#gestures to the bishops
captainclovey · 5 months
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You believe me like a god I'll destroy you like I am
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lacallemojada · 1 year
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I'm going home. I know and I'm coming with you.
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plothooksinc · 1 year
He was still hurt.  He was much slower than he usually was, to his great annoyance.
The corruption of the EPF building still took less than ten minutes.
In which we put the horror in body horror!  (Also the bodies tbh--)
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thenegoteator · 1 year
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—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
-- 'One Art' by Elizabeth Bishop
you ever think about how after everything Ahsoka told Vader "I'm not leaving you" and it wasn't enough
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upat4amwiththemoon · 4 months
Hi, I know this is 2 years after you wrote it, but I just found the piece you wrote between Kate Bishop and Natasha’s Daughter Reader. ‘A goddess’. What can I say. I found myself liking the idea and as I was reading it through. I realised I would be curious to see a part 2 if you were up for it. No doubt along the lines of Yelena finding out Kate is dating her niece. Let’s just say the whole concept with Clint finding out was amusing and wondered how it would then play out with Yelena.
A goddess | 2
Summary: Mysterious girl with an assassin mother.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x female!Romanoff!reader, Natasha Romanoff x daughter!reader, Yelena Belova x niece!reader
Warnings: mother bear Natasha, auntie bear Yelena
Word count: 1516
a/n: I actually started writing a second part two years ago but then kinda forgot it :DD
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @natashamaximoff69 @scarsw1fe
masterlists | guidelines
All parts: part 1, part 2
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”We’re home!” Y/N yells into the seemingly empty house, slamming the door shut after Kate steps inside.
Y/N snorts at the short answer from her mother. “She doesn’t sound too excited.” Kate mumbles, taking off her shoes and jacket.
“She is.” Y/N reassures. “She’s just..cautious. You know how she is.” She mumbles quiet enough so her mother doesn’t hear.
The couple walk into the kitchen, where they see Natasha stirring a pot of mac and cheese while looking at her phone intently. “Why are you cooking?” Y/N frowns, looking at her mother’s mess of a braid.
“What? You’re the only one allowed to cook in this house?”
“I’m the only why knows how to cook.” She comments with a teasing grin that Natasha ignores with a roll of her eyes. “We’re going to my room.”
“No, no, no.” Now Natasha turns to look at them, though she mostly ignores Kate. “If you two want to spend time here, you do it on the living room.” She stares at Y/N with raised brows.
“Living room, where I can see you two.” Natasha states. “Or, Kate leaves.”
Letting out a huff, Y/N grabs Kate’s hand and pulls her to the living room that is in the clear view of the kitchen. Kate sits on the couch with a perfect posture, her eyes straight forward, staring at the empty television screen.
“You can calm down.” Y/N whispers, bumping Kate’s shoulder with her own as she puts the television on.
“She’s staring at me.”
Y/N glances at Natasha. The woman is glancing at the two often, but she isn’t full on staring at them. “She’s busy cooking, for some reason.” She smiles, leaning against Kate. Their touches are always as innocent as possible around Natasha.
For the next hour or so they talk, quietly, and watch the television, until a knock on the front door interrupts them.
Frowning, Y/N turns to look at Natasha, who is cleaning her hands and about to go to the door. “Who is coming over?”
With widened eyes, she curses and stands up quickly, turning off the television. Kate is staring at her, starting to panic too. “What? What’s going on?”
“If you are afraid of someone in my family, be afraid of Yelena.” She whispers harshly, carefully listening to Natasha and Yelena’s voices by the door.
Kate’s eyes widens too as she stands up, her body rigid again. “Fuck, right, she’s your aunt.” She quickly starts brushing invisible dust off of her clothes. “Are you…going to tell her about us?”
“Of course not, she’d kill us both.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” Kate whispers to herself, taking a step back from Y/N so they wouldn’t be so close to each other.
Yelena and Natasha finally walk into the living room. “There’s my niece!” Yelena yells out with her arms wide. Y/N smiles, walking to her to be embraced by her aunt.
“Hey, Yel.” She lets out a giggle as she gets bear hugged. Once they pull away from each other, Y/N gestures towards Kate, who Yelena finally notices. “This is-“
“Kate Bishop!” Yelena grins. “I know you. You are an Avenger too.”
Kate’s eyes are widen when she gets addressed. “Uhh, yeah.” She nods a couple times too many to be considered normal. “Yeah, that’s…that’s me.”
“So shy this one, eh?” Yelena glances at Natasha, who answers by nodding with a small smirk on her face.
“You don’t know the half of it.”
Y/N glares at her mom, not wanting Yelena to know about her relationship, not yet at least. She knows her aunt will always be supportive of her, but dating Kate Bishop, the young and reckless Avenger, would cause too much stress for her.
“Let’s go eat.” Natasha gestures for everyone to go to the kitchen. “I made enough mac and cheese to feed a town.”
“That’s why you’re my favourite sister.” Yelena’s sing songy voice makes Natasha roll her eyes.
Y/N and Kate glance at each other as the two adults go into the kitchen. They walk into the kitchen right after, taking their seats opposite of them. Natasha brings the pot to the table, opening the lid and putting a ladle inside. “Guests first.” Yelena picks the ladle right away, scooping a generous amount of food on her plate. “Yelena!”
“What?” She frowns, taking one more scoop just in case. “You said guests first.”
“I meant Kate. You basically live here.”
Yelena scoffs, already eating. “Whatever. Kate Bishop can wait.”
“Yes, I can wait.” Kate states with a tight lipped smile on her face. She takes the ladle for escape the looks she gets.
Y/N bumps her leg against Kate’s under the table, it’s meant to be a comforting touch, but it makes Kate spill some of the mac and cheese on the table.
“Shit!” Her face turns red. “Sorry! I didn’t…curse.” She clears her throat, eyes wide from as the mortification settles in her body.
Y/N stares at her, trying to give her some sort of subtle look to get a grip, but nothing hoes unnoticed by the two ex spies. “What’s going on here?” Yelena waves her fork between Kate and Y/N.
“I’m just a clutz!”
“They’re dating.”
A silence falls over the table. Kate and Y/N’s eyes are wide as they stare at smirking Natasha, the latter is glaring at her mother.
Yelena sets her fork down. “Say that again?”
“They’re dating.”
“Why is Kate Bishop dating my niece?” Yelena is staring at the couple with stern eyes, neither of them knowing if the question was directed at them. “Well?”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Because.” Is all she says, her arms crossed over her chest.
An extremely dramatic gasp leaves Yelena’s mouth. “Do not because me! I taught you how to sass, you aren’t supposed use it against me.” She furrows her brows, a look of betrayal on her face as she keeps her eyes on her niece. Y/N has always found her dramatics amusing, but they seem less fun when they’re directed at her.
“I don’t have to explain my relationship to you. To either of you.” She glances at both of them.
“Yes you do. You were supposed to tell me first, so I could scare your girlfriend around and then I’d help you tell Natasha.” Yelena states, having thought this situation through many times. “Why was I not the first one to know?”
“Because mom walked in on us.” Yelena’s whole face screws up. “No!” Y/N quickly points at her. “She walked in on us kissing, we were only kissing.”
Shaking away the disgusting thoughts, Yelena turns to Kate with a glare. “What are your intentions with my niece? Why are you dating her?”
Her eyes widen. “I-“ she looks between Yelena and Natasha, suddenly feeling like the room is overheating, “because I love her.”
“You love me?”
She turns to look at Y/N. “Of course I do.”
“This is how you tell my niece you love her for the first time?” Yelena gapes at her, the look on her face not getting any better. “Where are the flowers and romantic gestures?”
“Yelena!” Y/N groans, throwing a piece of napkin her way. It doesn’t fly far.
Kate’s mind is short circuiting, everything is happening so quickly. She doesn’t know whether to fear Yelena or continue confessing her love to Y/N. So, she stands up. “I can get flowers!”
“Sit down, Kate.” Y/N pulls her down back to the chair. “Everybody calm down. We are dating, neither you or mom can do anything about it, and that’s it.” She turns to Kate. “I don’t need flowers or romantic gestures, I love you too.”
Letting out a breath, Kate nods with a somewhat relieved smile. “Okay.” She nods and turns to Yelena. “I really love Y/N, and just like I told Natasha, I really hope to get your support to continue seeing her. I will never ever hurt her, I know you will hunt me down if I do.”
“Damn right I will.” Yelena mumbles. “Fine, Kate Bishop. But I will keep my eyes on you.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Yelena gives her a look. “Miss. Belova, Yelena, I mean.” Kate coughs, downing half of her water so she wouldn’t keep talking.
“Kids these days.” She shakes her head and goes back to eating the mac and cheese like nothing happened.
Natasha, who preferred to enjoy the show rather than contribute to it, grins at Y/N. “Eat up honey, the food’ll get cold.”
“I will get back at you.” She mumbles, sending a soft glare at her mother’s way, though she really doesn’t mean it. “You okay?” Y/N sets her hand on Kate’s thigh.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” Kate shoves a forkful of food in her mouth.
Y/N giggles and kisses her cheek, ignoring the the looks her mom and aunt give her. She starts eating, hoping the rest of Yelena’s visit would be less eventful.
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apoemaday · 8 months
One Art
by Elizabeth Bishop
The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster,
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or next-to-last, of three beloved houses went. The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster, some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent. I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster.
— Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident the art of losing’s not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) a disaster.
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natsaffection · 9 months
hey, love 💕
i was thinking about the my sweet baby universe again(i love it so much 🥹) and could you write something like baby goes to nat's office for a surprise visit on their anniversary or something like that, but she's only wearing lingerie under her coat (or maybe just full naked, it's your call 🫣) and i feel like nats reaction would be vert enjoyable hehehe 🤭. anyways, i think you'd make a great fic, thanks honey ;)
Happy anniversary.
Sugar Mommy!Natasha x Sugar Baby!Reader
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Warnings: Age gap! (N= 37 R= 21), thigh riding, Mommy kink, begging, fingering, slight overstimulation
Word count: 1,6 k
A/n: for the extra feeling, listen to Dead Man's Arms by Bishop Briggs when the smut starts, its heavenly. 🫂
In the soft glow of the morning light, you stirred from your sleep, stretching beneath the cozy blankets. Groggily, you opened your eyes to find Natasha's side of the bed empty. A hint of disappointment flickered, thinking Natasha might have forgotten the significance of the day.
But as you sat up, you noticed a delicate note lying on Natasha's bedside table. Curiosity was piqued and you eagerly unfolded the paper. In Natasha's elegant handwriting, the note read: "Happy anniversary, my love."
A hint of warmth spread through your chest and a bright smile graced your face. It was a simple but profound gesture, an acknowledgment that, while Natasha was still navigating the nuances of relationships, she had taken a moment to acknowledge and celebrate her love.
Joy simmered within you as you imagined Natasha at work, carrying the weight of her responsibilities and still finding a moment to express her affection. The anniversary had started on a sweet note, setting the tone for the surprises that awaited them and confirming the depth of their connection.
As you entered the living room, you were met with a breathtaking sight - every surface was decorated with an abundance of flowers, delicate roses and soft petals. The air was filled with the sweet scent of love and effort. You stood there in a daze and watched the romantic spectacle unfolding before them.
With careful steps, you continued into the kitchen, where another heartwarming surprise awaited you. The table was set with an enchanting breakfast spread - freshly baked pastries, assorted fruits and a pot of steaming coffee. A note with Natasha's distinctive handwriting caught your attention.
„Y/n, Every detail is a tribute to us. Enjoy the surprises and know that my heart belongs to you, today and always.”
Overcome with emotion, you turned around to see Maria, the maid, quietly taking care of her duties. “Did you do all that?” you asked incredulously.
Maria shook her head with a warm smile. “No, Ms. Romanoff was up all night making sure everything was perfect for your anniversary. She wanted today to be special for you.”
You felt a rush of gratitude and joy. The thoughtful gestures, the romantic atmosphere and the effort Natasha had made to create a magical morning touched you deeply. You enjoyed breakfast with a heart full of love, knowing that every bite was a taste of the affection with which Natasha had made your anniversary unforgettable.
Inspired by Natasha's romantic gestures in the morning, you felt a wave of excitement to return the love. As you thought about ideas for a surprise, a mischievous thought came to mind - one that would add a dash of spice to the day..
