#genuinely typing this in a hot bath
zephirothh · 1 year
Nothing is harder in my job than balancing the "Let's help people who need our help" and "me and my coworkers deserve respect as humans" ideals.
cw: Mental illness, addiction, medical treatment
So I'm a pharmacy tech at a compounding pharmacy. icydk that means we make meds in a lot of forms that aren't available otherwise (without certain allergens or in nonstandard forms). You don't come to us because you want to, you come because you have to. There's not a whole lot of compounders because it's something that has a lot of liability involved, and you need expensive, specialized labs most of the time.
Today, I took a call from a person who had been "let go" as a patient from their last compounding pharmacy because they had allegedly yelled and verbally abused their technicians. Not me though, they were sobbing on the phone while trying to explain as much to me. They wanted a transfer to us for their ketamine troches (troches are like medicated breath mints). Again, ketamine is something you don't take unless you have to. In the doses we work with, ketamine can do wonders for treatment resistant depression and PTSD. If it's giving you relief, it's no wonder you'd want to avoid going without it for an extended amount of time. Unfortunately, to an outside observer, it can also seem like the desperation of an addict.
I'm lucky enough to have a low level degree in Psychology, so I'm trained to recognize certain behaviors as being caused by certain illnesses. Notably for PTSD, which is what this patient reported getting treatment for, it can cause agitation, severe anxiety, and mistrust. Of course, I was witnessing the second of these in action as I got the information I needed to initiate a transfer from the old pharmacy between their sobbing during an anxiety attack and apologies. I finally was able to get it all going, and of course, their pharmacists warned ours about their agitated behavior towards the technicians. I processed everything, and then came the second speed bump.
Unfortunately, when it comes to compounding, insurance companies will do as insurance companies do, and most will not work with us. No good reason as to why, but their excuses range from "don't like how we compound stuff" (e.g. they don't like we start from pure powders for some reason) to them not being FDA approved (even though we have hundreds of thousands of formulas that would each cost thousands to test, and we use the same drugs the big retail companies do). Either way, the patient's insurance doesn't have a contract with us, meaning even though they'll cover it like they did at the patient's last pharmacy, we can't bill them and they have to get reimbursed instead. What that means practically is that the patient has to pay out of pocket through us, which per month is over 100$. If it was up to me, they were having a shit day and I would have loved to not charge them, but it's not and we did anyways.
So after having to explain all that and our DEA required checks we had to do, they seemed to calm down a bit. I was able to get everything started and luckily we had some of their dosing on hand, so I was able to get it ready to mail today. We unfortunately just had to get payment. Now at this point, I legally had to take my lunch, but that's fine cause they had to go to the bank and put money in there before we could charge it. So I left notes on their profile for any other tech who may have to help her, and explicitly said that they were struggling with mental health, and to be sure to speak calmly and slowly, and be ready for a lot of questions.
Of course, they called back in the 30 minutes I was gone. I wish I had been there, or that I would have warned them beforehand that someone else might help them, but instead one of my coworkers took that call. I'm sure they were polite and calm during that interaction, but my coworker did say when I got back they asked multiple times for me specifically before letting someone else help them, which is not a surprise when you have mistrust on a level like that. It seemed, from the notes my coworker left at least, that it was a bit of a difficult call. And I get that, and I get that they were anxious and mistrustful of the people they weren't ready to talk to, but that just brings me back to my original point.
Where do we as healthcare workers draw the emotional line of "this is a person on a bad day" and "we're human too, and we are experienced in our field"? I'd love to say there is no line to be drawn, that we help people no matter what. Technically, that's our policy. We don't turn patients away for anything short of physically assaulting an employee. We may place limits, sure, like only being able to mail prescriptions so they aren't allowed to come in anymore, or that they can only talk to a senior tech or pharmacist, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish we could draw the line before that. We shouldn't have to help people who have told employees to "go back to where they came from" or who accuse my coworkers of being racist or homophobic for not filling this or that (both of which have genuinely happened and we still work with those patients). But we have to, because what's their alternative? Death? Medical distress? Having to take a drug that doesn't work for them?
It's rough some days, really. I'm glad that I have solid coworkers who also deal with this. But days like today, all I can do is come home and take a warm bath to try and get the feelings out.
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allfearstofallto · 23 days
Bathing Together
Yandere! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
TW: 18+ MDNI, Yandere themes
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It's tradition in Inazuman culture for family and spouses to bathe together, as Scaramouche would tell you. Washing each other's bodies is a sign of affection, respect, and most importantly, trust. Scaramouche wants to trust you. He believes that all good relationships are built up on trust. But he trusts no one, therefore he's never had a good relationship. Not even with you, the person he loves most. That's obviously something he desires to change.
He's allowed you to bathe alone long enough, giving you the space that was recommended by his peers, but he's grown frustrated. Needy even. Desperate for even more of your attention. As if he couldn't monopolize enough of your time already, seeing him during your meals and when you were trying to sleep wasn't enough apparently, he wanted to be present for your baths as well. And not just present, active in them.
He assured you that nothing sexual was going to happen, but you trusted Scaramouche as much as you trusted a frail rope to hold your body. But just like that rope, hanging you over the side of the cliff, you had no choice in whether or not it let you live. You were just waiting for the day it would finally snap and kill you.
So, he bathed with you.
Awkwardly, of course.
You always knew that Scaramouche was not human, but the feeling was mostly subconscious. It was small things like how little he slept or the small amounts he ate, but nothing was concrete. He never told you what he was, it was hard to get him to tell you anything, but it was something that itched in the back of your mind. A kind of uncanniness about him, the way his seemed too perfect, too symmetrical, his beauty so processed and mechanical. His body was no different. Completely hairless from head to toe and thin as well, but as pale as snow or paper, like there was no blood circulating within him.
"Must you stare?" He questioned, his voice holding traces of that bitter annoyance he always expressed, and you looked away.
Sitting on the stool you scrubbed yourself, your arms and chest, trying your hardest to avoid eye contact with him. Much to your surprise, Scaramouche genuinely didn't touch you with longing hands. Rather, he cleaned himself next to you, fully eyes focused on his task at hand, before he stood and walked behind you.
There was no chance to ask him what he was doing, his thin fingers holding a soapy rag were against your back. Not groping you, a thought that made you breathe a sigh of relief, but scrubbing you. You didn't ask him to do such a thing and definitely didn't imply that you wanted the help, but he did so anyways. His hands were firm, but gentle. Pressing down hard enough to clean you, but not enough to hurt.
"Wash mine now," he muttered after pouring warm water down your back.
It wasn't any less tense when you were behind him. Hands on his pale skin, you barely touched him when you cleaned his back. He was warm to the touch though, with a particularly marking on the nape of his neck. Scaramouche didn't register as the type of person who had tattoos, or even enjoyed the process. Yet when you tried to get a closer look, he spoke.
"If you're curious about it, then ask. I've told you about your staring," his voice rung out against the walls of the bathroom, echoing into your ears through the silence.
"No questions, my lord," you stammered, "I was just looking."
You too poured water down his back, signalling that you were finished and he stood, seemingly completely unfazed by his own nudity. His hand was on your wrist, making you follow him into the tub, where the water was steaming and hot to the touch.
You dipped your toe into it to test the heat, then sank into the tub. He sat right next to you, breathing out a sigh that sounded like relieving stress. For a while the two of you say in complete silence, where he looked off into the distance, like he as pondering something.
"You didn't try to kill me," he remarked, a little too nonchalantly for your liking.
"Of course not," you spat back. But that didn't mean that the thought didn't cross your mind. Although, the thought of wringing your hands around his neck and watching the life leave his body was something you always considered, but never acted on.
"You've exceeded my expectations of you then,"
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foreingersgod · 5 months
what about like a paige x reader like they met on vacation somewhere during a break and then they hooked up or something thinking they would never see eachother again but turns out reader is the new uconnwbb team manager
Naked in Manhattan . PB
pairing: paige bueckers x reader
synopsis: you were devastated to face the reality that you’d never get to see your one night stand while on vacation, but maybe the universe has other plans for you
new crush
high school love again
it was finally spring break. no more midterms or study sessions to worry about, just your feet in the sand and a drink in your hand. you and your roommates had planned a small trip to california to celebrate the hard work you’d all put in for the semester. nothing too extravagant, just a quaint beach house right off the coast to let all of your worries wash away.
it was beautiful, just big enough for the 4 of you. when you had arrived you were practically planning out everything you would be doing. a week of doing nothing but sitting on a soft towel, bathing in the sun, listening to the waves crash while you read your book sounded like heaven.
but your roommates had other plans for you. they had heard about a ‘beach bro party’, whatever the hell that was, that a local fraternity was throwing. anyone and every was was apparently invited. the second the raggedy flyer hit the cool marble counter tops of your air b&b, you knew any plans of relaxation were gone.
so there you were on your second night of vacation, crammed into the single bathroom with your roommates, doing your makeup and hair for this dumb party. if it weren’t for the girls begging you to come, you truly would have stayed behind. but they were too convincing and now you were here, shoving your boobs into the most uncomfortable bra known to man and dousing yourself in perfume.
after about 30 minutes at the frat party you were about ready to call it quits. the drinks were absolutely foul (you were sure it was straight acid) and the lights and heavy music were giving you a blaring headache. spring break was starting to feel less and less fun as you pretended to enjoy whatever the hell was going on in that house. you didn’t know anyone, your roommates had ditched you for some random frat guys, and you didn’t have the keys to get back home. in hopes that you could wait it out, you snuck off into a corner of the house, taking a seat on the cigarette smoke infused sofa.
you tried to distract yourself until at least one of your roommates was finished fucking around with a guy so you could leave. closing your eyes, fiddling with the frayed threads of your shorts, scrolling on your phone, nothing helped to kill the boredom. you were about ready to stand up and drag your friends out the door yourself until someone approached the couch, taking a seat next to you.
she had a drink in hand, half empty, still laughing about something someone shouted across the room. she was tall, blonde, and if you were being honest, smoking hot. you glanced at her briefly to try and study her face, trying not to make it too obvious. her hair was pulled back into a flattering ponytail, body clad in a black tshirt and jeans, teeth a sparkling white as you watched her smile and laugh. she was definitely your type.
but eventually, your stares began to linger a little bit too long and she caught you. her eyes meeting with yours just before you could turn away.
“you good?” she asked, setting her drink down the on coffee table.
“hm?” you asked, trying to sound oblivious “yea i’m fine”
“are you sure, cause you keep looking over here”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about” you felt her gaze linger on you, too nervous to make eye contact with her.
“yea,” she laughed, scoffing under her breath “sure you don’t”
“i’m serious, i think you’re a bit drunk cause i genuinely don’t”
“well i’m sober enough to know that you keep staring at me when im not looking soooo”
“why would i being staring at you, huh?” you retorted “a bit full of yourself?”
“maybe it’s because, i don’t know, you see something you like?” now she was just fucking with you. she had this stupid, lopsided grin on her face as she watched your jaw drop in offense.
“oh please”
“i don’t know,” she said “you hesitated there, think i’m right”
you resisted rolling your eyes “and so what? god forbid i look at an attractive woman? my bad”
“so you admit then?” she questioned “that’s why you were staring?”
“if that makes you feel better? then sure, yes that’s why i was staring” you bit your lip and watched as her tongue darted between her teeth, swiping her bottom lip. she eyed you up and down, eyes darkening.
“it actually does” she scooted closer to you, arm extending past you to lay across the back of the couch “what’s your name?”
“…YN” your breathe caught in your throat as her thigh came in contact with yours. “you?”
The rush of slumber party kissing
somewhere in between the banter and the alcohol, paige’s tongue found its way down your throat. she had so politely invited you upstairs while her hands were already making their way up you shirt. you obliged and followed her upstairs to some abandoned bedroom while you tried to ignore the aching feeling between your legs.
the door gently clicked behind you as you shut it. when you turned around, paige was already pressing you against the wall. her lips finding their way to your neck and sucking lightly at the smooth skin. you audibly moaned, fingers automatically diving into her scalp and tugging lightly at her blonde locks.
you shuddered when you felt her fingers against the skin of your abdomen again, creeping their way up your shirt like they had previously. she stopped at the bottom of your bra as she pulled away from your neck.
“this ok?” she asked.
you hummed in response, nodding your head violently, taking her face in your hands to plant a passionate kiss on her lips. with little hesitation, she was already pulling your top over your head and unclasping your bra, hands desperately squeezing at your breasts as she backed you up towards the bed.
with lips still attached, the back of your knees hit the foot of the bed causing you to fall onto your back gently. paige followed and climbed atop your body, not letting her hands off of you.
out of breathe and wanting more, you pulled away, tugging at the bottom of her shirt. “can i?”
she didn’t need to hear anymore. the black piece of fabric was already being thrown to the floor, revealing her sports bra which you also tore off her. what a lovely sight to see, you thought.
not long after, both of your pants were discarded, then your panties, and then her boxers. she planted wet kisses down your abdomen, throwing your legs over her shoulders as she made herself comfortable between your thighs.
