jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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I think I’m very funny and I couldn’t resist
(ehhhhhhh i guess the resolution to these two and now they can be weird together)
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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finally sat down and decided to go n figure out bodies and scars and the like, at least at the time that I tend to draw them, partly so I can have refs, partly so i can show off my currently fav headcanon thx.
anf Simon’s face, so I can have an idea when I draw him with the mask pulled up, u know? He’s pretty much just ‘how tired can I make a dude look’. He’s has broken his nose like 4 times at this point.
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
Haunted by thoughts because I somehow need to put together that I think Soap is extremely fucking smart and perspective while also getting blindsided by Reg and Ghost confessing because all three are stubborn af and weird weird weird and I pretty much need to write out the whole story in short form for that to work and uuuuuurggghhhh. Fuck it, here goes (I’ll jumo a bit between from who’s point of view this thing goes, so be warned by 3 pages of confusing rambling):
Ok, so, Reg and Soap have strung up a friendship pretty fast, mostly because Soap is just. Fucking great and she quietly followed him like a lost puppy (from her perspective. For others it felt more like he suddenly had a bear prowling behind him) when she first joined the team and he showed her around and his jokes got her to crack and he now makes it a point of trying to get her to open up. And he does! She talks more because she’s comfortable, shows more of her humor and emotions and he delights in having done that and she delights in having a friend that makes her feel so comfortable with herself. He doesn't get the full picture, not yet, but he comes pretty fucking close to it. He learns of the loss of her parents, of her rarely used apartment and how often she actually just hides from people because it’s too much and usually the small smile she puts on in social gatherings is a facade. 
But despite Soap’s usual modi operandi of flirting with pretty much anything in walking distance (not even going into the fact that he thinks that Reg is cute but also hot because she’ll bury her face in his shoulders when she’s embarrassed but can also bench press 120 kg thx), it becomes a very rare occurrence with her. Mostly because when he does, she'll stare at him and turn quiet and for the longest time he thought it was because he made her uncomfortable. But no, Reg's brain simply stopped working, and when she doesn't know how to react/respond, she'll go quiet and fucking stare. It's why people think she's so serious and slightly terrifying. She can be, yes, but a good 50 percent of the time she's just unsure on what to do so she doesn't do anything and somehow that translated to her being known as someone not to fuck with. In truth, she’s just awkward af.
But you go and decipher that from the 1,94 cm stone faced behemoth of a woman. 
So Soap stops and though he gets very good at reading her and she gets more comfortable with expressing her emotions around him, their attraction isn't something either of them is willing to act on, at least not with each other. Soap because he thinks she's not interested and has come to value their friendship too much to ever think about asking her out, Reg because Soap is one of her first real friends that she feels comfortable and safe with in ages and she can only imagine something stable and long term with him but has no fucking clue on how to broach that because her way of communicating is either not to, or just blurt out what’s on her mind. 
(The whole thing is kinda funny because both are very much sexually active, though they’re on the side of hook ups and Reg herself usually makes it a point of not being emotionally attached to the person she's sleeping with. She's lost her ex partner before and the experience still haunts her. So nowadays she'll try and flirt a bit, yes, but mostly simply ask if someone’s down for a one night stand.) 
Enter Ghost. Reg and Ghost, from the moment they laid eyes on each other, had a weird same wavelength thing. Both have lost everyone, both have been on the field for about the same amount of years, both are heavily scarred by it and have found weird coping mechanisms that keep them working but create issues with living outside of it. At least at that point in life. (shit got dark for them and their mental states) And both have earned a reputation of being terrifying. Regard, the solo operator, the eyes, the stare that sees in and through you (sometimes because people don't realize that's just what she does), Ghost being the most terrifying mofo u can encounter and when u do, it's already too late. 
Which is why Reg was so furious when Ghost told her to pull back from that mission, she thought they had this understanding and he completely disrespected her there (in her opinion). She may not be prideful of who she is outside her work, but her reputation holds true. She is terrifying, she does see it all, she is an absolute behemoth and force on the field and it's the one thing you cannot take away from her (she's the one that clings the most to her 'purpose' in the military. Not necessarily because she believes in the cause, but because it’s what makes her nowadays. She has no family to return to, she has no simple life outside of things. Her work is her life and yes, that is exactly as terrible as it sounds.) It’s why she really, really doesn't want to fuck shit up with Soap. Because despite having found their friendship within their work, she thinks of him as one of her, if not the, closest friend. 
