#genuine astrologer in London
rudramaster · 1 year
Best Astrologer in London will analyse your problem.Genuine & Famous Astrologer will offer you best results.Top & Good Astrologer gives advices
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
I request star gazing! Have them wish sappy shit onto shooting stars? Late at night? Just the two of them? Just so in love???? ✨
i gotchu babe Wordcount: 2K 
Saturn’s Eyes 
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“I’ll show you something cool, come on,” Joe reached across the table and covered your hand with his. It could’ve been a quick tap or a squeeze, but almost in a reflex you turned your hand over, so you were holding his.
You both paused to look at it, and you could hear your pulse in your ears. When you flicked your eyes up, Joe’s gaze was soft and he smiled before strengthening his grip on you, getting up and leading you out of the bar. 
Checking the time, you realised that you had thought you would’ve been back home by now. But instead, your date with Joe seemed to have moved on to its second leg.
You’d originally agreed to drinks, at a bar, like normal sensible people do when they arrange for a first date. Just sit, chat, drink and get to know each other a bit; feel each other out. 
Before you knew it, two and half hours had passed, and you had Joe searching his memory for the last time he’d had such a fun time on a first date with someone so pretty. You’d been all flirty eyes, coy giggles, and playful touches combined with good conversation and genuine interest.
And then you’d made him belly laugh, and Joe was sold. 
“I know it’s not… conventional,” Joe said as you started down the pavement together.
Holding hands seemed a bit premature, but it was breezy out and you hadn’t brought any gloves, you’d reasoned, and so you hadn’t let go.
Joe was very aware of how this might have seemed to you. You’d both had a few, and now suddenly, Joe needed to show you something at his flat? Okay. 
“But trust me,” Joe started, then turned his head to look at you. “Do you trust me?” he asked, eyebrows raised high and pouting with feigned innocence. 
“Hmm,” you pretended to ponder.
“Do I trust someone who I’ve only just met to take me over to their flat, after getting one too many drinks in me?” you tapped a finger to your lips and stared ahead through narrow eyes.
“Kind of?” you then shrugged and smiled at Joe. 
Joe chuckled but was quick to defend himself. “I’m serious; this is going to be the most amazing thing you’ll see today,” Joe assured you with big eyes. “I promise.”
“If this turns to be out a huge lead up to show me your knob, I swear to God!” 
You liked how Joe’s throat could burst with laughs at something you said, the hearty sound music to your ears.
Whenever you’d get a smile, a soft chuckle or, like now, a big laugh out of him, his hands would reach to squeeze you. Back at the bar, it’d been a lot of reaching for your forearms, wrists, and hands, just to briefly grab onto. Now, already holding onto your hand, he clasped his other hand around it too, clutching for just a second before letting it go again.
Joe’s flat was further out than what you’d originally thought. Getting onto the tube was fine, but the amount of stops you had to remain on the train for seemed excessive. When, once again, Joe didn’t move to get up when pulling into a station, he had seen your face in the slightly warped reflection over the seats in the window opposite.
“Trust me.” he softly said, and it’d given you goosebumps.
You let your mind wonder about what it could be that Joe was so persistent to have to take you back to his flat for. You know, besides the obvious, which he was very adamant about wasn’t actually the reason he was hauling you across London. 
Your conversation back at the bar had touched upon so many different subjects, but when you’d asked for his star sign and talked about astrology for a minute – you both thought it was meaningless but, did you both read your own horoscope any time you’d come across it? yes absolutely – Joe had told you to finish your drink and come with him. 
About twenty minutes later, you found yourself standing on the flat roof top of his building.
It looked like you weren’t really supposed to be up there, but the wooden picnic table and old, sun-faded, plastic garden furniture suggested people would sometimes hang out up there. Not necessarily at this time of year, though – the middle of November being cold, windy, and very wet.
“Tah dah!” Joe revealed a slim, shiny telescope which looked far too expensive to just be left up there unsupervised.
You were slightly taken aback, unsure of what to say but Joe seemed excited.
“The stars, Joe?” you pouted at him, still stood by the hatch to the ladder you’d just climbed up on. “You needed to show me the stars?”
You might’ve been a little drunk, but this was no doubt the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you, you thought. If Joe did end up wanting to show you his knob tonight, he’d be allowed, you decided.
“It’s my neighbour’s telescope,” Joe explained and looked at it a second before bending down to look through the lens. “He’s shown me how to use it.”
Joe beckoned you over towards him, and when you got close enough, Joe stepped aside to make room for your turn to have a look at the vastness of space. He hovered closely behind you and awaited your reaction.
A short silence fell, before you hesitantly hummed. 
“I can’t see anything?” you said hesitantly, not really sure what you were meant to be looking at. It was all just... black.
“You’re supposed to close the eye that isn’t looking into the lens,” Joe joked. You added to it, feigning a penny dropping. “Oh, is that how these work?” you said earnestly, before both breaking and grinning at each other.
You stepped aside and let Joe fiddle with the telescope a bit. Stood up on the rooftop and looking out, you were sure there was too much light pollution from the city for a good look at space. But there hadn’t been a cloud in the sky, and Joe’s neighbour had shown him how to find certain planets the other day, so Joe was sure he would be able to find one to show it to you. 
Having a real-life look at different planets in outer space had really impressed him, and he was fully set on impressing you tonight. It took Joe a second to sharpen the image on the telescope once he’d found one.
“Here, have another go,” Joe said, opening an arm for you to step closer once again, this time barely moving himself, his body even closer to yours as you bent slightly for another peek. You felt him place a hand on your lower back over your coat.
“What the…” 
You turned your head to look at Joe. “Am I seeing that right?” you couldn’t quite believe your eyes. 
“Did I not say that this was going to be cool?” he smirked at you warmly, loving eyes playfully scanning your bewildered face. Joe was glad that trekking across the city with you had paid off. 
You turned back to look at it again.
That was Saturn.
Rings and all.
Small, but definitely there.
Fucking Saturn. 
“This… this can’t be real. Tell me I’m not staring at Saturn in real time?” You changed eyes to see if Saturn would look the same through the other and you heard Joe chuckle beside you. 
“You’re not. Not really… light doesn’t travel that fast. You’re looking at the past. That’s Saturn approximately an hour and twenty minutes ago.” Joe explained, recounting his neighbour’s words to you.
