#getting the third degree because I helped up a client
avvocarlo · 4 months
holy shit I hate the rules and politics within the community services industry
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halfthebrain · 7 days
I don’t get this hate for Mike while he was an investment banker and fighting Harvey lmao. It was frankly really good TV.
TLDR: The stakes were much higher for Mike and he utilised every trick Harvey has taught him. He’s not the only one to blame just because some viewers can’t understand his motives. Harvey knew though and he forgave Mike, took him back, and even regretted fighting Mike in the first place.
First: obviously Mike would be more invested (pun intended) in winning than Harvey is. It was his first big case and his livelihood was on the line. In case anyone forgot, he never went to uni, he doesn’t have any degree. So this was his chance to get out of committing a felony every day. Sure, he still lied to Sidwell about his credentials but that’s still a lesser crime than pretending to be a lawyer. He left so he wouldn’t put the people he loved at risk.
For Harvey it was just another run of the mill client, a spoiled, entitled rich man child. Was there a lot of money on the table? Obviously. But those are the waters he swims in daily. Billion dollar deals as he said himself. Case in point: he also just drops Logan afterwards. Money be damned.
And Harvey knows this himself. He loves winning, yes, but he loves Mike more.
I actually blame Harvey for being a stubborn asshole and not going with Mike’s plan from the get go, not trusting Mike’s idea and plan, even tho he has consistently profited from them. But, again, this is TV drama so obviously they needed a reason to start a fight.
Second: have we not been watching the same show? It has always been personal to Mike. That’s his whole schtick. He cares. About absolutely, probably everything. He cares about why Walter Gillis started the company (because of his son). He cares about keeping that reason alive. He cares about keeping the workers employed. He empathises deeply, he tries to fight for what he thinks is the right thing. Does that make him a stuck up idealist at times? Yes, but that’s unavoidable. It was never just about winning for Mike, for Harvey it was. If you’re going to hate him for that then at least be a hater from the start.
He was still trying to keep Gillis Industries alive even though Harvey has smeared his name (personal attack) and Walter Gillis has shunned him because of that.
Third: it was all “fair game” despite whatever drama Donna procured in her head about the tapes to insert herself in Mike and Harvey’s fight. She can huff anf puff all she wants but the only person who has a reason to be pissed at Mike would be Harvey. And guess what? He forgave Mike anyway because he realises that Mike did a great job going for the jugular just as Harvey has taught him. He even defended Mike in front of Sidwell, asking him to take Mike back. They didn’t even go toe to toe. Harvey was backed by his entire firm (he’s a name partner), he even let Louis help (he fucked it up), Donna as usual, and lastly, Rachel who was “handling” Logan. Meanwhile Mike was fighting alone. Jonathan Sidwell only pressured him to win, Walter Gillis gave up on him and Amy could only help so much.
Just because Mike is on the other side now using the same methods Harvey taught him doesn’t mean that he’s the “bad guy”. Like I have said many times; they’re both the worst and deserve each other.
Bonus: while all of that was going on Rachel also thought it would be a wonderful idea to keep going back to Logan’s place and then to almost fuck him :).
Are you really, honestly hating on Mike right now?
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d4rkpluto · 7 days
ꜰᴇᴇᴅʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ
[£30 chart reading sale going on]
hai hai d4rkpluto !!
ill just jump right into the feedback:
Thank you much for the reading! As someone interested in astrology, this was a fulfilling experience :] When I read about the Aries third house and reflecting on my childhood experiences with my relatives; it was lively and fun, but the "you might’ve considered much of them to be annoying" made me laugh because we called each other annoying all the time (unseriously). I'm surprised with how spot-on a majority of the reading was; I live in a village in Alaska so I'm guessing there could be some cultural differences that might've hindered some part of it, but I don't think that was much of an issue this time.
I like how d4rkpluto goes into the experiences for each of the houses, and the planets and aspects involved (and the degrees too!). And the visuals !! The fonts, the symbols, the ART !! MY EYEBALLS WERE EATING THOSE STUFFS UP !! and I can't forget that I got to have my own astrology-house music playlist after this- curated by the one and only d4rkpluto herself !! AHem. These things (ah, and the "made-with-love" feeling) cooked up such a wonderful treat for me! I'm really honored to have been a client of d4rkpluto.
I also asked for the Nerfertiti asteroid to be included in the reading on a whim, but I'm so glad I did because it was shocking how much it aligned my tastes haha. (I still have a lot I want to reflect on, but I feel like this helped speed up the process.)
There was also insight provided on the types of pitfalls certain placements had and I really appreciated those additions! (As a Nept. conj Asc person + Pisces Mercury,) I feel like it's easy to immerse myself in all types of realities (namely society's and other peoples, but I can be in my head a lot too), and it can get stressful and confusing wondering which is the "real reality.' Although it's valid for each individual to have their own views, and all hold truth in some way or another, it's particularly crucial for me to have reminders to experience reality through my own lens. And this reading was a good reminder :]
So! d4rkpluto, you're an amazing astrology reader, and thank you again !! Sending so much love, best wishes, and take care!!
Off to embody myself the best I can with renewed energy,
[£30 chart reading sale going on]
paid chart reading ⟶ natal chart reading + degrees + asteroid nefertiti
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
WIP: Eldritch Tech Support Chapter 1: Helping a Spider Aspect
[Author's Note: this is the first chapter of a long, multi-chapter story that is likely going to be longer than all the other eldritch tech support stories combined, probably north of 20,000 words. As of writing, I'm just under 8,000 words and I haven't even hit the main plot yet. This is also being written in third person because it feels very necessary for story and scenes, I do plan on redoing some select parts in the traditional second person to see how it flows. Please enjoy and thank you to everyone who has read and supported me so far!]
Tech support is hard, this is a known fact, not a secret.
To be good at tech support you really need to have intelligence, charisma, and lots of faith.
Luckily Aeth knew that they had intelligence, well as much as they could know that about themself. They knew how to code and use some of the languages of computers, including the notoriously complex and silly C++- (C Plus Plus Minus). They had a degree from a local university attesting to that effect. Intelligence also governs knowing how computers interact with each other, and how the hardware within a computer interacts with the computer as a whole.
They're also fairly certain they have charisma. At least that's what their best friend Lyta keeps telling them.
"You have such an easy charisma about you. You're nice, easy to talk to. It's why I like you so much," she says at least once a week.
