#genuinely hate people sometimes dawg y'all make it terrible to exist freely and without shame
ticklepinions · 1 year
This isn't a shot at anyone and although this is in response to a comment, this post is more for awareness.
Please, do not romantic my platonic. As an aroace person the way I perceive and experience love is very different from heteronormativity. I just find it so disheartening to like read that oh this friend you talked about definitely has a crush on you because of how touchy they are. Like my years of friendship with this person is just boiled down to romantic interest and to me that's real sad. I get that here in the West we are less touchy with our friends but why should I have to conform to that? Why should you conform to that?
Hug the homies, kiss them goodnight do whatever feels right between the two of you. Relationships do not have to be labeled all the time. It's annoying and frustrating to have people assume that one friend is falling for the other simply because they're comfortable holding hands platonically. "Oh but friends don't do that-" shut the fuck up. You don't get to define what's deemed platonic/romantic in a relationship you're not even involved in. I feel sorry for everyone that feels like they can't do things that are normally seen as romantic with your friends. Like seriously you're all missing out on the depths platonic love has. And idk why the world wants to make it my problem for its own ignorance.
Can't people just be? Without any hidden intentions or ulterior motives?
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