#giant sloth was an animal I was thinking of comparing him to
hellishgayliath · 7 months
By the way if you’d like to update pico’s Spirit design completely up to you
(Ya don’t gotta answer. I’m a super secret person ya would never guess who I am🥸)
How’d you know he’s been on my mind lately mystery person that is totally not Coko huehue
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The only tweaks I made for his look was longer ears, a lion’s like mane cuz cmon that’s just cute, and different eye markings but it might change cuz I’m still indecisive on one I want to settle with. And the fun part is you can go crazy with the foliage that grows on his back, there’s no specific one way to do it cuz just like nature, it’s inconsistent and all over the place :D
Some additional stuff I wanted to add onto him. He himself is only tethered to the forest, he can’t leave it whatsoever. Maybe it’s cuz he’s the guardian of it or maybe just some unexplained mystical mojo is at play, but all he knows is he can’t step foot outside the forest. Another thing is the way he laughs, kinda similar to sounds regular opossums make, he gives off a “ch” noise. Also he’s always gonna be dirty and covered in dirt and grass stains and not really care about how he looks. But if those he’s assisting want to offer a lil groom he’s not gonna refuse. He quite likes flower crowns :3
OH and his favorite resting place is a giant weeping willow tree cuz those are my favourite trees to place in a fantasy setting >:0
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(your babie is so cute I couldn’t resist adding him again @cokoweee )
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loominggaia · 1 year
What's every FGG's favorite animal?
I know someone asked what animal they'd be, but I don't think I've gotten this question yet. If I have, well, here's an updated answer!
Evan: Feels uneasy around all animals, but in "The Sundown Room" it's mentioned that he feels a sort of kinship with wolves, being a lycanthrope and all. I think his favorite animal is probably a horse though, since he grew up on a farm and appreciates how useful they are utility-wise. He respects their power and associates them with freedom. You know what he doesn't respect? Chickens. He absolutely hates chickens...
Lukas: Lukas is often compared to a panther, and I think that's probably his favorite animal too. They're graceful, solitary, and stealthy, but if you provoke them you're in for a world of pain. Lukas relates to them in that way. He also mentions liking elephants and associates them with the concept of family. Really hates snakes.
Glenvar: Glenvar's religion dictates that he was born under the whale star. This is the star he prays to for guidance, so he feels a special bond with this animal. He doesn't like pigs and boars because they remind him of the worst aspects of his mother.
Alaine: She often compares herself to a frog, both lovingly and disparagingly, and she has fond memories of frog-catching with her mother. So, this is probably her favorite animal.
Isaac: He loves all animals! Might be slightly biased towards rocs though because he spends so much time with one.
Linde: Swans. Beautiful to look at and often underestimated, but if you piss them off, watch out...Linde respects that.
Balthazaar: Rhinoceros. They're native to his homeland of Rodanga, and as a little boy he always dreamed of one day riding one into battle. That hasn't happened yet, but a man can hope!
Skel: Thinks animals are dirty and doesn't really like being around them, but if he had to pick a favorite, he'd probably pick cats. He appreciates how they at least attempt to clean themselves, and he has to respect how they turn the whole "pet" role around on man. Cats don't serve man; man serves cats, because cats never do a god damn thing they don't want to do. Skel hates rodents, as he associates them with theft and disease, and he has no respect for dogs.
Javaan: Rats. Hates when they're in his house, but respects how smart, resilient, and crafty they are. Once entertained the idea of training an army of rats to steal things for him, but decided against it when he heard the story of Varas.
Elska: As a child she used to spend hours watching ants. Her father told her that their clan should strive to be more like the ants, because they are dutiful creatures with unwavering loyalty to their colony, and their biggest strength comes from their ability to follow orders and cooperate with eachother. Elska really took that to heart. Despite her massive size, she strives to be like the ant. In "To Fight the Fog", she encounters horses for the first time and they scare the shit out of her. She still feels uneasy around them.
Mr. Ocean: He and his wife Solveig had a "pet" giant ground sloth, so that animal has a special place in his heart. Also likes ducks, just because he spends a lot of time around them in the lake. But I think his favorite animal is the dolphin because they helped guide him to Redwood Island, and he believes they are the spirits of Solveig's ancestors. What he doesn't like are cats, because they're always trying to eat him. (This isn't unique to Ocean though; many Aquarians share this relationship with cats...)
Zeffer: Hates bats and cats because he associates them with vampires. Hates silkbeasts because he had to contend with them a lot in his life. Hates crows because vampires often use them as spies. There are a lot of animals Zeffer can't stand, but I think he has a soft spot for dogs because they remind him of Evan, his first and only true friend.
Lore Masterpost
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of My Senpai is Annoying
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How did I get into this anime? I read about it and thought it would be a cute, laughable, work-place comedy.
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Futaba Igarashi has been working in a sales company for about two years now. Even though she still sees herself as inexperienced compared to her other workmates, she feels she’s getting the hang of things little by little. Her one annoyance however is a worker by the name of Harumi Takeda. He is her senpai. By the looks of this, Takeda looks like a gentle giant that likes to tussle Futaba’s hair all the time because she’s so tiny compared to him and literally everyone else in the office.
Before I go any further, can we please pray that this guy doesn’t have a little-sister complex like Takanashi on Working!!?
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Okay, back to the synopsis. Ah…well yes. Annoying senpai, irritated loli, make with the yuk-yuk!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: It would be so nice if FUNimation would expand some of their titles to other platforms and not be greedy fuck-asses with every single title they license and release. Though in recent days of this posting, things have changed for the better. Besides my irritation in streaming wars…Yes, they indeed gave this a dub. Let’s see what we have here. Patrick Seitz as Takeda! Winner! We have a winning match here! I know I’m not a fan of typecasting, but any time Seitz plays a larger than life man in an anime, I can dig it. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Futaba is played by Tomori Kusunoki (known for Setsuna on Love Live Nijigasaki, LLENN on SAO: GGO, and Misha on Misfit of Demon Lord Academy)
*Takeda is played by Shunsuke Takeuchi (known for Producer on Idolm@ster: CG, Goujin on Inazuma Eleven: Ares, and Archer of Black on Fate/Apocrypha)
ENGLISH CAST: *Futaba is played by Risa Mei
*Takeda is played by Patrick Seitz (known for Sloth on FMA: Brotherhood, Endeavor on My Hero Academia, Jiren on DB Super, Gamagoori on Kill la Kill, Simon on Durarara, Agni on Black Butler, and Franky on One Piece)
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SHIPPING: You know it’s a bad sign for this couple when Takeda says he hopes to have a kid just like Futaba one day. Yeah, that’s messed up but pretty clear sign dude doesn’t see Futaba as a romantic companion. Meanwhile, Futaba’s got kind of a tsundere vibe when it comes to Takeda. There are things she likes about him, but she puts up a front that’s the polar opposite.
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But we do get ship-worthy moments from the two. Most notably both of them buying the other a Christmas present and both of them taking care of the other when they were ill!
But if they did get together…nah, no way! Takeda could saw her in half with his dick.
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Now there’s another ship I have to mention. We see some activity from this every episode when we’re not focused on cheeky senpai. Futaba’s workmates, Kazuma and Sakurai are not a couple officially, but they do so much together that you think they really are a couple. It’s just that they never say it to each other. They both blush at each other constantly! Sakurai always calls on Kazuma. Kazuma gets jealous when other guys are trying to pick up Sakurai. God, just fuck already!
ENDING: New year, new changes?! Maybe!
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For the New Years holiday, everyone has their own plans. Futaba’s going to spend the time with Natsumi. Kazuma got invited to spend the evening with Sakurai and her brother. And Takeda is going to spend the time training. Did all those go as planned? Not really!
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Sakurai invited Kazuma over only because her brother could be there to lighten the tension between these two obvious love-birds. However, Sakurai’s brother ends up going to a friend’s house and so she’s alone with Kazuma. Oh and she burned the food! But they still had a great New Years Eve and the next day, they both went to their local shrine together. However, Kazuma did run into some bad luck as he blabbed about a certain coworker on live television and saying what we’re all thinking while watching this series. The end result being, Futaba saw the live broadcast, went to wherever he was, and beat the shit out of him. Plus side, he got to sleep on Sakurai’s lap. And that’s the last we get of these lovebirds for the season. Finale is only for cheeky senpai and chibi tsundere.
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As for Futaba’s New Year, she did indeed spend New Years Eve with Natsumi. But she still dropped a few thoughts about Takeda-senpai. The next day at the shrine, she runs into Takeda and Natsumi bails out on them. The two of them ended up pulling the same fortune that read the same thing. The thing you’re looking for is standing right next to you. Of course it did! Now did these two act upon that in the final episode? Ehhh.
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In the finale, Takeda earned a lot of praise at work due to a recent contract landing he earned for the company. This made him super popular around the office and now is hanging with a bunch of coworkers we never see until now. Needless to say, Futaba was a bit jealous but it thankfully doesn’t affect her own work. She’s improving a lot since starting in the company. We do get a flashback of her first day (due to Futaba getting drunk at a bar). Her first day went as well as you would expect. Futaba got really standoffish with a couple of her coworkers because they said something that hit a little too close to home involving her height. And the one who got on her nerves big time was indeed, Takeda-senpai (who thought she was a middle school kid on a field trip). But Futaba realizes that their relationship has grown since then and she’s grown to respect him despite certain quirks Futaba despises about him.
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Takeda will always be there for Futaba to save her from weird men and will always have this relationship that no one else at work can match. And we end with a sharing of the umbrella scene as the rain falls down.
Okay, so this series was pretty much what I would expect. A workplace comedy where the main character is annoyed by her mentor but later gets all tsundere and blushy about it! It’s what I gathered when I read the title to this anime and it’s pretty much that. There’s nothing more that I can say other than this was a cute romp and would give it a recommendation if you’re into workplace comedies. And honestly, if you were of a fan of Working!! or Servant x Service, definitely check this anime out.
Moving forward, I’m wondering if this anime will ever see the light of day again or if it’s another one and done. I honestly think this anime might open up a bit either earning itself an OVA special episode or even a second season. The manga is still in publication after all! Plus, it would be nice if Kazuma and Sakurai could stop pussy-footing around and just fuck and get it over with! GAH! And it would be nice to see if we get more development between Takeda and Futaba. There were a lot of juicy scenes between the two and a lot of ship-worthy moments. Not sure if Futaba’s grandfather would approve or not! I can only imagine how her grandfather would be if those two ended up getting together for real.
If you would like to watch My Senpai is Annoying, FUNimation has every episode available in both sub and dub.
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
The Necessity of Love
So inspired by this post from @lord-diavolo-is-watching 
Okay imagine this : the brothers had a hard time to adjust to the Devildom, so for their first night they all slept together in the living room and the brothers (everyone but Luci, Satan and maybe Mammon) asked if they shouldn't pray because that's what they usually do before going to sleep and Lucifer simply told them:
"Starting from today we don't pray anymore. Father has forsaken us."
Have a fic that literally no one but @ikemen-lover159 asked for :)
Summary: On their first night in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer gives it it’s namesake by lamenting on all the sins that brought them to the Devildom, trying to pinpoint where it all went wrong.
Warnings: Angsty as hell because we don’t know what fluff is here, Satan being somewhat cruel, the boys in distress, questioning the problem of evil.
Words: 2722 because I couldn’t stop once I started please forgive me
I would like to note that for any religious folk reading this, I mean no offence by posing the problem of evil as a way to question God. I followed what seemed like a logical thought process for Lucifer in a time of great grief and pain for all the brothers. In no way is it meant to belittle beliefs of any nature but this fic’s intention is to show how belief might be questioned. I have tried to handle the topic sensitively and apologise if anyone feels it was handled wrong. 
Since their very creation they had been taught to love. They had been taught to be patient, to be kind and to be devout. They had been taught the importance of purity, of chastity and charity. They were supposed to embody the traits that humanity would strive for in their quest for virtue, and they had worked for centuries to become all that He had intended them to be. Among the ranks of angels, there were few higher than them thanks to their devotion and adoration to Him and His cause.
The hypocrisy was stifling.
Lucifer had been created first, famed for his beauty and grace as he diligently served Him. He knew nothing other than the blind loyalty to the man who had breathed life into his lungs and raw power into his soul, not until he was taught compassion and love and everything good. He had been good. He’d been the best at being good! He had been chaste and pure and kind and ensured that his brothers were to. They shared no blood, but they were brothers none the less, created one by one and entrusted to one another to be guided down a virtuous path. They had all been good…hadn’t they?
It had been Him who had asked them to watch humanity, to give the lesser beings something to strive for as they grew into the world gifted to them. His adoration for them was clear so the Celestial Realm had followed suit. Lucifer had devoted himself whole heartedly to learning to love the strange little creatures far below, reaching up their hands as though virtue and grace was something they could snatch from the heavens. He had taught his brothers to do the same and they had spent endless stretches of time watching over the little ones when even He had seemed to grow bored of his creation. Belphegor and Lilith had taken his teachings to heart the most - Lilith perhaps a little too literally.
The agony her name brought was almost unbearable and his fist clenched of its own accord, nails scratching through the delicate fabric of the chair he had sat himself in by the fire. Her love for humanity had been so great it had led her to temptation. The rules were clear, to alter her lover’s lifespan was not an option but his sister was young and as it often did, youth had given way to impetuousness. Lucifer was no fool. He knew the likelihood of their love being accepted amongst the ranks of already sceptical angels, lesser and disobedient angles, was slim. He had thought he had more time to make Him and everyone else see reason, to craft an argument so well made it could be unshattered by any attempts to counter it. He had vetted the man, knew he was virtuous and good and deserving of the love of an angel. If only she hadn’t been so rash in attempting to save his life…
He hissed, the sting in his chest to real to subdue and file away. There was not a moments peace from the grief and the pain he and he alone had to shoulder now. Her only crime had been to love another too much. How could obliteration be the fate she deserved for following His teachings? His crime was worse, he had known it the moment he had suggested it to his brothers, but again it had come from a place of love. He had loved Lilith so deeply the desire to save her had become a maddening need. His own survival had seemingly depended on it, or so it felt like. His brothers had loved him enough to walk right behind him, standing tall as they leapt into the fray. When He had declared that they were all guilty of a grievous sin it had enraged him because…he’d never intended that. His love for his sister had driven him to a rebellion that placed his beloved brothers in just as much danger as she was in.
In the strangely still aftermath of it all he’d come to the conclusion it was his fault, lying on a cold, dirty floor as he waited for something to come and end his misery. When Lilith had began to fall he’d dived with her, his brothers continuing the fight in his stead as he plunged in a desperate attempt to save her. It was all he had ever wanted to do and things had spiralled so far beyond his control it was laughable. Only as she lay dying, his heartfelt goodbye pouring from him as he committed one last act of betrayal out of love for her, did he finally understand exactly how this would end. He had intended to take the blame, to suffer whatever punishment he must in exchange for the lives of his brothers, whose only real crime was to follow a flawed and imperfect angel like him. He still hadn’t seen it even then, the flaws in His Father so many humans were starting to see as they bickered about how best to honour Him.
He hadn’t expected to fly right into the middle of their execution.
He had returned to find them restrained but struggling, fire in their eyes and hope in their hearts. For him to return without Lilith crushed them. Beelzebub, the gentle giant beloved by every angel he had ever met, had gone limp so suddenly that those restraining him sagged to the floor under his sudden dead weight. Dazed at the loss of their sister the six of them had been entirely ready to accept punishment, to join her in returning to the nothingness they’d been created from. He knew differently, he knew she was alive and well now, and as an all-knowing Father Lucifer was sure that the powerful man before him knew it to. Watching Michael’s sword come swinging towards Mammon’s neck, the brother he had known and loved longest, had cleaved his heart in two – quite literally at that.
The bitter anger and betrayal he’d felt, the desperate need for vengeance, it swelled and burst out of him in a great shaft of light that flittered about angrily, the malevolence in it quite obvious. Once its humanoid figure had formed and the light had dimmed, the howl of rage the embodiment of his wrath let loose had shook his very bones. It had taken a lot to restrain Satan when he was first born, and Lucifer knew he had only made things worse by creating him. He honestly hadn’t meant to, but the rage had been too much. Mammon being put to death, his brother calmly taking it as though he deserved to pay for Lucifer’s crimes…it had been too much, and yet not enough. Not enough for their Father, who knew the grief was a greater punishment than death could ever be.
So, with one mighty shove He had pushed them all away.
The fall itself replayed in his head still and he doubted he would ever be granted peace from the memory. Shattering the barrier between the Celestial Realm and the human world had felt like crashing through ice, the shards cold and sharp as they sliced through his skin and the stinging wind did little to soothe the wounds. The cold had quickly become fire, Celestial grace unable to leave the Celestial Realm being dragged up and out through every pore in his body until it combusted and set ablaze the wings so many had fawned over. His brothers screams echoing in his ears, his bones popping like firecrackers as his entire form was diminished. Landing in the Devildom had quite honestly been painless compared to the rest of it all. The slap of cold, hard dirt on his back, stealing his air, was actually a welcome relief, since it meant he no longer had to Fall.
He wasn’t sure what had happened to the others or if they’d tell him their experience, given time to heal, but as his body slowly put itself back together he had been greeted by the animal that would become his familiar. The peacock had strutted regally towards him and pecked at the remaining feather and bone the impact hadn’t quite shed him of. He had stared aimlessly at the sky, letting the peacock preen him as new wings grew in. He had lay there thinking of all that had led him to this moment and reached the conclusion that something had to be flawed. So what was it? Was love flawed? Was humanity? Was it both?
It had been a few days since that moment and he still wasn’t sure of the answer. His brothers were all finally awake, Diavolo granting them power and healing their injuries like an old friend, welcoming them to the Devildom as though they were always meant to have fallen into the depths of its depravity. Their new home was lavish beyond anything they could have imagined and yet…it was too much. To spend all the millennia from the dawn of creation up until now revering the simple things, refuting greed and luxury, made it difficult to be thrust into a world where an opulent lifestyle was not only expected but required. They embodied different virtues now. Pride, greed, envy, wrath, gluttony and sloth. They had been warned of these seven deadly sins and tried their best to aid humans in avoiding them, and now…now they were them. It was all his fault.
Belphegor would happily blame humanity from now till the end of time he was sure, but their predicament to him seemed to stem from love. Lilith had loved a human, and he had loved Lilith, so he started a rebellion and their love for him meant his brothers had joined him on a one-way ride down to the Devildom. He had tried to use that same love since, praying for the forgiveness of his brothers. His Father had quite diligently ignored his pleas and though Lucifer was still undecided if it was love, humanity or both that was a flawed concept, he had reached a conclusion that was equally as harrowing as it was satisfying.
God did not love.
An all-loving Father would have offered a chance at forgiveness, wouldn’t he? An all-loving Father would not have been so cruel as to condemn them to a fate where they would have to endure their grief in a place too unfamiliar still to call home. Death would have been a mercy, so an all-loving Father would have granted them that surely? They were here because they had loved one another too much, and their Father had not loved them enough. It was decided then. Love was a flawed concept. His Father had been wrong to place such high value on such a tempting sin.
“Dammit all!” Leviathan’s howl of irritation and pain had his eyes lifting from the fire crackling in the hearth. Tears pricked at vivid orange eyes, his fingers desperately scratching at the scales that now coated various patches of skin. The digits came back bloody and Mammon’s eyes widened.
“Hey, hey! Stop it Levi, here, here let me see.” He gently forced his brother’s trembling hand away from the self-inflicted wounds. “Hang on, let me get something.” Mammon left in a hurry and Lucifer looked over each of his brothers in turn. The rooms were too lavish, and they weren’t used to sleeping so far apart from one another, so a compromise had been made and plush duvets had been bought down to the living room. Belphegor had yet to wake, his sleeping patterns completely irregular now his body was adjusting to the sloth in him. Satan was engrossed in a book about Devildom history, the only one who was seemingly keen to be down here. Asmodeus had turned his back on them all, huddled in his duvet and staring aimlessly at the bookshelf before him.
When Mammon returned with a bowl of water and a cloth, Levi couldn’t help the quiet sniffle that left him.
“Th-thanks.” He mumbled, trying desperately to keep it together. Beelzebub wasn’t even trying. Protectively wrapped around Belphegor as the latter snored softly, the grief and torment in his eyes was obvious as he watched his older brother hurting.
“The scales are really dry, maybe you should take a bath.” Mammon suggested quietly. His loud, boisterous personality was gone, replaced instead by something horribly timid. Lucifer felt another pang of guilt and anger. He had done this to them all.
“Maybe…maybe we should pray?” Asmodeus’s voice was equally as quiet, weak and uncertain. Lucifer clicked his tongue, his eyes moving back to the flames. He heard the rustle of Amso moving but couldn’t bring himself to look at him. He didn’t want to see any of them if he was honest, the brothers he’d failed. Satan’s quiet snort didn’t go unnoticed.
“We usually do before we go to sleep so what’s the harm?” Beelzebub demanded. He had had little patience for Satan since his appearance, convinced that he was the reason they had been tipped into the Devildom and stripped of any chance of re-joining his beloved sister, the final piece to the puzzle that was Beelzebub, Belphegor and Lilith.
“In case you haven’t noticed, he seems to be done listening to you.” Satan sneered.
“Like you would know, you weren’t even an angel! You don’t understand any of it!” Asmodeus protested, “Right Lucifer?” Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to answer. He had tried. He had prayed and prayed and prayed only to be ignored time and again. Their Father didn’t love them, he had abandoned them to this place. He had taught them all to love and gone back on his own word. Lucifer clenched his fist once more, the anger and grief roiling in his gut and making him feel oh so sick.
“All I’m saying is if your blessed Father was all-knowing he would have foreseen this happening, wouldn’t he? So, if he knew it was coming, and is all-loving, why wouldn’t he correct your course? Why not help you avoid this truly terrible fate?” the way he drawled each word really gave it time to sink in and the answering silence spoke volumes.
“He’s…got a point.” Mammon muttered uncomfortably.
“Of course I do, the sooner you accept it the faster you can start adjusting to life here. It might not be all bad. Did you know the Devildom has over 300 types of demon inhabit it?” Satan stated matter of factly.
“And now we do.” Beelzebub said softly. The silence that rang in his ears made Lucifer’s head spin. He pushed up from his chair, levelling each of his broken, beaten brothers with his calmest stare. They all knew better than to question the tears in his eyes or the slight waver in his voice.
