#gettin into that deep lore
dataportdoll · 10 months
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loafthecat · 2 months
I would humbly like to apologise to tumblr for the fact my lazy ^ss doesn’t give you thsc oc lore-
Like- I swear to god the shi- i cook in DMs- (mostly Leaky’s DMs) is SOMETHING ALL RIGHT-
But I just- I too unmotivated to art- and I feel like ramble posts aren’t as engaging so like-
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
Orsinio: there was the time, during the discordance studies and chess games with Miles, in which he had a mental break and spent some time in the Royal Beth. Nightmares, like, 15. Couldn't tell up from down, couldn't even remember his name. Paranoid, haunted by guilt for perceived failures, still shaking off the temptations of the North. He was alone for a few days, but the incident coincided with Lucretia's arrival in the Neath, so her introduction to this place was taking care of her brother in-law in That Hotel. He had her to remember his past. Samuel and Lucy showed up later once they learned what was going on to remind him of his present. It was up to him alone to unlock the door to realize he had a future.
(Need to post that old fic soon, hmm)
⚫️ Black- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most in control and secure? Was it gained through negative or positive means?
Fittingly, the prompt was Black. For Orsinio, it was the moment of not mastering the Discordance. The process of breaking the seals was him finally going through the grief process from Nemesis. Whittling down all his defenses, all his layers and insecurities, to the pain at his core: Why? He doesn't get an answer, and he understands. The universe doesn't need to be so callous like it was to him. He's in control of his own path and doesn't have to be anyone's pawn. He can be a player. He has power. Holding his brother's pocket watch, he dreams of clocks.
The process of reaching healing was not positive (he froze to death a couple times and had a mental break), but there's nothing negative about Orsinio finally having a sense of stability after two years. The only way out of hell is through.
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if there is one thing about me it is that i have a commitment to a serial killer, her normal ass husband, and her goth son
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Between discovering the American Girl collab with Harry Potter, and the entire series playing nonstop on cable around Christmas at my grandparents’ house, I’m really in the HP mood all of a sudden.
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bcolfanfic · 4 months
saw your tag about you giving helen Lore in young veterans au and what you've done with her so far has made me so /wipes tears/ i'd love more if you have more you want to share! her and jean being besties is so cute, was the FB group they met in a military thing?
helen my love <3 more below the pics (hi nash)
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yeah the fb group her and jean met through was in my mind some sort of spouses/families group for the guy's unit. they were both young wives with lil babies so they started messaging and got tight pretty fast. jean called the group cursed in the social media au bc there was always drama, notttt from them though. helen and jeanie are good girls <3 mostly <3
but winding it back, helen grew up in west virginia in the same little area that nash did and that's how they met.
grew up catholic but her family went to a charismatic catholic church so. catholic and deep south charismatic protestant mashed together. super healthy combo of things for a young girl to grow up in (: obviously (:
met nash in high school and he was kinda her saving grace when her home life was rough/her parents were really goin' a little crazy. nash would go stand outside her window at night and cheer her on crawling out and being soooo brave jumping the like. two feet down to come see him.
then they'd go run off in the woods by her house and (: talk (:
literally. he was a good little catholic boy too. at /most/ before they got married they got a little hot and heavy making out fully clothed.
which good little nash went to confession over. tells that story to the guys in bagram once when they're shooting the shit about religion (in the vein of "i told my priest i needed to repent over busting in my pants") and they laugh so hard they're in tears lmfao.
her parents liked nash though. well, his nice catholic parents more than him but. good enough.
his folks weren't as crazy as hers and adored helen/were happy to have her hanging out at their place instead of going home.
got married the second helen graduated high school (nash graduated two years before her) and she got pregnant with baby wyatt on their wedding night. bc of course.
he already started to process to enlist before they got married so talk about timing w/ her being pregnant. but he gets through basic and tech school before the baby comes.
is in florida doing some sort of training thing under rosie w/ the guys in that crew when she's gettin' reallll close to giving birth. but rosie likes him, and likes helen so he pulls some strings so that nash can get his butt back to west virginia in time.