Turning back to look at him, you saw him check his watch for the time before grinning at you admiringly, drinking in the vision of you there up on his roof top. You were suddenly very aware that his one of his palms was still on you, and you gave him another pout as you scrunched up your forehead. 
“You showed me Saturn,” you placed a hand flat against his chest, a loving gesture that could comfortably stand on its own, but you didn’t want it to. This was officially the cutest first date you’d ever experienced, and you decided you were about to seal it in with a kiss, on a roof top, in the dark, under the stars – you mentally crossed your fingers it’d be a good one. 
“I showed you Saturn,” Joe repeated you, entirely aware of how he had you swooning.
You leant into him slightly, chin tilted upwards, and Joe’s other hand found your elbow to pull you even closer to him. 
You paused, lips a breath away from each other and for a moment you both just waited. Joe’s eyes were trained on your mouth, and you could feel your heart flutter in your chest. Another second or two passed, and although the electricity between you felt nothing short of addicting, you couldn’t stand it any longer and closed the distance, leaning into him and pressing your closed lips against his softly.
When it felt right to draw back slightly, Joe wavered for half a second before swooping back in, both hands now firmly on your back, cradling your waist and holding you tightly to him.
Joe kissed you slow and gentle, but firm enough to have you hum into his mouth. It was sickeningly romantic. After what felt like minutes, but what could only have been seconds, you pulled away, lips plump and buzzing. You looked at each other with half-lidded eyes and satisfied smiles plastered onto your faces. For a moment you were unable to look away from each other.
“Would you like another drink?” Joe was the first to break the silence. 
“Actually, I’d love one,” 
“Have another look at Saturn, I’ll go grab us some downstairs,” Joe said, but before letting you go, he couldn’t help but kiss you again. 
Joe returned a couple of minutes later with drinks and throw blankets and you both sat down at the picnic table, hip to hip, drinks in front of you on the table and blankets over your legs for some extra heat to the body parts your coats didn’t reach. You carried on conversation, spotted shooting stars together, made dumb wishes, laughed loudly and shared more sweet kisses in between sips of your drinks. 
You thought about what details you would spare your friends, but honestly, you kind of wanted to bare all – this was the type of stuff novels were written about. Even the protagonist who’d hoisted you up onto his building was dreamily handsome, picture perfect, in your opinion. The only thing they wouldn't write about was how cold your fingers felt, no matter how much Joe tried to rub the heat back into them.
“Hey,” Joe said, eyes flicking up at you from looking at his watch. “Go check the telescope again.” 
You gave him a funny look, but were quick up onto your feet with Joe following closely behind. Curious, you closed an eye and looked into the lens of the sleek telescope once more. You were expecting to see something different than before, but you were met with the same view.
Still stunning.
But still just Saturn.
“Any particular reason you’re making me look at this again?” you asked him carefully, afraid you were missing something. 
“It’s been an hour and twenty minutes,” Joe said, and you leant back a little to read his face before turning back to look out into space again.
“That’s the Saturn you would’ve seen had there not been lightyears between us. Your glances from before have only just made it up there.” Joe spoke so poetically, it almost pained your chest. 
“And if Saturn’s eyes had looked down, back at us, it would’ve just witnessed our first kiss.”  
If you could stretch the night, use your will to slow down time, you would’ve done just that. Even if it was just because it meant Saturn would get to witness more of the two of you, up on Joe's roof, with painfully frozen fingers but with hot, blushing smiles.  
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hatigave · 1 month
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Archie Kennedy                                 an extremely detailed character study     (     cw: mention of suicidal ideation, briefly mentioned mental/physical/sexual abuse, depression.     )    
Full Name: Archibald John Kennedy Nickname/Alias: Archie Meaning: An Old German name, Archibald is made up of the elements erchan, meaning "genuine," and bald, which means "bold," Title: Midshipman / Fourth Lieutenant Pet Name: none
Gender: Masculine leaning nonbinary in modern verses. Cis male in canon or historical verses. Orientation: homosexual Age: 27 Birthday: July 30 Birthplace: London Astrological Sign: leo
Immediate Family: Johnathan Kennedy (father) Caroline Kennedy (mother) Edward Kennedy (older brother) Margaret Kennedy (older sister) Distant Family: none of importance that he particularly cares about aside from his aunt Theresa who introduced him to theatre and poetry when he was five years old. Upbringing: strict for modern standards, but lenient regarding the time period. As the second son and youngest child, Archie was able to enjoy a lot more simple pleasures than his older siblings. The Kennedy home was a place where love lived, and he was raised with the knowledge that this would never change Infancy: Archie was an easy infant. He slept through the night early and never fell sick aside from a minor cold once. In fact, he slept so soundly that his mother and the staff thought him dead at times. Childhood: as the youngest child he quickly took up the role of class clown in their family dynamic. Archie would go to great lengths to make his siblings and parents laugh. And it was not unheard of for him to crawl up on the table or other furniture to perform a scene from a play he'd grown obsessed with. Scraped knees became a staple as he fell out of trees while playing with Edward. He was so filled with joy. Adolescence: his adolescence is divided into two parts, the years before him joining the Navy and those after joining. Before he was a carefree boy who would spend nearly every waking hour at the theatre either performing or assisting wherever he could. Acting came naturally to him, and he was able to circulate in the same circles as some of the most prominent figures in the scene. After he was quick to crush whatever joy remained inside of him. Jack Simpson took everything from him the first time he slammed his face into a wall and undid his trousers — Archie shrunk within himself as a way of surviving the trauma he endured. Adulthood: the abuse has changed him forever, and the carefree happy boy he once was has been reduced to a mask. Happiness is still there, but it only comes out as an act when he thinks it is beneficial to others. He sees Horatio's sadness and counteracts this by once more taking the shape of the jester. Archie pushes away his own fears in favour of uplifting those around him. The only place where his happiness and joy are real is on the Indy, but even there he's prone to fall into the clutches of his depression and his suicidal ideation.
Species: human Ethnicity: Caucasian  Preferred Hand: right-handed Facial Type: triangle Eye Color: blue Hair Color: strawberry blond Hairstyle: wavy unruly thick hair that is shoulder length Skin Tone: fair with a tendency to burn rather than to tan Makeup: none, although he is no stranger to stage makeup Build: mesomorph Height: 5'3 / 160cm  Weight: 62kg Facial Hair: none Birthmarks/scars: various birthmarks littered across his body, minor scars across his hands, arms, chest and back either from battle or gifts from Jack Simpson. One more gruesome-looking scar on his left ankle. And in post-canon verses the scar from being impaled by a sword. Distinguishing Features: impossible blue eyes.