"Starting from today we don't pray anymore. Father has forsaken us."
He quickly buried himself in his own bedding after that so they wouldn’t see how much it truly pained him to say it. He pretended not to hear Asmodeus cry himself to sleep. He pretended he couldn’t hear Mammon trying to calm a pained Levi begging him to take the scales away and give him his wings back. He pretended not to hear Beelzebub’s quite goodnight to Lilith, his solemn vow to look after Belphegor woven into the tender words that carried through the air. He pretended to ignore it all even though every bit of pain his brother’s oozed was soaked up by him like a sponge, adding to his own torment. He pretended not to feel Mammon’s hand on his shoulder to as he passed him to settle down to sleep to.
“Have we really been forsaken?” he asked him quietly. Lucifer swallowed thickly.
“Father has forsaken us…but we will not forsake each other.” It was all he could think to say to comfort his younger brother. He would forsake none of them. He would make them whole again as best he could. He hadn’t made a deal with Diavolo for nothing. Even if the world around them changed, even if he himself became unrecognisable to the people that once loved him, everything he would do from then on would always be in the name of family.
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jayde-jots · 3 years
Alrighty! I have officially put animals to the giants in my giants AU! This is going to be a little info dump on what the giants can do, some little silly stories about how they found out what animals they were, and maybe a little more like how their systems work. So with out further adieu-
Ten Cents = Whale, Dolphin. Big Mac = Bull, Ram, Ox. O.J = Mammal, Koala, Sloth, Ape. Top Hat = Bat. Warrior = Canine. Hercules = Whale. Sunshine = Vulpini, House Cat. Grampus = Flying Fish. Zorran = Snake. Zebedee = Skunk, Badger. Zak = Marsupial. Zug = Owl. Zip = Caracal, Fennec Fox. Okay, got the main crew out of the way. Now these are just ideas, some stronger than others. Here we go. Johnny Cuba = Monotreme. Izzy Gomez; I'm thinking he's gonna be very tropical bird like. Sorta-ish like what I have in mind design wise for Zug. Burke & Blair; I don't know yet, I'm thinking something like hybrids between foxes and black cats. Billy Shoepack; Something creative, like a weaver bird and spider mix. That's what I got for now, let me know if you want info on a specific character and I'll see what I might come up with. I'm even thinking on turning the barges and expanding into the Thomas side of things, so be on the lookout for design ideas like them. > All giants who were formerly water vessels can walk on water and have webbing in between their fingers and toes, they can also all breath underwater, they function a little like crabs and water mammals in a sense. > Ten Cents and Hercules have blow holes on their backs. > On the same people, Ten Cents is a lot more agile and swift than Hercules on the part that he also has dolphin traits. > Zorran has many traits unique to snakes that his hair actually can copy. His hair can become animated to his will and form things like a hood, extent down his back to make a tail and can harden at the tips so when he shakes them it sounds like a rattle. > On the same note as the last point about Zorran's hair, when he hardens them they are also irritating to touch much like how stinging plants work, he'll wrap himself in his hair as well to keep himself warm or to defend himself if all else fails. So he's also a little like a porcupine or more accurately a hedgehog. > Sunshine is a little similar in the regard to Zorran that his hair and Sunshine's hair has a few functions to. Sunshine's hair functions like fiberglass dust, it burns if you touch it after he's hardened it. It works a lot more like porcupine spines as compared to Zorran who acts more like a hedgehog. He can also ignite his sweat from his scalp and that makes his hair combust, he turns his name very literally. > You'll actually find O.J hanging from the cranes arms when he sleeps, same with Top Hat. > A few of the tugs had taken to preferring to stay on land than in the water, often resting on top of cranes or buildings. > Zug can actually make his head do a 180, it scared the hell out of the others when he first pulled it off. > Top Hat can actually use echo location, and if he actually screams lets just say every window in the city will be broken. > Zak actually does have a pouch, which he most often uses to help carry goods around the harbor. "An in built bag." he calls it. Though on cold nights he sometimes lets some of the smaller giants sleep in it. > Zeb has actually used his skunk ability's on Bluenose before. Since after the navy tug was turned into a giant he was charged with checking up on them regularly, one time he really pushed Zeb's buttons so one day he let rip right on Bluenose. He stunk for a whole four months as the navy tried to wash him down in tomatoes. He then gave a very respectful distance from Zebedee after that. That's all I got for now, if anyone has any questions or just funny ideas about the giants please let me know. I'm working on full body designs for the giants now, so maybe expect those up in the future.
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heartofsnark · 5 years
This Is Love (Chapter One): Welcome to Hope County
Notes: Soooo, I’ve been talking about this for a bit and it’s time to just take the jump and start publishing my Far Cry 5 fic. I hope you enjoy. Also, i have like a series warning for this that will be on every chapter cause it needs it. 
Summary: Dahlia Hale is the youngest person working at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department. Hailing from a small town in Louisiana, it’s going to take her some time to fully acclimate to the new environment and living on her own. Developing friendships takes time even for the most functional of people and for disasters like Dahlia it takes even longer. She gets along with her coworkers and there’s some religious family who’s taken a shine to her, for some reason. It seems like she’s on her way to getting the kind of friends she’s only ever dreamed about, even if it’s going to take some more time. 
Then everything goes to shit. 
Halfway through her six-month probationary hire and that nice religious family has kicked off a holy war with her becoming enemy number one.
To one side she’s a hero. 
To the other she’s a monster. She’s not sure which is right. 
Word Count: 9,290
Series Warning: I usually do not like to spoil endgame pairings in my fics, but this warrants being up front. This series is polyseed and involves heavy, recurrent themes of at times romanticized noncon, dubcon, large age differences, and stockholm syndrome that develops into a romantic relationship. The relationship between my oc and the Seeds is extremely unhealthy, toxic, and should never be replicated or sought out in real life. No matter how things progress or how they are portrayed at different points, this fact remains the same. i am comfortable exploring and enjoying these themes in fiction, not everyone is. If you are uncomfortable with or triggered by any of these things, please skip this and take the precautions you feel necessary to avoid this material. If you are an individual who struggles with separating reality and fiction; please do not read this. Otherwise, if you’re comfortable with and enjoy that kind of content, please enjoy. 
Chapter Warnings: Bliss flowers, hallucinations, threats of violence (really not bad compared to whats to come)
A shiver rolls down Dahlia’s spine, the chill of the Montana night settling into her bones. A sign welcomes her to Hope County, her motorcycle tire spinning dirt at it as she passes. The moon shines bright in the sky, cascading silver light down on everything. It’s beautiful despite the cold, light reflecting off the lakes and streams that pass through the county.  
It’s mostly woods and forests, fields of big white flowers and animals wandering through. The entire county is begging to be put on a postcard, from the animals, to the fields, to the…giant cement statue of a guy with a manbun…
Her tires squeal as she comes to a stop on the thankfully vacant road, she pushes the visor of her helmet up, as if the tint could cause her to see something like this. Sure enough, the white hunk of stone is still there. It’s of a man with his hair pulled back in a small bun, in one hand he holds a book and the other gestures outward. 
Hair raises on the back of her neck and goosebumps collect across her skin, the statue is…eerie. It looms across the entire region, a creeping specter. Unnerving doesn’t even begin to describe it, her body has started to lean towards it, almost drawn to it. 
Maybe it’s a historical figure for the county? People do that right, build monuments to founders or something. The clothes of the figure seem old fashioned, but she’s not sure about how far back the manbun goes.
She shakes her head and slaps her visor back down, she needs sleep. It shouldn’t be much further to her hotel. Dahlia revs her engine and rushes off that way, finally finding the large wooden hotel with its red roof. There’s a large wooden sign welcoming her to the King’s Hot Spring Hotel, the parking lot is decidedly vacant, and she comes to a stop by the smaller stone black sign that sits close to the larger wooden one, easy to overlook if someone wasn’t looking close enough. 
“King’s Hot Spring Hotel
On May 12th, 1902 a 7.6 earthquake struck the mountain south of the hotel. It created a 10 million ton landslide that sliced a deep crevice in the earth and destroyed half the King’s hotel. 16 people were killed in the landslide, their bodies never recovered. To this day, their ghosts are said to haunt the site of the rebuilt hotel. 
Built 1866.”
So, from a dirty cockroach motel to a haunted hotel, certainly a step up. She doesn’t really believe in ghosts, they’re cool as all hell, she loves creepy shit. But she doesn’t think any of it is real and if she’s wrong, maybe the ghosts will be nice enough to kill her. She parks her bike and shuts off the engine, unclipping her storage bag from it and making her way to the door. 
The inside feels warm and welcoming, rustic. A large stone fireplace with a bear skin rug in front of it, wooden stairs leading to the upper floors. Her eyes scan the room and she finds a registration desk where a woman sits, reading from a white book. She stands out slightly in the old styled hotel, tattoos covering her arms. The woman’s light, almost milky, green eyes, look up to see Dahlia as she makes her way to the desk. 
“I called ahead and reserved a room for tonight.” 
“Hale, right?” The girl flashes a soft smile as she slides the registration forms across the desk and Dahlia finds herself looking down at the receptionist’s arms, SLOTH and ENVY with strikes through them; half tattooed and half scarred in the woman’s skin. Heavy-handed work. 
“Yeah, that’s me, how’d you know?” 
“Oh, not many folks check in here anymore, between the ghost tales and the new management.” 
“Management?” Dahlia raises an eyebrow as she finishes scribbling in her info and handing her card over. 
“Here,” the woman hands Dahlia’s card back along with a room key and a map, “I’m sure you’ll find the path.” 
She shakes her head as she leaves the desk, doing a double take at the worker, who’s now back to reading the large white tome with a soft smile on her face. Dahlia is entirely too tired to deal with weird cryptic people, maybe she’s trying to play up the creepy factor of the supposedly haunted hotel. Probably intrigues the tourists or some shit. She takes her phone from her pocket, ringing Lloyd as she walks to her room. 
“Hey, Stray,” He greets her with the nickname he gave her and she already feels a little better despite the chill and exhaustion. 
“Hey,” Dahlia unlocks her room and strides in, there’s a deer head mounted on the wall and a vase of those white flowers on the bedside drawer, “just wanted to let you know that I am officially in Hope County.” 
She tosses her luggage, along with the gunk the receptionist gave her onto the bed and does a fist bump for no one’s benefit but her own. 
“That’s good, your interview is tomorrow, right?” 
“Yeah, hopefully it’ll go well, if not it might be another year of me eating cheese puffs on your couch.” 
“You make it sound like you’re some sort of bum.” 
“I mean…” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m gonna be a mess when you go.” 
“If I go, still gotta get the job.” 
“You’re gonna nail it, I know it, me and Earl were friends way back. He’s not dumb enough to let you go. And if he is, well, I’ll be having some words with him.”
“You can’t fight someone for not wanting to hire me.” 
“I mean, I can, uh, yeah, sweetie it’s stray, I was kinda, oh Caroline wants-“ 
“Stray, did you throw your fucking phone away?” Caroline, Lloyd’s wife, is on the phone in a second, worriedly yelling. 
“I talked to you when I stopped off in Denver.” 
“Yeah, in a dingy nasty motel and then we didn’t hear a word from you for over twelve fucking hours!” 
“I’m pretty sure I could handle myself,” Dahlia laughs and rolls her eyes, the concern is appreciated but unneeded. She’s a cop and despite her short stature, she’s got muscles and knows how to protect her. Maybe it’s cocky and arrogant, but at this point in her life, she’s not afraid of anything hurting her physically, mentally and emotionally is a whole other ballpark. 
“Still, what if you were in an accident. Have you ate? Do you know where you’re eating tonight?” 
She ate back in Denver and her stomach is growling now, but she mostly just wants a shower and sleep. She’d rather just grab room service for breakfast. 
“I’m fine, I’ve ate and I will eat. Stop worrying, now I’m gonna get settled in for the night, I’ll call you after the interview.” 
“Wait, ha-”
“Goodbye, mon cher,” Dahlia ends the call after her casual term of endearment, cher and mon cher as normal to her as bud or pal. Maybe it’s just a Cajun French Louisiana thing, or it’s one of the many things she picked up from her dad. She instinctively plays with the ring that hangs from a chain around her neck, he was always so proud of where he came from, teaching her Cajun French from the moment she could talk. Would he be upset with her leaving the state? 
She shakes the thought from her head, she can’t concern herself with the opinions of people who aren’t here, as much as they’d mean to her. Dahlia finally has the tools to be independent and make her own way in this world, she needs to seize any and every opportunity. She double checks that her door is locked, before stripping out of her clothes. 
Dahlia sets her phone to play music as she takes a shower, singing along to it as hot water eases her aching muscles. Once she’s cleaned, she dries off and starts to make her way to the bed where her luggage is. 
The large white blooms on the table between the bed and window, draw her eye, her suspicion confirmed that they’re the same as the fields of flowers she saw on her way here. They must be a common flower here. She’s not a plant person, but she can appreciate pretty flowers when she sees them. The petals are soft against her finger and she pulls out one of the fresh flowers, sniffing at it. It tickles her nose, the soft scent pleasant, but it makes her want to sneeze. She tucks it back in the vase and scrubs at her nose.
Her vision swims for a moment, suddenly light-headed. She hasn’t slept much and has been driving a lot, her eyes must be tired as well. 
Dahlia digs some comfy sleeping clothes from her bag to change into. Content in her shorts and tee, the hotel much warmer than the outside chill. She pushes her luggage off her bed and takes a look at the Hope County map.  
Her vision is still swimming but she reaffirms where she needs to be tomorrow for her interview. It’s over in Fall’s End at the Sheriff’s Department. Dahlia fishes a marker out of her discarded jacket pocket and then starts to write directions down on her right forearm before tucking the map away. 
She rifles a cigarette from her quickly emptying pack, most places don’t like their hotel rooms stinking like nicotine.
Cool air rushes in as she opens the window, she leans against the windowsill, appreciating the view of the moonlight reflecting in the pool of spring water. Montana really is beautiful. 
She lights her cigarette, looking away for a second to ignite it. 
“Ooooh ooooh~” A soft melodic voice drifts in, piercing the quiet, and Dahlia’s head snaps back to the window. 
In the grass, a woman surrounded by green mist spins and dances, singing softly into the night. She’s young, but still older than Dahlia with dirty blonde hair that falls past her shoulders. A white lace dress with flowers across the waist and skirt. Illuminated by moonlight, a heavenly glow, angelic but singing a siren’s song. 
Who would be out there at this time of night?
Dahlia’s the only one in the hotel and she doubts the staff indulges in nightly dance sessions. 
When did Dahlia start leaning further out the window? 
Every fiber of her being screams at her to run to the woman. To jump out the window if she has to, anything to get closer to the hauntingly beautiful woman dancing along the decks before the spring. 
Dahlia slams the window shut, quick and hard enough to rattle it. It’s late, she’s exhausted, she’s ridden her bike almost twenty-eight hours straight. Only stopping for a late night in a shitty hotel in Denver before getting back on the road at eight am this morning. 
Between ghost stories and exhaustion her brain is fucking with her. 
The woman’s singing is still there. 
Softer now but still present, still beckoning. 
Every muscle in her body is tense, prepared to bolt in order to go find that woman. 
She smashes her fist against the side of her head, the impact of her knuckles rattling her skull as she literally tries to knock sense into herself. Her visions seem to clear a bit and she can’t hear the singing anymore, but she also might have concussed herself. 
Her cigarette is stamped out before she’s even halfway through it and she’s setting her phone alarm before jumping into the bed. 
She buries her face in the pillow, no matter what she hears or thinks she’ll see, she’s not going anywhere until the morning. This interview is the most stressful thing she’s dealt with in years, so much rides on it, and she can’t be exhausted tomorrow from chasing fairy ghosts or what the fuck ever. 
Her mind is just playing tricks on her, it’s an asshole, it does that. 
She’s not certain exactly when she fell asleep, but the next thing she knows her alarm is going off. Dahlia groans and forces herself out of bed, she hates waking up. Her interview isn’t even late, but god, fuck waking up. 
Her head is clearer now, no swimming in her vision and no singing or sirens. She forces her way out of bed, groggily trying to go about her day. 
She’s running late, she’s always running late, time isn’t real.
After taking her sweet sleepy time to get herself put together and inhaling a room service breakfast, Dahlia is running down the hotel stairs and scrubbing syrup off her chin. Why does she do this to herself? The receptionist calls out something and she waves her off. 
Helmet slapped on and engine revving, she guns it out of the parking lot and makes her way to towards the Valley. She comes to a bridge and pulls her arm from her jacket to read her scribbled directions, remembering too late that she can’t read her own handwriting. 
She squints trying to decipher what the hell she wrote, her chicken scratch leaving a lot to be desired. It looks like it might say she’s going to Holland Valley or Halland Volley or Hallard, something to that effect by crossing the Honne…Benne…Rover….Dridge… Why does she do this to herself?
She’s probably on the right track, probably. Dahlia readjusts her jacket, confirming that her mess of directions won’t be getting any clearer the longer she stares at it and makes her way over the bridge. More signs hang from the inner framework of the bridge, half of them bearing a cross symbol with what looks like sunbeams coming from the center, the other half states The Power Of YES; Take The Leap.
Heebie jeebies nest in her gut, those goosebumps from earlier coming back. Religion…
Maybe it was too optimistic, but she had hoped further up North she’d see less of…that. She did searches online and was told based on some statistical thing that Montana was less religious than Louisiana. But apparently religion isn’t completely avoidable in the United States. 
The crisp smell of apples manages to break through her helmet as she leaves the bridge. Apple trees as far as the eye can see, bright red fruit gleaming under sunlight, a giant orchard surrounds the road. People mill about the apple trees; couples holding hands and parents hefting their children up on their shoulders to pick the highest apples their little hands can reach. A few people look at her as she rides past, the rev of her engine and the music pounding from her helmet drawing attention. Some looks are judgmental, others unconcerned, a small kid waves at her as she passes by and she waves back, smile teasing at the corners of her mouth. There’s a constructed Apple Statue in the orchard, noting that she’s riding through the Gardenview Orchard.
Over the horizon, built into the hills of the Holland Valley is a giant Hollywood style sign that says ‘YES’. It’s infinitely less creepy than the weird man statue, but far cheesier. Whether that’s better or worse? Who knows, but Hope County is definitely…weirder than she anticipated. 
She passes through the orchard and coming up on the left apple trees are replaced with pumpkins on the ground. Fields growing them, some clearly bigger and further along in the growing process, none fully ripe, however. A house is built among the fields, one fence with a sign that says Rae-Rae’s Pumpkin Farm. 
There’s a couple walking around, holding hands, but more importantly there’s a dog. A mottled coat of black, white, and blue gray with a bandana around their neck. The dog’s head raises at the rev of Dahlia’s motorcycle engine passing by on the road, tail wagging but he doesn’t run out, a well-trained doggo. 
She’s running late. 
She doesn’t have time. 
One pet can’t hurt. 
Dahlia comes to a screeching halt, tires squealing and bracing herself against her handlebars of her bike so she doesn’t fly across the farm. The couple taken aback, staring wide-eyed at her as she kills her music and yanks off her helmet. The doggie is still wagging its tail, eager to meet their new friend. 
“Can I pet your dog?” 
The couple is older, by Dahlia standards, so probably around their thirties…or forties…or twenties…ages confuse her. A woman with short sandy hair and a man with a knit hat over his head, the woman’s dropped jaw becomes a soft smile, her eyes gentle. 
“Of course,” a thick southern accent tints her voice, “Boomer’s doesn’t know a stranger.” 
Dahlia stays outside the wooden fence, not wanting to step on crops or something, but she leans over it. Boomer’s big brown eyes landing on her, so cute, she already loves him. A few coos and he’s already rushing over, standing to put his paws at the top of the fence so he can get some much-deserved love. She pets the top of his head, scratching behind his ears and around his neck. He eagerly leans into scritch and pet, licking her. 
“Awww, such a good boy, yes you are,” she praises and laughs, soaking it in. Even if she’s running late, this is more than worth it. 
“You’re not from around here, are you?” The woman asks. 
“Nah, here for a job interview,” Dahlia answers, hugging around Boomer’s neck as she snuggles him. 
“Where you interviewing at?” 
“Sheriff’s department.” 
“You’re kind of young for a cop, ain’tcha?”
“I’m an adult,” she says, shrugging her shoulders through the hug. She is a young adult and that’s all that needs to be said on that. 
“They finally trying to fill that deputy position?” 
“Seems like it.” 
“Sorry, to brush you off so soon, but we have to go pick up some equipment before noon and we’re already cutting it close.” 
Shit, right, time. She’s running late too, but the dog was worth it. 
“No problem, have a good one, you keep being a good boy, Boomer.” 
She gives a final scratch to his head, then slides her helmet back on, waving off the couple as she hops back on her bike. Her nerves have eased slightly at having gotten some time with a dog and even if she’s late, she doesn’t regret it. 
Her engine revs and she’s back to traveling down the quiet Montana roads. The sheriff’s department is in Fall’s End. A water tower baring the town’s name lets her know she’s arrived in the right area. It’s not a huge town. Along the main road, there’s the sheriff’s department, a general store, a bar, a church. There’s little streets and roadways showing that beyond those there’s houses and an apartment complex. Not huge, but certainly bigger than where she’s from, which…isn’t saying much. 
Dahlia parks her motorcycle outside the sheriff’s department, all those initially dissipated nerves are bubbling back to the surface. Her stomach in absolute knots and her muscles tense with anxiety. She shuts off her bike and pockets her keys then pulls off her helmet, fiddling with her hair. A deep breath, before she finally steels herself to step into the building.  
There’s a desk to Dahlia’s right when she enters the building, an older woman with a layered bob of red hair. 
“There something I can help you with, darling?” Her southern accented voice asks. 
“I have an interview with the sheriff.”
“Really,” the woman’s eyes scan Dahlia up and down, eyebrows furrowed in judgement, “can I get your name?” 
“Hale,” she murmurs, once again fiddling with her messy strands of dark hair. She knows she doesn’t exactly look the most professional right now. But professional clothes and motorcycles don’t truly mix. The woman, her desk tag says N. McClure, shuffles through some documents and reads over something. 
“Okay, just take a seat and I’ll let Earl know you’re here.”
Dahlia plops down in one of the reception area’s chairs, fiddling with the cat ears on her motorcycle helmet. Her leg bounces up and down, shaking out excess energy as the woman at the desk starts to call back, asking for Whitehorse. It’ll be fine, Dahlia reassures herself, Lloyd and Caroline have been talking her up to their old friend. All she needs to do is be herself, maybe, probably not. She’s kind of a mess. 