“is this crazy?” you panted. you managed to bite back a moan of pleasure to look down at her, seeing her look up at you with eyes blown with lust.
“maybe a little” she said “but i can’t help myself”
Don't touch, I'll never cross the line
So I pushed you down a million times
waves crashed against the shore outside, chatter of people walking by slithered past the window of this foreign room you were in. your head was throbbing as you rose from your slumber, you definitely had too much to drink.
shuffling sounded from the other side of the room, causing you to fully wake. you looked over, pulling up the sheets above your bare body, to see paige was already awake. she was almost completely dressed, buttoning up her pants and lacing up her sneakers.
“was i that bad?”
her head snapped in your direction, startled to hear your voice. part of her wanted you to say it again, liking the way the it groveled from the early hours of the morning.
“no” she laughed, offering a smile “you were amazing actually”
“you weren’t too bad yourself”
she was beginning to look around for her keys and wallet, seemingly ignoring you as you remained in bed, still naked and vulnerable.
your brain was screaming at you, begging you to call out to her. part of you wanted to ask for her number, ask for her to stay with you. but the other part of you knew what this was, this wasn’t a date or anything serious. sure, you had developed a liking to paige over the course of the night you spent together. how could you not? she absolutely worshipped you, made you erupt with pleasure, was so sweet to you. this wasn’t something you wanted to let go. but it was unrealistic, you lived miles away from here in another state and paige most definitely had her own things to worry about. pursuing her was not in your cards.
so you kept your mouth shut, watching her shove her keys into her pocket. you assumed she’d just walk out, mutter a goodbye and leave, but she paused and turned to you.
“i-uh, don’t normally do things like that” she said, trying not to look at the outline of your body beneath the duvet “but i wanted to say thanks. i know that that’s cringe, but it’s true. you were…unforgettable”
you could tell she was going through the same thing. mind swamped with conflicting emotions, wanting to stay to see how this played out but also forcing herself to be realistic.
“you too” you gave her a bittersweet smile.
she just nodded at you before heading to the door, fingers wrapping around the cold metal handle.
“bye, YN”
“bye, paige”
and just like that, she was gone. maybe in another lifetime you’d get more time.
I'd love if you knew you were on my mind
Constant like cicadas in the summertime
every since that morning, paige had invaded your thoughts. the remaining time you had on vacation was spent obsessing over what could have been, what might have happened if you just asked for her number. spring break didn’t even seem fun anymore. you didn’t join your friends as they explored the shops in the city or attend anymore parties they managed to scope out. instead you went to the beach, like you originally intended, letting your mind wander as you listened to the ocean. something in you wished that the nagging feeling would eventually go away.
it never did though. even after break was long over, all of you heading home and resuming your schoolwork, she was still on your mind. it made it difficult to do anything. getting homework done, attending lectures, going out on weekends. it was useless because all you could think about was paige. your heart ached as daydreams of her consumed you.
back at UCONN you were doing your best to keep motivated. trying to rid your mind of a foolish dream that you knew was never going to come true. you tried joining clubs and making new friends just to distract yourself. you had even gone so far as to get a new job for the university, taking on the position as the assist team manager for their women’s basketball team. it was a perfect match: you, someone with a general liking and background for basketball who needed to get her life back in order, and a team who was thriving and needed all the help they could get.
Boys suck and girls I've never tried
And we both know we're getting drunk tonight
you woke up at 6:00 am on the dot. it was going to be your first day on the job and you wouldn’t be caught looking unpresentable, so you made sure to give yourself time to get ready.
it was a lovely day as you stepped outside of your apartment building. birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the traffic was light enough that it didn’t give you a migraine. you made the decision to walk to work, let your thoughts dissipate as you tried to enjoy a relaxing morning.
the walk, like you had hoped, was freeing. you didn’t feel as anxious anymore as you walked into the building, ready to tackle the trials of the day. being the new girl, you had to go through all the new orientation material. get your ID picture taken, fill out some paperwork, the whole process. then it was time to meet with geno and the rest of the management crew.
“you must be YN” he shook your hand firmly “it’s nice to meet you”
“the pleasure is all my mine” you grinned. you made your way around the room, introducing yourself to any unfamiliar faces and learning more about what the job would entail. after some light mingling, geno found you again.
“the girls are out there warming up right now, are you ready to get acquainted with team?”
shoes squeaked against the glossy gym floor, heavy breathing filled the room as you followed geno into the gym. you watched as the girls made shots, passed the ball, and ran drills with ease. it was quite impressive. geno had hollered for them to gather upon your entrance, signaling for them to form a circle so he could introduce you.
you stood timidly next to him, watching the girls round up. trying to inspect each girl carefully as they approached the huddle. they all looked extremely kind. a few offered you a smile or a wave and you smiled in return.
then, as geno began talking, the final few girls joined the group. the last girl in particular had grabbed your attention. you couldn’t see her face very well, only able to catch glimpses of her as she pushed her way through to the front. but when she emerged past the front row, your heart skipped a beat and your breathe caught in your throat. you wouldn’t miss that familiar blonde in a thousand years.
“this is going to be the newest member of the team,” geno stepped aside, putting you on the spotlight “YN, she’s our new assistant team manager. i expect you all to get to know each other and play nice. i’m looking at you paige”
it hadn’t felt real until you heard her name. like it was ingrained in your mind, you finally found the courage to lock eyes with her. there she was in all her glory, staring back at you in disbelief. while everyone else laughed at geno’s innocent joke, greeting you briefly before heading back to their warmups, you and paige remained frozen. she stood across from you, confused expression on her face. you felt like you couldn’t move, like you couldn’t breathe.
“YN” her voice was barely above a whisper.
she looked over her shoulder, assessing to see if anyone was paying attention before walking over to you. paige lightly grabbed your forearm, leading you off the gym floor and into a more secluded corner of the building. you had to admit, it only took that one touch to make your heart start racing again.
“what are you doing here?” she asked, now that you were in a private area.
“what am i doing here?” you asked in return “what are you doing here?”
“well obviously i play basketball here”
“ok smart ass,” you rolled your eyes, she hadn’t changed much “i just meant that i had no idea you were going to be here”
“i thought you knew” she breathed “when we met, i thought you knew who i was. i thought that’s why you were staring at me that night”
“of course i didn’t know!” you were unsure what to say.
“have you really been at UCONN this whole time?” she continued “oh my god this is insane”
“what are the odds, right?”
“i thought i’d never see you again”
“me neither” you said before an uncomfortable silence fell between you. nor you or paige had ever expected to see each other again, accepting your fate that you would evidently go your separate ways.
“so what now?” she asked.
“would you…i don’t know what to get a drink or something?” a poor attempt at asking her out “that sounded really fucking dumb, but i’d like to catch up”
“yea,” she scratched the back of neck, trying to hide the goofy smile that formed on her lips “i’d like that”
Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine
Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine
the dress you were wearing was practically suffocating you. neckline scratching your chest, straps digging into your shoulders, hemline riding up your thighs every time you moved. the bar stool you sat at was of no comfort, either. you shifted uncomfortably as you looked around the bar, waiting for any sign of paige. you had made plans for the weekend to meet up so you could make up for lost time.
the night was beginning to drag on and it was getting awfully close to 8:00 pm. you hoped she wasn’t going to stand you up. but, as if on cue, the door to the bar opened revealing a very exasperated paige. she spotted you there, alone with a drink already in front of you.
“hey i’m so sorry” she apologized for her near tardiness “traffic was a bitch”
“it’s ok, was just worried you’d stand me up” you joked.
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world”
you blushed, looking down at your drink. paige ordered one of her own before finally settling in the seat next to yours. you didn’t think she could look anymore beautiful, seeing her there with her hair cascading around her face and dressed in neat clothing. she eyed you carefully, it was starting to seem like a habit the way she kept sneaking glances at you.
“you look beautiful” she chewed on the inside of her cheek.
“stop” you laughed.
“no really” she shook her head, swallowing deeply “i mean it, you’re breath taking”
“well thank you, and thanks for agreeing to go out tonight. i’ll be honest…i’ve been thinking about you…like a lot”
“i’ve been thinking about you too” her demeanor started to shift “i really regretted just walking out that night. i was in my head and i just assumed that we’d be going our separate ways”
“i don’t blame you, i was too” you tired to offer consolation “i mean who would have assumed that we both went to the same school and just happened to vacation in the same place?”
she laughed at that, finally giving you a relaxed and genuine smile.
“a crazy coincidence…i’m really really happy you’re here, YN. this just doesn’t feel real”
“i glad i’m here too” you felt like a weight was lifted off your chest, no more wondering about who paige was or what she did. you knew now, she was here with you.
hours went by as you and paige reveled in conversation, spilling every detail, every story, every memory of your lives. it felt like this was meant to be, that the universe had purposely aligned yours and paige’s path. it felt so natural to talk to her. she was easy going and funny, she was an attentive listener and laughed at all your jokes. it was unbelievable that you found her again and you were more than grateful.
“would you-i don’t know, maybe this is too forward” paige began, gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips as you were finishing up your drinks “would you want to come back to my apartment?…i don’t want this night to end”
“i would love that” you blurted with urgency, butterflies forming in your stomach.
she nodded, not even bothering to respond. her hand came in contact with yours as she paid your tab and dragged you out of the bar.
cold air nipped at your bare skin as you walked with paige to her car. she politely opened the door for you, helping you in. the drive to her place wasn’t long at all, but you had noticed she was right, traffic was a bitch. but her music taste was impeccable and you had plenty to talk about so the drive didn’t feel excessive at all.
when you arrived at her apartment, she pulled out her keys to unlock the door, hinges creaking as she led you inside. it was a perfect little apartment from what you could see. it was warm and cozy, definitely well loved, and you thought it fit her perfectly. she turned on the lights and told you to take a seat on the couch and make yourself comfortable.
paige sat next you, leaving a few inches between you two. the distance and the dimly lit room took you back to spring break. it felt like you never left.
“i like your place,” you commented “it suits yo-”
“can i kiss you?”
“please” she closed the gap between you, scooting closer to you just like before “i don’t think i can sit here, replaying that night in my head over and over and not know what it feels like to have your lips on mine again”
you let out a breathe, not realizing you had been holding it in the first place. she looked desperate, leaning into you, hands making their way up to cradle your jaw. her fingers caressed the curve of your chin, fingers hooking underneath to pull you in. but she stopped, painfully waiting for your response.
“yes” you said “please, please kiss me already”
so she did, teeth clashing with yours in haste, pulling you into her without a second thought.
I know you want it, baby, you can have it
your discarded clothes made a messy trail down the hallway to paige’s bedroom. your shirt crumpled on the couch, belt slung over the stair railings, bra tossed onto the end of her bed. her clothes followed, making a pile on the floor. your hands were buried in her hair as she nibbled at your ear, then kissing down to your collarbone. the room was silent all except for your breathy moans and the disgustingly erotic, wet sounds from paige’s lips.
it was needy, it was passionate, and it was absolutely perfect. the way her body fit with yours like a puzzle, it was written in the stars.
Oh, I've never done it, let's make it cinematic
Like that one sex scene that's in Mulholland Drive
it could’ve been a scene from a movie. something you’d watch as teenage girl, when you’re at a slumber party with your friends and someone snuck in an R rated movie. and you’d all watch it, gasping and giggling when the actors would start to take of their clothes. you would stare at the screen while everyone was pretending to gag and freaking out, shutting it off before it got too intense, but all you could think about what how beautiful it was. that those two people loved each other so much that it was like fireworks going off, every touch and every word muttered served as a declaration of love.
that’s what it was like with paige. it was like that movie had come to life. everything about it was like something from a fantasy.
the satin sheets bunched around paige’s hips as she worshipped you. the gentle whimpering in your ear as she rutted into you. your not so gentle moans as you came undone around her fingers. how the room was hot and humid from your pure passion.
all of it was pure magnificence.
I wanna know, baby, what is it like?
I know you want it, baby, you can have it
you awoke the next morning, sunshine filtering in through smoggy clouds. paige began to stir next to you, arms finding their way from under the blanket to the bareness of your torso where she traced meaningless shapes into your skin.
“good morning” she muttered into the pillow, still fighting off sleep.
“morning” you beamed, watching her eyes flutter open “how’d you sleep?”
“better than i ever have”
you yawned with a lopsided grin, soaking in her elegance as she sat up to stretch. the world might as well have just stopped from the way she looked at you, like you were the only thing that mattered.
“hey paige?”
