#get your flu and covid shot
luckyagain · 10 months
people being selfish enough to go to a show sick, get other fans sick, and then taking a photo with louis on the red carpet KNOWING you have covid is unbelievably fucked up
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willowcrowned · 11 months
frankly I’m still furious that in western countries wearing a mask in public whenever you’re ill—regardless of the illness—didn’t come out of the pandemic
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arctic-hands · 4 days
Watching vaccine conspiracy theories extend to your basic yearly flu shots is so bizarre to have witnessed in live time. As a kid, there were a few years where the vaccine was in short supply and the lines to get it at the pharmacy would extend for blocks. Being an immunocompromised child, my mother and I were expedited to the front and the hostility we faced was potent. Glares and flat out shouting at us for "cutting in line". People were so scared they were willing to yell at a sickly child if it meant they could get vaccinated.
Anyway Andrew Wakefield needs to be brought up on charges for crimes against humanity or something
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totalspiffage · 10 months
I have COVID and I'm mostly just exhausted with congestion but jfc the paxlovid taste I forgot how awful it is TBH I've been sucking on gum all day but I swear it's getting less effective?
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tarriecat · 1 year
Following on my previous reblog, and I know I've said this before:
In the last few years I've been really radicalized against this "if it's not fatal why bother preventing it" mentality that seems EVERYWHERE in American life. (Probably other places too, I'm American so I can only speak to the American experience.)
Like, a cold generally won't kill most people, but it still sucks to get one. And we just kinda shrug and go "oh well, it's the winter, I will probably get a cold at some point" instead of, like, wearing masks? I WISH I could go back in time and hand myself a package of KN95s before my first holiday season working retail.
Same with the flu! In addition to the very true and important argument that the flu WILL kill people, dammit, the flu also just sucks! Get a flu shot!
I'm still masking pretty much everywhere outside my bubble, and even if any of that changes years down the line, I can't imagine EVER not masking inside a Target at Christmas ever again. And I really resent this cultural norm that it's somehow "weird" to just...not want to get sick.
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I have been lucky in that, so far, the covid boosters have not negatively affected me beyond making my arm hurt like an absolute motherfucker (vs. dose 2 of the original which had me down for the count for 36 hours) but MAN does my arm hurt like an absolute motherfucker
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the-iron-shoulder · 23 days
getting a covid booster is kinda psychologically weird
it’s September 2024 so this is my, what, sixth covid shot or something like that? I forget how many I’ve had, but I get boosted regularly. Point is, I know the drill. I know it’s gonna make me feel like shit for 2-3 days and that’s just all there is to it. But I still voluntarily sign up for it (vaccinations are good! Get vaccinated! Get boosted!!), which means that basically I’m scheduling ahead of time when I’m going to be sick.
So that means I’m having Very Normal Thoughts like oh no, I won’t be able to go to that event in two weeks, I’ll be sick that day. I’m going to be sick later so I’d better make sure I’m stocked up on food and stuff before that happens. I’d better pick my time to be sick so it doesn’t interfere with stuff I’ve already planned.
just, y’know, most of the time that’s extremely not how being sick works. It’s like, the least schedulable thing! Hits you when you least expect it and you can’t just anticipate it happening on a specific day next week! But this is a Special Sick that happens when I say it happens (but I must, indeed, let it happen). Just a very different experience. I’m sure that there are some other medical procedures people go through that have a similar effect, but I don’t personally experience those right now, so it’s still just bizarre to me to schedule being sick.
still do it anyway, though! Vaccines are Good! I’ve never had a detectable case of covid (I can’t prove that I’ve never had an asymptomatic case, but I’ve for sure never had a symptomatic case because I test whenever I start feeling sick in any way and I test when I’m in contact with people who are sick, and I’ve never yet tested positive for it, so… boosting regularly and masking in public is seeming to work for me) and I think the boosters help with that! So I still regularly set myself up for the Special Sick… it’s just a strange thing overall.
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pocketgalaxies · 1 year
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On the one hand I have to go into the office tomorrow, which I don't love. On the other hand, I get my free flu shot + covid booster, which I do love. 🤷‍♀️
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mixingpumpkins · 26 days
Remembering why I hate flu shots 😭
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Scene 11
You eventually gave up and turned off your visual faculties anyway. Turning them back on now, you wince at the sudden influx of light, shielding your face from the glare. Ugh. This is why you don't like doing this.
It's bright out today, the sun shining cheerfully through a thin cloud layer. You carefully climb down to the ground level again, brushing at yourself to rid your cloak of the dust it accumulated overnight. You really need to find someplace to wash your belongings, but it's less of a priority than continuing onwards.
Exiting the growing tower, you pause near the entrance of the burrow the scavengers went into last cycle, dialing up your auditory sensitivity momentarily. You don't hear anything inside; they must have already left. Or maybe they haven't woken up yet. Scavengers tend to be quiet in unfamiliar territory, you know that much, so it's hard to tell if they're still here or not. You'll need to investigate more closely to figure it out.
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delta-orionis · 1 month
every time I think I feel well enough to sit up at my desk and try to get some work done I always end up feeling worse. bleggggghhhhh
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golvio · 1 year
Me yesterday night: Huh! I feel a little tired after my COVID shot, but not that bad. Maybe the hangover will be a little easier to deal with this year?
Me, emerging from beneath my weighted blanket this morning:
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bare1ythere · 5 months
idk what is happening to me right now but I feel so strangely sick
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kiranerys42 · 1 year
Well, telling my IRL friends went poorly, so I'm gonna shout into the Tumblr void that there's a brand new COVID booster and you should get it as soon as you can, to protect yourself and your community.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
I have been an adult a while but today was the first time I was ever alone while getting a shot and I was SO brave about it which means I can do anything now and never die. How should I celebrate my strengthened immortality
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