The clock hand ticks slowly, Dahlia feeling like she’s about to go crazy waiting for her interview to start. Finally, the woman hangs up the phone she was calling back to Whitehorse on, a soft smile on her face that pulls at the wrinkles around her eyes. 
“Earl’s ready to talk to you, come on back.”
The older woman steps out and helps show Dahlia to the office door, passing through a bullpen style office area to get there, Sheriff Whitehorse is scrawled on a plaque by the door. Dahlia knocks and he tells her to come on in, she slowly opens the door and steps in. There’s a modest sized quaint office with only a few personal touches. She’s only seen old photos Lloyd had of himself and Whitehorse, from way back in police academy. The man before her is much older than he was in those photos, weathered with wrinkled skin. He looks like an old sheriff pulled directly from a movie; green uniform, cowboy hat, scraggly brown hair, and a mustache.
“You’re Lloyd and Caroline’s Stray, right?” He says, standing up from his desk to shake her hand over it. He’s over a foot taller than her, probably close to a foot and a half. His hand swallows her own whole, it’s probably bigger than her face. 
“Holy shit, you’re tall.” 
That’s not a good way to start an interview, but he seems to be laughing and smiling. So, maybe it’s fine. Lloyd once said she has a charm about her despite her lack of tact or decorum. She’s still trying to figure out what that charm is, but still. 
“Go ahead and take a seat,” he says, gesturing at the chair in front of his desk. She follows suit, leg still bouncing like it was in the waiting room. Whitehorse puts a manilla folder down on the desk, the little tab labeled D. Hale. It’s surprisingly thick for someone who’s never met her in person. 
“Lloyd and Caroline talk highly of you, hell the whole town does.” 
“The whole town…?” She raises an eyebrow, what’s that supposed to mean? Reinette, Louisiana is a small town, it’s police department has about six people in total and everyone knows everyone. But certainly, they wouldn’t call up Whitehorse to talk about her. 
“I swear Lloyd must have handed out the stations number to everyone down there, we’ve been getting two, three calls a day of people who can’t say enough good things about you.” 
“Oh god.” Heat flushes up Dahlia’s cheeks, god damn it, Lloyd. 
“You’ve left quite an impression on the place.” 
“Uh, yeah, I guess.” Dahlia pushes some hair off her face, fidgeting with the locks.
“And you haven’t been working there long, have you?”
“Not counting training, about a year and a half, I know I don’t have much experience.” 
“Still making such an impact in a short amount of time, says something.” 
“Thanks.” His words soothe her nerves and embarrassment a bit, maybe this will go well.
“But, there’s the issue of your record…”
“My record…?” She shouldn’t have a record, he opens the manilla folder and she feels bile raise in the back of her throat. 
“Between what’s on the books and what everyone was saying, I was starting to wonder if there were two of you, Hale. Runaways, break in, fights, attempted grand theft auto, and petty thefts, the list goes on. Doesn’t exactly scream future cop.” 
“I thought records got expunged at eighteen.”
“If you request it.” 
“Oh…well then…”
“I know this all happened when you were a minor and you’ve been clear for the past two or so years, but…”
“It still looks bad, I know, I know. I’m not going to try to tell you some bullshit excuse or sob story. I did a lot of shit I shouldn’t have for a lot of reasons. I regret most of it, not all of it, but most of it. Lloyd and Caroline helped me get my life back on track, I know two years doesn’t seem like a long time, but I’m not the same kid I was when I did that shit.”
That what she tells him, but she’s not sure how much she believes it. It feels more like her situation’s changed than she’s changed, but if she just said that she’s no longer a delinquent because she doesn’t need to be, well, it wouldn’t sound as good or employable. 
“What made you wanna be a cop?”
“Wanted to help people,” she answers with a shrug, it’s not really anything more complicated than that. Whitehorse huffs out what sounds like a laugh, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Okay, I gotta ask, why here? Lloyd and the whole town loves you. It’s a hell of a move and the pay raise ain’t much.”
“Look,” she sighs and folds her hands on top of her motorcycle helmet, calming her body down, “I love Reinette, I love Lloyd and I love Caroline. I owe them and the whole town a debt that I’ll never pay back. But, I’m twenty years old. I’m not their kid and even if I was it’d be time for me to go, I’ve taken enough of their time, money, and everything. Reinette, bless the town’s heart, it’s...dying. There’s more cows than people, our station has more cars than officers. It won’t be long before they do away with the town’s department and just do everything through the Parish. And the parish’s department doesn’t need any more officers.”
Her throat constricts as bile raises in the back of it, her stomach churning. After everything that town and its people have done for her, she’s leaving them. A traitor, betrayer. 
“You figure any of those officers will even find work in the parish, at all?” He asks with a knowing, soft look in his eye. If he keeps in contact with Lloyd, he’s already well aware of the trouble in Reinette. 
“I doubt it, town’s a sinking ship. Lloyd…he’s willing to go down with it,” her eyes sting and she clenches her jaw, containing herself, “I can’t do that. As much as they all mean to me, I can’t. Lloyd’s gonna retire when it goes under, I’m twenty, the fuck am I supposed to do? I’m trying to help people; I’m trying to make a difference. But my hands keep getting tied because of money, resources, anything and everything. Lloyd and Caroline gave me the means and the tools to make something of myself, I’m not gonna piss that away because some fucker decided we weren’t worth investing in, I…”
She’s clenching her fists and nearly smacking her helmet, anger and frustration welling up inside of her, a geyser of emotions threatening to break through. This is an interview, she can’t do this, can’t be emotional. She needs to stop this, a deep breath before she starts to speak again. 
“I can do more here, I know no place is perfect, but I can do more here.” 
“Well, no one can say you’re not passionate.” Whitehorse lets out another chuckle, seemingly amused. 
“Sorry, certain shit, just winds me up.” She massages the back of her neck, why is she such a fucking idiot? No one wants to hire a cop who can’t keep their cool and throws a fit. She was supposed to tone down her dumbassery, not ramp it up. 
“There’s nothing wrong with caring about what you’re doing.”
“Yeah…” She half-heartedly agrees, Whitehorse is trying to make her feel better. Her interview has become him trying to console her, absolutely pathetic. She might as well call Lloyd and Caroline now and tell them she blew it. 
“You got any questions for me?” 
Did she just fuck this up as bad as she thinks she did?
 “Not really, I just wanna get to work.” That earns her another chuckle from Whitehorse, even if he doesn’t think she’s competent, at least she’s entertaining it seems. 
“Full of piss and vinegar, ain’t ya?” 
“To say the least.” She lets out a dry laugh, but there’s no mirth of joy behind it. Not a shred of happiness as she thinks about what a fucking idiot she is. 
“Well, if that’s all,” Whitehorse stands up from his desk, “I’ll go ahead and show you out.” 
Dahlia stands up, the sheriff places a large hand on her back as they leave his office, finding their way back into the reception area. 
“It was nice to finally meet you, Hale.” 
“Same, thanks for taking the time to talk to me.” She’s sure that he’d rather be doing literally anything else, especially after that beyond trash interview. 
“It’s no problem at all, I-”
The doors to the department open, a man and a woman in green deputy uniforms coming in. Another giant, the man is barely an inch of two shorter than Whitehorse, with shaggy dark hair and hazel eyes. More importantly, the woman while taller doesn’t absolutely tower over Dahlia, her long black hair is braided over her shoulder and her olive skin makes her hunter green eyes stand out all the more. 
Dahlia’s throat feels tight and her heart race is a little faster. So…that’s a thing. 
“We running a daycare, now?” The guy asks, looking down his nose at Dahlia, though that might just be because of the height difference. Either way, she glares at him, he’s been around her a grand total of five seconds and he’s being a dick. 
“Pratt…” The woman, her name tag says J. Hudson, rolls her eyes at him. Her voice is warm and rich; why is Dahlia’s face so hot? Is she sick? Has the Montana weather already kicked her ass, what is this?
“This is one of the interviewees. Hale, these are my deputies.” 
“Nice to meet you.” Hudson flashes a soft smile and what is Dahlia’s heart doing? It’s like someone’s squeezing it and filled her gut with bugs while they were at it. She fucks up an interview and now she needs a doctor, great. 
“Same, I was, uh, just on my way out actually.” She needs to go sleep off whatever the fuck has just hit her. 
“Good luck,” the taller woman gives a friendly tap to Dahlia’s bicep, “hopefully we’ll be seeing more of you around here.” 
Dahlia is dying.
That’s the only explanation. She fucked up an interview and now she has the heart plague or some shit, hell of a day. 
“Uh, yeah, I, um, ‘preciate it.” She’s avoiding eye contact and she doesn’t know why she's stumbling over her words and she doesn’t know why.
“Pssh,” Pratt scoffs, “she’s gonna need it.” 
Suddenly, she can talk again. Weird. Hudson and Whitehorse shake their heads, clearly use to his bullshit
“Sorry about Pratt, he’s, well he’s Pratt.” 
“Eh, every station has at least one cop who’s just trying to make up for his tiny dick.” 
“I assure you, I-”
“Enough,” Whitehorse cuts him off, talking like he’s breaking up a child’s squabbling. Doesn’t really help make her look any more mature or competent, way to steer into the skid, Dahlia. 
“For the millionth time, no one wants to hear about your dick, Pratt.” Hudson rolls her eyes, why is that being said for the millionth time?
“Well, that’s certainly my cue to go, have a good one.” 
Dahlia quickly waves off the sheriff and deputies, making her escape. She takes the couple steps to her motorcycle with quick rigid movement, making sure she’s away from windows or the glass door, not wanting any of them to see her. 
She lets out a low guttural groan muffled by how tightly her jaw is clenched jaw and knocks her knuckles against the back of her head. 
Idiot, she fucked everything up by going on some huge ass fucking rant. 
Despite the distance, this was a phenomenal opportunity the best she’s had. It’s not like she hasn’t looked into place in Louisiana, but something is always wrong. She’s never made it as far as the interview. Either she never gets a call back, maybe they’d seen her records the same way Whitehorse did and didn’t even bother giving her that chance. Or she’d learn the town, parish, city, whatever was no better off than Reinette. One of the sheriffs she talked to on the phone knew her stepfather and recognized her name, nearly making her puke before she hung up. 
This was beyond a shadow of a doubt the best chance she’s had. Whitehorse has the Lloyd seal of approval which is as good as gold. And as much as the distance is guilt inducing…, the fear of betrayal and abandoning people who mean so much to her. But, she needs somewhere far away. 
As many good memories as Lloyd, Caroline, and the people of Reinette have given her. There are still too many bad ones, too many people figuring out where she came from, one too many bad memories trying to be more than just that. As much as it may eat her up to leave, it’ll eat her up even more to stay. Between the impending unemployment and her own past, every good moment there has a shadow looming over it. 
When she gets back to Reinette she’ll start working to get her record taken care of. Once that’s settled, it’s back to job hunting. A bump in the road, a moment of frustration, but she’ll come out the other end. She always does. 
Her stomach growls, burning through a pack of cigarettes and stress binge eating sound like a great way to deal with this. She’ll find some place to stuff her face and call Lloyd once she gets back to the hotel. 
There’s a general store, she doesn’t know if the bar lets minors in, so it’s probably her best place to grab some quick snack. She plops her helmet on and makes the short drive to the store, parking her bike outside and pulling her helmet back off to light a cigarette by the dumpsters. Her stressed brain is desperately craving nicotine. 
She rips open her pack of cigarettes and lights one up, bringing it to her lips. Smoke pools in her lungs, clawing to her insides and easing her nerves if only for a second. Holding it there for a moment before breathing it out into the air. Her eyes are drawn to the neon sign of The Spread Eagle bar, even bright in the daylight. It also seems to have some activity despite the early hour. Well, early for a bar. A white truck pulls up in front of the building, a man with long grungy hair climbing out of the passenger seat. 
Those odd pains in her chest and churns in her stomach fade as she inhales the smoke, looking up at the clear blue sky. A soft breeze blows through, carrying the gray trails away with it. Montana really is beautiful…
“Get back here!” A woman yells out, door to the bar swinging open violent as the man with long hair comes rushing back out, arms piled high with crates of alcohol. 
Dahlia drops her cigarette and helmet, bolting towards the bar, as the thief tries to scramble into the back of the pickup truck. He gets the crates set down, but she’s grabbed the back of his shirt before he can climb in. A harsh yank, pulling the tall man back into her and away from the truck. She encircles her arms under his armpits and locks her hands behind his neck, grappling into a full nelson hold that keeps him from running off. The odd angle of these heights and the way he was yanked from the back of the truck leaves him on his knees in his grasp. 
“Someone call the sheriff’s department!” She yells out, she doesn’t have any jurisdiction here or cuffs to actually arrest the guy. 
He tries to fight back against the hold, attempting to break free, but all he manages to do is writhe and squirm. The door of the truck swings open, the driver jumping out, his feet hitting the ground with a heavy sound. Another man easily a foot or more taller than her. 
“Help me, brother Theodore,” the man in her hold struggles to beg for help. 
“We have strict orders from John Seed to confiscate this liquor.” 
“Don’t know or care who that is, mon cher.” 
“Someone like you doesn’t deserve to know him,” the guy tells her, sneering and she sees his finger twitch, brushing over the gun in his belt holster. She can’t have firearms going off in a residential area. 
“All you’ll do is end up shootin’ your friend, don’t be stupid. Liquor ain’t worth bloodshed.” 
He lets out a sigh and his hand relax, something clicking in his mind. The man, Theodore, chews his lip, eyes flickering as she nearly sees the gears turning in his head. 
“What’s going on here?” A familiar rough voice asks over Dahlia’s shoulder, she doesn’t need to look to know Whitehorse has come to investigate. Even if she did, she wouldn’t dare look away from the man in front of her, not until she’s sure he won’t try to shoot. 
“These pieces of shit peggies were trying to steal my liquor stash,” a woman explains, somewhere behind Dahlia. 
“Liquors still in the back of the truck,” Dahlia tells them, none of it seemed to break, so hopefully it won’t hurt the bar too much. 
“If it wasn’t for her, they would have cost me a month’s worth of sales.” 
“Pratt, Hudson,” Whitehorse calls the names of his deputies. 
“I got it here,” Hudson taps on Dahlia arm, cuffs in hand, and that weird heart thing is happening again. 
“Um, yeah, o-of course.” She maneuvers away from the guy, she’s never stumbled over her words like that before. Hudson cuffs the guy and starts reading his rights off. 
“Keep your hands where I can see ‘em,” Pratt barks out at the Theodore guy who's surprisingly obedient as he lets the deputy cuff him. 
Dahlia scratches at her nose, watching the scene unfold. She’s finally gotten a good look at the woman who was being robbed. 
And, not only is everyone here tall, they’re also apparently beautiful. The woman is than both Dahlia and Hudson, with honey blonde hair tucked up into a bun and soft blue eyes. Her features are soft, cherubic almost, with freckles over the bridge of her nose. 
Have women always been this pretty?
When did women start being this pretty?
The fuck is her heart doing?
“Looks like it’s a good thing you were here,” Whitehorse tells her, a soft smile tugging at his lips, “you managed to get Mary May’s liquor back and stopped it from escalating.” 
“Oh, yeah, I guess.” 
“Someone you know, sheriff?” The blonde, Mary May  asks. His smile gets wider and he squeezes Dahlia’s shoulder, a comforting touch. 
“This is my new Junior Deputy.” 
“I am?” 
He’s not serious, there’s no way, he has to be fucking with her. 
“Unless you changed your mind?” 
“Hell no,” she shakes her head, “I am the new Junior Deputy, wait, Junior?”
“You’ll start with a six-month probationary hire, paid of course, manage that and we’ll take you on permanently.” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
“You’ll start next, c’mon down to the station Mary, we’ll book ‘em and get your report in.” 
“See you around, stranger,” Mary May tells her as she follows after Whitehorse, Hudson and Pratt forcing the thieves along. Theodore shooting a glare Dahlia’s way. 
“Look forward to working with you, Rookie.” 
“Pfft, I give her a week, tops.” 
And with that, Dahlia is left alone on the road of Falls End…with a new job. 
She got the job. 
She’s got to get through the probationary hire, but she got the job. Holy shit. Holy shit. And she starts in a week. She needs to call Lloyd and Caroline, she needs to find somewhere to live, there’s so much to do. 
Dahlia is practically skipping back over to her helmet and bike. She’s gotta start getting her ducks in a row. 
She speeds her way back through Hope County, making her way back to the hotel. She has so many fucking calls to make and shit to go through. Before she knows it she’s back in the Kings Spring Hotel parking lot, fumbling to get her phone. As silly as it may be, she’d rather call Lloyd and Caroline in a less populated area. She’s grinning ear to ear, enough to hurt her cheeks, she looks like a dork and that’s not going to get any better. Helmet under her arm, she dials Lloyd as she paces in the isolated parking lot. 
“How’d it go?” Lloyd is asking before she even says hi. 
“Six months, probationary hire, then we’ll go from there.” 
‘So, you got the job?” 
“That was the bummer way of saying I got the job, yeah.” 
“I can hear you smiling!” 
“Shut it!” 
“Caroline! She got the job, yeah!” 
“I,” she rubs a hand down her face, “I thought for sure I blew it.” 
“What changed?” 
“Some bar across the street got robbed right after my interview, I stepped in, next thing I know I’m the Junior Deputy.”
“Holy fuck, do you know what that is, Stray?” 
“Dumb luck?” 
“Fate, Stray, it’s fucking fate! The world telling you that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be!” 
“You really are a sap, ain’t ya?” 
“What are you doing now?” 
“I’m staying another night here, but once I hop off I gotta start looking into where I’m gonna stay. I start in a week, so I gotta start moving, I’ll see you all in two or three days once I make the drive. It’s gonna be tight, but I’ll manage.” 
“Man, you’re really leaving.” 
“No crying.” 
“Seems like yesterday Caroline found you in the barn.” 
“No crying.” 
“You were so thin, just a little bag of bones…” His voice is choking up.
“I’m hanging up, you cry baby!” 
She does just that, smiling up at the sky. It’s happening, it’s really happening. It feels like the start of a new life, a new her. There’s a jump in her step as she makes her way back into the hotel, room service food and she’ll start making phone calls. 
“Miss Hale!” The soft lilted voice of the receptionist calls out when she sees Dahlia. 
“Oh, hey.” Dahlia walks to the desk, head tilted in question, what could she need?
“A heads up, we’re switching the water in the tank for the shower and bath system to water pumped in from the spring.” 
“Oh, that’s cool.” 
“It’s so much more relaxing than regular tap water, be sure to use it tonight.” 
“Uh yeah, thanks, by the way can I order some room service?” 
“Of course.” 
Dahlia goes through her order for room service, being assured the order will be put in and delivered before she knows it. With that she goes back up to her room, she starts digging through the bedside drawer, searching for a phone book for the area. There’s a white book in the top drawer, with that same strange cross like symbol that was on the signs along the bridge. She throws it on the bed, finding a local phone book beneath it, much more important. 
She starts rifling through pages. Hope County is mostly a trailer park town, for people who can’t afford to build or buy an actual home and land. There is an apartment complex in Falls End, but the rent is high for pretty small apartments. The prices probably jacked since housing is so limited. She’d rather get a whole trailer to herself for cheaper and just travel further for work. 
Hours pass by her making phone calls, seeing about housing and stuffing food in her face when she’s not talking. The Silver Lake Trailer Park that’s nearest the station has no vacancy or trailers available for rent, but they refer her to the Moonflower Trailer Park. It’s some distance, but with how fast she rides her bike, it’s doable. It’s the only place with vacancy, she’ll drop by with a down payment and check out the trailer tomorrow before she heads back to Louisiana to get her stuff and everything tidied up there. The world outside the hotel window has gone dark, moon hanging bright in the sky. 
That settled she finishes off her food and collapses back on the bed. She’s still smiling, grinning ear to ear.
“Wooooooo!” She yells out and pumps her fist up at the ceiling, fuck yeah, she’s got this. 
She’ll grab one of those spring water showers and then pass out for the night. She grabs her phone and sets it up to play music in the bathroom while she washes up. Her clothes hit the floor, air conditioner chilling her skin as she waits for the water to heat up. It has a soft floral scent and is tinted slightly green, spring water. 
She steps in under the hot spray of water, letting it wash away the sweat and dirt of the day. Her muscles relax under the water and steam, as she scrubs the hotel soap into her skin. She blinks her eyes open once she’s done washing her hair, finding her vision clouding, her body feeling heavier and heavier. Must be the exhaustion of the day. Dahlia quickly finishes washing, the last thing she needs is to fall asleep in the shower again. 
Her steps are shaky, her body swaying as the world swims around her. Colors distort and shift in prisms before her eyes. It’s like the night before, but times a million. Her movements sluggish as she dries herself and quickly pulls on her sleep clothes. She was feeling ill earlier, maybe it’s catching up to her? But it doesn’t feel the same. Not panicky and nervous. One of her favorite songs starts to play through her phone, though its eerie tones aren’t as welcomed in this moment. 
She grips the sink for leverage, steadying herself as she looks into the mirror
All our times have come.
Her dark brown eyes aren’t dark brown, not quite. She tugs at her eyelids, the iris growing milkier and lighter than she’s ever seen it. What the hell is this? A soft melodic laugh echoes through the room, like it’s near. 
Here but now they're gone.
She stumbles out of the bathroom, finding her empty bedroom. Nothing unusual. 
Seasons don't fear the reaper.
The laugh rings out again, a flash of white passing by her open door. When did it open? She didn’t leave it open. 
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain...
She’s walking out her door before she can give it another thought, looking back and forth across the hall, who’s there? 
We can be like they are
Her feet pad down the hallway, steps suddenly sure and confident as she tries to follow the voice. Like her body is being drawn, pulled, following sheer instinct. She needs to find them. 
Come on baby... don't fear the reaper
A flash of white, the swish of lace fabric, that laugh again vanishing into one of the rooms. Dahlia is there, trying to wrench open the door. Then it rings out from behind her. 
Baby take my hand... don't fear the reaper
A woman stands at the end of a long hallway, the one from the tight before. Long sandy hair and beautiful green eyes. A blue butterfly perches itself on her fingers, the woman looking at it in awe. Dahlia takes slow steps forward, she wants to speak, ask who she is and what she’s doing here. But her tongue is heavy, her throat tight, vocal cords numb, not a sound escaping. 