that baby is his whole world <3 best day of his life. best day of helen's life. if it's a smidge because it's the happiest her parents have ever seemed with her then that's something to unpack later but.
she loves nash, loves their baby boy, life is good.
he ends up bringing her and the bby down to florida so he can be with him while he's still stationed at the base down there which is for quite a bit. the distance from her folks does her some good too.
then that crew of guys gets their orders to deploy to bagram (((:
wyatt is about eight months old. they see him off from florida and then move back up to west virginia to be closer to family while he's gone.
except seeing him off in florida is the last time her and baby wyatt will ever (outside of a screen, they do video call a bit before It Happens) see him again.
this is getting long so i’ll call this past one and end it here but i can do more parts if ppl are interested (: <3
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eraserisms · 2 months
Send 🌺 and i'll recommend a blog i've followed forever
@itsumoegao sent in a pretty flower from this garden!
I actually have like...4 blogs that I have to recommend actually. I couldn't just do one or wait for someone to send me a flower 3 more times; so you're gettin' all of 'em. I have known all of them for quite some time now, even if I stepped away from the RPC for a long time. When I came back to write again (Shota), they were still here and I was very glad to see that. I met them when I was writing Alastor Moody from HP like, 3 years ago. @dhampiravidi who writes amazing OCs and puts so much thought into the characters that she writes. They're always sending in amazing asks and questions that I haven't even thought about. It actually has really helped me develop Mr. Aizawa even further.
@wiccawcnder is another person that I've known for a long time, and I was so excited that they decided to come back to the RPC around the same time that I did! I'm also very glad that she is back from her vacation and that we get to party and write together again.
@proditeur Also a person who I've known forever! G. has done such a phenomenal job of world building for her OC and Reg is a doll. A shithead but we love him for it. But as far as the world building goes; the lore is deep here lads, and I think has an insane amount of thought put into it. Like y'all, I could never build something like that from the ground up. Good shit.
@faultyconscience / @radiaking is the first person to follow me on my new blog/eraserisms. I actually have been really happy to see her get so deep into playing Coop! Dani is very passionate about him and I love to see it. It's clear to me how much she loves him and even when I don't know exactly what she's posting about; I agree 😂. I can't wait to actually finish Fallout so I can develop a verse for ShoSho. I'm currently waiting on a friend to watch it together and I'm sure it'll be fun to explore.
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kassycreations · 1 year
Whenever Lloyd plays a make believe game, it gets deep. The entirety of Darkley’s can testify on this.
At Darkley’s, having the son of Lord Garmadon or anyone in his friend group walk up to ask you want to play pretend is like a blessing from the FSM. You are being accepted into the unholy lore that this child has managed to create and it is glorious.
The plot started out with Lloyd wanting to be king and have Brad as his co-king. Gene was the royal advisor and Sally was basically whatever. All was going well until Gene decided he wanted to be king so he attempted to assassinate Lloyd but ended up gettin Brad instead. Gene now is on the run with Sally hunting him down and Lloyd mourning the loss of his co-king. Once Gene gets caught he is sentenced to death by decapitation and Sally was the executioner. With the loss of his co-king, Lloyd grew into a corrupt ruler and searched for ways to bring back his co-king. And that was just the beginning.
Lloyd will tell these stories to the Ninja and they were always interested. They were slightly tempted to drop him back at Darkley’s so the story can continue.
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love-toxin · 2 months
Share some of your recs! I need some new crushes!