As the minutes passed, you carefully planned the surprise, carefully choosing a sexy ensemble that you knew would make Natasha's heart beat faster. The anticipation grew, and with every second that passed, You couldn't help but grin at the joy you were about to unleash.
In the beating heart of the city, you strolled the busy streets to find the perfect surprise for Natasha on her special day. The charming lingerie boutique beckoned and you entered, greeted by a selection of delicate lace and seductive fabrics.
The saleswoman with a strong sense of elegance guided you through the boutique's offerings. Soft whispers of satin, intricate lace patterns and the promise of seduction filled the air. Feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation, you began selecting pieces that fit the celebration you had envisioned.
In the locker room, the atmosphere became more intimate. Soft lighting highlighted the details of the lingerie, and as you tried on different ensembles, the mirror reflected a journey of self-discovery. The delicate lace hugged your curves and each piece told a story of sensuality and sophistication.
As you admired the reflection, the anticipation of surprising Natasha grew. The salesperson, recognizing the significance of the occasion, offered words of encouragement and added expert advice on the art of seduction to the experience.
Once back home, the chosen ensemble adorned your figure, with each piece carefully chosen to create a captivating appeal. The underwear, a secret beneath her elegant coat, promised a moment of passion and connection with Natasha. Once you were satisfied with the sight, you threw a nice coat around yourself and made your way to her office.
When you arrived, Natash's assistant took you straight to her and as you entered her office with an innocent smile, you closed the door with a soft click. The soft click of the door drew Natasha's attention away from the stacks of paperwork.
“Y/n! what are you doing here?” You are trying to keep your composure, but feeling a tinge of nervousness, "I just wanted to add a little... spark to your day."
Natasha, astute as ever, noticed the subtle signs. Your slight trembling and a tell-tale blush adorning your cheeks. A knowing grin played on Natasha's lips. “Ah, you’re trying to surprise me, aren’t you?”
You, surprised by Natasha's perspicacity, stammered, "Well, I... I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate our anniversary..“
Natasha enjoyed you nervous state and leaned back in her chair, her eyes filled with playful mischief. “Come here, darling. Let’s see what delightful surprise you have in store.”
As you approached and slowly took off the coat, Natasha's eyes lit up with anticipation. The atmosphere in the room changed, filled with the promise of a celebration that combined the sweetness of their love with the spicy surprises of their desires.
Natasha's eyes widened, a hint of surprise, before a seductive grin appeared. “Well, this is a wonderful distraction,” she remarked, her gaze lingering on your enticing ensemble.
Playing the innocence card, you approached the desk and ran your fingers over Natasha's stressed-out paperwork. “Happy anniversary, Natasha,” you cooed, shy smiling giving away your secret intentions.
Natasha's stress was momentarily forgotten and she leaned back in her chair, fascinated by the sparkle in your eyes.
"I've been craving something more than just paperwork all day." You grinned and slid a hand down Natasha's thigh, your closeness becoming more intense. "How about a different kind of...stress relief?"
Your mind becomes clouded with a lustful haze that blinds your insecurities when you can utter the next word without an ounce of resistance. "How about I make you feel good this time?“
It wasn't until the words left your mouth that you realized what you had said and the shock hitting both of your faces at the same time. You regret it and consider pulling away completely, but before you can, a sneer appears on her lips again. "That's not how it works, Malysh." Her arm quickly wraps around your waist and moves you so that you're standing between her legs.
Without warning, she pushed your body against her thighs and a soft gasp escaped your mouth. “Be a good girl for me and let me do it.” She looks up at you and her arm moves around your waist again. Your clit begins to rub against her thigh, and Natasha's moved her legs just the same to show you how to move your hips.
Her hands grasp your waist, holding you tight and giving you stability. Not only the feeling of your pleasure as you rub against her thighs, but the way Natasha maintains control and dominance even when she's beneath you sends you completely into subspace.
Her other hand works on your breast, her fingers massaging the flesh with gentle pinches before she takes it into her mouth. You can't look away from her, and neither can Natasha, even though your cheeks are very flushed and inflamed. The eye contact you share as you ride her thighs while she sucks on your breasts will put you in a trance you won't be able to break.
But soon you have no choice but to close your eyes. It doesn't come from desire, but from need. Because your orgasm threatens to erupt within you on a scale that neither of you were prepared for.
Her mouth opens as her tongue licks your breasts, and it all begins before you reach your climax.
Her hips buck against yours and her moans echo through the silent room, loud enough for the staff to hear, but you don't care as the pleasure rings high in your ears. "Good girl."
You were still in a trance when Natasha picked you up and placed you on her table. She grabbed your legs and spread them in front of her, “Don’t make a sound, Y/n, or I’ll stop, do you understand me?”
You nodded eagerly, your skin tingling as Natasha slowly slid her tongue from your thigh down to your pussy. You arched into the touch, squeezing your eyes shut again as Natasha's thumb slowly swiped over your clit.
“Nnngh.” You try to stay silent, holding your palm over your mouth. Another of her fingers rubbed your clit and this time she pushed inside.
Shortly afterwards, Natasha picked up speed and thrust into you again and again. Her arm moves up to your head to hold you tighter, “I-It feels so good!” you whimper into your hand.
„Oh, I know..“ Natasha smiled and pressed her thumb lightly against your clit, rubbing eagerly, circles against the smooth, throbbing bud. You felt the pleasure building inside you again, an unimaginable heat and pressure deep in your stomach that was aching to be released.
The thumb on your clit stoked the heat into an inferno and you felt your control suddenly slip and your voice become high and desperate again. “Oh God, Mommy! Ah, it's too much! I’m going to – I’m going to–” you babbled, clinging tightly to Natasha’s free arm.
Natasha’s voice was soft, urging you to your climax again with gentle movements and touches, “It’s okay, let it out. Come for me.“ You gasp. “Oh, fuck!” The heat in your stomach exploded throughout your body and you climaxed a second and final time.
Natasha gently ran her fingers through your hair and cooed softly to you as your climax passed, leaving you shaking and exhausted. “Thank you for the perfect anniversary my love.”
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petermorwood · 2 months
Interesting post about costume here.
This paragraph in particular caught my attention...
What we think of as “peasant garb” is actually the product of a game of telephone that travels back from Romantic Revival art, and many of those (urban) artists got their idea of what rural peasants wore from opera costumes. The costumers working at the opera were not going out to the country side to take notes on what farmers actually wore, nor did they want to. Opera is show biz, you want it to be evocative, but not ordinary. Their costumes would have been based on what urban folks were wearing, with extra little touches like a shepherds crook to make it look “rural”.
... because it was Wagner's Ring Cycle that gave us horned helmets.
They didn't originate with the Vikings. They originated with the 1876 costume designs for a bunch of operas, and those designs by Carl Emil Doepler still exist.
For reference, all the horny characters are mortals.
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Those helmets were probably based on archaeological finds, even though all Northern European examples are, AFAIK and depending on context, either religious headgear equivalent to a bishop's mitre, or ceremonial headgear equivalent to a crown.
In addition, every single one predates the Viking Age by a period ranging from a couple of centuries to a couple of millennia so - makes vague handwave gesture - they're more appropriate for the sorta-kinda mythic Migration Era setting of the Ring than any Vik who ever inged..
Doepler's designs also feature WINGED helmets, worn by immortals like Wotan...
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... and the Valkyries.
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Something else I encountered when looking for pics to illustrate this was that other clichéd armour error, the boob-plate.
Here's dramatic soprano Karin Branzell wearing one...
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...while here's heroic tenor Fritz Vogelstrom also wearing one.
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He's singing the role of Siegfried but wearing the costume of Brunnhilde, at least that's how it looks to an operatic Philistine like me.
Winged helmets are even more historically dodgy - no archaeological evidence at all - yet are actually more feasible as working combat helmets.
The difference is that horns, being heavy, need sturdy mountings so a horned helmet both provides catch-points for incoming blows and handles for an enemy to grapple, while a winged helmet does neither. The wings, being light, wouldn't need solid fixtures so would just shear off under a weapon or come off in an enemy's hands.
I'm well aware that other times, places and cultures - Indo-Persia, Poland, Japan etc. - had helmets with wings, horns and all sorts of other stuff, but this is about how the popular image of Vikings that headgear came from opera.
And went all over the place... :->
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Hello! I love your writing, especially the cult of the lamb stuff lately (I’m absolutely obsessed with the game) and was wondering if you could do something for Lamb with a follower! Reader that’s cynical but devoted to the cult because the lamb saved them, and how their relationship with the reader would evolve into something romantic?
Awh thank you!! This game is still an ever-present obsession ghshghs
"Another gift? What's the meaning of this, Leader? Is there a reason for-?"
"Calm yourself, [y/n]. I only wanted to show my most devoted follower some appreciation."
"You can open it." Awkwardly shuffling their hooves, Lamb stood there as they watched you slowly unwrap the gift they had given you.
You wouldn't say it was "generous", considering how such an exchange is usually preceded by a favor ranging from assistance with a ritual to being forcibly converted into a demon.
It's not how most of your fellow followers would think, as they'd praise their leader for giving them presents and swear undying loyalty to them.
You're a little bit different.
After seeing that Lamb's gift was a golden plushie made in their likeness, you just frowned slightly. "It's...cute." Then you stuffed it into the pocket of your robe. "But don't think you can just woo me over with trinkets like these. If you're trying to turn me soft like the rest of your-"
"There is no ulterior motive behind my nice gesture, I can assure you. And this cult isn't making anyone "soft"." They scowled back, nearly baring their sharp teeth, but managing to hold back.
"...sure. Now may I be dismissed?"
"Yes. You may go back to whatever you're doing."
Huffing, you left for your sheltered home, leaving Lamb to reflect on why your attitude was so....foul today. But then again, they remembered a very important trait of yours that a few followers shared with you:
Right from the start, your faith in this cult was low. And your loyalties weren't so easily boosted by gifts, confessions, decorations, and sermons...and yet despite your pessimistic ways of thinking, you've yet to actually dissent.
Dissenters usually began with the most cynical of followers, but you never acted like you hated Lamb themselves nor the way they run things here.
In fact, it's true you're the most devoted. You've gone to every sermon, assisted with rituals when needed, and even guided the young on the ways of this cult and aided the elderly.
You were everything Lamb wanted...
The only issue was your attitude towards their kindness.
But after a little bit of mindreading, they were aware that you've been in a different cult long before this one.
Your former leader had also done nice things for you, providing the basic necessities you've craved....all to make you gullible and willing to follow their every word.
Then they betrayed you to the Bishops of the Old Faith without a warning. You've done no wrong and never spoke out against anything they've done.
You never mattered to them. You were just a means to an end. A tool to help strengthen their cult and appease those "gods".
So even after Lamb saved you from the sacrificial altar, that bitterness and fear lingered. You were hesitant to let your guard down....especially when you became showered in gifts as thanks for your devotion.
In the back of your mind, you anticipated when they'd betray you when you least expected it--or perhaps they'd listen to the ludicrous idea of sacrificing or jailing you as some sick "prank" by another follower just to entertain them.
Surely, you were all just tools and entertainment to this sheep, right?
Yet there was a big part of you that didn't want to believe that..
You wanted to believe they were genuine in their gestures.
"The Lamb has abandoned you all!! They are no hero!! They will fall to Bishop Shamura!!!"
"...really? It's too early for this crap.."
After going to bed feeling somewhat content, you woke up feeling groggy and annoyed as you heard some dissenter shouting nonsense outside. You drew back your shelter's curtain to see Hauras stationing himself near the shrine, holding a megaphone made of twigs.
Normally, the elders would be doing their morning prayers at the center, but with the scorpion being an absolute nuisance and a danger...they had no choice but to pray elsewhere.
It's no surprise that he was gonna be sour over his defeat and subsequent indoctrination for a long time, as he was the last of Shamura's keepers.
Speaking of whom, Lamb was still on their long crusade to finally kill the last standing bishop for good.
Even so, that pest thought demoralizing the cult's faith in them would be effective. But you weren't going to listen to this all damn morning.
And besides, your leader has tasked you with collecting lumbar as some new trees have recently sprouted. You've chopped them all down.....except for the one Hauras was standing right beside.
Lucky you.
Rolling your eyes, you just went ahead to make yourself breakfast, eating as you watched the other followers closely. A few of the overzealous ones shrugged off his words and continued on with their day, although some of the newer members looked confused and even anxious, thinking he was right about Lamb.
