#genshin impact susbedo
haileyywrites · 2 years
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Summary: When Rhinedottir left Mondstadt she entrusted her still young son to you - a job she wouldn't entrust to just anyone. As her former apprentice you would help guide Albedo through life and his quest for the "Truth of This World"...
Pairings: Albedo x reader / platonic!
Notes/Warnings: Completely gender neutral reader! Poc friendly! Possible lore spoiler warning for Gold, Durin, "Primordial" Albedo and Albedo's backstory! Not meant to be entirely lore accurate! Very fluffy with a tint of angst for "Susbedo"/"Primordial" Albedo! Not completely proofread as it's pretty long! Rushed ending!
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Few were ever lucky to meet Rhinedottir or "Gold" as she was known by those she called friends. Even fewer could become her apprentice's to continue on her questionable legacy... Her deeds and motives were controversial to most, but it wouldn't stop you from taking up the mantel as her first apprentice after you had thoroughly impressed her. You reminded her of herself when she was young, curious and inquisitive - ready to unravel the "Truth of This World".
Gold wasn't someone easily impressed, so whatever you did to attract her attention must have been something special. She was a cold and strick mentor who wouldn't hesitate to stop your apprenticeship the moment you proved to be useless or didn't meet her expectations. You knew this from the beginning of course and made sure to keep it in mind at all times. As you gained her trust she showed you ways to alter your aging process through "unnatural" means.
Though you grew closer throughout the years this never changed, but when she had taught you close to everything she asked for your help with her final secret project. To create life through alchemy or khemia. She created many creatures like the Riftwolves and Durin, but her most human creation had always stood out to you. The small babe that she let you hold in your arms had captured your heart the moment you laid eyes on him, Gold called him her greatest creation and you couldn't help but agree.
“His name is Albedo.” She said.
“He's beautiful, he also looks a lot like you.” You mused.
“He shall be my greatest creation, only time will tell if he lives up to it.”
The boy you held would come to be known to few as the "Primordial Albedo" who would be swallowed by Durin... You had always known she would abandon you too if you didn't live up to her expectations, but to do this to her own son was incredibly cruel and beyond what you thought she was capable of. It soured your relationship for some time - especially when she moved onto create another identical Albedo, but she didn't stop being your mentor even then. It also didn't stop her from leaving you with one final assignment that would end your apprenticeship, but also change your life almost entirely...
Gold left. She vanished after discovering something incredible during her latest trip through a forgotten domain with Albedo... The only things left behind were her notebook along with two letters addressed to you and Albedo. In her letter to you she entrusted her son to you as in her opinion he was still a bit too young to navigate through life completely on his own and helping him discover the "Truth of This World" was your final assignment.
Gold knew you were both eager to prove yourselves to her and trusted you both to succeed in it. It was a difficult and demanding task, but she wouldn't have even entertained the idea if she didn't trust you both immensely as Gold wasn't the kind of person to coddle others - especially not Albedo as she of all knew what he was capable of, but it didn't mean he had to completely rely on himself just yet. Albedo had proved himself worthy to be called her greatest creation and her successor, he was given the name Kreideprinz. With your gentle guidance he was sure to thrive as not an alchemist, but a human being as well.
It was difficult for both of you to be left alone after Gold departed, especially for Albedo as it was the first time he was separated from his master. It was also the first time you had been left alone with him for an extended period of time and you hardly knew each other yet. While you had held "Primordial Albedo" when he was still an infant, you had distanced yourself from this Albedo in an effort to not become attached should he meet a fate as cruel as his predecessor... It evidently prevented you from really bonding with him from a young age, which made your current situation more difficult.
Albedo was never a difficult child, infact he was barely a child at all. He had always reminded you of an adult trapped in a child's body, but it made sense since he wasn't a regular child at all. He had always been very independent, but would ask for your help if he truly needed it. Sometimes he would do it just to make you feel better as he knew you loved helping him with anything and that it was important to you... He truly was too smart for his own good, but you pretended not to notice when he did this.
It took surprisingly little time for you to grow attached to the young boy, within a few months you were already acting like a parent - reminding him to eat and take care of himself beyond his pursue if knowledge alongside helping him to do so. All of it may not have been necessary considering he wasn't human, but it felt natural to dote on him and he didn't seem to mind. If you were bold you would even suggest he enjoyed it to some level.
“Albedo I think it's time to take a break, you've been studying away since dawn.” You said worriedly.
“It's okay, I'm not tired.” He replied with a monotone voice.
“I know, that's what you always tell me. At least stop to eat this dinner I made.” You smiled and placed the plate on his desk.
Albedo nodded, but didn't seem to be paying much attention to what you were saying. Before you left however, you could see him stop and put down the book he was reading before picking up the plate with a tiny smile on his face as he munched away what you had prepared. You let out a giggle which made Albedo turn to look at you, you didn't say anything as you left to continue on with your unfinished work...
While to you he may have been a surrogate child of sorts, but you never forced him to view your relationship like that. His maker had a role no one else could ever hope to live up to and you didn't try to, you were his mentor and he appreciated that relationship. He would call you his family if anyone were to ask - you did raise him mostly. It wasn't to make you happy or anything, it was just what you were to him as "mentor" just didn't fully explain how important you were to him.
When Albedo became older he decided he would leave for Mondstadt to visit Alice as instructed by the letter left by Gold. You joined him as you had briefly met Alice before and wished to ask if she knew anything about Gold or her current whereabouts - it had been years and you had heard nothing from her, neither had Albedo. Unfortunately she couldn't say as she didn't know, but at least she knew what to do with the letter Albedo gave her.
With Alice's recommendation and Gold's letter Albedo was made a knight amongst Mondstadt's Knights of Favonius, though he was quickly promoted as Chief Alchemist. It was somehow a quite proud moment for you, seeing the child you helpped raise succeed in life was quite fulfilling. The only sad part being that you would return to Dragonspine alone that night and most nights after that... Albedo would return any time he possibly could to see you and return to his home, but it was quite different from how things were.
Dragonspine was isolated from all of the nations, even Mondstadt. Not to mention incredibly dangerous and harsh, few would dare set foot there making you feel rather lonely most of the time. You had always had Gold or Albedo keeping you company, but now it was only you and a few non-friendly groups inhabiting the mountain along with it's wildlife. Sometimes Sucrose or Timaeus would visit the laboratory to work on something, but you would let them work in peace. Still somehow you got the feeling you were being watched at times...
You never could figure out the culprit for sure, but at times you would catch a glimpse of familiar blonde hair that Albedo had. He never admitted to it being him when you brought it up, so you simply let it go and mostly forgot about it. Perhaps it was wishful thinking since you were so lonely that you hoped it was him or even Gold, no matter how unlikely it might have been...
Things got better when Klee vame into your life and joined your very strange "family", Albedo was like a real brother to her and she quickly grew to love you both as a part of her family. She was very excited about it as she only had Alice and she tended to travel around a lot leaving her with the Knights of Favonius. Alice was a free spirit and would only be happy if allowed to roam freely, she did love her daughter dearly and thus you were entrusted with the guardianship of another child that wasn't yours.
Klee was very different from Albedo - she was loud, energetic and overall an actual child. You had no experience looking after a child such as Klee, but you managed with a lot of patience and learning on the job. She wasn't a bad kid in any way, she just tended to find or create problems you had to solve. You wouldn't trade it or her for anything in this world, but she could be very difficult. Looking back it was hard to imagine your life without her or Albedo...
