#get a man who can match his helmet and boots w his eyes
friedpestochicken · 5 months
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stay-midnight · 3 years
Royals. I
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Hyunjin x Male Reader
(Late Hyunjin Day Special)
a/n: Look at me and my late ass post again 💀, Anyways, this would be split up into two or tbree parts cause it’s gonna be a bit long than my other fics. So enjoy this for now 🤧 Smut would be on the second part which would be posted in a week or two (No promises though cuz 🤡)
Things to note: Royal AU!, Insult Fight, Implied Changsung (BinxSung), All of skz is here/mentioned, Implied Hookups, TXT is mentioned, Y/N’s a bit of a dick, Hyunjin is barely mentioned here yet, Minho is also a bit of dick, flirty Minho, Minho and Y/N tension, maybe some Seungmin x Y/N here and there too-. Prince! Felix, Jeongin, Changbin, Jisung, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Y/N and Knights! Minho and Chan. Y/N’s last name here is "Hyangsu"
W.C - 2.9K
A prince of the Hwang Kingdom is having their 21st birthday and you were invited, you were a bit salty about this since you really just wanted to relax after these past weeks of taking different lessons from your oh-so-called studious teacher.
As a prince of Hyangsu Kingdom, you were called to attend the Hwang Prince’s birthday ball, and attending this party was of your at most displeasure since you just wanted to have a relaxing break from your studies.
It was a 21st birthday after all, the age where you’re supposed to find a possible suitor and you just didn’t want to see girls fawning over someone.
You sighed in annoyance as your butler comes rushing with different clothes from your wardrobe, ranging from the royal-tailored attire, elegant clothing to a more casual one.
“Just pick me something that looks presentable as Prince, please.” you mumble to him as you glared him down causing him to tremble at your passive-aggressive tone.
You didn’t even know why they’re so serious about this, you’ve went to many royal banquet and events before, and none of them have ever got your parents or workers so.... worked up.
Is it because the Hwang Kingdom was one of the most powerful in the continent? You wanted to scoff at that thought but you may not be wrong.
In the end of playing a game of picking clothes with your butler, he picked a white suit with gold lines tattered over it, it had a gold plating at the shoulder, a red silk belt matching with the red silk long half-blouse, and white pants accompanied by white boots with a red sole.
After getting dressed you walked down to the lounge, waiting for the caravan to arrive.
You were a bit rude and snappy to people, you hated if they interrupted you one bit, not to mention you were sarcastic and people find it hard to win arguments about you. The only things people really liked about you are your looks and brains, you actually had a brain, unlike those snobby rich prince and princesses — who thinks they own the whole world, and the only aspect that are important to them are looks and money.
You sigh as you wait for the royal caravan to arrive.
. . . .
After minutes and minutes of waiting, “Sire?! The caravan is here, the carriage you are going to stay in is ready outside the palace gates.” your butler said fast, fixing his tie and cleaning his monocle afterwards.
You nodded and stood up to walk over to the gates, without command or words exchanged — the guards opened it as soon as they saw you walk down the path. Bowing respectfully at your presence which you answered with a simple “Thank you.”
You hum at the sight of the royal carriage — colored white with intricate designs and patterns made with real gold and of course, the family crest at the side of it.
A knight in a silver suddenly came out of the royal carriage, removing his helmet and smiling as he waved at you.
You let out a small smile back to him, Ah, the one and only Lee Minho, “Minho.” you spoke, reaching out to shake his hand, to which he gladly obliged.
“Y/N. Always a pleasure to see the prince. Well, if you were a bit more excited about this.” He teased, letting out a few snorts. Petting your head while constantly laughing amusedly.
“I’ll stick a fork in your eye one of these days, you stupid knight.” You gave him a death glare as a warning.
“Ah, Prince, you’re so kind~” he grinned, winking at you too, you rolled your eyes at his behaviour. He was always like this, flirty and sometimes egotistic. You didn’t mind it though since he is an amazing duelist and mentor. He isn’t a King’s guard for no reason.
But one day, his cocky attitude is gonna bite him in the ass.
You grumbled and moved forward to the royal carriage, “Lino, you should move, we can’t be late remember?” You tsked, giving Minho a smirk.
“Whatever.” He spoke up in an sassy tone, you snorted at him, to which he glared at you.
He entered inside the carriage, with you slowly following right after.
After entering inside, you sat down at one side while Minho sat near you. It was spacious inside as expected and a small window was also in place.
You had no interest in staying awake for 3 hours during the ride so you decided to take a nap.
“You could use my shoulder, you know?” He teased, patting his shoulder while smirking at you.
“Shut up.” you mumble as you shifted a bit so your head could rest more comfortably against the wall.
As much as you wanted to just sleep laying down at the long couch-like thingy where you’re sat at, you can’t because this stupid knight is watching you.
And the last thing you want is him, teasing you for being less than ‘formal’.
Slowly, the sounds around you seem to deafen itself out causing you to relax your shoulders and fall asleep regardless whether Minho is there watching your every move.
Opening your eyes as you felt someone poke your cheek, your eyes drifted slowly to the side. You were eye to eye with the knight, faces inches apart.
Your recently droopy eyes from sleeping — shot open in panic, “W-What are you doing!” you stuttered, leaning back from him which made him grin.
“We’re at the city, prince~” He pets your hair, running his hand through it softly.
You glowered and slapped his hand away, “Ugh, keep your hands to yourself, Lino.” you tried to glare the knight down.
“Ah, Feisty.” he smiled back at you to which you responded with a scowl making him laugh loudly.
“No need to be so aggressive~” Minho winked making you just look away and give up, you ignored him and looked out through the window, finding the surrounding endearing.
The loud chattering from the outside is muffled by the walls of the carriage, from at first glance, this was a very happy city.
It has a warm and vibrant tone to it.
. . .
The carriage comes to a sudden halt after riding in what seems to be a hill due to how it felt riding it earlier, the ground was sloped upwards.
The coachman driving the carriage suddenly spoke up, “We’re here, sire.” he spoke up, muffled by the wooden walls but you caught it.
With a sigh, you opened the door and slowly stepped down — your eyes widening at the sight of the towering castle.
It had a wonderful structure, the stone bricks perfectly fit into one another and of course the Hwang family crest adorned the flags that were raised.
Your kingdom’s castle was in no means small but it pales in comparison to that.
Looking around at the surroundings, you saw that a lot of royals were around, some you recognized and some that you had no idea where they came from.
You looked far and noticed the view of the capital at the city which you saw while taking a ride.
“...Prince Y/N.” After getting lost in a little bubble after staring at the refreshing view, Minho was nudging your shoulder.
“Hm? What is it?” you said, looking at him with raised eyebrows as you fixed the tie of your suit.
He rolled his eyes, “Did you even hear what I said?” he glared, tapping his foot on the ground multiple times.
“Would I be asking you if I did?” you shot back, clicking your tongue in annoyance as you waited for his answer.
He groaned at your attitude, “You have to sign up to enter the castle. Lose the attitude too, prince.” he said in a careless tone, looking at you with his icy glare.
“Who are you to talk like that to me, knight..?” you scowled at him as you stood your ground firmly.
What was happening now was in contrast to earlier, this was a more serious battle between you and Minho. These were times were usually one of the houseworkers back at your kingdom, steps in to stop both of you and succeeded most of the time.
To be honest though, this fight shouldn't escalate at all.
. . .
From the distance though, someone was watching both of you in amusement, “The party hasn’t even started and they’re bickering all ready.”
“Chan if you could stop them, please?” The man with long black hair commanded to the person next to him.
The knight fixed his posture and nodded, “Of course, my prince.”
“You can call me by my name, you know? We’ve been friends for a long time.” the long-haired man chuckled.
“Still need to use honorifics, sire.” the shorter smiled at the taller before leaving to stop the heated glare-down and exchange of insults at the entrance.
He took one last glance at the royal that was bickering with a knight, finding him amusing but at the same time, he found him interesting.
“Might need to keep an eye on that one.” he hummed to himself before going back inside the castle.
. . .
Minho just recently called you a brat and undeserving of being called a prince of your kingdom, he even mentioned your brother, the crown prince — next in line to the throne — he says of how your brother is just better than you in every way. This sends a devastating pang to your heart as this was not only hurtful to your pride but in a way, he also disregards all your hard work.
“Fuck you. You have no rights to tell me this. You are not my brother nor my parents. You are merely a fucking knight!” you said, shouting the last part.
Your own eyes are tinted with anger, wanting to choke the life out of your escorting knight.
“What, isn’t what all I said was t—”
An applaud was heard from the near distance, cutting Lino off and causing your head to turn to the source of sound.
The man with the curly locks and a pretty face bowed to your direction, “The opening ceremony of the party is starting soon, Prince Hyangsu Y/N. I suggest you sign the guest book and head on inside.” he smiles at you, dimples shown causing you go soften your look.
“While you,” he said sighing after, pointing to Minho with a finger.
“...Fellow knight, let’s chit chat for a bit.” he coughed and grabbed Minho’s hand — dragging him away despites the struggling knight's protest.
You looked around and noticed some of the royals still outside, staring at you with a hint of disappointment probably because of your fight with Minho.
You grumbled, annoyed and angry at the disrespectful knight — you'll most likely have to talk with Minho after this god-forsaken party.
. . .
A yawn almost slipped out of your mouth as the host of the party or ball, at this point you question which is it. The speech lacked any entertainment of the sorts causing you to just listen with half-lidded eyes.
Then came the introduction of the Prince that is having their born day.
A tall man suddenly came out of the curtains, aura filled with confidence and pride, gleaming and filling the room. You inspected his face and not gonna lie, he was indeed pretty, prettier than most princes you have seen — Long black locks neatly tied up in a ponytail, alluring eyes, thick and kissable li— You snapped out of your little bubble after noticing that you were checking the Hwang, this is not good.
You turned away from the center of attention and looked for your small group of friends but felt as if someone was boring holes into your skull.
Turning back, only to see no one staring at you but instead just the continuous blah blah blah’s by the Hwang Prince.
Sighing, you continue to scout the palace room for any signs of a certain fox-eyed brat, someone who dressed too dark and a ray of sunshine.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance when you still haven’t spotted the trio.
. . .
The Prince finally stopped talking and just announced that the dance will start in about an hour, giving his guests — free time to converse with one another.
After going through a sea of screaming princesses that want to marry him, you sighed in relief and just wished to leave this place. That is, until you finally caught a glimpse of a familiar royal. Finally.
You poked the shoulder of the foxy prince which startled him, almost causing him to spill his red drink over his royal wear. “God, Y/N, couldn’t you just approach me like a normal person.” he tutted.
Then returned his dimpled smile, he hugged you with one hand unable to engulf with his arms due to the drink he was holding.
“I thought you didn’t go to this clownfest.” you sighed, your words having a sarcastic tone.
“Me? Yang Jeongin wouldn’t miss a ball, especially one that is hosted by one of the richest kingdoms.” he laughed, taking a sip of his drink.
“Is that wine or juice? Also, why are you talking in third person?” you stared at him with confusion.
“This is red water.” he sassed mockingly causing you to roll your eyes and flick his forehead a bit too hard with your index finger.
“Ow!” Jeongin squinted his eyes at you.
He pulls on your ear at payback which you took easily before yawning and looking at the clock impatiently. You wanted to return home and sleep, and also give Minho a lecture.
“Where’s Bin and Lix?” you piped up before taking a seat at the small seat near a pillar, curiously scouting the again for signs of them.
He sighed and sat down right next to you, “Felix-hyung is hunting for more exotic food, since he liked the Shark meat a bit too much and well...” he trailed off, taking a sip of his drink and clearing his throat.
“Bin-hyung is getting flirted slash hitted on again by Prince Jisung of the Han Kingdom. I thought the he already gave up but nope. He still pursuing the Bin booty.” Jeongin chuckled, calling over a roaming waiter for a refill to which the worker happily obliged
You laughed at that since Han has been shooting hearts at Changbin for a long time and always had flirted with him at different parties. Changbin had always rejected his advances though.
“Also they sent a new representative from the Kim kingdom. I’ve never seen him before. Looks cute though, might be your type.” Jeongin said, nudging your shoulders and pointing at a specific direction. Your eyes raked over the prince’s form, charming and handsome but at the same time cute — He was leaning back at the wall, also drinking something.
You grumbled though, this is once again Jeongin trying to hook you up with someone again. It didn’t end well last time — The last prince, Jeongin hooked you up was Prince Yeonjun — All he wanted was sex though, causing you to immediately cut off ties with said prince, leaving a bit heartbroken at that since he only said that he wanted sex after you already spent the night together.
“Not this again, Innie.” you tsked, crossing your arms around your chest.
“Come onnn~.. I thought Yeonjun liked you a lot, he stared at you a lot during Taehyun’s party” Jeongin mumbles since he knows, that you don't like fooling around with people who didn’t even have a single interest on being on an actual relationship.
He felt bad matching you up with him, since he thought that was time you actually would get out of the singles’ list.
He nudged you and tilted his head to the Kim prince’s direction, “He’s walking over here.”
Your head immediately snapped to him, “Did he notice me staring at him earlier?!” you whispered nervously.
He raised his shoulders as he doesn’t know but you could already hear his evil mind spouting not-so-good ideas when he let out a grim grin.
“Well.....~ Y/N, I have to go find Felix, I kinda wanna try the shark meat, Ok byeeeee~” he said as if he was in a rush but this was just a part of his scheme.
“Jeongin, wait, don’t lea—” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he was out of sight, the man was already extremely near you, his eyes never leaving your own.
You gulp, not knowing what to do in this situation.
In a mere second, you were face to face with the unfamiliar prince. He looked down at you with a emotionless face before sitting down next to you.
“My name is Kim Seungmin, yours?” He spoke with a honey-laced voice crossing his legs as he looked at you with curious eyes.
A smirk was starting to form at the corner of his lips before you opened your mouth to speak.
But nothing came out
He was attractive but he had soft features and an aura that resonates well with his features. He had this cute puppy-look to him but by that smirk he isn’t all that rainbows and sunshines.
Now, this is totally not good.
Little did Y/N know someone was watching this interaction in the distance, a prince than seems to be allured to you ever since he saw you within the crowd. He doesn't seem happy though~
~ tbc
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puppywritings · 4 years
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fidelium - johnny suh x gender-neutral reader masterlist
⇢   synopsis: you can’t wait to spend the weekend at johnny’s house. your boyfriend was a bad boy, and a motorcycle rider to boot. things were new, thrilling. perhaps more thrilling than you bargained for. you come to learn that it’s a lot more difficult to leave than to stay.
⇢   word count: 6.8k ⇢   trigger warnings: death, guns, toxic relationship involving manipulation, objectification, arguments. sexual elements and implied sex but no explicit scenes. ⇢   warning:  the relationship displayed in this fic is in absolutely no way healthy or ideal. it’s one red flag after another. if somebody disrespects your boundaries, threatens you, objectifies you, manipulates you, or anything of the sort, they’re not a good person to be around and they don’t deserve to stay in your life. the contents of this fic may be upsetting to read.
⇢   a/n: this is my piece for @du0tine​‘s 21 ways to kill your lover collab. intended for 18+ audiences. i also want to say, it’s not my intention to romanticize or glorify toxic, harmful, or abusive relationships - this is purely fiction. this writing also doesn’t reflect the real johnny suh, who i’m sure is a lovely person and would never engage in this sort of behaviour.
taglist: @prettyjaems @ethaeriyeol​ @1-800-seo​ @neonun-au​ (sorry if i forgot anyone i’m super disorganised w my taglists atm)
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Johnny Suh didn’t fit your usual dating criteria. With his black leather jacket, heavy lace-up boots, and hulking motorcycle, he was a bit of a bad boy. And there was something exciting in that. You’d met him late one night, in the bar where you worked. You’d served him all night - rum and coke, his drink of choice. He certainly caught your eye, at first. He was handsome, with his brown eyes twinkling and his long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. But it wasn’t until the two of you started talking that you became interested. It was a quiet night, and Johnny insisted on sitting at the bar in front of you. He was teasing, charming. And when he gave you his number at closing time, you actually tapped the digits into your phone, rather than just discarding it like you usually do. Unlike the rest of your patrons who thrust their contact details upon you, when it came to Johnny the interest was mutual.
So, while it was true that Johnny wasn’t quite the typical man you went after, the relationship had been going well. He’d been nothing short of a gentleman in the duration of your relationship, though he still thrilled you with his affinity for the more reckless things in life; late-night motorcycle rides, drinking just a little too much and partying all night. He took the mundaneness out of your life - he made your life an adventure.
Towards the end of your shift that Friday evening, you found yourself getting jittery; you checked the time every five minutes, and a swarm of butterflies was building in your stomach. Johnny was picking you up after work on his bike, and it was all you could think about. You almost ran out of the establishment, when the clock struck ten, marking the end of your shift. Your heart swelled at the sight of Johnny in the bar’s parking lot, leaning against his motorcycle with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey, angel,” he greeted you, affection glowing in his eyes and his smile.
“Hi,” you beamed, wrapping your arms around his waist and taking in his warmth. He picked you up immediately, holding you tight and spinning you. “Johnny!” you giggled, fingers grasping the cotton of his white t-shirt. 
“You ready to meet my boys?” he asked you, punctuating his question with a kiss on your nose. He was referring to the friends he considered family; he lived with them, in a rather large house on the outskirts of town, from what you’d heard. They were special to him, and you knew it was important to him that you got along with them. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely terrified. You knew it’d be okay, though. If they had Johnny’s approval you were sure they’d be good people. Plus, you could never be too scared with Johnny’s hand in your own.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you responded with a smile.
“Hop on,” he instructed you, tossing you a helmet and putting on his own. At the beginning of your relationship, he’d given you his own helmet, forgoing his protection for the sake of yours. You hadn’t liked this - this display of his reckless attitude that surpassed thrilling and sat nicely in the territory of dangerous - and so you’d pestered him until he bought a second helmet.
You secured your rucksack on your back, prepacked with all the clothes and toiletries you required for the weekend you’d be spending with your boyfriend, before climbing onto the large black bike behind him. Johnny had been driving you around on his bike for a number of weeks now, but you still weren’t quite used to it. The mix of fear and exhilaration, both from the wind whipping past your ears and from the sensation of your chest pressed flush against Johnny’s back, your arms tight around his waist. It made your heart race. The feeling you got from riding a motorcycle embodied everything that Johnny was: dark, exciting, intoxicating, addictive.
Johnny hadn’t been lying when he said he lived on the outskirts. The bright lights of the town centre were far behind you, and even the streetlights had begun to die out. You were alone with the moon and starlight now. The neatly paved roads gave way to rough muddy lanes. The built-up urban surroundings gave way to empty fields, then to a dense and seemingly endless forest. The bike’s headlamp shone a path through the trees, guiding Johnny to his home. Though your partner clearly felt familiar here, the environment sent chills down your spine - you could’ve sworn you felt eyes on you, peering out from the darkness. When your journey ended, at a solitary house looming tall against the dark backdrop of the forest, you were thankful.
“Here we are,” Johnny welcomed you, helping you off the bike. The house was bigger than you could’ve expected. The term mansion wouldn’t be amiss.
“So,” you commented, looking up at the structure, illustrated by the silver moonlight. “This is where you and your biker gang live?” You looked along the line of bikes, queued up around the house. They were of different styles and sizes, though (with your limited knowledge on motorcycles) they all looked rather impressive.
“I keep telling you, we’re not a biker gang,” Johnny corrected you, with a lighthearted roll of his eyes. “We’re just a group of friends who live together, and just so happen to ride together too.”
“And if that’s not a biker gang, what is?” you teased.
“Zip it,” Johnny said gently, and you complied. “Here, I’ll take your bag.”
“Ever the gentleman,” you commented, passing it to him. You braced yourself, as he led you into his home.
It was warm inside, much warmer than out in the chilly woodland. From what you could tell by looking at the entranceway, the place was tidy and well-lit. Your boyfriend led you down the hall, into an open-plan kitchen and living area, where Johnny's friends were sitting around the television. 
"We're home, guys," Johnny announced, drawing their attention towards you.
"Hey, look what Johnny brought home!" one of them called out, bringing a blush to your cheeks.
"Watch it," Johnny warned, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. "Y/N is all mine. You can look, but you can't touch. In fact, you can only look for five seconds at a time."
“These are the boys” Johnny introduced you to them. “This is Jaehyun, Ten, Mark. And that’s Donghyuck. My protege, right kid?” 
“That’s right, John” the boy grinned up at Johnny from where he was sitting.
You gave a shy wave as you looked around at Johnny's friends. Though he had named them all, introducing them, it was a redundant act. You'd asked to see pictures of everybody prior to that night, not wanting to get lost amid a sea of unfamiliar faces. You saw Jaehyun, with his dimples and broad shoulders; Mark, with pronounced cheekbones and a delicate nose; Ten, with a feline-like beauty; and Donghyuck, full cheeks and long eyelashes. 
"I think we're just gonna turn in for the night, right Y/N?" Johnny spoke, looking down at you. "See you boys tomorrow."
You waved at Johnny's friends, with a polite, "Bye." The boys chorused their goodbyes back at you, and Johnny led you away.
You couldn't help but admire the house as Johnny guided you to his bedroom, your hand in his. The place was huge, grand. You weren't sure under what circumstances Johnny and his friends acquired this house, but it can't have been cheap. 
"And this," he led you inside, "Is my room."
The room was a fair size, with several tall windows and a four-poster double bed. The matching furniture looked sturdy and high-quality, a dark antique wood.
"This is impressive," you told him honestly. Johnny beamed in pride; he was always looking for praise, and you were happy to feed his ego.
Johnny lounged on his bed, laying back propped up on his elbows. "Come feel how comfy my bed is," he invited you with a smirk.
"Johnny Suh, you are not smooth. I know that's just an excuse to get me into bed," you said, falling beside him.
"If you knew it was just an excuse," Johnny asked, pausing to plant a kiss on your jawline, "Then why'd you join me?"
"Because," you tell him, "Maybe I want to be in bed with you."
Johnny gave a low chuckle, before kissing you again; a line beginning at your jaw, trailing down to your neck, and ending at your collarbone, making you gasp and lean into his touch.
"Johnny," you purred, your voice full of want.
"Let Johnny take care of you, baby," Johnny hummed. You obliged, submitting to his touch and surrendering to the pleasure.
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Coming down from your high, you collapsed against Johnny’s bed, smiling as you looked up at your boyfriend who lay beside you.
“You’re perfect,” Johnny told you, his dark brown eyes gazing deeply into your own. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, and you looked away, only for Johnny to tilt your chin back up towards him. “It’s true,” he reiterated.
“I’m not perfect,” you denied, wrinkling your nose.
Johnny pecked your lips. “You are. My angel.”
You looked at him, lying beside you in his bed. His sex hair was immaculate, perfectly tousled from rolling around and from your fingers tugging on it. His lips were plump and pink from your kisses, and his collarbones were decorated in pink splotches. He looked beautiful, he was glowing, and you couldn’t help but grin at him.
