#george and chosen people and LIP from season 2
onekisstotakewithme · 4 months
Top 5 mash episodes! 😁
sorry, friend, best i can do is uh... top five per season? will that suffice?? (sorry, every time I try and pick just five out of eleven seasons... i go feral. so it goes.)
Season 1:
Chief Surgeon Who
Dear Dad
Sometimes You Hear the Bullet
Yankee Doodle Doctor
Dear Dad Again
Season 2:
Deal Me Out
Carry on Hawkeye
Dear Dad Three
5 O'Clock Charlie
Season 3:
Life With Father
Aid Station
Alcoholics Unanimous
The Consultant
Season 4:
The Kids
The Novocaine Mutiny
Mail Call... Again
Dear Peggy
Some 38th Parallels
Season 5:
Movie Tonight
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Mulcahy's War
The Colonel's Horse
Season 6:
The Light That Failed
The Merchant of Korea
Your Hit Parade
Temporary Duty
Potter's Retirement
Season 7:
Peace On Us
The Party
A Night at Rosie's
Point of View
None Like it Hot
Season 8:
Mr. and Mrs. Who
Old Soldiers
Life Time
Morale Victory
Heal Thyself
Season 9:
Oh, How We Danced
A War for All Seasons
Depressing News
Death Takes a Holiday
Season 10:
Where There's a Will, There's a War
Sons and Bowlers
The Birthday Girls
Twas the Day After Christmas
Give 'em Hell, Hawkeye
Season 11:
Goodbye, Farewell, & Amen
As Time Goes By
Trick or Treatment
The Moon is Not Blue
Settling Debts
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
I got so caught up in finishing the show that I put a hold on talking about my rewatch, and tbh my mind is still going brrrrrr and not feeling very up to words, but wanna power through on writing something: so here is season 2
here was season 1
I actually am already just finished with season 4 and so it’s half a second since I watched these episodes, but I believe overall the tone is pretty consistent with season 1, while opening up some of the places, people, and things that will remain/continue on their trajectory throughout the story
this season has some of my overall favourite episodes (and even more so once those episodes act in tandem with later storylines) and also had the first episode that I remembered really not liking on my first watch (Operation Noselift) as well as a couple that I on this second watch feel touched on some things that were done better in later episodes (like The Chosen People)
it opened up the Officer’s Mess Tent and gave us Sid! (and for the Karate Kid fans, our good friend Pat Morita). Colonel Flagg was there, twice! (although I believe in his first episode he’s not known as Flagg and he was mildly less unhinged)
“radar’s report,” for the first more complicated Trapper episode imo, which then leads to Tapper in kim and in for want of a boot and mail call, in which I sit and go... hmmmmmm I wish to peek inside your brain, you large man
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also “radar’s report” is interesting for all those aromantic-Hawkeye fans, I’m really hoping I can stay consistent in documenting some of those moments as the show goes on, and hopefully save them somewhere I can find them again! 
and of course, if bananas crackers and nuts + sometimes you hear the bullet weren’t enough to give you a hint of Hawkeye’s issues as they continue throughout the show, we have the incredible dr pierce and mr hyde to warn us that this doesn’t have a happy end, because it’s about war!
and for Margaret, “hot lips and empty arms” and “carry on hawkeye” give us the first real tastes of what respect and friendship will look like as the show goes on (and now I’m thinking of how she and Hawkeye say goodbye in the finale and I have strong emotions about the finale again wooo)
the portrayal of the army continued to be as expected, with “for the good of the outfit,” and “the incubator” showing how things were getting done despite of, and not because of and that the army in fact was the cause of a great deal of the violence in the first place 
last (but not least, although contentwise, not a lot) appreciated a bit of Ginger getting to do things, I believe the last time before she slowly fades to the background and then disappears entirely after s3
Shower scenes: 5 (up from 3 in s1) (divided we stand (although fully clothed), five o’clock charlie, deal me out, operation noselift, george) -- notable for a shower-scene in which Trapper heads into the shower and casually talks to a nurse for a quick second, versus the jokes that age less well of “spying on nurses showering” or finding a reason for them to run out in tiny towels
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Most shocking thing that never comes up again: I feel like if I thought about it, I could come up with something better, but trapper really was going to adopt a kid there for a second, his wife agreed and everything! and then when radar was like “actually there are orphans you could adopt,” he’s like “nah” and it fades to black... I know it’s also because trapper doesn’t get to revisit fucked up shit 6 seasons on, but I’m like... does he ever think about where kim is now?
Favourite 3 episodes: why do I do this? I’m not going to do it, I’m just going to say “for the good of the outfit,” “dr pierce and mr hyde,” “carry on hawkeye,” “hot lips and empty arms,” and “george”
Singing: I cannot confirm that I remembered to document them all, but I have listed “I’ve got you under my skin” (george), “making whoopee” (dear dad... three), “I’ll be home for christmas” (dr pierce and mr hyde), “wenn das führer says we ist the master race” (dir pierce and mr hyde)
Kind of insane about this: this is the season that includes george and I did a whole own series of posts about that -- it’s also the season of “are you one?” “yes are you?” and “your knees are driving me wild” and “that’s a very interesting joke, sam,” and the whole of for want of a boot and both of carry on hawkeye and hot lips and empty arms giving me the early days margaret content I craved and also:
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Rules For Falling In Love: #2
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summary: In which George wants to get married. But… you’re not dating. Why should you say yes?
a/n: The love for this fic has really made my heart ache in all the best ways! I hope yall love this update and I look forward to all your feedback of any and all kinds, as always ♡
w/c: 2k
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You had a week from hell, one where you seemed to live and breathe your work against your will. When you were free to do as you pleased, all you wanted was to do was absolutely nothing.
When you got home to find George seemed to have been waiting there all afternoon like a puppy, you rolled your eyes, entirely too exhausted to consider having fun. But before you had the chance to give that speech, George ushered you to the sofa.
"The last season, it's starting right now." He explained, turning the volume up on the telly that was already on. The show in question was one of those horrifically trashy ones. A silly little show you both got hooked on when you had the same cold, nowhere to go, and nothing else to watch. Now you needed to know what happened next.
The days weren't always like this. Between the years, you'd drifted apart from each other, floating back together for odd dinners and weekend getaways. It wasn't even like this when you started living together. But it seemed like in the blink of an eye you were spending more and more free time side by side, planning more than a few shared breakfasts and rainy afternoons.
Nights like these were expected by now, and you realized you'd be amiss if they ended anytime soon. George had called off dating some year or two ago, shaken by the Hollywood scene and the popularity contest he seemed to be in on, during films and even off set, in local shops he'd gotten recognized in. You'd forgotten that dating was a part of social life, far too preoccupied with your work and the plans you always had with George after hours to get to know anyone new.
It all made too much sense. So when the first commercial break kicked in and George passed the snacks he was holding over to you, as if he just remembered you were there, you spoke up.
"I'll do it."
You took the snacks, holding George’s eyes as his searched yours. You knew that he knew what you were agreeing too. Just when you thought he was about to speak, the show came back on and both of your focuses shifted entirely on the screen. You hadn't known what to expect... But the way everything seemed so vastly normal, sort of jarred you.
And for the next couple of days... neither of you talked about it at all. Sure you're busy with work and George had been fretting over a couple of important telephone interviews. But you thought surely he'd be more anxious to discuss logistics, or bring up the subject he invented, at all.
It wasn't until the next weekend, that the conversation picked up where it left off, again.
You'd spent the early Sunday morning roaming through the storefronts of an overpriced market. You ducked inside to relish the air-conditioned sales before dipping back out every few feet to admire the booths full of flowers, handcrafted gifts, and expensive decor. You'd buy absolutely everything here if you could.
You did have a mission. It was to pick up something to bring to dinner, a Sunday evening tradition with George's family. You'd been invited for as long as you could recall, and you'd never shown up empty-handed. Usually, flowers and desserts did just fine. But you were entirely too indecisive over what to purchase, this morning.
You'd become lost in a conversation with a woman who sold soaps and lotions, locally and expensively made. You rambled with her for so long that you'd lost sight of the person you'd come here with.
When you spun away from the lady selling soaps as new customers flocked closer to inspect her products, and you went on the hunt for George. You spotted him from behind, leaning in to speak with a vendor nearer inside. And just as you start to drift in his direction, he noticed you, too, through the crowd. And as the people part and you're nearly toe to toe, George doesn't greet you like usual.
There is no jab about where you'd been missing for so long, there isn't even a hello. Instead, you watch as George's smile grows mischievous, before bending at the knee.
Between his thumb and finger is a ring, just your unique style. It's from the booth he knelt in front of now, where hundreds of other delicate and novel jewels were displayed.