“Klee you've been very well behaving today... Is there anything you need to tell me?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Um, noo?” She avoided your gaze as if she would turn into stone if she gazed into your eyes.
“Klee?” You asked suspiciously.
“I'm going to go back to Mondstadt now! Bye!” She ran off almost tripping multiple times.
You would need to make a trip to visit Mondstadt later to collect her from timeout it seemed...
It was strange and funny to think how your life had turned out. How you had left your home and family to study under someone who many feared or hated, you stayed her apprentice despite everything that happened throughout the years and all that she did... Despite what happened to the first Albedo, despite what happened to Durin and the Riftwolves - despite everything she did.
You were left to raise her son on your own after she vanished without a trace... Years went by with just the two of you until then he left to pursue his own future and destiny leaving you alone on the mountain like your master was before she took you in as her apprentice - only this time the apprentice left for the city Mondstadt. Then of course came Klee who joined your family and who too was left in your care by her mother. Quite the life you had lived...
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A/N: I'm sorry my posting has become so lazy, I have a ton of fics in my drafts but I just can't seem to finish any of them lol...
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59 notes · View notes
artsquirrelb · 1 year
In manga style (2)
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1K notes · View notes
popsigills · 1 year
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The jealousy of Subject Two
868 notes · View notes
satinroses · 4 months
Off the beaten path
Yan! Albedo x reader x Yan! Susbedo
4874 Words
GN! reader
Summary: Albedo has been frantic about keeping you far away from Dragonspine for reasons unknown but when Sucrose asks you to go to Dragonspine to gather some ingredients for her you can’t help but go there however when you arrive Albedo doesn’t seem at all upset over your sudden arrival in Dragonspine… rather he seems uncharacteristically enthusiastic.
guys this is my first fic so erm I'm sorry if it’s really bad :[
Warnings: typical yandere behaviours, non-con kissing, both Albedos being little creeps, Y/N needs a break and has official permission to execute them both, Y/N is a smidge naïve, Manipulation, gaslighting
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The brisk air of Dragonspine doesn’t sit gently in your lungs, instead its crispness demands your attention. Each breath is invigorating. You were never one to focus on meditation or breathing techniques, seeing little interest in self-reflection or mindfulness however on mornings like this one on Dragonspine with the bright morning sun rising to full mast you couldn't help but feel rather contemplative. 
Admittedly you were not as alchemically inclined as your lover, the chief alchemist of the Knights of Favonius however when sucrose entered Albedo’s office late at night in a state of utter disarray as the samples of flora she had procured from Dragonspine had seemingly vanished from under her very nose you couldn’t help but take pity on the poor girl in her panic. Tomorrow morning she would be too busy refining the remaining electro hypostasis’ lightning prisms from her last journey outside the walls of Mondstadt for yet another experiment… She simply wouldn't be able to make the trek to Dragonspine and back while also completing all of her tasks but despite her pleading the knights were far too busy to waste their time collecting mere greenery.
You shifted on your feet, you always thought she held herself to a far harsher standard than she deserved, constantly focusing on her shortcomings as Albedo’s apprentice rather than acknowledging what an accomplished and gifted alchemist she was in her own right. You walked towards the distraught green-haired alchemist, firmly grasping her on each shoulder. At your steady grasp sucrose looked up at the reassuring smile you gave her “Sucrose! Don’t fret so much, you’ve already done more than enough. I’ve got it handled, I’ll head to Dragonspine first thing tomorrow morning and I'll have the samples for you before lunchtime.” For the first time since Sucrose entered the room you could feel your lover's eyes rising from the notebook where he had been scrawling away his recent findings for the past few hours, his turquoise eyes piercing into your body as though if he stared hard enough he’d be able pierce your subconsciousness and reprogram you, as though if he impressed his vision into you long enough you would eventually be remade in his vision, as though staring could somehow convince you to rescind your offer. 
Although Albedo was typically indifferent about how you spent your time and who you associated with, you couldn't help but notice that recently he had been very clearly trying to shepherd you away from the snowy peak of Dragonspine. Any ideas of visiting him while he was working was quickly shot down with a “It’s not worth the trek, most of my work in Dragonspine will be done soon enough, there is no point in journeying all that way”. Any mentions of stopping by to drop off some warm food for himself, Sucrose and Timaeus was quickly halted with a “we pack more than enough food and there are plenty of braziers around the camp, please don't worry yourself” much to the dismay of Timaeus. It felt as though every attempt to come see him working had been instantly stopped by some rebuttal he had regarding it as a waste of time and energy.
It would be a lie to say your heart didn’t ache with every blatant refusal to your attempts to visit him on the mountain. He let Kaeya, Klee and Sucrose visit him freely but he seemed particularly insistent that you do not come to Dragonspine, that you don't even entertain the idea. In spite of Albedo's recent reluctance for you to venture to the frozen mountain, you refused to be deterred. This particular voyage was not a selfish endeavour for your own entertainment… no! Sucrose needed your help and you refused to let her down. It would be a breeze to wander about the mountain picking flowers for a little while before meandering back to Mondstadt to what would likely be a hero’s welcome from the young woman, besides with your pyro vision strapped to your waist you sincerely doubted any hillichurls would be causing you issues and you knew well enough to steer clear of any Fatui outposts placed along the winding frozen pathways.
The mint-haired woman let out a deep sigh of relief, her breathing steadying as she looked at you hopefully “really?! You will? Thank you so much Y/N I- I don't know how to repay you I-'' you laughed warmly at the girl’s gratitude “think nothing of it! It’ll be a piece of cake, besides I haven't left Monstadt’s walls in weeks, going out and exploring will do me some good.” It seemed as though this past month almost every commission took place within the walls of Mondstadt, if you had to clean that blasted statue of Barbatos or tell that creep Albert to knock it off one more time you were going to go crazy, on the rare occasion you were given a commission that left the walls of Mondstadt it was something mundane like a food delivery to Springvale and back. You hadn’t had a single combat commission in weeks. you had filed several complaints to Katherine about the distribution of commissions and despite her promises to reach out to her higher ups regarding potential flaws in the commission distribution system, she still hadn't gotten back to you.
With Sucrose’s issue resolved and her mind soothed you gently guide her to the door of Albedo’s office “It’s getting late and I’m sure you’ll have a busy day tomorrow” you say to her, clasping the bronze door handle and holding the door open “I’ll see you tomorrow, verdure in tow!” you exclaimed as you watched the girl amble over to the exit of the Knight’s headquarters, waving you a polite goodbye. 
You softly shut the thick oak door to Albedo’s office not wanting to disturb the diligent genius, taking his silence during your conversation with sucrose as a sign of him returning to his work. Ever the academic, Albedo rarely allowed himself to be distracted from a task once he had dedicated himself to it, however upon turning around you were greeted by Albedo still staring at you intently, his eyes having never once left your frame. His pupils were dilated, the darkness engulfing his iris leaving only a sliver of blue as an outermost ring. He didn’t blink as though afraid you would slip from his grasp the moment he shut his eyes. His body was still, his entire being focused on watching you as though he was waiting for something to happen. He hadn’t written a word since your mention of Dragonspine, his studies completely paused as his pen stayed pressed on his crisp white notepad, a thick ink blot seeping into the page and staining it but in spite of this, the observant Albedo didn’t make any effort to move the pen.
