#germ sticks her foot in it again
magicianmew · 6 years
Low magic, gender, ceremagi, a big clusterfuck pie...
So this is something that has been gnawing away at me for damn near the entirety of the time I've been firmly planted in my practice, but especially since the whole this-is-douchecanoe thing went down (they're not worth my tag).
A few days ago I reblogged this post, which talks about how this-isn't-sparta is clearly coming from an occultist background, and seems to be embodying all of the sexist, ableist, elitist, and dogmatic crap that we've come to know and love from a particular and unfortunately vocal segment of that community.
But then this happened.
These practices within themselves are very male-centric. They seem more left brain than right. More confrontational than accepting.
Wait, what?
Now, I am not trying to call anyone out at all here. I ain't mad. I just wanna unpack this a little bit and actually look at it. 'K? I’m only using this because it's a convenient and ready-to-hand example, but the mindset is absolutely everywhere in the magical world.
Why do we as a community view low magic as being an inherently a "feminine" and "illogical" branch of magic? Why do we view it as something that is yielding and disorganized and void of the sort of study that can go into ceremonial magic? Even the people who practice it seem to accept this stereotype, even as they're surrounded by books and attempting some extremely punishing hedge work for the 34928057498th time.
I actually don't know. Because none of that is remotely true, in my experience of practicing primarily low magic.
Also note: I continue to refer to it as "low" for the same reason I continue to self-identify as "witch." In both cases, it's a practice usually associated with the underclass, which is an important part of the history of these practices. And I don't want to erase that. It keeps me humble. Anyway...
Let's talk about low magic. Folk magic. Po' people magic. Community magic.
Obviously there are thousands of different varieties of low magic -- several just for every culture in any given era. But they share a few broad things in common.
Firstly, they have an absolutely vast knowledge base. In order to effectively work most historical or true traditional forms of low magic, you need to have a working knowledge of botany, geology, history, cooking, distillation, the food web, migrational patterns, astronomy...
Learning how to perform the full body of work of most low magical traditions literally requires a full interdisciplinary education, fam. They involve a shit-ton of left-brain thinking, knowledge acquisition, and logical work. I have learned more about science from my practice than I did from my formal education, ok?
Even if you try to whatabout modern, novel forms of low magic, it still stays true. A tech witch, for example, might require a damn near photographic knowledge of the grid of their city and a couple of different coding languages, in addition to several of the disciplines above.
Let's keep something in mind, here. Low craft is the mother of modern medicine. The magician and the healer were the same person throughout most of history, and if you look back on what few ancient low magic books exist, you will find medicinal concepts that we still use to this day.
Low craft is, and has always been, a deeply research- and knowledge-based way of working. It couldn't possibly have given birth to something as expansive and world-changing as medicine if it weren't.
What is different about low magic compared to ceremonial, and I think where this concept of it being "less disciplined" comes from, is that low magic is performatively flexible. Because it is a craft developed and used by people with unpredictable access to materials, time, or places, it is meant to be adapted to a non-ideal situation pretty much on the fly. That is exactly why it has such a vast body of knowledge behind it: because the more you know, the more ready you are to do the work you need no matter what situation you might find yourself in.
Ceremonial magic is, well, what it says on the box: ceremonial. And because the experience of watching a ceremonial working seems much more procedural than watching a low magic working, people have somehow concluded the low magic involves less knowledge. That is not remotely true. The knowledge just comes in at a different point in the process, i.e. how they even got to the point of doing a working at all, when they had nothing but a spoon, two pennies, and a waxing moon at their disposal.
Hell, low magicians even adapt ceremonial magic. Hoodoo workers know all about the Seals of Solomon, and they make them work beautifully even without the usual prescribed ceremony.
Now let's talk a little bit about these... gender ideas. This is a whole complicated ball of icky, slippery worms.
There's two concepts going on here:
That ceremonial magic is "male."
That "male-ness" is confrontational and intolerant.
Ok. *rubs temples*
It is undeniable that ceremonial magic is dominated by men, and it always has been.
But that does not mean that low magic is "a woman's practice." That is not even remotely true, and it never has been.
Low magic has historically been communal. In many places, it still is even now. Practitioners have always been both male and female. Sometimes they held different titles, sometimes they didn't. Usually, deference was simply determined by age and length of time practicing, not gender or anything else.
As a matter of fact, magical practice was one of the few places where we continued to see relative gender equality even after patriarchy began to take over many societies in the world. Magic continued to be a practice of merit and communal assistance, not something where your gender decided your competence or your station in the magical community.
From Britain's cunning folk to black root doctors, both African and diasporic, both men and women have always been magic workers in low practice, and there is little to no evidence of them disrespecting each other, or assuming one's magic is inferior to the other's because of their gender alone. There is no black man who ever wanted to cross a root working woman, I guarantee you!
Ok. So now let's tackle this "male-ness is confrontational and intolerant" thing.
No. Toxic masculinity is confrontational and intolerant.
So then why do we see that particular problem more often in ceremonial magic, which has always been a male-dominated practice?
Because ceremonial magic is not just male-dominated. More specifically, it is dominated by white, Western, higher-class men, who are also usually straight and virtually always cisgender. Let's just get that right, here.
This isn't a problem with "male-ness." It is a problem with the people at the very top of the kyriarchal totem pole, and it's the same problem we always see with this group of people, whether we're talking about Congress or gentrification. It's no different.
Ceremonial magic has historically been the property of powerful, wealthy men who were part of the ruling class. From popes to aristocrats, the development of ceremonial magic has grown directly from that power system.
"Male-ness" does not dictate one's personality. "Male-ness" does not inherently make one intolerant of other people. Unexamined, unchecked privilege is what does that. "Male-ness" means nothing other than the state of occupying a male-identified gender and/or body.
The strong and persistent community of men that has always been present in low magic alongside their female counterparts is no less male. And we shouldn't degrade the potential and decency of men who work at these things by assigning them a personality without even examining it for truth first.
We also really need to stop defining everything feminine as yielding, weak, or illogical -- the implicit opposite of the strong, dominating, and procedural "male" practice. It doesn't lift up women to define their work and their encyclopedic knowledge as being somehow lesser or weaker like that.
I know that, most of the time, people don't mean it like this because it's just beaten into our heads to think of female-ness this way, to the point where all of us will, at some point, just parrot it back without even thinking about it (me included), but it's a back-handed defense at best. We need to acknowledge the power, knowledge, and work of the magic women do. We need to get better at examining those assumptions within ourselves that their work isn't as good.
Just as a general concept, we need to stop trying to shoe-horn the gender binary and its tired stereotypes into the way we see ourselves as magic workers, and the way we see our magic. That’s as true in low magic as in ceremonial.
And finally...
I can pretty much hear all the ceremonial magicians who are mad as fuck at me right now and ready to bang away at their keyboards about how they're female or disabled or queer or whatever.
Ok, stop for a second.
I know.
I know that. I know there are lots of you coming from less privileged backgrounds, struggling for the spoons to do your work, etc.
And I really hope you're going to use that to take back ceremonial magic from that ugly history, and turn it into something that's for everyone and works equally for the magical empowerment of all people.
You can totally do that, now that we have this here thing called the internet. And I follow several people who partake in problematic practices with the specific intent of re-envisioning them as something better. Great. Wonderful. Please do that.
But in order to do that, you have to recognize the roots of where it came from. You can't tackle these problems by pretending they don't exist, just like you can't be an ally to black people without acknowledging the problems of whiteness.
It's not personal. It's a fact of both the historical and present-day climate of that community.
We need to acknowledge that people like this-are-donut are pretty common in that community. And in order to make it a better space for you, it's to your benefit to fight back against that degradation of other people just as much as we do in the low magic community. I mean, let's be real, those people don't respect you any more than they respect me. What do you gain out of defending them? Nothing. If you won't do it for any other reason, do it for you.
To those of you already cleaning house, thank you.
To those of you who are gonna say my community has problems too, yes, I know. Name me one time ever that I've denied that or not come out against it whenever I see it, from racist crafters to Nazis in paganism. So please just... don't. Today we're talking about ceremagi's laundry. I talk about mine plenty, ok?
So anyway.
TL;DR If you're a low magician of any sort, your knowledge is just as deep and hard-won as that of any ceremonial magician. Stop accepting the premise at face value that it is somehow a lesser practice.
We also need to stop associating low magic as being "for women." Low magic has a rich history of gender inclusion, and in some societies even LGBT inclusion. Men have shown themselves perfectly capable of working peaceably with us. There is no reason they can't in ceremonial magic just as they have in low magic.
In the spirit of the holiday, let's try to keep this productive. I've really tried my best, here.
Happy Ostara for my pagans buds, and Happy Easter for my Christian witches. Have a good'un.
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom HCs
Sakusa x fem!Reader | Kita x fem!Reader | Tendō x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFics ]
a/n: once again,,, i love these hcs so much but i feel like omi was kinda ooc im so sorry (╥﹏╥) i hope u like these still!! i really enjoyed writing these, pls do tell me what you think (~ ̄³ ̄)~
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❀ he's been watching you for a while now— his team's manager
❀ everyone knew you've recently became a new mom— as well as how your child's dad went MIA a few weeks after you gave birth, left a note breaking things off with you and saying he wasn't ready to be a dad
❀ you usually had your mom or a relative take care of your baby while you went to work, but this time no one was available so you had to bring your son with you
❀ standing by the corner of the crowded cafeteria, he kept on glancing at you obviously struggling to pacify your baby
❀ he didn't like the piercing cries of the child in your arms so he decided to help you, or so he convinced himself
❀ in reality, he couldn't take seeing you so panicked anymore— it agitates him so much
❀ he was trying to remember what komori taught him about babies as he walked over to where you stood
"have you tried feeding it?" he asked nonchalantly, standing a good foot away from you as he tried to peer over your shoulder
"him" you replied, exhaustion and frustration dripping from your tone, "and yeah, i just did"
you sighed
"give me"
it wasn't everyday that sakusa offered help so you jumped at the opportunity, supporting your child's neck and back as sakusa took him, doing the same
❀ he laid the baby on his chest, gently tapping at his back
❀ after a few moments he let out a small burp the baby not sakusa skdka
❀ he handed your child back to you, now silently chewing on his hand, saying he "just needed to burp"
❀ your face felt hot, embarrassed that you had no idea
❀ sakusa just placed a hand on your head and smiled behind his mask before leaving, he knows you needed all the help you can get right now and he, albeit wordlessly, made sure you're aware that he's willing to provide that help
❀ since then he regularly drops by your apartment and helps you clean and take care of your baby saying he's just making sure there weren't any germs near the kid
❀ lets you take naps as he watch your kid— but not before taking a bath, he has spare clothes in your closet
❀ the team notices how he's always over at your place
"omi-kun you're always over at y/n's, might as well move in with her"
"if she wants me to, i don't see any problem with it" he said so casually it made you whip your head to his direction
"do you... want to?" he looked away from you without an answer, avoiding your eyes, "omi-kun do you want to move in with us?"
"i said, if you wanted to" he replied, still avoiding your gaze and cheeks tinted red
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❀ you met him at the wet market; well, your daughter did
❀ you noticed her run off while you were buying ingredients for your lunch and stocking up your fridge, quickly trying to catch up to her
❀ she was giddily running around, little 3 year old legs not taking her too far before bumping into a stranger's leg
❀ falling to her bum, your daughter looked up to see brown eyes looking down at her
"i'm sorry, are you alright?"
he helped the child up, holding her steady as he dusted off her bottom
by the time you caught up with the both of them, he already had your daughter in his arms, asking her where her mom was with a smile
"there she is!" she said with a giggle
"baby, what did i tell you about running off on your own?" you scolded her with a tired smile as kita handed her over to you, thanking him kindly
❀ after that encounter, he started to notice you more and more; in the wet market, around the neighbourhood, and in the topics of local grannies
❀ you moved in recently, shortly after your daughter's dad bailed out on the both of you, leaving you to raise her alone; or so he's heard
❀ he would always give you a soft smile and an acknowledging nod whenever you two see each other
❀ it wasn't until his grandmother asked him to bring over some vegetables to your house that he had the chance to have an actual conversation with you
"gran wanted you to have this"
"oh thank you very much", you beamed at him while taking the basket, "do you maybe want to come inside? i'll prepare some tea"
he was about to decline the offer, but the joyful look on your child's face the moment she sees kita convinced him to do otherwise
❀ the two of you talked over tea and snacks while your daughter sat on his lap, playing with his large hand
❀ you couldn't help but smile at the both of them, your daughter never one to be this playful with others, kita didn't seem too bothered either
❀ time passed and kita needed to go back home, much to your daughter's dismay
❀ he didn't want to upset your kid too much so it was decided he'll come back soon to play with her
❀ it became a regular thing for kita to stop by your house on his way home from the fields— spending time with you and your daughter slowly becoming routine
❀ he adored your child's little giggles and the way she insisted having him wear the flower crown she made, glancing at you to see you laughing at the sight had him imagining what life would've been like with the two of you
❀ till he realized he was already living that life— looking forward to seeing you both after a hard day of work at the fields, being greeted by warm smiles and a hug, eating dinner together and sharing laughter
❀ it seems like granny wouldn't have to wait too long for a grandchild
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❀ he noticed your 2 year old boy looking—staring, at him from across the restaurant he was having lunch at
❀ so of course he decided to make faces in an attempt to make him laugh
❀ he wiggled his eyebrows at the toddler, waving his hands and cooing— though he wasn't sure if the baby even hears him
❀ the boy decided that tendō pulling at his ears and sticking his tongue out was a winner, letting out a short giggle
❀ you had your back to tendō so you were surprised to see your child laughing when you looked up from your meal
❀ turning around to see tendō making the silliest face, you couldn't help but laugh as well, your son finding it absolutely hilarious and is squealing in delight
❀ tendō's face heated up in embarrassment from being caught but he laughed along nonetheless, shaking his head as you waved your son's tiny hands at him and mouthing 'hello'
❀ he thought you two were adorable so he decided to come up to your table
"you babysitting your nephew? or is that your baby brother?"
you chuckled at him, "he's my son"
the redhead's brain buffered for a few moments, "i should get going then, don't wanna offend someone" he laughed awkwardly, hand scratching at his nape
"oh no, it's fine. you're not offending anyone" his eyebrows raised at your reply's implication, "mind taking a seat? my baby seem to like you"
"your baby has great taste" tendō smirked as he slid to the seat opposite yours
"so it seems" you said with a tone that sent a blush straight to his cheeks
❀ the afternoon ended with your number saved on tendō's phone under the name cute baby('s) momma🥺
❀ he texts and calls All The Time; asking how your kid is doing and wanting to see the both of you
❀ after a while of talking and going out, you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place for a visit and he was simply ✨ecstatic✨
❀ spent the whole afternoon crawling around your living room chasing your son, squeals and giggles echoing throughout your house
❀ you've never seen your son be this comfortable with anyone that isn't you and you're just grateful that tendō adores your child as much as your child adores him
❀ when tendō walked up to you— your son in his arms, sleeping soundly on his shoulder, you offered to take the child but he refused and opted to pull you close with his free hand
❀ he leaned against the kitchen counter, both you and your son in his arms as you asked him in a whisper, "can you stay?"
❀ understanding what you meant was more than staying for the night, he answered with a definite "for as long as you want to, of course" before pressing a kiss on your temple
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @shou-kunn @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies
✨send me an ask to be added/removed!✨
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝ get you where you wanna go, if you know what i mean, got a ride that’s smoother than a limousine ❞
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dt — @omisluvr i hope you like this, i had a lot of fun writing about you and your husband <3
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warnings — nsfw : oral [recieving]
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“what the fuck were you even thinking when you said yes to him anyway?”
sakusa pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood in the doorway of his high rise apartment. you were looking up at him, eyes glossy and hair drenched. your skin soaked not just from the rain, but from the fresh, hot tears that had run down your face as your hands scrunched the hem of your soaking sweater, the material quickly growing uncomfortable to wear.
the outside hitter sighed before stepping out the way to let you in.
“stay there.” his deep voice rang through your ears as he left to grab you a fresh towel to use.
you stood there, glancing around the sleek apartment as the city lights from down below leaked softly through the windows emitting a soft glow around the room. moments later, you heard footsteps approach as your eyes flickered over to the hallway.
sakusa strode over to you, handsome features highlighted and sharpened under the dim lights. sticking his hand out, he dropped the plush white towel into your awaiting arms as a plastic bag. you looked up at him confused regarding the bag, but before you could ask, he cut straight in.
“excuse me?” you choked out as you stared at the man in disbelief.
“you’re excused.” he muttered bluntly as you wiped your face with the warm towel. “you’re all wet. strip here and go shower and then we’ll talk.” he finished as he turned to leave you standing, dripping wet on the doormat of the entrance.
sakusa walked down the hall towards the bathroom and began to run the hot water and ensure the vents were working for you. having him out of sight, you sniffled and began to peel the wet clothing off your body and toss it into the plastic bag you’d dropped onto the floor. after stripping bare, you wrapped the inviting towel around your cold body and padded towards the bathroom. sakusa had left the light on and had already heated the water for you to prevent any time wasted.
you dropped the plastic bag on top of the white wicker laundry basket and stepped into the wet room style shower. the cool tiles beneath your feet caused shivers to run through your body as you turned the tap on for hot water to flow out.
as a fresh wave of hot water flooded down you, so did a fresh set of hot tears. you did your best to hold back the sobs you’d been keeping in, but it was all too much now.
‘better get it out now before talking.’ you thought as you let the tears flow freely down your face.
luckily, sakusa kept an array of various shower products so you knew you wouldn't have to come out the shower smelling like a six foot plus man who’d had a shower at the gym. after knowing sakusa for so many years, you knew he was picky about his products and you were eternally grateful for his favoured and toned-down scent of ‘ocean waves’.
lathering the soap across every inch of your now warming skin, your sobs slowed down and your breathing less jagged. your chest still hurt, but whether that was your crying causing chest ache or your now-ex causing heart break, you didn’t care anymore. you saw the end of your already deteriorating relationship approaching from a mile away anyway. if anything, you were partially thankful it had come crashing down, ending the anticipation that kept you on edge everyday. you just didn’t think it would actually hurt.
rinsing the soap off and feeling a bit better, you stepped away from the shower head as the water came to a halt. grabbing the fresh towel sakusa had left waiting for you on the radiator, you dried yourself as much as you could before wrapping the towel tightly around your body and stepping out the steaming room.
wandering through the dim hallway, you peeped into sakusa’s room as he scrolled through his phone, slouched on the king sized bed adorned with a firm, but certainly luxury mattress.
you knocked gently as his eyes snapped up at you. his expression still agitated looked, but softening at the sight of you.
“i don't have any spare clothes.” you murmured quietly, stepping into his clean and immaculately kept room.
he hummed before getting off the bed and rummaging through his own drawers. you stood there glancing around all of his medals and trophies won from years of playing in highschool and now pro. you had been present when he had won multiple of these awards. you happened to be one of the lucky few allowed close to sakusa. yes, you had known each other from a young age, but sakusa was ruthless in the sense of cutting people off; you had been someone exempt from that treatment though.
after a few moments, sakusa grunted with a pair of sweats in his hand as he looked down at your damp form.
you were taken aback slightly because despite sakusa slowly becoming more comfortable with personal boundaries, particularly in the recent years, you still grew slightly shocked everytime he willingly loaned you something of his own.
“thanks.” you whispered as you took the dry clothes and headed over to his en suite bathroom.
locking the door behind you, you quickly threw the sweats on and inhaled the natural scent that had rubbed off onto the clothes. sakusa smelt expensive in your opinion. yes, it was his natural scent, but anyone could tell he was a man of serious selfcare just from the scent of his clothes alone.
satisfied with your dry attire, you hung the towel on the radiator before switching off the light and stepping back into sakusa’s bedroom.
the sweats were definitely too big for you, but he had done his best to find one of his older sets in hopes of them perhaps fitting you a little more and for the sake of his own comfort knowing you weren’t wearing any clothes he’d regularly wear and fear catching too many external germs onto. you smiled weakly at him upon catching eye contact as he sighed and patted beside him on the bed.
staying close friends with the germaphobe had definitely benefited you as you had only grown closer to the pro-volleyballer over the years, allowing the two of you to naturally grow physically closer too. there’s not a lot of people in the world sakusa would’ve allowed for them to shower, wear his clothes and especially not sit on his bed, but once again, you were exempt from that, you always were; and he knew why.
“so,” he began, cutting through the thick tension lingering. “what happened exactly.”
always so straight to the point. maybe running to sakusa immediately wasn't the best choice.
“he cheated.” you spoke dryly as sakusa’s frown grew deeper.
“explain.” he pressed as you felt your chest increasingly tighten.
“i showed up to his house and-” your eyes watered as tears began to spill out. opening your mouth to continue, you struggled as no noise came out. scrunching your eyes up in frustration, you sobbed once more but stopped as you felt a warm hand take in your own.
you looked up through blurred vision as sakusa had a firm, but sincere look on his face. tightening his grip slightly on your hand, you shakily breathed out before continuing.
“the door was unlocked, i went in and i saw.”
“saw what?”
“her. the girl he told me not to worry about. the one he promised me was nothing more than a friend.”
sakusa scoffed as you sighed warily, tears dripping down your chin.
“they were um- you know-”
“-having sex. yes, i get the idea.” sakusa quipped as your heart dropped.
“um, yeah. i just left and well, here i am.” you laughed bitterly, face wet once more and vision blurred.
“what a fucking loser.” sakusa spat out bitterly as you hung your head low.
“i don't even know why you said yes to him. what the hell does he even have going for him? tell me what exactly it is that he brings to the table, i’ve been dying to know.”
you looked up as sakusa’s hand held yours tightly.
sakusa looked almost as hurt as you did. you quickly put that idea to bed and assumed it was natural protectiveness. he was your best friend after all. you just didn’t know just how badly he had wanted more than that though.
“he was just- he was just there i guess. someone for me to date. maybe i was just lonely, i don’t know. i, fuck- i dont know omi! i dont fucking know anymore!” you sobbed as sakusa’s eyes softened.
“well. what are you gonna do now?” he spoke sharply, eyes fixated on you.
“nothing i guess. i’ll get over it, i knew it was bound to end anyway.”
“and running to me was your first option?”
“are you really that surprised? i just didn’t know who else to go to.”
sakusa sighed before standing up and urging you to stand up with him.
“where are we going?” you asked, begrudgingly standing up beside his toned form.
“to take you out. i’m not having you soak my sheets with tears caused by a loser.”
“but i’m not dressed for that!” “we’re staying in the car for the most part.” he confirmed, notioning for you to follow him back to the front door where his car keys were left.
you sighed but followed suit as sakusa grabbed one of his own sweaters to put on. looking back at you, sakusa noticed your down expression as his own heart tugged slightly. he could only hope you’d perk up by the time he’d taken you to where he intended. he almost felt bad. almost.
you huffed but followed sakusa out the apartment behind him and waited as he locked the door swiftly behind him. trailing sadly behind him towards the elevator, sakusa watched as your miserable state wallowed in sadness behind him.
waiting for you to get over the damage caused seemed pointless in his opinion. ever the efficient one, sakusa knew exactly how he wanted to go about getting you over your ex faster. he could only hope you’d cooperate with him.
the ride in the elevator with the occasional sniffle from you occupying the majority of the silence. at last, the elevator had reached below ground level and into the underground parking lot for residents to use.
you followed the man out the elevator and stayed close to him and the two of you headed over to sakusa’s reserved parking space. you heart picked up slightly upon locking your eyes onto sakusa’s car.
a matte black aston martin DB11 was parked perfectly into its designated space. the tinted windows showed you back your own reflection as you were met with the sight of your downcast face. brushing stray strands of hair out of your face, you sighed and waited for sakusa to unlock the car for you to get in.
to you, getting into the pro players car was no big deal, you were simply getting into a friends car for a casual outing. to anyone else, this would’ve been a huge deal though. nobody was allowed in sakusa kiyoomi’s car. he denied requests to drop off and pick up others and even teammates. the only exceptions from this rule were yourself and komori. nobody else.
sakusa unlocked the car and you clicked the door open on the passenger side. immediately, your nose was met with the heavy scent of air freshener and leather. the clean and polished interior never failed to impress you every time you rode with sakusa.
the outside hitter climbed into his own seat before shutting his door and waiting for you to shut your own. the leather of the seat cool under your sweats. shivers ran up your spin and the cold temperature car started up at the press of a button.
“strap in.” sakusa glanced over at you before fastening his own seatbelt and looking into the mirror to back the car up safely.
“hold still for a sec.” sakusa muttered as you felt his hand land on your shoulder as he looked back. his body close to yours, sakusa swiftly swung the car out his space as your breath hitched. why the hell did he have to get so close?
“you could’ve held the back of my seat.” you looked over at him as he revved the engine ready to speed out the exit.
“yeah you’re right, i could’ve. i just didn’t want to.” and with that, sakusa hit the acceleration and the car sped out the clear exit at high speed.
your head was thrown back and your heart fluttered at his words but you kept quiet as you tried to calm your nerves. sakusa however, looked like he was out to kill. you were just thankful the roads were clear in the late night.
his jaw tense and eyes sharp, sakusa made no mistakes as he swerved in and out of lanes so cleanly, leaving other drivers with no reason to complain.
“where are we even going?” you spoke up meekly as the man beside you pulled up at a red light. clicking his tongue in annoyance of the hold up, sakusa tilted his head to face you, his wavy mop of hair flopping back as his salient eyes met your own, throwing your heart off course.
“you’ll see.” was all he said as the light flashed amber. head snapping back to the front, sakusa revved his engine once more, hands both tightly gripped the finely stitched leather of the wheel. prominent veins running down the back of his hand, sakusa flexed his fingers before gripping the wheel once more and slamming back down on the accelerator throwing your head back into the headrest for the second time of the night.
if looks could kill, you were certain any driver in your best friends field of vision would’ve been dead at least two times over. you had no idea why he was so angry, but you’d be lying if you said you didn't find him at least slightly attractive. you just couldn't bring yourself to fully admit it though. you were fresh out of an awful break up and the heartache was still there even if sakusa was capable of effortlessly throwing you into a fit of excitement.  
you gazed out the window as the car sped along the highway as pulled off the main roads and into the more separated streets. you paid no attention to where it was you were going until a wave of familiarity washed over you. your stomach tightened and your eyes flashed in fear as you quickly turned to see sakusa as focused as before, pulling into a parking space resided along the street of houses next to it.
“what the fuck kiyoomi! why are we here”
“where else would i take you?”
“oh i don't know, 7-11 maybe?!” you huffed as sakusa scrunched his face in disgust.
“that’s not going to help you get over him. this will.”
sakusa nodded towards the houses outside. more specifically, your ex's house.
“i can’t do this, i don’t need this.”
“you can and you want to don’t you?
you stared at him in disbelief as you shook your head.
“not like this, not now.”
“look at me.” sakusa demanded as his hand reached up to cup the side of your face, pulling your gaze directly onto his face.
“he’s a fucking loser. you’ve cried over him enough already and i just can’t sympathise with you anymore, show him that he fucked up.”
you opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. once again, shaking your head, you pulled away from sakusa’s grip as he stared at you confused.
“how? how can i just confront him in this state? you don't understand omi! it still hurts, and i can’t just-”
“-it hurt me too. this whole time it hurt.” sakusa cut in swiftly.
“ever since you said yes to him, i couldn’t understand why it hurt until recently. maybe i should’ve been happy for you. i just couldn’t though. i don’t like him, i never did and you know what? he didn’t deserve you, but i think i do.” he confessed, expression sincere and voice clear and sharp.
“kiyoomi i-”
“-don’t answer me now. it’s not fair of me to just throw something like that at you, i’m sorry but i’m also really not. i’ve been waiting to say this. just please, don’t let yourself fall off over someone like him okay?” he turned away, one hand still firmly gripping the wheel as his other hand reached to start the engine again to drive you both back. your hand intercepted though, stopping him from starting the ignition.  
“you’re right, i’m sorry. i promise i won’t so, let me prove it to you.” sakusa turned to face you and raised an eyebrow at your sudden change of attitude.
“i don’t want to cry anymore. not over him, not when i knew it was approaching sooner or later.” you admitted looking up at him. eyes glinting under the dim lights the streetlights provided through the tinted windows.
“then don’t let him make you cry anymore.” sakusa breathed out, voice taking on a soft tone.
“i’m relying on you to keep me in check then.” you whispered slowly leaning into him and letting him meet you halfway.