Health: while his physical health is excellent, his mental health is far from it. He suffers from severe ptsd / depression / non-epileptic seizures Energy: high, although this is a reaction to his body quite literally being in a fight or flight state for years. If he feels safe somewhere he will become low energy and sleep for hours on end to recharge. Memory: Archie struggles with short-term memory after he developed seizures and most of his childhood memories have been wiped. But he does remember faces and minor details extremely well. Senses: an exceptional sense of hearing, but his eyesight is not as great as it could have been. Allergies: a minor allergy for eggs, but he thinks everyone just gets itchy after eating them.   Handicaps: non-epileptic seizures. Phobias: claustrophobia and a deep-rooted fear of being buried alive. Addictions: none in canon, a slight addiction to sleeping pills in modern verses.
Style: flamboyant and colourful when he's able to dress in anything but his uniform. A big fan of natural fabrics and obnoxious patterns in modern verses. Grooming: well-groomed with an insane attention for detail. Archie 100% plucks his eyebrows. Posture: atrocious when sitting. Extremely straight when in the presence of higher ranking officers or standing.  Gait: an upright posture, a controlled arm swing, and consistent strides. Confident, even when it is all an act. Habits and Mannerisms: cracking his knuckles or his neck, nervous movements of his fingers, clearing his throat. Scent: lavender, seaweed, vanilla.
Mood: melancholic internally, happy externally. Attitude: while he portrays a very positive attitude towards the world, he is not above a well-placed snarky comment. There is a filter in place between his mouth and his brain to filter out any 'bitch please' phrases he might wish to say. He however has no such filter for his face, and his expression will betray him. Stability: about as mentally stable as a Jenga tower  Expressiveness: extremely. Archie has never felt an emotion that has not immediately been visible on his face.
Current Residence: verse depended Friends: Horatio and William Enemies: Jack Simpson Bosses: Edward Pellew, Don Massaredo in a weird way Heroes: Horatio and Edward, he idolizes those men, as well as Katharine "Kitty" Cobham Rivals: n/a Relates to: tba Pets/Familiars: none, even when Archie has a soft spot for cats and he would love to have multiple of them.
Lovers: See this headcanon. Marital Status: verse depended.   Sex Life: alive and well. Often, frequent, and preferably with no strings attached. Element: fire
Occupation: Midshipman / Fourth Lieutenant depending on the timeframe. Rank: see above Wealth Status: upper class, old money. Organizations/Affiliations: the British Navy / mostly loyal to his friends and those who he thinks need him, not necessarily the crown itself.
Religion: catholic  Morals: he sure has them, but they are easily discarded in favour of the needs of his friends. Crime Record: charged and found guilty for mutiny and treason. Also aiding and abetting in war crimes with Horatio, although he has not stood trial for that. Motivation: the protecting of those he cares about, very little self-preservation. Etiquette: well-mannered, and pristine.
Main Goal: to survive long enough to see those he cares about happy and safe. The only reason why he pushes forward is to ensure their safety, it has very little to do with his own wellbeing. It helps that he always surrounds himself with impulsive people who keep finding themselves in the shit. The circle truly never ends. Desires: to be loved and accepted for who and what that he is.  Greatest Achievement: becoming fourth lieutenant. Biggest Failure: not pursuing acting, even if it was the only thing that ever truly provided him with joy.   Regrets: not being present when Simpson died. Not making peace with his family before the end. Worries: being forgotten or being seen and afterwards being judged as not good enough.
Hobbies/Interests: plays and poetry with an unhealthy obsession with Shakespeare's works.   Skills/Talents: acting and reciting poetry and general lines from memory. He has an affinity for dance and music as well even when he does not like to sing around others, and he gets self-conscious while dancing as he always feels like he's being watched. Likes: lively music, sweet foods, physical affection from those he trusts, compliments. Dislikes: snakes, thunderstorms, small spaces and abuse of authority. Sense of Humor: sarcastic and dark.  Quirks: vocal stimming and a few facial ticks (twitching his mouth, scrunching his nose)  
Strengths: considerate and empathic. Archie is not prone to seeing enemies in nationalities and forgives easily if he or his friends have not been deeply wronged. Flaws: prone to oversharing. His snark can be interpreted as being insubordinate and mean-spirited. Perception: gloomy and bleak or overly optimistic and dreamy. No in-between. Soft Spot: those who are at war within themselves, young people who are looking for guidance. Cruel Streak: none.
Powers/Abilities: n/a Origin: n/a  Weaknesses: n/a
Favorite Colors:  light blue, deep orange Favorite Animals:  cats, foxes, and he's really into the idea of lions even when he has never seen any. Favorite Mythological Creatures:  Pegasuses Favorite Flavors: anything rich and sweet. Dark chocolate, strawberries and strong tea with milk Favorite Foods: he's a big lover of good bread and cheese, but he also loves oranges. Favorite Drinks: strong tea Favorite Genre: romance (with a happy ending) Favorite Books: anything Shakespeare  Favorite Movies: n/a Favorite Games: cards, even when he gets his ass beaten by Horatio every single time. Favorite Shows: n/a Favorite Music: high-tempo folk music as long as it contains a fiddle Favorite Bands: n/a Favorite Songs: n/a Favorite Sports: n/a Favorite Stores: n/a Favorite Numbers: 3 Favorite Websites: n/a
Least Favorite Colors: bright, eye-burning, pink. Least Favorite Animals: snakes and rats Least Favorite Mythological Creatures:  sirens Least Favorite Flavors: anything sour Least Favorite Foods: none, he will happily eat anything Least Favorite Drinks: strong bitter coffee Least Favorite Genre: horror Least Favorite Books: none, he will try and find a redeeming quality in all books. Least Favorite Movies: n/a Least Favorite Games: he's a big fan of all games either physical ones or board games. He gets way too into it. Least Favorite Shows: n/a Least Favorite Music: anything that does not move him to his core. Least Favorite Bands: n/a Least Favorite Songs: n/a Least Favorite Sports: n/a Least Favorite Stores: n/a  Least Favorite Numbers: 13 Least Favorite Websites: n/a
Languages: English, Spanish post episode three, and minor French which is barely enough to hold a conversation.   Accent: Queen’s English mostly, but years of speaking with a Cockney accent to blend in with the working crowd of the theatre have left their mark, and it will sometimes slip out when he's drunk.   Voice: rather loud, he goes slightly up in pitch at the end of a sentence. Expletive: in fact Laughter: loud and infectious. Archie laughs with his whole body and he's prone to laughing fits.