Seeing Albedo so on edge subsequently had you unsettled. You gently walk across the plush red carpet approaching Albedo, taking the pen out of his hand and setting it down on his desk before he could further sully his work. Only upon your contact with him did he seemingly snap out of the daze he was in, blinking softly. His eyes still zeroed in on you but they seemed softer, less frantic. Upon setting the pen down you began to wrap your coat around your shoulders “you know what i said to sucrose is right, i should be heading home soon before i have to bump into the crowd of tavern crawlers on their way from The Cat’s Tail to The Angel’s Share” you joke gently attempting to lighten the mood, Albedo barely manages a smile at your jest. instead getting up and shoving his arms haphazardly into the sleeves of the jacket he stripped off hours ago “let me walk you home. It’s getting far too dark for you to be wandering about Mondstadt alone. I wouldn't be able to rest well unless I knew you made it back safely.” You smile bashfully at the consideration he's shown for you.
“Oh Albedo, i don't want to be a bother I'm sure you have plenty of things to-”
“I insist.”
“Well if you insist” you smile softly, your heart fluttering at his show of chivalry
You nodded and fiddled with the buttons of your coat, your fingers trembling as Albedo stood by the door waiting for you to be ready to leave. Upon noticing your battle with your buttons Albedo quickly faced you as he placed your hands by your side to instead button your coat up himself. The moment you were suitably clothed to brace the cool Mondstadt evenings Albedo’s arm snaked around your waist as he ushered you out of the Knight’s headquarters. Your cheeks warmed at his gesture as the reserved alchemist’s hand enclosed your waist tightly, pulling you closer into him as though he was trying to mould you together, unable to be separated by anyone or anything. You attempted to initiate some small talk as you wandered through Mondstadt, however Albedo hardly noticed. He muttered vague replies or made noises of affirmation as you discussed your day and how cold it had been recently and how excited you were for the next Windblume festival. Instead Albedo’s eyes were fixed intently on the shadows the dim streetlamps of Mondstadt cast as though a ghost was about to peer out from one of the alleys. As you reached your home you opened the door yet Albedo's hand didn't move from your waist. You stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to release you from his grasp but he didn’t move his hand until several awkward seconds had passed before he hesitantly allowed you to walk through your front door. “Goodnight Albedo” you whisper gently before pressing a gentle peck to his cheek. You disappear behind your door trying to forget about Albedo’s peculiar behaviour tonight, fretting about what could have possibly made him so troubled. In spite of your concern about Albedo’s recent behaviours you slipped into an uneasy sleep, unaware of how he remained steadfastly on your doorstep like a statue keeping watch until the sun began to peak over the rolling hills of Mondstadt and he reluctantly retired to his own abode.
The crunch of the fresh layer of snow beneath your shoes invigorated you as you continued your trek along the mountainside. Your head felt light as you inhaled the overwhelming saccharine scent of the half dozen sweet flowers you had found, your hand clutching the stems of the flowers gently, determined to bring Sucrose back the best possible samples. Alas you couldn’t help but feel as though your luck had all but run out when you began to search for mint. Perhaps some traveller had plucked the last of it in this area or maybe you were just unlucky. You bent over in the snow, your head almost grazing the ground as you sifted your hands through the snow hoping your fingers might latch onto even a mint sapling, that perhaps the constant winter snowfall had simply covered up all the fresh mint. After a few minutes of sifting through the mountainside snow you began to instinctively reach for your weapon as a distinctly humanoid presence loomed over you… there shouldn't be Fatui this far from the main path but perhaps these were scouts for a larger group. You held your breath not wanting the person to realise you were aware of their presence until you were ready or you were forced to act, likely the latter. As several minutes passed and you still pretended to be focused on the frost dusted ground beneath you rather than the presence looming over your form you were confused as to why they hadn’t approached yet… perhaps it was just some freezing adventurer too sheepish to ask for help so they were simply waiting to be noticed… or perhaps it was an inquisitive little snow fox or boar who would scurry away the moment you acknowledged it yes, that sounded much better. You would turn around and be greeted by some shy little forest animal who would flee the moment you acknowledged it. Yes. That was it. Nothing bad is behind you. You began to repeat in your head as you rested your numb hands on the hilt of your weapon before taking a deep breath and turning around.
Of all the potential scenarios you imagined being greeted by, seeing Albedo staring at you in utter shock was not one of them. You exhaled softly before you began to chuckle in relief, pressing your hand over your thumping heart as you chastised your over-active imagination. You smile gently “‘Bedo I didn't think I’d bump into you, what are you doing on this part of the mountain?” You awaited a response yet you weren’t greeted by one, you looked back up at Albedo but instead of him offering you a small smile or him trying to usher you off the mountain he simply stood there staring at you as though it was the first time he had truly seen you. He drank in deep breaths, his mouth slightly agape as his eyes danced across you, blinking softly as though trying to dispel some sort of illusion “Albedo? Everything okay?” you ask gently, your mind already on slight alert after his peculiar behaviour last night. Suddenly he let out a deep gasp as he stuttered out “what are you doing here? I thought… i thought you weren’t fond of Dragonstone…” you look up at Albedo in utter confusion “Not fond…? Albedo what are you talking about, you’re the one who practically forces me off the mountain” you say, half joking, half serious.
Albedo’s gaze becomes cold as he spits out “of course I do” with a venom unfamiliar to his voice, his eyes glaring into the ground with such profound hatred it startles you. He quickly remembers your presence and haphazardly attempts to regain his composure with a deep breath and a few blinks before he says in an even tone “then what are you doing here then Y/N? Shouldn’t you be in Mondstadt?” Your heart beat steadily accelerates as you feel your skin crawling as Albedo stares at you, his gaze seeping into your skin as he drinks in every little detail, his eyes fixating on every mole and birthmark and freckle, desperately imprinting them into his mind like this is the last time he might ever see you “we discussed this last night remember? I’m looking for some flowers for Sucrose’s experiment” you state, your voice tight as my body tense like a coiled spring ready to launch itself out of the grasping hands of the alchemist.
Albedo puts his hand on his chin as he begins to mutter “Sucrose… Sucrose… Sucrose… Sucrose!” he had sounded utterly befuddled by the mention of her until the final mutter of Sucrose seemed to ignite some spark of familiarity, like Sucrose was more of a passing acquaintance rather than his most promising protégé. 
“Yes of course Sucrose needed some flowers like we discussed last night”
“Yes that would appear to be the case” You giggled breathlessly, trying to ignore the pit of bile bubbling in your stomach “I just want to find some mint and then I'll begin the trudge back to Mondstadt”
“Oh… some mint? I think I know where you might be able to find some”
“O-Oh are you sure I don't want to be a bother and I don't want to get in the way of anything or be a nuisance or knock something important over in your lab” You stuttered out sheepishly, trying to find any way to get back to Mondstadt.
“Nonsense I’ve set up a temporary second camp just a little ways up the mountain, follow me. I’m sure we’ll find plenty of flora up there”
“Okay yes you’re right” You beam trying to ignore how tight the grin feels, like your skin is cracking underneath it. He holds out his soft cool palm waiting for you to grab it. You gently settle your hand in his unable to hear how his breath hitches softly as your numb fingers are clutched by his, a barely noticeable flush spreading across his complexion. Each step in the direction of this second camp makes your foot feel heavier until eventually you’re practically shuffling through the snow. As you wind through the passageways of the mountain you can’t help but feel like you’re going far too high but each time you ask Albedo about the new camp’s location you’re greeted by the same excuse “just a little ways further.”