“well, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that.” his final words muttered out as his slender fingers ran under your jawline as he tilted his head up to meet his own. eyes fluttering shut, sakusa mentally thanked whoever the fuck was looking out for him, because he’d been waiting for this moment for longer than he’d ever care to admit.
pressing his lips onto your own, sakusa’s heart ran laps as you gasped at the feeling his hands gripping your jaw tighter. humming in satisfaction, he deepened the quickly escalating kiss as he pulled you closer and closer to him. god, he just couldn't have you close enough to him.
sliding his hand down to your thighs, sakusa felt the way you had them tightly pressed together as the slow and languid kiss quickly heated with each whine he drew from your lips. growing greedy to hear more, sakusa dominated the kiss completely, teeth scraping along your bottom lip ever so gently, drawing a sharp gasp from your throat. with your lips slightly parted, sakusa slipped his tongue into your mouth groaning at your responsiveness to his actions.
pulling away, he left you gasping but gave you no time to catch your breath as his lips strayed from your own and you felt his hot breath teasing the warm skin of your neck. not wasting another moment, sakusa let his canines dance along your sensitive skin, teasing you and leaving you unaware of his every next move. finally, letting his teeth drag along your collarbone for so long, sakusa kissed, sucked and bit everywhere he had access too. he needed to mark you as his. it would give him enough mental confirmation that you were finally his and you seemed to have no obligation to this in the slightest.
“omi, i can’t-” you whined, frustration building up as the clothes you were wearing now became more and more of a bother.
“i got you princex.” sakusa grunted, shifting his body away ever so slightly.
“please!” you groaned, glaring at the now smirking man.
“whatever happened to ‘i can’t do this’?” he mocked relishing in the control he had over you.
“i didn’t think you meant this!” you whined as sakusa pulled himself off of you momentarily. looking down at your hot and bothered state he felt a wave of pride hit. he did that to you.
“backseat.” he demanded notioning behind him.
“what?” you breathed out.
“you heard. backseat.” you grumbled but obliged regardless, climbing into the backseats of the luxury car. sakusa followed suit and hovered over your aching body as you rested your head against the doors tinted window, waiting for sakusa to do something, anything.
“so obedient.” he sighed trailing his fingers along the waistband of the already loose sweats, hands slowly slipping under the material, tugging them off painfully slow, much to your impatience.
your breathing stuttered as the man pressed a soft trail of kisses along your now exposed thighs, the temperature of the car only increasing as the air got thicker and thicker.
“please.” you whispered as his kisses met the ache between your legs.
eyes lustfully looking up at you, sakusa smiled against the skin of your inner thigh, breath hitting dangerously close to where you needed his attention the most.
“since you asked so nicely.” he praised, fingers hooking under the thin waistband of your soaked through panties. pulling them down, his eyes flickered up to meet your own. a look of sincerity glinted in his eyes as you nodded at him, permitting him to grant what you both wanted, what you both needed. you wanted this as much as he did and he’d be a fool to pass up an opportunity like this. the opportunity to show you what you could’ve had from the start, none of that mattered now though. you could his now, he’d make up for all the time lost, starting with now.
gasping at the sudden feeling of his tongue dipping into your slit, sakusa’s confidence only built up knowing you were comfortable with this. the warmth of his tongue causing you squeeze your eyes shut as shivers ran up and down your spine. fully trusting himself now, sakusa worked his mouth on your clit, hungrily chasing the desperate pleads ands gasps he’d quickly grown attached to. he needed to draw more of these out of you and he’d do just that.
toying with your clit with his tongue, sakusa groaned at the feeling of your hands quickly grabbing the base of his hair, tugging him closer and closer in desperate attempts to get him to go deeper. he made it his aim to get you just as hooked onto the feeling of intimacy as he was and you seemed to be following suit perfectly.
“k-kiyoomi!” you gasped, tugging harder at the dark strands tightly gripped between your fingers. his eyes flashed up at you, an almost unreadable expression shown as he pulled away momentarily. “you’re so beautiful you know,” he sighed before moving his mouth back down to your twitching core “so fucking beautiful.” he praised as he glanced up to memorize each pleasured expression that twisted across your face. he felt so proud knowing he was the one doing this to you, only he could make your eyes roll back the way he did, only he could draw out those pretty sounds that escaped your lips. he knew he was the only one capable because he knew he was always the better choice for you, he was better than your ex in every single way and he was just relieved he was finally getting the chance to prove it to yourself.
completely encasing your core between his lips once more, he swallowed everything you gave him so selfishly, refusing to let anything go to waste and spill onto the seats, it’s not like he could let anything go to waste anyway, not when you tasted this fucking good and certainly not when you were in his clean car.
“o-omi, more!” you chanted as sakusa grunted as you felt the knot inside of you progressively tighten. firm fingers gripping your hips, sakusa curled his tongue inside of you making sure to lap up everything he got out of you. you whined and chanted sakusa’s name like a mantra as he continued to worship your body with his mouth.
“please, please, please!” you recited desperately over and over again as you felt yourself closer to the edge.
“so good for me.” sakusa praised pulling away and loosening his grip on you, your arousal coating his chin. keeping one hand firmly gripped onto your waist, he moved his other hand down for his fingers to pinch and toy with the bud as his tongue quickly dipped back into your tight pussy as you felt your high quickly chase up on you.
“f-fuck!” you cried out as you felt your back arch as the ecstasy crashed down on you. his actions didn’t stop though, as his thumb continued to circle your clit with slow but firm movements only further forcing your mind to go blank. mindless babbles dribbled out your mouth as you slowly came down from your peak, sakusa continued to let every drop of arousal spill into his mouth before he pulled away panting.
face flushed, but satisfied, he caught his own breath and waited for you to fully come back to your senses. your own breathing once again jagged, you looked up at him shyly as you leaned forward to rest your head against his.
“s-shit, i didn’t think it would go this far.” sakusa admitted, grabbing a tissue from the side compartment to wipe his face. a look of disgust flashed momentarily on his face when he saw the mess on the tissue, but silently praising himself for keeping his car free from any spills onto the plush leather seats.
you laughed breathily before fluttering your eyes shut.
“i knew coming to see you was a good idea.”
“you didn’t know this was going to happen, fuck, i didn’t even know this was going to happen. i only brought you here to confront him.” the dark haired male sighed before pulling away from you.
the two of you stayed like that for a few moments, a comfortable silence lingering in the compressed air of the car. you hadn’t verbally confirmed it yet, but sakusa knew from this moment onwards you were finally his. a blissful feeling bubbled up inside of him as he processed what had just happened.
suddenly, a loud tap on the window caused the two of you to jolt in shock as you instinctively gripped the hem of the disregarded sweats in attempts to cover your exposed body. leaning over to the front drivers seat, sakusa peered at the window and was met with the furious face of your ex. scoffing, he slid into the driver's seat and let the window roll down to come face to face with the man you called your boyfriend several hours prior to what had just happened.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you ex spat in anger as sakusa glared back equally as bitter.
“enjoying myself.” sakusa boredly stated as your ex’s face twisted into an expression of horror upon noticing you climbing back over to the front passenger seat with your clothes now back on, but appearance definitely disheveled.
“with that bitch?” the man outside of the car hissed as sakusa blocked his view.
“first of all, that so-called bitch? mine now, should’ve been from the start actually and secondly, get your disgusting presence away from my car, i’ve already had it deep cleaned this week and thanks to you, it’s gonna have to go back to be cleaned thoroughly again.”
your ex scoffed before backing up slightly.
“whatever, get the fuck out of my parking space though, and you,” he started past sakusa and directly into your eyes. “this makes you just as bad as me now so get off your high-horse.”
“actually,” you spoke up, hand resting on sakusa’s forearm to calm his peaking rage. “it doesn’t. kiyoomi was just a friend throughout the entirety of our relationship, he should’ve been the one to have been more than that though. it was never you.” you spoke briskly and cooly as sakusa smirked beside you.
before your ex could even open his mouth, sakusa let the windows slam but up before pressing the ignition.
“let’s just get out of here, you’re tired and it’s been a long day for you.” he offered a small smile as you nodded. outside, your ex was still yelling and begging for answers as the two of you took no notice. firing the engine back up, sakusa didn’t bother looking back before slamming onto the acceleration and speeding the two of you back through the streets and onto the main highway to take you back to his apartment where the two of you had things to talk about.
there was a lot lingering in the both of your minds, but you were certain the two of you were finally on the same page.
sakusa was upset you were hurt, but it didn’t matter now. you were his and over time, he’d help build you back up again, hand in hand, he wanted to put the time and effort into you that he had been wanting to do from the very start.
there weren’t a lot of people sakusa kiyoomi allowed close to him, would go out of his way for, would even care about for that matter, but as always, each and every time, you were exempt from that.
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++ TAGLIST! @crescenttooru @miss-angel-ash @sarahvvictoria @babierin @omisluvr @s0utien @toobsessedsstuff @omibaby @kenkodzu @sugabeaniee @lovesunas @slutawara @bunny-on-crack @shouyouorange @memorableminds @whootwhoot @yikes-buddy @sweetsamus
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
So I saw some videos on YouTube when parents were telling their kids they were having another baby and the kids FREAKED OUT crying and throwing tantrums. I know we got some one shots of the Drysdales meeting their siblings, but how did they react when they were told about a new baby joining the family?
🥺 this is so sweet! So I do have the reaction to Kitten being pregnant with Lucy here, so let's break it down with Blade, Anders, and Story.
Sweet Kids
Summary:  telling the kids you’re having a baby
Pairings:  Ransom Drysdale X Reader
Rating:  floof with a bit of bittersweet times
Warnings: mentions of Anders Drysdale, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.2K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Desperate Descendants Masterlist
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You’re nervous to try and explain what you have growing in your belly to the girls.  They’re both so happy, and neither you nor Ransom had discussed kids with the two of them.  After spending time away from them for one night for a honeymoon, they seemed a bit more attached to you and him since returning.  Aster typically was right with you, while Iris wanted to go everywhere with Ransom.  Even sitting outside the bathroom waiting on him.  Her little fingers sticking under the door, “I’m still here, angel.”
“You almost finished?”
“I’m washing my hands.”
“Okay good.  No germs.”
But when you guys sit down for dinner that evening, deciding it was time to mention the growing baby in your belly.  “Azzie, Icy, your mom and I have something to tell you.”
“Disney World?” Aster asks and Ransom shakes his head no.  “Moving with grandpa?” Ransom still shakes his head no.  “We’re...?”
“Az, baby, let your dad talk.”
She huffs out a bit of air, but starts to pay attention a bit more.  “Well, someone is getting their Christmas gift late,” Aster and Iris both look towards you confused.
“Just you and mommy,” Iris looks at him confused.
“Yes, you wanted me and mommy together, and Aster, you wanted?”
“No!” she cries.  “No, no, no, no babies!” her little eyes well up with tears, but Iris walks closer to you, lifting up your shirt to see the little sweet swell of your belly.  “No, you’re lying?”
“No, baby, I’m not lying.  There’s a baby in here,” Iris presses her hand over your belly, whispering baby, before looking back up at you with a smile, and then over to her daddy.  
“Yes, Icy.  There’s a baby in mommy’s belly,” she walks over to Ransom to give him a big hug, and kisses his cheek.  “Az, are you not happy?  Uncle Airy said you wanted a baby.”
“I’m the baby,” she cries, walking over to your lap.  Clinging tightly around your neck.  “I’m mommy and daddy’s baby though.”
“You’ll always be mine and daddy’s baby.”
“Can the baby be a girl?” she asks sniffling on you.
“Doesn’t work like that.  We’ll see in a little bit, what it’s going to be.  I want a boy.”
“No.  No boys.”
Your Bladey baby is always on your hip, or always trailing behind you, so you knew he would be the first to notice something.  His hand pats at your stomach, and you just push it away without thinking.  Too young to fully understand, he just knows there’s something different about his typical perch.
Finally, it’s Aster that mentions something, “Blade is always tapping your,” her body freezes, when Blade does it again, and even Ransom walks past to rest his hand on top of Blade’s giving you a sweet kiss.  “No!  I said no more babies.  Blade is it.”
“Sorry, Az.  Your mama wanted another.”
“As did your dad.”
“You promised no more babies!” Iris comes running down the hall and seeing you and Ransom smiling at one another.
“Another one?” Iris asks so sweetly being picked up by Ransom who gives her a sweet nose kiss.  “Aw, Daddy.  So that means just one more right?”
“Ransom Drysdale, don’t be telling people we’re going to have five children.”
“No!  No more.  Four, that’s it,” Aster stomps her foot, “Promise me.”
“Not happening little star.  I can’t promise things like that,” you go to squat down with her, “But you’re such a good big sister, and you ended up loving Bladey.”
“Well, he’s cute.  Make it a sister this time, okay?”
“I’ll try,” you tell her, giving her a little tug to pull her into you for a shower of kisses, “Love you little star.”
You were almost leery of telling the kids about your pregnancy.  Everything after Anders seemed to be a blur.  The only thing that kept you moving was your babies.  So when it was Ransom that suggested you take a test, you just assumed it was wishful thinking.  “Kitten, I know your body.  Please, just humor me, and take a test.  What’s the worst that could happen?”
You give him a little pout and look at your belly.  The belly that was supposed to house your second son, “I don’t want to know,” your tears breaking through, causing your shoulders to heave, Ransom rushes over to you, holding your head against his chest.  “I don’t wanna take the test, because I know.  And it’s too soon.”
“Babe, we’ll be alright.”
“That’s what you said last time, and, and...an-an-and he’s gone,” your lip trembles while you bury yourself tighter into Ransom.  You had been lying to yourself, trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t possible, you just couldn’t possibly be pregnant, until you felt those first little flutters, and you didn’t have to take a test.  You could feel the baby in there.
“Kitten I’m not going anywhere.  You have all of me,” he smooshes a kiss on your temple.  Holding his lips there, “I love you, babe.”
So when it was time to tell the kids, of course you were still scared.  Blade was a bit older, and could understand more.  Aster never liked the mention of babies, while Iris still worried about you.  Still could notice the extra time it took for you to wake up in the morning.  Or would bring Blade in to snuggle with you for a nap.
So sitting all three of them down with Blade in between his sisters, his feet moving around as he waits for what you have to say, but you have to let Ransom be the one to announce it.  It was still too hard.  “So, I’ve called you guys into this meeting today, because...” Aster and Iris give him a little giggle, while Blade just stares up at him all wide eyed, “Well, I’m just going to go on and say it.  “We’re going to have a new member of the family.”
“Please tell me it’s a new dog.”
“No, Az, we’re having another baby.”
“A baby?” Blade squeals scooting off the couch to come closer.  “In dare?” he asks pointing at your belly.  You give him a soft nod and he leans forward to give the belly a kiss.  “A baby in dare.  My baby?” it’s the sweetest thing how he is with your little bump.  The way he just automatically connected to his baby.
Aster throws her body to the side of the couch, “Can it be the last one?  I keep telling you no more babies.”
“And we have the room,” Ransom reminds her.
“No.  I have to share a room.”
“We’ll get you your own room.”
“Mommy?” Iris leans past Blade to lay a hand on your cheek.  Those blue green eyes staring into your soul and you don’t even have to speak.  “It’ll be okay.  Babies are happy.”
Your eyes fill with tears as you watch her, “I know, angel.  Mommy is just...I’m sorry I haven’t been the best mommy for you.”
“You’re always the best mommy for us,” standing on her tippy toes, she gives you the sweetest kisses before she starts talking to Blade about being a big brother.  Aster gives you a smile before jumping off the couch and into your arms, apologizing for being a ‘brat’ and then she quickly jumps off, pulling her siblings to go play.
“We got some sweet kids don’t we, Kitten?”
“The best kids baby.”
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ahoney--girl · 3 years
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Warning under the fold is a chapter of an original paranormal romance that has heavy sexual themes with magic, threesomes, vampires, blood is mentioned. is discussed.
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“Table three wants a refill on whatever you made for them.” Beth's voice hums out melodically. Placing her empty platter on the counter she flips through her notebook, pulling a few sheets off and placing them on the rotating tag machine to send to the kitchen.``Gotcha!” I respond by moving to remake the drink. “You keep these surprise drinks up and you’ll get too famous for this little cafe.” Beth leans over the counter with a wide smile. Her breast pushed against her V neck. Her butterfly tattoos peeked out from under her shirt. They fly all the way down her arms, each done by a different artist. All gorgeously contrasting on her brown skin. Her wavy dark  hair is separated into low ponytails today, pushed behind her ears. The one emerald hanging earring shining with flickers of the light as she moves.``You know I would never abandon you guys." I scoff in mock annoyance at the coffee. While her  eyes scan the half-full cafe. Her dark brown eyes swing back to meet mine. "It’s because my tits aren't"  She wiggles her eyebrows laughing heartily. I move to the corner of the bar to tip off the cup with decorative sprinkles. “Definitely the sole reason I still come into work......Now ask table three if they want whipped cream.” "I knew it!" Winking, she turns to the table. One looked around to check that no one was looking towards me. I whisper an enchantment over the rim of the cup rubbing my finger around to lock it in, the cup warms shining dull purple from the light magic.``They said nope,'' Beth announces as I place the now regular green color cup on the counter. Swiping the cup she turns on her heels walking back to the customer. The blonde customer takes a sip smiling instantly at the coffee. Smiling, I watch her happily enjoy her coffee and her company. Even this dreary reality with barely even any magic left in my once blood, happiness. “So you are clubbing tonight?” Beth's voice as she bites into her sandwich.``Eh, I think I'm gonna have to pass.” “Oh come on! you’ve missed out the last like three outings my friends are starting to think I'm making you up.” She whines balancing her sandwich in between her fingers picking up her lemonade. “Has she rejected us again?” Kai questions taking the seat on the side of the picnic table beside his sister. Leaning over to steal the unopened bag of chips. “Just did actually.” Beth snaps the bag back leaning in her chair so she can push her legs up to drape over his lap. “What do you do for fun? Because I'm convinced it's just practicing making your famous surprise coffee.” He smiles, his thick eyebrows raised, his dark green eyes mirroring the emerald earring he wears in partnership with his sister. He watches me with the same tenderness he has since I stumbled into the cafe there months ago not knowing much or having much to offer. In another reality, I would accept Kai's soft offers to date, fall madly for his green eyes and shaggy brown hair. Brag on social media about his six-foot height, the cute dates that I know he has Pinterest boards for. Get married in a small multicultural wedding, then run the cafe with a cute family, a beautifully simple life, one that I know he yearns for. One that I wish I could yearn for without seeing my other halves, my family, my duties. “I do fun things.” But this is the reality and it's not mine, this is what I've been cursed with. “Mmm.” He scratches his chin faking deep thought as he looks at Beth who shrugs putting her hands up in defeat. “Nope, I don't think I believe you, I still need proof." Grabbing Beth’s Lemonde takes a large drink before she slaps at his hand. “Hey!” She scoffs, snatching the drink back while Kai sticks his tongue out. “Just because we are related doesn't mean you have the right to impose your germs on me.” “Oh, but it does sis. It's in the sibling contract…” Beth flips her middle finger grabbing the sunglasses from Kai's head sliding them onto her nose. “Next time. I promise.” Both turn to look at me in suspicion. “Holding you to that.'' Kai winks pointing his finger playfully. “I know you will.”,I responded, biting into my own sandwich.
 “Again!” Chan calls out as I punch at the bag in the training room.``Try the combo again!” Huffing in frustration, turning to face his shirtless, sweaty form.  Arms folding over his lean body, his muscles aren't as big as Felix but he uses them just as well. “Can we take a break?” Widening my eyes in the puppy dig way that he always falls for. “You need to train darling.” Stepping forward my hands go to his waist looking up at his taller height more prevalent as I get closer to him. Hooking my fingers in the waistband following along with the lining. “But I missed you,” I whisper while he huffs at the feeling of my fingers brushing his skin. “You had me last night darling.” “And I went like a month without you.” Leaning forward to kiss his chest lightly moving across. “Did you not miss me?” Looking up leaning away from his chest. He groans, undoing his arms. One of his hands slipped onto my neck, his fingers massaging into the bun of box braids. “You know I always miss you.” Leaning down brushing his lips across mine no longer than a second pulling away. “But you need to train... You don’t have your full powers in that reality so you are vulnerable.” In a quick motion, he turns my body around his chest to my back. Both his hands on my waist, his lips brush behind my ears. “Now practice the combo.”  His breath fans over my ears then his lips brush the back of my neck. Rolling my eyes pushing off his chest he releases me. Turning the first swing left, then right, then right again quickly. But his hands catch the hits easily, smirking his head cocks to the side. “Good girl." “Keep this up and you might get rewarded.” “Don’t make promises you won’t keep.” “Don't be a brat and you might see.” My arms swing in the combo once again Chan  hisses taking the hits again. Pausing to take in his wincing. “Have you fed recently?” He bites his lip shifting on his feet. “Don’t worry about that. Let's go back to the combos.” Stepping forward my hand reaches, pulling his face to look into my eyes.  “How long?” Pausing his eyes shift from their natural cover to hollowing out as they slip to look at my neck. “Before the last trip.” “That’s over two months.....plus all the anger that trip probably resulted in. You need to feed.” He breaks contact with my neck looking back at my eyes. “It hurts you.” “You being in danger hurts me more.” His lips tighten into a closed line before he nods, understanding my determination as unyielding. Smiling, I turn my head to the side giving him full access to my neck. “Or do you want it from my thighs?” Turning my head to look at him in question. He smiles looking away from me. embarrassment is strange in Felix's dominant nature but enduring nevertheless.“It’s okay you know.... If you want it from there.” leaning up I kiss his neck. Threading my hand in the base of his black fluffy hair. ''I actually like it more from there,” I whisper, licking his neck slowly. A growl vibrates through his throat. His hands on my waist are tightening as he pushes me to the fighting mat. We both slide down onto the mat, positioning ourselves in between my legs as we kiss slowly. “Are you sure?” He asks, breathing deeply in the small gap between us.  “Yes,” I answered, pulling him to close the distance once more. He smiles, turning to kiss down my neck, biting lightly before his tongue comes out drawing a path to the top of my breasts in my sports bra. He smiles against the skin, hand-floating down to grip my thigh. Lips pulling back to kiss down to my stomach, hooking his fingers into the waist trim. The leggings slip down to my ankles easily. He looks back at me now hovering over my pussy. Opening my legs wider he smirks, lowering himself to kiss the inside of my thigh. Then moving to kiss my pussy his tongue comes out to lick from my pussy back to the inside of my thigh. His hand coming to rub circles over my pussy the other adjusting his grip on my thigh to pin it down to the matt. Moaning at the stimulation my head falls back Chan smiles against my skin. His thumb press onto my clint as a finger pushes into a slow rhythm. My hands slide down to grip his curls. His fingers pause on my clit causing a long whine and my hand to move to push his back into motion. But instead, another hand gathers both of my hands in their large ones. Quickly looking up Felix  sits down fully next to my head smiling. 
“I don’t think Chan  said you could use his hands please yourself baby girl.” Huffing in annoyance as they both chuckle darkly.“Not fair you're tag-teaming me”  Felix  glances up from his spot on my thigh winking. “You love it now hush so I can eat in peace.” Opening his mouth his fangs slip out slowly. Scraping along my thighs again he sinks in slowly. Moaning my head moves to push into Felix's thighs more at the rush of pleasure. He rubs my wrist as Chan's other hand finally starts back circling my clint softly. “Good girl... Giving yourself over to Chan so he can feed" Felix praises. My body shakes as Chan pushes a finger in. He sucks on my thigh in tandem with them. Moaning louder at the sensations. “Always so ready to give yourself to us like the good soulmate you are ......the perfect soulmate you are.” Felix continues as Chans moans in confirmation. Speeding his fingers up curling them so they hit a spot each time. “Fuck.” I gasp my body rushing to orgasm. “Can I... Fuck can I.....” “You can cum baby girl, you can come for your soul mates.” “Shhhhhit” I pull out the orgasms washing over my body as it shakes from the impact. Chan pulls back, licking the spot where the franks were just sunk in. Slowly my body falls back onto the mat. Both Chan and Felix's hands rub circles in parts of my skin to help me come down. “Do you need to feed?” I question looking at Felix. He kisses my wrist. “I fed last week.” He whispers winking as he looks at Chan. He wipes his face clean of the blood holding his glistening fingers. Felix smiles leaning over me to take them into his mouth, licking them clean without hesitating. “Always taste so good, shit.” He hisses. “If that is you all’s version of training them I think I need some more training.” Felix wiggles his eyebrows laughing as Chan shoves his shoulder. “Oh, come on don't be greedy.” “Never” Chan smirks, leaning over me to kiss him lightly then turning to me lowering down to kiss me the last few minutes before sleep takes me.
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 years
Asynchronous With You: Ch 5.5
ship: naruhina
rating: teen (references to much ecchi this chapter)
tags: Modern Day AU, Foster Siblings, Family, Angst, Unrequited Love, Poor Communication
summary: An awkward journey full of self-denial and missed moments between two foster siblings. Perhaps their love will find the right timing someday.
She can't stand herself right now, so she makes him feel like he's the untolerated one
She just wants to be alone.
Between the abandonment from her parents, the fact that she wronged Hanabi and will deserve the worst outcome for it, to the way Naruto skillfully fucks up her emotions without even trying, she just wants it all to stop.
It's all… so itchy.
These events and circumstances, they gravitate to her, they stick to her fly-trap skin and die. And she can't be rid of it.
It's all fated.
Her whole existence is one incurable allergy, and continued exposure will only lead to anaphylaxis.
However, if she closes her eyes and lays very still atop her covers, she can dream of a world where everything is as it should be.
One where her parents cherish her and she and Hanabi are one of the closest sisters you'll ever see.
A world where Neji didn't lose his parents, yet it would still feel like he's always lived with her in the same house.
A world where Naruto had never been orphaned, had grown up secure in the love of his parents so that he didn't have to inebriate himself on his vices.
She just can't stand being his sister, because it makes her feel depraved.
She can't stand all the ways that she wants to compete against those other girls.
She's got the home advantage.
Proximity is everything, or it should be.
She doubts he would hate it if he found the hole had grown bigger. She doubts he would hate testing it out.
She pictures it and pictures it, and it's exciting. Tingles shoot down into her belly, traveling lower and lower.
It's so wrong how much she wants to be claimed.
She knows he wouldn't dare.
She knows he would hate it if the one offering themselves on the other side was her.
She can't stand how she had wanted to be curled against his side on the train ride to Neji, how she wished his voice would tickle her ears again like when they were kids, giving her the reassurance that she needed.
She can't stand how she had conspired with Neji to make Naruto feel off-kilter, like he didn't know her at all, just to hand off this whole cosmic unfairness onto him.
Any effort on her part brings them closer together as foster siblings, so really, could anyone blame her for giving up at this point?
She's starting to feel itchy again.
Hinata sucks in a sharp breath as she wills her legs to work.
She needs to apologize to him.
She wobbles out of her room, then leans against his bedroom door. She knocks against the wood. Her efforts are weak at first, hesitant pauses punctuated between each knock. Then desperation finally takes hold, and her knocking picks up as much volume as intensity.
She knows what she's here to do.
It's not that hard.
But the hushed desires crowding the back of her mind, the clawing need to clear the air and put her anxieties down for good, these make it so hard for her to breathe.
These make her not trust herself to be alone with him.
The door handle rotates, the click hitting her ears like the cocking of a gun hammer.
Her heart seizes in a panic.
He greets her with an affronted frown, then tugs at his earbud wires. Thunderous drums and riotous electric guitars buzzed like industrial wasps from the earbuds. When he hit pause on his phone screen, the absence of noise made their home feel like a cave.
Cold and vast.
"I-I have things to say." Her nose wrinkled with embarrassment.
Naruto stepped away from the door, allowing her passage into his room.
It feels like it's been forever since she's stepped foot in here. The posters were all different, and there was an abundance of them plastered along his walls. To her shame, the ceiling over his bed was also well-decorated with the ripped out pages of Gravure models. They all had different looks, different shapes and sizes.
Did he really have no preference?
As she hovered awkwardly in the middle of his room, he took a seat on his bed and patted the empty spot beside him.
She stared, her skepticism all too open.
"Hinata…" His eyes implored her, but when she would still go no closer to him, he was reminded of a life he had thought long-forgotten, back when he was treated like a germ. He shut his mouth, and buried that pain down deep. He couldn't bring himself to say those words. It felt way too pathetic.
His eyes followed her as she headed for his desk and slid the chair out from it. But then she stood there, staring at it too, like it would infect her.
With a growl, he collapsed onto his bed. "You're not going to sit, you're not going to talk--"
"I am going to talk."
"So talk." He laced his fingers behind his head, staring at her pointedly.
She pushed the chair back, and turned towards him, her hands wringing themselves to the point of splintering bones.
"I'm sorry. Neither of us have had a choice in all of this. The only thing we can choose to do is be better to each other."
His pointed look evolved with a lifted eyebrow. "Yeah, we kind of decided that early on, didn't we? I made sure to get along with Neji, and I protected you. It's what I could do. The bullying you endured didn't just stop for no reason."