At that point, he began drawing a small crowd, but as you finally approached with an axe, they dispersed.
Hauras sneered, eyes literally seething red. "What do you want?"
"I wish you would take your little tirade elsewhere so our elders to pray here. Plus I need to chop down the-."
"You're [y/n], aren't you? The one who always second-guesses Lamb's "kindness"?" He chittered with a small smirk. "I've seen how you've acted around them...you hate them, don't you?"
"I don't hate them." You scowled. "They saved-"
"Sure, they saved you...but only because you're a means to an end." He taunted. "You don't have to lie around me. You think they're selfish..greedy..and no different from the Bishops of the Old Faith. They seek to replace them, but they won't replace Lord Shamura. I may have failed, but I know they-"
Fed up, you swiped the megaphone from his pinchers, throwing it towards a nearby boulder and smashing it to pieces.
He gasped. "How DARE YOU-?!!" After trying to whip his tail at you in retaliation, you dodged and managed to trip him, causing him to hit the ground hard as he laid on his back, groaning.
Then you stomped on his tail, hearing his pained yell that attracted the attention of other nearby followers. You, however, paid no mind to them. "You talk too much."
"R-Release me!!"
"I can....but first tell me one thing, Hauras."
"How badly do you need this stinger?"
His eyes widened with terror as he saw the blade of your axe glistening in the morning sunlight, hovering dangerously close to where his stinger connected to the tip of his tail.
"N-No.." He shuddered. "You wouldn't dare.."
"Then maybe I ought to tell Lamb you're singing praises about Shamura...and we'll see if it's more than just your stinger that you lose." You had a menacing glint in your eyes.
"Please..they would never-!!"
"[Y/n]. Hauras."
You both froze and looked to see Lamb suddenly standing there, their expression full of bewilderment at what was happening before them.
The moment you took your foot off of Hauras' tail, he scrambled to his feet and ran over to them. "Great Leader! They threatened to rip out my stinger!" He kneeled down, feigning tears. "You must punish them! They are-!"
"I've heard everything, Hauras." They cut him off, giving him a stern glare. "You're dissenting again, threatening our elders, and I'm honestly getting quite sick of it. But don't worry about defending Shamura anymore...for I've claimed their heart."
From the pockets of their cloak, they revealed the purplish thorn-wrapped organ, surprising both of you.
The scorpion, however, got up and scurried away to vomit somewhere, utterly repulsed by the sight and smell of blood.
It's clear to say he wasn't going to dissent anymore.
You scoffed. "That was one of Shamura's finest warriors, capable of melting his enemies from the inside out....and he gets disgusted by that?"
"It surprised me, too." Lamb glanced at you, smiling a little as they put the heart away. "I appreciate you defending me in my absence-"
"He was trying to put words in my mouth, and I didn't like that." You quickly spoke, trying to hide your flustered expression. "Like all scorpions, he was being a little pest...and this cult has no time for that."
"...that is true. The One Who Waits wishes to speak with me after I've broken all the chains, but for now..allow me to help you cut down this tree." The Red Crown flew off their head, turning into a gleaming axe in their hands. "It's pretty sturdy-looking. Should give us enough lumbar to improve the shelters."
"....alright. Thanks for the assist, Leader." Was all you said before heading over to the tree, while they hung back for a moment to process what you said to them.
A simple thank you.
That was all they've been wanting to hear from you for a long time, and you said it! To them!
It made their smile grow tenfold, before they quickened their pace in following you, ignoring the calls of their other followers. They could feel their own tail wagging with delight.
Were you finally warming up to them?
"Come dance with me, [y/n]!"
"...I don't dance."
"In this cult, we do. Now c'monnn.." Lamb tugged on your hands, pouting much like a needy child as you rolled your eyes.
Who would have thought someone with such a sweet face would change the lands of the Old Faith forever?
At last, they usurped the One Who Wait--or Narinder, as he was called--proving themselves worthy of the crown that many, yourself included, believed they didn't deserve.
Although you were still shaken up after being kidnapped and almost sacrificed to him (alongside the entire cult)...you saw that terrified look upon your leader's face, and realized there's no way they could have known..
Narinder had tricked all of you, and Lamb fought back not just for their own life, but for everyone's as well.
Especially yours.
That's what ultimately restored your faith in them.
Once everything was said and done, a huge celebration commenced--and lasted for three whole days.
Tonight, for the grand finale, Lamb wished to have a dance around the bonfire. You and your followers worked hard to gather as much wood as possible, before they ignited it at sundown.
It was a beautiful sight, seeing the red flames flickering and the smoke rising high into the night sky, lighting up the cult grounds and golden decor. And seeing the followers cheer, dance, sing, and play music was a lovely thing to witness.
You, however, felt content with just observing the scene..
Or at least, until a certain sheep approached and offered you a dance.
So maybe they did find a way into your heart after all, but you insisted on entertaining them with only one short dance. Just so they stopped pestering you.
Yet it lasted longer than you thought.
Together you two shuffled, twirled, and swayed..all while some other followers took inspiration and danced with their significant others and crushes.
Yet all you could focus on was Lamb and their surprisingly elegant motions.
Nothing else.
Eventually, you both settled into a slow and gentle sway, embracing each other with them burying their face into your chest, listening to your heartbeat. The blush on your cheeks was nearly as red as your robe at this point.
But you took in this peaceful and intimate moment, your hand gingerly stroking the back of their wooly head. The Red Crown was absent, instead being on the ground beside your feet, looking up at you.
For a brief second, you gazed at it, your blush worsening as it gave you a single wink. 'Huh..they're comfortable enough to leave it off in my presence..? They trust me this much?'
"Is it wise to leave your precious crown where any fool can just steal it, Lamb?"
"Why? You fancy stealing it yourself, hm?" They looked up at you with a teasing smile. "You're the most precious thing to me..the crown is just a tool at the end of the day."
"Like all the followers you work to th...."
You stopped.
It suddenly just occurred to you that they called you "precious". But why?
Were they infatuated with you?
Were you infatuated with them?
Lamb tilted their head. "What's wrong, [y/n]?"
You only gazed back at them, at first completely tongue-tied as you saw the curious glint in their eyes, alongside the red fire that reflected off of them.
It made your heart beat fast. Heat rose to your cheeks again...and it wasn't because of the flames.
That's all it took for the final wall to crumble.
You sighed quietly, relaxing your shoulders as you offered them a tiny smile. "Nothing, my dear leader. For the first time since you've saved me, I feel...at peace being here with you. This place, and you, make me feel....safe."
Lamb nearly teared up at your words. "I'm glad. Would you like to be-?"
Their ears perked up with surprise. Now it was their turn to blush as scarlet covered their gray cheeks. "You...knew what I was going to say?"
"You're not the only mind-reader around here, Lamb." You chuckled at their cuteness. "If it's alright, I'd rather...take it slow. No rush to do a marriage ritual."
That took a big weight off their shoulders.
You understood what they wanted the most. You've always understood them better than anyone. Even Narinder himself.
They were so elated they couldn't help but pull you into a kiss, not minding all the followers gasping and cooing at the intimate display.
None of them mattered, though.
Only you two.
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itspbandjellytime · 6 months
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Her hoodie (Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader)
I saw this post and i decided to write a lil mini fic about it.
Words: 328 words
Warnings: Smut
“Ngh… A-ah! Fuck, Kate!” You moan as Kate backs you up against the wall, slamming her strap-on deep inside you with each thrust looking into your eyes as a smirk forms on her face. “Shhh… Keep it down, princess. You don’t want to cause a scene don’t you?” Kate whispers into your ear, she kisses your neck leaving a mark. You bite your lower lip as her thrusts quickens it’s pace. 
A smirk forms on Kate’s face as she looks into your eyes, looking down seeing you wear one of her hoodies from Archery camp is such a turn on for her. Basically seeing you wear her clothes is a huge turn on for her in general, your moans grew louder and louder as Kate kept thrusting.
“K-Kate, please… I-I’m close… Fuck.” You whimpered, feeling your walls clamp around the strap-on. “That’s it baby, let go… cum for me.” Kate whispers in your ear, the sound of her voice gets you weak on your knees every time. You arch your back and you moan Kate’s name out as you climax, your body shaking and trembling after that orgasm and you start to pant, and so did Kate.
Kate chuckles and moves a strand of hair away from your face, she smiles at you again “That was hot…” Kate said, slowly pulling the strap-on out of your wetness, tossing it aside. All you could do was chuckle, shaking your head “Very.” You responded, still catching your breath. “You should wear my hoodies more often, come here.” Kate said lying down on her bed, gesturing for you to lie down next to her. You put your underwear and pants back on and lie down next to Kate, wrapping your arms around her and stroking your hair.
“Kate?” You said, grabbing her attention.
“What is it, my love?” She asks.
“I love you.” You said, a smile forms on Kate’s face hearing those three words.
“I love you too.” She responds.
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
Can I request a familial kate bishop request please where r is her adopted sibling but they struggle with abandonment issues and kate is a supportive sister?
You're My Sister
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Sister! Reader
Summary: When your older sister senses something is wrong, she wants you to know she will always be there for you. 
Warnings: Abandonment Issues, Talks of Adoption, Mentions of Depression | 0.9K
AC: Thank you for sending this, I thought it was a great idea! I hope you enjoy! x
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Kate had been watching your behavior for the last few weeks, we wondered if maybe somebody at college was giving you a hard time or that maybe it was herself that might have upset you. Anytime she tried to talk to you, all she got was short and sweet answers. You had slowly begun to lock yourself away in your bedroom which only worried your sister even more. 
Dinner tonight was the usual, small talk over a cooked meal with your sister and mother but even the fake smile you had put on didn't convince Kate that you were actually in a better headspace. So, after dinner and when your mother went out for drinks with a friend, Kate made it her little mission to get you to talk. 
You heard a soft knock at your door, you stopped typing your essay on your laptop and unlocked the door. "Can I come in?" Kate asked with a soft smile. You nodded lightly, giving her another fake smile. 
"How's your studying coming along?" Kate asked as she took a seat at the end of your bed while you returned to the seat at your desk. "It's a lot, but I've almost caught up on my assessments" you replied. 
"Anything else new in your life?" She asked, making you question why she was really here to talk to you. 
"Kate, please don't start" your eyes dropped, "If you have something you want to talk about, just do it, save me the stresses" you added. 
"Stresses? What are you talking about?" Kate frowned with concern, "I'm just worried about you sis, you haven't really been yourself lately" she added. You couldn't believe that somebody had actually noticed how unhappy you had become, things in your life were changing. Kate had her little apartment; your mother was barely home anymore, and you had just found out that Kate was going to join the new Avengers team. Where does that leave you? Alone in this big house while you continued to try and do your mother proud at college. 
"Why do you care? You're going to be around less soon anyways" you replied and suddenly it made sense to Kate why you had become so distant. The Bishops had adopted you when you were barely 10 years old and ever since, you've had a hard time trying to cope with the abandonment issues that your birth parents had given you. 
"I'm not going anywhere, you know that, right?" Kate tried to assure you, but it didn't work. 
"Mom is barely home, ever since she met Jack. You're in and out all the time and now you're about to join an Avengers team which means you'll be here just as much as mom, so no, I don't think you're gonna stick around….not when you're probably going to find a better family to be around" you replied in honesty. 
Kate patted the spot next to her, gesturing you sit next to her and with a sigh, you did. "First of all, I am never, ever going to find anymore as cool as you. Who else is going to come late night pranking with me? Who else is going to Jack with me? The dudes a tool" she chuckled, bringing out a real smile on your lips.
"Secondly, I am never going to leave you behind, you're my sister and I only have room for one of those, nobody will ever take your place. You can always count on me to be there, no matter what happens in life and if you think I am going to go off and join an Avengers team with you, you're crazier than mom and that is saying something" 
You couldn't help but chuckle once more at your sister's love. It dawned on you that you allowed your thoughts to convince you that Kate would abandon you like almost everybody else in your life already had. "Do you mean that?" You asked, looking up at her. Kate nodded as she wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a tight hug, "you're stuck with me, even when I annoy the shit out of you, remember that" She smiled softly when you hugged her back just a tightly. 
"Thank you Kate, I really needed to hear that and I'm sorry that I've been distant lately….i just, I didn't want to worry you with my stupid problems" you replied once you both pulled away. 