“‘Bedo…” you stutter out “I should turn back, I need to get these flowers back to Sucrose soon. I promised she’d have them by lunchtime and the sun is getting rather high” 
He stopped in his tracks, the hand that had been grasping onto yours tightens with an unnatural grip “but we’re almost there” he smiles out, the smile far too large and toothy to look natural on him, mimicking a lion baring its teeth far more than a reassuring grin “just a little further” he repeats once more as he continues up the path, your hand still held tightly in his. You had followed him for as long as your reason had allowed but now you were venturing into parts of Dragonspine unknown even to you as he dragged you up yet another beaten path. You smile half heartedly, trying to ignore the primal sensation of fear when Albedo smiles at you, the undeniable emotion of something being deeply wrong every time he tightens his hold on your hand.
You stop walking and begin to try to coax your limb out of his grip but the gentle tugging of your hand out of his makes his smile drop. He balls his now empty fist as he pauses and stares down the offending limb as though it had personally wronged him. you stare at your feet, your eyes darting between your snow scuffed boots and the sweet flowers clasped tightly in your other hand as you try to avoid albedo’s gaze permeating through you. Albedo’s lack of social adeptness was often something you found endearing, another quality which raised the alchemist’s standing in your eyes but right here in the crisp morning air of Dragonspine with the sun shining far too bright, there was never another quality you despised more. The chief alchemist simply stared. you tried to move. You could apologise to Albedo for your behaviour later but as you were about to move your legs his fist grasped onto your wrist with a bruising grip. You reflexively dropped the sweet flowers that you had kept grasped securely in your hand as Albedo’s cold hand fixed around your wrist. You couldn't find it in your panic stricken haze to even think about the flowers that were now resting on the cold mountain snow. 
You yelped out in pain before looking up at Albedo for an explanation for his sudden change in demeanour. He offered none, instead he shifted his cold, stiff body closer against yours so your fronts were pressed together, chest to chest. He breathed down on your face, his breath wasn’t warm or wet like you had expected, instead it felt cool on your skin. Snowflakes settled on his long lashes as his pupils dilated, flickering to your lips. You stood stock still as confusion began to cloud your mind. Albedo’s gloved other hand rose to your lips, gently caressing them. “So warm…��� he muttered absentmindedly as he traced the curve of your cupid's bow before his finger fell down to your lower lip. You enclosed your only free hand around Albedo’s, coaxing his fingers away from your lips instead you placed it down by his side “‘Bedo… I promised Sucrose those flowers, I need to get back to Mondstadt soon” his expression hardened before he finally acquiesced. Albedo’s dismay at you having to leave so soon was apparent until a mischievous glint alit in his eye. He tightened his grip on your arm before he whispered against your lips “I'll let you return to Sucrose if you promise me adequate compensation…” you could have laughed at the absurdity of Albedo’s demands “compensation?” you guffawed “You can't be serious Albedo.” he pulled you closer, no space was left between you as he tittered airily, running his hand softly through your hair “shh shh shh… I don't want mora and I don't want favours, I just want” his cheek flushed pink in spite of the confidence he exuded as he breathed out “I just want a kiss. That's all.” You were perplexed at Albedo’s request, since your relationship with the chief alchemist had been formalised he had rarely felt the need to formally ask for permission to kiss you but the Albedo here and now was blushing like a virgin at the mere thought of it. 
Typically you might have questioned his sudden change in behaviour but with some divine intervention seemingly handing you a way out of this awkward exchange on a golden platter you didn’t feel inclined to throw it back in the face of whichever archon had decided to bless you with this opportunity. Instead you leaned in softly before pressing a gentle, hesitant kiss to Albedo’s lips. To your relief his remaining grip on your hand loosened as your lips skimmed his but the sudden slackness didn't seem to affect just his hand but rather his whole body as he didn't kiss you back. Instead Albedo kept his eyes tightly shut as his entire body froze, the only part of his body that seemed tense was his furrowed brows. It was as though he were in a state of deep contemplation, focusing only on memorising the feeling of your warm lips on his. With his attention completely on the feeling of your mouth slotted against his own and his arms resting loosely by his sides, you took the chance to quickly separate yourself from him, turning away and fleeing along the frosty pathway down the mountain in a desperate attempt to escape the unnerving encounter.
You couldn’t hear Albedo calling out to you or following behind you so once you had made significant distance between where you and Albedo had been standing you turned to face him. To your surprise Albedo hadn’t moved an inch, he stayed exactly as you had left him, as though suspended in the moment in which your lips left his. The only difference is that this time his eyes were ignited with a cold determination, a look you knew to be unique to Albedo when he made a breakthrough experiment, when he found an ingredient he had been scavenging for months to find, when he finally located a dusty old tome or scrap of paper which had the information he needed and now when he stared at your frame scurrying down the mountain. As the base of the mountain came into view and your nerves began to settle you realised that in your desperation to get away you had left the flowers on the snowy ground. You halted for half a second, your foot pivoting as you prepared to venture back up the winding path but as your eyes met the incline up the mountain you were filled with paralysing nausea. Every single instinct in your body was fighting against the idea of going back up the mountain. Whatever interaction you and Albedo had shared up there, a raw, primitive, instinctual part of you knew that it had been wrong, that it had been off, that if you went back up the path then you truly believed you would not make it back down the mountain for a second time.
Almost slipping down the mountain in your haste to escape your peculiar encounter with Albedo you didn't dare stop until you reached the Adventurer’s camp on the outskirts of the mountain where you finally felt the hammering of your heart slow for the first time this morning now that you had escaped the sheer cold of Dragonspine but even then with Albedo’s peculiar behaviour these past few weeks and in particular today you still couldn't feel at ease, even as you began to trudge out of the Adventurer’s camp and back towards Dadaupa Gorge.
You almost did a double take when you saw a frantic Albedo hurrying towards Dragonspine, his hand resting tightly on the hilt of his cinnabar spindle, his body tensed and ready to pounce. “...Albedo…? How did you get down here so fast?” you called out, eyeing the alchemist wearily. You had never felt more bewildered. Upon hearing you call out to him Albedo’s hand loosened on the hilt of his blade. He ran to you and wrapped you tightly in his arms, one arm wrapped around your waist so tightly it was suffocating you, the other clawed into your hair, his fingers digging into your scalp. He pulled you close as he had on the mountain however this time he buried his head into your neck as he inhaled deeply.
As you stood there embracing the startled alchemist you could feel just how intensely his hands were trembling but you couldn't help but pry for answers in your state of bewilderment. You were certain Albedo had been behind you as you descended the mountain and even if he had followed you down (which you suspected he had) how would he have gotten ahead of you? Albedo hadn’t been leaving Dragonspine when you met him here but rather he had been approaching, he had to have come from the direction of  Mondstadt. You asked louder this time “Albedo, how did you get ahead of me?” You were up on the mountain last time I saw you.” At your declaration Albedo finally peeled his from your neck, his manic eyes darting across you assessing for any damage before he finally seemed to regain some semblance of awareness “how did i… i know dragonspine like the back of my hand Y/N. it wasn’t hard to overtake you” Albedo stated trying to steady his voice. Although it’s likely the Alchemist knew the Mountain far better than you did… you didn’t fully believe him. You couldn't fully believe him. Not when you saw how terrified Albedo had seemed as he bounded towards the mountain in such a distressed state you almost didn't recognise the alchemist, not when you felt just how tightly he had clutched onto you as though you were about to slip through his fingers, not when you could feel how frantically his heart was beating as he held you to him. 
