#gets delirious and wakes up in the healers room a week later
worstloki · 6 months
Loki falls in love with the Tesseract and contracts a spinoff Hanahaki disease where he coughs up small blocks of ice.
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telleroftime · 1 year
Food for thought
An idea where Reader is known to dabble in magic here and there. And under whatever circumstances they've been brought in to help Bowser maybe break some kind of curse or protect his kingdom from some enemy that's seeking them out. Whatever reason, they're learning spells and stuff.
And as they learn, it corrupts them basically slowly killing them but they're too worried about helping Bowser to say anything until one day they just succumb the effects.
Dark magic causes a lot of damage to a human.
Hehehe - Yes. Yes feed me this angst that is. It's.. Hehehehehe. I love it.
Warning for angst and description of bodily harm.
I can just imagine that for a while the Reader attempts to hide it. They noticed it straight away, the way it differs from their light magic. The way it feels heavier, like a nightmare as opposed to a dream. Feverish almost. At first it just tingles on their skin, but quickly - the more they learn - it starts to become like an irritation. An allergy almost. A plague.
Their hands starts to hurt and there's odd pigmentation there. The dark magic manifesting physically like a burn. Their arms ache, their lungs feel smaller every time they cast a spell. But, at the same time they learn more about Bowser. The outcome weighs a lot on their success. They need to do this. They want to help Bowser. They believe there is no other way.
So they hide the symptoms. "Oh, this is just a cough" - "I just didn't get enough sleep" - "I'm just low on magic energy, I'll be fine tomorrow"
But it just gets worse. They start to struggle with the pain. They stumble and groan every once in a while. Sometimes they cry when it gets too much. They start struggling with their normal magic almost as if the dark magic corrupted it. It becomes impossibly hard which only makes them spew more excuses.
The Reader doesn't want the king to see them as weak though, so they never speak up.
All until their body can't take it anymore and they collapse in the middle of a spell. The royal Magikoopas are called in instantly, all the healers at their disposal coming to aid. But the Reader ends up in a coma. A magic induced coma where their body tries to expel the dark magic. They groan and whimper and even in their slumber they attempt to scratch away the marks to the point they need to be observed and stopped before they scratch too much at their skin.
Bowser has no idea how he didn't notice it before. Why? Why didn't they say anything? Why did they hide it? There could have been another way, surely. They didn't need to risk themself.
But they did, and now they're not here. Not fully. Bowser is alone and Reader is stuck fighting whatever blemish the dark magic caused on their soul.
Eventually though, they wake up. Weeks... months... maybe even years later. It was a moment they were left alone. They wake up as if it was the next day. Their pain is gone, surprisingly numb, but the marks are still there. The scars from scratching at the pain, the odd pigmentation of dark magic wrapping around their body.
They're delirious for a few minutes, waking up like from a nap.
Then they storm out of the room. They can't be late! They were supposed to cast a spell for Bowser today, they were supposed to help the Magikoopas. They can't possibly miss that, they-
The room they enter is empty, no Magikoopa in sight as if the event was forgotten. It couldn't have been, could it?
Just imagine when Bowser manages to catch them. Reader wouldn't understand why he's so emotional. They saw him just the other day, didn't they? They barely process the words when they're told how much time actually passed. How much time the dark magic stole from them. How much could have been avoided.
It's just - ahh the angst potential!