Charisma for tech support is a must because people can be weirdly cagey with their personal electronics, and they often refuse to tell the whole story from some combination of shame, self interest, and ignorance. The people themselves are a puzzle that require trust to solve and get them to reveal what insane, stupid, nonsensical things that they did to the whole system to get it to function this way.
However, the most crucial skill to have in tech support is faith.
Faith is key to figuring out exactly what the hell is going on and why the client believes that this whole thing is working, and why the working thing suddenly stopped working. Why the things that should work, do work.
They all have to be something of a priest with no god. They become a priest with every job, a priest that believes in this specific code, a priest of servers and computers and cold dead things imbued with the power of lightning and math.
Every job is a little bit different, a little bit stranger than the one before it. Every role of a priest ever so slightly different.
And Aeth has been accused of having too much faith at times. Faith that has to go somewhere, so it goes into the job.
Aeth was out in the field today. Luckily their rotation was pretty easy, they had two days out in the field, two days in the call center. Not that bad, all things considered. This was their last day before their thankfully long weekend which couldn't come soon enough.
It had been a busy day, crisscrossing their district in the northeast of the city, bouncing between several different tech support calls. Mostly internet related things, lots of outages and router trouble, at least one person was having their router haunted by his mother-in-law.
If they were lucky they'd only have two more calls to do before they called it a day and finally went home.
But that's the thing about their luck, it was always bad.
The penultimate job was for an underearth spider aspect god. They couldn't remember the exact religious denomination they belonged to, but it mattered little.
It is the nature of priests and tech support personnel to be superstitious.
They changed in the work van before heading to the third floor walk up the spider aspect lived in.
The rules for spider aspects were to wear colors, but not super bright, anything that attracted too much attention was either predator or prey. A nice pastel blue to signify that they weren't aggressive but also that they weren't something to be consumed.
There were plenty of rules and restrictions on the entities that lived in the city, and they knew that their job would never willingly send a tech support person into the lair of a giant person-eating spider, but they still had that fear, and that fear fed the superstitions.
Thus they changed in the van and before they went into the den of the spider, they grabbed a small vial of an anise solution, something that was supposed to be abhorrent to all spiders.
It was just in case, they told themselves.
They reached the door and knocked a few times, calling out to announce themselves.
"It's Tech Support," Aeth called out.
A few moments later the door cracked open and out spilled some darkness.
"We called for you," the entity just beyond the door said in a raspy voice with several clicks as they spoke.
"My name is Aeth," they say as they hold up their work ID to verify that they are there to help.
"Come in," the spider aspect said.
The door creaked open, and Aeth stepped beyond it to the apartment. It was dark and dry in there, it smelled faintly of some kind of incense, but they couldn't place exactly what kind. The darkness felt almost like a blanket draped over everything.
"You've had some issues installing some hardware?" they say as the spider god closes the door.
The spider was tall, almost seven feet but that was with all the hunching over and keeping their many limbs tucked in close. If they were to straighten up and spread out they would be almost oppressive. They were dressed simply, with a t-shirt that had a very detailed train on it that said, "My One True Love The A57-19 Commuter".
The spider nods it's great, large head.
"New keyboard, won't work," the spider said as it led Aeth towards the area where the desktop sat. "Requires new drivers, very frustrating." They can't help but notice the awkward way the spider can't quite pronounce the s's in their sentences, and how they have been deliberately avoiding them.
"Should be an easy fix," Aeth said as they sat at the computer and took out their own equipment.
The second they said it, they knew that they shouldn't have.
Fifteen minutes into the job, they knew that things were much much dumber than they should have been.
The new mechanical keyboard need some kind of new driver installed but it wouldn't give any indication into what driver it needed. Aeth spent a decent amount of time looking up the exact make and model of the keyboard on their own equipment, but it seemed that the company that made it flamed out very hard a few months ago.
("Found keyboard preowned, very cheap, in great condition, am on budget," the spider explained.)
The company wasn't the best or the most trustworthy, thus their sudden and total collapse.
As they were very close to locating the problem suddenly a small train that they didn't notice on a track hidden in the darkness of the apartment all but thundered in. The track was elevated near the ceiling, and the small model train was bright and loud in the dark and quiet room. It looked like some kind of Immortal Dancer party train with bright, flashing neon attached to all the train cars.
The entrance came as a shock to Aeth, but it really shouldn't have. They had a look at the computer and saw the icons on the desktop.
The spider aspect had three different train simulation games and they might have peaked and saw that they had logged close to 800 hours on one of them.
They tried to apologize to Aeth for the interruption and the train was on a timer that they had forgotten about, but honestly, whatever brings people joy, even if they are an underearth spider god aspect that would give some humans nightmares.
"I'm not here to judge," Aeth assured them and returned to the problem.
Eventually, they found the fix when they took the keyboard apart and found the little add-on that shouldn't have been there.
After examining it closely, and double checking their work, Aeth turned to the spider. "I think I found the problem. NDIVISION, the company that made this keyboard went out of business a few months back under a lot of customer complaints and bad business practices. They had, apparently, installed a keylogger in their keyboards to nominally track the use of their keyboards and when things needed to be replaced but was a massive security and privacy risk, so the complain exploded essentially so that suing them would be very hard to do. The keylogger is trying to reach a server that doesn't exist anymore."
The spider looked incredibly disheartened. Aeth privately congratulated themself on recognizing the body language of a spider god aspect.
"I can, probably, fix it. But the trick is that this will 100% void any warranty that you got with the keyboard, but since the company that would fulfill the warranty doesn't exist anymore."
"What can be done?"
"I can fix it, if you tell me I can violate the warranty. It might break later down the line, but this will work for all your day-to-day needs."
"Streaming?" The spider looked eager. Aeth had recognized the setup of a new streamer, trying to get their thing off the ground.
"Go ahead."
Aeth nodded and in a few short moments, removed the keylogger, then quickly wrote some code into the driver for the keyboard to bypass the keyboard trying to call the server of a defunct, terrible company.
The whole job took an hour.
Before they left, Aeth left the name of a very good company that made excellent keyboards when the spider was ready to upgrade to something new.
The spider thanked Aeth profusely, and almost didn't let them leave to get to their next job.
It was still early enough to make it to their last job of the day.
Hopefully this one would be much easier than the previous one.