“Hey,” Johnny says suddenly, sitting up and untangling himself from the blankets. “Let me give you a massage.”
“It’s okay, babe, you don’t have to,” you waved away his offer. He seemed deadset, however, cracking his knuckles in preparation.
“I insist. Roll over.” You obeyed, lying on your front and allowing your boyfriend to straddle your waist. His hands pressed into your skin, rubbing deeply into your muscles. The sensation was pleasant, you had to admit. Mostly, you just enjoyed the proximity between you and Johnny, and the feeling of being taken care of by someone you loved. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to slip away and ease into the feeling.
You weren’t allowed to slip away for long, however, as your phone began to buzz, startling you. The vibrations against the hardwood of Johnny’s bedside table conjured a harsh screeching noise. You lifted your head, peering at the screen.
You lifted your torso, as much as you could with Johnny’s weight on you. “Oh, it’s my mom. I should-”
“You can call her back later, angel,” Johnny said, pushing you back down onto the bed. The action was gentle, but Johnny didn’t need to use much force to manipulate your body; your boyfriend worked out, and bordered on freakishly strong - at least, in comparison to you. His buff arms held your shoulders down, preventing any movement. "This is my time to pamper you," he explained, resuming the massage.
"Okay," you tentatively agreed. "I'll call her back later." You got the sense that this massage was much more for Johnny's benefit than for yours, but if it kept him happy, then so be it.
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“Good morning, angel,” Johnny greeted you. Your eyelids fluttered open, adjusting to the light in his bedroom. With a groan, you stretched your muscles, stiff from sleeping. “I brought you a cup of coffee.”
You looked to your boyfriend, smiling at you as he entered the room, a mug in each hand. You couldn’t be sure how long he’d been awake, or what time it was, but he was dressed already, beige cable-knit sweater and loose jeans, with his hair pulled back in a low ponytail. It was a contrast to his usual greaser bad-boy image, and the sight warmed your heart. He looked cozy, soft. You smiled back at him, sitting up and letting the covers pool around your waist. 
“Morning, Johnny,” you beamed at him, accepting the cup of coffee he handed to you. You took a sip and moaned in delight. Your boyfriend made a mean cup of coffee, perfectly sweet without being overbearing. He sat beside you on the bed, caressing your cheek lightly.
“I was thinking we could go out for a walk,” he suggested, before taking a swig of his own coffee. “It’s a nice morning.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
A while later, fully dressed and hand-in-hand with Johnny, you found yourself venturing through the forest that surrounded the house. There were a few man-made footpaths winding between the trees, but for the most part, you were truly in the middle of nature, an environment completely untouched by humans. Birds flapped their wings, rustling in the trees, and creatures whose species were unknown to you scrambled to run away in your wake, paws pounding on the forest floor. Johnny had been right; it was a nice morning. The sun filtered through branches and leaves, casting light and warmth down upon you, and the air was clean and fresh.
“It’s so nice out here,” you commented, looking around at the greens and browns that encompassed you.
“Yeah,” Johnny agreed. “I’m lucky to live here.”
“You really are. I’d walk through here every morning if I were you.”
“You’re lucky, too,” Johnny acknowledged, squeezing your hand. “You’re dating me. You can walk here whenever you want as well.” You smiled, your heart swelling at his words.
“It really is isolated, huh? Your house?” you remarked, peering around at your surroundings. The nearest road was so far away that you couldn’t even hear the rush of cars from where you stood.
“Yeah,” Johnny confirmed. “It’s not easy to get out of the house.” Why anyone would wish to escape this peaceful surroundings, you had no idea. It felt so far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life; your usual troubles felt so distant.
The sun had risen higher in the sky by the time you returned to Johnny’s house, and you realised you hadn’t even brought your phone with you. You hadn’t even thought to check the time once since you woke up. This was so out of the ordinary for you, particularly on a Saturday morning, when you’d usually be lounging in your apartment scrolling through social media.
The house had woken up by the time you stepped through the front door. It had been silent when you left, though now it seemed that the entire household was up and about.
“Where have you been, John?” Ten called out, as the two of you entered the kitchen.
“Just out for a walk,” he explained, taking a seat at the kitchen island, where you joined him.
“By the way, Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” Ten greeted you, smiling sweetly.
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” you returned, smiling back politely.
Johnny leaned in close, stage-whispering. “It’s really not all that nice to meet him. He’s a pretty lousy guy. Into some real weird stuff. Has probably killed a guy.” Ten gave Johnny a pointed glare as he departed the kitchen, and you giggled at your boyfriend’s antics.
“So,” Donghyuck asked, his voice somewhat muffled as he peered into the open fridge. “What do you guys have planned today?”
“Hmm. Not much,” Johnny answered. “Have some lunch, take it easy.”
“I want to shower first,” you announced, stretching your arms above your head. The physical exertion of your outdoor walk, along with your heated activities the night before, had left you feeling a little less than squeaky clean.
“We should do that together,” Johnny suggested, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek, which flamed at his proposition. 
“Okay,” you giggled in spite of yourself. Johnny was the only man, since you’d been twelve years of age, who was capable of reducing you to such a blushing, giggling mess.
“Let’s go,” Johnny invited you, smirking as he stood up and held out his hand. You took it, and laughed when Donghyuck fake gagged and Johnny stared at him with daggers in his eyes. You allowed Johnny to lead you, your hand in his, all the way upstairs. After retrieving your toiletries and change of clothes, you joined him in the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
“The lock is funny,” he told you, leaning over you to fiddle with it. “You really have to twist it-” he grunted, “There we go.”
You smiled, bunching up his shirt in your hands and pulling him closer towards you. He looked smug as he leaned in to kiss you, his lips sweet and commanding. Your hands went under his shirt, ghosting over his chiseled abdomen, which tensed delightfully under your touch.
Johnny pulled away, his eyes scanning up and down your body, setting you alight with his gaze. “Why don’t you doll yourself up for lunch, huh? I want to show everyone how beautiful you are.”
“Okay,” you nodded, agreeing to his suggestion. He captured your lips again, and you smiled against his lips. “We need to shower, baby. And no funny business.”
“No promises,” Johnny grinned, his eyes twinkling. When he took his shirt off, however, your request of no funny business went completely out the window.
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Sunday morning came all too fast, as your weekend with Johnny came to a close. It had been peaceful, relaxing, a greatly needed recharge, and you weren’t quite ready to return to your regular life. Walks through the city rather than through the woodland, and shifts in the bar all week long.
"I wish you didn't have to leave today," Johnny said, pouting as his fingertip traced shapes along your forearm as you lounged on his bed together.
"I know, babe, me too," you agreed. His eyelashes looked long, fanned across his cheeks as he gazed downwards.
"You should stay," Johnny suggested, a hopeful lilt to his voice. "Just another day or two?"
You shook your head at him. "I'm working all week babe, it's easier if I just go home. I can stay again next weekend." 
Johnny sighs, an irritated huff, retracting his hand from your arm. "You don't wanna stay with me?" he asked, looking up at you with hurt in his eyes.
"It's not that I don't want to, John, it'll just be complicated. You'll have to give me a lift to work, and it's so far that I'll have to wake up a lot earlier."
"You don't even sound like you're going to miss me," he pointed out. His voice had a tinge of anger and it frustrated you in turn. He was acting so petty - you hadn't seen this immature side of him before.
"Of course I'll miss you, Johnny," you assured him with a roll of your eyes. "But we can see each other next weekend, okay?"
"Whatever," Johnny scoffed.
"Whatever?" you asked incredulously. "Johnny, you're acting like a child."
"Sorry. Sorry I'm going to miss my partner because they insist on leaving me." 
You shifted away from Johnny, swinging your legs off the bed and facing away from him. "This is stupid," you muttered.
"I'm stupid?" Johnny exclaimed.
You rubbed your eyes in frustration. "I didn't say that."
"You didn't need to." Johnny jumped up from the bed, swiftly storming past you and exiting the room, complete with exaggerated stomps and a hefty slam of the door.
“God!” you cussed, in irritation and disbelief. You couldn’t believe he was acting like this. This side of Johnny, bitter and bad-tempered - you couldn’t say you enjoyed it. If anything, his outburst had only made you want to leave more. You cursed the complete and utter isolation of the place. You could hardly leave and catch a bus - you’d get lost if you even tried venturing out into the woods. Johnny was your ride home, and you didn’t want to face him. You weren’t even sure if he’d oblige, if you asked him to take you home.
You stood, scanning through your options, and your feet led you out of Johnny’s room. Down the hall, to the room you were sure belonged to Donghyuck. You knocked on the door, two uncertain taps. 
“Yeah?” Donghyuck’s voice called out from within - bingo. You pushed the door open apprehensively. The room was smaller than Johnny’s, though still a decent size. He had a large television mounted on the wall, hooked up to a gaming system that looked rather impressive, to your amateur perspective. 
“Oh, Y/N,” he remarked, sounding surprised and pausing his video game. “What’s up?”
“I’m sorry to bother you,” you prefaced, stepping into his room and closing the door behind you. “Johnny and I… had a bit of an argument. I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?”
“You fought?” Donghyuck asked. “What about?”
You sighed “It’s nothing. Something silly.” You didn’t particularly want to divulge the details to Donghyuck - you didn’t want to end up badmouthing Johnny to his friends. 
“Hey, sit down,” he invites you, patting the space beside him, on the end of his bed. “Come play video games with me. Take a minute to calm down.” You hesitantly joined him, taking a seat on the end of his bed. “Think this through, Y/N, it’s probably not a good idea to storm out.”
You picked up the controller Donghyuck gave you, holding it loosely. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Johnny wouldn’t be happy if I left without saying anything.”
“That guy has a temper,” Donghyuck commented under his voice. You felt inclined to agree, after the way he’d acted that morning.
“How do I play?” you asked, examining the controller in your hands. Donghyuck leaned over, running you through the controls and rules of the game. The other boy pressed play, and you were flung into the game headfirst, forced to learn and adapt to the fast-paced course of the game. You didn’t know how much time passed, but by your fourth round of the game, you were laughing and shouting along with Donghyuck, all thoughts of smothering boyfriends erased from your mind.
“Feeling better, huh?” Donghyuck asked, beaming at you. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding. “Thanks.”
“One more round?”
“I should probably go talk to Johnny,” you denied apologetically. “But thank you.”
“Any time,” he smiled, holding out his fist for a bump, which you obliged. 
“Bye,” you bid him, before departing his bedroom and moving down the hall. You stood for a moment, outside Johnny’s bedroom door, taking a deep breath and bracing yourself.
When you pushed open the door, you found Johnny already standing in his room. You approached him slowly and with apprehension, speaking in a calm and gentle tone. “Hey, Johnny? I’m sorry for blowing up earlier.”
“It’s okay,” he assured you. His composure surprised you, after the volume of his outburst earlier. He didn’t look at you, nor did he turn around to face you. He stood before his dresser, apparently very focused on something inside it. “Why were you in Donghyuck’s room?”
Your eyes widened a little. He didn’t sound mad, nor did he have the right to be. But something about the situation, or perhaps about his demeanor, made you feel a little jittery. You didn’t know he’d been watching you. “Oh. Um. He was just convincing me to stay.” You cleared your throat, feeling the need to change the subject. “What are you doing?”
“Come look,” he beckoned you. You joined him, peering down into the dresser which he seemed so enthralled by.
You gulped. The open drawer was like something you’d find in a museum; it was lined with crimson velvet, and several vintage-looking pistols were laid out in it. They ranged in size and style, the smallest being the size of your palm and the largest stretching to the length of your forearm. “I… I didn’t know you had guns.” The sight of them made your heart race. If you were being honest, you’d led a rather sheltered life, and had never been in the presence of so many weapons. It made you feel uneasy.
“I don’t use them. They’re only collectibles.” Johnny picked up the smallest gun, and you flinched. He glanced at you, and the look in his eyes was undetectable to you - it wasn’t offence, nor regret, but his eyes definitely glinted with something. The way he handled the gun, you weren’t sure if you bought the ‘collectibles’ line. He handled it with such ease and grace, that it almost seemed like he was born with a gun in his hand. Though it was small, compact, barely the size of your hand - and it appeared even smaller in Johnny’s palm, which dwarfed it - you found yourself stunned and shivery, thinking about the damage it was capable of. Did Johnny collect bullets, too? you found yourself wondering.
You averted your gaze, discomfort taking over, and noticed that your phone lay atop the dresser. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You weren’t sure where, exactly, you had left your phone, but you were certain you hadn’t laid it there. “Hey - my phone-”
“Oh, right,” Johnny said, placing his gun back in the drawer and closing it sharply, twisting a key which sat in the keyhole, locking it away. “Your boss called. He said you don’t have to work tomorrow. That’s great, right? You can stay the night - you don’t have to leave.”
You nodded, feeling a little sick but faking a smile anyways. “Great.” You were tired, physically and emotionally. You felt bad for even thinking it, but you wanted a break from your boyfriend. You wanted some space. He was making you feel uncomfortable, bordering on unsafe, and you found yourself craving the security you felt in Donghyuck’s room.
“Um, I’m gonna take a shower,” you conjured the excuse for an escape. 
“Okay,” Johnny accepted it easily, smiling widely. He wrapped his arms around your waist, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t be gone too long, alright?”
“Alright,” you nodded, breathing a sigh of relief when he released you. You would stay another night; it wasn’t worth upsetting Johnny over.
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You had to admit that you felt a lot better after showering. The warm water had relaxed you, along with the familiar and comforting scent of your shampoo grounding you and bringing your emotions to a calmer, neutral level. You were standing before the bathroom mirror, applying moisturiser to your face, when you heard a click. A turn.
The broken lock.
Before you could act, Donghyuck was before you, staring at you with wide eyes. You let out a yelp, turning around, though most of your skin was hidden beneath your towel.
“Fuck, sorry! I’m so sorry! Don’t tell Johnny about this!” he blurted.
“It’s okay,” you responded, cheeks flushed. You weren’t sure Donghyuck had heard your forgiveness, however; you’d heard him dash away while your back was turned. You laugh awkwardly to yourself at the mishap, before closing the door again and making certain to twist the lock properly. It had only been a silly mistake, you reassured yourself. And he hadn’t seen anything, besides your bare shoulders, which was hardly a great reveal.
You shook your head, before drying and dressing yourself. The poor boy had been so flustered, and you had to admit it was sort of endearing.
“Nice shower?” Johnny asked when you returned to his room, lying on his bed atop the covers.
You nodded, joining him on the bed. “I feel so relaxed now.”
He pulled you close to him, kissing your lips gently. “Jaehyun’s making dinner for everyone, it’ll be ready before long.”
“That’s nice of him,” you murmured, laying your head on Johnny’s shoulder. “Poor Donghyuck, though. We had a really awkward moment in the bathroom, I don’t know if he’ll be ready to face me.”
You felt Johnny tense, his muscles going hard beneath you. “What do you mean?”
“He walked in on me showering. I don’t think he saw much, but-”
Johnny sat up abruptly, causing your head to fall back on the bed. “He fucking what?” Johnny hissed.
“Johnny, it’s fine,” you insisted. “I was wrapped in a towel-”
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Johnny cursed, standing.
“Johnny,” you spoke firmly, grabbing his arm in a tight grip. “Stop. I said he didn’t see anything.”
“I fucking hope not,” Johnny growled, sitting down once more. He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, stroking your face lightly. His hand was trembling. “You’re my angel,” he said. “I don’t want anybody else seeing you like that.”
“It won’t happen again, okay? I’m all yours, I promise.” You placed your hand on top of Johnny’s, soothing him with your touch. His temper, flaring again. This wasn’t something you liked much about Johnny, and you hadn’t been all that glad to meet this side of him. But, you bargained, nobody was perfect - you certainly weren’t. Besides, you had been ready this time; your firm tone and gentle touch had helped to calm him.
Johnny stood up, rubbing his face with both of his hands. You heard him release a shaky breath.
“Please calm down, Johnny. I’m sorry.”
“I’m fine,” he said, nodding certainly. “I’m calm.”
“Let’s go get dinner, yeah?” You stood, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Yeah,” he agreed, squeezing your hand a little too tightly.
Johnny’s rather sour mood remained all throughout dinner, as evidenced by his clenched jaw and the protective hand he laid on your thigh. His sullen demeanor made him somewhat of a bore to be around, and you found yourself laughing and joking with his friends; you’d be happy to consider Donghyuck a friend, and Mark was hilarious too. Johnny didn’t seem to like this, however. You spent the last portion of the meal in silence, quietly eating and staying close to Johnny’s side.
Even afterwards, as you watched a movie with the group, Johnny refused to relax and let go of his needless worries. Everybody was laughing at the movie, but you couldn’t help but notice that Johnny hadn’t even cracked a smile the whole time. In fact, you didn’t even think he’d been watching the movie; his eyes hardly left you, flitting between your face and your body. As though if he stopped watching you, something horrible would happen. As though he were keeping guard.
He pulled you closer towards him, though there was very little space between the two of you on the couch beforehand. His lips connected with your cheek, before straying down towards your neck. You felt your skin heat up in embarrassment, although all eyes in the room were still trained on the television. Johnny wrapped his arm around your waist, using his strength to lift you onto his lap. You squeaked at the sudden action, earning inquisitive glances from Johnny’s friends, which only fuelled how flustered you were. He held your body close to his, squeezing you. His breath tickled your neck, sending shivers down your spine, before he sunk his teeth into your skin. You hoped your muffled moan went unnoticed, but your eyes were shut tightly so it was unknown to you. You squirmed in Johnny’s lap, thighs clenching together tightly.
In another show of Johnny’s strength, or perhaps just his relative power in comparison to your apparent weakness, he lifted you swiftly. The abrupt movement surprised you, and you gasped sharply.
“Y/N and I are going upstairs,” Johnny announced to the group, and you silently allowed him to guide you away.
“Because,” he continued as you two left the room, “I can take Y/N any time I want.”
“Johnny!” you scolded him, mouth agape with humiliation as his boys hollered in your wake. He ignored your cries of reprimand, scooping you up off your feet with a grin on his face. 
“C’mon, baby,” he whispered, carrying you away to his bedroom. You sighed in fond exasperation, laying your head against his chest. You condemned his announcement of “I can take Y/N any time I want,” but the fact remained true that he could certainly take you then.
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Monday morning. You were growing terribly bored of this big, old house in the middle of nowhere. Spending time with Johnny was nice, when he wasn’t baring his angry possessive side. Although you really liked him, you found yourself wanting some space. And so, when you woke up before Johnny, you left his sleeping form behind, pulled one of his oversized sweaters over your head, and set out to explore the enormous house that had become your confinement.
Nobody else was awake, or so it seemed when you ventured downstairs and poured yourself a glass of juice. You felt itchy, agitated. Even when you settled on the couch, the sense of calm you desired simply refused to fall over you. With an agitated sigh, you advanced throughout the house, exploring the ground floor. You had learned that all the bedrooms were on the first floor, and so you’d been wondering where one specific door led. Off the left of the hallway, aside from the kitchen and living area, and the ground floor bathroom.
The door creaked as you pushed it open, as did the floorboards when you stepped through the threshold. The room was dark, though you identified the furnishings of a study when you squinted your eyes. You moved to the far side of the room, drawing open the heavy red curtains thereby illuminating the space and releasing a cloud of dust at the same time. You waved the cloud away, choking.
There was a sturdy desk, littered with boxes full of clutter, accompanied by a rickety chair that looked like it would fall apart if you put any weight on it. You gasped a silent “wow” as you took in the wall opposite the door, lined with shelves that stretched from floor to ceiling, crammed to the brim with books of every size. You approached the extensive library, examining the titles. You didn’t recognise anything, apart from a few classics, but it was still an impressive collection. You began to wonder whether one of the boys had inherited the property from an older relative - none of them seemed particularly studious or academic, at least not enough to warrant an assortment of books this great. You trailed a finger along the spines, accumulating yet more dust. The books, much like the room in its entirety, had sat untouched for a long time.
You shrieked, spinning around with your arms raised in defence, only to sigh in relief and clutch your heart. “Donghyuck! You scared me!”
The boy bent in half, in stitches at the fear he’d instilled in you. “I’m sorry! I couldn’t resist!” You couldn’t help but join in with his laughter; it was just so infectious. Even minutes later, you were cackling while wiping tears away from your eyes.
“So,” Donghyuck spoke, as his laughter died down. “What are you doing in here?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, still smiling. “Just exploring, I guess.”
“I don’t think there’s anything interesting in here,” Donghyuck claimed, looking around at the books.
“Really? It seems like hidden treasure to me.” You peered upwards, at the higher shelves, before standing on your tiptoes and stretching upwards, reaching for an eye-catching book with a golden spine.
“Careful,” Donghyuck murmured, placing a hand on the small of your back to steady you as you strained.
You heard Johnny’s growl, a split second before he entered your field of vision, entering the study and shoving Donghyuck away from you.
“Johnny!” you cried, feeling helpless and out of control as he squared up to the younger man.
Donghyuck had his hands raised in surrender, looking at his friend with concern tainting his expression. “Hey, man, calm down,” he attempted to pacify Johnny.
“Stay away from Y/N,” Johnny yelled, right in Donghyuck’s face
You leapt into action, maneuvering your way in between the pair, palm flat on Johnny’s chest. “Johnny, look at me,” you commanded him firmly. There was a fire in his eyes that you didn’t recognise. It flamed, bright and angry, threatening to burn anything and everything in its path. It scared you, and you resisted strongly against the urge to cower before him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he bit, gripping your forearm tightly. Potentially tight enough to bruise.
“Come on where?” you asked, stumbling as you struggled to keep up. He tugged you out of the room and down the hall, as you tried not to trip over your own feet.
“We’re going for a walk. Put your shoes on,” he demanded, arms crossed, waiting for you to obey.
“I- Johnny- What?” you sputtered. “Can I at least go upstairs and get my coat?”
“No,” he denied flatly. You rolled your eyes, slipping into your shoes. Wasting no time, Johnny pulled you out of the house, slamming the door behind you. You followed after him, your heart pounding with a mixture of uncertainty, anxiety, and speechless anger, as he marched you out into the woods, only stopping when you reached a clearing a good distance away from the house.
“Something’s going on between you and Donghyuck,” Johnny stated with hard certainty, as though it were fact. His face was flushed red, veins prominent along his forehead. He looked at you expectantly, but you had no idea what he wanted in response.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly. You couldn’t help but yell at him. “Johnny, what are you talking about? You’re my boyfriend. I like you. But not when you act like this, Jesus Christ!”
Johnny advanced, closing the gap between you, and you flinched when he regained his grip on your arm. “You need to stay the fuck away from Donghyuck, okay?”
“This is such a huge overreaction!” You tried to struggle away from his grip, but he was far too strong, his will iron.
Johnny leaned in, impossibly even closer to your face. “I brought you here, as my baby, to show you off to all my friends,” he hissed. “And you let them get their grubby little hands on you? I thought better of you, Y/N. I thought you were fucking faithful.”
Your heart raced, pounding wildly with how badly you wanted to get away from him. You didn’t think you could forgive him for this outburst. You just wanted to leave. “You’re fucking insane,” you shouted at him.