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP Temperament: sanguine Enneagram: type seven / the enthousiast Ego/Superego/Id: id
Alignment: lawful good Symbol: a waxing moon Vice: lust Virtue: compassion
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blinditcms · 1 year
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FAIZAN MIRZA on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the age 39 YEAR OLD looks like RIZ AHMED, but i don’t really see it. while  the CEO is known for being GALANT my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be CONTROLLING. i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song FIVE MORE MINUTES –– JONAS BROTHERS
name: faizan ali mirza. nicknames: fai. pronouns: he/him. gender: cis man. age: thirty - nine. date of birth: june 28th, ‘83. place of birth: london, england. astrological sign: cancer. orientation: bisexual.
height: five foot eight. hair colour: black. eye colour: brown. wardrobe style: smart casual , lots of muted colours , button ups , etc. tattoos: none. piercings: none.
physical ailments: n/a. mental ailments: n/a. alcohol use: socially. drug use: cocaine, socially. addictions: none.
positive traits: meticulous, galant, centred. negative traits: controlling, obsessive, detached. mbti: ENTJ-T.
skills: coding, web design, public speaking, leadership. weaknesses: taking accountability, patience. languages spoken: english, urdu.
father: ali mirza ( alive, sixty - one ) mother: harpreet bajwa mirza ( alive , fifty - nine ) younger sister: tbd mirza ( alive, between 21 - 24 ) pets: pumpkin ( hognose snake , 2 )
faizan was born on south london , to young parents ali and harpreet mirza. ali sold computers and harpreet was a stay - at - home mother. ali was a born salesman and was soon offered a new job in ontario when faizan was three. from that moment on , they didn't stay in the same place for more than two years at a time. from ontario , they moved to san diego , then to cape town , new delhi , new york city , canberra , islamabad , and eventually when faizan was close to finishing high school ... they settled in san jose , close to silicon valley , because harpreet was pregnant again.
for a while , bitterness towards his little sister remained. anger that his family had settled when they had her , but not for him. as she grew up , he did his best to avoid her. he begrudgingly babysat , doing just enough not to put her in harms' way , but little enough for his parents not to want to get him to do it again. eventually. they stopped asking. instead of babysitting , he spent his evenings in the local board game cafes or at lan parties. he took lessons in how to code , visiting the company his father had risen up in rank , now deputy director of sales , learning from the programmers there and eventually going to college to study business. every weekend , however , he was developing games , coding with friends , making them small websites , and generally keeping himself entertained.
when he finished university , he went and worked for the same company his father worked for. he worked there for three years before he had to get out of there and get some distance from his family. while he'd been at university , he'd gotten over the despise for his sister , but being so close to his family was driving him up the wall. he started his own company , building websites and applications for large businesses and began making a name for himself. soon , he was getting offers from google , facebook , twitter. he worked for google for a while , but eventually was drawn back to his own business. wallet overflowed and he was often found among the hollywood elite. 
then , he met someone who genuinely inspired him. he'd made applications and websites before , mostly for others , though some of his own and they all had decent success. meeting juliette arias , hearing her story , falling in love , it gave him purpose. he created onlyfans in 2021 , creating it for the purpose of providing a safe space for creators of all content to be paid for their work and have safeguarding in place. from the minute he created the website , he knew what people would use it for , though he marketed it as a website for all kinds of creators to show their craft and get paid fairly. he's gotten quite a bit of heat since and been catapulted into stardom , showing up in talk shows , podcasts , interviews and even being invited for cameos in films and red carpets. with the money rolling in ... he'll take it happily.
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roycompro · 8 days
How to Find the Most Trusted Astrologer in London for Accurate Predictions
Astrology has long been a tool for those seeking guidance in life. Whether you’re looking for insights into your career, relationships, finances, or personal growth, consulting a skilled astrologer can provide you with the clarity and direction you need. However, in a city as vast and diverse as London, finding the most trusted astrologer can feel overwhelming. To help you navigate this journey, here are some essential tips to identify the best astrologer in London who can offer accurate predictions tailored to your unique life circumstances.
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 1. Research the Astrologer’s Background and Credentials
The first step in finding a trusted astrologer is to research their background and qualifications. Many reputable astrologers in London have formal training in astrology, often from well-known institutes or organizations. Look for astrologers who have a strong educational foundation in the field of astrology, as well as years of experience in providing consultations.
Check their credentials and affiliations with recognized astrological bodies such as the Astrological Association of Great Britain. Being part of such organizations can indicate a higher level of expertise and professionalism. Additionally, look into their specialized areas—whether they focus on Vedic astrology, Western astrology, or specific types of readings like career, love, or health-related predictions.
 2. Look for Reviews and Testimonials
One of the best ways to find a trusted astrologer is by reading reviews and testimonials from past clients. These can offer valuable insights into the astrologer’s accuracy, professionalism, and approach to consultations. Look for detailed reviews that mention the specific services provided, the quality of the advice, and the long-term impact of the consultation.
Platforms like Google Reviews, Trustpilot, and personal blogs are great resources for finding genuine feedback. Many astrologers also feature client testimonials on their websites, which can provide further confirmation of their reliability. However, be cautious of overly positive reviews that seem too good to be true, as they may be fabricated.
 3. Understand the Astrologer’s Approach to Readings
Astrology can be interpreted in many ways, and each astrologer may have their own style or approach to readings. Some astrologers focus purely on predictive astrology, while others might combine astrology with spiritual practices such as meditation, numerology, or tarot. It's important to choose an astrologer whose approach resonates with you.
Before committing to a consultation, ask the astrologer about their method. Do they rely solely on birth charts, or do they incorporate other tools for analysis? Do they offer detailed explanations of their predictions, or is their focus more on quick, general insights? Understanding their approach will help ensure that the consultation meets your needs and expectations.
 4. Assess the Personal Connection
The relationship between you and your astrologer is an important aspect of any consultation. A good astrologer should not only be knowledgeable but also empathetic and approachable. During an initial inquiry, pay attention to how the astrologer communicates. Are they patient, respectful, and willing to answer your questions? Do they make you feel comfortable discussing personal issues?
