#ghostgame spoilers
izzyizumi · 10 months
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Digimon Ghost Game ~ Ending Theme #5 (Originally sung by Musical Artists/Group: Kobore) "Strawberry" ~ Hiro Amanokawa & Gammamon & (New Friend!) Espimon
"There are so many things in the world That you can't see with your eyes..."
{That's (Also) Friendship!}
Caps by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
“I’ll save you, Hiro!”
“ME and YOU are Friends!
“…YOU and Hiro are FRIENDS!!!” - Gammamon to Espimon;
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - Espimon
-GG!Espimon & Gammamon (+Hiro in background); Episode 54
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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IMGs by @koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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andreaskorn · 29 days
Need For Speed: Payback (PART 02)
(Entwickler: #GhostGames, Publisher: #ElectronicArts 2017)
Ein Game mit viel Potential und coolen Rennen, aber auch manche Verbesserungen wären möglich.
Sequenzen aus dem Gameplay. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Computerspiels mit dem besonderen Blick auf die Serie der EA Rennspiele #NeedForSpeed.
SPOILER HINWEIS: Einige wenige Cutscenes sind auch in den Sequenzen vorhanden sowie Ausschnitte des finalen Rennens. Zudem befinden sich am Ende Teile des Abspanns (Credits).
00:00 - 00:02 Titelvorspann
00:03 - 01:13 Reach Escape Point (Audi S5 Sportback)
01:14 - 02:16 Escape the Cops, Skyhammer Event (Golf GTI)
02:17 - 03:26 Escape the Cops, Skyhammer Event (Subaru Impreza)
03:27 - 04:30 Escape the Cops, Skyhammer Event (Audi S5 Sportback)
04:31 - 05:54 Drift: Beat The Target Score (Mercury Cougar)
05:55 - 06:22 Shipments
06:23 - 08:00 Reach Escape Point (Porsche); Tuningoption im Anschluss
08:01 - 09:29 Drift Event (VW Käfer); Tuningoption im Anschluß
09:30 - 10:30 Reach Escape Point (Subaru Impreza)
10:31 - 11:23 Get the Car to RAV (Mercedes G 63)
11:24 - 12:10 Get the Car to RAV (Lamborghini?)
12:11 - 12:46 Escape the City (Truck)
12:47 - 13:32 Escape the City (Audi S5 Sportback)
13:33 - 14:25 Escape the City (Truck)
14:26 - 15:33 Tune-Up Shop; Buy, Trade-Ins (1. Glückspiel ohne Verbesserung, 2. Versuch Verbesserung um 8 LV); Ford Mustang 15:34 - 17:09 Event: Natalia Nova (Sprint Race mit Porsche); zunächst gescheitert
17:10 - 18:33 Offroad Event (Porsche)
18:34 - 18:42 Titelabspann
18:43 - 19.02 Credits NFS Payback (Auszug)
Dr. Andreas Korn, 29.08.2024 + + +
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webbyghost · 7 years
Self made thumbnail still pending but the first episode is up!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Me when watching Ghost Game Ep01: Hokuto Amanokawa DEFINITELY Knows More Than Hokuto's Letting On
Me when watching Ghost Game Ep51: Hokuto Amanokawa DEFINITELY!!!! Knows More Than Hokuto's LeTTING ON
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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{Digimon Ghost Game #65} ~ THE DIGITAL WORLD
gifs by @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post as New post} {DO NOT remove this caption} (PLEASE ASK TO USE) {DO NOT re-purpose my edits without Permission!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Ghost Game ~ Episode 67 featuring Characters: Hiro Amanokawa & (vs. GulusGammamon) (as Regulusmon)
gifs by @izzyizumi​​ {DO NOT COPY} {DO NOT re-post gifs as New post} (Please ASK to Use)
(More information under ‘read more’)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Ghost Game ~ Episode 66 ~ NEW(?) DIGIMON?
“I think we are INSIDE their INNER WORLD...”
H.D. caps by @izzyizumi​
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[Note: Tags/comments that are Kind/respectful are OK!]
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Every Single Ghost Game Digimon: The Digital World has... "disappeared"? m E, BANGING FISTS DOWN:
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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{Digi-T.C.G. reveal!} ~ Espimon T.C.G (Follow the link to Share!)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (+02, tri, 2020) (x GhostGame Cameo) ~ Edit Pre-view [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - “TOMODACHI” {“Friends”} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} + Friendships: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
“That’s WHY I HAVE TO DO IT!!”
“…YOU and {Hiro}/[Koushiro] are F R I E N D S!!!” - Gammamon to {Espimon}; [GhostGame 54]
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - {Espimon} (voice line provided via GhostGame Ep54 by 2020!Koushiro’s V.A.; Yumiko Kobayashi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My Commentary:
Some DigiAdvs Fan @ Me: “EXPLAIN Canon!Koushiro Izumi (from any of) {Adventure} / {02} / {tri.} / {Kizuna} / {Adventure:} (2020 reboot) to me!!!”