"What's all this then?" You laughed, standing in front of the guy you'd known longer than how to do simple maths.
"Marry me?" George asked, for the hundredth time, it seemed. You hadn't ever expected the question. But after this week, it came again at long last. You wondered if he'd ever bring it up again. But this time was different. This time, he smiled softly and held a real promise in his hand, looking up to you with a squint to block out the sun.
"I suppose I will." You grinned, answering quietly as George beamed up at you.
A couple of old ladies gasped from a couple of steps away, turning to watch on as George rose to his feet, grabbing your hand with both of his.
"Thank you, y/n. I cant wait." He said as if he'd been planning this for longer than he'd been pestering you about it.
"Why, we're practically already married." You laughed, mocking the statement he kept returning back to over the weeks. You watched as George slid the ring on your finger, with a pretty little design you couldn't have chosen better if you tried.
"Kiss her!" One of the elder spectators demanded like she was watching a wrestling match and coaxing on the fighters.
"I suppose I should," George remarked, mocking you, from moments ago. When he dipped down to place a teasing, chaste kiss on your lips,  the old ladies cheered. When you swatted his arm with a playfully furrowed brow, the old ladies grumbled, completely let down by the way you ruined the moment.
"Don't blow it, Mackay. Go pick one for yourself, now." You warned your friend who was already giving you a playful smirk as you pointed to the collection of rings he was meant to choose from.
He found the perfect band, with specks and flecks that matched your own. And he liked it, best of all. The two of you walked out of the shoppe with matching rings, in fits of laughter as you imagined all your friend's reactions.
To celebrate, you stopped at a stall selling frozen yogurt and ordered one big container; because it was extremely overpriced, and George didn't mind sharing, because according to him-
"We're official." George boasted, digging into the dessert as you walked back toward your neighborhood, enjoying the perfect morning weather.
"Not quite." You reasoned. "We've still gotta get the worst part over with."
"The worst part?"
"Throwing a faux wedding. Lying to our guests. Drawing far too much attention to ourselves. This feels so much more like a business interaction than an event. Not that I'm not glad to do business with you, of course." You laughed, stepping in time with your closest friend.
"We don't have to make it a whole big thing. I only asked to be married, not for a garish wedding. We could stick to signing a few papers and call it a day."
"Are you serious? I want you to be explicitly clear about what you want because whether we make it one or not, this is a big deal."
"I'm okay with it." George chuckled, forcing the frozen treat in your grasp for a turn. "Either way, we'll need some witnesses."
You grumbled, remembering he was right. You weren't ashamed to marry him. Only embarrassed at the slightest bit of misjudged attention, and worried that your decision would be mistaken for something it wasn't, by anyone you explained it too.
"I've forgotten to get something to bring! I've never not brought something to dinner." You panicked, feeling your pockets in a last-ditch effort to find something to keep the tradition alive. George let out a little chuckle as you stalled in his parent's driveway. You reprimanded him for not being just as panicked as you, but he just laughed harder as he reached for your hand.
"Well how about this time I bring you."
A new set of nerves danced on end when you remembered the ring on your finger. You'd walked into the entry of his parents lavish countryside home like clockwork, without a gift but with very big news. But even in the strange twist of events, the familiar setting and George's calming presence meant nothing was out of the ordinary. You were only making the decision to keep it that way. Surely everyone would understand.
As you waltzed further into the home, there was no grand greeting. His father was sat in the living room, focused on a game that flashed across the telly. He turned his smile to the pair of you just before shouting back at the team he was rooting for. George's mother was in the kitchen, and upon hearing the pair of you come in, started rambling about how dinner wasn't quite ready and how hectic her day was.
You and George stalled in the entry of the kitchen, sunbleached wallpaper and worn old furniture welcomed you. When George's mother turned from the stove with a huff and a hand on her hip, she glanced between you and her son and asked why you were both just standing there.
"Has something happened?" She asked in a grave low tone.
George glanced to you as if to ask you for permission to say something. Or maybe to warn you he was about to, anyway. You knew it was best to rip the bandaid off. So you gave the smallest nod and held your breath.
With a look across the way to his father clicking the telly off in perfect time, George made his announcement.
"We're getting married!"
Despite George's sound excitement and the glowing smile on his face, his mother let out a breath with a hand to her heart.
"Oh thank God, I thought someone had died." She explained, reaching back to turn a knob on the oven. Her relief was comical, and just as she spoke up, you realized all the excitement you'd expected, was stored away in the girl bounding down the stairs.
George's sister nearly tripped over herself as she squealed into the room. You might have wanted to plug your ears, but the girl bound your way, babbling incoherently, grabbing your hand to see the ring she expected to see there.
"I knew it. I can't believe this day has come but I knew it would." She gasped like she'd just become a billionaire, as if her very own dreams had just come true. George's father sauntered closer, glancing at your ring with a pleased hum, offering a simple and pleasant congratulations on his way to steal a bit of dessert before dinner.
"So now I can finally expect some grandchildren, yeah?" George's mother shuffled toward the cabinet full of wine, a place she only searched through when the very best and worst news hung heavy over your weekly dinner parties.
"I don't think that's possible." You choked out in a hurry, as George's sister dropped your hand, spinning to face her brother who was holding back wild laughter at your expense.
"You can always adopt, dear." His mother pushed, spinning back to the oven when it dinged. George was in the middle of explaining your plans to his sister, who was shaking her head in disapproval.
"No! No way will I stand by and watch you get married without throwing a party. Can't we talk about a big white wedding? Oh please." She turned to you with big pleading eyes.
"No, no no no. I can't do that. I'd pass out before saying I Do and what's the point of that? We're just gonna get it done." You pointed.
"I'll just see about that." She stormed deeper into the kitchen at the sound of her mother asking her for help finishing your traditional Sunday meal.
"I'll try and thwart her plans to decorate the register's office with rose petals." George brought his hands to your shoulders with a smile you shared, as he led you to the table. His parents argued over what bottle of wine to open, while his sister went on making plans of her own, just for you. Normalcy remained.
"You two cannot be serious." Dean sat slack-jawed across a high tabletop in your very favorite pub. He'd barely touched his scotch, but you and George were on your second round of drinks you'd been downing while waiting on your friend to show up to tell him the news.
"Who else would we ask, Dean? You're our third wheel." You laughed, leaning in to shout past the music overhead. You'd already told George's family and asked his sister to be one of your witnesses. The girl was more excited than you and George for your big day. Dean was the only other person you could imagine inviting along, whose presence wouldn't make you break out into a nervous sweat.
"No, I mean you can't be serious about getting married!" Dean laughed, keeping his wide, dark eyes boring into yours.
"We've already worked most everything out. Will you please come?" George leaned in closer, taking his turn at coaxing his best pal into being there for the two of you.
"Yeah, fine," Dean softened, his smile reaching his eyes. "But I'm bringing a cake. Not to celebrate, but to stress eat." The fellow raised his glass in a silly toast. You laughed as you clinked your glasses together, then swiftly ordered another round.
"Well I don't want to steal your thunder but I've been meaning to tell the both of you something..." Dean shifted in his seat as you and George settled into a quiet focus on your friend.
"I've been seeing someone. Only been out a couple of times, but I quite like her already" Dean explained, a blush creeping under his eyes. George encouraged his friend to tell everything about the girl he'd been dating. You urged Dean to bring her around some time, thrilled at the prospect of having a fourth wheel to join in your nights of fun.
As Dean went on telling the tale of his first date with his new girl, your drinks came.
"Won't you miss dating around?" Dean seemed to worry, after thanking the waiter for his drink.
"I haven't missed it this far." You shrugged, sipping your fresh cocktail all the while. As free as you'd been till now, the thought of getting to know someone new, letting your guard down, building trust, just thinking of it all exhausted you.
When George leaned over you to accept his new drink, he flashed the waiter a tipsy smile.
"We're getting married!" He chuckled, and you did too. As you two broke into drunken giggles, the waiter offered unimpressed congratulations. Dean slammed back his new order in time to ask for another; either to catch up with you and George or to deal with the pair of you, you couldn't tell.
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taglist: @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes @andux @imaginationandlove @velvetgoldsilver​ @queen-bunnyears @maria-josefin​ @dearevansamham​ @belledamsceno​ @nilletellsstories​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @loulouloueh​ @visionsofmelodrama
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mash-notes · 6 years
Season 2 Awards
Best Klinger Ensemble: a two-way tie. For day, the cheerleader getup (with glasses) in “Deal Me Out”; for evening, the silver ballgown accessorized with tiara in “Officers Only.”