This personal connection is essential for building trust and ensuring that the astrologer fully understands your concerns and goals. An astrologer who takes the time to listen carefully and provide thoughtful responses is more likely to offer accurate, meaningful insights.
 5. Inquire About Their Specialization and Services
Different astrologers may specialize in different areas, such as career guidance, relationship compatibility, or financial success. Before choosing an astrologer, consider what you’re looking for in a consultation. If you’re interested in career advice, you’ll want to find someone with a track record of helping clients navigate professional challenges. If you’re seeking guidance in your love life, look for an astrologer who specializes in relationships.
Additionally, some astrologers offer in-person consultations, while others may provide online or phone readings. Depending on your preferences, ensure the astrologer offers a format that suits your needs.
 6. Verify Transparency in Pricing
When searching for the most trusted astrologer in London, transparency in pricing is crucial. An ethical astrologer will have clear, upfront pricing for their services, without hidden fees or unnecessary upselling. Before booking a consultation, ask about the cost, what’s included, and any additional services that may come with an extra charge.
Trusted astrologers often list their pricing on their website or provide detailed information during the initial inquiry. Beware of astrologers who pressure you into expensive packages or promise unrealistic results for an exorbitant fee. A good astrologer will offer reasonable, competitive pricing and ensure you understand the value of the service you’re receiving.
 7. Seek Astrologers with a Proven Track Record of Accuracy
One of the most important factors in choosing the right astrologer is their track record of accuracy. While astrology is not an exact science, experienced astrologers have the ability to offer remarkably accurate predictions based on their knowledge of celestial movements and your birth chart. Look for evidence of accurate past predictions from clients who have experienced real-life results based on the astrologer's guidance.
Ask the astrologer about the types of predictions they specialize in and whether they have helped clients achieve positive outcomes in the past. This will give you confidence in their ability to provide valuable insights and life-changing advice.
 8. Consult Multiple Astrologers Before Making a Decision
Finally, don't hesitate to consult multiple astrologers before making a final decision. Each astrologer has a unique style and approach, so it's essential to find one whose guidance aligns with your needs and expectations. By comparing different astrologers, you’ll be able to assess who resonates most with you, based on their expertise, communication, and consultation experience.
Finding the most trusted astrologer in London for accurate predictions requires careful research, a personal connection, and a clear understanding of the astrologer’s approach. By following these steps, you’ll be able to find an astrologer who not only offers reliable guidance but also helps you navigate the challenges and opportunities life presents. Remember, the best astrologer in London will be someone who listens to your concerns, provides insightful predictions, and offers advice that can positively impact your future. With the right astrologer by your side, you can make more informed decisions and gain clarity in every aspect of your life.
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panditshivashankarr · 27 days
Do you think that someone has applied black magic upon you? Do you feel really helpless to find yourself amid problems? The only solution to all these is to consult with a genuine astrology professional. The right astrology solutions wll enable you to get rid of black magic effects and secure a promising life. By choosing spiritual guidance for black magic removal in London, you can get rid of any evil power. At the  same time, it is possible for you to uplift your life and connect yourself with spirituality. Spiritual connection will allow you to flourish your positive life forces and eliminate negativity from you. 
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gurujiraj · 4 months
Unlocking Cosmic Wisdom: Finding the Best Astrologer in the United Kingdom with Guru Ji Dr. Raj
In a world where uncertainty often reigns supreme, many people seek guidance and clarity from the mystical realms of astrology. Whether you're facing career challenges, relationship dilemmas, or simply seeking direction in life, consulting with an experienced astrologer in united kingdom can provide invaluable insights and support. In the United Kingdom, one name stands out as a beacon of light in the realm of astrology – Guru Ji Dr. Raj.
Exploring the Cosmic Connection
Astrology is an ancient practice that believes in the interconnectedness of celestial bodies and human life. By studying the positions and movements of planets and stars at the time of one's birth, astrologers like Guru Ji Dr. Raj can decipher the cosmic influences shaping an individual's destiny. From personality traits and life events to future prospects and challenges, astrology offers a holistic view of one's life journey.
Meet Guru Ji Dr. Raj: Your Guide to Cosmic Wisdom
With decades of experience and a deep understanding of Vedic astrology, Guru Ji Dr. Raj has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted and respected astrologers in the United Kingdom. His profound insights, compassionate guidance, and accurate predictions have helped countless individuals navigate life's ups and downs with confidence and clarity.
Services Offered by Guru Ji Dr. Raj
Personalized Birth Chart Readings: Guru Ji Dr. Raj offers personalized birth chart readings that provide a comprehensive analysis of an individual's astrological profile. By examining the positions of planets and their influences on different aspects of life, he can uncover hidden talents, identify potential challenges, and offer practical remedies for success and fulfillment.
Astrological Consultations: Whether you're facing career dilemmas, relationship issues, health concerns, or financial challenges, Guru Ji Dr. Raj provides insightful astrological consultations to address your specific needs and concerns. With his compassionate guidance and practical advice, you can gain clarity and confidence to make informed decisions and overcome obstacles.
Remedial Solutions: In addition to astrology consultations, Guru Ji Dr. Raj offers powerful remedial solutions to mitigate the negative effects of planetary influences and enhance positive energies in your life. From gemstone recommendations and mantra chanting to ritualistic remedies and spiritual practices, he provides personalized solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.
Vaastu Consultations: Guru Ji Dr. Raj also specializes in Vaastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design. By analyzing the energy flow and spatial arrangements of your home or workplace, he can suggest Vaastu remedies to harmonize your environment and promote health, prosperity, and happiness.
Why Choose Guru Ji Dr. Raj?
Accuracy and Precision: With his in-depth knowledge and intuitive insights, Guru Ji Dr. Raj delivers accurate and precise astrological readings and predictions that resonate with his clients' experiences and realities.
Empathy and Compassion: Guru Ji Dr. Raj approaches each consultation with empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to help his clients overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.
Ethical Practices: As a responsible astrologer, Guru Ji Dr. Raj adheres to the highest ethical standards and maintains strict confidentiality to ensure the privacy and trust of his clients.
Long-lasting Impact: Many clients have attested to the transformative power of Guru Ji Dr. Raj's guidance and remedies, experiencing positive changes and breakthroughs that have lasting impacts on their lives.
