#gerard bieri
seaside-coffeemilk · 8 months
A meme that turned into a continued concept, I guess.
Originally envisioned them yelling at the Zeniths for mistreatment of Beta, then figured out it would be funnier if they each yelled for even more different reasons.
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Patrick's angry for the gene ethics and the mistreatment of Beta .
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Elisabet's angry at the whole Zenith fiasco, Gaia's destruction, for Beta's treatment and for Aloy's almost abduction.
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Aloy's angry at the whole mess the Zeniths made, also here I imagine her angry for Beta, for Varl, and at them for chasing her down and nearlly costing her her life.
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horizon-aloy · 2 years
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theriainwonderland · 2 years
I really hope we get to discover more lore about the Zeniths in the Burning Shores DLC and/or in Horizon 3 - it would be interesting to see holograms of them during the Faro Plague and of their time living on Sirius.
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Name: Far Zenith Base (Formerly The Narwhal Arms) Location: Windenburg Lot Size: 30 x 20 Cost: §107, 524 Attempts: 1 Creation Time: 4.5 Hours Features: 4 Bedrooms, 1 Bunkroom, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Kitchen, 1 Living Room, 1 Meeting Room, Household Members: Ted Faro, Helis, Dervahl, Ceo, Gerard Bieri, Erik Visser, Nemesis Household Name: The Bad Guys Note: I actually made custom bedrooms for the household members in the Tilda Mansion but ... I changed my mind on who is in which house and I to lazy to transfer those bedrooms to this house.
Packs: Cottage Living, Dream Home, Get Together, Knitting, Moschino, Nifty Knitting, Pets, Seasons, Tiny Living, University Main CC: Twistedmexi’s Better Build Buy, TOOL, Always Full Edit mode, Always Testing, No Weather in Buildmode, Always MoveObjects On, Weerbesu’s UI Cheat Extensions, Deaderpool's MCCC, Elegant Gold Wallpaper, Echoehver Gold Wall Paint, MB-CalmedWaves_Roof, Brittpinkiesimes: Zoo Set,
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viperchick47 · 2 years
Here everyone, have a box of tissues. It's THAT time again 😭😭
Tissue box 1/?
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21 notes · View notes
carvion · 2 years
Erik: I just ended a pretty stable relationship
Gerard: Oh. I’m sorry to hear that, are you okay?
Erik: What? Oh, yeah. It wasn’t my relationship
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scenesandscreens · 3 years
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Sorcerer (1977)
Director - William Friedkin, Cinematography - John M. Stephens & Dick Bush
"When the money's up, I'm just as good as any of you."
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kyndaris · 2 years
Journey to the Forbidden West
The first thing that everyone who is intrigued about Aloy’s next adventure should know is that the Forbidden West is bloody big. The second thing that they should know is that if you’re a bit of a completionist, like me, it can take upwards of a hundred hours to explore every nook and cranny. While there’s plenty to do and the world doesn’t feel empty because of all the threats that are lurking just beyond the horizon, to this weary gamer, the review on Polygon was right. The emphasis on more only served to make the game a much more tedious slog than it needed to be. Beyond that, the gameplay was still top-notch and the characters felt both like pastiches of their particular tribes while also being actual human beings in their own right.
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Forbidden West continues on from the ending of Zero Dawn. Six months have passed and the planet has gone from bad to worse despite the fact that Aloy was able to stop HADES from destroying Meridian. The biosphere is fading fast and Aloy is desperate to find a way to restore GAIA, the AI that had been Elisabeth Sobek’s life work and end-goal when the Faro Plague struck.
After the opening narration, Aloy finally arrives at the location of her final lead. Keeping her company is Varl. Together, they search through the ruins of a building that once belonged to Far Zenith. But despite fending off a Slitherfang, their efforts are in vain. The supposed GAIA backup that was rumoured to be at the base turns out to be a logic bomb. 
Dismayed, Aloy returns to Meridian, empty-handed and feeling the full weight of her failure. Although most would consider her a saviour, Aloy is not the type to bask in praise and put her feet up after a job well done. For her, there is always more to do. In that, she echoes the heroes of many a story in books, shows and video games.
The one that immediately came to mind as I was playing was Adora from the 2018 animated She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. Just like Adora, Aloy is the type that would throw herself into the fire to save her friends rather than let them help her. The risk of them getting hurt is something they both share. In Aloy’s case, it’s much more prevalent with the active way that she pushes away those closest and dearest to her. As the game continues, however, Aloy begins to accept the aid that is offered rather than going it alone. 
That, in and of itself, is what elevates her above Sylens and many of the antagonists in the sequel to one of my favourite games on the PlayStation 4.
Once Aloy helps out the Carja by investigating the tower that helped bring down HADES subroutine from the end of the first game, she uncovers a message from Sylens telling her to go into the Forbidden West, a land that is governed by the Tenakth. A new goal in hand, Aloy sets out to the Daunt to attend the embassy being held between the Carja and the barbarous Tenakth. So began my hundred hour long journey through the new playground Guerilla Games provided us with.
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From a narrative standpoint, Forbidden West built upon what came before. After all, HADES could not have become self-aware without the aid of another. The extinction signal that had activated the subroutine had to have come from somewhere. Then, of course, there had been the sprinkles of lore that had been scattered throughout the first game of the Odyssey: a ship which many of the brightest minds had taken to flee the dying planet. Taking advantage of what they had seeded before, Forbidden West was able to finally reap the plot points that had been left hanging in the previous game.