Baby I'm your man...
Green eyes flicker from the butterfly to Dahlia, a soft almost mischievous smile tugging at the woman’s lips. She laughs again as Dahlia nears her, then she runs, childish and giggling she runs towards one of the rooms. Dahlia is chasing her even after she vanishes from sight, legs moving without her permission, instinct driving her to reach this woman. She doesn’t know why, but she needs to reach her, touch her. Be closer. 
La la la la la
La la la la la
The laughter turns into soft humming, singing echoing through the halls. Somehow the sound is everywhere, all consuming and right in her ear, but also distant the source too far away for her to find. She walks down the halls, taking turns and climbing up stairs, following her instinct that pulls her in each direction she goes. 
Valentine is done
Flashes of white fabric, doors closing and shutting. It’s a game of tag that she can’t seem to win, the small hotel has somehow become a labyrinth as she tries to find the humming woman. Short hallways and few rooms have been traded for never ending paths with room lining them. 
Here but now they're gone
Sometimes spacious and open, other times claustrophobic, choking, walls scraping the skin of her arms where she has to fear she might become stuck. More halls and more floors than she’s ever seen, winding paths that make her dizzy. But she can’t stop searching for that woman. 
Romeo and Juliet
One more turn, the woman is at the end of a hallway. Standing before a door, softly singing to what is now two butterflies balanced on her fingers. Dahlia starts to walk down the hallway, tight, claustrophobic. She keeps her hands on the walls as if it will give her more space, as if she could force the walls to open wider for her. 
Are together in eternity...Romeo and Juliet
Her heartbeat races as she walks closer and closer, the walls threatening to crush her between them. She can hardly breathe, every breath ragged and tight. Dying. She feels like she’s dying, air being stolen from her lungs and heart pounding lie it’s trying to escape her chest. It worsens with every step she takes near the woman. 
40,000 men and women everyday... Like Romeo and Juliet
Some part of her brain, the small part that doesn’t have a thick haze of fog clinging to it, tells her to run the other way. That with this feeling only growing with every step towards the siren, with her heart pounding harsher, breathing getting raspier, she’ll die if she keeps going. That this truly is a siren luring her to death, but she can’t listen to that part of her. Her body won’t. She needs to reach her. 
40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine happiness
She’s getting closer and closer; the woman isn’t running this time. Just calming singly, like she doesn’t even notice Dahlia. She tries to reach out for the woman, her fingers nearly brushing the woman’s dress sleeve. 
Another 40,000 coming everyday... We can be like they are
Then the woman walks through the door, Dahlia could curse and cry if her vocal cords would only work. Once again, the woman evading her, being just out of reach. But this hall has no doors along its sides, no turns or twists. The only two options are going back or going through the door after her. It’s not even a choice. 
Come on baby... don't fear the reaper
She wrenches the door open and she’s in another world. No more wood walls and floors, her bare feet touching lush grass that tickles her skin. White petals float in the air and scatter across the ground. Trees curl around the area and when she looks out at the horizon, she sees that large statue of that man looming over the area. 
Baby take my hand... don't fear the reaper
When she looks straight ahead at the middle of the field is the woman, she twirls, short white dress fanning out around her hips. She stops, turning to face Dahlia, she smiles softly. Delicate and angel like, she stretches her hand out. An offer, a beckoning. 
We'll be able to fly... don't fear the reaper
The feeling of impending death lifts the very moment she sees the woman. Her heartbeat and her breathing easing, relief and contentment filling her body. She’s smiling and she doesn’t know why she feels alive. Free, like she can do anything. She’s walking closer and closer to the woman, each step making her happier and happier. Her body lighter and lighter. Calm and peace, she’s never known. She’s right where she belongs, she doesn’t need to be anywhere else. 
Dahlia reaches out, finally about to touch her, a touch of their hands is so simple, so minor. But it feels like the only thing she wants. All she’s ever want, like every moment in her entire life has been building up to this, being here with her, whoever she is. 
Before skin can meet skin, the siren fades to mist. 
No, no, no!
She grasps desperately at the air where the woman once was, her heart racing, her lungs stinging like the airs been knocked out of them. The world is crumbling, falling down, everything going out beneath her feet. It’s falling apart and she can’t stop it, she can’t fix it. 
Dahlia takes a heavy gasp, desperately sucking in a heavy breath and she blinks, the world around her has completely shifted. Her vision isn’t blurred, no more prisms of color before her eyes. 
Cold, goosebumps raising up on her skin, shorts and tee doing nothing to save her from the Montana breeze. She’s outside the hotel, in the world she knows. That damn statue looming still in the distance ahead of her. 
The landscaped she was so mesmerized by this day, seems so dull now. She feels dull, after so many emotions, so much intensity both in fear and happiness…she feels so numb. Dahlia rubs her fingers together, her craving for the feeling of another’s hand in her own…there’s an ache. She was so close, but now she’s been plunged back into reality. 
She stands out in the field outside the hotel, staring at that cement statue, it still seems to call her. Her heart telling her to go towards that looming structure, but her head tells her to go back inside the hotel. 
So, she doesn’t move. 
She doesn’t know how long she stands there, just staring. 
“Miss Hale!” A voice pulls her further back into reality, the hotel receptionist walking out towards her with a large blanket. 
Dahlia blinks a few times, she no longer feels numb, the very real emotion of shame flooding in. She’s standing out in public, in her pajamas. Did she just wander out of her hotel room in her sleep clothes? She must look ridiculous. 
“Is everything alright? You just walked out of your hotel, looked like you were sleepwalking.” 
“Uh…yeah, I guess.” 
That makes sense, she must have went to bed and had a weird dream…yeah. 
“Here,” the woman wraps the large blanket around Dahlia, “you must be freezing.” 
“Thanks, sorry, I, just, weird dream.” She murmurs as they walk back to the hotel, Dahlia giving one last glance at the hotel.
“Dreams are nice, aren’t they? Sometimes you just wanna stay there forever.” 
31 notes · View notes
Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura S1
For faithfulness reasons, I’ll forgo rewatching in English even though I’m Jared 19 and never learned how to read 
I will say the original English dub had a BANGER of a theme song and I do miss that
"I’m a Fourth Grader at Tomoeda Elementary” I know I watched this like when I was age 7 or smth but SHE’S LIKE 10?? OH MY GOD who is letting this ten-year-old roam the streets
“I’m gonna stomp on him” [Lucille Bluth voice] good for her
I fully forgot Sakura had a dad I was ready to accept her Grade 11 brother raising her
Sakura’s roller blades give me visceral memories of my barbie skates
Lmao is Yuki’s ability to throw a piece of candy at a child from a moving bicycle backwards foreshadowing his superhero abilities
Okay having checked this scene in both English versions and Japanese, my opinion no one asked for: the Aminax version is bad voices on all counts, Japanese has a better voice for Toya and original English dub has a better voice for Sakura and Yukito (who they called Julian lmao) I am not accepting constructive criticism 
Tomoyo and Sakura sound so similar I could not even tell that Tomoyo was speaking omg
“There isn’t anything cuter or more interesting than you Sakura-chan” Tomoyo is really honest with her feelings I guess ten-year-olds be like that sometimes
“Is someone there” home invasions are what happens when you don’t lock your front door
This is not a study lmao this is a personal library there is hardly a workspace just aisles of shelves
Wait if this is hanging out in her dad’s study was her dad the last Cardcaptor lmao
Or probs her mom, since she’s gone the way of all anime moms
Sakura is accepting this whole “tiny magical flying lion” thing p well
“I accidentally fell asleep” “For how long” “30 years” same
“Stand right over there” Kerberos does not ask permission before magical girl transforming you lmao
“Why are you acting so wimpy” bc she’s 10 and you’re asking her to fight a giant ghost bird???
Honestly I love a good quest-to-collect-important-items maybe Inuyasha and DBZ ruined my taste but it’s a great formula 
“You’ll be a better adult if you have all sorts of experiences in your life” r u going to take career counselling advice from a tiny flying lion Sakura
I do kind of miss Kero’s slightly unhinged young man energy
I like that whenever Sakura’s brother is rude she steps on his foot or kicks him fkjhjgkh excellent little sister depiction
I was expecting more secrecy but it is very funny to see Tomoyo try to convince her friend to be a superhero
“Do a flashy one” kfhkjdhkj Kero supports the use of magic powers for showing off
“Trademark poses and skills are the basic parts of being a magical girl” oh my gooood
I mean if I walked into my school and there was a mountain of haphazard desks waiting there I too would be threatened 
Sakura is the only one in this group who has a reasonable understanding of what ten-year-olds should be allowed to do
LMAO @ Tomoyo’s team of bodyguards dropping her off to break into the school ONLY TO DRIVE AWAY
Tomoyo and Kero’s friendship is killing me the SHENANIGANS
I’m not sure I accept this light logic bc you need light to cast a shadow
Sakura’s “heart-racing first date” ur TEN oh my god
I mean it’s nice that Sakura wants to save the penguin but why did it take that for her to get upset it was going to drown a whole adult woman
I wonder how Toya feels that his little sister has a crush on his boyfriend lmao
This cell phone is really top of the line for 1999 lmao I love it 
U know if I were a high school student and my friend asked my 10 year old sibling out to lunch instead of me I’d be confused
"They’re not even gonna hold hands? Kids these days” This is a VERY weird vibe for an episode
You know I guess if you never watch the second episode you never have context for all of these superhero outfits LMAO
None of these locations have security cameras I guess the 1990s was a lawless time
Will all of Yuki’s magical advice be delivered in the form of mysterious field trips
Say what you will about the ominous influence of the other card, I think Wood is being fairly polite since it’s contorting around her house instead of destroying it lmao
“I was planning to film ‘Sakura Dances in the Jungle’ in the park today” I love Tomoyo 
Every little girl in this show sounds so similar lmao this is not good for my distracted watching style 
Wow Ms Maki is really unloading on these two fourth grade girls 
Since Tomoyo clearly interacts with even the more spirit-like Clow Cards I really have to wonder why no one else in this town is seeing these giant ghost monsters loom around the city
Well I guess this episode is a direct response to my previous comment 
“I can’t stand scary stories” says the girl who spends her nights going into isolated areas and fighting magical ghosts
Seeing Sakura activate her Fly card really gives me overwhelming nostalgia for the days I wanted nothing more than to be a Cardcaptor I used to wave around a toy broom like that magic key ahhhhhhhh
In the absence of the first English voice and with the added gentle Japanese intonation for his speaking, I am constantly forgetting that Yukito’s character is a 16-year-old boy 
Toya is really casually bomb-dropping the fact that he used to see ghosts and Yuki’s just like ‘dope are there ghosts around now’
Omg Kero’s sad face as he dropped the flower in Sakura’s lap 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“I want to see if she wants to tell me something” like maybe ‘don’t run around town at night chasing ghosts ur 10!!!’ 
Yukito Tsukishiro: Chronic Aid-er and Abet-er of Pre-teen Mischief 
Also if I’m right his name means something like “Ice White Moon?” Very heavy-handed foreshadowing lmao
“After we left, I went to the museum again and borrowed one” TOMOYO U CASED THE JOINT KJDHFKJHF
Tomoyo is eerily well-prepared for this mission it’s like she has been planning to burgle a museum all her life
They really made an executive choice to have both a Yuuki and a Yuki that was a decision that someone made
Oh hey it’s the other pre-teen supehero!!! That guy!!
The more I think about it, the stranger the height difference between Sakura and her brother becomes bc compared to him she’s really like 2.5 feet tall they did not pick a proportion scale
U see this what I mean by gentle intonation, Syaoran somehow sounds older than Yuki simple by roughness of voice
“Here, a steamed pork bun” Yuki sure nows how to de-escalate lmao 
“That is made out of an insulator as well” Tomoyo is really prepared for any and every situation
It’s not fair of Li to compare what is probably years of magical training from his family to ‘trial by fire for eight weeks with a plush toy who doesn’t explain anything important until critical moments’
I’m really not sure what’s happening with Rika and the teacher but I DON’T LIKE IT
“I just want to be with you as long as possible” [cut to floral pattern] Tomoyo is aiming to supersede Yuki as Gentle Shojo Protagonist Sakura Fixates On looool
I’m sure there’s NOTHING significant about this familiar-looking sword brooch
Kero biting Li whenever whenever he says something rude to Sakura kghkjghk direct feminist action
What IS THIS business with Li running away flustered like that are pre-teen Cardcaptors ONLY allowed to have a crush on Yukito
“I guess I’ll have to beat him up once” Toya has zero qualms about fighting a ten-year-old
Two fourth graders giving Yukito chocolate while he peacefully hangs out with his boyfriend is the funniest version of executing this weirdness that could happen
What I’m really wondering is how the hell they cut out or explained away Li’s crush in the first English anime
“You were just a fledgling teacher and you married one of your [high school] students!!” u did WHAT what the FUCK MR. KINOMOTO I’m on Sonomi’s side
“Mother got married when she was 16″ MR. KINOMOTO CANCELLED! BANNED! THE HELL IS THIS!
“It was I who was granted time with Nadeshiko from her 16th to 27th birthdays” GO 2 JAIL DO NOT PASS GO 
This episode has added a lot of layers to this show none of which I like
“What kind of person was my dad” someone who should be banned from teaching
“Your father is a disgusting person” WELL
Lmao they’re not even giving context why Yuki is around anymore he’s just an accepted artifact of the Kinomoto household
How is that the Time card is Li’s but not Thunder since he also returned that one to its original form
“Their fastest confirmed speed is over 100km/h” Yamazaki leave Li alone he just wants to adore the sloths jhfkhgjhgkhg
Ahhhhhh Li helping Sakura get the Power card?? These motives are quite hard to read but it seems sweet
“I heard a rumour that everyone who asked Kinomoto out has been denied.” Well. [x]
“It’s one of the seven strangest things at this school, that both Kinomoto and Tsukishiro don’t have girlfriends.” WELL. [x]
[Hannibal Buress voice] I was so caught up in euphoria of festival arcs, that for like a minute I lived in a world where the rest of this anime didn’t exist 
I have no idea what the premise of the next Clow Card is but I really hope it’s “turn u into whatever ur acting as” bc I will LOSE my mind
I have not heard Yuki once intone as passionately as he did when he thought Toya was going to fall 
“You like someone else” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“I didn’t promise anyone else a dance” Can I just say I LOVE TOYA?
The moment of stillness before Yukito revealed who he was asking to dance lmao... the repressed teenage wlw inside me LIVES
Yuki and Toya tag-teaming as the Sakura Support Team my heart!!
Geolocating someone from a fax... the incredible 90sness of this act....
I seriously don’t understand this world in which you leave 5- and 10-year-olds unattended for hours where are your child welfare laws
I am really choosing to ignore how absolutely bananas the concept of Tomoyo having a hidden Sakura Movie Theatre is
Speaking of weird, are we just trusting that this old man is normal? Is everyone doing that? I’m still not ready to trust yet the Sakura’s dad situation really burned me
“Girls look their best when they smile” a sweet thought that would not fly if an old man I just met told me that lmao
I’m REALLY not trusting this old man dressing up this girl in his dead (missing?) granddaughter’s clothes and staring broodily when she mentions there is a parent with her
“My great-granddaughter seemed happy” YOUR WHAT NOW 
Their school trips seem much more fun than ours were we never went to the beach or fishing or got disappeared briefly in a cave
It continues to be funny how Sakura and Li have 0% tension re: Clow Cards, 99% tension re: Yukito who is already in a committed Something or the Other with Sakura’s brother
“Why were you on the roof” “Because it’s nice out today” LOL YUKITO
There’s no rhyme or reason to these card types huh some are like “I will destroy an entire zoo for fun” and other ones are like “mood lighting :)”
Sakura really isn’t out here to teach us any lessons lol it’s really a ‘get others to do your homework if you can get away with it’ episode
Rounding out the triad of superpowered pre-teens with Meilin I suppose
“Syaoran is my fiance” I have had it up to HERE with this anime cousinfuckery I don’t CARE if it’s cool in Japan or Hong Kong or whatever STOP BEING WEIRD WITH YOUR COUSINS
Poor Syaoran he was doing so well with getting along with Sakura until Meilin got here
"It was done by a girl again?” Oh my god is Meilin beating up grown men in parks for street cred
“It seems our relationship chart has gotten rather complicated” Tomoyo probably means astrology chart but here’s my understanding so far:
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Speaking of complex relationships I wonder how Meilin will react to Syaoran’s crush on Yuki
This rivalry between Sakura and Meilin could not be more one-sided
I really was wondering for a second if the card was going to split in half
I love the vibe of Sakura and Toya teaming up to help their creepy dad but even MORE SO I love that Yukito is In This Household
“The contents are already up here” This episode really doesn’t hit the same way now that cloud storage exists and also what were all those floppy disks for if not to save your work Mr. Kinomoto
I love that Tomoyo always pulls her weight in her superhero sidekick role like she is here to support and help whenever needed 
Sakura using her powers to impress her crush with a ghost duet lmao these priorities 
“Sakura’s Little Adventure” I see what u did there
Kero’s little shoulder pat with his paw to let Sakura know he’s there aw
Omg this Clow Card is so cute “Is it your fault I’m so small now?” [nods pleasantly]
It is very bold of Sakura to be doing magic so casually when her brother and Yuki are right downstairs 
I like that this show recognizes the inherent intimacy of allowing someone to cut your hair
“Information about you has gotten around to the cards” well this is an ominous start to this funky tarot reading
Well the experience of seeing his little sister try to murder him has got to be traumatizing for Toya I hope he doesn’t remember this
“Can you give me a break... and stop looking like Sakura” EXCUSE ME
“My mom’s up there too, so say hi to her for me” OH MY GOOOOD TOYA REALLY DOES SEE GHOSTS AHHHHHHHHHHH
Omg @ Toya feeding Yuki from his bed this really is an intimate episode
I kind of appreciate the slow build of this show like it took them 25 episodes to introduce meaningful stakes
“But it might be tougher than the earth going ‘boom!’ Depending on who you are...” Well hello threatening figure in sunglasses standing outside Sakura’s house what’s up
“I’ll look the other way” Ms Mizuki is literally this meme:
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I can only assume that if Toya knows Ms. Mizuki then she must be a ghost
Personally if Mizuki gives Syaoran the heebie jeebies I trust his instincts
“Um... do you like Yukito too?” Oh my goooood they’re sincerely discussing being Not Straight in middle school in this 90s anime that I watched when I was 7 I cannot believe
Also I have to rethink every thought I had about Toya being gay. I mean bi is great too but my thoughts..... racing...........
“Because the next time I see you, you’ll have someone else that you’ll be in love with” Yukito BF confirmed but oh my GOD this relationship chart IS complicated good lord
If there’s anything the episode “Sakura and Her Shrine of Memories” has taught me it’s that everyone in this show is bisexual and all teachers in their neighbourhood should be in jail
I understand that Meilin is a kid but poor Syaoran he is constantly being harassed 
I love Yuki’s bottomless stomach lmao
Syaoran and Sakura have such a genuinely supportive relationship but it is very funny how they try simultaneously to get Yuki’s attention with the exact same words
“I’ve been thinking for a while that Mr. Terada is a lot like my dad” oh thank you Rika for someone finally being normal in this show
“Well it’s a harmless one” You see this is what I mean the dichotomy of Clow Cards is like... “I’m going trap you in a maze until you perish” or “I’m gonna give you a sugar rush :]”
I like that Sakura and Syaoran are starting to partner up as a duo on purpose like yessss I love a 1-2 finish and friendship development
Ahhh poor Syaoran he’s realizing that Yukito’s #1 in his life is the Kinomoto fam
We’re all familiar with the eternal struggle of whether using ur superpowers for school sports is cheating 
“I will stomp on him” it’s been 31 episodes let Sakura stomp on her brother
Oh my GOOOD does this Big card mean that Sakura WILL FINALLY STOMP ON TOYA LMAO
Ur telling me that no one else in this ENTIRE TOWN notices this altercation of a giant preteen vs a dragon
Why does the logic for how voices travel based on size apply for the Little card (when Toya was speaking) and not for the Big card (when Sakura is speaking)
Sgskdhgkhkgjh honestly body switching as a trope will never not be funny
Syaoran blushing and running away from Sakura oh how the turn tables
Every domestic scene that Yuki and Toya have adds ten years to my life we love some gay/bi teens about to be gay/bi adults
Ffskhhfkj I absolutely cannot relate to this Southern Hemisphere nonsense of finding ten degrees celsius arctic cold like BRO that is a normal spring day here
“We’re not frozen because we have magical powers” I know that cutaway was to confirm Mizuki’s magical powers again but this would’ve been a hilarious time to reveal that like Yamazaki the Compulsively Lying Classmate had powers
Awwww he likes her now that’s cute 
“I got work that day” I will bet someone ten dollars that Toya is working at that quiz rally
Update from 5 minutes later: PAYPAL ME $10
Kero keeps whispering to the moon when in fact some iteration of the moon is right around the corner (literally)
Shared Gaze of People Who Have Dated* Toya and Have Magical Powers They Haven’t Revealed Yet
*Go to jail Mizuki
I am really going crazy wondering when they’re gonna reveal stuff about Yukito like bitchhhhhhh I know you’re a moon man when will u tellll usss
How many more times will Sakura have this same threatening dream before she realizes her math teacher is probably going to try to kill her
Update from one minute later: I guess it was exactly one more time
“That’s right, Yukito’s birthday is on Christmas day” is this coming to be a coming of age where he like suddenly sprouts wings at age 17
I’ve been thinking this for a while but this show makes it seem like Japan has a much more fun approach to athletics than my school experiences
Yukito really is unflappable about hanging out with a bunch of kids half his height huh he’s like the Fourth Grader Whisperer
“Wind become a binding chain” Whoops Sakura foiled by 4th grade knowledge of the elements
Oh shiiiit love a world-building moment now we have two card combos in play ayyyyy
Lmao @ Kero using his returned powers immediately for fireworks mood lighting is a serious Clow Card priority
“I would like to come again this year” everything in this show feels like foreshadowing for dramatic irony
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 36
Last time: Sloth wished he had a jacket or something, our heroes found the Goth’s illegal mining operation, and M.G. Armstrong was offered immortal soldiers. Onwards!
No intro again, we’re starting with oh it’s Beard. Alright buddy, what are you up to now? Reciting names? While undressing? Who are you talking to
oh um Well this is a thing.