In your quest for cosmic wisdom and guidance, trust Guru Ji Dr. Raj best astrologer in london to illuminate your path with clarity, compassion, and profound insights. Whether you're seeking answers to life's questions or looking to unlock your full potential, Guru Ji Dr. Raj is here to empower and uplift you on your journey towards fulfillment and success. Schedule a consultation with Guru Ji Dr. Raj today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
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acconinstituteseo · 5 months
Best Astrologer In London-akastrologyzone.com
In the bustling streets of London, where modernity meets tradition, lies a hidden gem that has been guiding souls through the celestial maze for decades. Welcome to the world of astrology, where the alignment of stars and planets holds the key to understanding life's mysteries. And in this cosmopolitan city, one name shines brightly among the rest – the Best Astrologer In London .
Astrology, often regarded as the language of the cosmos, has intrigued humanity for centuries. Its roots delve deep into ancient civilizations, where wise sages interpreted the movements of celestial bodies to predict earthly events. Today, in a world driven by science and logic, astrology continues to captivate minds and hearts, offering solace and guidance in tumultuous times Best Astrologer In London.
But amidst the vast sea of astrologers, one individual stands out for their unparalleled insight, wisdom, and compassion. The Best Astrologer in London is not just a title but a testament to years of dedication, study, and devotion to the cosmic arts. With a profound understanding of astrological principles and an innate intuition, they weave a tapestry of celestial wisdom that resonates with seekers from all walks of life.
What sets the Best Astrologer in London apart is not merely their knowledge of planetary positions or astrological charts but their ability to connect deeply with their clients on a soul level. Every consultation is a sacred journey, where fears are allayed, doubts dissolved, and paths illuminated. Whether it's matters of love, career, health, or spirituality, they offer clarity and perspective, empowering individuals to navigate life's labyrinth with confidence and graceBest Astrologer In London.
But beyond their expertise lies a genuine desire to uplift and inspire. The Best Astrologer in London doesn't just predict the future; they help shape it. Through personalized guidance, practical advice, and spiritual insights, they catalyze transformation and growth, enabling their clients to manifest their highest potential and fulfill their destinies.
In a world fraught with uncertainty, finding a trusted guide who can navigate the cosmic currents with wisdom and integrity is a rare blessing. The Best Astrologer in London embodies this guiding light, offering not just astrological services but a beacon of hope and guidance in an ever-changing world.
So, if you find yourself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take, look to the stars and seek out the Best Astrologer In London. For in their wisdom lies the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe and discovering the magic that lies within.
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astroacharyaji · 6 months
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Best Love problem Solution specialist in london
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🌟✨ Are you facing life-related problems that seem insurmountable? Seek solutions from the renowned Astrologer Acharya Ji, a specialist in Love Problem Solution in London. ✨🔮 🔥🔒 Struggling with love issues, marriage challenges, lost love, or painful breakups? Experience the expertise of our famous and top astrologer who can provide effective solutions over the phone. Find resolution for love, marriage, lost love back, breakup, and husband-wife disputes. 💔💍 📞💬 Call or WhatsApp now for a genuine and instant solution. Our astrologer can help you get your love back, overcome infidelity, and solve relationship problems. Experience the power of astrology in healing your heart. 🔐❤️ 🌟🌈 Don't let your love slip away. Our love problem solution services, intercaste marriage problem solutions, and family problem solutions are tailored to your unique circumstances. Trust our expertise in Vashikaran and Black Magic to remove obstacles and bring joy to your relationships. 🌈 🙌 Contact us now for a consultation #astrologer, #vashikaran, #loveproblemsolution, #vashikaranspecialist, #getloveback, #familyproblemsolution, #famousastrologer, #lovebackproblemsolution, #intercastmarriageproblemsolution, #lovemarriagesolution, #blackmagic, #removeblackmagic.
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Love Psychic in London: Unveiling the Secrets to a Fulfilling Relationship
At Astrology Insights, we take immense pride in being the leading experts in love and relationship guidance. Our esteemed astrologer, Janardhan Guru Ji, possesses an unparalleled proficiency in the mystical art of astrology, enabling countless individuals to find their true love and build lasting, fulfilling relationships. 
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As we embark on this journey together, let us explore the profound insights and wisdom that will help you attract love, nurture your existing relationships, and experience the joy of a harmonious union.
Understanding the Power of Astrology in Love
Astrology is an ancient and profound science that delves into the cosmic connections between celestial bodies and human destinies. It can provide invaluable guidance when it comes to matters of the heart. By analyzing the positions of planets and their influence on your birth chart, our expert, Janardhan Guru Ji, can offer personalized insights into your love life.
Finding Your Soulmate: The Cosmic Connection
The quest for a soulmate is one that fills our hearts with hope and anticipation. Through our specialized Love Psychic in London, we can delve into the depths of your birth chart to identify the celestial factors that influence your compatibility with potential partners. Understanding these cosmic alignments can empower you to make informed decisions and attract a partner who resonates with your soul.
Nurturing Love: Astrological Compatibility
In established relationships, challenges and conflicts are inevitable. However, astrology can shed light on the unique dynamics between you and your partner. Janardhan Guru Ji can analyze your birth charts to reveal areas of harmony and potential areas of tension. With this knowledge, you can nurture your love, foster understanding, and strengthen your emotional bond.
Overcoming Relationship Obstacles
Every relationship encounters hurdles along the way. Whether it's communication issues, trust concerns, or differences in life goals, our love psychic guidance can provide invaluable advice to overcome these obstacles. Armed with these insights, you can build a solid foundation and work through challenges together.
The Power of Positive Energy: Love Spellcasting
As a revered Best Astrologer in London, Janardhan Guru Ji also offers love spellcasting services. These rituals harness the cosmic energies to bring positive changes into your love life. It is essential to approach spellcasting with sincerity and pure intentions, and our expert ensures that the process is conducted ethically and responsibly.
The Key to Lasting Love: Communication
Communication lies at the heart of every successful relationship. To foster a deep and meaningful connection, it is crucial to express your feelings, desires, and concerns openly. Our guidance can help you understand your partner's communication style better and facilitate healthier and more profound interactions.
Embracing Change: Love and Life
Life is an ever-evolving journey, and as we grow and change, so do our relationships. Astrology can illuminate the transformative phases of your life and their impact on your love life. Embracing change and adapting to it together can lead to a more profound and fulfilling relationship.
At Astrology Insights, we firmly believe that everyone deserves to experience the profound joy of love and a meaningful relationship. Through the unparalleled expertise of Janardhan Guru Ji, we offer profound astrological insights and love psychic guidance to help you navigate the intricate paths of love. Our commitment to providing genuine and transformative advice makes us the ideal companion on your journey to lasting love and happiness.
