are thrown wide a steady stream of people trikling in. Sorin squeezes my arm gently half pulling me up the stairs music is floating through the doors surrounding us. At the top of the steps we pause and look out over the room, it is adorned with strings of lights and garlands of moons and stars.
My eldest brothers are stood at the bottom of the steps speaking with a familiar man with flowing blond hair. Thor but no sign of his brother. Sorin and I skim the edge of the room stopping in one of the window alcloves grabbing drinks of a passing waiter "I have no idea what this man looks like, can you see him?" I shake my head craining my neck to look around "No."
Sorin starts fidgiting and I follow his gaze over to the man he has been crushing on for the last few months. I grin giving him a shove "Go talk to him, I'll be fine." he doesn't take much prompting and heads over I watch him go grinning, jumping about a foot in the air when a cool voice comes from behind "Who are you looking for?" I swivel around heart pounding in my chest as my eyes meet with a pair of emerald green.
"Loki." he bows his head "Y/N." I smile brightly "Its so good to see you. Your taller. Your hairs grown, it suits you. Your eyes haven't changed though. I'll stop talking now." His lips twitch slightly into half a smile "Its good to see you as well. I am glad too see you recieved my gifts."
I smile running my thumb over the necklace he gifted me. A simple gold pendant containing a star petal, from the plant I healed the first time we met, set in clear resin. I never take it off. "Yes, I love it and those seeds you gave me are growing well. The flowers are stunning."
"I am glad. I greatly enjoyed the books you sent. How was your time travelling?"
"Oh it was excellent. I found some amazing plants, made some good friends. I spent most of my time on Midguard actually some of the plant life there is beautiful, though Ociana was my favourite planet its stunning. How have you been? From your letters your time away from home has been far more exciting than looking at plants." he chuckles turning to face the ballroom "I suppose, my brother is still hotheaded as ever. His friends are insufferable. But I have proggressed with my magic."
I tilt my head slightly "Loki are you alright?" he nods once though his posture remains ridgid "Forgive me, I am not overly comfortable around crowds." I smile slightly "Follow me." I start walking only checking once to make sure he is following leading him to a smaller room attached to the main hall the entrance covered by a low curtain. It is empty inside but the music still drifts through.
He relaxes a little though still does not seem overly comfortable "Is that any better?"
"Yes, thank you." he smiles softly "I apologise for my coldness. I do not know how to act after so long apart." I chuckle crossing my arms "I stand by what I said the first time we met. You can act how ever you wish around me." his smile warms reaching his eyes "Thank you, I do not know what I would have done without your letters. They have been a great comfort recently."
"Well I am glad." A different song starts up and Loki holds out a hand "Would you like to dance?" I take his hand bowing "I would love too." he pulls me in close begining to lead the way around the room in a slow waltz. I loose myself in his eyes the music flowing through the room and wrapping around us.
"You look stunning by the way. Green suits you." I blush slightly but don't drop his gaze despite the heat filling my cheeks "Thank you." Someone enters the room and Loki pauses our movements I spin around almost toppling over if it weren't for Loki's hand on the base of my spine I would have. The man who just entered smirks arms crossed behind his back "What do we have here?"
I frown "What do you want Kilian?" he shrugs taking a step closer "I noticed you had left the party and merely wished to see where you had dissapered too." I don't bother to hide the coldness in my tone as I cross my arms hardening my gaze "I believe my brothers and myself made it perfectly clear you are not welcome here."
He feigns shock a hand to his chest "My mistake, I must have missed a message. But now I am here perhaps you would reconsider my proposal?" I take a deep breath to calm the magic raging beneath my skin "Kilian either you leave now or I call the guards and you spend a night in a jail cell."
Loki's hand remains on the small of my back which is an anchor. A flash of green and a leathal looking dagger appears in his hand the handle hanging from the tips of his fingers so it is only vaguly threatening. Kilian eyes the dagger he talks big but he is no good at hand to hand combat or any type of confrontation. "Perhaps your highness we should talk somewhere in private away from," he glances at Loki again disgust clear on his face "Unwanted attention."
My magic flares slightly sending out a signal to my mother and (need to find brothers name). "I am not going with you. I have refused you twice, you have insulted my family, attemted to assult my sister and have been banished from the palace. Why do you still insist on coming back?"