MEOW!!! ok!! tbh most of my top ones u probably already heard of or seen b4 LOL but first is probably the first Scream (1996) !! (also this list is in no particular order LMAO)
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- based. classic. matthew lillard <33 all the goodies!! one of the first horrors i ever watched under my parent's noses LOL. 14 year old me was bisexually smitten <3
- og tcm, tcm the beginning, and leatherface! i also actually liked the 2022 version even if it wasn't particularly spectacular compared to the others--brain empty leatherface hot <33 (also there's some dilf eye candy u might enjoy hehe)
- friday the 13th 1 & 2! the og is soooo close to my heart i love. him <3
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- carrie & jennifer's body......lesbians u know what's up.....i love weird <3 off-putting <3 unhinged <3 rage-fueled <3 demonic women <33
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- the boy (2016)...................brahmsie.........he got me by the throat 💀💀 unfortunately i am not immune to huge dong-itis
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- fear street! the whole trilogy is great (lotsa cuties <3 its got maya hawke!) but the 2nd installment (1978) is my favourite!! summer camp + interesting lore + continuity + axe-wielding maniac ahhhh! also im workin on the part 2 for my tommy slater fic 4 those who liked it hehe
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- the ritual (2018) and prey (2021) are two non-slasher horrors i rlly like too! the ritual was based on a book i rlly enjoyed & its about 4 friends who go on a hiking trip in sweden n get lost n hunted by an eldritch deity--very cool if u like psych thrillers! prey's a german film (it's a little slow at times but i liked it!) so long as u don't mind subtitles its pretty good! same vein as the ritual, friends in the woods gettin lost & hunted n its got lotsa blood. i found it pretty creepy at times & the plot twists were cool imo! would you rather (2012) is another non-slasher i liked that's more death game media but i haven't watched it in a longass time so i can't speak on how good it holds up LOL
- most likely to die (2015). now. hear me out. i don't think a single person ive recced this movie to irl has unironically enjoyed it & not made fun of me for liking it but it has a special place in my heart........listen. it's dumb. but it has a psycho in it that i kinda love & i actually RLLY like the design of the graduate. so! if u have nothing better to do then give it a watch ehe </3
- for korean movie enjoyers: #alive, zombie movie so not rlly horror but the protagonist is a cutie & i got properly spooked in a few places! train to busan in the same vein, zombie movie + dilf protagonist + unending horrors <3 which brings me to not a movie but a netflix series: the silent sea! properly spooky dystopian space scifi that most certainly gave me the willies!! reccing it also cause....hehe....dilf
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anyways! those r just off the top of my head so there's probably lots more im not thinkin of, & i got lots to watch now thanx to the recs so im gonna be goin on more deep dives <33 muahahaha!
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
*Sets this down like a plate of sugar water and you are a nest of thirsty bees. Runs away.*
Sunshine graced the skin of the unholy.
Rush watched as the sun grace the marble blue sky. A gift rarely seen except for small glimpses from hotel windows. Never on this grand scale.
Rush took it all for granted as it sipped away the citrusy yellow goodness that it’s partner called ‘lemonade.’ It watched clouds seemingly fluffy as its wool drift on by.
Its partner, Ambush was close by. It had been watching a deer carcass it torn to shreds just an hour prior roast over an open flame.
“Hey big guy?”
“Ehh..Stuff’s gettin cold right?”
“Yea sorta- why do ya think it does that?”
“I dunno.”
Ambush floated over before resting its body on its partner’s, taking care to approach on its non-injured side as not to disturb it while Rush scooted a little and allowed it’s partner to nest into into its fog.
The two watched the clouds drift on by mindlessly.
Ambush snuck a sip of Rush’s lemonade. Something of which Rush quickly took notice of.
“Hey! That’s my drink!”
Ambush’s jaw creased a little bit into a ‘smile.’
“What are you talking about I didn’t steal no dr-“
Rush bonked it lightly on the head with a large hand.
“No stealin.”
“Eaugh...did you have to wack me though..?” It laid its head back down on Rush’s shoulder.
“Ya lied to to me to..”
“Yea, but your lemonade was delicious.”
“And mine.”
Ambush grumbled before setting its head back into Rush’s fur while Rush sipped on the now Ambush-tainted lemonade. Slightly more eager to drink it now that its been contested over.
Ambush stayed there for awhile like that. Resting and occasionally stirring there in Rush’s soft fog.
“How much longer until whatever your makin is ready?”
“Two more hours.”
“Alright just makin sure so you don’t fall asleep and burn ya food.”
“Mmmmh..” Ambush pressed its cheek on its partner’s shoulder.
Rush fluffed up a little. “Ah shit, does that hurt you babe..?”
“Tch...nah..” Rush’s hand instinctively made its way to its scar. Which, Ambush reached for as well. But much more gently.
“Ambush..” It murmured.
“Can I..?”