Oh, I've never done it,
“please don’t let me go this time”
naked in Manhattan
“i won’t” she replied “never again”
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instant-delusions · 8 months
I am so glad you’re taking reqs!! Beach sex with rafayel on my mind 24/7 😔😳
not u reading my mind...💓💓
𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐮𝐩! ˚⋆𓇼˚⊹ 𖦹 ⁺。°
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𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐥 𝐱 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐰: 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐜𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐬, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯, 𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫
'it's 30°C in linkon right now, people! that means swimming, beach parties, sex on the beach, and beaches."
you groaned at the weather reporter's distasteful pun and reached out to turn the volume of your mini radio down. huffing, you kneeled on your beach towel, re-knotting the strings of your bikini top. your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head when you felt stares on you, clenching your fist, you turned around to give whatever man thinks he has the audacity to-
"rafayel." you exclaimed in a relieved tone, letting your fist sink. said man cocked his head to the side with his signature smile - he was wearing dark blue swimming trunks and a creamy shirt, which he left unbuttoned. sunglasses sat on his purple hair, and the sun shined so brightly on him, it almost made his strands look lavender. "is an excuse of a man giving you trouble?" he asked, his voice laced with a tilt of threat. you shook your head, stretching out your legs and supporting your upper body with your arms to look at him. "i'd take care of that myself." you started, pursing your lips, "what're you doing here? i didn't think you'd be the type to enjoy public beaches."
the artist crouched down to be on eye level with you and began to draw random shapes into the sand. "you'd be right. i'm just passing through to the private beach i rented." he pointed his finger westways, signaling to a lonely patch of sand surrounded by trees. you gawked at him after the words 'rented' and 'private beach' left his throat and shook your head in disbelief. "rich people have weird hobbies."
rafayel let out a fake 'ha, ha.' but the grin on his face was genuine. letting his magenta eyes travel around the beach, he took in the empty beer bottles and weird people hanging around. "come, join me. this place sucks."
so you did. even though your crocs were filling up with hot sand, it was thrilling to have a beach just for the two of you. after placing your (definitely not spongebob printed) bath towel, rafayel immediately lifted you over his shoulder and dropped you into the icy, salty seawater. resurfacing, you gasped - pulling your wet hair back from your face.
just hearing the pure, hot anger in your tone, rafayel booked it into the other direction. "you motherfucker!" you sprinted after him, hunter senses kicking in until you tackled him onto the ground. "you're under arrest, rafayel." a cheshire cat-like grin formed on his face, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "what're you gonna do to me, miss hunter?" he began, leaning closer to your face. "what's my sentence?" he whispered, slowly turning both of you around. feeling the energy switch abruptly, you broke eye contact. "i'll...keep you in a small fishbowl, like cosmo and wanda."
letting out a chuckle, he kissed your bare shoulder. "doesn't seem that bad." nuzzling deeper into your neck, he pressed hot mouthed kisses to your throat and collarbone, making you whine out needily. "please, rafa. not here, they'll see." locking eyes with him, you knew this was a useless battle. his eyes were glazed over, a hunger you knew all too well reflecting in them. "I don't care." he said, voice muffled by your skin. spreading your legs, you gave him space to settle, which he took with delight. "seems like you don't care, either." you reacted with a pout, not wanting to admit you were down bad this immensely for him. "I'm still dripping from your attack. it must taste bad. or maybe it'll make a fish like you nostalgic."
rafayel laughed at your attempts to cover your shyness, finding it weirdly endearing. it is very unlike him to choose to stay quiet, but he did - drawing a map from your collarbone, between your chest and down to your waist with his lips, wetting them with seawater and the taste of you. he tightened the grip on your thighs once you started squirming, letting his other hand travel just a bit higher to undo the strings of your bikini and let it fall down your legs.
"fuck, I can't wait to taste you." rafayel rasped, guiding your legs onto his shoulders. a bright blush erupted on your cheeks, and you covered your face with your hands, panicking slightly. it's not like this is the first time you've slept with him, though somehow the same feeling pooled in your tummy - a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. rafayel's passionate and upfront personality makes sex feel so much more like an adventure. kissing your inner thighs, he teased what was about to happen, making you cage him in as if it were a reflex. "tsk." he tutted, tapping his finger on the plump of your upper legs to warn you. "behave."
it's very unlike you to submit, but for him, you do. you arch your back, whine and moan as he parts your wet folds with his fingers and licks long stripes between them, stopping everytime once he reaches your clit - kissing, biting and sucking it. thinking about having the most sought-after man in linkon between your legs makes this even more intense, and you feel yourself getting wetter. rafayel notices this as well, pumping a finger into your hole to make more of your juices seep out. he just liked the taste of you too much, he can't help it.
"get on your stomach." he said, watching you turn over. luckily, you caught a short glimpse of his reddened ears and his wet chin. once you were positioned to his liking, he gave your ass a spank, watching it jiggle with delight. a yelp escaped you as he did it again, grabbing it forcefully and pulling you flush against his hardened cock. feeling him pulse through the fabric of his trunks had you mewling, grinding your backside against him feverishly. "impatient, huh?" he commented hotly, clumsily pulling his drooling cock out, "me too."
all this waiting had you dizzy. grunting, you reached back and took his cock in you hand, to which he let out a surprised gasp. you felt it oozing out pre and almost moaned at how turned on your lover was too. not-so gently, you guided him between your folds and pressed your ass to his pelvis, taking it all at once. feeling him fill you up so nicely, his tip prodding at your cervix and every twitch of his pale dick mingling into your walls made you moan deliciously.
"fuck, (y/n), you're driving me insane." he whined, pushing his hand to your upper back to press you down, rafayel started to languidly drag his cock along your walls. everyone knows this artist isn't known for his patience or for being monotone, so the rhythm faltered quickly, ending in him thrusting into you so hardly, your ass clapping against his thighs echoed through the beach. you feared the water god he talked about might feel the ripples on the sea, cursing you for being so naughty in front of his domain. you screamed out, helplessly scratching at the sand underneath you as some sort of anchor for your sanity, but you lost yourself to the pleasure the moment he wrapped his arms around you and pressed his chest against your back, freely moaning and cursing into your ear.
"princess, you feel so good. fuck, your pussy is creaming on my cock, it's gonna suck me dry this time, I swear." he babbles. rafayel talks a lot normally, but once he loses himself inside you, the words just flow out. "r-ra-af", you choke out between thrusts, "it feels so good, oh my god." your pussy flutters once he hits a certain spot, and he immediately notices - abusing it with no hold-backs. if there's anything he wants, it's for you to go above and beyond the lines of pleasure, so he starts circling your clit with three fingers quickly, drawing circle and infinity shapes just how you like it. with no warning, no build up, you fall apart quickly, screaming his name to the heavens while you feel your soul escaping your body with a mind shattering orgasm. after a few seconds, your body is drained off all strength, and you become a doll in his hands to fuck his cum into.
"(y/n), you should've seen your face right now, never saw something more beautiful. it was so hot, fuck-" he buries his head into your neck while he lazily thrusts into you a few times more, stuffing his cock so deep into your pussy you fear he might target your womb. he doesn't move, keeping his pelvis flush against your back while filling you up -
"fuck, it's yours. I'm yours. take it."
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junicult · 1 year
!! the bachelors & hot features they have / things they do
contains ; gn!farmer. written w fem!farmer in mind, but nothing that specifies. established relationship. nsfw. body / facial hair headcanons. suggestive content. mostly sfw w fluff. not proofread.
note ; ok so this is a prompt i made like a year ago on my other blog, so i just decided to bring it here w stardew valley characters!
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- he’s literally the loml.
- he’s so well groomed, his hygiene is genuinely perfect.
- ofc we know he has his famous mustache, super clean and neat. he trims it every so often to keep it that way.
- and i feel like he can grow a beard, but it doesn’t come in as thick so he decides to just shave it.
- this man has a happy trail 🫡
- a dark, thick patch of hair that trails up to his belly button. it progressively thins the higher it goes, but it’s definitely prominent when he’s wearing low shorts or even just boxers.
- he keeps that nice and trimmed too. i’m tellin you, he’s so clean.
- he also smells so good. whether it be cologne, or just him, it’s so good.
- he’s a boxer briefs kinda guy. they make him feel secure.
- he probably sleeps in a matching pair of pants and shirt. lol.
- but likely during the summer, he’ll end up falling asleep in just his boxers every once in a while.
- this man is the perfect husband.
- wakes up to make you breakfast, makes dinner to give you before you get home.
- on lazy days he’ll clean up the house, make sure it’s all nice and tidy while you work on the farm.
- he recognizes you have a lot to do, so he wants to give you as much as you give him.
- a househusband, if u will.
- he’s a cuddler.
- whether it be just sitting on the couch, watching tv, or lying in bed—he’s cuddling u.
- big spoon, little spoon, wrapped around your body one way or another.
- if he knows you hate cuddling, he’ll be cool about it. but you’ll probably have to compromise and give him something, like his hand holding yours or your head resting against his chest.
- your presence is enough, he just likes to feel you’re there before falling asleep.
- he’s huge on emotional intimacy.
- after a long day, and he gets to just unwind with you, and maybe a glass of wine every once in a while is like heaven to him.
- the type to set up a nice bubble bath with candles and stuff, just so you two can sit and catch up.
- “hm? no, my day was fine. much better now.”
- i��m just saying, harvey, with his hair slightly damp, glasses low on the bridge of his nose, head tilted to the side while listening to you intently, and his body all covered in bubbles. he’s so…
- fuck i love him.
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- a thinner happy trail, but still goes up to his belly button.
- it’s like a slightly darker patch of blonde hair.
- he doesn’t really have to groom it or anything, but he does make sure it’s fairly neat every once in a while.
- he honestly doesn’t really dwell on it though. it’s just there, and since you’ve expressed interest in it, he’s more then happy to leave it.
- i feel like he could grow facial hair, but it always comes in super patchy and thin, so he just shaves it off.
- he honestly prefers it that way too. it just doesn’t look good on him.
- boxer shorts 🤭🤭🤭
- those baggy, plaid shorts that look so fucking good, especially when he wears them low on his waist.
- that’s all he wears to bed lol.
- CUDDLER!!!!!!
- spooning with him is so cute, swear.
- probably bc he wants to strictly be little spoon.
- even if you’re significantly shorter then him, he loves feeling like you’re his little backpack.
- i almost wanna say he moves around a lot in his sleep. it’s really interesting to wake up and see where he’s laying.
- like, he can go to bed with his whole body tucked under the covers, head on the pillow and feet at the end—but he’ll wake up with his limbs hanging off the end and entirely upside down above the covers.
- all of that but somehow he knows not to touch you, so it’s like a little surprise every time you both wake up.
- he absolutely loves pda.
- not an inappropriate amount, but there’s no way he can go even an hour without kissing you somehow when you’re together.
- holding your hand when you’re standing together, leaning over to give you a kiss on the cheek just cus.
- he loves going 1 on 1 with you during pool, but mainly because he just loves how sassy you get when you’re winning.
- or, whenever he’s playing against sebastian and he has you by his side cheering him on.
- he feels on top of the world.
- he’s so in love with you, swear.
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- 😵‍💫
- he’s got what i’d like to say is a dad bod.
- round tummy, large arms, broad shoulders. he’s attractive in a realistic sense, and he may not be incredibly confident, but your attraction to his physique makes him a lot more self assured.
- especially when your eyes wander a little when he takes off his shirt, and he can mask his flattery with a teasing comment.
- “wanna take a picture?” so smugly, just so he can see your lips purse and you immediately look away.
- *sweats* h-happy trail….
- it’s thick; and dark, and not necessarily groomed, it just kinda grows one way & he doesn’t really touch it.
- literally 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
- not to mention he also definitely has chest hair, but not enough that it’s disgusting, y’know?
- and he has facial hair.
- just subtle scruff all around his chin and jaw, mainly because he couldn’t care enough to shave but also bc he knows you like it.
- that’s about all he can grow, anyways.
- it’s extremely (and i mean EXTREMELY) rare he’d shave, but on the occasion he does…
- tease him about it.
- loves when you rub your fingers against his cheeks, especially when you’re sitting in his lap just like, “it’s so soft, you look prepubescent.”
- he doesn’t, not in the slightest, but it’s still funny to see him swat your hand away and his face gets all red.
- after u got married and he got better with his addiction, i’d like to think he became much help on the farm.
- you need trees chopped? he’s ur guy.
- clean the chicken coop? obviously.
- maybe even sometimes if you’re not feeling good, you can bet he does everything you need for you.
- so his body definitely builds from that, but don’t fear! he’s still got his chub.🫡
- he sleeps in boxer shorts also.
- that or some pants, but never a shirt.
- if he’s wearing a shirt in bed, something’s seriously wrong with him. that, or it’s like the dead of winter (but even then it’s so rare.)
- this dude is like a FURNACE at night. he’s literally radiating heat just by laying there.
- and he’s not an initial cuddler.
- he loves you, but he likes his space getting ready to fall asleep.
- but i can promise you, somehow during the night he’ll end up wrapped around you entirely, squeezing u and practically lighting you on fire w his body heat.