"I rather have you worry me with what's on your mind than being closed off and feeling alone. You know, sometimes I think one day you're going to go off with your friends and forget about me but then I remind myself that I'm actually a lot cooler than anybody else in the world and you would miss me too much" your sister replied, making you playfully shake your head at her. 
"I can't wait for you say something like that in front of the Avengers" you said. Kate laughed, "oh no, I can't do that. Being the coolest on earth is actually my secret power. I wouldn't wanna make them feel uncool" 
"You're actually just a goof ball" you chuckled. 
"A goof ball that is craving a pizza with her sister, what do you say?" She asked. "Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing, moms cooking skills are slowly, slowly getting there" you replied, causing you both to chuckle once more.
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purrtylilith · 11 months
How they would act if they have feelings for you
**Natasha Romanoff**: Becomes more attentive, protective, and occasionally lets her guard down, showing a softer side.
**Maria Hill**: Tries to maintain professionalism but occasionally slips in small gestures of affection or extra support.
**Yelena Belova**: Demonstrates a mix of teasing and genuine concern, making an effort to spend more time together
**Kate Bishop**: Acts subtly flustered, blushes, and tries to impress you with her skills and knowledge.
**Carol Danvers**: Shows a strong and steady presence, always there to support and uplift you when needed.
**Pepper Potts**: Becomes more involved, offering guidance and showing interest in your endeavors.
**Wanda Maximoff**: Becomes more vulnerable and opens up about personal struggles, seeking comfort and support from you.
**Sharon Carter**: Becomes more attentive, making an effort to spend quality time together and showing genuine care and concern.
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koji-haru · 3 months
Time Travel AU Part: 4
[Travelling via plane and train all the time has given me time to write some more. So here's the next part arriving a little early. Enjoy!]
Operation befriend Michael was going well. Whenever Lucifer and Lilith were busy romancing each other, Adam would often ‘stumble’ upon Michael where he would often ramble about his activities in the garden. This way, Adam learned some things about the angel.
If Adam was an obedient fool when he was first born in the garden, then Michael is on another level. The angel had ‘blind faith’ written all over him. He quite literally followed God's words to a T. The angel also liked to work, a lot. And if he wasn't working, then he'd be spending time perfecting his skills, as if they weren't perfect enough. But that didn't stop Adam from forcing the angel to take a break and spend time with him instead. All he had to do was insinuate that it was good work, to ensure proper care for God's most perfect creation. Just fulfilling another of God's plans.
Initially, Michael would offer to get either Lilith or Lucifer to accompany Adam instead. He was there to protect the garden from outside dangers, it was not his main purpose to deal with the going ons within the garden. However, as Adam kept on being left alone by the two, Michael was left having to pick up after Lucifer’s duties.
Eventually, Adam was able to see a little bit into the angel's truest self. Despite his seemingly hard and strict demeanour, and constant reminder that he was not, in fact, the primary carer of the garden, Michael seemed to really enjoy to just be in the garden and unwind a little. With just a bit of persistence from Adam, and he would teach and play board games all day long with Adam. On very rare occasions, it would be Michael who would ‘stumble’ across Adam, and he would just so happen to have a scroll with him, which Adam could use to practice reading and writing.
Adam was relaxing on his newly made hammock. Gently swinging back and forth as he played a soft tune with his guitar, Amora taking a nap not too far away from him, birds perched on nearby trees as they sang along to the tune.
With a gush of wind, and flapping of his wings, Michael announced his presence.
“On your own again?”
Sure his tone sounded displeased, but Adam was sure he could a small upturn on the corner of his lips.
Adam sat up, placing the guitar on his lap before giving Michael a sweet smile as he waved at him.
“Michael!,” greeted Adam, before looking down, a sad smile on his lips. “I'm glad you're here again.”
“Yes, I happened to be patrolling this area.” Michael landed beside Adam, one hand outstretched as he handed him a wooden box with gold engravings. “Here. I had a spare one, so you can have this.”
Michael placed the box onto Adam’s hands. It had intricate golden engravings on its corners, its polished wooden check pattern felt smooth on Adam’s hands. Adam opened the small latch, revealing pieces meticulously designed: there were the Kings, Queens, Bishops, Towers, Knights, and the Pawns. A complete set. Alongside the chess pieces within the box were a few scrolls.
“They should be simple enough for you to practice on,” Michael gestured vaguely at the scrolls.
Adam smiled, “Michael, do you want to play chess with me?”
Chess was one of the activities he did with Michael. Honestly it was the perfect way to pass time with the angel. It kept his mind sharp, while simultaneously giving him some insight on how the angel thought. The few hours they would spend playing chess were enough for Adam to form a ‘bond’ with the angel. An added bonus was that Michael seemed to really enjoy teaching him chess, and well, if he could learn a few extra skills, then why not.
“Well, I have some time to spare,” Michael replied coolly. “Let's see if you improved.”
Despite his even tone and seemingly relaxed demeanour, Adam was sure the angel was pretty happy, maybe even a little excited. That spark in his eyes, hands behind his back, which he was sure were fiddling with his robes, and the subtle glow he was emitting. Yeah, Adam was sure he's at least got this angel on his side.
Michael moved his pawn on the board, securing his win. A few pieces laid on the grass on both sides of the board. Adam gave a small frown.
“Aw, how did I not see that?”
“You did very well. You almost beat me,” Michael let a small proud smile slip across his lips.
Yeah, pretty sure I'm winning THE game, though.
Adam gave himself an imaginary pat on the back. Of course he could do this, no doubt at all. He was the first man after all, God’s most perfect creation. And hell, if he really tried, he was pretty sure he could beat Michael at chess. Easy. Although, that might seem a bit odd, so maybe he would keep holding back for now. Yup.
Adam looked up to the sky. It was late in the afternoon, not yet dark, but late enough that the sun’s rays were not as warm as they were earlier in the day, and breeze were starting to cool. Contrary to his public image in his past life as a lazy angel who tried to get away from as much work as possible, Adam could actually get work done quite efficiently when he actually felt like it. He didn't spend all his time in Eden just lazing around and hanging out with Michael, Adam also managed to get Lilith and Lucifer’s routine. Well, they didn't have a routine per se, but they had habits, things they would often do at a specific time at a specific place. And this time seemed to be the correct time, and Adam just knew the place. The thing was, should he do it today? Maybe he should check up on them first to make sure. But then, Michael might leave soon, it was getting late…
Adam glanced at Michael. Why not. Today was a good day, might as well attempt to make it even better.
Adam put the pieces back onto its wooden container before getting up and offering his hand to Michael.
“Actually Michael, I wanted to show you something.”
Lucifer and Lilith laid beside each other. Lilith snuggled closer to Lucifer, her head resting on his arm as Lucifer embraced her back, placing soft kisses all over her face. Both were basking in the afterglow of their recent activity.
It had been somewhat peaceful for the both of them lately. Adam seemed to appear less and less, and didn't seem to want anything to do with them, often finding an excuse to leave early. Lilith couldn't be happier, while Lucifer was a little worried. Humans were social creatures, surely Adam couldn't just be alone, and be alright. Michael also visited the garden more often, but he usually just did his patrolling and then left. At the start, he would find both Lilith and Lucifer and scold them for leaving Adam alone, but it seemed that the angel had either given up or grew tired of scolding them.
Lucifer looked at Lilith's face. He knew what they did was wrong. To deviate from God's plan. But Lilith was so beautiful. So inquisitive. She understood his yearning for freedom. She didn't deserve to be stuck in Eden and have her potential be limited. He needed to save her. However, the thought of Heaven's wrath stopped him in his thoughts. God and his siblings looking at him in disappointment and disgust. He was not ready to face that, he never would be. He looked back down at Lilith's peaceful face, and kissed the top of her head. How he wished they could just stay like this forever.
“I haven't given it a name yet, it's something–”
Adam froze on his spot, eyes glued to the scene in front of him.
“Lilith, Lucifer what–”
Michael stood in front of Adam, all six wings flared out in an attempt to shield Adam from the scene in front of him. Although there really was no point, this wasn't Adam’s first betrayal, but it definitely was the most satisfying so far.
Lilith gasped, being suddenly woken up from her rest as Lucifer wrapped his arms and wings around her protectively, a defensive look pointed towards both Michael and Adam, like a cornered animal.
“Lucifer! How dare you..! I turn a blind eye to your reckless behaviour and you betray us like this!”
He pointed at Lilith, “You tempted and thus, tainted the first woman.”
“N-no! Lucifer did not tempt me! We love each other! I just can't be Adam,” Lilith defended Lucifer, fear and worry dripping from her voice.
Lucifer looked up from his position, eyes begging Michael. “Brother please…”
Michael looked down on both transgressors, his stance unabated.
“Sera will see to this.”
Part 3
Part 5
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just-aake · 7 months
Boundless Devotion - Part XIV
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Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: MedievalAU. Natasha is the eldest princess of the Romanov Kingdom. As the time of her coronation approaches, she is suddenly forced to make a decision – either find herself a partner or her parents will choose one for her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Warnings: angst, violence, blood, hurt/comfort, major injury
Words: 6283
In the courtyard of the Bishop manor, an arrow flies through the damp air, its trajectory slightly skewed as it lands off-center from the desired bullseye. 
“You’re not accounting for the rain, Kate Bishop,” a voice remarks from nearby, the tone carrying a hint of amusement.
Drenched and disheartened, Kate hangs her head with a groan of frustration before trudging back towards the shelter of the small pavilion at the edge of the courtyard.
“I’m trying,” she mutters with a small pout. “It’s so much simpler without the weather working against me.”
Yelena, who was observing from under the shelter, pushes the plate of assorted pastries towards Kate.
“It takes practice. Now sit. Have a snack. It will make you feel better,” she suggests in her usual matter-of-fact tone.
Setting down her equipment nearby, Kate dries her hair with a previously prepared towel before joining Yelena at the table. She bites her lips lightly in contemplation, and then, leaning in with a conspiratorial tone, she begins to speak.
“You know, it’s been a while already. Maybe we should go over there and check on them.”
Yelena waves her hand in disagreement.
“I’m sure they’re fine,” she comments while reaching for a pastry. “If anything, they’re probably together right now, being all affectionate and in love with each other.”
She takes a bite and gestures pointedly, continuing.
“I mean, all that pent up tension between them has to spill over eventually.”
As she finishes off the treat, an upset expression crosses her face when she recalls the earlier encounter at Y/n's manor, and she slumps her cheek on her hand with a sigh.
"Plus, I don't think that snooty lord would let us in anyway,” she mutters dejectedly.
Hearing this, Kate frowns, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat in thought.
“It’s so strange that you were turned away. I didn��t think he was so strict with Y/n,” she remarks before shrugging. “Then again, maybe that's why she always cancels our plans whenever he's around.”
"It’s weird, right?” Yelena exclaims in question at the situation.
She waves another pastry towards Kate pointedly, continuing.
“I say the sooner Natasha marries Y/n and gets her away from that man, the better. He gives me a bad feeling," she finishes, shuddering.
Kate nods in agreement before plucking the pastry from the younger princess’ outstretched hand, a playful glint in her eye as she enjoys her stolen treat.
Meanwhile, Yelena gasps dramatically, placing a hand on her chest and feigning shock at her action. 
Rolling her eyes, Kate tosses another pastry at Yelena, who catches it easily, before moving her attention to the courtyard. 
Her canine runs excitedly through the rain, but just as he starts to jump in the muddy puddles, Kate decides to call out to him, trying to limit the mess he’ll eventually bring into the manor.
“Lucky, come here!”
Responding to his name, Lucky bounds towards her, his tail wagging eagerly, but at the last second, he veers toward Yelena who waves a treat in his direction.
Giving him the treat, Yelena affectionately pets him and playfully squishes his face, while speaking to him with mock seriousness.
"Isn’t that right, Lucky? Lord Dreykov is a big jerk, isn't he?"
Lucky barks happily, as if agreeing, but then, with a sudden shift of focus, his head turns away from her, and he dashes off towards Kate's manor.
Yelena’s eyes follow him in confusion before noticing Natasha striding purposefully in their direction, her expression a blend of determination and barely concealed frustration.
“Oh, she does not look happy,” Kate observes.
“Nope, definitely not,” Yelena agrees, adding. “Looks more murderous than in love.”
As she draws near, undeterred by Lucky's playful antics of circling her, Kate greets her cautiously.
“Hey, Natasha, how did it go?” 
“We have a problem,” Natasha answers urgently, her hand pulling Yelena up from her seat as she speaks.