While the Far Zeniths were not particularly bombastically evil, they still served as passable antagonists to Aloy’s quest to save the Earth. Only Erik Visser seemed to have revelled in death, while others, such as Gerard Bieri felt like caricatures of current wealthy billionaires.
Then, of course, there was Tilda van der Meer. Voiced by Carrie-Anne Moss, she was the perfect foil to Aloy. Though she’s not as vicious as the others, the dream that she had, and her obsession with Aloy (a clone of Elisabeth Sobeck) meant that she was just as greedy and corrupt as the others. After all, who would be able to live for a thousand years and remain sane? Let alone altruistic?
My main problem with the game actually came with the contrivances that so many of the subroutines were located in North America. With a majority of them being scattered in the titular Forbidden West. While ARTEMIS, APOLLO and ELEUTHIA had been snapped up by Far Zenith, the fact that AETHER, POSEIDON and DEMETER were all located fairly close to each other stopped the game from being the globe-trotting adventure it could have been.
Although, to be fair, that particular contrivance helped Aloy immensely. Given that many of the tribes were very centralised, she would have needed to figure out a way to cross the oceans (or fly in the sky) with only a few months to spare before the biosphere would have been become unlivable. 
Then, of course, there was MINERVA. The one subordinate function that was named after a Roman Goddess. But that’s not the end of my gripes with MINERVA. Akin to Athena, MINERVA is the Goddess of war and of wisdom. She isn’t one that is known for messages and communication. So, why is she the subroutine that is in charge of the communication arrays? If that was to be the case, why couldn’t the scientists at Zero Dawn have named it HERMES?
On that note, why is APOLLO regarded as the subordinate function with an archive of human history and culture. True, he was a patron of the arts and has also been associated with health and the sun, but it seemed a far cry from his actual responsibilities as a deity of Ancient Greece.
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Beyond that, I loved my time helping out the various Tenakth clans and meeting new tribes such as the Utaru and the Quen. Aloy’s companions: Zo, Varl, Erend, Kotallo, Alva and Beta were all such rich additions. I loved each and every one of them and felt as close to them as family.
For too long, Aloy has operated as a one-person army. Yes, she might be skilled and smart, but everyone needs help sometimes. And it takes a strong person to realise that and to be open about accepting it.
As for the combat, I loved the new machines that were introduced in Forbidden West. Facing up against a Frostclaw, Tremortusk or even a Burrower felt like a refreshing change. Then, of course, there were the legacy machines - ones that I faced in Zero Dawn. Honestly, the variety between the machines was outstanding. The only one I look forward to never fighting again, however, are the Rockbreakers. They are the worst machines. Anything that tunnels and leaps out from underneath the ground is terrifying. 
And while the changes made to the weapon wheel was great for those that liked to experiment, I found myself sticking to true and tried formulas for fighting. My Aloy was stuffed full to the gills with sharpshot bows, blast slings and hunter bows. Sometimes, I’d pull out the occasional warrior bow. That was it. My arsenal when it came to taking down humans, creatures and machines alike.
Actually, now that I think about it, the animals in the world also seemed very limited in the world that Guerilla Games created. I was always puzzled why that there were foxes, prairie dogs, vultures, owls and rabbits (to name but a few) but I never saw any apex predators that would have been on the top of the foodchain. Were were the wolves? Or even the mountain lions? The deserts didn’t even have snakes or coyotes! How does the food-web in the new biosphere operate? Have the machines taken over a lot of the jobs that might have been done by a plethora of insects and other creatures? 
I have so many questions and yet so little answers.
Forbidden West is a great sequel to Zero Dawn. The world is rich with history and the characters were all a delight. I very much enjoyed seeing the different tribes interacting and seeing what in particular inspired them when it came to their beliefs and ways of life. There is so much to love in this unique world that Guerilla Games have created, from MachineStrike to the graphical fidelity to the intricate lore in the games...
Is it any wonder that I also platinumed the sequel as well?
Here’s hoping that Guerilla Games can stick the landing when it comes to the ending of what has felt will be a trilogy of games. Each and every time, the threat has been escalated but I hope that Aloy’s adventure comes to an end with a bang. She certainly deserves the chance to take a break after all the time and effort she has taken to saving everyone else. Whether or not they know it.