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Plenty of other good looks this season too, including the ruffled pink shift and the hang-gliding costume of robe and slippers.
Best Burnsism, from “Crisis”:
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Best Guest Star: I can’t not give it to Pat Morita as Captain Sam Pak in “Deal Me Out” and “The Chosen People.” He’s the actual best. (cue “Pat Morita” sung to the tune of “My Sharona.”)
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Best Projectile Throw not just in the season, but in the entire series, goes to ya boi John Ritter in “Deal Me Out.” STUFF IT, MAJOR!
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Most Empowered Nurse: I mean, Nurse Marshall had it all. She got Hawk to paint her toenails in “George,” she asked Radar to be her movie date in “The Chosen People,” and in the season premiere she had both Hawk and Trap down to their undies in strip poker on a cold night. A veritable laundry list of #goals.
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Best Cup of Coffee: The one Radar shared with his teddy bear while typing up the report in “Radar’s Report.”
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Steamiest Shower Scene: Wahoo! I count 50 seconds of uninterrupted co-showering by Hawk and Trapper in “Five O’Clock Charlie.” Plus they are enjoying martinis at the same time, which is oh-so romantic. Bumped down to second place is “Hot Lips and Empty Arms” when soused Margaret confesses her crush on Trap and wraps her arms around his neck—the reveal is scandalous, but gets a (funny) nonplussed reaction from Hawk and Trap both.
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Best Hawkeye monologue: “L.I.P.”: “You’re built, Lieutenant. You’ve got a body I’d like to take a lifetime getting to know, and once I’ve learned it I’d like to start at the top and go down to the bottom again, but somewhere in that luscious chemistry are some pretty unappetizing ideas. I don’t think I can take the mix.”
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Best Drunk: Henry’s in “For the Good of the Outfit.”
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He welcomes Gen. Clayton into his office already half in the bag and gets worse from there. My favorite thing about this is that we never saw when he started drinking, or why.
Best Second Career: Radar as shoe salesman. Obviously.
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
Grand Jete - Ch 11 & 12
When George Warleggan quits a high powered job in the City to take care of the finances of the South West Ballet, run by his friend, Francis Poldark, it changes his life - even more so than he expected.
Elizabeth Chynoweth came to the South West to come back home, take on new challenges, and leave behind a less than perfect time in her life. She intends to focus on her art, but everyone knows what they say about best laid plans…
Now complete!
Ch 1 & 2 Ch 3 & 4 Ch 5 & 6 Ch 7 & 8 Ch 9 & 10
Chapter 11 
“Did you get a chance to look over the quote from the advertising agency? George? George?”
“Hmm – oh, er, yes. It doesn’t look too bad, but it never hurts to get an alternative. As for the art, though, that’s your department.”
“Are you okay?” Francis frowned at him in concern and George looked away. “You’ve been very distracted recently.”
“Just busy is all.” It was true enough – early preparations for next season were well underway, and the company’s accounts were due shortly. He hadn’t much experience with charities so it had been a bit of a steep learning curve, but he was getting to grips with it. Frankly, the work had been a God send, since it distracted him from what was actually bothering him.
“Elizabeth all right?” It was as if Francis had read his mind. George was on the edge of snapping that Francis could ask her himself, since they were rehearsing for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but he held back. None of this was Francis’ fault, and shouting at him wouldn’t help.
“She’s fine.” Elizabeth probably was fine. She’d been the one who’d ended it, after all. He’d had a bad feeling as soon as he’d received her text saying they had to talk, especially as it came after over a week of her quite obviously trying to avoid him. Following on the heels of what he’d thought had been their blissful few days away together, it had confused him.
He’d worried before asking her that it was rushing into things, but her acceptance of his invitation had led him to believe she didn’t think so. However, that seemed to be exactly the problem if he was reading between the lines correctly.
They’d met for coffee at an impersonal chain place a few streets away from the Hall, Elizabeth looking awkward and uncomfortable.
“Is something wrong?” He’d known it was a stupid question as he was asking it but he hadn’t been able to come up with anything else, an increasing sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“No, it’s just…I think we should…shouldn’t see each other for a while. Just…have some space.” It was both pretty much what he’d expected and a horrific blow. There were a hundred things he wanted to blurt out – why? What had happened? What had he done? How could he make it right? But he hadn’t said any of that.
“Well, if – if that’s what you want.”
“I think it’s for the best.” The pained silence which followed had been absolutely torturous, and George had quickly made an excuse, nearly knocking over his chair in his rush to stand. Elizabeth looked like she was about to speak, but he’d walked away, taking several deep breaths as he did.
He hadn’t seen her since, save a brief glimpse along the corridor. Their eyes met for a moment, but she’d turned away almost instantly. Every day of the final few performances of Checkmate he’d left the office at dead on 5:30, so as to resist the temptation to go and watch her dance. He made an excuse not to attend the closing party, which had clearly made Rosina suspicious, but she had blessedly chosen not to say anything.
When he’d spoken to one or two of the dancers, chiefly Caroline and Morwenna, he’d sensed an odd note. They were Elizabeth’s best friends, so even if she hadn’t told them about breaking it off, they certainly suspected. Neither of them had said anything directly, and he’d mostly done his best to cut their conversations short without seeming rude.
After the end of the de Valois duo, he’d taken to working late, hours more like he’d been doing at the family firm than what was expected from him at the Company. Work occupied him, while being back at the flat allowed him to dwell on how wretched he felt, as well as think too much about Elizabeth. About her sleeping in his bed, drinking from his coffee cups, wearing his shirts.
It was his own stupid fault. They’d only met – what – three months ago? Yet he’d gone and let the whirlwind romance of it all go to his head like he was a love struck teenager. Of course, it was obvious why anyone would fall in love with Elizabeth, but he’d just dived in head first and, clearly, he’d come on too strong and frightened her away.
Another one to add to his short and decidedly unsweet list of romantic disasters. Except this one really hurt. He’d come to Cornwall to find something missing in his life – he’d found it, along with something he hadn’t even realised he’d been looking for, which had made him happier than he could ever have imagined.
He’d found it, and now he’d lost it.  
Time passed, Lion debuted to rave reviews – Morwenna was even pictured in her role on the front page of The Cornish Times – Christmas decorations went up around town, and George felt no better at all.
Unable to resist, he’d sat in on a performance of Lion. It really was a wonderful production, but he’d been unable to concentrate on anything but Elizabeth. She was playing a relatively small part, that of the Professor’s housekeeper, but even in her severe 1940s costume she was enchanting. He left just as the curtain fell, making sure he’d be gone long before the dancers.
One day, on his way back from Ellen’s office, he’d almost run right into Elizabeth. For a moment, they stood looking at each other. He clamped his lips shut against the stream of undoubtedly horribly embarrassing things he wanted to say to her, as she bit her lip glancing side to side awkwardly, like she couldn’t wait to escape. Thankfully, Dwight had appeared, breaking the tension, and George was able to make an excuse and leave.
The onslaught of cheery music and festive décor which greeted him just about everywhere except his flat – Rosina had even put up a little Christmas tree in the corner of their office, which he hadn’t had the heat to object to – did absolutely nothing to improve his mood. Just before Elizabeth had withdrawn from him, he’d been planning to book a special Christmas dinner for them. He’d found the brochures for the local restaurants and hotels in a drawer in his flat and stared at them miserably for a while before crossly shaking himself and throwing them out.
It seemed the whole company knew about him and Elizabeth breaking up. He was being treated with exaggerated friendliness by just about everyone, and people kept dropping by ‘just to say hello’ or invite him for a drink or coffee. Nobody seemed to hold anything against him, but of course Elizabeth wasn’t the sort of person to slag him off to all and sundry. He didn’t think he’d given her anything to slag him off about, at least he sincerely hoped not.
“Oh, your dad called.” That had been absolutely the last thing he’d expected Rosina to say when he returned from buying the one not-cranberry-enhanced panini offered in the coffee shop this time of year.
“My – my dad? Is that what he said?”
“Well, his exact words were something like: This is Nicholas Warleggan, I’m George’s father.” That sounded more like him.
“Did he say what he wanted?” George hadn’t spoken to his father or uncle since he’d stormed out of Nicholas’ office and, as stubbornness was one of the few things he had in common with them, he’d expected their stalemate to continue for quite some time.
“No, just said would you call him back.”
“I’ll do it when I get home.” Rosina looked a bit surprised at this, but didn’t question it. By what she’d told him, she had a very good relationship with her father, so George’s apparent disinterest probably seemed something of an anathema to her.
George debated not calling, but he didn’t think his father would call if he didn’t have a good reason. After a microwave dinner and staring disinterestedly at the television for an hour or so he finally picked up the phone. He called the office first, and right enough, Nicholas picked up on the second ring.