Hopefully Aeth's luck would hold out.
if you like this check out my kofi page where you can read subsequent chapters early and find a bunch of my other stuff
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sentimentalslut · 7 months
Hello! Just a quick question: how did you realise you want to be an attorney (not a law enthusiast or someone interested in pursuing it as a profession, simply a senior in highschool who is a little lost in life)?
hi! first of all — it’s normal to not know what you want to do at your age. your life is gonna take a ton of twists and turns and you’ll look back on this time in the future and be so glad you didn’t have everything figured out.
the short answer is that I realized I actually wanted to be an attorney uh. my third year of law school.
the long answer is this:
i went into college wanting to be a doctor. i was a biology major for the first two years of undergrad. i transferred schools after freshman year. i changed from pre-med to pre-nursing. i failed chemistry three times. my third year of undergrad i changed to a Spanish degree because it was the only thing i had enough credits in to still graduate in four years. i knew i’d probably wind up a teacher, which i wasn’t crazy about, but it was a job, and id be helping people — which was why i wanted to be a doctor in the first place. i took the lsat Junior year at my mothers insistence. “just in case”.
my junior year of college I worked as an assistant manager at a Jamba Juice. it blew — i’d get in at 5 to open the store at 6, then work until my class at noon. on my early morning commute id listen to the news. at the time, the stories about ICE’s family separation policy were just coming out. i was horrified. I wanted to do something.
i took a job as an assistant at an immigration law firm that summer. it was a lot of translation and research at minimum wage. but i got to watch my boss work. and her work was incredible. her clients were incredible. i wanted to be like her. to help people.
i worked my ass off to pull up my grades. i got into law school. i went right after undergrad.
one semester in, i called my father sobbing. i knew it wasn’t right for me. for the first time in my life i felt stupid. there was no way i’d make it through three years of this shit. and even if I somehow managed to graduate, i was going to be a terrible lawyer.
my dad is a doctor. he loves his job. he loves his patients. from what im told, he’s great at what he does.
when I finally managed a coherent sentence, i asked him when he knew that his career was right for him. when he knew he actually wanted to be a doctor. he paused, and then he laughed, and he said, with total sincerity: “my third year of residency.”
for some reason, that made me hang in there. maybe it shouldn’t have. for the first two years of my three year program, I HATED being a lawyer. it was miserable. i hated the people i went to school with, hated the values they had.
i took an internship position the summer after second year at a family law firm, drafting briefs and motions. my third year i worked as a student attorney for the school’s immigration legal aid clinic, representing clients in their deportation proceedings. for the first time, i liked what I was doing. it made sense. it felt right. THAT was when I knew I wanted to be an attorney. when i actually got a chance to do it. not before.
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aces-and-angels · 8 months
say i were to walk into the Park & Davis main office in the middle of a regular day -- what are the ✨vibes✨?
(like,, who's gossiping w who at the water cooler? whos out on their third coffee run of the day? who's asleep at their desk or buried beneath a mile high stack of discovery etc)
BLESS YOUR SOUL~ i love this question sm🖤
i go on and on so the answer will be below the cut lol:
first and foremost- i should set the scene by giving yall some insight on what the office may look like. so-
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the main motifs of the office space have some similarities with mcgraw byrne- floor to cieling glass doors, sleek modern finish
however, park & davis swaps out mcgraw byrne's signature marble with wood paneling- as seen in the photo above- and has greenery incorporated throughout the space. the decision to have a sustainable garden in office is thanks to one of the founding partners, agnes park, who has a history working as an environmental lawyer.
now- onto the ✨vibes✨
you're most likely to find enid either holed up in the firm's library next to a box of discovery and several law textbooks or in her office. her charisma/charm is saved for snapping up potential clients outside the firm. while she's in office, she will only talk to you if it has to do with work.
will's all over the place, jumping between different offices of partners and associates. their role as a secretary isn't exclusive to one person, so they are moving around the most. which a. gets their steps in and b. gives will more chances to stumble on some drama~
they are most likely to be the one lurking around the breakroom a tad longer than necessary if they pick up on something juicy. thanks to their degree in psych- they picked up on how to read body language- so it's very easy for will to figure out if something has happened. enid capitalizes on will's nosiness to keep tabs on her coworkers (as a way to find opportunities to gain more power within the firm)
zahir (my sweet summer child) is still green when it comes to being an associate- you'll find him in a cubicle spending most of the day trying to keep his shit together. having enid as his supervisor is both a blessing and a curse, because while he learns so much- he is terrified of her- so much so that for the first month at the job, he's too nervous to take his lunch break (spends the time catching up on work instead).
when enid finds out (through will bc again she does not talk to you unless she has to/wants something), she smacks zahir (figuratively) upside the head and forces him to take a break. she puts in more effort to make zahir feel at ease by taking him out to lunch during their breaks from time to time (which only semi-works, the fear runs deep lol). but at least now, he doesn't fully meltdown when she tells him to rewrite his briefs.
onto the mothers: agnes and jina. being the founders- they are often out of office dealing with different affairs for the firm- but there is always one of them present at all times (per park & davis' motto- divide et impera aka divide and conquer). on her days off- agnes likes to stop by the office to help tend to the plants integrated around the firm.
most of their interactions with the other members of the firm involve being present for case strategy meetings/hosting moot court
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faithintaiwan · 2 months
july 31 - me and uber (eats) 🤞
There have been many highs on this trip as well as many lows. Today was by far one of the lowest unfortunately.
It began well enough with class time where I finally was able to upload my posts from previous days without them getting deleted. There is one blog post that I tried to publish three times over and each time the photos would get deleted or it would be reverted to an earlier form and I would have to go back and redo it. On the third try it completely disappeared and that’s when I finally admitted defeat. It was a sign from the universe or something that it was simply not meant to be. Additionally, the amount of times that I have tried to upload photos and it has failed have been countless and with the wifi being bad in the past three hotels I have been unable to post my drafts properly. It’s ok though because this morning I was able to somewhat catch up!!