Johnny looked disgusted at your words. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
“Me?” you asked incredulously, finally shrugging out of his grasp. “Me, don’t talk to you like that? Listen, Johnny, I’m not your shiny little toy you can show off to your friends. I’m a human being. And you have no right telling me who I can and can’t talk to.”
“Come here.” Johnny was looking at you, his mouth a straight line, his eyes cold.
“Come here,” he repeated, and you hesitantly took a step forward, afraid to disobey him when he spoke in such an angry, demanding voice. Johnny reached out, gripping you by the arm before spinning you round quickly, pulling you close to him. Your chest was pressed tightly against his back, his arm across your chest, locking you in place. You could feel his heavy, ragged breathing.
“I’m not happy, Y/N,” he jeered, whispering into your ear harshly. “You’re my angel, and you’ve upset me. Maybe you aren’t such an angel after all.” You thrashed, but his grasp on you only tightened. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Johnny, please,” you begged, your voice nothing but a hoarse whimper.
“Let me talk,” he hissed at you. “You’ve hurt me. And I need to show you - I need to hurt you back.”
“What are you- let me go!” You continued to flail in his hold, kicking out your feet but failing to do any real damage to him.
“Shh, it’ll only last a second,” he hushed you, his lips touching your ear and sending shivers down your spine. You felt him fumble behind you, and found an opportunity for escape, but it was no use. His grip on you was iron-tight, unrelenting. Johnny jabbed you in the chest, slightly to the left of your sternum, directly over your banging heart. You looked down, choking on a sob. 
One of Johnny’s pistols, the so-called collectible item, was pressing into your skin.
“Right in the heart, Y/N. That’s where you hurt me.” 
“Johnny, please!” you cried, struggling in vain. Tears blurred your vision, and spit flew from your mouth as you pleaded with him. “Let me go, Johnny, I’m sorry!”
“Goodnight, angel.”
You heard the gunshot before you felt it. In fact, you hardly even felt it at all. There was a bang, your ears rang, and then nothing. You collapsed, falling limp in Johnny’s arms. His angel.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Doppelgänger (18/19)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Reign Storm, Part 4}
“Another day, another night of trying to catch as many ghosts as we can before curfew,” Tucker groaned as the trio made their way to Danny’s bedroom.
“At least we managed to hide the Ecto-Skeleton in the fold before Vlad could take it,” Sam said.
“Plus Val is keeping up the truce for now and Jazz is covering for us,” Danny added.
“Yeah, and how long until Val turns her weapons back on us or Jazz decides to stick her nose in our business?” Sam muttered.
Danny opened his door. “She -”
The three stared at the room that very much was not Danny’s room. They looked behind them to see the green sky of the Ghost Zone with gears floating through it. They were standing on an island that housed a tall tower in the shape of a grandfather clock.
“We’re not going to get anything caught tonight, are we?” Tucker sighed.
Sam pushed past her partners and stomped into the tower. “Alright you stupid ghost kidnapper, what do you want?”
No one answered and the boys followed her further into the tower.
They kept an eye out for whatever ghost had teleported them there, but the only movement was coming from the spinning gears that were everywhere or the circular screens scattered about.
Danny’s eyes caught on three that were side by side and he gasped.
The first was labeled Future: Ten Years and showed a ghost in the form of a young woman. She had pale teal skin and white hair, though her hair was a white vapor that flowed around her head and shoulders. She wore a floor-length black dress that was slit on the right side high on her thigh. She also had a white belt, thigh-high high-heeled boots, and elbow-length gloves. Her dress had an S-logo on her skirt that looked like claw marks as well as a long white cape with a black lining. She was draped over a dead tree in what appeared to be a destroyed city like it was a throne, smirking as a military group fled from the bright green void rapidly growing beneath her with every similarly colored tear that dripped from her dark gold eyes.
“Is that…” Danny started and the two followed his gaze.
“Me?” Sam said.
“Why do you have Danny’s Spectral Void?” Tucker asked.
Danny pointed to the screen next to it.
This one was also labeled Future: Ten Years and featured a destroyed city, but a young man was the ghost featured. He had the same skin and hair color as the woman, but his hair appeared to be thick braids of dripping goo and his eyes were deep violet. He was shirtless and wore dark grey pants with white boots and a large white belt. On the belt was a black buckle with a white T-logo that appeared to be made of lightning. He also wore white bracers on his forearms and a cape to match the woman’s. Cackling, he watched his own military adversaries get pulverized by bright green vines.
“And that would be me with Sam’s Wraith Snare,” Tucker added as they turned to the final screen.
Once more a destroyed city was labeled Future: Ten Years. This time the ghost was flying around as he tossed tanks about and blasted them apart with a bright green sonic attack. He was also a young man with pale teal skin and white hair, though his was made of flames. His eyes were blood red and he had a small goatee. He wore a suit that was primarily black, but with a white pattern on the sleeves that continued down the side of his abdomen. He also had white boots and belt alongside black gloves and the same cape as the two before. On his chest was a wispy white D-logo.
“Which leaves Danny with my Ghostly Wail,” Tucker finished.
“We look so cool,” Danny muttered as he stared up at the screens. When his partners immediately turned to look at him, he quickly added, “Except for the whole being evil thing.”
Sam knocked her shoulder against the smaller boy’s and looked back at the screens. “This… They can’t be us.”
“They aren’t.”
The trio spun around to see a ghost floating behind them.
He at first looked like an old man, but as he spoke he faded into a young child. “At least, not in this life.”
“What do you mean?” Danny asked as the trio readied themselves for a fight.
Instead, the ghost came over to float next to them, his eyes on the screens as he fiddled with the clock on his staff. “In these timelines, only one of you went into the portal in your parents’ lab.”
“Hold on, are you saying that if we hadn’t gone in together, we would have turned evil?” Sam said, eyes narrowed.
“Sometimes.” He hit a button on his staff and the screens changed.
Instead of lounging in a tree, Sam was defending a school bus from a giant hydra ghost. Her skin was a human tone only a few shades darker than her normal and her eyes were bright green. Her hair was the same as her evil version's, if longer, but her dress and cape had been replaced by black pants and a white crop top with bell sleeves. Green vines wove around her head in a crown of thorns.
Tucker was now facing off against what appeared to be a Skulker-Technus hybrid. His eyes were the same shade as Good Future Sam’s and his hair had remained the same as evil Tucker's while his skin was a darker human brown. His cape had been swapped out for a black muscle shirt and silver Egyptian-style necklace. Likewise, his bracers had been swapped out with silver vambraces with glittering green hieroglyphs engraved into them.
Good Future Danny was laughing as he dove around the attacks of a ghost that seemed to be composed entirely of the night sky except for a ram horn helmet. He also had skin similar to his human form’s and bright green eyes. His hair was shorter than his evil version’s had been, but just as fiery. His suit was now white with dark green diagonal designs. His boots, belt, and gloves were all black and he was the only one to still have a cape, though this one was made of white fur. There were also horns made of ice curling out of his hair.
“Sometimes you choose the right path,” the clock ghost said, aging up into an adult.
“I have horns!” Danny whispered.
“You’re getting way too into this,” Tucker said, nudging his side.
“Mind telling us why you brought us here?” Sam asked.
The ghost hummed and their evil versions took the screens again. “Individually, the three of you have the power to bring untold devastation to the Ghost Zone and wipe humanity from the face of the Earth.” He turned to them, fading back into an old man. “What do you think you could do together?”
The trio blanched and Sam shook her head. “That wouldn’t happen.”
“Wouldn’t it? Why not? It happens in other timelines.”
“So what? You brought us here to tell us we’re going to turn evil and destroy the world? Thanks. We’re leaving now.”
“I’ve brought you here to give you a warning,” the ghost said, focus completely on his staff and not the fuming halfa. He aged down to a child and continued, “Those who command me do not peer into the alternate times often and I have worked hard so that they should not see these, but that effort will not last forever. Should something not change, they will discover these chances and label you all too much of a risk. When that happens, I will be charged with the task of eliminating your future.”
“So you’re going to try to kill us in the future, good to know,” Sam said.
Tucker grabbed his partners as they both stepped forward to fight. “You said you were warning us, that something could change so you wouldn’t have to kill us. Could you tell us what that something is?”
He smirked.
The trio blinked and they were in Danny’s room.
“Is that a no?” Tucker asked.
“That ghost better not show his face again,” Sam huffed and tossed her backpack into the corner.
“Uh, guys,” Danny said and held up his hand.
Wrapped around his wrist was a watch he’d never seen before. It had a white square case and face with navy asteroids taking the place of the numbers and icy blue comets acting as hands. The band was white nylon with black constellations stitched in. On the watch’s crown, the letters W and C were interwoven together in navy.
“I think he left me a gift.”
His partners looked down to see similar watches on their own wrists.
Sam’s had a black ceramic band and case with a silver paint splatter design overtop. The face was round and violet with a silver spiderweb design that black spiders crawled across in the place of hands. The WC logo was also on its crown, in violet.
Tucker’s watch, unlike the other two’s, was digital. It had a silver rectangular face and case with white glowing numerals over a green old-school bezier screensaver. The band was grey silicone with white pixel hearts decorating it. The WC logo was on the button on the side in green.
Sam growled and tried to remove it, to no avail. There was no buckle and the band wouldn’t break. She could not phase through it or have it phase through her either. She transformed and while the watch didn’t leave, it did change.
The case was now a golden-brown and shaped like a gear. The face was black with traditional hands and numbers in electric blue. The WC logo was at the center of the face while the band was a dark metal.
It proved to be just as impossible to remove in this form and also appeared to be indestructible considering the small ecto-beam she shot at it did nothing.
The boys just watched her antics, though Danny did stop her from trying to shoot a larger beam at it (and therefore her arm) while Tucker transformed to see if his would change as well.
It matched hers perfectly in ghost form.
“He’s trying to turn us evil,” the two hissed.
“I really don’t think he is,” Danny said, rubbing Sam’s arms.
“It’s turning us evil.”
“You’re just upset.”
“We’re going to burn his tower to the ground. You know, he probably should have seen this coming if he can see into the future so he probably deserves it.”
“You’re not helping, Tuck.”
Tucker shrugged.
“Guess we’ve got some research to do now. On top of everything else we’ve still gotta do. To. The. Ground.”
{Identity Crisis, Part 1}
“What are you guys doing?” Jazz asked as she came into Danny’s room to see the trio curled up together on his bed with a book each.
“We finally caught all the ghosts that escaped,” Danny said. “Well, the ones worth catching at least.”
“Ones worth catching?”
“The ones who cause problems,” Tucker explained. “There are some ghosts we leave alone as long as they keep out of trouble. Like Poindexter’s cool and Johnny and Kitty are fine as long as they aren’t fighting with each other. We also made a deal with Ember since she got a gig at a bar downtown; as long as she doesn’t brainwash anyone she can stay.”
“There are also those that aren’t worth the time, like the Box Ghost,” Sam said. “We can leave him to your parents or Valerie.”
“Valerie doesn’t even bother with Boxy anymore,” Danny added.
“I think he’s got a job with a moving company now,” Tucker muttered. “Either that or they’re just using him as a mascot.”
“Anyways, we got everyone accounted for so we’ve got a ghost-free weekend to do some research on that clock ghost that kidnapped us,” Danny said.
Jazz frowned. “So the three of you are going to spend the whole weekend here, together, alone.”
“Yeah, basically.”
“Until we find what we need to get these stupid watches off.”
She sighed and walked over to take their books.
“Hey!” they said together.
“You three need a break after the last couple weeks of insanity. That means no ghosts, no Doppelgänger, and most importantly, no each other.”
“What? Why?” they asked and she gave them a look.
“I kind of get the ghost part, but why no each other?” Danny asked.
“When was the last time you three spent more than twenty-four hours apart?”
“I went to some gala in California with my parents two weeks ago,” Sam said pointedly.
“And Tucker sent the whole weekend here playing video games. I’m asking about all three of you spending more than a day apart.”
The three frowned, staring at nothing.
Jazz gave them a moment, then nodded. “That’s what I thought.”
They shared a look.
“Well, the computer club was having a camp this weekend,” Tucker said.
“It’d be nice to spend the weekend with Val,” Danny offered.
“There is a sale at Skulk and Lurk this weekend,” Sam sighed.
“There you go then.” Jazz dropped the books onto Danny’s desk and pointed to the door. “Out.”
“You know, you’re his sister, not ours,” Sam muttered, but she and Tucker said their goodbyes and left.
Danny threw a pillow at his sister and grabbed his phone. “Why are you so bossy?”
“It’s not healthy to spend so much time around your partners. Especially considering your interwoven minds. It won’t hurt you to be apart now and then.”
“Yeah, yeah, now get out so I can text Val.”
“Hey, it’s Tucker, right?”
Tucker looked up to see a freshman he vaguely recognized standing over him. “Uh, yeah. You’re… Kira?”
“Kiran. Kiran Rizvi.”
“Right, sorry.” Tucker held his hand out to shake and looked over the freshman.
They were cute. Androdygenous, if leaning masculine, with rich brown skin. They looked like they were on the thinner side, but it was hard to tell with their baggy yellow hoodie. They had short black hair and a round face with bright green eyes.
Tucker put on a flirty smile, even as they ignored his hand and put their own on their chest. “Tucker Foley. So, you’re into computers then, Kiran?”
They shrugged and sat down next to him. “I’m more into computer games, but I wanted to learn how to build my own PC so I’ve been learning all I can. The computer I’ve got lags constantly, but I don’t have the money to buy a gaming PC.”
“Who does?” Tucker snorted. Well, Sam did, but even she knew the benefits of building over buying. “My partner introduced me to this company that’s got quality gear at good prices. Doomed never ran so smooth!”
“You play Doomed too? Did you see the new expansion pass?” Kiran said excitedly.
“The Netherworlds or the expanded Pride Armor selection?”
“I was talking about the Netherworlds but oh my gosh, the Pride Armor pack was great! Even if the stealth aspects are absolutely awful.”
“If there’s ever a reason to wish to be ace, it's when you’re running around in neon yellow, pink, and blue,” Tucker sighed.
“That sucks. At least my armor’s got some black and purple in it to balance out the yellow and white,” they chuckled and Tucker swooned.
Wow, they’re pretty when they laugh.
“Have you seen some of the designs online people have done for stealth versions of the armor?”
“Wh-Oh, yeah,” Tucker said, snapping himself out of it. “Yeah, my partner posted some she did of the Ace-Spec gear on her blog. I’ve been trying to work it into a mod for her for her birthday.”
“No way! Can I see?” they asked, leaning closer, and Tucker smiled.
“Yeah, sure.” He turned back to his laptop and tried to bring up the file, but it slowed down as he tried. “Crud, right, I forgot I was in the middle of fixing that.”
“What’s wrong?”
“This is my old one. I’ve been trying to fix it up to sell. Everything seems okay. I think there’s just some excess data in the cache slowing it down. I was just about to empty it when you came up.” He started the process then pulled out his phone to bring up the designs he was working on.
“There’s pizza in the other room,” the computer teacher, Mr. Göbel, called as he poked his head into the classroom.
Tucker and Kiran joined the rest of the club heading out of the room as Kiran looked over the designs and begged Tucker to send them the mod when he finished it.
A few moments later, an abandoned laptop began to glow before flying out the window.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 99 - SBT
Here it is!
"Right, the Maravilhoso…" 
Mundy parked the motorcycle and removed his helmet before getting inside. 
"Oh, hold on…" As he passed in front of the facade, he caught a glimpse of his reflection, the light of the lamp posts helping. He thought of Perle and adjusted his hair and his bowtie. Last time he had done that, it was before entering Lulu's room and he had a ponytail… 
"Right." He pushed the door and entered. "Oh, wow…" 
The atmosphere inside the restaurant was completely different from the dark and relatively silent streets. The lights were golden, yellow and red inside of the Brazilian steakhouse and the music was… exotic. Mundy didn't exactly know what the style was called but it was soothing while people were dancing at one end of the large room. An orchestra was playing live, and it reminded Mundy of the Queen Victoria days, only more colourful and tropical.
"Evenin' Sir, how may I help?" A waiter broke Mundy's train of thought.
"Oh, uh, my partner's booked a table, I think…"
"What name would that be?" They both shifted to the stand with the register. 
"Uh… Beauregard, or Turner." 
The waiter frowned as his eyes scanned the large book. 
"Uh, Beauregard is a French name, spellin's quite odd." Mundy started spelling it out loud and the waiter's eyebrows jumped. 
"Ha! Gotcha! Yes, of course! Alright, follow me."
Mundy did as he was told and was taken to a table and seated. Lucien wasn't there yet, evidently.
"Here is the menu."
"Ah, thanks." Mundy took it and the waiter faded away. 
Lucien wasn't there yet so why not have a look at what kind of food was served in that establishment? Mundy knew the place by name, the name on the outside was flashing in bulbs of yellow in the night, blinking and dancing. There was no way one would go through the street and miss it. Besides, the smell inside was very appetising, grilled meat was largely dominating, but the Aussie could perceive a hint of foreign spices through it all.
"Good evening, handsome..." 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped at the feminine voice. He raised his eyes from the menu and saw a woman pulling the chair opposite him and sitting down as easily as just that. 
"Uh, hey there, I-I'm actually waitin' for someone, sorry." 
"I'll go when they show up, don't worry." The lady put her hand on the menu in Mundy's hands and pushed it down. That's when the Aussie noticed her long, dark blue, velvet gloves that went all the way to her elbows. Her slim arms were white as snow and her dress matched her gloves, or the other way around. "May I?" 
"You're already sitting at my table, eh?" 
"Oh, then I guess it is a yes…?" 
She looked older than Mundy, her hair was long, salt and pepper, like Lucien. She wore beautiful make-up, not too much, but just enough to enhance her features, her eyes in particular. A touch of mascara and eye-liner to give her light blue eyes a feline look. 
"You're here alone?" He asked her. 
"I was waiting for my companion and got bored." She answered. "I saw you alone and thought we might spend a bit of time together, instead of each being in their own solitude…?" 
Mundy's ears twitched at the word: solitude. He frowned for an instant. 
"So," The woman cocked an eyebrow. "What is your name?" 
"Just M?" 
"Fair enough." She chuckled. 
"Why're you laughin'?" 
"Quite mysterious you are, M, hm? Even though you don't look like the mysterious type."
There was a subtle accent in the woman's voice, nothing that Mundy had heard before. She was a native alright, but there was a very light twist in her words… 
"Although you do look very handsome, tonight." She poured Mundy and herself a glass of water and drank. 
"You flirtin' with me?" Mundy asked. 
"Why not? You said you were waiting for a friend, not your wife, hm?" She cocked a cheeky eyebrow. 
"Well, uh, I said friend but uh…" 
"Is she more?" 
"I mean…" Mundy scratched his cheek nervously. 
"I don't mind some competition." 
The Aussie started to sweat. 
"Look, uh, y-you're very nice and all, but uh… huh?"
The woman stood off of her chair and got closer to Mundy before half sitting on the table itself, her thigh dangerously close to the Aussie's forearm. Mundy couldn't help but look at it. His eyes went from her high-heeled black boot, wrapping her thin leg tightly to her black stockings under her dress. The only reason he could see all that was because the slit on her dress went all the way up to the top of her thigh… Mundy blushed and looked away, feigning to look for Lucien as he gulped down hard.
"The shy type, are we?" She put her index finger below Mundy's jaw and pulled him to face her. "I like it." She winked and Mundy's heart beat twice as fast as the music playing in the restaurant. 
"W-wow, alright, uh, listen, sheila… I-I'm really not lookin' for-"
"You might not be looking, but I am. And I now have my eyes on a very pretty one…" She bit her lip and Mundy saw a shy flash of her pearly white teeth. Gosh...
"Pff, you should meet my, uh, friend. He's the king of pretty…" Mundy tried to divert the conversation away from him.
"Oh, should I? What is his name?" 
"Just L?" 
"Such a concidence…My name also starts with an L…" She bent down and got her lips closer to Mundy's ear. "Bonsoir, mon loup."
[Good evening, my wolf.]
Mundy gasped and turned his head to face her again. Their faces were a few inches apart and she smiled as she pushed back a lock of her long hair. 
"It's me, mon amour. Have you not recognised me?" Lucien chuckled and broke the voice acting for a second. 
"What?!" He repeated and Lucien sat opposite the Aussie whose jaw had dropped. "Why are you…? I mean why the…?" 
"Surprise…!" Lucien answered with a wink and slid his hand on the table to hold Mundy's. 
"It's really you? How can I be sure?"
"Who else would call you mon loup?" Lucien smiled, resuming the feminine voice. "And I can tell you the exact number of scars on your back, I have kissed them all…" 
Mundy blushed again. 
"Bloody hell, ok…! Woah…" Mundy pulled on his collar to let more air through. "But why are you dressed… like that?" He asked, confused. 
"Someone once said that they wanted to be able to hold me close in public, but couldn't because I was a man. So I reused a spooky skill of mine." He explained nonchalantly. 
"You… You've already done that before?" 
"Occasionally, oui. But I never enjoyed it. Today might be the first time I do." 
"Oh, really?" Mundy asked, still digesting it all. "And the beard's gone? And your voice, your accent…? How the hell can you sound like a sheila?"
"I was that good at my job, and for the beard, it would have looked very odd, non?" Lucien winked. "Besides, seeing that blush on your cheeks when you looked down my thigh was worth every minute of me trying to hide my masculine aspects." Lucien chuckled. 
"I don't know what to say…!" Mundy was at a loss for words even, he leaned back on his chair and exhaled the breath he had been holding.
"Then hold my hand, and say nothing." Lucien gave him a slow flap of his eyelashes and it was enough to tame the hunter, who obeyed, and slid his fingers between Lucien's gloved ones.
"Gosh…" Mundy blushed.
"Is something the matter?" 
"I… I never thought I'd…" Mundy looked left and right at the other patrons in the restaurant. No one was giving them any odd looks. Why would they? Mundy was but holding a woman's hand.
"Never thought I'd hold your hand out in the open… Feels… Feels amazin'..." Mundy raised bright shining eyes to Lucien. "Feels like… We're really together, like…" 
"Weren't we before?" Lucien tilted his head on the side and gave a lopsided smile. 
"Course we were. Just feels… stronger, somehow…" 
They exchanged a dear grin before they dived in the menu and placed their order. 
"So, uh… Why all this?" Mundy asked. 
"Because you have been feeling low as of late, as I thought I might try to do something about it." 
Mundy lowered his head yet ginned shyly. 
"I'm… I'm sorry." 
"What for?" 
"Must've been shit livin' with me for the past few days." Mundy raised ashamed eyes. 
The conversation cut when they both received their meals and thanked the waiter, before he disappeared. 
"Non, Mundy, you are a delight to live with." 
"Even when I wake up every night?"
"Even when you wake up every night." 
"Even when I look like shit and am in a low mood?"
"Even when you look like shit and are in a low mood." Lucien answered with a chuckle. "Are you hungry?" 
"Yeah, quite a bit…" Mundy answered, looking down at his plate. 