Remember, the stars have aligned to bring you here, and now is the time to take the first step towards a love-filled future.
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 year
Top Psychics In The UK
The Creme de la Creme of Psychic Talent: Top Psychics in the UK
The realm of psychic phenomena has intrigued humanity for centuries, with individuals claiming to possess unique intuitive abilities to perceive information beyond the ordinary senses. In the United Kingdom, a land steeped in mysticism and folklore, there are several remarkable psychics whose reputations transcend borders. Let's delve into the captivating world of these top psychics, celebrated for their remarkable insights and uncanny abilities.
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Top psychics in the uk
Sally Morgan: With a career spanning over four decades, Sally Morgan is a well-respected name in the psychic community. Known as "Britain's Best-Loved Psychic," she has mesmerized audiences with her astonishing mediumship and clairvoyance. Sally's warm and compassionate approach has won her a massive following, including celebrities and royalty, seeking guidance and solace from her abilities.
Derek Acorah (In Memoriam): The late Derek Acorah was one of the most famous mediums in the UK. His appearances on popular television shows like "Most Haunted" brought him into the spotlight, where he showcased his exceptional skills in communicating with the spirit world. Derek's charm and genuine desire to help others made him a beloved figure in the psychic community.
Psychic Sisters - Jayne Wallace: Jayne Wallace, along with her team of gifted psychics, founded the Psychic Sisters. This London-based psychic haven has garnered a reputation for providing accurate readings and spiritual services. Jayne's diverse skills in tarot reading, crystal healing, and mediumship have earned her a loyal clientele, including numerous celebrities.
Gordon Smith: A true mediumship maestro, Gordon Smith is renowned for his ability to connect with departed loved ones and deliver evidential messages from the other side. His down-to-earth nature and unwavering dedication to his craft have made him a cherished mentor to aspiring psychics, ensuring the continuation of his legacy.
Michele Knight: With a vast online presence, Michele Knight has captivated audiences worldwide with her insightful readings and astrological predictions. As an accomplished psychic, astrologer, and tarot card reader, Michele's warm and uplifting demeanor has earned her the trust of many seeking guidance in their lives.
Sally Buxton: Known for her innate ability to communicate with animals, Sally Buxton has carved a unique niche in the psychic world. Referred to as the "Pet Psychic," she has helped countless pet owners understand their furry friends better and provided closure for those who have lost beloved companions.
Kim Alexis: A gifted clairvoyant, Kim Alexis, possesses the rare talent of remote viewing. Her accurate descriptions and detailed insights into distant locations and events have earned her a reputation as one of the UK's most intriguing psychics.
Read More Info :- Top Psychics In The UK.
These top psychics in the UK have demonstrated their extraordinary abilities time and again, captivating audiences and offering guidance to those in need. It's essential to approach psychic readings with an open mind, understanding that each practitioner has a unique style and expertise. While the allure of the psychic world remains ever-present, these gifted individuals continue to inspire and provide comfort through their exceptional talents, leaving an indelible mark on the lives they touch.
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Astrological Predictions and Character Analysis for Individuals with a May 29th Birthday
Horoscope and character for those brought into the world on May 29 They appreciate hunting, voyaging, and a wide range of experiences and diversion. His psychological capacities are conspicuous, and his inclinations are various. They are inconspicuous individuals, with an affection for writing and craftsmanship. Simultaneously, they show likely abilities, particularly in callings connected with the monetary and business field. They likewise exhibit military abilities. Cautious, insightful, their way of behaving is alterable, which can change into outrage or crabbiness, as well as anxious fretfulness. They can offer a decent and dedicated kinship, with a ton of good judgment and intrinsic respectability. They are individuals extremely joined to cherish. They foster through their background, and their personality gradually takes shape. They tend to strict life or philosophical longings. When they move past their peevishness they become patient, held, joined to everyday life. Nonetheless, they are not exceptionally content with the marriage, since they are annoyed by errors and battles. They can experience the ill effects of lung and blood sicknesses, anxiety, and hand issues. What compromises them: They are individuals who are excessively secure with themselves, which causes misconceptions and debates; they could in fact unleash devastation on themselves. A lady brought into the world on this day is pretty, personal, respectable, however frequently dismisses the obligations of her home. He is keen on the expressive arts, particularly music and painting, as well as public activity. Astrological Predictions and Character Analysis for Individuals with a May 29th Birthday 
 On the off chance that your birthday is on May 29, your zodiac sign is Gemini May 29 - character and character character: cautious, good, genuine, erratic, melancholic, muddled; calling: fireplace clear, pediatrician, tailor; colors: brown, green, naval force blue; stone: onyx; creature: hummingbird; plant: pear; fortunate numbers: 2,23,39,46,56,57 very fortunate number: 31 Occasions and observances - May 29 Argentina: Armed force Day. Venezuela: Day of the Old. Uruguay: Meat Day. Territorial celebration of Lombardy (Italy) (in memory of the triumph of the Skirmish of Legnano). Global Day of Joined Countries Peacekeepers. Peru: Public Representative Day. Twelfth day of Ridvan, holy day in the Badi (Bajai) schedule. May 29 Superstar Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1901: Cornelia Otis Skinner, American essayist and entertainer (d. 1979). 1902: Stepin Fetchit, American artist and entertainer (d. 1985). 1903: Countee Cullen, American author (d. 1946). 1907: Elly Beinhorn, German pilot (d. 2007). 1908: Hannes Alfvდ©n, Swedish physicist, Nobel Prize champ in physical science in 1970 (d. 1995). 1908: Mel Blanc, American voice entertainer (d. 1989). 1909: Benny Goodman, American jazz guide and clarinetist (f. 1986). 1910: Inge Meysel, German entertainer (d. 2004). 1912: Julius Axelrod, American neurochemist, 1970 Nobel Prize champ in medication (d. 2004). 