“Dad, it’s George.”
“Oh, finally deigned to call me back, have you?”
“I was busy this afternoon.”
“Doing what? Collecting ticket stubs?” George gritted his teeth. His father was getting more like Cary as the years went by, and it did nothing for him. Nor for George’s relationship with him.
“Did you want something?” The faster he could get this conversation to the point, the better.
“I thought I’d better ask if you’re coming home for Christmas.”
“What?” That threw him completely. After his mum died, they’d never been much for family gatherings, not even at Christmas. One or two rather strained dinners over the years had been about it. The rest George had spent working or sitting alone at home. He’d hoped to spend this one with Elizabeth, or at least some of it, since he assumed she visited her family as well. That was out of the question now, of course. “Do you want me to?”
“Suit yourself.” Typical response. “Although, more pressingly, I was wondering if you were finally going to come to your senses and take your old job back.”
“What?” He’d said that twice in a few minutes but frankly he couldn’t think of anything else.
“Look,” Nicholas sighed. “You’ve been with the firm since you were still at university. I did often wonder if you’d want to…spread your wings a bit, but I’ll admit I didn’t expect you to go off and work for some dance troupe.”
“They’re not – “
“But surely you’ve got it out of your system now? You can come back to the firm, no hard feelings.” George’s first instinct was a flat refusal, not to mention anger at Nicholas’ dismissive, high-handed attitude, but then a little voice whispered in his ear. If he went back to London, then he’d be making a clean break from Elizabeth and he could put the whole thing behind him. He’d never admit to his father or his uncle that the reason he came back was a failed romance, of course, but they’d like as not ask. He’d hate to leave Francis in the lurch, but Rosina could probably manage until they replaced him.
George looked around his sparsely decorated flat. When he’d moved in just about four months ago, he hadn’t expected to be contemplating moving out again so soon. Then again, he also hadn’t expected to end up with a broken heart.  
Chapter 12
“Elizabeth! Where are you?” Caroline waved her hand in front of Elizabeth’s face and Elizabeth jerked out of her fugue. They’d been taking a break from class and she suddenly realised that everyone else was back on the floor, several of them looking at her questioningly. Oh God, how embarrassing. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, let’s just – “ She stood and hurried into position next to Demelza, who gave her a concerned glance but, before she could say anything, the pianist struck up and class recommenced.  As Lion was the final show of the season, there was nothing to rehearse so they were essentially just exercising. Elizabeth allowed herself to become absorbed in the routine movements, letting the physical exertion overtake her emotional disturbance.
This was far from the first time she’d found herself distracted lately. She’d managed to convince herself she was doing the right thing by pulling back from George, even though every word she’d said felt like it was being ripped out of her. As she watched him walk out of that coffee shop, a voice in her head had screamed at her to call him back, tell him she hadn’t meant any of it.
In the intervening couple of weeks, she’d kept on trying to tell herself that it was for the best. They’d rushed into things; it could only end in tears. As if it hadn’t already.  
“All right, what’s going on?” There was only Elizabeth, Caroline and Morwenna left in the changing rooms, but Elizabeth still did her best to avoid her friend’s gaze. So far, nobody had said anything to her, although her mood must be obvious to everyone, as must the distance between her and George.
“Nothing…” She tried to hurriedly pull on her jumper but ended up fumbling it with her shaking hands.
“Cut the crap, Beth.” Morwenna’s tone was unusually harsh, undercut by her use of her childhood nickname for Elizabeth. “You’ve been off for days now. It’s something to do with George, isn’t it? Did you two have a fight?”
“No. It’s – no.” She looked at them both. She could see from their expressions that there was no way she was going to be able to prevaricate. “I just – I decided it was best if we get some space.”
“Some space?” Caroline raised an eyebrow. Elizabeth knew how lame it sounded out loud, and in her head, every time she tried to justify it to herself. “But why? When you came back from that break you were so happy. I’ve never seen you like that before. You were glowing.”
“Did George do something?” Even as Morwenna asked this, she sounded doubtful that the answer could be affirmative.
“No! It was just better if we slowed things down, is all.” Elizabeth wrapped her arms around herself defensively.
“How? Because you look absolutely miserable, and so does George. Why would you think – “ A look of understanding crossed Morwenna’s face. “This is to do with Ross, isn’t it?”
“Ross?” Caroline frowned. “The guy you were with at the National?”
“Yes.” Elizabeth said, quietly. There was no point denying it. Morwenna wouldn’t let it go now she’d figured it out, and she could certainly count on Caroline to back her up. Elizabeth hadn’t told Caroline everything about Ross, but she knew the basics.
“But what’s he got to do with anything?!”
“It’s – it’s complicated.” Everything she said sounded increasingly weak, and in frustration as much at herself at getting the third degree, she slammed her locker shut and grabbed her bag. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“But – “
“Just leave me alone!” Elizabeth stormed past them, bumping into Morwenna, who let her go without protest. She swore when she dropped her car keys on the ground, half expecting Caroline or Morwenna to have followed her, but they hadn’t. Her burst of irritated energy lasted until she got home. Sitting on the sofa she suddenly felt quite drained and lay down on the cushions, hugging one close to her.
She would have to apologise to Caroline and Morwenna tomorrow; she could call them now, but it was better doing it in person. It had been wrong of her to snap at them, they were only concerned for her, but hearing her own doubts echoed back at her had not really hit a nerve.
Caroline’s confusion when Morwenna brought up Ross was entirely understandable. Elizabeth might be trying to use him to justify her decision, but as time went on, it was clear that it was a feeble excuse.
She’d first met Ross properly when they’d been put in the same class at the Royal Ballet School. Verity and Francis were already her friends, and they’d introduced her. The Poldarks were a bit of a novelty at the school – having two siblings there together was one thing, but the addition of a third family member was something else altogether. All three of them were exceptionally talented, but – to Elizabeth at least – Ross had something special, a sort of rawness to him. Her girlish crush had developed into more when they were teenagers, and they’d eventually become a couple. After graduating, she’d followed him to the English National Ballet despite a probably better offer from the Birmingham Royal.
For a couple of years, everything had seemed wonderful – Elizabeth had enjoyed the envious looks she got from the other ballerinas, both on stage and off, and basked in Ross’ attention. When he was in the mood to give it, that is. Oddly, it was in their professional partnerships that the cracks first began to show. Despite her romance with Ross, her performances with him at school had somehow never been quite so dynamic as they had with Francis, and this slight incompatibility had become increasingly more obvious as they rose through the ranks.
All of a sudden, Ross had announced that he was going on a six month guest stint at the Paris Opera Ballet. The same night, apparently on a complete impulse, he’d proposed to Elizabeth. Caught up in the romance of it, she’d agreed. Visiting him in Paris seemed to re-ignite something for them, and after his return Elizabeth had set to planning the wedding. However, Ross’ apparent disinterest in them actually getting married had started to unsettle her.
When she was invited for an 18 month stint at Ballet Zurich, she’d expected Ross to object – he’d been unhappy with her joining Verity for just a few guest performances with the Northern Ballet – but to her surprise, he’d enthusiastically encouraged her to go. Her time there had been neatly divided between loving both the city and her work and her creeping suspicion that it was truly over between her and Ross. Almost as soon as she moved there, he began making excuses as to why he couldn’t visit, even when she knew he wasn’t performing. Her calls went unanswered more and more frequently. The final straw had come when she’d heard a woman’s voice in the background of a rare conversation they actually did have – a voice Ross had shushed.
As soon as she returned, she’d given Ross back the engagement ring it had taken him nearly a year to buy her, and fallen into a deep funk. With unusual sensitivity, their artistic director had split them up entirely, partnering them both with others, and even casting them in different productions during the season. It had still been horrendously awkward, at least for Elizabeth. When Francis asked her if she wanted to join the South West, she’d jumped at the chance, seeing it as an opportunity not only to do some wonderful things professionally, but draw a line under things with Ross at last.
In the intervening couple of years, she’d come to realise what the problem had been. She’d tried – they’d both tried, although Ross less than her – to turn their teenage romance into a real, adult relationship. It might work for some, but it just wasn’t what they were meant for. Ultimately, they weren’t right for each other, and it would have been far better if they’d both realised that years earlier.
But that wasn’t how it was with George, was it? Despite what she’d tried to tell herself. Her problem was that very much were right for each other, and it had scared her. She’d fallen for him – no point denying it now – so fast and she’d been terrified of getting her heart broken again. The happiness she’d felt with him had reminded her of the early years with Ross, but it just wasn’t the same. Not at all. She’d been unnerved not just by how quickly her feelings for George had come, but how deep they were. How real.
