#ghostlyraptor's writing
writingwithadragon · 7 years
Pokemon AU
Chapter 2
I walked behind a small group of trainers, one had a small Whismur. Another one had a Grotle, a very strong one by the look of it. I smiled, these trainers are going to be taught a lesson. Marcel is one of the strongest gym leaders, even if you're just starting out. If they stay, they'll learn what teamwork and bonds look like in a battle. Once they entered I slipped inside and took a seat. The first one up to battle was the one with a blue hoodie. I watch as they exchanged names, the one in the blue was Jonathan. I watched as he sent out his only Pokémon, a small Popplio. When they started the match Jonathan showed that he had little experience in battling. As he was quickly beaten by the weak Snorunt. Jonathan still showed no knowledge of battling as his Pokémon was taken by a nurse, so the Popplio was the only Pokémon on his team.
“Popplio is unable to battle, Marcel is the victor!” the ref yelled.
Next up was the trainer with the Whismur, his name was Craig. They wasted little time to start the fight, and he lasted much longer. But his small Whismur, or Sparky, was stopped in his tracks. Battling in the cold is dangerous, you have to make the battle quick, and if it goes to long you and your Pokémon are in trouble. Craig now sat beside Jonathan as they watched their third friend walk up to fight. He was Bryce and had a Torchic, yet it was weak and wouldn't be able to win. When he started to order his Torchic to use fire moves, they were weak and barely effective to the Cubchoo. And as soon as the battle started it had ended. He had lost from his lack of knowledge on the field. The last one up was the one with the Grotle, and his name was Arlan. I instantly knew that this was a fight worth seeing, it was going to be close. And it started slow, but it didn't matter. Arlan and his Grotle are a team, and they intend on showing that.
“Ironwood use Bite!” Arlan ordered as Grotle charged at the small Snorunt and got off a small bite, “Dodge it then use Absorb!”
Ironwood followed Arlan’s orders flawlessly, well at least for their skill. The Snorunt soon fainted and a small Snover was sent out by Marcel. Arlan grinned as he ordered Ironwood to use Toxic. I was surprised to see that Arlan’s Grotle knew Toxic. Arlan and Ironwood now have the upper hand in this fight. Bites were exchanged as the fight continued, but they were now close to the end of the fight. I was on the edge of my seat when the fight ended. Arlan had won a very impressive victory if I say so myself. I got up from my seat and made my way to my side of the field. Arlan looked at me with a confused look, so did Marcel. Arlan took a seat with his friends, who watched me like a Braviary.
“Hello sir, are you a challenger?” Marcel asked with anger still lingering behind his words.
“I am,” I smiled as I gripped Joule’s Pokéball lightly.
“Well, what's your name sir. I don't want to battle someone without a name,” Marcel commented with a laugh that seemed a bit bitter.
“I’m Brock. Once I get your badge I will have gained all eight badges. Badges that took a strong bond and time to get. So I’m here to challenge you, may the best trainer win,” I smiled as I took Joule’s Pokéball off of my belt. Marcel took one of his Pokéballs and threw it with a small toss. It released a Froslass, I released Joule in front of me.
“An Ampharos? Is that really the best Pokemon to battle my ice Pokémon? Like it's so small!” Marcel laughed as Joule let static flicker from his jewels.
“I wouldn't talk about Joule like that, he doesn't like that,” I laughed, Joule got in position for this battle.
“Froslass use Icy Wind!” Marcel shouted as I lightly leaned to left.
Joule dodged the attack, then with a little movement from my hand, Joule used Dragon Pulse. I relaxed my muscles as Joule did the same, he released his anger by using Thunder. Marcel got angry at the fact that his Froslass became paralyzed. Marcel's Froslass had trouble getting off a move, all the while Joule and I had no problem dodging and attacking. With a few more Dragon Pulses, Froslass was unable to battle.