You continued to insist Albedo explain what had happened, why he had been acting so strangely. The expression in Albedo’s eyes was unreadable, something you had never seen in the chief alchemist’s eyes before, something almost reminiscent of fear. As you both traversed down galesong hill towards the city of freedom you stopped Albedo and turned him to face you as you whispered in a pleading tone “Albedo please… just explain to me what happened up there. I’m not upset with you, I'm just confused. What happened up there? You seemed rather out of sorts.” Albedo’s lips grew into a thin line, the expression on his face was a grim one but instead of any explanation he simply pressed the back of his palm to your forehead “you’re burning up” he mutters. Yet again Albedo’s actions fill you with nothing but confusion.
“Burning up? What are you talking about Albedo? I feel fine just please, answer my question” you cry out, frustration beginning to rise as he dances around your question yet again
“Yes, you’re shivering too and it’s clear you’re in a state of confusion, from these symptoms I’d estimate that you’re suffering from the early stages of hypothermia” Albedo says in an even, methodical tone
“H-hypothermia? Albedo what on Teyvat are you-?” you pause as Albedo begins to take off his coat, wrapping it tightly around your shoulders
“Honestly you should have dressed warmer if you were planning to go to Dragonstone, you need to take better care of yourself Y/N. now come on, you’ll need to be treated for this but I'll only be able to do it back in Mondstadt where we can warm you up” Albedo said wrapping his arm around your waist as he began to walk even faster towards Mondstadt, keeping you tucked closely into his side. You didn’t feel weak and you didn’t feel tired, the rational part of your mind wanted to doubt Albedo’s diagnosis but an equally significant part of you wanted to accept what Albedo said, to dismiss this whole morning as some strange illness induced hallucination. yes that must be it... You insisted internally. You’re unwell and this illness is messing with your head like Albedo says. You’re not being completely rational so right now just need to trust Albedo and head back to Mondstadt for treatment and you need to forget how Albedo keeps glaring at Dragonspine with pure loathing as though daring the mountain itself to come and try to take you from him, It must just be the cold getting to you.
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noellefan101 · 6 months
Kissing them-Genshin Boys pt 8
Characters: Gaming, Capitano, Dorian x gn Reader
Warnings: Kissing ig, blood :>
Note: i was shocked when i saw i hadnt written anything for capitano, so here it is
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He tastes like the bitterness of his family tea, yet there's a certain sweetness to him that you can't seem to find when drinking the tea. If only you'd realize its his love for you shining trough in every part of his being.
He tastes like the sweet cookies he always wants you to bake, though he doesn't say it aloud, you know he's asking for them silently. but when Pierro bought him some as a gift, he didn't eat a single one...
He tastes a lot like blood, though it seems more gross in your mind than it actually tastes. or maybe its just the feeling of the kiss overall and not the taste speaking.
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thx for reading sweetie pie, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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pixiltalks · 5 months
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Can't sleep. Post Dorian.
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mtchacffinz · 2 years
what goes in Dragonspine, stays in Dragonspine
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prompt!!! "Albedo" wanted to chat with you today. but he's looks a little.. unwell?
content!!! NSFW, genderneutral!reader, imposterBedo is called 'Dorian', dubious morality, breeding kink if you squint hard enough, dubious consent, humiliation, obsessive undertones, slight! degrading
note!!! hello!! kaf here ~ [reading crumpled note nervously, def not being held hostage] i think susbedo needs love too. And i think he wholeheartedly agrees he deserves it. sorry this is not about sandwiching you with two Albedos.. [looks at smudged handwriting on palm] no albedo allowed.
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The fireplace was warm and pleasant. After exchanging words, you lay front. A routine you and Albedo both follow is spending time together wordlessly, inquiring about each other occasionally but not enough to distract each other from your current objectives.
Atleast.. that what was supposed to happen.
In hours where the whole world was engulfed in shadows— where the land was kissed in delicate rays of moon light, Albedo would be caved in his tent way over in Dragonspine. There was something about the solitude in these hours that bring the Alchemist clarity and fresh eyes. In your small quest to find him, you often wander about through the locations he often spends his leisurely time with.
Today might be your lucky day, after all.
Albedo stands across from you, seemingly busy with his manuscripts. From what you remember, he's been working on something that involves cultivation of soil through extreme weather conditions. Setting down your cloak, you greet him with a smile.
"Hello, Albedo." Upon hearing his name, he quickly turns towards you. His face showed parts of surprise before putting down his pent to shift his stolen attention.
As soon as you set yourself down in one corner parallel to his, Albedo makes his way towards you hurriedly. Surprised, you turn your attention towards him.
"What's the matter?" Taken aback by his own movements, Albedo immediately composes himself. Opening up a small distance between you. Albedo has this hesitant look on his face, making you equally nervous.
"Nothing," he starts. "I'm glad you came here today. I don't know how to act at the moment."
Oh? You start to feel a little flustered. Albedo has always been blunt. The flush on your face starts to seep in when he takes your arm, enveloping you in a side hug. It was an awkward position so you guide him towards your arms.
Albedo almost immediately melts into your arms, engulfing you in an embrace with a small sigh. Albedo never went for a hug before. Not before, not even at present. This is his first embrace that was given to you, and it looks like he isn't letting go of you any time soon.. You pat his back comfortingly, attempting to pry those cloudy eyes of his with answers.
"(Y/n), can we stay like this?"
You couldn't even manage to refuse. What's gotten into him? He's never been this bold before. Albedo gingerly plays with your fingertips kissed by Dragonspine's relentless frost. It was as if his hands served at a warm blanket, enveloping it with their warmth. Analyzing his features a little more closely, you can't help but appreciate how beautiful he really is.
Like a painted canvas with delicate strokes. The world really took their time constructing him. It's evident that he was made with something in mind, something much more greater beyond the world— an enigma, a question that leaves unanswered for centuries. The very same blond locks messily framing his face, the other-worldly glint of his birthmark on his neck. You often wonder how nice it would be to give love on a person that was as closed off and busy as he is..
With spying eyes, you could've sworn his lips tinged upwards just a little bit. Despite his flawless and innocent appearance..
Albedo rests your palm on his cheek, seemingly having a world on his own.
..That's not Albedo. That's not my Albedo.
The intuition of a lover can't be deceived nor cheated. It's something that's imbedded in your very heart like some sort of sweeping system that validates every hypothesis you come up with. You know how they feel, their energy or how they talk. A lover is familliar with every fragrant poison that drips out of their halves mouth. A lover simply knows.
Yet despite all that, this entity was extremely adept in enticing you. When your vision couldn't leave Albedo's lips, you knew you were in trouble. Every touch he gives you left you nervous. Even as Albedo put a stray hair behind your ear, you could do nothing but helplessly watch and debate with your inner conscience if this is right.
When he starts to go a little lower with you, it felt as if you were being dragged towards dirt. Like a barren land welcoming you as their new home. It's in his image, and you're engaging shameful acts with it, is that agreeable? As Albedo's lips nibble in your neck, you firmly push him away from you— staring right into his eyes. Your heart was beating fast in your chest as your painfully aware of where his hands currently rest: on every sense of your body.
"You're not Albedo. I know you're not Albedo.." you say almost sadly. Almost disappointed, almost a little softly. "For all I know, you're a hallucination."
"Does that matter?" The entity replies nonchalantly. He caresses your cheeks affectionately. "For all I know, I'm doing you a favor here. Don't you like him?"
"You're a charmer, just like him." You scoff.