- it’s endearing, tho.
- no matter how much he says he hates cuddling, he still ends up like that somehow (so who’s to say he really hates it?)
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- 🤭🤭🤭
- lean build, pretty skinny.
- super pale too, and i’d like to think he has a ton of random freckles spotting across his body.
- not very many on his face cus he doesn’t get much sun (lol) but yeah, little moles here and there.
- his skin is also super smooth all the time for some reason.
- he’s not weak by any means, lowkey sleeper build except nothing really comes out when he uses his muscles LMFAO.
- like, if you give him a bunch of logs to carry that are really heavy, you expect him to only grab a few, not the whole bunch.
- and he can carry it effortlessly. it’s easy to forget he’s genuinely strong.
- but anyways, he doesn’t have chest hair or a happy trail.
- no facial hair, either. literally none. he’s just never been able to grow it, and he’s actually totally fine with that lol.
- his pubic hair is so well groomed, and that isn’t even by cause. his hair just naturally looks like that.
- a small dark patch around his shaft, fairly short but still just utterly average.
- if he whipped his dick out, you wouldn’t be shocked or anything.
- he strictly wears pj pants to bed, no shirt.
- he has veryyy subtle definition in his abs, so subtle you’d have to squint to see it.
- and he’s the kind of guy that (if he wanted to) no matter how hard he tried to get bulkier, it just wouldn’t work.
- he’s just genetically a pretty lanky guy, and while growing up he was embarrassed by it, right now he couldn’t care less.
- he’s grown to be more confident in himself after being with you.
- this man loves being praised, and when you reassure him he’s the ideal man for you.
- “you look so handsome today. did you do something with your hair?” hearing that first thing in the morning, when he didn’t even do anything & he actually doesn’t feel super attractive at the moment: yeah he’ll be thinking about that for weeks.
- it makes him feel so good whenever you randomly shoot one-liners that’ll catch him off guard like that.
- like in passing during a busy day, you’re just coming up to check on him for a couple minutes and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
- “you make it so hard for me to stay on task all day.” you sigh, grinning when he clearly gets all flustered.
- and he may not be as bold as you, but he has his moments.
- “mm, what if you just stayed in bed with me today?” “wish you’d stop pulling away whenever you feel gross, y’know it doesn’t bother me.” 👀👀
- this probably doesn’t need to be said, but i’m gonna say it anyways,
- he doesn’t like pda. the most he’ll do is hold your hand if you’re in public together, maybe kiss you on the cheek if he’s feels particularly affectionate / protective every now and then.
- he likes to keep his relationship private, it makes you feel a little more special to him.
- like, he loves the fact that only he gets to see you in specific ways.
- such as just being together on sappy evenings, softly mumbling things you love about each other while being in his arms. things like that.
- cus for him, if he does stuff like that in public, well for starters he’ll get uncomfortable. he’s too introverted for stuff like that.
- but really, it just means anyone can look over and see what you both look like when you’re all vulnerable with eachother, and to him he’d much rather keep that private.
- now, that being said…this man is so clingy lol.
- if you both are having an indoor day, and he’s working on the computer, while you’re just sorting through stuff inside, he’ll want to be near you.
- you’re at the stove? he’s at the kitchen table.
- you’re in the living room? he’s on the couch.
- you’re brushing your teeth? so is he.
- it can be dead silent between you two, just as long as you’re nearby, he’s happy.
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- he’s one of the guys with a more toned physique.
- he’s got some pretty nice arms, can i just say.
- they’re toned, grow larger when he flexes, even resting they look pretty nice.
- and his abs too, they’re not crazy, but they’re definitely there.
- a nice definition you can see even when he’s not flexing. there’s at least four there.
- as for facial hair, he has none.
- i feel like if he could grow some, he’d definitely leave it. it’d make him feel more “manly.”
- but he just doesn’t LMFAO.
- now, non-facial hair is a different story👀
- he’s got a happy trail folks!!!
- it’s a dark, thick patch of brown hair that trails (once again) all the way up to his belly button.
- and it’s so fucking hot.
- it might be the prettiest (next to harvey’s, ofc.)
- believe it or not, he’s actually pretty neat with it.
- he takes pride in being attractive! ofc he’s going to groom it.
- trims it whenever it gets untamed, but never shaves it off. he loves it, and he knows you do too.
- he’s also a boxer briefs guy. 99% of the time, he’s walking around wearing only his boxer briefs in the house.
- especially whenever it’s an indoor day, yeah, he’s not even bothering getting dressed at all😭😭
- that’s all he sleeps in. even if it’s the middle of winter.
- another pda fan.
- but this time, dare i say…he’s a little more bold.
- he’ll kiss you like he does when you’re private, even if there’s people around.
- cupping your cheek, pulling you in for likely more then 5 seconds sometimes.
- he’ll hold onto your waist when you’re standing together. he’ll stand behind you with his arms wrapped around you, even.
- and well, yes there’s empty seats all around you, but that’s too bad. cus he’s pulling you into sitting in his lap.
- he loves knowing everyone’s jealous of him.
- you’re so attractive, he knows all the other men look at you thinking the same thing.
- and he just loves how he’s got a rock on your finger that’s similar to his. he loves the fact that you said yes to him, not to anyone else who would’ve asked.
- so he loves showing you off.
- he’s got such a high libido, so he’s fairly sexual all the time.
- rolling over to kiss you after fucking you for literal hours, and even just the sight of you lying there, trying to catch your breath has him ready to go again.
- he’s one to grope you (consensually!)
- like, if ur walking by him, he’ll grab your ass and shoot you a grin like nothing even happened.
- but he knows when to be more serious, like if you had bad day and you just need a good cry.
- i’d like to think he’s really good at comforting people.
- he was there for his mom whenever his dad was treating them horribly, and he definitely helped her through a few tears, so he’s perfect at just holding you.
- he’s genuinely a sweetheart. yes he’s cocky, and flirty, but when it comes to people he loves: he’s so perfect.
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- *cracks knuckles*
- he can grow facial hair, but he normally goes without it.
- it comes in thick, but it won’t grow past any stubble (or at least he doesn’t let it before shaving it all off.)
- but omfg…his facial hair looks so nice when he lets it grow for a bit.
- especially when he kisses you, or lets you cup your hands around his jaw during that phase.
- he’s another one that loves to feel your fingers rake through his hair when you’re just commenting on how handsome he looks with it.
- despite how attractive it is, he still prefers it gone. so it’s rare when he lets it get to that point.
- his has a very subtle happy trail. it’s mostly just a patch of hair that peeks above his waistline, and it doesn’t go all the way up to his belly button,
- but it’s still as handsome as ever.
- his sleepwear is literally silk. stg.
- he’s so extra.
- he probably even got you a matching pair with your initials engraved “just cus.”
- but when he isn’t wearing all of that, he’s probably just wearing some regular pj pants and a shirt.
- it’s rare tho, cus like i said—he’s so extra.
- something so casual, but so attractive that he does is when he’s super exhausted with writing for so long, that he just leans back in his chair and sighs.
- like…he throws his arms over his head, manspreads just a little and sighs.
- or or or
- after you’ve had such a long and exhausting day, he’s quick to place his pencil down and open his arms to slot you on his lap.
- “tell me what’s the matter, my love. want me to make you some tea, get you some water?”
- and while you’re talking, he’s just gently rubbing your thigh and kissing your arms softly.
- he’s just so gracious and endearing.
- this man 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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pandaswitch · 1 year
hihii im here to request for demon slayer please. Can I get some headcannons for when the reader is held hostage by a demon 😨 what will the hashiras do
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Where’s my love?
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➠ Summary: After days of no response from you, the hashiras are informed of how you were kidnapped by a demon.
➠ Type: Headcannons.
➠ Genre: Angst/Fluff
Damn, it took me a while to write this for no reason. I didn't put Gyomei because i didn't feel inspired. 😭
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Tomioka Giyuu
Poor man.
He was already having no sleep because of how worried he was.
Starts cold sweating as soon as his crow says your name.
Like, he gets so anxious.
“How could I let that happen? I was supposed to protect them.”
If you’re a demon slayer he can somehow calm down.
After all, those are the risks of this job.
Oh, poor Giyuu, he feels so guilty.
He knows the demon probably just kidnapped you because of him.
So, after saving you, he just wants to take a step back and get out of your life.
Well, he doesn’t want to.
But he would do everything for you to be safe.
Kocho Shinobu
Girly goes into killer mode.
How does that demon to even touch you?
She. Is. Pissed.
Before heading out to look for you, she takes the cruelest poison she can find so the demon dies slowly and horribly.
My girl is playing no games.
Now all her time is put into finding where you are.
When she does, it takes her a while to acknowledge you.
She’s too busy making that bitch of a demon suffer.
After the demon is finally dead, she turns around and looks at you with a gentle smile.
“Hello darling”
I’m scared of this woman.
But I love her so much.
Rengoku Kyojuro
His smile drops suddenly.
“How? When? Where?”
He can’t think about anything else, he just wants to save you.
He doesn’t even care if he’s still injured from his last mission.
That man IS saving you, it doesn’t matter if Muzan himself is the one that is holding you hostage.
Thank God it isn’t Muzan lmao.
When he finally finds you, he can’t help but sigh in relief that you’re okay.
“Hello Beloved! :D”
And after slaying the demon, he carries you home bridal style.
He just wants you to be close. <3
Uzui Tengen + wives.
Tengen was the one who got the news.
“How unflashy”
Not you ofc.
He’s talking about the demon.
I genuinely think he would be like:
“They’re one of my partners, they can handle that.”
And realize that it’s more serious when it had been 3 days and you still haven’t come back.
And when Makio starts berating him so he will go and look for you.
So, he comes to the rescue.
Oh boy, when he finds you, he talks way too much to the demon.
Maybe because he knows it won’t take him too much time to kill it.
He kind of feels guilty when he sees your wounds, meaning that you fought back, even without a katana.
“You did it well, I wouldn’t have expected less from you.”
Just like Rengoku, he carries you all the way home bridal style.
When you two get home Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru totally focus on you.
Hot bath, your favorite food, they basically just take care of you.
Suma braids your hair while Hinatsuru caresses your face and Makio is asking questions.
Tengen feels his heart warm at the sight.
Just there he allows himself to think what would’ve had happen if he hadn’t come in time.
Now he’s holding the four of you tightly.
He’s just a big-ass baby.
Kanroji Mitsuri
She’s trying her best not to cry.
She knows she must handle this situation quickly, and there’s no time for her to cry.
Probably starts looking out for you on the spot.
If you asked her, she would drop a mission just to save you.
All serious and determined.
But probably she just completed her mission faster, without any distractions and left right after it.
This girl is going to find you, it doesn't matter how hard it is.
And she does, killing the demon takes her a little while but she does it without injuries.
She turns around and looks at you with teary worried eyes.
Runs to you and hugs you tightly.
People would have thought you were the one who saved her.
Tokito Muichiro
Okay, just kidding.
His memory is not that bad at this point.
He stays there for a second, looking into the void.
All the possible plans run through his mind.
What is he going to do?
When he comes back to reality, he realizes that he’s hyperventilating.
The only time someone he loves that much has been in such a dangerous situation was when his twin died.
“Okay, calm down.”
He’s a hashira, isn’t he?
He is supposed to protect you.
That’s the only thing that matters.
And he does, he spends 24 hours straight looking for you, with no break.
When he finally finds you and the demon, he slays it fast and tries his best not to lose control of his emotions.
When he kneels in front of you, he doesn’t say anything.
He just starts caressing your face, a small and relieved smile on his face.
He’s so glad you’re okay.
Shinazugawa Sanemi
If I was scared of Shinobu.
He goes WILD.
Looks for you like crazy, probably shaking out of anger.
He probably cut a few trees while on the way to where he thought you could be.
And by cut, I mean he punched them until his knuckles were bleeding.
When he finds the place, he has no mercy.
Like, he takes his time.
He doesn’t even cut the demon’s neck.
He has been torturing it all night.
But how does it dare to touch his beloved partner?
And when the sunrise arrives, he drags it out, so the sun burns it.
After a while, he comes back and carries you on piggyback.
“Don’t ever do that again, idiot.”
Iguro Obanai
Just like Giyuu, he starts blaming himself.
“This wouldn’t have happened if I was worthy of them.”
But more in an internal rage kind of way.
First of all, he takes his time to break stuff.
He isn't usually violent but he can't help but be furious at himself.
Poor Kakushi had to clean his state.
It doesn't take him long to find your location.
He makes it fast, the demon was talking when he cutted his neck.
Obanai doesn't wanna know its reasons, he just wants you to be okay.
He doesn't say a word, he just caresses your face, checking if you're hurt.
He takes you home, it doesn't matter if you can walk he is just going to carry you.
"I'm sorry" that's the only words you're gonna hear from him in a while.