And Ghost? He himself has kept himself so much in check when it comes to his feelings. Whatever anyone says, Ghost is the one with a massive crush, but he believes himself to be too hard to be loved, at least by someone like Johnny that has so much to give. A big part of him simply fears he’d bind him down and inevitably hurt him. (which isn’t true, you’re being a fucking dumbass, go to therapy) 
But with Regard it’s easier. They’re both honest from the start. It’s much more in line with what she usually does too. They don’t really beat around the bush after the first confrontation because the fight gave Regard the biggest revelation: Ghost cares. A lot more than he wants to show. 
And exactly that makes her so comfortable with going with him, what manages to catch her attention and endear him so much to her. It’s why she asks him to join her going to the med bay. Whereas he realized how much more she’s already worked him out and that he really cannot hide from her eyes and stare. (unlike Johnny she’d never question if Ghost would try and get her. She sees his patterns because they’re hers too) And because Regard will simply say whatever comes to mind because why bother hide from a person that had her clocked from the start, she just straight up asks if this will be something regular for them to do. And Ghost says yes because where the hell would be the harm? It’s nice, having someone there that understands, that knows what the silences and weird behavior mean, that you can find solace in because neither of them really have anywhere else to return to.  
So (returning back to Reg’s point of view here).
Whereas Soap feels fuzzy and like the sun, Ghost simply. Clicks. Like a place you never had but somehow still know. There's very little blushing involved here, but a coming together of two people that quickly saw the other person for who they are and found comfort in just that. And because they do, they don't shy away from the ugly side of the other. Reg doesn't hide her panic attacks and dissociative episodes from him, because he understands why she has them and how to act. Ghost lets Reg stay with him after his night terrors because she's there, she has them too, he'll do the same for her. Something something, people of misty mornings and cigarettes and all that. And though it starts as simple understanding and comfort and silent support, they end up offering their whole being because neither of them thinks it's much anyway, so let’s give it to the person that understands that.
And then the wildest shit happens.
Because they’re both so willing to go all in with each other, they end up being warm. and safe. and fuzzy. Reg only realized exactly how deep her feelings run when Ghost woke her up one morning with a cup of coffee, already dressed and asking her what she wants for breakfast cause he's going to the baker. That's the moment she knows that this isn’t just finding comfort and understanding, but that she’s in goddamn love. And it's mutual because one day Regard asks if he wants help with cutting his hair back to regular, she can do that no problem and he says yes and he watches her in the mirror while she sings along to Earth Wind n Fire and something in him goes very still that moment. 
They somehow managed to create a soft, little domestic thing that neither absolutely ever thought possible, not with them, not with the lives they lead and what that had done to them. But here it is and now? Now Ghost helps Reg with wash day and she gets him new nail polish and they realize they're in love with each other and holy shit. Holy shit, they just proved they can do that and not fuck it up. Yes, it's difficult and they're relearning a lot of stuff about communication and letting others care for you and how to not be terrified of having someone this fucking close again, but they did it. They don’t even get to do the whole ‘noooooo, I’ll push u away because ur close’ because they’re too amazed that they somehow managed to have a healthy and loving relationship that makes both of them happy without either of them noticing. And it's because they realize that they can do it that the idea pops up of having Johnny too. 