Her phone bleeped, pulling her out of her miserable self-recrimination. It was from Morwenna, probably checking to see if she was okay despite Elizabeth’s behaviour. She didn’t read it, however, distracted by the screen background, which she hadn’t been able to bring herself to change. She’d snapped the picture of George when he wasn’t looking – for someone so handsome, he was oddly reluctant to be photographed. He stood on a sort of rocky outcrop on Fistral Beach, looking at something in the distance, the wind tousling his hair and tugging at the loose corner of his scarf.
I’ve made such a terrible mistake.
“Ugh.” Francis hung up his phone with a cross expression, made rather comical by the fact he was wearing his Aslan costume, since it was the final children’s matinee before Christmas. Comical enough to pull a small smile from Elizabeth. She hadn’t felt much like smiling lately, consumed by the knowledge that she’d stupidly destroyed one of the best things that had ever happened to her.
“Everything okay?” She waggled a little paper cup out of the holder at the side of the water machine, tutting at the pathetic trickle of liquid out of the tap.
“Yeah,” Francis sighed. “It’s just – negotiations with the prop hire place. They want us to pay a larger deposit for anything we use at the Minack, since it’s allegedly more likely to get damaged performing outside. I might not mind quite so much except what they’re asking for is bordering on the extortionate.”
“Oh dear.
“Yeah. George might be able to work something out with them, but I’ll probably have to get used to this sort of thing if he’s going to be leaving us. Until we can replace him, that is.” It took Elizabeth a moment to process what Francis had said, and when she did she felt herself crush the empty cup in her hand.
“He – he’s what?” Francis looked surprised.
“Oh, I thought you’d know, of all people.” He made a face, obviously having forgotten that she wasn’t with George anymore. Francis could be hopeless with that sort of thing. “His, er, his dad’s asked him to go back to the firm, and I think he’s considering it. I suppose I can’t blame him, he’s done wonders for us, but we can’t offer him much reward…”
Elizabeth had stopped listening. George, leaving? She couldn’t imagine it. He loved this job – he hadn’t said so in as many words, but she could tell by the way he’d talked about it, about all of his ideas for the Company, about working with the creative team. There was only one reason why he might be thinking about giving it up – especially to go back to a position which had left him so unfulfilled. She’d driven him away.
If he left, there was a good chance she’d never see him again. She felt herself start to panic, her heart fluttering and her breaths coming short and sharp. No, she couldn’t let that happen.
“Ten minutes to curtain!” Ellen’s voice cut through her like a knife, and she forced herself to focus as best she could. However, as she waited at the side of the stage for her cue, her mind, for just about the first time in her career, was not on the performance.
As soon as the curtain dropped after the first act, Elizabeth was running through the backstage area and up the stairs into the main corridor, thanking Heaven that she wasn’t performing en pointe. She ignored a couple of odd looks, heads turning at the sight of a fully costumed ballerina hurrying past. Outside of George’s office, she almost collided with Rosina.
“Oh, Elizabeth!” Rosina looked astonished to see her, quite naturally. Glancing quickly between her and the office door, Rosina made a face of understanding and then gave Elizabeth an encouraging smile before disappearing away down the corridor.
George stood up when she entered, surprise written all over this face. Now that she was here, Elizabeth realised she had no idea what to say, but the words began rushing out of her anyway.
“Don’t go! You can’t go!”
“I – “
“I know there’s probably no chance of me undoing what I’ve done but don’t go because of me, please. You love this job, I know you do, and you’ve done so much here. Don’t let me push you away, away from here, that is, because I’ve already pushed you away from me. Now I know I shouldn’t have, it was just because I was scared of how much I felt and it all seemed too good to be true, but that doesn’t matter now. You can’t go, you can’t, I – “
“Elizabeth!” She pulled up short, biting her lip, thinking that she’d probably just made a complete fool of herself. But, oddly, George was smiling. “I’m not leaving.”
“You’re not? But Francis said your dad asked you to go back to London?”
“He did, but I’m not going to. There’s nothing for me there. And so much for me here. I think.” Could he mean - ? She took a deep breath.
“I really I am sorry for what I did. It’s too complicated to go into now, but I had a bad relationship and I let it cloud my judgement. I was worried that everything was going too fast. I came here to focus on my work, and I love my work, so much. But –“she stepped further into the office, closer to him. “But the thing is, I’m pretty sure I love you, too. And I’ve behaved like an idiot, and messed you around, and you’d have every right to hate me.”
“I don’t hate you. Not at all. But I am disappointed.”
“Disappointed?” She frowned.
“Yes.” He smiled, widely now. Properly. “Disappointed that, since you’re in your make-up, I can’t kiss you.” 
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vileart · 7 years
Dramaturgy Go Nowhere: Julie Shavers @ Edfringe 2017
Black Rocking Chair Productions Proudly Presents
Studio One - Assembly George Square Studios, George Square, EH8 9LH
TIME: 1:25pm 
DATES & PRICES: 3rd-28th August (not 14th or 21st)
£14-12. Previews @ £8.
From Black Rocking Chair Productions and critically acclaimed playwright Julie Shavers comes a brand new black comedy and a deliciously dark script for this year’s Fringe-goers. 
Workshopped under the guidance of Pulitzer Prize winner Paula Vogel at the esteemed Sewanee Writers Conference, Shavers’ new comedy satirizes the extreme competition and achievement-obsessed culture of Los Angeles. Lala Land isn’t all sunshine and rainbows; it’s surveillance by the neighbours, the police and the PTA.  In a world where strangers snap cell phone videos of you for leaving your child in the car, or call the cops if your kid walks home alone from the playground, it can feel as if everyone is out to get you. 
Mary Go Nowhere is an absurdist take on trying to get by as a parent in LA, where if the droughts, fires and earthquakes don’t get you, your fellow parents will.  Mary’s 3 year old son curses, carries a gun and brings spiders to school.   Trying to keep him enrolled and keep up with the Joneses has got Mary at her wit’s end.   This is a story of one October in Los Angeles, where the weather and residents are hot and mean, and Mary is going nowhere.  
What was the inspiration for this performance?
I was inspired by being new to Los Angeles. It's such a strange and varied place from the landscape to the people. Also the current social climate in the US is totally weird. Everyone is watching everyone else and cataloguing grievances along the way. There seems to be a lack of trust and camaraderie. Like everyone who is different is dangerous. And everyone is different. 
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
Absolutely. My work is very personal. I write what I see. The little things that are ignorable in real life show up more clearly under the magnifying glass of theatre. I think this effect is greater when you experience it in a room full of people. 
How did you become interested in making performance?
My parents were musicians and I began singing and dancing at a very young age. I wrote my first play when I was eight years old. It's what I've always done. Nothing moves me like live performance and I want to give that experience to others.
Does the show fit with your usual
My last several shows have been more spectacular, in that they have included a lot of music dance and multimedia. This play is more of a story. A very funny, dark and twisted story, but more about relationships than fanfare. Until the end at least. 
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
I hope that the audience will laugh. Maybe that they'll recognize something that makes them feel their own humanity. Maybe they'll hate me. It's hard to know. 
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
The cast is really important to this play. We have chosen people who understand comedy and can make it fun for the audience. We are also committed to creating a highly theatrical experience. Something different than you might see on screen. 
This production reunites director Paul Urcioli and star Dan O’Brien, who return to the Fringe for the first time in 17 years following their 2000 Scotsman Fringe First winning, highly acclaimed production of Brian Park’s Americana Absurdum. Mike McShane has now been confirmed as cast member, watch this space for further cast announcements! 
Paul Urcioli (director)
The main acting teacher at David Mamet's Atlantic School for the last 20 years, Paul has appeared in numerous Hollywood movies including Viral, The Amazing Spiderman 2, The Wolf of Wall Street, Adult Beginners, Shelter, Thanks for Sharing, Morning Glory, 3 Backyards as well as countless TV series; Elementary, Blue Bloods, The Americans, The Blacklist, Person of Interest, Unforgettable, Homeland, The Good Wife, Golden Boy, Royal Pains, The Unusuals, Cupid, Fringe, Cashmere Mafia, Six Degrees, Conviction, Law and Orders, Third Watch, Sex and the City, All My Children, The Guiding Light and a recurring role on the CBS drama Queens Supreme.  He’s currently producing the feature Phoenix to be directed by Amy Redford.