“Wha—hey!” Yelena protests in surprise, taken aback by the sudden movement.
Sensing the seriousness of the situation, Kate quickly rises to her feet, concern etched on her face as she reaches for her bow.
“Did something happen with Y/n?” she asks.
Before Natasha can respond, one of the Bishop’s house guards approaches the pavilion, interrupting their conversation.
“Shall I arrange for more pastries for the princesses?” the guard asks, prompting a confused look from Kate.
“What? No,” she replies. “We’re actually about to leave soon. Have someone prepare our horses for us at the front gates.”
Beside Natasha, Lucky's playful demeanor disappears, replaced by a low growl as he fixes an intense gaze and threatening stance at the guard.
Suspicion creeps into Natasha's expression as she eyes the guard warily before moving towards the pavilion's exit with Yelena in tow.
The guard matches her step, blocking their path with a slight bow of his head, though his expression remains emotionless. 
“I'm afraid the weather is still unfavorable for any travels, Your Highnesses.”
At his declaration, Yelena lets out an amused chuckle, pulling herself from Natasha’s grip and crossing her arms.
“It’s just rain. We’ll be fine—!”
Her reassurance is cut short in surprise as Natasha swiftly knocks out the guard.
“What was that for?” Yelena asks in astonishment, bending down curiously to inspect the unconscious guard.
“I’ll explain on the way,” Natasha says, pulling her sister back to her feet. “Right now, we need to move before they find us.”
“Um…did you mean them?” Kate asks, pointing in the distance.
Across the courtyard, Lord Rumlow leads a band of armed men towards them, a self-assured smirk on his face.
Among the group are mercenaries bearing the symbol of the Hydra Den, along with the escaped prisoners and several prison guards who wear the same emotionless expression as the unconscious one on the ground.
Yelena hums in realization, studying the scene with narrowed eyes before leaning in closer to her sister to ask with a sigh, “I’m guessing this is part of the problem?”
“Yep,” Natasha replies bluntly, her jaws tightening as she assesses the situation. 
Rumlow and his men swiftly surround them, effectively blocking any potential escape routes.
Even with the three of them, a full-on assault would be a challenging battle, not to mention it would consume a lot of time. Time that would be better spent on going to help you than dealing with this traitorous lord.
As if sensing their predicament, Rumlow raises his head arrogantly, and his smirk widens.
“You’re outnumbered, Romanov,” he taunts. “Surrender to me now, and I’ll consider killing you all swiftly.”
Kate scoffs in disbelief at his audacity and steps forward, hands on her hips.
“You’re the one who’s trespassing, Rumlow. If anything, you and your little friends here will be apprehended by my guards soon enough.”
“That won’t be happening,” a voice cuts in from the manor’s door.
Lady Eleanor Bishop, accompanied by more guards from her household also wearing emotionless expressions, carefully observes the scene before walking to Rumlow's side with a grave look.
Kate's eyes flit confusedly between her mother and Rumlow, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips.
“Mom, what...what are you doing?” she questions, her voice tinged with apprehension. 
Above them, thunder rumbles ominously, echoing the emotional turmoil forming in the tense atmosphere.
Stepping cautiously, Yelena joins Kate’s side, her hand hesitantly landing on her shoulder in comfort.
“I don’t think she’s here to help, Kate.”
Kate shrugs off Yelena's touch, her gaze fixed on her mom in disbelief. 
"No, that’s ridiculous. You’re not…we’re not traitors," she insists, her eyes pleading. "Right, mom?"
“Kate,” her mother begins with a heavy sigh, “You need to come with me. It’s too dangerous to be involved with those two anymore.”
Unable to believe what she’s hearing, Kate furrows her brows in anger and confusion. 
“How can you say that?” she exclaims in outrage. “Our family has been loyal to the Romanovs for generations, and now you want to betray them…for this guy.” 
Her voice lowers into a small whisper as she looks at her mom with a betrayed expression. 
“How could you?”
Rather than shame, a look of anger and anguish forms on her mother’s face.
“Because Kate…despite all we’ve done, in the end, we are the ones who lose more. Your father died protecting the royal family,” she reminds her, her voice laced with pain. “And now you want to become a knight too.”
Her gaze then hardens with a glare as she turns to look at Yelena and Natasha.
“I had hoped you would’ve given up by now, but the princesses keep encouraging you,” she accuses, resentment flashing in her eyes.
“They didn’t force me to become a knight,” Kate defends, clenching a hand to her chest. “That was my choice!”
With a firm shake of her head, her mother’s expression becomes serious and resolute as she makes her decision clear.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” she states firmly, leaving no room for argument in her tone. “You'll realize eventually that this is for your own good. I won't allow my family to risk their lives any longer. Especially not for those two.”
Kate recoils at her mother’s words, her eyes widening in disbelief and hurt. 
Unsure of what to do next, she instinctively turns to the other person in her life whom she trusts. 
Yelena meets her gaze with a small, pained smile, then rubs her neck nervously — a familiar gesture that Kate recognizes as a sign of her discomfort.
“I told you she never liked me,” Yelena says lightly in a half-joking manner before adopting a more serious tone and giving her a reassuring nod, “It's alright, Kate. Whatever decision you make, I'll support you. This doesn’t have to be your fight.”
Kate’s frown deepens at Yelena’s last words, and her hand instinctively reaches out towards the younger princess.
“Enough!” Eleanor declares, commanding, “Come here, Kate.”
Ignoring her mother's demand, Kate fixes her gaze on Yelena for a moment longer before turning back to look at her mother. 
With a deep breath, she takes a defiant step closer to Yelena, shaking her head.
“No,” Kate asserts firmly. “These are my friends.”
Determined and resolute in her decision, she tightens her grip on her bow, staring unwaveringly at her mother.
“I chose to become a knight to protect them. And that's what I’m going to do.”
Her mother stands frozen, stunned at her declaration, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly in a mixture of anger and concern.
The tense silence is suddenly broken by a slow mocking clap as Rumlow steps forward.
“Well, it sounds like she’s made her choice,” he declares, pushing Lady Eleanor back and gesturing to the Bishop guards to restrain her. They follow his silent command mindlessly, taking her arms.
“What are you doing? This is not part of our deal!” Eleanor exclaims in alarm as she struggles in the grips of her own guards.
Rumlow raises a brow at her before declaring, “You gave me your guards to be tested and controlled for my bidding, and I agreed that I would spare you and your daughter.”
Gesturing back to the three of them, he continues, “Now, if she wants to die with them, then let her. It’s not like anyone ever expected her to amount to anyth—!” 
Rumlow abruptly stops and ducks, dodging an incoming plate thrown at him.
It shatters on the ground behind him, and he quickly straightens from his cowering position, pointing in outrage at the culprit. 
“You insolent little…!”
Yelena steps forward with another plate in her hand, a subtle calm anger in her expression as she confronts him. 
“What? You didn’t learn your lesson when I beat you during the tournament,” she taunts. “Finish that sentence, and I’ll remind you how hard I can hit,” she threatens, her hand preparing to throw the other plate.
Rumlow reacts swiftly, pulling one of his men in front of him, using their body like a shield.
Before Yelena can throw the plate, Natasha’s arm appears in front of her in a stopping gesture. 
With a determined step forward, Natasha addresses him, intending to finish this as quickly as possible. 
“You want the throne, Rumlow?” she challenges, her voice steady and commanding. “Then let’s settle this once and for all, just you and me.”
As expected, at her direct challenge to him, Rumlow’s eyes subtly dart around to look at his men, sensing the pressure of their expectant expressions. 
With a forced clearing of his throat and an arrogant smirk, he pushes aside his human shield, standing tall before drawing his sword with an exaggerated flourish.
“Very well, Your Highness,” he answers, punctuating his words with a mocking bow before pointing his sword at her. 
The steady patter of the rain on the ground echoes in the silence of the tense atmosphere filled with anticipation as an open space is created for the duel, and everyone around the two waits with bated breath for the fight to begin.
With a loud growl, Rumlow charges first, lunging with an onslaught of violent swings at Natasha.
The clash of steel fills the air as Natasha gracefully blocks and dodges every one of his attacks while studying his movements for weaknesses.
Soon, frustration and anger begin to appear on Rumlow’s face when none of his strikes land as intended. 
On one particularly powerful swing, Natasha blocks it, but instead of recoiling, Rumlow keeps the pressure, pushing forward against her blade. 
“You’re so weak!” he spits out with contempt. “What does Y/n even see in you?!”
Natasha’s eyes narrowed at his words, already knowing that he was just trying to provoke her, but still, her teeth clenched with silent fury at the audacity of him to even speak your name. 
He intensifies the pressure, pushing her sword closer to her chest with each angry word. 
“It’s all your fault! Always in the way, keeping her from me!” he sneers. “If it weren’t for you, she would’ve already belonged to me!”
Suddenly withdrawing his pressure, Rumlow pulls out a hidden dagger and swipes at Natasha from close range. Reacting swiftly, she twists out of the way to a safer distance, regaining her balance.
Despite her quick reaction, Natasha still feels a slight sting on her arm, and glancing down, she sees the small cut where his blade grazed her.
“You never were an honorable fighter, Rumlow,” she remarks pointedly before giving him a determined glare. “And you’re definitely no leader.” 
Taking the initiative, Natasha lunges forward with calculated and precise attacks, forcing Rumlow to take a defensive position.
Frustration grows in his expression as he struggles to fend off her advance.
Seeing his wavering confidence and panic, Natasha continues her relentless attacks and raises her voice louder for the others to hear, intending to put some doubts in their minds about following someone like him.
“You never care about anyone but yourself. Do they know that you’ll just dispose of them once you’re finished using them, just like how you did with Lady Eleanor?”
“Shut up!” Rumlow grits out angrily, countering with a wide arching swing that Natasha easily ducks under, side-stepping behind him to deliver a hard kick to his side.
He stumbles a couple of steps from the impact but quickly recovers, regaining his balance.
In the corner of her eyes, Natasha can see the hesitation in some of his men’s expressions as they begin to whisper among themselves.
She returns her focus to the fight, determined to finish this quickly so that she can get to you. 
Natasha smoothly parries the next strike that Rumlow swings her way, her grip tightening as she remembers what he said earlier about you.
“And Y/n,” her voice softens at your name, before giving him a harsh glare and punctuating each of her next words with increasingly powerful swings.
“She’s many things—amazing, wonderful things—but she does not belong to you!
With a final, thunderous blow, Natasha sends Rumlow crashing to the ground, his sword clattering from his grasp as he falls to his knees before her. 
“And she is worth more than anything you ever deserve,” she declares, her voice ringing out with unwavering conviction as she stands over him. 
With a burning glare, Rumlow sneers at her angrily, his hands clenching the wet ground at his clear loss.
“Give up and yield, Rumlow. You’re not going to win this,” Natasha says, offering him one last chance to surrender.
“Go to hell, Romanov,” he spits venomously at her in refusal.
Recognizing that he won’t accept her offer, Natasha prepares to deliver the finishing blow when a sudden movement catches her attention, prompting her to pivot and block the incoming attack from one of the controlled prison guards who had come to Rumlow's aid.
She deflects their swing and pushes them away before backing to a safe distance.
An arrow streaks past her, piercing another guard who attempts to pursue her, knocking them to the ground. 
“Of course, he would cheat,” Yelena remarks as she and Kate join Natasha’s side, weapons drawn and ready to keep the others at bay.
Some of Rumlow’s men move to help him up from the ground, but he angrily shakes them off, waving his hands wildly in frustration.
“Get off of me!” he barks, his face flushed with rage as he grabs someone nearby by their collar, shaking them violently. “Well?! What are you all staring at?”
He shoves them forward, shouting, “Kill them!”
Several of the men exchange hesitant glances before slowly advancing toward the three of them, weapons raised for battle.
“So, what’s the plan now?” Kate asks, moving closer to stand back to back with the two princesses.
“We fight,” Natasha responds, tightening her grip on her sword.
“That’s a terrible plan,” Yelena says with a sigh.
“Do you have a better one?” Natasha counters.
Before Yelena can respond with a sarcastic comment, a strong wave of energy, tinged with red, pushes the incoming assailants back, knocking most of them off balance and causing them to topple against each other. 
Though the unknown force wasn’t directed at them, its widespread effect was still powerful enough to make Natasha’s feet slide against the ground, pushing them all back slightly.