Marcel returned Froslass to her Pokéball and released Walrein. At first, Joule and I went easy on the Walrein. But when Marcel told Walrein to use Rollout, Joule and I went full force after narrowly dodging Walrein’s attack. But with a quick Thunder Walrein was sent back into their Pokéball.
Marcel sent out an Abomasnow, and with a Blizzard, Joule became frozen and unable to move. Thinking fast I balled up my fists, one of Joule’s fists began to heat up. Marcel's Abomasnow was about to use Wood Hammer, Joule raced against the clock. And with a second to spare Joule’s first melted the ice around it and hit Abomasnow. The Abomasnow stumbled back giving Joule enough time to escape the ice. Joule used Dragon Pulse followed by a Fire Punch, sending Marcel into shock. I realized that I was swaying with Joule as he dodged the Razor Leaf. Joule used Fire Punch, which went through the Razor Leaf and hit Abomasnow. Abomasnow fainted and was replaced by Glalie. Glalie used Crunch and made Joule flinch. Glalie was able to get off a Freeze-Dry. Joule’s speed slowed from the attack but became stronger, Joule used Power Gem as it was super effective to the ice type Glalie. Glalie became unable to battle and an Avalugg was brought into play. Without warning Marcel’s Avalugg use Skull Bash, a move neither Joule and I expected. 
Joule got away with a close call, but the move still hit. Joule ran back to my side but stayed on the field of battle. And with a charge Joule used Thunder, stunning the Avalugg and then used Power Gem on it’s back. Yet Avalugg stayed standing because of its Sturdy ability. Avalugg used Ice Fang but was too slow to catch Joule. Joule kept dodging the ice type attack and with a small weak Dragon, Pulse Avalugg was out. As Marcel threw out his last Pokemon, Beartic, Joule took the Oran berry he was holding and ate it. Gaining his strength back, Marcel looked a little ticked off at our little play. But with a strong Blizzard Joule seemed to be losing this fight, but with the knowledge of knowing Joule couldn’t dodge this one. He ran and patted the Beartic, giving it a static shock. Marcel roared in anger as his Beartic was unable to move while Joule got off a weak Thunder. With a roar, Beartic used Hail, Joule and I dodged as many of the small pieces of hail. One then one hit Joule’s gem located on his head. With a low annoyed amph, Joule rushed towards Marcel’s Beartic. The Beartic was ready for a Power Gem but heat began to grow around Joule’s right paw. With a quick movement, a fist of flames made contact with Beartics stomach. Another punch came from nowhere, Beartic was dazed and collapsed on the field.
“Beartic is unable to Battle, Brock is the victor!” the ref yelled, Joule came running into my arms.
“I’m so proud of you Joule! Like I promised I’ll make you some of your favorite pokepuffs,” I smiled as I hugged him close, “Now let's get you patched up.”
“That was a great battle Brock,” Marcel smiled, yet happiness was not present.
“I know you hate the fact I won this battle,” I smile with a small laugh after I was done rummaging my bag for my medicine items.
“Fine, but here is your new Permafrost Badge. Hope you never beat the Elite Four,” Marcel smiled, turned and walked away muttering under his breath. His small Teddiursa followed close behind.
“That was amazing!” I turned to look at the bleachers where the other 4 trainers were watching. Jonathan was standing up, his hands balled up in excitement, and his Popplio on his shoulder. I laughed before I responded.
“Thank you! Your friend with the Grotle was great as well!” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Arlan covering his face, probably in embarrassment.
“I know right!? We just left our hometown with these Pokemon and he has already evolved!” Jonathan was starting to bounce on his toes in his joy.
“Really? That’s quite the accomplishment!” I looked back at Arlan, Bryce standing next to him.
“Guys, you’re going to make him explode from all the praise,” Bryce said, patting Arlan’s shoulder.