We then had three hours before we had to meet up again and I was determined to go to a bank and convert my US cash to NTD because my mother was complaining about ATMs being expensive. Before this, however, I had to get food so Fanny and I got Uber eats. I ordered a poke bowl with tons of meat and a cranberry drink! They were delicious and one of the few high points of today. I then got myself up to trek to the bank. The internet had told me that Bank of Taiwan had the best conversion rates so I went there only to be handed a form I had to fill out with all my information and it was written in mostly Mandarin. They had me sit down at a desk and wait for an employee to help me. Unfortunately, the employee was stuck with a client who had about seven packets and was taking her high time on each one. As the minutes counted down to when we were supposed to meet up at the hotel I could feel my stress rising. Twenty minutes later and they had only made it through two packets and I was gonna be late so I got my usd back from the banker and went to an ATM. In the end I had to uber back to make it on time and I wasted 10 dollars USD instead of just the 5 I would’ve if I had gone to an ATM. I am never doing that again and I don’t know why they had me filling out forms when they don’t do that at other currency exchanges!!
As I was complaining to Fanny about this before we left I said something along the lines of “at least this is good for my Tumblr blog, there have been many low points lately” and as I said low points my precious turtle broke off its keychain. I was devastated but had no time to mourn as we had to meet everyone. We first watched a bridge slowly turn. It was next to our hotel so that was good at least but it was exceptionally slow.
After we finished watching it I was feeling exceptionally unwell on the party bus despite taking pain medicine. I made it most of the way through our first stop, a Japanese style building, then had to go back to the hotel using another uber!! It was extremely stressful and I was in a lot of pain but I managed to rest and get some much needed laundry done.
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Luckily I am feeling slightly better now. While I was resting everyone else went to the Kaohsiung library and a night market. I was really sad that I was missing out and was craving fried potato balls because I usually get those from there. Guess what I found on Uber eats? Fried sweet potato balls! So for my fourth and final purchase on uber today that’s what I bought and devoured. I was really funding the local Uber economy today…
Academic Reflection
As mentioned earlier, I unfortunately only made it to two activities on our itinerary today but we had our readings!! Our first stop, the Great Harbour Bridge, rotates 180 degrees everyday at 3pm and additionally at 7 pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday according to Peter. It is supposed to look like a dolphin or a sailboat from the side and while I didn’t see the former I did see the latter. Before the bridge was built, traveling to the other side of the river took absolutely forever but with the bridge, pedestrians could walk across in just a couple minutes! The city spent approximately 10 million usd on it according to Peter.
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The Kaohsiung Main Public Library was completed in 2014 and is a prime example of green architecture. The building combines greenery such as plants and trees to create a soothing atmosphere conducive to study and reading. Being so close to the water it also boasts a hanging garden amidst an open space with a view of the harbor on the top floor according to Kaohsiung Travel. From the photos in our readings, it looks absolutely gorgeous and I am sad that I didn’t get to go!!
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nkadijp-blog · 5 months
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Do you have 20 minutes of free time in a day to do simple online tasks on your smartphone?
If your answer is yes, then read the next line carefully because I want to share with you how to land International Online Jobs that can pay you hourly in dollars.
Who are we.
Is this real.
Why are we making you such a juicy offer. What is our own gain? We will answer all of that in a second.
The money in your pocket does not feel enough anymore.
Manage Things The Way They Are.
Look For A Way Out.
I will leave you to pick your choice, but if you picked option two, please continue reading.
We are the Co-founders of Stakecut.com, with over 200k users in 7 African countries.
In just the past 2 years we have paid out close to $1M to some of these users.
The reason why I am going out of my way to show you all these reviews is not to brag, far from it, this is only to show you that we have consistently put money in people's pockets daily for the past 2 years. Which means everything we will share with you on this website today has the potential to be profitable for you too.
This brand new way to land International jobs is so stupid simple that people you are better than are getting them with no university degree.
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
TW: r word coming from a r* survivor. I want to share my experience with the r word so you all that there are many ways somebody could r word.
It’s so frustrating when people say that they cant believe handsome athletes would r*pe women when they have all the options in the world and just sleep with them. I think people only have this idea of r*pe which is a man very violently r* a woman physically. It’s not always like that. Some r words even look like regualr sex without context. I used to be an escort to fund my college tuition. The job is pretty simple: I look pretty and I accompany men (usually foreign business men) into social events. Sex is not a requirement but it is definitely an option. There were times when I willingly had sex with my clients. I consented to them because I found them attractive and I wanted to have sex with them. No violation. It’s cool. I get laid with a man I find very attractive. He does not pay me for it. He paid me for the escort service but not the sex. I make sure I let him know this.
Anyways, I had this bad experience with a rich son of a business man. The father used to be my client and he was very nice to me. He was a divorcee and wanted to have a nice lady beside him while he attended his fraternity’s reunion. No sex happened. The poor guy was just lonely because his wife divorced him and wanted to have a female company. It was great. Had a great time. No sex. No uncomfortable moments. It was nice.
Now, since he enjoyed my company, he thought he’d recommend me to his son. Son is a wall street man. Not very rich yet but still rich. There was an event in the Hamptons and he thought his son could use my social skills to help him network. Being an escort requires a lot of social skills you know. I am very good at conversations. My job is not just to look pretty beside my client but also make him look interesting. So back to the son. I met him and he is very handsome. Very attractive. I was very attracted to him and immediately I knew that I would sleep with him if he asked me to or make a move on me. I knew it right away. So the event happened and I did my job and it was all good. The son was very happy with me and we actually had fun. We went back to his hotel. And he hit on me. And like I said, I was very attracted to him and so I willingly had gave me consent. I wanted to have sex with him and so we did. HOWEVER, in the middle of the sex he started acting weird. He wanted to do all kind of things I did not feel comfortable. He wanted to choke me with his belt. I said no. I said that would terrify me. He wanted to tie me up. Again I said no and I told him that I am scared. He did not listen. At this point, it was r*pe. So we were having sex one minute and then he was r wording me the next. I was able to fight back and ran away. I went to the police but then quickly realized how the situation looked and I just knew there was no way they were going to believe me. But i wanted evidence so I went to the ER and asked for a rape kit. They did and they were obligated by law to call the police. Rape kit was positive. There were bruising inside me because he was so rough. I knew that the report wouldnt go far. I just knew it it was not going to progressed. But I was determined to make the guy pay. So I called his father. I send him a copy of my rape kit report. I told him what happened.
