#genji // clipped gilded wings for a bird so pretty
jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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Jesse McCree without a word would yank Genji into a bearhug and no he's not aloud to ninja away. - @blackwatch-cowboy
                    The ninja would have winced if it wasn’t the cowboy he was worried about, luckily wearing his hoodie to keep the sharp edges of his metallic body from cutting into any exposed flesh. “You are crushing what is left of my spine.” he was sure if there wasn’t something in the menagerie of machinery helping him breath, he’d suffocate.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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Casually leans dramatically over Genji's shoulder. - @blackwatch-cowboy
He’s not short by any means, but McCree still has a bit of height on him. The cyborg meditating at his feet as he stepped over to cast a shadow.
                                 “ Are you trying to scare me? “
He mused, hands moving from their positions on his knees to his lap as his posture relaxed, “You will have to do better than that.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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🤗 - @blackwatch-cowboy​
“Easy, cowboy.”
           The man was heavier than he was. When the mass of a man came toward him and leaned in. A soft huff escaped him and he patted Jesse on the back, shifting the weight onto one of his shoulders. “There there, you big baby.” he wrapped his arms around the cowboy and held him.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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"I miss him." Jesse whispered quietly as he sat down besides Genji. "Gabe was all we ever had. When the Shimada clan and the Deadlock gang abandoned us. He didin't. I-...I still feel like we could've done something. Anything..." - @blackwatch-cowboy​
He shifted as Jesse sat next to him. He relaxed his shoulders, leaning forward on crossed legs to listen to the cowboy. 
                            “He was important to us.”
Genji affirmed, looking over at him for only a moment before reaching up to take the metal plating off so Jesse could see the somberness in his eyes. “He took us in for what we were, even though we were violent, rabid.” he expressed. “We had no power here, he made a decision...and we backed him up. But even we  could not have predicted what happened...”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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[ @blackwatch-cowboy ]"How long y'gonna haunt my bedside?" Jesse teased as he turned to eye the dimly glowing eyes of the ninja in the dark corners of his hospital bed. Ever watchful like some guardian dragon in one of his stories. It'd been a few days since he was saved by the cyborg and to be honest he couldn't wait to leave this dingy hospital room. McCree snorted some, beckoning his best friend to come sit besides him instead. "You keep doin' that n'youre gonna give a doctor a heart attack, Genji."
One eye opened and his gaze drifted to the man in the hospital bed.
"When you start being more careful."
A statement, not a question. "Angela is used to it. She said it was fine that I stay." even though he had taken some bangs and scratches. He felt a little more at ease when he was near Jesse or the others from Blackwatch. He wasn't alone, he had a team. But when his team was out of commission? "You want me to leave?"
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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🤗 - @sixlaws
He knew the nudge well, something Flint nonverbally did when he wasn’t in the talking mood and Genji - who normally was rather repulsed by physical contact - raised an arm to put around the cowboy’s shoulders and pulled him closer.
                  “Got you.”
His vibrate voice hummed softly, running metal fingers through the hair beneath his hat, and saying nothing more.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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💭 (any of them for Jack?) - @facetedspades
Jack it’s roast o clock.
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We need you.
I am not sure I can do this by myself without the crutch you provided. You taught me so much and now I’m being forced to use it practically and my perfectionism is destroying me.
          I am not you.
There was cracks in your stature but only the keen could see it and I know those cracks are fractures now, and that your mission - whatever it is - has consumed you.
Just come back to us...
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You are brave.
         You put up with so much for so long, and while I never got to know you or took the time try, I remember what it was like when you were our shield. When Blackwatch fucked up you were there at every turn trying to protect us and while I didn’t know that then, I know that now.
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Why did it get this far?
            Maybe I’m bias because I walked behind enemy lines with the Blackwatch team and I never batted an eyelash but you never once yanked the chain. Did you think what we were doing was right? A necessarily evil?
Did you want this to happen?               did you ever think... what might happen to us? what might happen to him?
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Get it together.
             We have so much farther left to go.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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💭 - @blackwatch-cowboy
We have come so far... look at us.