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loaksbitch · 1 year
possessive!neteyam thoughts — (⨳,✿)
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warnings: light toxic behavior but it’s fictional soo..(?) marking, mate press, mating, breeding kink, neteyam literally fucks reader on every spot omaticaya village.. lmk if i missed any :)
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possessive!neteyam is definitely the type to literally mark you and claim you as his in every way possible. love bites all over your neck, inner thigh or even your..arm. he’s just so obsessive and wants any na’vi dead or alive, you are his.
possessive!neteyam loves to hold your hand, he’s such a craver for skin contact and he’s touch deprived soul. it’s as if he’s calm when he’s close to you, touching you.. all the feeling, his sadness or burden of trying to being perfect son or warrior like he always is evaporates quick.
possessive!neteyam gets jealous so easily, matter of fact he even gets jealous of your top loincloth. you won’t even dare to forget how he was genuinely upset about your top holding onto your breast while his hand were begging to hold your tits for you. “my hands are literally fucking free for you, baby.”
possessive!neteyam is secretly into breeding kink. it’s not a secret on how he just wants to fuck you raw for hours and stuff you with his babies, making you walk around like a the little angel you are knows in the village. it just makes something in him go feral, “you are so hot when stuffed with my babies, y’know.”
possessive!neteyam is such a sneaky bastard. i’m any way possible, neteyam manages to pull your heart out from your skin with his stupid sneaks. sometimes you wonder how you ended up with that man, genuinely asking eywa if he was…okay? it wasn’t even normal sneak he does. sometimes neteyam even hides and secretly loves to watch you take a bath, knowing you won’t technically take a bath only. he would find himself palming his stiff cock under his loincloth hearing your soft mewls as you please yourself.
possessive!neteyam is jealous two times worse when people mess with what’s his. neteyam was known for growing up being the giver and never the taker, but when it comes to you? fuck taking and giving cause everyone should know you’re his and his only. and so, that’s why now at this time, neteyam got you all fours while pounding into your abused cunt harsh. “fuck yeah, those bitches better know who you scream for. you’re mine.” he huffs, leaning to your back and pulling you up by your neck. “you. are. mine.” he grunts sternly.
possessive!neteyam likes to steal your panties, that’s a hidden persona of him that nobody must know but obviously you know. he steals them when he goes out for a war party, knowing he’s gonna be alone and there’s no source of contact with you for few days. he uses those garments to jack off at night, slightly satisfying him for a while. but once he’s back home, you’re not gonna be able to walk straight for days. or worse, weeks.
possessive!neteyam definitely loves marking you, biting on your neck to imprint the sharp edge of his teeth. your scream is what arouse hum more. neteyam is not a into pain or never likes watching you in pain but there’s something different about this one, him having you pressed to the mattress while his arms are sneaked and holding your legs to your chest while his hips snapped vaguely. “you’re so fucking small and tight, baby.”
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© loaksbitch 2k23 — please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without permission.
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notjustjavierpena · 11 months
Oops, I accidentally sent the request before actually typing it, lol
Here we go again:
The family is away for summer vacation and reader bumps into an old high school boyfriend of hers at the beach while Javi is playing with the kids (making an adorable mess with sand castles), and he sees it at some distance and get super jealous about it, but only get to talk to her about it after dinner when the kids are asleep in their hotel room. Idk, something about that with obviously make up sex for reader to show him how much she’s all his and etc
Random thoughts, I know, but I’m sure you’ll be able to work magic with this
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Hi hi hi, and so sorry for the wait. I hope this fulfils your heart’s desires, my friend. Thank you for following my work ❤️
Summary: You bump into your high school sweetheart on holiday and Javier is not a fan.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, jealousy, javi is whipped for reader, dirty talk, piv sex, rough sex, bit of roleplay, creampie, use of papi, possessiveness, aren’t they just the cutest?
Word count: 3.1k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51262198
Children’s laughter travels through the air to meet your ears along with the sound of a soft summer breeze, making you put down the book that you’ve been holding in your hands. It’s impossibly sunny hence why you’ve decided to hold up the book, shielding its pages from the rays, and the skin of your back glistens with sweat. There are seagulls in the air, busy noises from families around you, and the therapeutic push and pull of the waves.
Beside you, you have a glass of strawberry lemonade and in front of you, you have a view of your husband enthusiastically digging moats around the various sandcastles that have been scattered across your chosen spot on the beach. You feel refreshed and relaxed; just how you’re supposed to feel on your vacation during the hottest days of summer. 
It had been Javier’s idea to go away for a week to your hometown. You are thankful for his suggestion because you would never have voiced your wish for a break out loud yet he had sensed it despite your silence. 
You’ve visited your parents, yes, but the majority of days have been spent on the beach where you’ve gotten some quality time with yourself. Javier has managed to tire out both of your kids with endless activities, and the evenings have been filled with long, slow kisses on the hotel room balcony. You have hoped for more but a shared hotel room means that you will have to keep everything PG-13.
“Look, Mommy!” 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Inés’ excited shout. She has placed seashells on the biggest of the sandcastles’ walls, making them imitate grand windows. 
“They’re beautiful, baby,” you praise adoringly. 
Lucas is by the shore with a bucket, filling it with water for the moats. He beams at you when he returns, and you smile right back at your beautiful boy. 
“Remind Papá to take a picture of you when you’re finished,” you say loudly for Javier to hear as well. He looks back at you, grinning with genuine joy and happiness but you’re too busy staring at his happy trail just above the hem of his bathing shorts. He notices.
“What’re you looking at?” He winks.
“Nothing,” you say back and shoo him, holding up your book for show, “Go keep an eye on your offspring, Dad. I’m very busy.”
The day continues. You manage to go through a few more chapters, occasionally watching Javier over the top of your book as he is enjoying himself. 
And then it is late afternoon but the sun is nowhere near descending yet. You are interrupted in your reading by a shadow above you, and you don’t manage to catch yourself as you automatically tell Javier off, “Honey. You’re standing right in front of the great big reading lamp in the sky.”
The shadow laughs and then you realize it isn’t your husband. You look up to stare at a familiar face anyhow, and your face grows hot. With quick motions, you put your book down and push yourself to stand.
“Jonathan!” You exclaim in what you hope is a calm and collected voice. You know it is a possibility, being in your hometown, that you run into your high school ex-boyfriend but it still catches you off guard. 
“You mean ‘honey’ right?” Jonathan jokes. You laugh politely and awkwardly, and despite the ring on his finger, Jonathan doesn’t seem to back down. He hugs you, splaying his large palm on your back - right under where your bikini top sits. 
Afterward, he gives you a once over with his eyes, and out of the corner of your eye, you spot Javier glancing in your direction. 
“God, you look well,” Jonathan continues, “Still in Laredo?”
“Still in Laredo,” you confirm, curling your toes into the warm sand. Jonathan looks almost exactly the same; blond, wide-eyed, and pale. He still sports a t-shirt with a print of a ‘70s band logo on the front that you remember him buying when it was cool. 
You realize that you haven’t done anything to make conversation, quickly adding, “And you? You haven’t aged a day.”
“Never escaped, teachin’ at our old school,” he shrugs. He eyes Inés and Lucas but only briefly, turning back to you when he realizes that you are here with a man too. Javier is throwing daggers his way but for once, he has no intention of interrupting which is fair since he would have to leave his children unattended for the time it took to play macho. 
“Course you are,” you smile genuinely. It suits him perfectly to be one of the people who keep the cycle of the quiet town alive, even if it is by simply replacing your old teachers, “And the ring? I couldn’t help but notice that we’re both married.”
Jonathan tells you briefly about his wife and kids. You don’t actually care, but he lights up as he speaks about his two daughters and that’s the most important thing in this whole conversation. He has a dreamy look in his eyes as he finishes, “And to think we thought it would be us.”
By instinct, you reach out to touch his arm and then you giggle softly because the image of the two of you getting old together is absurd. You have everything you need in Javier Peña… Who is fuming without you noticing.
You hug Jonathan goodbye and the rest of the afternoon is suspiciously quiet. 
Inés and Lucas fall asleep quickly, exhausted from the amount of fresh air they’ve breathed in today. Outside the sky is turning rose-colored from the evening catching up on you; the sunset will be long and beautiful. But you don’t want beauty with how much tension is between the two of you. 
You are brushing your teeth side-by-side in the hotel bathroom. It’s been a tight-lipped dinner. You honestly just want to go to sleep so you can start over tomorrow. 
Javier finishes brushing his teeth first. He waits for you, looking like someone who is contemplating whether to say something or not.
You finish brushing your own teeth just as he finally makes a decision, off-handedly throwing a remark at you.
“You sure were friendly with Jonathan earlier,” he says simply.
You let out a long sigh, stepping away from the sink after putting away your toothbrush, “Jesus, Javi, I knew this would happen.”
“What?” He leans against the sink.
“You don’t have to act like a fucking… I don’t know. It is every damn time a guy even looks at me - and it’s just not very attractive,” you are exhausted. 
“Excuse me for liking you to myself,” he looks away, “I like having you alone.”
You decide on something at that moment. 
“You already have me. Don’t you know?” You ask in a voice close to a purr. Javier raises a brow in annoyance, but you don’t give in to a fight so easily. Instead, you go to close and lock the bathroom door.
“Know what?” He asks impatiently.
“That you’re the only one?” You watch him standing against the sink counter. He doesn’t look as annoyed after those words but he still isn’t overly impressed with your actions earlier. There’s no way that he doesn’t know what clicking the lock means though. If only he knew the power you have over him, the power that you’re soon to make a display of. 
You cross the room to stand in front of him. You tilt your chin upwards to look up at his face but his eyes stray from yours the second you catch them. He can get so pissy sometimes, a part of the game, but you’ll take the challenge especially when you haven’t had his cock inside of you for a week. At this point, your core aches for him. 
Gently, you put two fingers under his chin and pull it down towards his chest so he is forced to look at you. Your smile is sweet as honey, “Thoughts of you keep me up all night sometimes. Hot and bothered, legs barely knowing what to do.”
There’s a pause where you can only hear his breathing matching yours. His pupils have blown wider, signaling desire for you. 
“What do you think of?” He finally gives in. 
“I think about all the ways you turn me on,” you tap his chin but then let your hand go down. It skims down his bare chest and over each ripple of muscle that quivers with each touch. 
“Yeah?” He murmurs. His eyes flick down between the two of you for less than a second when your hand hovers over his happy trail. The second you catch him doing it, your own eyes follow suit. It’s too hot to wear his usual pajama bottoms, so it’s so easy to spot that he is hard already, showing off the outline of his dick in his gray briefs. There’s a stain of precome. 
“Yeah, baby,” you don’t even hesitate, reaching down to palm the length of him. His breath hitches in his throat the second he is touched, and your voice lowers to a whisper, “All I do is fantasize about you. The way you kiss, the way you touch me, and mmm, the way you fuck me.”
“Mhm,” he hums softly in the way men do when they don’t really know what to say during their current state of mind. You have him scatterbrained with your touch, a moan falling from his lips and replacing the hum when you snake your hand into his underwear, wrapping your fingers around his cock to stroke him lazily. 
“You like this?” You ask but don’t give him time to answer since you tighten your fist around his girth. He forces a nod and you lean up to kiss his lips teasingly soft, “You really think I would ever touch another man like this? There’s no way. No comparison to how you look when I do it.”
“Go on and I might forgive the eyes you were sending him,” he tells you with a hint of edge in his voice. He sounds more desperate than confident, more wanting than he might want to let on. It fills you with self-satisfaction because you know that what you are saying about him goes for you too; you’ve ruined everyone else for each other. 
“I told you I was doing no such thing,” you reply. He pulses in your hand, precome sliding down over your knuckles when you make your fist a tighter fit, reminding him of what waits between your legs. You go a little faster, and Javier’s breathing speeds up. 
“Liar,” he challenges raggedly. 
“As if he could ever make me come as hard as you,” you egg him on, patiently waiting for him to lose control with you, “There’s only you, Papí.”
That seems to do something. Javier yanks your hand away, and you know the strength behind the action because he breathes the same way that he breathes when teetering on the edge of release. He has stopped himself but it’s only to enter your personal space more than you even thought possible.
He grabs at your hips almost violently, steers you backwards a few paces so he can flip the positions. Now, you are the one against the sink counter and it gnaws painfully into the small of your back. There’s an air of consideration for a moment as he checks in on you during the beginning of what can be regarded as playing with each other. You give him a dirty look, a small nod and he smirks back.
“Javi,” you mumble in fake confusion, reaching up to put your hands on his chest but you don’t get to do much because one of Javier’s hands comes up to catch one wrist after the other. It’s so easy for him to do, both because of his job and his physical superiority. 
He twists your hands behind your back and roughly shoves you down over the sink. He lowers his voice as he speaks, “You’re not gonna wake up anyone, are we clear?” 