"Because I know you return my love."
"You do not love me. You love the power and wealth of my family that is all. And I certainly do not love you." he steps closer and Lokis arm slides around my waist pulling me gently into his side "My family are very wealthy. We are second only to yours, my parents advisors to the King. It should be an honour to marry me." I attempt to keep a straight face but scrunch my nose in disgust, Kilian sighs and draws out of his jacket a blaster "I didn't wish to resort to this."
My magic flares once more this time lashing out at Kilian who merely chuckles his own, a shield, blocking my strike. "Now, now that is no way to treat your future husband."
Finally four guards enter the room my brother leading the way a hard glare set into his features "Harris you are not welcome here. Escort this man of the premises." Kilian turns facing them grinning "I do not think so." He shoots twice though they both miss by a wide mark while he takes of disappering down a corridor "Did he hurt you?"
I shake my head Calen sighing deeply "I'll be having words with the front guards. How he got in... Still you are safe." he nods once too Loki before taking off after the guards. "Well he seemed lovely." I smack his chest while he chuckles "I apologise, I thought it may lighten your mood."
"I need some air." Loki smiles understandingly "I can leave?" I shake my head "No, its alright. I'd like the company." Starting to walk I lead the way out the hall and towards my rooms where there is a large glass door leading out into the gardens all coated in a thick white blanket of snow. I push open the doors and take a deep breath the cool air washing over my senses. "Are you alright?"
I nod taking several more breaths the magic flaring begining to calm down. "Yes thank you." I turn to face him finding him still standing in the warm light of the palace while I have taken several steps out into the gardens a light snow begining to flutter down. "Are you not coming outside?" he shakes his head slightly while I tilt my own to one side "Do you not like the snow?" he shrugs slightly "It is complicated."
Loki P/O/V:
Y/N looks stunning with the moonlight and snow fluttering around them. Complicated. The soft expression on their face makes my heart flutter. I can't show them, can I? Would they see past the monster? I frown and lean against the door frame while they tilt their head up to the sky snowflakes landing on their skin.
Their letters have been the only good thing these past few years. I am not sure when friendship turned to love but I do love them, that is why they cannot know about the monster beneath my skin. Becasuse I do not know what I would do if they looked at me with fear and hatred. My original plan was to cut them out of my life, allow them to get on with their life without me but when I saw them in that ballroom I lost all thought of that.
I forgot how... how. They make my heart flutter, my brain loose all function. All I wish to do is take them in my arms and show them how they deserve to be treated. Nothing like that asshole Kilian I believe was his name. I would worship them, they deserve nothing less.
"Loki?" I crash back to reality, Y/N has snow stuck in their hair and a bright smile on their face "Come and dance with me." they hold out their hands and I take a step forward before remembering myself "Please?" I inwardly groan I wish to take their hands. "Come on its fun."
I take another step. Watching as the blue begins to creep up my skin starting from the finger tips and spreading. Usually my magic can hide it but a small part of me doesn't want too. A small part of me does want them to see. I want to show them all of me. Grinning they step closer and grab my hand pulling me out into the snow.
I shut my eyes not ready to see their reaction trying to memorise the smile they always give me worried I may never see it again. Fingertips brush my cheek before their whole hand cups my cheek "Loki please open your eyes." Slowly I do so knowing they are now red not the green they like.
They smile slightly "Is this why you were so out of sorts?" I nod once trying to gage their reaction "You're beautiful. Blue suits you." I must look shocked because their smile grows a small laugh escaping their lips "I meant every word I wrote to you. You never have to worry about how you act around me. I... I love you Loki. Every part."
They lean in their lips pressing against mine gently. I feel frozen their last words clanging around my head and heart. After a moment they go to move away and I finally regain my movement arms wrapping around their waist and chest pulling them closer. Their lips are soft and warm as I try to pour all my feelings into the kiss.
"I love you Y/N." cheeks flushed and eyes wide they loop their arms around my neck the two of us remaining in the snow covered garden, quite music drifting out from the ballroom "Thank you, for trusting me with your secret." I smile pressing my forehead against theirs "I trust you with my life."
"And you with mine."