"Then, please dig in, and bon appétit." 
"To you too, luv'." 
They started going at their plates. 
"Mmh, that's some good steak right there… How's yours?" 
"Divine, but not as good as the sight you offer me." 
"Oh, hm…" Mundy blushed and smiled. 
"Look at this now…!" Lucien said. 
"What?" Mundy felt put on the spot seeing how intensely Lucien was staring at him. 
"It has been a long time since I last saw one of those." 
"One of those what?" 
"One of those smiles." Lucien answered. "The shy ones, the ones from the beginning." 
"W-well… Feels like the beginnin' again, but different." Mundy answered. 
"How so?" 
"I…" Mundy looked down at his plate, it was hard enough to find the words, let alone say them. "I'm… I'm fallin' in love with you… again… but as a sheila." 
Lucien put one of his gloved hands on his chest and smiled while tilting his head.
"I know. Makes no sense. 'm sorry, should've shut up…" Mundy dived as deep as he could in his steak to avoid Lucien's gaze. 
"Anyway, forget it. How d'you find the uh, the rice and uh, stuff?" 
"Mundy, please, look at me." 
Lucien's feminine voice was something. It made something tremble inside Mundy, who obeyed, albeit timidly. 
"What you said is far from ridiculous. I… I appreciate it, dearly." 
"I mean… I didn't mean like… As in… You just look gorgeous, male or female… I…" Mundy averted his eyes. "It's even harder to look at you now…! Not that it was easy before but I kinda got used to it. Now it feels like I'm startin' all over again." 
"Finish your plate, I have another surprise for you, before we get some dessert." 
"Okay… Sorry again. That-that was uh, awkward to say…" The Aussie scratched his head nervously. 
"Non, it wasn't. I find you charming." 
Mundy eventually raised his head and was welcomed by Lucien's irresistible smile.
"Thank you, luv'."
They went on invading their plates steadily. 
"Have you ever been to Brazil?" Mundy asked. 
"Non, I have not. I have been in Guinée Équatoriale though."
"Where's that?" 
"At the Northern frontier with Brazil is a territory that belongs to France. I have been there, briefly. It was hardly long enough for me to get well acquainted with the local life there, unfortunately." 
"Oh, ok… Didn't know France had a border with Brazil…"
"And it is its longest with any neighbouring country." Lucien answered. 
"Oui, France's longest border in the world is shared with Brazil of all places."
"Woah… Quite wild, eh?" 
"Not half as much as you are, mon loup." 
They shared a chuckle. 
"And you, where have you travelled to?" Lucien asked. "I remember you telling me that when you were chasing down poachers, you had been sent in quite a few places outside of Australia." 
"Yeah," Mundy nodded. "Mostly America, though. Not every reserve has the money to spare to pay for flights and hotels for a hunter comin' from the other end of the world."
"Mmh, I see Monsieur's fees were high, hm?" Lucien smirked. 
"Well, I just didn't have the money myself so either they paid for everythin' and I'd come, or they didn't and I stayed here." 
"I see. Whereabouts in America?"
"The US, New Mexico and Texas mainly, the Australia of the US…" 
"I have heard of it the other way around." 
"What d'you mean?" 
"I have heard British people say that Australia is the Texas of the United Kingdom." 
Mundy chuckled. 
"Sounds about right, I guess. We're a wilder bunch than the Brits, but eh…" 
"Not so hard to achieve if you ask me…!" Lucien raised his glass of wine and Mundy imitated him. "To us, mon loup." 
"Yeah, to you and me, Lu'."
Their glasses met in crystal sounding clink and they both took a sip. 
"That was one hell of a good bit of meat…" 
"Admitting defeat already?" Lucien cocked an eyebrow. 
"Defeat? What am I fightin'?" 
"Me." Lucien stood up and held his hand out for Mundy who frowned, confused, but put his hand in the gloved one. The Frenchman pulled him and Mundy stood up. 
"Where're we going…? Oh…" 
Lucien had led the way to the dancing area and looked up at Mundy. 
"Do you know how to dance to this kind of music?" 
"No clue, but I'll dance with you." 
Lucien bit his lip and smiled. Anytime Mundy pushed his own limits in favour of him, the Frenchman could feel his knees weaken. 
"Humour me and try. Bear in mind that as the man, you will have to lead." 
It was a slow bossa nova, something that wasn't usually danced but the people in the restaurant didn't mind much for it. On the dance floor, the lights were lower, a few spots of yellow, orange, red and pink shone on the floor and traced circles and loops as the couple danced around. It was about a dozen couples or so there, among which Mundy and Lucien. 
"Right…" Mundy laced a hand around Lucien's slim waist and held the other one in front of him, like an invitation. Lucien raised his eyes and saw his lover's oh so sweet grin. He placed his gloved hand on his and Mundy started to move. 
He led the dance slow and mellow, small steps that Lucien appreciated dearly. The point wasn't to dance per se, but to hold onto each other for a moment, in the dimness of the dancefloor, blend in, and forget that they were different. To the outside eye, they were an ordinary couple, a he and a she, prim and proper, well dressed and even better loved. 
Mundy looked down and stared with half-lidded eyes at Lucien who was looking up at him. He seemed head over heels for the Aussie, lovestruck by a lightning bolt. The Aussie blushed again and bent his head down until Lucien met his forehead with his own. 
"You look amazin', Lu'..." 
"Mh, so do you, in your suit… I am actually surprised."
"First, I didn't have to adjust your collar or bowtie, they are perfect. Secondly, you aren't shy at all to dance in the middle of other people." 
"Well, Pearl told me off cause my hair was… well… not that great." 
"Did she?" Lucien chuckled.  
"Yeah… Had to go back and fix it, and I took advantage of my bein' there to fix the rest too." They shared a laugh before Mundy resumed his speech, still gently rocking them left and right. "But then, I thought that she was right. If you wanted me to wear a suit, then you needed me to look good, or as good as I can get. So I tried…" 
"Mmh… You look absolutely divine…" Lucien purred.
"And for the dancin', I uh… I don't know… I just want to hold you and… move with the music, gently." 
"Mmh…" Lucien leaned his head against Mundy's chest, on his vest, and the Aussie blushed to his ears. 
"Y-you alright?" 
"Oui… This is a dream come true for me." Lucien answered, with his eyes closed. 
"What? I-I'm sorry, I've lost you there…"
"Being held in strong arms, by a tall and virile man…" Lucien bit his lip and looked up. He opened his eyes slowly, his eyelashes rose to reveal his crystal clear irises. 
"Woah…" Mundy whispered and his pupils blew wide. "I… Hm…" He put a hand behind Lucien's head and pulled him to lay it back under his jaw. Lucien obeyed and splayed his gloved hands flat on Mundy's chest, left and right. The Aussie's other hand was at the bottom of his back, pulling him closer still. "You smell amazin', you look amazin', pfff… I'm the luckiest bloke on Earth." He kissed Lucien on his head, through his hair, and he heard him pur in delight.
"I feel like a God…"
"A Goddess I guess, eh?" 
Lucien chuckled.
"I guess so, oui. Oh…?" 
Mundy's hand shifted from the bottom of Lucien's back, sliding up along his spine. The Frenchman's knees weakened as the rough hand set shivers everywhere in his body. He bit his lip to smother his whimper as he clawed his gloved fingers on Mundy's smooth vest, and rolled his eyes. Mundy's hands travelled up and up until they were each on Lucien's smooth cheeks.
"You look gorgeous without your beard too." 
Lucien heard the hoarse whisper, the husky voice, but not the words. Whatever Mundy said, it flew above his head, his brains were jelly, his eyes lazy and his eyebrows arched high up. Mundy held his head like a priceless crystal sculpture. As the soft and slow bossa nova wrapped them, he bent down and delicately dropped his lips on Lucien's, which ended the Frenchman. Such courage, such madness from his lover was yet another proof of how strongly and deeply he craved the kiss. 
Mundy, who was usually shy, prude with his feelings, awkward even, was holding Lucien's face between his palms, his thumbs brushing his clean-shaven, smooth face. He pushed a silver lock of hair away from his eyes and went for it. Lucien didn't see it coming. His lips were just met with the Aussie's, as simply as just that, and the Frenchman lost his mind…!
He clung to Mundy, pulling his vest down because his legs had given up. The Aussie quickly caught the hint and laced an arm back at the bottom of Lucien's back, to support him. When he broke the kiss, Lucien's eyes refused to open again for a few seconds. Eventually, the mascara-lined eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly's wings.
"You alright?" It was barely a whisper of Mundy's voice and Lucien's eyes lowered to Mundy's lips again. The spell was cast, Lucien was as liquid as he could be in Mundy's arms. 
The music stopped for a second in the background during which Mundy got very self-conscious. He quickly looked around them but still, no one was staring at them. The band started playing again and it was as slow as a bossa nova.
Mundy's eyes shifted down to Lucien. He was still staring at him as if he was the only person in the room, and for him, he was. Lucien had eyes only for Mundy. He let himself utterly fall and be ridiculous, he let himself show his love for Mundy without restraints, something he usually only does in the sheets. But now, as Mundy looked down, he saw a version of Lucien that he didn't know no one else had ever seen. He was looking at Lucien deeper in love than he ever was, eyes dreamy, crossing on his lips, lips parted, eyebrows arched.
"Gosh… You look…" And Mundy's instincts kicked in again, seeing Lucien so defenseless, so vulnerable, in a crowd of people. He pulled him close and held him safe in his arms. No one would get close to him, no one would touch or even speak to Lucien. It was Mundy's responsibility to protect him and by God be would! 
Lucien rolled his eyes in bliss as he closed them against Mundy's chest. The Aussie was gently rocking him left and right, in rhythm with the slow music. The Frenchman was possessed. A force stronger than him had turned his body, his will and his mind to absolutely nothing. All he felt was the possessive attraction to that tall man in a beige suit, the one with the impeccable hair, the iconic sideburns, the rough skin and large hands that were holding him from his hip and his head. Lucien curled his upper body in Mundy's arms and felt a peck gently land above his head, on his hair. 
Oui, oui, Mundy, please… Please, hold me. I don't want anyone else but you. I can't even see anyone else but you. I feel so incredibly safe with you, it's… an addiction, this sensation. I crave to be held safe and only you manage to do it so well. Only in your arms do I feel that none of my problems are mine. Only when your hands are laced around me do I feel that whatever rises in front of me, you will help me defeat it. You are my strength as much as you are my weakness. Je t'aime. 
Lucien screwed his eyes shut and frowned against Mundy's chest. 
"Love you too, sweetheart." 
7 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Apex Legends (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bloodhound/Mirage | Elliott Witt, Bloodhound & Mirage | Elliott Witt Characters: Mirage | Elliott Witt, Bloodhound (Apex Legends) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Sick Character, Fluff, Apex Games Summary:
Mirage probably should have taken a sick day. Now, in the arena with Bloodhound as his teammate, he is trying his best to keep up with the lucrative hunter.
A commission I did for @goldenboimirage !! I hope you enjoy! 
If anyone is interested in commissioning me for something or wants to leave a tip please check out my prices here
“Achoo!” a loud sneeze rocked the dropship. “D-does anyone have any tissues?” Mirage asked through sniffles, practically stumbling out of his room. There came no reply, the rest of the legends were getting ready to drop, the teams about to be announced. 
Today’s game was a duos match, something Bloodhound was grateful for, games with only one partner made communicating much easier. They looked up to see their name and photo placed beside Mirage, who was making his way over, now rubbing his nose across the sleeve of his holo-suit. 
“Hey, pal!” he exclaimed, trying his best to sound like he was excited. “W-where, do you want to land?” his voice cracked as he spoke, giving away how congested he was. 
“Are you alright, Felagi?” Bloodhound asked, looking the man up and down. 
“Oh, me? Never better - achoo!” Mirage sneezed again, this time into his elbow. When he looked up, he saw Bloodhound handing over a cloth handkerchief. “T-thanks,” he muttered, promptly blowing his nose into it, resulting in a few odd looks from the rest of the legends in the ship as they waited to drop. Once done, Mirage extended it back. 
“Keep it,” Bloodhound said, nose crinkled under their mask. Mirage nodded,
“Right. Yeah.” He shoved the cloth into one of his pockets and looked back to Bloodhound. “Allergies, am I right?” Bloodhound thought about asking him about his health again, but the look on his face told them that he didn’t want to discuss the topic further. 
“Let’s land here,” they changed the topic, pinging Swamps on their minimap. It was far enough away from the dropship that they figured they would have more luck avoiding other players, something Bloodhound thought Mirage would appreciate given his ‘allergies.’ 
Mirage agreed to the landing spot, and the two of them took off. They both landed on the far end of the location but split up to cover different areas to loot. It didn’t look as if any team had landed with them, meaning they were free to loot with minimal worry.
Through the coms, Bloodhound could hear Mirage’s constant sniffling, clearing of his throat, and the occasional sneeze, and on top of that, none of his usual quips. No jokes, no banter, no anything. It was quiet.
“So, felagi,” Bloodhound started, finding the silence from the other unusual. “What are you allergic to?” 
“Huh?” Mirage seemed surprised by the question, having already forgotten the excuse he had given back in the dropship. “Oh! I, uh, you know… Pollen?” Bloodhound raised their eyebrows under their helmet, about to say something more when there was a loud groan in the coms. “Stupid swamp.” They heard Mirage mutter under his breath. Done looting, Bloodhound poked their outside, looking for their teammate, only to find him face down in the swamp water. 
“Everything okay, Felagi?” they asked. Had Mirage have been in a better mood, Bloodhound most likely would have laughed at him, only now, they were starting to get concerned. They jogged over to him and offered him a hand, helping him stand up. 
“T-thanks.” Sniffle. “I, uh, didn’t see the branch…” With another sniffle, Mirage trailed off, looking down at himself and his now soaked holo-suit. Bloodhound tilted their head. “I’m okay!” he said, forcing a smile. “Just… mushy.” 
“I suggest we take the jump tower to head to the ring,” Bloodhound said, changing the topic. 
“If you are up for it,” they added, handing over a second handkerchief. 
“Me?” Mirage gestured to himself. “Oh, I’m fine!” As he let his arms fall to his side, the wet clothes made a distinctive splat that caused him to grimace.
“Okay…” they said, realizing how embarrassed the man must have felt. “Let’s go then.” The two made their way over to the jump tower, Mirage trailing behind Bloodhound the entire time. Each step he took, the water still in Mirage’s boots splashed around further, the squishiness of his socks sending waves of nausea through his body. At the jump tower, he paused to look at Bloodhound and then glanced up at the height of the thing.
“After you,” he offered, putting his hands on his knees, hoping to catch his breath, only the smell of the swamp was really not helping with anything. Bloodhound hopped onto the zipline going straight up, and he followed suit, saying a silent prayer that he wouldn’t throw up while in the air. 
What Mirage didn’t think of before he agreed to the jump tower was the fact that he was going to be flying against the wind, making his wet holo-suit even colder. He landed behind Bloodhound, feeling jealous of the giant fur coat they were wearing. After landing, they had taken off towards The Cage, heading up the small hill that leads it, leaving him behind.
Mirage could feel his body shaking, even though he could feel a line of sweat on the back of his neck. When he tried to take a step after landing on the ground, it sent another wave of nausea through him. The world began to spin, and all of a sudden, he found himself face-first on the ground again. 
“Felagi?” Bloodhound called, having heard him topple over. They quickly rushed back over to him, kneeling down beside him. 
“S-sorry,” Mirage sputtered, feeling bad that he kept slowing them down. “I-I’m fine, you k-keep going, I c-can catch up.” As he said this, around the corner by Hydro Dam, a gunfight had broken out. Bloodhound looked back down at Mirage, even if he had been telling the truth about being healthy, he looked as if he was already dead. They looked back and forth between Mirage and the two teams fighting near them. Mirage was in no condition for a fight, in no condition to be doing anything, really.
“I’m going to pick you up,” they finally said.
“What? Hey-!” Mirage started, but Bloodhound cut him off but scooping him up into their arms. For a brief second, he attempted to struggle to free himself from their grasp and prove that he was just fine. 
“Relax,” Bloodhound said. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” Mirage sighed but stopped squirming. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. So quiet that Bloodhound hardly heard him over the sound of their footsteps. 
“For what?” 
“For,” Mirage made a feeble gesture to himself. “I-”
“It is not a problem,” Bloodhound interrupted. The duo was getting closer to Cage, which they could tell had already been looted, but after a quick scan, revealed to be empty. As they carried the other, Bloodhound could feel Mirage’s shaking body in their arms. They decided to go up to the top of Cage, where they gently set Mirage on the ground before taking their coat off. “Here,” they said, tone gentle as they wrapped it around him. 
“T-thank you,” Mirage whispered through chattering teeth. Bloodhound simply nodded and continued adjusting their jacket so that Mirage was completely covered up. As they did so, they noticed a line of sweat around his forehead. Bloodhound slipped off one of their red gloves and pressed the back of their hand to his head.
“Oh, Elliott…” they said quietly. “You’re burning up.” 
“T-there’s a reason they call me best looking in a-a achoo!” Under their mask, Bloodhound smiled softly, admiring how the man still had his wit. They took out their third and final handkerchief and began to pat it around the sides of Mirage’s head, soaking up the sweat and the remaining swamp water. Above them, the announcer declared that half of the teams had been eliminated. The gunfire from Hydro Dam had long ended, and Bloodhound was sure that the next ring would push the surviving team towards them. 
“We should be in the next few rings,” Bloodhound finally said. “You should close our eyes, felagi, save your strength.” 
“I can keep watch.” Mirage nodded a few times, wanting to argue, reassure them he was just fine and ready for the fight of his life. But there was something about having their beautiful, warm coat over his shoulders. How it smelt of burnt wood, pine trees, and, well, them. He burrowed his face a little further into the fuzziness of the jacket and closed his eyes, knowing he was safe.
Before he fell asleep, Mirage glanced back up at Bloodhound, noticing how the sun reflected off their goggles, wondering what they were thinking. He felt guilty. He knew that had he been in better condition, the two would have pushed the teams they heard fighting. Bloodhound would already be kill leader, and he would have spent the match dazzling them with his decoys and his charm. What he wouldn’t give to be able to be fighting by their side. To hear the small laugh, they would have whenever he would make a silly joke, wishing he could see the beautiful smile they had behind the mask.
Instead, they had to see him like this. Sick and pathetic.
“You are not pathetic, felagi.” Shit. Did he say that last part out loud? “There is no shame in falling ill. Nor, taking care of yourself.” Bloodhound’s voice was as gentle as ever. They always were. “Please, try to get some rest,” they repeated. Mirage nodded again, no longer trying to fight the sleep that called for him. He played over what they had said in his mind, the smoothness of their voice finally lulling him to slumber.
For a brief moment, Bloodhound was unable to tear their eyes away from him. The way the sun shone perfectly on him, lighting up his face, the way he would sniffle while in his sleep, and especially at the way he looked having their coat wrapped around him.
“Oh, Allfather…” they mumbled to themselves, the feelings in their chest bubbling up. The feelings that had been there ever since they were first put on a team together. At the time, they blamed the emotions on adrenaline, that it was the gunshot wound in their side, making them feel light-headed as he had so gently wrapped bandages around him. They grinned at the memories of all of the comments he would make to them. They could tell through those that he was hard on himself, and Bloodhound wished that they could convince him to see himself with beauty and admiration, the way they did. These were things they wished they could say to him, but whenever they tried, they always found themselves at a loss for words.
Bloodhound’s thoughts were interrupted as the other sneezed once again, briefly startling himself awake before quickly falling back asleep. This made them smile again. Maybe they couldn’t say any of these things to him today, at this moment. But, they could keep him safe for the time being. 
Bloodhound would take down every person in the arena if they had to. All because of Elliott Witt.
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
Hii! ^^ My first time asking for a promt here :3 I'm a big fan of you and cutegirlmayra's work! Could you maybe if you'd like, make a fic about amy turning into a boy or something from a machine tails made? Like gender blend. How would sonic react? Make it sonamy ;>
Hey! Thank you! I’m so excited this is your first time asking for a prompt. I hope to see many more from your beautiful mind, Cherry-chan ^^
I don’t know… Cutegirlmayra is kinda hard to beat… but since we’re setting the bar, I’ll jump as high as my writing can take me! :Db
It was supposed to help Tails understand the female mind more… but instead, as Amy sat in the chair with the strange waves moving up and down her body from the helmet attached to her head, a new–stranger–sensation set in.
Suddenly, she didn’t feel like herself.
In fact, her stomach hurt. But it was a different kind of hurt.
She needed to pee.
“Are we done yet, Tails?”
She covered her mouth instantly, “T-Tails!?! Why is my voice so low!”
She felt something move under her hands and touched what felt like a… “Adam’s apple!?” she jumped up, “MY BOOBS!” her dress looked deflated. Instinctively, she covered her chest with her arms, almost hugging herself, and realizing nothing but a broad chest was there.
“AaahhhhaaAAAAHhh….” she made a sound that could only be interpreted as uncomfortable as she lifted a leg up and crunched her body in.
Tails was still analyzing some things, not having turned around. “Huh. That’s funny. It seems instead of putting information in to counter-play the male brain dynamics… the machine ended up downloading information out… but that’s odd, information can’t download into-” he slowly turned around as Amy was waving her arms about, trying to get his attention as he gasped.
He fell back and gripped the edge of his lab desk, his engineering pieces falling everywhere behind him. “Oh, Chaos!” he shouted out, “What… who… Amy?!”
She whimpered…. he whimpered???
Tails shook his head, “That’s impossible.” he turned back to the computer, typed some things in, then shoved the entire keyboard and turned back to walk up to Amy, “How is this possible?!”
Amy frantically tried to place her hands anywhere that wouldn’t be touching her newfound body, “I don’t know, but I care, so fix this and give me back my cute girlish charms.” she was surprisingly trying to keep herself relatively calm but was failing drastically.
“Huh. I think I’m gonna have to reverse the polarity-” Tails looked away for only half a second, but Amy’s now manly hands grabbed at his chest fur and hoisted him up to her/his face.
“Don’t leave me like… This!” Amy used her eyes to gesture to herself.
Her now, baggy, dress fell flat and barely moved with her. With the figure change, so did the clothes…
“A-Amy…” Tails tapped her hands, “You probably have a lot more testosterone in ya then you’re used too! It’s causing you to be violent… just… set me down… deep breaths.” Tails lightly tapped her hand, as though saying ‘uncle, uncle!’ at her new found strength.
She was always strong, but with more muscle and bone mass, she was even more of a destructive powerhouse… probably more than she was used to having.
“O-oh… Deep breaths… right.” she put him down.
Her boyish form moved over to the most reflective surface she could find, gripping her now spiking hair as it wouldn’t fully lay flat–the object she chose was a steel plane cover that had been taken off one of Tails’s earlier planes for refurbishment.
She looked at her mouth, her eyes, the now angled and sharpened three bangs she had.
Nothing looked soft anymore… She wanted to cry but tears weren’t coming.
Why was that?
