#george bang
pryzzm · 29 days
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kevin and george faced with their own mortality 😂
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leahaart · 1 month
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midnightstar-90 · 1 year
In Charge
Cooper Family x Fem!Reader | Georgie Copper x Fem!Reader Taglist | Requests | Wattpad Main Masterlist | Other Actors and Characters Masterlist Requested Anonymously: “hi honey! i have no idea if your still taking requests but if you are, could you do a georgie cooper x fem!reader (where they are already dating), and that missy some how convinces everyone to pretend to be a family (like georgie’s the dad, y/n is the mum, sheldon and missy are the kids) and at the end when y/n stays over georgie tells them how great of a mum she would be and how he wants to start a family with her? just pure fluff? love your work so so much <333” Summary: The reader’s in charge and all she wants is Peace, which leads to an interesting conversation between her and Georgie. Warnings: None, really. I mean, there's fluff, but other than that... nothing really A/N: My ADHD is allowing me to write today, so that is what I shall do. This will be based before Georgie drops out of school and has a kid. And because it was an anonymous request, I couldn’t ask, but instead of playing house, I made it as the reader babysitting. That’s kind of like playing house right? I just didn’t know how to make it about them playing house without it basically being Y/N and Georgie babysitting. If you requested this and didn’t like it, I will rewrite it as them all playing house, just privately DM me, if you’d like to remain anonymous. Words: 2.4K
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“Alright, everyone, I’m headed to the store,” Mary said as she exited her room. She made her way through the living room seeing Y/N and Georgie cuddled up on the couch, flipping through channels with no one else in sight.
Mary turned to Georgie and asked, “Where’s your father?”
Georgie’s eyes stayed glued to the TV screen as he gave his mother a shrug of the shoulders. Y/N saw this and slapped Georgie’s shoulder with a hard glare. “Georgie, it’s disrespectful to ignore your mother,” the teenage girl said sternly.
“Ow!” Georgie exclaimed, looking away from the TV to observe his arm for a bruise. When he realized he was okay, he looked up, looking between his girlfriend and his mother. “I didn’t ignore her. I said that I didn’t know.”
Y/N glared and rolled her eyes at the boy before looking over at her boyfriend’s mother. “I don’t know where he went, but he was grumbling about having a hard day,” She said, answering Mary for Georgie. Mary thanked the girl before continuing into the kitchen with a scoff. She mumbled her husband’s name, annoyed, and called out, “Y/N’s in charge.” Georgie’s eyes instantly went wide in shock as he stared wide-eyed at the kitchen entrance, unable to actually see his mother from his current position. Y/N sat next to him with a smirk as they heard the sound of keys jingling and a door closing.
As soon as the door closed, Sheldon stormed out of his room, looking as if he was about to blow his top. “Mom!” He loudly called out, not receiving an answer. 
Georgie paid no mind to the boy, instead bringing him back to the television as if nothing happened. Y/N looked over at the boy with caring eyes and said, “She just left. What’s up, bud.”
“Do you know when she’ll be back?” Sheldon asked frantically.
“No, I don’t. I’m sorry. Is it something I can help with?”
Sheldon hesitated, not knowing if he trusted Y/N enough to help him. He wasn’t used to going to people outside of his family for help. He huffed, “Missy took my Flash action figure, and she won’t give it back.”
Y/N stood from her spot on the couch. Georgie gave her a quick look and then turned back to the TV. “I’m sure Missy wasn’t trying to intentionally upset you, Sheldon,” The girl reassured him in a soft voice.
Sheldon gave Y/N a blank stare. “Have you met my sister?”
She chuckled and said, “Come on. Let’s see for ourselves.”
She followed Sheldon to his shared room, leaving Georgie alone on the couch. As they entered, the two spotted Missy sitting on her bed playing with a Barbie doll and Sheldon’s Flash action figure.”
“See!” Sheldon exclaimed, pointing directly at his twin.
Y/N let out a small “mhm” as she moved to sit on Missy’s bed, next to her. “Hi, Missy.”
“Hi,” She responded, continuing to play with the doll and action figure. (I know there are people who would ridicule me if I put the action figure in the “dolls” category, so I’ll leave it at that.)
“Whatcha doing?”
Y/N heard a frustrated groan behind her and quietly sighed.
“Missy?” Y/N spoke a bit more sternly than before.
“Hmm.” Missy looked up at the older girl.
“Did you take Sheldon’s to-”
“Action figure,” Sheldon cut the girl off to correct her.