As expected, the case did not go far. But the father contacted me and apologized to me and said he believed me. He then cut off his business deal with his son as punishment and kicked him out of his penthouse. I know it’s not the justice I deserved but it’s something. And the father paid for my therapy and also my medical degree which I’m on my third year now. We do not communicate. He just set me a fund. I had some sort if justice but other victims do not. The father couldnt give help me get the justice I deserved but he helped me heal and achieve my dreams so I can be more than just a r*pe victim. But the other r*pe survivors? They dont get justice or any compensation or help. Just utter humiliation and betrayal
I share this story because I want people (men esp) to understand that there is not ONE scenario of r word. No, it’s not always like the movies. R word happens in the middle of sex. R word happens in marriages. R word happens without even the victim and the aggressor understanding that it’s r word. It’s about CONSENT. CONSENT is not a golden ticket to everything. Consent is not decided and given once. Consent is something a person can give and take back depending on the situation they find themselves in. One can agree to sex and then take it back when they do not feel doing it anymore. You can yes and then say no. Consent is not a sales transaction, it is a communication.
So if you find yourself wondering why a guy as handsome and successful like Hakimi would commit r word when he can just sleep with any girl, remember we do not know what happened in that situation. The girl might have gone to his place knowing they were gonna have sex. The girl might have agreed to hooking up with him. BUT something happened that made her withdraw her consent. Something happened that made what was supposed to be sex, r word.
Men need to understand this. Once a woman says “no,” that means all the other “yesses” before the “nos” do not matter anymore. It’s the NO that matters.
TW: r*pe //
Thank you so much for trusting me and my blog with this story. Thank you for letting me share it and people to read and possibly see the issue differently if they have the stomach to read it.
Not posting this after you spilled your heart to me felt wrong.
If you ever wanna talk private my inbox is open for you. You're so strong for talking about this publicly. I genuinely admire you for your strength and am very proud for the things you've accomplished afterwards.
You're a warrior, don't ever let anyone take that away from you.
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eva-knits12 · 6 months
The Haircut
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Trigger warning: crying, haircut, Colin Shea, office mean girls ,anxiety fluff
Summary: You get your first haircut in a while. It goes as well as expected. Colin comforts you.
"Colin, I'm getting a haircut today," I say, as I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is everywhere! I worked in an office that thrived on gossip, office drama, and bullying. I'm an IT, and I was a female in that position. The girls in the office treated me like shit because when they requested that a problem with their computers be fixed, I would show up.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We're waiting for a man," one would say.
"Who did you sleep with to get that position?" another would say.
"Really, this a man's job, so why are you doing a man's job?" a third would say.
I would have to escape somewhere and just cry. I would cry when I got home. I was trying not to let them get to me, but I was starting to crack. The more mean things they said, the more they got to me.
"Baby girl, that's great! You deserve it!" says Colin, who is more excited about that I am.
"You'll feel a lot better. Don't let these mean girls voices in your head control you any longer. You're beautiful, you're smart, you are worth the world," says Colin, cheering me up. He kisses me on my nose, making me giggle.
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I made the appointment, and I get ready to go. I make an appointment for a cut and color, and Colin tells me that it will be okay.
"You think so Colin? I just don't deserve this. My cut and color will look horrible," I say.
"You don't know that. Don't let those mean girls get the best of you. They're in your head. They now have free rent in your head. It's time to evict them. They don't need the free rent in your head," says Colin.'
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"You're the most beautiful woman and strongest woman I know," says Colin.
"I've seen my mom, and she's Irish," says Colin.
"Thanks, honey," I say.
I get in my Trax and go to the salon. I check in, and I wait for a bit. I pull out the fingerless gloves I'm knitting, while I wait for Justine.
I'm busy knitting, when I hear them. The feeling of nausea and dread hits me like a ton of bricks. I dig through my purse, in search of a starlight peppermint to ease the nausea, and I come up with a ginger chew. I eat the chew.
I hear Regina's voice, and I just freeze.
"I don't know why you're even bothering. Nobody can fix that ugly hair and ugly face of yours." says Regina.
"I didn't know that ugly was a requirement for this line of work," says Joanne.
"Yeah, she's way too ugly and way too plain," says Kari.
I feel like crying, but nope! As of right now, these girls are evicted. But, the owner. Tabatha, intervenes.
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"As of right now, I'm going to have to ask you three to leave. I will not tolerate anyone harassing my customers. As of right now. Eva is a customer. She became a customer as soon as she walked through the door," says Tabatha.
"But, but. but. we just want what's best for her," says Regina.
"What's best for her is to get her hair done here! What's best for her is to not have to worry about three adults who are still nothing but high school mean girls," says Tabatha.
"Ever since we met, you guys were nice at first. Eventually, you showed your true colors. Spamming my inbox with whatever things you wanted because I disagreed with you, or even told you about an update or a technical issue. Telling the whole office I slept with the boss, when I needed his help to solve a client issue. Even claiming that I went so far as to sleep with Zach and Jake, what the hell is wrong with the whole lot of you? Jake is in a happy long-term relationship, and Zach is happily married. Zach helped me get this job, and I owe him the world," I say.
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"You can't handle the fact that I have a high degree in my field. I'm an IT. I studied computer sciences, even computer engineering, and even studied coding," I say.
"Colin finds it amazing, and I can't say the same for you," I say.
"Well, we refuse to leave. She can leave, we'll stay," says Kari.
"NO! That's now how this works. I have asked you to leave. Since you refuse, I'm going to have to have the police escort the whole lot of you out," says Tabatha.
Erica calls the police. Regina, Joanne, and Kari are all charged with trespassing, and they're arrested. Tabatha decides to trespass them, and they're not welcome back through the doors. I decide to file for a restraining order as a just-in-case, even though it would be hard to get.
Tabatha takes me to her chair, and she starts to discuss what I want. I'm not sure, so I let her make some suggestions.
I get my hair colored, and then cut. I walk out with a nice, neck length cut that it's easy to do and put into a bun, a chignon, or even a pony tail when needed, since I'm so used to putting my hair back at some point.
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I look at myself in the mirror and I'm amazed. I love my new look!
I return home, and Colin doesn't recognize me.
"That's not my beautiful girlfriend who just put three mean girls in their place," says Colin.
Colin loves my new hair cut, and my new hairstyle!
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"I heard what happened. Word got around, and let's just say, it got back to them," says Colin.
"You heard from Sean, didn't you?" I say.
"Yes, and getting a restraining order is a good idea. They don't deserve the free rent in your head, and they don't deserve the free space in your life," says Colin.
Colin has grabbed me around the waist, knowing that I handled myself well, even though I was full of anxiety. I was determined not to let it show.
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"I'm proud of you," says Colin, beaming.
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"I love you, rock star," I say.
"I love you, too, baby girl," says Colin.