She looked at her dress, now looking ridiculous on her as it didn’t hold its same ‘hoop’ look. She was like wearing a huge, basketball t-shirt with a tight band at her waist.
She then saw something she never knew she’d like.
Her gentle look.
She was amazed to see that her eyes, although different, still held her emotions well in them.
“I-I’ll fix this, Amy! I’ll do… do something!” Tails was clearly flustered, but had no idea that whilst he talked to himself, Amy began to smile, and flexed in the reflective steel.
“Take your time…” she chimed, registering her voice a little higher than a man would normally carry it. There was some music in her voice, as she made a duck face and turned around, looking at her new–flatter–butt. “Well that’s a shame.” she stated, but then rolled up her dress to see her tail. “Interesting…” she lowered that and let the fabric flop back into place.
She touched her teeth, checking for fangs, before making cute faces and realizing… “You know what, Tails?”
“I’m sorry! I’m really, truly sorry, Amy! This wasn’t supposed to happen…” Still oblivious to her new found discovery, Tails was continuing to work rapidly on his computer.
She side-glanced him, frowned to the side of her face as though deciding not to tell him, and smiled at herself in the reflection. “I look pretty good.” she placed her hands on her hips and grinned brighter.
She tried to sneak away from Tails… but her usual 'hip movement’ now seemed blocky and caused her slow down her steps. 'Do men really not move with a figure-8?’ she was making a lot of discoveries, taking more 'straighter’ steps and realizing that her arms didn’t need to move so much anymore. 'Huh,’ she tilted her head, 'This man-body is well-portioned. I wonder if it’s because I take care of my diet..?’ she continued to move swiftly and stealthily out of Tails’s home.
As she made her way outside, everything still felt the same. 'Wind? check.’ she moved her gloved hand out into the air, then stepped forward. 'Balance? A little different… but not by much.’ she jumped around, “Ya-hoo!” she charged ahead, summoning her hammer, which was now enormously larger than before, and much heavier. “Yikes!” she adjusted her grip with two hands and then spun herself, charging towards a zone to test out her new self.
It was strange, she felt different, but it wasn’t bad?
Besides, she trusted Tails to fix it… after all… he had to fix it… right?
That’s when it dawned on her.
“Hey…” she put her hammer down by her side. “If I’m a boy now… I wonder…” She placed a hand on her chest, and looked excitedly towards what looked like a flash of blue blur…
She grinned, a bit mischievously. “Hmmmm….”
A devious new plan…
Was forged.
Sonic sped by Metal Sonic, goofing around as he placed his two hands to the side of his face, sticking his tongue out, and taunting Metal Sonic on.
Metal Sonic’s engine revved in fury, but Sonic just chuckled and ran through one of Eggman’s collapsing base doors, extremely thick and made of titanium, meaning that Metal Sonic crashed into it–unable to break in time.
With the explosion behind the closed door, Sonic dusted off his hands and made his way back to the zone. “Trashed a wannabe-robot, raced a loser, and… explosions. Yep. Full day, as usual.” he flicked his nose, walking on until almost bumping into somebody.
“Woah!” He stepped back.
Amy had revamped the dress, making it look just like a thrown-over, long t-shirt tucked enough so in that it looked to resemble a lazy attire, but still a boy’s look. She had manipulated her headband into a 'sweatband’ and placed it in front of her bangs, making them swoop back a bit and change her iconic look.
Her spikes now stood more up and pointed outward, mimicking male hedgehogs but still retaining some soft bends towards their crook.
She rolled down her boots to match the dress’s 'baggy’ look and winked to Sonic. “S'up dude!” she coughed, clearing her voice and placing the new designed Piko-Piko Hammer, the much bigger and heavier one too, on her shoulders.
“…Ummm…” Sonic tilted his head, then tapped his foot. “Do I know you?”
“Oh!” Amy grew a bit flustered, but pointed to the heap of robots behind her. “I-I-um, ehem- saw you were chased by some no-good robots and thought I’d help out!” she tried to keep the deeper range on her new voice, but it still came off a bit fake…
“…Uh…huh.” Sonic folded his arms, squinting. “I thought I noticed some robots trailing off at the end there… Thanks! I guess.” He gave the boy a wave and walked up to him, patting his shoulder. “What’s your name, pal?”
Thinking him a fan, Sonic shrugged off the similar and familiar vibe he was getting, and took it as just 'stranger danger’ for a moment.
Amy felt a tinge from the touch, the same excitement she felt before was different now in this body, but it still felt like her heart was giddy. 'Strange,’ she looked at his hand, 'I’m still happy to be around him… but it feels… somewhat different now. But I can still recognize how I feel.’ Amy closed her eyes, relieved that even in her boy body, she could still feel her girlish wonder for Sonic.
“I’m A-” she cut herself off, “I-I mean-” her more feminine tones came out as she took the hammer in front of herself and shifted her eyes about, “Amil… Amil the Hedgehog.” she cleared her voice and tried to keep it at a normal, still deeper than her usual voice.
Sonic raised an eyebrow, feeling something off about this dude and removed his hand. “Ohh… k?” he didn’t feel comfortable with this guy. “You okay there, Amil?”
“Oh! Just excited to meet a real hero! That’s all!” Amy twirled her hammer, attempting to lean on it but it whacked her in the face, “Ow!”
'Geez, I can’t control my own strength!’ She silently cursed her new, muscular body and poofed the hammer away.
“Rrrriight.” Sonic smiled, but a sweat-drop had appeared on the side of his face. “Well, I should be off…” He began to move on, “Take care!”
Surprisingly, Sonic did.
Why did Sonic stop when a dude asked, but not when she asked him too?
Trying to play off the fact that she could be mistaken as a young boy, she decided to play the part of an awkward new kid in town. “Mind if I train a bit with you? Fighting robots?” she pointed to the field, having some of Eggman’s robots still littering the zone.
Sonic looked to the boy and then the zone,… after a double-take, he smiled and gave her a thumbs up. “Sure thing, pal! Want to fight along a hero?”
“Absolutely!” Amy’s eyes shined.
She was able to see a different side of Sonic, one more relaxed but still trying to keep up appearances in front of a fanboy… She liked that even though he didn’t know it was her, she could still feel his kindness and friendship towards her.
“Woo! You sure know how to swing that hammer!” Sonic stretched out on a low-riding tree branch, still having his feet planted on the ground, as Amy watched him with happy admiration. “Harder and more violent than someone else I know.” he yawned.
'This is my chance!’ Amy’s eyes lit up at that.
“R-really?” She tried to play it cool, leaning on the branch with her arm up by her head, but it looked way too much like she was leaning into him.
Sonic didn’t notice though, so she quickly grew nervous and moved back to folding her arms and facing forward.
“Yeah, just an old friend.”
She frowned. 'I’m not that old…’
“W-what is he like?” Amy played along, tilting on her heels which … as Sonic adjusted his gloves, made him look down and suspiciously look back up at the boy.
'That’s something Amy does when she’s trying to be sneaky about something…’ he thought, but shrugged it off. 'Amy couldn’t pull off such an elaborate ruse. There’s no way she could hide those long eyelashes, or even glue them down.’ he snickered, but Amy wondered what that was about.
“Not… a boy?” She thought he might be laughing at the fact that she said 'he’.
“Nah, but can rough it out like the rest of us.” he finished adjusting his gloves and smiled back to him. “Hey, Amil. Ever had a girl you liked?”
She felt her whole body shoot up with fire. Strange, as a girl, this felt like bubbled lightning…
“W-w-wh-what do you mean?” She was acting extremely suspicious, and Sonic began to see more and more Amy in this dude…
He narrowed his eyes, 'Is it Amy..?’ he leaned closer. “Yeah…” he smirked, turning his body more towards her, and tilting his head back. “Is that a yes?”
“I-I mean… W-where did this come from?” She grew nervous. 'If I say the truth, he’ll think I’m a dude who likes him or something! I-I-I don’t want to make this awkward for him…’
As the boy looked down, clearly nervous, Sonic decided to play it smooth. He did the exact same stance Amy had pulled moments before, with his arm up and his hand supporting his head as he leaned against the branch, turning more towards her…
“You just seem like the romantic type.”
Amy suddenly felt a strange sensation and grabbed at her stomach, 'Oh my Chaos…’ she sweat nervously, looking up at his face.
With such a clear sign coming off of Sonic, she almost felt like she was about to spit out in a gasped shock, 'WHAT IF HE’S GAY!?!?!?’
Amy moved away, shaking her hands out. “H-aafahsahbah-!!” she couldn’t speak right, her head was reeling. 'Does he know it’s me??! Is he actually flirting with some stranger!? Oh no… what if he is gay!? What if that’s why he’s always so charming and sincere, but never available!?!?’ Amy’s head reeled as she didn’t realize she was blushing in real life… nor keeping up her 'manly facade’ very well.
“Got'cha.” Sonic pretended to 'fire’ with his hand, which he had formed into a gun-like position, and tapped her forehead. “You’re Amy, aren’t ya?”
Her knees wobbled, before she slowly fell to her legs. 'What’s going on!!?!?’ her eyes were wheeling.
“Hahaha! Knew that was you. Nice try, Ames. But there’s no way I wouldn’t notice you.” He waved a finger, thinking himself very clever before…
He picked the bloke up and felt the strange weight difference.
He noticed the shape of the dude in his arms… the different body suddenly made him drop Amy and speed back.
“What on earth!?” He thought maybe she had chest-binded, but that wasn’t the case now. “Are… Are you not…?” Now Sonic’s head was clearly reeling.
“I-I can explain-” Amy began, but Sonic immediately bowed in apology, then looked away extremely nervous.
“Woah, sorry dude! You act exactly like a friend of mine. I mistook you for a second as her, but you’re clearly not.” He offered him his hand. “Seriously, really sorry! You two have a lot of similarities… hope that doesn’t squash your ego, though. Girls love a man in pink!” he winked, trying to recover from what he thought was a blunder.
Amy’s eyes seemed to shrink, “You… mistook me?” She suddenly burst into laughter.
Sonic felt all his pride dwindle away then, his head hung low and his spirit almost seemed to be escaping the embarrassment by flying out of his mouth, having three spikes in it’s ghostly form to show it was him.
“Hahaha! That wouldn’t be the first time. You’re okay. A lot of people mistake me as looking kinda girly.” She scratched the back of her head, then narrowed her eyes in a smirk, 'Who’s got who?’ she disguised her victorious, devilish laugh as just part of her mocking him. “Anyway, what’s this girl like? Someone special to you? Must be if you think she would dress up just to trick you.” She waited with sparkling eyes as she got up to hear something romantic slip from his mouth again–and this time–no jokes!
Sonic scratched his nose, looking away with a frown. “Well,… she’s a handful. I’ll say that much.”
A shot fired through her heart. She could literally fell it sinking. “W-what?”
“Well, you know girls.” he shrugged then, “Kinda emotional.”
Amy’s eyes bounced down, “O-oh… you think she’s clingy then?” something hard was stopping her from swallowing… something fierce was forming in her fist… was this… rage?
Normally, the first emotion would be devastation, right? Being rejected so openly and bluntly… but that emotion swept by and was immediately replaced with some form of anger and shame.
Was she not good enough?
She dipped her head, darkening out her expression.
“Clingy? I wouldn’t say that. She just gets lonely sometimes… understandable for the lifestyle I live.” He walked by, but Amy grabbed his arm before he moved too much away. “H-huh?”
“Ever thought that maybe that could hurt too?”
Sonic was a bit weirded out again, now thinking this wasn’t–in fact–Amy. “Umm…”
“Maybe she just feels things differently… maybe girls… feel differently about things than you do…”
“Then… I do?” He noticed a strange mix-up in the boy’s speech, and slowly turned back to him. “…Amy..?” he questioned it again, as Amy released his arm.
“There you go again… just cause a dude’s a little more sensitive doesn’t mean he’s a-”
Sonic grabbed her by the shoulders, spinning her around and digging his eyes into her own, studying her.
She tensed up, freezing in place…
“…Tell me, honestly.” He narrowed his eyes, “…Are you in there?”
Amy felt herself let go of the facade, “Tails’s machine changed me… he said he’d change it back, but I wanted to see you…” Finally… there was finally tears forming. Her old emotions kicked in, but violently pushed her.
She grabbed him, a little too strongly, back into her arms and gripped him there. “Being a boy is so confusing!!!” she cried out, her voice turning back into a higher register. “Why can’t I make sense of my emotions anymore!? It’s like, they’re not all at once, they’re different and happening at different times. I don’t like this anymore! I don’t want you to being so chill with men and not me! I want you to be like this and honest without tricking me like I’m something different! WHAAA-HAAA-HAAA!!!”
The signature cry made Sonic’s eyes widened.
“You’re not kidding…” He sweatdropped, moving her away, “A-Amy,… if you really are in a different body now then…”
“But I’m still me.” she sniffed, her usual look suddenly coming through the sharpness of her new, angled features and face. Her hands were bundled up by her chest now, and Sonic could see his memory flash between Amy and the boy standing in front of him now.
“Alright,… Alright, just… take a deep breath.” he was much kinder now, something Amy had missed.
“Why do you and Tails say the same things.” she rubbed her eyes, “Boys can still cry?”
“Of course we can cry.” Sonic smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders and winking into her, moving her towards Tails’s direction. “But let me ask you something… you haven’t… you know..?”
“What?” Amy looked up, quite innocently at him.
“Needed to… well… nature’s calling, or anything… right?”
She gasped, blinking and understanding what he was saying. She put her hands up to her face, “I’ve been holding it this whole time!”
Sonic, again, very awkwardly offered his arms, “Let’s get you Tails… I think you look a lot cuter as a girl, though…” He blinked, rather innocently at her new body, “You’re so much scarier as a boy! You were savage towards those robots!”
“Oh, you.” She fanned a hand out, “I’m still tried from crying. Why do boys tire so easily?”
“What? Women don’t?” Sonic joked, scooping her up.
“We handle it a lot better… cause it’s not all at once.” She stuck out her tongue.
“I guess you can’t really say things like that, Amy.” He began to take off, “Besides… you’ve only been a dude for a half a day, right?”
“R-right.” Amy blushed, embarrassed to be making so many comparisons.
“There’s one thing we can kinda agree on though, right?” Sonic sped up to Tails’s door, then struck a confident, flirty pose. “Boy or girl… I still got it.”
“D'oh! You-!!!”
Amy was changed back, and though glad to pee as she always had, still kinda wished she could have continued talking to Sonic as a boy.
It felt different, but it wasn’t so bad.
(This isn’t really my forte, it’s hard to write these, but Genderbending is fun regardless! I was about to call out a rule that Cutegirlmayra has on you, but I let it slide ;) might not happen in the future tho!)
Fanfiction Entry 608 (x)
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asktherexsquad · 5 years
"... I can hear it when you mess with the map, Rem."
Rem jumps in surprise, quickly pulling his hands away from the large holographic display he had been fiddling with.
"For the last time, we are NOT stopping at that planet with the race of puppies with human-level intelligence."
Rem grumbles, giving the map a disappointed look. But you don't even know where we're going! Isn't having a destination good?
Rocket, reclined in his seat at the helm, glances up from his novel, giving Rem one of his characteristic one-eyebrow-raised looks. That's how we roll, Rem, you know this. We don't need a destination, we just need a direction!
Rem gives a long-suffering sigh, flopping into his seat. All right...
Rex turns around, grinning and crossing his arms. "Besides, do you really want to go back after you tried to pick up and cuddle their king?"
Hey, they forgave me for that already! How was I supposed to know he w--
Rem is cut off as the ship suddenly lurches, sending everyone stumbling, warning alarms and lights blaring to life.
"The hell--?!?" Rex quickly turns around, hands flying over the dashboard. "Something just came out of nowhere!!"
Rocket drops his book and hurries to Rex's side, pulling up a small hologram of the ship. The impact was right on the front of the ship, we practically hit it head-on... How did you not see it coming??
"No, Rocket, it literally came out of nowhere. There was nothing on the scanners a moment ago!!"
Rem hurries over to the hologram of the map, dismissing it and pulling up the scan of the Rexcelsior's immediate surroundings. Is that... A ship...?
Rem studies the scan intently. It is indeed another ship, one he doesn't recognise, yet there also seems to be something familiar about it… It seems to have a spoiler, almost like the Rexcelsior’s--but that's not what Rem is most confused or concerned about right now. He quickly noticed something more pressing about the ship than its physical appearance. 
I'm not getting any power readings from it… There's some residual strong energy signature, but the ship itself is just off. It's dead in the water! Not even the life support seems to be on!
Rocket frowns as he glances over at Rem. 
You're telling me a ship just pops into existence out of nowhere and it's not even powered up??
Rex brings the Rexcelsior to a halt as more of the damage report comes in. "Guys, forget that, we need to see if there's anyone even on that thing…" Rex runs a quick scan of the small ship for lifeforms. "I'm getting… One. A human. … That can't be right. A one-man crew, all the way out here…?"
Try and hail them! Their ship might be out, but maybe they still have something that can receive a message.
Rex doesn't look convinced. "I dunno, Rem…" 
It won't cost us anything to try. Rocket pulls up comms on a separate panel, trying his best to get into contact with the little ship. 
While Rocket busies himself with that, Rex turns his attention to the Rexcelsior damage report. "Okay… Good news, looks like it was nothing we couldn't take. Just to be safe, though, we should get started on r--" 
Guys, I got something!!
There's silence for a moment. Then, a buzzing static comes in over the comm. Rocket frowns, fiddling with a few settings on his panel. Then there's just more silence. He worries it hasn't worked, or the static from before was just a glitch. But then, there's more buzzing coming through, along with something else. 
{tshk... -lo?... tssshk... -ou read??}
Rocket's eyes widen, and he speaks loud and fast in his excitement. Yes, yes I can hear you, you're faint but I can hear you.
Rex and Rem exchange glances, Rem's overjoyed, Rex's unenthused.
We should bring them on board! Offer to teleport them on!
"Odds are this is a trap…?" Rex grumbles, but no one's listening to him at this point. (... He's probably just grumpy that his ship got banged up, anyway) 
Rocket starts adjusting the controls again, trying to boost the signal as well as preparing the teleporter settings. But as he does that, more static comes through again, as the stranger on the other side mutters to themselves. 
{tsssshk... -on! Work you piece of cr-! tsssssshk}
There's more static after that for a long moment, but then it abruptly resolves to a single high pitched whine, leaving a much quieter but still persistent fuzzy noise coming in over the comm.
The stranger speaks again, the interference distorting their voice and modulating it in weird ways, but at least they aren't being interrupted anymore. 
{Hey! - Whoever’s out there- You hear me now?}
Loud and clear, Rocket responds, grinning. He and Rem fist-bump. We've noticed that your ship isn't giving off any power readings, are you--
With your permission, we could bring you aboard and get to work on repairing your ship!!
Rocket and Rex both turn and shoot Rem A Look. 
... This is the first actual human we've met out here in ages, sorry for being excited… Rem grumbles, turning pink.
The stranger laughs at their bickering. 
{Well I'd sure appreciate an assist. I wasn't exactly planning on being out in space today!}
Rex frowns in suspicion, and even Rocket and Rem seem confused. 
“... What do ya mean?”
{Well ya see, I was giving our ship's engine a bit of an upgrade with some scrap from a previous project my friends and I were working on. Which maaaaayyy have been a bit… unstable…}
{Let's just say one second I was tinkering with the warpcore, with the ship parked up on my home planet, and the next I'm being thrown around in zero G and trying to find an emergency helmet, so I didn't get crushed from the sudden change in atmosphere.}
The stranger chuckles, as if what he just said wasn't at all terrifying. 
{But I can tell you more about that if you decide to let me come over.}
... Uhm… Sounds like a plan! Setting the teleporter to your heat signature-- Rem turns and begins punching something into a panel. 
Rex steps forward and places a hand on the panel, expression grave. "Are we really doing this?" he mutters, quietly enough that his voice isn't picked up. 
... Why not? Rem looks back at Rocket, who nods.
Besides, there's three of us, and one of him. He tries anything we can take him.
"... All right." Rex lifts his hand, and Rem beams, finishing setting the teleporter parameters. 
O-K! Ready when you are, stranger!
There's a very brief pause, then the stranger responds. 
{OK. I'm good to go now buddy.}
Rem grins wider in excitement. 
Okie dokie! Initiating teleport… Now!
Rem hits the final button, and all three of them turn from the console to face behind them. Rapidly the stranger materialises in twinkling lights, until finally he's standing on the Rexcelsior’s bridge. 
He wobbles a little as he finds his footing in normal gravity again, but he's quick to steady himself. The trio watches as his helmet turns from one side to the other as he takes in his surroundings. But then, he fully takes note of them, and visibly tenses in sudden shock. Rocket frowns at the stranger's reaction, Rex raises his fists ready for a fight, but Rem looks at him curiously. 
There was something eerily familiar about the stranger, so Rem studies him intently. 
The blue helmet he wears is rounded and the visor prevents them from seeing his face, but Rem doesn't need to see that to have his curiosity piqued. The stranger has deep blue pants and matching colored long sleeved shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also has bright orange steel toed boots, silver knee pads, black fingerless gloves, a watch on his right wrist, and (weirdly enough) a bright orange safety vest with an-
with an R over the left side of his chest… 
Finally the stranger makes a move, the trio tense up but decide to watch on as the stranger slowly lifts his right hand upwards. He brings it to his helmet, pressing a button on the side of it which quickly makes the whole thing recede to a necklace-like thing around his shoulders. 
And the familiar, rugged face staring back at them is one no one anticipated.
There's a tense silence for a long moment. Everyone on the bridge studies each other intently. 
Then, realisation hits everyone like a freight train. 
"What the F--?!?"
The “stranger” cries out in shock and stumbles back a few paces, raising his fists defensively as his eyes dart over the trio in complete confusion. The trio across from him responds in turn, recoiling and tensing. A few nearby raptors go on alert, readying themselves for a potential fight, but stay where they are and watch on silently. 
W-who the-! H-how the-!... THREE?!?! Wha-! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!
“We could ask you the same fucking question!!”
I think it'd be obvious that I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!!
Rex grits his teeth and raises his right fist a little higher, but pauses as Rem rests his hand on top of it and slowly brings it down. 
Guys! Whatever’s going on here, it doesn't have to end in a fight! We can talk this out, right?
Rem looks from Rex, who begrudgingly lowers both his fists to his sides, to the “stranger” as he says that. He notices an odd look on the “stranger’s” face as he looks back at him. He still looks utterly shocked of course, but there's a hint of something else in there. Some emotion Rem can't quite place. But whatever trace of it is there fades away as the “stranger” also lowers his fists and frowns at them suspiciously. Sure… Talking sounds like the smart thing to do…
The four men cautiously appraise one another for a moment. Talking… Where the hell could they start here?
Rocket finally clears his throat, redirecting everyone's attention to him.
So… Rex Dangervest I presume?
The "stranger" crosses his arms.
Actually, not quite. Name's Rex… Rex Brickowski.
There's another stunned silence after this. Rocket and Rex exchange a glance, before they both turn to Rem with scrutinizing looks. 