His New York Theatre credits:  Point Last Seen (Atlantic Theatre Company 2nd Stage), The Invitation (Ohio Theatre), Goner, Sexual Perversity in Chicago, (The Present Company) Over the River and Through the Woods (The John Houseman), Americana Absurdum (Lucille Lortel and P.S. 122) Greg Kotis’ Eat the Taste (Barrow Street Theatre).  Internationally:  Americana Absurdum (Edinburgh Fringe First Winner 2000) and at the Menier Theatre in London in 2004. 
Directing credits include an all-female version of The Learned Ladies (Cake Productions and Ateh Theatre Group), Reckless, Weekend at an English Country Estate (Ateh), Revenge of the Space Pandas, Our Town, The Devil & Billy Markham, Twelfth Night, Bridezilla Strikes Back (NY Fringe Festival Award Winner), Brian Parks’ Suspicious Package (HERE), The Rimers of Eldritch, The Women, Pullman Car Hiawatha, Harm’s Way, Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet.  
Paul has taught Acting, Improvisation, Sketch Comedy and On-Camera Technique at the Atlantic Theatre Company Acting School, PACE University, The Tom Todoroff Conservatory and On Camera Technique at The Matt Newton Acting Studio and was an Artist in Residence at Oberlin College teaching acting, movement, improvisation and performing with members of the Royal Shakespeare Company.  
“Indie Theatre All Star Julie Shavers,” (nytheatre.com) is a playwright, actress, choreographer and mama from Shelbyville, TN.   In 2014 she participated in the Sewanee Writer’s Conference as a Tennessee Williams Scholar with Paula Vogel and Dan O’Brien. In 2006 she participated in the Royal Court Theatre’s New York residency with Simon Stephens and was a finalist for the Emerging Artists program at the Public Theatre.  Recent productions of her work include Silver Bullet Trailer (Ohio Theatre 2008), Go Robot Go (The New York International Fringe Festival 2004), Sunshine on a Monkey’s Balls (Vineyard Theatre 2004), The Secret Life of Plants (The American Globe Theatre 2003), The Kitchen is Small (The Planet Ant Theatre, Detroit 2003) and Lips and Assholes (The Red Room, NYC 2002).  She currently lives as a minivan hobo with her husband and three little boys somewhere between New York, Los Angeles, Virginia and Tennessee. And just between us chickens, Tennessee is still her favourite.
As an actress, The New York Times praised "the compelling Julie Shavers" for her work as the title character in Len Jenkin's Margo Veil at The Flea. Other acting credits include Adam Bock's Three Guys and a Brenda at the Lucille Lortel and Julia Barclay's multi-genre collaborative Word to No One, produced by the Present Company at Siti Company in NY and the Camden People’s Theatre in London.
Dan O’Brien is a Los Angeles based actor, director, voice over artist and producer.   He has worked with Academy Award winning writers and directors from Aaron Sorkin to Erol Morris, but also in church basements, fringe festivals and community arts centres all over the world.
TV credits include Grey’s Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, and two seasons as Mark on the NBC primetime sitcom Whitney (aired in the UK on Comedy Central).   Dan’s TV experience has given him the opportunity to work with award winning talent like John Cleese, Ben Stiller, James Burrows, Andy Ackerman, and more. 
He earned a Scotsman Fringe First Award for his work in America Absurdum by Brian Parks at the 2000 Edinburgh Festival and has since worked on numerous productions in theatres in New York and London including The Atlantic, The Flea, The Vineyard, The Ohio, and The Camden Peoples Theatre.
He and playwright Julie Shavers first met when he auditioned for a play she wrote in 2002.  Since then, they have produced a half a dozen critically acclaimed plays, married, and had three beautiful sons.  
Four time 2017 Emmy nominated (inc. Best Actor) American actor, singer and improvisational comedian, Mike was an original regular contestant on Whose Line Is It Anyway? on Channel 4. Other TV credits include Seinfeld, Malcolm in the Middle and Doctor Who. He played Friar Tuck in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves alongside Kevin Costner, provided the voices for Tuck and Roll in Disney’s A Bug’s Life, and has starred in various Fringe productions over the years, including the highly acclaimed Talk Radio in 2006. 
Chris previously originated the role of Christian Grey off-Broadway in 50 Shades! The Musical, co-wrote and performed in Fringe smash-hit Thrones! The Musical Parody, and performs regularly with Baby Wants Candy. His TV credits include Superstore, This Is Us, Idiotsitter, The Thundermans, Serious Music. Film: That Awkward Moment. He earned his BFA from University of North Carolina School of the Arts. 
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2tqnHFN
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melisfits · 8 years
Get two know me
basics what’s your name ➔ Melissa do you have a nickname ➔ Hobbit do you have a middle name ➔ - do you like your name ➔ No do people often mispronounce your name ➔ No do you like the meaning of your name ➔ 'Honeybee’ like why when is your birthday ➔ 21 December how old are you ➔ 22 do you like your age ➔ No, responsibilities ew.  what’s your zodiac sign ➔ Sagittarius
appearance what’s your hair colour ➔ Half blonde, half brown is your current hair colour your natural hair colour ➔ The blonde is a bit lighter, but I am naturally blonde do you dye your hair ➔ Yes do you have natural highlights ➔ No idea when was the last time you had a haircut ➔ Few months ago what length is your hair right now ➔ Just a little longer than my schoulders do you have straight, wavy or curly hair ➔ Wavy do you have frizzy hair ➔ Yes do you use a curling iron ➔ No do you use a hair straightener ➔ No do you braid your hair ➔ I am too lazy for all of this what’s your eye colour ➔ Green/Grey/Blue do your eyes change colour ➔ Yes, because of the light do you wear contacts ➔ No if so, do you use colour contacts or regular contacts ➔ - do you wear glasses ➔ No do you have naturally long eyelashes ➔ Yes do you wear braces ➔ No do you have dimples ➔ One, which is odd do you have moles ➔ Yes do you have outstanding cheekbones ➔ I am known for my cheekbones. I don’t like them though. do you have freckles ➔ Yes, but I never go in the sun so they’re not that visible. do you have piercings ➔  Used to have a nosepiercing. do you have tattoos ➔ Yes. do you wear make up ➔ Yes. do you paint your nails ➔ Yes do you wear jewelry ➔  Sometimes. are you happy with your height ➔ Yes. personality would you consider yourself outgoing or shy ➔ Shy are you sarcastic  ➔ Not at all *coughs* what’s your biggest fear ➔ People what’s your guilty pleasure ➔ K-pop & Backstreet Boys are you religious ➔ Nah. do you get easily along with people ➔ I usually don’t get into any fights and I think it’s not that hard to be friendly, but at the same time I often feel extremely different and an outsider. do you cry easily ➔ Yes, highly sensitive.