'Put on a nice dress, and I'm taking my baby for a night out on the town," says Colin.
"Dinner sounds amazing," I say.
"Wait, why don't we order our favorite Chinese dishes, put on a movie, and jus spend the night as lazy slobs?" says Colin, kissing me lovingly.
"That sounds even better," I say.
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Colin orders our favorite Chinese dishes. I get the almond boneless chicken, and Colin gets his favorite Chinese spare ribs.
Colin and I watch Knives Out, followed by the Losers. Colin and I just eat off of our plates, and feed each other bites. Dessert is fortune cookies, followed by those almond cookies we like.
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Colin and I spend the weekend just being lazy slobs, and taking a nice, romantic bath at the end. It was much needed, and did me a world of good.
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I return to the office first thing on Monday. I worked from home while I was busy dealing with the restraining order and the police. Colin is with me every step of the way. Jake and Zach, and my boss have heard, and well, I walked into the office with three new people, who are friendly and professional.
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feralssinbin · 2 years
Out Date
Set in a world with Detroit: Become Human vibes (i've only seen like the first third of the game aaa i need to actually sit down for a full playthrough) Bots can be bought as general helpers, assistants, and aids of varying degrees. Many are very straight forwards, but for some, the AI has advanced, reached a level that is similar to human. Visual designs vary from something stylizes like the DCA boys, or something very nearly human. People are divided on what's more 'comfortable' to work with, so they all exist. Sun and Moon (same body) start their journey at the equivalent of a dog shelter for problem bots. They've been returned time and time again, and passed through many questionable hands, each time coming back a little more off kilter than the last. Questions aren't asked beyond what was wrong with them, a damaged component or physical damage, or a behavioral AI problem, and they're patched up if needed and put back into holding until the next new owner decides to roll the dice with them. Enter YN. They work the reception desk, and often help new clients find a bot that fits both their needs and budget. It's not a fancy establishment, and their clientele aren't always the most savory. Still, they're familiar with the fact Sun has come back more than a couple times. Odd cause while they're here they're always pretty cooperative, and even gently joke around when YN has to go check on them, or tell them they're out again. Though there's a marked note on their file now. An "Out Date". A gentle way of saying if they aren't picked up and gone by then, they're scrapped. Killed. The date's coming up too, and the likelihood of them getting bought is getting less and less. YN Caves. They can't technically afford a bot, the pay from their desk job covering housing and basic bills with just a little leftover for emergencies, but they did the thing you aren't supposed to do. They got attached. They haggle and barter and eventually work the boss man down to something they can justify stretching themself thin for, and they get to give him the good news. News he's less than thrilled about. YN can't blame him, they know he's been through a lot so they can't fault him for being wary. Even more so once the two end up home. YN does not take care of themself. Or their house. It is an absolute mess. Sun is, frankly, appalled. NOW. YN knows the place is a mess. They aren't oblivious to it. It's the one thing that maybe might be worth having a helping hand around. Not that Sun HAS to do anything. They didn't buy him to make him a housemaid, after all. But he's off to cleaning before he even says a word. The anxiety spikes because OH NO, THATS YOUR MESS TO CLEAN UP. Having them around would have been a motivator to DO something about it, not make them clean it up. The first conflict comes when YN tries to stop Sun from picking things up. The whip around from his head, both in shock and just... at the state of this place, is enough to make YN flinch. Hard. There's a stutter in his expression, but he insists on cleaning. So YN tries to help. In the sense that the entire situation has turned into something horribly humiliating, that an adult can't manage to take care of their own place like this. Eventually they fade out of sight, trying to clean in a different room while Sun focuses the kitchen. They go to the livingroom, too close, one of the bathrooms and can still hear him moving dishes, eventually they wander back to the bedroom and try to pick up some laundry and old takeout that made it's way back there... Still no dice. But it's the farthest from the activity out in the rest of the house that they can at least hide. Hours pass and night falls. The cleaning eventually stops. It takes a bit for YN to realize they can't hear the cleaning anymore, but when they do, curiosity gets the best of them.
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yllem · 9 months
My Grandma Died
I have avoided this post for a long time. Today is January 2nd, 2024. I haven't written in several months and this is a very hard post to make.
Mid October was one of the craziest weeks of my life. Let's start with Monday:
October 16th: I hear that the first client I ever signed is looking to get out of their contract. I win $170 in an NFL pick em's league. Low. High. I receive a call from Kelli, Bruce's girlfriend. This seemed weird. It was after 11pm in Ohio and she does not call me. I answer the phone expecting bad news. My dad had been in Ohio a lot in 2023 visiting his parents, mostly my grandpa who was not doing very well. I was prepared to hear the hard words from Kelli.
She says something like: "Melly, I don't know how else to say this, but I can imagine you know that I'm not calling with good news. Grandma had a stroke. She's in a coma and it's a matter of days. We can't get ahold of your dad." I shot up in bed. GRANDMA? I immediately call Laura who I know will be across the hall. She relays the message to which he responds "whaaaaaaat" three times. I forgot to mention the coma, but he goes to call Bruce. On the phone with Laura I hear him reenter the room, she is in the kitchen with mom, and say "yeah, my mom is going to die."
While all of this is going on, Bob is in the hospital. They think he may have cancer.
The rest of the week is sad. Dad does not give any updates to me, so I hear everything from Laura. There isn't much to say.
October 19th, 2023: Dad sends a text at 1:34pm letting us know grandma has passed away. It is all very surprising and fast. Mom calls me. She says it's the best ending for her. She was a worrier and didn't have to feel scared about dying. She didn't have to deal with the pain or suffering of sickness. Her ending, while surprising, was very peaceful.
I still feel the emptiness that she filled. The sadness is different than when grandpa had died last August.
October 21st: Mom and Laura leave for Ohio. Dad calls asking if Joe can stay with Belle. He's been attacked by two pitbulls on the run and needs to get stitches. Tim continues to be a pain in the ass about when we will leave together for Ohio (has flag football and softball on Monday nights). He eventually comes to his senses.
October 22nd: I am in Chicago because Joe and I have fall ball playoffs. Our team has a chance at the championship. We win game one and go on to the 3pm game. This team has only one loss: to us the weekend prior. During the second or third inning a girl on our team has her first seizure in the dugout. Her parents were not there. She had mentioned a strong headache and then that she couldn't see. She started a groaning cry before collapsing in Bob and Joe's arms who were steadying her. A mom on the other team is a nurse and times everything. She is a great help. The player is taken away by ambulance with her younger sister. She makes a full recovery. The team goes on to win, not by one like last weekend, but by 7. We lose in the championship on the 24th, but it was a great team to be a part of.