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maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
It was a normal day in our house - we didn't really have anything to do, as neither of us had to work today. Although I was nearly 5 months pregnant, Ethan decided to invite the other boys over, and have a pool party, as it was deathly hot outside at the moment.
Ethan and I put on our best costumes and put shirts on, just for now, so we don't burn, and made our way outside to set up for the group of energetic band members that were about to arrive. We set out chips, dips, drinks and candy for the guys to snack on, as we were planning on making some burgers for lunch.
"You know," Ethan starts, leaning against the snack table I was currently organizing, "you look absolutely stunning in that."
"It's just one of your shirts, it can't look that amazing." I giggle, knowing he loved it when I wore his clothes.
"Maybe to you, but to me, you look fantastic." He wraps his hands around my waist and starts kissing up my neck.
"Okay, the boys will be here soon, keep your hormones in order please." I push him away as he lets out a seemingly dramatic battle cry.
I laugh as I make my way inside, and retrieving the cold meat from the fridge.
Soon enough, the band make their way through the front door, making themselves the human embodiment of a tornado, making a mess with every step they take. They all hug me and say a quick hello to baby Torchio, before moving on to say hello to Ethan.
"So what are we eating?" Damiano comes up to me, as I start cutting up some tomato's for the burgers.
"Ethan's gonna grill up some burgers for us, but it'll only be later, can't have you boys getting sick because you ate before you swim." I focus on cutting the tomato's, not wanting to chop off a finger.
"Such a great mother you are to us, but speaking of mothers, how is the baby Torchio?" Damiano smiles, as he was the only other member to have a child, he can relate to our emotions right now, which is amazing because Ethan needed someone to talk to about everything, and Damiano was more then happy to help.
"They are okay, not a lot has been going on really. Have you told Leonardo about it yet?" I ask, knowing that he's been asking Damiano for a baby for a while now.
"I'm telling him this weekend, I was hoping that I could bring him over, and introduce him to the baby?"
"Of course, I haven't seen him in a while, so it'll be nice to spend some time with you two, besides I need all the practice I can get."
"What are we talking about?" Ethan enters the kitchen again, wrapping his arms around my waist, and kissing my head.
"Damiano gonna bring Leo over this weekend, so we can introduce him to the baby." I explain.
"Everyone wants to meet baby Torchio and they haven't even been born yet." Ethan laughs, as he puts his hands flat on my stomach. "You hear that, you're famous baby Torchio."
We all laugh, but that all comes to a complete stop when a sudden kick to my stomach stops us in our tracks.
"What was that?" Ethan asks, sounding scared.
"I think they just kicked for the first time." I say, not really believing the words I said.
"Oh my god, can I feel?" Damiano jumps down from the counter, and as soon as I nod, he pushes Ethan's hands away, replacing them with his own. "They aren't doing anything." He pouts.
"Ethan, say something." I say, Ethan gives me a strange look but complies anyway.
"Um, hi baby, I'm Ethan Torchio, I'm a drummer in a really cool band, nice to meet you." Another jolt to my stomach makes Damiano squeal, as he removes his hands and runs outside to get the other two.
"I think they likes your voice." I say to Ethan.
"I would hope so, they're stuck with it either way."
"Right, where's my godson or goddaughter?" Vic screams as she walks into the kitchen. I step away from Ethan, knowing that for the next hour the boys will try make the baby kick, but I knew that the only person that they would kick for, was their dad.
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localspiderboy · 5 years
Interviews | Tom Holland x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Pairing: Tom Holland x Gender Neutral!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: None
Summary : You're nervous about your first interview but Tom reassures you.
Notes- I'm sorry this one is really short, but the next one will be a lot longer I promise! And please if you have any requests make some~
Status: Edited
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Filming for Spiderman: Far From Home had wrapped and promotions were beginning soon.
While on set you and Tom had become fast friends and you found it incredibly easy to talk to you. So when you told him about your nervousness for the interviews he quickly reassured you.
"The first interview is always nerve wracking, but you'll do fine [name]. Plus most of our interviews will be together so I'll be there to help." Tom sent you a kind smile and you happily returned it.
Somehow you felt your nerves slowly melt away. At least enough for you not to be worried. Plus he was right, most of your interviews would be with him and he could always help make you feel better.