Regaining her footing, Natasha looks towards the source, and to her surprise, she sees Wanda standing at the manor’s door, breathing heavily as she leans against the frame for support. 
Her hand is still outstretched towards Rumlow’s men, the tips of her fingers swirling with remnants of the red energy, matching the glow in her eyes.
“You!” Rumlow exclaims, stumbling upright, his eyes crazed with vengeance as he points in realization at Wanda. “You’re that disrespectful little servant!”
A sinister grin forms on his face as he points his sword at her. 
“You’re going to pay for how you treated me, and this time, Y/n is not here to protect you now.”
At his words, Wanda rolls her eyes and scoffs in disbelief, her expression shifting into concentrated fury and annoyance as she straightens.
She directs her hands at him, and Rumlow’s advance towards her freezes in place as red energy surrounds him. 
“You insufferable idiot,” Wanda says with an angry glare before raising her hands. Rumlow’s body follows her movement, rising from the ground.
A panicked and struggling expression appears on his face as he stares at her in shock.  
Wanda gives him a pointed look, ensuring that he understands her next words, “She’s the only reason why I didn’t do this to you before.” 
With a flick of her wrist, she sends him flying across the courtyard, smashing into the wooden targets. The frames collapse around him as he remains unconscious and unmoving under the pile of debris. 
A tense silence envelops the courtyard before slowly, fearful murmurs begin to rise from some of the recovering men at what they had just witnessed.
“W-witch! She’s a witch!” one of them cries out, his voice trembling with fear.
Those who were not knocked unconscious from the initial blast join in, their fearful shouts filling the air as they scramble and push at each other to run away.
Only when the remaining enemies have retreated does Wanda finally collapse to her knees, her breath coming out tiredly as the red glow in her eyes fades and the red mist around her hands disappears.
Footsteps rush to her side, and she feels a hand on her shoulder.
“That was amazing!” Kate’s awed voice praises before noticing Wanda's exhausted expression. Her voice lowers with concern as she bends down closer and asks, “Wait, are you okay?”
Wanda raises her hand in reassurance, though her breathing is still tired and unsteady.
“I’m fine, just…not used to doing so much in such a short time…I just need a minute, and I’ll be okay.”
“Hey, take your time. Breathe,” Natasha directs, kneeling beside her and patting her back gently in comfort.
Wanda shakes her head quickly in refusal.
“No, I can’t. Pietro’s hurt…he needs help.”
“I’ll go get someone,” Kate says, standing up urgently to go retrieve the physician in the manor.
“Take Lucky with you, and don’t trust anyone that he doesn’t,” Natasha instructs her. “We don’t know who else could be under Rumlow's control.”
Kate nods grimly in understanding, whistling to call Lucky to follow her as she rushes into the manor.
Yelena steps up closer to them, her brows furrowing as she comes to a realization.
“Wait, if you’re here, and Pietro’s hurt. Then where’s Y/n?” she asks, knowing how much you care for the twins. 
Wanda looks down, hanging her head before replying, her voice filled with regret.
“Dreykov has her.”
Natasha’s eyes widen, feeling her blood run cold at the information. She stands quickly in alarm.
“We need to go,” she says urgently.
Wanda nods in agreement and attempts to stand too, but she stumbles on her feet. 
Yelena catches her, providing support to keep her upright, but it’s obvious that Wanda’s energy still has not returned, unfit for further travel at the moment. 
Yelena meets Natasha’s conflicted eyes and gives her a reassuring nod.
“Go,” she tells her, “We’ll follow as soon as we can.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Riding through the pouring rain, Natasha’s mind fills with worry for you. The unnerving silence and emptiness of your manor’s grounds do nothing to soothe her racing thoughts. 
If Dreykov had hurt you again, she was determined to make him pay, regardless of the consequences.
Rushing through your manor’s entrance, Natasha heads straight towards your wing. However, just as she’s about to run up the stairs to your room, your voice calls out from behind.
She stops and turns around, seeing you step out from the shadows toward her. 
Without hesitation, Natasha moves quickly in front of you, her hand cradling your face as she examines you. 
Your expression appears normal and calm, showing no signs of pain or panic, and it doesn't look like you are injured.
Still, Natasha asks worriedly, “Are you okay?”
“Of course. Everything’s fine,” you reassure her, taking her hands in yours and holding them between your bodies.
Something was wrong, Natasha realizes. 
Despite your reassurance, an uneasy feeling washed over her the moment you touched her.
She stares down intently at your clasped hands, trying to figure out this unsettling feeling within her heart. 
You tighten your grasp on her hands to get her attention, prompting her to return her gaze to yours.
Concern appears on your face as you observe her, while your thumb moves in a soothing caress along the back of her hand.
“You’re freezing, Natasha. Let’s go warm you up.”
You attempt to pull her in the direction of the stairs, but Natasha stands firm and unmoving, causing you to turn back around and tilt your head at her in question.
Natasha’s eyes observe your face carefully before glancing down again at your hand in hers.
Realizing that she is not going to follow, you move back to her.
“Come on, Natasha," you call, your voice lowering as you step even closer, almost pressing against her.
Natasha's eyes follow your actions suspiciously as your hands slide up her front to rest on her shoulders.
"We need to get you out of these wet clothes soon, or else you'll catch a cold. I can draw you a nice warm bath, and then maybe after…,” you continue, leaning in to whisper next to her ear, “…we can spend the remainder of the night together.”
Your suggestion hangs heavy in the air between the two of you for a moment before Natasha lets out a shaky breath.
Shaking her head, she pushes you away gently, holding your shoulders at arm's length as she meets your eyes with a sad expression.
“Wanda said that Pietro was hurt,” she reminds you.
“Don’t worry about him,” you reply, your tone filled with indifference.
The smile that remains on your face and your words confirm what she now realizes is wrong. 
Natasha shuts her eyes briefly, her heart heavy at the painful realization. Hanging her head, she takes a deep breath to gather her resolve to confront you.
Your hands gently cradle her cheeks, coaxing her eyes back to meet your gaze, and you give her your usual soft smile.
“Hey,” you whisper. “Just be here with me.”
Your touch is delicate as you brush back strands of her wet hair from her face, a familiar gesture that she is used to from you.  
Truthfully, Natasha wants nothing more than to fulfill that request of yours, but when she looks into your eyes, she can’t seem to find any of your warmth in them.
Taking a steady breath, Natasha grabs the back of your hand, halting its movement. She then presses a soft kiss to your palm before giving you a sad look.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
You chuckle, giving her a curious look.
“What are you apologizing for?”
“That you have to go through this pain again,” Natasha replies with regret.
Your expression remains unchanged, a reassuring yet impassive smile gracing your lips.
Natasha sighs sadly, releasing your hand and letting it fall to your side. 
“I know this isn’t you, Y/n,” she reveals.
Your smile falters at her words, and your eyes search her face, seeking something before coming to a realization. 
Twisting your lips into a disappointed pout, your fingers raise to toy with her collar.
“You could’ve just played along and had a good time with me, Natasha,” you say teasingly before resting your hand above her heart with a raised brow. “You know, before you have to die.”
Natasha presses her lips into a thin line, deepening her frown at your words. 
“Is that what he told you to do?” she asks, anger rising at Dreykov. “Seduce me and then kill me after?”
You shrug indifferently, as if unconcerned about the implications of what you were about to be forced to do against your will.
“Well, it was either you or Rumlow, without the killing for him, of course,” you explain casually.
Natasha clenches her fist, seething at the thought of what would’ve happened had she not been the one to come for you first. She’s going to make Dreykov pay for controlling you like this.
“Is that all?” she asks calmly, swallowing her anger so it’s not directed at you.
“No,” you shake your head, giving her a pitying smile.
The cold, uncaring expression looks foreign on your face as you stare at her.
“You see, before I kill you, I was going to tell you the truth.”
You wrap your arms around the back of her neck and pull her closer. Instinctively, Natasha’s hand falls on your waist at the action.
However, the tender embrace brings no warmth or comfort to soothe your cutting words that follow.
“I never believed in you, Natasha,” you begin, your tone icy and ruthless. “You were never going to be a good queen, and it was delusional of you to ever think you could erase all the pain that your family caused.”
Natasha stays silent, letting you speak, as she keeps your gaze with a sad, understanding expression.
Your eyes narrow slightly at not getting the reaction that you expected. With a determined and cold look, you continue, “The truth is…”
You bring your lips closer to whisper the next part in her ear.
“…I've always hated you, Natasha.”
“No, you don’t.”
Your head snaps back in surprise at her immediate response, looking at her face in confusion before a huff of disbelief escapes you.
“There you go again," you say, rolling your eyes. "Thinking you know everything about me.”
Natasha can’t help but chuckle at the statement. She’s been wanting to know everything about you from the moment she met you. 
Meeting your eyes with unwavering trust and certainty, Natasha responds confidently.
“You don't want to hurt me.”
There’s an unamused expression on your face now as you glare at her. 
“And what makes you so sure?” you ask her.
“Because…” Natasha begins, reaching up to hold your face delicately in her hand. Her thumb moves gently across your cheek to brush away the stray tear that falls from your eye.
“…that's what you told me,” she finishes with a soft smile.
Your expression shifts abruptly, a whirlwind of emotions crossing your face in a split second. First shock, then a brief conflict, then a hard glare.
With a forceful shove, you push Natasha away, catching her off guard. She stumbles backward at your action, landing against the stairs.
Before she can recover, you move swiftly, straddling her and pinning her down as your hand descends towards her, a glint of steel catching the light as you swing the dagger.
Reacting with instinctive speed, Natasha catches your hand, halting its descent, just as the tip of the blade presses lightly at the space above her heart.
Under different circumstances, she would have complimented your skill in knocking her off guard to deliver a finishing blow.
However, from this position, the moonlight of the now clear night sky shines through the large glass windows, casting a soft glow over your features, and Natasha can't help but be captivated by the sight instead, momentarily forgetting her perilous situation.
She knows she should flip your positions and disarm you at some point, but she finds herself unable to break your gaze.
That's when she catches a glimpse of your usual warmth flashing in your eyes, where unshed tears threaten to fall.
Natasha always believed that you are the strongest person she knows, and this time is no different.
Slowly, her grip on your hands loosens, and as she expected, the blade remains in place, suspended just above her heart.
Instead of escaping, Natasha's hand moves to cup your cheek, her touch gentle and reverent.
At that moment, only one thought fills her mind as she gazes up at you, and with a soft exhale, Natasha finally says the words that she's been wanting to tell you.
“I love you, Y/n.”
At her breathless confession, your brows knit together in confusion as a series of conflicting emotions cross your face.
For a moment, there's only silence, broken only by the faint trembling of the dagger in your hand.
Then, with a final, decisive gesture, it slips from your grasp, clattering to the ground.
Immediately, you collapse against Natasha, wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug. A mixture of relief and disbelief fills your voice as your hand lightly hits her shoulder in reprimand.
“You’re unbelievable,” you murmur exasperatedly into the curve of her neck. “That’s what you say when I hold a knife to you?”
Her response is a soft chuckle, tinged with relief and amusement. She returns your embrace, holding you tightly, her next words muffled against your shoulder. 
"It's the only thing that came to mind."
You huff at her reply, choosing to not comment further as your arms instinctively pull her closer.
In the safety of her embrace, you try to shake off the lingering sensation of feeling trapped within your mind, recalling the hurtful words you uttered to her.
Before you can gather your thoughts to apologize, a disdainful groan interrupts the fragile peace, drawing both of your attention upwards.
At the top of the staircase, Dreykov sneers down at the two of you. 
"Pathetic," he spits out, shaking his head in disgust.
With a motion of his hand, he signals his guards, who materialize from the shadows and advance towards you both.
Reacting swiftly, Natasha pulls herself upright, positioning herself protectively in front of you.
As his guards launch coordinated attacks, Natasha moves with graceful precision, evading their strikes effortlessly.
With a powerful kick, she dispatches one assailant before engaging the other in a one-on-one confrontation.
Confident in her ability to handle them, you turn your attention back to Dreykov, only to see him attempting to flee.
However, he suddenly stops in his tracks, his path blocked by the unexpected appearance of Bucky.
Realizing it was just the old captain standing in his way, Dreykov sneers as he tries to push past him dismissively.
“Don’t just stand there. Go kill her—!” 
His command is cut off abruptly as Bucky's hand closes around his throat before forcing him to the edge of the staircase.