"I am him, (Y/n). You should get used to it." he says, placing a chaste peck on your knuckles. The sight alone was enough to make your heart flutter, but the churn in your stomach distracts you from butterflies that will be soon eradicated by poisonous flowers. Just who is this guy? Who is he? What is he? If it could mimic individual behaviour, what else can it do?
Albedo was already decorating your collarbones with kisses, unbuttoning any top clothing that could hinder his lips. The chill of Dragonspine greets your skin earning a shiver from you.
"Are you cold? What do you think about sex by the fire?"
"You say.. things..! So casually! Don't do that!"
"I'm serious, though." He retorts. You face was flushed not only by the cold, but his sheer shamelessness as well. "Do you not like it?" You trying to respond as calmly as you could, but your voice shook to no avail.
"We're not going to have sex, Albedo."
"Oh, but we are. If you didn't want to, you would've pushed me away the moment i kissed you." Fuck. He's not wrong. You sneer at his subtle smirk. The imposter held your hand so gently, like he hasn't been doing any wrong at all. "Do it, (Y/n). Tell me to go away. Tell me you don't want to fuck me, (Y/n). Can you do that? I'll listen to you without hesitation, (Y/n)."
Oh heavens, he really likes saying your name that way.
"Your silence isn't an answer, sweetheart. I'll take it as a no and leave. Do you want that?" Something about engaging with him in his image is conflicting. It's wrong to you, wrong to him. Albedo, Chief Alchemist of Mondstat. Despite knowing this fact, why did you put your lips on him? His tongue is swirling incantations into your spine, you drink every last bit of attention "Albedo" gives you with no restraint whatsoever. The blonds hand trail over to your waistband, tugging onto them so feverishly. You know he wants you just as much as you want him, and that shows just by how the prince licks his lips.
"You're very obedient," you gasp when he slips his hand inside your pants without warning giving your sex a few lazy strokes. His hot breath touches your ears giving you faint surprise. "I was thinking of maybe we'd take our time bantering." He breathes, unlike your Albedo. That's fascinating. Just as the blond leans in for your lips, you pull away to inquire about certain matters.
"I'm not calling you Albedo." You start firmly, looking at him straight in the eyes. He's kinda adorable; looking surprised— impatient trying to curb his own desire. "Which is why I'm going to ask, who are you?" His ocean hued optics dull, a little dramatic. You quickly add once he frowns at you— "I know you're not Albedo, so I.. that's a little unfair."
"I'd prefer if you'd call me Albedo.." he plays with the hem of your shirt, subtly undressing any buttons or zippers. "But if you insist, I go by Dorian."
"Dorian." He repeats. "Considerate of you to ask who I am, sweetheart." Right at this moment, he's already taken off your top and bottom. Dorian's teeth sink into the waistband of your undergarments, looking up at you with such pretty eyes. Assisting him by shifting your weight, he was able to get it off just by his mouth alone. With a satisfied hum, Dorian teases your sex with a quick stroke.
Your eyes never leave his figure— specifically his hands. Those slender fingers brushing over your sensitive spots so delicately, that perverted smile in his lips that seems to induce more conflicting feels in your stomach. There was something lewd about how Dorian moves his hands.. especially when he contests your gaze as if his sole purpose was to give you a fine show.
Your heart was already racing, but it started skipping beats once he starts opening his mouth. Dorian's pretty little grunts to his quick breaths— you knew you were already in trouble.
"You're drooling.. you like me that much?" Refusing to look at Dorian in the eye, you quickly avert your gaze towards something else, but he disallows you to as he quickly takes your sensitive sex into his mouth.
"Nnh..! Hold on— Wait! F—uuck..!!" You whine helplessly, grabbing onto his blond locks. "S- Slow down.." The Alchemist swallow your fluids like a craved manwhore, looking so angelic you swore you just twitched a little. Just a little.
Oh, who are you kidding? You're down horrendous.
"Yes please— oh, fuck. You perverted fuck..." Dorian's nose kisses your sensitive areas, doing his best to take you as full as possible while you run your mouth with your hands tangled in his hair. "So eager, so hungry..♡ Look at you eating me up, you're enjoying this too much aren't you?" Dorian only managed to give you a strained hum, seemingly agreeing in delight.
"You already knew I'd come here, don't you Dorian? Because you're a pervert. Because you studied me, didn't you?" You tug on his disheveled locks when he groans to reply. "You're so cruel, Dorian— cornering me like this, you know? Now you're taking your time to let me cu—um...!!" your sentence died in your throat as he suddenly picked up his pace, determined to let you reach your climax. He sucks your sensitive nerves needly, kissing every tip of your sex attentively. Dorian pays very close attention to how you react to certain things, keeping a close eye on where you drag your words and breaths.
"Dorian.. Doriaaan..♡ Don't stop, please?" With the last flick of his tongue, you could feel that knot in your lower stomach collapse— your knees growing rigid and weak, locking Dorian's poor head in place. Your breath hitches, holding onto his hair for dear life eliciting a loud groan from the Alchemist.
The blond looked at you with such deprived eyes, that bulge in his pants becoming a lot more evident. His face scrunches up in discomfort when your knees deliberately brush over his erection.
While you're brain was trying to process your orgasm, Dorian managed to escape your grip, placing his hand on your lips. "Hey, (Y/n). Look at me please? I don't want you looking at anything else.." with a shaky sigh, you peck his lips. Ah, fuck. He's so cute. He's so clingy. Dorian's slowly growing on you, like a stubborn fungi taking over your feeble brain to come follow its own wishes.
He's absolutely enthralled by how you gaze at him with cloudy eyes. Those half lidded eyelids trying it's best to make sense if it's surroundings.. Dorian could guess how you haven't played with yourself for a while, considering how fast you came with just his mouth.
"I can't hold it in anymore. Can I put it in?"
"..Not yet." Dorian's hold on you came firm, further showcasing just how on edge he is. Part of you wants to keep edging him, but how could you do that when he did such a good job trying to make you feel good?
Then again, you feel like you're no saint.
Dorian thinks different. It's a little unfortunate. He thinks maybe if he gives you a little gift, you would have no choice but to stay..
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kafka entering ~ this took me soo long! if this ends up being loved, maybe I'll do 2 albedo sandwich in bed 🤔 just maybe ~ do you think i could pull it off?
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hearts401 · 3 months
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Your Brother's Heartbeat.
(susbedo/dorian/subject 2)
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cavity-core · 1 year
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Miracle of Birth!
No? That wasn't right?
finally finished this... watered with lots of nutritious dragon blood.
still working on satisfying salad, as always...
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4lov3 · 2 months
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starcitrine · 1 year
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not at all accurate but I am so very tired 🦉
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ofindigoskies · 1 year
happy birthday Albedo! I am celebrating it by making a powerpoint about your failed prototype who wants you dead
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erabu-san · 1 year
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I want to exist too. I want to have an identity. I want to be like you.
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popsigills · 10 months
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m1d-45 · 1 year
the rule of threes
summary: “subject two” was created in the image of a god he could never fulfill. how does that turn out for him? (spoilers, not well.)
word count: 3.4k
-> warnings: major spoilers for albedo lore, rhine is Not A Good Person, uh ig allusions to gore but nothing bad, incoherency in General
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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“have you ever tried to create life from nothing?”
for a woman of science, rhinedottir was acting rather scatterbrained, frantically pulling bottles from shelves. each of them was twisted, and eventually returned to their place, the small plate above them marked with red.