"I-I know. And what I'm saying is, I'm the-the one whose g-given up on--" Her stuttering caused him to sit up.
"Hey, Hinata? Hey, hey, hey," He stood up and walked over to her, his hands clasping over her strangled ones. "It's okay. C'mon, it's okay. Try to breathe," he extricated her hands from each other and squeezed each of them in his own, offering her strength. "Breathe. Breathe."
But that shaky breath she took caused a few tears to let loose, and for her to question her purpose here.
When he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, holding her tight, her mouth smashed against his shoulder, the sobs wouldn't stop. The air was like pins in her throat and she felt so, so itchy.
His bedroom was caked in perfume and sex just as she had always imagined, and she wanted to wipe that all away.
"I c,c,can't be a g,good s,s,sister."
She wanted to love him fully.
He stroked her hair and shushed her.
"You'll be an amazing sister. That little brat already loves you. Hell, sometimes I think I won the lottery myself, y'know?"
She wanted to pound her fists against his chest. Instead she clawed the fabric of his lounge hoodie, because she may not be able to hold onto him like this for much longer.
I don't want to be your sister.
I don't want you for a brother.
These are the things she wishes she could say. With every intention of making it up to him, if he would have her.
Before she came here, she needed to gauge how badly he wanted to be part of this family. But now that he went and said something like that… she doesn't have the heart to take this away from him.
"I-I'll do better, Naruto-lun, I,I,I'll do better."
"Geez, you push yourself hard enough, don't you?" He teased.
In the world she dreams up when her eyes are closed, she's able to press her lips to his, all questions erased from both their minds as they melt into the rightness of each other's bodies.
In reality, this is as far as they can go.
AN: I didn't feel comfortable leaving them all passive-aggressive and whatnot, because I no longer like that part of my writing? I think in the past I was fascinated with the whole concept of 'this is what happens when you let things be', but lately it's not all that fascinating, it actually feels pretty dumb. So maybe this is just one of those stories where it's like, 'Yeah, this ain't working for this'. Also, I used to think communication, even if it's healthy, was boring no matter what. Like, 'Easily solved! There is no story!', but lately my mindset on that has evolved and maybe that's because of exposing myself to better stories and media. Anyways, another short one, unfortunately, but I hope you liked it! This chapter has allowed me to go back to advancing the plot with summaries, so I'm quite looking forward to speeding things up. IDK if there is actual NH juiciness up ahead, but we'll see the story allows. 😅 I really had imagined Hinata getting up to more bold 'hint-dropping hijinks' like she did with her shirt, but it seems like it wrote itself out. :( lesigh.
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Guest Speaker
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Anon requested: Hi! I saw that your requests are open, so this is oddly specific but, could I get a Reid x reader where she’s a cheerleader kinda prom queen stereotype but she’s like really smart and majoring in criminology (maybe that’s how they meet?) and he’s sorta insecure about dating her, maybe it could be a bit smutty? If not it’s totally cool, thank you sooo much. 
Author’s note: First off, I would like to apologize to you anon. I took a rather long hiatus without really planning to due to some personal stuff, so I’m really sorry for that. I hope you still follow me, I hope you see this, and I hope above all else that you like it. Also, I should mention I didn’t add any smut because I didn’t feel like it fit the story. But, if you would like, I could do a smutty part 2! Just let me know. 
Part 2
Reader’s POV:
Could this class be any more boring? Sure, criminology is my favorite subject. But this professor looked like he had one foot in the grave, with the voice to match. Talk about naptime. 
I put my pen down in exasperation and decided that picking at my nail polish was a better way to spend my time. 
“Psst,” a voice hissed next to me. 
I popped my gum as I looked up at the source of the voice. It was Naomi, my best friend. 
“Girl, I didn’t even notice you next to me!”
“I know,” she whispered, trying not to laugh. “You were too enamored with your polish flaking off. Sometimes I wonder how you’re top of the class.” 
I stifled a laugh. 
“I wonder the same thing sometimes, Naomi. Hey, I think I might dip a little early. What do you think about coming with me?” 
No answer. I waited to see if she would respond, but she never did. Glancing up, I saw her staring towards the podium. There was no way she was looking at Dr. Daniels. I followed her gaze and about swallowed my gum in surprise. 
Dr. Daniels was up there, but next to him was someone I had never seen before. Quite unfortunate, if I do say so myself, because he had to be the most beautiful man I had ever seen. 
I whispered to Naomi out of the corner of my mouth, not breaking my gaze towards the man, “Who… is that?” 
“I think Daniels said he works at the FBI. A guest speaker, I guess. Dr. Spencer Reid.” 
She hadn’t stopped staring either.  
I rested my head in my hands and sighed. 
“He doesn’t look much older than us, Nay.”
She tilted her head and blinked slowly, “May the best woman win.” 
“Alright, so that brings me to the end of my presentation. I have to get back to Quantico soon, but uh- I’ll stick around for some questions if anyone has any.”
Dr. Spencer Reid had to be the most beautiful, awkward, brilliant man I had ever seen. 
I glanced around the room as I packed my things. Not many people went up to ask questions. A few did, but only briefly. Their loss. 
Naomi nudged me with her elbow. “Gonna ask him a question?” 
I took a deep breath, “I don’t think any of my questions have anything to do with criminology.” 
Naomi laughed and shouldered her bag. “I’ve gotta get to my next class.”
She began walking down the steps to leave the room, but turned to me at the last second. 
She began pointing at him while his back was turned and mouthed the words, “Get his number for me.” 
As luck would have it, he turned around and noticed Naomi gesturing towards him. He looked at her and then up to me. A nervous smile graced his lips as he turned back around to pack his things. 
I widened my eyes at Naomi and she raised her hands in defeat with a huge grin on her face. 
Once she left, only Dr. Reid and I remained. I started my walk up to the podium, trying to come up with any questions that actually related to his presentation. As I slowed down near him, I prayed he couldn’t hear my heart ripping a hole in my chest. 
“Um, Dr. Reid.”
He lifted his head and looked towards me, pausing mid-action. His hands were large compared to the papers he was putting in his bag.
“What can I do for you?”
I shifted my weight around, trying to get comfortable. It didn’t work.
“I was just wondering- um, does the FBI take interns? It’s been a dream of mine to work for the FBI.” 
He turned all the way towards me and narrowed his eyes slightly. Was he judging me or something? 
“Yeah, actually we do. There’s tons of programs you can check out. What’s your major?” 
“Criminology,” I said softly. 
“Oh wow, really? I would’ve thought maybe it would have been… something else.” 
He glanced at my bag where my pom poms were sticking out. 
“Ah, yeah because I’m a cheerleader?”
“Uh, no no, that’s not what I meant- I just-”
I shook my head with a small smile. “No, don’t worry about it. I get it a lot. Cheerleading is just a hobby. I’m actually top of the class.”
Dr. Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise. “That’s very impressive! I was top of my class in- well, every class,” he said, laughing quietly.
“I don’t doubt it, but you don’t look much older than us. Are you that much of a genius you skipped so many grades?” 
He grabbed his bag and shrugged it on. “I do have an IQ of 187. I’m not sure if that’s what you were looking for.”
He smiled shyly at me. I was confident there was nothing this man couldn’t do.
“Wow. Well, that’s really impressive, too.” 
I paused for a second, hoping he didn’t notice my burning red ears. 
“Well, um, Dr. Reid, I don’t wanna hold you up. I’m sure you have way more important things to be doing than talking to me.” 
He looked down at his feet and shifted his bag.
“Talking to you was important. Here,” he dug in his bag as he spoke, “Take my card. I’ll um- check up on those intern programs for you. Call me- I mean call my office in a few days. I’ll have something for you.”
He handed me his card abruptly. I took it with slightly shaking fingers. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice that either. 
“I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. Hope to see you in Quantico some day,” he said as he smiled. 
I stood stone still in my spot, still holding his card as if he had just handed it to me. I only broke out of my trance when he cleared his throat at the door as he was leaving.
“You shouldn’t pick your nail polish off. That color looks good on you.” 
And then he was gone.
As I walked out of class, I couldn’t seem to make my heart stop fluttering. Dr. Reid wouldn’t flirt with me- right? No way. He was just complimenting me.
Naomi could tell something was up when I got to cheerleading practice. I didn’t want to tell her though; she’d never let me hear the end of it.
“You’re late! What’s up, (Y/N)? Did something happen?”
I shook my head. “Nothing happened, just took the scenic route!”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Spill. What happened?”
I sighed. I should’ve known she’d start in on me immediately. Guess I’ll save myself the trouble and just tell her now.
“I talked to Dr. Reid and he gave me his card. And…he said I shouldn’t pick at my nail polish because the color looks good on me.”
Naomi’s jaw dropped. “Show me. Card. Now.”
I dug in my pocket and handed her the card. She snatched it from my fingers that still felt tingly.
“Oh my God! What did you say to him to make him give you that?”
I grabbed the card back from her. “I said I was interested in an FBI internship.”
She scoffed. “Well, I don’t know about an internship but you gotta get laid. Call him. And use protection,” she finished, winking at me.
I rolled my eyes and followed Naomi to the sideline before coach started yelling at us.
A few days had passed since I talked to Dr. Reid. I didn’t know what to do. Should I really call him or just forget that interaction ever happened?
I tried pushing the thought of him from my mind to focus on tonight. It was Friday night, which meant football. Not just football, but the rival team was playing us tonight. It was a huge game and tons of people are coming. I had to make sure I didn’t fuck anything up.
My makeup was done and my uniform was on, so I made my way to the field.
I was early of course, but there were already herds of people trying to get in. Young and old, students and non-students. Everyone was here. I felt the familiar rush of excitement I get before performing. There was nothing else like it in the world.
Tonight was gonna be a night to remember.
Narrator’s POV:
“Tell me why we’re here again?” Derek asked in confusion.
Spencer scratched his head. He was no good at these kinds of things.
“Well, I was really young in college. I- I never got the full college experience as an adult.” He tried not to cringe at his own words.
Derek glaced at Garcia. She shrugged and turned to JJ.
“I’m gonna go grab a hot dog. Wanna come with?”
JJ nodded. “Of course! Want anything boys?”
Spencer shook his head and Derek asked for a drink. The two women walked off.
“Well let’s go find seats then, Pretty Boy.”
Derek took Spencer through the crowd; it wasn’t hard to see he had no clue what was going on.
They found an empty corner in the bottom row of the bleachers. Spencer hesitated as Derek sat down.
“You gonna stand there all night, kid?”
He glanced around before his eyes settled on Derek.
“Do you know how many germs there are on these things?”
Derek rolled his eyes. “You wanted the full college experience. Here it is.”
Spencer groaned internally before sitting down.
“So tell me,” the bigger man said as he leaned forward, “Which one are you here for?” Derek gestured to the cheerleaders lining up on the field.
Spencer shifted in his seat and cut a sideways glance at Derek. “What makes you think I wanted to watch the cheerleaders?”
Derek laughed. “Kid, I might not be a genius like you, but I am a profiler. And I can tell when someone is crushing. You’ve been looking around here for something. My guess is, you saw a pretty girl at your guest lecture the other day and wanna see more of her.”
Spencer began to protest but sank back down in defeat. He looked around at the girls, trying to find the one he came for. After what seemed like forever, he found her.
“That one,” he pointed out, “in the very front with the (your hair color) hair.”
Derek looked at you as you began calling out to the other girls, leading them in a cheer.
“My man,” Derek said as he clapped Spencer on the back with a smile. “You better get to talking to her soon, or I may have to work my magic.”
Spencer sighed, “Go ahead. It’s not like she would like me anyway.”
“What makes you say that, kid?” 
“Well, it’s just- I’ve never had much luck with those types of girls. Remember a few years ago with JJ?” Spencer said quietly while looking at his hands.
“That was back then, man. Look at you now! I bet she’d be into you.”
Spencer tried not to smile. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Derek said, patting Spencer’s back once again.
Spencer smiled to himself. He felt a little better about everything. 
“What’s her name?” 
Spencer looked at Derek and paused. “I- I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
JJ and Garcia appeared then, hands full of snacks and drinks. 
Derek leaned back as the girls sat down behind them.
“He’s here for a girl,” 
JJ groaned and set her food down. Garcia smirked and held out her hand expectantly. After a second of digging in her pocket, JJ pulled out some money and slapped it into Garcia’s hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said as she put the money into her bag.
“Y- you guys took a bet?” Spencer asked in shock.
“All’s fair in love and war, dear doctor.”
“Garcia that doesn’t even- never mind,” Spencer said, shaking his head. He turned his head back to the field. 
You were at the top of the formation now, standing on one foot while holding your other leg in the air with one hand, being held up by all the girls underneath you. It took Spencer’s breath away. You were so beautiful. 
“OOH, she’s flexible!” Garcia grunted out past mouthfuls of hotdog. 
Spencer ignored the comment and continued watching. He didn’t expect you to watch him, though.
You had found him in the crowd and made eye contact for a second. He raised his hand to begin waving, but stopped when he saw the color leave your face. 
“Hey, woah- is she okay? She’s wobbling a little,” Derek said, shifting forward like he was going to stand up. 
“She looks like she’s gonna-” JJ started. She didn’t get to finish. The group watched in horror as you went limp and fell from the top of the formation. 
Reader’s POV: 
I loved being up here. There was no other feeling like it, especially when I got to call out the cheers tonight. 
We were nearing the end of this cheer, so I held out this position as long as I could, smiling at everyone in the crowd, making eye contact with as many as possible. I wasn’t expecting to make eye contact with Dr. Reid.
What was he doing here?! 
I felt my leg begin to wobble, but still held my position. My heart was pounding and I suddenly felt very cold. 
“Hey,” one of the girls below me hissed, “You okay?” 
“I-” I managed to whisper, “I don’t feel so good…”
I don’t remember falling, so I was a little shocked when I came to, laying on my back. The rest of the squad circled around me, panicked looks on their faces. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Stay down there. The AT is coming over to talk to you,” Naomi said, patting my shoulder. 
I groaned and tried sitting up, but she pushed me back down. “That’s not a good idea. You just passed out.”
My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to remember what happened.
“Ugh, how embarrassing. I’ve never fallen before.” 
Naomi smiled sadly at me. “It happens to the best of us. But what happened? Why did you lose it?” 
I rubbed my head and sat up slowly, much to the annoyance of Naomi and the AT. 
“I just felt- sick all of a sudden. I don’t know,” I lied quietly. 
The AT handed me a bottle of water. “Just nerves, baby. It’s a big game.” 
I nodded as she helped me up. “Yeah. Just nerves.” 
Naomi went back to the squad and told them I was okay. The AT sat me down on the sideline, leaning me against the fence. “Take a breather, hun. You’ll feel better by halftime.”
I gave her a smile as thanks, and took a sip of water.
A voice behind me called out, “Hey, are you okay?”
Dr. Reid stood on the other side of the fence with a bigger African-American man and two blonde girls, one wearing glasses and one without glasses.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine! It’s just a big game. A lot of nerves, you know?” 
I stood up and faced them. “Are these your coworkers?” 
“Oh uh, yeah, this is Derek, JJ, and Penelope,” Spencer said, gesturing to each of the people next to him in turn. 
I gave them a small smile and a wave. 
“So what are you doing here? FBI that boring that you have to come see a random college football game? Maybe I don’t want an internship,” I laughed out to them. 
Derek laughed with me. “Nah, Pretty Boy didn’t come for the game-”
Dr. Reid punched him in the arm.
The two women, JJ and Penelope, laughed as Derek raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright!”
I smiled and shook my head, looking back out to the field. 
“Hey, I never asked you the other day. What’s your name?” 
I turned my attention back to Dr. Reid. The other three were no longer in sight. 
“(Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
“Well, nice to officially meet you, (Y/N).” 
“So what are you really doing here, Dr. Reid? It doesn’t take a genius to see that you have no interest in football.” 
I hopped the fence and stood next to him. 
“Hey, be careful. You did just have a pretty big fall.”
I grinned, a burst of confidence erupting in my chest. 
“Of course, Doctor.”
He leaned against the fence next to me and looked down to meet my gaze. “Call me Spencer.” 
My heart fluttered a bit. He was totally into me. 
“Okay. Spencer, then.” 
He smiled back at me. “Would you maybe want to get a coffee with me sometime?”
I turned towards him, hoping he didn’t see just how much I was blushing. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
Guardian Angel - Part 8
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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(Warnings: smut, smut, a bit of fluff, smut and uh… oh right! Smut:3)
You yawned as you pulled up your pants, trying to be as quiet as possible, and you thought you succeeded, that is until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. You had somehow managed to wake up before Daryl, or maybe he was just extra tired yesterday, but anyway you wanted to get the most out of the day before you went on a run with Maggie, you both had agreed on going to an old department store a little ways from the prison, not too far away, 15 minutes on foot, 10 if you were chased by lunatics or walkers. You leaned into Daryl’s touch, humming low in satisfaction, enjoying the sensation it gave you when he gave your shoulder a gentle kiss, moving his way up your neck “mornin’” he grumbled in that tired, morning voice that just sounded so amazing, it lit everything inside of you on fire. You turned around in his arms and smiled up at him “good morning, sorry if I woke you up” you kissed his lips briefly before turning around and looking for your shirt.
“Nah ya didn’t, wasn’t really sleepin’, just wanted to watch you get dressed” you scoffed at him, trying to look stern but it only came off as amused, which you were “perv” you mumbled as you threw his pants at him, which he pulled on, smirking like the stupid, lovable idiot he was. You rolled your eyes at him, finding your shirt and pulling it on, much to his disappointment, but then again he didn’t want everyone to see what he got to see every night, and day.
“Why’re you up so early anyway?” he mumbled as he looked for his shirt, looking like a lost puppy until you easily found it, picked it up and held it out in front of him “got a run with Maggie, remember? We’re going to that old department store down the road” he took the shirt handed to him and threw it on, and now it was your turn to be dissapointed, but his argument went for you as well, he was so beautiful, you had even gotten a glimpse of his scars, but you never asked, you wanted him to tell you when he was ready, not when he was forced to.
“That dump? Looked pretty fucked up, like it’d gone to shit” you hummed low in response, pulling on your socks and shoes before turning around to face him, “maybe that means people haven’t gotten to it yet, anyway, I’ll see you later today, before dinner at least, it shouldn’t take too long, but don’t be worried if we’re not back, maybe Maggie and I are gonna camp out, have a girls night out and get away from all the gray walls and prison beds, get a taste of real nature” you said the last part in your best southern accent, hearing him scoff in response, making you grin amused, “hell, maybe we’ll even go bar hopping” this caught his attention “you sure you don’t want me comin’?” you laughed low as he pulled you closer to him by your hips “nah, we’re good, they need you here, my handsome archer” you kissed him briefly before turning away, leaving him wanting more, which clearly worked by the way he groaned in annoyance as you moved away, “I washed your arrows they’re by your shoes, oh and your knife as well, had bits of dead squirrel guts on it, it’s next to the arrows” you picked up your backpack and went outside, going to Maggie’s cell to see if she was ready.
You were about to say something when you walked in on a very relieved Maggie and Glenn, both turning to you with relief in their eyes “oh uh, sorry should I leave or...?”
“No, no it’s okay I was just packin’, I’ll meet you outside?” you nodded and left them be, walking outside and waiting by the gate, seeing Carol walk towards you, probably for guard duty. “Hey Carol” you greeted, giving her a brief hug, being careful with the rifle on her shoulder, she had really gotten good with those “guard duty?” she nodded with a small ‘mhm’ before looking up at the sky “just hope it’s not gonna rain later, don’t like those clouds in the distance” she pointed out, making you look towards a bundle of grey clouds in the distance, a grimace making it’s way onto your face “ah shit, my hair’s gonna get wet” you mumbled, making Carol laugh “what’re you laughin’ about? You can’t get frizzy hair!” you gently slapped her shoulder as you both laughed, Maggie jogging up and joining you “hey Carol, (Y/N), you ready?” you nodded, the two of you saying goodbye to Carol and making your way outside the prison, heading down the road towards the store.
“So, I don’t want to pry but-”
“Yes you do” Maggie retorted, making the two of you giggle before you continued “but, are you and Glenn okay? You both looked like you were on cloud nine or something” Maggie shrugged, a smile still on her lips as she answered “we just had a scare is all, thought I was pregnant, turns out I wasn’t” she explained, and you nodded, eyes fixed on the road ahead of you “ah I see, good thing you’re not, I mean not that I wouldn’t be happy for you if you were but-... I just-...” you cut yourself off, looking at the ground as you walked, biting your lip as thoughts you didn’t want to think invaded your mind “hey, it’s alright, I ain’t pregnant and even if I was, Lori was… in a bad situation when her water broke, here, I wouldn’t be” you nodded at her words, your eyes still downcast. Maggie had been there for you after Lori died, you remember seeing her walk out with that baby in her arms, covered in blood and shaking, she had sort of replaced Lori, not that you ever could forget her, but Maggie had gotten close to you, being there for you, he was with Lori when she gave birth, she helped her with it, it felt nice to be around her, since she had been one of the last people to see her.
You let out a groan as you waited by a window next to the entrance to the department store, your hair was wet and sticking to your face, your clothes soaked and you swore you had more water in your shoes than what hit the ground, so it was a relief when no walker responded to the banging on the window and the two of you made your way inside, quickly shutting the door and barricading it, just for good measure. You got out your flashlight and turned it on, thankful the water hadn’t soaked through your backpack and left it untouched. You moved the flashlight around as Maggie did the same, examining the shelves and the rest of the store, securing it before the two of you could relax. As you made your way towards the back room you stopped her, signaling her to be quiet and listen, as you both did, you heard grumbling and growling from inside the store room, “it’s probably trapped” Maggie mumbled, slowly moving towards it with her flashlight while you put yours away and instead got out your knife, Maggie’s hand slowly going for the door leading to the backroom, opening it and pushing the door open to see a walker trapped under a bookcase, it looked like someone slammed it down onto it, trapping it on purpose, or there could have been an earthquake and this person just happened to be by the bookshelf when it fell.
Either way you made your way over to it as Maggie kept her flashlight pointed at it, allowing you light as you put your knife through it’s skull, killing it, “well, I think that’s it” you mumbled as you wiped off the walker blood on your pants, cringing at the sight but still doing it. Maggie moved over to a lightswitch on the wall, switching it and like a miracle, the lights turned on, leaving you two grinning like little school girls at what should be something completely normal.
You peeked your heads out at the rest of the store, seeing the lights on as well, except the places where the roof had collapsed, that is. The two of you went from shelf to shelf, packing anything of value, but when you heard Maggie squeal you all but dropped something, running to her to see her holding up something very… unusual… for this new world. She was grinning like an idiot as she held up some lacy lingerie, leaving you stunned “the hell is that doing in a department store?” you got closer, inspecting the red lace amazed, Maggie however just shrugged “I don’t know, maybe someone forget it after closing time” she winked at you, making you scoff at what she was implying, you held it up to examine it further, it was dusty, so it had been there for quite a while, but it was in good condition otherwise “you should keep it!” you stared wide eyes at the brunette who smirked at you, “it’s your size! Daryl will love it, and you’d look amazing in it!” you blushed and thought it over, before shaking your head “n-no I don’t know, it could have like, germs on it, or something” Maggie gave you a ‘please don’t be serious’ look, which made you rethink it before throwing it in you backpack “what the hell, it’s the end of the world” you mumbled, making Maggie squeal again, which caused you to giggle like a little school girl, which you very much felt like right now.
The two of you continued looking around, eventually deciding that you picked up everything you could carry, plus your little ‘gift’ to Daryl, and headed back outside, it was still raining but not as much.
The two of you made it back to the prison in record time, giggling and shoving and nudging each other the whole way, laughing as the two of you talked about how exactly you thought that made it into a department store no less, each theory dirtier than the last. As you arrived back you hugged Carol who opened the gate for you, seeing her grin “well, someone’s happy” she noted, you and Maggie exchanging looks as she went off to another watchtower, probably to meet up with Glenn. You grinned as Carol walked you through the courtyard and into the prison, the two of you saying goodbye as you went into the cell you shared with Daryl, taking off your backpack and beginning to unpack, noting everything you had brought back down in a little book you had, including Daryl’s ‘gift’, as you labeled it. You packed the recent supplies with the others before going back to your cell, Daryl was probably out somewhere, maybe hunting, or just on watch.
You bit your lip as you quickly, or at least as quickly as possible, changed into the lingerie and put your clothes back on, tearing out some paper from your notebook and leaving a message from Daryl, telling him to meet you in the old washing room, where the inmates used to wash their clothes, before taking off with a certain skip in your step, which didn’t go unnoticed by those you passed.
You hummed low as you studied the washing room, maybe you could actually get this place up and running, it would be nice to have clean clothes, hell right now even dry clothes would do for you, since yours were still a bit damp. You’d need to get power, that’s for sure, at least enough to get at least the washing machine going, didn’t need to be all of them, maybe you could have a look at where the prison generated it’s power, you were no mechanic but you knew the basics, maybe it still had some juice left in it, you never know.
You were brought out of your thoughts by feet shuffling closer, your head turning and seeing none other than your favorite, and only, archer, walking towards you as he put his crossbow down on a table, his hands finding your hips as he leaned down and kissed you “what’s up? Got your note” he mumbled as you both parted, and you swore your own grin split your face in two “I have a gift for you” he raised a brow, half expecting you to pull out a little box wrapped in wrapper paper with a little bow on, but what he did NOT expect was for you to take a step back and begin to strip for him, not that he is complaining, mind you, but he definitely didn’t expect that, or what he saw underneath, his eyes widening and his tongue peeking out to wet his lips subtly.
-----------------------------smut starts here------------------------------
As he didn’t say anything you slowly started to get more insecure, why wasn’t he saying anything? Did you look stupid? Maybe this was a bad idea… he probably just wanted to relax and here you were horny as hell. You chewed your lip nervously as you stood there, the room cold and you had no way of getting warm, at least you thought so, you considered putting your damp clothes back on, moving to pick them up when suddenly you were pushed against a nearby wall.
His hands instantly went to your hips, pushing you further up against the wall, making your face flush at how much you liked it. Slowly but surely Daryl had begun to be less careful, realizing that you wouldn’t break if he handled you wrong, and you loved every second of it, you loved how confident he was, how he could manhandle you one second and gently kiss your shoulders the next, it was incredible. You were brought out of your train of thought by his hand gently cupping your jaw, making you look at him, a perfect example to display what you had thought about just moments earlier. You both just stared at each other for a while, and for some reason it got you even more excited, the way he held your jaw formly but still careful, how dark his eyes had gotten, his pupils blown by lust as he stared down at you, how his lips were slightly parted, oh god how you wanted to kiss those lips.
Finally, after what felt like years, he leaned down and your lips met, moving in sync as his hands moved up your body, feeling your skin and curves. His hands continued up to your lace covered breasts, cupping them and squeezing them, toying with them as he pleased and it made you moan, god did it make you moan, you probably sounded like a porn star, except your moans were real, you weren’t faking any part of it, and Daryl LOVED it, he loved the effect he had on you, and it brought out a whole other side of him. While you were lost in thought his knee separate your legs, one hand coming down to lift it up, hooking it around his hip so he could press himself further against you, making you moan once again “Daryl” your voice was barely above a whisper, a breathless prayer, and he heard you, you didn’t need to say anything else, and even if you did you couldn’t, you felt like you lost all breath when his hand moved down your stomach, rubbing tight circles on your clit through the lacy underwear.
You leaned your head against the wall, hands clutching his shoulders, supporting you, if you didn’t have such a tight grip on him, or him on you, you’d probably end up on your ass. He pressed himself against you again, mercilessly working his will on your clit and within minutes you felt that knot tightening in your stomach, with every move of his fingers you got closer, just a bit longer, just a bit more and-
“Daryl!” you scolded, seeing him remove his hand from your clit, your new lacy underwear so wet that it had even made his fingers a bit damp “what the hell I was about to cum” you whined, but seeing him smirk, not affected in the slightest by your protest, it just turned you on more “I know, but I wanna feel you when you do” your face flushed at his words. So that thing about him becoming someone else when he let loose? Yeah, Daryl talked when you two were at it, and you suppose it’d make sense, he was normally so quiet so when he relaxed, no matter in what way, he’d feel comfortable enough to talk, instead of just keeping quiet, at least that was what you had experienced. Before you could even process his words he zipped down his pants, turned you around so your cheek was against the wall, and all but ripped down your underwear to your thighs, his left hand coming down between your legs, feeling how soaked you were, and he moaned, you swear, him moaning was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard, it was a rarity that only you got to see, and that just made it even better.