school do you go to middle school ➔ No do you go to high school ➔ Already graduated do you go to a private school ➔ No are you home schooled ➔ I wish have you gratuated from school ➔ Yes what grade are you in ➔ Last year of college have you skipped a grade ➔ I could have, but my mother decided not to because of my fear of failure. have you been held back a grade ➔ No have you ever failed a class  ➔ Yes have you been sent to the principals office ➔ Yes but funnily enough I had been chosen as the ‘most trustworthy’ person and had to represent my class along with a few others. We had some problems with two teachers and our mentors wanted honest kids to repesent the class. No idea how I got chosen, as I were heavily bullied.  have you skipped school ➔ Surprise, I have. On several occasions actually. Mom had allowed me to skip school a few times when I was very depressed and suicidal, or when I was on my period and I also accidentally skipped school a few times. Furthermore I am that kind of person who skipped school in order to meet Slash, but my teacher knew about it and understood haha. have you cheated on a test ➔ Once, but the girl had a lower grade than I had hahaha. family do you live with your biological parents ➔ My mom do you get along with your parents ➔ Mom do you tell your parents everything ➔ No do you have strict parents ➔ Sometimes do you have siblings ➔ 3 are you the oldest ➔ Yes are you in the middle ➔ No are you the youngest ➔ No are all of your grandparents still alive ➔ My grandfather is friendships do you have a best friend ➔ I decided not to call anyone my best friend after my first best friend didn’t want to hangout with me anymore. The first day of high school had been terrible and I accidentally ran into an older student. The entire group started to bully me and I was already being bullied a lot. I sat down and started crying and told my friend to just go home, that I would call my mother because I felt really bad. My mother however received a phonecall from my ‘best friend’ and she told her that I completely misbehaved myself and that she didn’t wanted to be seen with me anymore. My mother got angry at me, but after explaining what happened she was just as clueless as I was. This has actually been quite traumatic for me, especially because I needed a friend and she ran away, probably out of fear of being bullied herself. So no best friends for me. do you have more than 10 friends ➔ Yes. I consider every person who I like to be my friend. do you have at least 2 friends you can trust with your life ➔ Luckily enough yes.  do you have a lot of guy friends, a lot of girl friends or equal girl and guy friends ➔ I never really think about their sex tbh. Probably equal? do you text with your friends a lot ➔ I can, but I am not always that talkative. Forgive me if I don’t message you.  relationships what’s your relationship status ➔ Single, hitting the music charts. have you ever been in love ➔ Ew yes. do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No, I believe in crushes at first sight, but not love. have you ever been in a relationship ➔ Yes have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yes xD have you ever been asked out on a date ➔ Yes have you ever been kissed ➔ Yes have you ever made out with someone ➔ Yes have you ever been cheated on ➔ Several times (thanks for giving me trust issues) have you ever been proposed to ➔ YES HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA. BY STRANGERS do you want to get married ➔ Yes do you want kids ➔ No comment. country where were you born ➔ The Netherlands where do you live right now ➔ In a house, wow. have you ever been out of the country ➔ Yes. do you prefer country or city ➔ Country. do you like sightseeing ➔ Yeah is one or more of your parents from another country ➔ No, but I have a Dutch and German nationality. It’s a mystery to all of us. what places would you like to visit  ➔ London (again), San Diego Comic Con, Download Festival, The Harry Potter themepark, all Disney World parks.  are you fluent in more than one language ➔ I wouldn’t say I am fluent in English so no. what languages can you speak ➔ Dutch & English, and I can understand German. health do you have any allergies ➔ Sun, dust & wool are you lactose intolerant ➔ No have you had surgery ➔ Not yet (help, my wisdom teeth is being a pain in the mouth) have you had stitches ➔ No have you broken a bone ➔  No (I am a magical creature) has someone close to you died of a disease ➔ Yes, cancer do you exercise a lot  ➔ Yeah my mind experiences have you ever had a near death experiene ➔ I think an abusive father who wants to kill you, your mother and sister counts right? have you ever been on a plane ➔ No have you ever had an allnighter ➔ That’s staying up the entire night right? have you ever been to school/work after a sleepless night ➔ Yes. Haha, I once just came back from London (by bus) and had to go to college right away. have you ever been in a physical fight ➔ Yes have you ever been to a wedding ➔ Yes have you ever been to a funeral ➔ Yes have you ever lived in a different country ➔ No have you ever been drunk ➔ No have you ever been trick or treating ➔ We don’t do that in my country :( have you ever been in a school play ➔ Yes have you ever been to a camp ➔ Yes have you ever driven a car ➔ No skills how many languages are you fluent in ➔ 1 have you ever read a book in another language ➔ Plenty  can you roll your tongue ➔ Yes can you braid hair ➔ Yes, but I suck can you do a handstand ➔ NOPE habits do you crack your knuckles ➔ Yes do you bite your nails ➔ No do you bite your lips ➔ Not that I’m aware of favourites what’s your favourite movie ➔ Oh no, not favourites. Rip me. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, The Lost Boys, Interview with the Vampire, Frankenstein, The Crow, Scream, Finding Neverland, Runaway Vacation (HAHAHHAA), Edward Scissorhands, Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Maleficent, Cry Baby, Ten Things I Hate About You, Pocahontas, Mulan, Hercules, what’s your favourite tv show ➔ Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Jessica Jones, Charmed, Game of Thrones, That 70s Show, Friends, Once Upon a Time, Scream, Reign, Stranger Things, American Horror Story, Bates Motel what’s your favourite book ➔ Harry Potter (I grew up reading the books and I feel like Harry Potter has always been there with me) what’s your favourite song ➔ November Rain - Guns N’ Roses, The Chain - Fleetwood Mac, Flesh for Fantasy - Billy Idol (don’t judge omg), Lovesong - The Cure, Rebel Rebel - David Bowie, What Difference Does it Make? - The Smiths, The Sacrament - HIM, Kashmir - Led Zeppelin, People Are Strange - The Doors, Iron Sky - Paolo Nutini, Atmosphere - Joy Division, Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd, Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen, All Ends Well - Alter Bridge, Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys, Little Miss Disaster - The Damned. I have more help. what’s your favourite colour ➔ Black what’s your favourite animal ➔ Sloths what’s your favourite season ➔ Spring this or that summer or winter ➔ Summer  day or night ➔ Night cats or dogs ➔ Dogs rain or shine ➔ Shine. Rain ruins my hair and I can always hide in the shadows for the sun. coffee or tea ➔ Tea reading or writing ➔ Both humorous or serious ➔ Also both brown or blue eyes ➔ Both are pretty single or group dates ➔ Single texts or calls ➔ 100% anti calls. Texts please. driving or walking ➔ Sitting while somebody else is driving because I can’t drive. last last phone call ➔ Mom last text ➔ Erica last song you listened to ➔ Always Where I Need to Be - The Kooks last thing you ate ➔ Vegan burger last thing you drank ➔ Water last purchase ➔ Fred & George Weasley funko’s omg. last time you cleaned your room ➔ Help last time you’ve been on a date ➔ 6 Months ago I think. But it was very confusing. I was pretty much trying to trust a person after having been single for 6 years and I have no idea what we had. He didn’t want a relationship because he wasn’t ready and I was fine with that. But I was not fine with him messing with my feelings the way he did. Receiving mixed signals is just messed up. The one day he was talking about ‘if we ever get married’, then another day he says ‘I saw this girl walking yesterday and fell in love’, another day he is begging me not to go home, and yet another day he is openly flirting on Facebook on a post which I also replied to while he is ignoring me. He didn’t really treated me bad when I was with him, he was actually really kind to me. But I can’t deal with mixed signals. It makes me feel like I am not good enough so I got out of it. Actually quite proud of this, as it means I am really progressing and I have become more immune to manipulation.
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mash-notes · 6 years
Season 2 Episodes, Ranked
Here’s the list! As before, please feel free to dispute and cite your preferences! Something I noted doing this is that there are many “vignettes” shows in this season, all of them excellent. It’s hard to keep track of what happened in which show, but this is a testament to the high comedic density of the season. Out of 24 episodes, there is one that contains cringey moments. The 23 others, even those ranked low, are beautifully done.
24. Operation Noselift
Stuart Margolin returns to the show, this time as a creep plastic surgeon called in to operate on an enlisted man with a prosthetic nose smaller than Klinger’s. For the second time, he assaults Margaret and it’s played for laughs. Get it together, MASH.
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23. Mail Call
A vignettes show: everyone receives various letters and shipments. The main drama is Pioneer Aviation, the made-up stock that the Swampmen convince Frank to buy. Radar switches his picture out for Hawk’s in a pen-pal letter and Margaret receives some seriously hot shoes.
22. For Want of a Boot
Based on the success of “The Longjohn Flap” in s1, a show about trading commodities and services in the camp. Hawk promises many things to many people in order to replace his broken boot—resulting in chaos at Frank’s birthday party when the deals all fall through.
21. Divided We Stand
The season premiere. A psychiatrist (Anthony Holland; NOT Sidney) is sent to observe the MASH and decide if they should be broken up and sent to other units. After a day there, the shrink becomes a degenerate himself.
20. Henry in Love
Henry’s new girlfriend Nancy Sue (Kathrine Baumann), who is half his age, captivates Henry and irritates everyone else. She ends her visit by tackling Hawkeye in his tent, prompting the lecture: “one of us loves Henry Blake, and I think it’s me!”
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19. As You Were
A slow day turns busy. Hawk and Trap order gorilla suits in the mail and Frank arranges the condiment bottles so they’re perfectly aligned. Later, Frank’s hernia acts up and he’s prepped for surgery. +1 for Blake’s ineffective sex lecture with Figures A and B.
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18. The Chosen People
Henry finds a cow in his office, initiating a stalemate with a group of Korean villagers who settle at the MASH. Meanwhile, Radar pretends to be the father of a Korean woman’s baby. A lot of great quips from the dynamo Captain Sam Pak (Pat Morita), and snide remarks from Frank.
17. Radar’s Report
Radar describes Hawk’s new intrigue with Erica, and, notably, Trapper’s anger when an enemy soldier attacks the OR and causes him to lose a patient. Notable also for the debut of Allan Arbus as Sidney Freedman (yaaaayyy!), and his landmark consultation with Klinger.
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16. Kim
Trapper adopts a little boy thought to be an orphan, who has won the hearts of the whole company. When the kid walks into a minefield, they must work together to maneuver him out. Sappy, but undeniably cute—and, when the boy’s real mother is found, also a little sad.
15. L.I.P.
Hawkeye helps a G.I. marry a woman from the village to start their new family. This offends Hawk’s new girlfriend Regina (Corinne Camacho), and she is quickly put in her place. Serious and heartfelt; Regina’s shaming is very satisfying. The prank pulled on the mean lieutenant (Burt Young) to bring the marriage off is funny also.