So… after saying a bunch of names, Beard apologized that he had to “use” them, then jammed his fingers into his chest to pour some blood onto the ground, which then swirled around and went into the earth.
Beard’s not the Big Bad, is he? It’s Uncle.
Tephi is currently sniggering at me.
Crazy Theory In Light Of New Scene Time! *deep breath*
So all this time I’ve been ranting at Beard for being the Big Bad, but what I’m guessing now is a Frankenstein situation; Beard got caught up in his research trying to expand Alchemy and create a Homunculi (with the Philosopher’s Stone? Without?), created Uncle who then decided that he was a superior being to mere humans and went on to create the Goths. Beard goes into hiding/on his endless fishing trip, is he trying to stop Uncle or has given it up as a lost cause? He also appears to have the same Philosopher’s Stone blood that Uncle has, experimenting on himself before making Uncle? Who knows! Still don’t forgive him for abandoning his family, even if he has some excuse like “I did it to protect you from the Goths.”, because we can see how well that worked out.
In any case, I think I understand all the blocks of spoiler text now, if he actually is a good guy then I apologiz- no actually I don’t apologize, dude is still sketchy as hell and abandoned his wife and kids. He’s still got a long way to go before he makes a Homura recovery on my List.
Episode 36 - “Family Portrait”
This looks like it’ll be another Beard episode like Interlude Party (which I just went back to re-read my post and I’m cringing at my anti-Beard rants), but with The Reveal I think I’d be ok with getting some more info on this guy. Just as long as we can get back to M.G. Armstrong catfishing Raven soon.
Yup, flashback episode. Baby!Ed and Baby!Al are sleeping, Beard by their bedside. Mama Elric says he can hug them if he wants, but Beard doesn’t want “the monster” to spread. So he already has his Philosopher’s Blood at this point?
[Mama Elric]: “Please. If it could spread that way, don’t you think I would have caught it a long time ago?”
I did not know I needed sassy Mama Elric until I got it but now I have a mighty need
The standard Creepy Tinkly Piano Music starts up as Beard
[Beard]: “Since I got this body-”
?! No no, I can’t stop and rewrite all my theories every other sentence or we’ll be here all night.
Beard is saying that ever since he got this body he’s seen a lot of death, tried to pass it off as the natural flow of the universe. He’s seen a lot of new things flourish over his life, accepted his body and kept on living. But then he met Mama Elric and created two sons oh ok I can see where this is going. Easy to accept death when it happens to Others, but to your Own?
...or not since he just compares himself to his aging sons, calls himself a monster. Damnit man I was giving you a noble backstory stop messing up my theories
Later, Mama Elric summons Beard from his Lair/Lab to surprise him with a photographer! Oh I get it, they’re getting that family picture (title drop-ish) that Beard took with him when he stopped by Resembool. Mama Elric passes Beard Baby!Ed, and good Leto man you’ve been a father for how many years? Not wanting to disturb them while they were sleeping was one thing but you’re acting like someone handed you another child, surely you’ve had some practice and carrying your own sons.
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The Elrics pose while the photographer takes oh never mind Mama Elrics giving her “we’re taking this picture for the memories” speech even though he just asked for everyone to stand still. This is an old-timey camera lady, if you keep talking it’ll end up with everyone else ok but you with a great big blur where your mouth is.
[Mama Elric]: “He’s taking it. Smile, dear.” [Beard]: *Complete opposite of a smile*
Aw. Ok, I can understand why they crop out his head in that picture all the time now, that’s just depressing.
Huh. So that’s Beard’s motivation, then. He’s decided that immortality isn’t worth watching his loved ones age and die around him, so he’s of course researching a way to make them immortal as well nope he just wants to reverse his immortality so he can age and die with them. Ehhhhhhh ok whatever we aren’t getting back into the “is immortality good or bad” thing seeing as the only in-universe way is Stupidly Evil, let’s just focus on going back to Plain Old Human.
[Beard]: “That bastard…”
Are you talking about Uncle? Truth? Because I swear if this show goes and pulls out another Big Bad “for real this time you guys” I’m going to scream.
Aw, Beard’s fixing up the tree swing, we get an amusing moment where he falls down that let’s be real is only amusing because it’s A)in an anime so Physical Comedy is the rule, and B)he’s at least a semi-Goth so physical injuries are just a nuisance. Mama Elric comes out to check on him, and he gives the inevitable reveal that he’s going Absent Anime Father. Mama Elric is… surprisingly chill about this.
Beard’s trying to sneak out while the kids are asleep, but we know how that worked out. Mama Elric goes to distract them as Beard frowns (upset that his secret plan to sneak out secretly and avoid Familial Interaction failed?), then sees Baby!Ed looking up at him.
Way back in Episode 12
Flashback! Mama and Papa Elric are standing at the door, Baby!Ed and Baby!Al happened to be up early in the morning. Mama’s of course all over her children, but Papa Elric… just glares down at Ed, that’s the only description I can use for that look. Then he turns without a word, and walks out the door.
With both of his sons looking at him, Beard’s self-composure wavers ever slightly before he regains his glare and turns away.
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Hey, it’s the campfire from the intro! Beard is looking at the family picture, before looking up to the night sky. “Just a little while longer…”
Whoa, all that was just before the intro?!
Oh come on! I was getting invested in more Beard Backstory, it’s almost a letdown to go back to Fort Briggs. Almost.
A bunch of Briggs soldiers are scouting the Goth Tunnel, seems their radio’s dead. Interference by the Military? The CO says they’ll keep going to find where all the rubble got dumped, but his horse shies and the ominous flutes start up. Who else is down there?
Black Shadows! Eyes! Teeth! Impalement!
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Run Smith, run! Flee the Gate of Truth never mind he wasn’t fast enough. Sorry dude.
Ed’s listening to Raven’s “immortal soldiers” offer, and M.G. Armstrong’s baaaarely restraining herself from killing this old creep who’s all up in her personal space. She asks if the whole immortality thing would be for all her troops as well as herself, Raven says he can tell her “later”. So now she has to choose between accepting his offer and assisting his plans for Briggs (which could go very badly for the troops she commands), or refusing and getting pushed aside like General Grumman.
Before she can say anything, a mook’s knocking at the door to report that “something” has happened to the underground tunnel team- whoops, Raven overheard and is inviting himself along to go see. The eavesdroppers head out as well, after Ed Transmutes up some rope to “make it look convincing”. Right they’re still prisoners.
Whew, good thing they got the rope, they’ve run into Sideburns showing Kimblee around the fort. Ed recognizes The Crimson Alchemist, and oh yeah they’ve never actually met before, so Kimblee makes the mistake of thinking The Fullmetal Alchemist is the giant suit of armor instead of the pipsqueak everyone’s pointing to.
[irate!Ed]: “If one more person makes that mistake…”
Down in the pipe room, M.G. Armstrong’s getting the report of lost contact, aside from Smith’s horse with what they assume is his arm (man, arms just do not stay on people’s bodies in this show, do they?). M.G. Armstrong orders a rescue tea- nope shut down by Raven who claims the tunnel is too dangerous. Now, about that immortal monster she was talking about earlier?
Wow. General is straight up ordering M.G. Armstrong to grab the monster they put on ice, put him back in the tunnel and seal it up behind him. Obviously the nearby flunky balks at burying any possible survivors in the tunnel, but Raven just paraphrases the Law of the North about obeying strength and power. Now, is M.G. Armstrong going to refuse an order from her superior officer?
Mid-ep pictures of Crazy Grin Raven and steadfast Olivier Mira Armstrong.
Raven’s visiting the Elric Brothers in their cell, happy to see that they’ve been “keeping their mouths shut”. Ed’s just a little annoyed to have his friends held hostage and be locked up, but the ever-helpful General assures them that they can go soon. He then assures the boys that they don’t need to worry about the tunnel, M.G. Armstrong’s being a good little soldier and following orders.
Something that her own troops seem to be having a little trouble with now, the flunky from earlier is arguing with M.G. Armstrong about the lost team until she snaps at him to be quiet and obey. Kimblee’s watching everything from the walkways and snarks that even “The Impregnable Wall Of Briggs” bows to authority. Here’s hoping she proves you wrong soon.
Hey Sloth, how was your nap? Raven tells him to wake up and get back to work, apparently Pride explained it to him already. Now with his orders to get back to, Sloth returns to digging while Raven spouts some drivel about Sloth being a “chimera” working for Central, and since it was a top-secret mission they had to cover the hole and guard it.
[Raven]: “I’m counting on you soldiers! It’s people like you who make this country what it is!”
...wow. Ok, I’m pretty sure that M.G. Armstrong knows that the offer of immortality is intended to be at the cost of her own troops now. Way to eff things up Raven. Now if you had couched it as harvesting Drachmans to empower herself and her troops it might have been different.
Hey Marcoh, hey May! Still going over the notes?... wait, how long have you been at that hut? What have you been eating? Anyways, Marcoh says the important parts of the book are written in Ancient Ishvalan, which he can’t make heads or tails of. If only they had an Ishvalan Monk who could translate. Yeah, where is Scar?
Ooooh shoot. The Briggs snowtroopers have found the girl with the weird cat now, they draw their guns and move in when suddenly Scar! Man, good timing. Meeting up with the Doctor and the Princess, Scar confirms that they have the notes and says it’s time to move NOW HOLD ON. Did you really just take those two soldiers’ uniforms and leave them in the snow? Dude, not cool! At least move them into the hut so they don’t freeze to death.
Uh, timeskip apparently. Raven and M.G. Armstrong are overseeing the sealing of the tunnel, Raven’s confirming that the “weak” will be sacrificed to make the chosen few immortal. Man, Raven just has no redeeming qualities beyond that beard, does he? He’s just cheerfully talking about how the weak will be the foundation for the strong, completely missing the Death Glare that M.G. Armstrong’s leveling at him.
Sideburns is still having to babysit Kimblee, takes a moment to ask how the punk he was threatening in a hospital just a few days ago healed so quickly, let alone how a convicted murderer of officers got to walk free. Kimblee’s not exactly forthcoming.
Raven’s still cheerfully going on about how the country was founded with the plan to Mass Sacrifice its population, and how his generation gets to reap the rewards. He clasps her shoulder and damnit stop being a creeper you traitor-
[M.G. Armstrong]: “Hmph. There’s no need.”
Wait is she HELL YES
Screw you, you old coward! Just stand there with her sword through your arm as you feebly protest about her being a “chosen one”.
[M.G. Armstrong]: “I don’t need a new seat from you. You’re going to lose the one your moldy ass has clung to for too long! Right about now, Raven! You old TRAITOR!”
Oh hey, how convenient that there’s a fresh pool of concrete for that jerk’s corpse to be hidden in.
[Armstrong the Great]: “General, you are among the weak who will become the foundation for this country. Literally.”
Ha. Now we can get to work! Get some gloves free of traitor’s blood, find Sideburns and the other unwanted guest, and get that concrete nice and level.
Oh my Leto shut up Kimblee, stop trying to antagonize Sideburns with taunts about Ishval. Just as he starts to snap back Sideburns is called aside to hear that he doesn’t have to distract Kimblee anymore. He goes back and claims that “nobody can find General Raven”, so Kimblee… uh oh. Kimblee’s got standing orders to act as he sees fit if Raven’s not around, so they probably should give him a car to leave the fort. After all, one disappearance can be put down as bad luck. Both Raven and Kimblee? They can’t show their hand so soon.
Aw, the flunky who argued for the rescue mission is still pleading with Armstrong the Great to check the tunnel before it’s sealed. Ooh, but Ed made a second door earlier! That… may not have been such a good idea, I know that these guys haven’t seen what killed the tunnel team but still.
The mechanic stops by the Elrics’ cell to say Raven’s taking a concrete nap, then walks off. Wait, you’re still leaving those two in jail? Raven’s dead and Kimblee’s leaving, you don’t need to keep up the prisoner facade! Damnit, let the protagonists out to do their job!
Awww, hell. Kimblee’s shown up, wants to talk with the Fullmetal Alchemist. Fine whatever, just… what do you mean, “a visitor”?
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CRAP. Winry! Or, is that Envy in disguise? Nah, probably Winry given how she’s yelling about Ed not getting his automail adjusted before going north. Someone from the military contacted her?
...Kimblee get your hands off her shoulders right now.
Damnit. Right as we get Armstrong the Great acting against the Military in defiance of the immortality temptation, we’ve got the Goth’s attack dog reminding them of the hostages. This is-
The end of the episode? Really? Wow, ok then. This one seemed like we got a short story on Beard (that just raised
so many new questions
) and a partial arc with Fort Briggs. What’s gonna happen next?
Wait hold on, this is one of those post-credit scene episodes. Roy’s meeting with one of the bar girls who’s reporting on Kimblee’s rapid recovery after Raven showed up. After paying her for the info a passing flower merchant teases him about just getting a “nice seeing you”... before saying she has a message from Armstrong the Great.
[Roy]: “I’ll take every flower you have in that cart.”
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exid-though · 6 years
I’m new to exid and kinda confused, can you help me with the girls’ names/nicknames?
YEAH okay so 
Solji the beautiful siren with the chubbiest cheeks in the world and the prettiest lips known to man was born Heo Solji and she just goes by Solji but because she’s the mom of the group since she’s the leader and is really caring and cuddly but also can be scary she gets called lots of “mom/mother” nicknames like the girls straight up address her as “mom” a lot during Showtime EXID like literally instead of Solji they would often yell “mom” to get her attention it’s adorable. And ofc fans call her mom for the same reason so like Heo Mother/Mama is something we say a lot, “mama Solji”, etc. Soul.G was her DJ name or something like that? some type of stage name years ago but now she does just use Solji. Heo Bad Gas was something that existed like years ago from way back in like 2012/2013 because when they dieted and ate boiled eggs she got really bad gas. They mentioned it during the first season of BUTBUT TV but don’t actually use this often? It was really just a let’s make fun of each other thing for the moment ips? Mostly just things having to do with mom and also Baby Heo she’s said before is one of her favorite nicknames of hers. I mean she is straight up the cutest woman in the world and she’s the youngest in her family so Baby Heo somehow fits her like just as much as mama Solji and all those.  ummm when she first debuted she introduced herself as “EXID’s Honey Vocal” for obvious reasons come on  and I tag her memether I think? don’t I lol? yeah anyway cause she’s their mother and she’s obsessed with memes, the other members (Hyelin I think but maybe Elly idk??) revealed that Solji sends tons of memes to their group chat. She’s also nicknamed Tweety I forgot about that one cause she looks like Tweety lol and the girls said she looks like Piglet too. And the animal she looks most like is a sloth? that was also lowkey about her being tired all the time while she was sick though so idk if that’s entirely fair lol. A koala is another one that one’s more fair too lol we’ll go with koala. 
LE is the rapper ofc her real name/birth name is Ahn Hyo-Jin and her English name is Ahn Elly. When she was an underground rapper before she joined EXID she chose Elly as her stage name which is also why some people get confused and say “Elly is her old stage name not her name/english name/etc” but it was/is her English name she confirmed it on an early season of BUTBUT TV when talking with Hani, her name on instagram is also literally “ellybaby” and “Ahn Elly” like she only really seems to use LE as a stage name and people call her both Elly and Hyojin off stage cause both are right ig? But yeah so LE is LE, Elly, and Hyojin all and then when you get into nicknames and not just like other names ig? she got nicknamed Elsa after Frozen’s Elsa a while ago cause she looks like her lol. Daisy Duck also because she looks like Daisy Duck but I haven’t heard anyone use that in a long time? “Elly/LE baby” or “Elly/LE baby the crazy” is a nickname that’s a reference to a line she had in a song where she started her verse with “elly baby the crazy”. I tag her euterpe because that’s the muse of lyric poetry and Elly writes all of EXID’s songs to date and has written for other artists as well. She’s so cool. She’s the “Tom” to Jeonghwa’s “Jerry” because she’s like a grumpy cat that likes to beat up Jeonghwa the mischievous mouse. idk what else? She’s the dad of the group like Solji is the mom? Oh and she first introduced herself as the group’s “Charisma” just like Solji is the group’s “Honey Vocal” and it makes sense cause she’s scary af. Or at least it seems until you realize she’s a giant softy and cries just as easily as Heo “crybaby” Solji herself. 
Hani’s real name is Ahn Hee-Yeon, but she does mostly go by Hani. In the same episode of BUTBUT TV (I really wish I had screenshots I mean I might but I don’t think I do but like idk someone will find it eventually) that Elly said Elly was her English name, Hani said that around the time she was born (I think it was either that or right before or right after or maybe just before?? so just know that at some point lol) her parents lived in the US and they liked calling her Hani/Honey growing up cause it’s their favorite American/English term of endearment and she mentioned even family and friends call her Hani more often than they call her Heeyeon normally but they’ve also seemed to be calling her Heeyeon more often and that was a while ago so maybe she’s just moving from it a bit? Or they’re just like eh we need to call you Heeyeon to properly yell at you when you do creepy shit. She was nicknamed Ms. Puff a long time ago during like their debut year because of her hair and face at the time she looked like Ms Puff. She was first introduced as the group’s “Brain” because she’s super smart, has a high IQ, enjoys studying/studies really well. She’s also very meticulous and perfectionistic? don’t know if that’s a word but you get it. So generally she’s a giant nerd she also literally wasn’t/isn’t a good dancer so she takes notes on what exact angles and movements make her look best while dancing and it’s clearly worked out well since a video of her dancing saved the group from disbandment lol. Because of that video too she’s nicknamed “Fancam Goddess” by like media people and stuff in Korea. She’s nicknamed Ahn Hyung by a lot of people because she’s “manly” or whatever. Which she isn’t really she’s just awkward and likes girls. And she’s good at sports but like Sistar are sports goddesses and they’re not called manly like Heeyeon is it’s just a combination of her being awkward and sporty and chill and people thinking that’s not feminine so it must be manly. anyway. She actually doesn’t seem to mind that much and embraces that nickname a lot and EXID as a group go with the jokes about them being more like a boy group than a girl group because they’re all such dorks who don’t know how to protect an image so it’s not really as annoying to me at all as it would be should any of them esp Hani have ever said they thought it was dumb. moving on though cause that’s a whole other topic. So she was actually originally “EXID’s Brain” from debut and onward a bit until she started introducing herself as EXID’s “Brain and Rose” because she thinks she’s as beautiful as a rose/a rose fits her really well and that over the years changed to her just introducing herself as “EXID’s Rose”. This was literally her own braggy decision and that’s why you might see someone say she and Elly too actually are the braggy members of the group bc like they are?? Heeyeon can’t stop complimenting herself and Elly literally said there’s nothing she can’t do but we stan confident queens who know their self worth.  always. 
Hyelin is the cute little small baby one who’s absolutely wild and uncontrollable so she is either called something cute like her original introduction being “EXID’s Cutie” (but I also remember her being “EXID’s Cute Bad Girl” around 2012/2013 idk why but like I remember that being a thing she said and not just cutie idk) or “My Way Lini”/”My Way Hyelin” because she just does what she wants. Like she’s the second youngest (oh yeah fake maknae too that’s a thing ig?) but who can really ever be mad at Lini? She curses on national television and their own leader is laughing about it she does what she wants and she gets away with what she wants. She not only curses and uses slang and dialect a lot but she also kinda just… generally says what she wants. She openly stated her eyebrows were tattooed, talked about what plastic surgeries each member should get, allegedly picked up a microphone at a show cause she heard fans talking shit and literally said “to all the fans of monsta x, we aren’t dating” and like??? that’s not something she wouldn’t do so who’s gonna deny that really? She just can’t control her mouth and doesn’t actually seem to want to really? so “my way Lini” fits her really well. She’s nicknamed Lini cause it’s just a cute nickname for Hyelin, Hyelini is also a thing. JjeopJjeop/jjeopjjeopi is a nickname that comes from her chewing really loudly/obnoxiously when she eats. Him Hyelini cause she’s super strong (like stronger than she should be where’d you get your superpowers lini baby??). Him means strong btw it’s not  another manly joke. She’s a good wrestler and beats their own manager at those arcade punching games. Baby bird because she looks like/is like EXID’s little baby birdy. she’s cute and small and they love her sm. Her English name is Jenny but no one ever calls her Jenny lol? Voldemort is a good one that comes from her famous impressions of Voldemort (her Voldemort sunbaenim)
Jeonghwa is nicknamed “maeboli” most famously I think?because she likes to do things that she knows will bother the older members and she literally is always asking for a beating. A radio dj asked for some clarification on this once and Jeonghwa just said “this isn’t a misunderstanding at all, I really do that” like the girl just enjoys making people chase her around and yell at her. It’s funniest when paired with Elly’s personality because she and Elly are the “Tom and Jerry” of EXID. They’re constantly chasing each other around and Elly is Jeonghwa’s favorite victim and vice versa cause Elly keeps fake bugs in her purse to scare Jeonghwa with. they’re just such dorks idk what to say. Jeonghwa purposefully is really loud and her voice is really high-pitched and she uses it to get on the girls nerves. She’s also called “EXID’s Sunflower” by fans sometimes because her and Heeyeon are the visuals of EXID and she’s more of the bright tall cheerful etc sunflower. She’s also called “pure visual” of EXID because her visuals/looks whatever are veery “pure” and innocent looking she’s got sparkly eyes and she’s just generally got a really friendly and innocent look esp compared to Heeyeon’s sharp and sexy look so the sunflower vs rose and pure vs sexy visual thing is probably why they’re both officially the visuals of EXID like imagine choosing between the two of them anyway. She gets called lady and princess Jjong/Park/Jeonghwa a lot cause she’s basically the “most lady-like” out of the members (or so it seems). and she just looks like a pretty lady with her pretty eyes and round face and her long ass limbs that make her the size of a tree. she got called a monkey sometimes during like Showtime years beause of her limbs too lol she’s got long arms and a small face and so she looks like one of those cute little monkeys I forgot what kind though. Merida was a nickname that started and ended with her orange hair from 2017 when they promoted Eclipse but she’s still merida in my tags just cause I still haven’t changed it. I’ll do it eventually. ummmm?? She was apparently Park Foot Odor for some time around debut but she denies this whole thing. That was from the same episode of BUTBUT TV where Solji’s gas and Elly being dirty was talked about too. Also we call her Jjong a lot just like how we call Hyelin Lini. 
There’s definitely more but like I can’t think of them rn? Sorry. 