Rem shrinks away slightly at their intense stares. He glances at "Rex Brickowski," who seems to be analyzing them in a similar fashion. Why were they looking at him??
There wasn't any connection between them!... Was there?
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carndriverrecords · 5 years
First Blog Post 3/20/20
Started CnD Records today. Feels Good.
Working on some diss tracks. Not sure if they see it coming - doesn’t matter either way.
Planning to release Car and Driver first real record this Friday 3/20/20. Driving Test Driver Fest 1. 
Self release first record - another 20 tracks next week. Compile top 10 - 15 for first release with other label - thinking Terrible, Kranky, blu ish label or Thrill Jockey. Citrus City a no-go for now. Maybe just keep building CnD records.
Be the middle man - take advantage of opportunities without sacrificing my bands’ (and those I represent) integrity.
Reach sleep destroyer.
Last night at Ted’s - great DJ set. Kidz bop remixes, Fancy. Crowd hated it. Ted disappointed we had to leave but it’s ok with everyone. Tall guy took aux right out of computer, have video. Started dancing - cucked everyone. Everyone thinks they’re the crazy charismatic guy. Am I actually? I think so. Syd thinks so. 
CnD Fest 2 , 3 , 4 at Purchase and beyond. Would like to play apartments, Scully’s den in BK (reach out) and Philly, DC etc.
Next voice memo album - 20 - 25 tracks right now. Better than the first. Danny said best album ever.
Working on “My oh Maia Reason Why” video - my favorite video I’ve ever seen. Getting good feedback.
Important to collab with certain SUNY people before I go:
Members of Lip Critic, Dawson, Neal, Gabe.
Send stuff back and forth with Joseph Kress. 
Need to write song about not sharing a stage w unstable Car and Driver - cost me 2 gigs. Ok because I had the police interaction that night. 
Things have been working out quite well. Syd is keeping me in check. Main priorities are keep the energy going while I can and make sure everyone around me is comfortable with me doing my thing, specifically mom, sofia.
Going to Only Angels tomorrow to collab with Alex.
Tues/Wed in RI with Zach Gorton. Need to see Nick Holcomb, Sofia, Will Orchard if he’s around. Riley in Boston? Would love to. 
Visit Dad soon on the way to Richmond, in a few weeks perhaps. Grandma Roberta etc. They have a BBQ place now - I bet it’s great. 
Follow up in the morning (3 hours from now) with wedding band, Kevin Daniels, drummer etc.
Film sunrise sessions at Purchase: My Ride’s Here, Splendid Isolation, Keep me in your heart, Studebaker, Cat’s in the Cradle, Everybody that you know. Don’t think twice, Boots of Spanish Leather, Someday my Prince, Teenage Dirtbag, Arthur (Woof Woof), Forget You, Signed Sealed Delivered, Superstition, The Promise, Hold me now (TT), Love on Top, Townes Van Zandt, 1-800 superstar, Evan Wright, Tom Petty, Blinded By the Light, Searching for a Heart, Mag Field’s, Barenaked Ladies, TMBG, Dolly Parton one sided love, Byrds, Beatles, Kinks, Stones, Parquet Courts, T Swift (Red, Way I loved you), Mitski, Sasami, Anything Could Happen, Beach House, He Needs Me, These Days, YLT, Beach Boys, Big Star Take Care, G500/Luna, Felt, Psychic TV, Shelia, BJM, Yellow Sarong, Over and Over, Hazel St, Heatherwood, Helicopter, He Would’ve Laughted, I wanna be your lover, The pump, Good enough (sleep destroyer), Them airs, BH (14, indian summer), help me scrape mucus off my brain), Beach Comber, DO YOUR THING, Icehead, Bobby, 1000 times, WIll Orchard, Bon Iver, MGMT, Tame impala, Instant Crush, etc. Art Vandelay, Quick Canal, Stereolab, Grouper, Broadcast, Animal Collective, Panda Bear, Bachelor Kisses, Cranberries, Cure, Pastels, MBV, I found a reason, pale blue eyes, Deerhoof, Gretel Alex G, Dancing w tears in my eyes, Elvis Costello, No age(things i did), Are ya ok, Maus, Ariel, R Stevie, Aphex Twin, Zomes, Vampire Weekend etc.
Bring Laptop for Beats on some and lyrics for all. 
Love life more than ever before. Music feels so good. Want to help, make amends, everything that moondog did. Don’t be homeless much longer.
Not sure if I like throbbing gristle - definitely like Psychic TV.
How savage should diss tracks be? Very? Match the severity of the person’s treatment of me/others. Aka - pretty bad for all except for Auto.
Listened to new Kanye today - 10x better and more influential than death grips. 
Realized today that i’ve spent my whole life wishing I was Kanye and now I am Kanye. Feels very good.
Everyone is gifted but internet makes us angst. 
I am mostly Camus right now - maybe more Kierkegaard soon. Religion and Terrence Malik. Still need to read books.
Order of Books: The graduate Portrait of the artist Consider Lobster Infinite Jest Pynchon Ulysses (At recommendation of American gamer association)
Syd is incredibly gifted. Want to help her feel comfortable doing art/work here in the chaos but also sort out the chaos for both of ours’ sake. I thrive in it, she tolerates well. Want to move to Riverdale still, maybe East Williamsburg with Backpack Chris. We’ll see about money. Philly perhaps, little too far. Jersey is good location but bad commute. Bad to RI. 
Visit RI and Boston Tues - Thurs. Sell Cigarettes at Concerts. Feels right.
Keep smoking for now - quit end of summer perhaps. 
Don’t have Corona Virus - glad we are not quarantined. Still be smart. Don’t expose mom regardless. Protect at ALL costs. 
Really though, why does Journee hate me? Write new track (Journee into forever nevermore not now not ever (Lou)) or Journee into SJW self righteous moral posturing (way too savage - maybe voice memo outro)
AR Kane album is incredible. Syd loves too. Sample everything.
Crazy - sound better at jazz than ever in my life. Exploring harmony - never practice. Teach free lessons all the time. Love the diminished scale. Might be best jazz guitarist to ever live. Time will tell. Would be cool long term. Prefer singing. 
Getting good at piano too.
I’m my favorite lyricist/comedian/actor.
Is maia right, acting isn’t hard? Weird they can’t act.
^Remember to delete^
Don’t share this on Facebook yet.
Why does Journee hate me so much? Just the Louis CK joke?
People who stay home and do nothing hate to see irreverent people doing things.
People like when you’re losing - don’t like to see you win.
^That makes me sound crazy.
F00D outsider might make me famous first.
Need to keep up with legal situation.
Hope mom and dad both live long. Call Syd, get something nice for everyone in family. Get weird jewel cases. Order jewelry from etsy. Post merch on bandcamp.
Finish album art soon. Music videos. Get better at animation etc. Pay Ben for his poster. Actually really good. Maybe album art? Duo album! Record in Wisconsin, release under his name. WIll success be good for Ben? I think so. Still can’t believe Liv told him I wasn’t ok. Wow - good content for lyrics. You truly cannot write this.
How will people react to diss tracks? Extremely negatively. Or no reaction. We shall see. Maybe no real names in the titles...... only on Oh my. 4 names in titles is too many. Don’t release Auto track. Maybe on Voice Memos. 
Track List: Good God Bed Head Rosa Reprise Oh My House Pop 1 skydive Pop 2 APhex GVO Pay 4 Take some Cherish Stars in F Are ya ok too bright Honeys Get to work Everybody That You Know Frost Bit BPC NYC New Age Heimet Helmet Deadbeat dads watermill for slitting bars romantic song david byrne Cinema study in cinema Brain ego Cherry doc marten Can’t liv w/o Venmo groceries Oh you like? Dancin DJ blues We are the State Farm robots Danny dorito is a dirty devito My funny valentine Zoomer blues The thing abt genres Blss Like minds ft dawson Lil toucha jazz Introducing car and driver The holy moment empire Ethics 101 - gma in the street Otto is sad I don’t know what it means! Operatic mellismatic Car and driver fest will be a success! Car and driver fest was a bust again! Cipha’s comedy corner Ryder Be gone evil atonal spirits!
Unreleased mental breakdown compilation ep:
I like all music! I’m a stupid pos Electric micro bike Get off your phone! John frusc Nice song Lap steel for 2 My masseuse advice Bed head wash sq Punchie John Maus yoyo interview Diminished  kinda thing
Build the NYC scene, w Blu ish, Evan, 1 800, sweet joseph, Comics Club, Dawson, Sloppy Jane, Wheatus,
See Jack Fortin in NYC soon. Either my event or his. 
Things are still good. Syd will be a great filmmaker. WIll maybe will end up with a dancer or a filmmaker - Probably not a musician. WIll have many loves. 
Things are good right now - hope they stay that way. 
Feel like Ezra Keonig - hopefully someone reads this one day and agrees. Different time in history and the internet - hope this is less cringe than Ezra’s blog , probably not. Ezra, if you’re reading this, sorry. See ya at Bernie’s rally. 
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fizzyren · 5 years
NSFW prompt (Lance/Possessed/Angst) from way long ago for @usagi-monet, :,) sorry I’m late, I didn’t forget you. This is on AO3!
Hunk/Lance, possession, alien sex, overstimulation, in heat, multiple orgasms, dry orgasms, pwp, the whole nine yards yall just...read it. 
“Oh god, oh god, quiznak I- guys, guys- ” Lance gasped, frantically patting his hands over his armor, trying to touch for cracks, for some entry point.
“I-I think something just went inside of me, oh my god. I’m going to die . I’m-”
“Lance! Calm down.”
Hunk sighed out beside him, looking at the blue paladin as if this was another joke of his. Lance looked at Hunk pleadingly when he pulled his foot up out of the sticky goop or sap or whatever was coming out of these trees and coating the planet’s surface.
“Hunk, did you not see that-that thing go inside of me!?”
“I didn’t see anything at all other than you shooting at random shadows. Stop playing around, man.”
Hunk shook his head before turning back around, his bayard activated in it’s larger gun form, resting with the end towards the ground.
Lance made a small noise of apprehension, still looking down at himself and then behind as if he might see the figure once again.
Just as quiet as the forest they were in, so too was the...apparition. Lance had no idea what to call it. It had no definite shape and had seemed to float listlessly towards him. Had he been paying more attention to the trees around him and not getting sap off his boots, he could have probably easily dodged the thing. But as it was, Lance looked up right as the opaque fog-like being ran into him with barely a cold touch. It had startled Lance’s bayard to activate and his clenching hand shot a ball of hot plasma into the ground. Hunk’s echoing scream as he whipped around matched Lance’s when he too turned to try and find the source of the fog.
And now it left a sour taste in both their mouths. Hunk upset with Lance scaring him, and Lance upset that there was some whisper-y motherfucker that just waltzed right through him.
They didn’t have long to bicker about it. Lance suddenly felt like a fire had been lit inside his armor. When he looked up to Hunk, ready to ask him if he felt any different too, he paused.
Hunk was staring at him, or more accurately, Lance was staring down the barrel of Hunk’s activated bayard cannon. Confused, Lance took a half step back and held a hand up.
“Woah, hey. What the heck?” he tried to say, but instead what came out was a monotone, “don’t shoot.”
Hunk’s grip on his bayard tightened and Lance could see the narrow of his eyes behind his helmet’s visor. Lance’s voice came out again, devoid of any emotion and fluctuation.
“I will not hurt you. Please put away your weapon.”
“I’m not doing anything you say.” Hunk all but growls, and the yellow gold light of his bayard goes brighter like he’s preparing to shoot. Lance feels himself panic, or is it whatever has suddenly taken over him that is startled?
“You will not shoot your friend. He is precious to you.” He says, or... it says. Like it knows how deep his and Hunk’s bond runs.
Hunk stays quiet and doesn’t move. The...entity takes that as signal to continue or get to its point. Lance, meanwhile, is freaking out at his lack of control on his own body. It feels strange. As if there are blankets wrapped around each of his limbs and holding him close like a swaddled up baby. It doesn’t help to calm him down as his inability to move creates more problems than comfort.
“I will explain more when you take me to your leader,” Lance wants to rolls his eyes at the cheesy line, “all I wish is to seek council with your authority. We are in trouble.”
“And who is we?” Hunk asks carefully.
Lance’s eyes do roll this time, though more on the entity's part.
“Were you listening? I said I will explain only with your leader present.”
“How do I know you’re not just trying to kill us all?”
“Were we in any position of desire to harm you and your team, it would have happened as soon as you entered the forest.”
There’s silence before Hunk finally sighs and lowers his bayard. Lance’s fluttering heartbeat returns to normal as he sighs.
“What did you do to Lance?”
“Your friend is still here. We are simply borrowing his form. Our species is unable to communicate with others without a medium.”
Hunk still looks wary. Lance inappropriately thinks he looks quite handsome like this, a half glare-scowl on his face and his shoulders squared up to make him look straighter. He looks big, strong, worthy, the little voice rooming in his head purrs.
Hunk turns around before speaking, “Hey, Keith? Got something on our end. Mute Lance’s com when you respond though.”
Lance makes to complain but he knows that it’s probably for the better. They don’t know what this thing is. They don’t know if it’s really a friend and not a foe. And right now, Lance is completely compromised. He just wishes it was a little more comfortable.
He expected to still be cold, for that entity’s chill to settle in now that he was….possessed? Inhabited? But there’s been an ever growing heat inside, starting at his toes and fingertips and crawling up.
The entity must sense his unease because it relinquishes control and suddenly Lance can move and speak. He stumbles back when he has to focus on his weight on his knees and feet.
“W-Woah-“ he mumbles, blinking away the sudden dizziness. Hunk turns around in alarm only to see Lance almost fall back again.
He’s saved by the hand on his forearm, holding him upright and Lance’s heartbeat washes the heat over him in stronger, faster pulses. It rises and rises and Lance groans from feeling suddenly lightheaded.
“Lance? Hey, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”
His view of Hunk suddenly blurs into two, and somehow that’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen in his life at the moment and he catches the back end of his own chuckle before he passes out.
Waking back up is, in every sense of the word, hell. Before he can even open his eyes heat swallows him. It burns a headache behind his sinuses and his joints grow stiff. His chest is burning but his stomach and pelvis are boiling.
He doesn’t want to open his eyes, too scared that he’ll see charred skin and bone where his body should be. That thought becomes a fever dream when a chilled hand lays across his forehead. Lance groans and turns into it, not caring who it is, just hoping they stay a little longer.
Cold pressure rubs across his brows and down the bridge of his nose and Lance mumbles Hunk’s name, recognizing the touch.
When he blinks, trying to make sure it really is Hunk, he’s met with a dark room and Hunk’s shadow hovering over him. He looks worried and Lance has an apology on the tip of his tongue ready to make that worry go away.
Heat suddenly pulses through his veins, interrupting that line of thought. It comes again, stronger with the gasp he takes. Hunk’s hands draw away and Lance sobs because that’s so much worse. It makes the heat so much worse. He can hardly see anymore, vision fuzzy and caving in. There’s nothing for him to hold onto as his body feels like he’s been spun around, rotating on one point like an empty bottle.
Hunk’s hands come back on his shoulders and chest when he rolls, trying to stand up. A stupid idea, probably, but it’s too hot to stay laying down anymore. The sheets and mattress under his back were trapping too much heat.
There’s something squirming inside his head. He can feel it pressing between his brain and his skull, slipping through tissue and vessels. He’s suddenly so nauseous he can’t breathe. Words are being spoken to him but he doesn’t understand their meaning. Up becomes down and left becomes right.
Hunk eases him to the floor from where he’d stumbled forward and then he can’t tell where the rest of his surroundings are. Every point of contact between him and Hunk burns ice cold and it’s a drug Lance wants more of. The world falls away.
Hunk however...Hunk is very much freaking out. Not only does his best friend get possessed by a creepy planet alien ghost, but now he’s acting weird. Well, weird doesn’t come close to it. Hunk is just glad Lance is still breathing and not spouting that ‘take me to your leader’ crap.
The situation he’s facing now, might be in the running for being worse, though. Lance is feverish, mumbling in some strange language that Hunk can’t put a name to, and trying to walk away to quiznak knows where. He’s also, somehow, become incredibly strong. Every time Hunk tries to sit Lance down, he’s pushed away.
It’s all fine and controllable until Lance gets Hunk on the floor, flat on his back and hovering with this dazed sway that makes him look like he’s a breath away from passing out again.
“Hurts- ” he whines, breathless when he straddles Hunk’s hips, “it burns. Do something. Please, do something-”
Hunk’s tongue turns to stone in the back of his throat when Lance pushes down without warning, pert bottom rubbing circles on top of Hunk. He has a firm grasp of Hunk’s shirt hem, pressing against his stomach like it’d keep him down while he grinds into him again.
Whatever heat Lance is feeling blends up Hunk’s cheeks.
Now that Lance has gotten a good rhythm for himself, he doesn’t look like he’ll stop any time soon. His head rolls back on his shoulders as he sighs, moans on his next thrust forward and again when his hips swing back. Hunk chokes on the pleasure.
“Th-this is like... the least best way to handle this-” he pipes up, not loud enough it seems. That, or Lance is definitely ignoring him.
“It’s so hot,” Lance moans, filthy and airy and oh quiznak are his eyes glowing?!
Lance’s head rolls again like he’s only upright because of a single string. His eyes are barely open but Hunk can still see the white glow pouring from behind his pupils. The color of his irises bleeds out, turning the glow a baby blue shade that falls on his cheeks.
Hunk finds himself sweating under that gaze. Or maybe he’s sweating because Lance feels like he’s been sitting in an oven for five hours. He’s sweltering hot in his lap and Hunk might actually melt. He’s too scared to touch Lance. Worried he would literally burn himself.
The layers of clothes between him and Lance are suddenly a blessing. Deliriously he thinks, there’s a reason you wear oven mitts when taking something out of the oven.
Hunk remembers that they’re actually in the middle of some negotiations with these alien entities. Whatever is inside of Lance is also somehow inside of Shiro and they are holding a meeting with Allura and the rest of the paladins.
Lance was unable to join, seeing how he’d been unconscious on their return. And with his steady rising temperature, Hunk didn’t want to leave him alone. The problem at hand is….still manageable.
Lance suddenly begins to pull on Hunk’s pants and that “still manageable” runs in the other direction.
“Woah woah woah, what are you doing?” Hunk goes to grab Lance’s hands and gets swatted for his effort. Hunk makes a stressed noise and hovers his hands, not wanting to get slapped again.
“We shouldn’t be doing this. Like really really. You need to be laying down.”
“It’s hot. Don’t wanna lay down. Wanna-” Lance trails off, words slurring to incomprehensible mumbling and murmuring as his heated fingers pull Hunk’s cock free from his boxers. “Burns inside” he gasps.
Hunk meets Lance’s eyes again, and even though the glow is starting to hurt to stare into, it dims when something passes over the light source inside. That something being, what looks to Hunk to be a ball of circles and cubes. The shape is almost crystalline and oh so very tiny. He loses track of it when Lance blinks sluggishly.
It was enough of a distraction that now Lance is completely naked on top of him, and his pants and boxers are bunch up under his knees.
“Oh man- Lance we really shouldn’t be doing this. This is such a bad idea.” he mutters more to himself than anything because Lance isn’t listening to him anymore.
Lance is sweating, body finally unable to handle the dangerous temperatures that his fever is working up. Lance is also trying to seat himself down on Hunk’s half hard cock like it’s nothing.
In a blind panic Hunk grabs Lance under the knees and lifts. They go toppling off to the side and Lance sobs like he’s been shot. He thrashes to try and get free, screaming like Hunk has done something wrong.
“Lance! Lance, stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“A-aaah- I-I can’t-“ Lance’s voice wavers between that monotone pitch and his own frenzied voice. He’s fighting it. Hunk can tell that Lance is trying to be good but whatever is inside him isn’t budging.
Lance moans again before his eyes drop down, looking at Hunk with a burning sort of hunger he knows that he won’t be able to get away from.
“If I give you want you want you have to leave him alone,” he says suddenly. Lance doesn't seem to hear him until his head rolls back and a laugh comes free.
Hunk is busy watching the way Lance’s skin pulls across his collarbones and ribs as he tips back. They’ve not has any way to get UV light but Lance still looks like he’s been on the beach for the weekend. There’s almost this glow to his skin or maybe it’s the sweat, maybe it’s the alien inside him doing something.
When their eyes meet Lance has that backlit look to his eyes again and the monotone voice from the entity inside him actually sounds amused .
“You’re smarter than you look, Paladin.” it purrs. Hunk isn’t amused.
“You didn’t come here to talk with us, did you?”
That laugh comes again, more frantic when Lance squirms and pushes his hips into Hunk’s.
“Your friends have not lasted as long as you in resisting the temptation. Will you allow your Lance friend here to burn himself out? This really is a painful way to go,” Lance’s eyes glow brighter as a sharp grin curves his mouth. It looks eerily out of place on him.
Hunk takes Lance by the jaw and presses in frustration. He can’t hurt this alien without also hurting Lance.
The entity seems to have thin patience the longer Hunk tries to stall.
“The longer your friends fornicate with me the longer your lover here suffers,” Hunk wants to make a comment about them being lovers but the alien continues, “we’re waiting for you. Complete the link.”
It’s cryptic. It makes no sense, and Hunk has a growing feeling that whatever this alien is getting at means that the other paladins are in a similar state as Lance. Probably already fucking each other. Hunk doesn’t know what this thing means by completing the link but he knows now that if he doesn’t Lance will die. Will this affect spread to the other paladins?
He doesn’t dwell anymore on it. He’d made his decision and as a Paladin of Voltron, he has a duty to save people. His fellow teammates included.
Hunk and Lance end up back on the bed again where he can reach the lube he has stashed.
He spends the time prepping Lance despite his protests. And he’s glad for it once he starts to press inside because Lance is almost too tight.
Lance reaches down to grab at the top of Hunk’s thighs, nails biting in as he gasps. The glow in his eyes flickers before fading away and Lance looks Hunk over with clear blue eyes for the first time since this started before shivering. His bottom lip gets caught between his teeth when he stares lower at where Hunk is still inside him, holding still, waiting for a go ahead or for Lance to stop wincing.
It takes a whole awkward three seconds for Lance to finally start making little movements with his hips, up and down to test the feeling. He pushes towards Hunk’s hips and his eyelashes flutter and Hunk has to squeeze his eyes shut to stop looking.
His crush on Lance is nothing new. They practically grew up together. Lance has been with him through everything. And as annoying as Lance is, Hunk has always found himself drawn to the other. Hunk prides himself in being the person Lance is most comfortable with and he takes every casually tossed arm over his shoulder and hug and bump with pride.
They’ve talked about it before too. Lance is very aware of Hunk’s crush. Not because he could see it, course not he’s dense on that romance stuff, but because Hunk had made a mistake of confessing one night at the Garrison as they snuck out to look at the stars and talk about their futures.
Somehow with all of that, they didn’t date. Hunk kept his crush and Lance conveniently didn’t bring it up or voice any feelings that would suggest he felt the same. He just made sure that Hunk knew he wasn’t bothered with it. It made things like this a little tougher.