“We’re clear,” you promise, finding his eyes in the mirror. If he touches you now, he’ll find you wetter than you have been in a long while. What is it about holidays and hotel rooms? Mixed with not having been able to touch each other since you have arrived here, it is a dangerous combination. 
“Te deseo mucho, amor,” he says softly and out of character. 
“I love you,” you reply. 
He dives back into the scenario. His other hand tugs at your cotton shorts, dragging them over the curve of your ass and down your long legs. You step out of them as soon as they lay around your feet. 
“I’m gonna let go,” he says and shakes your hands in his grip to indicate what he is talking about, “But only so you can cover your mouth for me and I can get out of these fucking underpants.”
He does as he said he would. You move to prop yourself up on your elbows, neck already having strained from the mere moments you’ve had to feel the cold porcelain against your chest.
Behind you, there’s shuffling. You cover your mouth as he enters you swiftly, jerking forward at the intrusion that has you panting damply into your palm. He fills you to the brim, stretches your cunt as only he can, and then he fucks you - hard, rough, and fast.
Your head spins, your knees bang against the cabinet’s front, and you try to strain the muscles in your legs so they don’t. He knows the ticking bomb that is your children sleeping soundly in the room next door, but he cannot help himself as he drives into you. He leans over you. 
“No one but me,” he growls lowly, “This little cunt belongs to no one else. She gets red and puffy for me, no? Filled up with only my come.”
“Sí,” you practically sing out but then quickly cover your mouth. He gets rougher with you then, each snap of his hips a reminder of how only he can make you feel like this. He is getting exactly what he wants, and he has you a moaning mess soon after. 
Your first orgasm tears through you after a rough pounding of your g-spot, sending shockwaves down your spine to burn at the base and throwing your upper body forward with such a force that you nearly lose touch with the floor, standing only on your toes as you clamp rhythmically down on Javier’s cock.
“That’s it,” he praises quietly, not relenting, “You can do one more, can’t you? Gotta remind you who makes you feel this good.” 
You nod through sobs. More, more, more.
Suddenly, he leaves you empty. The feeling has you on edge, makes you look at him over your shoulder because gaining eye contact in the mirror is somehow not good enough for the look of betrayal you want to give him. He takes a step back from you whilst panting frantically, gesturing to you by drawing a circle in the air, “Turn around.”
You straighten without thinking and flip around, so you are positioned as you were at the beginning of this. He seizes your hips, hands going down your thighs to grab at them and lift you up onto the edge of the counter. 
Your hand clasps around the back of his neck. He lifts your legs up to settle them around his waist, and then he guides himself back into you and continues fucking you with a force that has you lifting your free hand up behind you to brace yourself against the mirror. 
“Javi,” you whimper repeatedly, clutching at the curls at the base of his skull. He had wanted to cut it before summer came, but you are so glad that he did not. 
“Shh,” he soothes your growing cries and you know that he’ll make you come again soon, “Be quiet for me, baby.”
You don’t think he is quiet enough himself to demand such a thing from you. His stamina has always impressed you, but it’s the sound of his breaths that tears your own from your chest. Alongside the hungry eyes that bore into you, you don’t think that it’ll take long for this to reach its peak for both of you.
“I can’t,” you stutter a little more high-pitched than you intended.
“You have to,” he says with a hint of sternness but he cannot keep it up. Especially not, when he has to take the consequences of reaching down between your legs to thumb at your clit. 
You come so fast that you don’t even have time to warn him, and you cry. So loudly that he needs to kiss you to swallow the sound of you reaching your second, over-sensitive high. 
You throw your arms around him as he chases his own peak, whimpering at the hard thrusts he is giving you to reach his end. You hear him let out a drawn-out fuuuck as he spills inside of you. He pulses, settling deep inside you. He kisses you lazily. 
Everything goes quiet except for your shared breathing. You want to say something to finish the argument that almost never took place but a knock is heard on the locked bathroom door.
You freeze. Javier pulls out of you. The bathroom counter is a mess. 
“Mommy?” Inés’ little voice sounds anxious. You figure that it’s far from nice to find your parents’ bed empty on holiday.
“Just a second,” you say with a weak voice. 
“We’ll be right there, mí vida,” Javier says as well.
“What are you doing? Why is Mommy crying?” You hear her ask and Javier’s face twists in surprise for a moment before he starts laughing, burying his head in your neck as he holds you close. You slap his shoulder. 
“I’m not crying, baby,” you reassure. With a glare that’s anything but actually angry, you push Javier away from you to get cleaned up. 
“I have to pee,” Inés continues with a hesitant tone to her voice. 
Javier kisses you one last time, and you draw it out for a few more seconds than you have time for. It’s still romantic despite you holding a hotel towel between your legs. 
“One moment, mija,” Javier says and gets dressed in his briefs. He waits for you to dress too.
When you walk towards the door, he smacks your ass and you whip around to slap his hand away. There��s a grin on your face though, “Dog.”
“Go to bed, I’ll take her,” he just says.
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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clairdelunelove · 6 months
the problem with yuuji’s birthday is that he’s fine with literally anything. 
he isn’t the type to extravagantly celebrate the day and typically spends it running through his daily routine. he's a simple guy. doesn’t deviate from the usual unless his friends decide to throw him a party or plan a reservation. and he’s extremely grateful for it! don’t get him wrong! but honestly, the most he’d do is treat himself to his favorite restaurant, order a piping hot rice bowl with loads of toppings, and call it a day. to him, it’s just a regular, standard day. this is the same guy that immediately gravitates to wearing hoodies because he’s indecisive! it means everything to you, however. and its significance only grows when the two of you start dating and the precious day looms closer. 
“there isn’t anything that you want for your birthday?” you tilt your head as you desperately pry for some sort of lead that could point you in the right direction, “it could be anything!” 
“y’know that I’ll like anything you get me!” 
the statement is normally an automatic response for most people to say as a way to portray a bit of humility. similar to a dismissive wave of the hand. but when you peer at the blushy haired male beside you, he’s the epitome of genuine. like he truly would appreciate and cherish anything that you gifted him. no matter how trivial or insignificant it is. his eyes are wide, sincere in that oblivious habit he has that causes your cheeks to burn. 
“how about we go somewhere?” you suggest before rattling off a couple places that most would deem fun, “maybe to the new cafe that just opened? an arcade? we could take a trip to an amusement park?” 
his lips curl into a soft grin as his broad shoulders lift into an easygoing shrug, “sounds fun! as long as you’re goin’ with me!” 
you end up deciding to spend the day at the nearest park and having a picnic. and you’re bustling around– cooking/packing his favorite meal, rushing to pick up a small cake at the local bakery, and setting up at the perfect spot that overlooks the gleaming pond. you spent countless nights planning this day and you’d do anything to give back a fraction of the amount of happiness he continually gives you. so you’re sweating by the end of it. huffing and swiping at your flushed face while yuuji heartily laughs at your impassioned effort. 
“it looks great,” his hand drops to yours to give it a reassuring squeeze, “come and relax with me, yeah?” 
he pats at the spot beside him, gently guiding you to obediently sink down and finally rest. it’s adequately comfortable due to yuuji stripping off his jacket and spreading it over the picnic blanket so you can cozily sprawl. and the gesture is so sickeningly sweet– so yuuji. especially with how his eyes lowly droop to where his slender fingers reach to press against the frilly outfit you’re wearing. it’s a delicate piece that you bought just for the occasion and he murmurs his admiration for it. you’re just the prettiest for him.
but your mind is still frazzled. instinctively moving to open the wicker basket, you’re whisked away in another task and the loss of contact has him childishly grumbling. he’s tugging at you in an attempt to coerce you back to him. just needy, grabby hands at your waist. he wishes for you to unwind because it genuinely has been the best birthday he’s ever had. sees the effort you went through to put this all together. all the care and consideration that you’ve put into the small details that cause him to melt into a puddle. doesn’t understand how he’s deserving of your adoring love. 
the confession tumbles out from your pouty lips before you can process it, “everything has to be perfect, though. it’s your birthday, yuu.” 
and the sentiment has his heart crooning for you even more. he gazes at you, patient and tender. you’re beautiful. bathed in the sun’s rays and glimmering as the field’s flowers act as your backdrop. you’re a vision that he’d dutifully bid his time into studying. he’s memorized the slant of your brow and the sweep of your lashes. he would search for you in every life. fortunately, luck was on his side during this one. 
leaning in, he presses a sugary kiss onto your glossy lips. licks his own when he pulls away in a pursuit to taste you better. his strength and weakness is, inherently, you. 
then, he rests his forehead against yours before whispering, “it is perfect. I have you.”
isn't my best work but I wanted to write a lil something for his bday. happy yuuji day, loves •ᴗ•
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bonecaffeine · 8 months
Tsuchigomori nsfw alphabet - A, B, E, K, O, U, X.
A/N: Greetings and salutations. This is going to be the very first post of this account! It's mainly going to be focused on Tsuchigomori from TBHK since this man has very few fics and I am here to change that. So please, dear Tsuchigomori enthusiasts, flood my ask box with him. Sfw and nsfw requests are all very much welcome!
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Tw - 18+ content, read at your own risk.
A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Tsuchigomori is truly a sweetheart after intercourse. He'd coo to you how well you did and then proceed to clean you off, help you put your clothes back on, cuddle you to sleep or even run you a warm bath. He may me strike as someone who is cold and unbothered but on the inside he cares a lot.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
I don't think this man has a genuinely favorite part on his body... it's not that he's very insecure or something, he's just quite indiffirent about his physical appearance. However, if he really had to choose it would be his hands, all six of them. Tsuchi likes how convenient they become when he gets to touch you, so you are in luck if you are starved of physical affection.
When it comes to his partner, it's their thighs that are his favorite. So kissable, so squeezable, so soft... Tsuchigomori also adores their s/o's pretty face.
E = Experience (how experienced are they in bed?)
He has lived for more than 70 years, probably way longer than that, so he definetly has experience. His body count isn't too high, as he's someone who takes intimacy seriously, yet he's tested the waters enough to be a satisfying partner in bed. That being said, he's also quite inquisitive so he's always open to be better.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This man is most definetly into bondage. He'd be the type to tie his partner up in his own silky web and watch them surrender. Seeing his s/o squirm against the soft fabric around their skin as Tsuchi's hands travel all around their body is something that gets Tsuchigomori off so badly.
Dirty talk is something up Tsuchigomori's alley as well. He just likes to see his partner react to it: their flushed cheeks, their flustered smile or an awkward attempt to look away and put up a tougher exterior. It brings a shit eating grin to Tsuchigomori's face because he knows exactly what to say to get you going.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving)
He mostly likes to give - he has a long tongue and all so you know he puts it to great use... though if his partner would want to return the favor, he absolutely wouldn't mind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is something so effortless to Tsuchigomori, it almost comes naturally. Like the sadist he is, he'll find enjoyment in your embarassed, hot and bothered mannerisms. He'll purposefully make eye more contact with you or point out how flustered you're getting as if he wasn't aiming to get a rise out of you in the first place.
X = X-ray (let's see whats going on under those clothes)
If you look at this man and don't think that he gives off big dick energy you are simply lying to yourself. I mean come on, he's not only very tall but also a yokai. That being said, he's longer and thicker than average, but only to a point where it doesn't become an inconvenience.
Alright folks, that's all for now. I may do a part two because there are still a few letters left. Let me know what you think:3
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viking-chaos · 4 months
I genuinely don't know what this is. I just had to get it out. It hasn't been proofread or anything, and it was typed in my phone, so there are probably a lot of mistakes. I mostly just needed to get back into the swing of writing, so yeah, this is what it is.
Failed Hunt
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Warnings: I don't think there is much. Mostly just some fluff, very very mild sexual content. Some mild language. That's it.
Summery: Just you and Sihtric messing up a hunt. Why can't this be my life??? 😫😫😫😫
I don't really have a taglist, so I'm just going to tag my Sihtric moots, and if you want to be added or removed, just send a message: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @thenameswinter99 @solinarimoon @foxyanon
Oh, why had you agreed to this hunt? Why, when there were so many things that could go wrong. And it seemed, in one day, the one day you decided to take up your husband's offer to join him in his hunt, everything that could go wrong had gone wrong.
You could be at home, warm, safe, cooking whatever you bought from the butchers, instead of here in the middle of nowhere, freezing your arse off, with nothing to eat, nothing to bring home. Add to that, you were soaking wet, and not in a good way. Your husband had wandered off to gods knew where in search of food.
You poke at the near smouldering fire with a stick, hoping to coax it to life and warm you. A small part of you imagined it was your idiot husband you were poking. He deserved it for dragging you out here.
The day had started perfectly. You had woken up, safe and warm, in your bed with your husband. He kissed you tenderly, whispering sweet nothings in your ear until you were roused into wakefulness.
“Good morning,” he murmured as you snuggled into his muscled chest.
You mumbled something along the lines of “good morning Sihtric” back at him, although you were not quite awake enough to speak yet.