Ambush traced Rush’s scarred face and followed the scar’s path down its chest. Rush mutually did the same. Running its hand down through Ambush’s ratty fur.
“Your..your so soft..”
“Not as much as you Blushy..”
Rush wrapped a hand around Ambush’s waist which elicited a excited ‘kzzzt!’ out of the other as it pulled it close.
Ambush snuggled even closer to Rush. “Ya know.. I’m goin to the abandoned town tomorrow..maybe I can find somethin we can rip apart..”
“Mmm.. maybe we can find somethin interestin to do around here..this hotel is so damn quiet nowadays.”
“Yea, I’ve practically read the entire library..even eh..some of Figure’s old stuff..it’s eh..a pretty good writer..” It looked a tiny bit sad.
“Seek’s actually found Figure apparently. It told me it’s in pretty bad shape..”
“Oh shit really?”
“Yea, apparently Screech found it in a cave just lying..there..”
Ambush shrank into Rush’s fluffy chest even more. “Is it eh..is it okay right now..?” It said meekly.
“..Maybe we can go and see?” Rush said comfortingly. Brushing another hand down Ambush’s cheek that immediately got another purr out of it.
“That would be nice..” Ambush nestled knee deep in Rush’s fur. “I’m just glad itsomfkay....”
“Eheheheh..” Rush smiled took another sip of its lemonade. Continuing to watch the clouds roll on by.
Ambush peeked its head out.
“By the way big guy..I..eh..I found found your quilts! It’s so coolmfjkppphhh..!”
“Shshshsgshshhsh..nobody must know..” Rush pushed Ambush back into its fur and took another large sip.
I had to cut it short again. Darn it I ran out of idea juice
Don’t have much lore for these two yeeeet….
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nvrcmplt · 5 months
🌟 im not sure we have interacted but ... give me krasimir and tyler
Tyler and Krasimir :: for my first time reader, i want you to know i've been after this man in my loins for around the time aven created krasimir, i was involved, i wanted that man as my wife. cue me chippin' away at krasimir's character, learning things, understandin' how he got his wall and the audacity of my homoerotic heart needed him on a daily basis. Obsession, maybe, it was split between a dude named Zeke that'd kill any muse i sent, but krasimir had a bit, he had snark and that --- pulled tyler from me.
Tyler and Krasimir have completely different origin stories, first and foremost, listen to me when I say - I DIDN'T KNOW IT'LL HAPPEN THIS WAY. What you see happening on the dash these days is honest to god something me and aven didn't pre-plan or aim for or even like LINK in the way we have. These two muses, MADE IT THEMSELVES, and me and aven just let it flow.
The main gist, Krasimir's old as dirt and Tyler is a witch that's just living his life being successful and a dudebro. Hot af, the duo are, tyler's a wild guy, fucks around, parties at 5am and lives life in a dilly dally of fun and being himself. krasimir's a fckin' judge of the state, he's got an iron thumb over his court. hot af. how the fuck did these two meet? banter. sheer banter. i swear to the lord, it was banter in the form of an ask and boom - the string was connected ever since.
These two have a rich history that's growing and it's in the works at the moment and I ain't gunna jinx that with whatever, what i will say though is that [ it's so fuckin' natural rn that i don't think I can see tyler going after someone as smoothly like this ] in the sense it makes sense, not only in his lore, origin or creation but as he grows in the future too. These two are so insanely in sync and [ made for each other ] without at all being made for each other. It don't make any form of sense but i'm in the heavens about it screeching about their love and agony-angst of krasimir's heart slowly opening up and tyler's heart focusin' on his man's sufferin' rn.
these two are just amazing imo cause it's the classic wildcard lover with the strict rich lover but with the twist of ancient blood lines, magic and ancestor rings triggerin' events in the storyline of their lives. it's 10/10, i do recommend. tyler and krasimir are just that couple. they make each other better in the small ways but don't at all wanna show it too much cause that's gay and lovey-dovey but tyler's more prone to actually show it compared to krasimir that expects it to be noticed. tyler's too dumb for that, he's on the era where you gotta tell him things or it'll go unnoticed. krasimir's learning that he has to be a little layman term with tyler or the witch ain't gettin' shite.
which can be vexxin' but we all know deep down krasimir likes seein' his prize, tyler, bein' a bashful embarrassed nerd.