“Oh god … you’re so big- ” Lance whined, leaning in to slip his hands to the back of Hunk’s thighs and pull. His legs rest up on Hunk’s hips and he grinds down.
Hunk’s chest hurts watching Lance’s head fall back and a moan tumble free. It feels more than good when Lance clenches around him with that noise.
His eagerness is a little unexpected but Hunk could have it worse. He guesses Lance could be actually dead by now. Or trying to hop on someone else’s dick. It’s a though Hunk doesn’t want to linger on.
“Ngh - yeah, yeah right there Hunk I-” Lance gasps, pulling at the back of his thighs harder when Hunk rocks forward with power behind his hips, “fuck yes that feels good!”
The words keep falling past Lance’s lips like he hardly has any control over it and Hunk is almost embarrassed to admit that it’s getting him turned on. But he’s come to accept that Lance sets all sorts of fires in him a long time ago. He’s had plenty a fantasy of having Lance under him like this, whining and begging for his cock.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, deeper. Go deeper Hunk,” Lance babbles again, starting to squirm in his lap. Hunk is stumped for the first time.
He’s quite literally as deep as he can be. Balls pressed up firmly against Lance’s spread open hole, wet and dripping with lube.  He can’t go any further than this despite Lance’s pleading. But damn if he doesn’t try.
He leans over Lance with one arm, other curling under his waist to keep him at a good angle before pulling his hips closer. They slot together a little better this way and it almost feels like he’s deeper even though he knows there’s not much of a difference.
It’s what Lance apparently wanted. He moans, croons to himself while he scrambles against Hunk’s broad back until he’s squeezing his shoulders and biting.
The pain makes Hunk wince, starting to fuck into Lance in hopes it will get him to let go with gasps and noises; It partially works. Lance moves away from biting and scratching to screaming. His eyes are gathering up that glowing charge again as he stares blankly off at the ceiling.
The change almost makes him worried if Lance is about to pass out on him but he keeps mumbling Hunk’s name between pleas for more, deeper, faster. He doesn’t sound different other than his voice being tighter.  
But then he’s clenching around Hunk’s cock and gasping, no actual noise coming from his parted lips. His skin stretches against his throat when he shoves his head back, arch of his neck a mirror to the one in his back.
Hunk pulls Lance closer, kisses under his jaw and chin until he’s shivering and finding his voice again.
“Hunk, keep moving,” he whines, “don’t stop, don’t- oh fuck- fuck, fuck, fuck right there, yes, yeah, right there just like- nnggh-“
Hunk leans back a little, hands finally settling on Lance’s hips when he asks, “are you okay?”
He’s not expecting the full body shudder, Lance’s eyes squeezing shut and head falling back. Hunk doesn’t think it’s in reply to the question, but maybe to the small and shallow thrusts he’s keeping. Even that he’s having doubts about, Lance just came, right?
After a few shaking breaths, Lance tenses up again, toes curling and this time a moan pressing out past his lips, “ah- Hunk-”
The breathing under him picks up again, whining growing tighter the more Lance squirms. He calls out for Hunk again, lips trembling and eyelashes wet. Hunk tries to comfort him through whatever is happening.
He rubs his hands over Lance’s sides, up over his chest and shoulders to gently cup his face, thumbs swiping away the tears that start falling. He hates seeing Lance cry, but it’s a strange situation and Hunk has a hard time coming to terms with the fact he’s still hard inside of Lance.
“Cum in me,” Lance slurs, head lolling off to the side and then back in the other direction as he tries to open his eyes and focus on the face hovering above him, “gotta- I need it inside!”
Lance’s head bobs once more before the glowing comes back and his voice changes, but even now, the voice sounds out of breath and well-fucked, “complete the link, Paladin.”
Completing whatever stupid link this thing wants isn’t something Hunk think he knows how to actually do, but completing inside of Lance is. That’s easy to do. He’s already wound up so much from Lance squirming on his cock and squeezing around him every time he shifts around on the bed.
There has to be something wrong with him too to have cum so fast, and on command like that, but Hunk doesn’t care anymore. His mind goes peacefully blank for a few seconds, softly lulled through with Lance’s sighing and hands rubbing his shoulders and chest to encourage him or just show his appreciation.
When he comes back to reality, Lance is quiet and unmoving, arms by his sides now rather than trying to touch anything he can reach. His chest is moving slow in time with his breathing and Hunk assumes this is it.
As he pulls out slowly, he wonders if he should be more panicked than he is. This whole thing feels surreal.
The last thing he sees is Lance’s gaping entrance, wet and leaking pearly white onto the sheets. The last thing he hears is that monotone voice in his own head, purring gratitude against every nerve and driving the world black.
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Tyrus Month: Ren Faire
You’ll Be The Prince And I’ll Be Your Knight (AO3)
The bus was slowly loading with passengers and Cyrus anxiously swung his head around, his eyes scanning the surroundings.
“Are you sure he’s coming, Cy?” Buffy asked, sounding impatient.
“Yeah, the bus leaves in 10 minutes, we have to get on,” Andi added.
“He’ll be here!” Cyrus said but was almost on the verge of disappointment. “He promised me he would.”
“Hey, if he doesn’t show, it’s okay,” Jonah offered, placing a hand on Cyrus’ shoulder. “Not everyone is into Ren Faires. If you guys didn’t take me last year, I probably wouldn’t have known how fun it is.”
Cyrus tried not to care too much because he knew caring too often led to disappointment. But, TJ promised he would come with them that day.
When Cyrus had brought up the annual Renaissance Faire in conversation the other day, the older boy said that he had never gone before. So, naturally, Cyrus invited him to tag along and TJ had looked uneasy but not unopposed to the idea.
What if he had changed his mind and didn’t want to go anymore because he thought it was lame? He could have at least texted Cyrus.
Pouting and resigned, Cyrus was about to just get on the bus when he heard a loud, “Underdog!”
His head swung around to see TJ jogging towards them, hair in disarray and devoid of its usual gel, and his hoodie unzipped.
Cyrus felt his heart skip a beat at the sight. The older boy looked cute. Not that he wasn’t cute all the time. But, it was a rare sight to see TJ Kippen without the gelled back hair. Now, Cyrus wondered if he would survive the 4 hours or so they would be spending at the Faire.
“Sorry! My alarm didn’t go off and my parents left early for work so I couldn’t catch a ride,” TJ huffed when he neared them.
“Dude, did you run here?” Jonah asked.
“No, I flew,” the other boy replied, sarcastically but without malice.
Jonah seemed to accept this with a laugh. “You crack me up.”
Meanwhile, Andi clapped her hands, happily. “Okay! Now that we’re all here, let’s go!”
With the short-haired girl leading the way, they all filed into the bus, ready to start their day at the Renaissance Faire.
“So… what exactly do you do at a Renaissance Faire?” TJ asked as they followed a crowd of costumed Ren Faire-goers.
“Tons!” Cyrus answered, excitedly. “You can wear costumes and eat giant turkey legs and joust and speak like you’re from ye olde days.”
TJ chuckled. “Not my usual way of spending a Saturday but sounds like fun.”
Cyrus grinned.
Their little group stopped outside a giant tent and he turned to the taller boy.
“First things first: costumes!” he exclaimed
They went in and the girls immediately headed for the gowns while Cyrus took TJ’s arm and dragged him towards the tunics, trousers, and fake chainmail. Jonah stayed by the entrance, examining a barrel of fake swords.
“You can have your pick of any costume you want!” Cyrus announced with a dramatic wave of his hand at the outfits in front of them. “You can be a lowly peasant, a charismatic noble, or a brave knight!”
Lips pursed in concentration, TJ’s eyes scanned the costumes in front of him
Nerves took over Cyrus and he couldn’t help but feel anxious. What if TJ thought this was too weird and dorky?! What if he never wanted to hang out with Cyrus again?!
“What are you dressing up as?”
TJ’s question broke through his anxious thoughts and melted them away.
“O-Oh… Um… Probably a noble.”
“So… like a Prince?”
“More or less.”
TJ smiled and turned back to the rack of costumes. “Then, I’ll be your knight in shining armor.”
Blood rushed to Cyrus’ face, burning his cheeks and ears. “W-Wait, what?”
But, TJ had already asked the help of a passing employee, pointing at the costume he wanted.
When they emerged from the costume tent, they fit right in.
Andi was dressed in a baby blue princess dress, a plastic circlet on her head.
Buffy had, once again, picked the same costume she did last year of a rogue but in red, this time. Her only addition was a bow and arrow.
And just like last year, Jonah opted not to dress up, but he picked up another sword and strapped on some fake leather gauntlets.
Meanwhile, Cyrus had opted for a pair of black trousers tucked into boots, a white tunic with a dark blue overcoat and black belt, and a matching blue hat.
“What’s taking TJ so long?” Buffy asked, arms crossed as she tapped her foot against the grass.
Cyrus shrugged. Earlier, TJ couldn’t decide on the top he wanted so he sent Cyrus ahead since the latter finished getting dressed way before he did.
Finally, the costume tent’s flaps opened to reveal the remaining member of their group.
Cyrus’ breath hitched and he found himself openly staring as TJ stepped out.
The basketball player was wearing fake chainmail, topped with a long-sleeved blue tunic and black trousers tucked into boots. Tied to the black belt around his waist was a fake sword. His hair had been brushed and it shined in the sun. He stood tall and proud, his back straight and chin up... like a real knight.
“Wow,” Andi breathed.
“You look…” Buffy trailed off.
“Docious magocious, man!” Jonah piped.
Cyrus swallowed the lump in his throat as TJ turned to him, as if asking what he thought.
“I would have worn the helmet and gauntlets too, but they were too heavy,” the athlete said. “Maybe next year.”
Cyrus’ heart fluttered. TJ was literally at Renaissance Faire for only twenty minutes but he was already planning on going next year. If he wasn't careful, Cyrus was going to fall hard and fast and he wasn't sure if the other boy would even catch him.
Woe is he who crushed on someone unattainable.
TJ must have taken his silence for disapproval as his smile disappeared.
“You don’t like it?” he asked, sounding like a kicked puppy.
“No! I mean, yes! Yes, I like it!” Cyrus managed.
The taller boy still looked unsure. “Really? It doesn’t look too much, does it? Should I have skipped the chainmail?”
“You look amazing! Really! I swear! You look so good! I mean… you look good.”
Cyrus was stammering now and he mentally yelled at himself to stop talking.
However, it looked like his words were effective because the pleased smile was back on TJ’s face.
“Okay, we’re all ready, right? Let’s go!” Buffy announced and followed by Andi, she led the way into the Faire.
As they walked, TJ’s head swiveled everywhere, taking in all the sights and asking Cyrus questions that the shorter boy was only all too happy to answer. He also translated a few basic medieval phrases and sentences for him.
“Art thee famished, Sir Knight?” Cyrus asked him at some point.
“Um… yes?” TJ cutely answered.
“Say, ‘Aye, my Lord!’”
“Aye, my Lord.”
The whole group each bought a giant turkey leg and ate as they walked. They visited the shops and bought a few souvenirs.
They passed by some people dancing to lute music and before Cyrus realized what he was doing, he had grabbed TJ’s arm and dragged him to dance. The athlete awkwardly followed along with the movements, but he got them, eventually.
From the corner his eye, Cyrus spied Andi sneakily taking a picture. He would have to ask her to send it to him later.
After the little dancing session, they got to walking again.
They passed by the tug-of-war tournament and they paused to watch two guys going at it to the cheers of the crowd. After a few more tugs, the guy on the left managed to bring the rope to his side, knocking the other guy off his box. The crowd cheered and the winner received his prize.
“Buffy and Jonah did it last year,” Cyrus whispered to TJ when the lady asked if anyone else dared to volunteer and show their strength. “They did it for hours.”
“Cool,” TJ replied before turning to Buffy. “Are you doing it again?”
“Nah, I already beat Jonah,” she replied.
“Oh, look, that guy is going!” Cyrus piped, excitedly as a guy dressed in a Robin Hood-like costume stepped forward and took one end of the rope.
“Does anyone dare to taketh the challenge of this noble sir?!”
No one moved.
“No one is braveth nor strong enough?”
“I’ll do it!”
Cyrus’ eyes widened as TJ left his side and stepped up to the box and picked up the rope.
“Excellent! Ready? Begin!”
With bated breath, Cyrus watched TJ pull on the rope with all of his strength. The jock had his game face on, one he normally wore on the court.
His opponent wasn’t much bigger than him, but the playing field was level. The rope jerked once or twice in either direction but otherwise, barely moved.
“TJ’s doing great,” Andi said, sounding impressed.
“Come on, TJ!” Cyrus cheered, forgetting to speak in medieval. “You got this!”
TJ pulled on the rope and his opponent almost slipped off his box, making the crowd gasp.
“TJ! TJ! TJ! TJ!” Cyrus chanted.
Gaze flashing briefly to Cyrus, TJ gave the rope another tug and just like that, the other guy fell forward off his box.
The crowd cheered, Cyrus the loudest of all. He wanted to run up to the other boy and jump in his arms to hug him in congratulations but restrained himself by planting his feet firmly on the ground. It wouldn’t do to cause a spectacle here.
After the lady had placed his prize around his neck, TJ went back to the rest of their group, showing off the little gold medal.
“That was so cool!” Andi exclaimed.
“Totally dosh, man!” Jonah added, slapping TJ’s hand.
“Not bad, Kippen,” Buffy said, fighting a smile.
Laughing, TJ thanked them before turning to Cyrus. The younger boy was beaming with pride.
“Sir Knight, thee did well,” he stated.
“I thank… thee… my Lord,” TJ replied.
Cyrus wanted to squeeze his cheeks. He was so darn cute.
Then, TJ removed the medal from around his neck and offered it to Cyrus.
“For thee, my Prince.”
Once again, Cyrus felt himself turn red and his heart fluttered at the sweet gesture.
Technically, if these really were medieval times, TJ would get on one knee and pledge his allegiance to Cyrus, but that might be too much to ask from the older boy at the moment.
So, Cyrus simply accepted the medal and wore it around his neck. In front of him, TJ was smiling up to his ears, his green eyes practically sparkling in the sun. Cyrus couldn’t look away.
He truly did look like his knight in shining armor.
“Um… guys… we’re still here.”
Andi’s voice broke through their moment, making Cyrus look away in embarrassment. He almost missed his two best friends’ knowing looks towards him.
“Let’s go over to the jousting! It’s starting in ten minutes!” Buffy piped.
Arm-in-arm with Andi and Jonah following along behind them, they went off.
Cyrus turned to TJ and bravely held his hand out. “Shall we, Sir Knight?”
TJ slipped his hand into his, flashing him a sweet smile. “Leadeth the way, my prince.”
Hand-in-hand, the Prince and his Knight walked off into the sunset…at least, that was how it went in Cyrus’ head. His heart was beating too fast for him to truly comprehend that he, Cyrus Goodman, was holding T.J. Kippen’s hand.
The day felt like a true fairytale and the hand holding was quite the happy ending he had always dreamed of.
He couldn’t wait for next year’s Renaissance Faire.
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henry-hart · 6 years
Mo’ Danger, Mo’ Problems s1 ep2
this one is long, just saying. lolol I just really loved it and had a lot to say :))))))
“OK HEN’S VOICE IS DIFFERENT IN THIS EP asjlksjk guess there was time btw this one and the pilot
he’s still incredibly adorable tho
“He’s gotta fix that elevator.” ...and then he never did lolol
OKAY so 13 yr old Henry found a way across town at almost 12 at night???? NO MY SON. THAT IS DANGEROUS (also does Swellview have a bus system??? did he walk??? I need to know.)
“’Put this watch on your wrist.’ Sure. What else would I put it on???” .....
hologram Ray pretending that Hen poked his eye out askjsl
“I’m gonna contact you on this watch now.” “What do I do with the old one?” “Toss it up in the air.” “.....Why?” “It’s about to self-destruct.” “Dahhh!” *tosses watch but it doesn’t do anything* “Hmm. That’s weird It’s supposed to--” BAM lololol
Do you think they chose Puerto Rico history for Hen’s test subject bc Jace is Puerto Rican??? I mean, it’s a lil specific to be coincidence (i hope they did)
“Ah, Puerto Rico. Land of....” “Puerto Ricans???” “Right.” alakjsklj
I FORGOT ABOUT THIS EP. THIS ONE IS SO FUNNY!!!! (I’m remembering what happens later in the ep lol)
antique bottle shop named “Glass from the Past” gotta love the witty names
“Let’s blow some bubbles and fight some crime.” so I see we aren’t into lame puns yet lolol
the “awwww my boot!” line is in this ep “Up the boot! Ow!” “HA!”
“Give me that pretty lavender bottle...because it matches my motorcycle helmet.” asjdlkj you can always count on hd bad guys to be goofy “You better bubble wrap that, chump! That ain’t no good to me busted.”
soooooo Ray walks in through the front door of the shop while Hen just....kind of.....walks in from...the side??? Like, Jace literally just entered from the side of the stage/set. wowowow lol
“Kid Danger.” “Yeah.” he looks so smug ajsklsjksjlk like, “that’s right. you know who i am.”
Ray telling the robber to try hitting him again lolol “Try to keep your arm straight.” 
*robber hits him* “Strike three.” Hen pops in “That was only two...” “Okay, don’t correct me in front of the criminals.”
“You really want to fight us?” looks at KD “Can I just fight the kid?” Hen’s all “???” lolol
“No you can’t just fight the--” “Sure he can! Come on, tough guy.” “Ok.” *puts his helmet over Hen’s head*
poor Hen is just spinning around 
golf clubs in a store that sells glass. that’s gonna end well.
“KD! Catch this golf club!” *hits Hen in the head* aksjlsjsk
“CM! Where are you?” “Follow the sound of my voice!” *a game of Marco/Polo w/ A LOT OF GLASS BREAKING ensues*
“Would you superheroes just leave!!!!” I feel for you, man.
Ray had to stop a wild, golf club swinging Henry lolol
“Where is he??? Did I get him???” he asks, standing amidst all the glass he broke while RAY got the bad guy 
“Yeah, you got him.”
“My whole store is destroyed!” “No need to thank us.” “Thank you?” “You’re welcome.” Ray y r u lik dis
Hen’s hair is all wild from the helmet ajskjlskj
“Let’s go, KD.” “NO!!! Nobody leaves until you boys clean up all of this broken glass.”
“This will only take us like....5 hrs. I’ll get u a broom!” *Hen just sinks to the floor* :(((((
Ms. Shapen just gave Hen a wet willy. aksjlksj The ever classy Sherona Shapen, ladies and gents.
“This is what happens when you stay up all night on Twitflash and Twittlegram.” alksjskjls
poor Hen slept through his whole test (much like in my fic....hee hee)
J....y wud u want....a....wet willy???? (I love Ms. Shapen’s answering face alksjlskj)
Hen just drops back down on his desk. my son :((((
THE FIRST EVER TITLE SEQUENCE!!!!!! (last ep just had the title of the show. this one has the whole “It all just kind of happened” shebang)
“Now I protect the good citizens of Swellview.” Do you Ray? Do you?? (peep him charging ppl for that “protection” in a few years)
Hen just pouring an ENTIRE POT OF COFFEE into, as Char calls it, “a comedically large cup.” askdksjslk I fell you. I don’t drink coffee, but i. feel. you.
never get tired of these whack shows they watch on here. Natural surgery???? Surgery w/ no anesthesia??? what is that???? lolol
“You’re 13. You can’t be drinking this much coffee!!!!” “But I need it!”
concerned friends ftw
Jasp asking Hen about puberty......
“I haven’t had any dreams bc I’m not getting any sleep.” my bb...:(((
“I always have the same dream. It starts with me getting a horse for my bday. Then Jasp shows up. Then the horse kicks Jasp in the face.” “But I end up being okay, right?” “No.” her face kills me lolol
“We’re home! Hen come help me please.” “HENRY, COME HELP YOUR MOTHER!!!” gotta love that s1 Piper
“What what what???” that’s exactly how I respond too hen alksjslkj
how does one make chili balls????
“Make them spicy this time.” I love Piper so much gah
“Seriously? I’m like so busy. I don’t have time.” Ya’ll....the way he said this. he sounds so stressed.....my bb....I’m crying.
remember the days when Piper used to be anti-having Jasp in the house?? lolol I mean, she probs still is now, but she used to be a lot more vocal about it. “Aw man, Jasper’s here???” “Piper be nice.” “But Jasper’s always here. It’s NOT okay!!!”
“I’m going to the bathroom.” “Oh no, mom. Jasper’s going to use our bathroom.” ajskjslj
Piper telling on everyone as soon as her dad gets home akjslksj classic
their dad was a lot more....tolerable earlier on. I don’t mean he’s a bad character or anything. It’s just, he’s usually played for laughs now instead of being a parent. We get to see him actually parenting Hen in this ep, and it’s so nice. 
“Jasper’s using our bathroom.” “Oh jeez.” Like father like daughter kajslkj (also looks like Hen got his phrase from his dad. cute!)
“and Henry said he’s not gonna make dinner.” “What??? It’s his night!” “I’M GONNA MAKE DINNER!” leave my son alone, Jake (he’s my son. not yours.)
“She called you at work?!?.....Ah, that’s so rude of her. God.” alksjslk nice save hen
“Do you realize how important Puerto Rican history is???” aksjlkjs I really thing they’re doing this bc of Jace. Like, I really do. 
Hen apologizing for letting his dad down :’))))
JAKE. HART. BEING. CONCERNED. FOR. HIS. SON. YASSSSS. He sees that maybe having a job is causing Hen’s grades to slip THIS is how you parent. (wish i had me a dad like that...)
you don’t get your 12 yr old daughter to drive u home from mouth surgery.....looking at you s4
“I can’t quit! My job’s a really big deal.” *puts hand on his dad’s leg* “It’s a junk shop. *moves Hen’s hand* You sweep the floors.” ajskjskjskl if only you knew
Hen’s like “I’m gonna go upstairs and study right now!” he takes off and his dad grabs him at the last second and makes him do this spin and akjsljs I just thought that was funny
“You study after you make the chili balls. And make them spicy this time.” He and Piper share this look lolol they’re so similar. it’s crazy
Hen yawning as he serves dinner :(((( he doesn’t even eat. he’s going without food AND sleep. MY SON NO!!!!
“I posted a pic, and now it has 45 comments. So now i have to comment on the comments!” “I’m about to comment on you.” asklkjskl (too tru tho Pipes)
“Why aren’t you on your way over here???” “Because. I got in trouble for sleeping in class....and i had to make chili balls.” “Chili...balls?” “It was ‘my night’.”  lolol I love the way Hen says that. so snarky
Hen stretching over his bed like “I’m just gonna....” slaps himself in the face to keep up “Maybe I can just....I’m just gonna lie down. 5 minutes tops. just 5 min” before he just passes out is SUCH a mood.
Okay, Ray coming in thru hen’s window all angry in covered in sewage is HILARIOUS
like, I love this little “I’m gonna kill him” angry dance thing he does aksjlkjs
oh my god he’s waving his smell in Hen’s direction asjksjsl
“Awww what’s that smell???” “I’m that smell!”