1912: Hugh Griffith, English entertainer (d. 1980). 1918: Guadalupe "Pita" Love, Mexican artist (d. 2000). 1919: Renდ© Barrientos, Bolivian legislator, military and president (d. 1969). 1919: Alberto Larraguibel, Chilean warrior and horseman (f. 1995). 1920: Antoni Badia I Margarit, Spanish philologist, teacher and scholastic (d. 2014). 1920: George London, Canadian show vocalist (d. 1985). 1920: Franklin Schaffner, American movie producer (d. 1989). 1922: Hal Lenient, American sci-fi essayist (d. 2003). 1922: Joaquდ­n Gamboa Pascoe, Mexican attorney and lawmaker (d. 2016). 1923: Anna Proclemer, Italian entertainer (d. 2013). 1924: Armando Peraza, American performer of Cuban beginning (d. 2014). 1925: John Cocke, American PC researcher (d. 2002). 1927: Clint Walker, American entertainer. 1928: Gustav Leonhardt, Dutch performer and author (d. 2012). 1928: Agnes Varda, French movie producer. 1929: Mario Nდºnez Iordi, Uruguayan performer (d. 2011). 1929: Nდ©lida Roca (70), entertainer and Argentine star (f. 1999). 1929: Fernando Inciarte, Spanish logician got comfortable Germany (f. 2000) 1930: Juan Genovდ©s, Spanish painter. 1930: Robert Ryman, American painter. 1931: Antonio Gamoneda, Spanish author. 1932: Rosa de Castilla, Mexican vocalist and entertainer. 1934: Alexei Leonov, Soviet cosmonaut. 1934: Alketas Panagoulias, Greek footballer and mentor (b. 2012). 1936: Keir Dullea, American entertainer. 1937: Emiliano Rodrდ­guez, Spanish b-ball player. 1937: Armando Valladares, Cuban author and dissenter, nationalized American. 1939: Michael J. Pollard, American entertainer. 1939: Calorie counter Quester, Austrian dashing driver. 1943: Antonio Burgos, Spanish columnist and author. 1943: Vდ­ctor Laplace, Argentine entertainer. 1943: Narcდ­s Serra, Spanish communist lawmaker. 1947: Fernando Martდ­n დ?lvarez, money manager and leader of the Genuine Madrid football club (d. 2006). 1948: Salvador Puig Antich, Spanish progressive and last killed by abominable stick of the Franco system (d. 1974). 1951: Fernando Lugo, Catholic cleric and Paraguayan president. 1951: Stephen Tobolowsky, American entertainer. 1951: Ferran Deluge, Spanish essayist in the Catalan language. 1953: Colm Meaney, Irish entertainer. 1954: Virginia Urdaneta, Venezuelan theater, film and TV entertainer. 1955: Clincher Headon, English drummer, of the band The Conflict. 1955: Brian Kobilka, American physiologist and natural chemist. 1958: Marie Fredriksson, Swedish artist and musician, of the band Roxette. 1958: Miguel Lდ³pez-Alegrდ­a, American space explorer of Spanish beginning. 1963: Helen Sharman, English space explorer. 1964: Wynonna Judd, American artist of down home music. 1964: Andrea Montermini, Italian hustling driver. 1964: Tom Morello, American guitarist, of the groups Audioslave, and Fury Against the Machine. 1964: Germდ¡n Palacios, Argentine entertainer. 1966: Stephen Malkmus, American artist, of the band Asphalt. 1968: Zacarდ­as Moussaoui, French professional killer, one of the ruffians of the planes in the assault of September 11, 2001. 1969: Pablo Mackenna, essayist and Chilean radio and TV have. 1970: Verდ³nica Lozano, Argentine TV have. 1971: Idina Menzel, American entertainer and vocalist. 1972: Mike Amigorena, Argentine entertainer. 1972: Manny Ramდ­rez, Dominican baseball player. 1974: Major L, American rapper (f. 1999). 1974: Power Bovolenta, Italian volleyball player (f. 2012). 1974: Konstantinos Chalkias, Greek footballer. 1974: Cee-Lo Green, American vocalist and artist, of the band Goodie Horde. 1974: Shin Ha-kyun, South Korean entertainer. 1975: Liberto Rabal, Spanish entertainer and movie producer. 1976: Radoslav Nesterovic, Slovenian b-ball player. 1976: Magnus Norman, Swedish tennis player. 1977: Akwდ¡ (Fabrice Maieco), Angolan footballer. 1979: Fabian Ernst, German footballer. 1980: Steven Gerrard, English footballer. 1981: Devendra Banhart, American vocalist musician. 1981: Blake Bashoff, American entertainer. 1981: Gianmaria Bruni, Italian dashing driver. 1982: Eddie Griffin, American b-ball player. 1989: Ailee, American vocalist of South Korean beginning. 1989: Hyomin, South Korean vocalist. 1990: Eury Pდ©rez, Dominican baseball player. 1990: Yoona, South Korean vocalist. 1993: Sota Fukushi, Japanese entertainer. 1994: Madeon, Do-It-Yourself and French maker 1997: Eunha, South Korean vocalist
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shivraj77 · 2 years
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Best Specialist Black Magic Removal Astrologer in London, UK
Black magic is one of the strong and deadly kinds of magic and very harmful for a person. At the point when a person is having a fracture with others and they can’t hurt them genuinely then they use black magic spells to cause the individual to experience the ill effects of mental torment.
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gururamdeva · 2 years
Astrologer in London | Astrologer Guru Ramdeva Indian Best Astrologer in London
Astrologer Guru Ramdeva is a best Astrologer in London indian astrologer in London. Psychic reading in London. 100% satisfaction assured. Get Genuine and Perfect Solutions to all Your Problems.
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mastershivaastro · 8 months
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Are you in search of a reliable and authentic kala Jadu specialist in London? Look no further, as we understand the importance of finding the right expert to address your concerns.
When it comes to matters related to kala Jadu, it is crucial to consult with a specialist who possesses deep knowledge and experience in this field. London is known for its multicultural diversity, and therefore finding a genuine kala Jadu specialist can be challenging.
However, our team consists of highly skilled and reputable kala Jadu specialists who have been serving clients in London for years. We understand that each individual's situation is unique, and we approach every case with utmost care and professionalism.
Our kala Jadu specialists are well-versed in various aspects of this ancient practice. They have helped numerous individuals overcome their challenges by providing effective solutions tailored to their specific needs. Whether you are facing personal or professional issues, our experts can guide you towards a positive outcome.
Rest assured that our services are completely confidential and conducted with the highest level of integrity. We prioritize your privacy and strive to maintain a safe space where you can openly discuss your concerns without any judgment.
If you are seeking assistance from a reliable kala Jadu specialist in London, look no further. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced experts who will provide you with the guidance and support you need on your journey towards resolution.
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