“Damn girl, I barely touched you and you’re soaking” he groaned as he took another swipe through your folds, this time it was your turn to moan. He hummed low at the sound of your moan and leaned closer, his lips by your ear as he teased you with the tip of his cock, slowly sliding it between your folds, almost entering, but never entering you completely, it made you whine but you knew that wouldn’t help “what? You want me? You want my cock, say it” he bit your ear roughly, not enough to make you bleed but definitely enough to make a shiver run down your spine and make you shudder “please Daryl, please I want you so badly” you looked at him over your shoulder, seeing him smirk proudly before slowly pushing into you, the two of you moaning at the sensation, even as he was just still inside of you, not moving. You moved your hips back on him, the movement catching him off guard and his breath shuddered, hands gripping your breasts as he met your hips with his own, soon the only sounds that filled the guard tower was moaning and sounds of skin slapping against skin, the sound of your ass hitting his hip with every thrust. Soon though his hands gripped your hips and he held you still as he continued to pound into you, you barely had time to moan, your mouth open in a silent ‘oh’ as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten already, he really knew how to use what he had.
Soon you closed your eyes as tightly as you could, trying to get a grip on the wall but it was futile, it was too smooth, you had nothing to hold on to, at least you didn’t, not until you felt a pair of hands let go of your breasts and intertwining his finger with yours from behind, holding your hands as he pinned them to the wall in front of you. You moaned loudly as you felt the knot in your stomach snap, hearing him groan behind you as he left sloppy kisses all along your neck and jawline, his hips stuttering and before he could pull out he came, though none of you really realized fully, both of you just trying to remember how breathe now. After a while however, his hands left yours to move away from you, pulling out of you and putting himself away, he picked up your clothes and helped you put your underwear on, then helped you sit down on a nearby table, as you could barely stand now, your legs still slightly shaking.
-----------------------------smut ends here-------------------------------
You looked up at him lazily, smiling when he caught your gaze, and you allowed yourself to lean up and kiss him softly, his hands cupping your face as he kissed you back, handing you your shirt afterwards, as well as your pants, socks and shoes, helping you put those on as well, even though you were more than capable, despite your post-orgasm bliss. You loved this side of him, the caring, protective, ‘I’m gonna take care of you even though you don’t need it because I want to’ side of him, not a lot of people got to see it, you knew Carol was one of them, then you, and whenever he was around little baby Judith, but other than that, he was pretty closed off about this side of him, and it was wonderful to observe it when it did pop up. Afterwards he stood up, standing between your legs and you couldn’t help yourself, you gently cupped his face in both of your hands, just admiring him, seeing the tips of his ears grow red, knowing you were admiring him, but he let you, he didn’t look away, and it made your heart swell.
You bit your lip as you thought about doing something you weren’t sure he would be on board with, but you wanted to, you really wanted to, and if it ended things, then you’d have some of the beautiful memories of your life to keep you going. You sighed gently, still admiring him before leaning up and kissing him, feeling him kiss you back, making you smile into the kiss. As you parted, you never went far, your lips still brushing against each other as you did the one thing you’d been holding back with since you got to know him, the one thing you were so scared of admitting, especially in this new world, but then again, you never knew when you’d die, when you’d ever have the chance again.
“I love you” it was barely a whisper, but he heard it, you could feel his body tense up, and it made you nervous, but you tried not to show it, tried not to let him see how scared you were of what he was going to say, how he was going to react. He gave a low hum, like he wasn’t really present, and you were about to lean away, maybe you had been too quick, maybe this wasn’t what he was after, you got ready for the rejection when he pulled you closer to him and kissed you, this time more slowly and carefully, like he was scared that one second you’re here and the next you’re not, so he wanted to savour it for as long as possible. After a while you finally parted again, "I'll see you later" he mumbled and that was it, or so you thought, before he turned around and left the room you heard the faintest;
“I love you too”
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gubes-sweaters · 4 years
Mind, Body, and Soul 2
Authors note: This is a Spencer Reid AU started by @subspencer​. I got their permission to use the concept of this AU and all credit for the idea goes to them. I debated on when this story would take place either in 2020 or 2003 when Spencer would’ve actually been 22. I decided it’s going to take place in 2020 but all characters in criminal minds would be the same age in the story that they would’ve been in 2003 (if that makes any sense at all). I’m only mentioning this because the BAU will be a part of this story and besides Cat, Lindsey, Spencer, and Penelope all of the other characters will be canon. 
Content Warning: Drug use(weed), drinking, swearing, kidnapping(not really the reader just gets scared)
Word Count: 2.8K
You can find part one here
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Chapter 2: A “Germ Thing”
Does someone ever get on your nerves for literally reason? Like you can’t put a finger on it but for some reason, you could rationalize hitting them. Maybe it’s just a me problem or maybe it’s a Spencer Reid problem. Spencer is one big problem because on one hand I just want to hand over my soul to him and to stare at his puppy dog eyes even though I just met the guy. On the other hand, I can’t help but think I’m just another notch in his bedpost. Despite his all of the sudden sweet demeanor I keep replaying the little make-out session I saw earlier that led to god only knows what. I’m constantly debating either to kiss him or hit him in his stupid but cute smug little face. I decided right here right now that Spencer Reid will be the death of me. I probably look out of my mind thinking about this as Penelope is giving each of us a solo cup and pouring us a drink for never have I ever. 
“(y/n)?” Penelope says while trying to grab my attention by waving her hand in front of my face.
“Y- yeah what’s up?” I stutter back as quickly as possible because now I’m very aware that Spencer is slowly but surely making his way towards my inner thigh.
“You spaced out on us for a minute is everything all right?” Penelope asked being genuinely concerned for me.
“Never better.” I replied before smiling because I know Penelope is just trying to be a good friend.
“Okay, so are we going to play or are we all going to hold hands around a fire while singing kumbaya.” Cat muttered out while giving me a side-eye.
“Yeah that sounds like a great idea Catherine.” Spencer snipes back while squeezing on my thigh. I couldn’t tell if it was a reflex out of anger or if it was to comfort me because Cat clearly has some disdain for me and Spencer.
“Okay, so... I'll go first never have I ever went skinny dipping” One girl out of the group named Layla who was sat on the other side of Spencer chirps up clearly trying to dissolve any tension in the room.
Pretty much everyone had a look on their face that said “obviously” except for me. After everyone took a sip of their drink their eyes wandered towards me. I just shrugged and attempted to move on. Growing up going to a catholic school where nuns compare your virginity to objects to scare the shit out of you doesn’t leave you much room to do anything fun like that. We went around the room and everything was just now becoming no longer awkward then we got to Cat.
“Never have I ever hooked up with more than two people in one night” She said while darting her eyes at Spencer.
Spencer sighed and looked at her basically giving her a silent “fuck you” before taking a sip of his drink. After he cringed at the bitter taste of his drink he squeezed my thigh again. Cat spotted it immediately and of course, had to open her loudmouth.
“Looks like you’re really going for a world record there aren't ya Spencie.”
“You know what let’s all take a breather bec-” Penelope cut in before it could get any worse. She’s someone who hates confrontation, especially between her friends.
“That sounds great!” I say cutting her off, so I can get out of this hellhole as fast as possible, before brushing Spencer's hand off of me and hopping up from the couch.
Everyone quickly disperses to get away from the situation as fast as possible. Three people make excuses to go home partly because that was the most awkward yet hostile thing a person could witness and partly because it’s almost four in the morning. I walk off towards the kitchen once again to get water in attempts to sober up as much as possible before going home. Even though everyone else wasn’t really anything more than buzzed because we were taking sips out of a cup instead of taking shots. I’m a huge lightweight and I’d rather not test my ability to drive like this. As I crack open a bottle of water I feel a tap on my shoulder. I was surprised when I turned around and I didn’t see Spencer but instead it was a guy I’ve never met before. He sat next to Layla, but we never talked to each other until now. 
“Hey, I didn’t mean to spook you. I’m Josh by the way.” He introduced himself with a big smile, and then he extended his hand out to me. He was cute not as tall as Spencer, but still taller than me. He had sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
“Hi my name is (y/n)” I say as I reach out my hand to shake his hand, but it didn’t quite get there because the handshake was intercepted by a third hand.
“And I’m Spencer.” He quickly cuts in and shakes Josh’s hand. I have to take a quick step back because he shoved himself between me and Josh. I then step around Spencer to see the interaction between the two of them.
“Um hi?” He says with a confused look on his face. You can tell Spencer had a good grip on his hand and is shaking his hand way longer than necessary. It looks like his grip just keeps getting tighter and tighter until Josh starts to wince. Soon enough Spencer finally lets go of the poor guy’s hand. Josh couldn’t have booked it over to Penelope to say goodbye literally any faster.
“What happened to your little “germ thing?”” I ask while giving him a look of total irritation. Spencer was clearly peeved by me talking to another guy even it’s an innocent little handshake.
“I still have a germ thing but I just thought I’d introduce myself.” He says innocently while he wipes his hands on his pants before stuffing them in his pockets.
I turn around in attempts to ignore him, and when I do realize I’m now trapped in my own personal hell. I turn around and now there's just five of us me, Penelope, Spencer, Cat, and a girl who was sitting next to Cat the entire time. So I can either talk to one of my best friends, but she's sat next to two girls who are looking like they’re about to devour me or I can talk to the guy who is irritating the shit out of me. Looks like I’ll take my chances in the lion’s den. I walk over to Penelope and sit down on the couch. When I sit down I realize that this girl and Cat are holding hands and are acting very cuddly (which you wouldn’t expect from Cat because of her bitchy demeanor). I figured they’re probably dating and my suspicions were confirmed when she introduced herself to me.
“Hi, I’m Lindsey. I’m Cat’s girlfriend” She says while waving at me. It’s odd because it looks like Lindsey looks like a genuinely sweet girl, but Cat is playing her like a fiddle, so she will act in any sort of way that Cat wants. Even it means being stand-offish to people you don’t even know. Shortly after Spencer walks out of the kitchen and sits right next to me and instead of attempting to be subtle in any sort of way he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me so close to him I’m practically on his lap.
“Okay, as much as I love all of my friends It’s now four am and a girl needs a little beauty rest. Is everybody okay to drive home? If not you’re more than welcome to stay the night.” I couldn’t tell if she was serious or if she was trying to end this night before it got any worse. Meanwhile, Spencer and Cat look like they could maul each other any minute. We all agree that it’s okay and say our goodbyes to Pen. Cat and Lindsey leave right away but I loitered around for another minute or two just to make sure I’m good to drive. I hear the front door open and close once more. I figured that it was Spencer deciding he wasn’t getting anywhere with me, so he left. I eventually say goodbye to Penelope and make my way out the door. I suddenly remember I had to park in a parking lot across the street because Penelope only has one visitor parking spot. Most people took a vacant parking spot or parked on the side of the street, but there was absolutely no room for me to do that. I wrap my arms around myself because I’m only wearing a skirt and a thin sweater which in retrospect was absolutely stupid considering its fall in DC. I can’t help but feel like I’m being followed or at least like someone's eyes are on me. I start jogging because I wasn't about to take any chances. My jogging is more like very fastly walking because let’s face it, I have the athletic ability of a sloth. I’m only a little bit away from my car when I hear footsteps. I immediately start to try and unlock my car, so I can hop in as fast as possible. Of course, as luck would have it my car wouldn’t unlock because I was supposed to change the stupid battery a week ago.
“Fuck you shitty car and your shitty remote.” I mutter to myself. I’m only about a foot away from my car when I feel a hand firmly grasp my shoulder and I do the only thing I could think of which was scream bloody murder. As I start to scream whoever is behind me puts their other hand over my mouth.
“Shhh it’s okay. Everything is okay It’s just me.” I immediately recognize the voice. When they let me go I turn around and shove them.
“Fuck you Spencer why did you do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack I thought I was going to die you dick.” I shout at him before turning around and going to stick my key in the car door.
“I’m sorry I called for you when I saw you walking out of Penelope's apartment building but you clearly didn't hear me. I didn’t want you to take off without me, so I tried running to catch up with you.” He apologized, but he was clearly not super sincere because he was trying so hard not to smile or bust out laughing.
“Well, go on then what do you want?” I ask while standing there with my car door cracked while I’m waiting to get in the car.
“My friend who I came here with wanted to take a girl home. I no longer have a ride home and I thought I’d figure it out before I was going to leave but I didn’t I guess.” He says kinda shyly in attempts to ask me for a ride without actually asking me.
“Do want a ride?” I sigh because I know he already has me wrapped around his finger.
“Yes please.” He says while giving me puppy dog eyes obviously to try and make me forget that two minutes ago I thought I was going to be kidnapped.
“Hop in then” I gesture for him to get in the passenger seat. We close the car doors almost in unison then I start my car. I ask him for his address while pulling out my phone, but he insists that he can give me good directions and I don’t need to get directions from my phone.
“Whatever you say Sherlock” I roll my eyes at him while I start to pull out of the parking lot. Spencer starts fiddling with things in my car while he gives directions. He flips on the radio and changes the channels about fifty times before getting bored and turning it back off. Soon enough I pull into the parking lot of his apartment building. Pulling into the parking lot is a bittersweet moment because I’m not sure if I’ll ever see him again, and overall I had a fun time tonight mostly because of him despite all of the awkwardness. On the other hand, somehow this man knows how to push all of my buttons and is able to get on every single last one of my nerves, so I couldn’t be happier to say goodbye. I put the car in park and look at him to say goodbye. I look over, and he’s looking for something but I'm not sure what he’s looking for. He starts to pull everything out of his pockets and places them on my dashboard. Out of his front pockets, he pulls out some pocket change, a money clip, and a plastic bag with a rolled joint in it. Out of his back pockets, he pulls out his wallet then searches through it. After that, he pulls out an iPhone, two lighters, and a condom. Really classy Spencer really really classy.
“Shit” He mutters to himself before patting his front pockets once more and putting everything back in his pockets and I still can’t believe what he is about to say next, but this man looks at me dead ass in my eyes, and says.
“I lost the key to my apartment.” He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and I already know what he’s suggesting.
“Can’t you get one from your landlord or have your roommate let you in?” I suggest in attempts to avoid the inevitable.
“I live alone and my landlord wouldn’t be able to get me a new key until eight in the morning.” He says and I swear to god he intentionally pouts his lips ever so slightly. I would normally say one thousand percent no but it’s almost five in the morning now and I’m so desperate for my head to hit the pillow. I don’t have time to shoot the shit with Spencer for even another minute.
“I can let you stay the night at my place I guess.”
“I’m really sorry this isn’t a normal occurrence I promise. I feel bad because I’m a huge inconvenience right now but I’ll make it up to you, I promise someway somehow.” He says while looking at me with the same guilt as a child who broke something of their parents.
“It’s okay I won’t make you sleep out on the street.” I say before chuckling hoping to lighten the mood and to make him feel less guilty. We both laugh at the ridiculous situation as I make my way to my apartment. Turns out I only live a little bit under ten minutes from him. As I pull into my parking spot I begin to tell him I have a few terms and conditions.
“Firstly my roommates cannot know you’re here, or they’ll never let this situation go. So you can’t sleep out on the couch you’ll have to sleep in my room. Then in the morning once the coast is clear I’ll find a way to sneak you out. Deal?”
“Deal.” He repeats back while stepping out of the car.
I open the door to my apartment, and we both tiptoe to my room to avoid making any noise. Surprisingly we didn’t make any noise at all, so once we cross the threshold of my doorway I close it and lock it before telling Spencer I’ll get him a pillow and blankets to sleep on the floor. I turn around and see Spencer already took his shoes off and is already curled up under the blankets half asleep. I just give in because at this point I’m only thinking about sleep. I get my pajamas and change in my bathroom. I walk back into my room and throw back the covers and let my head hit the pillow. Just as I feel myself slipping into a deep sleep I feel Spencer throw his arm around my waist and pull me flush against his body. This is going to be one interesting morning.
................................................................................................................................Taglist: @rexorangecouny @haylaansmi​
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ssatoritendou · 4 years
Baby It’s Cold Outside
iwaizumi hajime 
Pairing: iwaizumi/reader
Word count: 3.8k 
+ summary: Oikawa plans a wonderful holiday weekend for you all the horrible part is your enemy and former crush Iwaizumi is going. He is awfully rude to you but is acting like your best friend so not to anger Tooru. Could this weekend get any worse? 
Genre: enemies to lovers; fluff 
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Damn Oikawa Tooru. Damn the entire Oikawa family at this point if someone can make a person like him possible. His brilliant idea to get together and stay in the cabin. You had all been at different universities. Well, almost all of you. You and Iwaizumi attend the same uni. One would think after attending Aoba Johsai together and ending up in the same uni you would still be friends. But no. In fact, just after graduation, he cut you off. He said to you in a text message after you innocently said can’t wait to make more memories with you for the next four years, ‘I was only friends with you for Oikawa. You were his friend that just tagged along. I think it would be best if you and I didn’t interact at uni.’ A little difficult if you are both freshmen and take a majority of the same courses since you were both under the same major. But here’s the icing on the top: he acting like your best friend on this trip. And Tooru is making you share a room. Here is all how it started. There was knocking on your dorm door at 6 in the morning on a Saturday. “What?!” “Jesus I take it you're not a morning person.” Iwaizumi said standing in your hallway like he has been up for hours. “I’m assuming you got Shittykawa’s text last night?” “Yeah what do you not want me to go?” He rolled his eyes at this. “No Oikawa asked me to make sure we took the same train together since we go to the same uni.” “Well if he asked then fine. Can you go now? You messed up with my morning routine.”
That was a week ago. You had just finished exams. Now you get to relax on a long vacation with your friends and Iwaizumi Hajime. When you arrived at the cabin you were greeted by Mattsun, Makki, and for lack of better terms Shittykawa. “Iwa! N/n! Finally, you are here. I hope Iwa is taking care of my little N/n.” “Baka! Of course, I am.” Iwaizumi said in a huff. “Can we go inside now? It’s freezing out here.” He was lying to Tooru. His best friend since diapers. Straight lied. You hadn’t talked to him since graduation. “This way my good friends,” Oikawa said, leading the group forward on the lightly snowed path. You were picking up your bag when Mattsun picked it up. “I carry it myself, Issei.” You said laughing. “Nonsense why would I let you the clumsiest person I know carry her bags in the snow.” He said. You started to get cocky and walked backward. “Please it’s not even snow-” You ended up slipping on the ice cover by the snow. “I see your point.” “Just hold on to my arm.” He said trying to make sure it wouldn’t happen again. “Always a gentleman Mattsun.” You were trailing behind the others further away from Tooru. See Mattsun knew what Iwaizumi said to you and how he blatantly ignores you. “I have a question, are you guys friends?” “No. Not even close. I have no clue why he lied to him. Makes me think that if Tooru asks about me does he lie about that too. Just last week when we were invited Tooru asked him to take the same train as me. But he was still completely rude.” “I have no clue what his problem is. I didn’t know he had so much disdain towards you. He was always so nice to you in school.”   You shook your head at this comment What could you have done to offend Iwaizumi Hajime so much?
“Shittykawa how could you not know there were only 3 bedrooms!” Iwaizumi shouted at him. “I’m sorry Iwa but look at this place it was nice and big for an affordable price for all of us.” Oikawa shuddered under the angry gaze of the former wing-spiked. “It’s fine, it's not like we haven’t slept in the same bed before,” Makki said. “Or seen each other naked.” “No one here has seen N/n naked or slept in the same bed as her,” Oikawa said. “Yes and I attend to keep it that way. So I think that settles and I get my own room.” “Hell No!” Iwaizumi, Makki, and Mattsun yelled. “I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t share a bed or room with Oikawa Tooru again,” Makki said. “He either sleeps like a mummy with headphones and a face mask in the middle of the bed.” Iwaizumi said. “Or he stays up all night watching stuff on his laptop,” Mattsun said. “Fine, then I’ll stay with Mattsun.” You said. To this statement, Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. “Fine with me.” Mattsun put his arm on your shoulder with a smile. You picked his hand off your shoulder. “You sir are sleeping at the foot of the bed.” “I’m just messing. I’ll bring our bags to a room.” Mattsun picked up the bags and walked down the hallway. Iwaizumi and Makki did the same. “You knew it had 3 bedrooms, didn’t you? To get a room all to yourself?” “N/n I would never!” He laughed.
You wanted to shower after a long train ride and as you went to open the door to your room. Makki opened the door. “Y/n I wouldn’t go in there. Mattsun is sick and I know how much of a germaphobe you are. And I shared a drink with him earlier. So you have to share a room with Iwaizumi.” You flinched away from Makki and the room in general. A nightmare. Nightmare. “Ok. Tell Mattsun I hope he feels better and I hope you also don’t get sick as well.” “Thank you,” Makki said. You walked down the hall and knocked on the door. “What do you want?” “Mattsun is sick and Makki drank from his water today.” “Oh, right you are a germaphobe. So we are sharing rooms. Just great.” “Yeah yeah. Can I take a shower? I need to get the train germs off me and Mattsun's germs. Like right now.” You said in a haste to hope into a scalding shower to get this gross feeling off of you. It started to itch in the back of the brain. “Yeah, I guess.” He moved out of the way. “Where are your bags?” “I think Issei still has them. I’ll just go and get them.” “No. I’ll get them. Just go take a shower.” He said in a huff.
“Jesus Christ, what happened to your arms?” Iwaizumi asked. “I cleaned myself.” “I’m just going to go shower you can get dressed.” He walked into the bathroom. “Y/n is barely any soap left.” “Sorry.” You quickly got dressed in your pajamas and took whatever extra pillows you could find and made a wall in the middle of the bed. You laid down leaving the desk lamp on for Iwaizumi. “What’s that?” Iwaizumi asked while pointing at the pillow brigade. “Something to keep us apart and respect each other's boundaries.” “Huh. Typical.” “And what does that mean?” “Oh, nothing I just know you wouldn’t do this for your precious Issei.” “Actually no because he is nice to me and isn’t fake nice to me just to make Tooru feel better.” “You want to break his heart?” “What does that mean?” “Uh nevermind. Good night.” He yanked the chain on the desk lamp off.
“So what are we going to do today?” Mattsun asked with a mask on. “Why don’t you take that stupid mask off for starters. You too Makki.” Iwaizumi said to them. “We are both sick and we are respecting Y/n’s boundaries.” “There is a great town nearby with cute little shops. There is a small ski and park.” Oikawa said with a cheery tone. “Let’s shop first for an hour then go to that park,” Makki suggested. “Cool with me. Let’s go.” You got to the little town and it was a little kitschy but overall it was cute. You got an idea when you saw a drug store to call Sakusa. He knew all the good ways to prevent colds and any illness. “L/n what is the reason you are calling me or is it because you found another sanitizer that works well.” “No no. I was wondering if you have any recommendations for cold medicine. One of my friends that I’m traveling with is sick and I wanted to get him the best medication.” “Mmm. Symptoms?” “Congestion, wet cough, runny nose.” “Stick with the basics Mucinex and even a neti pot. It will flush out everything.” “Who the fuck are you on the phone with?” Iwaizumi said out of nowhere starling you. You put up your hand annoyed. “Thank you again Sakusa. Sorry to bother you on holiday.” “No trouble. Have a nice trip with your friends.” You smiled and hung up. “Why were you talking to Sakusa Kiyoomi?” He said with a snarl. “I was asking him about cold medicine for Issei and Makki. Why did you follow me?” “I didn't. Oikawa told me to find you after you peeled away from the group. Why do you have his number?” “That’s really none of your business. You aren’t my friend, remember.” You said you open the door to the drug store. And of course, he followed you inside. You picked out the things you need for your friends. “Why do you call Mattsun and Oikawa by their first names?” “Because they asked me too. Why are you so curious? Are you jealous, Hajime?” You emphasized his first name which you have never said to him in the time you have known him. “Don’t call me that.” “Why does it bother you Hajime?” “Yes.” “Fine then I won’t.” You pecked his cheek and left the store smiling, leaving him speechless.
After a full afternoon of shopping, you became tired and started to get a headache. “Guys I think I’m getting sick I think I’m just going back to the house. You guys can go ahead without me.” “Ahh. My poor little N/n I’m sorry.” “If you are going to go back maybe I should walk you back,” Mattsun said. “Issei you don’t have to. Just stay here and have fun in the snow.” You smiled. “Iwa said he didn’t even want to go.” You cringed at the idea of spending the rest of the day with him alone. “I actually changed my mind Shittykawa.” “It’s fine guys I can walk back by myself.” To this Mattsun and Makki laughed. “Just enjoy the afternoon. I'm probably just going to sleep anyways.” “Ok be careful though N/n!”
“Why did you tell Y/n to be careful?” Iwaizumi asked Mattsun. “Why do you care?” Mattsun scoffed back on the ski lift. “Huh?” “One would think the great Hajime Iwaizumi would notice how clumsy she is. Like really clumsy. Slipping off the couch clumsy while just sitting there. Why do you act like such a dick to her? Huh? Then proceed to lie to Oikawa that she is fine. You don’t know a thing about her.” “She told you.” “I was there when you sent that text. She was hurt really bad. She didn’t know what she did wrong. And the worse part is I couldn’t tell her to put her mind at ease. Because you know why? Because she was very kind and respectful towards you. For three years. She cried. And she is going to hate me for saying this but she really liked you. She didn’t say anything afraid of how Oikawa would react. You put up a front for three years acting so kind towards her and took care sometimes too, I thought you liked her back. But you did that to her and broke her heart. For what?” Iwaizumi was shocked at Mattsun's sudden outburst. He was always a man of few words and relied more on actions. “Forget it.” He said in a huff and got off the lift to ski. While Iwaizumi sat there confused. You liked him. For the longest time, he thought you liked Oikawa or Mattsun based on how you treated them. He sat back and thought about how you acted around him in your high school years. You were always cautious around him but ask how he was doing and if he needed help with anything. Most of the time it was English and you were really good at it. But you stayed a comfortable distance away from him but never looked at him in his eyes when talking to him. He picked up on that around your second year. You would always look at the tip of his nose or at his brow line. He also picked up how close you were with Mattsun. He would always touch you. Hug you from behind, pull your places, give you head pats, pick you up, etc,. He thought maybe he liked you too and he couldn’t make a move if one of his friends like you. He made the decision to distance from you in college hoping his feelings would die without seeing you. But if you liked him this whole time… Shit he messed up big time. You hate him and worse of all he was resentful that his feelings for you were reciprocated and was horribly mean to you. The lift came back to its station. “Hey, dude are you gonna get off?” Iwaizumi snapped out of his trance and quickly hopped off to find you. In hopes of salvaging what had happened between you two.
Mattsun and Makki were right to laugh at you for not making it home safely. You were making your way up the trail just outside of the house and you slipped once again on black ice hurting your ankle really badly. There was no one around and the cell service was bad. You were stuck there until the boys came back to one laugh at you, two then for Oikawa to scold you for not being careful and three for them to actually help you. You laid down in the frigid cold air and the cold wet snow with the slight cold approaching teeth chattering. You heard crunches in the snow hoping it wasn’t wildlife to snack on your body. You quickly lifted your head to see Iwaizumi there. “Iwaizumi I thought you were skiing?” “I got bored. What happened?” He asked concerned. “Promise not to laugh?” He nodded. “I slipped on black ice and I think I sprained my ankle when I tried to get up and stand on it, it really hurt. I don’t think I heard a crack so that’s a plus. Can you help me up?” He leaned down and picked you up bridal style. You thought he would just give you his arm or let you use him as a crunch as you hobbled your way back to the house. You couldn’t help to look at him. He seemed different. “How long were you there?” He asked. “I think for an hour.” You chattered your teeth at the end of the statement. “Are you cold?” “Very much.” And with that comment, he brought you closer to his body. Sure it was a nice gesture and warm and made you involuntarily melt into him but he was acting weird. He was being nice to you. When you finally got to the house he placed you on the couch making sure pillows were supporting your back and elevated your foot. He carefully untied the book and slid it off. You wince when you saw it bruised and swollen. “Yeah, it looks sprained to me. You might need to get it x-rayed to make sure. But you should stay off it for the remainder of the trip. I’m gonna make a fire to warm you up. Then I’ll get you your pajamas and warm socks. And I’ll make you hot chocolate with cinnamon your favorite.” “Are you sick Iwaizumi?” You said putting your hand to his head to check for a fever. “No.” He swatted your hand away. “I’m not totally heartless.” “Are you taking care of me because of pity? Because if you are I’m just going to go to bed and sleep it off. Because I don’t neee-” you stretched out the e’s in need when you were getting off the couch. “Jeez, I’m just trying to take care of you. What is the harm in that?” “Because you hate me. You shouldn’t be doing this. You are only nice to me in front of Tooru and now you are acting as if he is here watching us.” “I’m not acting.” “Then what changed your tune. Because I thought you saw me as a nuisance at least that is what you said to me. So tell me what it is that is making you act like I’m in the Bizzaro?” “Mattsun told me you like me!” You were frozen. More so than you already were. You did like him when you were in high school, maybe you still did. Maybe you were still hung up on the fact that he was so kind to you and you laughed together that it led to that hurtful text you received. “Are you going to say anything?” “Are you doing this out of pity because I liked you?” “No, no. See the thing is….” God how was he going to tell you that he likes you too. And he thought pushing you away was the best decision for him. “I-I like you as well.” “Then why do you act like a prick?!” “I like you a lot and I thought for the longest time you liked Mattsun and he liked you. I wasn’t going to do anything and hurt him. I thought we would go to different colleges and only see each other when Oikawa did things like this. But then we were going to go to the same college and I couldn’t deal with being around you if you didn’t have the same feelings. So I pushed you away. I didn’t know what I said hurt you so bad until today when Mattsun told me. And for that I’m sorry. My intention was never to hurt you just push you away.” You leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. “You are an idiot. You need to make it up to me big time. You said some hurtful words to me.”   “You can forgive me? After what I did-” This time you pecked him on the lips to shut him up. “Yes, idiot I forgive you.” He pulled you in for a hug and you heard his heart beating really fast. “Are you ok?” “Better than ok.” He leaned down to kiss you but was met with a glove to the face. “Get off her Iwa!” Oikawa shouted from the doorway. “Shittykawa what the fuck!” “Tooru it is fine.” You said. “No! No! I made him promise me not to make out in front of me with you. It is like watching my siblings kiss. Gross. Vulgar.” “It is not gross, Shittykawa!!” You said to him. “N/n don’t call me that,” Tooru said, sounding like a wounded puppy. Iwaizumi got up from the couch and kissed the top of your head. “I’m gonna get your pajamas you lay here and don’t move.” He whispered. On his way out he hit Oikawa in the back of the head. “Leave her alone Shittykawa. You gave me your blessing about 3 years ago so shut up.”   Makki and Mattsun walked into the living area and saw your ankle. “Couldn’t be careful once?” “See you try not to slip on black ice. And I don’t have years of volleyball muscle in my legs.” “Clumsy as ever. Let’s hope that heart of yours doesn’t slip and get shattered.” Mattsun said. “Because if he does hurt you I’ll hit him till he breaks.” With a haunting smile saying Oikawa’s catchphrase.