I do not wish to be far from you again, the feeling of family you bring overshadows most troubles. It’s nice to have someone I don’t feel like I have to lie to. Put on a face for. You have always accepted me for everything, every bit of rage I now control. When I was the storm you were the eye. I have missed you.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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4Genji: 🐣/ 👥 - @blackwatch-cowboy
does your muse have anyone they look up to? //
Genji big looks up to Reyes, he was there for him in a part of his life that was full of self loathing and anger. He didn't get judged for how easily he killed people or how violently he could do it. He was patient and strict in the right ways that put Genji on a better path. But also Angela in later days, her desire to help people inspired him to change his second change at life to a more helpful one.
does your muse have many friends? do people feel they can rely on your muse? //
Genji has a handful of people he calls friends. Cassidy for one is his best friend, someone he knows he can rely on and hopes that he can rely on him in turn. He also makes really good friends with Lena, Angela, and Hana when they eventually meet! He would like to consider himself reliable, wishing to be there for his friends when they need him. But he also knows in these times that is not entirely possible.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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The blade through his chest was far quicker than he ever expected. He should have after all their time together. Shock filtered through him all the same before the pain, but it was the pain that finally woke him up. The hazy glaze in his eyes dissolved away and whatever spell Talon weaved over his mind faded with it. In an instant the revolver aimed at his most dearest friend fell to the ground with a clatter, his now skewered form stumbling forwards till he was leaning against the very man who struck him through. "...G-Genji?" Jesse whispered against his shoulder. His voice was quiet, lost in a daze. - @blackwatch-cowboy​
He never thought she could get into her system like that. Almost like his own arm was fighting him, his reflexes. The finite wires that were twisted in him by the good Dr. Ziegler were now being used as puppet strings as Sombra moved him with such a grace and terror that would strike fear into anyone that had seen Genji fight. Anyone knew, fighting Genji like this was to the death. He was trained and violent a rage in him only unleashed by being let free. The blood was soaking into his plating, he could feel how warm it was and he was coming back to when he felt Jesse familiarly slumped against him, only his blade was on the other side. He left it, something in Angela said telling him not to pull it out because that would cause the bleeding. He held Jesse instead, looking frantically around for a medic. For anyone.
                                    “No no no no!”
Words spilled with fear and metal. “MEDIC!” he called out, because someone had to be here, he felt his voice fracture from the left over hacking. His bloody hands coming to Jesse’s face. “No, don’t you die on me. You’re not allowed to go first. That’s not fair.” he rattled, panicking, begging. “Jesse I didn’t mean-- you know I didn’t.” not him, he would never. He would never. He would never, he would never.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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© - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere - @sixlaws
He was walking away from Angela’s office, trying to skip out on seeing her again. Still not sure what he would say to her these days. Sitting in silence used to be their thing, letting his own rage boil as she worked on him and now? Now he wanted to talk to her, ask her how he’s been... 
                   “What? What...?”
He looked up at Jesse as he was being led away. “Where are we going?”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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#3 for your whole squad 👀👀👀 - @xynchronicity​  3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone? the whole squad WHICH I DESERVE
Abril: She is incredibly extroverted in person and speaks to herself when she’s alone. Sometimes doesn’t know how to be quite. [ “It’ll be fun they said, fly to Rialto they said” ]
Akande: Incredibly intimidating and professional among watching eyes. You have to be in this business everyone is looking to cut their strings [ or get thrown over a waterfall ] so it isn’t good to let his guard down. On his own time he’s rather somber. A man that likes to read and sit by the fire for some peace.
Angela: She is incredibly professional and rigid with nearly everyone having been in the medical field in most of her developmental years she’s got some emotional dissonance and struggles maintaining and keeping relationships. Which ironically is no different than she is on her own. Which is the MAIN problem.
Widowmaker: Widow is almost a ghost of  Amélie when she’s alone. She talks to herself in French, like she’s speaking to an entirely different part of her psyche sometimes. She says and does things she cannot explain, which are muscle memories from her past life. She is mostly silent and resolved when among others. Doesn’t speak unless spoken to.