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alluse61 · 4 years
Segnatempo Marchi Svizzeri scomparsi: A: Abeler, Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Accor, Achile, Accro Bond, Acqua, Actina, Action, Actua, Adan, Adano, Adler, Adlon, Admes, Admira, Admiral, Admiration, Adolf Vortmann, Adora, Adrem, Adria, Adriatic, Adriatica, Aec Watch, Aerni, Aero, Aero Neuchatel, Aetos, Agari, Agassiz, Agefa, Agir Watch, Agon, Ajax, Aku, Alb, Alben, Albona, Albrich, Alconi, Aldar, Aleph, Alexis, Alfex, Algarantie, Algex, Alihor, Allaine, Allas, Allegro, Alltime, Almadia, Almo, Alos, Alpha, Alprosa, Alsa, Alsi, Alsta, Altair, Altamira, Altessa, Altimatic, Altitude, Altoba, Altus, Alverna, Alwa, A. Marchand, Ambèrte, Amer, Amida, Amidor, Amila, Ami Watch, Amsa, Amulcor, Amyria, Ancora, Ancre, Andora, Andowatch, André Bouchard, Anew, Angel, Anker, Ankra, Antares, Anthony, Anthos Watch, Antor, Apart, Apex, Apolo, Apollo, Aquator, Ara, Aramis, Arbor, Arbu, Arcadia, Arches, Arco, Arctos, Ardan, Ardor, Aretta, Arfena, Argentor, Argil Watch, Argos, Argus, Arhon, Arila, Aristex, Arka, Arla, Arlaska, Arlea, Arlon, Arly, Armida, Aro, Arola, Aroma, Arowe, Arp, Arpeggio, Arsal Watch, Arsenal, Arta, Arten, Artis Watch, Arva, Arvor, Arvos, AS, Ascalon, Ascor, Ascot, Aseikon, Asor Watch, Aspor, Assa, Aster, Astin, Astor,Astral, Astrée Watch, Astro, Astrolux, Astron Watch, Asu, Asvil, Ata, Athena, Athos, Atima, Atlas, Atmar, Atomik, Atrexa, Atual, Aube, Aucor Watch, Audix Watch, Augustus, Aurea, Aureole, Aureus Extra, Aurex, Auri, Auriga, Aurora, Ausal, Autrix, Avala, Avalon, Avelta, Avigdor, Avion, Avivas, Avystyle, Axa, Axes, Aydil, Awa, Awill, Azhar, Azimut; B: Badenia, Bader, Balave, Balder, Baldwin, Balldor, Baltic, Bances, Bancor, Banner, Barbricos, Bargain, Barka, Barlux, Barolux, Baron, Barrett, Basis, Basmich, Bassin, Baylor, Becker, Beguelin, Beha, Belair, Belca, Belcron, Beleco, Belforte, Belinda, Belisa, Bellana, Beljane, Belora, Belsis, Beltane, Beltex, Belvil, Benedict, Benfre, Bendix, Benmore, Benora, Benos, Benrus, Bentima, Berco, Bercona, Berg, Bergana, Bergisch, Bergmayr, Berg Parat, Berios, Berlac, Bermi, Berna, Bernex, Bero, Berthoud, Berwitch, Besee, Bessa, Besta, Betina, Biagio, Bienna, Bieri Watch, Bilat, Bimesa, Binatime, Binesa, Biolmar, Birka, Birma, Bischoff, Bitunia, Blanval, Blita, Blumus, Blyssa, Bochud, Bodan, Bohle, Boillat Les Bois, Bondix, Bore, Borea, Borel, Borgward, Boris, Boros, Bostol, Boulevard, Bourbon, Bourquin, Bradley, Bravex, Bravingtons, Brenets Watch, Brindia, Bristol, Britix, Britscar, Bronnimann, Brunela, Brunet, Brunex, Bubas, Buler, Bulevard, Bulla, Burgana, Burton, Buser, But, Butex, Buxy; C: Cadola, Cadolux, Cadreclair, Caerys, Calan, Caldex, Calgor, Caliston, Callima, Calumex, Calverta, Cameron, Camif, Camos, Camy, Cancis Watch, Candeleanu, Capri, Caprice, Caprima, Capt, Cara, Carat, Caravelle, Carda, Cardiff, Cardinal, Caren, Carlisle, Carlto, Caros, Carpentier, Carpo, Carrol, Carronade, Cart, Cartis, Castell, Caswatch, Catalina, Catena, Catorex, Caugynes, Cavalry, Cefini, Celene, Censor, Centaur, Cervus, Cetikon, Ceuva, Chalet, Challfont, Champion, Chandler, Charmo, Chateau, Chaumont, Chermette, Chevron, Chilex, Chilez, Chivas, Chloé, Choisi, Christ, Chronex, Chronorex, Chronos, Cinia, Ciny, Cito, City, Civis, Civitas, Clamour, Clarex, Claro, Clartex, Classic, Clebar, Cler Watch, Clinor, Clinton, Cliper, Clipper, Clodif, Club, Clyda, Codhor, Codosa, Coinor, Colant, Colgor, Colomby, Comex, Comfort, Cominter, Competition, Comos, Conac, Concerta, Concordia, Condor, Constanta, Consul, Conteas, Contex,Contil, Continental, Copernicus, Corail, Coranic, Corcel, Cordia, Cordura, Corect, Coresa, Corgemont, Coris, Corma, Cornavin, Cornell, Corona, Coronet, Correct, Corsar, Cortebert, Corticima, Cortland, Corvette, Costal, Countess, Courbelin, Couros, Coursier, Court, Courtie, Cousins, Craftman, Crawford, Création, Credos, Cristal Watch, Croisade, Cromwell, Cronel, Cronex, Cronos, Cronow, Crown, Crypton, Cultus, Curtis, Curtiss, Cyprus; D: Dalia, Dalton, Damas, Dafnis, Dako, Dania, Danicar, Daniel Perret, Daniel Roth, Dard, Darne, Darwil, Datum, Datzward, D auphin, Davar, Davis, Davosa, Daybell, Debal, De Bolé, Debor, De Cave, Def, Defender, De Graer, Deiters, Delac, Delage, Delano, Delbana, Delcona, Delgia, Deline, Delma, Delmont, Delora, Delpa, Delrio, Delvaux, Delvina, Delvinex, Deman Watch, Demieux, Denill, Denis, Derphil, Dero, Derrick, Dersi, Descartes, Desira, Desotos, Desta, De Villiers, Devis, Devyth, Dhorix, Diane, Diantus, Dichi Watch, Dicto, Diehl, Diese, Difor, Dila, Dilau, Dilecta, Dilvie, Dima Watch, Dimetron, Dinamo, Dinmont, Diope, Diorex, Dispol, Dixen, Diwen, Docker, Dofreal, Dolmak, Dolmaru, Dolys, Domwatch, Donexy, Donor, Dopas, Dorex, Dorly, Dorset, Dorval, Dorwell, Dosahlia, Douglas, Doyle, Draga, Dreffa, Drimex, Driva, Droz, D.T.F., Duaz,Dubell, Dubois & Cie, Duca, Ducado, Ducal, Duchess, Dufonte, Dulfi, Duke, Dulcia, Dulux, Dumont, Dunamis, Dunya, Dupro, Durable, Dural, Durol, Duv, Dux, Duxot, Duward; E: Eastfield, Easton, Ebart Watch, Eberjax, Ebf, Ebosa, Ebro,Eccelso,Echo, Eclair, Ecly, Edele, Edelstar, Eden, Edima, Editia, Edma, Edo, Effort, Efrico, Egana, Egger, Egona, Egosta, Egotrix, Ehr, Eiger, Eisenhardt, Eitel, Eko, Ela, Elco, Eldex, Eldis Watch Co., Eldor, Eldorado, Election, Electra, Elem, Elema, Eletta, Elfa, Elgé, Elgin, Elida, Elinco, Elite, Elitic, Elix, Eljo, Elka, Ellis, Elmas, Elmont, Eloga, Elpar, Elrex, Eltra, Elves, Elvia, Elzomark, Emarten, Embe, E.M.C., Emes, Emewo, Emgeh, Emifin, Emilia, Emka, Eminent, Emo, Emp, Emperor, Emro, Endura, Eneo Extra, Enscar, Eolo, Eppa, Eppo, Eral, Erax, Erbe, E.R.C., Erdissot, Eref, Eresco, Ergo, Erguel, Eridas, Erji, Erman, Ermano, Ermi, Eroica, Eros, Erster, Ertus, Ery, Esarine, Esco, Eska, Esoral, Esperanto, Essex, Estima, Etna, ET. Verem, Eurmond, Euron, Eusi, Evans, Evelix, Everite, Ever Swiss, Everton, Evilux, Evob, Exacta, Exactima, Exactly, Exacto, Exactor, Exactus, Exarena, Excalibur, Excellent, Excelsior Park, Exel, Exim, Exita Auslese, Exita Sport, Exodo, Exponent, Exquisit, Eweco, Ewerghard, Ewergsprint, Ewys, Eza; F: Fabuna, Facit, Facuer, Fairfax, Falco, Falcon, Falken, Fantome, Farexy, Fast, Faustang, Favor, Fawe, Fazetta, FBU, Federal, Felba, Felca, Felco, Felicitas, Felsus, Felter, Felux, Feny, Fera, Ferdin, Ferex, Fero, Festiva, Feuver, Feuvrier, FHB, Fiat, Fidelius, Figaro, Filos, Fingerhut, Finita, Finorva, Fischer Extra, Flamingo, Flamor, Flavix, Flérex, Fleur, Fleurier Watch, Fleuron Watch, Flex, Flica, Flora, Florex, Florina, Florus, Flucano, Fludo, Fluva, Focal, Fokker, Fonda, Fontaine, For, Foresta, Formatic, Formida, Forsam, Fortex, Forum, Foxor, Fralux, Framont, Freco, Fregatte, Frenca, Fresard, Fresca, Frey, Fricona, Frohlich, Fulton; G: Gab, Gala, Galant, Galco, Gallant, Gallet, Galo, Gama, Gamundia, Gances, Gander, Garel, Garland, Garrard, Gde, G.E. Maire, Gebo, Gedu, Gefa, Gelbros, Gelfo, Gendis, General Watch, Geneva, Genievre, Genin, Genor, Genova, Gérald Genta, Gerard & Marten, Gerber, Gerka, Germinal Voltaire, Geula, GH, Ghitor, Gigantic, Gigon, Gilda, Gilde, Ginsbo, Gintars, Giroxa, Gisa, Gisca, Gladiator, Gleencar, Globa, Globe, Globus, Gloriosa, Glorys, Godiva, Golana, Golday, Goldina, Goldor, Goldwyn, Gomai, Goodwill, Gorgerat, Gotham, G.O.W. Diplomat, Grana, Granat, Greenwich, Grenchen, Greville, Grewaco, Griffon, Grimsel, Grintex, Groma, Gronva, Gruen, Grutli, GUB Glashutte, Guda, Guidus, Guilda, Guildhall, Guilford, Guvaro, Guy-Robert, Gyho; H: Habmann, Hacrev, Hado, Hafis, Halcon, Haidra, Halifax, Halleria, Halsa, Hampden, Hanover, Hanseat, Harajan, Harblas, Harlem, Harlo, Harmanette, Harper, Harryman, Harswatch, Harvard, Harvel, Haste, Haval, Hebe, Heca, Hefik, Hega, Heika, Helbi, Helbros, Helda, Helfa, Helfora, Helicon, Helina, Helios, Héli Reymond, Hellas, Helma, Heloisa, Helsa, Helva, Helvia, Helvetia, Hema, Hemeros, Hendir, Heno, Henri Sandoz, Henry Birks & sons, Henzi & Pfaff, Herald, Hercules, Heres, Herlin, Herma, Hermal, Hermano, Hermin,Hernor, Hero, Herold, Hertig, Hesperia, Heuer, Heuralp, Hexcynia, Hever, Heyworth, HF, HFB, H. Gervin, Hiltex, Hilton, Hislon, Hoffmann, Hoga, Holland, Home Watch Co., Homis, Honor, Horalis, Horifa, Horlolu x, Hormax, Horus, Hosam, Hoverta, Hower, HPB, Hrw, Hubbuch, Huber, Hubmann, Hudson, Huga, Hugex, Huguenin, Hunt, Huntley, Hydepark, Hysa Watch; I: Iaxa, Icarus, Iffland, Igima, Illinois Watch, Iloga, Ilona, Imaco, Impecabilis, Imperia, Imperial Watch, Imperios, Incabloc, Incarna, Indus, Inex, Ingraham, Inova, Integra, Into, Intrador, Invar, Inventic, Iobo, Ioco, Ionatom, Irax, Irno, Irocal, Irowa, Isingard, Ismar, Isoma, Ita, Itex, Itraco, Ityco; J: Jacmire, Jacor, Jacto, Jana, Janer, Janno, Janus, Jaquet-Girard, Jardur, Javil, Jaz, JB, Jean Grandy, Jean Herber, Jean Louis Roehrich, Jean Perret, Jean Revlin, Jean Roulet, Jeba, Jeco Watch, Jelosol, Jenco, Jenny, Jesby, Jgeha, Jico, Jobina, Joihora, Joko, Jolus, Jora, Joseph Watch, Josmar, Jourez, Jovial, Joyas, Jowissa, Judex, Jungbauer, Junger, Jungfrau, Jupex, Jupiter, Jura Watch, Justex, Justy, Juta, Juwel, Juwelor, Jyb, Jyde, J.W. Benson; K: Kaiser, Kaiserstunde, Kalos, Kalter, Kander, Kano, Kardex, Karelin, Karenz, Karex, Karman, Karus, Kasper, Kasta, Kaster, Kedive, Kelbert, Kelek, Keller, Kelton, Kenwell, Kered, Kibris, Kiefer, Kimer, Kimberly, Kim Watch, Kings, Kingsel, Kingston Watch, Kiple, Kirby, Kirchhof, Kismet, Klipper, Kody, Koha, Koho, Kolster, Konnexa, Kores, Kralina, Kramer, Krida, Kriter, Kronotron, Kulm, Kunast, Kunis, Kurfurst, Kurtz, Kuster, K2; L: Labor, Labhart, Lacher, Lacorda, Lagonda, Lagro, La Leuba, Lamar, La Martine, Lamont, Lancel, Lancet, Lancia, Lanco, Lancyl, Landeron, Landi, Langel, Langendorf, Langford, Lanta, Lantex, Larex, Lasalle, Lasita, Lathin, Latino, Lator, Laureat, Lauris, Lavilla, Lavina, Laxos, Lawrence, Lea, Lebem, Le Cheminant, Leda, Ledial, Ledian, Legend, Le Jour, Lema, Lemac, Léman, Lemania, Lembach, Lemieux, Lenotre, Lenox, Leobe, Leon Watch, Leorex, L'Etoile, Le Phare, Lepem, Lepine, Le Roy, Lesco, Lessa, Leuba Louis, Lex, Liban, Libela, Libelle,Licurgo, Lider, Lidher, Lidor, Liga, Lijac, Limit, Linat, Lince, Lincoln, Lindex, Lings, Lipar, Lisona, Livadia, LKE, Lloyd, Loengrin, Logan, Loichot, Longune, Longvi, Lonstar, Lonville, Lorcano, Lordan, Lord Elgin, Lordex, Lord Gallant, Lord Nelson, Lord Sanford, Lorea, Loridal, Lorton, Lorymal, Losan, Lotex, Louis, Louvic, Lov, Lover, Lowenthal, Lowerlyn, Lubin, Lucerne, Lucien Perreaux, Lucien Rochat, Ludox, Lugran, Lukcom, Luma, Lunesa, Lunik, Lunivos, Lunsol, Lusina, Lusitano, Luxor, Luxus, Luz, Luzerna, Lyceum, Lycke Watch, Lyric Pomar; M: Mabel, Madorina, Mady, Magalex, Magar, Magia, Maglore, Magna, Magnat, Magnus, Majex, Majola, Malton, Mamaco, M. Anez, Manier, Manson, Mapo, Mara, Maran, Marathon, Marba, Marbell, Marbex, Marca, Marcel Frene, Marcena, Mardon, Marex, Marguy, Marinel, Marlux, Maro, Maros, Mars, Martel, Maru, Marubi, Maruxa, Marvil, Master Watch, Match, Mathey Tissot, Matina, Matinatic, Maty, Maurice Guerdat, Mauthe, Maya, Mavar Super, Maviro, Max Buro, Maxor, Mec, Meda, Medana, Meier Watch, Meister Anker, Melba, Melbun, Melissa, Melux, Memosail, Mendys, Mentor, Mercator, Meridian, Merit, Merkury Watch, Mervos, Mestril, Metro, Meyer Watch, Meylan, MFM, MHR, Miba, Mibis, Mical, Michanny, Michel Herbelin, Miconos, Midix, Mildia, Mildor, Milex, Mimo, Minimax, Mira, Miramar, Mirador, Mirak Watch, Mirca, Mirexal, Mirona, Misalla, Misdany, Mithras, Mitot, Miura, Mobilia, Mod, Modina, Moeris, Mof, Mofa, Mogus, Molnjia, Monalux, Monarch, Monbaron, Monex, Monico, Monil, Monitor, Monray, Monroe, Monsegur, Montanus, Montdor, Monté, Montilier, Montine, Montres BD S.A., Montresor, Monumental, Monval, Monvis, Monyco, Mora, Moremar, Morex, Morris, Mortima, Movina, MSD, MuDu, Mulco, Mulfi, Multy, Mundus, Muralt, Murondis, Muros, Murry, Musette, Mutrix, Myon, Myr, Myrex; N: Nacar, Nadexo, Nadine, Nadir, Naits, Nanco, Nappex, Nappey, Narva, Nasia