Iwaizumi came back with sweatpants and took you to the bathroom to help you put them on. He then put you back on the couch where the boys were watching a movie, chosen by Oikawa. (He chose Titanic; he was crying the whole time.) Iwaizumi proceeded to make your hot chocolate which led him to make some for everyone and a fire. You started drifting to sleep and he picked you up from the couch and brought you to bed and tucked you in. He must have taken down the pillows in the middle because when he came into bed his arms were around you. You felt safe in his arms. He kissed your cheek again and said, “You can call me Hajime but never Iwa.” To this, you smirked and replied, “Goodnight Hajime.”
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magicianmew · 7 years
Do you know of any good beginner's books of old teachings to start off with? I want to learn more traditional craft. Sorry if this was already asked before but my phone preventsme from scrolling down so far
I am probably the wrong person to ask about that, for a few reasons. For one, that’s not really what I focus on in my practice.
But also, I have sort of a jaundiced eye towards what a lot of people define as “traditional witchcraft” on this website, and if you are interested in actual historical witchcraft, I would suggest you take a skeptical approach as well.
Firstly, which traditional craft are you talking about? Italian? Celtic? Congolese? Tibetan? Almost every society on earth has a history with magic, and they’re all completely different. Which tradition are you looking for?
Secondly, be careful with your sourcing. Stuff that is often referred to as “trad craft” is actually, well… pretty modern. If you sort of take out the religious stuff, you will notice a more than slight similarity to Wicca, which is less than a century old (not that there is anything wrong with innovative new practices, but it is certainly not “old,” as some people believe it is). That’s because Wicca and Trad Craft were created by the same basic club of people in Britain during the early-mid 20th century. They share a bloodline, as it were.
Thirdly, if you really want historical sources, one, there are no beginner books, sorry. Historical research is inherently challenging. But also, you will need to adjust the vocabulary you’re looking at a bit. “Witch” was a negative word in the vast majority of societies until quite recently (and in some cultures it’s still negative). "Witch" was what you got called if people suspected you of using magic spitefully, or murderously, and therefore you will not find genuine historical sources written by witches about witchcraft. So you will need to figure out what words those societies used to refer to magic users who were regarded as “good.” That varies by culture. In Britain, cunningwo/man was often used. In hoodoo and other American folk craft, rootworker is often used. So, you need to figure out that terminology and then see what you can find that was actually written by those people.
If, however, you are actually looking for Trad Craft, then what you’re looking for is a modern British practice that tries to take some of its cues from older ones – the way it regards nature, the tools it uses, etc. There’s an “old” influence/aesthetic in there. But the practice itself is young, and doesn’t actually have a whole lot in common with historical British magic, so reading historical texts won’t help you much. There is no continuous line from pre-Christian British magic to modern Trad Craft. It’s an entirely different practice.
I don’t follow a lot of Trad Craft blogs, but @ioqayin is one I have a fondness for. I also hear lots of good things about the author Gemma Gary.
…Aaaand now I’m going to head down to my bunker and try to avoid the shitstorm this post will probably cause.
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ateezmakemeweep · 5 years
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sk8erboi!yeosang x ballerina!reader 
word count: 10k
angst, fluff, smut (tw: implications of an eating disorder)
whoever made the executive decision to put a skatepark directly across the street from a dance studio really should've put more thought into just how poorly that would've gone. 
because ever since its grand opening four months ago, you've been losing your mind. you remember when the only sound coming through the large studio window was birds chirping or the faint sound of an ice cream truck or the occasional barks of dogs greeting each other.
but now. now it's the constant racket of wheels rolling on concrete, boards flipping and clattering off the large, graffitied ramps and, of course, the obnoxious quarrels and curses coming from the group of punks you always have the displeasure of seeing (and more so hearing) every monday, wednesday and friday.
"i'm gonna kill them, i swear i'm gonna kill them one day," you complain to your friend as you untie the ribbons of your ballet shoes, "i've had enough of them!"
the sound of her snort has you whipping your head to the side, eyes squinted and eyebrow raised. "what was that laugh for?"
"oh, c'mon, you've been saying this shit for months, y/n," she says while rubbing her bruised, battered feet, "have you even spoken to them?"
"god no," you say, the disgust so evident in your voice, it's like she asked if you'd make out with them.
"well, maybe you should!" she chirps, jumping up and walking over to the windowsill. "they're really ho...nice, really nice."
"oh jesus christ," you grumble, sneering at the girl whose chin is perched on her hand like she's admiring works of art outside the window. "have you talked to them?"
"a few times," she says and you roll your eyes at the breathy, dreamy tone in her voice.
"don't tell me you like one of them."
"of course not," she says, neck craning back to shoot you a wink, "maybe just like three of them."
"oh my, god! i'm leaving." and leave you do, with her laugh echoing through the studio as she shouts that she'll see you at the next practice.
once you're outside, you peer up to see her head is still outside the second-story window staring dreamily across the street and you can't help but shout up at her. a smirk makes its way on your face when she at least has the decency to jump away and hide in embarrassment before seeing it was you.
"not nice, y/n!"
you shake your head as you make your way across the street, popping in your headphones so you can go over the routine in your head over and over and over again until your ears start bleeding and brain turns to mush.
it had been your mom's idea to stick you in dance the second you learned how to walk, wanting to see her daughter follow in her footsteps in the form of pink tutus and glittery makeup and first place trophies from competitions.
but you quickly realized dance was more than that. that it brought sense of stability and purpose you so desperately craved, a work ethic that made you want to master the art of ballet. 
because even though it makes your feet ache and bleed and you'll spend the rest of the night screaming into an ice bucket, you really have come to love it. it serves as a stress reliever for when schoolwork or your mom's nagging becomes too much.
you're only a minute and 20 seconds into the song, the pirouette techniques you've rehearsed for hours beginning to plague your mind, when a skateboard flying through the air misses your face by just a few inches.
you rip out your earbuds, classical music blaring out of them as you snap your head to the board that nearly knocked you out. a figure running past you snatches it up, about to turn and run passed you again with the quietest of hums; rage fills through you because not even an apology?
"yeah, i'm fine, thanks," and you're even a little thrown off by how how biting and sarcastic your voice sounds. 
the figure turns to look at you, a smirk threatening to cover his face as he looks you up and down in your pink leotard under white shorts and sneakers.
"my bad."
"yeah, no kidding. you could've knocked me out."
he rolls his eyes, tucking the skateboard under his arm and advancing toward you a bit more. a black hat is placed backwards on his head, your eyes narrowing at the holes in his baggy long-sleeved shirt and scuffed up vans.
"it was an accident," he says, tone calm and relaxed, "and maybe if your mozart wasn't so damn loud, you would've heard me shout."
a scoff leaves your mouth, leaning on one foot as your arms cross over your chest.
"it isn't mozart," you snap, annoyed by how calm and teasingly he's looking at you. "and you'd think you'd be a little bit better since you're here all the time. isn't the board supposed to stay under your feet?"
a laugh bubbles out of his mouth and you're gonna pretend it's the ugliest thing you've ever heard, not a nice deep boy chuckle that would normally make your heart flutter.
"you a stalker or something?"
a annoyed sigh leaves your mouth as you roll your eyes because this guy is unbelievable.
"as if. you and your annoying little posse make it really hard to concentrate during practice with those stupid deathtrap boards."
his neck cranes around you ever so slightly to survey the studio, the brick building with a large white window overlooking the picturesque town. he had figured it was a dance studio, after seeing girls walk in and out with buns and leotards and bags detailed with ballet shoes.
"ah, so you're one of those prissy dancers i take?" his head nodding across the street.
your mouth drops open at his statement only causing the smirk on his face to widen; you have half the mind to smack him with your bag.
"we're not prissy! i bet it takes a lot more skill and pain tolerance than balancing on that-"
"stupid deathtrap board? yeah, you're probably right," he says before turning his head and taking another step closer to you. "but you have to admit we look a lot cooler. where's your little tutu, constanze?"
your eyebrows pinch in confusion, giving him a strange look because who the hell is constanze?
"what are you even talking- you know what, who cares," you huff, irritation flooding through you the more you humor him with a conversation. you pop your headphones back in to start over your song, throwing him one last sneer with squinted eyes. "try to keep the board on the floor next time."
"wear a tutu next time!"
but he knows you definitely don't hear him because you just continue to walk straight, your head moving in circles and arms making subtle movements side to side. he smiles to himself watching you ‘dance’ until you turn the corner before hopping on his board and skating back into the park.
and it's the same way he skates up to you two days later as you wait to cross the street, your pink bag thrown over your shoulder as hear the familiar sound of wheels on concrete that causes your blood to boil.
"constanze, where is your tutu?" his voice whines and you look to the side to see the obnoxious boy from a few days ago now wearing a beanie.
"why are you calling me that?" you ask with an annoyed tone.
"you mean to tell me a priss like yourself doesn't know who constanze is?"
"stop calling me that! you don't see me calling you a punk."
again, that deep chuckle leaves his mouth and you wish it didn't sound so nice. wish he wasn't so carefree and calm when you can't help but feel so incredibly irritated by him.
"a punk? really?"
"yeah, really."
"what makes me a punk? the fact that i skateboard?"
your foot bounces impatiently on the concrete waiting for the walking man to appear on screen, eager to get far far away from this headache of a boy.
"amongst other....attributes."
"oh?" he hums, leaning his head against the dirty metal pole and you wanna cringe thinking about how many germs are on it. "you don't even know me, though.”
"but i know your type," you spit, now turning your body to look at him, "i know i've heard your obnoxious cursing and screaming for the past four months. and i know you call me names when you don't even know me."
"oh, but i know your type as well constanze. so stiff and rigid and orderly, i bet it's killing you that i'm on this germ infested pole right now."
your eyes widen for a split second because can he hear my thoughts? before you shake them out and squint your eyes at him.
"what's wrong with liking routine? sorry we all can't just skate off into the sunset and do ollies all day."
"oh, ollies?" he says, voice teasing and eyebrows raised like you've genuinely impressed him. "now how do you know about those?"
your cheeks warm at his tone and you praise the gods above when you see the white man signal to cross the street. you quickly turn, hitting his stomach with your bag and rushing across the street.
"come by when you’re done if you wanna learn how to do an ollie, constanze!"
you resist the urge to throw your middle finger up when he calls after you, pulling open the door and stomping up the stairs muttering under your breath.
"why the hell does he keep calling me constanze," you grumble, "and who does he think he is assuming he can just-"
"oh my gosh!" your friend squeals as she runs up to you, "what were you doing talking to yeosang!"
your body stiffens at the name, yeosang, and despite never meeting anyone else with it, you're convinced it's only reserved for annoying punks.
"how do you know his name?" you ask, walking over to plop down and take off your shoes, "he nearly knocked me unconscious with his stupid skateboard the other day!"
"oh?" she squeaks, "and you talked again today?!"
her excitement causes you to sneer at her, shaking your head because "you sound way too happy about this."
as you put on your toe cap and spacer, you listen to her mule on and on about how cool the boys look flying through the air and how hot their scars probably are and you could seriously throw up when she starts to talk about one of the boys and his skilled technique.
"what do you even know about skateboarding techniques?" you chirp; she had never seemed interested in it before.
"i don't know, there's like ollies or something, right? that's basic stuff. i'll go over and be like oooh your ollies are just so impressive-"
"i am so embarrassed, please stop talking."
she throws her head back with a giggle, plopping down in front of you to tie up your ribbons and begins to, thankfully, talk about one of the parts of the dance she's been struggling with.
but after the next two and a half hours of practice, feet bleeding and throbbing in pain, it's safe to say not a single one of you are having any more issues.
"they hurt so bad," you whine the second your shoe is off, squeezing and rubbing at your abused toes.
"that extra time was rough," your friend says, laid out flat on her back with her eyes closed.
you both just sit there for a few minutes, hoping that the throbbing in your feet will simmer so your trip home won't be spent limping and suppressing groans. but no such luck because the second you say goodbye and walk down the stairs, you wanna die.
you make your way across the street, headphones in but no music blaring because you can't even think about dancing right now. but you can absolutely think about murdering who you now know as yeosang when a very familiar looking skateboard rolls out the park gate and runs into your ankle.
"you're kidding," you snap, kicking the board roughly so it falls on it's side, "you did that on purpose!"
"i didn't, i promise," he says, "but since i caught you...can i teach you an ollie now? i've been waiting for you."
"well you waited for nothing, i'm not interested."
"c'mon, a skillful ballerina like yourself will pick it up in no time."
you roll your eyes at the sarcasm in his tone and you'd step on his skateboard if your feet weren't aching.
"i don't think i wanna learn from someone who can't seem to keep his feet on the board."
"well, then you'll just have to see how good i am," he hums lowly, flipping his skateboard over with his foot and kicking it up so he grabs it with his hand.
"wow, you can catch it," you say dryly and a smile covers his face as lets out a scoff.
"not that, wiseass, there's a competition on friday. come."
you feel your eyebrows shoot up in surprise before you squint at him suspiciously. why on earth would he be inviting you?
"and why would on earth would i do that?" you echo.
"to see me, silly constanze. and let me prove that i can teach you."
you ignore his use of the mysterious name despite the irritation flooding through you, simply rolling your eyes as you shake your head.
"not a chance, i don't feel like getting rendered unconscious. and i don't even wanna learn."
"but your friend's are coming too," he says and your eyebrow raises again because that's news to you; but then you think he may be using that as bate for your interest.
"they would never," you spit, as if they don't fawn over them constantly before and after practice. and the smirk on his face is like he knows it, too, all smug and teasing and you think it's about time to get the hell away from him.
"i'm leaving," you bluntly state, "good luck on friday. you'll need it." you hear him laugh as you turn around coldly, taking three steps before you hear
"i won't, i'll have you there."
"no you won't!" you shout before starting your music and trying not to focus on your aching feet.
"because you wouldn't!" your friend whines to you after your friday practice, "that's why i had to spring it on you, like, right now, in this very moment."
and damn yeosang who was very much correct when he said your friends were going to the competition because the second your teacher left, she ran up to you with puppy eyes and a small smile begging you to join her.
"everyone else is going, you don't need me!"
"but you're my best friend, y/n, i want you there," she whines before looking side to side and whispering, "i want you to meet wooyoung."
"who the hell is-"
her hand covers your mouth before you can get the name out, her eyes bulging and you feel your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"don't talk so loud," she whispers, "i don't want everyone knowing i like him."
"something tells me you make it very obvious," you say the second she removes her hand from your mouth.
"ugh, see, that's why i need you there!" she says while perking up, "so you can stop me from becoming an obvious, flustered mess. what if i blurt out about ollies to him."
your cheeks heat at the memory of yeosang's teasing and you let out an annoyed huff. because you know she won't stop until you say yes and she is one of your best friends and you truthfully just want her to stop looking at you with her borderline creepy puppy eyes.
"fine," you huff out, "but you're buying us food after."
"yay, yay, yay, yay! okay, deal, perfect, let's change!"
and with that, she runs off into the hallway to change and you know with absolute certainty it probably took her an hour to pick it out. like how nearly an hour later, you're sitting on the uncomfortably hard bench with far too many people shouting and whooping like this is the damn super bowl.
you look at your friend in annoyance who's just bouncing in her seat excitedly, her eyes roaming the boys lined up near the ramps until you see them light up.
"there he is!" she whisper-yells to you and you crane your neck to look at the group.
"which one?"
"the hot one! with the dark hair, in the red plaid. next to- omg, he's next to your man."
"shut your mouth," you mumble but you can't even lie that he's looking extra good today, sporting a burgundy beanie with black jeans and matching converse. he really looks like the embodiment of a skater boy, the most unfortunate tragedy being how annoying he is the second he opens his mouth.
his eyes graze the onlookers and you watch him do a double take when he sees you not only in the crowd but looking his way, a wide smirk covering his face as he waves at you. you shake your head, pointing to the girl next to you and squinting your eyes.
he squints his own back at you, nodding his head sarcastically before throwing you a wink and walking off with wooyoung to the top of the ramp.
an annoyed huff leaves your mouth, turning your head to see the dreamy look in your friend's eye. "okay mrs. obvious, calm it down," you hiss lowly, suppressing a laugh when she shakes out of your lust-induced gaze.
"who's obvious? obvious about what? their love and affection for wooyoung? nope, not me."
you can't help the laugh that rings out of your mouth now, pushing her lightly before someone welcoming guests and announcing the events into a loudspeaker cause to smirk at your friend.
"they're kidding with this loudspeaker, right?"
"sh! it's a sporting event."
and like a sporting event it was, the crowd cheering during their favorite skaters or "oohing" at the rare occasion when one would wipe out. and even you have to admit this was exciting to watch. how freely they throw themselves into the air, how smoothly they'll land on the moving boards and flip their bodies in ways that truly look like it should end in disaster.
when the voice on the speaker booms "kang yeosang" the cheers pierce your ears and you look around in surprise at the clapping and wooing crowd. they get considerably louder when he appears at the top of the ramp and you snap your head back around to see him craning his neck side to side before plopping his board down and adjusting his two feet.
you watch his fluid movements the second he starts, balanced and sharp as he dips down and then flings himself all different ways and soars into the air.
you find yourself flinching when he takes a particularly steep turn or deep dive, feeling shocked and impressed when he lands it each and every time. you don't even realize how much time has passed until he's done, standing back on the ledge holding his board up and shaking it side to side as his chest heaves in and out.
the audience is clapping, yourself included and you see him point out into the crowd before stepping off just as the name "jung wooyoung" is called out. the figure next to you jumps up, her squeals piercing your ear and successfully doing the job of snapping you back to reality. 
you halt your clapping hands, tugging her down by the arm with a chastising tone.
"you're so embarrassing, stop it," you say through gritted teeth but she only shrugs you off, wiggling in her seat happily as her eyes zone in on the boy. you watch too and if you realize you're not quite as interested in watching him, you'll never admit it.
"congratulations, wooyoung!" you friend squeals when you find him and a group of boys towards the front entrance of the park afterward, "you were amazing!"
a big smile covers his face upon seeing her and you'd be lying if you said it didn't make your heart soar; perhaps he likes her as much as he likes him...
"thank you babe," he says and you try not to scrunch your nose at the term of endearment.
"i was so scared when you-"
"and look who decided to show up, after all," you hear a teasing voice say from behind you. you spin around and roll your eyes at the boy skating up to you holding a first place trophy.
"by force and harassment, don't flatter yourself," you say, eyes roaming the metal in his hand and he smirks.
"told you i was good."
you purse your lips to the side because you can't deny it now, after watching him and genuinely being impressed.
"well pardon me for my hesitance after you flung that deathtrap at me not once but twice."
"only a deathtrap if you don't know what you're doing," he say, rolling the board under his feet, "which is why we gotta schedule your lesson now."
a shocked look crosses your face, eyebrow raised skeptically. "oh, i didn't realize you were so booked and busy."
a cocky smile crosses his face as he cooly responds, "well didn't you hear all those cheers for me? i have a lot of fans."
your face pinches into one of disgust because you had realized majority of the yells were those of females.
"well, then let's not waste a highly anticipated lesson on someone who doesn't want one in the first place."
he hops off the board, sauntering towards you and turning his head to you.
"but i insist," he says, that signature smirk crossing his face, "it's the least i can do for my good luck cha-"
"ay, yeosang! let's go!" wooyoung yelps before eyeing you and a smile covers his face.
"you must be y/n! are you coming with us? i'm wooyoung, if you didn't know." 
you turn your neck to the side to see your friend with a big smile on her face and you don't think her body's stopped wiggling since you guys got here. she nods her head frantically, failing her hands in a 'come on!' motion and you plaster on the fakest smile you can muster.
"sure, thank you for inviting me," you say through gritted teeth, meeting the boy’s gaze before snapping back to your friend mouthing the words 'you owe me.' you watch the two take off, his arm thrown happily around her shoulder as she observes his second place trophy in fascination.
"you wanna see mine?" yeosang quips, holding his out in excitement but you can only roll your eyes. you side-eye a group of girls lingering next to you, pretending to plan for their next event or look at their phones when you know damn well they're trying to sneak a peak at the kang yeosang.
"i think there's others far more interested," you quip before turning around to catch up with your friend; you hear the familiar sound of a board clattering against the ground and rolling after you seconds later.
the four of you end up walking to a nearby diner, 50s inspired with red leather booths, a black and white checkered floor and elvis presley currently singing through the speakers about a devil in disguise. you were given the spot next to yeosang, listening to him and wooyoung banter back and forth about their performance.
"maybe if you didn't almost eat shit, you'd have this!" yeosang teases, patting the trophy next to him while taking a sip from his chocolate shake. 
smug and cocky from his win, it felt really good to see wooyoung put the end of his paper wrapper in his straw and blow it towards yeosang; but it felt even better when some excess of his vanilla shake went with it, promptly splattering all over the boy's face.
and yeosang really wishes he could've gotten mad but your soft giggle of a laugh just left him cursing playfully at wooyoung, wiping his face with a napkin before the waitress places your food down.
he wishes he heard you laugh more often.
you pick at your salad with your fork, letting out a quiet sigh as you smell the salty fries and burgers wafting around you. but you know the wrath of your dance instructor and most importantly, your mother, would not be worth the taste of any food.
yeosang watches you from the side of his eye pick at your meal, finishing just his burger before promptly shoving his plate next to you.
you turn your head to look at him with hard eyes and furrowed eyebrows.
"eat," he says, pushing his own plate until it hits your arm. but you only shove it away with your elbow, sticking your fork through a piece of lettuce and popping it in your mouth.
"i have my own food, but thanks."
an annoyed huff leaves his mouth, eyeing you seriously and you turn away from his gaze so the unfamiliar feeling of nervousness doesn't creep up on you. and then, as you open your mouth to eat another piece of lettuce, you feel the saltiness of a french fry graze your lip.
you knock your head to the side but he only follows, placing it further into your mouth. you chew the food and resist the urge to groan out in pleasure because it's been so long since you ate food like this.
but you're taught to use food as fuel, the fuel being in protein and greens and fruit and healthy fats; you know for a fact the amount of salt on this potato would not be mom approved.
"yeosang," you growl and he raises an eyebrow at you.
you hear the faint confused voice of your friend sitting across from you, "did you tell him that was your name, y/n?"
"no," you growl, side eyeing the boy who's holding out another french fry with a stern look, "he insists on calling me that and i don't know why."
"what an odd name for him to- wait, mozart! his wife's name was constanze!"
you fully turn to stare at the boy whose mouth is now quirked up into the biggest smirk on his face.
"it appears you're not the real priss of your group, y/n. now that is shocking."
"you are so dumb, why do you even know that," you hiss at him, smacking his arm lightly and ignoring how nice his voice sounds saying your real name, "and i wasn't even listening to mozart!"
his laugh rings through the air and you huff before attempting to turn back to your food. but his pushy, annoying, obnoxious self shoves his plate to you again and you'd scream at him if you weren't in a public setting.
"you really are such a-"
"i can't sit here and watch you pick at your food any longer," he tells you and you're surprised to hear his voice laced with the smallest hint of concern, "just eat some fries."
you meet his gaze and see they’re surprisingly soft, no hint of his usual teasing or judgment, and you sigh before snatching one up and putting it in your mouth.
"very," he says, smiling down at you and you ignore the way it makes your heart feel light and fluttery when your eyes occasionally meet.
but that light and fluttery feeling quickly fades away by monday. because when your mom said she’d pick you up from practice for once, you knew she had to have ulterior motives.
"hi, mom," you chirp the second you get in the car and she smiles softy at you. but there's a forced, stiffness about it.
"i checked your log before," she says before even a greeting and your face immediately drops; she makes you keep a log of your weight and hours put into practice every week.
"two pounds, y/n?" she asks and you just knew you shouldn't have put that in there. "what's that about?"
your swallow nervously, shame running through you as you tuck your head into your chin; perhaps you had ended up finishing all of yeosang's fries.
"i'm not yelling at you, dear, i just...what is that about? you know gaining weight isn't good for-"
"i know, mom," you snap, irritation running through you at the fact she thinks dear is gonna lessen the blow, "but it's only two pounds. i probably just burned it off at this practice."
"i hope so," she hums, staring up at the building and smiling softly in remoteness. "you have to work hard, every second, mind and body. you remember that, right? but especially what you put in your body and what you put-"
"on the floor mom, yeah, i know."
she lets you sit in silence for a few moments, making no attempt to put the car into drive and you look up at her curiously. 
and then there's something in her gaze, in the way she didn't tell you to put your seatbelt on or make any moves to put back on the sunglasses perched on her head that you just know what she's about to suggest. 
so before she can, before she can hurt your feelings and spirit anymore, you say the words she's thinking.
"i'll walk home," you say shortly, open the door and slamming it after you jump out, “work off some calories.”
"that's a good idea, y/n," she says before trying to soften her own guilt and be a good mother, "but are you sure? your feet must be in pai-"
"i'm sure, see you at home," you say, tears pricking behind your eyes and you quickly walk to the crosswalk so if they do happen to fall, she doesn't see. you wait for the walking man, hearing the sound of your car driving off and it's like you don't have any strength in your body.
in an effort to not completely break down in public, you walk around to the side of the building where you sometimes have outdoor practices when it's especially nice out in the spring. you open the squeaky gate and plop down against the wall, bringing your knees up and burying your head in your arms to cry just for a second.
cry because your feet and body are always in pain, cry because you're deprived of flavorful food and have forced yourself to pretend it's because you like it, cry because your mom, the person you do all of this shit for, just called you out and made you feel so incredibly shitty for gaining two pounds on your already slightly underweight body.
"y/n?" you hear and your head snaps up, hand moving to wipe your wet face quickly; but you know he already saw what was happening.
"please not now, yeosang," you beg, voice wobbly and wet and you close your eyes when you hear the squeaky gate open.
"what's wrong?" he asks, kneeling down in front of you and turning his head to the side questioningly. 
you hesitantly meet his gaze and a frown immediately covers your face when you see his eyes roaming over you with true, real concern. and you don't know if it’s that or the dozens of other factors but it causes the tears to leak from your eyes again, face crumbling before you quickly bury them back in your legs.
"please leave me alone," you cry out quietly.
"i can't do that, y/n," he says and you feel his warm hand graze your bare leg after a few moments, his thumb gently rubbing over your skin and you don't even try to fight it. 
because you think you need the slightest bit of comfort and affection right now, even if it’s him. and he does just that the whole time without uttering a word, plopping down on his butt after the squatting position burns his legs.
you look up after you feel like you've drained all your sad and frustrated and pain-ridden sobs out and he pouts after seeing your red, tear-stained eyes and puffy cheeks.