This morning would have been utter perfection, if it weren't for him reminding you of your promise.
“We are to hunt today, my love,” he whispered.
You opened your eyes and glared at him. He just chuckled at your expression.
It took some time for Sihtric to coax you out of bed, luring you with the promise of a nice hot bath at the end of the day, as well as a hearty meal of deer. You grumbled all while pulling on your clothes and preparing for a day in the woods.
Somehow, you convinced yourself that going on a hunt would not be such a bad thing. You would get to spend time in the open air with your husband. Perhaps, if you were good, he would make love to you on your return.
And Somehow, it all went wrong.
Well, not immediately.
As you left the toastyness of your shared home, you were almost happy you had agreed. It was fun sneaking out of Coccham so early in the morning before the sun had risen. You and Sihtric giggled like you did before you married, when you were still in that phase where you couldn't believe this handsome man had chosen you, of all people, to be his woman.
That was the end of the perfect morning.
It rained. Heavily.
It was not long before you were both soaked to the skin. At least, Sihtric seemed to still be enjoying himself, while your teeth chattered as the cold seeped to your bones.
“Sihtric!” you called as he scampered ahead. “Slow down!”
He paused for a moment, smiling from ear to ear. “Come on!” he beckoned, before continuing to bound further into the woods.
You cried out as you tripped over a tree root, landing face first in a muddy puddle.
As you rose, coughing and spluttering, Sihtric howled with laughter.
You scowled at him, wiping mud from your face. He only laughed harder.
“Perhaps we should go back,” you said, glowering.
“Why should we when we are having fun?” he said jovially.
You threw some of the mud at him. “I am cold and tired, Sihtric. We haven't caught anything either!”
His smile faded, and he bundled you up in his damp furs.
“It is getting too late to find our way back,” he explained. “We will have to make camp. Luckily our bedrooms are still dry.”
And now here you sat, trying to coax the fire to life while waiting for Sihtric to return with some food.
By the time you finally got the fire going, the sound of your husband crashing through the trees announced his return. Tied to his belt were a few dead rabbits that he had successfully caught for your meal.
As the meat cooked, you peeled off your layers of damp cloths, leaving them hanging from low branches. You wrapped yourself in your bedroll, and sat in front of the fire, eating pieces of meat from your hunting knife.
“Are you alright?” Sihtric asked, breaking the silence between you. You gave him a glare in response. “I am sorry this hunting trip did not go well.” You said nothing, still glowering. “We will still have a warm bath when we get home?” he added hopefully.
You scoffed at ‘we’.
He hung his head in shame. You sighed, feeling pity for this handsome warrior who tried so hard.
“You can share my bedroll tonight to keep me warm,” you conceded, shaking your head and smiling.
Sihtric grinned and started stripping off his wet clothes, while you stared appreciatively.
He snuggled into the roll behind you, nuzzling and leaving soft kisses on your neck.
Exhaustion was quick to overtake you.
“My love?” Sihtric murmured just as started dozing off.
“Will I get to join the bath tomorrow?” he asked, subtly palming your breast.
“Take your hand off my tits and I'll think about it.”
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scarlet-empresss · 8 months
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Simon Riley x reader relationship headcanons Sooo after nearly seven years of being a mostly inactive member of the fandom, writing countless fics that nobody ever got to see - I can say I’ve developed a fairly clear picture of how I envision some of these characters. Therefore, here are some of the things I think would characterize Simon as a partner (and a few of just him as a person). English is not my first language so please bear with me :)
Friends first. I feel like he's not one to rush into a serious relationship without having strong foundations laid out first. You're a trustworthy, longtime teammate he's been working with for years, who has seen his darkest side and inner demons resurface, and still be accepting of him as a person? Or perhaps you're a civilian working at the coffee shop he frequents; the same civilian who spilled his usual at him one time, leading to an unexpected, but most certainly intruguing friendship? Let's fucking roll with either.
Following the first point—he's not a 'love at first glance' type of guy. He needs a connection, a spark; that spark that comes from knowledge and insight, both gained through meaningful interactions and a genuine bond. This is what Simon seeks. (Bonus points if you're a medic/nurse, because, you know, I fucking love medic x soldier trope)
Now let's get to the love language—definitely acts of service. You're tired after a long day at work? Boom, you've got a nice and hot bath waiting for you, together with your favorite snacks and a glass of wine/book to read (could be both). Running low on essentials, be it your favorite type of coffee, a preferred perfume, tampons, the likes? Well, expect it to be restocked as soon as possible. He'll change the oil in your car, scrape the frost from the windows, anything you as much as mention. If you're sick, he'll do whatever makes you feel better, whether that's a warm compress or something as simple as a bowl of soup and a couple of ice packs. He wants to take care of you. He might not be an expert at expressin his feelings through words, but he'll damn sure cook you a three-course meal and a dessert to show you how much he appreciates you.
That being said, he's an exceptional cook. He doesn't have many opportunities to experiment in the kitchen during deployments or safe houses, but you can be sure that Simon is behind the pots and pans preparing mouthwatering meals whenever he's back home. It's relaxing, and he simply enjoys spending time cooking for you and himself.
Not into excessive PDA - hand holding is okay, but when you two are in a crowd (which he hates), there's a hand on the small of your back or lingering on the back of your neck. Behind closed doors, he's more openly affectionate. Whether you're simply making a sandwich in the kitchen or he breezes past you, he's likely to stand behind you and simply rest his chin on the top of your head, rough hands on your hips, or when you two are sitting on the couch, his arm is either around you or resting on your thigh.
Non sexual intimacy is a big yes; head scratches, hand holding, shoulder rubs, baths together, or anything of the sort. But there's one thing that melts him completely and that's when you kiss his eyelids. If you're his teammate and you're in a relationship, he will appreciate you helping him out of his gear, washing the dirt and grime off his hands or helping him apply the camouflage paint on his face.
He may call you "love" or "sweetheart," but he attempts to restrict these terms of endearment primarily behind closed doors. He's not exactly fond of overtly cutesy pet names either, so he appreciates the occasional "Love" or "Si," but he draws the line at anything more ostentatiously affectionate. "Don't ya ever call me pookie again, got it, sweetheart?"
Wanna wake up before that man? Yeah, good luck with that. He's a proper, bona fide early riser, an early bird, prepared for the day well before the rays reach the horizon. It's like clockwork, a routine that's been ingrained into his circadian rhythm, something that governs his inner system. If he's not out on a morning jog, he'll lie on his side of the bed, staring at you, silently admiring. Oh, and he'll know if you wake up and pretend to be still asleep.
Simon values the power of silence. Quiet as he may be at certain times, this man is not indifferent; he's an observer. He considers observation as a means of learning and appreciates the sheer volume of knowledge that can be gleaned from the study of behaviors, facial expressions, and other body language cues. Furthermore, a comfortable silence may be the strongest indicator of the powerful connection between two people. That's how he knew there was truly something special between you and him.
HOWEVER. The previous point doesn't right away mean that he despises talking. Sure, he's not one for an idle chit-chat, but I feel like it’s a very frequent idea that he’s the brooding and sullen type who prefers grunting over speaking, kinda like Daryl Dixon (that's a huge compliment to Simon). I’d say, Simon is somewhere in between—more of a ‘I speak only when I want to/have something really meaningful to say’. If he's got something on his mind, he'll let you know. And, surprisingly, he has a way with words like the smoothest motherfucker ever.
Not surprisingly, he's a bit of a softie when it comes to animals, especially dogs. Not one to baby-talk when he sees a dog, he merely offers gentle pats on its head or side (if he's more familiar with the dog, I see him petting it like dads do lol). He’s also very careful about the animals and makes sure not to touch one without asking the owner first. As for service dogs, he's especially careful, keeping a safe distance and showing due respect for their role.
You know you're gonna have a K9 at your home when you get with this man.
He's not a fan of surprises or gifts, because he wasn't raised in a family full of hugs and "I love you's" or selfless acts of affection. He struggles to convey his gratitude in the conventional manner, so it's often expressed, albeit indirectly, through acts of service. No matter what it is that you've gifted him, he's grateful for the thought and consideration all the same.
But you better believe he will surprise you in turn. He goes out of his way to procure anything and everything you so much as mention wanting, be it a trivial trinket or something more significant. He's always listening, always paying attention.
Not very into verbal compliments, but his eyes speak an entire novel about how he feels about you. Gentle glances, lingering stares, and silent admiration. He might not be overtly forthcoming with his praise, but one look is worth more than a thousand words.
Big spoon. He's a tad bit paranoid about having his back vulnerable—much like a cat and its exposed belly. It has nothing to do with trust—as he does trust you. It's merely a product of his inner paranoia, though there's a touch of protectiveness in there, too. Beacuse he'd much rather have you enveloped in his arms, ensuring him the sensation of protecting you with his whole body. Perhaps with time he would let you spoon him, but I wouldn't count on it early on in the relationship.
He's territorial, not in a jealous, envious, or controlling sense but rather in a protective and defensive manner. He doesn't like men or women making advances on you, especially unsolicited physical contact or overt flirting. While he won't try to be overbearing or overly assertive, he will make it abundantly clear that such behavior is uncalled for and unacceptable.
civilian!reader - get ready for some self-defense lessons. He'll ensure that you know basic moves that can give you the time to escape a dangerous situation. Simon is well-versed in the brutality of the world, and he won't sugarcoat anything. If you're in danger, you run; if you feel something's wrong, you run. He can't always be there to protect you. So he's drilled this mantra into your brain: no matter how strong, tough, skilled you think you are, you simply can't trust that your enemy won't wield a knife or gun.
But one of the very first things he's given you even before you two became a couple was a can of pepper spray.
He's a direct, straight to the point man, which is why he has no time for beating around the bush. There's no awkward tip-toeing with hints that may go unexplored, no subtle suggestions that may fall flat—he's all in. Whether it's on a mission, in bed, or an argument, Simon lays it all on the line because you're worth it. He will commit to you wholeheartedly, leaving nothing on the table, giving you everything he has to offer because you deserve nothing less.
You fell first, but he fell harder—this man adores you. Although he's not mushy, he won't shower you with affection and cute nicknames all the time, he loves you. And when Simon Riley loves someone, you can be damn sure he means it. His loyalty knows no limits and once he's attached to you, he'll never let go. He'll go through and beyond any lengths to make sure you're happy and safe.
Though he might not openly admit it, he likes it when you take the initiative, whether it's in bed, in your relationship, or just life in general. He values your opinions and respects and acknowledges your boundaries, and makes sure to let his own boundaries and needs be known as well. So, step up and make yourself heard, cause he will listen.
He values honesty highly and has a razor-sharp bullshit detector. Can smell bullshit from miles away, actually. Therefore, never, ever lie to him. Because he will uncover the truth, one way or another. Lies are the one thing that can shatter his trust beyond repair, making it a cardinal sin in his eyes. So, don't shy away from telling him the truth—no matter how difficult or inconvenient or painful it may be.
Now it gets a bit complicated here, because while he expects honesty from his s/o, Simon himself holds back some things. These are largely related to his past or the missions he has been on, the things he has seen. He doesn't want to lie to you, but he does it to protect himself and you. You just have to accept the fact that there are certain things he won't ever tell you.
Is capable of being absolutely terrifying without even trying, let alone when he wants to be. His height, muscles, and scars are a force to be reckoned with. So you don't have to be worried about going on a walk with him in the middle of the night or wearing something a bit more revealing, cause he will beat the living shit out of anyone who dares to touch you.
Absolutely no one can defeat him in arm wrestling or even come close to his grip strength.
Very awkward around babies, and I mean extremely awkward. Like Jane Smith holding a baby in Mr&Mrs Smith. He doesn't know a flying shit about caring for children, especially since he didn't have a positive parental influence growing up or any good role models. The subject of starting a family is still a bit sore; though he would likely grow more open to discussing it as time goes on. Still, a major aspect of his psyche seems terrified of becoming like his father.
Would die a thousand deaths for you.
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hannahlovesluca · 10 months
Hihihihihi K Anon here :DD
Feel free to do this last or put this one as the last in the row !!
Can i request Luxiem boys(+ Ver cause he's my pathetic boyfailure)'s reactions to finding out that their s/o has a naturally cold body temperature?Like you'd think they'd be warm from their personality but when you touch them it's just freezing cold and they just go (:
Anyways please take care of yourself,drink and eat enough and rest enough !! Your health is important pookie
-K Anon
Luxiem + Ver with S/O Who has a Cold Body Temperature
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• before you guys had actually met up irl (met through NIJI) and you told him how cold your hands always were, he lowkey didnt believe you because you just have such a warm personality
• however, when you guys first get together irl, first thing he’s doing is holding your hand because he’s so smitten
• and then his eyes go wide and hes just like??
• even though you don’t actually feel cold, he’ll take both of your hands in his and try to warm them up
• he also lowkey likes it too because he definitely prefers to be cold when sleeping and when you guys are cuddling hes just 🥰🥰
• our boyfailure just loves u sm!!!