Soon it was time for the first interview and you and Tom were just waiting for it to begin. However you did start to feel your nerves coming back to you. You began bouncing your leg, a nervous habit of yours which led the chair to shake a bit.
The brunette next to you noticed and nudged your shoulder.
"You're having your own little earthquake over there mate." He chuckled softly and as you looked at him you saw the playfulness in his eyes.
"What's wrong? Still nervous?"
You simply nodded and now began fidgeting with your fingers, another nervous habit. Tom gave you a comforting oat on the shoulder and a gentle smile.
"It'll be alright, just act like we're three friends chatting about work. You'll do fine plus I'm right here next to you~"
You smiled at him, "Thanks Tom." He really could make you feel better in almost an instant, maybe it was his calm demeanor. You didn't know but you were grateful.
You took a deep breath as the interviewer came and greeted you both, and as the interview begun you were a lot more relaxed than you were previously.
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 5 years
Nighttime Bickerings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xM1JQV
by atmura
On your way home from Oikawa’s volleyball practice, you start to bicker amongst each other.
Words: 535, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, You, Reader, Original Character
Relationships: Oikawa Tooru/Reader, Oikawa Tooru/You, Oikawa Tooru/Original Male Character(s), Oikawa Tooru/Original Female Character(s), Oikawa Tooru/Original Character(s), Oikawa Tooru/Original Genderneutral Character(s), Oikawa Tooru/Genderneautral Reader
Additional Tags: Genderneautral!Reader, Aliens, Oneshot, Fanfic, Fluff, soft, Cute, Short
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xM1JQV
0 notes
maneskinimagine · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
"So, we've been hearing a lot of romantic ballads from you guys recently. Is there a particular reason why?" The interviewer asked.
I watched from the sidelines, as the band was being interviewed for their newest album, that was bound to release any day now.
"I think we're maturing a lot, especially over the last year or so. So turning from the rock/pop rock sound to a more ballad, slow song sound - is something that we've just adapted to doing over the last few months." Damiano answers with confidence. While Damiano is answering, Thomas, Ethan and Vic are looking at him with such confusion.
"Why are you three pulling those faces?" The interviewer laughs, which causes the audience to do so too.
"While we do appreciate Dam's attempts to cover the truth, that isn't gonna work with us." Vic explains, giving Damiano the side eye, every so often.
"Dude, you don't gotta be so mean about it." Damiano crosses his arms and pouts at his band mate.
"What would the real reason be for the sudden change?"
"Damiano and I are the main writers in the band, and I've learnt that he writes from his emotions and experiences. The reason he's writing ballads is because he's in love." Vic finally admits for Damiano. This confession makes Damiano blush - but he puts his hands on his face to hide this.
"So mr, David?" Damiano looks at the interviewer with a smile. "Who's the lucky person?"
"Unfortunately we aren't ready to reveal to the public who the person is yet. But I will say that I am very happy and eventually we will be revealing the person, it'll just take some time."
"Nobody can rush you for that, so take your time. Now I've also heard that you guys got to work with Harry styles?"
The interviewer seemed to go on forever, but eventually the band was able to leave - meaning that Damiano and I could finally go home.
"How was I?" He wraps his arms around me, when he enters the dressing room.
"You're not very sneaky when it comes to your emotions, or secrets for that matter."
"Hey that wasn't me, blame Vic for that one."
"I just pointed out the obvious, don't hate the player, hate the game." Vic sticks her tongue out at us, before walking out to go to the other guys dressing rooms.
"You did well in covering it up though. I wasn't expecting you to hide it, if I'm honest." I sit down on the sofa, where Damiano follows me to - and lets me put my feet on his lap.
"We said we weren't going to reveal unless we were both ready. I don't think either of us are ready."
"Couldn't agree more. So, can we go home now?" I plead.
"We still have the meet and greet after the show, but I promise that we'll be home before you know it. But also be prepared because Ethan's sleeping over again."
"Again? Are you serious?" I'm kinda angry that he didn't ask before hand but oh well.
"I'm sorry." He takes my feet off his lap and kneels down in front of me. "I promise I won't let him sleep in our bed. Again."
"Good, I can't deal with his cuddling all night."
He stands up and kisses me, before walking out to go complete his meet and greet, so we can go home and be a normal couple for once.
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