They both know that the other is in love with Johnny. It was fairly simple tbh. Ghost asked her why she lets Johnny carry her around bridal style for shits and giggles whereas she responds with at least ‘I’m not trying to woo him with bad puns’. (“You love my puns.””Doesn’t mean they’re good.”) and they both stare at each other for about three seconds and go, ahhhhh fuck. We’re pretty hopeless. Damn :/
But then they see that they can in fact make shit work and fuck fuck fuck, Johnny. Queue to these two idiots trying to do a terrible sort of investigation whether Johnny likes one or maybe even the both of them, which basically means you get two absolutely unhinged weirdos trying to flirt with their crush. They can flirt with others (at least Ghost can, I see you ‘I love kentucky’), but there’s stakes now goddamnit. It mostly means that they stare weirdly from across the room and check for him obsessively and offer a spar every single chance they can. They’re bad at this, please don’t judge them (actually yeah, do. it’s hilarious)
Anyway, Soap during this whole ordeal has noticed the moment Ghost and Reg started their. Something. and decided to pull back. Because he thinks it’s the right thing to do. Because he watches Ghost look at Reg a bit more softly, pressing his foot against hers when she stares at the poor lad across from her during a meeting because she doesn’t know how to handle other’s right now and he grounds her with the simple move. And he sees Reg nudge Ghost’s shoulder, not saying anything as she checks up on him because an old wound twinged and he closes his eyes before giving an almost non existent nod. And both feel more grounded in a way that Johnny didn’t manage and it fucking hurts, ngl, but he’s happy for them, because he loves both of them and he wants them to have that. Tears at his skin that it’s not him, but what can he do? (Talk, Johnny. That’s what you do) And because he’s one stubborn motherfucker, the idea burns itself into his skull. ‘They’re happy, leave them alone, they’re happy, leave them alone, they’re happy, leave them alone-’ 
So now you have Johnny, absolutely refusing to see any signs that he normally would pick up in an instant because he attributes most of their weird behavior to the fact that they now have each other and are changing a bit apparently. Which, true, but not in the way you’re thinking my dude. And the other two, one that usually just  fucking shuts off when too many emotions are involved and has the emotional delicacy of an elephant, and one that has so many emotions that he tends to simply ignore them in favour of creating almost another persona in favour of caring for himself and neither of them knows how to handle an honest to god crush that they actively wanna try and make into a relationship (they’re so weird. so, so weird. love that for them)
Which is how they end up with the whole bar confession, because they’re both done, have tried their ‘subtle’ ways of showing affection and gauging what Soap’s feelings on them are and after coming to the very logical conclusion, well, he thinks we’re hot and he likes us both and that is something right? They just go and confront him. (liquid courage is a hell of a booster btw)
and all that is to say, I think Johnny is very, very smart and perspective. But he’s also hurt and stubborn and refuses to see any signs because he doesn’t wanna get his hopes up because he thinks it’s delusional and they just managed to find someone that makes them happy, right? While the other two only now realize that they can in fact have working relationships and be loved and safe but how do we communicate that we also want that with you and maybe therapy isn’t such a bad idea, huh?
All three are very smart. But they’re also very dumb, weird and have terrible ideas of wooing another person because all three are a good bit unhinged and they’re weird, weird weird weird but it all turns out well.
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
Important info about the Ghoag. They have a farm on stardew valley together because it's one of the 2 games Juliette can actually play without fucking up or rage quitting and she loves it. She and Johnny have in fact put each other in headlocks over various disputes, be it what the farm is supposed to look like or what to built next. Simon, meanwhile, simply ignores everything that is stress related, sitting there, pink cat ear headphones on while petting the chicken.
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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ghoag but make it western horror
have some jumbled story ideas under the cut (it’s very much just vibes)
aight, story would start with Reg coming into a small town where she’s very much not welcome, but the sunshine lad of a good and helpful citizen aka Johnny is kind enough to let her stay because ain’t he a nice fella?
He himself came to town but a few months, maybe a year earlier, to take over his ‘uncle’s’ farm, who, ailed by illness, sucumbs to it not too long after his arrival. tragic, innit? so now the lovely young man is ‘the farmer’, nothing too special bout it. not that anyone seems to notice how good he is with a rifle. or that his eyes sometimes seem to glow. or that his tongue will look weird, but that one was probably just a trick of the light :)
just a month later, the cranky old man of a town’s priest also dies, so sad, but no worries, a new ones already on his way. Enter Simon, ‘the priest’, who comes across as weirdly unsettling, but he’s down to join for a drink or two in the bar, something that couldn’t be said of the former father. he doesn’t seem to get along with people, but MacTavish appears to be an exception. but a man who can’t get along with Johnny has yet to be invented, so people aren’t too suspicious of their closeness. lovely :)
Juliette herself, oh so kindly dubbed ‘the stranger’ by the townsfolk looks over her shoulder a suspicious amount, almost as if haunted by something. She also seems to stare at their priest and her kind host with a sort of suspicion, like she’s seeing something other’s aren’t. people would prefer if she stopped, that’s simply their upstanding friend and maybe slightly off-putting priest, but people don’t like it. be happy you’re even staying, MacTavish’s defending you and all you can give is weird paranoia. very rude of you, ma’am.