Watch, Natalis, Nautico, Nave, Navet, Navir, Navzer, Nectar, Nefireus, Negmar, Neil, Neker, Nelco, Nemos, Neova, Neptune, Nersa, Net, Neuchatel, Nevac, Newmark, Newton, Nibo, Nibur Watch, Nicao, Nicéa, Nice Watch, Nickles, Nicole Geneve, Nicolet Gedeon, Nidor, Niers, Niga, Nigedo, Nikpol, Nila, Nilax, Nilda, Nileg, Nimer, Ni-L ite, Nimart, Ninfa, Nironax, Nisam, Nisus, Nitava, Nitella, Nivada, Nivarox, Nivia, Nivoc, Nivor, Nivram, Nivrel, Nobby, Nobel, Nobelt, Nobellux, Noblex, Noi, Nomina, Norbert, Norexa, Norina, Norma, Normana, Norstel, Norton, Nostra, Nostrana, Nova, Novelia, Novera, Novilty, Novoris, Novus, Nulox, Numa; O: Oberon, Octo, Octus, Odema, Oderfla Watch, Odien, Oebra, Ofair, Ofelia, Oficel, Ogival, Ognol, Oisa, Oko, Okroma, Oliros, Olivia, Olor, Olympic, Omax, Omer, Omiko, Omnia, Omodox, Ondex, Ondina, Onsa, Opal, Opera, Operarius, Optima, Orano, Orator, Orbiter, Orco, Ordiam, Oreas, Oreba, Orefa, Orfa, Orfina, Organa, Oriental, Original, Orion, Oriosa, Orloff, Orlogin, Orlon, Orltim, Ormo, Ornata, Ornen, Ornet, Orola, Orpheo, Orthos, Orthosa, Ortin Watch, Orvin, Orwa, Osco, Osram, Ostara, Otar-Vatch, Otero, Otha, Ovaras, Ovivo, Oxford, Owix, Owo; P: Packard, Paco, Page, Pagin, Pagol, Pajarola, Paladin, Palerma, Palermo, Pallas, Pandul, Panta, Parger, Paris, Parker, Park Lexington, Paros, Partex, Partout, Pater Watch, Patria, Paul Arpantier, Paul Durelle, Paul Jobin, Paul Peugeot,Paul Portinoux w.c.Pavel Buhre, Paxor, Payard, Pencron, Pentaflex, Perdal, Perenzin, Perfecta, Perfex, Perfine, Perhisa, Perkins, Perma, Permax, Perona, Perret-Gentil, Perry Greaves, Personal, Pesag, Peso, Pevanda, Phenix, Phigied, Philier, Philos, Philippe Precision, Picard, Picton,Pfois, Pier, Pierre Laro, Pierpont, Pierre Denill, Piguette, Pikleur, Pilatus, Pimax, Pingard, Pinlever, Pinnacle, Pirenne, Pirofa, Piztam, Planesa, Planet, Plattner, Plaza, Plymouth, Pokema, Polar, Polhem, Polymac, Polwatch, Poncin, Pontiac, Pontifa, Porluc, Porta, Porter, Portex, Posor, Post, Prado, Praesens, Praesent, Pratina, Précia, Precibel, Precimax, Precisa, Predial, Prefis, Premier, Premira, President, Prestige, Prexa, Preziosa, Primalux, Primato, Primator, Primera, Prince, Printania, Printania Watch, Prisma, Proctus, Pronto, Pronto Verdal, Protus, Provis, Provita, Proxima, Prunus, Puerta, Pyramid; Q: Questar; R: Racer, Racine, RacingTeam, Radar, Radax, Radiant, Radny, Rajawongs, Ralco, Rama, Ramades, Ramba, Rambler, Ramina, Ramino, Ramona, Randal, Ranol, Rapid, Rasec, Raylon, Real, Record, Recta, Recthor, Rectory, Reda, Redue, Regatta, Regency, Regent, Regeor, Regina, Regine, Reglex, Reglia, Rego, Rehard, Reimar, Rela, Relliac, Relide, Reliont, Rellum, Rem Lever, Remova Ancre, Rendex, Renis, Reno, Renoir, Renov, Renna, Reo-Gran, Repa, Repco Watch, Replay, Replic, Republic, Resisto, Reston, Retiva, Reusser, Revere, Revlon, Rex, Rexa, Rexiana, Rexor, Reynolds, Re Watch, Rewel, Rewolx, Rezalfa, Rhodos, RHM, RHS, Rhudos, Ribot, Ribu, Richard, Richmond, Richon, Rideau, Rigel, Rigi, Rigor, Rika, Rila, Rima, Rinkus, Rio, Rios, Riva, Rivella, Rivo, R. Jaquet, Roal, Roa Watch, Roberta, Robur, Rocail, Rocar, Roco, Rocket, Rodams, Rodana, Rodania, Roen, Rofina, Rogata, Rogelin, Roidor, Roki Watch, Rolatron, Rolly, Roma, Romandor, Romex De luxe, Romina, Rona, Ronalp, Rone, Ronet, Roni, Rontex, Ross, Rosselet, Rouan, Roundex, Rovac, Rovano, Roveta, Rox, Roxane, Roxy, Roxor, Roxy, Royal, Royce, Rowil, Rozi, Rubens, Rubes, Rubi, Rubina, Rubra, Rue du Lac, Rulcy, Rulon, Rural, Rutex, Rutina, Rutis, Ruxton, Rytima, RWS; S: Saba, Sabah, Sabina, Sabrina, Sachat, Sada, Sagara, Said, Saint Blaise, Salvest, Same, Samiria, Samska, Sanctus, Sander, Sanitas, Santima, Santire, Santra, Sappeur, Sarda Besancon, Sardlux, Sarpier, Saturne, Sauter Frères, Saveb, Savillon, Savina, Saving, Savoy, Savoyen, Saxony, Saytoko, Scandia, Schaon, Scholler, Sea Liner, Sears, Seca, Seega, Seeland, Sekundant, Selecta, Seliva, Selux, Selva, Selza, Semca, Senit, Seni Watch, Serdix, Services, Seth Thomas, Severo, Sexima, Seyes