October 23rd: Tim and I go to Ohio and it is sad. It is sad to see my grandpa who spent more than 65 years loving her and all of her quirks. They spent every day together and I'm sure she filled much of his quiet days brought on by old age.
October 24th: Everyone worried about grandpa during the wake. The casket is closed because Grandpa says that's what she wanted. Mousey, Danny, Dee Dee, Mark, Grandma, Eileen, Tom, and Anita come. The funeral is sad as Bruce's friend Frank chokes up during the funeral. Dad, Tim, Taylor, Bruce, Chris, and Mack are pallbearers. Dad, Mom, Bruce, and Grandpa sit in the front. Dad chokes up after setting down the casket about how light it is. He tried hard to keep it together, but little things get that man.
The weather is beautiful. Despite it being end of October, the weather is near 80 degrees. There is lots of sunshine. She wouldn't have to be cold.
The luncheon is at Bennetts. Tim, Laura, and I grab hamburger wagon for the non-Ohio guests to try. We spend the day at a bar later with Kaley, Chris, Madison, and the girls. It felt like good bonding.
Ohio is a sad place to be these days. A reminder that, eventually, we all must go. I am not good with loss and it is sad to see my grandpa get older and older- something we did not witness with my other grandpa given his distance. It is still nice to visit the cousins. I will be sad to update this again, eventually.
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leroylawpa · 1 year
Understanding Assault Charges in West Palm Beach
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Important Aspects of Assault 
Assault is a deliberate act that creates a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. It doesn't involve physical contact with the victim. 
Florida law outlines strict penalties for assault, with the severity depending on whether it is simple assault or aggravated assault. 
Defenses to assault charges are available and can include self-defense, defense of others, or defense of property. 
Any person facing assault charges should seek competent legal representation promptly to ensure their rights are protected. 
Hypothetical Case of Assault in West Palm Beach 
To better understand assault, let's construct a hypothetical scenario. Consider a character named 'James.' After a heated argument in a bar in West Palm Beach, James threatens another patron, Bob, with a broken bottle. Even though James doesn't physically harm Bob, he has committed an assault because he intentionally created a fear of imminent harm in Bob. 
What You Might Be Facing: Penalties for Assault in Florida 
Florida law provides harsh penalties for assault crimes. According to the Florida State Statutes: 
A simple assault is a second-degree misdemeanor, leading to up to 60 days in jail, six months of probation, and a $500 fine. 
Aggravated assault is a more severe crime. It is a third-degree felony, leading to up to 5 years in prison, five years of probation, and a $5,000 fine. 
Defending Against Assault Charges in Florida 
Several defenses can be employed against charges of assault in Florida. These include: 
Self-Defense: The defendant can argue they had a genuine belief that they were in immediate danger and needed to defend themselves. 
Defense of Others: If the defendant believed another person was in immediate danger, they could use this as a defense. 
Defense of Property: This defense could be used if the defendant protected their property from imminent harm. 
A Comprehensive Look at Key Takeaways Regarding Assault 
Assault is a serious offense under Florida law. Charges of assault don't require any physical contact with the victim, only the intentional creation of a reasonable fear of imminent harm. The penalties for assault range from fines and probation to imprisonment, and they get more severe if the assault is considered 'aggravated.' However, it's crucial to remember that every case is unique, and defenses are available. A seasoned defense attorney can help investigate your case, explain your legal options, and work toward the best possible outcome. 
LeRoy Law: Your Ally Against Assault Charges 
If you or someone you care about has been charged with assault in West Palm Beach, acting swiftly and getting an experienced legal professional on your side is vital. At LeRoy Law, I am dedicated to fighting for my client's rights and working towards the best possible outcome. Your future is too important to leave to chance. Get in touch today and explore how I can assist you. 
Frequently Asked Questions 
1. What is the difference between assault and battery in Florida? 
In Florida, assault and battery are two distinct crimes. While assault involves the threat of bodily harm, battery involves actual physical contact or injury. 
2. If I was only defending myself, can I still be charged with assault? 
Yes, you can still be charged with assault even if you defend yourself. However, self-defense can be a valid legal defense in your case. 
3. What should I do if I'm falsely accused of assault? 
If you're falsely accused of assault, it's crucial to consult with a criminal defense attorney immediately. They can help you understand your rights and build a strong defense strategy. 
Disclaimer: LeRoy Law tries to ensure the accuracy of this article. However, Florida Statutes change, case law changes, and as such, errors may occur. LeRoy Law assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this article. LeRoy Law encourages you to utilize the links we provide to relevant Florida Statutes. Contact my office directly at [561.290.2730] if you have any questions or require legal assistance. 
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Senior Backend Developer - Remote, Spokane ( Austin - SLC)
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Company: Two Barrels Overview: Two Barrels is hiring a Senior Backend Developer specializing in the Domain Registrar space for $185,000/year. You will be a traditional company employee. This is a full time 40 hour/week position with company benefits. This is a remote position. Our main office is in Spokane, WA and we have satellite offices in Austin, TX and Salt Lake City, UT. As a Senior Backend Developer, you will be given a brand-new project within the domain registration space, and will get the opportunity to do a lot of cool new things. This is a uniquely rare position to make a direct impact on the business and on our clients because you will help us build out this new offering. Let’s be honest, the domain registrar space can be done better, and if you want to be a part of making it better this is the right opportunity. Location: Remote | Spokane - Austin - SLC | Duration: Full Time Wage: $185,000/year Responsibilities: - Defining, designing, and implementing high-volume, scalable API systems which will interface with both internal and with external API’s provided by third parties - Work closely with product team to make this a great solution for our clients - Communicate consistently with stakeholders, managers, and other teams about releases - Participate in training and development of others, as directed - Be willing to learn, grow, and help all of us continually get better at what we do - Be a good human Minimum Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in computer science or other equivalent degree/experience - Minimum 6 years full stack application development, software test automation experience, and object oriented development - Professional experience developing in Ruby on Rails - Experience building and documenting API’s - Ability to design for security and scalability without compromise - Professional history with JSON, XML and/or other serialized formats Preferred Qualifications: - Understanding of internet name resolving protocols - WAN programming experience Why you might like this job: You are a competent engineer and have been stuck in a creativity box even though you have creative solutions bursting at the seams. You want to break out of that box, buck the system, and make something amazing. Coding is your go to, but you also like being part of the planning and vision of the product. Oh yeah, you area also product-minded, it’s kind of a big deal around here, and ends up making a dang good product. You just want things to be better, and want to be a part of making things better. While it’s a great job, it’s just a job. You value your time. Work is more fun when you know you have awesome things to look forward to. Kick butt during the day and enjoy your time at home. You also might just be a domain nut like us. #BI-Remote Benefits: - Great Wage - WFH comfort package - 22 days paid time off (29 days after 3 years. Flexible time off after 5 years!)+ 4 paid holidays - 4% retirement matching through Fidelity - 100% employer-paid medical, dental and vision for employees - Maternity and Paternity Leave - Flexible hours - Coffee shop next door - Crappy parking? Oh, I mean a cool downtown location for easy public transportation options… APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 3rdJuly 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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insdpune · 1 year
How Graphic Design Courses Foster Creativity?