(aka Johnny is a Something that, together with his boyfriend, needs a new place to stay for a bit and decides that dressing said partner up as the new priest is a great cover and somehow Juliette is the one that is suspicious of the whole thing. do they all end up together? course they do, who do you think I am? so here’s a typical western romance with a tinge of cannibalism and horror for funsies :D half the fun is that Simon has no fucking clue as to what he’s doing and is just winging it with intimidation and the hope that his voice is distracting enough for people not to notice how gloriously he’s fucking up the sermon. that and Johnny ate a priest)
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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scenes of domestic life
(not as unhinged as some might think it would be but just a small touch, just a bit, just the smallest of flavor)
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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yes. she’s absolutely showing off there
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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lads, your at a fuckin bar. the bartender is watching this whole overdramatic confession scene and is going to throw all three of you out in a minute for this ridiculousness he swears on his dads graves-
(Johnny just spend literal months being heartbroken at the sight of his two best friends starting a Something while he had feelings for them both and now these fuckers come outta nowhere and tell him this shit because neither is even vaguely socially competent and they just say whatever comes to mind in the hopes that the other one gets it and it works with each other but that is how they decide to confess at three am and what the fuck u two waffles-) 
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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have a Soap very dramatically jumping through an explosion he himself lit while holding Jackal’s saber and is this title long and dramatic enough yet?
[I.D. It’s a digital drawing of John ‘Soap’ MacTavish from call of duty, but set in star wars. He’s shown from the side, wearing something like clone armor while jumping through a purple cloud. He’s holding a purple lightsaber in his outstretched hand. End I.D.]
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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thinking bout ✨him✨ (love drawing him looking slightly smug)
small thought, Soap is very good at dropping into hyperfocus for things that interest him. which is why he’s incredible at pretty much everything chemistry and maths and physics, because he likes those things and they’re fun (he’s a demolition expert so he has to be good at that stuff) other things will kinda drop away though, so he can perfecly talk about the history of the usage of nitroglycarine for two hours, but what exactly he did half an hour ago is a bit more obscure (if it didn’t matter to him that is)
(btw, that’s very much not how Soap approached the whole Ghost n Reg situation but it’s very hilarious to me)
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
I strangely enough keep seeing drawings of Ghost n Soap with kids and I keep imagining any of the Ghoag with children in their vicinity.
Like yeah, I can get Johnny, sorta, but mostly because he comes from a big fam (to at least) and he's used to toddlers and kids and enjoys being an uncle very much. But I also don't think he wants to have that level of responsibility tying him to a home? Like he enjoys playing with his nieces and nephews but the advantage of being an uncle is you can give the kid back.
But Simon and Juliette?
Juliette is the sort of person that simply stares at a child in slight terror because she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't like children, she can make an effort, yes, but fuck her if she'd ever want a tiny human in her vicinity.
Same with Simon. I trust that man to somehow get me outta a life or death situation, but not with a child of all things. (the fact alone that they'd have to stop smoking seems completely unreasonable to them. Like no, I'm not going to give up jack shit to have a tiny human tust none of us are equipped to even remotely take care of.)
And that is ignoring all the issues and trauma the lads have accumulated over the years that Juliette at the very least refuses to bring anywhere near kids, terrified of the idea of giving one any of that.
Also, there's like weaponry in the bedroom. None of these people should ever have children is what I'm saying.
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
Give me more SW throuple Ghoag (the name is hideous yes but idk what else to call GhostxSoapxReg
aight, gonna start with just small fun facts >:D
Ghost really likes showing off for his partners. we know that motherfucker is confident, but he likes it even more when he physically lifts his sparring opponent up to slam him into the ground while Soap and Reg watch in the sidelines going ‘yeah. that beautiful and terrifying man? that’s ours’. Soap has wolf whistled at several points and Ghost will throw him a middle finger but he really enjoys the confirmation. 