“Did you take your brother’s Action Figure without asking?” Y/N asked. The younger girl gave the teenager an apologetic frown as she slowly placed the dolls on the bed. Sheldon swooped in behind the girl and snatched his Flash action figure from off of his twin’s bed.
“It’s not very nice to take people’s things without asking. What if Sheldon did it to you?”
“I’d punch him in the face,” Missy Responded. 
Y/N scolded Missy, causing her to shy away. “Apologise to your brother.”
“I said apologise.”
“This isn’t fair.”
“That doesn’t sound like an apology to me,” Y/N said, still scolding the child in front of her. She heard a snicker behind her and slowly turned to face Sheldon. Sheldon jumped. His smile was replaced with a look of fright. “Something funny?” Y/N asked the boy. She was now scolding him, but it was the frightening position the girl was in that really scared him. Her body was facing his sister, whilst her head faced him. He felt as if he were staring into the eyes of an owl that looked like his brother’s girlfriend.
He quickly shook his head. “No. No problem.”
“I don’t think laughing at someone who is trying to apologize is really respectful. I think you both should apologize to each other,” She ordered. The room went silent for a second before the two suddenly began to speak, simultaneously.
“I’m sorry for taking your stupid doll without asking.”
“I’m sorry for laughing at your terrible excuse for an apology.”
Y/N looked between the two in utter shock. How can they both be this bad at apologizing? She shrugged it off as she stood up from her sitting position. “Well, it wasn’t the best, but we’ll get there.  For now, I don’t want to hear any more about this Flash doll-”
“Action figure.”
“Whatever! I don’t want to hear about it anymore, okay? The two nodded and the girl took that as her cue to go. She went back into the living room to see Georgie still watching TV. She scoffed, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.
As she approached her spot on the couch, Georgie looked up, finally noticing her. “Hey, you’re back,” Georgie said with a smile. “I kept your seat warm for you.” He patted the spot where she sat, earlier. 
Y/N looked down at the couch cushion in disgust. “Literally or figuratively, because I told you last time that that was gro-”
“Relax. It was figurative. Geez, you do one thing as a joke, and suddenly you’re labeled for life.”
Y/N laughed at her boyfriend's dramatics as she joined him on the couch. Georgie looked over at the girl, admiring everything about her. In his mind, he saw Y/N as the prettiest girl in the universe. No one compared to the girl when it came to looks, smarts, and her nurturing personality. 
He wrapped his arm around the girl and pulled her into his chest. “You know, I think you would make an amazing mother one day,” Georgie said, catching Y/N off guard. She lifted her head off of her boyfriend’s chest so that she could look at him.
“Wow! Where did that come from?”
“I’ve seen you with my family, and despite how messed up it is, you manage to wedge yourself into everyone’s heart one way or another. Not to mention the fact that I heard how you handled Sheldon and Missy, just now. That’s something I’ve only seen my mother do and succeed. But in my opinion, you did it best,” Georgie said. Y/N’s heart was racing as watched and listened to Georgie speak about her. Tears brimmed her eyes as she gave the boy a loving smile before giving him a quick kiss.
“Awe, Georgie. That’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.”
“Well, it’s true.”
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’ll be an amazing father.”
“Really,” Y/N chuckled. The two pulled each other in super close for a tight hug. Y/N’s head, once again rested on Georgie’s chest. She closed her eyes as she took in the aroma of her boyfriend’s cologne. Georgie placed a kiss on top of her head, wishing that this moment would never end.
When they pulled out of the hug, Y/N moved slightly away from the boy, so that she could get a better look at him. She wore a mischievous smirk as she asked, “When you thought of me as a mother, what did you envision?”
She chuckled as she watched Georgie think for a second. “I saw you… as my wife. And in your arms, we have a son, who you can never put down because he loves his momma so much that if you try to put him down, he screams. And don’t get me started on the sleeping situation.” Y/N laughed, making Georgie smile. She motioned for Georgie to continue. “Okay, well we also have 4 other kids.”
Y/N’s eyes went wide in astonishment. “5 kids? You think of us having 5 kids?” 
“And a dog. Anyways there’s little Joanne, but she goes by “Jo”. She’s a tomboy and a daddy’s girl at the same time. Then there is Tommy. He’s a year older than Jo, and he’s tough. If you mess with his siblings you are in a world of hurt.”
Y/N nodded her head, saying a small “okay,” as she continued to listen. “The oldest two are Fawn and Sam. Their completely different, but the two are always together, which sometimes leads to fighting. That’s where you, the mamma bear come in. You know all your kids, and you know how to easily tame them.”