"will you tell me what's wrong if i ask again?" he asks softly, bringing his hand from your knee to your face to wipe at the excess tears under your eyes.
"no," you squeak and he swallows the lump in his throat but nods his head regardless.
you bite your lip when you feel it start to tremble again, maybe at his understanding, and his eyes immediately move down to your lip, swallowing again when he notices the tremor.
"was that...can you at least tell me...was that your mom?" he asks, moving to wipe the tears off the other side before retracting his hand.
you sniffle, leaning your head back against the brick and nodded your head silently.
"yes, that was my...lovely mother," you say and you can't help the bitterness in your tone.
he nods his head understandingly, still roaming your puffy eyes and sad face as he finds himself saying, "parents suck."
a small humorless chuckle leaves your mouth as you nod your head against the wall, lips pursed to the side as you bite the inside of your cheek.
you two sit there silently for who knows how long, long enough for the ice cream truck to make its rounds around the park three times and then for most of the chatter coming from it to simmer. your eyes had been grazing each other ever so often, but most of the time missing each other.
because when you would look at him, you saw him staring off outside the gate absentmindley, like he was reliving some kind of memories.
and when he would look at you, you were watching your finger trace the concrete underneath you and his stomach sank at the thought that you were practicing parts of your routine.
so that's what urges him to get up abruptly, causing you to look up to see him holding his hand out to you.
"come with me?" he asks and you look at it warily before meeting his gaze.
"just come," he says pleadingly and you find yourself sighing before taking his hand. he pulls you up gently, interlocking your fingers and you supposed you shouldn't have been surprised when he starts dragging you across the street into the park.
"are you kidding, yeosang," you say but the usual snark in your voice is empty; you just don't have the energy.
he walks you over to his board laying on it's side, kicking it up with his foot and moving so you're standing right in the middle of it.
"get on."
"i don't wanna," you whine, "what makes you think i wanna do this after having an emotional breakdown?”
"just try," he says, "and if you hate it, you can smack me over the head with the deathtrap. payback, right?"
a smile tugs at your lips so you drop your head, looking over the scuffed up board and taking a breath before looking up at him again.
"i'm holding you to that."
and with that, you step onto it hesitantly. one foot, then the other. you shudder slightly, a squeal leaving your mouth as your hands shoot out to grab onto him. a chuckle leaves his mouth at your tight grip and hesitant face.
"that was good," he says and you squint your eyes at him challengingly.
"i can't wait to knock you out."
he attempts to cover his laugh with one of his hands but you quickly reach out and grab it, an appalled look on your face.
"well, don't let me fall!"
"i won't," he says, "let's go slowly."
"i don't think that's a-" a little yelp echoes through the park when he slowly starts walking.
"you're fine, you drama queen," he mutters and a scoff leaves your mouth, "just get used to the board under your feet."
and you do as he says, grounding yourself on the board and familiarizing yourself with the slightly wobbly feeling under your feet. you loop around the park once, your screeches and his laughs echoing during the few instances he let go of your hands.
"alright, get off," he says, both hands still in yours when you get down slowly.
"that was a great lesson, glad we did it," you say sarcastically but he only rolls his eyes, moving his hands down to your hips and turning you to face the front of the board.
"not quite done yet," he says and the way his breath fans against your ear has you biting your lip because whoa, has his voice always been so deep and nice? "put one foot on the board, leave the other one on the ground and just travel slowly."
you huff as you put your feet in the positions, his hands on either side of you but not touching you. you begin to slowly move, your foot on the ground slowly stepping forward; it's slow and basic but you're doing it.
"this really is skateboarding for dummies," you say and he lets out a chuckle.
"alright then mrs ollie, let's see you put your traveling foot on the board."
you roll your eyes at him before stepping three times and then bringing both feet up onto the board. but you quickly wobble, his arm wrapping around your waist before you have the chance to fall off.
"see what happens when you get cocky," he mumbles and you elbow his stomach lightly.
"shut up, i should make you do a grande jeté."
"okay but we're skateboarding right now, not learning french."
you nearly fall off the board again from the sheer power of your laugh, your head leaning to side as it lands on his shoulder.
"oh my, gosh, it's a ballet jump!" you squeal and you only realize how close you are to him when you hear his chuckle right by your ear. you pick yourself up and stay on the board, flustered by your closeness but before you can even dwell on it, his hands are off of you.
"let's try again."
you practice and practice and practice until you're able to fully push off and stay steady on the board.
"yeosang! look! i'm doing it!" you squeal happily and he smiles, humoring you by clapping his hands together for the 8th time.
"you'll be doing an ollie in no time," he teases and you squint at him before getting off the board, turning it around, and charging towards him.
he chuckles seeing you flying toward him, moving to the side and grabbing you by the waist when you pass him on the board.
"ah, stop it!" you screech but your giggling ringing through the air says otherwise. he plops you down in front of him, the sun about to set as the town around you turns quiet. it's like you two are the only ones out right now, with squeals and smiles and laughs filling the park.
"so, am i a good teacher or what?" he asks, eyes teasing as they look at you.
"you're okay," you drag out, smiling softly when he squints his eyes at you. "i mean, good for a first place winner i guess."
his eyes move to your lips for a second, his heart warming at the smile broad on your face and small giggles leaving it.
"you should laugh more," he says and your smile dims ever so slightly as you stare at him blankly. "it's really... it's nice."
his voice is so quiet and soft, it's reminding you of how he comforted you just a few hours ago. you bite your lip ever so slightly, shy eyes meeting his before you advert them down to your sneakers.
"i guess i have only yelled at you..." you say quietly but the guilty amusement in your tone causes him to chuckle lightly. he lifts your face with his pointer finger, his soft smile making your heart warm and constrict like it did at the diner.
"the yelling is fine too," he says, "but i definitely prefer your laugh." you scrunch your nose up at him when his finger bops it softly, turning your head to the side as you roll your eyes playfully.
the quietness between you two is back, not an awkward or tense silence. just a calm, peaceful silence thats making something in you feel so... settled and content. like the last few hours were able to wipe all of your negative feelings from after practice away.
"thank you," you find yourself saying quietly, "i...i was so upset before but you really..you really helped me then and even with this, so..." you fumble over your words, your eyes switching from his to the park behind him back to him as you say, "thank you, yeosang."
he's never heard your voice so quiet and unsure and he thinks he might be crazy for feeling the urge to kiss you right now. the air feels thick and charged and buzzing between you both, all lingering gazes and soft smiles. but he still doesn't. doesn't think it's the right time or place and can't properly gauge if that's something you'd even want right now.
but he does lift his hand to your hair, tucking the slightly sweaty strand behind your ear as he smiles down at you softly. "you're welcome, y/n."
and without much protest, you're back in the park friday after practice watching wooyoung help your friend on the skateboard like yeosang did with you just a few nights ago. your heart warms at the memory, his gazes and soft, warm touches and the way you see how he's nothing like the obnoxious punk you first accused him of being.
you sit on the bench with your legs crossed, watching him show a group of young boys (and to your pleasant surprise, three girls) the safest way to attempt to ride down the railing of the three-stair drop in the park. 
you watch as the kids look at him in amazement, clapping their hands and whooping every time he lands it. he watches them attempt it with a guarded gaze, his eyes flicking to you every so often and you either nod your head at him or wave at him with your fingers and a small smile on your face.
your smile drops a few moments later, however, when you watch his skateboard wobble on the rail, promptly sending him flying off as he lands right on his shoulder. you shout his name in surprise, making your way into the circle of kids surrounding him and bending down to look at him.
luckily, he was wearing a helmet for once and there's only the slightest presence of a pained sneer on his face.
"jesus! are you okay?" you ask and soon enough, you see the huge gash start to ooze blood.
"i'm fine," he grunts out, "see what i did there kids? definitely don't do that!"
"does anyone have a tissue or napkin?" you ask and a little girl with long hair tied in a ponytail fishes one out of her pocket. "thank you."
you hold the tissue to his shoulder, cringing when you see how deep it is as you help him to his feet. he snaps off his helmet, twisting his neck to the side and you hear a crack.
"oh my, god please tell me your neck is okay," you breathe out in a panic, "neck injures can be potentially-"
"i'm fine, y/n," he says and you could smack him if he wasn't already bleeding at the amusement in his tone.
"you're bleeding through this pretty damn quickly for someone who's fine," you snap, holding the red tissue, "come with me."
you drag him across the street and up into the dance studio, plopping him down on one of the folding chairs before hurrying into the back office where your instructor keeps the first-aid kit. you quickly get to work, apologizing softly when you dab at his wounds with alcohol before smoothing over an antiseptic cream and large band-aid.
"are you hurt anywhere else?" you ask and he shakes his head, leaning back on the chair and tapping his arm lightly.
"all good now, thanks to nurse y/n."
you roll your eyes at him, throwing the wrapper of the band-aid at him before sauntering back into the office. you come out a few moments later to see him in front of the mirror, his hand running over the bar before he stands in front of the window. he can hear the bustling of the boards and wheels on concrete, smiling when the kids land a trick and cheer in unison.
"see, we hear all your punk nonsense," you say teasingly and he turns around with a smirk on his face.
"punk nonsense that you're a part of now."
"oh please, i can barely turn around on the deathtrap," you say as you walk up to him, catching both of your appearances in the mirror and it's a little surreal that he's here with you right now.
you had convinced yourself you hated him the second you saw him, heard him, not even knowing him but having an irrational dislike flood through you just at the sound of his wheels on the sidewalk. and now you can't tear your gaze away, swallowing nervously because you think you might like him a little bit and you have to get out of here.
he turns and his eyes meet yours through the mirror, smiling when he notices the pink blush covering your cheeks.
"we should go ba-"
"now wait a minute," he interrupts, grabbing your hand the second you try to walk off, "aren't you gonna teach me how to dance."
he pulls you further into him and you swallow the nervous lump in your throat. why are you all the sudden so nervous and warm?
"you can't when you're injured," you say, rubbing over his band-aid and inhaling sharply at his warm, exposed skin.
"i am not injured, y/n," he says teasingly, "come on. show me a little something."
you squint your eyes at him, cursing your heart that's starting to pick up and you let out a huff.
"do that french shit."
and because you're completely under his spell, you shake your head to lessen the laugh rumbling through your chest and proceed to walk over to the other side of the room.
"move back, i don't wanna hit you."
you take a deep breath and position your feet on the ground, extending your arms into fourth position before raising your leg and taking a deep breath. then, like you're basically permanently ingrained to do, you leap into the air. your other leg quickly follows, both of them now in a full, airborne split before landing securely on your feet and into the finishing position.
you take a breath before turning to yeosang who's looking at you with his mouth in a small o, surprise and admiration in his eyes.
"that was...i was...you're amazing."
a humorless laugh leaves your mouth, rolling your eyes at him as you shake your head.
"that's a simple ballet jump," you tell him and he looks at you with a hint of disbelief.
"nothing about that looked simple."
"that's because you're a measly skater boy," you tease, walking up to him and poking his chest lightly.
a small chuckle leaves his mouth, grabbing your hand before you can take it back and intertwining your fingers. "you did tell me early on that ballet takes a lot more skill."
a guilty smile makes its way on your face and he smirks upon seeing it. "it's okay, perhaps you were right."
"no," you say softly as you shake your head, "watching you fling yourself into the air made me nervous and impressed even when i hated you."
his eyebrow raises ever so slightly, his hand tightening in yours as the other one makes its way to your face. "yeah?" he muses, moving over your cheek gently, "and now you what? like me?"
your mouth snaps shut and you feel your cheeks grow red. you hadn't even meant to...confess like that but you're just feeling so...overwhelmed and warm and surrounded by him for some reason.
maybe because he's in your space, where your mind was secretly already plagued by him. 
or maybe because there's something about seeing both of your reflections in the mirror, seeing how his eyes rake over your face and body and how you look standing pressed up to him, how you now look with him bending down and bringing his face closer to yours.
"i...i didn't...i-"
"i hope so," he mumbles lowly, his hand moving to tuck your hair behind your ear so he can whisper, "because i think i like you."
you let out a breathy exhale, the feel of his body pressed up against yours and his hot breath in your ear causing you to shudder against him. he takes your strangled breaths as confirmation back, his chest warming and a smile on his face; but he wants the words from you.
he hums lowly in your ear and it causes you to press yourself just a little bit more into him as you mumble, "i like you too."
he pulls back to see your flushed face and roaming eyes, adams apple bobbing as he tries his best to control his fast approaching arousal. but when your gaze meets his lips, it all goes out the window. the hand grasping yours moves to your face, both now cupping your cheeks softly and as his brings his lips down.
but before they graze over your mouth, he mumbles a deep "can i kiss you?" and it's all the motivation you need to pull him into you.
your lips collide and part on one another, your hand reaching to brush through the back of his hair as he slips his tongue in your mouth. you stumble around the floor for no other reason than your need to kiss and tongue ever part of each other's mouth is overwhelming the both of you, teenage hormones and pent up frustrations and emotions being poured into one another.
you feel yeosang move you until your back hits the bar, his hands running down your body until his hands land on your hips. he squeezes them softly, breaking the kiss to get air before his wet lips meet your neck.
"i wanted to kiss you when i first met you," he mumbles against your skin, "but only because you were such a brat. had so much shit pent up, didn't you?"
you bite your lip to hold back a moan, his voice and words quickly sending sparks through your body. you hadn't expected him to be like this during....
"but i have you quiet now, it seems," he says and you feel his smile against your skin. "i saw you watching us in the mirror."
your eyes widen and cheeks flame even more; you were hoping he wouldn't notice but you were kind of openly gawking.
"i-i'm sorry," you say and you're not exactly sure why you're even apologizing, "i don't know, i just....like seeing you. us."
he presses his hips further into you, finally letting a moan escape you at the feel of his bulge against you. you grind yourself further into him and he hisses, gripping your hips roughly before dragging you back towards the middle on the furthest side of the mirror, strategically away from the window.
"can i try something," he mumbles as he moves to stand behind you, "i want you to watch."
"if you want me to stop, say the word."
and with that, your eyes bulge and wetness pools as you watch him run his hand along the side of your body. his hand grazes over the side of your boob, moving to palm you until your nipple hardens under his touch and he slips into your shirt. he groans quietly in your ear when he feels your skin against his hand and you throw your head back onto his shoulder.
"yeosang," you mumble but then he quickly removes it and you let out a tiny groan.
"eyes in the mirror or i'm not doing anything."
he wishes he could kiss the pout off your face when you look back up, glossy eyes meeting his in the mirror as you cock your head to the side. "more, please."
and more he does, his hand back in your shirt tweaking at your nipple before he quickly starts work on the other one. he continues to hum in your ear, praising you when your moans echo throughout the studio and you push back onto his growing bulge.
but it's when his hand snakes between your thighs and you have to watch as he rubs over you that you really start to lose it, cry out his name and feel your legs start to wobble as you see the way his hand strokes you over and over and over again.
"yeosang, please," you whine and his smile at you through the mirror is nearly sadistic, so far off from the fun, teasing, cool-tempered boy you've come to know.
"please what, baby?" and your stomach swoops because that's the first time you've heard those words leave his deep voice.
"i...i don't know, just..." your eyes roll back and the second he sees they’re not focused on the mirror, he pulls his hand away.
"yeosang!" you whine, your eyes popping open immediately and craning your neck to look back at him. but he bumps his hips into the back of yours, holding you against his body so you don't fall forward as he grabs the waistband of your shorts.
"you know the rules, you priss," he bites and you can't believe how quickly that name changed from irritation in your veins to wet arousal pooling in your underwear.
"i'm sorry," you whine and it's all he needs to dip his hand into your shorts, sinking his hand down to rub the wet patch on your underwear and you moan out at the feeling.
"you're so wet, baby," he muses in your ear, "this is all for me, yeah?"
"yes," you moan out and you're so tempted to close your eyes at how good it feels.
"you've been so good for me lately," he hums, slipping passed your thong and hissing himself when he feels your wet arousal on his fingers, "but i have to make sure you keep being good."
"yes," you moan out again and your knees nearly buckle when you feel him brush his finger across your clit. "oh my, god." your breathy whines fill the room and it's enough for him to quicken his pace, flicking and toying at your clit while one hand holds your waist because he feels your legs shaking in front of him.
"yeosang, oh..oh, my-" a loud moan leaves your mouth and your head dips back for a second before you quickly fling it forward, eyes half open as you watch him his hand move in your shorts and his mouth by your ear.
"you feel good, baby? like seeing me with my hand in this pretty pussy?"
"yes," you moan out, "yes, yes, yes." and you moan it like a mantra. a mantra that only gets louder when he pushes his finger into your tight hole, moving in and out and making you feel full as he rubs over your clit until a tightening in your lower half has your legs vigorously shaking under you.
"yeosang! fuck fuck, fuck! i think i'm gonna-"
and before you can get it out, your eyes shut and moans leave your mouth as you come apart from his fingers, your eyes desperately trying to stay open just in case his rules still apply and he takes away the best, most intense orgasm you've ever felt in your life. 
your legs are shaking and you would've collapsed right on your knees if yeosang hadn't tightened the arm around your waist, holding you flush against him and even in the middle of an orgasm, the feeling of his hard cock against you has you wanting to do more.
only the sound of your harsh breathing can be heard in the room after a few moments so he pulls his hand out and guides you around to plop you down in the chair a few feet away. you stretch your legs out, leaning your head back and holding your hair away from your sweaty neck. 
he smiles at the sight of seeing you fucked out from just his fingers, resisting the urge to make you watch him taste your arousal; but he thinks that may be a little too much for you right now; he also needs to calm down the raging boner in his pants.
your head flings back up a few moments later, vision a bit hazy and your legs tingling but the smile on your face almost immediate.
"hey there, baby," he says and your smile widens because you hope that name is here to stay. "so the ballerina has a mirror kink, after all."
a choked laugh leaves your mouth, embarrassment flooding through you as you cover your hands over your red face.
"stop," you whine, "i....i guess we just confirmed that one," you mumble and you hear his chuckle fill the room as he bends down. he places his hand on your exposed knees, kissing both of them before squeezing softly.
"you good?"
"i'm great," you assure before looking at his face, "but wait...don't you need to...?"
"i'm good," he tells you, his soft smile an indication he's telling the absolute truth, "i think i wanna take you on a date before we do that again."
warmth and excited butterflies run through your stomach and chest, a small, sweet smile covering your face.
"really?" and he can't help but laugh at the sweet, almost disbelief in your voice.
"what the hell, did you miss the part where i said i liked you?"
you purse your lips to the side, shrugging your shoulders teasingly.
"i don't know...a lot did just happen," you say, "like i found out about my mirror kink."
a snort leaves his mouth, looking back and waving at you through the glass with a wink.
"we got tons of time to find out more of your kinks," he promises, "but for now. a date. how's tomorrow?"
"tomorrow's great," you say and he stretches up to place a chaste kiss on your lips before pulling away and admiring your smiley, pink-tinted face. he watches as you look back at the mirror, your eyes lowering until another embarrassed laugh bubbles out of your mouth.
"what?" he asks, humor in his tone.
"i just...i don't know how i'm ever gonna look at this mirror the same."
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
I Promise
Pairing: Stanley Uris x Bowers!Reader (young) 
Request/synopsis: “Hi! If you’re still writing Stanley Uris, could you write a little childhood piece taking place during the first movie where the reader is one of the bullies’ little sister and hates what her brother and his friends are doing to the losers and starts to hanging out with them and the boys make fun of Stan because it’s obvious that he likes her and one day they’re walking and end up on the kissing bridge and he just starts rambling to her about something he saw and she interrupts him by kissing him”
Word count: 4,390 I think I got carried away
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions of attempted murder? Use of the term flamer, it means flamboyant gay, Stan is called that by Patrick in the books. Mentions a lewd act that happens in the book as well. Violence from a brother. Bullying. Some angst? Pennywise, that should definitely be a warning lmao.  Blood/gore/violence, typical for the IT fandom. Sort of mentions character death.
A/N: Sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted, I tried to do this request justice (since it was my first! Thank you to the anon that asked for it!) but I definitely took it on an angsty ride lol. I definitely focused more on Henry and the time in the sewers than I originally planned.  Sorry this took so long as well, I wasn’t sure how to fit all of my ideas together. I really like how this turned out, but it’s also like two in the morning so there could be typos. 
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Do you like being Henry's little sister? Of course not. Siblings or not, Henry treats you like shit too, at least he has the decency to keep it behind closed doors. On top of that, everyone avoids you, expecting you to be just like your brother or Greta. Greta is relatively nice to you, or as nice as demon spawn can be, she never makes fun of you or bullies you, she even tries to include you in her shit. Thinking, like everyone, that Henry actually likes you; and this way she can make a good impression and he can finally ask her out. 
You walk out of the front doors of the school on the last day to see your lovely brother and his idiot friends teasing Stan and his group of friends, stealing the curly-haired boys kippah. Richie, being his typical self, starts screaming and insulting Henry, making him angrier. Henry takes said anger out on Stan, pushing him to the ground and pulling his leg back to kick the smaller boy in the side. 
“Hey!” you scream and rush over to the scene, before you can realize what you're doing. 
“Come to defend your boyfriend?” your brother sneers before laughing like a lunatic. 
“Back off Henry,” you glare at him, stepping between him and Stan. You can hear the poor boy behind you struggling to stand up.
“Or what?” Henry leans in, face inches from yours. He has never made his dislike for you public, even his friends are shocked by his actions. “You gonna run home and tell Dad?”
“Tempting,” you push him away from your face, mindful that your father is on duty somewhere in the ocean of students. As he’s distracted by the shove, you yank the kippah free from his grasp. “You want them, you go through me.”
“That can be arranged,” he grits his teeth, gesturing for his friends to grab you. 
They look shocked for a second, before Belch wraps his large arms around your middle to hold you back. Your brother smirks at you as he advances on Stan, preparing to punch him. Your pleas for him to stop advancing on the loser’s, as they’re dubbed, fall on deaf ears. 
“Let go of me you creep!” you yell at Belch, before slamming your foot down on his. He lets go of you before bouncing around in pain, like a stupid cartoon character. You run between Henry and the Losers, but not before he can shove Richie to the ground. “Go home Henry,” you shove his chest again. 
“You can’t make me,” he flips open his switchblade as he advances on you. The rest of the world seems to still and all you can think is will Henry really hurt you? You hear the muffled cries from the boys behind you get louder with each step your brother takes towards you.
“What’s going on here?” your dad's voice cuts through the haze, Henry backs off and hides his knife before Dad can see. 
“I was just offering her a ride home,” Henry scowls as he turns to your father.
“And I was telling him that I was going to go hang out with my friends,” you use your thumb to point at the boys behind you. Your Dad eyes them wearily before ultimately coming to the conclusion that they’re a harmless group of nerds. He nods at you and sends Henry a small glare that if you blink you’ll miss before heading back the way he came. 
“Watch yourself,” Henry warns before making his way to Belch’s car, friends in tow. You let out a sigh as they drive away, shoulders slumping as your adrenaline wears off.
“I think this belongs to you,” you smile at Stan, handing him his kippah.
“Thanks,” he breathes, he looks like he wants to continue speaking but no words come out. As he grabs the kippah from you, his fingers brush against yours and a blush creeps up his cheeks. You grin at how adorable he is. 
“Are you guys okay?” you glance between him and Richie. Stan just nods and Richie rolls his eyes at the doe eyed look his friend is giving you. 
“I’d say we didn’t need your help, but Stan the man here certainly liked being your damsel in distress,” Richie smacks a hand on Stan’s shoulder and laughs, you soon join in. Stan smacks the boy with the glasses harder than you think anyone realized he could. “Ow, that fucking hurt” Richie whines, rubbing his arm and sulking off to Eddie. 
“D-do y-y-you wan-nt to go-o to the qu-qu-quarry wi-with us?” Bill asks and Richie smirks at the idea.
“I should go before Henry gets even more mad,” you play with the hem of your shirt. “But thank you for asking.”
“Please,” Richie clasps his hands and blinks dramatically at you, sticking his bottom lip out in an over dramatic pout. 
“Why not?” you grin at the losers, but at Stan the most. 
Over the following weeks you grow closer to the boys; Bev, Mike, and Ben too when they join the losers club. One day the eight of you are at the quarry trying to ignore the whole killer clown thing. Stan looks nervous about jumping into the water, even though you’ve seen him do it multiple times already. So you decide to grab his hand and pull him down with you withput warning. He lets out a high pitched screech that you almost can’t hear over the wind whipping past you. 
Once you and Stan, the last two to jump down, break the water's surface Richie grabs Eddie repeatedly screaming the word chicken and shaking the smaller boy. Bev grabs Ben’s hand to which he grins at. Richie and Bill share a look before the stuttering boy wades over to you. 
“W-w-will you b-be my par-pa-partner?” Bill smiles at you, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight. 
“Of course!” you smile at your friend, happy that the group accepted you quickly even though you’re a Bowers. You don’t see the glare Stan is sending Bill as he pairs up with Mike. Richie smirks at the rest of the group, you and Stan oblivious to the looks they send each other and their plan to make Stan so jealous he tells you how he feels. 
“So Stan,” Richie sings.
“No,” Stan says, watching you and Bev ride your bikes to your house for a sleepover. Her dad was worse than normal lately and she needed an escape, and you loved the escape it created from your brother. 
“I never asked my fucking question,” the boy with the coke-bottle glasses pouts.
“Because nothing good ever comes out of your mouth,” Stan deadpans, finally turning to look at his friends. You rode past the curve at the end of the road effectively taking you out of Stan’s line of sight, so he had no reason not to look at his friends now. 
“You were holding hands with (Y/N),” Eddie speaks up from Richie’s side. “Which is just fucking disgusting! Do you know how many germs-”
 His voice is cut off when Richie slaps his hand over the smaller boy's mouth. The look of terror on the hypochondriac’s face is one that Richie won’t stop laughing at for years to come. 
“She pulled me off the ledge,” Stanley rolls his eyes, suppressing a blush as he remembers how soft and warm your hand was. “It meant nothing.”
“And big Bill doesn’t fucking stutter,” Richie rolls his brown eyes, which look like googly eyes since they’re magnified by his glasses. 
“What?” Stan asks looking at the road in front of him, not wanting his friends to see how red his face and ears are. 
“I thought we were coming up with obvious lies,” Richie shrugs. “You’ve been in fucking love with her since you two got paired up at the beginning of the damn school year.”
“Have not!” Stan tries to lie, but his face darkens three shades deeper. The red instantly gives his obvious feelings away to his smirking friends. 
“It’s that or you have rosacea,” Edidie looks up at the Jewish boy with mock innocent eyes. “Because your cheeks are bright red every time you're around her.” Stan doesn’t respond because he knows they’re right, so he just walks away from them.
“Do you like Stan?” Bev giggles at the sleepover. The two of you had been talking about her and Ben prior to the question. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, looking down at your hands resting in your lap. “He’s so nice, and so sweet, and so caring. Plus, he went out of his way to help me when I was confused in class this year.”
“Yeah-” you cut off the redhead. 
“And the way his curls fall in front of his eyes when he’s leaning forward, so he has to angrily huff at it to try to blow the curl away. And the way his face scrunches up all adorably when he’s concentrating on a hard problem.”
Before you can continue fawning over your friend, your door slams open. It hits the wall behind it with a loud crack, where you later find a hole in the wall the handle created. In the doorway is a pissed off Henry, steam practically shooting out of his ears. 
“I thought I told you to stay away from him and the rest of those fucking losers?” he shouts, you’re dad isn’t here to hear him. “And now I hear you talking about that damn flamer with the schools slut no less.”
“Funny that you call Stan a flamer,” you smirk at your brother as you stand from the bed, subtly stepping in front of  Bev so she’s behind you and away from your brother's wrath. “When Patrick gave you a hand job.” 
“How the fuck did you hear about that?” he slams his fist into the wall beside him, knocking off a framed photo of a bird Stan had sketched for you during the school year. 
“I saw it with my own two eyes, dumb ass,” you sneer at him. “Next time you want to get a hand job from your boyfriend, don’t do it at the dump.”
“I’m gonna kill you,” he roars, closing in on you. Bev lets out a small gasp behind you, you feel bad she has to witness this. Especially when she came here to get away from her dad.
“Go ahead, then run off to get your oral from him,” you laugh. Before Henry can do anything else, the front door opens and your dad calls for you two. You sigh in relief as your older brother storms out of your room. You and Bev never bring up what was said or what just happened. 
You got separated from Stan while in Neibolt, but luckily Bill was with you. The horrors you all faced in that run down house will forever haunt each and every one of you. You’re shaking slightly as Stan and you cling onto each other as the two of you walk out of that horrendous place. 