Reg and Soap have also experimented on how to make Ghost flustered. The best one yet was that they simply told him that they love him and want to do mundane things with him, like cooking and laundry and wanna wake up in the morning and see his face and beautiful eyes. he got very quiet and tried to walk away but was stopped by an also flustered Reg hugging him close while he hid his face and going ‘No no no no no, Cyare, pls, no, that was so adorable :’)’. Soap, meanwhile, almost died of laughter before covering him with kisses.
Soap really enjoys small routines. they have firmly set movie nights and will try to get together, even if it’s only over their coms, and they all try to catch each other to at least say good night and the like. it’s as much a confirmation that they’re all still kicking as it is a simple comfort. Johnny worries the most about the other two, which is ridiculous because he, as Reg has pointed out, has fought a fuckin tank with a goddamn rifle. 
he won, but still. 
Reg and Soap are the one that do the whole ‘let’s go on dates!’ thing and Reg specifically enjoys trying out new things. they love when Ghost comes along, but understand if he wouldn’t want to. He always does, though he had moments of slight awkwardness because both Soap and Reg decided to pick out outfits and be a bit fancy while this motherfucker pulled up in his military fatigues and a hoodie. both told him that is absolutely fine, they love him very much, now let’s go and get some ice cream. it’s kinda hilarious to see Ghost be out of his depth. he’s since made it a point to always keep a clean pair of boots around at least.
i’m putting more on the history side under the cut because jesus, this got long-
the whole thing started between Ghost and Reg to be honest. For all that she’s a pretty awkward person off the field, her anger is absolutely blistering and terrifying. she and Ghost had a, lets say, disagreement that became physical and then Physical. It evolved into muted discussions at night and on balconies where they smoked and spoke of a past neither could ever return to. It was a weirdly solemn thing, both people of grays and misty mornings. Which is why they both returned to Johnny. It didn’t take them long to figure out how much he means to them and the other, or how much he just fuckin brightens everything. It took them one very drunken night where Reg stared at him in awe while talking bout how pretty his eyes are while Ghost just rested his head on Johnny’s shoulder as he pulled him closer. It got the message across. He, very much in the know that those two had something going on, kept quiet bout it but in that self-sacrificing way and tried to convince himself that he just wants them to be happy before those two completely blind-sided him that night.
It honestly just kinda went on from then.
now, because how they married was spectacularly dramatic. And Ghost was the one that proposed. in a way. Reg, to make this understandable, is a mando in star wars.
Reg and Soap were cornered on a mission and it looked bad. like, ‘i dont think we’re going to make it’ bad. they were on the channel with Ghost the whole time, who was very frantically trying to get to them aka fucking mowing down people and it’s the most panicked anyone’s ever heard them. 
And he screamed something along the lines of ‘don’t you fucking dare die here! you’re coming home, we’re all coming home! i love you two and i want you in my life forever, i can’t do this again!’ and Soap, in all his glory asked if he just fucking proposed to which a very frantic Ghost screamed ‘bloody fucking hell, YES!’ and then Reg kinda went. ‘ok, we could do that right now.’ and then they did. Both Reg and Soap ended up in the hospital for a few days, knocked out for a good part of it, while Ghost stayed by their side the whole time. When they all finally woke up, they immediately squished together into one bed with Simon in the middle who just started silently weeping into which the other two joined in. they spent the rest of the day just lying together and cuddling and making plans on how to go about stuff now. very little and everything changed that day
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
If you have Ghoag in clone wars where is the rest of 141? I know Price wouldn’t sit around with the clones getting mistreated.
Right, had to think about this one for a bit (fair warning though, I know faaaaar less bout price than I do with the likes of Ghost n Soap and this is a in all a lot more world buildy than anything)
To put it very simple, he's in a military position, marshal commander or general, who looked at the clones and saw a bunch of late teens and early 20s staring back at him, ones that did not choose this, and decided to try his best to have as many survive as humanely possible while trying his best to get this war to end. Same goes for Gaz, just that he'd most definetely be a commander.
Now, to the more long-winded answer to go a bit into the world building thing.