14. Officers Only
This episode creates the MASH Officers’ Club, scene of many brawls, heart-to-hearts, and dances in the nine seasons to come. When the surgeons operate on General Mitchell’s son, he gives them the bar—Hawk insists that everyone, not just officers, be welcome there.
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13. Dear Dad… Three
A letter-home show, this one is a favorite for its heavy involvement of Ginger, #1 Nurse We Wish We Saw More In The Series. We also see Henry’s goofy home movie, the first of many, in a sweet device that will recur for other characters.
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12. The Trial of Henry Blake
This vignettes show is held together with Henry’s court-martial—and it doesn’t look good for him until the end. Gurney races, a regiment of wingtips, and the hang-gliding Klinger endear it to us. Also Henry and Radar giggling during the trial, an A+ moment.
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11. Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde
Sleep-Deprived Hawkeye, away! His dedication makes him refuse to take a break, until his exhaustion makes him go off the rails even more than usual and question the war. Arguably the first of the “Alan Alda soapbox episodes,” a hallmark of the series, which are Hawk-centric and deeply moral.
10. For the Good of the Outfit
A brilliant, brave, political show in which Hawk and Trap raise an investigation against the Army for bombing a village. In the end Frank, resentful of the attention they’re getting and bucking for praise, causes the complaint to go through.
9. The Incubator
Another show about red tape: the doctors can’t get an incubator for the hospital without obscene amounts of bribery. The scene in Henry’s office where they discuss the pizza oven is iconic; Hawk and Trapper in their Class A’s is terrific.
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8. Carry On, Hawkeye
Hawk is the only surgeon available when everyone else at the MASH has the flu… except for Margaret. This episode shows us the first glimmer of friendship between the captain and the major, an association that will grow incrementally and, by the end of the series, become something really beautiful.
7. A Smattering of Intelligence
In the season finale, two CIA men descend upon the MASH, flashily, ridiculously, and hilariously. Edward Winter brings the laughs as Colonel Flagg, hyper-serious enough to never be taken seriously. Nobody knows what to make of this situation; it perfectly embodies the show’s early approach to madcap comedy.
6. George
Yes, this was in the same season. A queer soldier is battered and persecuted; Hawkeye and Trapper cleverly thwart Frank’s plan to discharge him. For its thoughtful treatment of homosexuality on TV, this show was decades ahead of its time. I will never stop being in awe of it.
5. Hot Lips and Empty Arms
Who knew she had emotions, desires, and raging benders like a normal person? Just like that, in a watershed moment, Hot Lips turns into Margaret. Warm, feminist, and extremely funny—thanks to a staggering star performance by Loretta.
4. Crisis
Why can’t these turkeys bunk together every night? If every episode of MASH featured this amount of cuddling, I would be fine with that. Also, Henry standing wrapped in a blanket, a cigar sticking out of his mouth, is one of my favorite images of all time. ALSO also, Father Mulcahy’s “bag of peanuts” prayer works on every conceivable level.
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3. Deal Me Out
A poker game is broken up—first by Frank’s CID-protocol problem, then by a hostage situation. More Sidney, more Sam Pak, a glimpse of Ed Winter, and a LOT of John Ritter in one of his first acting roles. This show is full of wonderful close-ups around the table as the boys gamble the “conference” away, and is a truly deserving fan fav.
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2.  Five O’Clock Charlie
Action, cosplay, aeronautic stunts, and a shower scene—what doesn’t this one have? It’s kind of the platonic ideal of a “funny” MASH episode, and nobody gets hurt except the Jeep. +1, as if it needed it, for the debut of Henry’s doll.
1. The Sniper
The bullets landing all over the camp—how did they do that? In this incredible show (which also features Teri Garr and Radar’s ass), a lone gunman terrorizes the MASH, sending them into an unprecedented emergency, until he’s finally shot and has to be treated by Hawk himself. It has competition, but this is undeniably the jewel in season 2’s fancy crown; a gorgeous blend of danger, fun, and the blurred morality of war.
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8 things brides can learn from Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie's modern royal weddings
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/8-things-brides-can-learn-from-meghan-markle-and-princess-eugenies-modern-royal-weddings/
8 things brides can learn from Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie's modern royal weddings
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We’re taking notes…
Last modified on 2018-11-21T16:32:10+00:00Chloe Best Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie’s royal wedding feature inspiration for all brides, from their wedding dresses to their wedding cakes and guest lists
The Duchess of Sussex and Princess Eugenie are set to inspire brides around the world with every element of their wedding planning following their very modern royal weddings in 2018. Both royal brides broke tradition on their big day – including walking down the aisle alone and opting to forego a veil to send a defiant message about body positivity – and we couldn’t love them more for it. So if you’re busy planning for your own nuptials, here are the lessons to take from our inspirational royals…
1) Be Yourself:
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Make your wedding day a reflection of you and your partner as much as possible. While it’s easy to get carried away and turn your wedding into a carbon copy of everything else you’ve seen on Pinterest, try to add some personal touches. It could be a nod to something important to you via your outfit (Meghan’s embroidered veil paid homage to her new role working with the Commonwealth), your cake (Eugenie and Jack chose their favourite red velvet and chocolate flavours for their stunning Sophie Cabot creation), or even your wedding reading (the character in Princess Beatrice’s reading reminded her of her new brother-in-law Jack Brooksbank).
MORE: How to choose the perfect wedding stationery like Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank
2) Don’t be afraid to break tradition:
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Both Meghan and Eugenie broke with tradition on their wedding days. For former Suits star Meghan, this included walking part of the way down the aisle of St George’s Chapel alone, before joining her new father-in-law Prince Charles for the rest of the walk. The Duchess is also said to have given a speech at her wedding reception, even though brides traditionally don’t do so. Meanwhile, Princess Eugenie opted not to wear a veil for her wedding ceremony, choosing instead to wear her hair up and showcase the scar she has on her back following surgery to correct scoliosis when she was 12. The lesson to take away? Make your own rules.
3) Don’t worry about family politics:
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From family arguments to divorced parents, there can be lots of family politics to consider when planning your wedding. However, Meghan and Eugenie both proved you should ultimately do what’s best for you. Doria Ragland was the only member of Meghan’s family who attended her wedding, while Princess Eugenie still seated her parents Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew side by side in the chapel despite them having been divorced for over 20 years.
4) Invite who you want:
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You may feel obliged to invite certain people to your wedding including extended family members, family friends or work colleagues, but there’s nothing to say you have to. Your wedding should be a celebration with your nearest and dearest, so if it’s someone you’re not particularly close to, why should they attend? Prince Harry and Meghan particularly adhered to this school of thought, and only invited the closest members of the royal family to their wedding, while only Meghan’s mother Doria attended, after her father Thomas Markle fell ill and was unable to travel.
STORY: This is how you can get married at Kensington Palace without being a royal
5) Have fun:
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Your big day doesn’t have to be too formal, have fun with it! Once the ceremony is done, brides, grooms and their guests can let their hair down with champagne, cocktails and a more relaxed alternative to the traditional wedding breakfast. For Prince Harry and Meghan, this meant serving their guests “bowl food” which could be enjoyed while standing around and chatting, while Princess Eugenie and Jack kept their celebrations running over two days, with a fairground-inspired party at her parents’ home, Royal Lodge Windsor.
6) Think about entertainment:
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You may not have Elton John or Robbie Williams on speed dial like the royals, but your choice of entertainment can make a huge difference in both yours and your guest’s enjoyment of your day. Whether it’s a carefully-curated playlist of all your favourite songs or splashing out on a live band or DJ, take the time to create a memorable soundtrack to your wedding.
7) Go seasonal:
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Both Meghan and Eugenie incorporated seasonal details in their big day, and it’s an easy thing you can do too. For Meghan’s spring wedding this included creating a lemon and elderflower cake using fresh ingredients from the Queen’s estate, while Princess Eugenie’s wedding cake had an autumnal feel, with sugar-spun leaves and ivy decorations.
GALLERY: See the royal honeymoon destinations that Princess Eugenie may have chosen
8) Relax afterwards on a romantic honeymoon:
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What better way to unwind after months of wedding planning than by jetting away on a relaxing honeymoon? The royal newlyweds have stayed tight-lipped about their exact honeymoon destinations, with Harry and Meghan’s getaway so private only the Queen and Prince William are said to know where they went.
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Source: https://www.hellomagazine.com/brides/2018112164817/princess-eugenie-meghan-markle-royal-wedding-planning-inspiration/
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