Dreykov gasps for breath, a look of surprise crossing his face as he struggles against Bucky's tightening grip.
With one hand clawing at Bucky's hold, his other reaches into his pocket, pulling out an intricate container.
Black powder falls from one of the ends, creating a pile on the floor, as Dreykov’s finger fumbles for the latch at the top.
Spotting the danger and recognizing the substance, you call out a warning to Bucky.
"Watch out!"
Just as your words echo through the tense air, Dreykov flicks open the latch on the container, igniting a spark. With a swift motion, he hurls it to the ground, triggering an explosion of blinding light and billowing smoke.
Amidst the chaos, the clamor of bodies tumbling down the stairs reverberates through the haze, but the thick smoke obscures your vision, disorienting you as you struggle to make sense of the situation.
Coughing and gasping for air amidst the choking fumes, you stagger blindly in search of Natasha.
Your foot collides with something solid, and upon closer inspection, you realize it's the unconscious body of one of the guards, with another lying nearby.
A wave of relief washes over you at the realization that Natasha had won.
However, your relief is short-lived as the sound of steel scraping against the ground sends a shiver down your spine.
"Useless failures," Dreykov's voice echoes through the smoke, his position hidden in the swirling haze.
Frantically searching your surroundings, you strain to pinpoint his location, but the dense smoke obscures your senses.
"Y/n!" Natasha's urgent voice breaks through, sounding closer, and you immediately move towards her voice before finally spotting her silhouette in the distance.
As you go to approach her, another figure emerges swiftly from the shadows behind her, the glint of steel flashing through the smoke.
Without hesitation, you rush forward, pushing Natasha out of the way.
In the next instant, searing pain flares in your abdomen as the dagger plunges into you instead.
Dreykov's eyes widen in surprise at your unexpected presence before twisting in anger.
Ignoring the agony coursing through your body, you meet his gaze with a steely glare of defiance. 
"I told you,” you utter through gritted teeth. “I'll never let you hurt her."
Summoning all your remaining strength, you deliver a powerful punch to Dreykov’s face, sending him crashing to the ground with a satisfying thud.
Gradually, the smoke begins to disperse, revealing Natasha on the ground nearby, her wide-eyed gaze locks onto you before drifting down to the blade still embedded in you, comprehension dawning on her features of what you had just done.
With each labored breath, you feel your strength waning from the injury.
Natasha's panicked voice pierces through the ringing in your ear, calling out your name in desperation.
Her hands catch you as your legs finally give way, her warmth enveloping you even as a coldness creeps into your bones.
Struggling to stay conscious, you gaze up at her, your vision blurring at the edges. Her lips move, but the words are now lost to you in the haze of pain.
Thankfully, however, you can still feel Natasha's gentle touch cradling your cheek, mirroring the tender gesture from earlier.
You regain a little energy as you remember that moment of her confession.
That’s right, you realize. Natasha has fulfilled her part of the promise to discuss your feelings, and now, here you are, leaving her without a response. 
Determined to convey your feelings, you muster every ounce of willpower to utter her name, but a metallic taste floods your mouth, and you realize with grim understanding that you may not have much time left.
You must have succeeded in calling her though since her eyes immediately move from your wound to lock onto yours with fear.
Unfortunately, that's when black spots start to cloud your vision of her, and you find yourself losing the strength to speak any further. Despite your efforts, you feel yourself slipping away, the edges of consciousness fading. 
As you slowly drift into darkness, the rapid rhythm of Natasha's heartbeat echoes against you, a comforting reminder that she's still alive and safe.
However, there is a pang of regret lingering in your heart that you weren’t able to speak the remainder of your words to her. You really wished you had a chance to express your feelings before you go.
To let her know how much you loved her.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
a/n: Thank you for reading and for staying so long with this story! There is one more part left and that will be the final one for this series.
Series Masterlist : Boundless Devotion
Taglist: @lightwhoranoutoflight, @taliiiaasteria, @romanoffprentiss, @canvascoloredin,  @silentwolfsstuff, @blacklightsposts, @arcturusseer, @presser24, @dvrkhcld, @jujuu23, @screechcat, @vivs46, @cd-4848, @youneversawmehereooooooo, @pancakefan7529, @confusedspaceotter, @natbelovasblog, @izzy-b09, @iamheartless, @mrsrushman, @fxckmiup, @natty-taffy, @2silverchain, @traveler-at-heart, @autorasexy, @natsxwife, @mviswidow, @slut4johansson, @automaticdinosaurtaco, @jono723, @mousetheorist, @tofu9162, @natsbiggestfan1, @iheartjohansson, @nothanksbye07, @midastouch013
312 notes · View notes
fetusgooseandjuice · 5 months
Pairing(s): Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: When the time comes for Kate to finally meet your dad, she is a nervous wreck.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None? Just a whole lot of fluff! Not proofread.
Authors Note: The beginning of this had been sitting in my drafts collecting dust so I finally decided to make something out of it. I don’t think it’s my best work but I hope you guys like it!
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After finishing the last few touch ups to your makeup you made your way out of the bathroom, happy and content with how your outfit looked.
The scent of your body wash still lingered on your skin as you were freshly showered, your hair was styled to perfection, and you were clad in one of your favorite dresses that you know your girlfriend loves just as much.
Tonight was a very special night for you and Kate. The two of you were attending an event, but not just any event.
Kate would finally be meeting your dad for the first time.
She’s met your mom and brother as well as a few cousins on occasion since the two of you have been dating for almost half a year. However, she’s never had the chance to be introduced to your dad.
Between Kate’s avenger duties and your dad’s job, schedules haven’t always lined up.
Your dad had always been a very busy person since you were young with him being the CEO of a well-known company. Him having to leave for a week or two sometimes for business trips wasn’t unusual as his job keeps him on his toes.
So unfortunately he’s not always home, but when given the opportunity to take time off to be with his family, he does.
Like tonight.
Your family was having their annual holiday party and your dad was coming home to attend, so it’s safe to say Kate would be taking this very seriously.
Hence, why when you walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, you were met with a very frustrated looking Kate standing in front of the mirror hanging on the closet door.
She had a frown on her face as she held a tie in each hand, alternating holding one tie up to her collar, then the other.
You watched her from the doorway for a few moments. During that time, she switched back and forth between ties probably about eight times before you noticed her growing more upset, so you decided to step in.
Walking behind her, you placed your hands on her shoulders and gave them a comforting squeeze. She didn’t seem phased by your presence, seemingly still stuck in her head with her current predicament.
“What’s got you looking so upset, hm?” you asked as you gazed at her face through the reflection in the mirror. “You’ve been standing here with a frown on your face since I came out of the bathroom, and who knows how long you’ve been here before that.”
Kate let out a big sigh and met your eyes in the mirror as she gestured to one of the ties, “This one seems like it would be too much,” she held up the other option, “And this one is just plain and simple, but it might be the safer option.”
She stared into the mirror once more, “I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying too hard, but I also don’t want to seem boring.” she said.
Your expression softened as you turned your head to look at her side profile, “Which one do you like with this suit more?”
Kate tilted her head as she contemplated one last time before holding up her final choice, “This one.”
Taking the chosen piece of fabric from her hand, you spun her around to face you and draped the tie around her neck as you began to tie it.
“You don’t think I should go with the other one? What if I just go without it? Or would that make me look too informal?” she rambled, hesitancy evident in her voice.
You looked up to meet her eyes with a comforting smile, “I think you should wear whatever you want to wear.” you said, focusing back on the task at hand. “I also don’t think he’s going to judge you based off of the pattern on your tie, or if you choose not to wear one at all.”
Kate looked at you with masked surprise, but you’ve been with her long enough to be able to see right through her and read her like a book.
“I know you’ve been acting as if meeting him isn’t making you anxious, but I know you.” you said. “If I didn’t know before, I definitely know now since I just witnessed you almost pop a forehead vein over a tie.” you giggled and you heard your girlfriend chuckle too.
“You can relax, Kate, you’re gonna be okay. He’s not a monster.”
Your girlfriend sighed and lightly laughed, “It’s just—”, she started but stopped herself. You gave her a moment to collect her thoughts.
“Getting his approval is really important to me because he’s your dad, you know? He’s really important to you.” she explained and you nodded, letting her know that you were listening.
“So I wanna show him that I’m fit to be dating his daughter and if my outfit will help me make a good first impression, I want to wear a nice one.”
Your heart nearly bursted at her confession and your eyes lifted to meet hers in a loving gaze.
“Oh, Katie,” The pure sincerity on her face was overwhelming enough to make you fall for the tall brunette standing in front of you all over again.
“I love you, so he automatically has no choice but to like you because we both know you don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”
You tightened the accessory around her neck and smoothed down her suit jacket. Your hand came up to caress the side of her face with your thumb, “I’ll be there the whole time. It’ll be okay.”
Kate reached to hold your hand on her cheek in hers and turned to kiss your palm. “Why do you always make everything so much easier?”
“It’s what I do.” you giggled, and she smiled before leaning in to press her lips to yours in a tender kiss.
Neither of you wanted to pull away until you had to, so you finally separated once air became a necessity instead of a suggestion.
Kate rested her forehead against yours and gazed into your eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled softly in return, “Ready to go now?”
She took a deep breath before nodding her head confidently, “Let’s go,”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When you arrived the party was in full swing. It was loud with chattering people and an occasional laugh while they sipped on drinks.
You’d already run into your brother and a few other family members who stopped to give you a hug and say hi, greeting Kate in the process too.
It wasn’t very long before you saw your mom making her way over to you with a contagious smile plastered on her face that you easily returned.
“Y/n, you finally made it!” once she was within arms reach she pulled you into a tight hug. “You look so beautiful, honey.” she said as she kissed the crown of your head.
Hugging her back, you giggled, “Thanks, mom. You look amazing too, and the place looks great.”
“Well thank you, darling. And I see you brought Kate!”
She pulled back to address your girlfriend who held out her hand with a kind smile at the mention of her name.
“It’s good to see you again, Mrs. Y/l/n.” Kate said.
Your mom glanced down at her outstretched hand and playfully rolled her eyes, “Oh please, Kate, none of that formal stuff you know that come here.”
Kate was pulled into the same tight embrace you’d been pulled into just moments prior, and she happily reciprocated.
You smiled as you watched two of the most important people in your life easily fall into conversation.
But as you scanned the vicinity of the venue you realized there was one person you had yet to see since you got here.
“Hey, mom? Is dad here?” you wondered.
Hearing the question she went to look around for him as well, but there was no need to when you saw the man in question appear behind your mom with a glass in hand.
“Did someone ask for me?” he said with a grin on his face.
Kate broke into a small smile seeing your face light up. The view calming the nerves she was suddenly feeling just a little bit.
“Dad, hey!” you greeted cheerfully.
He held his arms open in invitation and you gladly moved into them to give him a hug. “Hey, sweetheart. How have you been?”
You stepped back to return to your girlfriend’s side. You’d noticed how nervous she became at the presence of your father.
“I’ve missed you, but I’ve been okay and I have someone I’d like you to meet.” you answered and watched his eyes flicker over to the girl beside you. “Dad, this is my girlfriend Kate, and Kate, this is my dad.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Y/l/n. Y/n’s told me so much about you it feels like I already know you.” Kate chuckled and held out her hand for him to shake, but she almost took it back now noticing how clammy it was.
She didn’t want your dad to have to shake her sweaty hand.
You watched as his lips pulled into a tight smile, “Likewise”, he glanced down at her hand, but never made a move to take it. “I’ve heard a lot about you too. ” he said.
Kate was clearly very nervous at this point, judging by the way she dropped her hand and you watched her shakily wipe them on her pants. But she kept a smile on face and tried to keep the conversation flowing.
“I-I hope she’s told you all good things?”
Your dad gave a nod of his head as he eyed her down, “The best.”
Silence fell and as you looked between the two it was almost painful how awkward the atmosphere seemed to be now.
Your dad reached out to brush off the shoulder of her jacket, and deciding to help girlfriend you took her hand and squeezed it, “How about we all—”
“Let me talk to you for a second, Kate.” your dad interrupted you to speak to her.
“It’s okay, Y/n.” Kate looked at you with a reassuring eyes.
You searched them for hesitancy, but she was determined to get him to like her. Yes, your dad did look a little intimidating, but she wasn’t going to be scared away so easily. You nodded and let go of her hand to watch her follow your dad out of sight.