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penumbramewtwos · 1 year
What happened to Unova after her child was taken from her wound? Did her captors release her? Did she escape? Was she rescued? What happened for Unova to believe that her baby had died?
We're gettin' very deep into Pre-fanfic lore here now @violetjazz25!
I'm going to try and answer these as short & sweet as I possibly can, as well as being vague to not give much away. There are so many elements that happened within all those moments, before, during, and after Unova was captured.
Q: What happened to Unova after her child was taken from the womb?
A: She was moved back to the forest where she was originally captured from. She wasn't completely stitched back up, and it was believed by her captors that she would not survive. (Her captures knew she wouldn't be of any use to them, even if they caught her in a pokeball, she would resist to help them with any plans they had) Her C-section scar slowly healed from her body subconsciously using recover, and the forest pokemon healing her with all their strength. Which is why her C-section scar is more red, than a regular coloured scar.
Q: What happened for Unova to believe that her baby had died?
A: Once Okita was extracted from Unova, she was taken back to the Aunura region where she would be fused with her later, human self. This region is vastly distant from other regions being on the other side of the planet, as well as that, the human baby's genes masked Okita's aura. Grannewt searched far and wide, even into other northern hemisphere regions, but obviously to no avail. She assumed her baby was used and discarded.
Apologies for the heavy topics, and ty for the ask! also, I'm glad another person uses the name Unova for her, as well as just her nickname, Grannewt :>
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cappurrccino · 1 year
race & class for the player asks and then heart for nyalori
Race: What's your favorite race to play? Is there a race you default to or play more often?
Ooo, y'know I actually don't think I have a favorite necessarily? I really enjoy playing the "weirder" races, bc things like a centaur or a fire elemental or a warforged or a real weird sea elf feel like they innately have a lot more flexibility for playing around with motivations or backstories, BUT you can also do that with every race, so usually my choice comes down to what feels best for the character I'm trying to build As for a most played, I think (at least in terms of 5e) it's tiefling? And only because I've played two of them
Class: What's your favorite class to play? What's your favorite character build you've ever played?
Favorite in terms of just going wild is probably fighter (tho barbarian is also extremely good). Just being able to "no thoughts, head empty, 5 attacks" is really a delight Favorite in terms of gettin' REAL silly with it is probably bard, and specifically Alexa. I love the spells and subclasses bards get and I really loved playing Alexa and getting clever with her spells and attacks and that one bard feature that let me be really annoying and cast command every round for free.
Heart: What drives your character? Do they have a theme, question, mission, etc. that they're holding onto? How did you pick it for them?
Nyalori's primary driver is curiosity of a very... disney princess variety, which wasn't necessarily my intention when I thought her up, but is really fitting for who she ended up being. She just wants to know what else is out there in the world, especially now that she's got encouragement and spells from deep sashelas! Plus, it brings a fun sort of discordant vibe clash when compared to the vibes of her home, bc it is so NOT a disney princess setting and was thought up when I was eyeballs deep into cthulhu mythos lore because I had recently finished Shadow Over Innsmouth and my two main thoughts were "sea elf tempest cleric could be a fun thematic combo" and "heehoo hostile fishfolk" She does now have a secondary question of "why the fuck does no one know my home exists" which I'm sure will be fun for her to discover answers about :)
[ send me a DND ask! ]
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dollivication · 24 days
im so glad the jenova propaganda is working im soso normal about her (literally made a prop of her head for cosplay reasons)
anyways all the lore around her is sadly very nebulous, all we know is that she's an alien parasite(?) that arrived on a meteor and wiped out a whole civilization. the way the planet works in FFVII is that instead of like. magma or whatever theres lifestream in the earth and its made up of the souls of everything, and keeps the planet and stuff on it alive. jenova wants to eat this really bad and has presumably done the same to other planets.