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bixgirl1 · 7 years
The Sexual Escapades of a Well-Informed Pureblood, Engaged to the Randy Prat Who Lived - Ch. 23
So… Um… On a scale of one to ten, how mad are you guys?   You didn’t really think we’d split up Harry and Draco for good, did you? LOLOL. (Granted, they still might have some, er, stuff to work through, but…)
In this chapter, we have another visit to St. Mungo’s, some really good advice, and a revelation or two, which will lead us in to two more chapters next weekend that @l0vegl0wsinthedark and I hope you’ll be pleased with. 😉 (In a side note, Love is in an area for the next few days with very spotty wifi, so no worries if she doesn’t reblog immediately or her blog is a little quiet. <3)
Book One can be found here: Virgin Draco and previous chapters of Engaged can be found here: Engaged
 Chapter Twenty-Three: St. Mungo’s Again
 ~Conference chamber#11, Ministry of Magic, just over a week later~ Draco, standing on jelly legs before all the department seniors: So...So I was saying-- *fumbles around for the right file, sending parchments scattering* Excuse me, I am so sorry-- Wizened old wizard, leaning forward slightly, head tilted in a concerned manner: Mr. Malfoy, are you quite well? *eyes the deep, dark pockets below Draco's eyes, the sunken cheeks and the slightly mussed hair* Should we adjourn this for another day, perhaps? Draco, turning red with embarrassment: *shakes his head vigorously, hair flying* No, not at all. I am quite alright-- I just-- *finally yanks out the right sheet, brushing his hair away impatiently* *clears his throat* So as I was saying, the license clearance for potions labs now depends on a whole new set of conditions, made mandatory by the DMLE owing to the recent-- *blinks as a large barn owl soars in through the open door, scroll attached, landing before him on the table, sending more sheets flying, clicking its beak and urgently scratching at the wood with his talons* *looks around apologetically* I am so sorry, gentlemen-- *nods gratefully as he receives a wave of the hand as permission* *hurriedly unties the scroll, rolling it out and reading, face draining of all colour as he stumbles back and sinks into his chair*
Draco, I'm sorry, I know you and Harry are apart, but if it were me, I'd want to know: Harry and Ron were injured early this morning and brought into Mungo's. Harry's fine--or will be, they think--but is delirious and refusing treatment. Your presence might help. For what it's worth, I know he misses you. Every day. Hermione
Draco, breaking out in a sweat, staring at the letter in horror: *under his breath* No. Senior Wizard: Is everything alright? Draco, looking up as he gets unsteadily to his feet: No-- I have to-- I have to go, sir. *already making his way out* I'm so sorry, I have to go-- *blunders blindly down the corridor, taking the stairs instead of waiting for the lift, bursting out into the Atrium and hurtling towards the Floos* *knocks aside a delivery wizard as he reaches for the Floo powder dispenser* P-pardon-- *throws it in and practically dives into the green flames, shouting out the address to Mungo's* *runs through the halls at the hospital, earning startled looks from those he passes, finally running into the VIP wards through the double doors that automatically fly open for him* *frantically* Where-- where-- Harry-- *opens two doors at random before following the buzz of activity and pushing into a crowded room, looking around wildly and spotting Harry and Ron in neighbouring beds, Ron motionless and surrounded by Healers, Harry bloodied and seemingly delirious* *hangs back behind a jumbled group of Aurors and nurses, one hand clamped over his mouth, the letter still clutched in his other hand*
Harry, suspiciously, as Healer's cluster around him: No, I don't want that-- I'm not taking a potion, I haven't checked it.  Where's my fucking wand, I'll check it!  What did you do to Ron? *bellows* Ron! Don't take their potions! Ron! *snarls* What did you do to him? *eyes catch on Draco's hair* *shoves Healer aside with one arm to see him* Draco! They're trying to give me poison! *imperiously* He has a Dark Mark! And he knows about potions!  He'll fucking help me kill you if you hurt Ron! *when Draco inches forward uncertainly* Draco! Baby, come here! Where's my wand?
Draco, glancing at the helpless Healers as he approaches: *murmurs urgently to them* You'll need to be quick. Please don't let him die-- *cups Harry's cheek as he sits beside him, talking soothingly* I have your wand, love, you gave it to me to keep until you're Healed, remember? *quickly surging forward to peck him on the mouth, trying not to look at the way his head bleeds without pause* I've already checked, I've checked all their potions-- Weasley's too-- they're all-- they're fine, Harry, you need to let them-- *quickly draws his attention away from an approaching Healer* *blurts* I love you! I-- I love you so much, I--
Harry, irritably, to the Healer: *snaps* Get out of the way, I can't see him! *relaxes when the Healer shifts; looks at Draco warmly*  I love you too. *confidingly* They thought they would get us, but you were there to remind me, huh? *voice lower* I kept thinking about that time after you said yes to-- *vaguely bewildered* --to that thing I asked. *chuckles with satisfaction* They even tried to take my ring, but Ron didn’t let them. Ron! *piteously* He's always been a heavy sleeper. *bats at the Healer tending to his head wound; looks back at Draco* You checked their potions? *glares at Healer; flicks eyes to Draco* Show them your Dark Mark. Tell them who we are.