“I’m sure he just wants to get to know her. You know how parents are, honey.” your mom reassured and you nodded.
She was probably right.
Kate followed your dad through the crowd and shoved her hands in her pockets when she was led outside onto the balcony, sheltering them from the chilly air.
“Listen, Mr. Y/l/n, I know it’s late that I’m just now meeting you after being with Y/n for half a year, but I can assure you I would never hurt her. She means too much to me for me to do that.”
Your dad just blinked at her for a moment before speaking, “Kate, do you know that Y/n’s my only daughter?”
The archer nodded her head and he took that as the go-ahead to continue.
“Her entire life her protection has been mine and my wife’s responsibility, and our responsibility only.
Kate didn’t exactly know where this was going, so she just opted to listen.
“And for the first time in her life we have to hand that responsibility over to someone else.” he said before taking a couple steps closer to the tall brunette.
“I know what kind of work you do and I know what all can happen, so I need to know that I’m able trust you, Kate.”
She should’ve known that this would come up. Her job isn’t usual by any means and she knows there are risks. Of course your dad would be skeptical about you dating someone like her.
“I understand your concerns, Mr. Y/l/n. I can promise you that what happens out in the field stays there, we take precautions to make that happen. And you should know that I’d never let anything happen to your daughter. I just want to make her happy because she makes me so happy that it’s the least I could do for her. I love Y/n, so I promise I’ll do everything I can to keep her safe.”
This was the first time she had seen your dad look at her with any expression that wasn’t a glare since meeting him, and it lifted all the weights off of her shoulders.
He held out his hand with a soft smile, “Welcome to the family, Kate. I look forward to seeing you more often. Love the tie by the way.”
You were standing at the bar, waiting on a drink when Kate finally spotted you again. She made her way over to you and placed her hand on the small of your back gently to not startle you.
Recognizing the touch instantly you turned to face her, “Hey, I got you your favorite.” you said just as the bartender placed the drinks down in front of you.
“Oh thank you, my love.” she looked at you gratefully and took a sip of her drink. It was much needed after the stress of tonight.
“How did it go? Is everything okay? He didn’t threaten you did he?”
Kate chuckled at the ramble of questions before shaking her head, “No, he didn’t threaten me. And it went amazing. Everything is perfectly fine.”
Her words made you smile happily and you leaned in to give her a quick loving kiss, pulling away with a giggle and teasing look when she went to lean in for another.
“Told you it would be.”
~ end ~
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screaminglygay · 6 months
Go for it
pairings: kate bishop x fem!reader
summary: you finaly have enough courage to tell the archer how you feel, will she say the same?
warnings: this part is angsty:( sorry, some crying, swearing
word count: 2k
an: i broke my own heart with this one ngl, also hi im back? i mean ive been here, just very very distatnt. anywaysss hope you will like this one, im still sucker for our lovely girl katie
part one
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"You should tell her." MJ speaks up as you all are sitting in Peter´s room, in the aparment he shares with May.
"What? Tell what who?" You really can´t lie, especially to MJ and Natasha. You never had a succesful time telling a lie to these two.
"She knows." Peter just mumbles as he sips from his apple juice. You look at MJ.
"Peter is really bad at keeping secrets around me and you talk about Kate way too much. Not that hard to figure it out." MJ simple states.
"Right. Of course." You nod and smile.
"But really, MJ is right-" Peter looks at you.
"As always." She cuts Peter off. And you just giggle at the couple infront of you.
"You should tell her. And tonight is a party so it´s the perfect ocassion." Peter says as he throw his epmty bottle into the trashcan perfectly.
"Today is a party? What for?" You tilt your head at the Spider-boy.
"Tony didn´t tell you? Welcome back party… for you." He smiles.
"I thought we had a welcome back party."
"You really though that a few drinks just between the Avengers will be enough for Stark?" MJ is right. If you can have two parties why don´t throw them? At least in Tony Stark´s eyes.
"Mr. Stark just wants to welcome (Y/N) as much as he can. We all did miss her, MJ." Peter say, almost as if he´s trying to protect the bilionare.
"I did miss her too, but I know that she won´t be much happy if I throw her a party with hundreds of random people, who doesn´t even know her." She states.
"You won´t throw me a big party, MJ? Oh man." You say sarcastically, which makes the girl laughs, but Peter frowns a bit.
You are not really sure what to wear, because every single time you think about going to that party it also makes you think about Kate right away. And that makes your stomach full of all different kinds of butterflies. As you look at the clock you have 15 minutes to get ready, but you know that you will come a little later.
Most of the pople don´t even know, who is the (Y/N) who just came back from long missiong and second all of those people are there for a free stuff and being able to say that they went to one of the Stark parties.
So by the time you will arrive, those random people will be drunk enough to not pay a single bit of attention to you, which is exactly what you want.
You decided to wear a simple outfit, but comfortable one, which still makes you look really pretty. Looking at your reflection, you feel a surge of excitement. You're not just getting ready for a party; you're preparing for a chance at something magical. You're ready to make the night unforgettable. With chapstick in hand, you head out, each step a heartbeat of anticipation. Tonight, you're not just attending; you're embracing the opportunity to make your feelings known.
As the door from the elevator opens, you can already smell the alcohol everywhere. Oh, how you already miss the calm night you had when you came back. This is just too much, even though you appreciate the gesture from Tony.
Your eyes immedietly find Peter and MJ, standing by the bar. It looks like they came like five minutes ago, so you decided to join them.
"You look stunning, (Y/N)!" MJ smiles and gives you a side hug.
"Well thank you, I didn´t want to over do it…" You shrug as Peter smiles at you. "Is uh- Kate here?" The nervousness is visible, really visible.
"She is. I saw her with Clint like two minutes ago." Peter asnwers with a smirk on his face.
You nod at his answer, which makes MJ frown as she looks at you.
"What?" You look at the girl.
"Don´t stand here and go get her!" She yells and that makes you jump a little.
"Oh- um right! Yeah! I should, right?" You look between Peter and MJ.
"YES!" They both yell at the same time and when they tell you good luck, you are already on your way to find the archer and ask her on date.
You navigate through the pulsating crowd, determined to reach Kate. The sea of people seems endless, but the glint of her presence keeps you moving. You move through conversations and laughter, your eyes scanning for that familiar smile.
Finally, you spot her. A surge of relief washes over you, and a smile stretches across your face from ear to ear. This is the moment you've been waiting for, the chance to ask her out.
Just as you're about to approach Kate, Pietro appears, cutting through the crowd with his characteristic speed. "Hey, I need to talk to you," he says urgently, his tone brooking no argument.
"Really, now?!" you exclaim, frustration bubbling beneath your words. The timing couldn't be worse, but Pietro seems like it´s a life or death situation.
"Yes, now! It's important," he insists.
With a quick glance back at Kate, you follow Pietro as he leads you to a couch with the rest of the Avengres. There's a mix of curiosity and annoyance as you wonder what could be so urgent that it couldn't wait.
Pietro lean in to you with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I've got this bet with Steve – he thinks he's unbeatable in arm wrestling. I know I can take him down. Can you give me some secret tips and tricks to secure my victory?"
You raise an eyebrow, torn between anger and irritation. "Now? Seriously? I had plans, you know," you reply, annoyance evident in your tone.
Pietro grins, completely unfazed. "Come on! It'll be quick. I just need the inside scoop from the strategic mastermind herself." He tries to give you complimetns so you don´t run away from him.
Your conversation with Pietro is cut off by the girl, you´ve been wanting to talk to this whole time. So you happily turn around, with a huge smile on your face. But it´s quickly turned into a confusion. She´s not alone, there is some really tall, handsome, godly looking guy. And it´s not Thor.
Kate looks at you, with a little smile. "Guys, I would like you to meet someone. This is uh- my boyfriend Mike."
Her boyfriend? What?
You just stare at Kate, you don´t make an eye contact with the guy, you just can´t. You can feel the stares from MJ and Peter, not even realizing when they came to where you are standing now.
The pleasant buzz of the party becomes a distant hum, drowned out by the thundering beats of your own heart. It's as if time has frozen, leaving you suspended in this surreal moment of disbelief. You try to mask the shock with a forced smile, but your eyes betray the confusion and hurt swirling within you. The air feels thick with disappointment, and the lively atmosphere of the party turns stifling. MJ and Peter exchange concerned glances, sensing your mood shift immedietly.
The realization hits like a punch to the gut – Kate, the girl you've been trying to gather the courage to ask out, has a boyfriend. The connection you felt, the anticipation building up to this moment, crumbles into a disorienting mix of shock and disappointment.
"You must be (Y/N), I heard a lot about you." That's the moment you finally make eye contact with the man. Shaking his hand out of politeness is a reflex, though your heart isn't in it. Still in shock, you find yourself mechanically going through the motions, the reality of the situation sinking in with each passing moment.
"I am, yeah- but I never heard anything about you, so-" you look back at Kate with confused look.
"Yeah, I uh- I wanted to be sure before you all meet, and now I am." You can notice that Kate is nervous and it means a lot for her, obviously, so you´re trying really hard to be… okay.
"Now you are? That´s amazing, Kate. So happy for you." Holding it together is getting harder and harder, why does it feel like this? You two weren´t even a thing and you knew her just for a little bit. It´s not fair to feel like this, especially not to her.
"Would you like to play beer pong?" Kate quickly asks, playing nervously with her rings on her right hand, which you always found cute, always. Stop. "She´s the best at it!" The archer adds and looks at her boyfriend.
"I uh… maybe later, sorry. It wouldn´t be fun, if I won again." You chuckle, the most fakest laugh in the history, but it seems like Kate and Mike bought it. "Play few rounds without me, you know… warm up." You smile and the group of Avengers kinda walk away. Some of them to the beer pong, some of them to the huge kitchen, some of them to dance … and you? Away, as quickly as possible.
Which wasn´t that hard to be honest. You took your jacket and went to the roof, your favorite place in the entire compound. As you get up, the view will never get old, you can see all the pretty light, different shapes, colors, sizes. This spot always helped you clear your mind, but not today… you couldn´t help, but cry.
You wrap your arms around yourself as if trying to hold together the fragments of your shattered expectations. The tears continue to fall, each one a silent testament to the ache in your chest. It's a lonely moment, and the rooftop, once a place of solace, now amplifies the isolation you feel.
After some minutes with just your sobs in the complete silence, you can hear someone coming up. You can hear two people, so it´s obvious it´s Peter and MJ. You just look at them with sad smile and tears running down your face.
They don´t say anything, Peter sits on the left and MJ on the right. Both hugging you closely, not planing on letting you go any time soon. As you lean into MJ and Peter's comforting embrace, the exhaustion settles in, a weariness that goes beyond the physical. There's a profound comfort in their presence, in the shared silence that speaks volumes.
The weight of the sadness feels a bit more bearable with each passing moment in their arms. It's a tired kind of sadness, a weariness that seeps into your bones. Yet, the shared hug becomes a haven of respite, a haven where you can momentarily release the burden and simply exist in the embrace of friendship.
"We´re sorry, (Y/N), we didn´t know that-" Peter rubs your back as he decided to break the silence.
"Peter-" your voice is shaky, but that won´t stop you from talking. "It´s not your fault, you just tried to give me the confidence I needed. I´m not mad at you, I´m not mad at all… just sad." You try to take a few deep breaths.
Over the course of the following weeks, the art of evasion becomes your unintentional expertise. The initial shock and heartache from Kate's revelation leave a lingering unease, making the prospect of facing her an emotional minefield. Rather than diving headfirst into the turbulent waters of conversation, you instinctively choose the safer path of avoidance.
Whenever you sense her presence approaching, a subconscious reflex kicks in. Your excuses range from sudden commitments to vague social obligations, all meticulously crafted to provide the perfect escape route.
The once-shared spaces become your labyrinth, and you navigate it with a silent determination to maintain a safe distance. Corridors become your refuge, and crowded streets offer a camouflage of anonymity. It's not out of malice or resentment; rather, it's an instinctual act of self-preservation, a way to shield your fragile heart from the vulnerability that still echoes within.
Days turn into weeks, and the dance of avoidance becomes a routine, a carefully choreographed routine that shields you from potential hurt. The emotional wounds need time to mend, and facing Kate too soon feels like an unbearable prospect. The avoidance is a temporary solution, a way to give yourself the space needed to process the unexpected twists of emotion.
Once again, thank you for reading!
Be ready for part 3!:)
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