River, SGT, Shallow, SHD, Sheffield, Shell, Sheloh, Shelton, Sheraton, Shield, Shorewood, Sibel, Sibelles, Sicura, Siderlux, Siduna, Siera, Sigdin, Sigel, Sigena, Sigma, Sigma Valmon, Signo, Siko, Silena,Silyan watch company, Silgar, Siluett, Silvana, Silver, Silver Star, Sim, Simas, Simba, Simplex, Sincron, Sindaco, Sinex, Singer, Sinsa, Sira, Sirius, Siro, Siro Lever, Sisgau, Sita Watch, Sivac, Sivane, Siverwatch, Skiff, Slandex, Smith, Sobimo, Socomex, Socor, Sofior, Sogel, Sokas, Sola, Solar, Solida, Solita, Solix, Sollieres, Solo, Solora, Somali, Sonett, Soni, Sonic, Sorag, Sornadat, Sornana, Sovereign, Sparewa, Sparta, Spazial, Speck, Spendid, Spera, Spes, Sphinge Watch, Sphinx, Spider, Spir, Splendid, Splendor, Sponta, Sportex, Sporting, Sportsman, Stabila, Stahel, Stahl, Star, Starina, Staromatic, Start, Steelco, Steiert, Steiner, Stellers, Stempel, Stendal, Stenis, Stewag, Stima, Stop, Strad, Strada, Strato, Straumann, Styfl, Stylt, Subwater, Sugo Watch, Suizex, Suja, Sulina, Sully Special, Sultana, Summit, Sunex, Superalfa, Superatic, Superb Lever, Superio, Superius, Superoma, Superwatch, Supremo, Supremos, Sur, Surdiac, Surrex, Surtec, Sussex, Suter, Sutil, Sutit, Suzana, Svalan, Svea, Svu, Sydnem, Systema, Swift; T: Tacar, Talia, Talis, Tanis, Tanivann, Tansa, Tara, Tarnan, Tasan, Tasso, Tavernier, Tawek, Team, Technos, Tecron, Tefor, Tegra, Tegrov, Teka, Tekel, Telda, Television, Telhor, Telix, Tell, Tellus, Telor, Telstar, Tempic, Tempo, Temporis, Tena, Tenens, Tenor, Tenor-Dorly, Teriam, Terrasse, Terrote, Terten, Terval, Teseo, Test, Testudo, Tevo, Texa Watch, Textor, Thales, Themis Watch, Theorein, Thermamed, Thermidor, Thiel, Thol, Thomas Blundell, Thoresen, Thormas, Thoro, Th Picard Fils, Thusal, Thussy, Thusyt, Thuya, Tiara, Tiber Watch, Ticin, Tidana, Tiega, Tierce, Tiger, Tilius, Tim, Timavero, Times, Timetone, Timor, Tipsy, Tirza, Tisseran, Titan, Titana, Titanic, Titan-Luxe, Titanus, Titus, Tivena, Tollet, Tonic, Tonodor, Topaz, Torelli, Torina, Tornado, Tosal, Tourist, Tourneau, Tovare, Towa, Trada, Tradition, Trafalgar, Tramlex, Transglobe, Transmarine, Travita, Trebex, Trematic, Tressa, Triglav, Triunfo-R, Trivera, Trojan, Trotteur, Truma, Trumpf, Tucah, Tugaris, Tuhess, Tulxis, Tusal, Tyber Watch, Tyl, Tylex; U: Uhtra, Ultimor, Ultra, Ultramar, Ultrapyl, Ulyclod, Unic, Unichron, Unicorn, Union, Uniona, Union Soleure, Uno, Unver, Urban, Urech, Urra, Ursus, Uti, Utina; V: Vacontin, Valadier, Valand, Valdor, Valent, Valex, Valgine, Valjaux, Valory, Valruz, Vanburen, Vanguard, Vantage, Varbar, Vasa, Veda, Vehns, Veler Watch, Velester, Velis, Velka, Velma, Velona, Vendome, Vensil, Ventex, Veranda, Verbel, Verbena, Verdal, Verimpex, Verity, Verndor, Veroni, Versa, Vertex, Veto, Vetur, Vialux, Viccanta, Vico, Victor, Vidan, Viking, Villard, Villereuse, Vilong, Vilor Watch, Vinca, Vindex, Vines, Vintan, Viola, Violetta, Viscont, Viser, Visotex, Vital, Vithos, Vito, Vitus, Vivat, Vivata, Vivax, Vixia, Voga, Vogel, Voight, Voumard, Vrema, Vuillemin; X: Xantia, Xaros Watch, Xenos; Y: Yarom, Yasma, Yokay; W: Wabos, Wabro, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waigel, Wakman, Walbo, Waldan, Waldman, Walker, Walier, Wall Watch, Walter, Walux, Wan-Tick, Warens, Watex, Watra, Waverly, Weber, Webster, Wedo, Wega, Wegena, Wehrmann, Welbar Watch, Welsbro, Welter, Wema, Wemalux, Wendts, Wenia, Werax Watch, Werba, Werlaine, Wernam, Wernet, Wertex, Wibax, Wilboi, Wilhelm, Wilka, William Watch, Wilson, Wimar, Winex, Winfort, Winthal, Winton, Wirz, Wisdor, Wittnauer, Wivex, White Star, Wladir, Wolbrook, Wolfram, Wotex, Ws, Wuba, Wylerma; Z: Zaigor, Zais Watch, Zarina, Zarvath, Zedon, Zédy, Zeih, Zellcon, Zelma, Zelus, Zentena, Zentima,Zephir, Zermatt, Zeysa, Zewa, Zewi, Zheut, Zico, Zila, Zim, Zinal, Zitaerna, Zitura, Zlatoust, Zome, Zoty, Zu,Zumac, Zundap, Zurc, Zurex, Zurich, Zuryl
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carvion · 2 years
Back at the Far Zenith Base: 
Gerard: Wait... what happened here. 