You gasp loudly and hide your face in Stan’s chest as Bill punches Richie in the face. Your body starts to shake slightly without your permission, being taken back to when Henry punched the wall a few days prior. Bev pulls you into her side as Stan and Mike help Richie up. Bill goes for Richie again, but Ben holds him back. Richie yells back in retaliation.
“Stop,” you whimper, body trembling worse. Visions of your dad and Henry yelling at each other and shoving one another flash through your mind. A memory of Henry punching the locker beside your head when you were the last two in school floats to the forefront of your mind. “Please.”
Stan immediately rushes over to you and pulls you into his chest, you don’t care if he finds out about your feelings anymore as you grip onto his striped polo. He’s an anchor in the storm of your mind. Even when Henry isn’t around, he’s still lurking in the back of your mind making sure he can hurt you. The rest of the group stops what they’re doing for a minute to glance at the two of you before walking in two separate directions. Bev gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she leaves. 
“How about I walk you home? Stan offers, rubbing his hand in a calming motion on your back. 
“Can we go on a walk instead?” you ask nervously, pulling away slightly. He keeps his arms wrapped around you as he studies your face. He keeps his arm around your shoulder as you walk through the park. 
You and Stan take a seat in front of  the giant Paul Bunyan statue, soaking up the summer sun and the sounds of the birds singing. For the next several hours you and Stan lay side by side on the grass as he points out different birds and tells you about them. Your heart pounds every time your fingers brush against each other as they lay in between you. Your body and heart are aching to slip your fingers through his, but your mind is telling you no. You ultimately listen to your mind, feeling dissatisfied with yourself at the awkward wave he gives you as he drops you off at your house. 
The days where the losers are fighting rush by, each of them spent doing something with Stan. before you know it, it’s nearing the end of the summer and Pennywise is gone. You reluctantly take part in the blood oath, wanting to leave this town as soon as you turn eighteen and never look back. But you would do anything for your friends, even risk your life for them again. As you're hugging Bev goodbye, you can’t believe she’s really leaving, Stan comes up beside you. 
“Will you go on a walk with me?” Stan asks timidly, not meeting your eyes. The puffy bandages around his face make your heart lurch at the thought of how much pain he must have endured. 
“Sure,” you nod even though he’s staring at the ground in front of his feet. Bev gives you a smile and a slight shove in encouragement. You give her one last smile as you start off down the trail, Stan taking long strides to catch up. 
“What happens now?” Stan asks, his fingers brush against yours as you walk side by side. 
“My aunt’s moving here, so I’m staying,” you don’t turn to look at him, scared to face more disappointment. 
You stop walking when you two reach the kissing bridge, not that you expected anything to happen, but it was a nice view. You look down to see the small S inside the heart you carved earlier in the year, it sits near Richie’s R + E. You absentmindedly rub your wrist, Henry had grabbed you so hard he bruised you when he caught you with his missing switchblade. But it was worth it, in twenty or thirty years from now those markings would still be there, your own little mark on history. 
“I’m glad,” Stan says it so quietly he doesn’t think you’ll hear him, but you do. You glance up at him and immediately frown as you get a better look at the bandages wrapped around his face. It takes you back to the day in the sewers, the day he yelled at you. 
“Stan!” you scream in fear as you wade through the grey water. Your heart is pounding in your chest, this can’t be happening! You can’t lose him, not Stan. One minute he was with the group and the next he's gone. “What if IT got him?” your voice shakes in fear.
“You can’t think like that,” Richie says firmly, but you can hear the fear in his voice. 
Before you can respond you hear a scream, one eerily familiar to when you pulled Stan off the ledge at the quarry. “Stan!” you scream again as you run past your friends through the dark smelly sewers to find the curly haired boy that you care for. 
You reach the closed door at the end of the tunnel, opening the rusty metal on your own thanks to the adrenaline rush. Your friends' screams of Stanley get louder as they catch up to you. All six of you rush through the door and look for Stan in the large underground room. You walk around and come face to face with the creepy women from the painting he hates eating his face. A strangled sound somewhere between a gasp and a whimper escapes your mouth, alerting your friends that you found him. 
“What the fuck is that?” Richie asks as Eddie shines Stan’s discarded flashlight at the thing. The multiple rows of teeth finally let go of Stan and the lady looks at the lot of you.
“Get off of him!” you scream, reaching down beside you and grabbing a rusty pipe. You chuck the metal at the creature smacking it in the middle of the face, it opens its mouth and hisses at you before retreating. 
You all breathe a small sigh of release, until Pennywise peeks his head out from behind the corner. All six of you let out high pitched screams, but all you can think about is Stan’s safety not your own. As Pennywise hides behind the corner again you run and drop to your knees at Stan’s side, the rest of the boys quickly following suit. You reach out and touch his arm, muttering his name in a soft calming voice, but all he does is scream in terror. 
“Get off me!” he pushes six pairs of hands off of him as he scrambles away from you and the rest of the losers club. “You left me! You took me to Neibolt! You aren’t my friends!” 
“Stan, we were looking for you. We were so worried, I was so worried,” your hand gently touches his cheek, trying to see how much physical damage IT had caused.
“Get away from me!” he glares at you as he smacks your hand away from him. “You're no better than Henry! Worse than him! You tricked me into being your friend just so you could hurt me!”
You rip yourself away from the curly haired boy so fast you fall flat on your ass as you try to move away. You gasp and tears fill your eyes, Bill’s hand gently squeezes your shoulder. He had been with you at Neibolt, he saw that your fear was Henry. Your feelings for Stan were obvious, so the accusations made the rest of the boys angry at Stan for hurting you. Tears fall quickly from your cheeks as you stand and back away from the group. You need to get out of there, away from Stan, away from the pain. 
The rest of the losers back away from their friend and get ready to search for their favorite redhead. You all find Bev quickly, and you smirk as Ben kisses her to wake her up. Pennywise soon appears, attacking Bill first, the rest of you try to fight the clown but it doesn’t work.
“Let him go!” Bev’s plea reminds you of yours from earlier. 
“No, I’ll take him” IT shakes its head with a grin. The killer clown explains to the group how it will eat your flesh as it feasts on your fears. “I’ll take him and only him,” IT offers. 
“Leave,” Bill begs the losers.
“I’m gonna have to kill this fucking clown,” Richie complains. “Welcome to the losers club asshole!” he screams, hitting Pennywise in the face with a discarded baseball bat. 
Chaos erupts, everyone grabs for a weapon to fight the clown with. As everyone starts attacking IT with the garbage they found, IT manages to slip away. You all decide, stupidly, to split up and look for Pennywise. 
“Good morning sunshine,” Henry’s annoying voice whispers into your right ear, dialogue straight from an incident where he almost seriously injured you. “Dad’s not home.” You can hear the smirk in IT’s voice.
“This isn’t real! You aren’t Henry! You aren’t real!” you scream, the losers stop their search for the clown and watch on nervously. 
“It’s time to play sis!” IT laughs like a maniac as he walks in front of you, you're forced to stare up into IT’s eyes. Pennywise steps closer so you step back, which you do again and again. A replica of Henry’s switchblade pops open and is pointed directly at your gut. “Daddy dearest isn’t home to stop me!”
“Go through with it! Do it! Do what the real Henry never had the guts to do!” you scream at your brother- well Pennywise. He has you backed into a wall, switchblade dully pushing into you just above your navel. Your chest rising and falling rapidly as you pant, angry tears mixing with the heartbroken ones from earlier as you stare defiantly at the thing that had been after you and your friends all summer.  
IT backs away slowly, your brothers-Pennywise’s- head tilting to the side as he studies you. A grin too large to be humanly possible splits across Henry’s face, rows of teeth on display as IT laughs in delight. You see your friends inching closer to you and the clown, you make eye contact with Richie giving him a slight shake of your head. He sighs in defeat, grabbing both Stan and Eddie pulling them back, the rest of the losers halt when they realize what the trashmouth did. 
“You were easy to crack,” IT giggles loudly, shifting back into a clown. IT lifts a hand up, finger tracing your cheek down to your throat, stopping directly over your artery.   
“Take me and leave my friends alone!” you glare up at IT. 
As the clown goes to open its mouth, Ben comes out of nowhere and stabs IT right in the back. The rest of the losers start attacking IT again, the clown shifts from fear to fear in hopes of getting one of the losers to stop. It shifts to Bev’s father, so she stabs a rusty rod right down IT’s throat in order to make him go away. The clown convulses and backs away from the group. 
“That’s why you didn’t kill (Y/N) and Bev, because they weren’t afraid of you!” it’s the first time you’ve ever heard Bill not stutter. “We aren’t afraid of you. Now it’s your turn to be afraid, because you’ll starve.” IT flips itself into a hole that leads lower into the sewer system, letting go and disintegrating before Bill can whack IT with a pipe. 
You all stare in shock for a few moments before making your way out of the sewers and towards your homes. The losers all talking amongst themselves, all but you. you’re ahead of the group, wanting to put as much distance between you and Stan as you possibly can. Eddie too, he had already asked what you meant while Pennywise was still Henry. Two conversations you definitely didn’t want to have. 
“(Y/N/N)? You okay?” Stan’s distant and worried voice breaks you out of your memories. “Where were you just now?”
“I’m fine,” you lie and he can tell by the flash of pain that crosses your face. “Just thinking about the other day.”
“I didn’t mean what I said,” Stan frowns, turning away from the carvings on the wood to face you fully. “I wasn’t in the right head space-”
“It’s fine,” you murmur, fingers gently running over the S carved into the wood.
“No it isn’t,” he says firmly, you look at him with wide eyes. You weren’t expecting him to get so serious about it. “IT messed with my head, made me see things that weren’t true and I took it out on you.” 
“Stan, I get it. IT knew how to hurt us most,” you reach over and lightly wrap your hand around his in a reassuring gesture. He stares down at your joined hands for a moment, ears turning a vibrant red, before continuing with his explanation. 
“He showed me a vision of you and Bill kissing,” Stan flips his hand over and laces his fingers with yours. 
“What-” you’re eyebrows furrow as you watch his face grow from pink to red. 
“I like you, (Y/N). A lot. And when IT showed me that it broke my heart. Deep down I knew it wasn’t real, but it felt so real. I’ve liked you since the beginning of the school year, and I never had the guts to tell you. Because why would you like me? You could have any guy, how could you ever possibly want me-” you cut him off by gently pressing your lips to his. It’s a soft and fast peck, but you still pull away smiling. “What?”
“I like you too, you loser. For just as long, I was scared to say anything because of Henry,” you giggle at his shock, mouth open and eyes wide. “Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.”
“Speaking of Henry,” Stan’s mouth snaps shut before his lips pull into a deep frown. “What did you mean back in the sewers?” You sigh, not wanting to admit it allowed. Stan pushes a strand of hair away from your face before cupping your cheek gently. 
“Henry thought I broke his Atari, so he screamed at me endlessly and threatened to kill me,” you admit softly, rage and sadness battle within Stan’s eyes as he takes in the information. “It wasn’t the first time he threatened that, but it seemed different that time. My dad had no idea, he only heard some of the yelling, which he screamed at Henry for doing. So that made Henry even more mad at me. But anyway, it turns out that it was Belch that broke it.”
“(Y/N),” Stan says softly, pulling you into his embrace. “I’ll never let anyone else hurt you.”
“Promise?” you ask hopefully, could you really finally be happy? 
“I promise,” he kisses your forehead softly. “I know this isn’t great timing, but will you be my girlfriend?”
“I’d love to,” you grin at him, gently caressing the bandages as you pull him in for another kiss.
tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
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Humans are Weird, “Rescue Without Reward”
I had been planning to write something similar to this for a long time, but @cyberstrikebeast also suggested it, so thought this was about the time to try it.  Again, just something fun and easy I wrote really quick for today. Hope you all like it and have a good day :) 
The planet was quite beautiful. The GA scientific team, brought on world with a protective detail of UNSC Harbinger marines, stood outside the open shuttle doors and stared around  at the mesmerizing landscape.
They had landed on a wide outcropping of rock  surrounded on all sides by shallow pools of still water sectioned off into ponds that, from above, looked like the organizational structure of cells seen under a microscope. The rock itself was almost pure white glittering brightly in the cold, distant light of the star. A range of small black hills rose over the pools in the distance, and the occasional monolith of rock rose form the landscape cutting high into the air at odd intervals framed magnificently by the shadow of a neighboring gas giant and its rocky concentric rings. Weather it was due to some strange atmospheric occurrence, or the way the star’s light hit the atmosphere, the sky was a striking pinkish purple cut across with clouds tinted blue.
The magnificent scene from above was reflected against the water below giving the alien landscape an even more alien quality.
Members of the GA research team stood wide eyed in wonder while their protective detail of humans muttered in appreciation for the scene.
“Damn that’s awesome.” 
One of the humans pulled out some sort of device pointing it towards the scene before stowing it back in her pocket.
“Send that to me when we get back onboard the ship.” Someone was saying, and the agreement was quickly made.
The humans, serious about their duties moved into position around them. Along with the humans, they were accompanied by two Drev, one small and glittering with blue armor, while the other was absolutely towering and glittering with bright red armor. The humans formed around the GA team like the head of an arrow meters away from each other but still close enough to be in sight.
The commanding human, stayed on the inside three rows deep behind the arrowhead directing their movement as they moved out towards the pools of water. The first human was ordered to test the integrity of the ground pressing his boot against the narrow rock shelves which separated the pools. Finding that it was enough to hold his weight, he moved forward, and the others fanned out behind him making different ways across the little rock shelves.
When asked why they didn’t just walk in single file, the humans said something about avoiding an ambush. This idea made their companions rather nervous, but there was nothing for it at this point, and so they followed the strange, powerful predictors across the open landscape.taking samples and doing their best not to leave anything behind.
All of them had been decontaminated before leaving the ship, but still the human body was a biome of bacteria, so all the accompanying humans were forced to wear full face masks and goggles just to keep their germs away from a potentially delicate environment before it was tested to susceptibility. The last pool of water faded behind them, and they stepped foot into a thick growth of trees.
Of course to call them trees was a rather strange way of putting it. They were a little bit like tree roots in the way that they twisted, and kind of like trees in the way they reached towards the sky, but otherwise they were more like strange twisted skeletons rising from the ground. They had no leaves and no branches really simply twisted black forms rising from the ground a good ten to twenty feet splitting at odd intervals into their “branches, which plunged back downwards into the soil covered all over in patches of turquoise moss. 
They were growing in such a way that you could walk underneath them, and through their twisting branches. The ground was sort of mossy, bright green in most cases with a splash of purple. Aside from the trees they were these, giant bright-orange ferns that towered into the air and cast themselves downwards under their own weight bringing the ground into shadow against the sun. They were placed at distant intervals from each other leaving enough room for the strange tree-like things, and a lot of the forest floor moss.
There were thousands of other little ferns, some in spiral shapes and others, in bright blue, which looked like giant blades of grass rising into the air patterns of dark black cutting up their surfaces like tiger stripes.
“Ah! Don’t you dare touch that.” The leading human ordered, and the marine at the front of the column withdrew her hand wilting.
“Yeah I know it looks cool, but it could be poisonous.” Their leader walked up and rested a hand on her shoulder, “It’s alright,...” His voice lowered, “If I am being honest with you, I want to touch it too.” 
The GA members looked on in worry at the human’s conversation. They had gotten into some sticky situations, with this particular crew, from touching strange plant life in the past, and they were not interested in repeating such a situation. Luckily for them, the humans found some semblance of self control and kept their hands to themselves as they moved through the strange forest.
A white critter with one leg and one eye blinked warily at them from under a fern before leaping away into blackness.
The humans watched it go with mild fascination as the creature used it’s coil to bounce off the ground and into the bushes.
The temperature hovered a few degrees below freezing despite the tropical-esque plantlife that seemed to dominate the forest. It was hard to discern just how the plants survived in such an environment, but that is what they intended to learn. A low fog rolled in at some point plunging them into an eerie world of uncertainty.
With some trepidation, the humans constricted their triangle in order to see each other through the mist.
It was at that precise moment that they heard it, the strange sound rising on the air. It was close by. An echoing trumpeting bugle that rattled and wavered before dying back into darkness. In response, all the humans hunched into a low crouch weapons at the ready. It had a strange almost…. Metallic noise to it as if made by a rundi ship, but not quite.
It was difficult to explain as none of them had ever heard such a sound before.
A few moments past, and then they sound came again rising in the air and then dying back into a sort of thrumming gurgle.
The GA scientists shifted nervously.
One moved forward approaching the humans as they talked quietly to each other through their earpieces. One of the members tugged on the elad human’s hand, and he turned to look blinking at him with his single eye.
The expression was disconcerting, “What is that?” They wondered.
The humans looked at each other with a shrug, “We aren’t entirely sure right now.” 
Again came the low bellowing rattling through the trees and echoing through the forest.
“Some kind of animal/” One of the other humans wondered.
“That would be my first guess.” Said the one-eyed human
“Should we head out?” They asked glancing into the fog and towards that echoing sound.
The lead human paused head tilted to the side as the sound came again, “No…. it doesn't seem to be moving in this direction. In fact, it doesn’t seem to be moving at all.” The aliens looked on in surprise at the human’s confidence. Of course they could all hear the noise, but theirs was not so tuned as to locate or detect where it was in the environment. It could be anywhere for all they knew.
The human kept his head tilted and continued to listen, “it sounds…. In… distress.”
GA representatives looked on in consternation, “how could you possibly think to tell that. You’ve never heard the creature before. Perhaps it is a mating call, perhaps it is hunting, and perhaps it is giving birth. There could be any number of reasons.”
The human shook his head with a frown, “I…. something just feels off about it. Hard to explain…. I think we should at least head in that direction to see what is going on.” 
To the incredulity of the watching aliens, the rest of the humans agreed, though hesitantly, shouldering their weapons and forming into firing positions behind the first human.
With her weapon shouldered, the small blue Drev walked over and allowed the leading human to climb onto her back bracing his weapon against her shoulder and he directed her to the trees. The GA representative hung back towards the back of the group as the humans made their way into the fog. It’s not like it mattered though, if they were forced to run the humans would be much faster, and would outstrip them in minutes anyway.
As they walked, the distant bellowing grew louder and louder until they broke through the ferns and fog at the edge of a clearing. The humans stopped just ahead.
“Sweet Jupiter.” One of them muttered.
His expletives came at the behest of a strange scene. To the shock of the GA the leading human’s guess at the strange sound was correct. There was in fact a creature, that did, appear to be in distress. It was a strange creature tall and gangly with four long legs, or what they guessed to be long, and a short sloping back.
It had a long neck and head whose muzzle was long and conical tapering towards a shallow point at the end. As it trumpeted, it would tilt its head back and emit the noises from the small round mouth at the end of it’s cone, face. The head itself was topped by a strange array of what must have been either antlers or horns, many ending in sharp bladed leaf-like points. 
On the creature’s back this same leaf like pattern continued, but with long feathered protrusions that flared when it bellowed sticking upwards and outwards two feet on either side.its body was furless, so there was another mystery as to how it survived in the cold, but it’s skin was a strange flower orange color hinting towards pink, very bright and shocking against the mud and the mist. 
They could only assume the creature was tall based on its neck and body as much of it was hidden below a gelatinous mass of frozen mud which shifted and squelched as it struggled unmoving and getting nowhere.
It bellowed another mournful cry.
The humans had stopped in the clearing a few stepping closer to get a better look.
The GA representatives relaxed. If it was trapped, than it wouldn't be able to hurt them. 
However, the humans began to move closer, causing the GA representatives to shift nervously in their places.
Seeing the humans the animal began to bellow wildly and thrash, and who could blame it as the predatory species moved around in a tight circle examining the creature.
“We should move on.” One of the GA reps stated nervously as the humans returned to their beginning circle.
The main human frowned at them, “what? ANd just leave it here.”
The GA scientists looked at him in consternation, “Well of course we are going to leave it here, what else would we do.”
The human held out his hands to either side, “Rescue it obviously. We can’t just let it die there, whatever it is.”
“Commander, it is no place of ours to intervene with the natural order.” “Clearly you don’t know humans very well.” he shot back, and the other humans began to mutter in agreement.
“Commander, what reason would we ever have to rescue that thing. What would be the point. It would only waste time energy and resources, and just look at the thing. If you get any closer it will gore you.”
With a stubborn shake of the head, the human glowered at them, “because it’s the right thing to do.”
“Who said that.”
“I did.” The human responded petulantly before turning to look at his men, “We are going to need tow cables, and anything else that we can come up with. Maybe a shovel if you have one. We aren’t going to leave this poor thing here to die.”
Behind them the creature was still thrashing in the bog as the humans began to gather their material, a few of them running back towards the landing shuttle to gather supplies they had neglected to bring, unknowing what was to happen. The GA scientists watched in consternation and a mild bit of annoyance. It didn’t make any sense, there was no reason for humans to be out here doing what they were doing. They had no idea what the creature was or what it could do, and for all they knew it would rip them in half as soon as it was able. In fact, this may just be how it lured it’s prey in before drinking their blood.
They had no way of knowing.
But still the humans insisted on doing what they were doing. Ropes and cables were brought. The humans discussed the best way to retrieve the creature. The commander took suggestions drew up plans in the dirt and offered to do the most dangerous part of the operation, seeing that it had been his idea to begin with, not that the other humans were disagreeing with him, and his choice.
The scientists watched from the forest as the human slowly began approaching the creature. He had the rope in one hand opened into a wide loop that had been tied by one of the marines. He approached slowly foot by foot. It was clear he did not go without notice, and the creature began to balk and shriek as he approached.
It jerked its head sending its knife like bladed horns flying in all directions. The human had to step back more than once out of the way of the thrashing creature.
“Shhh, shh. Its ok.” He was saying, doing his best to sooth the creature that didn’t seem intent on being soothed. This went on for more than an hour as the human attempted to get closer to the creature only to be driven away by the things bladed horns. Slowly, however, the creature began to lose energy bugling less, and slumping deeper down into the mud. The human grew closer and closer before eventually, reaching out and tossing the coil over the creature’s antlers.
It didn’t move but lowed piteously.
“Shh it’s ok. We’re going to have you out in no time. Just relax.” The human urged slowly reaching out to adjust the rope over the thing’s antlers.
His hand was right next to the creature’s multiple eyes.
It’s sides heaved in fear.
The human stepped back and motioned to the marines who moved forward to further secure the animal.
The commander reached out hesitantly brushing his fingers over the things neck. It recoiled at his touch.
“Shh. You’ll be ok.” He muttered resting the flat of his hand on the creature’s muscled neck. At first it shied away from him, but eventually relaxed still breathing heavily, eyes wide with fear.
Establishing a solid connection, the commander ordered his men back into position before stepping away to join them, “Come on, pull.” He grabbed the rope along with them, and together the humans began to pull. A small group of them wasn’t nearly enough to do more than cause the animal to bugle.
He ordered some of the others over, “Just pull enough to loosen it up, and then we can get closer so we don’t hurt it’s neck.” They agreed, and another group of marines walked up grabbing the rope and began to haul on it. Together the humans worked in unison rocking back and forth chanting in unison as they began to pull. If they had thought that one powerful human was impressive, the might of at least six was greater than impressive.
There was a sharp sucking sound as the creature’s legs shifted in the mud, and they lurched back.
“Hold it there.” He ordered three marines motioning two others with him as he moved forward.
He came in first between the creature and his men flexing his gloved hands, “IT’s alright, you’re almost out.” The creature just looked at him with wide frightened eyes.
He reached out delicately wrapping his hands around the base of its horns. He was just inches away from it’s huffing mouth.
“On my order���!... PULL!” They began to pull again and he gripped the creature tight hauling backwards with his feet digging into the soil. They strained and pulled for the longest time dirt giving inch by inch.
It would have taken ages if they ever did manage.
Until the two Drev took hold of the rope. They clearly didn’t understand what was going on either, but they decided to help. 
ONe tug, a single tug. The mud made a sucking noise, the humans staggered back, and the commander flopped to his back still gripping the beast’s antlers. The creature was pulled bodily out of the mud, it’s long dangling legs stiff rigid it’s head lying on the commander’s chest it’s antlers just inches from his face.
He was breathing hard staring up at the razor edges.
With some difficulty, the human pulled back undoing the rope form the creature’s antlers as it lay in the mud before making a prudent retreat backwards. But they weren’t out of the woods yet. Using the rope he had taken from the antlers, he secured a loop around the front feet of the creature, strange, with three toes looking almost like fingers two facing forward and one facing back. Once standing, it seemed as if the animal would walk on the knuckles of the front two fingers and stabilize itself with the back appendage…. Like a thumb. 
That done, he ordered the marines to pull very slowly and gently dragging the animal up onto the bank before retrieving his rope and making a hasty exit back towards his men. 
The creature didn’t move for a very long time before slowly lifting it’s head and folding it’s legs. It sat there for an even longer time appearing almost confused as it turned it’s head to look at the watching humans. It had probably expected the predatory animals to go right ahead and eat it, but here it was…. Free. 
It let off a soft bugle, and this time the call was returned from the distance.
As they watched, the creature urged to it’s four legs awkward with what appeared to be two knee joints as well as an ankle. The creature was quite tall when it stood upright.
It was watching them.
The humans grew very still.
The thing hesitantly stepped towards them leaning closer with its long neck. Something like a strange white tongue flicked from it’s circular mouth. They stood facing each other for many seconds eventually broken up by the call just outside the clearing.
All together they turned as the thing’s companion stepped into the trees. This one was a light peach color, almost as tall as the first but missing the antlers. Instead it had many of those long clear feathers dangling from it’s head and reaching towards the ground. 
Around it’s feet there pranced at least ten very tiny orange creatures that looked like them in a vague sort of way. Like how a caterpillar kind of looks like a butterfly if you ignore the wings. Humans and GA scientists alike remained silent, watching as the tall horned beast took a few wobbly steps towards it’s little family turning its head to look at them one more time before vanishing into the trees.
It made no sense really. There was no reason for the behavior of the humans. The act itself didn’t reward them anything. In fact, they lost both time and resources trying to help the creature. The commander risked his life and limb against something that could easily have eviscerated him if it had really wanted too.
What they didn’t understand is that this behavior is quite common in humans.
Perhaps it has something to do with their great amount of empathy, but whatever the case.
The good of humanity doesn’t like to leave anyone to suffer weather it be human alien or beast. 
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
Tumblr media
IG info/bio: @/OFFICIALRAHIMJARVIS | 130k followers | pro🏌🏿, & yes i was on that dating show...don’t obsess over other people, obsess over water, stay hydrated friends!
22 (23) years old
From Birmingham, England
Pisces sun? + Virgo moon + Cancer rising
Parents are both Afro-Antiguan and Barbudans + migrated to The UK once they were pregnant with their first child
They’ve been married for over 20 years
He gets his height from both of his parents
His mother keeps her hair buzzed short, cooks the best Antiguan food + loves creole seasoning, she’s 5’11, & works as a bank teller
His father is 6’5, works as a substance a*use counselor & does not believe in tough love as a way of showing you care about your children. He learned that the hard way growing up
Ibrahim is a pro golfer & dislikes tiger woods, “he’s a proper arsehole, typical American yeah?”
Got into the craft thanks to his maternal grandfather who was also into golf along with other sports & taught him all he needed to know. At first Ibrahim didn’t like it, found it rather boring & would rather stick to video gaming but his grandfather wanted to break his grandchildren out of staying in the house all the time
It kept him fit and also relieved any anxiety Ibrahim had in life and he had a good amount
He’s got an incredible swing, thanks to his long arms
He’s 6’3
Has three older brothers: Jesse (27) , Keithroy (25), and Reuben (24)
He loves working out and spotting other people, feels likes it’s a team effort & he’s a team player
Drinks gallons of water on a daily and nothing else, it’s even better if he puts fruit in it
Always eating fruit, for breakfast/with or after his dinner. Rather eat fruits than vegetables...yes he’s an adult but he can’t stand broccoli or radishes
Canon: hates seeing other people test their fruit to see if it’s ripe or not. But it’s fine when he does it himself, he just thinks about all the germs that are on other peoples hands when they’re doing so; it physically makes him sick & irritated if he ends up touching the fruit that’s mushy/lumpy
He’s a big fan of comics. Always has been since he’s a kid and has a huge collection of them, his oldest ones are packed away in a couple of crates (in his loft room that he uses as a extra storage room) since he no longer has space in his room. Yes he has no shame (and shouldn’t) of having them on display even tho his oldest brothers clown him for it
Massive fan of black panther & was hyped when it first came to theaters. Saw it three times in one day
Was heartbroken when Chadwick Boseman p*ssed
He’s awkward at expressing himself & sometimes it makes him feel misunderstood & it’s frustrating
Hates people that come up with these ideas of him instead of allowing him to collect his thoughts and speak them the right way
Yet he can be the type of person that wants to ignore issues and hope they go away
He wishes people had enough patience like he did with others in the world
He seeks advice from his dad, since he’s a counselor & everything yet it’s slightly different?