anyways if you put jenova cells in someone, and then put lifestream goop in them, you get a super soldier! thats how sephiroth happened, and because hojo is a little freak with the way he took notes, he thinks jenova is his mother. burned down a whole town when he found out just to go say hi to mommy dearest. which. combo of mental break and jenova mind control means he kinda had no say in the thing.
this is getting long ,,, anyways big main takeaway is that jenova WILL make you think shes your mother and also if you have her (its???) cells in you, youre gettin mind controlled. give me some time to cook a cannibalism response bc good LORD idk how I can even add on to your thoughts. very yummy concept but where there is a will there is a way!! -☢️
awww… she’s just Hungry.! a little batshit crazy too but that’s fine🩷🩷 …. just realized how terrifying the actual concept is but it’s honestly pretty interesting and badass….. getting mommy issues from an alien is pretty deep Rip sephiroth lmao HELPEMMGBN i need to learn more ff7 lore so badly vroooo I WONT HER!!!!!shes already gotten to me i fear (◞‸◟)
EAGERLY AWAITING TO HEAR UR THOUGHTS ON VERGIL CANNIBALISM!! i laik to think we’re having the cutest little tea party ever whilst discussing the most grotesque fucking topics ever….. it’s so sillay :3 <33
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themostsanebug · 1 month
here's some things it may contain.
potential gore (if we go for the death route which is unlikely if anything)
potential deep trauma (a bit MORE likely but not likely enough to matter)
it is ensured that the goal is to make fly (in universe character) to dislike or fear Steven.
it is insured that at minimum SOME harm will come to fly.
fly will not be killed.
fly will come out of this will some form of scarring.
we would like to ask if you are fine with the possibility of gore, your character being given major injury's if you are willing to let us, and or if you are fine with your character having potential permanent scarring and or the possibility of some form of crippling or permanent limp loss, if you don't want any of these things to happen PLEASE TELL @ask-the-new-location BECAUSE THEY HAVE DIRECT CONTACT TO US!
(we were stupid and accidentally didn't use anon on a ask to his account so we chose to just say "screw it" and asked him to help with things like this since its just easier that way)
×-*Guilt gang*-×
ohhhh!!!! alright!!!!! yeah im fine with him gettin some scrapes n stuff!!!! the gore is a-okay with me jus know it isssss.... very unlikely that he remains afraid of steven!!!! since due to his lore he knows of mimic anon/erith(? i think that was their name my apologies if not!!!!) capabilities and stuff!!!!!! but yeah all that sounds fine with me!!!!! jus no perma kill you are allowed to traumatize my little bug guy though :3
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luwupercal · 1 year
hello im doin GM work today so please enjoy a wip dump. just a random assortment of art and writing, in case i dont end up finishing some of these. perhaps a general smorgasbord of stuff you might see on this blog in the coming times idk
ft ferrus, furries, & some AUs (liyan + next of kin + primarch errant)
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& some notes on these
that's a tasmanian devil and also a primarch. it was supposed to be poll propaganda but i fell asleep lmao
i hate the brush i started this with at the moment so it's slow going but i'm in too deep to change brushes. but! i promised this art so it's happening
i traced ahrimans helmet sorry. i can't draw that
Liyan my baby son... well guilliman's technically lol. i've been thinking about him again lately <3 ive posted this wip before actually so idk if ill finish finish it, we'll see
a peek into my obsidian writing vault! ft. tnok au. the multiple hearts emoji indicates that specific drabble is unfinished. as u can see i jumped the gun a little and scribbled a drabble way later down the posting pipeline lmaoooo. & now that i'm free from that creative deadline i was under for half of april i'm also working finally on that primarch errant lore dump thing/cringe compilation!
a wip crop from "Grapple" - the sun used to set at 8pm when i wrote that line and now it's setting at 6 so you can imagine how it's going
a wip crop from "Whisper" - y'see, magnus has a really colorful wardrobe <3
a wip crop from "Berate" - guess who lorgar's talking to by going through the list of potential candidates and picking one of the three most concerning people lorgar could be talking to atm!
all of these wips are like. everything about them might change so dont take them as final stuff lololol, we'll see how they go. but ya i was extremely busy for 2 weeks bc i had a big timed project and now that it's done i'm gettin back into the swing of things!
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