“to sprout a seed with no water, to make a flower bloom within your hand?” it was a wonder she was still talking to him, crazed eyes always searching for his. did she think he’d run off? it wasn’t as if he could, with the doors bolted shut. “impossible. impossible. the slightest of changes in the ley lines ruins everything- have not one of these survived?”
that was new. he’d thought the lab was low enough no elements flowed, or at the very least the rest of the city blocked it. that’s what he’d always believed, as it was the only solution for his failure.
or was it him that was the problem? he didn’t know. he may have been her first success, but he was also her first failure.
bottles stopped returning to shelves, glass shattering on the floor and sending thick sludge all over the floor. fragile bones cracked on impact, half formed bodies crumpling with splats that made him cringe.
it wasn’t rare to see her so angry, but it was rare for her to take it out on her work. still, he did his best to ignore her, bringing his legs onto his chair and twiddling a pen between his fingers. it didn’t make it easier to block out the sound, but he did feel better when he could focus on tracing a square over and over, trying to keep the lines as thin as possible.
“stupid, stupid stupid stupid! i told them this would be revolutionary, but all they think about is their god-“ their what? “-and they don’t even try to listen to me! of course they didn’t, because what do i know? i’m only the-… the…”
he did look up, then, seeing her staring at a bright bottle. at least a hundred shattered bottles lay at her feet, yet she didn’t seem to notice, transfixed by the single flask in her hand.
“the greatest alchemist in the world,” she whispered.
all at once, she turned to him, boots crunching over flesh and bone as if it were nothing. he winced back slightly when the squish of her boot made some of the sludge splash up, landing halfway up the leg of his chair.
“look.” he didn’t want to. her eyes were wide and crazed and he was terrified. the bottle itself was harmless, the organism inside curled underneath and far from consciousness, but she.. “he lived.”
he gripped his pen tightly, forcing a nod.
“he’ll be perfect.” that’s unrealistic. “i just know it. look at him.” you’re being irrational. “he needs a name.” you don’t even know if he’ll survive.
she walked away and began to pace, seemingly not noticing the tens of half-formed corpses beneath her feet. “a name, a name…”
what a sight. for someone so set on creating life, she disrespected so many.
he looked back down to his paper, continuing his exercises. around the square, then the other way, then the hexagon. the lines grew thicker as the amount of sides increased, his pen slipping on the page. still, he kept his hand as steady as possible, breathing slowly. he could just ignore her. it’s not like she’d ask for his input, so he can just focus on the shapes, keeping each angle as sharp-
“hey!” his pen slipped as his shoulders jumped, dark ink soaking through the page. he turned, and found her frowning at him, bottle clutched in her hand. “pay attention. this could be groundbreaking; whatever you’re doing doesn’t matter in the face of perfect alchemy.”
he was doing as he was told. practicing his lines, slowly taming the tremors in his hands, stopping every half hour to train with the ball she’d given him for that exact purpose. ten squeezes with one hand, ten with the other, ten between the palms, and a quick massage of the muscles. as he was asked.
“i’ve decided on a name, if you care.” she turned back to the bottle, all traces of anger dissipating. she smiled at the bottle, carefully twisting it in her hands. “he will be nigredo.. the first stage of my magnum opus.”
his eyes flicked to the bottle, a small ember of resentment burning in his chest.
“as you wish, master.”
‘nigredo’ didn’t last long. within a month or so, his bottle blackened, eventually cracking altogether. he was there when she came back, finding the bottle leaking on her desk. she’d panicked, frightened, her concern eventually bubbling into anger.
the bottle had hit the wall just beside his head. something soft trickled down his cheek, landing on his paper. he lifted his hand, feeling dust fall from a small slit in his skin. he looked over to rhinedottir in shock, but she wasn’t looking. she was pacing angrily, glaring at the paperwork on the desks around her like it would be the next thing thrown. he didn’t want to bother her, he didn’t, but whatever sand was pouring through his skin was making him panic.
a breath in, a breath out. she didn’t seem any less upset than the last time he looked.
his hands flinched tighter when she whipped to look at him, his pen skidding across the page again.
“my.. my cheek.” he took his hand away from it, but the dust continued to fall. “the bottle hit me.”
she stared, confused. “what bottle?”
“nigredo’s.” his chest burned, bitter, but he pushed aside his feelings. “i.. don’t believe this is normal, is it?”
another stretch of silence, her eyes flicking between his and the wound on his cheek.
“why would i do that?”
“i’m not suggesting you’d hit me on purpose-“
“why would i throw him? no, i.. i was going to fix him. i wouldn’t do that.”
it was his turn to stare, shocked. “but… you did.”
the dust hitting his page was the only sound in the room, neither of them moving.
“don’t be ridiculous,” she eventually said. “i wouldn’t hurt him like that. i have no reason. why would i waste so much of my time like that? all my effort into imitating the div-….”
“…you were angry. people say and do uninthings when they’re-“
“and what would you know about people?”
that was cruel.
his synthetic heart beat in his ribs like it wanted to flee, the dust continuing to pour from his skin in a stark reminder of his inhumanity.
“i’m leaving. i expect this place to be clean when i come back.”
he didn’t even flinch when she slammed the door. such things were regular occurrences.
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“…what’s this, master?”
“he has a name. durin.”
another one with a name. when would he earn his?
“i see. my apologies.”
“whatever. go say hello.”
“you heard me.”
sand was still trickling from his cheek, a brief wave coming quicker when he frowned. “master, i don’t think-“
“he doesn’t bite, it’s fine.”
and to her credit, he hadn’t.
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(“rhinedottir! what have you done?”)
(“i’ve done many things. could you clarify?”)
(“w-what’s this?” his body was dead, but he still felt the way durin grumbled and hissed. “what have you made? we’re willing to look past a lot of your experiments, but this-!”
(“watch your tone. he’s perfect.”)
(“why can’t you all just trust me? you act like i’m touting myself around like a god-“)
(“you are. your hubris will get you killed-“)
(“by who? what? who’ll dare to touch me? …nobody. exactly. nobody, not even that thing in the sky that calls itself the creator.”)
(“no. get out. you’re disrupting my work.”)
(“you know how celestia is, they’ve already started approaching the gates-“)
(“then let them come. you’ve seen my work. we’ll survive the battle.”)
(“what of the innocents? what of the kids and the elderly, those that did nothing wrong? do they deserve to die for you?”)
(“…if i deserve to die, then nobody deserves to live.”)
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in his opinion, there’s only one thing worse than dying: figuring out you hadn’t.
the constant beat of a dragon’s heart had finally dulled, and with it his uncertain stasis ended. he was brought back to life, surrounded by bones that weren’t his, unsure which way was up.
the bones were tough to break, but a small sliver off the end made it easier to cut through flesh. he didn’t know why he was alive, or how, all he knew was the red blood oozing around his hands and a drive in his chest that told him to survive. his skin was hot, his clothes clinging to him and adding to the feeling of being trapped, the sludge around him unrelenting in its quest to keep him there, inside, stuck in the chest of this beast-
the air was cold. his heart was colder. the ground was hard where he fell, humming with energy from the core he just escaped. he looked up at the heart, his own beating frantically, and watched the space that he had carved for himself seal up, as if he was never there to begin with. the blood and flesh left on his clothes—he was still wearing the same thing from that day, torn and flimsy—soaked into the ground, making the earth burn a vibrant red.
durin had died too, just as nigredo had. he was the only one left. the only one left of rhinedottir’s creations, accused of killing the first and nearly dying to the second.
well, he certainly wouldn’t be surprised if she’d kept her other projects quiet. he was hardly allowed to leave the lab, let alone the palace, so who knew what she was up to? it could be any number of things, knowing her.
he pushed himself up on shaky limbs, uncharacteristic anger fueling his thoughts. he never hated rhinedottir before, but now that he was betrayed, what point did he have to try and care for her? she never gave him her love, so why did she deserve his?
with a hand on the wall—flesh melded into stone, he didn’t think about how long durin had been sitting here lest he be paralyzed by time—he began to stumble toward the exit of the cave, his legs stiff. he felt like when he was first created, shaking and confused, except now he knew that he was weak due to muscle atrophy and not his nerves struggling to fire.