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Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. It is a field that requires a high degree of creativity, as designers must be able to come up with new and innovative ways to present information.
Graphic design courses in Pune can help to foster creativity in several ways. First, they provide students with the opportunity to learn about the principles of design, such as color theory, typography, and composition. This knowledge can help students to develop their creative ideas and to see the world in a new way.
Second, graphic design courses often involve hands-on projects. This allows students to experiment with different design techniques and to see what works best for them. It also helps them to develop their problem-solving skills and to learn how to think outside the box.
Third, graphic design courses often encourage students to collaborate with others. This can help students to learn from each other's ideas and to come up with even more creative solutions. It can also help them to develop their communication skills and to learn how to work effectively as part of a team.
In addition to these benefits, graphic design courses can also help students to develop their critical thinking skills. This is because designers need to be able to analyze and evaluate different design solutions. They also need to be able to understand the needs of their clients and to create designs that meet those needs.
Overall, graphic design courses can be a great way to foster creativity. They provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to develop their creative ideas. They also help students to learn how to think outside the box, collaborate with others, and solve problems creatively.
If you are interested in learning more about graphic design and how to foster your creativity, I encourage you to take a graphic design course in Pune. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it and how much you learn.
Here are some additional tips for fostering creativity in graphic design:
Practice regularly. The more you design, the better you will become at it.
Be open to new ideas. Don't be afraid to try new things and to experiment with different techniques.
Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of the learning process.
Get feedback from others. Ask friends, family, or colleagues for their feedback on your work.
Be inspired by others. Look at the work of other designers and let it inspire you.
I hope this blog has helped you to understand how graphic design courses can foster creativity. If you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to do some research and to find a course that is right for you.
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life and health insurance exam cheat sheet hack CQ3S+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Prepare with our Life & Health Exam review and practice questions. Life & Health test preparation help and sample practice tests. Learn more. End-of-chapter sample Exam Questions with detailed dis- cussions of all answers State Farm Insurance Company as a Life and Health Underwriter. Sign up now and receive daily practice questions for the Life & Health Insurance Licensing Exam. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and familiarize yourself. Pass the Life and Health exam on the first attempt with the help of our Study Guide. Life and Health insurance prelicensing program study guide. ExamFX Life and. 9 You can get that license by taking the Life and Health Insurance exam in your state. Those who pass have a solid job outlook, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics. Are all Life and Health Insurance exams the same? Tests vary by state. There are no specific education and degree requirements, so that means a high school diploma or its equivalent is fine. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says about one-third of all agents have college degrees. Since insurance agents determine the needs of their clients, excellent analytical skills are a big plus. You should get a high-quality, professional study guide, like the one here. A study guide like the one we provide is a key to success. Some states have other requirements, such as requiring a background and fingerprint check. The number of questions on the test, the format, and the length of time it takes all vary by state. While the tests and requirements vary by state, the overall topics are about the same. You will be tested in topics that include HMOs health maintenance organizations , and health insurance tax issues; annuities and annuity policy tax issues; life insurance plans and general knowledge about the subject; health insurance, dental coverage, medical plans, and more. Again, that varies by state. Please check in your area. While the day of the test will vary by state, there are some similarities. If there were pre-test requirements, you may be asked to provide proof that you successfully completed them. In general, no electronics — cell phones, tablets, watches, and the like — are prohibited and will have to be locked in a secure area outside the test room. Certain articles of clothing may also be prohibited. So how to you get through this? Where can I find a best-in-class study guide? Our comprehensive study guide has been researched by a team of professionals with years of experience helping educators prepare for exams just like this one. Our large, easy-to-read flashcards help you learn through repetition, and the questions cover every content area of the exam. This book is the best way to study. When you have read the first pages you, won't remember the first thing you read. This study guide is easy to understand and only 82 pages. What a difference! This book saved my life. I can tell this book is very useful, understandable. This is a very very helpful book. I am fairly new to life and health insurance field. This is helping me understand and preparing me for new product analyst position in our health plan! As well preparation for my license. I would recommend this book. I love this because it excludes all the fluff. It is concise and to the point so there is no wasted time digging through hundreds of pages with useless information. Wish more were like this! This book is very informative. I like the fact gives scenario questions for test and reason why once answer is right over the wrong ones. I like the fact that it is also focuses on test anxiety. Great tool to study for the exam. I am renewing my license and there are great practice exams. The text is concise and to the point. Great investment and resource guide. This product synthesizes the information to make it more palatable and easier to digest. This product also assists with bench-marking. You can easily learn topics — go to a certain category that you need to be more familiar with and study it. This product is also great when paired with another book for more referencing. I have learned so much from this study guide. It tells me what I need to know on the test. I took the test once already and I did not study this material completely, but I did notice that it had a lot of material that I needed to study from the guide. I am now studying from the guide alone and I am so sure I will pass this time. No formal education or experience is required to become a licensed life and health insurance agent. All that is required is a high school diploma or its equivalent. Start Test. What type of education do I need? What type of skills do I need? What type of preparation is required to take the Life and Health Insurance Exam? What does the application process for the test entail? How many questions are on the test? How long does it take? What does it cost to take the test? Fees vary by state, so please check in your area. What can I expect on test day? When will I know if I passed? Depending on the state, you could know as soon as the test is over. The Life and Health study guide reviews below are examples of customer experiences.
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