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writingwithadragon · 7 years
BBS Pokemon AU ~ Chapter 1
Story and writing by both @ghostlyraptor and I, we both hope you guys enjoy this au and chapter.
|Chapter 1|
The alarm clock sounded loudly into my ears. I woke up, sitting up with my hand on the clock. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my glasses, looking over at the time, I was an hour late. I quickly threw off my covers and got dressed angrily. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house in anger. I sprinted to Professor Ze’s lab, just hoping I can get a Pokémon this year. I made my way across the town and slammed Ze’s door open and closed.
“Hello Craig, you're late. Yet again. I thought you would learn your lesson from last year,” Ze spoke with a hand covering his face in shame.
“Wait you have no starters left!? Again?” I stammered, I never noticed the Whismur stumbling into the room.
“I’m afraid so, you were an hour late.” Proffesor Ze looked towards the doorway where the Whismur was hobbling in from. “But I do have this Whismur. “It might be small but it will be much louder; to match you,” Ze laughed as the small Whismur fell on their face.
“Are you sure that's the only pokemon you have left? And what do you mean, louder to match you!” I shouted, the Whismur wrr’d in response.
“Yes, they are the last one that can be a potential starter. And see! He likes you! Here's his Pokéball, have fun, see you later,” Ze spoke pushing me out the door and slamming it shut, not before he whispered sorry to Whismur.
I looked down at the Whismur, it looked up at me and wrr’d. I huffed in defeat, and picked up my new partner. I walked over to the café close to the edge of town, where Bryce, Arlan, and Jon were waiting there for me. Whismur wrr’d at anything it saw, it even wrr’d at a tree. This Whismur sure is noisy. We soon got to the café and I let out a sigh, this was going to be a hard day. The automatic doors opened and we walked inside. Cooled air hit us in the face, making Whismur let out a very angry wrr in response. Guess he didn’t like the cold. I looked around the café only to spot the back of Jon’s head. They were in the very back, their pokémon in their laps. Whismur looked up at me then followed my gaze, a small wrr coming from Whismur. I started walking towards them. When I made it to them Whismur let out a loud screech. Fortunately it was only heard by us, and all of them covered their ears and winced. I didn't flinch, and Whismur let out a very happy wrr. I laughed, I couldn't help it. I now understood why Ze said those things. Jon turned to face me, anger written on his face. Then his gaze fell to Whismur, happiness replaced his anger in a second. Jon went to go pick up my little Whismur, and they wrr’d in anger, using pound on Jon’s hands. Jon pulled his hands back and huffed. Bryce laughed along with Arlan, Whismur glared at Jon as I sat down.
“So, who's your little buddy Craig?” Bryce asked as his Torchic sat and pecked at his hand, wanting him to go back to petting it’s head like before.
“This is Whismur, and he’s apparently just like me,” I smiled as I patted Whismur on his head.
“Well he’s really cute. Aren't you going to nickname him?” Arlan asked, his Turtwig.
“Sparky?” I spoke down to my Whismur, it wrr’d happily as it responded to his new name.
“Cool?” Jon sighed, clearly not liking the name, Whismur wrr’d in anger at Jon.
“Don’t mess with Sparky. He already hates you,” Bryce laughed, Jon frowned and held his Popplio. Popplio lightly papped their trainer’s shoulder in reassurance.
“I just wanted to hold him jeez,” Jon huffed, Popplio copying and huffing as well.
“Okay, okay. But what did you all nickname your pokémon?” I asked, Sparky wrr’d as he reached for Jon’s Popplio. They may not have liked Jon, but they seemed interested in his Popplio.
“Well I named my Torchic Ellie,” Bryce laughed patting Ellie on the head, earning a happy chirp from the fire bird.
“Mine is Ironwood, I know it's very original,” Arlan laughed.
“Well that is original. You could have named him Tree,” I laughed, Arlan chuckled in response, “You Jon?”
“Delilah!” Jon said, holding up the Popplio in question proudly. I laughed as Whismur crawled onto the table and began to reach for Delilah, who was posing as best as they could.
“Hey we should battle!” Arlan suggested, we all nodded in agreement.