Draco, biting his lip, desperately swallowing at the lump rising in his throat: I-- I did, they know who I am, love-- Harry, please-- *tries to hold Harry's hands in place as he bats away the Healer once more* *urgently* Just-- just get him under! Baby, please, I'm right here, look! *struggles along with two nurses to stay Harry's thrashing* Harry, please, you're losing blood!
Harry, snapping back to himself for a moment: *voice foggy* Draco? Are you here? *reaches out and releases a shaky exhale as his hand touches Draco's face* I'm sorry, they wanted to take my ring, could see magic on. It-- I won't-- I won't-- Oh, god, Ron! Is Ron okay? *struggles to sit up, snatching the potion the Healer has shoved in his face and downing it; tosses the empty vial aside* *sees Ron; horrified* Draco-- Is he--
Draco, firmly pushing him back down by the shoulders: Harry-- Harry, stop, Weasley is fine, he's being treated-- Your ring is right here, you're still wearing your ring, baby, stop fighting-- *gasps, startled, as Harry suddenly draws him close with a hand around his nape* Harry…
Harry, kisses him desperately, messily: I love you. I thought you'd hate-- Why are you here-- oh... *wobbles weakly as the potion hits his system* Oh. *suddenly mutinous, fighting it* What did they give me?  Did you-- did you check-- *voice weak* He has to check all my-- we don't let people hurt each oth-- *eyes fluttering* Draco, check them. Don't-- don't leave…
Draco, gritting back tears of frustration: *gently unwinding Harry's hand from around his neck, kissing the palm and holding it pressed to his cheek* I checked them... *watches Harry go under, twitching bodily as he tries to fight it* I-- I'm right here. *lets his forehead drop onto Harry's shoulder for a second, whispering into his skin, holding his hand with both his own* I love you... *straightens up, pale and trembling, returning the Healers grim nod as he looks around* Is... Is he going to be alright?
Healer: He'll be fine. Thank you. Some head trauma and heavy blood loss, but he made it worse by fighting us. *sighs* Now instead of four or five hours, we'll be lucky if he's out by tomorrow. He took a nasty hex to the head and was splashed with a Confusion potion, which he absorbed through the skin. Frankly, I'm surprised he came out of it even for a moment. *eyes Draco speculatively* That must be a very strong bond you two have. *checks Harry's chart as the other Healers continue casting over Harry* *dismissive* His partner will be fine, too; under a medical coma as we repair some internal damage. His wife should be back soon; she can answer any questions. You're welcome to wait by Mister Potter's bedside if you wish.