Delilah: All my muses are so professional, they have an image to protect. Delilah is no different, she is trying to bridge the gap between humans and omics. Though it’s not going so well. Despite her peppy attitude, in her solitude she feels incredibly alone and sometimes seems to droop and sag when she’s on her own.
Delaware: Barz is the grumpiest old man to ever exist. He speaks his mind when around others. He doesn’t hesitate to give Ashe a piece of his mind because he’s been around long enough he feels comfortable doing that. You’ll often hear him grumbling like the old cod he is when he’s on his own.
Genji: Genji has a lot of self loathing he still struggles with on his day to day for the hand he played in his own fate and how he pushed Hanzo. But does his best to be upbeat and cheerful around others so that he doesn’t worry them. He’s may have recovered from his rage but it still exists. Don’t be fooled, Genji finds ways to take out that bottled up rage in a healthier manner than lashing out at others like he used to but normally does that on his own.
Jack: Angry. He’s so angry all the time, he lashes out so easily at others now even the people he was close to or loved. He has these large stone walls that incircle him. But on his own he just sits in silence reflecting on all the mistakes he made. Trying to figure out how he got here and how he can put an end to it.
Hana: Hana’s entire life is on the grand stage and people thing she’s this KAWAII DESU sort of gamer girl, but D.Va is a persona that she puts on to keep her people at peace about the dangers beyond. On her own, she’s far more serious, a hero complex in the making. Spending 90 percent of her time perfecting combat and the MEKA. She’d rather be prepared than famous.
Hanzo: Hanzo has a very bull headed resistant attitude to anyone that approaches him. But in his private time he refuses to look in the mirror, really against his own reflection because if he stares at it for too long he’ll realize he is the monster everyone says he is.
Soyon: Soyon does not express emotion in similar ways as people, she often has a fox like curiosity when around people, often shaped by the people she spends time with. She only turns feral around the Shimada’s, but she is one of their protectors. Soyon is a woman of very few words both in her own time and among others. She is a bit more sly when on her own though, sometimes smiling for no reason.
Moira: She’s a huge nerd, which is masked by her disdain for humanity and dislike for nearly everyone she works with. Her eye rolls are hard to take seriously when you know she’s rocking out to anime openings and j-pop, to which she knows all the words to and definitely sings to herself when she things no one is around.
BONUS: Echo: Echo is curious, constantly asking questions when she’s around people, often repeating things over and over - not necessarily because she didn’t hear you but becasue she’s saving those words in her data bank. On her own she often practices her impressions where they don’t freak anyone out.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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 @xynchronicity continued from here
Ally. The word seemed so shallow but he learned to use the term to mean more than that. Meant that they were a brother or a father, that in the thick of it you could always count on them.
                          “Unacceptable. Death is not a gift.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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❛ did i do good? ❜ - @whiptrip​
A roar of laughter ripped from synthetic lungs and he put his hand to the top of his head. He had played a lot of video games as a kid, fighters, shooters. Arcade games and otherwise. They were an escape. Along with the booze, women and men, drugs. All the bad stuff that every heir to a yakuza could do.
But he had never been challenged quite like this. Met someone of a skill level parallel to his and he was overjoyed by it. “Not bad!” he put his hands on his hips. “Maybe you are a ninja, after all.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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02 . a kiss on the forehead : Genji - @blackwatch-cowboy
He had been listening to Jesse talk for the past few minutes, enjoying the chill of the night as they swapped stories and caught up by the campfire. On their way back home, to finally get some leave. He had missed these moments, laughing softly as the cowboy said something funny, and then goodnight. After a moment a kiss placed to his forehead and Genji exhaled, a small smile fluttering across his exposed face.
                                  “Goodnight to you too… sleep tight.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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❝ I guess blood’s a little thicker than evil.  ❞ - @facetedspades​ Jack
“I do not think that’s how it goes.”
              Genji sheathed the sword back into place when the voice, despite all the modifications, was familiar. He was good at that. Lot of change in his own voice through out the years, he could pick out the baseline. That and heightened senses helped.
“Blood of the covenant,                                    is thicker than the water of the womb”
He recited in English, “But I do believe it is right, don’t you?”
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