“Dibs on Bryce!” Jon yelled grabbing Bryce's sleeve, taking him outside. Arlan and I followed.
Bryce and Jon stood across from each other with their pokémon doing the same. I looked at Arlan as he took his place. Sparky got ready for the fight, I watched as Ironwood got ready too. I heard Jon and Bryce start their fight as Arlan still looked not so ready.
“You ready?” I asked, Arlan only nodded.
“Ironwood tackle!” Arlan yelled as he pointed at Sparky.
“Sparky dodge it! Then use screech!” I yelled back, I got a wrr as Sparky dodged Ironwood. My hands were balled up into fists. Sparky used screech and stunned Ironwood, “Sparky use Pound!”
“Dodge it Ironwood!” yet Arlan and Ironwood were too late. Sparky got off his Pound, but Ironwood tackled Sparky.
“Use Screech then use Pound!” I yelled, Sparky listened and left Ironwood unable to battle. Sparky and I have won our first battle, “Good battle Arlan,” I smiled and walked up to Arlan, shaking his hand.
“Yeah you too, we should get to the Pokémon Center,” Arlan spoke. I nodded and looked over to Jon and Bryce's battle. Jon had lost, somehow, even though he had the upper hand. Poor Jon, and it seems that Bryce is amazing at battling with Ellie. They soon joined us while we walked towards the Pokémon Center.
As we made it into the Pokémon Center I put Sparky back into his Pokéball. Everyone did the same. Jon and Arlan went first with healing their Pokémon. Then it was Bryce then it was soon my turn.
“Hello, would you like to heal your pokemon?” the nurse asked, I nodded and handed her Sparky’s Pokéball. I went to go sit with the guys to pass the few minutes until we could go get our Pokémon back.
Once I got Sparky I let him out of his Pokéball, he instantly tried to jump into my arms. Sparky didn't even get an inch off the ground, and then landed on his face. Sparky let out a small sad wrr. With a small laugh I picked up Sparky. He wrr’d in a very happy tone and made himself comfortable. I smiled as the guys and I left and walked over to a bench outside.
“So where should we go? Like what gym?” Jon asked as we sat down.
“Maybe the ice gym? I heard that he was easy to beat,” Bryce answered, Arlan huffed and put a hand over his chest.
“Ironwood is a grass type, he’s weak to ice types!” Arlan spoke and looked away from us.
“Well I don’t have an advantage, Delilah is a water type Pokémon. And Sparky is a normal type,” Jon spoke, I just stayed quiet, Sparky wrr’d in agreement.
“So how far away is it?” Arlan asked.
“An hour, and if we go now we can get a train on the way,” Bryce shrugged.
“Yes! I could not walk for an hour straight.” Jon yelled in excitement, Sparky agreed.
“So it's settled, we head up to Welc,” I smiled, I was ready to get going.
It's been more than an hour, Whismur and I got lost then somehow I got to Welc. We went to the Pokémon Center, after twenty or so minutes we were joined by the others. And somehow Ironwood evolved, he was pretty cool and ready to fight. Arlan’s explanation was that Ironwood was just a battle magnet.
“Should we head to the gym?” I asked holding up Sparky.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Bryce and Arlan responded in sync, ending with a fit of laughter from the two.
“What.” Jon looked up at everyone, Delilah in his lap with her flippers in his hands.
“Jon? What are you doing?” Bryce laughed, Arlan and I joined in.
“I was playing with Delilah,” Jon laughed putting Delilah back into her Pokéball.
“Okay, we’re heading to the gym to fight,” Bryce said taking Jon’s arm and started to drag him to the gym.
Arlan and I followed, Sparky continued to wrr and began to pat my face. Arlan was busy thinking up ways to fight this gym leader, and their team. But I soon noticed a guy walking behind us, he wasn't looking at us but at the gym. I knew that he was going to watch us fight, then his turn to face the gym leader would be next. He was a trainer, just like us.
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