“I like it,” Y/N chuckled. “Now I don’t know if I can handle 5 kids, but I love your idea of what our family would look like in about 20-30 years.”
“Hold on. You want to wait until we're in our 30’s and 40’s to have kids?”
“Sorta. I mean having all those kids is gonna take time. And how will we support them if we aren’t stable? You can take care of kids all day, but who is gonna provide? Kids are expensive, Georgie. You gotta feed them, clothe them, put them through school, take them to the doctor. You need money for all of those things.”
“And I can do that,” Georgie added. “I’m gonna be the moneymaker. I’ll have a job that pays well, and move us into a nice, big house.”
“What about me?”
“What about you?”
“I don’t want to be a housewife. I want to have my own job. And why do you get to be the main source of income?” 
“First off, I didn’t say you had to be a housewife. You can have a job, but I want to be the one who gives you everything you want. I want to take care of you and to do that, I work hard, maybe even owning my own company.”
“Businessman. I can somewhat see it.”
“Well, I will be. That’s how we can afford everything because my business is booming,” Georgie assured the girl. Her smile remained on her face, getting wider and wider as they went deeper into their hypothetical future together.
The two continue to talk for a few more minutes as the sound of feet walking across the floor gets closer and closer to them. The sound eventually stops behind Y/N. Georgie looks up and glares at the person who interrupted their moment together. “What now, Sheldon?” Georgie asked with a touch of irritation.
“I’m hungry,” Sheldon spoke. Y/N turned to look at the boy.
Georgie responded to Sheldon, “You’re smart, don’t you know how to make you a sandwich?” Y/N kicked Georgie’s leg, receiving a small “ow” from the older boy.
“Sheldon, your mom went to the store. I’m sure she’ll be back soon and she will start on dinner.”
“But I’m hungry now.”
“Sheldon, if you eat now, then you are gonna spoil your appetite. And you know more than anyone that it takes longer than an hour or two to digest your food, so why don’t you go back in your room, and wait.”
“Okay,” Sheldon sighed as he made his way back to his room.
“See! You just tamed a wild Sheldon, that’s almost impossible.” Y/N rolled her eyes at Georgie’s comment.
“Y/N!” Missy called out walking into the living room. Y/N watched the younger girl walk in with an arm full of dolls. “Y/N, will you play with me? I’m bored, and I have no one to play with.”
“Sure,” Y/N agreed, giving Missy a beaming smile. She moved off the couch. “What? Nooo! Where are you going?” Georgie asked, frowning up at his girlfriend as she moved farther and farther away from him. Missy quickly grabbed Y/N’s hand with her free hand and started pulling her toward her room. Y/N looked back at Georgie and whispered “Sorry,” whilst laughing at Georgie’s expression.
Georgie eventually left the couch and went to his room. He was jealous of the fact that Missy and Sheldon had basically hogged up all their time together. He aggressively flopped on his bed and opened up the magazine he was reading before Y/N came over.
His door was open, in case Y/N got bored of playing dolls with Missy and wanted to join him. So when Mary walked into the house and dropped her keys in the key bowl, Georgie heard it. Y/N must have heard also, because as soon as he heard his mother grunt, probably from bringing in groceries, Y/N rushed out of the room and graciously helped the woman.
Georgie stood from his bed and curiously entered the kitchen. He watched Mary and Y/N laugh as they walked back into the house with the groceries. “I must admit Y/N since Georgie has started seeing you, he’s been different.” Y/N looked up at the woman with a frown. “No! Not in a bad way. He’s kinder and a bit more respectful. And look at this house! Usually, I come home and there is something that needs cleaning up, and today, it’s just as I left it.”
“Well, thank you, Mrs. Cooper. We did have some issues, but it was quickly resolved and the peace was restored.”
“Oh, you don’t have to think of me. You did an excellent job. I hope one day I get to call you my daughter-in-law.”
“Awe. Stop Mrs. Copper. You’re gonna make me cry,” She said, fanning her bright red face. Georgie saw the tears lining her eyes from where he stood.
The front door opened, revealing George walking into the house in his work clothes. He saw Georgie standing in the kitchen watching his mother and girlfriend interact. “What are you doing?” He asked his son as he approached.
“Mom and Y/N are… bonding? I don’t actually know what’s happening,” Georgie said with a shrug of his shoulders.
George chuckled and clapped his hand against his son’s back. “From me to you, good luck. You’re gonna need it.” And with that, George was gone, leaving a confused Georgie alone with his thoughts.