Erik, surrounded by a circle of corpses: I won at Mafia.
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Name: Gerard Bieri Family: - Relationship: - Household: The Bad Guys CC:  -   Note: I adjusted the face so the full body is a bit outdated.
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Sims List & Households:
Households in World:
Sobecks: Aloy, Beta, Elisabet
Love interests: Talanah, Regalla, Petra, Varga, Ikrie
HFW Base Crew: Varl, Zo, Kotallo, Alva, Erend, Sylens, Gaia, Tilda
HFW & Love Interests Fam: Sona, Vala, Rost, Burgrend, Ersa
Old Ones: Travis Tate, Charles Ronson, Samina Ebadji, Patrick Brochard-Klein, Margo Shĕn
Banuk - Aratak's Werak: Aratak, Ourea, Cyan, Sekuli, Naltuk
Banuk: Tulemak, Tatai, Urkai, Inatut, Laulai, Aluki, Enjuk
Carja: Avad, Fashav, Marad, Vanasha, Uthid, Nil
Nora: Teersa, Lansra, Jezza, Grata, Nakoa, Yan, Bast, Teb
Oseram: Delah, Boomer, Beladga, Jorgriz, Stemmur, Morlund, Abadund
Quen: Bohai, Harriem, Kristia
Tenakth - Leadership: Hekerro, Atekka, Dekka, Yarra, Jetakka, Drakka, Tekotteh, Gerrah
Tenakth: Ivvira, Sokorra, Penttoh, Jekkah, Wekatta, Rokko
Utaru: Fane, Milu, Yef, Jaxx, Korreh
The Bad Guys: Ted Faro, Helis, Dervahl, Ceo, Gerard Bieri, Erik Visser, Nemisis
The Sorta Bad Guys: Hades, Hephaestus, Resh, Ulvund
Households in My Households: (May add later to world)
Carja - Extras: Janeva, Queen Nasadi, Itamen, Three-Toe Huadiv, Amadis, Namman
Nora - Extras: Karst, Solai
Oseram - Extras: Olin, Enasha, Olin's Son, Milduf, Gildun
To Murder (or not?): Miriam, Jiran, Fashav's Mother, Nakoa's Father, Kadaman
Relationships: Planned (to play out ingame)
Aloy × Talanah (Planned)
Beta x Regalla (Planned)
Elisabet x Petra (Planned)
Varga x Ikrie (Planned)
Morlund x Abadund (Planned)
Penttoh x Rokko (Planned)
Relationships: Undecided
Avad x Ersa or Avad x Amadis (Maybe)
Cyan x Gaia or Cyan x Ourea (Maybe)
Relationships: Set Up (In CAS)
Varl x Zo (Engaged)
Vanasha x Uthid (Engaged)
Beladga x Jorgriz (Engaged)
Queen Nasadi x Jiran (Married)
Olin x Enasha (Married)
Total Sims: 110 (Added Kadaman)
Time: 51 Hours
Households: 20
Households: I was gonna mod the game so I could have more then 8 sims in a household till I realized that required me remembering to not go into CAS so I had to reorganize because I cannot be trusted. The house holds are a bit lop sided because I wanted their to be a theme to their togetherness.
Charcaters Selected: I bascially choose charcaters I liked, were iconic, or I thought would be interesting to interact. I started with a list of 133 then slimmed it down to like 80... then slowly increased to 109. To be fair the 7 were very easy to do cause I could do what I want (AI’s, Parents, etc.). The outfits were the hardest part and after like sim 60ish I gave up doing unqiue outfits for all events so I focused on their main outfit and pruning the random clothing the game gave them. I wanted to fill a world with Horizon sims so that's why I went Ham.
Family Connection: Every family connection is correct except Rost and Aloy but I might use MCCC to correct that. Thats’ why I had to make Jiran, Fashav's Mother, Nakoa's Father because you can’t just make cousins/aunts/etc. in CAS. I made Miriam because I planned to murder her along with others to make a more interesting family tree instead of the blank image till I felt bad. I also made Stemmur Morlund’s dad..... cause I could (I recogize its not canon but he seems like a adopted dad kinda thing).
Relationships: I like rare ships and Beta x Regalla has been on my mind since I saw a post hinting at that. The planned stuff is also not fully set in stone though because I do love almost every ship, just some are more my favs (The gay ships mostly).
Future: I gonna start posting all the Sims and the CC I used in a few days along with the houses I have been making (so far I have made 10 out of 16 houses over 98ish hours).
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