M E: “OK” *drops vid edits using a significant audio clip from GhostGame Ep 54 because Koushiros various Seiyuu Are Wonderful*
(GhostGame inclusion can be A.U. spin-offs or even canon-compliant A.U. spin-offs, you decide!)
* Currently un-sub’d, I’ll see what I can do in the future to add them in!! (For now, please refer to the link + text & etc. here!)
There are small but significant Koushiro-spoilers from: DigiAdv 2020 Ep 36 (Taichi & Koushiro moments; & Ep 43 (2020!Koushiro & Mimi moment) + (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship) Tri: Kokuhaku (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship; +1 Kou+Mi moment) Bokura no Mirai (Koushiro & Tentomon relevancy; Agumon is briefly seen along with Chosen too, it’s a kind of significant moment if context-free.)
(Along with some moments from Adventure + 02!)
BONUS gif’s with context (+some Spoilers for Tri; Kizuna; 2020) under the ‘read more’!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Ghost Game Ep. 24 vs. Tsuritama Ep. 10 (& the previous Ep. 09 {at end} that led into Ep. 10) ~ Important QUOTES / CONCEPTS ~ Cross-Series written lines / quotes / Parallels? by Hiroyuki Kakudou (a head writer/director of Digimon Adventure + 02) {who has also contributed writing some earlier episodes of Ghost Game...}
According to Anime News Network, Hiroyuki Kakudou also wrote for Tsuritama’s Ep. 10. (Episode 10 connected a lot of earlier concepts the series set in motion for that series’ Plot.) {If you recognize the character designs... Yes, Uki Atsuya, the Tri character designer, also contributed!}
“I want them to bloom beautifully and healthily while they’re alive.” - Kate Sanada
“This is how it should be” - Haru
“Don’t die, everyone. You have to bloom beautfully and healthily...” - Haru (Ep10)
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“Strangely, talking to them helps them grow more beautiful flowers...” Yuto (Ghost Game)
{Tsuritama Ep09, leading into Ep10...}
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“They’ll all die eventually, so I want them to bloom beautifully and healthily while they’re alive ... That’s what {Kate} said.” (Ep03; near end)
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{Tsuritama Ep03} (near mid-end) [what Haru was referring to...]
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{gifs by izzyizumi} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} {Please DO NOT use my posts for spreading Canon/Series Hate} {Otherwise you will LIKELY BE BLOCKED} {That includes leaving such in the tags of this post}
My Commentary:
I don’t know if Kakudou also wrote for this ep or not, (but iF HE DIDN’T...)
The parallels are so similar it’s scary (and maybe you can understand by connecting these concepts together, what this episode’s plot maybe intended to overall show...)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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D I G I M O N G h o s t  G a m e ~ Episode #22 vs Adventure 02 ~ BlackWarGreymon Arc (+02 U.S. Dub {Localization}) {““Parting of the Red Sea””} + {Moses} {Dub scene with quote cap from here}
Gifs by @izzyizumi​, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do NOT Comment/Tag with Series/Canon/Dub-hate} {Failure to Acknowledge Rules May Result in Blocks} {This also applies to Tagging/Tags on this Post}
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Note: If you comment on this to make it about Christianity, I’m auto-blocking you. The framing/direct reference is about the Exodus, an explicitly Jewish story; please don’t make the Passover story about Christianity/Jesus on this post.
People who steal this gif to make it about Christianity will be similarly perma-hardblocked; don’t do it.
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Some Digi-Fan @ Me...: ”So what are your thoughts on the potentials of the next Ghost Game ep-”
ME: “Akira Ishida, I’m onto you.” (If you don’t get the joke: Akira Ishida {Kiyoshiro’s seiyuu} voices both Kiyoshiro here, and Satoshi Hiwatari there. ~Coincidentally~ Or Not, Satoshi is also a character who is a “Genius” with experience overseas that “skipped” multiple grades in school {something which is also extremely unusual for most “normal” anime characters going by a real-world based, or at least similar, semi-“realistic” timeline of real-world events}. And then Ghost Game pulls out a scenario called “Icy Hell”... Involving the characters getting locked into a freezer-like area together....) [ And they’re both boys. ] {...which coincidentally also happens this way in D.N.Angel.} [Surely Akira Ishida doesn’t remember how that scenario turned out!] (OK, but mainly I’m just giggling over shared seiyuu roles.)
gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION} {DO NOT use this post for spreading series negativity} {OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE BLOCKED} {usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
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{Connecting the Dots?} especially with {The GhostGame summary for Ep14}.
{Prefer less re-blogs as I’m still working on compiling things for this, but hey!} (‘If it ends up happening, I predicted it like 3 eps ago’)
{gifs/edits by izzyizumi / koushirouizumi} [Me] {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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G H O S T G A M E Ep. 43 ~ Emma Haynes & Ruri Tsukiyono + Digi-Girls Supporting Digi-Girls (and welcoming/supporting them, as they should)
"Hey, are you Kiyoshiro's girlfriend?" - Emma
"...Did I worry you?"
IMGs by @koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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