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Taglist: @buckysmainhxe , @esposadomd , @natalia12700, @siriusstwelveyears , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @countrymusiclover , @bellarkeselection , @alexxavicry , @xivilivix, @idontknowwhat2type , @ietss
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frootyrooties · 7 months
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talk about swagger in the first gif
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dilfgmancoolatta · 4 months
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young sheldon dad attended his own funeral in drag and looks iconic
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I think what’s deeply distressing about tonight’s episode is how unassuming a day can be & then the unthinkable happens.
Mary will always remember that her last words to her husband were nagging George to be on time. Missy will remember turning down her dad’s offer to give her a ride. Sheldon will remember ignoring his dad as the latter left the house.
Which is so fitting, because we know in TBBT that Georgie had to navigate so much in their family’s grief. And Georgie? He got the best ending with his dad. A real sweet moment. Ergo, he would’ve also had the “best” emotional bandwidth to deal with it, but it wouldn’t make it any less painful.
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asexualenjolras · 4 months
I've seen a few people commenting about Sheldon Cooper's behaviour at his dad's funeral during the season finale of 'Young Sheldon', and I wanted to share my thoughts as an autistic person.
I thought it was incredibly realistic.
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Grief is difficult for everyone, and everyone grieves in their own ways, and autistic people are no different.
But I found myself grieving in the same way that Sheldon did when a loved one died. Emotions are really difficult, and it feels like there are a lot of social rules that come along with grief and with funerals that I just didn't understand. It was my first experience losing a loved one, and I felt so overwhelmed and numb to the world.
Sheldon not expressing emotions outwardly at his dad's funeral doesn't make him heartless or a bad person. He's just dealing with it in the way that he knows how to. Judging another person's grief is really unfair, and labelling him as a bad person or a "bad son" for not saying goodbye to his dad is horrid.
Everyone is entitled to grieve in the way they grieve, even if that looks different to you.
Sheldon Cooper is autistic. And a lot of autistic people really resonate with his characterisation. And that's really important.
I've said it before but Sheldon, as a character, isn't overly terrible as autism representation. I resonate with a lot of his characteristics, and a lot of other autistic people do too. But the way he is treated by people in his life, and by the script writers and audience of the show is terrible. And if you hate him for his autistic traits then you're just being ableist.
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starspoiler · 3 months
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outfit swap! ✨
for fem dnf week day 1: sharing clothes
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bonnieura · 6 months
love u george cooper
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vryfmi · 8 months
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[id from alt text: digital coloured sketch of 4 characters from Lockwood and Co books in winter clothing. from left to right there are Lucy Carlyle with skull's ghost-jar in rucksack at her feet, Anthony Lockwood, George Cubbins and Holly Munro./end id]
a bonus sketch for “Part and Parcel” by @theladysherlock and @waiting-for-my-hogwarts-letter for @lockwoodandcobigbang2023
additional links: fic on AO3 and comic-illustration
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246bce · 1 year
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poll winner for favourite season: Season 3
with such hits as: The King George Job, The Rashomon Job, The Inside Job, The Scheherazad Job, The San Lorenzo Job
Bonus for fun:
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pryzzm · 29 days
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this isn't entirely sequential so i can't really call it pt3? but it definitely happens in artist4artistau <3
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mvltifxndomchaos · 29 days
George: What is the best number? By the way, there's only one correct answer. Kipps: 5,318,008? George: Wrong. The best number is 73. [short silence] You're probably wondering why. Lucy & Lockwood: No, no, we're good. George: 73 is the 21st prime number, its mirror 37 is the 12th and its mirror 21 is the product of multiplying, hang on to your hats, 7 and 3. Did I lie? Lockwood: We get it. 73 is the Chuck Norris of numbers. George: Chuck Norris wishes. In binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001, exactly the same. All Chuck Norris gets you backwards is Sirron Kcuhc. Kipps: Just for the record, when you enter 5,318,008 in a calculator, upside down it spells boobies.
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andyclarkz · 2 months
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Gustav Shäfer Aesthetic
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sunrisemcash · 6 months
Ahsoka, Anakin and the twins are playing 'Never have I ever' Luke: Never have I ever been in a jail. Ahsoka:So I drink? Leia:No no, you have to drink only if you have done it. Ahsoka drinks. Luke: I can't believe you have been arrested aunt 'Soka! Ahsoka:And I can't believe your dad hasn't! Leia: Me too!
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beatleswings · 8 months
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THE BEATLES performing "I Saw Her Standing There" on THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW. February 9, 1964.
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