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kumeko · 6 years
band practice
Prompt: new kid au
Character/Pairing: jiro, Yaoyorozu
A/N: Written for the Bnha BB. : ) A little late in posting because I was sick but here it is now. The pacing in this is a mess since I rewrote it so many times.
Summary: Yaoyorozu did say she wanted to make more friends in her new school. She just didn’t mean via tutoring Jiro.
“I’m copying your homework,” a confident, imposing voice ordered.
 Jiro looked up from her sheet music, unsurprised to find it was Kaminari. There was that dopey look on his face again, the sign that someone had been spending a little too much time sniffing highlighters. She raised an eyebrow, not bothering to pause her playlist. This wasn’t even worth removing her earbuds. “No.”
 His bravado vanished immediately and he slumped forward. Hands clasped, he bowed his head and begged. “Please?” When she remained silent, he pleaded, “I’ll do anything.”
 A tempting offer. Highly tempting. She took in his teary eyes, his nervous smile, and shook her head disapprovingly. “No.”
 “Come on!” Switching tactics, he crouched next to her desk and gripped the edge.  “You do this too!”
 “Never to you,” she snapped, flicking each of his fingers. “You.” Flick. “Never.”  Flick. “Help.” Flick. “Back.”
 “Ouch!” Kaminari recoiled, cradling his hands. He shot her a grump glare. “What’s that gotta do with anything?”
 “Everything.” She rolled her eyes. They’d known each other since middle school and she was tired of this old game. “Get someone else.”
 “Boo.” Pouting, he looked furtively at the rest of their gang.
 Jiro almost wished him luck. He’d need it—she followed his train of sight to the rest of her friends. Sero was chatting excitedly with Kirishima about last night’s wrestling match. Despite how fake the whole affair was, they both got really into it. They’d cheer when the face appeared, boo when the heel came out, and it was almost like watching a drama unfold when there was a match. Sero was almost as straight-laced as she was, on that border between rebel and normal. His uniform was on properly, each button properly closed, and if it weren’t for the constant mischievous grin on his face, you’d be forgiven for thinking he was a good student. Kirishima, on the other hand, might have the heart of a model student but you couldn’t tell that by looking at him. His red hair was always in disarray, as were the rest of his clothes. A wild style, but his easy-going grin and friendly nature made him popular with the class despite that.
 Then there was the last of them, Bakugou, moodily sitting at his chair with a perpetual scowl on his face. He only had two modes at school: angry and angrier. After class, there was the rare third mode: when they managed to coax a smile out, an amused snort and a cocky retort.
 To be honest, if there was any reason they ended up with a bad rep, it was him.
 A bell rang and Kaminari sat on her desk. Sero came up to her. “I’ll trade math for English.”
 “Deal.” She smirked broadly as she swapped homework with Sero, ignoring Kaminari’s indignant glare. “See, that’s how it’s supposed to work.”
 Sero looked up from the sheet. “What, was he trying to leach off you again?”
 Before Kaminari could respond, the door swung open.
 “Class.” Their teacher, Aizawa, gave them a flat stare as he slouched toward his desk. A sloth would have looked more energetic. Dressed in black dress pants and a striped sweater, it was as though he had tried to wear his uniform and gave up halfway. Still, it was better than the other times it looked like he’d just rolled out of bed. Hell, he even looked stylish for once. When he’d reached his desk, he gestured to the door. “We have a new student.”
 In walked a princess. Ok, not an actually princess, but Jiro was pretty sure she was close to the real thing. There was something about dignified about her, with her neatly coiffed hair and proud expression that belonged more in a movie than in real life. Even Iida, the class president, who sat as though he had a rod taped to his back, didn’t walk as straight and tall as she did. Reaching the center of the blackboard, with a dainty hand she scrawled a name on the board. Even her letters were neat—who in the world could actually write nicely on a blackboard? Turning around, she bowed to the class. “I’m Yaoyorozu Momo.”
 Her eyes scanned the room and when they landed on hers, Jiro’s hand involuntarily went up to wave. She couldn’t stop herself. Behind her, Sero whistled.
 “She’s cute.” Kaminari muttered.
 “Why are you two not seated yet?” Aizawa’s words came out in a drawl, little power or force behind them, but both Sero and Kaminari flinched and quickly went back to their seats. When everyone was seated, he pointed to a seat on the right, next to Asui. “That spot’s free, it’ll be your desk.”
 “Thank you.” Even her voice was elegant.
  Not that this was the time for that. Aizawa was still paying attention to her group and Jiro had to discretely copy homework and take off her earbuds without getting in trouble. Judging by Aizawa’s stare, it might already be too late.
 “I’ll take you around.” Asui—Yaoyorozu was pretty sure her name was Asui—stood in front of her desk, a helpful smile on her face. A short girl with a frog clip in her hair, she stood slightly hunched over.
 Yaoyorozu resisted the urge to correct her posture. She’d found people rarely wanted that kind of advice, at least not on the first day. “Thank you.”
 “I’ll help too!” Another girl skipped to the pair, her short brown hair curling around her head like a mushroom. When she reached Yaoyorozu’s desk, she peered down at her notes in surprise. “Did you write all that?”
 “Yes?” She looked down at her notes herself, wondering if she made a mistake. Their last class was English; perhaps she had made a grammatical or spelling mistake. “Is something wrong?”
 “No, no, definitely not.” The girl’s eyes were wide as she continued to stare at the notebook. “I can’t believe you managed to actually write it all down!”
 An ineloquent “Huh?” escaped Yaoyorozu’s lips before she could stop it. Judging by the impressed expression on both girls faces, this school might be a little different than her old all girl’s school. Around her, her other classmates perked up and started to pay attention. Scratch that, this place was very different.
 “I’m terrible at English.” The girl sighed, drooping. “Like really, really bad.”
 Asui patted her on her back comfortingly. “We can study together.”
 “Yes, I can help if you want.” Yaoyorozu nodded, pushing her fingers together nervously. “I should have my old notes somewhere if you want to look at them.”
 “Really?” Overjoyed, the girl clasped Yaoyorozu’s hands gratefully.  “Thanks!” Then, as though remembering herself, she let go and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. “I’m Uraraka—probably should’ve done that first.”
 “Uraraka,” Yaoyorozu repeated. “I’m Yaoyorozu—nice to meet you.”
 “Nice to…” Asui cocked her head, tapping her chin as she considered the phrase. “You’re kinda formal when you speak.”
 “Formal?” Perplexed, Yaoyorozu stared at her classmate. “How so?”
 “Like that!” Uraraka nodded her agreement, once more clasping Yaoyorozu’s hands. “We’re friends! It’s ok to relax a little.”
 “Relax.” Yaoyorozu frowned, mulling it over. Certainly, this school was a whole different animal than her old one. Gingerly, she formed her next sentence. “I’ll attempt to?”
 Judging by Uraraka’s face, she’d missed the mark. “Close enough!”
 “Anyways, we need to show her the school before lunch is over.” Asui gently tugged Uraraka’s hands away.
 After Yaoyorozu put away her notebooks, the trio left the classroom. The school was not as grand as Yaoyorozu’s old one, certainly lacking in funding in terms of size and even quality and quantity of goods. The library was not only smaller, but the books had a musty smell and looked older than her parents. There were several classrooms, near identical, on each floor, with a few special rooms for special classes—the art room, geography, music. Eventually, they were nearing the end of the corridor for the final and third floor when Uraraka could faintly hear music escaping from underneath one of the doors. They couldn’t afford proper soundproof rooms then either. “What is that sound?”
 “What?” Uraraka looked around before Yaoyorozu pointed at the door. Following her line of sight, she laughed. “Ohhh, that! They’re the Back Rows.”
 “The back rows?” Yaoyorozu’s brow furrowed. No matter how hard she thought it through, the meaning didn’t get any clearer. “I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”
 “It’s the name of Jiro—right, you haven’t met them.” Asui bit her lip. After a moment’s consideration, she approached the door and gestured for them to follow. “They’re a band.”
 “A band?” Yaoyorozu had heard rumours of bands, playing with guitars and screaming instead of singing. Nothing at all like the magnificent orchestras or even the graceful quartets. Still, this would be a good time to get some firsthand information. Quietly, she peeked through the door’s glass window.
 A blonde boy jumped, strumming a guitar as electric as his grin. A black chord bounced around him like ribbon, miraculously not tangling around his legs. Near him a second guitar rang out, a tone deeper. A toothy boy played the instrument, its shape an oddity compared to the first. His foot tapped to the beat. A beat played out by the giant drum kit behind him. Surrounded by drums and cymbals, the angry boy from their class was furiously banging out a tempo. His hands jumped from place to place, dragging the band along his pace.
 And leading the group, singing her heart out into a microphone, was a short-haired girl, the girl who’d waved at her this morning. They were all from Yaoyorozu’s class, she realized. All of them. The singer was clutching the stand, hunching over it as she shouted something unintelligible into the head. While not entirely soundproof, the room blocked out enough noise that Yaoyorozu couldn’t make out most of the song. Only that it was loud. How much louder did it have to be inside?
 For a moment she forgot to breath. This was no confused mess, no unharmonic discord. It was…it was…
 “Amazing,” Yaoyorozu exhaled.
 “It is, isn’t it!” Urara whispered, excited. “They’re a club, sorta, and they’re gonna perform again at the festival. This is a new song.”
 “Let’s go—Bakugou gets pissed whenever people watch them practice,” Asui whispered, tugging on their sleeves. At Yaoyorozu’s confused look, she added, “He’s the drummer. Kaminari’s on the guitar, Sero’s on the bass, and that’s Jiro singing. Kirishima joins them sometimes, but he’s more like a club manager than a band member. They’re all in our class.”
 Bakugou. Kaminari. Sero. Kirishima. She repeated their names to herself as they walked away, taking one last look at Jiro. Her cheeks red from exertion, she looked like a thing of fire as she danced around. Yaoyorozu had never seen anyone look so alive before. Passionate. She wondered when was the last time she’d looked like that. Her fingers twitched involuntarily, tapping along to the music. It stayed with her, even through their afternoon classes, even after she had cello practice and did her homework and all the other activities her parents had arranged.
 When she closed her eyes, all she could see was that band performing, all she could hear was that beat, as though it were her own heartbeat.
 There were few things that scared Jiro. Conversely, there were many things that annoyed her: Kaminari, her hippie parents, Iida when he went hardcore, Kaminari, attention, Mineta, and did she mention Kaminari? Even horror movies weren’t any issue generally, good for a few chills and scares before ultimately being forgotten.
 However, the piece of paper in front of her terrified her. Scrawled on the top was a red 60%. An almost failing grade. It was blood curdling to stare at it and she suddenly felt very cold. Her parents would have no issue with this, she knew, as long as her music grades were good. No, the school, on the other hand, would very much have problems with this. The only condition her band had for using the school to practice and even perform was that they all passed their tests.
 And a sixty percent generally ended up going even lower and lower. Shakily, she turned to look at Kaminari. His face was as pale as hers as he looked up from his test. Turning the other direction, she saw that Sero looked only slightly disappointed, though next to him Kirishima’s million-watt smile was down a few degrees. The only person she didn’t have to check was Bakugou —despite his attitude, his grades were nothing to laugh at.
 Well, fuck. They were screwed unless they came up with something fast. The moment class was over, she grabbed Kaminari’s test before he could hide it. It was worse than she’d expected. “Fifty percent? Seriously?”
 “Hey!” Reaching up, he tried to grab the test from her. When she smoothly dodged, he sighed and sat back down. “Yeah, yeah, still a pass.”
 “Barely. I don’t even know if this counts as a pass even—Aizawa definitely won’t like this.” To emphasize her point, she hit the paper with the back of her hand. “And I thought my grades were bad.”
 “What’d you get?” Grumpy, he reached over and tried to grab her test, only for her to yank it away as well. There were a few downsides to sitting next to Kaminari, but his predictability was never one of them.
 “Much better than you.” Concerned, she turned to Kirishima. He’d wandered over, still a little downtrodden. “How bad is it?”
 “54. Sero’s fine at least.” Kirishima sighed before roughly rubbing his head with both hands. After a few minutes, he clapped his cheeks. “Ok! I’ll figure out how to fix this. A man has to clean up after his own mess.”
 “It’s nice I can count on you.” Jiro gave Kaminari a pointed glare. “What’re you gonna do?”
 Disgruntled, he rested his cheeks on the desk. “I’ll figure something out.”
 “Will you? Really?” Jiro stared at him incredulously, wondering if it was more unbelievable that he said it or that he believed it.
 Clenching his jaw, Kirishima crossed his arms. After a few seconds of humming, he suddenly beamed. “We just need help.”
 “Help?” Kaminari glanced at him disinterestedly, still slumped over his desk.
 Energized, Kirishima merely grinned before heading to Bakugou. As they watched, he slammed his hands on his desk, earning an irate glare from Bakugou. “What.”
 It wasn’t even a question. Jiro shivered, a chill running up her spine. Despite the years they’ve known each other, on some level Bakugou would always be scary. “He’s going to get himself killed.”
 “Yep.” Kaminari swallowed, nodding slowly. He clasped his hands together, as if in prayer. “I’ll remember him.”
 “Should I…” Trailing off, she gestured helplessly at the tableau in front of them.
 Grabbing her hand, Kaminari shook his head sadly. “He’s as dead as our band.” He gave a small salute and Jiro whacked him.
 “Our band is not dead,” she snarled, turning back to the scene. Whatever Kirishima had said, she’d missed. Somehow, he was still alive. So far. Judging by Bakugou’s expression, it wasn’t for long.
 “Why.” Again, another not-question. It was almost impressive for an artist that he was able to convey so much anger with so few words. If they ever went into the heavy metal genre, they were set.
 “Come on, we can’t perform otherwise.” The easy smile didn’t slip off Kirishima’s face, his arm wrapped around Bakugou’s shoulder now as he crouched next to his chair. Jiro faintly feared that he’d lose the arm. “It’s just math and English.” When Bakugou glared at him, he laughed awkwardly and scratched his chin with his other hand. “And maybe a few more.”
 “I could beat it into you,” Bakugou growled, looking practically demonic.
 “That works too.” Fearlessly Kirishima gave them thumbs up. “See you Saturday.”
 “Mad man. He’s a mad man.” Kaminari stared blankly at the scene for a moment longer before turning back to her. “I can’t believe Bakugou’s tutoring.”
 Bakugou. Tutoring. All Jiro could picture was a torture chamber. Did Bakugou even know how to teach? There were values like patience or compassion or not yelling that were definitely needed for this task. Shaking her head, she looked at the rest of the class. Choice aside, Kirishima had the right idea. A tutor. She just had to find someone who didn’t look too busy and also looked like a good teacher.
 Well at least it wouldn’t be hard to look for someone smart. Their class was oddly full of them.
 How odd. When Yaoyorozu had hoped she’d get closer to her classmates, tutoring hadn’t been her first idea. Or even her second or a remote third. Yet when Uraraka had come forward with an awkward Jiro, she couldn’t refuse. Especially not after hearing about her plight—if she could help, she wanted to.
 And to be honest, she wanted to get closer to Jiro. Just a little. Despite how alive she’d looked in front of the mike, Jiro was practically apathetic in class. Even her humour was more on the dry side. There was little of the singer inside the student and Yaoyorozu couldn’t wrap her head around how one person could have two very different sides.
 “I’m fine with most subjects,” Jiro informed her honestly, pulling out a notebook onto the table. It was Saturday and they were in Yaoyorozu’s house. It was a little more modest than her old place. A traditional house, it was spacious enough to accommodate most of their furnishings, leaving only a few pieces in storage. The grounds not as grand as she was used to, but Jiro had complimented it all the same when she’d arrived. Fortunately, they were not expecting any other guests that day and Yaoyorozu had arranged for them to use the living room for their session.
 “Then what do you need help with?” Yaoyorozu asked, settling herself on the other side of the table.
 A maid knocked and entered, carrying tray of tea. “Where shall I leave it miss?”
 “On the side table is fine.” Yaoyorozu gestured to the table next to the chaise. With a soft clink, the tray was set down and the maid departed with a bow. “Want some tea?”
 “Tea?” Jiro rubbed her wrist, her expression strained. “What kind of tea?”
 “We have several blends—I requested a simple one for today, a green tea.” Yaoyorozu slowly poured some tea into a small cup and offered it to her.
 “Green tea? That sounds…normal.” Jiro nodded, accepting the cup.
 “Gathering the leaves was the hard part, there were so many different regions to choose from.”
 Holding up her hand, Jiro shook her head. “I don’t really want to think about that. Green tea. Let’s leave it at that.”
 “If you’re certain.” Yaoyorozu poured herself a cup, uncertain as to how that knowledge could ruin Jiro’s enjoyment. She inhaled the fragrance, a touch milder than she was used to, before slowly sipping. It warmed her instantly, spreading through her body like a blanket.
 “Not bad.” Jiro sipped her tea slowly, examining the room. Her expression brightened when her gaze landed on the grand piano. “A piano? Can you play?”
 “Hmm?” Following her line of slight, Yaoyorozu stared at the piano for a long moment. “I have taken lessons for years.”
 And yet, oddly enough, she never looked at that instrument the way Jiro had. Nor had she ever played it the way Sero or Kaminari or even Bakugou had played theirs. It existed, an item more for showing off than for enjoyment. A status symbol.
 “Wow.” Jiro looked at her impressed. “What level?”
 “I’m at…I’m not all that great at it.” Yaoyorozu lied, rubbing her shoulder.
 “That’s ok.” Jiro shrugged. “I’m not the best either.”
 Somehow, that easy line made her want to play even less—there was a difference, Yaoyorozu was sure, between them. A difference in how they played, in how they looked when they played. Even a difference on what they thought was good.  “That’s not why we’re here today.” She tapped her notebook. “What subject do you need help in?”
 “Math.” Jiro grimaced, opening her math notebook. “It’s just not clicking. At all. My other grades are decent enough, but I almost always fail that course.”
 “Math.” Yaoyorozu pulled out the textbook, checking exactly what this class had learned in comparison to hers. It was fairly similar—calculus, some trigonometry, and a slow introduction into more complex equations. Her class had been ahead, but that was to be expected of a top class private school versus a public one. Confident she was ready, she looked expectantly at Jiro. “What sections should we go over?”
 “…all of them,” Jiro admitted slowly, her cheeks tinting a faint red. “Just…yeah, all of it.”
 “All of it,” Yaoyorozu repeated, looking down at textbook once more, at the helpful sticker Uraraka had placed to indicate the class’s current spot. A quarter of the book, fortunately. Their next round of tests was a week away, unfortunately. “There’s nothing that you understand?”
 Jiro gave a wry look. “Nothing.”
 Well. This was certainly shaping up to be a longer day than Yaoyorozu had expected. “Very well then, we will start at the beginning.”
 “So?” Sero leaned forward conspiratorially. “How’s it going?”
 “How’s what going?” Jiro looked up from her sheet music. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, she was adjusting their song. Bakugou was late, oddly enough, though she suspected Kirishima had something to do with that. Miraculously, he had survived the weekend of hell and even managed to get Bakugou to help out beyond that.
 If he managed to pass the tests with his body intact, she’d dedicate a song to him.
 “The princess.” Kaminari waggled his brow and someone had been spending too much time with Mineta again. “She’s teaching you, right?”
 “Yaoyorozu?” Jiro tugged her ear. Princess, huh? It was near impossible for Yaoyorozu to hide her rich roots, even if she wanted to—almost every move she made exuded the aura of wealth. Her mannerisms, her speech, even their identical uniforms seemed different somehow. “She’s really good at it.”
 “Maybe she can help me too, then.” Sero sighed.
 “Science?” Jiro asked, knowing all too well his weakness. She stood up, brushing herself off.
 “Chemistry,” he corrected. He was better at engineering and practical work than the theoretical sections. Unfortunately, they were only tested on theory.
 “And you?” Jiro didn’t really need to ask, Kaminari’s flinch said everything. “Iida’s helping you, right?”
 The second she asked, she instantly regretted it. As though given permission to break down, Kaminari grabbed her shoulders and looked at her with watery eyes. “It’s a boot camp for devils. It’s torture. It’d actually be better with Bakugou.”
 Sero covered his mouth, trying to stop his laughter. It didn’t work; she could still hear his snorts even as he tried to speak. “Bakugou? Really?”
 Kaminari shot him a glare. “Yes really.”
 Brushing his hands off her, Jiro rolled her eyes. “It can’t possibly be that bad.”
 “Worse. It’s even worse,” Kaminari grumbled, crouching to the ground. His hand drew circles on the floor as he mumbled, “Not all of us are lucky enough to get a princess.”
 “She’s…” The word strict died on her tongue—Yaoyorozu wasn’t all that bad, actually. She was smart and stern when it came to her lessons, but she was also fair about it. If anything, it was more fun than she’d expected.
 Not that she’d ever admit it.
 “See.” Kaminari narrowed his eyes and squinted up at her and really, he had been spending way too much time with Mineta.
 “You’re gonna pass though, right?” Resisting the urge to argue with him, she sat down and went back to their sheet music. Before Kaminari could answer, she added, “Otherwise I don’t think he’ll leave you alone.”
 Kaminari went white. “Oh god, you’re right.”
 “So, this is my house.”
 Yaoyorozu stared at the main hallway, amazed at the compactness of it all. The house was small, almost as big as one of her family’s sheds. Or maybe garage. Either way, it was amazing a person could live in it, let alone an entire family. There was something cute about it all, like living in a doll house. “It’s a nice place.”
 Jiro stared at her for a long moment. Her tone was a bit dry as she replied, “Right.”
 “No, really, it’s quaint,” Yaoyorozu complimented as she pulled off her shoes.
 “We could just do this at your house again,” Jiro suggested, tugging her ear nervously.
 “No, no, this is good.” Yaoyorozu quickly shook her hands in front of her. When was the next time she’d get to see how the other half lived? Ever since she moved, she got to try coffee shops and movie theatres and honestly, it was a lot better than she’d expected. Following Jiro to her room, she tried not to stare too much as they walked but everything was so new and interesting.
 Even Jiro’s room was an oddity, covered from wall to wall with posters of singers and bands Yaoyorozu couldn’t recognize. All she knew was that they were all rock bands, that there was something about a heavy beat and an electric guitar that made her heart sing where classical music could not.
 In a corner, several guitars hung on a stand and Yaoyorozu almost floated toward them. “Are these all yours?”
 “Huh?” Surprised, Jiro could only nod. “Yeah.”