In the end, it boils down to the same thing as with Ghost in sw. They're military, they have no power in the grand scheme of things, they're employed by the government to do their job. They all landed in their position because they are established military because having no soldiers in sw just doesn't make sense. So they basically drafted the lads in for the war to have people there with actual experience, specially in leading military missions. Something that the jedi won't have, not in the way that you'll expect from a military leader that is. I imagine that they were used for the missions that the jedi were unwilling to go for. That is also to say, they don't have to uphold a code/are part of a religious group and have all terrible senses morality in the ways that fighting for money will give, even if you do it in the name of 'The greater good'. I can't imagine the jedi do the missions that the 141 would do.
(there are parts in the jedi that will go down n dirty, yes, but I'm 1) too tired to work that in junction with the idea of the 141 in sw n 2) they're still jedi. The 141 lads are soldiers. There will be a lot of dissonance between these groups and what they're willing to do and how they act. Again, why Ghost is so done with everyone in sw. My dude did not sign up for the space soap opera thx)
Now, to Price. I'd imagine him to be in a higher position by now, he's in his mid 50s I'd say, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to go full general or leave him at marshal commander. From what I understand, my dude seems pretty upstanding, but also very willing to do a lot in the name of the 'greater good'. I'd imagine that he'll try his absolute best for his troops, very willing to tell people to fuck off, protect them to the best of his abilities and all that.
He still does not have any actual power if you think about it.
Look, if the likes of Mace motherfucking Windu does not have it in his power to change up the position of the clones, neither will Price. I rag a lot on Anakin or Obes because there's canonical evidence that they can be terriblly careless with the lives that have been put in there hands but even if they didn't, it practically changes nothing (except make them less of dick waffles thx). You can be as good as a person/military leader as u wanna be, you'll still be leading a slave army. And there aren't in any political position to change that, not unless they're willing to shed blood. Price can say he opposes, even decide to leave the military in the name of his morality, but it doesn't change jack shit.
The ways to help the clones is to get the goddamn government to recognize them as humans and implement the according laws (or honestly just fucking. Blow up the senate. I know what I'm more a fan off). But that would mean that the senate has to recognize that they're using a slave army, which. Won't happen. Not unless u make a major au, which isn't what I'm doing. Ghost in sw is based purely on vibes and very little world building. Order 66 still happens, the tragedy still stands. Stuff is still absolutely terrible and unless I actually work out that the 141 and their respective troops decide to go 'aight, time to murder some politicians', they can't do anything.
So, Price won't stand by by shit happening to his troops and he'd most definetely put a bullet through Krell, yes, but unless I work out an actual story for this au, he won't be the one to change things up.
(I have literally only one idea for Price in sw, which is him meeting Yoda for shits n giggles. Just him sitting opposed the general and grand Master who tells him of the war and that people like him are needed for their experience and skill while Price just kinda stares because did that fucking frog just talk? Did that frog just say he's the jedi grandmaster? Wait, does that make the frog my superior???? Simon, Simon what the fuck is going here?? Who in turn is standing beside his ol captain with the sorta 'pls just end me' vibe that's been his existence for these past few weeks since he became commander and solemnly gives Price a 'welcome to the bullshit I've been dealing with' look)
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
With the foodie ask in mind, would their adopted sons be even worse with trust issues and being protective of their parents if they are gifted sweets or food when everyone gets back to Coruscant? Do think of a 4’11” tall woman that still looks like a highschooler trying to gift their family food without getting murdered by Ghost’s glare lol
God no, they're so much more chill. They will get protective in the sense of 'that's basically my Buir ur flirting with' but not in the aggressive 'I have trust issues and am wondering whether u plan on killing me' way that the three others are. The commando knows some stories of Ghoag's history and mission records and thus understand where they're coming from, but they don't have these problems themselves.
The Ghoag's trust issues come from being in service for about 15 to 20 years and becoming people that are known and having amassed a sorta reputation, at least in the circles that they normally work in. And, well, they've killed quite a few people. Somebody's bound to be very pissed.
That's not the case for the commando. They're all scarred from the war, but there's a good 15 years difference of experience. Simon himself has been working missions double the years that Marev, his second in command, is even alive.
So, nothing to worry bout when it comes to them, it's the parents that are the weird one's here.
(I think a part is that it's food. The consumption part is something they're very off. And hey, don't need to be 6'8 to poison someone, I believe in u >:D)
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
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have a few Ghosts, the Ghoag being cute and one practice Reg
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