Draco, getting to his feet, holding Harry's hand for support as his legs threaten to give away: *shakes his head weakly, eyes fixed on Harry's face, pale and scarred, lips slightly parted, breath rattling out wetly* I-- I can't. *kisses Harry's bloody knuckles before gently placing Harry’s hand back on hiss stomach* I can't. *turns away without a last glance, brushing the back of his hand over his cheeks* I'm sorry, I need to go now. *halts, turning back to the openly staring Healer* Can you-- Please would you ask Mrs. Weasley to owl me...? With details about the Head Auror's recovery? Th-thank you. *sweeps out, eyes fixed firmly in front of him* *gulps in huge pulls of air as he strides down the corridor back towards the double doors* *under his breath, frantic and helpless* He'll be fine, he's going to be fine, he's alive, he'll be fine--
 ~St. Mungo's, Observation Ward, 4am~ Harry, waking up with a start: Draco? *looks around wildly, voice louder* Draco? Hermione, hurrying over to his side: Shh, Harry. People are sleeping. *smooths his wild black fringe away from his forehead, inspecting his head wound with a critical eye* *softly* Draco's not here. Harry, confused: But I talked to him! ...Didn't I? When's he coming back? Oh, fuck, is Ron okay?  Ron! Hermione, shushing him again as Ron stirs: *rolls her eyes with a sigh* He's fine, too…
Ron, leaning up on one elbow: *croakily* Mate, you're shit at Shields sometimes, and for fuck's sake stop intercepting every curse flying at me, I earned my badge with good merit-- *collapses onto his back with a groan* And just FYI, you fucked up so bad with Malfoy, you need another hex to the head--
Harry, glaring at him: *exasperated* I did not! He was here! *to Hermione* Where'd he go? Hermione, biting her lip: *exchanges a look with Ron* He left, Harry.  He... He did come by, and he asked me for updates, but... He couldn't stay. *quietly* I think it was too hard on him. *suddenly vehement* Which I understand. You two, you don't know what it's like to be the one left home, worrying day and and out. At least when we were teenagers, I was with you. I could see you were okay. *fiercely, to Harry* You've been in St. Mungo's thirteen times in the last year. Six of those in the last two months! I don't blame Draco for needing to get away from that! Ron's only been in twice, and both times I've been frightened out of my mind! *sits down suddenly, huffing out a loud breath* Harry, taken aback: I... I don't blame Draco. He and I were... It wasn't just the job, Hermione. I mean, it was, but-- *swallow hard* He's not coming back?
Ron: Should he? You don’t bloody show any concern for your own well-being lately. Auror 101, mate, you don't just tackle someone after you've lost your wand, you fall back and work at retrieving your wand or find another-- *turning his head with a frown* 'Mione? I'm sorry, I'll never land up here again if I can help it, okay? I love you. And Rosie. And you.
Harry, rubbing his face with his palm: I know. Okay?  But Hermione has never demanded you give up something you love so she won't have to worry. She complains and she scolds but she's fucking there! *shakes his head * Hermione, biting her lip: But I want to. All the time. Only... Harry, Ron and I have been through all of it together--with you. During the war, Draco... Well, he doesn't understand it in the same way. Right?  Just because you caught glimpses of him doesn't mean he had the same advantage. It's like... A void of fear, for him. There's nothing but the worst-case scenario to fill in the gaps. *takes his hand; squeezes it*
Ron, sighing: Look, mate... I know you both have been together-- what, nearly two years? That's-- yeah, that's a good while but he doesn't really know the kind of shit you're capable of pulling. *turns onto his side with a grimace, waving away Hermione as he half rises to come help him* This is what I do when I feel like Hermione's fretting unnecessarily - I imagine her in my place. Exactly my place; where I stood, surrounded by three fallen Aurors and my best friend whose head was split open, while I could feel my insides start to rupture. I put her in that situation and-- *raises a shaking hand to rub at his face* Mate, I nearly pissed myself imagining it. Because-- no, just no, I can't ever let her be in that kind of scenario, leave alone on a regular basis. *sighs again, continuing haltingly* I-- I was thinking I'd maybe quit, you know? Go help George with the shop. Have another baby with my wife. Take a step back from all the action-- *smiles ruefully at Hermione and Harry's stunned expressions* We've had nothing but action since we were eleven. I have to say it's starting to wear me down a little now.
Harry: *abrupt* Right, then. *shoves off his blankets, and grabs his glasses, slipping them on* *stands, wobbling a little, as he finds his wand and Summons his clothing* *begins dressing rapidly* Hermione: Harry, what are you doing? the Healers will be on rounds in an hour or so-- Just-- Harry, wait, where are you going? Harry, walking away, with only a small limp: *throws over his shoulder* Ask Ron. He gets it. *determinedly exits the ward*
Ron, turning onto his back with a satisfied, slightly smug smirk: Prat. *at Hermione's bewildered look* He's going to get Malfoy, of course. And I'm willing to bet my left nut that they're going to be going at it like gnomes in about seven minutes. *takes Hermione's hand and kisses it* I hope I'm right because we'll need both my nuts soon. I saw your face when I talked about that baby, Mrs. Granger-Weasley. *grins, kissing her hand again, eyes soft and adoring*
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