 “Wow!” Yaoyorozu leaned forward to examine them all. Their shapes were all so different and she reached out to touch them. “Could I try?”
 “You know how to play?” Jiro stood next to her now and she was surprised before, she was incredulous now.
 “Oh, no, not at all.” Yaoyorozu rubbed her shoulder, withdrawing from the instruments. “They just…they look…” It all sounded stupid now that she was trying to say it aloud.
 “Cool, right?” Jiro gave a half-smile, the most she’d ever given to Yaoyorozu. Her fingers grazed the varnish on one of them.
 No, you’re the cool one, she’d almost blurted out but if her words for the guitars sounded silly, this was downright idiotic.  
 “After we’re done studying.” Jiro tugged her ear, looking away now. “If you want, I could teach you a little then.”
 “Teach me?” Yaoyorozu stared at her and then back at the guitar. That was so much more than she’d expected, so much more than she’d hoped for. She felt so light she could float, a well of happiness overflowing within her.  Almost hugging Jiro, she pulled back last second and nodded eagerly. “Yes, please!”
 “You don’t have to be so formal.” Jiro shook her head, going back to their bags. “It’s nothing.”
 “No, not it’s not.” Yaoyorozu looked back at the guitars one last time before getting ready to teach. The faster they went through the material, the faster they could get to it.
 “Wow.” Yaoyorozu stood stock still in the entrance to the McDonald’s, gazing in wonder at the whole establishment. By expression alone, it was like they were standing at a rock concert or in front of the Mona Lisa.
 Jiro had to resist the urge to rub her eyes, to confirm that this was actually a McDonald’s and they hadn’t accidentally entered some fancy restaurant. Cheap wobbly chairs, check. Dirty tables, check. The smell of greasy, fried food, check. “What is this, your first McDonald’s?”
 It was a joke but Yaoyorozu nodded, still clearly enamoured by the restaurant. “I always wanted to go to one of these fast-food establishments, but I never could find the excuse or time.” She took a step in, her hand lightly brushing a table, and Jiro wondered if she should warn her about the germs. “It’s exactly how I pictured it.”
 This is what you pictured? Jiro almost asked, because who imagined what a McDonald’s looked like and why even imagine this? A strained smile on her face, she led the way to the counter. “Come on, let’s order something.”
 Yaoyorozu slowly followed after, craning her head as she tried to look at all the pictures hanging on the walls. When they reached the counter, her jaw slacked as she stared at all the menu items. “This is an impressive selection! Far more items than I expected!”
 “It’s a normal amount,” Jiro scoffed, not sure how she should be reacting to all this. Laughter? Ignore it? Taking it seriously? “And most of them are almost identical.”
 “That’s true.” Her eyes widened as she scanned the different burgers. “That one’s just adding a patty and that one cheese—what should I get?” Jiro stepped back when Yaoyorozu turned her, excitement rolling off her in waves. Then, as though remembering herself, she straightened her posture and her smile dropped a notch. “I mean, is there anything you could recommend?”
 The good rich girl act was back. It was funny to see how different she was when she was relaxed and when she was in public. Jiro wasn’t sure if Yaoyorozu even noticed the difference herself. “Umm…I guess one of their desserts?”
 “Desserts…” She bit her lip, eyeing the burgers once more. “I suppose I can try one.”
 “…or you could just take their burger combos.”
 Yaoyorozu’s smile came back, and she nodded. “That is the best course to take.” Sitting at a table, she waved at the cashier. “Hi! Could I have one of your…” She looked up at the menu board again, and her lips formed a small ‘O’. “They can come with toys? I will try one of those. And a dessert.”
 The cashier stared at her. “Huh?”
 “One second!” Jiro quickly dragged her off, her ears red with embarrassment. When they were in a corner, she hissed, “That’s not how you order here.”
 “Really?” Yaoyorozu’s face flushed a dark red and she covered her face with her hands. “It was bad, wasn’t it?”
 “Very bad.” Jiro ran a hand through her hair. “Look, I can order for you.”
 She peeked through the cracks between her fingers. “Really?” When Jiro nodded, she smiled, revealing her face. “Could I have one of those toys then?”
 “Those are…” Jiro cut herself off, not really wanting to destroy her smile again with the news that those were for little kids. “Sure, why not?”
 “So, I think you almost understand the formulas,” Yaoyorozu whispered, scanning the practice questions Jiro had finished. For once, the number of rights overtook the number of wrongs, and maybe their lessons were finally having their intended effect. She flipped the page and almost gasped at the sight, a full row of checkmarks. “Wow, you did so well here!”
 Jiro didn’t respond, instead settling her head on Yaoyorozu’s shoulder. At the unexpected weight, she stiffened. They were in a library! The school library! This was improper! Furtively, she scanned the room. After school, there were only a few students here, most of them heavily engrossed in a book or chatting in low voices with one another. None of them were looking in their direction and she sighed with relief. Quietly, she hissed, “What are you doing?”
 No response again. After checking the room once more, Yaoyorozu looked down at her pupil only to find her asleep. Asleep. Irritation rose up within—were her lessons really that boring?
 No, that couldn’t be the case. She glanced at the sheet again, at the row of right answers. Jiro had been paying attention, had been working hard. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to let her rest a little. Peering down again, she watched the slight rise and fall of Jiro’s chest, her mouth slightly open as she softly snored. Asleep, she looked more delicate than usual and Yaoyorozu looked away, not sure why her cheeks felt so hot.
 Just a little, she’d let her sleep just a little and then they’d get back to studying. They only had a few more days, after all.
 “Pass the papers down to the person behind you,” Aizawa ordered, giving them all a grumpy look. “Though by now you should know the drill.”
 The test. Jiro stared at the paper in front of her, at the hand waving them so she’d take them. It was judgement time. Next to her, she could hear Kaminari freaking out and her pulse shot up. The idiot was going to make her panic and she almost chucked her eraser at him.
 Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in. This was no time to freak out. Slowly, she reached out and grabbed the papers. She had this, she had this—oh who was she kidding? She definitely—
 Ahead of her, Yaoyorozu flashed her a thumbs up and Jiro quietly released her breath, picking up her pencil.
 She had this.
  “I passed!” Jiro almost collapsed on her desk when they got their most recent test results back, the red pen at the top marking a 75%. Maybe not as high as Yaoyorozu would have wanted, but it was amazing for Jiro. Especially for math.
 The band was safe. The concert was safe. And it was all thanks to Yaoyorozu.  Turning to her right, she asked Kaminari, “Did you pass?”
 “65%.” Kaminari swallowed, a little ashen. “Do you think he’ll leave me alone with this?”
 Oh. Right. Iida. Jiro glanced at their class president, very proudly explaining answer to Uraraka and their other classmates. There was nothing about him that indicated he was the type to accept a passing mark. “Not a chance.”
 “Thought so.” Kaminari sighed.
 “But you passed, which is good enough.” Besides, Iida’s dogged determination had some uses—Kaminari would need the help for the next test. And any other test. Maybe it was a good thing he’d never be rid of him—Kaminari would never fail again.
 A test was shoved in front of them, a bright red 70%. Behind it, with a wide grin, was Kirishima. “Got it!”
 Kaminari grabbed it, staring back and forth from the test to Kirishima. “Wait, what?” He glanced at Bakugou, still in his default glower. “He actually taught you stuff?”
 “Beat it into me.” Kirishima puffed his chest with pride and Jiro wanted so badly to point out there was nothing to be proud of. If anything, it was a worrying concept. But a pass was a pass and if Kirishima was fine with it, she’d keep her mouth shut.
 “Seriously?” Kaminari bit his lip, peeking at Bakugou once more. “Think maybe I—”
 “No.” Jiro immediately cut off, shaking her head. Kirishima might have survived, but he had always been a special case. Bakugou would either murder Kaminari for asking or just murder him while tutoring him. Hell, even she wanted to do it sometimes.  
 Kaminari looked like he was about to argue but thought better of it. “Nah, you’re right. Got the music ready?”
 Jiro grinned, pulling out the sheet music from her bag. “All adjusted, finally.”
 “Ohhhh.” Kirishima gazed at it curiously. He couldn’t read the notes, barely understanding anything about music, but his enthusiasm wasn’t dampened at all. “Neat!”
 “More than neat!” Kaminari whistled as he flipped through the pages. “Amazing! How’d you find time to do it?”
 “Well, Yaoyorozu’s really good at explaining, so our lessons didn’t last too long.” Jiro shrugged.
 Looking up from the sheets, he squinted at her. “How good at explaining?”
 “…I don’t think she’ll teach you.” Jiro paused, then corrected herself. “You want a tag team of her and Ida?”
 He frowned, mulling it over. “Princess and Ida, or just Ida…hmm…”
 “Why is passing not even an option?” Jiro sighed. It wasn’t a realistic option, sure, but he didn’t even consider it.
 “You’re the only one left with a tutor, huh?” Kirishima teased, a wide grin plastered on his face. Humming, he carefully folded his test. “Bakugou’ll be fine with this.”
 Oh, she should show hers to Yaoyorozu too. Looking across the classroom, her eyes met with Yaoyorozu’s and she quickly gave her a thumbs up. Yaoyorozu looked surprised and shot back two thumbs up. They could meet after class, as usual, and Jiro could already picture the smile on her face as she read the mark.
 And then—and then what? Tutoring was over. They didn’t have to meet anymore. Jiro would go back to band practice, to hours after class locked up in a class room, singing her heart out. There would be no more afterschool lessons, no more practice tests.
  For some reason, she didn’t feel as happy about that as she thought she’d be.
 It was a little strange. Yaoyorozu listened to Uraraka and Asui as they walked to the courtyard, nodding and laughing where needed. There was nothing unusual about this, she had been doing this for the past month or so. They’d have their lunch together, trading stories about procrastination and dates gone wrong and unbelievable strokes of luck.
 There was nothing unusual about this and yet it felt strange all the same. Two stories above them, Yaoyorozu could hear a guitar, the clash of cymbals, and a faint voice screaming through the instruments.
 Not too long ago, that voice had been worrying about math homework, looking at Yaoyorozu for reassurance.
 Not too long ago, it had been too easy to meet Jiro and now it seemed too hard. There was no reason not to, no reason to do so, and Yaoyorozu balanced on the rope, swaying between going and not going. Longing, this was longing, she realized, remembering the word from her trashy, five-dollar romance novels. She missed Jiro.
 She missed Jiro. Now that she admitted it, the word felt right, and everything made sense. Yaoyorozu missed Jiro. It was irrational, they saw each other in class every day, but the feeling lingered still.
 “I’m sorry, but I have to do something.” Yaoyorozu stood up, shooting an apologetic smile at her two friends. “I’ll see you in class.”
 “Huh?” Uraraka stared at her before nodding slowly. “Ok.”
 “See you,” Asui croaked out, a knowing smile on her lips, and she tried hard not to read into that.
 Waving goodbye, she quickly headed to the music room, to the music that had always been out of reach. Her fingers remembered her few guitar lessons, the feel of a chord between her fingers, the heat of Jiro’s hand on top of hers, gently correcting her movements. It had been over a week since they’d last had one. The class bell rang as she reached the room but for once, Yaoyorozu disregarded it. This was more important. Far more important.
 Just as she was about to turn the handle, it opened on the other side. Jiro stared at the girl in front of her, surprised. “Yaoyorozu?”
 Exactly who she wanted to see. “Can I talk to you?”
 “Uh, sure?” Jiro tugged her ear, a nervous habit she had noticed long ago. “After class, I guess.”
 Yaoyorozu shook her head. “Now.”
 “But the bell rang?” Jiro brow furrowed, concerned. “Are you feeling ok?”
 Around her, her friends streamed out of the door, leaving only the two of them there. Yaoyorozu stepped into the classroom herself, taking a seat. “Now,” she repeated insistently, firmly.  If she didn’t do it know, she was afraid she’d lose her courage.
 “But…” Jiro sighed, rubbing her head furiously.  “Alright, fine.” She plopped down on the chair next to her. “Yes?”
 Now that she was here, Yaoyorozu wasn’t sure what to say. Jiro was staring at her and her words, her hastily thought up speech, all of it flew away. Tongue-tied, she searched the room for something to say and landed on the guitar cases propped up against the wall. “Guitar lessons.”
 “Huh?” Jiro blinked, surprised. “What?”
 Yaoyorozu could just hit her head against the wall, it was such a stupid way to start. Still, it was something and she latched onto it. “We haven’t had a guitar lesson in a while.”
 “Oh that.” Jiro tugged her ear again. “I thought you were just doing that to get me to learn.”
 “Never.” Yaoyorozu shook her head vehemently, clutching Jiro’s hands. “Please teach me again.”
 “S-sure.” Jiro stared at their joined hands, flustered by the desperate appeal. “If you really want.” After a moment, she adjusted her hand, gripping Yaoyorozu’s hand back. “I didn’t think you liked that much.”
 “I loved it.” Yaoyorozu took a deep breath, gathering her courage once more. “No, I…that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”
 “Okay.” Jiro looked even more confused, if possible. After waiting a moment, she prompted Yaoyorozu. “So what did you want?”
 “I…” She focused on their hands, on the calluses on Jiro’s fingers. Her own were there as well, fresh and newly formed. “Could we meet again? ‘Hang’ out as you called it?”
 “Slang, coming from your mouth.” Jiro looked amused. She nodded eagerly. “And definitely, I…” She tugged her ear with her free hand, awkward and uncertain. “I kinda missed it.”
 “Me too.” Elated, Yaoyorozu squeezed Jiro’s hands. “I really missed it.”
 “Cool.” Jiro smiled, a brief thing, and Yaoyorozu wondered if she could make it happen again. Make it happen longer. Suddenly, she looked up at the time and stood up with a shout. “Shit, we’re really, really late.”
 Yaoyorozu looked at the classroom clock and almost fell out of her chair. She had never been late for anything before and this late? “We have to go.”
 “Yeah.” Jiro looked terrified, already at the door. “Aizawa is going to kill us.”
 “He wouldn’t—”
 Jiro looked her dead in the eye, shaking her head furiously. “It will be a fate worse than death.”
 She swallowed. “Oh dear.”
 With a sinking feeling, Yaoyorozu knew that it would be a while before they had another guitar lesson.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Bookshelf Briefs 10/15/18
Bleach, Vol. 74 | By Tite Kubo | Viz Media – I have never actually reviewed Bleach as a brief… or indeed at all. I followed its periphery, keeping track of what was going on and trying not to be too invested. The final volume shows off many of its strengths and weaknesses… I enjoyed seeing Ichigo and Orihime fighting together, and the finale was sweet, but far too often the volume was Yhwach screaming “can’t you see your powers are USELESS against me!” like an MST3K villain. Still, say what you will about Bleach, it was always itself. It may feel like it was cancelled for not getting on with it (it probably was), but changing anything seems churlish. It’s that middle son who’s always a hot mess, who always gets forgiven. – Sean Gaffney
Dragon Half, Omnibus 2 | By Ryusuke Mita | Seven Seas – This continues to be a giant nostalgia trip, feeling very much like the sort of anime and manga that North America was getting in the early 1990s. Which it essentially is. Even the translation and adaptation feels like it’s a “dub,” and a good one like Shinesman. It’s not easy to analyze—aside from one or two heartwarming moments that last about one panel, it’s balls to the wall comedy every single page. But the comedy is ridiculous fun, with Mink shedding her skin and becoming stronger (and bustier), the villains still being 100% useless, and Lufa being 100% DTF. I think there’s one more omnibus to go, and theoretically this is coming to an ending, but the plot is irrelevant compared to the laughs. – Sean Gaffney
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 26 | By Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki | Viz Media – Eventually, theoretically, this arc will end. But it’s not this volume, or indeed the one after that. That said, it is nice to see Soma punted to the side here so that we can focus on some of the other cast. Kuga has a grudge, and wants to make his name remembered—I suspect the name will be remembered but he’ll lose. As for Mimasaka, it’s quite interesting to see his stereotypical evil cheat powers used in the name of good. And then there’s Megishima, and though we find out why he’s helping Soma and company in this book, I have to admit I simply like Rindo more, and I hope that she pulls it off. So yes, a good volume, but pretty sure the bad guys are gonna win, which means… more tournament arc. – Sean Gaffney
Haikyu!!, Vol. 28 | By Haruichi Furudate | Viz Media – We are nearly caught up with Haikyu!!, which goes to “once every three months” starting with the new year. It’s been fun reading this volleyball title every week, and it helped me keep track of what’s going on better. The bout against Inarizaki takes up much of the second half, and is up to the usual high standards. I was also amused to see a hint of boy/girl romance in this book, as Ryunosuke’s childhood friend—there with her women’s volleyball team—clearly has a thing for him, but in the end, like a lot of shonen titles, she decides to emulate his SPORTS PASSION rather than confess. Besides, he’s still crushing on the manager (has she retired or not?). Haikyu!! is great fun. – Sean Gaffney
Himouto! Umaru-chan, Vol. 3 | By Sankakuhead | Seven Seas – We are reminded several times in this volume why the two siblings are the way they are—they’re very much on their own in the apartment. Here we learn their mother has passed away, and it seems there’s no father either. This explains a lot of Umaru’s immaturity, as well as Taihei’s tendency to let her do what she wants. I think I like the series best when it shows off the occasional sweet moment. Still, it’s because it’s occasional that it works so well—most of the time this series is content to rely on funny “Umaru is lazy” humor, such as accidentally screwing up the modem and having… NO INTERNET!… or forgetting about her New Year’s Resolution to be less slothful. Cute. – Sean Gaffney
How to Treat Magical Beasts: Mine and Master’s Medical Journal, Vol. 2 | By Kaziya | Seven Seas – There’s not much here beyond “heartwarming stories of a magical vet,” but sometimes that’s all you need, and if this is going to be manga’s equivalent of All Creatures Great and Small I’m content to be along for the ride. The chapters are named after either the magical beast or their ailment, and despite involving supernatural creatures manage to be rather educational—the discussion of rye bread was particularly fascinating. Ziska is cute, Niko is patient and caring, and you root for both of them, even as some of the situations prove to be a lot more difficult to solve than others. This is the sort of title that will run as long as the audience is there to enjoy its peaceful, relaxed mood, and I’m one of that audience. – Sean Gaffney
Natsume’s Book of Friends, Vol. 22 | By Yuki Midorikawa | VIZ Media – Twenty-two volumes in, and Natsume’s Book of Friends is just getting better and better. The first two stories involve Natsume’s classmates—first, the story of an inn beloved by good yokai where the staff forget to display the curtain to ward off bad yokai one night, and second, the story of a mysterious nightly visitor who uses Natsume’s face to befriend Nishimura—and seeing events from their perspective ramps up the creepy atmosphere tenfold. As if those weren’t enough, the final story involves Natsume meeting the first yokai whose name appears in the book and learning more about Reiko in the process. It’s a tale both melancholy and lovely and I loved it very much. The twenty-third volume only came out in Japan last month, so sadly we’ve probably got a long wait for our next installment. – Michelle Smith
New Game!, Vol. 3 | By Shotaro Tokuno | Seven Seas – There’s some workplace development here—with Kou’s promotion, Hifumi is also encouraged to take a step forward, which she does shyly and reluctantly. Kou and Aoba also manage to collaborate on a character design, after some brief but well done drama, and the game looks ridiculously cute. For the most part, though, this continues to be about a group of girls and their everyday life, the same as many of these 4-koma titles. I had honestly thought there would be more yuri, but it’s mostly invisible—Rin clearly as a thing for Kou, but there’s no forward movement there. If you enjoyed the anime, or just like this style of manga, it’s a good volume. Needs to have the cast holding hands and jumping in the air. – Sean Gaffney
To Your Eternity, Vol. 6 | By Yoshitoki Oima | Kodansha Comics – Every single volume of this series has managed to shatter my heart and the sixth is no exception. To Your Eternity remains a manga that is both astonishingly beautiful and incredibly devastating. Oima utilizes a fantastical narrative to explore deeply philosophical and existential themes. Even as an immortal, Fushi struggles to survive in a world full of death. Fushi continues to learn, grow, and evolve, but the process is an exceptionally painful one requiring difficult decisions to be made over and over. The sixth volume dramatically concludes the Jananda arc–on an island populated by exiled criminals, Fushi is forced yet again to confront the complexities of human morality and mortality. Yes, there are crushing losses, but along with the sadness comes some amount of hope. The strength of the relationships that Fushi develops with others is a shining, guiding light in a life frequently punctuated with darkness and tragedy. – Ash Brown
By: Ash Brown
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heyhowyadoingpally · 7 years
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nobody asked for it, and nobody wanted it. and yet it’s happening anyway.
remember those lil reviews of some pokemon i did a while back? think of this as that, but a lot worse. essentially, i’m going to plow through, looking at every pokemon in every generation, giving my meaningless thoughts on them in a more in-depth kinda way.
who knows? somebody might learn something new from this. and by “somebody”, i mean “literally nobody”.
#001 - Mega: Bulbasaur Evolution
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#001 - Bulbasaur
we’re starting off with the first pokemon, naturally. i mean, i know it’s not the first pokemon in the franchise, but it’s labeled as such in the pokedex, so we’re gonna go down that rabbit hole since it’s less of a mess.
anyhoo, yes, bulbasaur: a reptile of some sort that happens to have a symbiotic relationship with the plant growing on its back. i mean, sure, compared to some of the other pokemon out there, it’s not that wild. but think about it - the bulbasaur species evolved specifically so that a plant grows on it. like, the roots grow into the bulbasaur’s back. it doesn’t seem to really hurt the little guy, tho, so i guess it’s ok.
it kinda reminds me of some real-life symbiotic relationships, like how certain sloths let moss grow on them, and in return the moss helps the sloth hide better when it chills out in the trees.
hey, i never said that anything i was gonna say was interesting.
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#002 - Ivysaur
my, my, bulbasaur: you’ve gotten quite large.
it makes logical sense that ivysaur’s flower would get ready to bloom. it’s almost like a really bad puberty joke or something. either that, or i’m trying too hard to be funny.
the lil nubs that once were are now ears. so does that mean bulbasaurs can’t hear very well, if at all? again, i suppose it works in a naturalistic sort of way. newborn animals can’t really see, so i guess bulbasaur traded in his ears for eyes? i don’t know. maybe i’m looking too deep.
ivysaur also slowly starts to lack a visible neck, smothering it in folds of flesh. so the bulbasaur family is a little chunky; i’m not complaining.