• i love ver but i’ll be honest idk too much about him so writing for him is xtra hard 😭😭
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• lets say you guys knew each other before niji
• maybe you went to the same high school and started dating then?
• anyway he genuinely worries for you, he does his research and its a pretty big sign for low iron so he’ll probably always ask if theres anything thats bothering you and you have to reassure him that its okay
• im sorry but he DEFINITELY blows on your hands softly to warm them up :((
• hes such a horndog but he can be so so soft and sweet
• and he knows how soft he is with you and isnt afraid to admit that he is!!
• he will NOT hide the fact that he loves you!!
• even if you’re not actually cold your skin just is, he’ll still tuck you in with extra blankets and make sure to cuddle the coldest parts of your body!!
• im sorry but he cracks a few jokes about you being elsa or some shit
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• he probably flinches the first time he feels how cold your hand is :((
• he prefers being cozy and warm so it’s a big adjustment for him but he’ll do ANYTHING for you!!!
• definitely teases you about it as long as he knows your comfortable with it, otherwise he wouldnt
• i watch mysta, but again, not one of my oshi’s so its somewhat hard to think of things to add but i swear im trying
• even after knowing about your body temperature, he still probably flinches sometimes :((
• poor baby loves you so much and he wants you to know that and he feels so fucking bad because he doesn’t think hes showing it enough
• apologizes to you repeatedly about it :(
• much like vox, he’ll definitely make sure you’re always covered up even if you’re not actually cold
• “mysta, im having a heat stroke..”
• “too bad.” *sticks tongue out at you*
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• “y/n, baby, are you okay? 🥺”
• looks at you exactly like that emoji
• holds your hands in his and probably presses them up against his chest for extra warmth 💟💟
• is the type to make you hot chocolate not only because it tastes good and you like it but because it’ll warm up your body
• hes so thorough with everything he does and remembers everything about you :((
• much like vox, he looks it up and once he sees that it could be something like low iron hes just like :0
• he hadnt even thought about that!!! what kind of a boyfriend was he!!!!
• ^ the best one ever
• im brain rotting i want to shower with him
• pls he deserves so much love how has he never had a gf anyone would be so lucky shouldve been me shouldve been me oh my god
• no parasocial
• anyways probably tells the lucubs and your fanbase about how cold you are just naturally and how hes worried, and when the clip gets shown to you youre just like 🥹🥹🥹
• “yeah, chat! Y/N is so cold, it kinda worries me. Apparently it can mean a lot of things and im scared they might have low iron or something..” *with a pout*
• and that was when they realized something was going on between you two
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• anyways, much like vox, he definitely blows softly on your hands with warm breath to warm them up im so :(
• he also, like luca, will probably get you gloves (he would lend you his but they wouldn’t fo much)
• he probably reads to you while holding your hand and will look at you now and then just to make sure you’re ACTUALLY not cold
• he worries so much about you and being an overthinker doesnt help his case
• i imagine he’ll probably breathe on your hands whilst singing to you softly and just cradling you in his arms
• the man wants nothing more than for you to be happy and healthy and and and and
• ugh he just wants you to have everything good in life because you deserve it and
• i could rant about this man for ages plz restrain me
• anyway if he catches you wearing the gloves he bought you his heart will explode because he got you those and its just so :))))))))
• yk that Harry Styles song “Falling” thats literally him with you thats him in a relationship i cant explain it i just
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• he also has a naturally cold body temp
• so the first time he holds your hands hes just :D
• much like ver, he prefers sleeping somewhat cold so when he cuddles you hes practically in heaven 🥰🥰
• his head buried in your chest while cuddling i cant
• brain is not functioning
• shu is just such a chill guy he wouldnt really have that much of a reaction 😭😭
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crystallinestars · 1 year
(I wasn’t intending for this to turn into my nsfw headcanons for Kaveh, but here I am)
There’s lots of sub Kaveh content, but I think he’d be really hot as a dom. Yes, he’s empathetic, caring, and self-sacrificing, which is why I think him being dominant in the bedroom would make for a hot contrast. Obviously he wouldn’t start out as one right away, but once he grows comfortable and used to having sex with you, he’ll let loose and indulge in his desires.
He’s always giving and serving others, and that will carry over to the bedroom too. He wants to please you since seeing you feel pleasure from his touch is a huge turn on for him. But the control is what he loves most about sex with you. Kaveh’s life has been a train wreck full of events he had little to no control over, forced to go along with the tides of his chaotic life. So I think finally having control over something (you) for once in his life would be so cathartic for him, especially if you’re willing and into it.
He would never be mean or rough, he’s definitely the gentle dom type. He’s into telling you what to do, like “I want you on your knees for me” or “I want you to ride me. Can you do that for me, my love?” He won’t force you to do anything you genuinely don’t want to.
While he’s not into using force, he does like to pin your hands to the bed or the wall and intertwine your fingers together. It’s both a dominant and romantic gesture, and he likes the intimacy of it. Kaveh also enjoys marking up your skin in love bites, especially on your neck and collarbones. He’s very clingy and possessive, and wants to stake his claim on you by marking up your neck in a difficult to hide spot. He’ll apologize for it afterwards, but in the moment he’ll act on instinct and graze his teeth against your throat to show others you’re his.
Kaveh also likes to shower you in praise and encouragement whenever you do a good job of doing what he asks or if he’s overstimulating you. He wants you to know that he’s proud and pleased by how well you’re behaving for him, a part of him really liking that you’re willingly submitting to him and satisfying his need for control.
Kaveh is great at taking care of you afterwards, giving you kisses, cuddles, and taking care of all your needs to make sure you’re comfortable and satisfied by the end. A massage, a warmth bath, a meal—you name it, he does it for you. He’ll be extra gentle and loving with you in the aftermath.
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krewekreep · 4 months
How He Would Really Be (or) Baby Daddy Red Flags
I might also name this Baby Daddy Red Flags 😂😭 I don’t know
Actually this is gonna be a lil fun text post series that’s slightly fan fic but moreso a Drabble that’s acknowledges our collective delusion. It comes from a tumblr experience I had I’ll elaborate on and link later:
First Off: Alucard (Hellsing / Hellsing Ultimate)
He’s an OG baby daddy tbh (I’m black I know I’m using og wrong, it’s been butchered beyond redemption. Oh well. 😭) he’s truly part of my “damn this type is not good for me in real life.” (LMAOAOAO)
I love yall but alucard (hellsing) is so overtly and dangerously yandare (one of my main men so im not judging) but I am amused by coding to him to be “mean to everyone but me” if he in character grew that true of a bond with you. 1. You’re never going outside or out of his site like actually 2. You could do whatever you want INSIDE but like don’t try to leave 😭 3. You’re literally never gonna be independent again like fuck him just eavesdropping all the time he’s gonna be lurching over you so bad your back is to his chest every other step 😭
I can absolutely see him getting “mad” at you when his affection INEVITABLY gets overwhelming. I could see Alucard wanting to dress you, bathe you, and while it can seem hot that’s pretty…👀 he also would absolutely put you in a situation you think he won’t save you from but does. Likewise any public outing requires hand holding the entire time. Don’t worry he’s strong enough to maneuver you as he needs but I get annoyed when men just use their strength randomly with me 😭 not negative but like okay big boy wtf 😂
He’d throw you to the wolves and have you likely in some real ass traumatizing fake dangerous scenarios to save you and make you that much more dependent on him. This is literally Vlad the Impaler (for those who watched Ultimate, plus that form is genuinely so fucking hot omfg.) he lowkey did this to Sera mind you 😭 he literally will let Anderson scare the fuck out of you cause they’ll both have the hidden agenda of mutual amusement (like their literally bros if they stopped being intolerant of each other LMAOAOA)
That is a man of overreaction, self indulgence, self righteousness, and performance…have fun. 😀
Again…you think he gonna let you have any freedom? Your choices will be faux independent my loves. You’re his and I imagine (me @ 12 Jesus I needed another baptism) you likely wanna be his 😭 but yeah girl all men are burdens he’ll just be a really parental, controlling one. Plus he old as hell and will likely wanna lecture your young mortal ways like ew shut up grandpa. Only way out is linking up with Sera and Integra. Sera will sneak you out and have safe fun with and Integra will be sure to demand Alucard leave you both alone. You’ll be supported and protected but def link up with the girlies to keep him in check.
(This actually literally amuses me so much and feels very sex in the city for no reason lmaoo) + who else is actually gonna be the worst to be with? (Gojo, all tea all shade)
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spookyji · 1 year
no fr taehyun this mf would be so shameless and def try to sneakily finger you on the beach @.@
idk if i see yeonjun much of an exhibitionist type, like genuinely idk but he for sure has the confidence to shamelessly check u out
okay this is from june but still trying to answer older asks too <3 thank u for being patient~~ (taehyun and yeonjun below cut)
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(nsfw + minors dni, yeonjun n taehyun being touchy at the beach, fingering, cockwarming, teasing, public, unprotected)
shaded from hot rays of sun by a large umbrella, towels covered in sand and hot air pervading every crevice and space,,, summer on the beach is something else. and maybe it’s a bit much to be sitting in the sun or doing beach activities,,, and taehyun’s content with sitting next to you under the sun umbrella and taking in the scenery, the beach busy with couples. or at least you probably thought~~ his arm wrapping over your shoulder, tugging you closer as he leans your form against his shoulder, hot skin touching, resting his other arm on top of his folded leg, sunglasses resting nearby and chain hanging from his neck,,, as if anything was different. but the moment you look away, taehyun’s hand rests itself on your thigh, gently rubbing the soft skin,,, calloused fingers climbing up a touch too far.
“what?” his casual tone, completely unbothered,,, as his fingers slip under the straps of your bathing suit, a slight smirk on his lips as he sees you tremble,,, what if someone sees? no one’s looking,,, unless you make them, he replies, voice cool without concern as his fingers slide over your folds, wetter by the second as his thumb rubs your clit,,, cute to see your eyes darting around as your hand grips his wrist weakly, both shy but unwilling to pull him away~~ and how cute, in a matter of moments,,, your shy, embarrassed expressions trying to hide the lewd ones threatening to surface, stifled whimpers as you bite your lip to contain the cute, restrained cries as taehyun slips a third finger in, fuckign you on his fingers deftly,,, his thumb rubbing the sensitive bud as you bury your face in his neck, shaky breaths and trying to hide his hand between your thighs with your bent, trembling legs,,,
think you’re making it so obvious, sugar, taehyun murmurs in amusement, the tent in his swim trunks showing more by the second,,, what can he say~~? he’s turned on by your cute and completely obvious display of arousal,,, you can’t hide anything for your life~~ and fuck, the teary moan as you come undone on his fingers, juices making such a mess on his hand, soaking through your swimsuit bottoms as you gasp, so embarrassed and shy but unable to ask him to stop,,, and taehyun who leans over your shoulder, whispering in your ear to sit on his lap,,, gonna cockwarm him~? bet you can’t think of anything but his thick cock now <3
yeonjun’s a tease,,, so obvious as his hands roam your curves and slip into places they shouldn’t~ sitting on his lap on a lounging chair at a beach party, the dark night concealing… his actions, loud noises and cheers covering up sounds. can’t help it after all, dressed so pretty for him in a swimsuit~? a beer in one hand and your hand in his other, yeonjun’s stiff hard on prodding your cute ass as he licks the line of your ear, murmuring quiet, flirty comments, his thumb running over the back of your hand,,, and moving it to rest above your core. y-yeonjun, what if someone sees? so what? they know you’re mine anyways… and no one will know if you behave,,, c’mon darling, know you want it~ yeonjun smirks, his both breath fanning over the sensitive spot on your ear, hand pushing down to make your cute ass press against his erection harder, heading your hiccup of nervous arousal. and yeonjun letting go of your hand for a moment, slipping right into your swimsuit bottoms as he cups your pussy,,, fuck, so wet already,,, admit it, love.
squirming in his lap as his stiff cock fills you up so full, curling up to try and hide it, yeonjun’s so amused by your cute mannerisms, taking another sip of his beer before pressing a long kiss to your cheek and jaw,,, pretty pussy’s so full, isn’t it~? and you’re in for a long night as he intentionally shifts, cock twitching in your cunny as you tremble and flinch,,, shhh, doll, gonna have to behave if you wanna get fucked later <3 pressing kisses to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot,,, and even having the nerve to call over soobin to chat, as if you werent stuffed full n becoming needier on his cock, yeonjun’s hand so casually resting over your shoulder and so close to your cute tits,,, what? know you want it,,, gonna have to beg me if you want to go back so soon, party’s just started. and it’s his favorite game,,, making you whisper and beg him to please, please take me back to the hotel, struggling to maintain a semblance of composure and decency as his cock twitches in your clenching cunny, wet arousal coating him so nicely,,, so will you~?
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