(“there you are,” she had smiled. “let me help you down, i’m sure it’ll be hard on your own.”)
(it was. he clung to her as his lifeline, hands shaking and knees wobbling. the room was bright, loud, his mind pinging from object to object as he reached for anything he recognized. how strange, to be formed fully conscious and yet without any knowledge of the world around you. no words to describe the softness of the cot she sat him on, no name for her eyes as she gently picked up his hand, tracing the tremors.)
(“are you scared?” he didn’t know what that was. the lab was confusing, emotions he didn’t know how to handle bubbling and overflowing. “i’ll take care of you, it’s okay.” a hand to her chest, a soft call of her name, the first word he ever knew one that belonged to her.)
(he’d done his best to learn to say it, but he was imperfect. his hands quaked, his tongue was stiff, and by the time he’d managed to say it in full she had corrected him to ‘master.’ he only learned the concept of time when he was told he was using too much of hers, sequestered to a corner of the room where she didn’t have to look at him.)
(maybe that was why he wasn’t given a name. why would he have one when he couldn’t even recite it?)
with a shake of his head the memory was cleared, mind once again centered on the cave. perhaps he should sit, try to clear the fog over his head… the air was getting colder the further he went from the heart, white dust flickering in the air. ash? no, too bright…
he lowered himself to the ground carefully, leaning against stone. already he was tired, and he’d barely made it halfway out. how long was he… not asleep, perhaps unconscious? he didn’t know.
something was—howling? calling? what was the word? was all that time spent with a dictionary was for naught?—loud, crying out and filling the whole cave. maybe whatever was moving the white… what was it? it looked soft where it piled on the ground, yet to survive in the cold air… all of it melted before it reached him, but he wanted to know what it was.
the ground was rocky, but he had plenty of practice in pulling himself where his legs could not take him. across the lab, into a chair, to the shelf when his master was too busy to get it herself. he guided himself around a sharp stone, stopping a few inches away from the substance. already some of it was beginning to land on his clothes, settling into the creases as he pulled his legs up to his side to sit more comfortably. he lifted his hand, watching as a few of the particles landed in his palm. they were small, details too fine for him to fully pick out. they melted slowly in his hand, fading away, but many more soon took their place. they were cold, but he hardly felt the chill anymore, transfixed by the sight. they had to have a name, right? something soft, to adequately describe the gentle fall when they weren’t whipped around by whatever force lay outside the cave, had to…
“have you never seen snow before?”
snow. snow. ah, that was a nice word for it.
“i haven’t.”
he looks up, finally, and sees another man standing there. he has light hair and a blue shirt, a white lab coat overtop. an odd orange crystal sits at his collar, just below a diamond shaped mark on his skin in the same color.
“who are you?”
they both ask the question at the same time, and he’s surprised by how hollow he feels when asked. he doesn’t have a name, not even a designation or title. anger began to spark in him again, but was cut short by the other man putting a hand to his chest.
“i am the chief alchemist of the knights of favonius, here to determine any changes resulting from the uncharacteristic ley line activity recently.” an alchemist… his master was an alchemist, wasn’t she? was she still alive? maybe she knew this man- could he see her again? would she remember? maybe him being eaten by durin was a fluke, maybe she’d say sorry and maybe his survival was enough proof of his worth that he’d get what he’d longed for for so long.
“my name is albedo. what is yours?”
the world stopped turning. the snow stopped falling. everything froze, his world sharpening to a pin, his breath pausing as he looked into the eyes of the man with a name.
the creation with a name. albedo.
“…her magnum opus.”
albedo blinked, but didn’t seem all that surprised. “so you are another of master’s students.”
‘student.’ he was lucky she afforded him a spare pen, but he was taught?
(what did he know? he wanted to know too. what did his master do? what else was there to learn? how many books of knowledge existed beyond the four walls he’d grown to hate? could he finally put the sights to the names? what was the sun and how did it rise, what was a day and how did it end, what was the world and how did it work?)
“how interesting. she told me of a few trials before me, but i didn’t expect you to be-“
“were you created too?”
say no. say no and tell him he wasn’t the only one. say no and say it wasn’t his fault. say no and say he wasn’t a failure.
“…yes. i was.”
anger was bubbling and beginning to rise, irrational and yet uncontrollable. he shouldn’t be angry at albedo, he’d done nothing wrong, but his heart refused to obey.
“did she speak of me?”
“i don’t know. she spoke about durin, sometimes, and mentioned one of my predecessors. are you nigredo?”
nigredo died. nigredo died, and yet he was worth more of her time.
what made him so imperfect? what was wrong with him being a first attempt? that didn’t mean failed. first didn’t mean failed, it meant first.
he was the first. had she not completed what she set out to do? synthetic life, an abiotic creation, proof of her knowledge and ability, proof it could be done at all. what part of him made him so inherently worthless? why did she want perfection? why couldn’t he be perfection?
albedo walked closer, more details coming into focus. the buckles on his coat—not a lab coat, then, or perhaps an altered one?—and the lines on his boots clear enough he could see them. when he crouched in front of him, he could see the gem on his collar sway slightly, the spikes on its inlay now visible. he leaned away, one hand tightening into a fist where he’d set it in the snow, the cold sinking into his palm. it rushed up his arm and into his chest, settling right next to the burn of his anger.
“when did you get your name?”
“when i was first able to ask for it.” albedo took his hand despite how he tried to pull it away, easily overpowering him. “interesting. you don’t appear to have any body heat of your own, and yet are shivering.”
“are you scared?”
“has she sent you? is that why you’re here?”
“not at all.” he let his hand fall, idly swiping a bit of snow from his shirt. his hand was warm. “i came here to inspect durin’s heart. did you come from there?”
(righteous fury.)
the snow in his hand packed together, the swirl of flaming anger and frigid resentment making his chest heaven as he took in air he didn’t need.
“i was eaten by him.”
“you survived being eaten by a dragon? a commendable feat. did you dig your way out?”
with hands that shook and eyes that couldn’t cry, supported on weakened legs and with bones barely able to keep me up. were you fed as often as i was? you look much less wiry.
“is that why your hands are shaky? perhaps i should take you to my lab…”
yes, the lab, take me there and fix everything that’s wrong with me, give me writing exercises and assure me it’ll pass, that i’m something broken, that you know better, that i was never and would never be what you wanted or strived for. tell me often enough and i’ll believe it, i’ll believe you when you say i’m wrong, believe you when you say it won’t hurt, believe you when you promised it would be okay, for you were the master and i were the slave-
a string that wasn’t his snapped, another’s anger channeled through him. all he could see was red, a chalk heart in his ears demanding he hit before it was returned. who, he didn’t know, nor why, a torrent of thoughts released through him, years of anger melting the ice around them.
albedo didn’t deserve his anger, not really. but his master did, and he was the closest thing.
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butterfly-buck · 2 months
yay!!!! i’m glad scara finally met two of the people he can relate to most!!
now introduce him to albedo’s brother.
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