“Well, Ray, I guess I fell asleep.” “WeLl I gUeSs I fElL aSlEeP!!!” Ray u sound like scooby-doo aksjskj
“You know what’s down in the Swellview sewer???” “....poop.” “POOP!”
omg I forgot about Pipes being suspicious of the voices in Hen’s room 
“Who are u talking to in here???” “Nobody.” “MOM!!!!!” “Aw jeez.” using his dad’s phrase :)))))
Hen blaming the smell on piper aksjlslkj
“It’s Piper.” “What???” “She hasn’t had a bath in a week.” “That’s a lie!”
“You disappointed me tonight.” “I’m disappointing everybody. People should just call me ‘Kid Disappointment’.” Hen....:((( (but the way he said the last part was really funny akjdlskj)
^^^^^that was a jab at the Ray we’ve seen as of late
“Time. School. Working for you. My family. It’s just a lot to handle.” TOO TRUE HENRY. TOO. FREAKING. TRUE.
“I do know a guy who can get rid of your family.” Who, Ray. Who do you know?
Ray actually wanting to fix a problem rather than make it worse. Yes.
and so begins Ray’s crush on Siren. Nice try dude. My crush began the second she was on screen. 
“Who’s this?” “My mom.” “Niiiiiiice. Is she still, uh, married to your dad, or--” “Yes.” “Does she ever seem lonely or--” “Go home, Ray.” 
“The picture, Ray.” 
aksjdklj I love that interchange.
also Hen just has this portrait of his mom in his room lolol what a momma’s boy :)))))
Jasp x Char covering for Hen even tho they have no idea what’s up ;’))))
Henry does NOT have hepatitis Japser!!!! ajslkjslk
Gooch and Hen harmonizing those weird sounds omg lolol
“Oohloolooloooloooo--why am I doing this?!??!?!”
“Relax, kid.” “I can’t. I’ve got a huge makeup test  tomorrow. I need to study, and you guys are making me go ‘oohloolooloo’“ “It’s ‘Oohloolooloo--” “I don’t care!!!!” I LOVE sassy Henry
all studying done in 30 seconds???? Where can i get me one of these???
“It’s a cerebral data transducer--or as we call it, the HRZ.” wtf???? lolol
“Why am i locked in a chair???” Hen asking the real questions. 
the way Ray says “Puerrrrto RRRRRicoooo!” 
“Will this hurt???” “Yes.” WHAT???” lolol
okay can you imagine the now jace being as extra as this jace??? No??? I didn’t think so. lololol
“Well?” “That hurt BAAAAD!!!”
“I don’t know anything about P--” *starts spitting out random PR facts* askjljsk “Wooooaaahhhh. I know Puerto Ricoooooo.” 
the amount of times they’ve said Puerto Rico in this ep is crazy. I’m definitely convinced they did this for Jace alskjskl
“Do you think it’s cheating???” “Ehhhh.” “It’s a gray area.” GOOCH X RAY ARE MY FAVES. (i love Schwoz, but Ray x Gooch had some good chemistry.)
at first, i didn’t even register that he’d switched the order of the words. I was like, “Ok, I knew what he meant, but something about it made my brain feel weird???” lololol
I wonder if Jace had a hard time getting the mixed up order right akjsksl
I love the way Ray says “Uh oh.” with his eyes closed. Like, “I knew this might happen, but I was really hoping it wouldn’t.” lksjklsj
“Well you could’ve before that you told me!!!” THESE PARTS ARE MAKING ME LAUGH SO HARD.
Henry: *screams all high-pitched* aljsklsjls I’M CACKLING
“So I’m gonna girl like a days for a few screams---wait.” LOLOLOLOL
*screams again*
“.......You guys wanna get lunch?” CLASSIC Ray. (can something be classic already in the first ep??? I guess the word is vintage. VINTAGE Ray.....but those r the same thing??? I don’t know ajksjlsk)
“The Vermont army finally surrendered and fled the coconut plantations.” “Coconuts in Vermont?” askjslkj school really be like that sometimes
Jasper just doodling the whole time. ME.
“Okay everyone. Get out.” Ms. Shapen is a constant mood. lolol
“100 my makeup test on I got!!!.....I mean, I got a hundred on my makeup test???” aksjlk I love u Hen
*randomly screams* “...” “.... That was inappropriate.” “I just got excited.”I CAN’T TELL YOU HOW MUCH THIS PART MAKES ME LAUGH ALKSJKLSJ
“I’m really proud of you, Henry. I’d give you a hug if it wouldn’t get me fired.” ajsksj 
“Have a good weekend.” “Too you.” “....”
Henry said “Yeah, baby!” to Char. :))))) (I know it was just a quick thing on the fly, but it’s still cute)
“Where were you?” “I go to had somewhere.” 
ya’ll. Henry’s mix ups are KILLING me.
“One more time???” “I. had. to. go. somewhere. Nailed it.”
*randomly screams again*
“You later see!” ALKSJKLJSK
this ep had it all
tired/overworked/stressed hen and his supportive friends and fam
then there’s that GOLDEN last two minutes with the side effects
just. wow.
props to Jace for doing an incredible job
he really delivered the goofiness. love my boy :))))))
rewatching these was such a good idea <3333
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arrow1366 · 7 years
Fragments ch.2
I held on for dear life as this nameless woman sped through alley ways, gradually going higher and higher until we were up in the sky with the other cars.
Moving too fast, and with so many colors it was hard to focus on anything, like I was stuck inside a kaleidoscope and had no hope of escaping. Being led to wherever she wanted to take me.
But who is she? And how did she know I was lost? There are too many questions, and the more I ask, the less any of this makes sense.
“Where…am…I?” I asked yet again.
“New Zen. Jewel of the Republic!” The woman said back to me as her bike went even faster, her bright blue leading road directing her through traffic.
“New…Zen? Republic?” I stammered out unable to seemingly put full sentences together.
“Yeah! But hang on! Here’s our stop!” She yelled as the bike suddenly dipped.
Squeezing her body as wind slammed into me, knocking the air out, the bike continued to decline quickly until we were on the ground level in front of one of the same shabby looking buildings. Why is everything so close together?
Hopping off, her helmet detracted itself before looking at me. “Well? Get off!”
Nodding, I slowly got off before the bike pixelated and collapsed into small cube before flying directly into her gloved hand.
Rolling her eyes, she turned to the building. “Dont hurt yourself, come on.” Following her inside, she smacked the back of my helmet detracting it as she gripped my arm. “Keep your head down.” She whispered.
Inside, a whole different world was before me. People- at least two hundred strong- filled the open concrete rooms talking in their strange language, drinking and listening to wordless loud electronic music vibrating my bones with every beat. This must be some type of bar but..so different. Light floated around the ceilings with holograms depicting some type of arena fight where two people were battling as some of the people cheered and high fived eachother.
“This way…” she said hurriedly as we ducked to a elevator shaft- I assume- it looked nothing like a elevator. Just a tube with a white panel on the bottom of it.
Stepping in, the woman opened her palm to show a blank screen with a single square on it. And right before we began to move, another woman- this one paler with half bright neon green hair and half black- leaned up against the tube and smiled a bright white smile at us. She looked tired, and also for some reason dangerous, as she stood in a spiked jacket and tight smooth pants.
“Tolo a canda Astra?”
Rolling her eyes, the woman, motioned to me. “Upe, sé..holomagus.”
The scary woman flicked her gold eyes on me and struted up close. My hands began to burn as she inched closer.
Sliding her finger around my face, she smiled. “Holomagus? Eferi des tek de dundum? Eferi?”
Shrugging, the woman held her hand up to the tube where green lasers scanned the square as the second woman smiled at me again and stepped off the tube and waved at her.
“Who..was that?” I asked.
“Ah, we’re learning words aren’t we?” She quipped back as she leaned on the back of the tube. “That was the owner of this shite hole. And a friend. Name’s Ulta. She won’t bother us.”
The tube closed as a wash of gold light bathed over us and in a blink of a eye we were standing in a open room with windows surrouding all sides of it, tables full of- what looked like computers, more strange weapons and thousands of parts took up every table as the tube door opened and she walked out.
“Astra?” I asked.
“Your name…Astra?”
“That’s why I answered to it.” She huffed as I stepped off the weird device and followed her. “Pix! Vistors!” She yelled in her strange language as multiple crashes and angry yelling came filtering out as Astra looked at me and smiled. “You’re gonna love Pix!”
Coming out from a side room with a futuristic blow torch, bright rose colored hair and matching eyes with a tiny dog following him, this tall slim man no older than I frowned at Astra then at me and flinched.
“Astra? Yermis sabiden tolo?” He shrieked as I stood beside her.
“What’s he saying?” I asked.
“He’s asking why I brought you here.”
“O colo se de!!! Astra! Republica wes se gavi se de.. de.. te?” He shrieked again as he set the blow torch down and pulled out a tiny circled device no bigger than my finger.
And came for me with it.
“No! No more!!” I screamed as the crystal blades shot out of my arms stopping him in his tracks.
Wide eyed, he looked at Astra who was un impressed while she kneeled and pet the tiny german Shepard.
Frowning, he looked at me. “Y-y-you. C…come.” He said in his broken attempt at english.
“No. I’ll kill you where you stand-” I warned as a pulse ripped through my head making the room spin and grey.
Dropping to my knees, the blades detracted as I collapsed over as the room went black.
“Darius…Darius… wake up…”
Snapping my eyes open, I swung my blade and attempted to fire. But I had no gun, but that begged to question why would that be my first instinct? Sitting up, I was in a rather filthy bed that was covered in grey sheets, glowing cubes, and that dog from earlier. Sitting on my legs staring quizzically at me.
“Shoo…” I groaned now having a full headache as I threw my legs off the bed only to find I was wearing skin tight grey pants, boots with tiny neon green lights on the soles, a jacket that wasn’t mine. “What…”
“You’re the smart one Pix! Help me out here!”
“No! I’m tired of you breaking into military compounds and bringing home shite like this! That-thing back there just shot blades out of his arms! That’s not science! That’s a movie!” Pix yelled.
But I could understand him? How? Standing up, the dog hopped off the bed with me and trotted alongside me into their open room where the two were bickering. That’s when I saw that Pix had his dog by his feet, so this one-who I just now seeing has a bandana tied around its neck- isn’t the same dog.
Looking back at me,Pix threw up his hands. “Great now he’s awake!”
“I can understand you!” I said back.
Narrowing his eyes, he marched right up to me. “What are you? Some type of alien? Huh?”
“Uh…human?” I asked.
Laughing, he turned to Astra. “You ever see a human that looks like this?” He asked.
“Like…what?” I asked just now realizing my head isn’t as fogged and I’m speaking now.
“This!” He huffed as he marched to one of his cluttered tables, pulled a small mirror, and held it up for me.
All I saw were my standard features. Brown eyes, dark hair, brown skin. I shouldn’t look that bizzare. Astra looks similar. Except she’s obviously Indian, I’m black and Hispanic.
“What do you mean?”
“This!” He raged, as he pointed to my eyes then poked at my skin. “Your eyes! They’re so…weird. Like dirt and your skin…what are you?”
“What?” He asked.
“Uh…I’m from…New York?” I said slowly now remembering part of my past.
But nothing came from the memory. Just the name. New York.
“New York huh? Well I’ve never heard of it-”
“It’s that one place that sells the All Mother statues!” Astra said.
Snapping, he looked back at her and nodded. “Yes!” He said before looking at me. “What are you?”
“What are you? Your eyes are pink!”
“So? My entire family has pink eyes! Now he’s questioning me!” He grumbled looking at her then back at me. “To answer your previous stupid questions, i implanted you a language transmitter behind your ear-don’t touch it!” He snapped as my fingers went to touch it. “If you do your brain will probably melt…and I also shot you with a stimulant. You were talking too slow.”
Looking at him, I shook my head and walked past towards the window. The city was seemingly endless, no green anywhere. Just metal and neon lights. In the distance the buildings looked shinier, newer. We must live in some type of hood, or project. But this isn’t what I’m used to. I don’t know any of this, this strange world.
“W…what is this place?”
“Already told you, New Zen-”
“No! Where is this place?” I yelled. “I don’t know any of this! This all looks so different! Cities don’t look like this! The iPhone X was the most advanced thing most people had! This- this is-”
“Hold on.” Pix said shutting me up. Approaching me slowly, he opened his palm screen and opened a app-good thing they still have those- to a history book. Pages flipped back until a chapter read: the first race, was in bold where they had rather racist depictions of not only people of color, but white people too. All of them dressing up as their stereotypes. Looking up, Pix stared wide eyed at me. “What are you?”
“I keep telling you! I’m a human like you! You guys are the weird looking ones! What Indian has grey eyes or mixed person has pink eyes?”
“He was born with pink eyes, they’re the tenth most popular color of eyes in 4025. And what’s a Indian?” Astra asked.
My world tilting, the room suddenly spinning at what she said. 4025? As in the year? No, that’s impossible. I couldn’t have missed out on-2000 years and still be here? How would- why would I ever need to be frozen that long?
“4025? The…year?” I gasped.
“Uh, yeah?”
“No…no no no that’s not right! I was born in 95!”
“Mother…you look old as shit to be born in 3995, don’t you soak?” Pix asked.
“No!!! 1995! The year 1995!” I yelled.
Both of them looking at eachother, Pix looked back at me and shook his head. “Impossible. Obviously, you’re just fucked up or something-”
“No! I’m not. I’m being serious! I look just like your racist pictures! I have no idea how any of this shit works or know your language! I’m. Not. From. Here. In this time.” I huffed feeling my hands warm.
“Prove it.” Astra said. “Who started the Five Hundred Year War that nearly wiped out the first race?”
“What?” I gasped.
Shaking her head, she came up to me. “Alejandro Harvest. The anti Christ. Or what they called him.”
“The-anti Christ? The-”
“Well he’s called the Cthulhu,some sea monster-”
“A monster who was a symbol for the end times.” I breathed my chest feeling heavy.
“Sure, doesn’t matter. They killed him. The first? But since you didn’t even know-”
“I’m telling the truth! I’m-”
A loud explosion ripping through the building nearly knocked me off my feet as a cloud of ash rose up from across town as a person bolted up into the clouds so fast I thought it was a ship or something as another person flew up after it.
“What… in the Underworld is up with today?” Pix huffed before frowning at me. “This is you related.”
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thecrazydragonlady · 7 years
“A Little Lady’s Fury” Chapter 2
Author's Note: I'm so happy I got a lot of responses to this story! The real thanks goes to @aeonthedimensionalgirl for letting me write her story. I hope everyone enjoys this new chapter!
Chapter 2
Hawkmoth knew that today was going to be the perfect day to make an akuma. After all, a holiday like Valentine's day always brought some kind of drama which meant that someone's emotions were going to end up being a mess and make them easy prey. In his secret lair, his window opened, allowing only the minimum amount of light into the room. The bright, white butterflies around him took flight as a smirk crossed his lips.
What a wonderful day to capture Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous!
Thomas' plans for the day hadn't been ending up at the Trocadéro with his head in his hands, anger radiating off every inch of his being. He'd messed up. Big time. He wouldn't be surprised if his sweetheart just decided that he wasn't worth the time or energy anymore and left. Just like that. Just like everyone else.
He screamed.
Other couples nearby stared at him. Some went out of their way to avoid him and others stared in concern. Nobody approached him though which was fine; he just wanted to sit and stew in his anger and frustration alone.
Then, he was peaceful, near quiet in his mind. His eyes glassed over as the purple butterfly mask appeared over his eyes and he knew, as a Parisian, what was happening. It was perfectly fine for him too. He dropped his hands from his head. A sneering voice greeted. "Love Rage, I am Hawkmoth. Being angry is only natural especially when they're being secretive and cold with you. More people should feel what you are currently feeling," the voice assured him. Thomas gripped his hands knuckle white against his pants. Where was the lie? Everyone around him looked at him as nothing more than an angry monster (considering he stood at a staggering height of six feet and three inches tall and was surprisingly muscular for a person of his stature) when he was certain that many of them had no room to judge him! A sneer crossed his lips.
"How can I help," he asked. Hawkmoth, hidden away somewhere in the confines of his lair, allowed his smile to grow wider.
"I will give you the power you need," he promised, "As long as you bring me the Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir: the earrings and ring!"
He stood, the purple mask being clearly outlined on his face, squeezing his fist close. "Deal!"
The world melted to black.
Marinette felt absolutely sick to her stomach. She and Alya had appropriately celebrated her success in sending off the letter with a tiny party of sweets and movies in her room before the other girl had left for the evening. She had been giddy all night on patrol. Chat Noir had noticed too; he had tilted his head quizzically at her, shot a couple of puns and questions, but she fielded them only by saying that tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.
He thankfully had not pushed the issue.
Now as she sat in the first class of the day, her stomach felt like it had captured a lot of the akumas instead of her yo-yo. Her bluebell eyes darted around the room. First to the door, then to the board, then down to her sketchbook where she absently drew various hearts and a couple of new designs, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she worked. Alya waved a hand in front of her face at one point. When she didn't acknowledge, she smirked, leaning in close and whispering, "Hey Mari, Adrien's here."
The half-Asian yelped. A couple of other heads in the room eyed her questioningly but she flushed and waved to them. They returned to what they were doing as she glared at her giggling friend who definitely did not look apologetic by any stretch of the imagination. Mari stuck out her tongue.
"Not cool Alya."
"Girl, the way you were off dreaming, I had to get your attention some way." She held up her phone. Mari blinked at the sudden electronic brightness that was in her face. Alya had pulled up her pride and joy, the Ladyblog, and was in the middle of posting a new report. "Anyway, give me your feedback. I was thinking of doing a blog on how to incorporate some ladybug inspired gear into the everyday outfit since I did the post about ladybugs being symbols of love and fortune last year. Maybe a "luck your way into love" kind of article thing. It's cheesy. I know but it is a pretty popular topic. Especially around this time of year." Marinette rubbed her eyes.
"I think it's a cool idea. If anything, you can even hide it more by using just solid red and black accessories."
Alya scrolled up on her phone. "True. The spots don't necessarily have to be there but they do make it look cute." She nodded.
"Exactly. Do you need me to whip anything up for you? I have some left over fabric from that skirt project I did for you last month." The darker skinned girl smiled at her friend.
"That would be awesome! How about a bow and maybe a purse? Just cute, simple things you can get done easily." Marinette giggled and slid the sketchbook over to her. On the page were a couple of designs: hair bows, bow ties, ties, belts, purses, and jewelry of all kind. She leaned back in her seat as Alya gushed over the designs, flipping back and forth through some of the pages to see what other special offerings the girl could give.
"All of those would be pretty quick. Why don't we go back to my place during lunch to get them done?"
Alya nodded. She grabbed her bag and together, the two girls left the classroom. They were chatting animatedly when suddenly there was a scream behind them. They turned enough to see an akuma floating some distance above the ground, shooting people with some energy from his hands (honestly like every other akuma ever. Hawkmoth was really unoriginal with the spread of his akuma's influence). He was large. It was almost cartoonish as to how bulky he was. His hair was slicked back and there was a black spiked helmet on his head which matched the black colored mask he had over his face. His shoulders were covered by a thick, spiked leather jacket with the words "Love Rage" stitched on the back. He, like the other akumas and the heroes, had a skin tight suit underneath it. The ensemble ended in a pair of biker boots. He cackled, shooting again, "Everyone will feel Love's rage!" Marinette's face dropped when he turned on the two of them.
She was sure she would never forget the depraved look on his face, the twisted smirk, as he raised his hands at them, and fired.
There wasn't any time!
Mari did the only thing she could. She immediately jumped towards Alya, shouting, "Run!" The umber haired girl staggered but did as she was ordered. Her legs pumped like crazy. She wasn't even sure where she was going for a second until she ended up nearly collapsing in the front of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Several guests stared at her. Sabine gasped, moving quickly around the register to help her. Tom heard some commotion. He ducked his head out of the kitchen to see what was up. When he saw his daughter's friend nearly on the floor in his bakery, he went back in for a glass of water which he brought to her immediately. She took it. Alya downed half of it before she managed to explain what happened, "There's... There's an akuma. Mari and I had to run away. He was making a mess of the park area." The customers mumbled again. Sabine and Tom however, paled. The older woman grabbed her shoulders gently but firmly.
"Marinette was with you? Where is she?" Alya blinked. She turned quickly and too paled.
Marinette was missing!
Love Rage liked his newest minion.
The young girl, a dark haired half-Asian, had been rather heroic when she'd pushed her friend out of his blast to give her a chance to run away, but it hadn't saved her. She'd been hit. Square in the back. There was a gasped followed by a thud as she fell to the ground.
At first, he thought he might have accidentally knocked her out but she eventually pushed herself up, let loose a low, menacing growl as she reached up to pull her pigtails out. She shook her hair loose. Spinning revealed to him that his power had worked; her eyes were no longer a normal shade or even remotely normal as they had turned completely red. The others he had blasted came up behind her. They bowed. Love Rage smirked in approval. Raising his hand to point, he ordered them, "Go! Find Ladybug and Chat Noir and bring them to me."
The mindless minions grunted, taking off into the streets of Paris.
At first, no one knew what was going on. They stared in confusion at the people who came flooding into the public area at the same time, reaching for whatever they could, destroying and using to destroy. Those unfortunate enough to not run away ended up on the receiving end of several flying fists. The anger was tangible.
If Love Rage was anything, he wasn't a liar. There was no way he couldn't lie about having a favorite minion and it turned out to be the last one he'd turned; the half Asian girl with medium length dark hair. She was agile. Easily clearing a park bench, she landed, like a predatory cat, on an unfortunate man whose face was nearly destroyed as she purely wailed on him. She was remorseless. Particularly when it came to couples. Anyone caught near her, especially pairs, were immediately lunged for, pummeled to a pile of pain and blood, before she would quickly and efficiently sprint off for the next person. He laughed.
His power worked the strongest on those who had love troubles.
Her troubles must be great.
His eyes scanned the horizon after finishing his admiration of her. Chat Noir and Ladybug were nowhere to be seen. The purple mask of Hawkmoth appeared on his face and the voice returned, "It's only a matter of time before they appear."
"Yes Hawkmoth," he agreed, "and when they do, I will be ready for them."
"Excellent. Make sure I get those Miraculouses Love Rage."
"Yes Hawkmoth."
The villain smiled, tightening his hands on the top of his cane. His heart pounded. This time would be different; he felt it. It would only be a matter of time, as he had told his pawn, before they appeared and the miraculous were finally, finally, his. His eyes wandered through Love Rage's eyes, watching the chaos unfold on the streets of Paris, he couldn't help, like him, but be impressed with the young lady below. He knew her. Marinette Dupain-Cheng if he remembered correctly. Student at Collège Françoise Dupont. Winner of the derby competition the previous year. If memory continued to serve correctly, she was one of two students within her class that he had not yet akumatized. Her skills were impressive. She was strong, agile, lethal in appearance, and everything she did was with intention.
He mused as to how long it would before she finally had a purple mask of her own to wear.
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