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#003 - Venusaur
christ, dude. you really packed on the pounds. you’re like a giant, smooshy, walking tank.
i love that instead of a fancy or delicate flower blooming, it’s this almost treelike thing. i really do love that. it throws you off-guard the first time you see it. but it works well with venusaur. i mean, clearly he’s not the kind of guy who goes for looks.
a nice, subtle touch that i think is also pretty great is that the female venusaurs have a seed at the center of their flower. idk if i made it clear yet, but i love pokemon who have aspects/characteristics that make remind me of real-world nature. the little things like that go a long way, you know?
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Mega Venusaur
honestly, i’m not a big fan of how most of the “mega” evolutions look. it’s like they try so hard to look “badass” that they just fall flat and look like edgy deviantart ocs.
that being said, i actually kinda like mega venusaur. they didn’t overdo it, but they also didn’t do too little: the flower’s stem is a bit taller, the leaves are larger, there’s some vines, more leaves....
he looks more like an older venusaur, like he’d be the leader of a small herd or group bulbasaurs and the like. i wouldn’t change anything about him at all.
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5/5 venonats. look, i’m not gonna use pokeballs because that’s too bland and using garbodors would be too predictable of me.
if people think this is actually really great and not at all a dumb decision, i might continue doing this series. it won’t be every day, but just here and there. i’m not gonna make my blog nothing but garbage.
PREVIOUS POKEFART: (none you mongoloid)
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segaphantom · 8 years
Tagged by @lingthing !
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
thanksthanks~! Really long under the cut lol
1. How were you first introduced to Fullmetal Alchemist?
Pictures of blonde red-cloak boy and giant armor warrior + the nina/alexander chimera jokes while surfing through the internet :V (I was in my ultra-Sonic-fanatic phase back then and was searching for fanart)
So when that scene came up the animes/manga, I was already de-sensitized to it through jokes long ago sadfzgfdhgjf
I finally got the basis to what it was about when my favorite Sonic fanartists started to make posts and analysis of it. I firmly remember the discourse of whether the ending of Conqueror of Shamballa was terrible or not, and me not understanding anything lol
 Still wasn’t an entire FMA fan at that time
2. Tell us all about your child your favorite character and why you love them to pieces!
BOY OH BOY, where have you been? *Points to Icon* That guy, over there (Does Greedling as an entity count)
Okay for real, so my first actual fave was actually Greed himself. I was looking at the FMA wiki and reading up on all the characters, and he caught my attention. So I was thinking, “Wow, this guy is part of the bad guys? But he’s not? And he’s actually nice!? What an interesting character! But he looked kinda like a villain beating up Ed...” 
Then he jump-started my motivation to continue watching the 03 anime and I cried over him and how he didn’t deserve to die ;v;.
Several days later, I remember there being some ~Asian Aesthetics~ In the brotherhood version after looking at a tumblr post (You know, that one where it compares Xing to IRL China). 
Went to the wiki again, and read up on all the Xing characters.
>sees Ling’s description (Greed? What??? Greed is my fav, why does he look different??)
>Stop and stares at personality
“That guy is also gonna be my fav I just know it.” And truth to behold, he is! There’s something about Comic Relief characters that are also secretly badasses that just gets to me ngh 
3. What are some funny FMA moments that get you every time?
>Crocodile face Ed and sharp claws Roy
>Every single moment Ling gets kicked out of the room
>Whenever Ed makes an exaggerated face
>Major Armstrong
4. What is your favorite fight scene from the series? 
fight sceneS* You mean B)?
>Roy Vs. Lust (If you could even consider that a fight scene)
>Greed Vs. Wrath (Again, don’t really know if it could count as an actual fight scene, poor guy didn’t even get a chance to attack)
>Ling Vs. Wrath (It just shows the full extent of his badassery!)
>Ed Vs. Greedling (Pretty interesting to see Ling fight badly compared to before  because of Greed being shitty on the offense lmao)
>Briggs Army Vs. Sloth (THEY JUST... USED AN ENTIRE TANK...)
>Lanfan + Ling Vs. Gluttony (nyoom, asian warrior skills)
>Greedling + Fu Vs. Wrath (Damn, the emotions)
I feel like I pretty much listed 99% of the scenes that exists haha
5. If you could make an FMA OVA, what would it be about?
6. Do you have any of your own FMA headcanons? Tell us about them!
>Ling can feel 100% everything that Greed feels and vice-versa in the backseat    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (So having his arm sliced off... he felt that)
When Greed gets tired, He gets tired
When Greed gets hungry, He gets hungry Etc. They feel everything with the same intensity. 
>Greed picked up minor Xingese during his body-share, but it’s really shitty broken sentences. He tries speaking it to girls in order to impress them. Ling cringes every time and disapproves of it. So when ling comes back to visit amestris for Emperor duties, he’s known as that guy with the broken language by some of the public :)
“Greed no”
“Greed sTOP”
(Bonus points if you managed to decipher the gibberish)
7. Who is your favorite homunculus and why?
Oh? He’s different from the rest of us? LETS SPITE HIM
Oh look, we found him! LETS KILL ALL OF HIS FRIENDS! Also, lets supress his memories maybe he’ll accidentally kill of the last of his friends lmao
Plus he’s like....the most docile out of all of the homunculi, everyone else goes “PEH. Hoomans. look at these ants. Its pretty fun squishing them”
meanwhile Greed is the only one out of all of them that goes “Meh. I think they’re pretty okay. oH SHIT THIS ONE IS GONNA GET THEMSELVES KILLED!”
He’s gr8
8. Do you have a favorite FMAau? If not, what’s an au you’d like to see or have come up with?
Greed survives with ling AU hands down
I just want him to have extended happiness ;A;
9. If you could live anywhere in the FMA-verse, where would you live?
Post-series Xing! I bet the food would taste so goood *q*
Also, a lot less assassins later lol
10. Which FMA character do you identify with the most?
Ed! cause 1. Im short. 2. I get really pissy easily and yell a lot when i am 
(Other than that, there isn’t any super-relatable characters in FMA for me. I could never be cool as any of them-)
11. Why do you love Fullmetal Alchemist? What does it mean to you? Tell me everything! Go nuts! 
>Nobody is 100% evil! They all have their motive and own sets of morals/POV! Well, maybe except for Kimblee. Gross cockroach
>making *mystical Alchemy* into something that’s weaponized and a common theme in the series, + managing to apply it to a 1920s timeline instead of something medieval
>the characters oh man i love the characters
>Majority of female characters are badasses instead of being so meek! 
>Historical contexts mm
>The cultural contrast between the east and the west regarding alchemy and other things
>Wow, no fan service? I’ve never seen that from Anime besides myazaki films!
>The subtle aging of the characters 
Just having an anime with all of these is a blessing aaaaaaaa
I can’t believe I didn’t watch it when the nina jokes were floating everywhere
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hawk-in-a-jazzy-hat · 8 years
Anime Review: The Seven Deadly Sins (Season 1)
In a world where humans and magical beings had yet to split, signs of war were imminent and the country was protected by the group of mages known as the Holy Knights. But there was a group that split off, and terrorised the land. A group of seven immensely powerful beings, each branded with the sign of their sin, and designated the Seven Deadly Sins.
The owner of a travelling pub known as the Boar Hat finds himself in an interesting situation when a rusted suit of armour bursts through his door, only to collapse, revealing an unconscious girl inside. It soon turns out that the Holy Knights are searching for her, for she is Princess Elizabeth, third princess to the kingdom. She ran away, claiming the knights are corrupt and tyrannical, and her mission is to gather the Seven Deadly Sins in order to rise up and save her family and her kingdom. But after the owner of the bar gets himself involved, she makes a miraculous discovery; he is in fact Meliodas, the Dragon Sin of Wrath and leader of the Sins themselves. Together, they pledge to go out into the world and find the other six Sins, and maybe bring this fractured land back to rights.
But what is the true agenda of the Holy Knights? And what are the true characters of the Sins themselves? Are they misunderstood heroes, or is there some truth to the terrible legends...
I’m reminded at this point of an anime reviewer I follow called Jacob Chapman (formerly JesuOtaku). He does very good and very in-depth reviews and honestly he was the one who got me into anime in the first place. I want to quote something he said back, when he was doing videos, when talking about a more classic show called the Vision of Escaflowne.
“Can a series be great on execution alone? Could perfect pacing, taut delivery and gripping tension save a story and characters that are old as dirt and nothing special?” [JesuOtaku’s Top 25 Favorite Anime]
Far be it for me to steal his thunder, but I honestly cannot think of a better question to ask when addressing the Seven Deadly Sins. Well, sort of. I want to add a little extra from my personal experience, since it will very much determine the final score I’m going to give this show:
Is it possible for a good show to be made great solely due to a single episode?
We’ve laid down our learning objectives, so with that, we can begin.
The animation is by A-1 Pictures; the Dreamworks of anime studios. They can push out some of the best shows and some of the best-looking shows on the market, but they push out so much stuff (Sword Art Online has obviously set them for life) that the quality can be a bit of a roulette wheel, though I will admit there’s more good than bad. Thankfully Seven Deadly Sins is on the higher-end of that scale, at least on the animation front. It’s straight shounen, and it has all the straight-shounen animation tricks; bright colours, simple but well-directed talking heads and panning shots mixed with some genuinely impressive fights. There is a lot of magic at work here and a lot of the characters are reeeeally powerful, so it’s nice to see the animation can handle it well. It’s not One Punch Man level, but the fights are still immensely fun to watch.
The music is Hiroyuki Sawano. I need say no more; you know exactly what you’re going to get, and you know it’s going to be absolutely epic. It’s also themed well, having a goodly amount of Celtic fiddle and fast-paced percussion, mixed with powerful vocals and guitar riffs. It’s symphonic rock, and honestly that’s perfect for this kind of show. The openings and endings are pretty standard rock fare, with the exception of the second opening which relies a bit more on the vocals and a bit less on playing-as-fast-as-possible, making for a more emotional opening. But overall, s’good stuff.
Now, those who know me may know that I’m not really the biggest fan of shounen. I tend not to hate it, but I tend not to love it either. And that’s what Seven Deadly Sins is; a paint-by-numbers, very safe and very standard shounen with all the standard shounen tropes. Cute animal sidekick? Check. Naive, weak (usually female) side character who acts as the human contact but ultimately means little to the main story? Check. Team member who is likely to betray the main character at any point? Double check. Initial villain who makes a heel-face turn? Checkity-check. Slightly goofy but insanely powerful main character with a very dangerous daaaaark siiiiiide? Oh boy, check. Pretty much every plot twist and character arc is on the table from the moment it’s introduced, so much so that it doesn’t seem worth going through it at all. I could just say ‘it’s a standard shounen’ and leave it at that.
But I won’t, because there are four very good reasons why this show in particular got me in ways that HunterXHunter, or heck, even Soul Eater, couldn’t quite.
The first is very simple; I’m a sucker for this setup. Any show which involves running around trying to ‘get the gang together’ as it were is just immediately attractive to me, probably because I like seeing different and insane characters bouncing off of each other. Add in the nice high-fantasy setting and the interesting setup with the Holy Knights (and for once, pretty much all of the standard one-off villains are actually unique in design and power, which you don’t see often), and I was left inherently excited for the concept.
The second reason is as I mentioned above; while the premise and characters are standard, the execution is very nearly spot-on. There is practically no filler in the whole show (granted it’s only 24 episodes, but for a shounen that’s still impressive). The show is heavily serialised, with elements and characters being introduced in early arcs, being left alone for a few episodes, then coming back again at the opportune moment. And it’s not just the ‘get the gang together’ plot happening at any time; there are rumblings going on within the Holy Knights, there are important items to collect, and of course all the characters have their own troubles to work through. And it all ties together very nicely; the discovery of a new Sin can also lead into the origin of a new villain and foreshadowing for the big final twist. It sounds like basic writing practise, but honestly in shounen, which is usually so arc-based with very little crossover in between, it is an utter gift to see actual PLANNING for once.
In fact, it’s planned so well that by the time the ending comes around, everything important is wrapped up. Not absolutely everything; heck, we only meet six of the Sins and only go into four of them in any depth. But as an actual ending, it addresses everything important that was brought up within the show. The initial objective? Addressed. All the side-arcs and villain-arcs? Addressed. Even things that are left open are purposely left open; characters turn round and say “I haven’t forgotten this, but let’s just wrap this thing up first.” It’s really quite stunning because, again, you see it so rarely in this kind of show. I want to see a second season, but I would be happy if it ended here. It’s open, without being unfinished, and that is such a breath of fresh air like you wouldn’t believe.
So a premise I like with near flawless execution. Is it still enough to get past the standard tropiness? Well...that’s the thing; there are one or two original ideas here...I...think. Not so much with the plot or the world, but especially with the characters. Not so much the side characters; while they are explored well and in-depth, the Holy Knights never really become something ‘new’. Even Elizabeth and mascot character Hawk are kind of familiar roles, despite both being done well. But what I did find interesting were the Sins themselves.
On the one hand, it’s nice to see some diversity. It’s not just a bunch of powerful warriors; we have a giant, a fairy and immortal(s?) on board, and everyone is visually distinct and has their own unique powers. That’s all well and great in itself, but then we find out which sin they each represent. And I’ll be honest, I was often taken aback.
The seven deadly sins as a concept has been done to death by this point; FullMetal Alchemist, Se7en, heck, even Pokemon and Digimon have had a crack at it. And with each variant you always sort of see the same ideas being pulled out; sloth is lazy, lust is an attractive woman, envy is wormy and obnoxious etc etc. You can usually guess who will fit each role, but here, it doesn’t always go with what you’d expect.
For example, the leader Meliodas is short, kinda pervy but immensely easy-going and even cocky. You’d expect him to represent pride, or maybe sloth at a push, but nope. He’s wrath.
When you meet Diane, the awesome giant lady and my favourite character, she’s a little ditzy, but obviously immensely strong with a short temper. You’d really expect her to be either sloth or wrath, or maybe gluttony or...envy? Yeah, in a weird twist, the arguably most outgoing member of the group is the representation of envy. That...never happens, and it took me a little while to figure out why it was her. I mean yes, they gave her a crush on Meliodas, but it seemed a little superficial when compared to what her actual character was.
It wasn’t until about halfway through the series when I figured it out, and why it seemed so far removed from other examples I’d seen. With things like FMA or Digimon, the sins are the literal representation of, well, their respective sin. But here, despite the name, the Sins are not represented by their respective sins; if anything, they are held back by them. Each vice represents each member at their absolute worst.
When you look at it this way, a lot of the backstories and character quirks suddenly explain a lot. Diane being envy actually makes a lot of sense, since as a giant around humans she often feels out of place and awkward, and is looking for acceptance. Her envious side is the worst side of herself. Ban of greed and King of sloth have similar issues; each one tries to be the best of themselves, but are forever branded and atoning for past sins they committed. And then there’s Meliodas of wrath, and let me just say...yeesh.
It’s very rare in a shounen that main characters are defined by their worst aspects. Even if many of them have fascinating flaws which are well explored, not often are they pushed to the front and centre of their every action, sometimes unfairly. The only one I can think off would be Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho, who is such an annoying arsehole for the entirety of the series that it actually flips him around in the latter half and makes him stronger.
The Seven Deadly Sins are constantly fighting against the worst of themselves. Unless they ever atone, they will always be damned by their own title. That’s both a creative way of using the sins (despite being weirdly obvious) but also allows for some really interesting character stuff. I honestly can’t wait to see what they do with lust, because the reveal of their actual character was perfect, and I can’t wait to see how far they go down their darkest road.
So despite the plot being simple, the main characters actually have quite a bit of depth to them. Even so, I wouldn’t say it was so well handled that it would push it anything up from a straight recommendation. It’s immensely entertaining, with a bit of depth and drama to it, but nothing absolutely stunning or mindblowing.
Except...there’s one more reason why I find this show awesome. And it goes back to my other point, because it is all a single episode.
That is episode 19. And it might just be the single greatest episode of shounen I’ve seen in my entire life.
Everything came together at the right moment. The character arcs had hit the right place, and the tension was at its peak. The most interesting villain of the show was ready to strike, and I was genuinely scared for one of the sins. And then, just when it mattered, we finally discovered the full story.
I was marathoning this at the time, and I don’t know if any of my fellow members noticed, but I was actually on the verge of crying throughout this episode. It was beautiful, it was adorable, it was immensely tragic yet still hopeful, and it explained EVERYTHING. THAT is how you do backstory. Heck, that’s how you do characters to begin with. And for the characters in question, it totally appealed to both the worst of themselves, while finally breaking through and showing the best of themselves.
I loved this episode. I wanted to take it home and watch it again and again with a pot of houmous and just live in the moment again and again. Just...that right there? That is my jam. That is what made the Seven Deadly Sins for me.
Can a tired concept be made great through perfect execution? Honestly, of course it can. Originality can only get you so far. All those important things like pacing and planning and foreshadowing and editing; all the things that you need but nobody remembers, probably make up for at least half of every true great out there. Heck, you don’t need me to tell you this. Look at the Lego movie. An utter cash-in based on a toy which needed no effort put into it whatsoever, and yet what did we end up with? A movie so absolutely wonderfully brilliant that people were angry that it didn’t get nominated for an academy award. Any concept can be great if you do it right; no matter how tired it is.
As it stands, Seven Deadly Sins is a solid recommendation. It’s not perfect, and yeah it’s not finished either, and frankly it’s not really my kind of thing, in theory, but it’s done so well and so completely that I can’t help but give it a solid 7.
Is what I would say.
But frankly, when something is as solid is this, and then does one thing – just one thing – really, really astonishingly well, it would be lax of me not to take notice.
So, I can proudly boost my score by a whole point, making this show not only one of the greats, but without a doubt my favourite shounen as of yet. The effort that went into making this show the best that it could be – pushing the basic structure further and further to make it as perfect as possible, is utterly admirable. The animation and fight scenes are wonderful, the music is phenomenal, the characters are delightful and the whole thing is just immensely fun from start to finish.
Who could have guessed? Even a curmudgeonly old critic like me can be won over if something’s done well enough.
My score: 8/10
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ezatluba · 7 years
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'One Of A Kind' Collection Of Animal Eyeballs Aids Research On Vision Problems
July 2, 2017
Eyes come in all sizes. These belong to a domestic cat (from left), an owl and an octopus. The Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin has 56,000 specimens in its collection — including 6,000 from more exotic species.
From left: Andyworks, Ralf Hettler, vicmicallef/iStockPhoto
There is a little room at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that is filled with the eyeballs of animals — everything from the duck-billed platypus to the two-toed sloth to the boa constrictor.
"We think we're the largest collection of animal eyeballs," says Dick Dubielzig, who founded the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin in 1983, but he admits that this is hard to prove. "Maybe we should go to the Guinness people and see if they have an answer to that."
If there's a bigger collection out there, though, he has never heard of it. And every day, the mail brings about 20 more specimens to the lab. "About two-thirds of what we get are globes," Dubielzig says. "That means the whole eyeball."
The collection now has more than 56,000 eye specimens. Most are from dogs, cats and horses — sent in by vets who wanted help diagnosing eye disease. But the lab also has about 6,000 specimens from more exotic species.
A few days ago, for example, a couple of okapi eyes showed up, courtesy of the Bronx Zoo in New York. Dubielzig says it was the first time the lab had gotten eyes from this strange-looking relative of the giraffe.
"We pretty much have any kind of an animal you can think of — any kind of a mammal you could think of," he says.
Pathologist Gillian Shaw retrieves glass slides that hold carefully cataloged sections of eye tissue from the Wisconsin lab archive.
Courtesy of University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pathologist Gillian Shaw put on gloves and picked up one of the okapi eyeballs, which looked like a wet, gray hunk of ragged flesh about the size of a golf ball.
"I think this animal had sudden blindness or something, yeah?" she asked a colleague, who consulted the submission form that came with the eyes. Shaw then used a razor blade to slice the top off the eyeball, so she could peer down at the vitreous, a gel-like substance that helps the eye maintain a round shape, and the lens.
"I don't see anything grossly wrong, or obviously wrong," Shaw mused, "though I admit this is the first okapi eye I have seen myself."
When eyeballs like these arrive, she and her colleagues take photos and embed the eye in paraffin wax to preserve it.
Preserved samples fill blue boxes that are stacked up against the walls of this lab, and thin sections of eyeballs are put on the microscope slides that fill cabinet drawers. It's all carefully organized. So if you're a scientist who wants to study the architecture of the eye — or eye disease or anything eye-related — this is the place for you.
"This is a resource that's unlike anything else in the world. It's a one of a kind," says Ivan Schwab, an ophthalmologist at the University of California, Davis, and the author of a book called Evolution's Witness: How Eyes Evolved.
Shaw inspects one half of a dog's diseased eye that was submitted to the lab for analysis. She found evidence of extensive bleeding inside the eyeball and a detached retina — likely caused by chronic high blood pressure.
"It's the Taj Mahal of ocular specimens," Schwab says.
And the collection even has a very special human eye. One of the reasons Dubielzig got so interested in eyes is that one of his own gave him very poor vision, starting in childhood. It turned out he had an exceedingly rare eye disease, and his eye was later surgically removed — he added it to Wisconsin collection.
"What I say is that you're not really an eye pathologist unless you have your own eye in your eye collection," Dubielzig jokes.
Sometimes researchers ask the lab to help them figure out whether a species even has an eye and, if so, where it is.
"We tried to find the blue glaucus eye," recalls Shaw, with a laugh. "We were not successful finding the blue glaucus eye. It's a strange little rubbery thing, from the ocean."
Leandro Teixeira, the lab's current director, says he has been collaborating with colleagues who have been studying the effect of the Zika virus on the developing eyes of laboratory animals.
He opens up a small black case to show off teeny tiny eyes from dragonflies, spiders and a squid. Then he pulls out some plastic bags filled with fluid and the big gray eyes of elephant seals. "So these are very large eyes," he notes.
But he would like to get specimens that are even bigger. Teixeira says that a colleague recently told him that he had somehow gotten ahold of a well-preserved eye from a blue whale. "I'm excited about that eye," says Teixeira.
The one Dubielzig really wants is an eye from a giant squid, which has the biggest eye of any living animal — it's the size of a dinner plate.
"But there are no intact specimens of giant squid eyes, only rotten specimens that have been beached," he says.
He also needs eyes from the echidna, or spiny anteater, and some of the bigger whales. So if you've got any, you know where to send them.
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