Can be a sweetie & very romantic in relationships
Will do the most (he won’t see it that way) & drop $ on you if he wants to...buying things, trying & failing to DIY, doing wealthy ppl shit, expensive trips— canon: taking his girl to Spain? Was it? Or Italy? I don’t remember... the whole 9
Had 1 gf before the villa. He broke up with her for being too flashy with his things & found that she wouldn’t have liked him if he didn’t have a bit of money
His parents live with him. “They’re basically my roommates until or if they find a house they like.” He didn’t go overboard once he got his first paycheck, he didn’t need a mansion but he did go big enough, industrial style but homey with some minor modern touches for his dream home—he didn’t want it to feel cold or penthouse-like
Isn’t too flashy on the socials but will post something every now & then if he feels the need to show it
Doesn’t post much of his face, mostly what he’s doing in the moment...lots of golfing pics!
Dresses like a dad but it works for him. Loves a good snug polo & plaid trousers/regular that are cut above the ankle, “those are highwaters innit?!” “No mum, it’s the style.” Rolled up jeans, tall white socks & some patterned, baggy sweaters, fancy hats, picks oxfords over sneakers, etc...
Definitely takes the time to iron/steam/press his underwear & socks
Enjoys getting his hair braided, isn’t tender-headed at all (must be nice)
Only grows his hair out during the fall/winter seasons or cuts/gets a shape up
When he posts about his tournaments or time at the golf course, he can always count on Bobby to comment the usual... @/returnofdamckenzie: do you ever have moments where you Reenact troy bolton on the lovely green grass? @/officialrahimjarvis: Idk whether to block u or have a laugh mate, yes i had to look him up!
Dated Jo for about 5 months after the villa until she broke up with him, finding that their lifestyles were too hectic for them to continue, at least that was her public statement to the fans but they really grew apart & the “love” was no longer there
Ibrahim seemed to be more upset about it than Jo in the beginning resulting in snappy replies for awhile, which again stems from him not knowing how to express himself
She checked up on him A LOT, almost as if they never broke up but Ibrahim felt like he needed his space now. They talked it out the best they could over dinner and got closure but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He just didn’t think it was needed to be calling each other everyday to see how they were both holding up. If they were done, then that’s what they should be
Jo didn’t see it that way. She still cared for Ibrahim, that didn’t mean that they had to stop talking in her view. She wanted to know how he was coping, and was known for “sticking her foot in her mouth” so that was also a flaw in their relationship
She would say certain things that touched on how she was feeling but didn’t express them at the right times & then there was Ibrahim who didn’t know HOW to say the things he felt which left jo to assume things
Ibrahim was back to the single life and he hated it. He wanted someone he could come back home to, someone that wanted to be with him for the long run. A part of him feels like Jo wasn’t planning to be with him for the long run in the first place and in a way that was okay? Sometimes you don’t know where you’re going in relationships but there should be some sort of goal? Maybe? At least that’s what he thought. Yeah they had fun but he wanted more someday
He was still young he didn’t need to be hung up about it right? Sike. He didn’t know how to take things lightly. That wasn’t how he was built. And to get comments about his ex relationship and have fans dragging him about his choices in the villa A YEAR later!!! Was disheartening
Shannon seemed to be doing well. He thought they would still be friends, at least that’s what she showed before she left the villa. Before he got her dumped. They talked a couple of times since then, jo personally wasn’t a fan of that—Shannon didn’t care but it was clear there was some tension still there
Until he contacted her just to realize she probably had his number blocked but her IG was public and she had a new man & was traveling about
His dad and Reuben were the only ones rooting for them
He had no choice but to be happy for her. Who was he to come in between that? Not that he wanted to but it’s a natural reaction to wonder after a fresh breakup, “what if?”
Talks to Priya every so often now. He seems to find comfort in her, it’s the same for her on her end
His mother has a feeling Priya is the one her son will end up with. Even if she is older...Keithroy also liked her the best
While Jesse seemed to be the only one who supported his relationship with jo
I honestly thought he would have liked Hannah in the beginning but idk if it was him or Gary that said she was too unrealistic when it came to love? I think they both said something along those lines which is odd since it seems Ibrahim has no problem treating his girl like a princess
Probably only has one special dish that he can cook the best & it’s gumbo. otherwise hes out of the kitchen or having his personal chef cook for the family
Goes live on twitch—when he has time, playing many games with the boys from the villa, which pleases the fans
Talks to them all as much as he can
Noah seems to be the first to always text back since Bobby is the one who’ll start off responding in minutes then forget to text back cause he’s off doing handstands or booping people on the nose or some shit, Gary always ends up busy doing something with his nan or for Lottie—but Noah’s always around
They seem to be the closest outside the villa, they mesh well & hang out the most when they can
he likes having his sound on & LOUD when he texts! There’s something so satisfying about hearing the clicking of texting to him
Watches a lot of sports on the Telly, it doesn’t have to be just golf. Usually watching that sport sends him right to sleep while the others keep him active/vocal...yes he’s a tv yeller
Holds sports parties at his home & invites all of his family & mates, he HATES having to clean up afterwards. If it wasn’t for his mum he would save the cleaning until the next day yet he doesn’t mind cleaning his car twice a week
Continues to make his violet man drink & wouldn’t be opposed to someone giving him a endorsement deal for it
Is the “I love everybody!” Drunk
Enjoys yard work over cleaning the house
Has his own customized golf cart that he keeps in his garage
He likes driving that more than his Buick suv tbh
Wants kids some day, not too many, not too little just right— he’ll probably have two but for rn his Doberman pinscher is his bby
Either ends up with Priya with slight insecurities that she’s too good for him or he falls in love with a tennis player, either way I’m fine with both
Crushes/his type? : Jojo Levesque, SERENA WILLIAMS, China McClain, Brie Larson, Victoria Pedretti, Nathalie Emmanuel, & Keke Palmer
Listens to: Aminé, Big Sean, Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyaz, Pink $weats, B Young, Ali Gatie, Russ, Raveena, Jessie Reyez, Rayana Jay, Cosima, TianaMajor9 etc...
Anthem = Lucky Daye, “Buying Time”
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Just a Simple Lie
Chapter 6
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Description: Having worked on small independent films for the better part of a decade, your friend tells you about an opening for a script supervisor with a large studio. Wanting to advance your career, you apply and get an interview. The only downside, they prefer to hire crew who are married. It’s just a simple lie, right?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Cursing and some fluff
A/N: This fic is simply for fun. I know nothing about the personal lives of the two actors in this series and mean no harm. I am also totally guessing regarding the studio talk. Comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome.
Word Count: 4,625
Catch up with Chapter 5
Laying in the guestroom of Chris Evans’ rental is one of the few places you’d never pictured yourself being. The décor was very hotel chic which made sense since it was rented out by a private owner with lots of turnaround. Best to keep things neutral rather than themed. The bed was soft and the linens were plush so you could not complain.
It was such a weird feeling to be in his space but not be with him. He was essentially somewhere in the condo and you were here. In a room. Doing your own thing. Or resting, or whatever. He had insisted. Who were you to complain about more sleep? Wasn’t like you could work. Chris confiscated your well used script and laptop once he gave you a brief tour of the place.
“If you’re in such a hurry to get back to work, you have to get better. No sense in tiring yourself out and being sick longer. That’s just more missed days.”
Damn him and his common sense.
You put your phone on the dresser that was located across the room from you before snuggling back on the bed. Out of sight out of mind.
Apparently, you did manage to sleep as your eyes slowly opened to a dark room. It felt colder although you aren’t sure if the temperature in the condo has dropped due to the setting sun or this mystery virus sending a chill to your bones. Either way you’re cold and you realized your error of not packing a sweatshirt. The sweater you had on was warm, but it was thin and not as cozy as you would have liked.
Getting out of bed, you ran your hands through your hair to tame it as best as you could. You shrugged on your coat that you left on the bench in front of the bed and made your way out of the room.
The TV was on ESPN or the like in the distance as you heard a list of scores for some sport or another. If you were being honest, your brain wasn’t all the way there, so you really didn’t care.
“Oh, hey,” Chris said, sitting up from is half laid down position on the couch. His eyebrows and forehead scrunched low in confusion. “You going somewhere?”
“I’m just kind of cold. Should have packed a sweatshirt or two,” you said, taking a seat at the end of the couch, your hands going into your pockets.
Chris gets up from his spot on the couch, walking to the hallway to check the temperature. “It’s seventy-two in here. Want me to bump it up?” he calls out.
“Seventy-two? Would have guessed it’s sixty.” You shake your head even though he can’t actually see you. “No. No, it’s fine.”
He comes back in the room stopping in front of you. Chris’ hand reaches down, hesitant at first, until his palm touches your cheek. Damnit if your breath doesn’t catch in your throat. He removes it quickly, touching your forehead with the back side of the same hand.
“You’re a…,” he licked his lips, taking a deep breath in. “You’re a little warm,” he said withdrawing his hand. “You need a sweatshirt! I’ll grab you one,” he shouted, practically running away.
Chris Evans was going to be the death of you. The two of you are friends but you can’t help but let your mind wander to that space that says maybe there’s something more. But this is your whole life. This is your career. You’re finally making enough money that you can actually put some away. You no longer have to sling beers to make ends meet. It’s a real adult job and now that you’re in your early thirties, it feels like what you need to do. So, what you need to do is stay focused. Besides, this whole feeling could be the fever talking.
Chris is suddenly in front of you again, apparently you had zoned out and didn’t hear him come back in the room.
“Red or blue?” he asked, holding a sweatshirt of each color in his hands.
“Can I see something in green. Perhaps a hooded number.”
“I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor,” he chuckled, throwing the blue one at you.
Tugging off your coat, you slip the sweatshirt over your head while you assume Chris is returning the red one to his room. It’s warm and cozy and smells a little like him. Not that you’ve smelt him. You’ve just picked up on his cologne when he’s near you. Yeah, not weird at all.
Tucking your hands inside the sleeves to keep warm, you lift your feet onto the couch in a half laying half sitting position. Chris stops in front of you and gives you a small smile.
“What?” you asked.
“Looks nice on you,” he replied innocently enough.
Think about your fake fiancé, Y/N.
“Well then, I may just keep it,” you shrugged.
He plopped himself down one cushion away from you on the couch, his body bouncing a bit when he landed. “Well, duh. You got your germs all over it.”
Clanging noises from the kitchen woke you. Apparently, you had fallen asleep again, you just weren’t sure how long you were asleep. You eased your body off the couch and padded your way into the kitchen.
“Hello sleepy head,” Chris greeted you before turning back to the stove. “I made you some soup. Had to call my ma to get the recipe.”
How is this guy single?
“You called your mother for a soup recipe?” you asked, reaching into the refrigerator for a bottle of water.
“Course! You’re sick. Soup always makes me feel bettah.”
“What did you tell your ma?” you asked in the best accent you could muster.
“I told my ma that my friend was sick and I wanted to make her soup,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Do you tell your mother everything?”
“I do. So, watch yourself Y/L/N,” he replied with eyebrows raised, giving the pot another stir. “Go relax. I’ll bring you a bowl in a few minutes.”  
“Thanks,” you mumbled, walking back into the living room and taking a seat on the couch.
Dinner actually ended up being quite good. Chris knew what he was doing in the kitchen, much to your surprise. You ended up eating two bowls of soup. Skipping lunch and sleeping all day apparently amped up your appetite. The warm broth helped warm your body, even if it was only temporary.
You tried your best to stay awake to visit with Chris. He was telling you stories about his family and from what you could remember, they sounded like a close-knit group. But this darn virus was keeping your energy level at zero. When you had dozed off on him twice, Chris ordered you to bed and you willingly went without complaint. You kept the sweatshirt on. Strictly for the warmth of course.
Knocking on the bedroom door woke you the next morning.
“Come in,” your groggy voice called. You were honestly too tired to get out of bed despite all the sleep you managed to get yesterday and overnight.
Chris walked in, sticking close to the door. “How are you feelin’?”
“I’ll live.”
He chuckled at your response.
“What?” you asked, voice coming out a little whiny.
“Just sound so cute,” he shrugged his shoulders. Your mouth dropped open. In shock? In protest? You weren’t sure. “You’re so stuffed up.”
He wasn’t wrong, but still. Cute? Pfft.
“Well, yeah. I’m sick.”
Damn. I really am stuffed up.
“Which is why I called you out for the day,” he said, walking over to the window and opening the blinds.
“I can’t miss again. They’re going to fire me.” You were full on whining now.
“They’re not gonna fire you,” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “They don’t want sick people there especially since you interact with a lot of key people. I already called Monica and she’s fine. Just rest today. I’m sure you’ll feel better tomorrow if you do.”
“Fine,” you conceded. “But I want my script back. At least let me take pictures of my notes to send to Monica. You need all the help you can get,” you sassed.
“Smaht-ass. I do just fine on my own.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” you sighed. “Will you please get me my script? I promise to stay in bed while you’re gone.”
“Tuck that bottom lip away missy. I’ll get your damn script. You want breakfast too?”
You gave him a small smile. “I could eat.”
Chris came home in a grumpy mood and you had no idea how to cheer him up. If he was one of your friends back home, you’d be out for drinks, but you were sick. Not to mention, with the amount of cold medicine you were taking, mixing alcohol probably wasn’t a good idea.
After the initial door slam, you came out of your temporary room to see Chris sprawled out on the couch, leaving zero room for you. It was his house, what were you going to say? You took a seat on an upholstered chair across from him, crisscrossing your legs.
When he didn’t say anything after a few minutes, you started. “Bad day of filming?”
He let out a loud breath and ran his open palm down his face. “You could say that.”
“What happened?” you couldn’t help but ask. “Unless you don’t want to talk about it.”
“Can we just watch some TV for a bit?”
“Of course,” you replied. You got up from the chair, grabbing a throw pillow from the couch and dropping it on the ground. You eased yourself on it, grinding your butt into it to get comfortable.
“What are you doing?” Chris sighed out.
“We’re watching TV. I’m just getting comfy.”
“Get up here!” he said, sitting up straighter with one bent leg still on the cushion.
You pulled yourself up and settled into the couch, your legs curling up sideways. Your foot touched his and he pulled back.
“Sorry!” you squeaked.
Chris muted the TV and faced you. “No, I’m sorry. Keanu said something to me today and it’s botherin’ me.”
“What did he say?” you asked softly.
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Chris licked his lips. “He thinks we’re too close. Said I’m too close to you and it’s not right.”
“What does that even mean?” you asked.
You honestly were dumb founded. What a weird thing to say to someone. What did too close mean anyway? You and Chris were friends and co-workers. You were the script supervisor so you worked closely with him daily.
Chris groaned. “I don’t know.” He shook his head. “It’s cause you’re engaged.”
“That’s ridiculous.” The fingers of your right hand automatically finding the engagement ring. “I’m allowed to have friends. You’re allowed to be friends with non-single women.”
“Damn right I am,” he said more confidently.
“We’re adults. We’d know if we were crossing lines. Clearly we aren’t.” Chris nodded in agreement. “What brought that on?”
“Monica asked where you were staying. I told her my place and since Keanu was right there, he heard and brought it up to me as we were wrapping for the day.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed out. “If I thought this would have caused problems, I would have made Monica deal with my sick ass.”
“Are you kidding? I’m not worried about his opinion. It just bothers me that he thinks he has a right to interject.”
“Still…I don’t want to cause problems. Maybe I should just head back to the hotel.” You stood up and started to walk to your room. Chris jumped to his feet and was quickly right behind you.
“No. No. No. We aren’t doing that. There’s nothing wrong with you staying here,” he said to the back of your head.
You picked up your bag and put it on the bed. “Chris, it’s probably for the best. I was going back to my room tomorrow anyway.”
You grabbed the change of clothes you stored in the dresser bringing them over to the bed. Chris placed his hand over yours, stopping you from folding up the shirt.
“Just stay. Going is only going to prove his point.”
He was right. Leaving is pretty much admitting you staying there is wrong.
You grabbed on to his hand that was pressing down on yours and turned to face him. “Okay.”
He gave you a gentle smile. “Let’s go watch a movie.”
You nodded your head and followed him back out into the living room.
Back on set the next few days, Monica avoided you as much as she could. She’d text you from ten feet away to ask a question, despite sharing a room with her at night. It was insane, but if it made her feel better, you’d put up with it. You were feeling 80% better. It was just that stuffy nose that didn’t want to leave your body.
Being around Keanu felt odd all of a sudden. You tried to act as you normally would, sharing a small joke or an anecdote about something you read, but it was hard to feel at ease. Now that you knew he was watching you, you didn’t know how to act around Chris. So, you did what you probably shouldn’t do. You avoided him. Of course, you couldn’t avoid him completely since you were working with him, but when he would find you on set, you brushed him off.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, catching you while on break.
“Better,” you answered simply enough.
“Good,” he nodded. “Good. I’m glad.”
This wasn’t going to work. The last thing you needed was the studio catching wind that something funny was going on. But Chris was your friend. Becoming one of your good friends over the last month. There needed to be a middle ground.
A week later you were feeling pretty damn guilty for keeping any conversations with Chris on the professional side. If he found you to chat, you made sure someone else was with you. Often pulling Monica or David into the conversation whether they liked it or not.
Y/N: Can we talk?
Chris: Now you want to talk? Should we text Monica to see if she wants to join us?
Yeah, you deserved that.
Y/N: I’ll bring cookies.
Chris: Where? And only because you’re bringing cookies. None of that sugar cookie crap either.
You decided on the coffee shop you been frequenting since coming to town, making a quick stop at a bakery along the way to pick up a couple of chocolate chip cookies for Chris. You picked out a two-seater table away from a group of college students that seemed to be studying.
Winter made it easier for Chris to blend in, but it was never hard for you to spot him. Not with that smile that always seemed to be on display when he saw you. Dark gray wool coat with the collar popped up, red scarf wrapped around his neck twice, and black shades on his face, he thought he was in disguise. You waved him over as soon as he walked through the door. He quirked his mouth at you, knowing he was easily spied. He held up his finger indicating he was going to grab a drink. You placed the package of cookies in front of the open seat so that they were the first thing he would see.
Chris walked over a few minutes later, removing the coat but keeping the scarf in place.
“Your cookies, sir.”
“I accept your bribery. For now.”
“Thank you. It’s my, “I’m sorry I’ve been an ass” apology,” you replied.
Chris gave you a frown, bringing his to go cup to his lips and taking a hesitant sip.
“I wouldn’t say ass, but…” You took a sip of your own beverage, waiting for him to continue. “Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong because if I’m being honest, I miss my friend.”
Now you really did feel like an ass. The last thing you wanted to do was make him feel like he did anything wrong.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just…Keanu’s comment really got to me. This is my first film with Stone Lite and if this goes well, my contract gets extended. If Keanu thinks we’re being unprofessional, who knows who else thinks that,” you replied, running your hand through your hair.
Chris nodded his head, a sullen look on his face. “I honestly don’t think they’re going to drop your contract because you and I are close friends.”
You debated about telling him your secret. He probably didn’t know about the studio’s unofficial hiring practices. But would he keep it to himself or would you find yourself without a job? You weren’t sure if this lie was something that was easily forgivable. It was starting to feel like not just a simple lie anymore. You shook your head out of your thoughts and attempted a smile.
“You probably right. I’m just being paranoid,” you said, deciding to keep your secret to yourself. “But maybe we keep our hangouts a little more private?”
Chris chuckled. “That sounds worse!”
You gasped but then chuckled, nodding your head in agreement. “Okay. Okay,” you said between laughs. “Not private, but maybe we dial down our friendship when we’re working. I mean obviously Keanu has a problem with it.”
“I don’t think we are doing anything wrong, but for your sake, I’ll keep our hangouts to myself. Does that work?” he asked, picking up his cup and taking a sip.
You gave him a genuine smile and nodded your head. “Thanks, Chris.
Chris and you did dial back a bit on the joking and hanging out on set. Most of your interactions were with other people around. It seemed to do the trick as Keanu and Chris seemed to ease back into their friendly banter and not another word was spoken over the next two weeks.
The small touches that the two of you generally exchanged were now absent and a part of you was missing it. Chris would laugh at something you would say and rest his hand on your forearm or shoulder. Now he’d shove his hand in his pocket or behind his back. When you’d discuss the script with him between takes, his hand rested on the small of your back. Now he’d cross his arms over his chest and leaned in. It was different, but respectful.
Chris no longer came to your cubical unless it were to discuss a scene that would be shot the next day. You missed your impromptu lunches spent at your desk. When the two of you did hangout, it was spent at coffee shops further away from the studio and your hotel. Uber and Lyft became your go to mode of transportation. Since Keanu and Chris lived in the same building for this film, you didn’t go back to Chris’ place much to your disappointment. Sometimes just watching a movie on a comfy couch was a lot better than doing so on your cheap hotel bed alone.
Filming was breaking for three nights and most of the crew were going home for the weekend. You were a tad bit excited to have the room all to yourself. You planned to do some sight seeing with your free time. Gastown, Chinatown, and Capilano Suspension Bridge Park despite it being winter were on your list.
Filming wrapped early in the afternoon and those not leaving until the next morning decided going out for dinner was something that should be done as a large group. You reluctantly let Monica drag you with her and two others in a Lyft headed across town to a restaurant that also served as a video game arcade. Your mind instantly went to an arcade with kids running around the space with sticky fingers, but you were pleasantly surprised to see it was an adult’s only atmosphere. Rather than ticket dispensing nonsense games, there were classic arcade machines such as Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Mortal Combat, and Super Mario Bros.
You weren’t drinking and no amount of peer pressure was going to make you budge. David bought you a drink and you quickly offered it to Lydia, one of the stylists. You grabbed a non-alcoholic drink called raspberry fizz from the bar. It looked like a fancy drink without the regret. The last thing you needed to do was drunkenly talk about your sex life again.
Chris mentioned he was coming tonight as his flight wasn’t until seven the next morning, but you hadn’t spotted him yet. Keanu was staying in town over the short break; his girlfriend Alexandra had already arrived in town for a visit. He had mentioned they wouldn’t be joining the group for dinner, but they would be by for a drink later.
Everyone sat down to order, deciding that game playing could wait until after dinner. Twenty minutes in to appetizers and conversation, Chris walked in with Maggie. They sat together at the far end of the table from you, where the only available seats were located. They looked cozy sitting close together, sharing whispers, and laughs. A small pang of jealous hit your heart. It was unexpected and for a moment you regretted not having an actual drink. He hadn’t mentioned anything between the two of them to you, but you knew of her crush on him. Besides, the two of you never really discussed your love lives besides the initial questions about Travis when you and Chris first started to get to know each other. Chris saw you starring in his direction and gave you a wave. You gave him a small smile and nodded your head before turning away. Next to you, Lydia’s in a conversation with Tim, one of the other actors, and you do your best to join in.
Your co-workers are drunk and with Chris wrapped up conversation with others, not to mention Maggie by his side most of the night, you’re ready to go back to the hotel. You bring up the Uber app on your phone and request a car. You look for David and find him in an intense game of air hockey. After he scores a point, you pull him into a side hug to say goodnight.
“You taking off already? I owe you another drink.”
“Give it to Monica. I’m good for the night. Say hi to the wife for me,” you replied as you backed away.
“Will do! See you next week,” David called a little too loudly. You were sure it was because the large number of beers he had already consumed.  
You found your coat still hanging from the back of your chair at the table. You slipped it on and waved goodbye to Monica who only lifted her glass to you. You’re half way through the door when someone grasped your mitten covered wrist. Turning around, you were met with the blue eyes of Chris.
“Where are you goin’? Don’t talk to me all night and now you’re sneaking off?”
You allow him to pull you back into the warmth of the restaurant, checking your phone for the car with your free hand. Surprisingly Maggie isn’t next to him. You’re pretty sure it’s the first time she hasn’t been all night.
“I’m not sneakin’ off. You were busy,” you shrug a shoulder.
Chris stops pulling you once you reach your groups table, sitting down and starring up at you as you stand.
“Take a seat. Please.” You sigh but do as he asked. “I wasn’t busy. Always have time for you. Besides, I wanted to say goodbye since I won’t see you for a few days.”
“You looked pretty busy with Maggie tonight. Didn’t realize you guys were so close.” You couldn’t help yourself. You sounded pretty damn jealous and you would be over analyzing your words all night.
Chris scrunches up his whole face and blinks slowly once and then again. “With Maggie? She’s just a friend. Barely a friend. She needed a ride.”
“Well, Maggie thinks you’re hot. So…” You weren’t even drinking tonight so you had no excuse for your loose lips.
“That’s nice. But she’s a kid,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Not interested.”
“Okay then!” you replied a little too loudly. You take a peek at your phone and see that your car is here. You stand up quickly and hug him while he’s still seated. “My car is here. Gotta go!” Before he can even hug you back, your feet are moving. “Have a good few days back home!”
Chris texted as soon as you got into the car.
Chris: Well, goodbye to you too.
Chris: 😢😡
Y/N: I’m sorry! My Uber was here.
Chris: Trust me, there’s nothing going on with Maggie.
Y/N: It’s not my business. I’m sorry I brought it up.
Y/N: Safe travels!
Chris: Quit being a weirdo
Y/N: It’s all I know
Chris: That’s true. I don’t know what I was thinking.
Chris: Text me when you get back to your room.
Y/N: I will
The three days you had off were over far too quickly, although you did manage to hit the three tourist spots on your list. You also found a great Chinese restaurant that you wanted to eat at again a couple of more times before you wrapped in three weeks.
This week you were on night shoots again. The studio had rented out a book store and restaurant in a smaller town outside of Vancouver. Even though these were mainly interior scenes, both businesses needed to be closed in order to film.
Chris had wanted to grab coffee earlier in the day, but you and Monica had to be at the studio to meet with Hugh and his assistant to go over the two scenes filming tonight. Chris had been pretty quiet during his time off; you were pretty sure he was feeling guilty for his lack contact.
Monica and you had arrived early at the location to get situated and to match up the script with the interior of the restaurant. You were helping with wrangling the ten or so extras when Chris arrived already dressed for his scene.
“Welcome back to Canada,” you said walking up to him, Chris giving you a big grin. “Did you have a nice trip back home?”
“Always a good time when I’m home sweetheart. How about you?”
“Yep. Checked out Gastown and a couple of other places. It was nice to explore.”
“How’d Travis like it? First time here for him, right?” Chris asked.
You gave him a questioning look. “Travis wasn’t here.”
His eyebrows raised high on his head. “He wasn’t here? I thought that’s why you weren’t going home because he was comin’ here.”
“No, ah, he was working,” you quickly said.
Fuck! Why hadn’t I thought of that. Oh yeah, because you don’t actually have a freaking fiancé!
“He never visited you on set in LA, hasn’t visited here, you didn’t go home. Don’t you miss him?”
“Of course, I do, Chris,” you sighed. “It’s just hard when we’re both working. But, uh, he’s coming to visit for a couple of days next week.”
Why did I say that?!
Chris slapped a hand down on your shoulder. “That’s great! Look forward to meeting him.”
You gave him a smile and pointed back to the group of extras with your thumb before turning away from him. Grabbing your phone out of your back pocket, you quickly typed out a text to Travis as you walked away.
Y/N: I need a favor.
Chapter 7
Tag list: @chrisevansfanfic​ @zsuzstyina​ @peach-acid​ @hista-girl​ @trynnabemultifandom​ @mrsshiddleston​ @tfandtws​ @heyyouwiththeassbutt​ @evanlys19​ @cheeseburgersstuff  @evemej​ @whymalu​ @straightforwardly​ @deidrashouseofpain​ @samsgoddess​ @fanfictionaffair​ @sweet--rabbit​ @lakamaa12​ @imaginesofdreams​ @captnstarryeyed​ @the-walking-daryl​ @illi-vanilli​ @benedictcumberbabe​ @tanelle83​ @pinknerdpanda​ @allaboutthebooz​ @estillion14​ @panicfob​ @patzammit​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @collinsstanharbour​ @twittytelly​ @linki-locks11​ @ab-baybay​ @rda1989​ @impalaimages​ @jesseswartzwelder​ @rainbowkisses31​ @xostephanie​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @xxloki81xx​ @thenormreedus​ @firstangeldragonranch​ @soitmightgetweird​ @maeleeme​  @denisemarieangelina​ @rvgrsbrns​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @velvetwonderbucky​ @kitkat1690​ @smilexcaptainx​ @suppu97​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @dwights-new-plague​ @kelbabyblue​ @sweetlittlegingy​ @chrisevansforever​ @evansxxx​ @southerngracela​ @bitterstar88​ @squirrelnotsam​ @kitkatd7​ @nea90sweetie​ @marvelislove10​ @the-doctors-fallen-angel​ 
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